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6 rl-BSONAT.S. V WIFE, MAGGIE H. J. STI'UKL'S, lIAYiNG deserted me without cause, I hereby notify the public that I will not be responsible lor any debts contracted by her. It. J. STUCKES. It* ELL-EDCCATED, TEMPERATE YOUNG MAN. It book-keeper, correspondent, desires position; highest references; bonds. M. M. D., Box 103, Call Branch Office. ; "* T ADY HAVING FURNITURE, ETC.. OK 7 l-i rooms will rent or sell cheap to parties wishing to go housekeeping. Call or address MRS. C.,762 Bryant st. ii -f?OB ADOPTION-HANDSOME BOY-BABY. 3 J* weeks old. F., Box 6, this office. It* 7. -P. 11. Q. ADDRESS F. Z.. BOX 87. CALL . Branch Office It* DR. lIRUCKER. DENTIST, HAS REMOVED -TO \J 850 Market St., Rooms Sand 8. Je24 St* I>ROF. 11. 11. TAPE. THE CHAMPION IloRSE- trainer of the world, has located his tent 111 J. D. Forrester's Sale Stable, 430 Valencia St.. a', d will Handle wild and vicious horses and leach his new method of breaking and taming them. Lesson hours, 10 a. m. and 2 r. v. Exhibition at 8 p. m. It* BUTTER IS HIGHER. STILL |IVE ARE SELLING the finest Point Revs at 35e a roll, fresh Peta- Inma butter 30c, ana good table butter 25c, fresh eggs 2 dozen 36c; Eastern sugar-cured h.-iins. un- covered, warranted, J'-iVic per lb; Eastern sugar- cured picnic bams. 10c per ft: 3 IDs California cream cheese '-'fie: 54 fresh soda crackers 10c: best golden syrup $1 '-'5 .i keg: 15 Its granulated sugar $1:20 lbs light brown sugar $1; star Patent Holier flour $4 IS per barrel . warranted 10- It, can best Chi- cago lard. DSc: 3- It. i.. best Chicago lard. 3dc: 1-Ib can pure baking powder 15c; condensed milk 10c per vast; 6 Its rolled oats 25c. and 8 Its rolled wheat 25c; tr-. our teas and coffees, guaranteed best value to the city. ROBINSON* KNOX, 1910 and 191*1 Market st.. cor. Hose aye., and 9011 Valencia st. , cor. Twentieth. Telephone 6144. Je22 SuTn in 3t HEAP STORE. ONE THAT BEATS THEM ALL: J handsome express-wagon and glassware given away with every can ol ba'alu^-pow.ier: 6-tf. pail of mincemeat, 'Jac: butter, 25c roll; eggs, lac per ikiz.: best Eastern liain,l2V-,c per ft.; 20 lbs sugar, , si; li. lbs granulated sugar, $1 ; Hour. ;Oc per sack; 10-:;- pail of lard, $1: 10 cans sugar corn, $1: 9 large ban of soap, $1. LINCOLN & GAGE, 1049 Valencia St.. cor. Twenty-sei on , Je22 SuTuTh St IDATENTEE WISHES TO SELL 2 VALUABLE patents; Investigation invited, at 115 Kearny St.. Boon. 12; j.-'-oTt- cud /GROCERIES— CLCFF BROS., WHOLESALE VI aim retail grocers: the oldest established aud most reliable house on the Pacific Coast: teas and coffees j specialty; i.oihroiuos or crockery: best goods at lowest prices: country orders packed and shipped free. 9 and 11 Montgomery are., 40 and 42 Fourth st,, 409 and 111 Montgomery aye., 401 Hayes st. je!7 TuThSn tf -. I =ft FOR CABINETS; 1-11.1. LENGTH: "7 1 .OV Gu.leus' Art Studio. 10 6th. aS SuTuTh tt "'IMII. i OPERA" MILLINERY-STOKE; GREAT 1 trance sale for 3D dais only: elegant trim- med bats. CI 50 a piece. mmc. BLANCHE on. lE, 110 Kearny St. ji'-T 7t GOOD DISPOSITION; BACHELOR OF MEANS, ace 40. wishes to correspond with kind widow of means; object matrimony. U. D., Box 2' this office. • . J_e2 . 7i ' _ \ 1.1. PEOPLE HAYING ARTIFICIAL TEETH XVshonld Use NELSON'S AM', COSI twice a day; it strengthens the gums and prevents inflainnialion.lin rr-AILOB BUTTONS MADE FROM ANY MA- -1 ferial; also ivory-rim buttons. 110 Taylor st., the only button factory on this Coast. '■ 23 3m I>KIVATE LESSONS. SINGING. PIANO, VIOLIN and cello. W. DE JUNG, 1409 Van Ness. 22 liv DR. C. 11. WILSON-OFFICE 928 MARKET ST. will be refitted in a few days. J.--2 3t CCOIIDION SKIRTS AND I VIES: FINE knife ideating. 9 Geary st.. Bin 1. 22 SuMoTn if QTPTTERINO,- LISPING, POSITIVELY CURED; O consultation free. DR. BUItNABY, S Mason street. Je22 71* MRS. DR. THOMAS (COLORED). ELECTRO MAS- sage: hygienic specialist 1511 l.cavemiorlh. oiu TISB KEARNY. ROOM ». YOU CAN BORR !V» money at low rates; private rooms for l.i ties; pledges ror sale; -..-..- elevator. au7 tf DYKE FREE— DIVORCES, QUICKEST TIME, no publicity; damages: collections; wills, etc T. 1 .".. .L.i V, Attorneys' Ass'n, 11 Kearny si. Je9om N THE INSTALLMENT FLAN— DRESS-GOODS, silks, sealskin aud sealette i lies-; also carpets, furniture, lace-curtains, blankets and folding-beds at M. lilt EI. MAN * CO. '. .- and 230 Stockton st. Why pay ready money when you cau buy Just as cheap by making a small cash payment down, balance weekly or monthly ? An Inspection of our stock is respectfully solicited; orders by malt lor g.uds or samples promptly a: tended to. 228 and 230 Stockton st., cor. Post: open evenings, apl2 "PAINTING lAI HUT: 4-HOUR - LESSON 50i'. A daily : portraits crayon, $5 50. 1 1 -; .- i ,:h, lm J SOLOING BEDS — EXAMINE OCR NO. 1001 mirrored with large plate 1-t 10; wall oak and cherry; cash price elsewhere $o5; pur Installment price only $50. M. FRIEDMAN .v Co., 228-230 Stockton st.. cor. Post: open evenln gs. aplti tf ORIENTAL COMPLEXION BAT lis AND beauty treatments. MME, VIDA, Oriental Beauty Physician, 22 Gel st. Je'jl bin AI'V ICE FREE; - DIVORCES LEGALLY', (JCICK- -2\ iv-; no publicity: correspondence confidential. C. S. Attorneys' Association. P.0.80x 1735, S. F. 19 tt P" IFIC COAST « DETECTIVE Mii SI 632 Mar-- s*.: detectives and watchmen furnished; rates reasonable; best of references. jel9 7t* MME. BET AN CO CRT'S CELEBRATED l: II lit - niatie pad: price $1. 104 Grove. Km. 8. |ca lm THE S. P.- TAYLOR SYSTEM TAUGHT AND _sold. MRS. FUND, Room 9, 1-1 l'ostst. Je4 lm HANDSOME SUITS, si ll'. CUTTING, 5 11. ting. $1. Mi.- WALKER, 11l Geary, Jel4 ion TV. i V SCIENTIFIC AND X pleasure trip lor the summer vacation; eminent sclent l3ts to go. For circular address PROF. F 11. WALES. Prin saiiJoa.mia Y'aliey Polytechnic In- stitute, Tulare City, Cal. ill!. DRESSMAKING LATEST STYLES REASONS able prices; orders by mail promptly executed: fit guaranteed. MRS. .M. HE HAiiAN,'.'o7 Mission.din CLOTHING. ARTICLES OF ALL DESCRIPTION, / bought and sold. BENJAMIN, 1048 Howards lm POSITIVE ( 1 RE FOR CATARRn, BRONCHITIS, asthma. Wilson's Inhaler, -'_"* Kearny. ■'■ ■' HEAFEST AND BEST PLACE TO HAVE CHEAPEST AND lu.-T PLACE TO HAVE your carpets cleaned and relald. JONES' I'e-r- -fect carpet-cleaning Works, 23 and 27 Eighth si.; telephone 3424. oca it At' HAVE a NUMBER OF FULL DRESS SUITS ■ I to hire for balls, parties or funerals at a reason- able price. ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHING PAR- LORS, cor. post and Dupont sta. l-MIITM, TAILOR OR TRAVELLING dress made In 24 hrs.. $15, $-0. $25: Roods found. Mils M. DAVIS, 234 Taylor St.. upstairs, mrl tt MME. KELLOGG'S TAILOR SYSTEM OFDRESS- cutting taught. Km 16, 206 Kearny at. Je3 lm MONEY LOANED ON ARTICLES: EVERY DE- scription of collateral; uld gold and silver tionght. COLEMAN'S. 41 3d st., San Francisco, Ot') "ft CABINETS PER DOZEN: ELEGANT i&S.OV. water-color picture In gilt frame tree with every dozen. \\ ll. son 22 Kearny. iny'^s 6iu ACCORDION PLAITING HONE AT SHOE NO- tlce. GOLDBERG, lis McAllMer -'.',:, .7 lino LADIES WHO DESIRE A PERFECT FORM should wear Mine. Art/.' Health Cors t; toorder only. Room 2, 1027 Market. Agents avanted. 21 6m PORTRAITS ENLARGED IN INDIA INK, crayon, water colors and pastel. Pacific Por- • trait Co.. 1221 Market st., T.J. O'BRIEN. M'gr. 20 tf ADVICE FREE: DIVORCES SPEEDILY; NO publicity: legal everywhere, R. SCOULAR, Attorney, 34 Kearny st. mylS 6m QrXft REWARD WILL BE PAID FOR THE AR- *i, OV rest and conviction of any person or persons caught tearing down signs of c. A. Kliukner ,v- Co. at 320 Banaome st. from telegraph poles or lainp- po-:-. lny 14 tt DR. J. MILTON BOWERS MOVED RESIDENCE to 148 Eddy St. ; office 1 Fifth ap27 tt MISS HOGG. 526 GEARY ST.; FUNERAL AND natural flowers of all kinds preserved. sp26l2m GA E. SNOOK. PLUMBERS, ROOFERS, GAS- . filters, tin, copper arid sheet-Iron workers. 6311 Sacramento st., near Kearny: telephone 1727. al9_tf DRY GOODS ON INSTALLMENTS, WITHOUT Interest; dress goods, cloaks, furniture, carpeta. tedding, Jewelry, pictures, mirrors, hanging lamp!, clocks, etc; carpets from 65c upward. .1. NOON AM * CO., 1021 and 1023 Mission St. be;. Sixth and tieventh; open evenings. a, -17 tt HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR CAST-OFF CLOTH tog, gold. Jewelry, books. KLEIN. 109 s,itb_'.; WINDOW SHADES MANUFACTURED TO OR. 'I der by WILLIAM McPHUN. 1195 MarkeL 24 tt A GREAT BUSINESS PROPOSITION— WE CAN save you 50 per cent by purchasing a merchant tailor-made business suit for $15; merchant tailor's price $30. ORIGIN AL MISFIT CLOTHING PAR LOBS, cor. Post and Dupont sts. PIONEER CARPET-BEATING MACHINES DO the best wont. J. BPAULDING A CO., 353 Te- hama -: telephone 3010. ap!2 tf ANDREW— MEET ME CORNER POST AND Dupont, to select a nobby spring suit made by a merchant tailor for $30. our price $15. ORIGI- NAL MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS, cor. Post a.i I Dupont sts. CARPET-CLEANING; 3 TO 5 CTS. PER YARD; the best work guaranteed or no pay; telephone 3228. S. SIR AIT ON. 1211 Market st. ap6 Kin SCHOOL OF MASSAGE AND PHYSICAL CUL- ture. A. G. GRETH, 921 Post sL ap6tf BE ADVISED IN TIME TO PURCHASE A MEIT chant tailor-made spring suit in 3 or 4 button cutaway for $*J0: merchant tailor's price $40. ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS, cor. Post and Dupont sttL CARPET-CLEANING, 30 PER YARD; CHEAP- est and best In the city. J. E. MITCHELL A CO., 230 Fourteenth st. ap2 tf TYON'TWAIT UNTIL IT IS TOO LATE - 100 X ' pairs ring styles light-colored trousers made Li crack merchant tailors for from $10 to $15 ; our Pice $4 50 to $8. ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS, cor. Post and On;. out sts. •PIRST-CLASS CARPET BEATERS; CITY X Steam Carpet Beating and Renovating Works. 24 and 26 Eighth St.: largest works In the cltv; work guaranteed. Address A. YY. MANNING, pro- prietor: telephone 3250. mrU EVEN A FAT MAN NEED NOT GO SHABBILY J dressed when we can lit you in a merchant tailor-made suit, newest spring styles, for $18; mer- chant tailors price $35. ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS, cor. Post and Dupont sts. GIVE A TALL SLIM MAN A CHANCE— CAN fit you, no matter how tall. In a merchant tailor- made spring salt lor $20: merchant tailor's prlca $40. ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHING PARLOUS, cor. Post aud Dupont sts. CARPETS THOROUGHLY CLEANED WITHOUT beating; refitting carpets a specialty, CON KLIN BROS.. 333 Golden Gate aye. ; telephone 2126. 13 tf WAISTS CUT, KITTED, STITCHED. COLLARS. sleeves Id; skirt cut, stitched, braid drapery belts put on; $3. MME. MICHAUX. 16 MeAlllstr. PRIVATE HOME IN CONFINEMENT, 9*l Folsom St. MRS. M. g. ROGERS. Midwife, tS 12. a HENRY H. DAVIS. AT IOKN EY-AT-I.A W. 423 California St., Rooms 3 and 9; YOU CAN BUY YOUR FURNITURE ON IN stalhneuts: easy terms. BAKE BROS., 322 ill 524 Hayes St.. bet. Franklin and Gougo. inrlStf A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS— THE WEEKLY Call. In wratiner. ready for lu.dlioj DRESS til livens. MRS. POOLE— NEW STYLES) PERFECT FlT- tlng dresses, $6 up, 7JoLsrklnsL Je24 3t» MRS HARVEY.FASHION ABLE DRESSMAKER. 227 Eighth st. ; all worn guaranteed. It LADIES-IK YOU WISH TO HAVE ELEGANTLY fitting suits, handsomely draped, made for $6. please call at MRS. MORRIS', 73; : = Geary. 22 |tj T-VRESS-CCTTING TAUGHT THOROUGHLY BY -t/authentlc French tailor system. 