Newspaper Page Text
ni'srsFss rnAyrKS. i^l.",(| DOWNTOWN DAY RESTACRANT- •4? too, Among wholesale houses; patronized al- most exclusively by mercantile and business men: best place in city; does very tine business: no meals less than 25 cents, and npwarl: 16 chairs, first- class range, and furniture complete; closes nights and Sundays; must sell on account of sickness: grand chance; don't miss it. son GEO. STEWART, 135 Kearny St. It S^a-a-ri I'AKTNEK WANTED TO-DAY IN t"*)-. .aJU. Urst-dasa cash business, suitable for any Plain, sober, steady man; has good trade: clears to each $75 to $85 per month: can be Increased with help of mi ii,-. industrious partner; good man wanted more than money: prefers partner to hired help; no night or Sunday work: experience not necessary; business easily Learned; grand oppor- tunity tor in. with small capital: best of reter- ence. See GEO. S I EWAR T. 135 Kearny st. It kill'" II COMMERCIAL EXPRESS AND OrUtJU. transfer business; partner wanted to ci as cashier, keep the books, othce; receiving, shipping and delivering freights and merchandise; has 8 good teams barns; everything complete and in first-class running order; has special ■ oalracts with railroad aud steamboat companies and many mercantiio bouses for transportation of general t freight and chandlse, with regular trade, clear- ing *H5O per mouth: biisiue.ts established 13 years: best of references; full Investigation and trial. 1,1.,. STEWART, 135 Kcaruy st. It <-" I i BLACKSMITHS, ATTENTION— PART- •„ l»'U. tier wanted In blacksmith, carriage and wagon making and general repairing shop; must be a blacksmith as owner i- wood-worker; owns large 2-story building on '111111 leased: sublets upper; lias rent free; has one of Hie best paving '.rales In the city north Market St.: clears $350 per month; has stock, ■:. in.-i > , tools; will take ball cash, bal- ance monthly installments or to suit buyer; won- derful bargain. GEO. STEWART, 135 Kearny, It Ell. MAN WITH SOME CAPITAL: XvXl- I X-J man preferred; sure to clear from $300 to $300 | per inonlh. Room 12, 613 Moutgomery *t, j- 21 3t i I Hi- i.. I. ii. > GROCERY-STORE BAR-ROOM. 1 billiard-table, for sale; reasonable figure. Apply i Call Branch omce. ' J024 71* ; 52'...|: BRANCH BAKERY AND VARIETY aa QUI', store; great bargaiu. Call Branch. --• ('•'HI) GERMAN HOTEL - FOR SALE CHEAP; II have to -. ,i on account of other business: to rooms: cheap rent, with , : . ssi ■ all Immediately. F. AUSRtI'HT, Enterprise Hotel, .><'- Beale St., near 1 , s, ni. ic24 it-" V".( 1 1 ill WILL BUY NEW STOCK IT CLOTH «_ aJlitlU lug. bats and gents' furnishings; stock well bought reasonable rent; a good chance for a loan wanting legitimate business. Apply S. w„ l"v 87, Call Branch Olhcc. Je24 st* <£O;*uoft FOR SALE— A RICK (.'CARRY IN (.-liuu. ..,;,,;, Rosa: north "jbooo. Address B. C. Box Lit), Call Branch omce. It* IfIRST - CLASS RESTAURANT » FOR SALE: ' doing good business: good location: must be sold on account of sickness. Apply 610 Kearny. 24 71* I- Bill AN D 1 ..1.1 Hi I HOME FOR SALE -1 with horse and wagon; good location: lour living rooms. inquire 390 Dolores SL. near seventeenth alrect. jC 24 31* I7OR SALE— A SALOON DOING GOOD Bl sl- X. in.- Apply 206 First st. je.4 3t* I7OR SALE— ESTABLISHED WATCH-REPAIR -I ins s : , p. Apply Call Branch Je24 ftt* k-ALOON FOR SALE— CHEAP" lAl'sE. sil'K- -0 ness. 1057 Folsom st. je.-4 3t* v.- j .'.A RESTAURANT FORSALE •It) 1 OV. having . places; will sell either. Apply S SpisS third st. jeJ4 lit* BAKERY AND CANDY, NEAR 4 SCHOOLS AND public baths; fine chance for two ladies or man and ivife; 3 rooms: rent $12 50. 704 Filbert. 24 2 - IF You WANT TO buy or seliTa - business call 011 SIiOAFF A: ROSS, >•':■.■. Market st. it VrvftA PARTNER WAN TED TO ATTEND TO ail «JUU. the otlice a a fine cash business cleat tug . $300 a mouth: previous experience not required: I duties light and easily learned; no night or Sunday work. For further particulars call on SHOAFF ,v ROSS.B73i.~i M arket st. It "•1 tart CHOICE FAMILY GROCERY. (NO a, I 1' "'. bar) at less than valuo of stock and fix- tures, if sold wiltain a Tew days: this Is ii line corner store north of Market, in a new building leas.',: at low rent: a clean, fresh slock; good horse and wagen; fine fixtures: doing a good cash business with the lust class of customers: no charge for good will; genuine bargain: best ot reasons lor selling. SHOAFFA ROSS, 873 V» Market st. It v "_i "i . RESTAURANT ON MARKET ST.; t^ a IaJU. doing a good business: furnished com- plete in good order: cheap rent: fine bargain: good reasons lor selling. SHOAFF A ROSS, 8731._. Maiket st. It QlKAft LODGING-HOUSE OF 36 ROOMS, a, I.iUU. near the Baldwin Hotel: any one can inn It and mate $100 a month. Apply to SHOAFF d iJ's-, S73L, Market st It V J ".( It FINE LIO.UOR-STORE, DOING V GOOD a^_ -i»/U. business; foil value in stock and fixtures; 6-year lease, at low rent. SUOAFI A ROSS. 873 L", Market st. It Q'J.-sA SALOON. YVITH 3 FURNISHED LIV. kg . tOxJ. lng rooms; cheap rent: can have a lease: doing a good business ; large stock: fine fixtures; genuine bargaiu. .- Ho 1- A BOSS, S7:o.g Market st. It <>1 1 iii, HALF CASH, BALANCE PAYABLE a„ 1 UUI). $10 a month; good business and home lv one of the most prosnerous towns 111 California; lot 50x106, with 5-rooineil Louse, closets, pantry, : etc.. hard finished and in No, l order: i.'so good cigar-store with back room, suitable for club-room tr barber-shop; located on principal business block In the town; large sleek and good established trade: this -:s a genulno bargaiu. SHOAFF A- KOSS, S7;iU. Market .-t. It ■ (js I* A PARTNER WANTED — SOBER AND a. J.OV. Industrious man to keep plain counts, attend to collections and look after hired help in an old-established contracting and jobbing business with a man of good reputation and long experience; the business is clearing $140 a mouth, and can be increased: large stock: horse and wagon, tools, etc. : this is a first-class opportunity to secure an Interest in a straight, legitimate business, SHOAFi .v Ross, X~'.ji-z Market st. lt C: I 111 tft CANDY FACTOR! AND ICE-CREAM •77 ' VVV. parlor In Oakland: clearing $120 a mouth; cost c- i 200. but must be sold at a sacrifice for good and satisfactory reasons: the place is finely fitted up 'liiliaii the necessary furniture, fixtures and tools pertaining to Ii" business: has fine sales- rooms, i. e-creatn parlor, work-room and living rooms: leasse: rent only $20. SHOAFI! A- ROSS, S73Lfc Market st. It _ QAAA GROCERY AND BAB AT INVOICE: ■''''. doing a good business; cheap rent: liv- ing rooms: a sure bargain. SHOAFFA R055, 8731/a Maiket ll l^A-sA RESTAURANT. YVITH BAR AT. kJTUaJU. tacheii; estaf.ltshed 5 years; doing a business of $1000 a month, and clearing $150 over ail expenses; rent only $jft; satisfactory reasons for selling; can try the business for a reasonable time. SHOAFF A BOSS. 873 V; Market st It T,soK SALE— ONE-HALF OF AN ESTABLISHED T and paying business; oflice work only; good chance. LINDEN ILiO Kearny st. it* GROI 1.Hi1.-, RESTAI RANIS, SALOONS, Cl- gar-stores and all lines of legitimate business f ■ r sale. LINDEN. 339 Kearny st. It* I*B 1 111 111 PAPER ROUTE FOR SALE: IS UPON a^- 1 UUU. o-ieof ourvery best morning papers: Is very central downtown; making good wages; only requires '£ hours to deliver each morning: any one tan run it and make good wages: this Investment is as sure as real estate: 2 weeks' trial allowed before yon buy. Apply to K. KENNY, 32 Kern;, st. It C- I lll'l GROCERY-STORE FOB SA L E— A V J--iUU. handsomely fitted up store on a most prominent corner within 2 blocks of iii" Baldwin Hotel : lias a nice bar, good stock of groceries, wines Hi..', liquor any active man can build up a hue trade here as the location is extra good. Apply K. KENNY, 22 Kearny st It ]l;.|s. FOUNDRY FOR SALE IN "Mi OF Ol ll J ) largest towns, a short distance from San Fran- cisco: full value for the money; good profitable business; best of reasons tor selling. Apply K. KENNY. 22 Kearny st It *(,:/> SALOON AT A.N EM i. i BARGAIN; a fc iii. handsome cornet in the most respectable portion of the Mission: on the best business street; t.oluga trade of from $15 to $20 a day; anyone will buy it when they see it, as it Is a very fine Hi- ves 1 1 njtnvL_App I y KENNY. 23 Kearny -. ATOTICE— I HAVE SEVERAL BUYERS WILL- j.s lng to Invest in legitimate business. Parties de- siring to sell apply to W. F. HEALY". 1004 Market. 1» C; I -j. GRAND CHANCE FOR A MAN WILL- S' LOU. Ing to work In a contracting business; riot necessary to be a mechanic; owner will remain until you are satisfied that business is as represent- ed: clears over $100 per month; be gives the lead- ing hotels and private residences as reference. Ap- ply YV. 1. HEALY, 1004 Mar.' sL It* Q7'A GROCERY AND BAR, WITH 3 SUNNY 0 a t)V. rooms: good business comer: rent only $25 month. W. V. HEALY. 1004 Market St. It* C. - -T\ SALOON. YVITH 10 WELL-FI BNISHED •J^ I OV. rooms; clearing $100 per month; cheap rent; owner selling for host of reasons. Apply W. 1. HEALY. 1001 Market st.. opp. Fifth. It* s^'^ril COFFEE-BOOSE; CHEAP; 2 FUR- . •„ wi)U. nlstaea rooms: account of departure. 248 Foiirtb St. Jc. 8t« CIGAR-STORE: CORNER: BARGAIN; CHEAP rent; clears $95 per month. 19 Fourth. je23 3* \t' ANTED— A~LAi)Y OR GENTLEMAN OF IN- •> telilgence to learn a prolessiou. Address or call. a. IS. C.,18 Turk st jo. 3t* I. OK Hi, GOOD PAYING HOTEL AND BAB. 1 Apply Call Branch once, jeis l it* 1^..; DOWN AND go CENTS PER SHARK PER ap— month win purchase shares la the Republic Savings. Building and Loan Association; $16 per month will pay oil a loan or $1000; call or send for prospectus: open daily and evenings until 9 o'clock. 624 Market st. mrSOtf VCR SAU BRASS WORKS: COMPLETE: 3 •rfSaaaiyjies, tools, boiler, engine, shafting ami moid- , in? outfit: can be sold in parcels to suit. Apply : 312' ' in lion st. ji 12 tf _ / '.-UN! SALOON FOB SALE. 536 FOURTH " ' st. ; apply on premises. Je23 7t* I ■ i:l:n:S-H.'i:NT IT RE; 2 Cii AIRS: BARBER J) sb for sale. Apply this oflice. J023 3t* VICE SALOON FOR SALE 205 SIXTH ST. -L> near Howard. p-22 7t* 1} IRE CHANCE— TF:a, COFFIN; AND GROCERY J I ,-ash store; good steady trade; no bonus asked; fix price and stock to sou buyer; owner going int. 204 Ninth St. jc22 3t* /aORNER FAMILY LIQUOR-STORE, DOING Vj rood bnsiness; fine stuck and fixtures; lung lease 145 Third sL J"22 7t* C' i/.ft NICE HOME OR FAMILY REBTAU- JJ-^tUU. rant; centrally located For sale by B. C. DUFFY, 997 Market St.. cor, of Sixth. t.'22 3t /•,/. GROCERY-STORE. NICELY FITTED a^ U'l". up. with 3 living room, attached; on prominent street: fine location; doing a good busi- ness, which can be increased: this Is a real bargain. Particulars Of W. B. MARSH A CO., 630 Mar- ket st., rear office. Je'Jl - "cXi'li PARTNER IB WELL-ESTABLISHED O".a)U. bnsiness: will clear $80 to $100 per month to each; experience not necessary. BUBI- NESS EXCHANGE. 7 Grant aye. JelS7t* 0 1 -.ft RESTAURANT AND CHOP HOUSE; A aj) I OU. great bargain; established 8 years, sell- Ing on account of health. 507 Montgomery ave.2l 7* UTEL: RAILROAD TERMINUS; 20 FUR- nisinii room,: doing good business; sickness j cause for selling. Apply Call office. Je2l 7: Vll". BALE— GROCERY AND LIQUOR-STORE; J corner of leading street; must he sold account departure: no reasonable oiler refused. Address Grocery, Box 96. i m i. Branch office. |e3l 7t* riO LET-STORE AND BASEMENT: SUITABLE J for bakery and coffee-house. Under Hancock Hon-.