Newspaper Page Text
EVENTS IN THE SOCIAL WORLD. The Mnrriaee of Miss Emma G. ; Welch and Mr. George Boole Jr. " THE PKESCOTT SILVER WEDDING. A Hunt at Coronado Beach— The Rodin-Armstrong Wedding Last Friday Gilroy Flag-Raising Ex ercises—A Birthday Party — The Garfield Lodge Social — Miscel laneous Notes. An Interesting; wedding took place yesterday Bnortlj alter 11 o'clock at St. Joint's Clmicli on Valencia slieet. The contracting paities were Miss En ma G. Welch, dauj;lilei ol Mr. and Mr.'. William W. Welclt, i be loimer a pioneer on llie Coast and for some line » resident of Virginia City, una Mr. cuniKi Boole Jr., with tlie Dun liain-Caiiigan-llayden Company of tins city. The utide's father was one of the Hist vestry men ol St. John's Church, whence the pleasing choice of the church by the uncle as the scene of lier wedding. Tlie chancel had been artistically prepared by lite ladies of Hie church. Wiiimui any still unl foiruily, lovely clusters of St. Joseph's and call. 1 lilies and oilier flowers were disposed about tin- rails, over which felt a pretty tangle of green tendrils and .liken cords. The bride, who wore a traveling dress, was at tended by Miss Hell Ursula Ureeue as maid of lienor. Mr. Dixie was best man to the groom. The Rev. Edgar Lion of St. Stephen's Church performed lie ceremony, the bride being given away by ber father, and the party afterward left the church amid the stratus of Mendelssohn's "Wedding March." Every one noted how aus plclousiy happy and "lull of smiles" was lie bride, as sue ended the main alsle|bowiitg 10 ber many friends present as she leaned on her busbaud's arm. A reception was afterward held at the resi dence 01 the bride's parents, 207 Jones street, where congratulations were proffered and the wedding breakfast served. Afterward there v.i-ie lite many and costly presents to examine I and admire. Mr. and Mr;. Boole left for Del Mont e about 2 :'M) o'clock. They return to-morrow aud will leave almost immediately lor Seattle, where they propose remaining until next Christmas at least. Among the many at the wedding were: Mr. and Mis. William \V. Welch, Mrs. ..ilium Greene, Mr. and Mis. Harry Greene, Mr. and Mrs. hooie rt.. Mr. Boole, toe Misses Boole, ex- Seualor J. G. 1 an. res. Miss I'auTine Jamison, the daughter of Hon. B. A. Jamison of San Jose, was married yester day to Mr. Arthur Alexander. The ceremony was performed at 3 o'clock at the Chilstlaa Church la Santa Clara and was followed by a re ception at the home of the bride. The Nobles of the Mystic Shrine of I.os An geles will make a pilgrimage to Ventura next Thursday an i will spend several days there. A pleasant party was given on Thursday after noon at the resilience in Vallejo of Miss Jose phine Harvey, in honor of lie Misses Florence Mason and Katie Shields of San Eraucisco. An informal hop, which was 111:101 enjoyed by the participants, 100., place at the Vendoine, San Jose, last ->atu(iiay eveulng. The Minuet Club will give their lulid mommy bow this evening at Irving Hall. Last Thursday was a red-letter day at Coro nado Beach as initialing the series of "club hunts'' so popular at Pasadena. Among the mounted ladles in the field wete: MissStebeiu ; San Francisco, sister of Mrs. J. D. Spieckels, and Miss Gertrude Huntingdon, daughter of D. 1.. Huntingdon, Surgeou TJ. S. A., on duly in Southern California. Among those lv carriages Wert: Mrs. John D. Spreckela, Miss lligley, Mrs. Baumgarler, Mis. Westhofl, Mrs. Alviuza Ha) i. .nd aud Mrs. A. W. Rose of San Eraucisco, while Dr. 11. W. Veantans of ibis city was among the gentlemen who followed the varying tortuues Of Ihe clia-e on horseback;. The ''rescoit Silver Wedding. The twenty -lift 11 anniversary of ihe wedding of iltlr. and Mrs. Abraham Frescott was very pleasantly celebrated last Sunday at their resi ... deuce. 1500 Post street. The parlors were taste fully decorated with dowers aud ivy tendrils, specially pretty featuies being the inset iptlon ••Welcome" In sliver letters over the door, the dales 1865 and 1890 executed with while pings I: one bay-window, and a figure of twenty five Btara suspended across the main mirror, in ap j, roprtate teference to the happy period now celebrated. A large number of friends called during the alieniouu, being received by Mr. and Mrs. Fres i It, assisted by their daughter, Miss freseott. Jo the evening the number ol arrivals Increased, and at supper, about midnight, some ninety friends were in attendance. The evening was pleasantly devoted to congratulations, followed by music. Mis. Frances loniich and Mr. Arthur Com !eb sane. Miss Maltle Brooks rendered a seh cltoD on Hie mandolin, and there were reci laiiuns by Miss Juliet Levy ol San Jose and Miss Prescott. all of which were admired. Dancing and games wen- also indulged 10. During the enjoyment of the elaborate supper, which was served in the adjoining residence, Miss lleoecca i'rescott and Mi. A. Ualniann read very clever original poems composed on the event. Congratulatory dispatches were also read from friends In Fortlaud, Seattle, Bene, Virginia City, Santa Ana, Napa. Orovllle, Oakdale, Ala meda and Europe. Toasts were appropriately, Mr. Max Brooks aud Mr. Louis Seiner making particularly happy speeches. A laige number of presents wete received by , *-*> and Mrs. i rescutt. Among ibein was a rt aDdsome pair of silver statuettes, with a silver ft anted resolution, presented during the evening by a committee from Protection Council. A. L. of 11., to their companion aud Fast Commander, Abraham I'rescott. Another valued souvenir was an acrostic, representing their children's Lames. In a silver frame, from Mr. Leon Pres et, the youngest son. It was late before the last guest depai led, btluglng the agreeable affair to a close. Aiming those present were: Mr. and Mrs. A. PieftCOlt, Miss litbeeca I'rescott and sister, Mr. Leon Fiescolt and bt other, Mr. M. Fey man, '". Miss ll' Mian of Orovllle, Mr. and Mrs. Max Brooks, Miss Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Seldner. MlssSelduer, Mr. and Mrs. B. Samisb, Mr. and Mrs. Berliner, Mr. and Mis. E. Elkus, Mr, and .Mrs. Armour, Mr. and Mrs. Caiman, Mrs. Con rich, Mr. Aitliur Council, Miss Alice Coin •Miss Fiances Con rich, Mrs. Gteen, Miss Fay ' Careen, Mr. and .Mi«. A. Morris. Miss Morris. Mr. '-. . 11. Morris, Mr. Shuck (vice-principal South cosmopolitan School), Mr. and Mr«. M, Morris, Mr. and Mis. J. liuscli, Mr. B. llirscli, HI M Adele Levy, Miss Juliet Levy of Sau Jose, Mr. and Mrs. Frledlauder, Miss Fanny Friedlauder, Mr. and Mis. c. Coleman, .V;"- Doia Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. U. Colin, Mr. T. Col.v, Mr. 1". Berwin, Mrs. Bonkotskv, Miss Mania Bonkotsky, Miss ltebecca Bonkotsky, Mr. and Mrs. Levison, Miss l.evi-en, Mr. and Mis. Nacliman. Mr. Unman, Mr. Morris Summer field, Mr. StimmeiTleld, Mr. lsldor Colin, Miss Jennie Biy, Mrs. Raphael, Mr. and Mrs. Myer !.m,ii, Mr. and Mrs. Kalkenstein, Mr. Lionel Joseph, Miss Friedman, Mrs. Zacharlas, Miss Aggie /'acnarias. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin, Mr. J. 11' man, Mr. ii. flyman. 'lie Hod ii- A rmstronc WeildlnGt* The wedding of MlssOlga Armstrong, daugh ter of Mr. and .Mis. 11. Armstrong, to Captain Charles ■'. I'.odln of the ship Ulga took place at the residence of Ihe bt ides parents, 2606JJ01 -• iitii street, last Friday. In the presence of (he .