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CITY IJKAL ESTATE. C / -)\ii~a i':i ki r— PINK stvnr. wkbstxb — '/\'. and ruuninp through to Wlldey; bay- v ludow bouse of 11 rooms and Uat<i; brick foun- dations, laundry, etc : lot £ J5]i127:8. li. 11. i.Mii- M-.N A CO.. 1* tgoinery 81. ]y!3 atSuTiiTa r..)-|wl CLARA ST.. KB, 3D; FRONT HOUSE .-: 10 and. rear house 4 rooms: rents S3ss 10t25x75. G. H. UMBSEN A CO., II Mont- gomery st. Jyl3 Ml SuTuTh w-'iif)l"l GILBERT, UKANSAN : THREE, ijpUV'UU. houses and two eattages; lot 50t>si>. O. li. «BSEN d- CO.. 14 Montgomery. 13 3SuTn Th v. ■••'lit\ SHERIDAN St7,~~NR. 9TH AND >S^~V\J. Folso i; lot 25x100; level and ready lor building. ... U. CMISSEN i CO., 14 Mtrtit- K.niif ry st. JyJ.B aiSuTu'fll <£'>USin LIZZI E ST.. >>K. MISSION AND <^—Ok)\J. i::ub: 2-story bouse ot 9 rooms; lot 3H:H\7O. O. 11. CMBSEN 4- CO., 14 Montgomery Mrtfft. j>l3 SiiTuTli3t_ tSZT'J&n CASTRO ST.. NR. 19TI1; LOT S'-!:6x tO ' -■•'!'. 125. G. 11. DMBSEN « CO.. II Mont- Ciacryst. Jyl3 SnTnTn at CfcOrnft cliFtek st., m;. church; lot C — UUU. 00:11x114. O. 11. UMDSEN A <■> 14 Montgomery st. jyl3 SuTuTh 3t C- 1 T ".II each — COLLING WOOD st., near v"l <•> V » isth: 2 lots, each 55x125. (i B. (7MB- SEX A CO., 14 Montgomery st. _ jyl3 SnTuTh .it sj|'*|l LOT 25x100— OS '•■ LINE ok a st., «!pOOU. near 19th aye. U. v. UMbSEN a Co., li Montgomery st. jy 13 SnToTh 3t - *«^l .\lil 1 LO~T~SOx 1 JO-OX COOK ST., NEAR 3MOUU. Geary U. H. UMUSEN A CO., 14 Montgomery st. SuTuTh 3t O|r;i/\ 13TH ' AYE., NEAB CAUKORNIA- JIJ |U(I. si Extension; 50x120: will subdivide. G. H. i mi..-i.\ a CO.. 14 Montgomery.lH SuTuTh 3 /run i 1•' U X LOTS IN HOLLIDAI MAP A O. JJ..HIUII i.Mi;-i.> a CO.. 14 Montgomery gjree t. jyia yu'ruTn st . ..),,,,,, EUREKA ST.. NEAR ISTH-LOT 24 C — '"'V p . k-.< G. 11. UMISSEN A: CO.. 14. Mont- gomery St. j}l3 SuTuTh 81 t . 1 ,-,n/l DOLULASS ... NEAR 18TH— 35x «£ I ,ni\J. 160. U. 11. U-MISSEN * CO.. 14 .Mont- gomery St. jyKi SuTuTh !K ci- IMIIM >•"' 85X125-ON diamond, near iIHH'. ■•.'•'.: ready .'or building, street work done. G. ii. 1 A- CO.. 14 Montgomery s:ri.'i't. 1, ;;; I uTh St si " r,na ill DOLORES and VALLEY— BAY- ij 1 I O\i\J. window cottage of 5 rooms ami bath; br!.-k foundations and all luodern conveniences: lot PI ,IK). U. 11. IMIiSEN A CO., 14 Sluiiiguniery street. jyi3sului'aat_ ni\(\ DOLORES ST., NEAR VALLEY; *^..UUv/. Lav window cottage of 5 rooms and bath: hot and cold water, etc; lot2S:6xloos brick Jotmilation. ii ii I MB3E> a Co., 14 Motits;i>iii- eryst ]yi:> SuTulh M C; I"111 1 ': It.W-WIMKiW COTTAKE OF 5 ._ li)uU. rooms and bath and basement; brick Inundations, ftc: iiartcash: lot Mil 15; lath »1., Marsct. ii. 11. IMIiSEN" & CO . 14 Montgom- ery sL jy 1 3 SuTuTh St OlJ'J^n A lIAIUiAIN: a-ST"KV BAY-WIV- K?<J~iJ*J. (low bou-e ■•'. C rooi.u and bath; brick foundation; stationary wasbstand, el .'. : ail modern conveniences; lot 27 81100 on 16th St.. nrar Mar- ket. U 11. UMHSEN & CO., I; Montgomery street. Jyi:; su lul'h M V 1 "nil (iIiKKN ST., .NEAI: FIiA.VKI.IX'; 2- tj"i«)vv'. «Tory house rl3 rooms and bath: lot ISxiaO. 1.. 11. I'MBSEN a to.. 14 Montgomery frtiprt. j, 13 Sill II 111 ;« OQlWift I . .11 ST..NEAK POWELL; 2-STORI tj'L'UUU. aa i basement lions.' ot 12 rooms and t'ath- mortgage o! f 3UOO can reln-itn it desired: lot 20x60: rents (63. U. H. UilllSE-S A CO.. 1-1 Mont- goiiK-ry st. jy!3 SuTnTh 3t_ <X in ('III I mission si and kinmno C 11/,UIIU, thron;h to Minna; iart under lcaso J.>r :i years at $150 per month: room fur 5 or ti buildings: lot 95x100: -■ fronts. ii. H. U.MHSEN A i\i.. 14 Montgomery st. jj l.i >.i lh M C* I•) " 11/ ; I'"^T ST.. SUNNY SIDE, NEAR -•■'' " '. Leaver. Wwrtii . lol3tiXlU?:0; gooil, ftubstaotlal bay-wmdow house of 11 rooms and bath ; stone sidenalKs. bitck foundations, etc., (1. 111 MB- Wt-.N A CO.. 14 .MiMitgotnery st. JvlS SuTuln M <J;l»)-|\ CORNER SACRAMENTO ST. AND «_ "^ — •>'.'. Leroy place, nr. Lesvenworth: '2 h'lUiearetitrijrforiSU: lotliOA.7o. 1.. 11. UMKSKN A it.. 14 Mmitsoinery st. )y!3 SllTuTh 3t Jj nn SACRAMENTO ST., NEAR DKVISA- .. »>_UU. ,1 .. . lot 27:0X100. «:. H. t MT.-.K.N X <■>'.. 14 Montgomery at. JylS SuTuTh :tt - - 111 1 SCOTT ST.. NEAR SUITE!'.: HOUSE fiJUUU. o: 6 rooms and bath; lot 25x!37:1i. 0. 11. umuskn a I'u,, 14 Montgomery. 13 suTuTh at "C; Q",||A SITTER ST., NEAR HAKKR; NEW t^ OJUU. a-s:ory and basement bay-window house In ■_ flat-, of 6 and 7 rooms and bath eaeb: brick foundations hint all inoderu improvements: rt*iit> $70: lo; USi"57 :tj. G. H. CMiiSKN A: CO., 14 Jloii'.gumery st. jyl3 SuTuTh 3t < ;■> fWin WEBSTER ST.. NEAK I I 1.1 1 iv •.. ixiUUU, new bay-window houje in 4 li.its: r-i:ts fs»2: brick foundations: lot S3xB3;S. li. 11. lMlt.-i:N a CO.. 14 Montgomery. jyl:< SuTuTh 3t O I «^X TO $200 EACH, ACCORDING TO LOCA- •_ * — tion— level lota In South San Fran. Cisco; close to street-cars: secure a home while laud li yet cheap, JOHN C. GREEN a CO., 401 California st. jyKi tf >u\\ e H^fUl HKAI'TIUI. BUILDTN'I) LOTS V.UUUon Pennsylvania are, near Colusa St.; close to inauuracturtii^ district on the l'utrero. JOHN C. GREEN A CO.. 401 California. je-J9 tr SqlV fflj^r A EACH— NICE LEVEL LOTS ON CAKO- O'^V/iiuast.. near .Napa; liberal terms; the 1111- -ine(!!a:e virlnity is building 1111 very last. JOHN C. GKllfc.N & CO., 401 California St. jyl3tl£ « t'l'llft EACH XIX 2 MAGNIFICENT LOIS, N. «[ " '\J of the , irk. on 11th aye.. near B St.: se- cure these at oace. JOHN c. UKEEN A- CO.. 401 Ciiiroriila »t. jylSCrSuWe Vr-'H EACH-A JEW CHOICE LUTMIMAI.- V. ; ' l con a?e,. not far from 18th St. and near IJWarUet-street extension, at bed-rock prices; terms easy; this property will raDldly enhance iv value. JUiiN c. lil;tL> A CO., 401 California st. trsnW <£ 7 ~\(\ EACH— A FEW I'HOICE LOTS ON COK- rl.. l Ui..;Ti,.'.i ! .'ii Mil. JOHN IX (-REKN A CO. :401 J.'ali fonnajt. jy!3 SuWe tf < -lIU EACH— BONANZA LOTS ON oTiIiBETT %. *-'»-' road, dm l."sth st. and not far from Mar- ket ->!reet extension; on most UMeral terms. JOHN C.oi;Efc.N A Co.. [01 California jyl.i tf Sn\V C; I -mil II.NE 1 ullM.l; I.' TIN A RAPIDLY iC" I—'JXJ. srov.inj section; size 2XIOU South !■■■:!';: and ii.ii-n its.; this Is an exceptional huy. JoIIS C. I.IILKN A CO., 401 California street. jyl3Su>Ve :■ C: I Will" 3 LOTS ON '25111 A\ 1- . X. OK THE «J" 1 J. park, 1 block from i'oint Lobos aye. ; no -a:id. JOHN C. URIiEN A; CO., 401 Cmlfornia s: ret:. jy!3 tfSnWe si I (U\(\ FINE CORNER IN SAX I'UA>CISCO; O 1 WV. well located; sue 200x150; plcn this up a: once. JOHN C. GKEEN a CO., 401 California v.recr. jyl3 tf s .v. V"'~(Wi N ICE SCNNY COTTAGE OK 4 ROOMS; C— • "I/. 1 •: 25x114. 0n Elizabeth St., near Sau i'o,c aye. ; ea?y terms, JOHN C. UKEEN * CO., 401 California st. J>'l3 tf >uWe V' ' " (in MUST HE SOLD: LOVELY NEW V OO\J\J. cottage. « rooms and lath; Chatta- iiot>^a St., nearl'Sd: lot 25x100; easy terms. If de- sirea: this Is a bargain. JOHN C. UKEEN A- Co., 4 01 California SI. Jyl.'ttf SuWe ' ffcTHfill hINE WESTERN ADDITION RESI- «^- I \J\J\J. ileuce: Clay St., near Webster: large lot T.ith .m I. - story trains building: brick foundation; all modem conveniences: this is offered cheap on Recount of owner's removal from this city. JOHN C. (iKEKN it CO.. 401 California >t. Jyl3tf SuWe C: 1 ii l\(V~\ ONLY; lilt; BEST lsi'Y ON MAR- iJIU.UW kit si. ; NW. cor. Market, Castro and l.tnsts. ; lctyox7s; we are Instructed to sell this property forthwith. JOHN C. GREEK A- CO.. 401 California st. Jyl3tf SuWe O'''_) 111 ill CHOICE NW. COR. 3D ST., NEAR 3J>OO. UVU. Mission, bringing in a monthly rental of $165 ft gtlt-edse Investment; cannot be duplicated. JOHN C. GREEN 4 CO., 401 Califor- l:ia M. Jyl3tfSuWe V" mill MARKET-ST. PROPEBTY; ■ UU.UUU, front: through to rear street: the safest buy on this leading thoroughfare. JOHN C. QUEEN A- CO.. 401 California »t. iy!3 tf SuWe C-.lnnil I STS $40 '2 HOI SES; 11. V • _ ~± *" ' ! - - and rear frontage : Berron St., bet. 7lh a:id sth. Volnoni and Harrison. W. 1. MORGAN a CO.. 51'^ Cal. St. 1,1:'. tr SHWe » - '7"ll OAK-ST. LOT; SIZE 25x110; HOW- '"—l'"'. ard-st. calile; fronting Golden Gate I'arlc. W. I. MORGAN A- CO.. 512 Cal. St. 113 tf SuW ■w' " 7 ■".( I PAGE, N. SIDE, BET. DEVISADERO O*' I >)\l. and r.roderlck; line view of the city; !ar?c Iot, 'JJXI37:S. IV. L MORGAN £ CO., 512 Cal. St. jyla tf MiWe <K,l .".fin RENTS *50; N ATOM A ST., N. SIDE, C""""- bet. Bth and 9th: 4 flats and rear liouse; lot 25x75. W. I. MORGAN A CO.. s!2Cal. street. ]y6 Su " . • : Vl'dll I>EVISADERO ST.* CORNER, BET iJiJuUv, and Post; lot .v.i lull: 2-story liouse; 6 rooms and bach; stable. W. L MOKGAN & CO., Jy6 We 0 at on lin RENTS «ss PACIFIC Bt.:n.side, •„ ' """. !>et. .lo.i-3 ami LeavenwoTtu: front, lrtj'JJlc and rear bouses; street accepted: lot u:ix 120 to rear street. W. 1. MORGAN A: C0.,51'J Cal. Street. . j-»i>u C- - . - 1 1/ 1 2 FLATS: RENTS, »:;S: STREET AC • )O\)U. cepted; lot '.'3x7.1: Garden it, bet. liar- rlion and l.rv int. W.I. MuRGAN a CO.. Mi Caliror u.jl ■:. je-JH mi We It <<~ ">\(\ RENTS $58: I'EI'.KY ST.. BET. 3D ilptJ/UO\J. and 4th; 4 flats; a decided bargain: lot liixaO ft. W. I. MORGAN A- 00., 512 Cal. ttreet. ftii'J tf BnWe Fo^flfl EACII-LOTT hi".. HALF 7 I.LOCK — OUV iroin Golden Gate Fart; 310t5'."5x106:3 each: strert iewered and macadamized; will suo- dlvlde. W. I. MORGAN & CO., 512 Cat. 22 tf SuWe VII HIM RENTS $70; CHESLEY ST., BET. CUUUU. 7thandSth; flats; large lot 30x80 ft. W. I. MORGAN I CO., 612 Cal. St. Je-J2tfSuWe Oi'-.-ii BENTS $66: 3 NEW FLATS OF 5. 8 «J)U I iJU. ami 6 rooms and bath each; separata entrances, etc.; cheap; Snotwell St., W. tide, bet. 17th and lßtb. W. I. MOKGAN a CO.. 012 Cal. iitreeL jeM tf - i,n ■■ >«: "111 ll I KKNTS *' ■•"■: 4 FLATS; LARGE LOT, •33 I I" 'V. 30xS0; I'earl St., bet. Market and Rlil- ley: call immediately. W. I. MORGAN C CO., 5; 1 Cal. si. ' j.-'-"j tf SIUYe ©,- Or DOUBLE house, 6 ROOMS and *S'* ' — O\J . hikiu each In front: rear house of 4 rooms; Oak Grove aye.. bet. Folsom and Harrison • ;s. ; rents $17; lot 25x75. W. I. MORGAN » CO. 612 Cal gt, }eita tt BnWe V-; CCA : ' LOTS (2 COBWEBS): SW. COB. O^. tOV. 3"tli aye CsU: size 2101100 ft. v. I. MORGAN i OU.. 618 Cal. St. •■■!'> MiWelf Q. 1(, - 1 1 EACH— I BLOCK lI'.OM II AHillT ST.; «4PIUOU Asbbury Heights; 3 lots: each 25x80; street macadamized, etc. W. 1. MORGAN I CO., 512 Cal. St. ]els SuWe tl C; I "Mill ANGELICA ST..W. SIDE, OKK larii, >31OUu. bet Valencia and Guerrero: lot 25x73. W. I. MOBUAN * CO.. 512 Cat St. 116 SuWe tf I 'III 111 NATOMA ST.. N. BIDE, BET. 6TH* iJUV/UV/. and 7th; 4 Hats; monthly rental, $61 ; sec tbls Immediately: best barKaln south of Market St. V. I. MORGAN a- CO., 512 Cal. »t.jelß SuWe •! qq/-;,-a house 7 booms, hath, lacn- O»)U»M/. dry; brick foundation; cement base- ment; in perfect order; Hardy St., bet. Church and Nanrhez: cannot be duplicated for the money, W. I. MoKU AN A- CO., 512 California at. my 18 If SnWe C- I 7AA ONLY-SUITABLE Kill! I'OOR MAN; 1 M'W lovely cottage; 4 rooms, hard finished; •table, garden, etc; on 2 lots, 25x70 each; '.1 blocks from 2 lines cars: $500 cash, balance $15 per month. 7 per cent Interest. J. F. FLU JIBE, 1402 Valencia Bt. Jyl3 3t HoMovte Q| -> , || , A lIAUUAIN - PLEASANT HOME; CJiJOW. 6 large rooms; high basement; all inoderu Improvements; 25th at., one block from Ct.-.tio.-:. cable; lot 25x114, near public school; yard In front and rear; street sewered and graded. ■•■ K. PLUMBB. 1402 Valencia at. jy!2 SaSuWe at C'llinil CASH, BALANCE IN EASY PAT- • _ JHHI meuts; 2-story; bay-window; 7 rooms; bath; linen-room; large laundry; driveway; room f»r stable; flowers; lot 90X190. Apply on premises, 15 Albion are., bet. loth and 17th rts., Valencia and Guerrero. je22 MiTiiTli tf C: •'I ii | pelTkoosi will HulLiiTsTßiCTi.r «4)OUVf. lint-class houses or flats; call and exam- | tue_IIOUSTUjt. builder. 