-, 781 Mission st je'22 3t» SALOON "FOR SALE CHEAP. APPLY 893 Illinois sL. Putreru. Jell) 7t* I>AKTIES LOOKING FOR A GOOD -PAYING J- restaurant will do well to call at 100 Second st. before purchasing elsewhere. Jell' 7t» / ' ROCERY-STORE AND FIXTURES; CHEAP ON Li account of sickness. 307 Sixth st jein7t- i I " I 111 SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR THE tJJ" 1 ii* lU. right man; route on morning and even- log newspapers for sale; pays $80 per month protit Apply at this office. _j£i*iL_ MILLINERY BUSINESS ON LEADING STREET. C, Hoi 131, Call Branch Office. jell tf_ I'OR BALK— FIRST-CLASS saloon on KEAR- i' ny St.; 2 years' lease; call at 215 sixth st. YV. A. SULLIVAN. J»'-'0 ll * RESTAURANT; 2 FURNISHED ROOMS; CHEAP J-k, If taken this month. 537 Howard, Jolb b* 5J2'! V ' 2s CIIAXCr.S-CONTINI'KD. &.lAA PRODUCE-STORE. WITH 3 LIVING s*p lUU. rooms. In heart of city; doing flue busi- ness. M. LESS a CO.. 905 Market st It* "as.7ftll SALOON. MARKET ST.; A FINE al? l UU. stuck and first-class fixtures, and doing a very large business; must be sold at once. M. LESS A- CO., 9»5 Market st. j,, £"IIAA SALOON NEAR MARKET Si.: l'Rl- aJxitJiJCf. vate rooms: dears $160 to $200 per month and can easily be Increased: a rare opnor- tutiliy. Apply to M. LESS, 91)5 Market st It* CJJsAA SALOON; RECEIPTS $20 TO $25 A ■ _ Olio, .lay; well worth $1U00; a trial given; selling on account sicklies. M. LESS. 995 Market 1* SftzinAn SA LOON-NEAR KEARNY. IN MAR- <. linn;, ket, next to Chronicle Building: doing a business of $1500 per mom : established since 21 years; clearing from $350 to «600 per mouth; any- bouy can run It; a bargain. M. LESS A- CO.. 995 Market st. it* >Ss I r \fHl CORNER SALOON, v» I I 11 ft LIVING ajj, i.»"'. rooms; there is a large stock, and hue fixtures; it Is a good opportunity for everybody a bargain. M. LESS A CO.. 995 Market st. It* QTftft FAMILY LIQUOR-STORK DOING A aji urn. good business; fine stock and fixtures; cheap rent a. iii long lease. Apply M. LESS. 995 Market st. it* l<Qi*.ft RESTAURANT: WESTERS ADDI- -«4j XJxJxj. t on; doing business of $700 per month; cheap rent; long lease: well worth $2000; greatest bargain ever offered. Apply M. LESS. 995 Market* -SI lOH SALOON ON" MARKET ST.; WORTH •IT 1 Jul), double the money golden opportunity for a man with business ability greatest bargain ever offered. M. LESS. 995 Market st it* G; I ')(»{) SALOON IN HEART OF THE CITY; »]] i— ' '"'. tremendous bargain for ana one desir- ing a good business; best reasons Lit en for selling. M. LESS, 995 Market st. It* ("•Q-.A CORNER GROCERY AND~ BAR WITH tLsOOV. 3 living rooms doing a line business: has a large stock ; line fixtures; is a gieat bargain. M. 1 KSS, ii.;. Market. It* riO SELL OUT YOUR BUSINESS PROMPTLY X for cash go to i. ... BARN ARIL I 1 •- Market St.. bet. Masun and Taylor; established 859 132 21 C: 1 Qflft WOOD AMI COAL YARD: KEPT BY ... lOUU. present owner 24 years ; retiring from business; has established trade: solvent, legiti- mate investment; choice central location. 1. D. BARNARD, 1148 Market st.. near Taylor. It* < I I'l 11 SAILOR BOARDING -HOUSE AND t_ I liuu. bar on the city front; kept by present owner 1 1 years ; making money: positive bargain. L U. BARNARD. 11 48 Market St., nr. Taylor. It* 0"1 11 1 GROCERY AND BAR; FINE CORNER stpsJUU. stand, with the furniture of 2 rooms; great bargain; account of sickness and departure. 1. D. BARNARD. 1148 Market st. ur. Taylor. It* 5.17- CORNER cfIAR-STAND AND I.AlN- qj I 1,1. ... office: laundry pays t;.<- rent; good slock on baud: old stand; fine paying trade. 1.1). BARNARD, 1148 Market St.. near Taylor. It* (Jj..^- A CANDY -STORE; MARBLE SODA- O-" 1 '• fountain. Hue bow-cases, counter, shelv- ing, living-room and furniture; good stock ami trade; owner leaving clay; bargain. WOODRUFF, 841 Market st. It* C; I-A BRANCH BAKERY; VALUE IN ajpl xJU. stock; 3 rooms; trade $.100 per mouth; wonderful bargain. WOODRUFF, 841 Market. It* Xl fvflal GROCERY AND ' BAR; CORNER; an. 1 aJUU. in. rooms for family long lease; casta trade; full value In sight : owner quitting business: must sell. WOODRUFF, 841 Market st. It* QIJJIIj EXPRESS BUSINESS; MATCH TEAM, UUU. good wagon, new harness, trucks and covers: business clearing $150 per month; i cus- ton or pays $100 pr mo. WOQDRi FF. 841 Market.* -i'lftll CANDY MANUFACTURING 1.1:1 t^ iJUU. ness ; prominent corner on business street: finely fitted up; handsome Ice-cream parlors; select stock of caudles; "bargain." BOOKER A TEMPLE. 841 Market St. It* (Ja-JAA WOOD AND COAL MID GOOD a^, .'UU. stork, fixtures, trade: horse, 2 wagons, tarn, 2 stalls; rent $10; wonderful bargain. BOOKER a TEMPLE. 841 Market St., Room 1. 1« Q'JliA PARTNER WANTED: STRICTLY '*' U. cash business; oil Market St.: experience unnecessary, booker a TEMPLE, 841 Market.l* 5.17- SALOON; - 2 ROOMS; FURNISHED »^' I Id. and rented; near Valencia ami Mark,-: sts.; line in stock: great sacrifice; must sell. BOOKER A TEMPLE, 841 Market St., Room 1. It* i^-i-i. RESTAURANT: DAILY RECEIPTS *. .i-'U. from $13 to $16; line handsome place; greatest bargain In the city; worth $450; sickness cause. BOOKER A TEMPLE, B4I Market .Room I.l* a,;':|Wl HOME BAKERY AND '" FFXTION- tTj,a)UU. erv; offer wanted on account of sickness. MCLAUGHLIN & CO.. 26 Kearny SL-* It* iJjaJL-Alv ERY— 2 HORSES AND 2 X,-- ,.. — tiVV . ons: employing 3 clerks: near city: big business. MCLAUGHLIN A: CO., 26 Kearny st It" (SOftl lft! DßAY AND TRANSFER BUSINESS; —"I U. has been run in first-class running i.r.ier for the past 11) oars by the present owner and Is rare opening for 2 active men; strict) In- vestigation allowed; good reason for this sale; more than value in stock. Apply MCLAUGHLIN A CO., 26 Kearny st. it' QILENT PARTNER WANTED IN AN OLD-ES- , .-' tabllshed business; 10 years running on Market St.: full Investigation: capital $5000; to. agents: principals only. Address A. 7.., Box 161, Call Branch office. |c 32 tf I.IOR FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT. 108 X Taj .01 si. Je22 3t* 1 OIIGING-HOUSE 01 14 BOOMS F'lß SALE: I j very cheap: good location. Call 578 ward s:., cor. Second. ]e22 3t*_ QALOOM '■ i COR. POWELL AND GREEN, bar and fixtures, pool and lard tables, chamber set: doing good business; must be sold immediately. Apply on the premises. je!9 7t* I'm: SALE- li $10,500: FINE NEW BRICK J. winery, capacity I,ooo gallon with all ci '-;,- erage ami implements at on- of I,- vol., best inte- rior points, or might rent. Address A. B. V*.. -0111 cc Box 2312. Jel9 7t* X- -11 CORNER GROCERY AND BAR, \. 11 II a*P I OV . four living rooms; Cheap rent. Apply Call Branch office. jel9 7t* _ '('HE FINEST FIXED UP RESTAURANT; ALL 1 complete: good stock un baud; would take a working partner: principals only answer. M. P., Box 69. this office. JelB 71 Q 1 100 GROCERY AND LIQUOR STORE 1 lUl.'. for tale; a good corner: handsomely fitted up: good stock and business; owner will -' '. >■ a long lease. Apply M. GOODWIN, 407 Battery.JlB if D ESTA I HAN, FOB SALE; MUST BE SOLD AT II once, call 105 Ninth st. Jel4 lit* A WEEK'S NEWS FOB 5 CEN IS—T HE WEEKLY Is. Call, in wrapper, ready for mailing, I.IHM. I -... HOUSES "Volt SALE. sTi-Yw^TTiScijHr^AM^^ POLK, BET. (VaUU.Geary and O'Farrell; Black walnut fur- niture, piano, etc.: bargain. SHOAFF A P.QBS. -". Market st. lt_ 1 , ,- I-LKY'ENTH -FURNISHED HOUSE I" J. U rooms to let or tor sale; caiia,,d give an offer. ja'J4 4t* To LET— BOUSE OF 19 ROOMS; CENTRAL LO cation. .1. YV. DONNELLY A- CO.. 34 Kearny.24 li* -till ill * OR SALE — FURNITURE Or EI.E- a u >'.:U, gantly fitted np corner Sat of 7 rooms arid bath; ;;r- :s|;,.,| a few 111011 1 lis ago at double price now asked. LINDEN. 333 Kearny St. It* C.j.-|i LODGING-HOUSE ,i, 20 ROOMS: ALL iQ I.)', light and rented; good furniture: good- paying house; see this bargain. BOOKER A TEM- I'LE, -. Market st. It* V' lllllli 25 ROOMS; CITY FRONT; ALL ON 1^ 1 UUU. one Boor: clearing $100 per month. Can to-day, y>. F. HEALY", 1004 Marzet st. lt_ £•---- 12 ROOMS; NEAR MISSION AND aj>aj aO. Fourth s'.s. 1 clearing *tomo 11 : positive bargain. Apply W. F. HEALY. nun Market st. 1* Sj.l/,11 LODGING HOUSE OF NINE 111: aJ)_i/Y'. pished rooms on Montgomery st ; clean $35 per month over expenses: tenants lake career own rooms. Apply to K. KENNY', 22 Kearny st. It Anriin 40- ROOM GOOD LODGING-HOUSE; aJiaiaJUU. positively clearing over $150 monthly; must sell. Mclaughlin a co., 26 Kearny, it" GREAT BARGAIN — HOUSE _OF 7 BOOMS, elegantly furnished; -grooms rented pay whole rent: centraL 412 Ellis. Je2o 7t» HOTEL FOR SALE-SPLENDIDLY LOCATED in this city; old-established business; 5 years' lease; 57 rooms; satisfactory reasons for selling; no agents. Apply by letter for one week to B. J A.. Box 9:1, Call Branch Office. je-"2 31* /-IOKNER HOUSE. 40 ROOMS; ALWAYS FULL: I,- all male roomers: present owner has had it ft years. 507 .Mission st- jell* 7t< SALOON AND LODGING-HOUSE FOR SALE cheap. 231 Pacific st. JelS 7-f_ P'URNISHED FLAT. 8 ROOMS; CLEARING $26 X monthly. Address I! , BOX 9. this i, i11.'.-, JelB 71" CtHEAPKST AND BEST IN AMERICA— THE / eight-page WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address In toe United Stales or Canada one year fur $1 25. postage free. rl its lit i;i. iOK sale. I~»ATENT kl'K Hi'.N-'l Alll.l-.s. $1 ft" EAI'hTaT X H. SCII aa.-s' Furniture Store, 403 Eleventh St., Oakland. depend tf Piano AND FURNITURE 101 l SALE AND Hal to let at 3091/4 Sanchez st., bet. Sixteenth and Seventeenth. Inquire forenoon of Miss SCHNOOK at NATHAN, DOHHMANN A CO.'S, 136 Butter st je22 If _ ri I LINDEN AYE FURNITURE OF 3 ROOMS aj 1 I for sale cheap. je'22 lit* L"OR SALE: FURNITURE OF 11 BOOMED X bouse. Inquire 930 Bush st. JelS 71* C'OlNiky BUYERS WISHING SECOND-HAND : furniture or carpets, at reduced prices, can 1: ROSENTHAL'S, 110 Fourth St.: satisfaction guaran- teed or money refunded; goods shipped tree. nl4rr -lea 111 M I >'ARDS OF NEW AND SECOND^ .L.O .xlxiti band carpets, from 10 cents to 75 cents per yard, at JONES' Auction House, 25 and 27 Eighth st. ft-23 tf BOOM SUITS OK 7 PIECES FOB $15. WILEY BROS.. 931 .Mis. SL 1 1 tf Li. PRICES IN PLAIN FIGURES; ON IN. stalltii.'iits. without inter, you can furnlsti your borne as cheap as for cash elsewhere at HE "i- EY'S large lurulturo and carpet wart rooms, 18 to 34 El lis st. ; 24 if • GOOD CHANCE— YOUR HOUSE FURNISHED .'V complete with furniture, carpets, stoves, cur- tains, blankets, pictures and mirrors, a', cash prices. on easy Installments; small deposit M. FRIED- MAN at t'O.'s. largest Installment bouse on the Coast. 228 and 230 Stockton St.. cor. Post: open evenings: prompt attention paid to country orders. STERLING FURNITURE CO.— CARPETS AND furniture, il/all and 101 l -Market St., Rosenthal Bedding. au7 tf AIL Ml GOODS ABE DOWN TO BED-ROCK prices parlor suits $25, ranges $6. new cham- ber lets complete $16: reductions all round; casta or installments. T H. NELSON. Igg Fourth st SOU < A It I' FITS HP.ISSEI.s CARPETS. ELEGANT PATTERN s' HOC per yard, -en, 'l and laid; best value ever offered, s. W. SHIREK. 1231 Stockton st. je!2 tf TIARI'ETS— SMITH'S BRUSSELS, 65c A YARD; \) Installment price elsewhere $1 a yard. M. FRIEDMAN A CO.. 228-230 Stockton St., cor. Post 11- AAA YARDS OF NEW AND SECOND- SO.VW baud carpets from 10c to 75c per yard, at H. L. JONES" Auction House, 25 aud 27 Eighth sl.,n' Market. tnr-.'J 'I CLOSING IP ESTATE; BRUSSELS SEW \J laid, 6oc- 2-ply,2sc:oil-cloth,l2Vic:curtaln-poles, E6c: matting. 