•relatives. The happy couple took their depart ure for Honolulu on their wedding trip aud will mum September Ist. a 1 .r,n , 11 Reception in .Santa Clara. A farewell reception was tendered Mev. J. G. Gaaetnan and wife Thursday evening at the resi dence of Mr. and Mis. 11. A. Myers on Lafayette street, Santa Clara. A large number of friends assembled 10 bid a kindly farewell to the worthy gentleman and las wife, who bad labored so zeal .. ously to maintain and build up the Episcopal Church in Santa Clara. Garfield Lodgre Entertainment. -. J-lifcJr^yj+STi of James A. Garfield Lodse, No. J*»j3.C"Unlteil Endowment Associates, gave an en tertainment and fan party last evening at Wash . ington Hall. The following programme was en joyed by a laige audience: Vocal solo, J. J. Degan; recitation, D. Mahouey; vocal solo, Miss 1. BUrglns: recitation. Miss M. IJichter; vocal selections, Master Fiank Sharp. Dancing was alieiward enjoyed under the direction of V. J. **• Thompson. Commander J. J. Green was Presi dent of the evening, and ll.e Committee of Ar rangements consisted of: F. J. Thompson, Miss Quiglcy, Miss Barry, J. K. Powers, T. F. older. During the dancing pretty fans were distributed to the ladies, the music was furnished by Marino's Orchestra. A Fin g-i:a;»iiig at Ollroy. At Hie Redwood District School of Gilroy, Santa Clara County, on Tuesday afternoon last there was on enthusiastic flag-raising entertain ment. The district school met at 2 o'clock, and addiesses were made by Captain Stephen Bar ker and Mr. Dow Blodgette: recitations by Mas ter Clyde Illoalgeue. Newlon lilodgetie, Oily Blodgelie, Mabel Barker, Josephine Guilen aud many others. ' National and popular songs were sung, the music being lurnlshed by Miss Alice M. Barker, ' orgaulst. The school was appropriately deco rated with evergreens, letns and wild flowers * under the immediate supervision of its efficient trade i, Miss C. Moore, assisted by Messrs. Clyde liii dgelte and lrvllie Sanders. Those I'iesent were: Captain Stephen Barker, Dow W. Blodgette, W. Waggoner, Trustees; Miss I . Moore, leacher; Miss Inula, M. Sanders. Miss Alice H. Barker, Miss Mabel E. Barker, Miss ' Josephine Uulzenne, Miss Oily lllodgette, Misses Boos, Miss Scheuk, Ml-* Taylor, Miss Shields, Miss Lulu Blodgelte, Miss Flora Pearson, Mrs. Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. Blodgette, Mr. and Mrs. Hummers of Berkeley, Mr. aud Mrs. Barker, Mr. and Mrs. Dent, Mr. and Mrs. Boos, Mr. aud Mrs. Gulzenue, Clyde Blodgelte, Newton Rlodgeite, Ir vine Sanders, Will burn Sanders. Horace Alacduf- De, 1-. Waggoner, Cyrus Koos, William Goodrich, Albert Stevens, J. ty. Seymour. J'urly on Trenton Street. A pleasant birth-lay parly was given to Miss Mamie Tlerncy at her residence, 115 Trenton street, on Thursday evening. Those present weie: Mr. and Mis. Tterney, Mr. and Mrs. Skin i uer, Miss M. Tlerney, Mrs. A. Roberts, Mrs. M. I Dawson, Mrs. M. Burr, Mis. M. Montague, Miss Is** ■' Dawson, Miss 1.. GlUsou, Miss A. Dugan, r Miss ii. skinner, Miss K. Tleiney. MlssM. B«In - iter. Miss M. Whitman, Miss J. leiel. Miss Amelia Tlerney, Miss K. Fender; Messis. James ruliivau, William Coughlln, Thomas Benson, Joseph Mooney, Patsy Stevens, Harry Cooper, 0. Camhle. E. Johnson, C. Kelehar, Charles Skin ner, Lawrence liaiiey, George Skinner, Andrew Dawson, Chailes Stoude, Frank Prince, James Mitchell. Party on Valencia Street. A very pleasant surprise party was tendered to Messrs. J. Sweeney and J. It. Sweet last Saturday evening at the liosebud Club rooms, Seventeenth and Valencia streets, by their friends. It was a most enjoyable affair. The following were the guesis pieseut: Messrs. It. Sweet. J. Sweeney, J. Grady, S. Fttznairlek. James Sweeney, J. Kennard, H. Wagstaff, J. Barry, J. Ross, H. Grady, J. Keuney, T. Hogan, I). Smith, C. Cotlee, B. Lawrence, C. llaihway, N. Cuslck, E. Kennard, T. Greene, J. Rollins, U. Rollins, IT. Creauor. T. Germain, U. Lagumec juce, L. McManu. C. Flemmlng. 11. Mortis, P. Colter, W. Long, C. Mcciiearv. 1). Dougheitv, F. Mc.Mauus, A. siientian, J. McUeruiolt. C. Wets lienu- r, T. Sharp. 11. Llndeman, C. Cobble, J. Shiitlee, W. Ward, W. Dolan, C. Coserove, J. Ward, c. Leiile, R. Rolllus, F. Flemmlng, F. Kelley, W. dotty. J. Crony, 11. Mitchell, Peter deColl. Messrs. Sweet and Sweeney were pre sented with handsome canes as a token of re gard from their numerous friends. I'acllic Coast Weddings. Last Wednesday the wedding of Mr. Robert Beveridge aud Miss Kittle Flood was solemnized at St. Mary's Church. Stockton, the Rev. Father McDonald officiating. The groom is the senior member of the firm of Beveridge, Bradford & Co. of Chicago, and Ibe bride is the eldest daugli. ter of Mr. aud Mrs. James Flood of Sau Joaquin County. Miss Sarah M. Jones of Alameda and Mr. Leonard Rosenthal, late of the City of Mexico, were married by Rev. M. S. Levy ol Oakland at A. .line. last Wednesday. Saturday afternoon, at the residence of Ihe bride's mother, Mrs. Isaac Thompson, on Fourth sin el, Napa, Mr. Harry B. Lawiey and Miss Rouetta Thompson were nulled in matrimony by the Rev. James Mitchell of M. Helena. The happy pair came to San Francisco ou their honey moon. The marriage of Mr. Carl Leonard and Miss Alice Lougtuu of Sacramento look place last Satuiday at the le-idence of the bride's parents in Sacramento. The happy couple depaited ou the alien, an; ttalii for San Francisco. Last Tuesday evening Mr. 11. Ed Lehnlng, formerly of Chlllicoihe, Ohio, aud K. May Mitchell of Los Angeles, were united In mar riage, Mr. Lehuing has accented a lucrative position with a San Kranclsco htm, where lie aud his btlde will hereafter reside. Society I'.rs-iiiails. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Shaw go down to Del Monte the day alter to-morrow. Mr. I. L. Requa and Miss ltequa leave for Del Monte on Filday. Mrs. Middleiuu of Feralta Park, Oakland, Is at the lime, del Coronado. Mr. aud Mrs. George W. Flood, Mr. R. P. Doolan, Miss Lulu l> man, Miss Loreitu Doolau and Miss Clay Flood are spending the summer at Pacific Congress Springs. Mrs. liiotiiwell and her two daughters, the Misses Hem lelte and Frances Grolbwell, arrived Sunday, and will make their permanent home at 1607 Post street. Miss Amanda yon Bonn and Miss Julia Lotter fcos will leave shortly lor llaywards, where they win i,e the guesis ot Mrs. 11. P. I'iestun lor the summer. Miss Tlllie Brohaska Is visiting relatives In San Jose for a few weeks. Miss I Marguerite Wallace Is among the guests at the Sea Beach Hotel, Santa Cruz. Hon. and Mrs. William Alvord have been pleasantly spending the mouth between this city and Mtn Jose Miss Ella V. McCloskey, who was visiting in San Rafael last week, will spend tins week at Mooter Mrs. 11. F. Christy. Miss Christy, and Miss S. 11. Baker have returned from a nip to the Y.> seuiite Valley, and are at the Hotel Ficasanlon. Judge aud Mis. William T. Wallace are at the Sea Beach Hole!, Santa Cruz. Mr. N. W. Cowles has gone ou aylslttothe Hotel del .Monte. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Sutro, who are spend ing a season on this Coast from their home In New Yoik, have returned 10 ihe city alter a short tour through the Ulterior. They are at present guests at the Palace Hotel. Mr. Max Guulach Sr. of Modesto Is visiting relatives In Alameda. Mr. George W. Spiller of San Francisco, a member 01 me l'acihc Swimming Club ol Ala meda, is spending a week in Santa Cruz. Mr. Jesse R. Gtaut, son of the late President Gram, who lias b en lv Mexico attending mining Interests, has been making a short stay lv Ari zona on his return trip to this State. Mr. F.J. Krauth and family have returned to Alameda from their camp at Glen Ellen. Hon. D. B. Woolf of Sau Francisco went to Santa Cruz Saturday and will be at his place, buunyside, till the Is. of July. Mrs. pit-. Tlsdaie and daughter and Rev. E. V. Garrette and family, of Alameda, will spend a few weeks at I'aeiiic Grove. Mrs. James i'helau and family are up from their Milliliter result lv Saula Cruz for a short stay In bait Jose. Dr. Bishop and family, of Alameda, are enter taining at their lesideuce Rev. C. B. Ely of Los Angeles and Rev. A. W. Coleman, General Super intendent of the Free Methodists. Major Frank McLautrhliu came up from Santa Cruz Sunday after spending some days with his family. Colonel Alexander G. Hawes is spending a couple of weeks at the Hotel Vendome, Sau Jose. ;--.' Mr. W. E. Dean has arrived In New York City. Professor E. W. Hilgaiu is enjoying a tour of Southern California. Mr. and Mrs. L. Clement and Miss Clement ate at Ibe Pacific Ocean House, Santa Cruz. Lieutenant 11. G. Ellswortb of the Marine Corps lias been invalided to the United Mates Naval Hospital at M.i.e Island. Mr. and .Mrs. Horace 1* Hill, who have been at the 11, del del Cor OBado for a couple of weeks, aie vow at the Hotel del Monte, where they will leraaluaoout a motiih. Bisbop Witigtield is here for a short stay from bis home in Beuieta. Mr and Mr-. W. V Huntington, accompanied by their little daughter Edith, and Miss O.nduiTf left Sunday evening for New York aud oilier Eastern clues. Mrs. Charles Coon has returned to Meulo Faik after a visit to the Yosemiie Valiey. Among the latest arrivals at Kyron Springs ate: Adolph Sutro, Mrs. Emma Suit Merrill, M.D., Miss Lucy Suuo, Miss Louise Doost, Miss Haltie Jordan, Miss Ottellle Plucking. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Flllfiote, L. Fillmore, Mis. Anna Pope, A, A. nlckersou. KI'I.NEO HIS LIFE. A Canadian Teacher's Sail Experiences in San I' When the teachers' convention was held in this city nearly two years ago, George Thompson, a Canadian teacher, attended the gathering. Then lie had over SIOOO, but he spent it foolishly with the fast Society of the town and soon found himself without a dollar to his name. A woman named Annie Te mpleton, whom he had escorted to the Cliff and treated to champagne suppers in the best restaurants, was arrested for steal ing his money— about $400— but she escaped conviction, and] he realized his position of a penniless stranger in a strange city. He was to find employment and one morning he committed a petty theft to get money. lie pleaded guilty and was sent to the House of Correction for ninety days. After his release he battled around the water-front and tried hard to earn money enough to take him back to Canada. Man ual labor and privations told their story on his delicate constitution, and be broke down miserably under the trying strain. Yesterday morning he applied at the City Receiving Hospital lor treatment for pneu monia, lie was compelled to accept the city's chaiity, but it is probable that lie will do so for only a very brief period, as he is already wailing death's coming. YOUNG iIEIS'S INSTITUTE. Arrangement! for the Sixth Grand Coun cil I'.l'-ng HSaftaS, The Entertainment Committee of the Young Men's Institute, appointed to make arrangements for the sixth Grand Council to be held in this city in August, met last evening at the rooms of the institute on Market street, IT. F. Welch presiding. G. W. Patterson reported that he had secured the Grand Opera House for the ex ercises to he held ou the evening of August sth; also that the committee had decided to make the price of admission 50 cents to all parts of tint house, the boxes to be reserved for the clergy and invited guests. The committees ou decoration and re freshments were granted further time for their reports. It was decided to select the Reception Committee from members of the city institutes, two members from each or ganization. The Music Committee reported that they had secured the services of the park band for the grand ball. The following were appointed a commit tee to select talent for the literary exercises: J. P. Sweeney, J. J. Quinn, J. S. McCor mick, G. W. Patterson. The Finance Committee also held a brief session with L. V. Merle in the chair. The various sub-committees reported progress. A GOOD SPECULATION. Cnptalo I: ..|,..» liny- tlie 1,1.-ili.» and strikes ft Jtoliianxa. Captain Thomas of the steam schooner Kosie Olsen recently purchased the wreck of the steamship Idaho, which was given to Messrs. Griffiths, Stetson & Co. by the Pacific Coast Steamship Company as a claim of salvage, the company not earing to pay the amount demanded by Griffiths & Co., who are owners of the tug Collis. The wrecked steamship has been lying on the beach near Port iiadlock for some months past. Captain Thomas purchased the old concern lor about 5300 and pro ceeded to investigate bis purchase. He discovered that there was enough cargo in the wreck to warrant his investing in a diver's outfit, which costs nearly $600. Having obtained the rig, he set to work himself in his new suit of clothes and went down to the bottom of the hole in the Idaho. Up to date he has dug out about 55000 worth of cargo and not yet worked out the lead. The cargo so far obtained consists of about 200 barrels of salmon and 150 or 200 barrels of oil and other merchan dise. There is a good deal of water in the vessel and the Captain thinks he has got along well.— Port Towuseud Call, June 20th. ' The most aristocratic society of women In tills couutry Is the recently lonned "Colonial Dames of America," composed of women who are de scendants lv their own persons of some citizen who established bis residence In America prior to 1770 and and rendered worthy service In tbe building up of our country. The objects of the society are social, patriotic and historical. - .-. - . • ... THE MORNING CALL. SAN FRANCISCO, TUESDAY. JUNE 24, 1890-EIGHT PAGES. OAKLAND - ALAMEDA. Filing of the Piedmont Company's Mortgage. Carpenters Befuse to Go to Work— ew Broad way Is Grided— Lillie Kimball's Cass. No Elopement After All. The mortgage for 000,000 of the Con solidated Cable Company to the California Title Insurance and Trust Company to se cure its bonds was put on record yesterday afternoon, and covers all the former's prop erty, including tract, roadbed, buildings, etc. The building of the road is believed to be an assured success, the contract for the construction of the West Oakland branch having already been let at the sum of 52G0.000, and the rieumont branch being almost completed. The rails are now being laid on Fourteenth street to con nect Broadway with Clay and Washington streets. John J. Sullivan, who has been in the employ of the Southern Pacific Com pany at the Oakland Tier, has been ap pointed to succeed Johnson Reynolds as Superintendent of the Piedmont Cable Com pany. Mr. Reynolds resigned to accept the superinteudency of the Sutler-street Kail road Company in Sau Francisco. The grading of New Broadway was com pleted yesterday at noon, and the workmen will be paid on Saturday all back wages. Frank Metcalf, Superintendent of the Utah Territorial Mute Institute, and his wife are visiting Oakland. . ;»\ . REFUSED TO OO TO WORK. As was anticipated, a number of Oakland carpenters refused to go to work for the contractors yesterday until the wages paid prior to May 1, 1890, were agreed to by the builders. The builders met the demand by a refusal to accede. Just how many men refused to work could not be definitely learned, but it is said that 73 to 150 would cover all the strikers. The contractors say they will be able to finish up nil the work they have on hand without difficulty, and can secure all the men they want. The members of the carpenters' union declare that yesterday was pay-day with some of the contractors aud the men would not quit until to-day. Adolf Livingston, the light-house keeper at the entrance to the estuary of San An tonio, was capsized in his small boat on Sunday forenoon. lie hung on to the cap sized cratt, and was picked up by a boat from the Tiburon. Ellen Nigro and her husband, Fabrizio, have petitioned the Superior Court to be allowed to adopt Natalena Gorden, aged 10 years. The chila was born in Mariposa County and is Mrs. Nigro's niece. 