512 Halght St. <tol« bm tt J/IIK SALE— MOUSE AND LOT, S UOOMS, BATH. , J 1417 Hcvisailero St., near Ueary. Jyl2 3t* CITY KKAI- KSTATK. AnTsoN^tTBUn k e, ke aiTestate au en t s (Established 1858), 401 and 403 Montgomery. IMPROVED PROPERTY. $40,000— Mission st., near 6th; lot 45xS0, with a bouses well rented. Elegant corner In the Mission, with building ; just completed 2 stores and Hat: paying 10 per ceut; price $16,000. $40,000— Van Ness avc.: center; 70 feet front on tiie avenue; ;i well-lmiit houses. .Mi-sioii st.. nr. sth: lot 25x90, with store ami lodging-house, paying fair income: price $25,000. $20,000— 2ith«t, cor. Guerrero; store ami flats: rents *15(>; 85x58 le.:. $20,000— st, near Howard; 3-story build- ing, paying good Income; under lease; lot 35x50. $15,000— Valcnclast. corner; 55 feel front: good Improvements; 3 stores and flat: hunt 3 years. $13.000— Fays 10 per cent: new flats on Ilaight st near Webster; lot 27:6x137:6 $!lUOO— Ridley St., near Valencia: new boose of 8 large rooms, bath: electric lights; finished In na- tural woods: lot 30xH0. #:*soo— l-raveuwortn st, near Clay; 12 rooms- 2 baths; lot 25x1 00 feet. $si'BO— st.. near Powell: rents $58; 2 bouses; lot ..lib* :'.<. $^000— .Stockton st., corner Francisco* 3 houses' I ri'nts -.I.'; lot UB:!}x6B:H. $7500— Mat*, renting ior $65, on Shotwcll St.. near 22d; modern in every respect; lot 28:7x122:6. $7500-¥utter-st Hits, near Stelner St.; paying good Interest; lot 27:6x137:8. $5300— Rents $50; brick Improvements: Sacra- mento at., near Powell: lot 23:7x6H:!). $8500— Union St.. near Stelner; 8 rooms and bath: stable and elegant grounds; lot 40x*.i7:6. $7000— Harrisons!., near 241h; 7 rooms anil bath: double lot, ."i-'ilUO. ■6000— Offer wanted; Bakerst, nr. I'ine; cottage of 5 rooms ana bath: lot 27 :6x93:9. $51)00—11111 St.. NW. cor. Church: 38x101:9: 2 houses, 0 rooms and 4 rooms and bath, respectively. $3500 — 18tb St.. near Castro; 0 rooms; high base- ment: lot 25x100: street accepted. $4500— Rents $10: Bitch St., near Brannan; 2 houses In flats; lot :>o>sil. $3750— Uents *36: Langtou St., near Howard: lot 25xK(i. $4800— Gear* st., near Plilmorc; 6 rooms ana bath: rents $30: all in good order. $-375— York st., near 1:0 th; rooms: lot 25x100 feet. $2500— Ceneva st., near 6tb and lirannan; 2 flats; rents 19: lor 27:6x84. $2000— Cottage 5 rooms; Harrison st., nr. 24th: lot 25x1 I '-■:•■•. * i 00- Sharon st., near cor. 16th and Market: cottage of 5 rooms: lot 25x125. $3400— Greenwich St., near Mason; rents $27: lot 23x60. $3250— Pond St., near cor. Market and 16th: 5 rooms and bath : "illy \' 3 cash; lot 25x80. $2700— Hampshire St., neui 20th: 4 rooms- lot 25x101). $2000 — Anderson st., nr. Cortland aye.; cottage or 5 rooms: lot 50x70. $2500— Cottage oi 6 rooms; Day St., near Church; Street 111 order; lot 25x114. $3500— Cottage of 6 rooms and bath: high base- ment: Hampshire st.. near 22i1: lot 25xi00. VACANT PROPERTY. $9200 n th st., cor. Sheridan; 30x108. *60i0- !>th si., cor., near Harrison: 25x85. *5oi)0-C:is[ri>st.. near 17th: 45x122:6 US4OU— I Dr. Taut- and Ljron 3 s.; 35x100. SI 000— Dolores St., near 24th; uOxISD; elegant view: ehrnpest lot on the street. $UHiO— ■-•4tli st.. cor. of Vlckaborg, near Church s'>x 1 14. >— Fulton st., near Broderick; 25x137 :8. Sl'JoO— Castro St., near 18th; 37x122:6, with I. .'.■' 17 $40uO— Fair Oaks st. nr. 24th; 50x100; command- ing an elegant view. $3001) Church St.. nr. 22d : 33x117:6, to an alley. $4000 Noest, cor 25 th: 50x114. *.:t;oo -25:h St., near Castro; 801114. $2500 -(iuerrero , near 25th; 25x125. $■.".'so— Post st.. near Devlsadero; 25x87 :1>. -Vermont .st., cor. Harlposa fPotrero): 100x100. $2 50 — Cor Bncbanan and Filbert sts. : 25x100. * :ooo— Lagunast., near Post; 26x62:6. $2500— Sanchez st. 17th: 25x100. $1700— 2ltn si . near Castro; 25x114. 00 Jersey st, near Castro; 25x114. I*l!UO-Chorryst.,nr. California: 25x100. S-.575— Duncan St., near Noc; 26:8x114. $»J.">o— Cor. lluitiboiilt anil Kansas sis. .Totrero)- L'SilOO. MADISON' « BURKE, 401 ana 403 Montgomery street. It CjC^XH GOEKBERO ST.; CORNER RESI- C — '"'• dence; good house of 9 rooms: lot 5oxl00; a bargain. MCAFEE, BALDWIN » CO., 10 -Moutgotnery St. jylS SuTuTh tf 417 Hill) HOWARD ST., NX. 23D; GOOD ._ 1 I .UUU. house or 8 rooms and bath: servants' rooms and .: idry in basement: bricK fouudatlons; also house of 2 Hats or ( i an! 7 rooms each; total rent #107 50; 10t50i122: this Is an excellent piece of property and Is a first-class investment. McAFKE, BALDWIN .V CO.. 10 Montgomery. jy!3 SnTnTh tf SfcOOßfl LAEUE LOT VJERT CHEAP: 16TH •- — — O\J. St. near Castro: sue 30x100: there is good speculation in this lot .is the 16th-st. extension is an assured fact. McAFEE, BALDWIN .v H.\M- MONP, 10 Montgomery st. Je22 SuTuTli tf » 1 QAA EACH— 4 I.AKiiK LOTS 28:4x114: 0 lO\-'U 27tb st., near Church: street graded, lii.ii-:,. '.aun/i'il and sewered. M AH-.e. BALDWIN A HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. Je22 SuTuTU tf <i|'i". lll) MAKE OFFER: I MUST iBE BOLD; ta Ui/uU, cheapest piece on Howard St., near 14th: good 1-story and finished basement house of 6 rooms and bath: trick foundation; nicely papered and painted; first-class repair; stove Bldewaiks; lot 25x85; examine tula property and make offer before baying. MCAFEE, BALDWIN & HAMMOND, 10 Muiii'jumcry st. ]e22 So lnTh tf «i;v> F.nn A 'i'"-" 1 iNcoMt ruoPKHTrj j tgi*)J..tJ\J\'. l'l.lsoin st.. near kth: soo.l building of stores and flats, bringing a monthly rental ot $190; lot 97 :b'xS0; thts property pays a good in- come and is in an improving locality; nu better in- vestment property can lie found. McAFEE. IiAI.D- WIN * HAMMOND. 10 Montgomery. 15 tf SuTuTh OTSftU SHOTWELL, NEAK 24TH; NICE \ i U\JU. modern cottage of i rooms, bath, eic: liriL-kfoumlatlou : nail stable: lovelvlawu: laxxe lot. size 50x122:6; choice litrle lion Me A FEE, r-ALIMVI_N A Ha.MJION'D, 10 Montgomery street ]«16 tt SnTuTb 9S I A ill in MAIiK AN OFFEB— UOOD lAV •_ ■ L'i.\j\J\J . ing investment; Garden st, near lith: good 2-story building of 8 ten 'menu rent 9120; lot 100x75; tins property must be sold to clos* out au estate; ctiarwe lor a good buy. Mo A FEE. BALDWIN' A HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery street. je!s SuTuTh tf i- "(I CAPP. NEAR 25TH— GOOD FLATS _ • I •" '• or 4 and 5 rooms each, renting at $68; 10t .15x116. MIaFEE, BALDWIN 4 HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery -l els SuTuTh tt <-vllllll MARE OFFER; ACIli ICE MISSION- r^AJ\I\)\f. St. lot. suitable for stores and flats: size 40x115. near 25tn st: this property Is very cheap and properly 1 DiproTed will pay a good lii- UCAFKK, BALDWIN .v HAMMOND, 10 Montgniuery st |e!5 tf SuTuTh Si I •fWltA' M : NICE LEVEL LOTS ON CAB- -« 5 lctUVlselllave. ; size 28x214: these lots »ra between the Market extension arid 19tll st, the I Latter street to be made into a boulevard and passes directly In front of these lots; gjod LnproTenents | are being made in this vicinity and these lots offer a good opportunity for a speculation. MCAFEE BALDWIN A HAMMOND, 10 Montgolnerv street jelS tfJ-uTllTh . V7lif Wl AN OFFER WASTED CORNEKOI .J 1 4 WVJ. 3 frontages; can be divldrd into 8 lot) (2 corners): this ; open v lu-iii^ on Francisco at. is in the center of the manufacturing quarter or the <r\ and improved with suitable flats a good Income could be derived; the lot Is on the grade ami ready for building; terms easy: the I. It road nl;l pa« this property, and being so central. y located it is sure to advance m value. McAKEK. BALDWIN* HAMMOND. 10 Montgomery st. JelS tf SuTuTh ■ £• \'l;l\ I.ANiili'N ST.. KEAB HOWARD: I «IliJUti. good 2-story frame double bonse of 5 | and 6 rooms: rented low to responsible tenants at *.i«: lot 25x80. McAFEE, BALDWIN a HAM- MOSD. 10 Montg omery St. ]»I 5 If SuTuTh Qt \[\n LAKOE LOT ON 13TII, NEAR DIA- V'» llp U. mond: 75x100. *::000— Sanchez, near Kidley: 85x125. *; 150— 20 th near Church ; 25x114 $4250— Cur. 17tb and Diamond: 37:6x75. $6500— Castro, near ISth: 50x125. $3000 Cor. l'Jth and Diamond; 34x100. MCAFEE, BALDWIN A HAMMOND, 10 Mont- I gomery sr. jelS tl SuTuTa O'JOiin FUEEIAJN, NEAR 4TH; 2-STOKY »_ t) Ant. and basement bouse 01 11 room also rear house of 7 rooms; rent $!.">. MCAFEE, BALD- WIN ,i HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery. |els SuTuTh (C«o?. n.MII a choice business corner I 0— • '•""' "• on I ; -.--.. i.i it; good .i-i Idlngol 2 stores, and 4 flats of 5 rooms each and police sta- tion; lot 50x95; !UI $176. MCAFEE, BALDWIN & HAMMOND. 10 Mom-ornery st. ]-15 tf SuTllTb Si! 1 Of ( ! lii-1 I-.. NEAK NOE— COTTAGE lU\J\J, of i rooms; lot 25x114; street wort complt'te; only 1 blocs from cable-cars. M< Al Y.K, 1 BALDWIN i HAMMOND, 10 Montgoinecy street. |eV9 SuTil I h tf f.('-(|ii 2 1ST ST.. NEAR VALENCIA— GOOD .•li.i'M/. 2-story house or II rooms; lot 25x115; excellent neighborlioo.l. McAKEK, BALDWIN A HAMMOND. 10 Montgomery st. ■.■-•:< SuTiiTh tf Q_l7 C.MM AN KXCELLENT PIECE OK MIS- «JS"± I .O\)U. slon-st property, near 3d; 3-story building, occupied as warehouse and lodging-house; I rent $2-26: lot 30xlH0 tojewle. til kFEK, BALD- WIN .<- HAMMOND. 10 Montgomery. 2!) SuTuTh tt Q>[-"-)~-.(\ ASHBURY ST.. SEAR OAK; LAKOE •15U^UU. lot, 65x123 feel : close to lark and car- line. BOBEBT J. MEIvCER, 513 California street. jyl:< SuWtSu 'it v<i",an cob, puie AND websteb sts. : »J<7iJUU. lot 27:6x100: two-story house of store and Oats: rents for $tis per month, itoiihur J. MEUCEU, 51« California st. ]y!3 SnWeStt 3t (Jill M'lll FKANKI.IN ANDLOMKAItDSTS.; lU .\J\jyj . northwest corner: entire 511-vara: 137:6x137:6; Lombard st. being improved by the eminent as a grand thoroughfare to the Presidio. BOBEBT J. MERCER, 513 California street. ]ylO3t ThSuWe 0? la l\l\(\ 1 OST ST.. N. BIDE, BET. LAIiUNA «J)IU.UUU. and Buchanan: lot 50x1.)7:x6; 2 cottages of 5 aud G rooms: will pay well if im- proved In flats. ROBERT J. MERCER. 613 Call- fornia^ lylO 8t TnSuWe CTF') .-/,/ i JACKSON ST. — NORTHWEST \i)l £-O\JU. cor. Sprnce St., Presidio Heights; elegant marine view: cannot be obstructed; entire 50-vara: 137:6x137:6 feet on grade, and fenced. | KOBEKT J. MEKCEK,sl3Callforulast.lo3tThSuWe <£O nnn first aye., AND clay Sf.-FINK tS.O.\J\J\J. large corner lot; 12fi :4i 4 xioi :2 feet; First aye. is 100 feet Ide and thoroughfare to the Park ami Presidio. ROBERT J. MEBCEB, 513 California st. JylO St ThSuWe <!:'->H^n FIFTEENTH ST., NEAR CHURCH. <JT<JOOV;. and Mnrket .its.; large lot, 37:BxlOO; this IS the cheapest lot ottered In this location. ROB- EBT J. MERCER. 513 California st. JylO StThSuWe C"QX(|n I.EAVENWOKTH AND CUKSTNtJT •JiOJUU.stj.: corner lot 80x137:6, with largo bolide of 7 rooms and bath: brick fouudatioll: bay- window, etc.; elegant marine view. UOIIKRT j. ■!i i:i 88. 513 California tt, JylU3tThSu W W\'l'\(\ I< 'Ml:.\ i» ST.. NEAR LEAVEN «3>l * <)\J. worth: lot '.'2x137:6, with 2-story house or about 7 rooms, etc.; Hue view. ROBERT J. Ml.u- (,'KK 513 California st. l>lo 3tTbBu W m. i >7^7i RANDALL ST.. CLOSE TO MISSION; 1 — I ')\ i. large lot 70:8x27:8; very cheap. Kills- ERT .i. MERCEII, 513 oalirornUst. JylO .ft Th su w St ')/in7ir^INCOLN' ST., BET. taylob AND jffZUUU. Jones: large lot, H2:G front; 2-story house of 5 rooms: marine view, only one-half block from cable-cars. ItoliEK'l '.l. MEKCEK, 613 California st ■ JylO3tThSu W T AROE HOUSE AND LOT 63x114 FEET: 1232 i J 21st st., near Dolores: center of warm belt: I finest view In the Mission; also unimproved lot I adjoining, 42x114 feet, now being graded. See I owner on premises, any day except .Sunday, from I 9 to 11a.m. * It* (>.|'|||| GOOD HOUSE, 4 FLATS; STEADILY O i>)vr\). rented, $42 monthly: make us an offer; must be sold. Call at ouce, W. B. MAKMII 1/ *.- CO., 630 Market St.. rear otlice. Jyl3at WHIM T-ROOM HARD-FIM.SHED IIOI'HK: «JP"±UUU. faiiinriila an-., opp. Valencia St.: big lot 66x122:6. W. B. HABBHI 1/ a CO., 630 Mar- I i:( l 6t, rear office. Jyl3 at AlQnn A VERY CHEAP HOME. 5 ROOMS; I «B)1»/Uv/. Chenery si., near SOUt: lot 29x70. W. I I). MAKSIM T/. A CO.. 630 Market, rear office. 13 3 i ai.ini|l LOVELY CORNER LOT, WESTERN iJpOUUU. Addition. 29:6x102:8. W. B. MAR- SHUTZ A CO.. 630 Market st, rear office. Jyl3 3t »,/.f||i BIUUEST BABUAIH YET: LOT SOx I «35UUL'. 