10c. NEWMAN BROS.. 117 Slxthst. ATTOItN YS-AT-faAW. I>TICITFItEE-DIVORCF:S, QUICKEST TIME, no publicity; damages: colli ctlons; wills, etc. T. ENGLI.Y, Attorneys' Ass'n, II Keatny St. Je96in DVICE FRKE: DIVORCES A SPECIALTY; ADVICE FREE; DIVORCES A Sl'El ,'; guarantee without publicity 15 days .legal every- where; fee alter divorce: collections, etc. ; reason- able; established 10 years, G. W. iioyve, 30 Kearny. IVOKCES, LLS. ETC. VRASK KENNEDY", Attorney. S3 Murphy Building. 12 tt ADVICE FREE . ROBERT SCOULAR, ATTOR my, 31 Kearny st. - ■ ■* mylSOin OHN-A. WALL. ATTORNEY AT LAW. 220 Sansome St., Rooms 10, 11 and 12. my 15 Onto •air W. DAVIDSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 423 V? . California al., Bouuis 14-15; advice free. d3tt , \\oLxxmM»ai^msss^miS^^^m^i^^^^mm'^ THE MORNING CALL, SAN FRANCISCO. TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 1890-EIGHT PAGES. CITY REAL ESTATE- S ii. iii.ii rWO- STORY BAY - WINDOW »J> I U.UUU. house or 10 rooms and bath; brick foundations and all the latest conveniences; stone sidewalks: lot 26x137:6: on Hidden Gate arc,, near Pierce. G. H. UMBSEN a- Co., 14 Montgomery street. Je'22 suTui'li At OiOflflfl 3 -STORY BAY- WINDOW REBI- atpOUUU. dence of 8 rooms and hath: laundry; stone sidewalks; brick foundations: all modern im- provements; lot 26:6x137:0; oil the sunny sldeof California St., near Webster, G. 11. UMBSEN * CO.. 14 Montgomery St. |eM SaTul 31 _ <aQts.nn FINE A wtldev sis.. NEAR web aJOaIUU. iter; 2 bouses and lot 25x127:6. I*. H. I am SEN A i,... 14 Montgomery. Je32 SuTuThjt ttt CI fill UREEN, NEAR SCOTT; LOT six OOIUU. 187:6; line marine view. G. 11. UMH- SEN A- CO.. 1 1 Montgomery. Je22 SnTuTh 3t C" ~l'ir-.(\ CASTRO ST.. NEAR I'll!: LOT a~ I —OxJ. 32:6x125; flats will pay well on this lot. G. 11. UMBSEN a- CO., 14 Montgomery .street. j«-22 SuTu lb 3! $7AIHI A BARGAIN: NEW THKEFI-STORY tJP i XIXIV. house in 3 flats of ft rooms and bath each: laundry; electric bells; I.rick foundations, etc: lot 27x68:9: L,,tt. near McAllister. O. 11. UMBSE.N A- CO., 14 Montgomery st je22 SuTuTb 3 ofl'7^n GUERRERO ST.. NEAR ISTH: LOT tJOi OU. 49J154. O H. UMBSEN A CO.. 11 Montgomery st. *e22 i iri_b 8t ■ t; A.i,- A FINE ST. NEAR WEBSTER; BAY- sPU — <JU. window house of 7 rooms ami bath: brick foundations; bay-windows aud all modern conveniences; lot 25x137:6 to rear street. G. 11. UMUSEN A CO.. 11 Montgomery st 23 SuTuTh 31 "jf'llfiA ÜBEEN. NEAR BUCHANAN: LOT ijUUUU. 68x137:6. li, H. UMBSEN * Co., 14 Montgomery. je'J2 SuTuTh :t: Or A A BARGAIN; 21ST., NEAR VALEN- a^aJCtJU. cla; two-story bay-window house of 8 i ins; brick foundations; stone sidewalks; lot 22x 92. G. li. UMBSEN a CO., II Moutgomery street je32 SuTuTh St < I 111 111 A PICK-UP: MADISON AYE.. NEAR .~ lUifU.Hib ami Harrison sts.: substantial house of 2 tints of 6 rooms each mid lot 26x80; part cash; rent $40. G. U. UMBSEN * CO., 14 Mont- gumery st. Je22 SuTuTh gt (fJ.I^A COTTAGE OF 4 ROOMS AND BATH; O-J— sJU. brick foundations, etc.: 10t 25x113:3; Lyon st., nr. Turk. U. U. I atBSEN a Co., 14 Mont- gomery. J.--2 3t SuTuTh iL" "I If ill CORNER OF DAY Sl'. AND SAN aJtlUl/U. Jose aye.: 38x66:9. 0. H. I'Mll- sen A CO., 14 Montgomery si. Je22 SuTuTh 31 . ■ "Ml DEVISADERO, NEAR RIDLEY"; LOT iji a <JU. 25x125. li H. UMBSEN A 00., 14 Montgomery St. Jc22 SnTuTh 81 (tfcOC/l/l LOT 29x110; ON DOLORES ST., NR I X?— aJUU. 18th. O. 11. UMBSEN A- CO., 11 Montgomery st | 22 SuTuTh 3t woniiii ON EASY TERMS; 5 NEW COT- aT7— UUU. tagesul ft rooms and hath each; lot 26x100; W. line of York st, bet. 25th and 26th G. ' 11. UMBSEN a CO.. 14 Montgomery. 23 SuTuTh at <U- 1)11(1(1 LOT 50x114: O.N THE SUNNY SIDE ' — ''•-.Y'.o: Grove St., near Church. G. 11. ; UMBSEN at CO., 14 Montgomery. Je22SuluThBt SaJAA/i ISTH ST., NEAR FOI.SOM; 1.0 I 25x 2-VVV. 75. G. 11. UMBSEN A- Co.. 14 Mont- gomery st. p-2- Sul u'l h St 0 1 flllft 26111 ST., NEAR FOLSOM: LOT tJJJiOUUa 24:6x90; on grade and ready for build- ing; opposite a park. li. 11. UMUSEN A CO., 14 Montgomery st. Je22 Sn iii In it Q||;|-|M LOT 42x130 ON SAN BRUNO ROAD ■, tiTHUUU. Dear lfttti aye.. South San Francisco G. 11. UMUSEN A CO., 14 Montgomery .-J SuTuTh 3 fflal OCA EACH; 2 LOTS, EACH 25x120; ON •_ I — Ox' 7tn uve.. near the park: level: street work done. G. 11. I MBsE.N A CO., 14 Montgomery street. JC22 SuTitlh 3t C; 1 I -A DIAMOND ST.. NEAR 20TH; LOT tf" 1 I aIU. 35x126; street work done. G.H. UMB- SEN A CO., li Montgomery St. je 22SuTuTb 3t aiiU~.fl EUREKA ST.. NEAR 21ST; i."l 25x C •'. V. 125; ready lor building. G. 11. UMBSEN A CO.. 14 .Ylunlguliicry st. Je22 Slllulh 3t C* 17/Wl FOB 8 LOTS ON 21S1 AYE, NEAR ' aj"! i VV Clement; lay well, aud a bargain, yvil- i >"S A i ALE. is l-ostst. Ja-24 TuTh. 2t. ONLY $",00 AMI DOWN, BALANCE EASY IN- j stalliuents, those elegant new houses on Grove st, near Baker; 6 ana 7 rooms each; lots 24x112:6; | call before they are all gone. WILSON A CAltlt, is Post St. J.-21 lv! ll gt *; l'>j|jl HOUSE OF 10 ROOMS AND BATH; OlolfU, on Chelsea place, near Bush and Stock- ton sts.; can lie mad.- into 3 rials at small expense; lot 80x60, WILSON A CARR. 18 Pi«t.Je24 l I' 2 VS'NWI CHOICE FLATS OF6 AND 7 ROOMS tc,,OOUU. each on Fillmore st., near Pacific ava.; rented well; new pavement In street: lot 27x1i)0. WILSON A CARR. 18 Post St. ]124 Tulll 21 ft I — daft ONLYAFEW LEFT OF THOSE LOTS as* 1 I 111', on Golden Only aye., near Masonic aye.: 25x100: street work all done. WILSON A I IRK, IS est st. J' 21 Itlltl 21 \'A(l(l LOT 26x27; ON JACKSON St. NEAR ajT li'lll. Sprii"e; lays well, and cheap. WILSON A CARR, IS I. st st. Je24 TuTli 2t O-^AIiA EACH-ONLY 3 LEFT OF THOSE "7-oUU lots 011 Clayton St., near Waller; graded ready for building; being a portion ot Asbbury Heights. Mils A CARR, Is rust. je24 Tulh 21 still AAA "elegant FLATS on GOLDEN •771U.UUU. Gate are., near Fillmore: 6 and 7 rooms; walls elegantly frescoed; well rented; lot 25x90. WILSON * CARR, 18 Post St. Je'Jl TuTh gt 1,. . •>.".( FINE CORNER ON 21ST AND FOL- -14. I ZajU. sons 5... : 60x95; the iocs', place in the city for rials and stores; street work all done. WILSON A CARR, 18 Postal. J-24 111 Th lit atQ-YMfa FIRST-CLASS, CENTRALLY 1.0- -»_ t/aJUU. cated, double. 2-story and iu;,-k base- ment bow-wlndo>a residence and tot; W. side of Verba Buena st, bet Mason and Taylor. Clay and Sacramento: io tains 12 rooms and bath: latest ap- proved sanitary plumbing; the basement parti- tioned for 6 adiilticual rooms; street block paved; patent stone sidewalks; alleyway on each sloe of the premises: size. IOxSO. EASTON, ELDKIDGE A CO., 618 Market St. Jc-'4 7t UTAH IMPROVED LOT IN THE MISSION; not to cost over $2600: Inside 16tb and 22d, Mission and Sanchez sts. Address GEO. SAB TORI US. 122 Eleventh st jo.l 3t» 1 AM ALAIN COMPLETING 2 8-ROOM RESI- -1 denees on HHi st, 200 feet from astro cars. Ap- ply to ISAAC ANDERSON, premises. je'24 4t* FsHOICE BARGAINS BY 1. P. RIORDAN, 632 V / Market St.. Rooms 25 and 2u $18.000— Fine improved piece or business prop- erty on Market st: bargain. $23,000— 130x110 feet on IGtll St. bet. Guerrero and .ores, with some Improvements; ltitn s;, is destined for a great future: 130 feet front: line In- vestments $5250— 25x75 feet on Katomi st, bet. loth and I I tli, with fine 2-story house and brick basement front, and rear house of 4 rooms, etc rent ">'.). $16.000— 122:6 on 24th st by lift on NW. cor, or Harrison ami 2iiii sts : street block paved and cable-cars running; line Investment. $11,000—25x120: Hayes st.. near Polk; fine busi- ness property . Improved. $10,000—26x80; Howard St, near ft:h, with Im- provements; well rented. -_ in, i 115 on Henry St.. close to Market and Sanchez; fine location; part cash. $102.000— Fine improved property on Gt tl St. $2500—30x114; N. side of Human St., near San- Chez, with nice cottage-house, stable, chicken-house. $3750— feet on Bryant st, bet Ist and 2 I, Willi 2-story building, store and 9 rooms: rent $40, $2200—100x100: on the SE. cor. of 2uih and cr- montsts. : bargain. Also several fine Investments In business property, etc., not advertised, call tor particulars, r. 1". RIuRDAN. 632 Market st. «c 22 SuTu 21 \'EYV. CHEAP AND VERY EASY' TERMS— NEW *> residences for sal,- Just completed: Sanchez St., close to Market: toe houses are substantially built, and to meet the requirements of a modern ami comfortable home, containing 9 rooms and bath, at such terms as to enable most any one to ob- tain a home at very little outlay ami easy payments for the balance: good sized lots and all street work done; the neighborhood Is fast Improving, and prop- erty is bound to become very valuable on account of Its proximity to Market street Far particulars call st our omce. DOWNEY A GAMES, 318 Montgomery street. je'z2 21 SuTu PACIFIC HEIGHTS RESIDENCE LOTS: PA- I eiti.- aye.. N. side, near franklin St.; 63:6 x 127 :8t/i, with extra Urge lot in the rear: very de- sirable for a first-class residence. DOWNEY ,v GAMBS. 318 Montgomery st. ■ jt-22 2t SuTu gb .l/1 CASH. BALANCE IN EASY I'AY- O— UUU ments; 2-stury: bay window: 7 rooms: bath; linen-mom; large laundry: driveway: room for stable; flowers; lot 30x120. Apply on premises, 15 Albion are., bet. 16th and 17th sts.. Valencia and Guerrero. Je'22 SuTuTh if C" I (111 '' FOOT: PICK IT UP; PACIFIC aj lUU Heights; lot cheap; 81x127 feet to real street; fine marine view; a bargalu; call si OtVce. A. 11. BREED a CO.. 232 Montgomery st. Jc22 3t C-i'-l'ti A BARGAIN; NICE RESIDENCE; t^-XJaitxJt I. stelner St., near llalglit; lot 30x137:6; with stable. Call Tor particulars A. H. BREED A CO., 232 Montgomery it. Je22 ill C! U Fail ft MCE COSY HOME, 19TJI ST.. NEAR C'iJi"', Valencia; lot 37:8 feet front; good neighborhood. Call for particulars A. 11. BREED A l'".. 232 Montgomery s'. Je22 at si I '-1 Hull PACIFIC HEIGHTS: FINE RESl- tjp 1 iI.UUU. deuce: lovely marine view: a beau- llful Inline: on Broadway; sunny side; M rooms and In, Hi: laundry and servant's room; patent stone sidewalk a good chance to secure a nice cosy borne. ail for particulars A. 11. BREED A CO., 232 Mont- gomery St. - ,|.-22 31 ffi. Aflft EACH — 2 FINE LOIS ON N. SIDE OF OtJUU Turk st. near the park and McAllistcr-st. cable: 35x100; Turk st. will have a cable road in the near future ; lots in the vicinity arc selling for $1200 each. CHAS YV. POPE, 630 Market.22sinw3 J. Ia) A A ALABAMA ST., NEAR 24 TH; 4 ajlVialUU. and 5 rooms, hath, laundry, wooden mantels, large basement, brick foundation; lot 25x 100: Just completed, and will nay 9 percent net Apply to owner, I-.. Wll. BERG, at building. ]'-2 71' ij ft Mill GILT-EDGED PROPERTY: RENT dP I U.UUU. $(10; 211 rooms: corner lot; good view; permanent tenant. 1... Box 22, this Oface.22 7* ]01. SlIll.OI I'lll'Kt'll. 185 FT. N. 0K1..! 11. J nr. Market. Apply to owner. 834*4T0tb St., or Pier ft. StenartSL JAM ES 1. McKI.NNON. Je22 3t» DARGAINS IN HOLLY PARKLOTB FEW FEET II from Mission road; level and ready to build. In- qulre 'Jus" Market st. je'22 31* I OT ON THE NYV. CORNER OF SUTTER AND I a BroderlcKsts.; 35x110 ft. Inquire at 208 Sut- ter si., top flour. )• [22 ill HFiAUTIFUL NEW HOUSE. 2023 PACIFIC 1: a -.. near Laguna St.; 13 rooms; hot air; dining- room front and rear; bails and stairs neatly paneled; stone walk all round: unol'siruclii'l marine view: all modern Improvements; must be sold. Je32 7; C.oon. CHEAP CITY PROPERTY WANTED; I also country exchange property: principals only. AYRES A M.I'.KIHE, S Kearny St. Je2l 6t J.MKST-OLASS 2-STORY RESIDENCES, HILL 5u.200 lee! from l .isttost. cars. Apply ISAAC AN DEiiSON. premises, or 117 Jones st jegl It* /^OOD~c7tY PROPERTY YVANTKD - PRIN- YJ clpals only. S. K. LAND CO.. 330 Pine. 11)7:* 1 ARGE LOT, 60x125, I.N THE BEST PART OF I' Berkeley, for $100, on small Installments; will be worth double in one year; beautiful, new, mod- ern cottage 5 rooms, bath. etc. large lot, $2500, on installments; genuine bargains in new houses and choice residence lots. PHELPS A- RICHARDS, opposite Berkeley Station, and 11 Moutgomery st, San Francisco. ~ Je2o tf TjM>B SALE— BARGAIN; LOVELY HOME; MIS- X slou warm belt; 1130 21st St., sunny side, bet. Valencia and Guerrero; house 11 rooms and hath: nil newly papered: fine view; large garden: patent stone sidewalk; lot 25 or 50x115. See owner un premises. ■ Jel9 7t» - Qa- MONTHLY FUR ANY OF THE FOLLOW- Vi > ing level lots In Berkeley: $275 -Lot, 411 I 20. near railroad. $350— Corner, 7ftxioo, living creek. $.100— Lot 40x100: sJdewalkod. $175 — Lot 24x100; graded and sldewalked. $450— Lot 40x120: sewered mid sldewalked. 