610 I'ost.jels tim MISS AGNES 19 STOCKTON" NEAR Geary; stylish suits from $3 50 up; cuttlua -a i A gtli.iga specialty: 75 cents: perfect PC ap7 tt SEWING MACHINES. STRIVING M^uTIITNES FOR SALE ANtJ^Rlii- paired. YV. B. HIOGINS, 628 Hayes st. mr4 it HtyK HEW YORK OR HELPMATE; BRAND upOU. new; latest; best for $35; all kinds repaired; tented cheap. 1. L. HICKS, 667 Mission, lurl U ■■■ I ■ " * -a-aU ■—..—■■. DUTY. ■Written for The Morn ran call. , -4„ -" be bound to the altar or duty 4Tf-*aa, By the three-fold cor.l of love; M**B Can there be a nobler llvlnir r*" While the heavens arch earth above Ob, iufinite sweetness of duty, Unshrinkingly to fulfill. With a loving and cheerful spirit, • Not our own. hut "Our Father's" will. Alameda, (■.'■■ ISM. Aneleh. A WOMAN OF CASHMERE fj-W HAN-AM lias escaped ! exclaimed a •if : : / young British officer, bursting unceie- IrV,-; roonlously into my tent one ulght, early lV - * in the Afghan war, away In the mount ains at the uorinwesi of India. 1 was connected Willi a Loudon dally at the time, but that was no reason why 1 should not Meet, occasionally, or why, after slx-and-twenty hours ul labor. 1 should be particularly pleased at bring thus tudely dragged from sleep befoie my head had been 10 hour upon Hie pillow. Only three hours beloie, by a simple accident such 'as now and then enables a man to seem moie impoi lant In the wot Id than he leallj Is, 1 ha.l all alone, captured Unit same Mian-All (one ol Hie mosl prominent ol the rebel leaders), and, single-handed, brought my prisoner to the near est English statiou. this camp 111 ihe Kyher Pass. Having thus stepped aside from my pen practice to do what my associates of the sword had been vainly tiylug for weeks to accomplish, mid hav lug no ill will to the All. but lalher having mown to like him In the short time which we i had passed together. 1 was not In the least dli ; imbed lli.u, Immediately alter 1 had turned him over to military authority, lie should have given mat an .1. ... llyilie slip. At the best It was no affair ol mine and mere was nothing to nilligate mv ludlcuailou thai ihe sprig of an olllcer should Have disturbed my sleep simply to announce to me that Khan-All Had escaped. "Well why didn't you come and wane me up and tell me of It, instead of going to look for him ?" 1 asked. , . "And didn't I?" the poor fellow exclaimed. Then seeing Hie hole in the millstone, he added moie laiiiiiv : "IT. aie enough out looking lor him wilhoui me." , ••TTiev need not trouble themselves," 1 replied drowsily. "if Khan-All has escaped he will not be recaptured. Once In a lifetime is all that you eau play that trick on such as he. By the way, who let him go?" .... , •Thai's the worst of it." the young fellow muttered, now visibly atlecied. "It was a beasliy fluke ol mine. Colonel Nichols is In command, vim know, and 1 was put In charge of Hie guard. The Colonel has been in a bad way ever since we came here, lie's sodainuedly set up at being put in command ol ibis paltry little station that It lias injuied his— well, diges lion 1 lancy; and we poor fellows have to sutler. I ' ad only lour Sepoys given me for Ihe guard, and directly 1 discovered that one of them was a relative of the Alt's. You know very well mat litem is in.l rue ol these black dogs but will turn on an English officer II ii is lor a native, and much more for a relative. 1 went to Colonel Nichols and told him unit the guard was 100 sin ill anyway, and asked especially It 1 could not have another man In the place ol, the All's nephew. He ciused like the devil, and told me Hint it 1 could not control my subordi nates 1 might go hack home. So I lelurued to the guaid-liouse. I had all I tie lights otiiside extinguished and a torch put Inside, and the j door left open, so that 1 could see all ihatwent on I stationed two Sepoys Inside the door and two lust out side, Willie I sat an a rock ten leet away, with mv levolver in my Hand, and hardly daied in wiiilt, even, lor Keeping my eyes on jhat Intel lor. The old bird wits In chains, of course but he managed lo sail around a little lot a wiiue; Hun be settled down In the farthest corner luuii me light, with his late to the wall. 1 could see him distinctly, lie lay on me floor villi Hi« rolled about him. It was a cold evening, and, seeing him wrap ped up and comfortable, made me Uiiiik of my i.veicoat; so 1 called a Sei.oy, and scut him to my lent to bring it. It was one ol the men Inside who answered. Stand ing wiib ins back to the light 1 could not see ids lace but 1 knew by his ted si ipr In his giidle lhat It was Sajad. 1 was so glad 10 have Hun out of lite way thai 1 did not mind his being a long •.mi' about inning Willi the overcoat, till It suddenly occurred to me that lie might have gone upon - me message for the All to followers (who weie, perhaps, just outside the camp) to tell Hem how small a guard he had and how easily they could set him lice. Just then KHan-All moved as th ugh he were wide awake nud wait lug lor something. 1 called IHe oilier fellow from inside aud sent him l.i S.ijad and my oveicoal, and told liiui to leiorl m three minutes, while 1 look my place inside lie guard-house, ready to snoot anything that moved. In leu minutes the letlow was hack with the overcoat, but without Sajad. Then I Knew men- was mischief, and de lei mined to remove ihe prisoner at once to my own lent, vvht-ie i should at least he near the home regiments. 1 told him in gel up. He grunted but did not move. Then I kicked him— not bald, you know, He sprang to his leet and laced me "Oh, mv Hod ! It was Sajad ! Khan- Aii was the man I had sent to get tuy overcoat mine than hail an hour before." Here me poor fellow broke down completely and began lociy, in spite ol his uniform, "You know, Colonel Nichols." lie sobbed, '1 thought he would shoot in when I repelled lo him. 1 wish he bad. l Haven't any swell Ii lends 10 back me up, and he knows It. But 1 have a dear old mother at home , id a pool mile sisicr, aud 1 am all ihey have ill • i,. woild m be proud of. Goodness knows It l«u'l much, but it will go hard with mem when tills comes out, and before I was put under ar rest 1 wauled to come to you— l didn't want to disturb you -loi I thought that it 1 told you bow it was you would uot be too Laid ou me In your piess lepoi •• Mi deal boy," I said, now thoroughly sorry lor him. " 1 will do jusl as u~ar right by you as I can Now go away and let me sleep. J shall be much betiei able to help you II 1 have a little rest." ill" had hardly tinned away when 1 was sound asleep. It seemed but a moment, It must, how ever, have been hours later when 1 was suddenly roust d again by the distinct Impression that mere was some one In Ihe lent. Long drilling In that lough world, where Instant action is often all that saves one, made It but second nature that in spite ol my fatigue, before 1 had fairly loused to consciousness I was sitting upright m bed. grasping my levolver. lien I looked about me. The morning would soon be breaking. Ihe clear, gray light of oue of those Bilvery .lawns, so common in that desert table-land ol the Himalayas, was stealing through the swinging dour ol my mountain tent. 1 waited but a moment when a movement among the shadows, at the opposite side of the lent, discovered a Muliainuiedau woman crouch ing against the canvas, Even In the gray light there was something very beautiful in her face, and even In mat position something strangely gracelui in tier loim. A peculiar luster lv Her dark eves held me in silence till 1 had sufficient ly collec ed myself to lealize that upon her face • neie was no wayward smile nor any expression of fear at belue detected in crime, lusiead. to my surprise. I discovered that she was crying, and her bauds were clasped m the .Mussulman manner of imploring protection. Evidently she was not of that vast army of wanton camp-followers or of that oilier omul present company of camp thieves, constantly lurking la me path of the soldier In India. 1 looked at her in astonishment, but she did not move. It grew Imluer and my eyes more ac cii-io.iied to Hie shadows, and still 1 watched nil convinced that my first lmpiesslons weie col lect, and mil of all ihe beautiiui women of the famous Cashmere Valley she was by far the most tleautitul mat ii had ever been my lot to see. Her skin was stained with the band hue of the'Orieni; but 1 Iraukly admit to-day, aller hav ing seen her and known her belter, thai or all the lovely women in the wide world ol beauty, she was the loveliest that my eyes have ever rested on. Such was the phantom, silent and still, which disturbed my sleep, in the gray light ol the silvery dawning, away iv mat mysterious land of silhouettes. ' . " Why are you heie?" 1 asked at last. 'In the name of Allah, tell n,e why are you here?" "Because you are here, Saheb," she replied, without moving; and her voice bad a soft silvery sound, almost as though it came out of the morn ing light. - have Ito do with you?" I asked, a lit tle more sternly. "Saheb. you are brave," she faltered. "You are great " This was simply a matter of form, In the pro ms was simply a matter of form. In the pro longed courtesy of a Mussulman Introduction, and my temper was not in a slate to treat with delay, even when ihe musical voice of Hie Cash mere tillered Hie commonplace compliments, aud, rather rudely, 1 Interrupted them. "Yes, yes, 1 know all lint, hut what lias It to do wnh your being here?" 1 asked abruptly. "Oil, saheb, you made Hie gieat Khan-All ■OH, Saheb, one else could have done It," she toner! No one else could have done it," she .lied, with a n en, or In her voice. Eur some reason, she was certainly trying hard to be courteous, and, regret ing my rudeness, I repeated the question moie gently. •'He lias escaped,-' she rep led, faintly. •So 1 have beard," 1 muttered, lying down again. it is one ot Ihe baldest* tilings In the woi ld to obtain a direct answer from a native of the Orleut. 1 was doubtless only some soray of superstition which had bi ought her to my lent, and I was altogether 100 Hied to try longer to lalhoin it. "You don't want me to get up aud no on a hunt fur him again, I siinpoie?" 1 asked, by way of farewell, oefoie 1 should be quite asleep again. "Saheb," she said, "you are wise, but you could not hud him again; you are brave, but you could not capture him. 'the trail of Hie serpent has crossed Hie track. The hare has lell his lurking-place upon the right. The ass brayed at the stannic. Khan-Ail is sale. No oue will make him prisoner again." "Hou'l be 100 sure," 1 said iv a drowsy whis per. "I kuow, Saheb. for I was wilh him when he went away," she replied, in a low, musical voice that would have lulled even a wakelul man to sleep; but a sudden thought which hei words I" Hun aroused again." an instant. Starting out be 100 sure," 1 said in a drowsy whis kuow, Salieb, for I was with Hlra when he away," she replied, in a low, musical voice would Have 1-iii ■-,: even a wakeful man lo i ; but a sudden thought which liet winds ested aroused me in au instant. Starling from my pillow, resting on my elbow, and look ing steadily at the shadow crouching among the shadows, I said: •' so that Is your mission! He sent you here to kill me, to prevent my getting afier him igitn, or pay me lor duelling him beloie! Well, why did you nut do it? were you afraid to? You I A woman ot Cashmere 1 You less brave than a daughter of Khali? Come out from thoso shadows! You? Atialu to kill a man! Stand heie where it Is lighter I Come 1. 