1. 11. 1. 1K KIMI'.AI.I.'S CUSTODY. Nathaniel Hunter, of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, was given toe care and custody of Llllie Kim ball yesterday by Judge Ellsworth. The testimony showed that Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Kimball took the child from a Catholic orphans' home ten years ago, when 1! years old, but of late years Mrs. Kimball has mistreated iter on account of excessive use of Intoxicants. The child is now in St Rose's Convent in San Francisco, and will remain there until the further order of the Court, but under Mr. Hunter's guardianship. Ah Dun was arrested yesterday for vio lating the United States revenue laws in selling unstamped cigars, and will be turned over to the United States authorities. Ah alu. another Celestial, was arrested for try ing to sell lottery tickets at a private resi dence door. John Henry Church Sr., the man of many wives, has mortgaged, for $10,000, 710 acres of the ltaticlio San Miguel in Contra Costa County.and I"'.''\2 acres In Kancho San Lo renzo. Alameda County. The City Council will hold a special meeting to-morrow evening. ONLY A PASSING ACQUAINTANCE. William Sherburne, the letter-carrier, who is charged by the parents of Lena Patlnsky, the seventeen-year-old girl who left home last Thursday, with eloping with her, denies that he has seen her since May 25tb. He had, he says, only a passing ac quaintance with her. Friends of the girl represent that she told them that she in tended to go to her brother in the northern part of the Slate on account of parental re straint. The girl was found at San Jose and returned home yesterday, and the police authorities were notified on Sunday night of her arrest, but kept it as quiet as church mice. For secretiveness the Oak land police and detectives take the lead. John P. Morrison, a letter -collector, drove upon the sidewalk to reach one of the boxes. A policeman anxious to make an arrest and a record arrested him for violating an ordinance, but the charge was dismissed by the Police Judge yesterday. The defense contended that the court had no jurisdiction. A drunken saloon-keeper named O'Neill threw his lie downstairs on Sunday night and caused tier to receive a compound frac ture of the forearm. He lifted Iter up and threw her over the bannisters. She is also badly bruised. Charles F. Osborn has been elected as a Trustee in the l'eralta School District. TOOK TUB WRONG TRAIN. A boy named Frank Waldrou was sent down to Oakland recently from Portland, Oregon, to attend school, and is residing with his uncle on Twenty-third street. lie was over at San Francisco on Sunday, and in coming back to Oakland in the evening mistook his train by boarding the overland instead of the local. He discovered bis mistake between Oakland and Berkeley and lost his head. He jumped off the train and received a number of bruises and cuts on bis face and head, as well as a fractured arm. Anna Palmer has sued for a divorce from George Palmer on the ground of his de sertion. Palmer is an Fast Oakland con tractor. They were married five years ana have one child. Frank M. Bletheu lias also sued for a divorce from Etta May Blethen, and Ada Brydges from William ('. Brydges. Mrs. Brydges is Kate Castleton's sister and Brydges a member of a colored min strel troupe now at the Fast. Special services will be held this morn ing at 10:30 o'clock in St. Andrew's Pro testant Fpiscopal Church, to-day being the day for the consecration of Rev. William F. Nichols as assistant Bishop of the Dio cese of California. The pay-car will distribute its supplies soon to expectant employes along the west ern division. AFTER FOUR Horns. The Carpenters' Union met last evening and had a very stormy meeting. One fac tion wanted a general strike ordered, and the other desired a conciliation and arbi tration. After an executive session of four hours it was agreed to appoint a committee to confer with the builders to-day and en deavor to arrange a compromise. If the builders will confer, further trouble may be avoided. Alameda. W. S. Johnson was arrested yesterday for larceny. For several weeks garden hose, with attachments, have been stolen, and the thefts were traced to the accused, He was Hi st arrested for stealing hose in Ala meda five years ago, and was sentenced to serve eighteen months in the County Jail. Previous to that time be was employed as a clerk in a store, and had a wife and child. After his conviction his downfall was rapid, and he is now regarded by tne police as a common thief. The City Trustees met in stated session last evening, but adjourned early, owing to the absence of Chairman K. B. Mastick. Charles S. {foal presided. Permission was granted to the California Improvement Company, which has the contract to improve Pacific avenue, to erect a large derrick in the gore lot at the junction of Railroad and Lin coln avenues, to be used in unloading rock from the cars, which will transport to Ala meda the material from the quarry at Laundry Farm. The sum of 835 was al lowed the Fire Department toward paying the expenses for extra service on the Fourth of July. HOW TO LIVE HIGH. .James 11. Junes* Great Scheme for Eat itle Fin,) I»;iiii,-is. James 11. Jones Is a young man with a speculative turn of mind. Moreover, he Is one to put his theorizing into practical ope ration. It occurred to the ingenious Jones that by eating n 13-cent meal and retaining the check lie could afterward return to the same restaurant and partake of the deli cacies of the season aud then pay on the retained 15-cent check without anybody being the wiser. Accordingly he went into Drucker's Res taurant at 124 I'ost street and gave a prac tical turn to his calculations. But he was spotted by the proprietor and caught in the act. Officer Shaw was called in, and on the complaint of I), ticker arrested Jones on the charge of defrauding a restaurant-keeper. A 15-cent check was found on his person, while the waiter who served him stales that Jones eat a To-ccnt meal. Brutality to A lanuchter. ' George B. Palmer, who lives at 1881 Mis sion street, lias been on a spree for a week, it is said, and when his daughter, who is employed as a domestic in an Oakland family, called on him Sunday he bent her because she refused to give him money. The girl is reported to be in danger of death from the beating, and so the police are looking for her father. CRUSHED TO DEATH. A Child ' Horribly Mingled by Henry Truck Wheels. Jacob Buncos, a lad of 3 years, was at play yesterday afternoon with his brother, on Vallejo and East streets, when a large truck, driven by John Palmer of 182 Perry street, ran over his body and crushed out bis young life instantly. The sad accident happened unseen and no one can say how little Jacob was killed. Ills brother, who is two or three years his senior, saw the truck passing slowly by and followed it for a ride. Then little Jacob joined in the innocent play and fell before the great, grinding wheels, only to betaken up a mangled corpse, bleeding and horribly disfigured. His body was removed to the Morgue by William Williams of the Har bor Commission. At the Morgue Williams told nil that i likely to be known of the lata! accident. lie was driving behind the truck, when the sight of the little fellow body lying In a pool 'of blood on the street startled him. The truck had just passed over the child, lie called on the driver to stop. Palmer looked back and was more surprised than Williams, lie had never seen the dead boy near his vehicle, nor