120, 0n.151., nr. 33dave: this Is bound I to double In value soon. W. li. MABBUVTSS * CO., I 630 Market St. rear omoe, ■■-.. Jyl3 3t a> 'iann ~2 cottages near fillmoke st.: I $ZyUU. lot 25xS'.i; rents $27. W. B. Hill i CO., 2105 California St. Jyl2 3t« | THE MORNING CALL, SAN FRANCISCO, SUNDAY, JULY 13, 1890-FOU RTEEN PAGES. CITY EMI ESTATE. O\Y>TkY A "UAMISM, REAL ESTATE AUENTS, 318 Montgomery si. Reduced tosls.Uoo. for that well-improved cor- ner Mission and 26tb sis.; 36x05; 2 stores :»ud flats; in first-class I'uiKilliuii. Vacant tot on Ist., near Folsom; :6. f Fremont St., near Folsom; 2;(i70, with good building; rents $-19. $27,500— Investment; 60x80 to rear stret; In one of the best business Mucks of Mock- ton at.; brick building: rants #187 DO. Reduced to 310. 000: <;uerrero St., near 16th; Hull 10(1 with good building on port of lot. Western Addition lot lor Hats: on Bush, near Fill- in ore: 25x127:6 to Wilder St.; bouse on rear street rents 826. $17,000— Fine corner In Hayes Valley: 35x80; stores and Hats; rents $117 60: In first-class condi- ! tion. $5000— Weil Improved, with substantial houses: Minna si., near Ist; (root house, 9 rooms; rear house. 3 rooms; rents $15. $4000— South San Francisco; corner, looxloo, with 2 cottages; 60 feet on corner vacant: 2 blocks i from cable line and a little over 1 block from Kail- road aye. $0500- Flats: Post St., nr. Larkin: 22:6x130; rents $82 50; In perfect order; always rented. *1250— I'acilic St., :ir;ir Stockton; 2 1 1 .;7 :'i with good building; rents *:!:>. RESIDENCE PROPERTIES. $3500— Cosy cottage; '.'3d St., near Valencia: 25i 111:5 rooms ami bath. #4500—8 rooms and bath; Guerrero, near 22d St.; In lirst-class order. (6600— Nineteenth St., near Sanchez: 60x114; convenient residenceol 9 rooms ami bath; v:5 feet of lot vacant. $4500— o'Farrell St., near Devlsailero; 0 rooms and ball); 22:6x82:3; stouu sidewalk; a ciu-.ui home. 10;-txl 14 — Elizabeth St., near Castro. 45\110 with L to tiara nve., cor. 17th and Doug- lass. 27:0x120 to rear street: Fulton, near Couch. 27 :6xli;o to rear street: Ellis St., near Hough. 60x1X0— Douglass, near 20th st. I><>wm:y i GAMBS. 31S Montgomery St. 13 .SuWe gt .VOW READY, JUST COMPLETED — CHEAP Xl and offered upon very easy terms: a rare chance to buy an elegant :n.l cheap home. New residences for sale just completed; Ranches St., close to Market: the houses are substantially built, and to meet the requirements or a modern and comfortable home, containing 9 rooms and bath, at such term* as to enable most any one to ob- tain a home at very little outlay ami easy payments lor the balance; good-sized lots and all street weirs done; the neighborhood is fast Improving and pr«p- erty is bound to become very valuable on account of it proximity to Market sr. For urtlcuhtra call atouroffl o, nmvNhV * uahiis, 318 Montgomery street. SuTuTh St PACIFIC 11EIGUTS LOTS — PACIFIC AM-:.. X near Van Ness; B3:Bxl37;8, with L 32x47; north side; price $16,500. 60x137 :6 — Vallejost., near Van Ness are. 50-vara— SW. corner llroadivay and Buchanan sis.: 1 37:6x1 37 :b\ .it. cor. Washington and Baker; 37;6x102:6; cheap. DOWNEY a BAJiBS, 318 Mont. 13 StUj 3 <fe I lUI I>KK FRONT FOOT, AM> MAY BE tITIUU iivs. for the choice resilience lots on McAllister St., near Steuicr; In sizes to - 11 1 pur- chasers: one of the best blocks on the street: ready for building; all street work done. DOWNEY A QAM US, 313 Montgomery st. Jy 13 SuWeFr at pIIKAP. NEW AND EAST TF.ItMS; 1:1 TIKCL VJ residence on Van Ness aye., near V:iiiejo St.: just finished: offered for sale at a very reasons price and on easy terms; 10 rooms, bath ■ d all the very latest improvement; neater, electric bell, stone sidewalk and iron fence and cresting*; lot 37x123, DOWNEY A I, A Ml",-. 318 Montgomery St. Ml" M I ) A KU AINS FOB SALE BY THECAUXALL. Xj rIT2,ItUUH-HoFKI.NS COMPANY, IMPROVED. $26,000-27:6x120; Page st. to Rose are., with cottage and 2-story tenement house. 1)00—60x80: Mission St.. near I8tn; business location; 2 bouses: stores, and rooms above. 36:1x180, null 1. - 5 feet: splendid business prop- erty. N. side ltnbst. 2 stores and tenements; bee Valencia and Mission sts.; good rent; Inquire at of- Bee. $ elegant ID-room modern Improved 2-siory residence'; Hush st., near Leaven- worth. 815,000—25x137:6; X. side Tost St., nr. Jones: 2-story 1 1-rooiii house. • *lJ,st'o-a7:6liaO; N. side Qearr St., but. Polk and Larkln; well improved; rent $106. $11,500—26x120; PoM si., near Larkin, to rear street ; --.-ton , 9 rooms and bath resilience. 510.50U— 27:6x137:6; Post at., ur. Leaveuworth: good improvements; rent $42. *«000— SOxlOO; K. side Russ st . near Howard: 2-story bonse, 8 rooms; rear house of 8 room all in excellent repair; rent $70. $1600— 25x7.1: W. slle Utah St., nr. 24th; new house. 2 flats; modern Improved. $4250— 25x100: 27th st., nr. Guerrero: 2-story modern house, b rooms and bath. 1100— Jbx75~Quinn St., ur. Valencia; modern 2-story house, 2 Bats; barn in rear: rent US. (2750— 25x80; l'.l:ii si., lift. .Vie and Hartford; cottage 5 rooms and bath; hair block from Castro St. cars. UNIMPROVED. $'.0,000 -87x80; XE. cor. 16th and Guerrero sts. 50x100: NE. cor. llroderlck and (irovests. *«750— 50x75: My. cor. Howard and A'lalrsts. 26x80— Only a few left or those elegant residence lots, on Ashbury Heights; street graded, macadam- ized a (I sewered: unsurpassed view of ocean and park; sold cheap and on easy terms ; Inquire at office. (7000—32:61110: lot SW. cor. 17th and Capp 40x120; .V side Kirn St., near Franklin, to rear street: inquire at oflice. $t>OOU-34:4"ix137:6; 8. side California St.. near Steluer. 81:3xlO5-!TW. cor. Clay ana Hro'lerlek- sts.; 'cheap; sold in subdivisions. $5000-30x112: N. side 17th St.. near Howard. *4SUii-M)xl 14 ; S. side 24th st., nr. Castro. —86x114: N. side JTib st., Bear Church. $3500— 30:10x127 :8^4: >. «ide Washington St.. near Central avo.; lot graded; msirnlJlcent view. (3250 each — lets: Brodorlck St.. nr. i;rove. $1200—27:6x100; .SW. cor. C and 14th aye.: easy terms. $1150— 120; W. side Bth aye., nr. Point Lobos. ♦ 1600— Will iniy 4 original lots, 76x100 each, in block 531, 1 ay View homestead •1200— In all 4 lots: 25x120: ]■: aide 3*lll aye., nr. c st. 41 :6x137:6 — N. side Suiter, near Buchanan. *!'"<> 25x100: E. side aye.. near California. $825— 79:1x120: W. de :ISth aye., near A st. $750-25x120: W. side 14th aye., ur. H st. $800— Lot In Park Lane Tract. $500— ■.'5x120— Point Lobos aye. THE CARNALL-FITZUUGH-HOPKINS COMPT, 624 Market st. jy9 WeSu :r PEADI TlflNK! AND PAY RF.NT NOLOMiEK. Ik •1000: balance In monthly Installments of $95 per month: He make the above proposition for the next two weeks only: 4 new houses on the >'. side or Page . st., lv blocks W. of laker; 2-story bay - window house, containing salon parlors, dining-room, kitchen, servant's room, laundry, bath-room and 5 sunny and capacious chambers; brlc-a-brac top manteln; the above houses are built by one of our best builders; sanitary plumbing; a charming home In every rrspect; look at them and bo convinced; price only $»000; lot 26x114; bear In mind the above pro- position of easy terms is for two weeks only; and only 4 houses left. Apply at once to O'FABKELL a. LAM;. 11 Montgomery st. jyl3 tr .SuWe O-Q.iAM TWO - NEW HOUSES, SUNNY SIDE C< _i)U. of Washington St., bet. Brodorlrk and baker: !f rooms: bath, laundry, etc; look at these totday; houses open; lot 25x102. Apply to O'FAB XXI.I. & LANG. 11 Montgomery st. jyl'3 SuWe tf C;O.".(Wl SUNNY BIDKHAIUHT, Ml. BAKER, ipOoUU. No. lim — New modern house; 9 rooms; bath and laundry; carpets and window shad os included at above price: large lot, 26x1 ;'. 7 ■'".. Apply to U'FAUUELL X LANG, 11 Montgomery street. ]Tl»SnTyett SPECIAL— FLATS OB RESIDENCES- TO HAVE for sale 13 new modern bay-window residences of 8 and 9 rooms and bath, each ranging from $7000 to $9000, 111 various desirable locations of the West- ern Addition: also several 7 and ti room flats, pay- ing over 10 per cent gross on asking price. Those seeking the above should apply for location and full particulars tO O'fAKKKLL * LAN O, 11 Mont- gomery St. Jyl3 MiWo tf %'fHill CLEMENTINA ST.: S. SIDB, 1!E- C l ". tween tith and 9th: 2-story bay-win- dow liou^e 8 rooms an. I bath: large basement: rear boose, 2-story frame. 4 rooms; Income $12 50 [ier month. Apply to O'FARKELL A LAN J. 11 Mont- soincry st. jyl3 m i \v . ■ ' QOflJiM HAIUHT ST.; >i.nn\ SIDE, NEAR tJOV/l'U. Pierce; 2-story house » rooms and bath; all modern Improvements; high unfinished basement; lot 25x110. Apply to Ai.l:i:i.l. i- i.a.mi, 11 Montgomery st. j)l3.suvietr (J'J M C\l)l\ DOWNTOWN CORNER; 60- VARA ■JilU.llUU. lot in northern part .of city, par- tially improved, and rents at present for $250 per mouth: must be sold to satisfy the heirs of the es- tate; it tnrther improved would pay $500 per mouth; this is a big bargain. Apply at once to U'FAKKbIXd I.A.Mi. II Moi.tjj'y St. j.:.:>u>Vetf (((•537K/1 - N|; " FLATS: .if.ST COMPLETKD: nrO I ull . sunny side of sutler St.; 6 and V rooms and hath inch: bric-a-brac, top mantles, orna- mental gas lixmren, appliances rorgu Il8;htln etc.; muse be been to be appreciated, For further par- ticulars apply to hi ai:i:i_Li. a LAM, 11 Mont- gomery St. Jyl3 SuWe ti $.7.-/1 RESIDENCE OF » BOOMS AND ijii I t)\J. bath on Henry st.; brick foundation; street work oomplete: lot 26x116: a remarkably cheap home. Apply to (i I Al;l;i.l.l. it i.a.m;, 11 Montgomery at. j) 13 BuWe B!V(l| r |ll t;ABH! BALANCE IN MONTHLY IV •I)^-vUUstallmenti: price (4000; 1 story and basement house: 5 rooms and bath: lot Vsxll-i. Apply to O'FAIIRELI, .v LANG, 1] Montgomery street. Jyi:i su\» tf ' ■ QTfinn hkij-n ST.,SKAR OCTA VIA ; NK'.V t^ I UuU. 2-story bay-window house; y rooms, hath, laundry, etc.: positively one of the cheapest houses in the Western Addition: easy terms If de- sired; lot 20:6x137:0. Apply to O"PAKBJiLL ft LANG, II Montgomery st. Jyl3 SilWc If 11 Alt.M BELT OFTIIK MISSION. WOILDKN & "' NOLT, Real Estate Agents, 1013 Valencia st., nr. Twenty-first. $35,000— Valencia-street gilt-edge business prop- erty : rents lor $175 ; lot ha-* 75 feet frontage and is Centrally located. $l'-\Ouo— Folsoin st.: located In warm belt of the Mission ; improvements consist of 2 6-room houses: also 5-room cottage, modern; lot 00x132:6. 18,000— Stevenson si.: income property; 4 and s- room Hats; all latest Improvements; rents for $159 per month; pay* 10 per cent net on money Invested. Look! Look! A bargain on Church st.; 7 room house, conservatory, basement, large stable and linn lawn: lot 62:61117:6 to alley; must be sol d Imme- diately. 21st it.— Cottage of 7 rooms and bath: will be sold nt a bargain, $3700— Hancock st.: modern cottage of 5 rooms; part cash, balance Installments; lot 25x11 1. $5000— 21 st St.: bay-window house of 6 rooms; large basement; well rented.; only a quarter block from Valencla-st. cars; make oner. UNIMPROVED PROPERTY. •2850— Guerrero st. : BSxl9ff. -llnrtlett St.: 25x90. $15UO— Elizabeth st. ; 52x114. BEakeoffer; lots In Sunny Vale Homestead; bargain. See this— slsoo; lot on Dolores si : must be sold. WOB DEN Ac HOI.T, 1013 Valencia at- 111. 21st. It VICE LOT ON PINK ST. AT UREA! SACBJ Vi lice. CIIAS. HEN PERSON. 304 Montgomery. • ffi>l>r;M(J OO TO-DAY AMI LOOK AT THE >,iIUMU. elegant cottages on Jersey St., 50 steps from Castro-si, cable: why pay rent? terms to suit all. For Information apply on premises. - It* ')| n(\[\ lEARK BARGAIN"- TURK BT. L. VIUU. corner; I!5xa7:8: close to Market at. and City Hall: don't fail to examine It at once. BURMIAM ,v MAKSII, 210 Montgomery st. It <C Ii ) (\f\f\ BIIiT-BD ') E D INVESTMENT; 1 i.UWVI. sunny side Oak st., near Market; 2 fine new flats, and a 2-story house of 6 rooms and hath: rents $95 per month. BURMIAM A MAIISH, 210 Montgomery st. It Btlft 7.%n ELE«AXT NEW 3-FLAT HOUSE: tip I U. I t)i/. flue mantels: electric bells; suuny aide Hai^ht St.: rents $95 per mouth: a Rood buy. BURNHAM A MARSH. Jin .Montgomery st. It Jfl '-1 1 w>/| M. FLATS NEAK JEFFEKSON i^XO.Uv/vf . square: rents $105; waut au offer. BUR.MIAM 4 MAKSH.2IO Montgomery st. It fltf\7rtil CHOICK LOCATION; CHEAPEST 2 •iT<J i\)V. Hats on tho market today; Pine, near 1 liltn'ii.!; 27 It. front; rents 1 3. Hi i-.Mi \M a MAIISII. 