1 would look at you I" Quickly and silently she rose and came for waul wall unflinching step till she stood not in i re ieel from my couch. < Mi. the wcudertul grace embodied Iv every motion of those women of Cashmere ! Ah, ihe beauty of that Perfect form, Italicised by the soft, clinging sari; em phasized by the tinted morning as she stood be tween me and in,: tent door I ft was only the shifting of a shadow, but It convinced me In mainly that 1 was altogether wrong. "Sab-b," the said, "you' thought of that I Khan-All did not. But SaheD, It to kill you would save lie life of one 1 love, without the bidding of Khan-All, 1 would kill on now, awake aud aimed. Yes, 1 would kill you with these empty bauds I" Willi all respect to myself anil my faithful re volver, 1 believe that she could and would Have done It. Her eyes flashed. Her leelli rung as I they struck together. She was a tigress 1 I could Hardly believe my senses that it was the same snivel fug shadow that had been crouching I against the canvas of the lent. •' Khan-All did not say it." I reneated. " No, It Is quite evident tliat Khan-All did nut say 11; but lell me, what aid Khan- All say?" Slowly sue replied : *' lie said lo me, 'Uinda, the ßarrali-Salieb who made me pilsouer. lie Is brave. He Is wise. He is great, Go to him, my C i l.i, aud, 11 be be as good and kind as lie Is biave and wise, he will try, lor you, to save your Salad.' " '• Sajad, Sajad," I repeated. " 11 1 remember, THE MORNING CALL. SAN FRANCISCO, TUESDAY, JUNE 2*, 1890-EIGHT PAGES. that Is the name of Hie Sepoy who set the All free." Her voice trembled as she replied : "It Is lie, Sahab; the light of my lire, the soul of my body, the father ot my children." Her eyes involuntarily fell to the floor. It was disastrous to sober thought to look at that beau tiful woman. I knew thai she was walling for me to speak, however, and therefore said : " Umda, it was treason to set the All free. Do you know the luevitable doom of the traitor '.'" ••To die, Saheb," she said, and a quivering sigh shook the shadow before me. I sighed, 100, before 1 replied : " Yes, to die. And 1 am afraid that 1 can tell you now that no power which you or 1 could exert, away up here In these mountains, could Have the least effect to save a Hanoi's life. I will try, as the Khan said I would, but Colonel Nichols is not a pleasant man. lie is very angry, too, over lite loss of his prisoner: and even If lie wore not, what reason could I give why be should not order a traitor shot?" " Saheb. he has ordered it already," she said. "He Is In haste. He must be very angry," I replied. "It only makes more sure Hie cer tainly that 1 shall tall. Umda, why do you not go to him yourself? You, so beautiful! He might hear you." "Saneb, I have been to him," she said with a deep slab. si led, I exclaimed: "You have been to him? You have spoken, and niter that you come tome?" 1 shook my head. " I have seen him, but 1 have not spoken," she repli 'd. "1 entered ills leut as I eulered yours. I looked Into Ins face as 1 looked Into yours. I said: 'No, Umda. there is no heart beneath that face. You must not speak to him.' Then 1 turned away and came to you. 1 know that you will fail, but in justice lo the one who has con demned my soul lo die, I long that you should speak. When you have failed, Saheb, then 1 must do what I can. 1 shall speak lo him just once, Saheb, but he will hear me, and the sun of mv heaven shall not cease to shine." " By my faith!" I muttered. Involuntarily; "If she should speak 1 believe lliat she would save Mm." Then, with a snuggle, bieaking the fascination, tasked liiiliileienily, "What shall you say Ihat will bo so powerful?" " It can l c said but once, Saheb, and the lime is not now," she replied. "it it must be, ami my Sajad Is ltd to execution, sland near the demon Nichols, Barrab-SaheD, and you shall hear me speak. You shall see hint bow his lorehead to the giiitind before me, and you shall see if Linda has spoken well." "Enough I" I said, smiling at the curious coin mingling. "1 will be there and 1 will lell you what 1 think of It. lint give me a Hint, 100. Inula, since you are so shrewd, What can I say to Colonel Nichols? is meie any plea that you Have thought ol why a traitor should not die." "To you, Saheb, tlieie may be none. To him there will be none. To me"— '-"or a moment the beautiful face bent low over the rinbioitlcred sari and only lose and lei as the breast heaved beneath It. I lieaid no sob. but 1 saw the tears as they fell, and with all (he roughened, hardened heart thai was in me 1 was sorry lor Her. Then she looked up again, and, with mat peculiar lus ter fu her dark eyes, -He continued: "Tell Him that Sajad did only what every child of Islam must do for a kinsman, I ell Him that Sajad did not seek the place upon (lie guard, but tiled to be ild of It by reporting to the officer that he was a nephew ot All's. He had no love lor I lie Khan, Saheb, nor have I, but 1 should have done the same and so would any one, for by all Ibe laws of the prophet we must. Tell btni, then, that Sajad did not slay i lie only English officer In charge, as lie might easily have done and es caped Willi tbe All, but mat lie went as lie was hidden lo bear ihe punishment ot his crime. And II lie have no mercy, Saheb, Ihen speak to him of justice. Tell htm it Is written In the Koran, 'That which a man planlelh in Ihe Held Is Ibat which he shall garner. That which he would lose let him lake From lis neighbor. That which he would sacrifice let him demand of another.' " YYhlle she was speaking I lecalled i lie Bible renderings of those same sentiments; but there was a savor oi vengeance In the flashing eyes, the proud pulse of the head, and the haughty curve ol the swelling throat, us the woman of Cashmere lepeaicd her much-abused Koran, that roused my Christian Indignation, and mak ing a snuggle, at least, lo appear offended. 1 re plied: "11 that is your game, I'mda, you bad better play it alone. 1 can go to Colonel Nichols and plead fair me lite ol Sajad, but do you fancy that a threat would nun a British soldiei's heart? It might I urn ii, Umda, in a way yon would not lelish. But stop a iiiiiuile ! Heie is an idea that may work better. You saw Hie nan depart. You may know where 1 could hud him. Now, if 1 should go to Colonel Nichols and say to him, • 1 will bring you back Khan-All if yon will par don this in. in Sajad,' 1 Hunk lie would agree; and truly, Umda, 1 tiiuik that that is tile only possible chance ol saving your husband's life." Without a moment's hesitation she replied: "Sal. eh, can I tell you wheie tho eagle is be cause 1 saw him fly from youder crag an iiunr ago? Say, Saheb; but could I lay my baud upon lvii.iii All this very minute, and say to you, 'Tulle him aud keep your oath,' by the beard of the prophet, Saheb, I would nut do It I You would not do it in my place." « Mechanically 1 lepeated, "No, you would not do it." But 1 was thinking of her. Then, suddenly, every aspect changed. The heart thai h,d upheld her faltered. The cour age that bad dared lor the 111,111 she loved for sook her. With a low but pieiciug wall she tell upon her knees, sobbing. "Tell me something, Saheb! oil, leil me anything to turn Ins tie-art. for Ido not waul to speak. lam only a poor, weak woman of Cashmere. 1 shall speak It 1 must, but save in-- from i: if you can." Very earnestly J leplied, "Umda, I shall do all that 1 can. l cau say no more." She turned to leave me tent, and 1 threw my self back upon the pillow and closed my eves. Sleep would not come to them, but 1 was de termined and kept them shut till, after some tune, they opened Involuntarily. Umda sill stood in the tent door, and seeing me looking. she pointed the faiiest ann and baud that ever graced a woman toward the icdiieuiug horizon, saying: "Saheb. It is ordered that Sajad die as the first ray of the Using sun crosses you mountain pass." The curtain fell and she was gone. I sprang from my couch ana dressed as never befoie for bugle-call 01 battle-cry. As I emerged from 1 lie tent, the legliueuts were already form ing in Hie compound 10 receive at sunrise Hie full value of lie lesson to be taught In the execution. I hurried to headquarters, anil without a thought arranged stood beloie Colonel Nichols. I had never seen him beloie, but had otteu lieaid of him as one ot the most severe, cruel and unpopu lar men In me army. He was in full parade uni form, sipping a cup o[ coffee, and smiling with himself at thought of Hie coming execution. lie greeted me Willi a curious ejaculation, more lute the grunt of a wild beast than a human voice, and wuh many an oath repeated the story of Kahn-Ali's escape, closing with tie Information ttiat ho bad departed from the historic custom ot drawing lots for the executioners, to command that a brother of Sajid be ordered to tire the fatal shot. will leach the yellow devils," be he 5.1.,1. "that ihey shall not know- an enemy even if lie be their own father." And with an other giunt he lit a cigar and led the way to the execution. Vaiuly I pleaded for Hie unfortunate Sajad. Each word only made the commander more lb-roe, and had I been an officer under him 1 firmly be lieve that he would have ordered me, too, to stand as a target. I ouly had the sellish satis faction tbat, lor all his uglloesss. lie knelt suffi ciently lo the peu to give me a posh lon upon tne raised platform beside hint, while Hie stall offi cers stood about Hie base. lit- live regiments of Sepoys and two of home soldiers Holding the pass were all iv array at our feet, live rods away Saj id stood upon a little platform wheie eve, oue could see him. bound band am! foot. At all order from Colonel Nichols the prisoner's brother left the tanks and came reluctantly for ward. His feel moved unsteadily; Ins bowed head was bound Willi a heavy while turban, and the while jacket uf iiioiiiiuug covered his uni form. . As lie reached the position lie was given t lie last orders. Colonel Nichols himself would couut three, then lift His baud. When his hand was raised the Sepoy was to Ore. 11 he missed lie was to tire again keep It up Until Hie traitor was dead. ' 1 looked about for liiida. She knew the hour, and she knew that I must fail; but she was not there. A moment more the shot would be hied and it would be 100 late for her lo speak. "die!" said Colonel Nichols. I shuddered and again looked right aud leil for (he beautiful woman of Cashrtieie. "Two!" What had I to do with that bound Sepoy that the perspiration should slauu out on my forehead? " Three!" Had Umda forsaken the light of her life? Colonel Nichols" band was lifted. I saw the diamond flash in His ring. The shot was Hied. 1 saw, not the prisoner, but lie commander ol Kyher Bass fall upon ids face at my feel with a bullet-hole between his eyes. It seemed to me that 1 heard those words again: "You shall hear me speak. You shall see him bow ins forehead 10 ihe ground before me." One moment all was still. The next Hie Sepoy Who had Hied the shot lute oil Hie Heavy bail and the back hair of the woman of Cashmere fell over the while jacket of mourning. "All-Khan Bbaee Balaam," tang Ihe clear voice of Umda. In an Instant the cry was repeated from the throat of every Sepoy In the native regiments. There was a rattle of uuisketiy, a cloud of smoke, a wild confusion, and when Hie sun had fully risen Kami All Mood In the center of Ihat camp ground undisputed commander of Ihe second Station of Kyber Bass. Unda had spoken but once, but she had spoken well.