could he account for the accident. The small, yielding body did not cause the big, heavy truck to jolt, and so he knew nothing of the killing. rainier surrendered himself immediately to the police, who charged him with man slaughter, but he was released on his own recognizance. '. Jacob's brother ran home terrified to his mother, crying that Jacob was dead upon the street. The poor woman was driven frantic by the startling words of her eldest boy, which she could scarcely believe at first. She rushed away to the Morgue, bare-headed, wild with grief and crying loudly for her child. When the Deputy Coroner allowed her to enter the room wheie the little corpse lay on a slab she shrieked wildly in a most piteous strain, that was heartrending. Ileside the body her grief became uncontrollable and fierce in its intense abandonment. She caught the bleeding body in her shawl to take it home from the strangers, and when told that she could not gain possession of her dead boy in that way the stricken mother was vio lent wiih the deputies. The door was closed between her and the child and she went away as she bad come, uncomforted and screaming painfully. Her great an guish was witnessed by "crowds of people, who. Hearing her screams, ran to the Morgue to learn what was taking place. The (lead child was a chubby, pretty boy in bounding health mid winsome as young sters are at 3 years, bright, promising and good humored, and had evidently been well cared for by parents who loved him well. They washed the blood and dust from his innocent face and fair curls at the Morgue aud there was no trace of death on tlie laughing features. Evidently he bad died unconscious of his fate. His father is employed at the sugar re finery on iiansome street and lives at 308 on that thoroughfare. a» SOMETHING 10 LAUGH AT. " They say fogs are detrimental 10 tomatoes." " They ate. 1 had about eight bushels of them stolen one foggy night by tramps."— Harper's Bazar. • a, . The school children of Brooklyn have voted In favor of the golden rod as ihe national Power. The hickory rod didn't gel a single vote.—Korrls town Herald. « • « ."' ".vibbie— They are now making policemen's clubs nut of paper. Wabble— Happing paper, I pres umo?— Terre Haute Exiress. . • * a, . "Why is it that your friend has never suc ceeded In public life?" " Periodical weakness." "So? Of what nature? " Losing control of his mouth." — Chicago Times mat •- Is Decoration day noticed 011 shipboard?" asked a landsman of a sailor. •' Oil, yes, sir ; often." "Often :'■' " Yes; the captain make, a deck oration when ever lie feels like 11."— Judy. at • « Wife— Who will mend your old clothes when I am dead and gone? Husband— Nobody will mend them, because I wont near any old clothes when you are dead and gone. Then I'll have money enough to buy 11-w clothes, so don't worry about thai.— Texas sittings. a, a, * , - Cleverton— Why were you not at the ball the Oilier evening? Daslilngtoit— My tailor went back on me. Cleverlou— liidn't send your clothes In time, en? Dashaway— Oh, yes, he did. He sent them C. O. D.— Clothier aud Furnisher. a, * a, A little two-year-old boy went to the grocery, stole with ids mother. While there the proprie tor gave the mile fellow an apple. "What do you say in the gentleman when he gives you an ap ple?" asked the grateful mother. The Utile fel low hesitated a moment, then, reaching the apple up 10 the giver, said, "Feel it."— West Shore. • a, v Johnnie— Pop, are you going to send our chick en' away with us? Father— Not thai 1 Know of. Why? Johnnie— 'Cause I beard you say the other night that as soon as the old hen got away you were going 10 make things bum around this coop. Everybody stayed at borne.— Epoch. Military Jotting,. Leave of absence for two months, to take effect on or about the Bth prox., has been granted First Lieutenant Charles 11. Grier son. Tenth Cavalry, A. D. C, with permis sion to apply for an extension of two mouths. -; l •". Captain John J. O'Connell. First In fantry, assigned to duty with the N. G. C, was present at the preliminary target-prac tice, on Sunday, of the First Infantry, X. G. C. Major Edward Hunter, J. A., has been ordered to Calistoga, Cal., on public service. "The Call'," Premium Dictionaries. The Call has received another consign ment of the "Allen edition of Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, which is being for warded as rapidly as possible to subscrib ers whose orders are on file. These books are substantially bound in leather, beauti fully embossed, and In quality of paper and excellence of workmanship are a per fect marvel. • Are free from all crude. Irritating matter. Con eentrated medicine only; very small to taKe; no pain; no griping. Carter's Little Liver Fills,* , aa The lulled Stales revenue cutter Corwln was seven days in making the trip from San Fran cisco to Pott Towuseud. She was hove to for twelve houts oil I'olut Arena. Flail's Chlorides, a Cheap Disinfectant- Reliable, odorless, powerful, convenient. • aa AFTrn some years' rest,! he blgUourlng-mlllsof Salem, Oregon, will be started up this week. They can turn out 500 barrels a day. Bei!Teli>o has the only reliable methods to St defective sight. 427 Kearny street. • FOB Sit: mini; a Ha**.— a young man, who gave the name ol John Murphy, was arrested yesterday by a special officer and lodged In the Southern Police Station for stealing 11 bam from one of the Southern Pacilic Railroad freight-ears standing near the corner of Seventh and Town send streets. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. ' ' - ■ —< / - ' \ .- • When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she wag a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. Jyl7 2y TuThSa&Wy LOG CABIN BAKERY. DO YOU WART GOOD BREAD ? WE MAKE IT. OUR HOMEMADE BREAD 1 1 sure to please you. We take great pains with It. YOU WILL FIND IT CHEAI'EIt to buy of us than to pay a cook to bake at home. aVaT* TVe deliver to all parts of San Francisco. Send fur circular. MAIN OFFICE 409 HAVES STREET. BRANCH OFFICES— 2OO4 Fillmore Street, 1032 McAllister Street. 143S Polk Street. . 2951 Sixteenth Street, 2431 Mission Street. HAN FRANCISCO. ■ 1-16 Mm I For a DISORDERED LIVER Try BEECHES PILLS. I 25cts. a Box. | oar -*-ia*-s x>-j-s.TJca<--rxaT-a. 1 ■-■!■ Illlllllll—llllll Hill ill IITTTI Jal4 em TuSa . .. '■ : ; ■ ■■-. ■ MISCELLANEOUS. ■- ■ OFFICIAL DRAWING ....OF THB - ' LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY, SINGLE Nr** lsKß. CLASS " F." Drawn at New Orleans, 1.a.. on Tuesday, June 17, 1800. All genuine Louisiana State Lottery Tickets are issued at Mew Orleans, signed by M. A. Dauphin, President, and agree to pay all prizes In Mew Orleans, where the company holds Its charter from the state, and where both tbe purchaser of a ticket and the company are equally protected by the laws of the State and of the United States. Tickets signed with fictitious names, dated and issued from other cities in the name of tbe Louisiana State Lot- tery Company promising to pay prizes in other places than New Orleans, are not Louisiana State Lottery Tickets at all, but are counterfeits and cheats in- tended to deceive and defraud the unwary. Kemember that one dollar is the price of the small- est part or fraction of a ticket Issued In any drawing. Anything in our name offered at a less price Is either a counterfeit or a swindle. Remember further, when examining to see If your ticket has drawn a prize, never to accept anything but our official draw- ings, which are copyrighted under the act of Con-' gress, and cannot be reprinted correctly under pen- alty of the law. No. Prize. ISo. Prize. No. Prize. 