210 Montgomery M, It Cjr.l|/1A- FOX ."ALi; OR EXCHANGE HI. «Jp«_>U\7U. city or Oakland property— l6o acres improved land In Mi'i.dorlim County, together with ■10 head horned cattle, a horses, tannin.' imple- ments. J. W. in M.1. 1. «4 Ken my at. )yl3 2t* l/OR SALE— FINE MODEK.N COTTAGES ON 1 easy monthly payments, ■ containing 5 large rooms, bath, 7-foot basement, wooden mantle and mirror; stone walk; Iron fence: largo lot; only 2 blocks from cabie-cara; this Is an opportunity to s.-- uuroaliome by monthly payments equal to rent. Apply L. I.ANDLI.i;, 22S'/ 2 Montgomery at. Jj 10 liv . CITY I'.KAT. ESTATE. (Jr> 1 OE EACH; THE CHEAPEST I.OTSSOCTH jj 1 IZO of Ihe Tark. fronting ou2Btu an-., near D st; only 3 left: pick these up at once. O. D. BALDWIN, JOUST * MERTENS, 238 Montiom- eryst. ]y 13 t f SnWe CJ; i 7K BACH— BEAUTIFUL RICHMOND LOTS dp X I O at bed-rock prices: size 25x90, fronting on 17th aye.. near Point Lohos; comer them a; once. O. 11. BALDWIN, JOOBT & MEKTENS, 238 Mont- gomery • Jyl3 SuWe, tr V MMI LOTS, LOTS, LOTS. ill SUIT EVERY. tJpuUU. boily, and on the most liberal terms, alt- uated on the l'otrcro, close to Cal. Sugar Refinery, etc.; bread-winners, this is your chance, stop paying rent and become your own landlords. O. D. BALD- win, JOUST & MERTK.NS, 338 Montgomery street. Jyl3 mi We tf Qft^n TO 9760 KACB; TAKE ViU 1: CHOICE: <£.\J<i\.t beautiful and highly picturesque situate! lots on C';i^el!l aye,, Falcon aye. and Coruetl road, near ISUi St.. affording grand panoramic views of Ibe city and bay : extraordinary terms Riven; to nee these lots moans to buy them. O. D. BALDWIN, JOUST & >iki: 1 ENS, 238 Montgomery St. tf SuWe ffl;7r.n EACH; -' PROSPKCTIVE BUSINESS »Ir I uvl lota, 'JnxlOO, on lots aye.. South San hian.isio; Omnibus cars pass this property, 0. 1). BALDWIN, JOOST & MKUTLVS, 238 Montgom- ery st. Jyl3ttSuWe Jj-O/Ul AN EXCEPTIONAL PICK: SKCI UK IT iJOUI/. immediately: SW. cor. A st. and l*ih avfc; size 32:ii\loo: cheap at $1000. o. V. BALD- IN. .lOOST A: MEUTENS,23B Montgomery. SuWe C Cnn EACH— ONLY~A~FEW LEFT-~LO V ELY fOUU building lots on Latest., near lath aye.: opposite Mountain Lake and park; tills property has a great future, U. B. BALDWIN, JOUST A MKK- TENS, 238 Montgomery st. Jy 13 tf SnWd C-Q";n NICE LOT 25x100 ON E. SIDE "I 10TB vrOO\J. live, near Point Lobos: a highly profit- able investment. 0. D. BALDWIN, JOOST * MEK- TENS, 238 Montgomery si. Jyl3 tt SuWe_ ' 1 I-I!( I A BBEATBIJY; BEAUTIFUL, LABtIE qrIUUU. corner lot on 22rt aye. and A St. : siM 32:6x100. O. D. BALDWIN, JOUST 4 MKRIENS, 338 Montgomery st. j/13 tf BnWa C I i CHOICE COSH EB lot, my. con. <£:±\>\/\J. Falcou ana Moss ayes., on easy terms; a garden spot, with grand marine view ami sun all day; th s is something extra good. 0. D. BALDWIN, Joust a USB FENS, J,iB Montgomery so. tf suWu Oj 1 'JKn CENTRALLY LOCATED LOT ON "ID i-£O\J. lay St., near Clay and Powell; size 22x sb: Improved at a small outlay- will bring good in- come. O. D. BALDWIN, JOUST A MEKTENS, 238 Montgomery St. Jyl3SoWetf 5 I q-.M TO $2250 EACH— A FEW VEUY st- rip 1 UU\J perlor lots on toe magnificent eminence tapped by the new llyde-st. Cable Railroad, situated on the N. side or Lombard St., near Hyde: unob- structed and enchanting view o D. BALDWIN. JOUST a HEBTENS. 333 Montgomery .Jyl3 tf SnVY e fItOOKO ONLY -FOB THAT MAGNIFICENT i£H-£O\J corner lot, ;iOxlyj. on SIV. cor. Üb. r. . and Church sts.; tine chance lor a lovely (mine. O. I). Baldwin, JuOST a. mertens, I!i8 Host- Roinery st. jyl.i tr .SuWe (J;v<)-() FOR 11 NICK LEVEL LOTS IN THE <iT— £*O\) Excelsior Homestead, not far from the Mission road; particularly well adapted for a milk ranch. 0. I). BALDWIN, JOOST A .Ml 1; IKNS, 238 Montgomery st. Jyl3trsuwo_ $>> IjillT SPECIAL GOOD THIN": HOUSE — H'V. and lot on Clara »t. . only 275 reetrroin 4lh; rents $20 per month, which even can be- in- creased; brick sewer; tmalt block pavement and sldewalking Just completed and paid for; this Is a linn. O. I>. BALDWI.v, JOOST Jt 31KKIEX.*, 238 Montgomery ■.;. 1, 13 tf SuW« i'C.IUI EACH— a LOTS, N. BIDE FULTON V-' 1 ""- t., s(j feet W. or l.yon; slzeZaxlWO; see them without delay. O. D. BALDWIN, JOOSI 6 MLKTENs. 238 Montgomery at. Jyia tt SuWe Ct'}7P.ft McALLISTEK ST., E. OF BAKER; «T-< I U\J. lot 25x100: this property i« offered at a bargain. O. I). BALDWIN, /OOS 1 A MEKTKNS, 238 . 1 1 joinery St. jyia tf SuWe I>*>"7,-|1 M I.KMUO itlill.DlM. LOT ON - I i;U. Baker st. nr. (.rove: within few feet 01 the main entrance to the park: size 25t121 :10: this la a bargain, <>. I>. BALDWIN, JOOST"* Ml 1: TKNS. 238 Montgomery st. jy!3 if SnWe £.>jAA/\ LOVELY NKW BAY-WINDOW COT- i!?iivUU. taKe on Huh are., 275 8. of Point Lobos: sizeof lot 25T120; cottage contains 4 rooms bath: has brick foundations: stable, etc. 0 D. BALDWIN, .lUUST ft 11EBTEKS, 2;t« Montgom- ery^t. jyl3tf SnYTo 0* l ->7^.n FINE WKSThKX ADDITION LOT ON «Ij!t> 4 «JU. Page si., near l!ro<lerlck; la:. slz«, K7:Ux75: well worth the money. O.D.BALDWIN, JOOBI & ■, 2:iB Moiilgoiiiery st. tl BUW« £• (\l in VERY PRETTY MODERN COTTAUE ilpnuuu. of 5 rooms and Data, on Liberty Heights, Dear Church st.; grand view of the city. O. li. BALDWIN, JOOST i. MEKTENS. 238 Mi il goinery st. Jy 1 a SuWe tf i£ |O:,|| CHEAPEST BLOCK SOUTH OF THE "Jr'i — <J". park: bet. 3Hth and SStb ayes. : a safe buy. O. D. BALDWIN, JOOST* HI RTENB, 238 Montgomery St. jyl3tfSuV\o ft |:,|||| A BAKE CHANCE— NEW AND COJI- «I)-iuUU. foruble bay-window cottage of 5 rooms and bath: on )tro<lerU'k st., near Hayes; cheap at SSOUU. O.I). BALDWIN, JOOsT A MEK- TENS, 23b Montgomery it. jy!3tf BnWa l;|'i|||| SUPERB COKNEK LOT ON SAt'RA- Ul'W. mentoaud Scott .it-.: size 29:«ilOJ:K: very cheap. O.I). BALDWIN, JOOS 1 ftMEBTE.NB, 238 .Moiitgoinerr St. Jyl3tl SuWe © j; (\(\(\ FINE 2-STOKY IM.MIUM IN THE tjp\J\J\)\J. Mission warm belt; on Guerrero St., lift. 18th and l?th; contains 7 rooms and bath and all modern improvements. O. I), BALDWIN, j^iisi ,v MEUTKNS, 2:8 Montgomery st. tr SnWe Q;/;/irin f kick business corner: clay O"'^- 'l/l.». St.. Lr. Stockton; 3-story building con- taining 11 rooms, bath, etc.: size ilttxHO; a splendid Investment: cau 1 be beat. O.l>. BALD joosr A MEKTENS. Vi3B Montgomery St. ])13tfMi\Ve (g/'-JflA ONLY, OK $■_" 11:1: FRONT FOOl ijTU'I"" lor that magnificent MY. corner of v ashlngton and Spruce sts.: the choicest and most select corner on Presidio Heights: size 63x127:0; this property will treble in value within few years. O. 11 BALDWIN, JOOST * MERTENS, 238 Mont- goiuery «.___ 13tfSuWe Q/;Cfif| ELEGANT LARGE COTTAGE, EN- ifUCUv. tirely new, with 7 rooms and bath and high basement; on Scott St., nr. HeaXllater: large lot. 26x137 :8: house Is georgeoualy papered, etc. : must be sold 0:1 account of owner's removal from the city; don't (ail to Investigate ihls. O. 1». BALD- >Y IN, .fi |O8 1A- MEKTENS. 238 Montgomery. SaW $7" |l|| BEAUTIFUL PACIFIC-HEIGHTS (J! I O\J\J. residence on K. side of Webster St., near Yallejo: contains 8 rooms and bath and the most modern Improvements: patent stone sidewalk; inagalflceut marine {view; j::uuo can remain at 0 per cent. O. D. BALDWIN, JOOST A- mki;tlns, 23K Montgomery st. Jyl3SuWe tf -< 111 l Oil LESS THAN »4UO PER LOT ijuuuu, for nearly half a block (21 lots) oil Clement St., bet. Hist and 32d ayes. ; this 11 a par- tlrutarly fine speculation, and will make bit: money within a short time. o. D. BALDWIN, JOOST A MKKTENS, »38 Montgomery st. JylStf Su W e Qin (Win "THE SAFEST HANK IS A \p 1 \J.\J\J\J. sandbank "; put your money Into It; thousands and thousands have grown rich by It: we oiler a particularly well situated blue* south of the parK, fronting on J st., for the above price; no safer and hurer speculation in San Prauclsro. O. D. BALDWIN, JOOST A- .MHHTKNS, 138 Montgomery street. |y!8 tf SuWe <2 I •> (111/ I AN EXCEPTIONAL BUY; UKANI) iJTI — .UUU. M. corner lot; Ist and Harrison si".; with line 3-story house of 13 rooms, etc.. and all modern Improvements; site of lot -)5:Bit)8:»; bouse cost *lM.ooi> to build, o. 1). BALDWIN, JOOST A MEP.TEXS. 238 .Montgomery. 13 SuWe tf & I A ~.(\li MM. INCOME I'ROPKKTY. CON- H, l".tJvu. bi>tlngor:i roomed 2-story houses on Sacramento St., 88 feet E. of Polk: monthly reu- lal -t'l? SO; the lot alone Is almost w-rlh the money; Investors. look Into this. O. D. BALDWIN, JOOST &Ml 1: 1 i:\s. Montgomery st. j>l3 SuWe tf ft 1 (\(\(\ 50- V A A ON PRESIDIO iJIi».VPUI', Heights; S. side of Sacramento st., near Central aye.; this 19 excellent speculative property, O. D. BALDWIN, JOOST * MEKTENS, 238 Montgomery it. Jyl3 M:«etf UOR SALE^IIY^IOHN PFORK. 329 MONTOOM.- X cry st.. opposite Safe Deposit, Real EiUtei ReuC- li.f uf Houses and Collection of Keuts. (13,500 in re« sdjolulug odd fellows' Hall, In the town of Paelieco, one of the oldest towns back of Martin /. which will be coming to the front again by means of railroad connection through that lovely valley: the whole tract is covered with grapevines, all in bearing, and about 100 fruit trees; tine house of 6 rooms, nuthouses, cellar?. (13,000— Steoart st., near Mission; brick house and lot; rent *75. $•28,000— Fell St., near dough: 4 fine '.'-story: lot 82 v i 20; well located and always rented. #.*l.UUi>— A splendid corner properly 011 Post st. : 3-story bay-window, new house; '.! stores aud 4 tints upstairs: lot 38iO2:ti; rent $-jt)l). •11,000— Two 'i., ory bouses and lot; Post St., ur. Lark In: >.i and 8 rooms; lot27:b'xl37:o': rent *MU. I.6oo— Howard St., nr. 16tb: 2-story an ' base- mint; 10 rooms and bath; lot j-lx'-'la to Capp St., with stable. Reduced to $70.000— A first-rate property on Mar- ket St., bO feet from 6th; 3-* tory boose, and lot 25x55: present rent (300; will soon bring $100; tins chance Will ouly be open I or a few days. Keduced to (38,600; a very One corner on Mission st.: 3-story. 3-flat; 8 rooms and bath each: upstairs; uijil two 4-rooin cottages; lot6sxlOU; rents $215. (8500— California St.; line house, a rooms, bath, conservatory; lot 30x187:6. On easy iustallnientsat from $200 to $400 ench— 21 lots in the Excelsior Tract ; 5 lots on Morton si . too feet from Mission St.; 10 lota in West Eud, fronting on the road: 6 lots 300 feet from the road depot In Ocean View. *3ooii- Kent fM ; Kltch st., near Bryant; 2 bouses and lot 25x75; very cbeau. (3000— Fair oaks .street, near 24th: cottago 5 rooms and hath: lot 3ux125; rent (30, 33000— House and lot; Hromlway, nr. Jones: 6 rooms and bath: 'j:t\6o; on account of departure; a very good buy. Reduced to $24,000— C0r. Geary and William sts. : 4-story bay-window house, 27 rooms, and lot 28x 63:0; rent very low, $125: lower floor can lie ar- rauged lor a store ami rent be bronght up to $175. *40,000— Mission st.. nc.irtith; 3 line bay-window houses: ;i rooms and bath each; lot 50x!JJ feet. "iKHio— Unit $82; Pacific st., near Jones; store and dwellings; lot 23x120. to rear street. $8000— Devliadero St., near Bush: 2-story double flat, 15 rooms and - baths; lot 38:8x137:9 feet; rent $80. - jyiasiiwetf ■ STOP~PAYINII RENTS-lt) MOKE OF THOSE handsome cottages about completed and tor sale on easy terms. Five of 5 rooms and bath. Five or 7 rooms and bath, with- all modern Im- provements; cathedral glass front doors; wood mantels and tiling, electric bells ami gas-lighting ap- pliances; artificial stone sidewalks and Iron fences; In fact everything to make a complete, and cosy home. Remember that this property Is but one block from Golden Gate Park, with unobstructed marine view, and with all the different car lines there Is not a more convenient nor healthy location to be found. Now Is your chance to secure a home in a locality that win double In value In a few years. Terms made to suit. Take McAlllster-st. car to terminus and you are at the buildings; will be on premises every day from 9 to 4. 