— Ex. ____^__^^_ PRICK OF SCHOOL-BOOKS. It lias lie, ii Fixed by the State Hoard or Kducatlon. The State Board of Education lias fixed the following prices for the State series of text books. They are now issued and ready for the market: ft. ttt Name of Book. n ( to i o j << p■* „ - c as «• 3 _. _ C * O a * <• §* I Si : • S3 ?|i 111 j is rim iteaaer Heroncl Reader ... Third Header Speller I l'rliiiary Number Leisous Ailvai.i-i'ii Arithmetic Knghsh lira m m:ir , United States History Lessons In Language (Kleiuentary i 1 rain mar) Elementary Ueugraphr I 3 I SO I -10 33 41 40 54 6>i I 65 ■a 31 30 •it) ■J5 -IS \- 50 65 42 : SO SO 70 IHJ DO 36 30 30 BJ 01) , B0 Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber of Commerce will meet in special session at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon for the consideration of the following: sub jects: First— The establishment of an American In ternational Bank, as recommended by the Amer ican national Congress. Second— Tbe free coinage of silver without re striction as to locality of Its production. I II: ,- 'I'll vnt Berkeley. The annual mooting of the Philosophical Union of the University of California will take place at the University to-night. Offi cers will be elected.. Professor Harrison will speak on the argument for immortality in Plato's "Phaedo." ,;'-.. The Portland Oregonlsn says: Quite a curi osity was discovered at the Whatcom wharf the other day. It was an old fashioned chest, painted by hand, and dated March 1,1817. ibis old box is aovo-ialled Iv every joint, and has hand-forged Iron hinges, land Is probably some old tamuy heirloom^. SEA AND SHORE. The Steamer Sardonyx Wrecked in Northern Waters. No Da'.y levied on the Cargo of the Ship New York— A Fight en a Ferry-Baa.-Move ments of Ships. A dispatch received at the Merchants' Ex change yesterday Iroin Victoria, B. C., says: A ship's boat has arrived at Departure Bay with news that the Canadian Pacific Navigation Com pany's steamer Sardonyx Is a complete wreck off Ojieen Charlotte Island. Only most meager details are obtainable, but It Is said no lives were lost. It is supposed the steamer went to the bottom in the storm or last Tuesday. Trie fiatdouyx flew the British flag, and for awhile, about a year ago, sailed out of lilts port. Lately she lias been running from Victoria to Alert Bay and other places ou the northern coast. The weather was alternately clear and hazy at Point I.obos yesterday and the wind veerlug Irom south round by west to northwest, blowing as high as iwemy miles an hour. The baro meter read: 8 o'clock In the morning, 80:05; noon, 30:02; 5 o'clock in the evening, '.".cos. The ouly vessels that arrived iv poit yesterday ■■■-.',,' six steamers, all coasters. Till-: GARGO WILL NOT PAY' DUTY. "What a lovely moustache I" said one young lady to another yesterday, as they watched the tug Sea King docking the British ship New York at Green-street wharf. At the time the ladies were looking in ihe direction of the alter end ol the ship, whero Captain Thomas and Jim lioyes were peering into the lalTsail. Both have handsome moustaches, but Which of the two was meant will piobabiy never be known, i lie New Yolk lias 011 boaid a cargo of coal an, I coke from Swansea, Wales, and will commence dis charging to-day. Her coal is what Is known as anthaicite, aud it is a [act not generally known that Hihio is no duty required to be paid on its lmpo nation, as there Is on oilier coal. There is probably ou an average inoie than one such Cargo arriving here In a year on which uo duly Is iei|iilied. Ou the 8 o'clock trip of the ferry steamer New aik to this sale yesterday morning, a man named Lynch, who was intoxicated, made himself very obnoxious to the i.asseugeis by wauling to light all Willi whom lie came in contact. Second Male Peter Croon lolil him lo behave himself, when he Placed lilinselt in lighting attitude. Croon, who next lo Billy Fitzgerald is probably the most accomi lisii <i boxer In the company's employ, Yvent for him In good shape, knocke,'. his hose over to starboard, placed bis eves In a sling and made him a lii subject for ihe. City and County 11, ."I'll. ii. Lynch was very weak when this side was leached. ON THE DRY-DOCK. The steamer Santa Cruz went on the Mer chants' pry-dock yesterday to receive a now blade on her propeller In place ol the one dropped ou the passage up. She will also be scraped and receive v coating 01 copper paint. Captain Tribble hopes io have her of! to-day. '1 he ship Bleu/Jell for Honolulu was spoken on May 27ih in latitude 1° 47' noun, longitude 27° west; the Solitaire on May 291U in latitude 8° north, longitude 1 19° west, and the ship Eugel- Horn on March Ist In latitude 18' '.;■:' south, lon gitude 36° west. the uiga will take incicliandi-e to Honolulu valued at $32,000. including 200 barrels lime, 462 bands Hour, COO cases coal oil, 7000 pounds biead aud 70 barrels salmon. The schooner Kepoiter has on hoaid for Nlcol aetskl a geneial cai go valued at (17,126. This includes 2200 barrels flour, (TOO cases kerosene, anon feel lumber and ."..'.' ,'o sacks sail. (Jiving ihe iiiieiveiiliig national holiday the steamer I'olut I.oma, sailing for (I rays Harbor in the Coniineicial Liuc, will not tail until July Sill. The Lizzie Vance's chaner lor llilo has beeu canceled, and she will leave to-day lot Hum boldt to load redwood lumber (or Australia. The steamer Ulpsy, Captain riumnier, now calls at llalfiuoou Bay on her nips up and down to Sauta Cruz. MOVEMENTS OF SHU'S. - The schooner Hubert Lowers docked to Section 4 ol Hie sea-wail to discharge. The bark Harvester towed to sea. The ship l.'-i c, ; 1.. Belknap docked at Mission Mo. 1. The lug Alert left the dry-dock and weut toner beith at lluvvaid No. 3. The steamer Sussex will go to Union street to day, Hie snip Veiuuia to Hie sugar reliueiy. The ship New York docked .it (liceu street to discharge her cargo ol Swansea coat. The baik Wllua went to Heale street. The Lady Lampson went to Mission No 1. The steamer Paiallon went to the sea-wall. The schuoiier Occidental will go to sea to-day. GLITTERING MILLIONS. The Con tiling of the Money at the Treasury. John V. Jackson assumed the office of Assistant Treasurer at the Sub-Treasury and S. 11. Hrooks retired to private life shortly after 9 o'clock yesterday morning. The new Assistant Treasurer announces the following appointments: Thomas li. Burns, reappointed cashier, a deserved tri bute to one who, Being a Democrat, was re appointed solely because of bis special lit ness for the place ; W. C. Marston, Assistant Cashier, in place of George K. Hyatt, who will go to Washington; John I. Couch, ap pointed head book-keeper, vice S. de Gree ger: John I. Jackson jr., appointed head clerk in the place of Julian Smith, and 1.. A. lioynton appointed receiving teller iv the place of A. D, Jones, iv turn appointed as clerk. Counting; of the coin commenced promptly. The work is done by seven men, four of whom represent the United States Govern ment, three Air. liruolts, and one looks after the interests of Mr. Jackson. Three of the Government men, J. J/. Itfeiine, A. 11. Qualfl and T. F. Swayzee, are from the United States Treasurer's office, and one, C. 11. Miller, is from the Secretary of the Treasury. The three men looking after Mr. Brooks' interests were Israel M. Law ton, Julian Smith and S. de Greener. Sub- Treasurer Jackson's man is 0. 1). Clubman, These men will have to count nearly 872,000,000. Of this $9*5,000,000 is In gold, {(25,000,000 in silver coin, aud the rest in currency. The men are shut in by them selves. A bag of coiu is brought to them, which they count mid weigh. The bags of gold each contain 820,000 and the bugs of silver 81000 each. The weight of the first bag is taken as a standard, and the rest are merely weighed until one is reached that is lighter than the iirst. This is at once counted, and if found to be correct it is liken as a standard and the rest are weighed again. Eight laborers are em ployed in carrying the bags to and from the counters. These pollers are mostly from the Mint. During the count, which will last about two weeks, 525.000 is counted out and kept ou one side for the daily use by the clerks. REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. C.itarlua V. del; de Gutierrez (by Adminis trator) to James P. Sweeney, lot on N. line othillecutll St.. 178:6 1-5 li. of Dolores, E. 23x140 «110 Chris L. Cr.iil to Priscilla S. Hughes, lot on law. line of Toivusendst., 275 SW. of Sec ond, SW. 275x275 lo Daniel Slieeriii to Prederlek Kroneui.erg, lot on MV, cor. of O'l-aiioll and Brodrrlek sts.. - W.10l)tll'i:6 . 10 ,M. D. Meyers to Henry Vorrah, lot on N'K. cor. Point Lobosanu Sixth ayes. , E. a2:tix 100; also lot on K. line s xlli aye., 100 .*,'. of Pulnt 1.01i0., N. 25x100 10 Augustus Itol.-its to James Greenwood, lot on S. line of Twenty-fourth St., 151 :0 K. of Guerrero, E. 26:6x13tf lo John Center el al. lo William K. Brown, lot on S. Hue of Twentieth si., 05 E. of I'ulsonl, X 25x110 jo Same to Ocorgina Klnnear, lot ou N. line of 'J'weiity-tlrst st., -25 YV. of Treat aye., YV. 25x110; also lot on YV. line or Treat aye.. 210 8. of Twentieth st., S. 60x122:0 10 Same to John W. MeCoruilck. lot on K. line of Folsom St., 1 10 N. of Twenty-lirst, N. 25x 122:6 io Same to John Harrington and wife, lot on Is W. cor. Twenly-first st. and Treat aye., N. 110x25 10 John Center to Emily Mun.l, lot on S. line of Twentieth st., 50 YV. of Treat aye., YV. 25x 110 10 Thomas Donnelly to Margaret S. MeCabe, lot on 8. line of Fulton st., 156:3 E. of Lott, E. 26x1:17:6 t Ivan V. Tatlich to same, same properly 10 Wendell Easton to Charles Etui, lot on SYV. cor. of T st. and Forty-third aye., S. lioox ■210 10 Charles E. Blake to Isadora 1., McCormlck, lots 3511 and 354 In (lift Map 3 SOS Frank D. t'arr to C. F. Fargo, lot oil N. lino of Fulton 5t., 02:673-100 E. of Seventh aye.. - I". 37:6 15, N. 102:6, W. 27:6, S. 104 to lieg.; also lot ou W. line of Sixth aye., 350 8. of Cst.,S. 60, W. 120:6, N. 65. E. 120... 10 Abraham Leveuthal to Ca»ar Macdonald, lots 1,2 and 3, 111.,.-* D, Railroad Home stead Association J Mary A. Byrne to John M. Foge, lot ou E. Hue of Church st., 51:6 B. of Twenty-seventh, ■ s. 25x80 ,'--, in YV. M Stevens to J. 11. Meredith, lot on 8. line ol Washington St., 188 YV.uf Fillmore W.28:3x137:6 , B George Werner soil wife to Leopold Rosen shine, lot on N. line or Union st,. 122:1 YV of Oetavia, W. 100, N. 137:0, E. 100:11",., 8.. to beg ;*; . jo Henry Casebolt to George Werner, same . . in T. 11. Walton to J. S. Holland, lot ou YV. line of Fourth aye., 175 N. uf Point Loboa, N. igHB 60x120..... jo A. A. Fisher to Jeremiah Dwyer, lot on it. lino of Broderlck st.. 100 N. of Grove, N. t ' ' * 25x120: also lot on 8. Hue of Fulton st,. 112:6 E. of Broderlck, E. 25x137:6.... 10 Mars A. Fri.nicu to Lilllc 11. YVyatt, lot on w - lino or Eureka St., 99:8 N. of -Eighteenth. N. 24:8x125 ..' i 8 00 Anna C. Witt to James B.Johnson, lot on X line of Cappst., 245 8. of Twenty-third » 37:0, E. 123:21:,, N. 20:9. YV. 122 to beg.; also lot ou E. line of Capp st., 215 8 - or Twenty-third, 8.37:0x122:6....... . i 0 Mary J. Gerberdlug to Anna C. Witt, lot oil E. line of Capp St.. 245 8. of Twenty-third. S 37:6. NE. 122:6, YV. 20:9. YV. 122:6...... 10 Anns E. llauser to Enewald Peterson, lot on NW. Hue of Foisom st., 125 SW. of Elchth BYV. 25x90 ..... 10 Michael Day (by executors! to O. Pcrine" lot on S. Hue of Howard St., 33d W. of First' • W. 25x85 . ' R 800 B. Joost to Louis B. Drexler. lot ou NW. line - ' jaaajai of Eagle, 730 YY. of Douglass. YY. 28x94:6. -; r 10 .