320 $400 \:WA9O 400 81698 400 4,13 400':i0637 600 61751 800 592 400130648 600 61839 400 791 400 30734 600 61918 400 877 40030775 800 61934 400 890 600130776 600 61982.:.... 400 985 800 30821 400 30850 600 62094 400 1014 400 30945 600 02403.. .20000 1114 400 62660 400 1241 200013101*3 400 62904 800 1587 600 31361 600 62958 400 1638 31407 ... 400 62961 600 1663 60031519 2000 31592 400 ! 63017 600 2110 600 31941" 400|63074 400 2268 400 31965! 600 63367 400 2414 800! .63.189 400 21.(1 5000 32004...... 400 63145 400 2505 2000 3-.'056 4 00 1 63*85 4 00 2593 600 32097 ... 600 ti 3674 400 2703 60U'3-jiih' . 62693 400 2927 800 .V-454... .i 600 «3** l» 400 2955 800 -12540 .. 600 63825 400 3/700 800 83833 400 3262 600 32727. . 400 933 400 3769 400 3779 400:33411 .. . 600 64185 5000 3156 600(33609 600"'"' *P" 3988 400 33813...... 800.8335 400 3939 401)33854 400 *' ' *>•< 400 33956 400 6 , « 40 4012 (600 33999 . 800 84473 400 .1321 4001 645,3 IB" 4379 400134278 .-2000 64719 600 4699 400 34118 400 L.,._.. .... 4604 60034511 . 400 '80110.l 400 4797 4003W81 400 «*;''" 800 4849-. 10000 34756 600 2*"* 4 ,"2 4926 400 3477' 400 'On Mia *! ° 34857 600 «?«j" s°" 50C8 400.U912 400 S-!.? 0 10 6286 800 34933 400 ;b; " 10 100 5504 ; 600 ' 65840 400 5646...... 400 35016 COO (, '"'BBB 400 5769. .IOOOOisEoSi!..... 4110 lis9i •■ 400 0770 8110135182 Mil™,. .... 5793 800 35222 3000 £0050 4 0 35304 400 4 ;J» 4 0 ( ; 051 MOO 354.19 400 ISS-itS J '1 6116 600 35565 400|68'-»- 4 "" 6119 600 3569K 800,^2'.., ill'! 6157 400 35934 400 5884* gOO 6193 800 35980 4iw*» 5"; 6287 400 0685' 800 61-6 400 36051 400 '.-,..,„ son 6680 800:16 177 400 I'M*;-;? 800 6.441 800 36142 800 SlSoi J" 0 . 6964 40036147 400 gTJB» MM) 36315 400 »'r,?Z 4 !0 7, ?88:.:::: q 86833 *"' ggj:::::: £"» 7056 400 h742b 800 7381 400 37175 800 I -Mi.;. jj* 0 . 7547 37179 600 giiS .,, 7719 40037233 400 g^? 40 7758 400 37272 600 . '•; - 1 I"" 7:".'l 400 37274 400 *>7960 800 37453 800 „„.,.., „ no 8068 400 37390 400 °*'-- ,! 8062 400.37736 400 ; '* {'$ 4 K" 8168 600 37761 400 '.^ i"v. 8199 400,37796 600 St?*" $„"". 8203 40037912 «oo2f*«° iini 8272 40037952 600 "gtVS KIWI 8408 800 37980 400 .J'' 1 ," VJJ!. 8491 400 Wi?, S" 0 , 8197 40038011 ''B|^9l HO 8622 600 38301 400 ™*»? 4 """ 8727 600 38476 600 gs«}7, 4^, 8864 40038673 400 "JiiS Tm WW 400,38965 800 "^J-;''^, 9146 40039211 600 « a « 3 - OUO 9287 4011 .96.V1 400 6UO 9403 39679 2000 "gj^ _%_] 9619 300039720 400 °™-,° 400 9661 600139742 800 gg'l'J J™ SSfl:::::: "i* 38908 BUU til™:::::: 3 *( M l* 600 Kttil-,l 400 9981 400 10152 80,) ?i.|«-.|" r.lllill 40160 400 S^s". 8 — o< i"s°, 10099 400 40220 2000 SJSag :'"j 10187 400 10553 400 b».i9» * UU 10290 400 40829 2000 l -„,„, . 00 10 11 1 Booi4oBBi 400 70484.::::: too 10451 400 70-.4, 600 10473 40041111 400 'igg" __?>, 10688 4110 11118 400-."°*? 100 10711 80041 IBS 400 i"23? V.A 107..5 800141329 600 I'"-'*' •••••• * uw 10871 400 41380 400 Uaaoa 400 10876 SOOrIUSO 600 IJJfH 400 10916 40041711 400 71346 400 10939 40041843 400 71477.""" 400 11104 40042039 400 ™ 4n4 ?SJH 11150 400 12209 400 i\?r.i J"' 112.10 80042317 600 7154 I:::::: J"" 11414 4,,u :i.'i:!i? 800 i.,-,,,, W)0 11414 400 423 a 1 600 ia-,,,, 6 „ 0 11531 400 4-311 *0« 71748 600 11608 40042438 *2»PIwS"-..- " " 110-8 400 42455 2UOO Tl.-11 600 12672 400 • lvaL uuu 12060 800 127-6 400 72096 400 13088 400 12892 400 i-f™ 4 ™ 12199 400! .7■ • , ,; S " ' ' 400 12204 40043079 400 if,. I .™ „0 12318 400W322S 8,0 i S Jj;" 12323 601 4*8.8 800 !-...> B g"' ' 400 12495 40043894 2000 -.',7 ,\ 400 12579 Mill I.e.' -2 400 1.-..'.,,,', J 0 „ }"<BO4 Ln„„ m„ 72948.".:'.:'. 400 12,07 600 ,4-100 COO 7 .,q - iOO 12811 60044159 400 , - ; " *"" 12914 40044238 4011 73014 600 12951 60044268 400 73062 400 12984 400 4501 60.) i;,,"" ' 405 144723 400 -.,-, .. M , 13083 400 44968 SOU -.:,-;- J"*] 13-191 400 1 73775'" " 400 13637 4-012 600 71-K9H:::::: soo 13923 600*519" 2000 F 3978 400 |15251 2000 ' i -"° * uu 14116 600)46266::".: ' I "' ,, 74350 fioo 14235 400145518 400 174797 800 14468 800146631 400 74844'" " ■ 400 14091 *ooßjsg? -";■." iJSJJ "" 400 14716 400 4581.1 400 ,4a ' ,v * uu 14724 40046937 400. 75014 400 14 04 600 --, .in . 600 14829 10046845 400 75177 : 400 11911 40018359 400 .75543 *" 600 11905 400 46315 400 :7507 400 46734 600 75052 400 35061 401)46838 400 75703":;:; 400 15342 100 757.-12 '".. 600 15431 800 47018 600 i7SH1 .j - « 00 15476 60047386 400 73! i0» 400 15524 400 17414 600 79944""" 400 156.16 80047613 400 75974 ' 4 0 15686 400147666 800 | '*""* 15761 47709 800 , 76 008 600 15776 800 47*37 400 ,76037 400 16886 400 47961 400 TIJIU ,' " 400 15971 600 78119 600 15982 8004807,-a ITOOO ! ,(.',i2 ... 00 1441117. ..1001-O 76252 400 16169 600 1-221 4011 78 3 6 6 400 1620.4 400 48884 2000-6677 400 16215 400 48993 800170714 600 16324 400 76812 400 16330 400 49130 2000.76886 400 16338 400 49131 400 76945 400 16500 600 49345 400. 16544 600 19591 1:00 77010 .. 400 16630 40049601 600 77055 600 18834 600 49603 400 77098 .... 400 I 77129 803 17252 40050008 600 77179 .... 400 17395 50211 800177..11 ' , 460 17630 80030373 600 77271 600 17660 400 60461 400 ' 77320 "",, 400 17670 400.50535 600 77467. ... (TOO 17834 600j.-iO.-iBO 5000 77484 . 400 17956 400:50656 400 77335.. -.60000 16U857 400 7785 3 400 18215 600 jO^'JS 400 18336 800 509 3 400 73044 400 18385 600 78070 600 18470 40051015 600 78198 .... 800 18481 60061184 400 78287 600 18689 400:51195 3000 73306 , 400 18887 600.51218 5000 78158 400 51249 78483 400 19043 40051323 400 78695 400 19121 800|51363 400 73765 800 19259 400 31380 400 788.19 .... 600 19280,..,.. 800 31576 400 78881 400 19103 400151689 600j.85-.Mi 511110 19764 800 ,8904 100 19886 400.32003 400 152119 400 79071 400 20120 400 32409 400 79111 400 20199 80052520 400 79503 400 20307 400 527:16 400 79:,35 .... 600 202.88 COO 52932 400 79738 400 20498 400 79872 600 20500 400 53007 401179952 .... 800 20589 40()[53109 400 I 20803 a,O0 1 53474 600 1,80006 400 53536 400 80098 400 21232 60053768 400 80207 400 21246 80053863 400 80269 400 21398 400.13865 400 30142 .. .. 400 ■Jl4'-.". 5OOO;53870 400 80861 400 21680 40033941 400 21859 40(I I 53986 400 81034 600 21888 400 81040 400 21899 600 54010...... 400 81130 400 21903 400:54265 400 811-19 600 21961 40054310 800 81236 400 51393 600 81354 400 22235 400 51515 400 81435 400 22508 400 54792 400 81478 800 22676 400 54822 400 61625 400 22581 600 54898 400 81649 800 22707 400154966 400 181736 600 22857 4001 155317 600 82011 400 23086 600 55334 800 82142 600 23675 40055373 400:82476 600 23803 400 55435 400 82716 400 82873 400 24118 400 36107 800 82888 400 24130 600 66256 400 82898 600 24235 400 24410 400 57295 600 83040 400 24672 40057446 600183064 400 24974 40057640 800:83133 400 57736 800 83261 600 25038 40057802 400 83271 000 25213 37890 600 183292 600 25220 401); 83317 400 25387 600 58015 400 83610 -100 26403 40058346 400 83522 800 25427 401) 58436 2000 '83583 800 25973 401) .-,< 1T5... 100110,83648 400 58535 400 83655 400 26055 400 158794 2000 26113 400J58-.81 400 84398 400 26143 400 58963 400 81423 400 26318 '400 1 84509 400 26420 39290 890 84638 400 26482 400 59321 400 8!t,81.'..... 400 26641 400 59383 600 81810 400 26814 600159427 '600 84883 400 26971 80059335 400 84913 460 26986 600 59661 : 400 84933 400 -■\4 '■".'•• 59831 400 I 27008...... 400 .VJS43..GODOIIO 85103...... 600 27198 800 69936 800 .85264 800 27355 400 59946 400 85319 400 27561 400 85599 400 27584 800 00010...10000 85821 400 60142 800 85844 400 28067 400 60239 800 85949 400 28147 400160246 000 85974...... 800 28239 40080280 600 | .. "a 28283 400 60296 600 86084 .800 28839 100 60302 400 186140 600 28369 60341 600 86235 400 28549...... 400 60458 800 '86270 400 28614 800 60677 490 86355 600 28676 400:60684...... 600 86497 400 28934 800:607-1 800 88632 600 i'ioBl2 800 8637.3 400 29076...... 