900 oil, . lots; send for maps. CHAS. A. BAILEY, owner. 1121 Market St. Jel7 tf |7>LATB FOR SALE— S AND 6 ROOMS; MODERN x improvements; on Potrero aye., beL 2. id and 24 tli m.; lot 25x101): lloward-st. cars pass the house; the best prospective business property In tbo city. Apply on the premises through the day or at 3000 California St.. to A. .1. WEIR. jell tt CIOTTAOE Kirn SALE; ALL MODERN I.M- -) prnvemeiits; lot 25x95: on 23d St., beL Potrero aye. and Hampshire St.: Just finished; the Howard- st. line In Iront of the house: terms easy to suit. Apply to A. J. WEIR, ou premises, through the day, or at 3000 Caliromla st. jell tf *16fi5lf!i«ftte2Sg!*Stsl«S!.^^^^ft^'l-:.'-i-,,:;. .■•-:■,- '-. CITY" REAL ESTATE. S~ BAUfWALD, bUCKBEE l * CO., 407 AND 409 Montgomery st - IMPROVED PROPERTY. $15.000— Three-story brick building, containing 43 rooms and bath-rooms; 'also rear house of 13 rooms; Hinckley Dupont: total rents $150; lot 35x57:6 feet. „ $14,000—2411) St., on Omnibus cable line: 110x132 feet, less I. 6U.T32 feet; pood 2-story house of 8 rooms and bath; can sell 50x100 feet vacant at the rate of $90 per root. $0750— Bush st.; 2-story building of flats, 5 rooms and bath: rents $52: lot 2.'.x 137 :►> reel. $7700 Pacific Heights corner; new 2-story and basement house of 9 looms ami bath; elegantly decorated and frescoed; fine marine view: lot 80:0x91 fee;. -«•"»«: $1n.500- Reduced from $12,000; Third st. store with fiat above; rents $70; lot 35x57:6 feet. $9250- Howard st, N. line, bet First and Second; house of 12 rooms; rents $50: lot 25xH5 feet. $9000— Valencia St., near s.tu Jose depot: good cottage; rents $2250: lot 32:6x90, to alley lot alone Is worth the money. $2000— Douglass St.. bet. 18th and 19tb; cottage of 4 rooms; lot 36x135. $30.009-Flrst St.. nr. Mission; lot 37x96 red, with I. 46x38 feet; rents $127 50. $33,000— Clay-st Investment: near Montgomery: 3-story brick building psyiug a net rental or 8 per cent: a good Investment; $20,000 can remain on mortgage if desired. $1250— Jessie St., nr. 20th; 2-story house of 6 rooms, bath and cellar; stone sidewalk ; brick foiiu- ,l;,l on i lot 22X76 • chean. $7500— Marine view House: west line Buchanan st.. nr. Broadway; 9 rooms and bath; niched par- lors; electric fittings; wo.-, ion mantels; house new and entirely modem; stove sidewalk: lot 29x31:0 feet. $41 .000— Fulton and Franklin sts., sw. corner: a splendid Investment: only three blocks from tin) City Ball: rents $257 50; lot 82:6. 103:IMi. $3160— Neat cottage and lot 011 Treat aye., near 2 -lib St., close to cable line; 5 rooms and bath, gas, lint anil cold water, etc. rents $22 50; lot 23x1 12:0; cheap. $8000— Howard st.. bet. 16th and 17,*h: store and flat: tents $50; lot 36x76. $4000— Clara St., bet, sth and 6th; food house, containing 3 tenements: rents $11; lot 25 xSO. $30,000— Bush st., hoi. Powell and Mason; lot 87:6x137:6, with Improvements; rented for $180; .-is could be largely Increased ; an oil, r wanted. $20.000— Bush St.. N. side. bet. Buchanan and Webster: targe bouse of 14 rooms, bath, laundry and conservatory; brick foundations; stone side- walk-: large lot. 08:9x137:0 feet. $32,500 Turk st. corner; not far from Market St.: 37:6x87:6 feet, with old Improvements; rents $140. $13.000— Waller st., nr. Fillmore; two double houses and cottage; rents $96. UNIMPROVED LOTS. $20,000— cor. Fulton and Broderick sis.; 50- -v.iin; 137:0x137:0 feet $6000— Park road, opposite Buena Vista Park: 7,'' 128 feet. . I.soo— VaUeJo and Weustcr.N'E. cor.; 50x137:6. $4250— 0ak at., near Fillmore; 25x137:6. $3250— S\v. cor. Pierce and Green st-„ ; 25x100. $7500— st.. N. line, near 14th; 26x100. $6000- NW. cor. Church and 15th sit. ; 25x'.00. $2000— 10th St., nr. Eureka, through to Slate: 111 -i'Mllil feet; cheap, $5250 — Jackson and Maple Sts.: SW. cor.; Bi:3x 117:'.! feet. $5000— Fair Oaks st., nr. 23d; 61x117:6 feet, or 30-. 117:0 feet, for $2501). $75011— Cor. Broderick and Eddy sts.; 56:6x100 lie: cable cars pass this lot. $5000— llalglit and Waller sts. ; SE corner : ill :7> .MOD feet $2750 each— llaight st., S. line, E. of Sbrader; 3 lots; each 26x100 net. $2500 each— Shrader St., E. line, bet. Height and Waller, 3 lots; each 25x100 feet $3500— Waller and sunnier sts., NE, comer; 34:71.4X100 ie.-'. $2250 each— YY'aller St., N. side, E. or Blunder: 0 lots; each 25X100 feet. if 4ouo— si., ci- Broadway ami Hyde sL : 27ux 110 feet; terms one-fourtli cash. $3200— st, near Broadway; 27:6x110 feet; terms one-fourtli cash. $3000— Broad way, uear Hyde; 37:6x137:8; terms one-fourth cash. $5250— S\v. cor. Maple and Washington sts.; 50x lid feet $15.000— Washington and Buchanan; NE. corner; 57:6x107:8' j feet. $5250— corner; street sewered and paved , with s, .me blocks: Omnibus cable passes; loxioi). $2500— Pierce, nr. Green; 25x100 feeL $3000— 25 th st.. lir. Castro; HOxin feet. Douglass and 19th sts. ; corner; 83x1 15. $3009— Sacramento, nr. Baker; 37:0x132:7. $5000 -Eureka -:.. nr. 17th: 71x12a leet. $1500— Cor. First aw. and Washington St.: 56x 100 leet For complete list, call at office or SHAINYVALD, Ki.HE a. CO., 407 ami 409 Montgomery st. je22 SuTu tf ([.1.)-/! LARGE LOT VERY CHEAP-. l«ril «?——<>''. st, new Castro; size 30x100: there is goo , speculation in this lot as the 16th-st. extension la an assured fact Mcafee, Baldwin a- ham- MON D, 10 Montgomery st. jc22 SnTuTh tf v; 1 >JAA EACH— 4 LARGE LOTS 28:4x114: aJS i .)HU 27tb st,, near Church; street graded, macadamized and sewered. McAPEB. BALDWIN A HAMMOND, Id Montgomery st. j.22 SuTuTh tt QA.* Ail MAKE OFFER: MIST BE BOLD; •TJ'UuUU. cheapest piece un Howard st., near 1 ithi c".„ 1-story ami finished basement house of 6 rooms and hath: brick foundation; nicely papered and painted; first-class repair; stone sidewalks; lot 2.- •. --, : examine tins prop and make offer before buying. MCAFEE, BALDWIN ,v HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. Je'22 Su InTh tf C; till. EACH FOR 5 LARUE LOTS, 27:6 AND C I'"' 30 feet front: near 22.1 and Douglass sts. ; on grade of streets: must lie sold this week: chance for -i good profit. MCAFEE, BALDWIN a HAM- .MONO, 10 Moutgomery st. Jel7 tf Till bsu V"' '".ftl I A GOOD INCOME PROPERTY; i, il—,OxjxJ, Folsomat, uear 4 th: good building of stores and fiats, bringing a monthly rental of $100; lo: i*. tins property pays a good In- come and is In an improving locality; no better in* vestment property can he round. MCAFEE BALD WIN .v HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery. 15 tf SuTuTh 07- (l.i BHOTWELL, NEAR f 24TH; SHE a*? i , ,t 1 1 ', modern cottage of 5 rooms, bath, etc.; brick foundation: so, ail .-table: lovely lawn; large lot. size 60x122:0; choice little home. Mi AFEE, IsALDiVIN A: HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery streeL je!s tt SuTuTh -at 1 J llftft HAKK AN OFFER-GOOD PAY •JpIt.UUU. lug investment; Garden St., near Olh: £Ond -lor-, building of 8 ten ments; rent 5-1. lot 100x75; this property must he sold to Close 1 ill an estate; chance fur a good buy. MC- AFEE, BALDWIN A: HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery stre.-t. tela SnTuTh it GtfnZ.ft CAPP. NEAR 26TH— GOOD FLATS »„ I i • )V , of 4 and 6 rooms each, renting at 10135x115. MCAFEE, BALDWIN A HAMMOND, to Montgomery st. JelS SnTuTh tf ft -.I it I MAKE OFFER; A CH. HE MISSION- , at , UUly. St. lot, suitable for stores ami flat-: - 10x115. near 26tb -t. ; this property Is very cheap and properly Improved will pay a good ,11- -coaie. MCAFEE, BALDWIN ,v HAMMOND. 10 Montgomery St. JelS tf SuTuTh ft I ".ftll EACH; MCE LEVEL LOTS ON CAS- Ip 1 OV\) sell! aye. ; size 28x211; these lots are between the .Market st. extension and I9tb St., the latter street to he made into a boulevard and passes directly in front of these lots; gaod Improvements are being made in this vicinity and these lots offer a good opportunity for a speculation. MCAFEE, BALDWIN A- HAMMOND. 10 Montgomery street. ]iTS tlsu I 11 in X~,~7~,1\ 17TH, NEAK CHURCH; 2-STORY t^ 1) I ,11 '. bouse of 2 fiats of 6 and 7 rooms each; brick foundation; lot 25x100: this property is I cheap. McAFEE, BALDWIN A HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery St. Jels SuTuTh tt •a.' Till Hi AN OFFER WANTED— OF a"p MUM". 3 frontages: ran In- divided Into 8 lots (2 corners : this property being on Francisco st. is in the center of the manufacturing quarter of the city and improved with suitable fiats a good Income could be derived; the lot is on the grade and ready for building; terms nasi : the belt road will pass tins property, and being so centrally located it is sure to advance In value. MCAFEE, BALDWIN at HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. |els tt SnTuTh ail Kift EACH-SOME CHOICE RESIDENCE tji I 'l . 'U lots on Castro Heights; the finest view In the city: good neighborhood : cable-cars pass the property; Castro and Hid. McAFEE, Baldwin a- HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. jelatl Sui 11 lb ft I -Oil A BARGAIN; A CHARMING NEAR- •TaVi— UU. it new cottage of 6 rooms and liath,- with all modern improvements; brick foundation 1 parties desiring a nice little homo Mill find It to their advantage to examine this property; Octavla St. MCAFEE, BALDWIN A HAMMOND, 10 Mont- gomery st. Jels SuTuTh tf ft I -"Will EACH— A NUMBER OF CHOICE RES •JP I aJUU Den lots on Ist aye., bet. California and ('lenient sis. : size 25x120; Ist aye. Is graded. null, being 1011 feet wide, It will become a very prominent avenue, and parties ptirehasing now will realize a handsome profit On their investment: Post St. Is to he extended to connect with Clement st.; look at these lots before buying; M.AEEE. BALD- WIN a- HAMMOND, 111 Montgomery. 15 tf SuTuTh IT' A *; A EACH; SUNSET HEIGHTS; Ml ST BE •J" "lell. sold; tots In adjoining blocks selling for $800 to $1.1111; only a few hundred feet from the Park and Olympic Club grounds; examine mil It will satisfy you that you have a bargain: call early lor'- It Is to.. late. McAFEE, BALDWIN A- HAM- MOND, I" Montgomery st. jel s tr SuTuTh ftTftllft MIST HE Sol. ll IMMEDIATELY; •JJi I UUU. owner is leaving the Slate and needs money; 2-story hay-window house of 8 rooms and bath: also good carriage-house: lot 25x137:6: Sacra- raentost McAFEE. BALDWIN A HAMMOND. 10 Montgomery st. Je 15 It Su IllTll (&• I "(ill LANGTON ST.. NEAR HOWARD: •IP laJUl'. good 3-story double boose or 5 and 6 rooms*, rented low to responsible tenants at $-.6: lot 26x80, McAFEE, BALDWIN A HAM- MOND, 10 Montgomery at. jois tf SuTu in $~'i I iI 1 1 I LARGE LOT ON" IST I I 7~N~E R~ DI A- aTJi-JUUU. mond: 75x100. $3000— Sanchez, near Ridley; 25x125. $1150-20111. near Church ; 25x114. $4260— C0r. 17lhand Diamond; 37:0x75. $6500— Castro, near 18th: 50x125. $3000— Cor. loth and Diamond; 31x1(10. MCAFEE, BALDWIN 4 HAMMOND. 10 Mont. gomery st Jels II SnTuTh ft'-la-idil I'HEELON, NEAR 4T1I; 2-STORY •JrjailJUU. and basement bouse of 11 rooms; also rear house or 7 rooms; rent $15. Mc-AFEE. BALD- YVINA HAMMOND. 