-- ALAMEDA COUNTY. " '-. m. . O. K. Grant to V. I). Duboce, lot 60x125 on ■; W. line ol Summit St., 50 N. of Lincoln. 1 -... Oakland 5 Michael Degnan to P. M. Collins, lot 25x100, on YV. line of Myrtle St., 25 >'. of Railroad aye 10 C. Olson to C. Will, E. 30 ft. of lot 26 and YV. 10 ft. of lot 27, Block n, Crawford Tract, Alameda 800 S. Comerford to M. L. Levy, lot 50x100, on YV. line of Telegraph aye., 60 Iff. of Evoy, Oakland - ', 10 J. L. Moulthroii to C. Hie: i.,-u et a!., lot lafcx 150, on SE. cor. of Pacific aye. and Lafay ette sts., Alameda - 10 C. 11. Logan to T. O. Dewev, lot 25jt100. on S. line of Twenty-first »L. 100 E. or Curtis . 10 W. M. Stuart to T. H. Judd, lot 47:6x62,0n S. line of Eagle aye., 103:6 W. of Willow St.. Alameda 10 J. Toohigto i;. Y.Dana, lot 30x135, on S. line of Chase St., 160 N. of Cedar, Oakland.. 10 C. Llndsey to M. Henderson, 51.18 acres, part of Blum a: Levy Tract, Brooklyn 10 E. D. Harmon to Dugold, lot 10, Block E, Harmon Tract , 10 THE STOCK MARKET. Trading in stocks was lively again yesterday, and prices made a marked advance over Saturday's closing quotations. Tlie highest prices touched In the regular sessions were: Belcher $.. 40, Best & Belcher $4 05, Bullion $4 25 (though the stock sold up to $4 40 in the Pacific Board), (.'hollar $4 65, Con. California .V Virginia $5, Challenge $.. 70, Crown Point $3 45, Norcross $3 70, Mexican $4, Ophir $4 90, Overman $3, Fotosl $10»h. Savage $4%; sierra Nevada $-1 i.O, Union $3%, Jacket J3Vi, The close was firm as a rule, although several stocks showed a decline. Local securities were moderately dealt In. The sugar stocks were firmer, Hawaiian Commercial be ing quoted at $14*,g ** : "l Hutchinson Plantation at $i:>'-_-. The Holmes assessment of 23c, levied la May, has been rescinded. The Kcntucic and Belcher assessment sales take p.ace to-day. Savago shipped to mill the past week 508 tons of ore, assaying $20 32, and has $13,517 on hand in bullion; Con. California A Virginia, 2747 tons assaying $22 50, and after shipping $55,364 to the Carson Mint has bullion valued nt $13,000 on hand; Norcross shipped 1120 tons, assaying $13 50, and has $28,000 In bullion on baud; ('hollar shipped 489 tons, assaying $22 50; Justice 154 tons, assaying $33 915; Alta 360 ton?, $22 50; Overman 488 tons, $24 "8, of which $10 05 was gold; Con. Call oruia i* Virginia has shipped $19,400. Assessments I. in. ; !•-_-. The lollov.iug is allstof ass(ssmcntsnowpendlng: Company. : i_ uould is lurry occidental Belcher Kentuck S. lielclier a M Mexican (Alaska) Oak Con — Confidence Sierra Nevada Jtest A lielcher Mexican Teresa Challenge Coll Gulden mint COD. -New York round Treasure lsoitle Tunnel Standard Con True Con Sliver King. Mayflower O llodie Con Crocker Con. J'acillc (Jo den l'r.ze I 'Uellminti No. Aim. i lv the SalcDay. | | Board. I 64* 30:. .May 29,. June -•>> 6 28 ..May June 30 '.19 ...May .id .June -1 21 30|..May aol.Jiiiie 24 6 SO June 5 June Ml 'i I.i .June 10 July 'i I. 10 .June 10;.. Am; '1 IB 75 .Juno 10;. July 'i 97 60 .June Id.. July 2 •Hi '^I.Juue is . July 8 40 'it ..lime 13 .July 9 1 10. June 13 .June 30 ti no I . June 14 .July 8 01 June all. July .. 3 15 .June '221. Ju1y 17 6 25 June 23 July 18 IB 25 June 26 July 10 3 60 .July 3 .ah? 10 9 03M, .July 21 .Sept 15 3 20. July 10 .A lie 11 47 30 July 10 .July 31 12 25 .July 17 .Auk 29 9 16 .July 171. Ant 15 12 10 .July 2. .An? 20 4 .July 30 .AUK 18 (;• I -.hi 2 I t II 8' 41 41 i I 1 4' l: li — Assessments of mines not listed on the Beard fall lieliuquetit in otl.ce. HOARD SALES. Following were Hie. tales yesterday In the San 1 i:,i.cit.o stock Board: in., .11 fiFJiSIOK— 9:3O a., M. 250 A1pha.. .1.60 100 Clmn 45 3600cr1(1nt..1.65 100 Andes 80 200 Crocker... 2o 200 0uh1r.... 4.90 100 hi 80 600 C P0int.. 3.45200 overiu .3.00 525 8e1cher.. 3.40 100 1) M0nt..1.40 250 2.45 150 3.36 500 E S Nev...10i200 2.90 400 Belle 1 90 50 EureKa .4.00 450 Peerless. ..2s 50 Benton..!*. 11l 100 Excnq... 1.35 100 Potest... .9*4 300 B A 8... 4.00 550 1.30 23-6 1... 00 100 4. 05 210 v A 0 ...3.06 1 380 '..•„ 500 Bonanza...4o 100 3.00 50 lOVe 650 Bullion.. 36 100 G Prize 60 iooo Savage.4.4o 480 4.40 151) U A N.. .3.60 650 4.45 850 4.45 290 3.65 950 8AM. .2. 30 1960 4 '/, 120 3.70 100 2' 4 350 4.60 50 H01me5. 2.40 150 Scorpion.. SO 350 4.60 1150 Julia 35 150S ..4.00 200 llulwer. . .25 545 Justice ..1.70605 3.95 50Ca1e.10n1a.65 850 1-. 100 Ml ill 46 60 ("ball C..8.80 203 Kentuckl.Bs 450 Uni0n... .3. 711 60 3.70; 60 1.80 120 3.68 450 Cho)lar..4.6s']l Lady W.... 45 500 Utah 1.30 450 4.70 200 Mexican. 3.96 100 IVi 350 4.80 300 4.00 100 Weldon.,ls 300 4.85200 Mono 45 ISO YJacket.3.4o 900 ConN V.... 451100 Navajo. .40 200 3.35 AUKHNOON* kis,sii»n— 2:30. 701 A1t)ha. ..1.00 50 C1'01ut..3.H5 100 P0t051....9' i 400 1.(15 200 3. 40 --'SO 9-Vb 400 1.60 100 Del Mr. .1.45 490 9-' 100 Alia 1.36 600 Eiciiu... 1.30,920 Savage...4ij 450 Belcher. 3. 5 500" a 0... 3.10,260 4.55 250 3.40 27.'. H AN... .1' 'SO .4.60 160 li A 8... 4.00250 3.45150 4.70 300 Bodie 00 60 Holmes. .2% i 50 ,'. 600 Bonanza. 4o .TO 2.00 350 S HA M..2.30 300 8u11i0n... 4 I ,i: 50 .1.0,1 100ScorDion..30 11 00 4.20 460 Julia 36 345 S Nev...4.15 150Caledona..65 100 Justice.. 175 4.10 100 Chall C..3.60 150 Kent ink 1.80 100 4.20 650 Cn01Jar..4.70 lOOMi-xu-aii.3.l'o lOOS mil 45 180 4.05! 60 Mono 40 200 Union.... 300Coii)lth...3y~!l00N B Isle. 1.35 500 Utah... 100 0CA V.. .4,95 100 N Coin... 2. ll' 51" ..b 30... 1.40 50 6.001100 Occid.... mo W C0m. ...30 800 Con N ...4 5 -0) Opulr... .4.90 250 Jacket.. V, 1 50 Cr0cker... 201400 0vrmn...2.96 l 60 3.40 000 C imp &o|loo Peerless., .-to] 60 1.15 i (Rowing were the sales in the Pacific Stock Board ttciilay : llul'llH snonoK— lo:3o. 400 Alpha... l.BSi 30 C C A V.4.93 150 Ophir .'.".4.95 200 Alta 1.40200 C In,:, 49 160 (J verm.. 2.95 300 Andes 85 150 48 100 2.90 100 200 ConN Y. .43 100 . 2.85 150 8e1cher. 3.35 200 c P0int.. 3.40 200 Potosl.._7V4 200 3.20 150 M.46 400 8.00 250 3.30200 3.30 1200 8' 300 31.4 150 3*61*00 7% 100 1) A 11... 3. 200 3% 400 10. „ 200 4.10 200 Eicheq...l '.4 TOO 10.00 50 4V 8 6U0 1.40150 It's 200 4.16 900 1541200 9* a 200 8u11i0ii..3.46 260 1.36 400 9.00 150 3>« KOO 1.30 100 9V4 260 3.65 200 E S Nov.. . '.'so Savage...4.l o 760 3'ilsoU A C. .2.96 460 4.20 400 3.85410 3.00 2HO 4.60 300 3.80 200 3.06 200 4 .4 1500 4.115 400 1.13110 4.30 200 4.30 100 3>«300 4 l -i 600 4.40 20 'J. 90200 4.10 600 4., 4 400 11 AN. .3",'2oUScorDlon..3o 300 4.15 300 3.35 150 S B A M..214 800 4.20 400 3.70260 2.30 400 4.10200 3.30 150 8 N0v.... 3.80 300 .4.00 100 3.80 00 4.00 100 4.05 250 3.55 50 4.03 300 Caledouia.so2oo Julia ... 36 200 3.90 200 69 750 371,400 4.85 too 55 3oOJustice..l.7o 200 Uni0n. ...3.60 150Chal C .3.. 1200 Lady W..40 150 3.65 150 ('h011ar.. 4. 30 200 Mexican:*. Bs -00 3.70 200 Ha 600 4.00 60 Utah l-A 400 6.00200 4.05 50 1.30 200 4.!<0)15(>Ucr1dt1..1.65 l 450 Jacket. 3.3o 150 41,5e2000ph1r....5.0U 200 3.35 100 .4.60 300 4.90 .100 3*4 250 4.41.1 | ' A'TKRVOO*" SSSSIOK— 2:3O. 400 Alpha... 1.65 400 (J A . .3.00 400 Savage. .1.55 200 1.70 400 3.05 400 4.60 200 Andes so 100 _..3 .10450 4*4 200 8e1cher. 3.351200 3.15450 4.83 200 3.40 100 h'.'OO 4.90 150 3.15 200 3.20 160 4.95 100 11 A- 8...4.06 21.0 3141200 6.00 200 4.10 200 11 a N... 3.45 400 5c0rpi0n.. 30 200 4.16 100 .31 •■ 150 SB A .2.30 150 4.20 400 3.60300 2.35 600 8u11i0n.. 4.1 1", .TO 3.70200 S Nev ...4.00 300 4', 300 3.65,700 4.20 500 1.20 300 Justice. .l.7o,lso 4.15, 400 Bonanza. .39 200 Mexican 3.95 200 4.10 260 40 300 4.00,200 4 1-i 400 Caledonia. 67 201) 4.05 100 Uni0n... .2.70 100 (hall C. .3>/ 2 450 4.10200 3*4 160 I'll 1iar. .4. 00 150 Ophir 4"„ 300 3.85 '.00 4 '</, 100 5.. 0-00 3.90 200 4.701100 4.95100 Utah 1.35 300 C Imp 49 200 4.90 1.30 600 60;400 0vcrmn.2.85,400 YJackel.3.3o 300 Con V.. .461700 2.95 300 3.35 100 c P0int. 8.30,200 Savage.. 4. 100 3.', a 300 3.35 450 4.451200 3.40 50 Exchcq. .1.36;300 4y.'150 3.15 I LOSING QUOTATIONS. Mo.nuay, June 23-4 l*. m. Sid. Asktd.t Hid. Asked. AlphaCou 1.65 I.7o'Julla SO 36 Alta 1.35 l.4oi'u,uce 1.70 1.75 Andes SO BS|Kentuck 1.75 1.85 Belcher 3.35 3.40 Lady Washngn. 35 40 Belle Isle 90 -Mexican 4.05 4.10 Best A 4. 25 .Navajo 40 45 Bodie 60 —Nev Queen 85 95 Bullion 4.25 4.30 Belle Isle 1.35 1.40 Caledonia 55 60 Occidental 1.65 — Central 10 15 Ophir 4.95 6.00 Challenge C0n. .3. 00 3.70 Overman 2.90 2.95 (hollar 4.55 4.65 Peer 25 30 Commonwealth — 3.50 Peerless 25 30 Con Cal A V1r.. 4.90 6.oo;i'otosl.. 9.50 9.73 Con New York.. 45 60 Savage 4.86 4.90 Con Imperial... 45 50 II A Slides C..2.30 2.35 Crown Point. . .3.30 3.35 Scorpion ....... 30 35 Crocker 15 - Sierra Nevada.. 4. 2o 4.30 East Sierra Net 05 10 Silver Hill 40 50 Exchequer 1.30 I.3s'Uulou Con 3.85 3.90 uould A Curry.3.2o 3.26 Utah 1.30 1.35 tirand Prize.... — oolweldun 10 — Hale A N0rcr5..3.65 3.70 V Jacket 3.35 3.40 ■XBOJKJL*UUfKO*DB SECURITIES. Mosi.ay, June 23—2 p. v. Bid. Asked. Mil. Asked US 8d5.4'5...122 122y v I'aclflcLlghtg. 80 82'/., CutaCoWßils.lOOy-lO'jy^ s sf Gaslight.. 57' a 57', 2 Dupnt-st lids. — 112VaStktou U A 11. 30 60 FACHseRyB.IO6 — Cal-st Rlt 107 110 MAPRRBda.. — 90 Central RR... 15 — Mkt-st RRBdsl''sV4 — City R. — 102 P Coast Kß. — 105 !•' A C Use Rv 36 40y NPRRBds..ll6Vill7y 2 Ucary-st RR. — 102 NRyofCalßdslll 116 NBAMRR. — 63Vi OiiilllhiisCUd.llß 120 Omnibus R It. — 82y a PAORRBds...I2O 125 Presidio RR.. — 35 PA( 'HKyßds. - 108 Anglo As. H2yi 86 Powl-slKyl'd . — 126 California lusl 11 — SPRRArlißdslo7l4loß.;,Co.iimere'llus — 90 SPRKCalUdslEiyjlli", fireman. 1d. 115 — RPRRCaIBSs.IOIVs - Home Mutual.l4o - SPBrßCalßuslllVslllVa State luvestln — 76 U'5.. 123. 123T» Union Ins — 90 SVWater4's.. — 94 "a- Atlantic Pow. — 46 AngloCalllllk. 83 89 I'al Powder. ..l4o 190 - Bank of Cal... 2821/4 (Dalit Powder — 70 CalSafeDepos. 50 — Sal'tyN'llPow. — 16 . Kirst.Natßank.l7o — VlgontPow.. 6% 8 LPAAml'aiik.l23yj — Vulcan Pow.. — 17>,j. LA 8 V Bank. — 41 Cal Elec Light 18'!. 19 - Pacific 8ank. .160 165 Cal Klec Wks. — liy, March Ex Buk — 24 Haw'nCom... 14./4 16 Blue Lakes W. 16 — Hutch'u Sugar 19/* 20 Contra Cos W. 89Vi 92 Juds'nM'fgCO — 20 MarluCoW... — 60 Oceanic S 8.. — 89 8 V Water.... 9T/a — Pac BS A. 5... 66 — Central lias... — 85 Pac In A Nail. — 35 Los Aug, Uas. 55 — Pac Pi.onogh. . B*4 Oakland . 34" 35. PacWooduw'e 26 — l':i, 1..,-, in. Co — . 84 . SIORNINO SAI.KS. Board— lo Anglo-Nevada Assurance, 83' 8 S V Water. 97. Street— 6s State Investment Ins. 75. - AFTERNOON BALES. Board-25 Hawaiian Commercial and Sugar, 14*/*; 60 8 V Water, 97 ; 10 do, 97 'A. -■■■■■■• Street— so Hutchinson S P Co, lOVj. '. ■ The Reno (Nevada) Journal Is Informed upon unquestionable authority that several of the saw mills on the Truckee are ddinplng their sawdust ami oilier debris into I lie river In direct violation of Hi,' law, bull) of Nevada and California. - A number of Nevada Stale citizens have been to heavy expense stocking the river Willi fish, and they leel by no means disposed to submit quietly to llietr uclion by the vandalism of elliier Nevada or the neighboring Stale, and unless the tiling is discontinued at ouce trouble will com- OieUCS. ' l lilli>l|-llla l rail l /IWW»Wi'f ll WlM < al ti'lliV'VWl . , a ., r ;x.,-> ..:...