800 (iO.-KJH 5000 .88894 600 29120 400'60M74 600, 29104 ': 600i(i593 600 87576...... 400 29176 800:60934 600 87670...... 400 29289 ' 800 87694 800 29719 40961095 600 87721 .400 28783 400161391 ■ 800 87821 800 :--.--- ■'■- .'- 61525 2000 87994 400 30062 600 61528 460 30214 i 400161603 400 188208 - 800 30268 40061681 400 88277 ; 400 30311 40061694 400 88294 400 MISCEIaJLANEODS. No. Prize. No. Prize, i No. Prize. 88334 92650...... 4011. 96787 400 88388 400 9*735 400,96830 400 88397 400 92839 2000 96908 800 88827 600 92969 2000 96951....... 400 88865 2000! 96984 600 88958 600 93316...... 600 93391 400 97083 800 89183...... 400 93469 600 97217 400 89194 600 93525 400 97835 600 89200 800 93813 400.97985 600 89217 400 93822 600" 89247 400 ■ 98177 400 89603 400 94042...... 800 98345 600 89853 600 94090 400 98438 800 94118 0000 98480 400 60161 400 94120 400 98514 400 00207..100001>|94505 400 98525 400 90279 400 91580 400 98539 400 90418 2000 94646 600 98574 400 90552 800 94690 98671 800 90779 "100 94982 400 9-825 400 90853 600 95252 600 99148 400 91170...... 400 95267 600199210 600 91182 600 96317 400199346 400 91421 400 96534 400 99480 600 91827 400 95764 400199548 400 95784 800 99572 400 92142...... 400 95886 600 99614 400 92164 600 99615 600 02201 200000 96079 600 99625 600 92332 400 96339 600 99643 400 92346 400 96495 400 99706 400 92398 400 96527 60099916 400 92501 400!96536 40099955 400 92634 400196663 400 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 100 numbers from 59793 to 59893 Inclusive. be- In? 50 numbers on each side of the number draw- ing the capital prize of 8600,000, 31000. 100 numbers from 92151 to 92*51 inclusive, be- ing 50 numbers on earn side of tbe number drawing tbe capital prize of 8200,000, »800. 100 numbers from 90157 to 90257 inclusive, being 50 numbers on each side of the number drawing tbe capital prize of 8100,000, $400. 999 numbers ending with 43, being the two last figures of tbe number drawing tbe capital prize of $600,000, $200. 999 numbers ending with 01, being the two last figures of the number drawing tbe second capital prize of $200,000, $200; Prizes'cashed In full without deduction. Tlie subscribers having supervised the single num- ber drawing. Class t't'," Louisiana Stale Lottery, here- by certify that the above are the numbers which were this day drawn from the 100,000 placed In tbe wheel, with the prizes corresponding to them. Witness our nun' i., at New Orleans, La., this Tues- day, June 17, 1890. G. T. BEAUREGARD, J. A JiAKLY, Commissioners. No. 69813 draws capital prize, $600,000, sold la New York City, Washington. l>. ('.. Huston, Mass., Chicago, 111.. Houston, lex., and Hamilton, Out., Canada. No. 92201 draws second capital prize, $200,000. No. 90207 draws third capital prize, $100,000, sold In New York City, Boston, Mass.. Washington, 1). 0., Joplln. Mo., Galveston and Dallas, Tex. No. 77535 draws $50,000, sold lv Washington, D. C, Boston, Mass., Chicago. Ills., San Fraud-co, Cal., Lexington, Kj ., ( hattauooga, Term., and Platte River, Mo. Nos. 62493 and 94115 draw each $20,000. Nos. 4849, 5769, 48167,58478 and 60019 draw each $10,000. The work of sending the Official List to every correspondent begins immediately after the draw- ing and continues day and night until completed. Should any of our patrons'experlence any delay la receiving it, it is owing to their names being among the last un the list. Address registered letters to New Orleans Na- tional bank. New Orleans. La. Address: M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans. La. Entered according to Art of Congress, in the year 1890, by the Louisiana State Lottery Company, i'l the ofllce of the Librarian of Congress, at Wash- ington. AUCTION SALES. ___ CHAS. LEVY, .AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCK AVT, Salesroom— s3B-538 Californiast, below Kearny. Regular Salesday-i Tuesdays and ICrldays, at 10 * .1 THIS DAY, Tuesday June 24. 1890, At 10 o'clock a. H., at Salesroom. 530-538 California Street, below Kearny, ... .1 WILL HELL. ... A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF FURNITURE, Carpets, 1: i. .-„■ ■- etc. Je24 It CHAS. LEVY. Auctioneer. RECEIVER'S SALE. TO-MORROW. Wednesday .' June 25, 1890, At 11 o'clock a. m., at 294 Ho*Ba7ard Street, 1 WILL 5K1.!..... THE COMPLETE MACHINE-SHOP OF la. P. CAKCI.V, ... CONSIST. NO 0F.... A Cartridge Machine, Lathe, Emery Wheel, Boring Machine, anil everything pertaining to a first- class Maclilne-Shop. SAMUEL NEWMAN. Receiver . it'll 2t Of L. P. OARCIN, In Insolvency AT AUCTION UY Vonßiiein&Co. 524 California Street, THURSDAY JUNE 26, 1890, At 12 o'clock M. Sharp. Second-sires. Business Property. 35i80; 24" Second St.. bet. Folsom and Clemen- tina: lodging-bouse of 62 rooms and large basement; leased lor two years at $130; worth 175 per month Sixth-street Business Investment. 50x86: 425 and 427 Sixth St.. bet. Harrison and Bryant; rents $85; locality warrants raising aud the placing of stores underneath. Also in rear. on Park »▼•.; 25x75; 30 and 30Vi Park aye.; rents $33: always occupied. Bush Street, bet, Mason and Taylor. 85x137:6; 829 Hush st. ; 10 rooms and bath; large finished basement; fine view from rear of house; location central and fashionable; $71)00 can remain on mortgage. Valencia Street, near Sixteenth. 30x88; 510 Valencia St., bet. 16th an l 17th; store and bay-wludow flat; rents $80; tne choicest on VaieucU at. O'Farrell-street Business Corner. 50x00; BE. cor. O'Farrell and t.a?una sts; 50 feet on arreil st. by 00 on Laguna; splendidly adapted fur stores and flats; One view. Oak-street Panhandle Building Lot. 37:6x157:8: 8. line of Oak St.. 108:3 E. of Cole, close to stanyaii ; racing Uolden Hate lark; quarter cash, remainder In 1 and '2 years. Grove street, through to Ivy aye. 25x70, or 25x120 1vy to aye. ; 625 ami 627 Grove st. anil 625 Ivy aye., bet. Lacuna and liuclianau; rents $70. Dolores street, near 24th. 33x117:6; 1031 Dolores St., bet. 23d and 24th; house of 9 rooms and bath; rents $42 50; brick foundation. Page street— Fine Flats. 25x100; 830 and 832 Pane St.. Let. Scott and Pierce 2 modern flats, xi aud 7 rooms each: rents if.i' 2 50; choice location. 2110 Howard, bet. 17th and 18th. 28x122:0; 2110 Howard St.; handsome O-room modern nay. window residence; stable, garden and chicken bouse; sunny s,de: cable cars pass. Clementina-sta Income Property. 13x80; 71) Clementina St.. bet Ist and 2d: 2 flats. 3 and 4 rooms each; rents $25; substautlal brick building. Eastlake Flats.Vicksburg, nr. 24th 26x100: 303 and 310 Vlcksbnrg St., bet. 24th and 25tb; 2 flats. 4 and 5 rooms and bath each; rents $32; new modern bay-window flats. Church-street Dwelling. 25x80: 1404 Church St.. 30 feet S. of 27th: bonis or 7 rooms and bath : conservatory; brick founda- tion; 8-foot basement, all planked. Also adjoining on 27th St.. 23:6x105; 407 27th; ball or factory building; easily rented; both pieces must be sold. Pond-street Cozy Home. 25x80; 18 Pond St.. bet. Noe and Sanchez, 16th and 17: 4 rooms and bath; brick foundation; nice home for a small family. Sanchez-street Building Lot. 25x105; W. line of Sanches St., 26:6 feet 8. of 18th: good location and must be sold. Lots in Holly Park Tract. 30:11x100. more or less: SW. cor Holly park and South aye., being lots 56 and 57, KlocW 5, Holly Park Trait. Jels 18 22 24 25 26 f_j?-"--v CHICHESTEB'S ENGLISH g^PENNYROYAI PILLS. iL *'t—.'^>H : RED CROSS DIAMOND BRAND. y.^-J: fHA a&ti-fc bj A*fe* -a™ -"-^ *-"*s* r*--Ul<l«. Ladle*. ft«k I / H flr Draa"a*l*t f'*r I Ham find Itrand.iu red meuilio I tm. xlf boi«, m.- . ■: with bloti ribbon. Twltf no other. V «p» JD Sund 4e. f?tpn) for and "Relief for J^ *>. Mf l*ni! it-"-,** t'.