1. M. comkic- 1-OKD, Builder and Dealer In Keal Estate. IS 3t' Si SKI HEIGHTS LOTS— ON EASY INSTALL- OmenH: near Park and Olympic Club grounds; $500, $700. $750. $BUO, $1000. choice corners ; 1300, $1400, $2500. RICHMOND LOTS. $500 to $1100; cash or Installments. BEBNAL HEIGHTS LOTS. $4UO; $75 cash: balance $13 a month. DIAMOND, TWENTY-FOURTH AND ELIZA- BETH STREETS LOTS. - $1000. $1200, $1000; on easy terms; choice cor- ners $1750. $2500; on Installments. BUCKING- HAM &CO . 415 Montgomery st. )els SuWe lm CiOnfk BARGAIN; RICHMOND LOTS, 10TII tgiUW. aye., near Point Lobos aye. BUCK- -1 Mill AM A- CO., 415 Montgomery st. Je22 SuWelm p EARY ST., NEAR TAYLOR; OLD IMPROVE- ' " nients: rents $80; --• r._ W. H. CRIM & CO., 205 .Montgomery st. Je29 SuTu tf C'l/MWI COKNEK IN UNIVERSITY HOME- «U)i UUU. stead, near Iloward-st. cars; 120x100; make oiler. \». H. CXI.M * Co., 203 Montgomery street. je29 SuTu tf |7oi SALE— ST., NEAR MISSION; LOT ■T 75x140. See owner, 26 Geary St., upstairs. ]y!3 tf L' <Tb SALE— JUsfFINISHED HOUSE; 6 LARGE I rooms and bath: blgli basement and all modern Improvements; 27th St., between Church and Han- -1 I. ■•-. . house open. ■'■ . ' It'll >< I nr. tor 21x100. in hkkkeley; side- O ' ■•'■ wiini'.i: *r. cash, (5 monthly, $350— corner , • 10(1, with creek; *» monthly. $>M'-Lrt4oxl IS: sewered and sldewalked. $;too- Ox ber lot 1, all sixes and kinds. Send for maps. Chan A. UAII.tV. "wuei-, U.i Market. 12 tf CITY ICEAL, KSTATE. J^OVEE, TOY A- CoTl9 MONTOOMERr"sTi IMPROVED. ' *1000-rillmore st, near Fulton: 1-story bonding nsed as 1 store: rents *18 per month : lot 25x87 :6. «4HOi)-Lnioii st., nearLaijuna: sunny side; uoose or 7 rooms; stable, garden, yard, etc.: rents $40 per | month: lot 2!<i137:8. SBsoo— miuiore St., near Oak; elegant cottsso I Douse of 6 rooms and bath; every modern conven- | ience; splendid chance- to secure a gentleman's I home: lot 37:6x110. - $7750— Kldley st, near Scott; 2 bay-window flats or 5 and 6 rooms and bath each; rents $60 per month; lots 25x118. $5500— Pine st., near Webster; bouse or 6 rooms and bath; stone side-walk, etc.; cosy home; lot 31x&7:6. »JS,UUO-Splendid business corner on Polk ST.; 2 stores with 2 rooms each below and Bats above or 5 j anil b rooms anil bath each; rents $132 50 per I month; splendid Investment property. •20,000— l.nisst., near Polk; 2 2-story houses or 7 rooms and bath each; also 8 3-story houses in rear I on Olive live, or 7 rooms and bath each; rents $130 per month : lot 33x 1 no to rear street. $4700— Capp st.. near lsth: 2-story bay-window house or 7 rooms and bath, basement, etc.; Mission. ( warm belt. $2500-York St., ncar£!M; 2 flats of 3 rooms each; I separate entrances; sewer connection, sidewalk, I rents $34 per inoutu; a good Investment; lot $1000 -Beaver st.. near 14th: one-hair block from Castro-st cars: a nice house or 6 rooms, bath, gar- den front ami stable, etc.: lot 25*115. $3750— 215t St.. near Mission: 2 elegant bay-win- dow flats of 0 anil 6 rooms and bath each: brick foundation, cement sidewalk, etc.; rents $57 51) per month: lot 33:6xitO $18,000-I'olsom St., bet 13th and 14tb: store and living roums below and 2 upper Hats or 7 and 8 rooms and bath each; substantially built; rents $111) per month: lot 30x14.1. $5000— Clementina St., near 4th; house or 3 tenements, divided into IS rooms; rents $46 per month; lot 26x80. $501,000— si., near Harrison; splendid 4nvest- ment; basinets property: consisting of 3 stores with living rooms inch: also upper Hals of 0 and 8 rooms and bath each: rents 8127 per month: lot 50x»o. $1250 — Parkin at., near Lombard; nice bay-win- dow cottage or 1 rooms; high basement; tine marine view, etc.; lot 37:0x110; cheap home. $-750— Hush st., near Powell; 2-story and base- ment bay-window houso of 12 rooms and bath; brick foundation: cement sidewalk, etc; rents $55 | per month; a very central location. 10,000— Tost St., near Hyde; front house of 8 rooms and bath and rear bouse of 6 rooms, etc. ; rents $50; lot 20:9x120. $8000— Vallejo «L, BW.cor.8 W. cor. Leavenwortb; 2-story house of store and 2 rooms below, and upper part of 5 rooms and bath: Inwement for horses, wagons, etc.; rents $50 per month; examine this. •9600— Broadway, near Kearny: business prop- erty or store ami 4 rooms below, and upper portion or 18 rooms; rents $!)0 per month: lot '..'2:6x137 :15. U.MMPKOVIiD. $250.1— Frederick St.. near Aslibury; 125x116:0. •2000— Cherry St.. S. of Jackson: 31:10x117:9. $-'500-McAlllstcr St., S. side, W. of Lou St.; 25x10(1. $2i400-NW. McAllister and Wlllard: 43x180; as a whole or in subdivisions. $3150— Lacuna St., ncarurcen; 23x100. $3000— St.. near Green: 27xiot>. $16,000-Mjirketit., near Hermann; 261107. $2780— Pulton st., near l;ro(lerli:K; 23x1:<7:6. $.(iuio— Hroderlck St., near Grove ; 25x100. $0000— N\V. cor. Pierce and Vallejo st.: 50x1 DO. * 000— Jactson St., near Broderlek; .:4:9x127:». $3800— .Scott St.. near Haigbt: '25x106:3. $4500— Pajest, near Derisadero: 37:6x100. *16,500~NW. cor. Vallejo and Ooiijjli sts.; 70x 120. $8000— W. cor. Brnderlek and Fell its.: 25x100. $7;>iio— cor. Bush and Baker its.; 50x87 :t>. * 0 _ 1 1 0 — Sthraderst., near Page; 50x112:0. McAllister St., near lUker: 25x100. •5500— Webster St., near Hayes: 37:tix101:5. $'2750— I'evl-adero st., near Bldley; 25x125. 32750— Grern St., near Bncbauan; 21ix137:6. $5750- relist., near Devisadfcro; 50xi37:6. $3500 each— Ashbory St., near Frederick; 2 lots; 27:6x110 each. $1250- Hampshire it., S. of 20th: 28x100. $1500— SV», cor. Diamond and !9tnS».; 101:9 x ill. *1250 -Clipper St.. near Noe: 25x115. $2*250 — St., near .Sanchez: 26x115. $4000— 20 th St., > W. cor. or Hartford; 53x100. $1825 each— must, near Noe; 2 lota. 26x1 14 each. $500<)-HowanI St., near lHth: 25x1"». $J7iMl-C.isiro st., near 1 1th; 2JKIOO. »:khio-i olsom St., near IStb; 24x80. •3400— SW. cor. 2tth and Church sts.; 30x80. $3500— Leavenworth St., near Lombard; 37:Sx 110. Also cheap lots in Richmond, Homesteads and Mission road on easy Installments, for further particulars apply to IJOVIiE, TOY a CO., 19 Mont- gomery st. 2tSu\Ve L'OU SAf.i;— l-. v VOX KHEIN i CO.. 524 1 ai.i- -1 fornlast., above Montgomery. Oilers always re- spectfully considered. FOX SALE IMPKOVEOI 67:6x120— Mission, nr. 6th. 100— Valencia St.. nr. lHth; 4 stores ana flats. 70x108— Clay st., near Kearny; rents $500; gilt- edecd central business property: $65,000. 34 :4y.x76:6-clay, nr. Kearuy: rents #213. :c>x-u— 2d, nr. Folsom; rents $130. lloward-st. corner: rents $180. 75x125— Slxth-st. corner: rents $330. SoxBo— .Mission, and Willow; rents »s<>. Valencia, Mr. 16th: store and Hat. 25xHOor60ill2:6— Cor. Folsom and 24th: stores and flats. 104 x--'4s— Folsom St.: corner; rents $201. 55x175— San Jose aye.. nr. 24th st.: rents SI O9. 2jx7s— Park are., nr. Itryant: 3 flats; rents $44. 27:0'x87 :H— California at., ur. polk ; rents $!>O. 37:6x137:6— Halght tt.. ur. Laguna; superb new Colonial style residence. 22:1 1 x 137 ;6— Green St., nr. Mason; rents $56. •_'Sx6o— Broadway, nr, llupont: rents $104. 25x57:6-.Scoit, nr. Hush: small bouse, Sansome, opu, CD, Appraiser's ituiidln^. 25x88— llal«ht, nr. Stelnerj flats: rents *87 50. 22:11x15: 10— Fowl 11. nr. Clay; rents lfsß. tjox~7:ti— St.. nr. California: well situated. 28x137 :6— Clay. nr. >fa.sun ; good Investment 22:Bxl37:6— Kigh-.h, nr. Bryant: 9 rooms, bath. 21xb9:8-ljreeu. nr. l'owell; cheap. 22 :tix7o — Union, Montgomery; rentt2O. 46:10x137:6— Francisco, ur. Mix'kioii; rents (80. 22:Bxti"* :it— Pacific, nr. Jones; examine. 28x62:6— C0r. Geary anil William; rents $140. 55x100- Cor. Pino and Hrodenck: rents $70. BOxlSO— ur. uougn; 10 rooms and batb: rents 75, 23x112-<l'roderlck St., nr. Hayes: rents $45. 25x100— V.,*v. nr. Pierce; rents $32 50; flats. ■.■'i:-\lin— i)orland, lir. Dolores; . heap. 'J.'.xKii-Jesslo. nr. mill: rents $30. 28x122:0 Howard, nr. 17th: tine residence. 25iHO-Cbnrcb, nr. 27th: 7 rooms aud bath, 24x105— nr. Church: hall. 40i130-17tn. ur. Nik: Dice home. •.'jxvj— Wnii l. 20X00; Howard, nr. 15th; rents •100. 23:6x100-M^slon, nr. 16th: rents $65. 25x114— Army, nr. Dolores: rents *22 50. 32x117:6— Fair Oiks. 11 r. '21st; small bouse. 25x100— Chattanooga, ur. 23d: i> rooms and bath 20x122— Folsom. ur. 23(1; rents $70. :ti— Shotwell st., near2Jd: cheap. aSxlOO— VlcUbuis. nr. 24th; flats: rents $32. 26:10x114— Alrarado St., near »2d: small house box 1*22:6— Folaora st. nr, 2-_'d: 11 rooms and bath. 4Hxß'2:6-Cor. loth and .shotwell sts. ; rents $li. 50x115— St.. near Uuerrero; cheap. 25x125— C0r. 2oih and Harper: good buy. 40x75— Zee. off Bryant, ur. 4th: rents $128 50. 23x80— Klsllnr St.. near 12tb: 3 flats; rents MM 50. 25x75— Ullberl St., near I'raunan: rents 423. VoxHO— Gilbert, nr. Bryant: rents $33. 16:8\75— Shipley, nr. titli: rents $39. 25x50— Alia. nr. Montgomery; rents $16. 25 :5x11-l— Clipper, nx Church; o rooms and bath: cheap. H^n 45xS0 -Minna St., near 6th: rents $65. 60xSO--Trhuuiift St., near 4th: rents $80. 25x80— Clara St., near sth: rents 40. 100x125—4 lots in Silver Terrace Homestead. — Williamson, near Point bvbos. LN IMPROVED IX LOIS TO SUIT. 68:9x110— Franklin, nr. California; rare chance. 37:6x137:6— 0ak. close to Mauyan. 100X106:0— Cor. Fulton and Kurailer sts. 25x137:6— N. line Page, nr. Clayton: choice. 37 :(ix72— Hayes, near l.auuna: large lot. 25ilOO— McAllister, nr. WUlard; must be sold. lM7:tixlM7:«— Chestnut, near i.:ir in: In 5 lots. 37:6»87:6— C0r. Dupout and Chestnut; Hot, Cor. Stockton and Dnponl; In 5 lots. Building lots, cash or Installments; 1 block from Castro. 28:6x115— Howard, nr. 26th: 3 lots cheap. 60x75— Cor. Howard and Adalr; fine corner. 25x100— 26th, near Florida: cheap. 105x114— Cor. Sanchez and Cumberland: cheap. '.'6xloo— Cor, Diamond ami I9ta; for store and flat ( astro, near liUh; a line of lots. 110x116— Cor, Diamond and 23d. 76x114— nr. church: In 3 lots. 76xl00—Ooi 20tb and Alabama sts. • a good buy. fiOxl 14— Cor. 2;ld and Uu-rrero: residence corner 26x114 — 20th, nr. Dolores: cbeap. 1 14— Liberty. nr. Noe: nice lots. HBIBO Cor. Castro and Clipper sts.; examine. :i("xi 17:1— St., near Mission; business. 67:6x114— bet h St., near Douglass: bargain. 60x 1 14— Cumberland St., near Church.. ■/sxloo-Cor. Sierra and Kansas. 26x100— Ithude Island, near Volo; cheap. 5(H15(I- Cor. Douglass and Komain; line view. 160x115— Cor. Ko'.uioKc ami Beml*. :4XIOO— Paint Lul.os aye and l#oyce st Lots 5 ami S. lilock 15. Kairmouut met. 120x1 74 :5-Cor. Band 31st aye.: $3100; 7 lots. 600x340 i>. L. Block; fronts Park. 25x120— aye.. near Point Lobos. Lot 18, lilock 11. Flint Tract. Lot 22, Block 8, College Homestead. Preclta Valley lots; cheap. Lots south ot the Park; cheap. Lots In Silver Terrace Homestead Association. O. F. YON BHEIN & ('".. 524 California st. jyl3SuTh Kit I. (HI SALE BY J. W. COLEMAN. 106 TOST r street. •3000— Gilbert St. : 2 houses in fino order, renting for $32 a mouth; pays 11 per cent, and can be Increased; street work done: six* 35x80. _' '■>' - Clinton St.; cosy cottage of 4 rooms: room for another bouse: street block paved, etc.; size 25x80, 93100— A bargain, 22(1 St., sunny side, bet Valen- cia and Guerrero ; cottage of 5 rooms; street work done: lot alone worth the money: size 25x124. $4500-Zoe St., nr. Uryaut: nice new flats of 4 an 5 rooms and bath; rents $37 60. $3500— Elliot Park, off stelner st.: cosy home of G rooms, all in first-class order; make an offer. UNIMPROVED. ♦8000— 15th. near Church; street sewered; 75 100: nice lot for 8 Hats. $5000— Fulton st., sunny side, near Lyon : fine lot 01 Hats ; 50x137:6; street work done. $30U0-Feil st., near Devisa.lero: 115x137:6. $2200- Hartford St., near 18th: 37x125. $2-100- NW. Clement and Utll aye.: 2!lxlll. California, near sth aye.: 50x100. J!> VTS L'OKSALE P.V SI. 11. LEW, 432 CALIFOHMA X St., near Montgomery. •18.000— Seventh St.; Improved and good rents. -Valencia, near lfith: Improved. $10,000— Folsom, near Seventh; Improved. *8(',KOO-6ihst.: rent $500 per month. -lievisadern St.; 3 modern-built houses. $20.000— Mission at, bet 7th and Mb. $10.0111 c,, . DevUaderoaiid iiainht. .000— Hayes St.: flue Improvements. $3750-o' l/arrcll; sunny side, bet. >YeUter and Fillmore. $15.0(10— .Mason st.: 3 modern-built houses; cab passes the property; good runts. $22.500— C0r. property on Oearyst. : improved. McAllister St.; line residence. $1600-Fultonst; 50x137::U near Lottst.l3 3t GjJfln LOTS ON 15TII AYE., BET. POINT •Jp-ivU. Lobos and tho Park, In Block 367; only 5 left; call early, as first come first served; half cash: title absolutely perfect. 