■ - . - ...... HOTEL ARRIVALS. ! GRAND HOTEL. J Hughes, Potter Valley | J 0 Garratt, Los Angeles F C Macartney, Snta Cruz Mrs J C Garratt, Los Ang Mrs J V Phillips, Chicago Fannie E Beebe. Los Aug Miss L L Phillips. Chicago Mrs J Powers. Eureka G C Garrett. Red Bluff C C Stephens, Los Angeles G D Plato, Modesto A Morse, Slsson C L Lamberson, Vlsalla AY la Motle, Glen Ellen II A Comptoii, Nashville J C Sheparl, Fresno G Gowan, Cottoueva YV H Clarke, San Diego J L Price. San L Obispo A L Hallhache, san Diego R P llamill, Nevada L J Lockhart, Los Angles J Hull, Denver ,1 Deveney, Cnico I. F Moulton. Colusa CM Forbes, Los Angeles F Reade. California I) Carton, Tulare Miss J P Alford, sta Cruz Dr F Kolllken ,v- w, Sacto YY' E Colton, San Jose Mrs Tormey, California G Roe, Vallejo Miss Tonnev, California T 1 Oargle. Oakland E J W . Vail ejo A Lewis, Sacramento 1 G Wickershain, Petalma G Price. Sacramento C Mccreary, Sacramento Mary E Ballard, Los Ang J McCudden, Vallejo Emma J Ballard, Los An i F George, Redding .1 Z Fdwards, Riverside Osborn, Sacramento F 11 Edwards, Riverside |T C Johnston Aw. Pleastn Mrs It a Steel, Los Angls'Dr C H Gordan A w, Lodi W Jones, Lodl |Lulu Mcpherson, Kansas X Dowing, Colusa I A Heilbron, Sacramento M J Haber. Lemoore C Anderson, Sacramento Mrs W L 11 : -.--, San Jose W Syuiinonds, Santa Rosa A J Regan, San Diego PALACE HOTEL. L Hull. Sacramento Mrs C 1) Porter, Idaho E Thompson, Liverpool El' Fortune, Fresno G W Mordecai, Madera T Erksbine. Scotland II YV Redington, Cal ii H llenshaw, England J II Nclf, Colfax W M W lihiuoy, Denver A Ilauamer, Salt Lake II W Lopshau, London L P spence, Sacramento TV Stephens 4- wf Florida A X Butler, Fresno J A Bekerson Aw.StLouis Miss I'leasauton S FT Carr, Philadelphia Miss i. 11 Mastic, Cal E Smith, Boston E V Whitney, Boston s c Sellls, Klngbury TV II Wilde, Ventura C W Greene, New York J J Perkins. S Barbara YV H Fessenden, Rlversld E Irvl-un. Santa Barbara YV B Wood, New York Ell lleacock, S Barbara All Busch, Los Angeles Miss Spalding, Boston J C Snrlci-. San Diego Dr 11 J Horde, Truckee E D Goodrich, New York 11 o Wlnslow, Idaho Miss Whitney, Boston A M Bergwin, Chicago Miss Lane, Boston M Ringgold, Ohio G M Lane, Boston A C Merry weather, Ohio .1 Scrlpps, Astoria GV P Lansing, Seattle ' II S Wickes, Michigan C Chapman, New York RM Saudrord, Aruranda A Cooper, New York A Campbell, Los Angeles YV M Warder, St Louis Misses Reed. Boston E Williams, Nevada M D Spalding, Boston 11 Ii Reed A: wl, Boston J T Spalding, Boston BALDWIN HOTEL, C W Denficld.Mare Island W F Redlngton. Pt Costa J M Finch, Crockett II Kramer pinole J R McLaughlin. NY A J Buckles, Fairfield YV V Pratt, Agueies I. Arellanis. Sta Barbara T II Hackett, Y'allejo S C Taylor, Fresno YV C Peck-, Few York |ll ,1 Jaggs, Petaluma V Hamilton A w, Chicago II II Jaggs, St Louts X Harrison, Portland 11 M lime, San Diego L J Gorman, Stockton I A Deutsch, New York J H Gardner. Rio Vista D J Sivaiie. Y'ictoria L Franklin. Sulsun J X Porter, San Jose J w Littlehale. Stockton Miss Watson. Berkeley Mrs Scbr.un. St Helena A II Goudllnd, Sacmnto FT M Crenway, Monterey 11 A Starkey, Sacramento Mrs J Cry, San Leandro F C Marshall, Sacraiueuto MrsCapt i.allee.s Leandro | P Baker a w, Buffalo B Richards. Portland |L Wltkonskl, Tulare EH FoatlCllla, Stockton J C Bane, California Homer, St Louis |J Kinney .V. w, Dakota E O Melrose, Pittsburg ;N L Walker, retaining, J YV Lawrence, New Yorklll A Schram, st Helena Miss .-ii.--.rt, Sonoma | M Gracouiinl, I'etaltliua G W Esclieuberg, 111 iJ G Doblnson, Los Ang J A Bell, USA ICE Hoyt, Pennsylvania li ii Chamberlain, Boston It BtamneJr, l'eun J It Haskell, Independence 11 White. Lakevllle Mrs it Keif, st Paul i TV X Nichols, Santa Rosa Miss Re If. St Paul INTERNATIONAL HOTEL. N J Bradley, San Diego F: Langley A- wf.L Angles i' skinner. El Paso C Calhoun, Pleasanton I. I'uiirov, El Paso IP Kendal, I'leasauton Cl l Itztrald, New Mcx JII Gannon, Yallejo Mrs YV Elder, Little Rock H Clark, Vallejo Miss F:ider. Little Rock J T Holland. Cincinnati J A Elder, Little Hock JL Hartnett, Cincinnati J Rogers, California T Moore, Robinville Miss C McDonald, Ariz YV Burke. Robinville N A Davis. Los Angeles II E Smith. Cincinnati E Bergcuian, Chicago S B Ileal, st Paul J I. Patterson, Woodland G w Bleil, New York S Patterson, Woodland Gll Scott, New Yurk A J Billings, Los Angeles J Percy, Colorado - ' Mrs E I. Davis, Orlaud II Elliott, Colorado Miss Davis, Orland J Bradley. Colorado Mrs Kent, California A Mclntyre, S Dakota Miss Dent, California G Strain, San Mateo R Hint, California aY Fovyr, New York G Murphy, California It I. Dickinson, New York 11 s Hull. Port Costa I YV Gngg. Ukiah C Wilson, Port Costa L G Barker. Santa Rosa C Utterly, Port Costa C Jackson, Santa Rosa J a llolni.ui, Ukiah YV il Graver, Santa Rosa 8 S Wilton, Novato M las X Dunham, Mason A M Swansou, Llvermore J F' Rlekard. Los Gatos C G Peterson, Fresno ,G W Selton, Gilroy BUSS HOUSE. F" C Pratt, San Jose A Pesk Jr. Cordelia -. l' Simpson, Stockton F" M Rahul, Woodland D T Johnson. Covelo W M Snow, San .lose .1 Mason, Hcahtsnurg G W wmiamsou.Los Aug J Nelseo, Healdsburg B W Pendleton, Oakland A Lewis, Olema 11 Jones, Oakland A Riley, Fresno J Pierce A w, California S Sim, Fresno 1" Fitzgerald. Virginia Cty P E Myllus, Fresno 0 Ahem. Virginia City F J Kalley, Los Angeles i* McGumuess. Virginia C G X Rose' .Modesto Mrs Asliby. Lys Angeles C A Vogelutan, Modesto Mrs G jndard, Pasadena QSMc nee. Weslport ill, Hidden, Sail Diego R C Herri, Wheatland | YV li Sbepard, Ohio J Ball, Big Trees T Denny * d. Napa AI. Young. Kansas City II Flotomerscb, Ohio Miss E Snyder, Lawrence D II Wheeler, New York Miss X Harris, Lawrence H G llazzard a- ty, S Jose J Harris, Lawrence a- yv Lynn, Fresno YV 11 Valentine, Coloma JABlakie. Fresno t; Rupert. Fresno F Williams, Fresno M p lsenbcrg 4 w.Stockti;-! Relller, Los Angeles L I. Randall, Toledo Mrs li Manuel. Fresno c \Y l-'ross. Santa Rosa '1 P Shaw, Duncans Mills Mli Bufflngton, Biggs I AMERICAN EXCHANGE. J I" Wright. New York G w McKlnley, Mazatlan It Wrlfshl, New York 11 S Brammau. 11.,- -.-. irds Wright, New York C Laiideeker, Placerviiie TV G Harris, Portland c II Hidden, orlaud 1' Hinds, Portland C E Smith, Santa Paula YV s Seymour. Petaluuia T Browning, Napa G Simpson, Truckee 1. Stevenson, St Helena <; Holland, Omaha tt McCullough, Westport M Goldsmith. Omaha D S Culp. California F Lee, Omaha II G Harper, Chicago C M Pratt, San Simon i.I YVestpnal. Mendocino G p Gardiner, San Simon X Wild, Temescal J Johnson, Mllpitas 'J We'ier, Santa Cruz M E Mortiuier.vf Pa A Mtiitnu, Saeiauiento Mrs J C BensonAch.lowa F' EBerry.YVUdvvoodGlen Miss M Bens lowa MrsßerryAc, YVildwodOn J Norton, Merced A Jones, California H Searby. catlturuhi G V Roche. San Diego C Merry, Duncans Mills X C Webster .vs.SantaAna A Falkner, California C Webster, Santa Ana J Buchanan. Mexico JBlooni'lalc.itl, San Diego YV Brobock, Napa E Elton, Yolo E Bergen, Napa C Dlnges, Pennsylvania Miss ESniart&s, England .MlsslMnges.Peuusylvaula W E Clayton, Montana It W Hod, ogden J P ciaytuiiAw, Montana OB Miller, liea.dsbttrg BROOKLYN HOTEL. J II Burke A r.Snta Clara N II Marvin. Monterey J M Jackson, l.lmira YV I) I'uwley, Reno J J Congas, Ohio w c Hansom, Cioverdale B Lewis, Sail Jose J B Atwood, Beulcla J Davison, Sacramento C U Lacey. Brownsville A T Gallagher, Alvlso G A Cuter. Los Angeles J X Symons. Los Angeles C C Tate, Fresno E Anderson. Sacramento X N Coursun, Sacramento OTornlerton, Denver V Rhodes, Cloverdale G 1" Morgan. New York X D Leggett, Mill City DC Christen, old Home- i.I Lines. Cklah stead Co D W Gink Brentwood YV YV Alien, do J I- Kelly, Amador D Regan, do J A Flyuu, Milton L Kelly, Sacramento J D Bloss, Mlddletown YV II Tucker, Fresno 1. H Hicks, Petaluma J N A nun. Fresno IK X Mitchell, San Jose W C Miiistou. sauta Clara It A Di, lunar, Stockton T Harris, Stockton J l-i Donnell, Sun Diego II G Alden, New York J X Clark, Cioverdale C G Merrill. Brentwood Jlt Crowe, Boston YV M Sweeney, Modesto | ' LICK HOUSE. L E Clayton. Los Angeles|T 11 Partridge. New York F A outeiiweitb, Y'reka [William Batten, Mimicry E s Meitny, Seattle T.I YY ebsterA w. Sail Jose Tll Kernaii, Marysvllle Charles Brown, Sail Jose Aveliee Dui.siuere. do L J MarniTis, Williams Mrs x Hill. Walnut Creek I Miss Fergtuson, s Rosa Mrs YV Rice, Walnut Crk T C l.oomls. Santa Rosa J D Hill, Walnut Creek, M M Parker. Salinas Mrs Reeves. Napa ,L.I Oakley .vw. st Helena Miss Reeves, Napa 'P Elciebaii. San Jose HF" porter. Los Angeles C P Thurston. L Angeles Il F' Bremer, Los Angeles i.I II Bonner, Ccdarville T I" Surrim. .Mexico |SC Smith. Gilroy Alfred Daggett, sau Jose Mrs II M Coffin, Kelsevvll C E Baub, San Jose 11 B Wheatou.Smartsville Mrs G B Reed, Dixon M McMamera, Merced Mrs J Coleman, Napa OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. OD G Johnson 4 Santa 0 Kodgers, San Jose Rosa YV li 'i tu-uer.SpokatieFill .1 S Moshy, Denver ' Si's. A Turner, Spokane F' J C Bolter Jr. l in: id. i li. Miss It Turner. Spokane F 11 A Cleveland, Chicago II J WcHacott A- in, Los M II Luring. San Rafael Angeles I) Johnson A w, Denver Mrs E YVoliacott, Los Ang FGrlflln. Roiiama Miss N Wniiacolt.LosAng Miss F: Griffin, Roiiama YV F' Cooper, sti.iiislausCo A Smith, Boston C F Beck, Los Gatos Mrs Crosson, Minneapolis; YV G Lymans, Los Gatos Miss M Crosson, Mlnneap; A J itraekett, Los Gatos MlssC Crosson, Minneap A It Howe, Butte I. a Bailey, Portland iD YV Lorlng. San Rafael L o Chalon, Seattle i V. F Adams, Colusa A D Thomas. Coins. i I li 11 War Held, Healdsburg COMMERCIAL RECORD. Monday Evkninii, June 23, 1 S.'MU.VHY Or" I'iiK M.VUKKt'a. Coffee rules Unit. Wheat and Barley dull. Oati* offered amply. Corn dull. let.!-lulls hanged. . New liny higher and old lower. Beans Inactive. Potatoes steady. Onions in good supply. Butter and Eggs unchanged. More Mexican Limes arrived. Ileus firm and wanted. Tomatoes appeared from the river. -«. I'liglUli Wheat .Market.' Liverpool, June 23.—Tho spot market Is weak at 6* 10d@7s. Cargoes are dull at 33s 3d lor off coast. 35s lor Just shipped and 35* 3d lor nearly due. •TUTU-US, The Produce Exchange cahle give- the following Liverpool quotations: June, Os 11*44; July, 7» t4d; August, 7s %d; September. 7a IVid: Octo ber. 7s lid; November, 7s 2V4d; December, 7s '2V*a. <>".;', (iKCI'UITIKS. Lo.vnoy, Juno 211.- Consols, 97; United State Bonds: 4's, 124; 4'/./s, 105; Silver, 47*4 d: Rentes, 911 77V.-C; Bullion into Bank of England, £121»,000( New York Markets. 1 New York, June 23.—Stocks to-day were quiet, but In the main were strong, with slow and stead appreciation. The attitude or operators is still maintained, and a moderate demand from shorts, with a limited quantity of home buying, was suffi cient In the absence of any marked pressure by the bears to mark fractionally higher figures for most of the list.' Governments dull and neglected. " Petro leum opened steady, but after first sales sagged oft and closed dull. llyc quiet at 46c. Barley nominal. New .York, June 23.— United States Bonds: 4's, 122*/,; *\i'», -*-3!/2. [Northern Pacific, 36*4; Cana dian Pacific, 82. i; Central Pacific, 34; Union Pa cific, 844%: Atchison, Topeka and Santa Pc, 45*4: Wells-Fargo. 148 . bid, 145 asked: Western Union , Xl-is; Silver, 104: Sterling, $4 85V4.54 B»*A. ' Wheat, cash, 95Vic: July, 93c. Flour—Quiet.'; :■'■-'■'■'. Coffee—sl7 25. . Sugar—4 13-10.!!. 5 7-lOc. , Hops—California. 19c. "r Hides—California. 13Vi--, Copper-Lake, $10 60. Tin-Spot. «21 40. . Lead— Domestic, *4 52Vi- '..'•' lrcn-?14. 1 ttioleum—B9*4 c. Chicago Markets* -' Chicago, June 23.—The Tlilble supply or Wheat ■'': •-'. -■■ .:':.; ■••- .-• -: '■■•:.:.