-i letter, by rr tor*, rainll. JMBM Papwr r 4.*h»cl.eal*-rthem.Co.. Biidi^oSa.,Palljju,l oclO TuThSusWy ly TO WEAK MEN Buffering from the effects of youthful errors, early decay, wantiiiK weakness, lost manhood, etc, I wilt - send a valuable treatise (sealed) containing full particulars for home cure, FREE of charge. V splendid medical work : should be read by every man who la nervous and debilitated. Address, l'i-of. F. C. FO*aVl.l*lt, ia«odua,Con-*« ■ aattd.vwy ly .' ■' .-" j^3|S?J?l»»(sjJßVij ... — ■ - tar '^ggjt'! ** " **'** «a*^^s^?^ss>a^^^s3 mr 23 SuTuTb to jal '» I X^X-X MISCELLANEOUS. XXXX OUR NAME IS a GUARANTY That We Sell Every Article as Advertised. Our Motto is to Sell Better Goods at Lower Prices Than Any Other House on the Pacific Coast. Special Bargains This Week! $9.50~5EE OUR DISPLAY Bays a Man's Suit or Overcoat, Fit Guaranteed ; Regular Price, $12 and $13. $ 1 5.00 SEE OUB DISPLit • Bays a Man's Extremely Nobby Suit or Overcoat, Tailor-made Garments, Fit Guaranteed ; Regular Price, $18, $20 and $22.50. $1 and $1.50 Buys a Kilt Suit; 50c a Pair of Knee Pants ; $1.50 a Pair of Boys' Long Pants ; 75c Sailor Suits; $2.50 Children's Stylish Overcoats, and Many Other Bargains. Underwear at Factory Cost. See Our Display. STRIPED BALBRICCAN, THE SUIT, $1.50. ' ■„ . SUMMER NECKWEAR AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! A New Invoice of 15c Scarfs and Four-ln-Hand Ties ; Regular Price, 29c. Bathing Suits, Equestrian Tights, Bathing Robes, Lawn-Tennis Suits, Sashes, Outing Shiits, Traveling Shirts, at Low Prices. BOYS' WOOLEN WAISTS AT REDUCED PRICES FOR THIS WEEK ONLY. ty Country orders solicited. Samples sent upon application. Goods deliv- ered free to Oakland, Alameda and Berkeley. Roos Bros., THE LEADING CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS, 27,29,31,33,35, 37 Kearny Street. TO OUR COUNTRY FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS! THE GOLDEN ME BAZAAR DELIVERS GOODS FREE OF CHARGE TO THE FOLLOWING POINTS: ; SAUSAIITO, BLITHEDAIE, TIBUEOS, SAN RAFAEL, ANTIOCH, STOCKTON, NAPA and VALLEJO, HAYWARDS, \WJM SAN LORENZO, SAN LEANSRO. MEL- ROSE, OAKLAND, ALAMEDA, BERKELEY. FIRE SALE AT THE GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR! 1234 Market Street, near Jones, IS STILL THE Attractionof the Day DON'T MISS IT ! - DAVIS BROTHERS 718 Market Street, above Kearny. 1234 Market Street, near Jones. |_U SuTuTU CALIFORNIA FIREWORKS COMPANY. WE ARE PREPARED TO SUPPLY THE TRADE with a full line of FIREWORKS, FIRECRACKERS, FLAGS, BALLOONS, TOY PISTOLS. Etc. Illustrated Catalogue furnished on application. *_- A specialty of EXTRA EXHIBITION WORK, CAMPAIGN ROCKETS, ROMAN CANDLES and COLORED ILLUMINATIONS. »ir Correspondence solicited with Committees in charge of public celebrations. . Office anil Salesrooms, 231 FHOST STKKKT, SAX -"KANCISCO. F. la. WOnSTER. Je4 cod lm Naber, Alfs & Brune WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEAI.KK9. 323 AND 325 MARKET STREET, >!_3__sb_SoL£ AGENTS ro^-Tir iSIiPHQEN-* li L«|IS//* * OLD -Mf§i%OURBpN-: : The purest ami best Whiskey In the market for JMedicinal and Family use. Sold by all first-class dealers. Ask for It|||l|| :■ - noS cod IX it,. lor. J. Ku.-»ello.»t l:i.«nlar, rorrecttal. TIUI Klhaa.tataa, fimlMl U.cllai.. I>.«»J. Waak«»- at Pat,,'„ wli.Sattondin-eaTlafr.ara whatever caiiaejie^nleklyandMr. ..... /,i-t,rii by l>K. C4TOS-S REMfH TITiI.ISSfcS. r»a „■>;, i,i*»«' Sp**iM. iiw»V'*!' »«r* , 'l** "°S__*_ A', "rujiiat.. or by mall or tip. KSlra, nnre »1. » r«."T,i* for »1. <'._pMrri.nniran.M4. C.TOS R„,lan. .».. J^LI imitatitma. Saw M.dlfil "ark frri. I C.l.lllchsi'da»('o^t'7S»n<ouieSt,Sjnl'ranciKO,C»L,Al». mrlo lyTufh Weekly Call. $1.25 per Year, SPECIAL! Before taking your departure for tie Country or Seashore, don't fail to call on I EADING jtlUi, CUTLERS - AND ■BAZAAR AND GET Amber Horn Dresaslng Comb for jjc Hurl Whisk-Broom „6c Large case of Scented Soap "fie Imported French Toothbrush ioc Extra size Bleached Hath Sponge ......20c Telescopic Baskets vjo<. Fancy Collapsing Cup 25c Extra quality Shawl-Strap ' 28c Boys' Waists 350 Good Straw Hat ,',, t t Hal Table Lamp complete 25c Solid-back nitre-wood All-Bristle Hairbrush. ...50e Fancy Negligee Shirts 60c Full-size Hammock 7 &c Camp Stool * ........We Comb, Hairbrush, Tooth and *iaii'Bruihe3-.'.'.'.'.'.'Bsc Croquet Set complete 85c Oood Packing Trunk .'. " ....".M 25 I ' -inch uenuiiie Leather Tourist Bag *1 6 i Hundreds of other Useful Necessaries, suitable for Tourists and Campers. Our Art-Room sparkling with new goods, suitable for Wedding*, EnaTajcemexit and Jlirtlnliy presents, at very low prices. Country orders promptly filled. Goods delivered free In Berkeley, Oakland and Alameda. 818-820 Market Street, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23 O'PMKII St, : I'HELAX BLOCK. Jas TuThSu tt STATEMENT ....or THE.... CONDITIONS AND AFFAIRS ....or THE ... FEDERAL MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OF ZURICH. SWITZERLAND. ON THE 31ST day of December. A. 0. 1889. and for the year ending on that day. as made to the Insurance Com- missioner of the State of California, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 610 and Gil of the Political Code, condensed as per blank furbished by the Commissioner. CAPITAL. Amount of Capital Stock paid np in cash. s?00.0t>0 00 A SMUTS. Loans on Bond and Mortgage 240.806 58 Cash in Company's Offlce. 18,780 01 Cash in Banks. 53,824 IS Premiums In due course of collection. 318.304 06 Total Assets *331,715 43 LIABILITIES. Losses In process of adjustment or in suspense $106,600 00 Gross premiums on Marine and In-T land Navigation Risks, reinsurance [ 100 per rent I 95,00000 Gross premiums on Marine Time | Risks, reinsurance 60 per cent. ...» All other demands against the Com- pany 154.755 30 Total Liabilities »366.255 I.N'COMK. Net Cash actually received for Marine l'rem I urns 609,966 80 Received for Interest and dividends on Bonds, Stocks. Loans and from all othersources , 10.206 39 Profit and loss account 403 26 Total Income t" 20, 576 45 KXFKNIIITtJRK'a. Net amount paid for Marine Losses... . $260,660 56 Dividends to Stockholders 20,000 00 Paid or allowed for Commission or Brokerage 140.824 91 Paid for Salaries, Fees and other char- ges for oncers, clerks, etc ' 61,63906 Paid for State, National and local taxes 1,532 80 Total Expenditures. $474,616 31 Losses Incurred during the year $200,669 56 ADELRICH BENZICER, President. Subscribed and sworn to before me. this Bth day or April, 1890. "OHS ZWINULI, Notary Public gutte & FRANK, MANAGERS. 303 CALIFORNIA ST., SAN AN CISCO. JclB 7t TO THE JFFUCTED. " THE ENGLISH MEDICAL DIS- /_; §_ PK-iNAKY, established by London £***- J?t« and New York physicians of 35 fi^" '^-vC*,") years' practice, expressly for the r©"- — \jOS treatment of Special and Prirate I'h-t v\KY,tarablLtboil !>y London ;.i ! New York physicians of 33 jt-ar*' practlro. expressly for the trcalmeut of Special and Frlvatu l*J\ .4a3aW lMs.t, sos or .Men. They will for- feit Fire Hundred Dollars for amy V^JsiSoegSi. can they undertake and fall to tt3tj?v££S < "re. Call or address the English Dispensary. 623 Kearny St., & I* . jeft tt cod Wright's Man Tesetalile Pills Are acknowledged by . thousands of persons who have used them for over forty years to cure SICK HEADACHE, GIDDINESS, CONSTIPATION, Tor- pid Liver, Weak Stomach, Pimples, and Purify the Blood. Je2i) ly FrTn Crossman's SDficiflc Mixture. H With this remedy persons can cure themselres without the least exposure, change of diet, or ehanga In application to business. The medicine contains nothing that Is of the least Injury to the constitu- tion. Ask your fur It. Price SI a bottle. fe-'OlyrrTu 7