10 Montgomery. JelS SuTuTb^ ftU"v (Will A CHOICE BUSINESS CORNER •J) — U.UUU. on Howard St.: good building of 2 stores, and I flats of 5 rooms each and police sta- tion; lot 50x95; rent $176. MCAFEE, BALDWIN A HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. JelS if Sul'uTh ft 1 Q"\ft LOT 26x126, WITH NEAT COTTAGE: tTJIOUU. Church st., lief. 21st and 22d : street sewered, graded and accepted; banks win loan $1500 on this If necessary. For the grassiest bar- gain everollerod on this hoe street, apply P. A. DO- I.AN A CO., 630 Market st. Je22 SuTuTh U_ < 11)11 LOIS ON 15 111 AYE, BET. POINT tJpIUU. Lobusand the Park, in Block 367; only 5 left; call early, as first come first served; half cash: title absolutely perfect. P. A. DOLAN A- CO.. 630 Market. 1,-22 SuTuTh tf ftU^vftft i ' lsK COTTAGE AND LOT 25x80; Hpj^OVXI, 17th st., near Market, In the Park Lane tract: very cheap. P. A. DOLAN A C0.J22 SuTu I h tf JOT 45x110; I ST., ADJOINING OLYMPIC J Club grounds: will be sold this week at half the actual value: call and make your olfer. as It must positively be sold at any price; half cash If aeees eary. p. a. Milan, 630 Market -i. JelOSuTuTh tt ft I'Jft ft MAKE OFFER; SPLENDID BUILD- •"pIOUU. lint lot on First aye., bet. McAllister and Futon sts., adjoining Golden Halt) Park; very cheap. 1". A. inn. AN a Co.. 630 Market st. Stfaututh ft Will I A FEW SPLENDID LOIS, 25x125, IN aTpOUl'. the Western Addition: lot) feet from Geary st. ; all level and ready to build on. P. A. DOLAN, 630 Market st. my 18 tf SuTuTh ft 1 LOTS; 25X110; FACING THE PARK ON i «"p I OV the south side, ou $10 per month Install- ments; will furnish a written g.iaranteo that In one year these lots will sell for $250. P. A. DOLAN, 030 Market st. my 18 SuTuTh tf ft'-iesA A FEW SPLENDID LOTS EN HOLLY ajpaJaJU, park, near Mission-street cable; all ready to build on; very cheap. P. A. DOLAN, 630 Mar- ket st. tnylS SnTuTh tf ftl ftft LOTS; 25x120 EACH; ONLY A SHORT «*P J UU distance from Golden Gate Park unit grand boulevard; no sand; these lots inside of one year will readily sell for $250; terms only $10 cash aud (5 per month: no Interest; no taxes. P. A. DOLAN, 680 Market st. tnylS SnTuTh tf aJjUfaftft "l 33:4*100; YV. SIDE VERMONT x\T^O\tXJ. St., near Nevada, with 6-rooln cottage; call and see It. as It Is a cheap Investment fur a home. P. A. DoI.AN, 030 Market. Jel SuTuTh tf $A A. fill HOUSE AND LOT, 60x100: RENTS itiUU. fur $35: Brannati st., bet 6th and 7th; all - street - work done: = this is - positively the cheapest piece of Income property In the city: make your offer quick, as the first reasonable offer will buy It. 1". A. DOLAN, 030 Market. 26 SuTu lb tf itnifawaa. Jt»aaaaa>,B<laaaana,,,iaMi ■>ian,l -mi,ii,i,i-in n ■nrj an nl, -s - CITY IM-.M. _ESTATE. -';- X:-'- -ffi-OOJ*. EACH-40X120; ALL LEVEL; 1 BLOCK aJTaiZaJ f ro „, Mission st, $100-40x125: on Mission st. $700— Lots on N st., bet. 11th and 12th ayes., S. of Golden Gate Park, near the children's playground, on Installments. $2600—25x112:6: Harrison aye.. near 24th St.; comfortable bouse of 5 rooms. $2760-26x100; Florida St.. near 2'2d ; neat bow- wluilow, 6 rooms. $4600—26x80: sunny side Clara St.. near 4th; good 3-story building arranged in 4 flats; rents $50; street paved with basalt blocks. $5500—25x75: sunny side, Tehama St., near sth; modern house, arranged iv two rials: rents $52 50; street accepted. $4500— cor. of Harrison and Hay ward sts. ; -story building, arranged in 3 tenements; always rented: Harrison street accepted. $4300-25x80; Pond St.. near Market and 16th; nearly new pair or flats; rents $40. $8000—20x60; NW. cor. Hyde and Russell sts.; 2-story building, store and 3 rooms; 5 rooms up- stairs: bakery in basement; rents $70. 95500 each— We have 3 new bouses of 7 rooms and baih each: a,] modern conveniences and im- provements: situated In a very desirable locality in the Mission warm belt: terms easy. MIDDLETOV A SHARON, Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers, 33 Montgomery st. JeK3 SuTuTh 3t IE YOU YYlsil 111 EXCHANGE LANDS, CITY property or Eastern property, give me the list of same _M. N. HOLWAY, 121 sans st. ui_7__m tt CASH. BALANCE IN MONTHLY PAY- *„ xJ\JxJ m cuts; new. handsome cottage of 5 rooms and hath, brick foundation. 7-foot basement, patent sidewalk, double parlors, wooden mantel and tiling, with all modern improvements: 2 blocks from cable- car-. Apply L. LANiii.EK, 338 Montgomery .B lm KAPPA MATHEWS, METAL 800 l EBB. 8 POLK St.. near Market. my 22 12m COUNTRY HEAL ESTATE. ft^VlOll Vi CAS!! : FINK KANUH. 83 ACRES, *» xsxjxjxj, |„ Napa Co. ; grapes, fruit trees, vege- tables, cows, calves, 3 horses, poultry: 2 wagons, all farming Implements; house and out-houses; plenty of wood and water. Inquire 636 Sacramento. 21 4» SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY Foi^lWMtSi^lfri- ers— few quarter sections of choice, first-class Government laud, situated In one of tie central counties of California: all level or nearly so: amidst farms no,, under cultivation and near a railroad; can be located by pre-emption or by homestead. call for information at 311 Mootgomerj St.. Room 4; 11-22 ill su I 11 I 11 liANtil AN TED IN EXCHANGE nil GOOD 1 a. suburb s. F. property; grapes and fruit trees de- sired; $251)1) to $.1501). O. K..811X 22. this ulllce.3« I 1 ACRES— .MILES FROM STATION: 2 II miles from Stanford University: undulating land at base of foothills; sprinkled county road: 300 bearing fruit trees: few vines: MclUo water supply: 2-st, house, 8 rooms, bath, etc,: substan- tial rences: Improvements 4 yeats old; easy terms; delightful climate, beautiful views, rich soil. CAR- NALI.-I rr/lIUGII-HoI'KINS CO., 621 .Market St., sun Francisco. jeis lit (J END STAMP 1 nil YV. R. MATTHEWS ,v CO.'S O new catalogue of grain, fruit, raisin, wine and craning lands: the finest list ever printed, YV. it MATTHEWS A- CO.. 5',l Kearny St. my3l imp IN ENGLISH GENTLEMAN LEAVING THE . V State will sell his property at a sacrifice for cash or good mortgages: Santa Clara County stock, grain and Iruitfann, 11100 acres. $12 60 per acre; stock, crop and Implements, low valuation; 16 acres, Wrights Station, $101); 15 and 16 acres. San .lose, pari lii fruit, $350 per acre: Monterey County, 640 acres, (80 in volunteer wheat, $15 per acre; 480 un- improved, $5 per acre; livery stable, barn ana cot- tage, San Miguel, $5000: also 3 lots, $7110 each; also some goo.i mines; two-thirds "can remain on mort- gage 011 any of these; particulars 011 plication. Address A. YV. li.. 2814 Sacramento st, San Fran- cisco ap26 tf CCHOOL LANDS. $156 TO $3 AN Al'ltU: ON 0 very easy terms; sold by Hie stale In tracts to suit; no residence or improvement required; ail kinds of lands, in many different counties: send stamp lor list Open Monday, Wednesday and Satur- nay evenings, f YV. LAKE. >> Fluod Building. mtt ' it) LEASE. TO LEASE— ••IRVINGTON," 418 ELLIS ST.; 1 70 rooms, all light; ,i lines street-cars; new ami elegant in ail appointments, Key lv coffee par- lors. Je22 :it- I. lollY BUILDING AND LARGE LOT TO 1 lease on NW. sole of Mission St., near Army; very cheap; free supply of water by artesian well. G. 11. I MIL-EN A CO.. II Montgomery st. jc2l 71* I'IA.VIIS. VIOLINS. ETC. BARGAIN— FINE NEW ri'i.l'.lll'; Ml ST -ELL. _ tilt; Elm st.; rear. J«24 tf I, INK STEINWAY UPRIGHT: GREAT SACK!- I lice. 400 llaight St., cor. bster. je237t» \'EiV ITIIIKEKINU UPRIGHT PIANO-SOLD >.' for less than halt Its cost. W. O. BADGER. 726 Market st. jell) 7t ftUMI UPRIGHT PIANO VERY LITTLE USED; •J 1 — < 'V. Conover Bros., makers. W. G. BADGER, 725 Market st jel97t_ ttVlsll NEW PIANO- IN" USE ONLY A -.? — »'"'• short time; Sleinwuy- ft Sous, makers. YV. U. BADGER, 72 5 Market st J el97t ft lAH UPRIGHT PIANO— IN GOOD ORDER: 1 """ Gilbert, maker. YY". G. BADGER, 7.5 .Market st. Jeia 7t OARLOR GRAND PIANO— STIIINYVAY .'. SONS, I makers; sold at a great bargain. W, G. BADG- ER, 725 .Market st. Jel9 7t i.Mi: SALE FINE OLD ENGLISH VIOLON- X cello, esse , Banks, maker). R. WINTER, ar- tist. 21 1 Sutter St.. Room 3. j.17 7t* v.'ii $169, $275 PIANOS IOK sale on agaJU. $.-» Installment. 213 Powell st. je'7 7t (JEST PLACE ON THE COAST To BUS A PIANO I) or an organ; pianos from $11111; organs from $50; leading makes; finest stock. i. W. SPENCER A ■'.. 723 Market St., second floor. iny27 it BARGAINS IN -I i ..Nil II i, PIANOS AT Jl KOHLER A l HA.-I.'S. 1641 Market St. au'-'l tf DECKER BROS. MATCHLESS PIANOS. XJ M BLEB A CHASE, 1641 Market St. sn24 tt II v i 1.1.i A DAVIS AND KIMBALL PIANO AND 11 Organ Agency. W. a. BADGER, 725 Market st tf BIY DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS and save agents' profits and freight; 25,000 of our pianos in use: established 25 years; .second Inn I Obiikerin-r, Koal-0, Opera, Haliett A Davis, VoSO, etc.; installments or cash. ANiISELL, odd fel- lows' Hall. Seven' and Market -is my' 29 tf C; r./ 1 SQUARE PIANO, GOOD CONDITION: NEW s*pUU pianos on Installments. FAY, 1729 Mission. PIANOS; VARIOUS MAKES; HALF-PRICE: X easy terms, at I ', 111 A MS, 1322 Market, my'Jtt L'OK STEINWAY, KRANICH A HAITI. RlTfr I iiiscli. Gamer pianos. M. GRAY CO.. 206 I'osL 2521 LAM) INSTRUMENTS, PACKARD ORGANS, 1 > sheet music. 51. GRAY CO, 206 Post st. 25 tt STUCK. HA RDM AN. VOSE AND STERLIN' 1 ! pianos sold on $10 monthly Installments. BEN I. CUBTAZ a SON, sole agcuts, 20 o' Fan ell sL aufit I,' W. SPENCER d CO., AGENTS ell II'KERING X . a- Sons, Conover Bros.. Colby and opera pianos. 72:1 Market st. History Bonding, second floor. 28 tf BYil'.N ma i/A. AGENT SOHMER, HALLETT* 1 Cumstun. Newbj A Evans. Mrs Post. my33;t 'T'llE BANCROFT COMPANY. 721 MARKET I solo agents for the Miller, 11" mi inc. si nils A Bauer ami Kurtzmaun pianos and nrsi-clsss organs, felt tf QMALL ADVERTISEMENTS AND SUBSCRIP- ► - lions taken at Call Branch Offices, 603 Lark in St.. 839 Hayes st. and 2518 .Mission St.; open till 9:30 p. m. - ■ ■-■- HOUSES,. F'iii:-Al.l-Y hay BOUSE WAGON P and harness, suitable for a butcher or grocery; botcher-shop to let: fixtures complete: rent low. Inquire 1018 Alabama st, bet. Twenty-second and Twenty-third. ■ ■-■- jc'2 tut" TJ-OR SALE— WANT OF USE, FINE, GENTLE JT black horse, cart and harness; goes saddle. 1419 Park st, Alan _ CaL It* MALL HORSE; SUITABLE FOB LIGHT WORK, Turk and Hyde sts.. bakery. Je24 3l # SI o" STABLE WITH CAHRIAGE^WAV AND «iP 10. 15 stalls: tine location in renter of city. 19 Glasgow- St.. bet. Eddy and Ellis. Powell aud Mason. Je__ 3t* X) GOOD, STRONG HOUSES CHEAP: RIGHT aw off ranch, 48 Silver st. Je2B 3t* TToiTl SALE-CAR-LOAD LARGE HORSES: 1209 Xto 1700 das. 02 Sow Montgomery st. Je22 st* ] A RACIIHT HORSES; BROKEN 4 UNBROKEN; XJ Perch. and Clyde stock. Address J. H. SCHNEIDER. Cornwall Statu. Contra I'.istaCo.l lit* Wagons and I 1 i;i;i ALES. KTEW AND BE7'OND-irANI)~BATrER^7Y.iONS -> ami buggies cheap. 828 Harrison st. J023 7t* LOR BALE- FAMILY ROCKAWAT, YyTth I top, shaft and single harness, all of the best quality and almost new. Apply 700 Fillmore St., cor. Hayes. Je22 7t" HEAP: OWNERS GONE EAST: FINK NEW ) York built wagonette and nice light top buggy. A. 11. __ P.O. Box 2313. Jel9 7t> SECOND 2 SEATED BUGGY AND BDTCH- er wagon: cheap. 856 Howard. aps 3m Fin: S..Y 1.1 -XI Ist l-11.1., 1M-illls. Op (l SINGER MACHINE AS GOOD AS NEW, <IP ' U. with attachments. 373 Clementina 24 lit* L nil SALE— A FULL BLOOD ENGLISH PUP. J 01 Harrison st. lt« P'aSK SALE— TO HE REMOVED, 704 LARK ST., X 3 rooms In good order. jt'23 7t» (Pj'JtJ- FOR SALE — COTTAGE, 6 ROOMS, tip. laitt). iiath, conservatory; to ho removed Im- mediately: Lyon St., bet. Sutler and Bush. B. McDOUGALL A son, Architect), 330 Pine St.; hours 1 to 4. Je22 141 ton CHICKS. 