■ - - " - . -'-' ' . Is 21,098,000 bushels, a decrease of 480,000; Corn 15.020,000, a decrease of 584,000; Oats 4,994,000, a decrease of 402,000; Barley 479,000. a decrease of 50,000. Wheat opened from 3 ,j@ 7 ' B e lower for July, advanced B e, declined Ic. recovered some, and closed "4c lower than Saturday. The deferred futures did not decline quite as largely, ruling 1* a @is c lower; recovered some, and closed "lie lower than Saturday. Receipts, 199,000 bushels; shipments, 156,000. Chicago, June 23.— Wheat, cash, 84*140. Corn— 34i.ic Pork-sl3. Lard— ss 821/ i. Ribs-* 5 05. Wblsky-sl 09- . Fine Silver. Nominal at fl 03V4@1 06 *» ounce. Mexican Dollar*. Quotable at 82@83y«c. New York Exchange. New York exchange, 10c for sight drarts and 15c for telegraphic. ""fIiJjJjDMMaMHti Shipping Notes. Steamers to sail to-day are the Walla Walla for Victoria and I'uget Sound, the Farallon for Yaqulna Hay and the Gipsy for the Salinas River. The Al-Kl falls due from I'uget Sound, and the Yaqulna from the southern coast. The schooner Margaret C, 65 tons, loads merchan dise for Mexico; the bark W'llna. 1409 tons, coal at Naualmo for this port or San Pedro. Produce -Market. FLOUR— Net cash prices are: Family extras, ?4@ 4 20; linkers' extras, $4@4 10; city superfine, $2 90(0.3 20; Interior brands, $1<34 20 for extras and 52 90(313 20 %i bhl Tor superfine. WHEAT— Nothing new. Trade dull at the old prices. No. 1, *1 27Vi@l 28*4 - No. 2. $1 25; choice. $1 30; extra choice, for milling, $1 i'2\- (31 So' 1 •64 ctl. CALL SALES— MOR VIVO. Buyer '90-200, *l 87%. 200, $1 37 1/ 3 700, *1375,5. Buyer season— loo, $1 43*4; 100, $"l 43%. CALL SALES— AFTEKXOOX. Buyer 90-100. $1 38; 900. *1 37%. Buyer sea son—loo, $1 44; 200, $1 441/s- BARLEY— Quiet at previous quotations. No. 1 Feed, $1 01*431 02Va: choice, $1 03%; lower grades, 98*4C<3*1: fair to good Brewing, $1 05$ 1 10; good to choice. $1 l'JVi'sl 15 V- cil CALL SALES — MOUSING. Buyer '9o-400, $1 07%. ; . ; - CALL SALES— AFTERN'OOV. Buyer '90, after Aug. Ist— 3oo, SI 07%. OATS— There were ample offerings yesterday, but the inquiry was very light. No. 1. 91 00<4,\ 571/3; No 2. $1 60541 52 -> a ; Choice, $1 60® 1 02y>; Gray, $1 60.91 55 f* ctl. CORN— The market is well supplied and quiet. Large Yellow. $1 15$1 20 for common to choice and $1 25 for choice milling: small Round Yellow, $1 22y,(Ml 25; White. *l@l 05 V ell. RYE— Quotable at 9oTsi92V«c » ctl. Quotable at ill sU'<ils for the best and $ 13@14 V ton for lower grades and outside brands. MIHDLiNGS-Quotableat $*-*Ufc;22 f» ton. HAY— New Hay is slightly higher, while old is de clining. New Wheat, Sb^'ll for fair and $12 50® 14 50 for choice; new Oat. $7 sUfa,9 50; new Wild Oat, $8 50k-,.. 50; new Barley, $8(^10: new Clover, ** o-i«... 50. Old Is quotable as follows: Wheat. $9912 f0r ordinary, ami $1 15 for extra choice; Wheat and oat, $.--<^lß 50: oat, f8@ll; Wild Oat, $.'(#1 1 ; Barley, ?r,"o>10 > ton. STRAW —Quotable at 45@55c V bale. MILLSTUFFS-Ground Barley »2.T(323 50 f- ton. The mills sell Oilcake Meal at $25 V ton net: Bye Flour, 3c 1* lb; Bye Meal, 2 c: Graham Flour. 3-*ac; Oatmeal, 4-'.4c; Oat Groats, 4 : ! +c; Cracked .Wheat, 3-...C; Buckwheat Flour, sc; Pearl Baney. i','a& 4%0 V tb. SEEDS— Yellow Mustard. »1 90@2"Sctl; Brown Mustard, *2 60<a13 25; Flax, 52 75; Canary, 3V4@ 3*4.C ■& lb: Allaira, 7'/..@8i,4c %i lb; Rape, 2-,-c; lleinp,4>a,c: Timothy, 5* 4 @6',ic DRIED i'KAS- Nominal. Mies, $2@2 25 ij- ctl. Split I'eas, 6"Ac V lb. BUCKWHEAT— California, nominal at $1 25@ 1 75; Eastern, 52 15 "f- ctl. CORNMEAL, ETC.— Table Meal, .'-ii- 3 @4c "9 ft,; Feed Corn, $25 5U@26 50; Cracked Corn, $2t>@ 27 >- ton Hominy, 4c A*, lb. BEANS— Dealers report a quiet market. Kayos, $;i 111.(3 a 20; Pea. *2 25@2 45; small White, *2 20 lii'l 40; Pink, $2 83^3 10; Reds, nominal; Limaa, $4 75:45 : Butters, $-1102 25 >* ctl for small and me dium. POTATOES— arrivals were the heav iest for some time, being 6642 sacks, but the market was steady. Sew Potatoes, $1 75.'u,l 90 in sacks and $1 70ft02 25 >• Ctl in boxes. ONIONS— Bed are in ample supply at $1 25@1 40 *=>. ctl. BUTTER— DuII. All grades except Fancy are weak. Fancy, 16./ s f*l7c; good to choice, 12@14c is -ft; common to fair. IO^I lc: store Butter, labile %* lb; pickled roil, nominal; Eastern, 7@loc V lb. CHEESE— Good to choice mild new, b@7c r- lb; fancy, 7-V%^SBC; Young Americas, B<^Hi..c; cased, lie additional: Eastern. 13@UVyC V lb. POULTRY— There Is now a pood demand for Hens,' but they are not arriving very freely. Live Turkeys, lSfa.2oc for Gobblers and 13@17c for Hens; Geese, '-r- pair, $191 '*■§; Goslings, $1 25($ 1 75 tP pair; Ducks, $4 50f<>5 fur old and *5 5036 50 for young: Hens, $6 50@8: Roosters, young, (HN^IS; do, Old, S6@6; Fryers, $B©'J; Broilers, gicajti 50 for large and $:.i<>4 V* doz for small GAME— Doves. 75c ¥1 dozen; Hare, dull and lower a: $i*fii 50 ; Rabbits, *1 75 lor Cottontails, and 50 for small. EGGS— No change In any kind. Some fancy Eastern are soiling at 19@20c. Fair to choice East ern, 16((5.17 1 A,c: California, 153,1. 'c for store and 21(<a23c for ranch. HONEY— New White Comb, 10dl2c; do. in 1-fb frames, 1 1 -.v- 12 • : new bright extracted, stfll 5!... c: amber, 4@u"c ?1 lb. BEESWAX— Quotable at 20@24c ? 16. i FRESH FRUlTS— Gooseberries have almost dis appeared and a week or 10 days more will finish Cherries and Currants. Apricots and Peaches con tinue abundant. Very few Strawberries coining in. Figs,9l@l 25 V box; I'lums. 50c(i-j:«sl |) box: Cherry Plums. 75c 9 box and 25 alloc V* drawer; Currants, *3@l 50 Tichst; Raspberries. *7@lo^chst: Black berries, $s^B; Apricots. 35&65 c?l boa and 35@50c x*. basket for Royals; Peaches, 40fi£75c *?* box and 40 ra)6sc ft basket for Vacavtlls anil — %T box and .->!•,-.-;,.' v basket for River; Green Apples, 40@50c 1* box and 4O(ftsoc t* basket; Red Apples, $ro>l 25 for large and 75c for small boxes and 40@75c ?> basket; Green Fears, 40(5160c VI box ami 40 050 c ;>. basket: Cherries, lioi'a7si' V box for good to choice Black Tartarian and dOASSQ Tor Royal Anne. Gooseberries, s@tic TA lb for English; .Strawberries, $'''.Ci_' '-» chest for large Berries and $12@15 tor Long worths. CITRUS FRUIT. ETC.— A car-load of hair rotten and wiited Bananas from New Orleans is being worked off at 6l'@7sc per bunch. Arrival of 982 boxes fresh Mexican Limes. Tahiti Oranges, $3; Riv erside seedlings. *. : ;• . Los Angeles Seedlings, $_•■■;» 3; Malaga Lemons, $4fci6; Sicily Lemons, $5(6.6: Riv erside Lemons, $2 50w5; Sau Diego and Los Angeles Lemons. $191 50: Mexican Limes, $'(36: Bananas. ftllti'l 50 >- bunch; Pineapples, $;.f<£s V dozen. DRIED FRUITS— We quote contracts for new crop at lli/.@l2i/2C "a th for bleached Apricots, 11 912 c V It for White Nectarines, ll@l3c ? lb for bleached unpeeled Reaches, ami 6 : ' 4 @7V2C for Cal ifornia Prunes cured, and 2^2*40 for the fresh fruit. Old Fruit is nominal as follows: Raising, $1 75@2 15 for good to choice layers, $lfg) $1 10 for common to fair layers and S7 ,a c;, - L *- 50 for loose-. Grapes. 89*10 «* lb: Pressed Figs.*4(Ulsc: impressed 1 ■ \_\% 3c; pitted Plums. 7@Bc: uubltted Plums, 2(g)3 l Ac; evaporated Apples, nominal at 11 Va @12-Wc; sliced Apples, 6@7 1 / jC; quartered do, b\. 2 (37c; Calif' Prunes, nominal at 10'g-loc; Ger man Prunes, nominal; sun-dried unpeeled bleached Reaches. 12yi,(aT15c as nominal quotations: un bleached Peaches, Sffillc; peeled bleached Peaches. nominal; sun-dried bleached Apricots, nominal at 15 - 17c: unbleached, fc^llc: evaporated Apricots. nominal.' NUTS— Are quotable as follows: Pice Nuts, 8® 9c "ft. lb; softshell Almonds, lil'al V lb: hard-shell Almonds, Static "f* lb; paper-shell Almonds, 14,(j)15c: California Walnuts, lojjllc for Los Angeles, 10® lac for Santa Barbara; Chile Walnuts. 10c: Pea nuts, 097 ' •■<•; Hickory Nnts,o93c : P( cans, 10.,g)llc: Filberts, ll' / s,(iS!2>,2C; Brazil Nuts, nominal at 139 12*Ae at lb: Oucoanots, $590 "** 100. • VKGETAKLES-River Tomatoes appeared yester day, but were not sold. Some Corn that had sweat in the cars over Sunday was worked od at the lowest quotations. CM. Hartley of Vacaville has sent in Hits; Plant, the lir--t or the season, from the Bay neighborhood, seilin? at $2 91 box. Green Peppers, IOC is It,; Tomatoes, $1 25@2 "» box; Green Corn, »1 i.a. 1 25 %i sack for common and 20c *. dozen for first quality: Summer Suuash. 35@50c Is box for Win ters and 75it»$l 26 V box for Alameda; Wax Beans, 4 fa" sc V lb; Fountain Beans, 596 c V lb; String Beans, SlgiTc: Cucumbers, 65cAa$l v* box for ordinary and $1 2591 75 for Bay: ordinary Aspara gus, *I@l 50 Vi box: choice, $1 759'<£ ? oox; fancy, »2 2; fi _' EO 1? box: Rhubarb, 7scfe»l "pi box for No. 1 and 50c VJ box for No. 2; Green Peas, $1 50^1 75 sack: dry Peppers. 12c; dry Okra, 6@loc *p lb; Cabbages, $1 V ctlj Teed Carrots, 50-9 65 c; Turnips, 75c'3J$i : Beets,sl : Parsnips, $1 25@1 50 a% ctl; Gar lic. lotan'ji-.c 'rl lb. provisions— Eastern oovered Breakfast Bacon Is quotable at 13(5)131,40 9 lb: California, smoked Bacon. iiiiulOc irt lb for heavy and medium, and 13@13' / -cp lb for light: 13M,014c '? It» for extra light: Bacon sides. iOo®9-%c if- lb; Eastern Sugar-cured Unit for city trade, 13',2@13 -4C; California Hams, salt, 12'/i@l2./!.c V lb; refriger ator-cured, 13<313.,4c: Lard, tierces, Eastern, ad kinds, 9@'J Vic ; cases. 10,i410y-.c: California tierces, 9-4(>sHi..c; halt-bbls, 9 -,29 V tins. 10c; palls, 10"tb. 10',-c; do, 5-rb, 10- 4 c; kegs, 9%910e s* It.; Mess Beef. $8 505)'.!': extra mess do. $y 50 >> 10: family do, $12 50913; clear Pork, $19 50i#2il: extra prime, $16 50ai7: extra clear. $20920 50; mess do, $is,'.uis 50 y. bbl; Pig pork, *» keg, $3 sd<S 3 75; Pigs' Feet, $12^12 50 » bbl; Smoked Beet, UH9l2cw lb. HOPS— Quoted at 13@l7c*a 16. HIDES AND PELTS-lleavy salted steers arc quotable at 81/..C "ri lb: medium, 6c 9 lb; light. 5c fl II,; Cowhides, ;•.■-■ It. . salted K:p, 49 4-Vfce; sailed «:a:r, : -C; Dairy Calf. 2O^:ioc-. dry Hides, usual selection, 9c ; dry Kips. 7c: dry Calf. 7c v- it»; prime Goatskins. 35c each; medium do, 20.g»:t0c; small Skins, 10c; Deerskins, good sum mer. 30932 VfcC; medium, 25c; thin, 20c 1* ID; Sheep skins, shearlings, 10920 c; shore wool. 30@50c: me dium. Usfal9oc; long wool, t'i).ii'il 25 fi lb. Butcher town green skins sell relatively higher. TALLOW— Fair to good rendered, 3V4@4c: re fined. 5(5)5 v.c; Grease, 2y,@3c "j* lb. WOOL— We quote spring clips as follows: East ern Oregon, 15920 c; Nevada, 1591SVsi-: choice Northern, 10931 c; Humboldt and Mendocino. 21 (a)'-'3c: Ban Joaquin and Southern, year staple, I-BMI (a.l.Tc; Joaquin and Southern, seven mouths, 12 (ailbc; choice i-oothlll, 16-b IS • -r- 'X 10. General Merchandise. Calcutta, spot, 7c; July, 7c; Wool Bags, 36(338c: Potato Gunnies, nominal. COFFEE— The private circular of R. Hochkolier, under date of June 20tn, says: " Business during the last ten days has been more active, owing to the firmness Rof the New York market and to the general belief of small Imports from Central America for the remainder of the season. As a result Jobbers show more disposi tion to buy and Importers are becoming firmer in their views, although as yet there Is no appreciable change in quotations. strictly good to prime Gua temalas are held very firmly at 21@22c, owing to scarcity. Fair and medium Guatemala, are In de maud at hardening prices. Costa Rlctaare in little demand and quotable at 20a320y,G for good, with out black beans, and at 19@l9*>4e for fair to good, with some black beans. Good unwashed Salvador sold moderately at 195 a (3 19 54 c, closing at the latter figure, hut with little or no demand, ordinary and inferior Coffees are neglected. Sales since the 10th Inst, sum up 1735 bags Costa Rica, 1109 Salvador and 2469 Guatemala. The stock of Central Ameri cans In first hands comprises 1 3.308 bags Costa Rica, 66 Nicaragua, 17.111 Salvador, 10,518 Guatemala, In all 41. 