11.I 1 . A. DOLAN A CO., 630 Market. je2-j SuTuTh tf QQMfI A FKW SPLENDID LOTS, 25x125, IN tS><J\J\'. the Western Addition; 100 feet from Geary Bf.-. all level and ready to 1m.1.1 on. P. A. DOLA>i, 800 Market St. luylK « SaTaTb. <K1 LOTS; 25x110; FACING TIiITPAKKON (JJluu lie south side, on $10 per month Install- ments; will furnish a written guarantee that In one year these lots will sell for $250. P. A. DOLAN, 630 Market st. my 1 8 SuTuTh tt Cj 1 (\f\ LOTS; 25x120 EACH: ONLY A SHORT «2)1. V.'V distance from Golden Hate Park aud grand boulevard; no Band; these lots inside of one year will readily sell for $250: term) only $10 cash aud •5 per month; no Interest; no taxes. P. A. DOLAN, 630 Market st. my!B SuTuTh tf MAKE YOliit OWN. TERMS— FUR SALE ON monthly payments equal to rent, flue modern cottages, containing 5 rooms andbatU: 7-foot base- ment: wooden mantel and mirror; stone sidewalk, Iron fence, large lot; 2 blocks fro.v Castro cable- car, on Sanchez it., between Clipper and 26tb sts. ; owner on premises to-day, or apply to L. LAND- LF.B.22Byfr Montgomery st jyi2 at IAKOE LOT, 60x125, IN THE BEST PART OK ±J Berkeley, for $100. on small Installments; will ■ be worth double in one year; beautiful, new, mod- , crn cottage; 5 rooms, bath, etc.; large lot, $2500, on Installments; genuine bargains in new houses and choice residence lots. 11l F.l.Pr> & KICHAKD.S, opposite Iterkelejr star -j'a unit 11 Montgomery st. ban Fra i Je'JO tr CITY REAL ESTATE. SHAINWALD, ISUCKBEE CO., 407 AND 409 Montgomery St. IMPROVED rKOrKRTT. $25,000— Van Ness aye. corner, with bouse rent- ing for $45: will sell 69x122 vacant for »20.000. $30,000— Clay Investment: lot 64 :8x137 and 20x60; covered with substantial frame Improve- ments; rents $230. »8000-Sutter st., N. linear. Flllmore; elegant residence or 9 rooms and bath; lot 25x100, $9000— Hayes St.. running through to Linden aye.; Limit n-ave. front Improved: house of 2 flats; rents $!»: Hayes-st. front ci«ld be Improved and would pay well: lot 27:0x120. $17,500-Mlsslon-st. investment: W. line; Im- provements frame; stores and tuts; lot 60x107; cheap. $10.000— Three-story brick building, containing 43 rooms and bath-rooms; also rear hours of 13 rooms; Hlnckley st.. nr. Uupont: total rents $150: lot 35x57 :6 feet. $14,000— 24 th St., on Omnibus cable line: 110x132 feet, less L 50x32 feet; good 2-story house of 8 i. ins and bath: can sell 00x100 feet vacant at the rate or $90 per root. $7700— Pacific Heights corner; new 2-story and basement house of 9 rooms and bath; elegantly decorated ami frescoed: Him marine view: lot 26:1i191 leet. $10.500-Keduced from $12,000: Third St.; store with flat above: rents $70; lot 35x57:6 feet. $9000— Valencia st.. near San Jose depot: good cottage: rents $22 00: lot 32:8x90, to alley; lot aione Is worth the money. J;2000-l>oiiRhsssr., bet. 18th ana 19th; cottage of 4 rooms: lot 25x125. 000— First St.. nr. Mission; lot 37x96 feet, with L46x3Sfeet; rents sl27 60. $33.000— Ciay-st. Investment: near Montgomery': 3-story brick building paying a net rental of H per cant: a good investment; $20,000 cau remain 011 mortgage tr desired, $:)250— Jessie st., nr. 20th: 2-story house of 6 rooms, bath and cellar: stone sidewalk; brick foun- dation: lot 22x75: cheap, $3100— cottage and lot on Treat aye., near 24tb st., close to cable Ihie; 5 rooms and bath, gas, hot and cold water, etc.; rents $22 60; lot 25x112 :6; cheap. $1000— Clara St.. bet sth and Bth: (rood house, contain 3 tenements: rents *. 1 ; lot 26x80. $80,000— Bush St.. bet. Powell mid Mason; lot 87:6x137:6. with improvements: rented lor $180; rents could be largely; an olfcr wanted. $20,000— Stub St.. N. side, bet. Bucita an and W'euster: large house of 14 rooms, barn, laundry and conservatory: brick foundations; stone side- wall; ; large lot. 68:9x137:6 feet. ■ *13.00U— waller .st., nr. Fillmore; two double bouses and cottage: rent* $98. »7ovo— Howard, nr. 17tii: price reduced from 98OOO; Improvements consist of store and Hat; rents $50; lot 25x75 (eat $5750— 15 th st., bet. Nile and Sanchez; modern house ot 6 rooms and bath; brick foundation; lot 23x115 feet. UNIMPROVED LOTS. $2400-Turk St.. near First aye.; 52x112:6 feet. or 26x122:6 reet for Sl2OO. $I*oo— Pine st., near Central aye.: 31x57:6 feet; cheap. $20,000— NW. cor. Fulton and llroderlck sts.; 60- -vara: 137:6x137:6 feet. $6000 -Park road, opposite Cuena Vista Park; 75x128. feet. $11,500— Vallejoand Vfcwtor.XE. cor. : 50x137:0. $4250— 0ak ot., near Flllmore: 26xi37:6. (3250— SW. cor. Pierce and Green sts.; 25x100. 15000— NW. cor. Church and 15th sts.; 25x100. $2000 — 16th st., nr. Eureka, through to State: 40:HxlviH feet: cheap. $.">2so- Jackson and Maple sts.; SW. cor.; 64:3 x 117:9 feet. $7300— Cor. llrorterick and Eddy sis. ; 65:6x100 feet: cable cars pass this lot. $5000— and Waller sts. ; SE. corner : 34:7"ix100 feet. *-.750 each- Halgbt St., S. line, E. of Shrader: 3 lots; each 25x100 leet. $2300 each— Shrader st.. E. line, bet. Halght aud Waller, 3 lots; each 25xlO'J feet. — Waller and Shrader sts., NE. corner; 34:7',ixl00feet. $2250 each— Waller St., K. side, E. of Sbrader; 6 lots; c acb 25xj00 feet. $5250— SW. cof. Maple and Washington sts.; 50x 146 feet. $.VJso— 24th-st. corner; street sewered and paved with stone blocks: Omuilms cable passes; 40x100, $2500— Pierce, nr. Green: 25x101) feet. $3000— 251u.5t.. nr. Castro: 801114 tee;. $t!f.Oo— Douglass anil 19th sts. ; corner: 83x145. $3000— Sacramento, nr. Haker: 27:6x132:7. $5000-Ktireka St.. nr. 17th: 74x125 leet. 4 Julio -cor. First aye. and Washington st.: 56x 100 leet. or complete list' call at office of SHAINWALD, HL'CKBEE A CO., 407 and 409 Montgomery St. Jyl3 SnTntt I^OB SALE 11Y W. 11. CItIM & CO.. 428 MONT- gomrry st. Real estate bought aud sold. $lu,soo— Natoma. near Ist; rents $100; 46:6x75. Kennebee, near Jetfersoa; Gift Map No. 2; 8 rooms; 23x73. $!0.000-23dand Alabama; 80x100: rent $100. $ »ouo- oak. near Lagnna, with frnutagu on Lily aye. : 27<6x120: cottage and 2 tenements. »«000— California, near rijlnioro; 7 rooms and hath; 25x132:7^4. Fell, near Franklin: store and flats; 27:6x120 to Hickory aye. Malght, near Pierce; new house; D rooms, bath, servant's room, lauudry, etc. : rent $35 net: 25x100. 21st, near Dolores: tine view; 8 rooms, bath; 22x 114. Shipley, near stb— Lot 25x75: 2 houses: rent $50. Guerrero, near 22(1—4 new flats; rents $71; 36x 117:6. $2200 -Lombard, nr. Ulluiore: M rooms: 37:8x90. Church, near 28th— 5 rooms, bath; 25x100. LOTS. ' *8000-NE. Broderlek and Jackson: 100x35. . $8500— Castoaud 19th: 75x125. $:»IUO-rlarrlson,near22d: 49:3x100. $2.loo— Chestnut, near Fillmore: 65x137:6. $1500-Cl>attauooga. near 23rd: 26x117.6. MV. cor. Church and Hermann; 85x110, fSOO— l2th aye., near Ist.; 25x120: graded and fenced. $1250— 8 E. cor. It st. and Silt are.; 60x169. Clement St., 22d to 23d ayes.: 240x100; .'corners. Cl3B— 29tb aye., nr. W st.; 25x120. $1100- 12 d aye.. nr. Point Lobus; 75x120. 12th aye., nr. M St.: 25x120. $1100— J9tli St.. near Dolores: 25x114; cheap. .V i . liliirnla, nr. 17th aye. : 25x100. •1760— nr. 27th: 36x95. SIS. 17th st. and Serpentine road: 24x75. 20th st., i;r. Diamond; line view: 50x97:0. $12CM)-Anny st . ur. Mission: 25x100. $1000— Cbolco coruer in University Homestead, nr. Silver aye.; 120x100; will subdivide. $750 each— nr. Castro: 2 lots; 6 ,eh 25x11-1. ■500— Day, nr. Douglass: 60x114: In installments. 2 corners In Excelsior Homestead; each 150x100. $360— Lots in Excelsior Homestead: 25x100: $50 cash; balance Installments; don't fall to see them. $15,000 -SW. cor. Market. Noe and 16th; 105 x 136. Jy 13 Su Th &i)AA EACH-SLOTS. 2 CORNERS: CALIFOB- «jT— W ula aye. and Hop* St.; Gift Map 3. 1 block from San Bruno street-car: no belter bur in the city. 250—25x70. Gift Map 3. 803, on Anderson St.; level and ready to build on. $750—62:6x70, cor. Jefferson and Moultrie sts., In Gift Map 2, IS, 20 and one-half of 22. $350 (ash-:! lots In Gift Map 3; Nos. 353, 360 anil 362, on Cherunusco st., near Coso; level and ready to build: a beau: lul view. $1000 lor 5 lots, 641, 043. 545. 517 and 549, In Gift Map 2. $250 each— 2 lots. 35 and 37. Gift Map 2. $450 each— 2 lots, 818 and 417. Gift Map 3. $450— Lots on silver aye., ii''ar Mission st. ; only a few more left; a great bargain. 8. DCCAS, Real Estate Axent, 1308 Market st., near Jones. It £» '..>.".( I LOTS OX MARSHALL ST., CLOSE TO tJpOiJW Mission— Above lots will pay 50 percent per annum for the next 3 years. »li) a foot— on the Mission road, near Ocean View; a splendid place for saloon. * Property in any part of the city. S. DL'CAS, 1303 Market, near Jones. It ].'OH SALE— 3OB FELL ST.. NEARGOI'GH: LOT . 27:111120 to rear street: front and rear houses: 4 flats and store; price $13,500: rent* $100. ]yl3 3t» W ILL SELL TWO 8-KOOMED RESIDENCES, »* tfrst-clas* and modern In every particular: Just completed: $700 below value: terms, etc.. posted on premises. 623 and 531 Hill St., Castro cars. j 12 i' <'>/'/|A EACH; ONLY ONE-FOURTH CASH; UV'U liuerrero St., close to luth: 2 fine lots, each 25x90: level and ready to build on; sold by order of bank. EASTON, ELDKIIJbE * CO., 638 Market st. Jyll 3t ffl> I ,",/WJ BACH— ONLY A FEW LEKT OF THOSE tip l'i\)\J choice lots on N. aide of Francisco and K. side of Franklin sts.; cheap to-day at $2000 each: a rare clmuee to make a handsome profit In short time; title absolutely perfect; terms •,:. cash; balance to Milt buyer. EASTOM, ELDItIDGE .1 CO., 638 Market St. Jy9_7t_ $')')~\i\ LOT 37:6x120: COTTAGE, STABLE, tj l — — •)'-'. barn, chlckeu-house, pretty garden; ocean view; Spring Valley water; nr.G.G. Park. Ad- dress R.. blue letter -boi.lialgnt and Stanyan.ll 7t* tit 1 ' A FOR SALE— BE REMOVED, HOUSE ilpliJU. 1413 Scott si., nearlieary, and buildings In rear. Apply between 1 and 4 r. m.. to B. Mo DOCOALL A. SON, Architects, Room 62, 330 Pine street. Jy9 lit I,'LATS FOR SALE— S AND 6 ROOMS; MODERN 1 Improvement ; on Potrero aye., bet. 2.'d and ■j;ib -ts.: lot 25x100: Howard-st cars pass the house; he best prospective business properly in tho city. Apply ou the premises through the day or at .1000 California St., to A. . i. WEIR. Jell tr COTTAGE FOR SAI.I': ALL MODERN IM- \J lirovements; lot 55x95: on 23d St., bet. I'otrero aye. and Hampshire st ; just finished; the Howard- st. line In trout of the house; terms easy to suit. Apply to A. J. 818, ou premises, through the day, or at 30110 California St. jell tr iHI VIKV If I .4 1. ~T7*r.\'ii:. L-m: BALE OB EXCHANGE. A NICE RANCH IN r Lake County: must sell. CUAS. HENDERSON, 30* Montgomery St. It* IVOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, A FIRST-CLASS F stock ranch In Sonoma County. I'll AS. Hl-..N- -1)I-.|;m>X. 301 Montgomery at. lt« TO KENT— DAIRIES UI'OX THE POINT REYES 1 For sale— 3 country residences; 30 work oxen: proposals for clearing 100 seres or laud Invited. J. McM. SHAKIER. je29 Mt Su l.i'l: SALE— LABBB RANCH, WITH 6 KINGS, i all In good condition. Apply 121S'. i Folsom street. Jyll3t« 2lll\f\ t\(\l\ ACRES; VAST ESTATES OR (i.vJW.vUU acre lots; all specialties In land: stock, dairy, grain, fruit and general farms, resorts, timber land, Mexican land, mines, town sites and lots, city mansions, country villas and .sites; invest- ment and speculative properties; money to loan; send 100 for 110-page catalogue. C. 11. STKKETJc CO., 1 and Agents, 415 Montgomery st. JylO lm QfilflM HIGHLY IMPROVED HOME" OF 10 tyUUul'. acres, mostly vines and fruit, with chicken hatchery of loou capacity monthly: stock and toots Included; buildings new; all cost over $10,000; furniture at same discount; owner com- polled tosell. Address Box 59, Stockton. Cal. jy2 12* VfOTICE— I HAVE 1920 ACRF.S slllAK-PIXE -1A timber lauds for sale at a bargain: must b-> sold. SAMUEL JOHXSIONE, 624 Market St. JyB 7t AN ENGLISH GENTLEMAN LEAVING THE State will sell bis property at a sacrifice for cash, or Rood mortgages: Santa Clara County stock, grain and fruit farm, 1000 acres. $12 50 per acre; stork, crop and Implements, low valuation: li> acres, Wrights Station, $400; 15 aud 16 acres. San .lose, part in fruit, $350 per acre; Monterey County, 840 res. 1 80 in volunteer wheat, $15 per acre; 4SO un- improved. $5 per acre: livery stable, barn And cot- tage, San Miguel, $5000: also 3 lots. $700 each: also some goon mines ; two-thirds "cau remain on mort- gage on any of these; particulars on application. Address A. W. 1;., 2814 Sacramento St., San Fran- cisco - ap26 U SCHOOL LANDS. $1 50 TO $3 AN ACRE; OX O very easy terms; sold by tho State In tracts to suit: no resldenco or Improvement required; ail kinds of lands, in many different counties; send stamp for list. Open Monday. Wednesday and Satur- .lay evenings. V W. LAKE. « Flood liml.lii.i!. I:! If ATroi;.