10 CENTS EACH, HATCHED BY OV\l CLE'S Incubator. 1213 Valencia. 22 3* 4 FRENCH RANGE, CHEAP, lull FOLSOM ST. 2 Je22 3t» LINE TALKING PARROTS, MAGPIES, MOCK- x ing-blrds, tame monkeys, etc.: mealworms, the best mocking-bird food, prepared fresh weekly at NOLTE'S. lIP Golden Gate aye. (egg 3t* fsl.ooi": IN good ORDER; HEADY FOB WORK Our pleasure; cheap. Apply Berkeley Ferry Wharf, San Francisco. JelS 7t* L"OR SALE— HOUSE TO BE REMOVED. ON W. X side .limes St., bet. Bush and Pine; make an offer. Apply (i. 11. UM USES A Co., 14 Montgomery, is tf SMALL FIRE-PROOF SAFE FOR SALE CHEAP. 42 Main st. mr3o tt /x AS FIXTURES OF ALL KINDS VERY CHEAP. \J HUFSUHMIDT, 03* clay st mil) 3 11) CIItEAM OR MILK DELIVERED AT AGNEWS. 1 Narrow gauge. Box 468, Santa Clara. mya tt CHEI'AIIDS' FOOT AND POWER LATHES. O HICKS, agent, 607 Mission St. 8027 tt TYTEYV AND SECONDHAND SAFES. M~IUHELt7 X> - HARDS, cor. Bush and Market sis. old 12m SAFE. SCALE. LETTER-PRESS, STORE TRUCK, and money -till 1 heap. 102 l.lav st au2B 12m SECOND-BAND BOILERS, ENGINES, PUMPS, shafting, pulleys, belting, water pipes, etc. sl<> IN'IO.-II » YYOI.I'MAN, 137 I'.cnle st. del tt STORK AND KICK FIXTURES. KTEW FINISHED COUNTER AND SHELV ING : II cheap. Apply 1710 Bakerst. Je'24 3t« BAR. SI ORE FIXTURES. SHOW CASES, DESKS. doors, sash: goods taken on storage, money ad- vanced. Pioneer Store, 21 to 25 Tenth si. 1e22 tr AH FIXTURES, COUNTERS. SHELVING. XJ show-cases, sash-doors, etc.. Nt 225 Post st. Je9 ( lllEAl'ESl' PLACE' FOB COUNTERS. SHELVES, *7 show-cases; offices A- stores lilted. .'.31 Geary. 2tf -.~Z . '.- -, FINANCIAL. ~~~ , 7~ ft "villi 111 1(1 TO LOAN AT LOWEST MAR- iU.xJxJi 1 ket rates on city and country real estate, any amounts. St.' it II I.l. Kit. 42.) Cililuniia. tt _stoßA<l'". •'■■_■;;■' pacific storage co., 301 stockton ST.; furniture and merchandise; advances made. 15 tf URNITUKE STORED — STERLING FURNI f tare Co.. 10:19. 1011 Market. Rosenthal Kids'. 7 tf : CAKI-ENTEKS AND BUII-DKlt!^ J, V.LAWRENCE CARPENTER and BUILDER, . 018 Sacramento st ; cabinet work and littlug up elllces promptly atuiailud to; telephone 900. 10,0.. — -. HorsES TO LET. _- 'V:. TO LET AT A BARGAIN TO THE RIGHT PARTY —The 3-story house So. 1410 Octavla St., bet. Geary and Post; 13 large sunny rooms, with alcoves, stationary wardrobes and drawers, hot and cold water bath and laundry, speaking-tubes, electric bells: Harvey hot-water radiators heat the entire building; large sunny yard, sheltered from the wind, containing fruit-trees, flowers and shrubs; newly renovated throughout; every room is pro- tected from sewer-gas by escape-valves which carry the gases beyond the roof, which is very important: admirably adapted for a physician, or would make a first-class lodging-house for a selected few; neigh- borhood and location cannot be beat; must be seen to be appreciated. Apply on the premises. Je'-'4 3t* Q.JO GEARY, NEAR LARKIN. 7 ROOMS i/_ia and bath, $70: 1219 Jones, ur. Clay, 9 rooms and bath, $70; 521 Halght. near steluer, 0 rooms and bath, $35: 425 Sixth, nr. F'olsom. 7 rooms ami bath. $37 60: 4 new fiats, cor. Y'aiencla and Ouinn: 9 Liberty, ur. Valencia, 8 rooms, bath. $45:2118 Onion. nr. Webster, 7 rooms, bath, $30: 83] Via llaight. nr. Steiner. 8 rooms, bath, $49: 930 Broadway, near Taylor, rent $25: 1627- -28 Post, or. Buchanan, 10 rooms, bath, $t55 each; '.'lo2ls, Howard, nr. 17th. $14: 521 Halght. near Fillmore, 6 rooms, bath, $35; 1188 Valen- cia, near 23d, 7 rooms and bath, $35; 1030 22d. nr. Guerrero, 3 rooms. $12 50; 923 Valencia, nr. "-'lst. 9 rooms., bath. $50: flseij Valencia, nr. 18th, 0 rooms, bah, $20: H39 19tn, nr. Guerrero. 6 rooms, bath, $.0: 018 21st, nr. Harrison, 0 rooms and bath, $20. YON RIIEIN a CO., 624 California St. Je24 tf ijjalA COTTAGE; 4 LARGE, SUNNY ROOMS; a"p— U. all conveniences; partly furnished; lame flower-garden: 3 rooms, rear. $8; no children: stable It desired. 405 Castro St.. near Seventeenth. ]e24 tf ate EACH-3 SEW HOUSES ON DEVISA- tff^O dero St., near Fulton, in full view of all the park travel; 8 rooms and bath; ail conveniences: sunny and pleasant. ASHTON. 411 Montgomery street. -—.-:'.--. - Je24 lot HOI 6 ROOMS, BATH AND BASEMENT. 103 Nineteenth St., near Folsom. Je24 31* VINE BOUSE ON CORNER WEBSTER AND A Hermann; 8 rooms; bath: walls papered: sun all do; rent reasonable. WILSON A CARR, 18 Post st. Jc24 3t •at Ift SUNNY. BAY-WINDOW UPPER FLAT; aJJV 1 V 3 rooms; nice view: also 3 rooms. yard, $9. 118 Jasper place, near Filbert st. Je24 31* ->'■> 11; VV BAY"- WINDOW HOI 81 7 £tOx\) rooms; bath: yard; garden; $-5. 11* ft Ift O'FARRELL - 6 ROOMS AND BATH. tJXO Call 921 Orarrell st. It" Ift ft LOMBARD- HOUSE 5 BOOMS: LARGE J.UJ.U jot ; out 110 uses. etc. : rent reduced $13. 23 2* IAI HYDE ST., NEAR NEYV CITY BALL, 9- -1 til room fashionable bouse: all Improvements; $50; water extra. Apply to P. C. MOLLOY, 138 Montgomery st. "--2 SI 9OQ BARTLETT ST., NEAR 21T11: SONNY aCOO side; line 11-roora residence; all Improve- ments; stable in rear: handsome grounds: 80x114 from street to street; reuts4s: water extra. Apply to I*. C. MOLLOY", 1 38 Montgomery St. Je22 ..t I (.no AND loin; STOCKTON ST., FRONTING 1 UU— on the park: 8 rooms and bath each; $15; water free. Apply to P. C. MoLLOY. 138 M mtgom- ery st. Je22 3t ail I 19TH ST., COR. OF CAPP. 0 ROOMS AND — 1 1 bath; $20: water free. App yto I". C. MOL- LOY, 138 Montgomery at. JeM St tj.')') En SUNNY BAY-WINDOW BOUSE; 6 tTJ)a)a..UI'. rooms; alcove; modern Improve- lnents. Fillmore, bet. Sutter and Post, cable. 22 3* / OTTAGES LARGE ROOMS; ALL IMPROV'TS: V 729 Army, near Valencia; key grocery. JeU2 St* (10TTAGE HOUSE: 1 ROOMS; LARGE YARD, V-^ porch and basement. 620 Castro St. Je22 3;* MODERN BAY-WINDOW COTTAGE OF 5 rooms and bath. 2819 Bush st. jc22 3t* CU.Y.NV FURNISHED COTTAGE OF 3 ROOMS: 0 rent $13. 705 Dolores St.. near Twentieth. 22 3* li:-) I 7 ROOMS AND BATH. APPLY ATjA32 iff~t'l. Braunan St., near Fourth. Je2l 7t* ffl"U*s SUNNY HOUSE; 4 ROOMS, BATH AND sfJV^U. stable; 21 Collingwood St.: block from 17th and Castro. K1NG, 314 Golden Gateave. 19 7* (j.|(l "vft HOUSE 0 EOOMB AND BASEMENT. iff I O. Oil. 620 Locust live., bet. McAllister St. and Golden Gale aye.. off Laguna st. jei.. tit ' ©1 C|| FOR FURNITURE OF 7 ROOMS; RENT tF 1 UU $23; 3 rooms rented. 1108 Mission. 17 8 1* iT; 1 -> HOUSE, 6 NICE ROOMS; 1811% MASON aJPIO. St.; cable-road at door. 11. p. MOREAL, 402 Montgomery -'. jell tf / •' 1 I Alii:; 5 LARGE ROOMS; BATH; PATENT " J watercloset; room for stabling; large basement; front and back garden. Apply 814 Dolores. Jell tf 0_ t.- 719 DEVISADEHO ST.. NEAR Ft LION: aJD3 O, 8 rooms; spick, span, new. ASHTON. 4II Montgomery. JeS lin HOUSE - TO LEI' - LEASE OR WITHOUT: XX store, 4 rooms, and IS rooms upstairs: furniture II icon ,rt-,1. 41H Broadway, upstairs. my2s lm* FriaNISHEI) HOUSES. T^TiTr^-iPoiiNiXsTTrN ATTLAltisri^r^coM"- -1 Ox 'V pletely furnished sunny upper flat, 7 rooms and bath ; will be rented very low to desirable party ; elegant location ; on cable-line. Apply to BOVEE TOY A CO., 19 Montgomery SL je24 6t VTICELY FURNISHED BOUSE, INCLUDING -.V piano, to lease for one year; rent reasonable. Call at 921 Valencia je24 3t» \'l VII.V FURNISHED HOUSE 0 ROOMS AND J-' bath for sale: cheap, on account or Immediate departure. 119 Nineteenth St., cor. Bhutweli.2 1 31* TlH'RNi.>lll.l) HOUSE OF7 ROOMS ON HOWARD F st. to rent for 3 months; terms reasonable. In- iliiiic nt stable 918 bird si. l-l'l 7t* I LAIS TO I It. VEW~FLAT ROOMS AND HALL. 100 a-> Welsh St., cor. Fourth sL Je24 3t« ... - NATOMA, BFiT. SEVENTH AND EIGHTH— xl.l a Top fiat: 6 sunny rooms; si.eai.lng tubes: patent door-opener and bath; patent wash-tubs; well adapted lor renting rooms. Jej-t 2t* E BEGAN I WINDOW FLAT, 0 NICE CLEAN hanusoineta, papered rooms; closets: bath: itas; first-class neighborhood; block from llayes-st. ca- ble; rent only $23. 721 Grove st., nr. Webster. It £.' I Q AND $20— Nfcvv FLATS, 4 AND 6 ROOMS; iff 1 Ob. 1203 Guerrero st. JeM 7t* $1 C SUNNY' FLAT OF I ROOMS AND BATH; aTp 10. NW. cor. Clay st. and YVetiuore place. A|i- ply 1018 Clay st., or w. 11. BABE, 1:001:1 30. 508 Calllonilast. tc-ji.u- -BANTONE ST.. OFF JONES, NEAR ELLIS -5 0 sunny rooms and barb; $25. ji-24 71' 1 1 '-sift HOWARD— SEW FLAT OF 8 ROOMS; 1 IOU bath, speaking-tubes, electrical bell.j2l 7t* I ' ll'Klt FLAT— S ROOMS AND BATH; NO U children. 119 Page st. Je24 3t« 4 -ROOM FLAT-GAS; BATH: RENT $17. AP "1 ply 519 Oak st. Je24 31* 70-I MINNIE ST.. NEAR NINTH— ELEGANT I OOi bay-window fiat 0 rooms, bath Je23 3t* 1 7 CLINTON^TLAT4 Kin. MS. HALL, PLANKED J. a cellar and yard; rent $12. Je23 St* at J C FLAT— 7 ROOMS. BATH; 507Va HYDE ■JtO. St. Inquire 607 Hyde. Je237t* (Sin A FLA I' OF 4 ROOMS. 538 LINDEN «JiJ.U. aye., Hayes Valley, Jc23 2t» F.W 5-ROOM FLATS AND BATH-S.W. COR. Xv Mission and Ninth; $27 60; «at tree. Apply to I". C. Mol.LoY. 138 Montgomery .st. Je22 it YEW FLATS— McCLEA COURT, OFF NINTH st.; laud 5 rooms, bath and yard; rents $18 and $22: water Iree. Apply to P. c. MoLLOY. ISO Montgomery st. '088 81 HANDSOME FLAT IN WESTERN ADDITION— 1391 o'Farrell St., near Laguna: 6 rooms, bath, range, basement, side entrance; $35: water free. Apply to 1". C. MOLLOY, 188 Montgomery. ji"22 3t 4 SANCHEZ ST., BETWEEN FOURTEENTH AND "i Ridley— rooms and bath: $22 50; water free. Apply to P. C. MOLLOY. 138 Montgomery. Je22 8t 7-ROOM CORNER FLAT. SOUTHWEST CORNER i Sanchez and Ridley sta.; all Impruveincnts: $25; water iree. Apply 10 1". C. Mol.LoY, 138 Montgom- ery st. Je'-'2 3t Tj SANCHEZ ST.. NEAR FOURTEEN I'H -fl- it) room Hal and improvements: $23: water free. Apply to P. C. MOLLOY. 138 Montgomeryr-. Je'.'g 3t TrAN NESS AYE., COB. OF FELL Sr.-ELE- \ gaat 7-room fiat; all improvements; $4H; water extra. Apply to p. C. MoLLOY. 138 Jlont.-omery street. , ej-.'2 31 1-1 I DKVISADERO ST.— ELEGANT 0-ROOM ItllT Mat and bath; $30; water free. Apply to P. c. MOH.UY. 138 Montgomery st. Je22 lit ili'lfl WATER FREE; FINE 5-ROoM FLATS ; —V . Fourth st.. below Bryant. Apply to P. c. MOLLOY. 138 Montgomery st. Je22 SI IjVLLIS-ST. FLATS: NEW; BETWEEN POLK J st, and Van Ness aye.; 8 rooms and bath and 7 rooms and bath rents $55 and $42 50; water free. Apply to P. C. MOLLOY. 133 Montgomery St. 22 3t I "IP: li FEAT; NEW, SUNNY: HOT AND COLD U water; bath; all modern conveniences; 1181 A l.aneton St., bet. Seventh and l-litttith. Folsom and Harrison. O'FARRELL A LANG, 11 Montgomery street- Je22 3t» LI'I'IR FLAT OF 6 ROOMS AND BATH; COR" U Grove and i»ci isi.iero sts. Apply to WILSON ACARR. 18 Post SL Je22 St» rpo LET, 6231/j, SHOTWELL ST.— ELIiGANT 1 Hat of 5 rooms, bath and ail modern improve incuts. Apply 614 Snotwell st. Je22 at* (JJ; 1 a "t ROOMS, 4 CLOSETS AND HALL. HAR- tU"I-i. risotl and Twenty-second sts. je22 3t* VfEW FLAT; MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. 1720 -L\ F'olsom, bet. Thirteenth and Fourteenth. 22 St* I,'LAT, SIX ROOMS AND BATH. 1119 SCOTT J street. JeM 3t« I LIT 6 ROOMS, BATH: ALL MODERN 1M- J pruvements. Apply 350 Grove st. Je22 31" ROOMS. HAITI. 15V« KISLINO ST., BE- U tween Eleventh and Twelfth. jettei 3t* (ft. .1/, UPPER FLAT; 5 ROOMS. BATH. 137 «jp — 11. Fair oaks st. near Twenty-third. J022 3t« a) FINE NEW SUNNY OFFER FLATS OF 8 AND 0 7 rooms and bath. 27 Thirteenth, nr. Howard. IS 7* "1 ROOMS AND LARGE STABLE TO LETt 202 "it Twenty-third st. JelB 7t* L'LAT OF 5 ROOMS, BATH AND LAI NDRY. X 22.1 Ihlrteentn. bet. Folsom and Harris,. 