021 bags." Good to prime washed Guate mala, 20 "..(321 good to prune Costa Rica and washed Salvador,l9V<ilg)2lc; fair washed Guatemala. 19laT20l,ic; fair Costa Rica and washed Salvador. 19 911H -c; medium Guatemala, Costa Rica and Salva dor, i"6 :t ,4(i4tiH''- + c; ordinary Guatemala, Costa Rica and Salvador, 14Vs91d> i-c: very Inferior to com mon Guatemala, Costa Rica and Salvador, 129141,44; good unwashed Salvador, 19<~»s9^ B!^* SUGAR— The California Sugar Refinery quotes, terms net, cash: Cube, BSJsjO: Crushed, 6" 0 c; Extra Powdered, 6*ißC : Fine Crushed, 6SA-«; Hrv Granu lated, 6-' c: Confectioner's A. 6',aC; Extra C. 4* 8 c; Golden O. 4-VmC V lb; Bags, ' «c more than bbla. The American Refinery quotes, terms net cash: Extra fine Cube, es/sc; Crushed, 6*. c; Fine Crushed, 6.',« c: Powdered, ti-vj-c; Extra fine I'ow<lered,'6"BC; Dry Granulated, «<•; XX do. 6a/ 8C ; Confectioners' A. 6Uc; White Extra C, 6c; Extra c,4" c; Golden C, 4 '; »C > ID. . San Francisco .Meat .Market. Wholesale rate, from slaughterers to dealers are as follows: - . BEEF— First quality, 6,36',jC; second quality, MMl34ei third do. 4(aiy,c. ..,.-- VEAL— Large, 4@6c: small Calves, B@Bc'' ; " MUTTON-Wethers, by,o7c: Ewes, ti.'-^d- 3 c. ■ ; LAMB—Spnng Lamb. 71380 -H tt>. - -.>^7U», --:-•*. POKK-Ll ve Hogs, 4@IV,C tor light grain-led, and .I>, >'-@.s"!ic for heavy packing: stock Hogs, 3'/^9 3"j»c v lb; dressed do, 7_>7 Vac s* lb. KECEITXS OF. FRODCCE. Monday. June 23. Flour, qr sis 28,562 i 8ran, 1,119 Wheat, ctls 4,324 Middlings, aks...„ 391 do Oregon. do.... 8,225 Or Screenings. sks. 205 Barley, ctls 14,2.i4|!1ay. tons „ 820 Oats, ctls 515! Straw, tons « 10 Corn, ctls 1,767 Wool, bis 799 Beans, 3,693 Quicksilver. flsks... 134 Potatoes, sits 6,642 Hides, no 263 Onions, sks 400 OCEAN STEAMERS. Dates of Departure From San Francisco. Walla; Vie Put Sound Jne2J, '.lAMißdw'y I , I Sau Diego Jne 25.11 am Bdw'ya tCal. Portland Jne25.lOAU 'ifpear m . . . Mexico Jne25.lOAU | Hdw'yl I Miimiioidt Hay.. JneUb. 9aM]BJW»I c. .. China A Japan.. Jne :fKM|l* MS S , San Pedro ... Jn« 27, »am Hdw'T2 etteV Yaqiilna Hay.... Jne2S, 9AMiSe»ir'l* >ldt.. Huinboldt nay.. Jne sum Clay la. .. Australia Jne •-'«. icceanic iel)la.. Vie * Pat Sound Jne PAMlßdw'f I Portland Jiie 29,10 am i Spear — a " IsunDieeo !jne2«.ll»»|B(Iw > teles.., sanl'edro (July 1, BAMißdn'yl Departure of Australian steamer depends outus English malls. .^ ___ SUN' AND TII>K TABLE. In Pacific Standard Time. Computed by Thoica, Tkxn'K.nt, Chronometer and Instrument "•-> Maker, 18 Market street. £■ H.W. L.W. I 11. W. I.W. 3 - Small. Large. Large. Small. , ..... 3.07 AM110.20 AMT 6.01 PMj11.45 PM i. >.... 1..14 am Il.'lti AM 6.27 m O.OOam 1 i.... (5:35 am 11.55 All 6.55 pm U.3Sam». ; .Small. I Large. | '.... 7.57 am 0.4U i-m! 7.a« pm 1.38 AMI*. 1.... 9.10 am l.:fO ml 8.00 pm 2.20 AM 4. 1.... 10.16 am 2.30 PM a.4IPJI 3.10 AM 4. i.... 11.16 a«: 3.18 m B.Mfi»l 3.5 a aml4. Small. .| a SHIPPING INTEL LIUKXCK. lor Lata tUiippou juteUigenca see iUW. '"03* Arrived. Moviiav. June 23. Stmr Ysqulna, Thaxter, - hours from Port Har ford; live block, etc, to (iood.ill, Perkins 4 Co. stuir Santa Maria. Denny, 4 days frm RedondO; in !---. to D J Menerln. <- Stmr Mexico. Alexander. 61 Hours from Sao Diego, etc; pass anil mdse, to (ioodail, Perkins* Co.--" StinrNoyo. Drlsko, 44 Hours from Novo; lum ber, etc, to (has Nelson. stinr Alex Duncan, Gray. IV- days from Lorapoc; produce, to Goodali. Perkins A Co. Btmr Al-Ki. Hall, hS hours from Seattle: 1079 tons coal, Co Oregon Improvement Co; 27 kg** nails, Carolau A Co. BchrMari BidwelßLarsen, — hours from Albion; lumber, toll Wetlierbee. Up river direct. Cleared. Mo soar, June 113. Stmr San Juan, McCrae, I'auaina, etc; W I! A Johnson. stmr Walla- walla, Wallace. Victoria, etc; Good all, Perkins A Co. Schr -Margaret C, Green, Mazatlan; J KSchleMen, Sailed. Mi.viuy, June 23. Stmr Coos Hay. Nicholson, Point Arena, etc. Stmr AJax, Donaldson, Coos bay. Stmr Wbltesboro, Genie. Stinr San Juan, McCrae, Panama. Btiur Los Angeles. Lelaufl, Wilmington. Bark Harvester, Schnauer, Poit Townsend. if km John Smith, Kntsei, Fort I'owuseuil. Schr Laura Madsen, Hasmusseu, port Tuwnsend. Schr Napa City, Thirman. Schr Sacramento, lugwerson, Westport. Teles ran hie. POINT LOBOS— '-'3 - 10 p. si. — Weather hazy; wind NW, velocity 20 miles. Disaster. VICTORIA— June 23— ship's boat ha" arrived at Departure Day with news that the Canadian Pacinc Navigation Company's stmr Sardonyx is a complete wreck, off Queen Charlotte islands. Only the most meaner details are obtainable, but It is said no lives were lost. It Is supposed the stmr wcut to the bot tom In the storm last Tuesday. Spoken* No date-Rat 6 N. lon 29 W, ship Servia. hence Feb 26 for Hull. -May 27— 1 -.7 -, lon 27 W, Br ship Brengfell, from* Liverpool for Honolulu. Per Iroquois— May 29— Lat 8 N. lon 119 W. ship Solitaire, hence May 10 lor Loud on. Mar 1- La: 18 30 S, lon 36 W, Br ship Engelhoru, from Liverpool for San Francisco. Domestic Ports. EITHER A- Arrived June 22-Schr Dig River, nee June 17. 23— Stmr National City, hence June 22; schr Kurt una. hence June 18: schr Ida McKay, hence June 18: schr Mai Buhiie. hence June IS. ASTORIA— Arrived June 23— Stmr Columbia, hce June 21; bktn North Bund, hence Juue 5; schr Novelty, hence June 13. Sailed June 23— Stmr Oregon, Tor San Francisco; bktn Eureka. WKSTPORT- Arrived June 22— Stmi Record and West port, Eastern Port**. NEW YORK— Cleared Juue 23— Ship Gen Knox, for San Francisco. Foreign Forts. HAVRE— Arrived June 22— ship Alameda, from Oregon via Queonstown. SUNDERLAND— Arrived June 20— Br bark Ar thurstone, from Oregon via Queeustown. WEST HARTLEPOOL— Arrived June 20-Ship Challenger, from Oregon via Queeustown. LONDON— Entered out June ll— Br ship City of Delhi, for San Diego. Importations. NEW YORK— Per Robert L Beiknap-67 pkgs Florida water, 26 cs umbrellas, 245 cs soap, 364 D steel rails, BuObbu resin, 60 tres lard. 125 cs slates, 9 pkgs castings, etc, -15 pkgs iron pipe fittings, 1 cs shirting. 150 tons pig iron, 55 puncheons, 4496 pkgs pipe, ■-: cs brushes, 110 bbls oil, 87 hols 79.pkgs - whisky, iocs hams. 130 bdls 54 ci paper. 148 bbis 12,803 cs lots'- pkgs mdse, 10 bis sage, 20 cs sar dines, 15 cm stamped tinware, 37 pkgs pitch tar. 45 cs 33 bbls 11 pkgs paint, 50 bols tumblers, 4 bath tubs. 2 cs blank-books, 0 cs 176 pkgs hardware, 1 cs books, 3-5 pkgs ink and mucilage, 3 cs 6 pkgs glassware, 1 bbl 5 CS licorice, 25 CS Caudles, 205 kg* 14 plugs nails, 8 cs chairs, 1 puncheon wine, 45 cs toys, 120 crts wood plates. 1 1 cs books ami games, 37 bis waste. 03 pkgs scales, etc. 200 bgs seed, 33 cs playing cards, 21 cs organs, 50 ci co; per paint, 6 bxs granite, 360 bbls plaster, 12 cs traps, 1 30 cs dye wood. 155 citron and sauce. 10 bis horse blankets, bbls pitch. 393 pkgs stoves and castings, 25 csks crm tartar, 284 anchors, 4cs paper tablet-*, 50 cs decoy ducks. 50 cs toothpicks, 6 es molding, 23 cs arsenic, 763 e.uptv packages. 53 pkgs axes, etc. 589 empty barrels. 7054 bills staves, 100 bbls marble dust, 194 sheets 601 DdlS 434 brs 21 bxs iron, 50 bbls Epsom salts. 10 cs plows. 15 hay-presses, 191 cs paper, etc, 2 csks 10 crts crockery, 6 cs toggle Chain, 40 pkgs chair stock, 6 pugs blocks, etc. i bbls soldering fluid, 75 cs salad dressing. 2 cs envelopes, 5 cs perfumery, 200 bbls alum, 52 pkgs clothespins, 523 kegs shoes, 12 bxs rivet--, 20 colls rope, 17 empty octaves, 8 bis . blankets. 406 bdls fence wire, 4 cs rough marble. 3 bbls Iron mills, 11 cs crayons, etc, 3283 brick re torts, etc, 13 cs blocks, 4328 empty kegs, 0 bis car pet, 3 bb:s hospital supplies. NoYO-PerNoyo-5500 posts, 50,567 ft lumber, 3357 railroad ties. HL"EN EM Per Santa Maria— 6263 Iks barley, 9 sks beans, 10S sks potatoes, 2 sks com, 4 cs eggs, 3 coops chickens, 22 als wool. liavlota— l2oo she. Luiupoc —1 1 bxs butter. 2 bdls hides, 62 Ska beans, 5 sks popcorn. I'ismo— 262 sks beans. SAN DIEGO— Per Mexico— 6 cs honey, 52 bdls dry fish, 496 lulls shook,, 10 sks rajs, 5 sks iron, 18 sks grape roots, 75 cs porter. 10 csks pickles, 6 cs mus tard, 100 cans tallow, 654 sks potatoes, 9 pkgs wire cloth. 2 bis dry goods. 1 pkg hardware, 2 bxs seed, 83 bxs lemons, 384 sks wheat, 2 pkgs plants, Ics beeswax, San Pedro— l pkg hardware, les paste, 2cs drugs, 150 cs canned good.", 20 bbls brandy, 65 cs catsup, 1 bbl 69 cs pickles, 19 cs mustard, 57 cs sauce, . horse, 1315 sks barley. Santa Barbara— l bx figs, l pkg hardware, 11 bxs glass, 8 bxs lemons, 1 kg drugs, 38 bx9 oranges, 49 US potatoes, 0 mils wire, 25 sks crawfish. Pore Harford— 9 kgs 114 bxs butter, lot sit hides. 57 sks potatoes. 10 bdls pelts, 18 cs eggs. 10 ens tal low, 1 bdi bides, 1 cs 1 bx beeswax, 2 coops fowls, 1 cs honey, i bx dry goods, 6 cs cheese, 2 bis tisti, 1 sk com. Santa Marla-339 sks beans. San Luis Ooispo— 3o9B sks beans. LOMPOC— Per Alex Duncan— s4 bxs butter. 48 cs eggs, 5 coops chickens, 227 cs honey, 1 pkg mar ble. Ventura— 2 lots asphaltum. llueneme— ll29 sheep. FORI' HAKKOKD— Per Yaqulna— l6* hogs. Rocksid tig— 92 tons bituminous rock. Sau Simeon— ll2 hogs. Consignees. Per Robert L Belknap— Sutton A- lieebee. Per Novo — Chas Nelson; 11 Oarthwalte; Port Cos ta Lumber Co: 0 A Hooper A Co. Per Santa Maria— Erlauger A Gallngcr-Kogi-r Bros Frounce Co; 11 Dotard; Lowry a Stellar ;Htiis Bros; Dodge, Sweeney A Co; Sawyerlanulug Co; Brown ,v Draper; Wheaton A Luhrs. Per Alex Duncan— Rlsdon, Cahen A Co; Barlln A Coles; Gets Pros -I Co; D Tiedemau a- Co: a Hrt-u --nan; Ross 4 Hewlett: Dodge, Sweeney A Co; Brown A Draper; Bassett A Bunker; Wheaton 4 Luhrs: t; Montgomery A Co: Hills Bros; s Mcllenry -% Co; J Prank A sons; Dalton Bros: S Levy A Co; D Palmar A Co: Shattuck, Kowalsky a Co; John Laws; ft x I Steiuhart A Co; llolbrook, Merrill A Btetautt; J P Thomas. Per Mexico— Chas Barley A Co; Roth, Plum A Co- Schacht, Lemcke a Stelner; Sherwood A Sherwood; Cunningham. CurUtt a Welch; Baker a Hamilton ;J W English; O 11 Smith A Co: llegler A Johnson; P Koel.ler: Hills Bros: Grangers' Business Ass'n; Earl Fruit Co; J DSpreckels A Bros: W .1 Murphy; A P Lenuon; Dalton Bros: D Kecfe -I Co; Duff £"(;.•-."-- Day A Co; Robert Height A Co; 11 Dutard: Sachs Pros; Smith's Cash Store: i hos A Cox: Haas Bros: TlllmaniiA Ben del; Well. nan. Peck A Co; L Saronl A Co; W W Montague A Co: miller. Puller A Co; Wlttiand A Frederlckson; Allison, Gray .v Co; Cal Electrical Works: Huntington. Hopkins a Co; Singer Jtfg Co; C E Whitney a Co; Wheaton A- Luhrs; E Everett A Co; Redlngtou A Co; 11 N TUden A Co; Ross, Sanders * Co ; House, Anderson A Co: W w Chase A Co; Rlsdon, Cahen a Co; Ross A Hewlett: Norton. Teller A Co; 0 B Smith A Co: M Ehrman A Co; Marshall, Tesjgarl a Broersen; Ben Hastings; Wells, Fargo a Co; Bros; Roger Bros Produce Co: E R Stevens: White Sewing Machine Co; 9 11 Frank A Co; Fechhelmer, Goodklu A Co; II B Varney: lleckman A Co; «' V Cunningham; Lin coln Tea Co: Union Ice Co. Per -tannine -B A Cuamberlaln * Co: J a Fair child; J X nubbins A Co; Merry, Faull A Co: W It- Brown. ■ * " The Weekly Call The Largest, Cheapest ...AMD.... MOST VALUABLE FAMILY WEEKLI i\ immii i, si loss mm IS EACH mm - Willi n 1 VOLUMES OF 191 PASES IB, ' ONLY $1 25 A YEAR, POSTPAID Scad (or Samples".. , . », F. CALL CO,, SU Uuatgauery i tree*