\t.Vs-.rl-l.i W. ADVICE FREE: DIVORCES A SPECIALTY: POS- Jtv ltlvely no publicity; shortest time; legal every- where: fee after divorce; collections, etc.: estab- lished ten yearn. U. W. HOWE, 30 Kearny st. Jyl tf ADVICE FREE-DIVORCES LEGALLY; 4CICK- -'V eat time; 110 publicity: all legal matters. U. B. Attorneys' Association, 3o Kearny. R00m5 6, 7.jy3 ADVICE FI'.EE: DIVORCES A SPECIALY; NO publicity; quickest time: legal everywhere; ! terms reasonable; no charge unless successful; ami another cases at law. both civil and criminal, pushed vigorously; Collections, wills, ate, T. t.NHLI-.V, ATTORNEYS' ASSOCIATION. 11 Kcarny ttjefl Om DIVORCES, WILLS. ETC. ••RANK KENNEDY, Attorney. 83 Mnrphy Hulldlng. __"j?.I C ADVICE FKEE. ROBERT SCOULAR, ATTOR. hey. 34 Ke.iruy st. - inylH 0n» JOHN A. WALL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 220 ! Sausome St.. Rooms 10, 1 1 and 12. my 16 Bnv) WW. DAVIDSON, AT IORXEV-AT-L AW, I . California St.. Koouu 11-15; advice i.'jo. <13it | BT ; ST>"ESS CITAVCKa. (L-f'/U) 7 ROOM MARKET-SI. HOUSE: DESI- -<_UUv. rable for doctor or dentist; offered 3 days. $550— Kddy-st. house: a birgaln. $2200— 32-room house; see this. ■ (ir.'cery-store. with 5 years' lease. $800— Market-st. saloon: line. #250 — Saloon, bar aud 4 rooms. $600— Restaurant and coffee parlors. -Ci^.r-store; Invoice. 1029. Market st J. It. FIN LEV A CO. ' It" I/OR SALE OK EXCHANGE— WELL- ESI MR. 1 li»hed grocery business. CHAS, HENDERSON, :'.() ■ Montgomery st. it« I/OR SALE AT A SACRIFICE— FINE HARD- i ware and plumbing business In growing young city near San Francisco. CHAS. HENDERSON, 304 Montgomery St. It* rro sell out your business promptly 1 for cash go to I. D. BARNARD. 1148 Market St., Oct. Mason and Taylor. Established 1859. It* <SlAf\l\ RESTAURANT; FEW .MILES FROM •IT^tUU. city; $25 rent: clears $100 per mouth. MORRIS. 14 Turk st. In rear. jy!3 7t« €•9- M SALOON, BAB. STOCK, 4 FURNISHED •IT — i '". rooms, offered for $'.'5O; biggest bargain. J. K. FINLEV A- CO., 1029 Market st. jy!3 It* HOTEL FOR SALE IN SANTA ROSA: HOTEL of 40 rooms; all well furnished and dolne a (rood business; everything in perfect running order: the proprietor Is getting old. and wants to retire from business; will lie sold cheap if applied for at once; good; carpels mostly new; cheap rent and making money right along. Apply P. Box 157, Santa Rosa. jy!3 7t (CORNER GROCERY AND BAR, WITU HORSE v/aud wagon; must be sold at once; no reason- able offer rerused. Address V., Box 129. Call Branch OlBce. jvl3 3t* OLD ESTABLISHED AND PAYING HOOK. NO- tioa and variety store in thriving interior town, together wit 1 airency or San Francisco dailies! re- quired about $3000 capital. Address MACKI.NDER At TKAINOi:, P. 0. Box 109. Nnpa City. Cal. jyla 7t pASH TRANSCATION— -CLASS OI'POR- V ' tunny for quiet investment, in which much more than ordinary rales cau be realized and where money Is absola tely secured : a responsible party with $3iioo, willing to share profits for valuable. Information, can realize a small lortune under my direction. For interview only address, lv con- fideuce. Quick Returns. Box 09, Call Branch. It* LIUSi-i 1.A.-s FRUIT-STORE; HORSE AND r wagon: lur sale cheap. C. G., Box 146, Call liraiichOrtice. jy!3 St* i»|w|| SALOON AND i BOOMS AT A SACBI- tjpIOU. re 418Tblrd3t jy!3 3t» GROCERY MEN ATTENTION-ONE OF THE best groceries N. of Market St., to be sold at Invoke; horse, wagon, etc. ; present owner Is doing a wood business, but is compelled to go East; will .sell whole or will take reliable man as partner! ref- erences exchanged. Particulars ot B. WHITE, 765 Market at. jy 13 5t <fc innn PARTNER WANTED IN estab- i]T"i VVU. ;il-li.'il mercantile business. CHAS. HENDERSON, 304 Montgomery st. It* t_Q AHA OLD-ESTABLISHED LIVERY: <33_.VUU. splendid Uicatlou; long leaso; no rent; Immense business: full value given: bear Close Investigation; owner In poor health: take small ranch part payment, 0. i.e., Box 17, thlsonTce.l3 7* P>:STAI RAM FOR SALE AT A GREAT SACKI- Ii rice ou account of having 2 places. Apply 1706 Polk st. jyll I,'OR SALE— STOCK OK SHELF AND BUILDERS' I i hardware lv tho best rapid-growing city In Cali- fornia: annual sales about $50,000: stock will In- voice about $18,000: an elegant opening. For par- ulan call on E. J. ROBINSON 4 CO., 79 New Montgomery St. Jyl3 DRESSMAKING BUSINESS. WITH FUHNI- XJ ture, fur sale; cheap rent 1205 Folsom.jyl3 2* S»''(Hl BRANCH BAKERY AND VARIETY «ir OUU. store: 3 living rooms: great bargain. Ap- lily at Call Branch place. jy!3 7t* STATIONERY AND CANDY STORE FOR SALE cheap. 420 Slitter St. Jyi 3 3t* (&O/W) GOOD LIQUOR SALOON BUSINESS; tJ!t7l'U. rare bargain; fully stocked: doing busi- ness from $10 to $12 a day; no other within 5 blocks; long lease; good reason tor selling. Apply lib Third st.; no agents. Jyl3 7t* Tj"<Oß SALE OR EXCHANGE; STOCK CIGARS, I? value $3000; will sell very low for cash; win trade for real estate or any paying legitimate bust- ness. Address T. 11.. Box 1, this otllce. jyl2 2t* (Sirr A BARGAIN; FRUIT-STORE DOING O*-'*.'- good business; rent $18; must be sold. Address M. K-. Box 93, Call Branch. jyl'i 3t* I AI'MIRY FOR SALE— ONE OF THE BEST J J places ever has been offered; running by steam: machinery almost new; 2 horses and wagon: also five living rooms, with all the furniture complete. situated 345 Seventeenth at., cor. Valencia. jy!2 7* l/OR KALE— GOOD SALOON, FINE LOCATION, -T with stock and fixtures; must be sold at once: other business to attend to. Apply 137 Flfth.Jl2 3* SALOON WITH ROOMS: 8 BEDS: SELL CHEAP account sickness. 228 Pacific. jyl'i 3t« (J/;n/|n HOTEL NEAR THE CITY; 60 «_ UUUU. rooms; departure fur the East cause of sale. Mclaughlin & CO.. 26 Kearuy st. Jl2 8t« fl>'J(in WATCH-REPAIRING BUSINESS; t^Z\J\). country. MCLAUGHLIN. 26 Beamy. QOfl/l 6BOCEBT AND BAR — FAMILY i>O\J\J. rooms. MCLAUGHLIN. 26 Kearny.ll 3* LOR SALOON AND LODGING-HOUSE: i 10 furnished rooms: low rent; on BDeSionst.; reason for selling departure from city; no agents. Apply Call Branch liflice. Jyll 4t* Li.: SALE— REAL ESTATE BUSINESS AND 1 otlice fixtures; flue location: rent low. Address W., Box 85, Call Branch office. jyll 3t* \JAN WITH $500 CAN ENGAGE IN HONEY- -I*l making business; sure and safe Investment; monopoly. Particulars at 2237 Mission st. jyi 1 at* V'NIII RESTAURANT: GOOD LOCATION; «JOUU. new furnlrnre. IUP McAllister st 117* /IRANI) CHANCE BUTTER. EGGS. CHEESE \f and grocery business. Stalls 25 ana "8, Arcade Market, sixth St., near rolsom. Jyll 3t* T-I N ELY FITTED IT COFFEE-SALOON FOR r sale. Apply drug-store, cor, Washington and Kearny 81s. jyll at* GREAT BARGAIN: CANDY-STORE ON MAR- \J ket St.; good rraaons lor selling; $JOO. Address A., Box 140, Call branch Office. jyll7t* £& C MA WILL PURCHASE HAL? INTEREST IX »J>_Wl/ first-class prolitaOlu saloon: flue location. HAAS, 11 Kearny St. Jyll 3f» LOR SALE — TIN. STOVE AND PLUMBING X bnslneas; lull set or tinner's tools and machines; good clean stock. For particulars call at 243 Fifth at. near Ki.lsom. Jyll 7t* BRANCH BAKERY AND VARIETY-SToKE; I> trial given If preferred. Apply cor. Twenty- secootl and Capp s£s. Jyll St* S< 7(1(1 ' INK RESTAURANT; DAILY SALES 0 • UU. $25 to $ 'U; lame dining-room and kitch- en : meat-house and 4 living rooms rent $19: safe sure-paying business. Apply to JONAS 4 CO., 737 Market st jylO st* BARGAIN: GOOD RESTAURANT; MUST GO. JP Apply 715 Howard. 9 or 2:30. Room 86. JylO 7t« I^OR SALE: SALOON AND LODGING-HOUSE; 433 Jessie It. jylO7t» SALOON FOR SALE CHEAP. APPLY 896 ILLl- nuls st. l'otrero. jy9 lot* V O R SALE— CIGAR-STORE WITH ROOMS AT- -F tuclic'i : doing good business. Apply on prem- ises, :<"_M) Fourth st. . jy9 7t* rpEMPERANCE GROCERY-STORE FuITsALE— 1 In Al town; comer stand; doing good business; best of reasons for selling, A. F., P. O. Box 391, retaining. JyS) 7c SALOON FOR SALE ON MARKET; GOK.') LOTA- _ lion: must be sold: cheap. Apply MARK PAR- ISH, Wholesale Liquor-dealers, 324 clay st. jyB 7t* L'OK SAI.K- AN OLD-ESTABLISHED GROCERY X and bar, on account of departure. Apply on premises. 634 O'Farrell st. jyB 7t* »Q?,n WOOD AND COAL, HAY AND GRAIN «IPO«JV. business: large stock: 3 wagons; 3 horses; 1 buggy and harness; tools; 3 living rooms: lODgleaaS); cheap rent. Twenty-sixth and Folsom streets. jyS 14t« sstTon FIRST-CLASS FRUIT AND ICE- iIpiUU, cream parlor. Apply Fonnh. jy3 7t* BARGAIN, BAKEKY.CON FECTION Y. CIGAR, 1 ' laundry office; 4 living rooms. 1105 Folsoin.B 7* Sitl'^ll NICE GROCERY. WITH 4 BOOMS; I «>vf . owner 10 years in it: departure. Apply Call Branch Oilice. jyS Bt* MILLINIItv business ox leading street. C, Box 134. Call Branch Office. jell tf RESTAURANT; ACCOUNT DEPARTURE: NO J.i rea.souai>le oiler rofused. 219 Third st. jy7 7t* sk'/*"»(l CBOP-HOUSE; 1149 MARKET: FUR- -1 — O\'. u:-lud rooms; rent *25; leaving city. 7 7* CORNER FAMILY LKJUOK-STOKE. DOING \J good business: flue stuck and fixtures: long lease 145 Third st jy7 7t* BUSINESS FOR BALE, CONSISTING DRY i ' goods, crackcry, bakery, stationery; within half id ik three schools: must he sold, account sickness, below cost-price: 204 Tweuty-fourth st., near Col- umbn. jyU lit* (IJ«>) DOWN AND 60 CENTS PtR SHARE PER «J— month will purchase shares la the Republic Savings. Building and Loan Association: $18 per month will pay off a loan or $1000; call or send for prospectus; open dully ami evenings until 9 o'clock. 624 Markets!. Mr 30 tr qjjl rvf>n SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR THE Ltiy ■U. right man ; route on morning and eveu- Ing newspapers Tor sale; pays *S0 per month profit Apply at this omce. jels tf T> A RTN li~Yi iNTER IN RESTAURANT] 29 -1- Third st. jy7 TV SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS AND SUBSCRtpT lions taken at Call Brauch offices 60 3 Larkin St., 339 Hayes >l aud 2518 Mission St.; opencllt H:3Uf. m. iy.S:' ■ ■ llKNiltlti. 1 in: svl.K. I LARK IN- HOUSETOLET; FUBNITUBB ll'v/"l and carpets for sale. Jyl3 7t" PARTIES FURNISHINU HOMES SEK~OUR X complete bed-room sets. $15; mattresses, $2 to 525: parlor sets, $25 to $120: cash or easy terras. J. NOON AN a CO., 1017 and 1083 Mission st.Jy!3 tf PATENT KITCHEN-TABLES, $1 60 {EACH, AT I H. SCHELHAAS 1 Furniture store, 40« Eleventh St., Oakland. deC cod tl LINE BED-LOUNGE, PARLOR TABLE AND r Brussels carpet, reasonable 212 Twelfth. 11 3t* L'OK S.M.i.-ii'O. WITH MATTRESS AND BU- X rean, cheap. 312 Seventh st, Jyll 3t* VI 1H AM 1.1.i: SETS OF 7 PIECES, $15 CASH, XI or Installmeut. WILLEY BROS. 931 Mission, tr pOU~N7irV~TfirY_R_~WISHINU SECONDHAND \J furniture or carpets, at reduced prices, call a:- ROSENTHAL'S, 110 Fourth st : satisfaction guaraa- tei-d ut money i. ■...:,. .1. goods snipped tree. nit ' ALL PRICES IN PLAIN FIGURES: ON 7n7 htalitucuK without Interest, you can ruroJaa your home as cheap as for cash elsewhere at 11 EN- El's large luruiture a:!d carpet warcrooius. H"j 24 Ellis st. 24 tt "T GOOD CHANCE— YOUR HOUSE FURNISHED i"V complete with furniture, carpets, stoves, cur- tains, blankets, pictures and mirrors, st cash prices, on easy installments; small deposit M. FRIED- MAN _ CO.'S, largest Installment house ou the toast. 228 and 230 Stockton St.. cor. Post: open evenlugs; prompt attention paid to country orders. STERLING : FURNITURE CO.