11. IS 7* I IN EST FLATS IN TOWN; JUST COMPLETED; X only I left; 711 Sutter st.; key in grocery. BOYEE. TOY A- Co., 19 Montgomery St. Je22 7t- rpYVO NEW BAY-WINDOW FLATS; MODERN X Improvements; rent $18. 2222 Greenwich st., near Fillmore. Je22 if 7I I ELLIS — PARLOR FLAT; 3 ROOMS; ill housekeeping. Je23 41* fYTEW FLAT— 6 ROO.YIS, BATH, ALL MODERN i.a Improvements. - 210 Hermann street, near Web- ster. Je2l st* 71 GARDEN ST. — SUNNY BAY-WINDOW i- a a flat: 3 rooms, hail and pantry. je2l tf 1 111 7 GEARY— i SICKROOMS: BATH: FUR. XOll ulshed hall; gas; cellar; cheap. je-o'-U* YEW FLAT r OF 3 BOOMS TO LET. INQUIRE 1> 452 Tehama st. lelOSt* lOYVER BAY-WINDOW FLAT; 4 LARGE SUN- J ny rooms; claset, bath and all conveniences: nice "neighborhood. 714 Franklin St., near Gulden Gate aye. Jel9 71* LI.AT 5 ROOMS, BASEMENT; UOUSEKEKP- X lug. Apply 333 Eddy st. Jel7 tf 0,17 CLEMENTINA — LOWER FLAT OF 4 2-i a rooms: large yard. Mi EWEN BROS., 60S California st. - .--■:-- JeS tf 7.10 MCALLISTER- UPPER IXAT OF 5 ROOMS, I aCCj bath; modern Improvements. $39. m>-29 tf ItOOVIS TO LET. I no' LARKIN, COR. OROVE — NEWLY FUR 1 VO nlsbed sunny bay-window room. Je24 tf 1 ( lit I FOLSOM — FRONT SUNNY ROOM; IUU I neatly furnishea: in private family. 24 lot all 'J FULTON —NICELY FURNISHED FRONT Jj. X O room; housekeeping; kitchen; single. 21 7t I ft-{ DROVE — NICELY FURNISHED FRONT 1 VO suite fur housekeeping; bath. . Je24 tf Qflal GREEN YVICU-PLEASANT SUNNY FUR- -o_____ nlshod room: private family. je'24 tf ft I O SACRAMENTO, BE r. I'D WELL AND UIV Stockton— 4 rooms: large yard; $10. It* Wl o POST-BAY-WINDOW SUITE: ALSO Al^ lllOci'Tß room, - lurulsbod or udturnlshed: board opt 0.i.'.1. • Je2lif rooms TO lf;t-('(intinii:i). A jf*. CLEMENTINA— UNFURNISHED ROOMS'; tl.l-1 $7: call altera v. ■■ je"J4 at* 1 ft SOUTH PARK— AND HOUSEKF.EP" XU ing rooms. Je24 at* 1 fill's! POWELL — FURNISHED ROOMS FOR ".VfcfaJ housekeeping; also single rooms for gentle- men. . Je2tSt« ■J (_ MASON — FURNISHED SINGLE ROOOMS ■I v* lor one or two gentlemen, $6, 08. It 1 iy)(.) MISSION— SUNNY FURNISHED IxJm-xJ room Tor housekeeping: water in room; closet, water-closet, bath-room: $12: also, ,'urnlslied room, $6; furnished front suite for housekeeping, $18; suite of unfurnished parlors. Je2 l 2t* (tAS NATO.YIA-TYYO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR WO liuusekeeinng; also Single. je'-' 1 tf I (I'-if. ' •"'•LS..M-XEWLY FURNISHED FRONT XI'tJXJ 1 siinni room; piano; ptof'or; single. 2410* .".(IT i-ost^Tarijb unfurnished HOI SE- OH I keeping rooms; bath; private family. )24 at* QJQ HOWARD— LARGE FDRNISHED FRONT U~IQ room. je'Jl 7t* *-,K'J HOWARD— LABOR FRONT ROOM, Ft'R- -000 ulshed for Ii usi-kecplng; iiS, j, ■-.■ 1 2t" Q 1 "*, EDDY-UPPER FLOOR; 4 SUlalNY»inf- -010 furnished rooms; private family; *:.",. 24 .:.- -1 A Oft MISSION .- UNFURNISHED FRONT 1 iWO , in, »si; or siii ,-. .*.-_':- rooms, $15,24 2* -J.) TVVELFT H — 8 NICELY FURNISHED a 3— rooms, for light housekeeping. Je24 '-t* {-."->( I STEVENSON— 2 KOOMS FURNISHED FOR x)OU hutisekeeping. j,,0-| 51* Ql' 7 MISSION - '-» SUITES LARGE SUNNY LAy * housekeeping rooms: terms reasonable. 24 3* i" I.i STEVENSON, BET. SEVEN AND II 1— Eighth — FT.rnisticd housekeeping rooms; bath. ... 31-" OijQFIFTH — 8 FURNISHED ROOMS, COM- OVO plete for huti-ekeepl-ig: rent cheap. 24 3t* QA -J MISSION — FINE FRONT ROOM, Fl R- C'ia) nlsbed new, with bath. Je'-'l St* 1 ftft OBAN I' AVE-FUKNITURE Or 2 ROOMS 1 vv for sale cheap; Room 8. Je'Jl at* Q'J'J FOLSOM— J "ROOMS; FURNISHED COM- OOmm pletefor housekeeping. jc'Jl "Jl* •-■(•1 MINNA — FURNISHED ROOMS, CO M- alUl plete for housekeeping. lt« u7 UP— HOUSEKEEPING LOOM.-, Hi' MONTH •_ 1 or week. 435 Tehama st. It* 1, UISNISHED LARGE SUNNY EASEMENT I torn; stove, closets. 371 Minna St. -je'-'l *Jt* •( j PROSPECT PLACE-NEATLY FURNISHED — V rooms for a couple of gentlemen or ladles; sin- gle or double; terms reasonable. j.-'-'t St* *_>•)•) FIFTH —2 ROOMS, FUKNISIIED FOR aiaJAj housekeeping: cheap reaL It* ,1 1 Ts FRANKLIN— FOR HOCSEKEEP- •XXO ing. lt« t)\ x) FELL— SUNNY FRONT ROOM. 1 J '-d'-Y MISSIO N — FURNISHED SUITE OF 1 xOO rooms; hot and cold water. Je'Jl 2t* 11-lsj WASHINGTON —FRONT FURNISHED I'll— .room; also one unfurnished; privilege of housekeeping. --■ : --- • je'-' st* '_>'>,*, FIFIH-SUNNT FURNISHED SINGLE, $6; Ota.') ,i partly. $14. It* 7AOPINE-a UN FURNISH F.I) HOUSEKKFii 7 I VO Ing. second floor; also furnished. Je'J'J cod 5* -) 1 PROSPECT PLACE-PLEASANT FUKNISIIED — 1 rooms; housekeepiug conveniences: large yard, j.j.i tf I 1 (VI MARKET. OPPOSITE CITY HALL— 1 IAJtI .suite of rooms, with kitchen. je'J3 2t* J-! 1 -YIINNA-LAKGE SUNNY FURNISHED 01 1 room for housekeeping. 11-2121* 'JQ FIRST. NEAR MARKET— FINE CORNER tmtO suite of rooms, j. --';> at* I Q MOSS, OFF HOWARD. BET. SIXTH AND I .' Seventh— Nice sonny front and hack rooms: gas: bath: water and gas each room: housekeeping rooms; low rent. - je'JS St* --)! , JONES— WELL-FUR SUITE OF OmmV rooms or 2 floors housekeeping; cheap. '-'■) 3* 7QOI STEVENSON— FURNISHED ROOM YVITH I 00-t stove; rent cheap. Je23 :lt* 1 (X-) ASH AYE— NICELY FURNISHED SINGLE X 17— sunny rooms. Je22 st* t) NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HO SL- m. keeping; also othert. 233 Third St. Je23 2t* XI "_i HOWARD— NICE, CHEAP, FURNISHED OXt> housekeeping and single rooms. Je23 St* Aft A VAN NESS AYE.— ROOMS NICELY FUR- -l'»'l nlsbed en suite and single: house ipiiet. clean anil sunny: references etc ban ceil, 22 7t* I A I - LAItKIN, NEAR CALIFORNIA I NFUR- Ii J O ulahed sunny rooms for honscteeplng - - 7* lfl.H POWELL-NICELY FURNISHED FRONT IV— "i room; also side room: reasonable. je-J2 5* I k>J| LEA V WORTH— OR 3 ROOMS, FUR- J 1)— 1 nisbed or nnfurnlsbed. j<--_"2 st* ft-)ft .MARKET— LARGE. SUNNY, BAY-WINDOW OmaV suite, or -i s-c: suitable for offices. Je'J'J lm U'ft.) POWELL-NICE ROOMS FOR HOUSE- __y— keeping: single; piano; bath. Je22_7t raj- LINDEN AYE. -2 OR 3 UNFURNISHED i O 0 rooms to let. j 22 5t AOA MCALLIS I FRONT PARLOR SUITE; "1 — "1 Lav window: nicely fur.: sunny: organ. 22tf 1 ft 1 Q MASON-NICELY FURNISHED FRONT, 1V HO corner, side room : gents. je'J2 71 vJ I 11 POWELL— S FURNISHED ROOMS: HOUSE- OI V keeping; single: $8 and $10. _ Je22 7t Oil BUSH— NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; Oil private family. Je'J'J 7t* C MASON-SUITE; HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; 0 $10; every requisite; separate entrance. Je'J'J St* ,- |i"_» MINN A. COR. SIXTH— FRONT, NEWLX OVO furnished, double room; $S. Je22 3t» 1 7 SOUTH PARE— 3 FURNISHED ROOMS Fill". 1 1 housekeeping. leMSt* |.)| CEDAR AYE.. ML. VAN NEBS — LARGE X— X sunny turuisbed room suitable for 1 or 2 persons. Je22 3t* rj'lti HRANNAN, ABOVE SIXTH— FRONT BED- a mmO room and kitchen, furnished: cheap. Je22 3* ]|,'| I MCALLISTER — FRONT SUNNY SUITE I WO'l unfurnished, very reasonable. Je22 st* 11AQ7 HARRISON, OPP. EIGHTEENTH — 4 — VO i rooms to let; rent 013. Je'J'J ill' 1 1.1.7 CALIFORNIA -3 FURNISHED ROOMS IUVf I for g-.utlemeu or housekeeping. Je22 51* (a 1 (1 MCALLISTER - 3 OR 4 UNFURNISHED Ult/ rooms, including kitchen. Je'J'J 3t* CI 17 STEVENSON; NEAR SEVENTH— ROOMS VV I for housekeeping; furnished or nnfur- uislied. . Je22 3t* C TEHAMA— 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS; RENT 0 cheap. Je'22 at* VICE BUNNY ROOMS FURNISHED. APPLY i.\ 5-g Howard St., cor. Second. Je'_'2 3t 1 71all HOWARD— 2 BRIGHT, SUNNY, UNFUR- J. I VV nished rooms, with large closet. Je2o st* I 7 I (i HOWARD — 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS lilt' and kitchen: bath; private lainlly. Je2o st* a)QI SIXTH— 3 LARGE UNFURNISHED FRONT — Ol rooms; rent $16. Je2o st* LOR -SPLENDID NEWLY FURNISHED X rooms, single or en suite, with or without board: lust the location for doctor or man and wife. 123 i eiith at, Jelß 6t* 'ill') WASHINGTON -SUNNY OFFICES AND a)"'— unfurnished housekeeping rooms. jelM 7t* Allft SUITER— FURNISHED DOUBLE •XVO and single rooms; gents. JelS 7t* J-)Q BUSH-NICELY FURNISHED PARLOR 1 2.0 floor, 5 rooms: single rooms. jelS7t {> I<7 JESSIE - FURNISHED ROOM WITH 01 I uath; $8. JelS 71* 1 I'JA FOLSOM— NICELY FURNISHED ROOM 1 I aC'X for one or two persons: private family. 187* 1 t)ft TENTH — NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS — V lor housekeeping. Je22 It* J 10l THIRD— 2 SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMS ■i-dua lor housekeeping. $14; also others. J 51* 7I (• LARRIN — VERY NICELY FURNISHED 111) ami unfurnished sunny housekeeping rooms and parlors; also other rooms; new house. Je22 7t* \*EATLY FUKNISIIED SUNNY BOOMS, SINGLE i-N or en suite; private family. 614 Eddy. ie22 71* •_>.) a GOLDEN GATE— NICELY FURNISHED OAt'X double and single rooms: batb. Je2l It OfJ^l MARKET— ROOMS FURNISHED F'lß CUd'J housekeeping aud single rooms. Je'Jl lot* 8.;/, FOLSOM. NEAR FOURTH-FURNISHED O— V rooms, $1 a week and up. Je'Jl tf 1 1. tft GOLDEN GATE — ELEGANTLY FUR- O— V nished parlors; nicely furnished bay-wludow front: also single rooms: bath. Je-'l lot <>QA GOLDEN GATE-NICELY FURNISHED Oa-V rooms, with board. Je'Jl st* B.)Q CALIFORNIA - NICELY FURNISHED O— O front suite; also single; reasonable. Je2l 5* 1 lift JONES. COR. GOLDEN GATE-NICELY IUU furnished sunny rooms; $6 50 up. je2l 7t 1 A Ia > HYDE— 2 OR 3 ROOMS: FURNISHED; I'll— housekeeping; nr. Puwell-sL cable. 21 7t* ill 1 CLAY. NEAR FILLMORE— 3 LARGE ±aXLO rooms; aril and water: $12; je'Jl tf ail 7 THIRD — ROOMS FURNISHED FOR ai.ll housekeeping; single rooms, $s week. 21 5* Dftaj FOLSOM— 2 SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMS; CU.) kitchen, yard: complete housekeeping. 21 5* 7Tf/a BUSH— NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY Oil) front rooms: rent reasonable. Je2lst* a) D MINNA-:: rooms FURNISHED COM- -01 O plete for housekeeping, with bath, je-'l tf a jay I ELEVENTH —LARGE SUNNY UNFCR aCO 1 ulshed trout room; private house. Ji2o 5* .lOi) NINTH-2 ROOSISFORHOCSEKEEI'ING: L lZaO rent $10. Je'JO tf 1 aj 1 (1 PINE — NICELY FURNISHED FRONT, JOli' side and single rooms; bath. Je2o 7t* I'lfti POLK-3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR XOXV-i light housekeeping: references. Je'JO 7t* 1 A Qs? FINE-CORNER ROOM: NICELY I 111- -14 JO nished: sunny. Jc2o 15t_ QQQ EDDY— FURNISHED FRONT ROOM AND 000 alcove, suitable for 2, with privilege of cooking. Je'JO 7t« 71JQ CORNER ROOM: SUNNY: NICELY i a)Q furnished; Brat floor: cable. jeltfTt* Aftll low 1.1.1. 8 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; left' sunny: gents. - JelS 71* 11* lI.SON HOUSE, 010 HOWARD-NEWLY FUR- _ _ nished sunny looms: single or en suite, jel',l I m f'-Jl POST— NICELY FURNISHED FRONT O— X. alcove; also single; bath. JelO 7t* rrft -1 rOS _ - HANDSOMELY FURNISHED 1V 1 front suite; also single. - Je I 7t* 1 I HARLEM PLATE, REAR OF A I bouse— Fine furnished room to let. JelS 7t* . 1 I POWELL, oil". FAKE — BRIGHT, SUNNY — 1 rooms, en suite or single; suitable lor doctor or dentist. ; JelO tf 1 alO")l BUSH— NICELY FURNISHED FRONT x£.VO*£ alcove suite; gent; single rooms. 15t 87) FOLSOM-IN PRIVATE FAMILY: NEWLY I X furnished single room: $5 per month. Jelß tf •> 1 Q ELLIS — NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, aJli7 with or without board. Jel7 15t» Ql*. POLK - NEWLY . FURNISHED PARLOR. OX O sunny: everything desirable. jel 7 lot* 9111 WEBSTER — NICELY FURNISHED — 111 sunny front room ; gas, bath; gents. Jel7 tf f'(*.-s WASHINGTON. NEAR KEARNY. VERAN- ■JsJiJ da House— Sunny Trout suite of rooms for housekeeping: also single rooms; cheap. jel? tf .1 ||Q SIXTH-SUNNY L'KNISiIED ROOMS FOR 1 UO housekeeping. JelO tf I I HOW A D — NEWLY' FURNISHED 1 1 jw sunny housekeeping rooms; all Improve- - ments. • .-.,.. .„■ Jel-l tf , 10.),' MARKET-FURNISHED HOUSKKKEP- -1 VOi) ing rooms: everything found: $.0: cheap; gas and bath; sunny single rooms, $S to $10. Jell liv H. Til fit D— SI NGLE AND DOUBLE ROOMS, Xrx i nicely furnished: $1 ami up. ■ -- - Jel2ll A') A O'FARRELL — HANDSOMELY FURNISH- -I —"i ed bay-window rooms: suite or single, tf ____K-OOMS TO LKT-COXTIMJETI. OQR KEARNY (MELDRUM HOUSE)— FURNISIir- tmtOO ed rooms from $S: superb suite $50: trsnsi- eut; changed bauds; renovated- MRS, F. RUUK.3 las F. 7".) MINN I A -2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOE PI.) housekeeping. -- jell tf 1,,,- HOWARD— NICELY FURNISHED J.UUO rooms lor gents. JclOlm a).),-. KEARNY, CORNER HUSH (MELTtRUM uOO House)— Rooms $» to $50; transient, jel lm JTeNOHOI -. •- l SACRAMENTO ST., BELOW J 1 Kearny; I.TO rooms. '.'sc to 50c per Light; $1 as to $3 per week; open all night- Jel 1 in •JO SIXTH HILLSDALE) — ELEGANTLY tit) furnished sunny rooms, single or en suite; transient, elevator. , jel tf •_> ELEGANTLY FURNISHED SUNN PARLORS a) MtbilresSlfig-lOi.liiatliil'lie.l. 018 Valencia. 38 tr I 01: 6 ROOMS. RENT CHEAP, AND I ROOMS. "1 rent S8 per month: 3 rooms, Seventh st., rent $7. Apply at 7-tu I'.rannan st. m>27 tr a)/ 1(1 GRANT AVI.. NIL POST-LARGE SUNNY I £t\JU front suite of rooms: suitable physician. Sal SI 1 I (J FIFTH— NICELY FURNISHED AND UN- -1 1 "' furnished sunuv bay-window suites: house receutty completed; Arst Bat; everything new.2s liv ].)'..- M V It 1. F. 1. INDIANAPOLIS X mrnOx) furnished sunny rooms to let. m\2stf Z-./17 ELLIS — 2 OR 3 FURNISHED HOUSi.- Oil 1 keeping rooms. my IS If YTOSEMITE HOUSE. 1015 MARKET ST.. kmTX X Sixth and Seventh; BSetoSl per night; per week. $1 50 to *5; single and en suite; families. mrl tr •llill '. ml) ROOMS A I' LOW RATES— HOW. a-oo aid SL.ur. Third: gas ami water ill each room, nailing room and bain free; linen ciiangcd dally: house open all iiigtu- best beds hi the iv-,ri'J.ati2l)-- -(_ O'FARRELL — I FURNISHED AND a, FUB- xt iilsli.'il si'itrle rooms; all sioie ,- : clo-an -inlTt' l.'.i Yltl,: AM) ROOMS. I FULTON ST.— SUNN) FRONT ALCOVE t) 1 V room: 2 closets; hot and cold water: private family: references; with board, i,--_'l4t» 1) ARI.01; FLOOR, FOR 2, $15; WITH BOARD and use of bath aud mo. $05. 1709 Oeary.3S7* 1 At'(\ O'FARRELL— Flto.NT SUITE, Willi OR ItiOv without board: reference*. Je22 st* ~i\ftf\ POWELL— NICELY FURNISHED ROOM OVO with board: private family. Je22 7t_ Q 1 7 EDDY— FURNISHED ROOM WITH BOARD. Ol I Je'Jl at* ORIENTAL— 615 TAYLOR; ELFIGANTLY KUR- nlshed sunny rooms, with board. my 3o tf rPHE MARIPOSA 821 LAG UN A -FINE SUITES; X first-class board ; terms moderate. no 7 if SINGLE ROOMS ISO A NIGHT. UN DELL House, Cor. Sixth and Howard. aull tf VICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS WITH XV board for two, $50, $55; or would rent roam and give breakfast. 70S Van NessaTe. je'JJ .1. KLINGTON HOUSE 127 KEAKN V— PLEAS' ARLINGTON HOUSE. 127 KEARNY— i*LBA» a* it sunny rooms, en suite and single; firstetats 11, every respect . terms reasonable. ya.O'.f AMERICAN EXCHANGE HOTEL. 819 AND '.ill t'\ Sii'isoine st.. San Francisco; board aud room Si. $1 25 and $1 60 per day; free couch. WM. MONT- IiOMERY, proprietor. Jy'Jl tf MONTGOMERY'S TEMPERANCE HOTEL, 231 i'l and 229 Second —Single meals 25c; board 1.1 1 lii.m per day, 75c to $1; by the wee*. *4 to $5; ireai coach to and' from the hotel. a 1.21 If CHILDREN BOARDED. "~T^IEITHjA^rTAIVi^YT)ULD LIKE CHILD T. at board. 1310 Sacramento si. cm -.'■• -si Vi ii t X XI s;i|;|s. I I, TEL DE WINDSOR: SUMMER AND WIS- II ter resort: beautifully located. Address L. F.l' 1.1:. Windsor. Sonoma Count). je'J'J cod lm" AN DEBSON SPRINGS, LAKE COUNTY; HOTEL la and cottages now open to visitors; beautifully located; free not and cold water and hot sulnhtir baths: first class boar.l $10 to $14 per week: true to Calistofra, a'.a-ze to Mlddletuwn, private carriage toSpriuga; Tare from Ban Francisco $5 .10. J. as PERSON, Proprietor. JelS tf " Ln! MONTE" HOTEL, SAUSALITO —HO X.J salt-water baths. my 3 4ino "I AUKFiL GLEN FRUIT FARM; GOOD Ail 'it Xj modatlons. Address P. O. Box 159. NapaClty.Oa ILLSIDE COTTAGE IS NOW OPEN FOP. boarders: lovely summer resort intheSaiiti Cruz Mountains; flue ocean view-, home cooking. Address MRS. H. .1. GRAY, Wrights. Cat my 39 lvi OI'RING COVE BUMMER RESORT; GOOD AC- O commodattons: 5 miles from Napa. MRS. J. BRIDLEY. proprietor. my 26 Jm* ETNA HOT MINERAL SPRINGS. I ill. AMKRI- *x can Ems waters; unsurpassed; pleasant place: pure air: no fogs; warm immlug bath ; table good: reasonable. Write for circulars '.-• vv . H. 1.1 DELI- 1.1. Ken field Hall, 2Vi mills from SANTA Rosa; beautiful grounds; lovely aeenery: mod era bouse; lovely rooms. MRS. A. SOLOMON, Hoy 322, Santa Rosa. JelS lit S WANTON HOUSE, I EM ADFIRO, SAN MATEO County. CaJ.. the favorite resort or the i'.-iciii ■ Coast; hotel and cottages all newly furnished; lovely grounds; also the famous pebbly beach, where ire found agates, opals, topaz, moonstones, emeralds, water crystals an a many other precious stones: goo 1 trout fishing and wild game; board reasonable, spa 1 id rati - for families. MRS. S.YV. SVVANTON.jII •■' SANTA CRUZ MOUNTAINS— BOARDERS Ac- commodated at ocean View I riiit-larni: grand view; oak groves; special new cottages. Aadreun THUS, SLAUGHTER. Wrtghts.Santa I Lira 'I'AMALFAIS VILLA. TAMALPAIS STATION 1 1:..., Valley, nr. San Rafael: salt water bathing: commodious grounds; fine drives; pavilion; take Bausalito ti-rrv. MRS. PETER SMITH, proprietress QUMMER BOARDERS WILL BE RECEIVED AT O a farm near Slsaon: no children. Address MRS. M. ODELL. Box 15. Slsson. ■ Jell lit SAMPLE COPY OF THE HOTEL GUIDE CON- a"" tal'.iu.: a directory of California hotels and re- sorts, sent tree to any address. Hotel Guide. 120 Butter st. Jeßtf Sf:a VIEW— A BEAUTIFUL SUMMER RESORT- -10 miles from Cazadero; _' miles from the ocea ,; 1500 feet above sea level; line climate; beautiful scenery; hunting and fishing unsurpassed. JAMES HENRY. Proprietor. J.'7 lm STOKES TO LET. Q 1 MISSION— SPLENDID WORKSHOI vv 1 1 11 O'i large storage-yard. |e'-'-l 3t* TO KENT— 2II STEVENSON ST.. 75 FEET from Third: store and 5 rooms in rear: suitable for saloon, restaurant or coffee-house. Key at 22 Third st. je22 .:t n't O'FARRELL— "J ROOMS; SUITABLE FOR O shop or store-room : cheap. je2o Bl- eu. RE-530 JONES ST.. NEAR GEARY. IN- -0 quire of A. C. HEINEKEN, 220*4 McAllister st.. Room 11. " j.11) 7t» rpo LET— «IS sansomf:. NEAR JACK-SIN; I 1 floor. 210!) .Mission, nr. 17th. $.10; 211)'-' Howard, near 17th, butcher-shop. $25: KB. 24th and Church: 2 new stoics. cor. Valcnca and ou;ui,. YON RHEIN A CO., 524 California. JelStf STOKE, WITH OK WITHOUT ROOMS; STABLE 202 Twenty-third st. JelS7t* Vllit RENT-ON MILL ST.. GRASS VALLEY". .1 cat., lire-proof brick store, suitable for dry-goodi business; counters, shelving ami straw-windows alt In place, inquire of R. FTNN'IE. Grass Valley. Jl5 If II '-{-1 HOWARD— LARGE STORE, 2.-,v(;.->; ; 10"i rooms; yard; large basement. jeStf TARGE ROOM. WITH POWER iTsTEV IV Jisoust. Elsen Vine., ar, l tTompany. my'JO t OFFICES 'ii» LET. alia GEARY ST., near kearny — 3 large -I) rooms, suitable for club- rooms, nianufaetii'in: or oil,, inquire on the premises from 10 v. m. to •1 r. St. JelStf OFFICES COR. FRONT AND CALIFORNIA; l '■>:: California and Kearny: 015 Sausome. near Jackson, top floor. YON RHEIN * CO.. 524 cab- ferula st, 1111 1 1 tl MtUlfl ADVERTISEMENTS^ OAKLAND SEAL ESTATE. OAKLAND AGENCY— ADVERTISEMENTS AND suiiscrli'tions received at the Oakland Branch OUTceof I'm: MiiiiMNii Ca11, 807 Broadway, 11 a: Seventh st. office hours 6a. m. to 9r. St. ILLIASI J OAKLAND REAL ES a* tale for sale or exchange; olace, No*. 400 ami 462 Eighth St.. Oakland, Cai. : send for Illustrated pi ici-ilst- Jf 24 tf Lots: LOTS! LOTS!-$3OO. $325. $350; LOIS 1 J 41.1.135 feet; south frontage; only 3 blocks from Dwigbt way-station; local trains to San Fran- cisco; only 10 more left: come quick; easy terms; see owner. 1.. L. SALSHIRY, 475 Ninth st., oak- laud. Jel7_ltn JVioia SIDE-RILL LOT 300x100: siIF.L- -ffiVl/Ua tere.l: frontage; $50cash; JlOinonla iy. CMAS. A. BAILEY, owner. «24 Market. Jelß tf ■fIJEW 2-STORY HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS AND iV bath; .stone walks; lot 25x100; In a central location, near San Pablo aye. ; $ HOuO: "11 e.isv terms. Mcdonald a- CAMERON. *,'» Ninth :.t., oak- laud. Jels if m I Q(\(\ 2-STORY 6-ROO.M HOUSE AND "piOt'l". small store; lot 45x100; cornering on 8 streets: bargain. YV. E. HAR.NAKD A SON. 483 Ninth St. je!stl C. 1/7- JUST LOOK AT THIS! A FEW l.uls sJVI ill. In the beautiful Piedmont Villa Tract, offered Tor a lew days at $175 per let, en easy term, or monthly payments: this tract fronts on Web- ster or Piedmont aye.: on YVas.'inutoii-i.i. car line running to Piedmont: no such bargain ever ottered before in Oakland; last- lus chance to . secure a lot close to center of city that will double In value in 0 months. See owners. SHERMAN A PINNEY". 16* Ninth sL, near Broadway, Oakland. Office open ever, night until S o'clock. ' iclOlm OAKLAND HOARDING AND ROOMS. LLlovsi ROOMS, SINGLE OR EN ITS, AT Xj the Albany. Fifteenth and Broadway, Oakland; one block from the narrow-gauge depot; table Is un- surpassed; elevator and artesian witter; first-class I-, every way. 0. v. MaUERHAN. Prupr 3m tJL'ILLSON BOUSE, OP!'. CITY HALL — ELS- a ' gant sunny rooms: reasonable rates; special at- tention given to tiie comfort of guests, both tran- sient and regular. 1 lib and Washington. jelo 3ni HIKE Kki.sfiv HOUSE IS a BEAUTIFUL SUM- J. mer and winter resort; has a number of elegant cottages, large grounds and garden; lias been thor- oughly renovated, and Is first-class In cv ry appoint- ment. Apply Telegraph aye. and Twenty-fourth sL, Oakland. ---■ ■■----.. jeio Las BLAKE BLOCK (COR. TWELFTH" AND WASH Ington, Oakland), recently completed; elegant sunny rooms, uufuruisti'd, tor offices or private. 10 lm ELEGANTLY FURNISHED SUNNY ROOMS TO rent, with board; all modern conveniences: pri- vate family. 502 Eighth St.. between Clay auilJel- ferson; 1 block from local train, - jell) In ALAMEDA ' UFA!. ESTATE. LAMEDA BATijTAT?vir^si7oo-LOT 25x145: nice modern cottage 4 rooms and bath: I block from Park st. : $250 cash: $25 per month. (4ls) $2700— Lot 33:4x125; 5 rooms and bath; on Cen- tral aye. : $500 : balance $30 per mouth. (No. :tB5) $2760— L0t 5;'.x117: new modern cottages rooms and bath; '1 blocks iron) station; $5tFO cash: bal- a nce $40 per month. , . ..... (No. $3000— Lot 27x115: new 2-story house 7 rooms and batb at station; $000 cash: $35 per month. (X) $4000— Lot 50x125; fine new modern 2-story bouse 7 rooms and bath 00 Central aye. on easy terms: a good bargain. (No. 413) $7800— Lot 60x150; elegant new 2-story house 10 rooms, with stable; well located; pari, cash. (401) Houses built to suit; 15 per cent down, balance easy installments; cheap lots in all parts of Ala- meda: houses to let and money to lean. 11. i* MiiEHA 1. A Co., 1428 Park St.. Alameda, and 402 Montgomery St.. Sin Frit', else,,. • no 3 1 BERKELEY REAL ESTATE. , . 1. ERKELEY — FINE BLOCK, 3.43 ACRES; I > $3500. J- :^Vfc.'a«a».4-^d*^ 1 -a Xa a> I»sa,.e.-i1 »sa,.e.-i- 1 "• Flue lot, 40x105: W. line of Newberry St.. near Newberry Station; $500; easy terms. Apply to C. CAP!" Jt CO., 415 Montgomery St., real estate ageuts and house-brokers. ■ ' Je22 3t BERKELEY i ROOMS AND HOARDING. TtALIFORNIA noTEUEA^T^HER'aK^ V. rooms: Liuiiii cr single men; twirl opl.ouaLlniV 5