-CARPETS AND O Inmiturd. auja and 1041 Market st, Kosentiial BaUdlng. au7 tt AIL MY GOODS ARK DOWN TO BED-ROCK -A prices: parlor suits $25, ranges $6, new cham- ber sets complete $15: red*uctlnns all round; or lnatallments. T 11. NEI.suN. !;:■) Fourth m 30tt C:Aitl*KT3 RUSS^LS~CARPETS, ELEUANT PATTERNS' HOC per yard, sewed and laid ; best value ever offered, s. w. SHIREK. 1234 Stockton st. jeH tf 7'Ai:i'K.Ts-sMnn\i BRUSSELS, Cso A YARD; Installment price elsewhere $1 a yard. M. HMEDMAN .1 CO.. 228-330 Stockton st. cor. Post /ILOSINO 11' ESTATE; BRUSSELS SEWED, V'lald.BOc; 2-p1y,25c:011-clotb,l2>-<,c:curtaln-noles, in:ittlug. 10c. NEWMAN BROS.. 117 Slxthit ~ 61.H ISti ■\i HJLNKB> S SWING MACHINKs" FOR SALE .~ANd"'r& I paired. W. 11. lIIUUINW, 628 Hayes st. mr4 tt " ffI»»JC NEW YORK OR HELPMATE; BRAND «ipOU. new; latest; best for $36 : all kinds repaired; rente.4 cheap. J. L. 11H.K.3, t>U7 Mlsjloo. mil tt LODGING norsKS FOR sale. 99 ROOMS; GOOD PAYING HOUSE; LOW *-— rent; must be sold on account of departure- sl2so. J. W. DONNELLY _ CO., .14 Kearu> street. ■■■ ■ ■ Jyl 3 at" CA ROOMED HOTEL IN A STIRRING TOWN O\J 200 miles from city; clears $3000 per year $2700. J. W. NELLY i CO., 84 Kearny street jy!3 •-•t" 9/1 ROOMS —CENTRALLY LOCATED; HAND- «" sonjely famished: $400 cash, balance easy pay- ments. J. W. DONNELLY & CO.. 34 Kearay.l3 21* DOWNTOWN HOUSE OF 13 ROOMS- ONLY »«0 rent: must be sold at once; Hue oppor- tunlty. Apply Room 9. 410 Kearny st Jyl3 2t* C; I •)(\l\ LODGING-HOUSE OF 40 ROOMS; %P At>vl/. cheap rent: full or permanent roomers; this house isa genuine bargain: sold only on ac- couut or Immediate departure of prcpriet>r. Mo- LACGHLI.N _ CO., 2H Kearny st jylO 8t« «£]•■,() LODGING-HOUSE, 7 ROOMS; MUST »ff I O\J. sell: departure. 803 Howard. Jyll 3t» LOR SALE— LOOGINU-HOUS_ OF 20 ROOMS" 1 finely fu:ni. he 1; best location: near principal 1 hotels; must be sold Immediately; terms to sun purchaser. Apply L. LANDLER, 228 ft Montgom- «yj_ jyl(l8t« KARB CHANCE-HOUSE OF la I'.otiMS AND l>at!i: newly furnished; for rent >nd furniture tor sale; OTsnoaklag Union Square; occupied as a private Home; any one wishing to rent rooms'can In this locality clear $100 per month. Apply •_■•_! l Powell st., cor. Geary. ■. \ j it PIANOS. VIOLINS AND -sHKET MUSIC. s-i ill BEST PI SoipfEW roBB)-OBEAT 111. 0 iluctlon lv prices. J. KEIKIE, 410 McAl- llsterst. Jyl 3 7t* AN EI.EOA'NT STKI.VWAV UI'RIGHT, LITTLE a used, for $250, at 400 might st, lv! 3 7t« A IE PIANO IN GOOD t CONDITION FOB IVE- JSptO. glnners. 1924 Mas..:; tt. jyl2 7t» DECKER .v SON'S PIANOS. MUSICAL INSTRU- meuts. and fall stock of loc .sheet-music. ZENO M VUVAIS MUSIC CO., 71)9 Market st. Jyll tf BARGAINS IN SECOND-HAND PIANOS AT KOIILER .1 CHASE'S, mil Market st. au'-'i tt DECKER BROS.' MATCHLESS PIANOS noli;. Eli _ CHASE, 1041 Market st. an2t tt (IfcC.fl GOOD ROSEWOOD PIANO FOB SALE V«-*U. on Installments or $8. 213 Powell st. Jy77l I/OK STEIN WAY, KRANICH * BACH ROE • J nlscli. Oaliler pianos, M. GRAY CO., JOu .-,,sr. 25cC I asi, INSTRUMENTS, PACKARD UlltANi J) sheet music. M. GP.AV Co. 20BPost st 24 tf / 'OOD SECOND-HAND PIANOS; Si MONTHLY U Installments. BTATHAM. 1322 Market. Jy-' ti HEIST PLACE ON" THE COAST TO BUY A PIANO or an organ; pianos from $100; organs [mm $50: lending makes: finest stock. F. W. sI'ENCEIt a CO.. 723 Market St., second floor. ray 27 tf HAI.LKT _ DAVIS AND KIMBALL PIANO AN'l> j Organ Agency. W. c:. BADGER, 725 Market sttt BiY DIR~KCT>ROM THE MANUFACTURERS and save agents' prolits and freight: 25.0UU 01 our pianos in use: established 25 years: second-hand (flickering, Kuabe, Opera, Hall it .v Davis, Vote, etc.: installments or cash. ANIISKLL, odd Hi- lows' Hall. Seventh aud Market sis. my 29 if Si C (|Sti CARE PIANO, GOOD CONDITION: NEW <rJU\> pianos on Installments. FAY. 1729 Mission, STICK, HARDMAN. VIISE AND BTERLINU pianos sold on $10 monthly Installments. BEN.J. CUItTAZ _ SON, sole agents. 20 O'Farrell st So 7 ' T, l W. SPENCER* CO., AGENTS ciIICIiEIMNO J . .4 Sons, Conover Bros., Colby and opera piano-*. 723 Market st., History Building, second diwr. 2t»tf BYRON UAUZY, AGENT 80UKKB, ifALLETfi" Cuinston, Newby _ Evans. gOb Feat m... Lt rpili; BANCROFT COMPANY, 721 MARKET ST., 1 i>oleai:eui.s for the M Uler, Banning, BtoltiJl Bau-ir and K ll 11. hi 'i .111 I itrst-class organs. fe!4 tr HOUSES. t'OKSAI.E- UISINKSS HORSE, UUHT CABT 1 and harness; will be sold cheap as owner has ii • me for them. 2415 Mission St.. »to 6. jyla 9t* SALE— HORSE. HARNESS AND WAUON; -1 almost new; cost $600; must be sold; make offer. 1304 Howard st. Jy.l3 3t* JUST R ECEIVED-2 CAR-LOADS YOUNG horses, broken and unbroken; will sell for ca-Ji or on easy terms. J. NOON AN Jt Co.. 1017 tv 1023 Mission st. ■ jy 1 3 tr U'ANTED-BAY CARRIAGE IIOKSE; ABOUT •* 16 hands; black points; no white marks, weight from 900 to 1200; aged from •_• to 7 years: city >-r country horse: no mares. Address Animal, Box 85, Call Branch Office. Jyl. at* GOOD HORSE, HARNESS AND WAGON 1,.; V JT sale cheap; suitable for grocery or express business. Apply 1041 Bryant st. In grocery, jyll 4* LMNE HORSE, BUGGY AND EXPRESS-WAGON a cheap. ti-U Sixth st. jyll 3t* MARE. HARNESS AND GROCKRY-WAGON: marc young, sound and true; 1200 lbs.; wagon built to oruf r and as good ad new. 501 Twenty- - fourth St.. cor. Alabama. • lyll 31* HORSE. BUGGY AND HARNESS. 415ANH117 Turk St., coal-yard. jyB 7t* KAUUHT HORSES; lIROKEN it UNBROKEN: Parcberon aud Clyde stock. Address J. li. SCHNEIDER. Cornwill Stafn. Contra Costal o. 1 111 - Wauo.ns .!>•) '. i;i:i.mii;s. fASTED-ON ErHoTtsTTjWKAWAvI II AI: "' ness; second-hand; good condition and cheap Address 3313 Clay st. - jyl3 3i* SECOND-HAND WAGONS; 1 CART FOR SALE 0 cheap. 1114 Harrison st. jyl 3 tf 'POP BUGGY FOR SALE: ALMOST NEW; FOR 1 want of use : also horse. Apply 2626 Bush. 13 3* --OLASS LANDAU CHEAP. AT POLK ST. AND >> Golden (iate aye. jyll ;it« bTOBAOB, pacific stobaob co., 301 stockton st.; furniture ana merchandise; advance* made. 15 tf i^ORNITCUE STORED — STERLING II tt.N"! ' jure 1 .ID i:i. 1041 Market. llu.iin' l>ld_ 7tr _.„.___ I'lll SlC 1 A>s. H3IRS. (IKIIKICKE. HOI! ijOLDE.N UATEAVK. Women's diseases specially; hygienic »nouge suc- tion cleanser: simple, safe. sure; Instructions given confidentially: treatment by month low r.iti's. j>J Hin UAIJI'EMEKS AM) Blll,l)Ki:S. V. LAWRENCE, CARPENTER ANDmULbiiia, . 619 Sacramento st. : cabinet work and fitlli _up promptly attended to: leieuuoue dpi). julo.c B«U»B ADVERTISEMEHIS. OAKLAND KEAL ESTATE. AKLAND AGENCY— AI)VKI;"I ISKMENTS A Nil suliscriptlons received at the Oakland Branch Office or IllK Morsi Calx., 857 Broadway, near Seventh st. Offlct hours 6a. m. to 9 r. m. LOOK. LOOK— WE ARE CLOSING OUT A FEW of the most elegant residence lots in the very heart or the best portion of Oakland at sacrifice prices: convenient to both trains: liberal terms; call at once and see us. A. 11. BREED _ CO., 232 Mont- gomery St.. San Francisco. JylO lit f -OR SALE IN EAST OAKLAND-SISUO FOB A choice corner: Sixteenth st. and Nineteenth aye.: 70x100: $900 cau remain on time: must he sold. Address X. 8., Box 8. this oaice. jylO 71* fl;'_>7-n A PAYING INVESTMENT— BOARD- tU*»>(tJI'. ing and lodging house of 12 rooms, bath and basement, with lot 25x80: paying a clear profit of $150 per mouth to the owner: will be sold on easy terms; will show the property and give reason of selling, etc Apply E. W. WOODWARD & CO., 902 liroakway. Oakland. Cal, Jyßtf l»'JA|\ 10 $500 EACH— A BABE CHANCE IOR ©DUU a Home. the heights; lots 40x1^0; com- manding a graud view of San Francisco. Golden Gate and til- bay cities; a new subdlvisi-m of the Glen Echo Tract; jnst put on the maket; street-cars now pass th- tract; terms only 1 1 cash, b;il^:i c In monthly or quarterly payments; dun't put It off. but get a choice location now. w. E. BARNARD* SON, 483 Ninth si., Oakland. jya tr •9-11 JUST STOP AND SEE THESE LOTS; <_— Ov". close to the center of the city: near Broadway; only f'.'SO par lot on easy terms if sold this week: no such bargains ever olfered 111 O:ik- land: secure one uf them before they go as they hre worth doable the money. Sec owner. I. 3. SUKI:- man, Ms Ninth St., near Broadway, oßce open till a o'clock every night. jyB I .1 11IILIAM jTdINGEE— LA I) REAL ES- - 1» tate lor sale or exchange; offlco Nn.-t 4 (UI :unl '."■.' Eighth st, Oakland, Cat ; scud :■ - illustrate I price-list^ ;e24 tf I7OE SALE— THREE ELEGANT NEW SIX-ROOM cottages, electric bells, electric sis fistulas, speaking tabes, etc.: they are in every way model ■ houses; only three blocks from local train statluu: terms, one-half cash, balance ou time to sail E. 1.. PRIEST, 9 '■ broad way, Oakland, cal. J>B 71 1 OTS! I.OTS! LOTS!-$:!U0. $325, $350; LOTS Xj 40x135 feet; south frontage; only 3 block* from Dwlghl way-station: local trains to Sun Krai cisco; ouly 10 more left: come quick: Oaaytornu: see owner. L. L. SALSUURY, 475 Ninth st., O:ik- land. lei 7 Isa C!Cl\f\ SIDE-HILL LOT 300x100: . M!EL- . irUW". tend; s. frontage: MO fash; JlOnioith- ly. I 11 '..-. a. BAILEY, owner, 1524 Mamct. Jeiajf \'l« 2-.STOKY BOOSE OF 7 ROOMS 'AND I-* bath; stone walks; 10: 26x100; In a eentnl locat.uii. near San Pabiuave.; $30U0: ou easy terms. Mi DONALD * CAMERON, 47' ... st, oak- lanrt. je!s It OAKLAND BOAKDIXQ AM) BOOMS, 4 L'LEGA>T ROOMS. SINGLE OR EN SUITE, AT J - the Albany. Ftfteeuth and Broadway. Oaklaa 1 1 one block from the narrow-gauge depot: table is un- surpassed; elevator and artesian water: nr*t-f.1.i.« In every way. G. a. maLl.khan. am \y ILLSON BOUSE, OPP. CITY HALL - eTe- • ' gun sunny rooms: reasonable rates; special at- tention given to the comfort of guests, bolli Inn lent ami regular. 14tli and Washlngron. ielo am ll.^lt.llA KKAL fSIATI.. Hum;-; Bl INSTALLUENTS DO V"l WISH to boy a home In Alaiued.i. If so. avoid agents aud misrepresentations by calling direct mi the builder, thus saving commission aud dlllerenro lv price between what yon pay them and what they pay for uetling tits house built by shoddy contrac- tors: houses built aud for sale: small payments taken; work guaranteed; lots fur sale; plans rur- nlsbed tree: cull and examine; open Sundays. B F. CHASE, liullder. bdleeeor. Partite aye. and Morton II . near Ba) U. Station. sJameda. |e29 lw SnTn* \ LAMEDA- INSTALLMENTS - HOi AND J\ lots. $--■50— 525 cash. $6 monthly; 25x110; se.wered;at station. : $450— 550 cash, $9 monthly; 50x80; sewered; at &tat lon. $ISUO-*3OO cash. SIS monthly; 25x120; at sta- tion cottaae or 4 r.' -.'I-. $-^OUO— 4-2 .0 cash. *.'O monthly; 33x75; new cot- Use: at station. $3500— 5500 rash, $25 monthly, Including Inter- est: 6-rooin cottage: corner, 46x120; sewered and macadamized; at station, $3^oO-$5OO cash. $25 monthly. Including Inter- est; 6-rooiu cottage; 50x150: sewered: near station. $4500— 5.-'oocasn. $30 monthly. Including Inter- est; 7-room house; flue garden; 50x117: near sta- tion. Inquire at once of p. MARCUSE. Bay-st Station, Alameda, or 313 Montgomery st., Nevada I'.lo. k. my!B « ThFtSa eoSo ALAMEDA BAItI!AIKS-$l7OO-LOT '-'ox 145 ; nice modern cottage 4 rooms and bath: 1 block from Park st. : *'.'SO cash: »25 per month.(4ls) •3700— Let 33:4X125; 5 rooms aud bath; on Cen- tral ave.:*soO: balance $30 per month. (No. 385) $2750— L0t 63x117: new modern cottage 5 rooms and bath; 3 Dlociis from station; $500 cash: bal- ance $40 per month. (No. in . $3000— Lot 27x115: new 2-story house 7 roonH and bath at staitou: $600 cash: $33 per mouth. (X 1 nooo— Lot 50x125; due new modern 2-storr - douse 7 rooms and bath on Central ava. Daeau terms; a good bargain. (No. 413> $7800— Lot S0X150; elegant new 2-story house 10 rooms, with stable: well located; part r.-ish. (401) . Ilonses built to suit; 15 per cent down, balance easy lustallinents; cheap lots In all parts of Ala- meda: houses to let and money to lean. H. 1 . MOKEAL * CO.. 142 a Park st. Alameda. and 41) J Montgomery St.. San Fra'irnco, tf ItKKKKLKV KOOMB AMI »OAtU>ING. '." ?i7i7n?oTrN^^II>TEiTEAsTIIERKELEY; 0001 l V looms; family orsingle men; board uutiuoaLliu* 5