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ASHWORTH'S ANNUAL REPORT. Extreme Urgency for a Better System of Sewerage. The Improvement of the City's Streets by Should be Prohibited Within Certain Boundaries. {Superintendent of Streets Ashworth completed Ills annual report yesterday and filed It with Ilia Supervisees. 'Xl. e following remarks precede;! lie statistics of the year's work: In accordance with Resolution N0. 3355 (third series), I herewith submit ny annual report for the fiscal year ending June 30, IS9O. There liave been 5 miles ami 1823 feet of streets pared ■with basalt blocks, and 3 miles and 2603 feet paved wiiii bituminous rock; also, 10 miles uud 3521 feet of sewers built. Of these streets so paved 7 miles and 3563 feet have been accepted ami added to the accepted streets or this city. Hie work of repa?inf with basalt blocks Hat coition oi the accepted sheets of this city here tofore paved Kirn cobbles has progressed as far as the rr.ourys available for that purpose would permit, but this Is a work of great magnitude, :iin{ cannot I-- 1 accomplished in one year. In tome I laces 1 was forced, through the exigencies oi i: !• cm 1 , to repave with cubbies, although I am d! the opinion that the inconvenience to piib llc ti uvel W only lessened, but nut abated thereby. CONCERNING SEWERAGE. The extent of territory which the various !m --pioveniuul clubs of this city are opeuiug up for improvement, and in which sen era are now i ro jeeted, and in many cases aie being constiucied, in my opinion makes it Iniruenialelv Incumbent vii >cijr honorable boaid to devise and adopt a Cellulte plan and system of sewerage for the eu iiie city. No definite plan at a whole has yet been tormulateo. i ha only attempt at a fystem lias been l:i the c;ish i ! that poi tint) of the city lying east of M:-* --siun stieet, between Channel and Twenty-tilth Mieets, and toe territory known as the I'oiut Lobos District, whicu ihs City Kngineer Is now t, ■ ion. The question Is one ol v&fKtmpor taucr to this city. lhe health of Its inhabitants depends lv a treat measure ou the leiiecuuu of 1,- sewers. To i ttttnoe to construct sewers through terri tories lor ■ bleb no visible outlet has yet been j iovMe.l Is limply a waste of money, and is leav ing loults to accident or cbauce, which should Ik carefully considered in advance. The sev.ers flouint; towaid and tributary to tlie Army-Mreet sewer have, in most eases, yet to be coutieeted therewith, nceoralng to the plan pieyaved lor that district by the city Engineer. A arge portion or these will connect with that Bewer thiougu l'otieio avenue. The sewer now ci'iistiucted in that avenue stops at Twehty-siltll btren, and the sewage Is discharged over the low {.Kiuuds in that neighborhood. This should be attended to at nice and proceedings instituted to condemn ti.u laud necessary to extend that av eoue, and also ail intermediate streets between It and Kolsi'm street lo Army. I HOE NCI OF INCREASED FACILITIES. . Iv my last annual report I called attention to the then argent necessity of formulating a plan ii sewering not for fractional portions, but for the ' mire city. The curacy still exists, and the 1,, cd i.i such a plan indexes each succeeding year. All ilia sewers beietofote constructed and emptying along Hie water fiout of this cny are a continuous source of discomfort and a mmy atice to the le-iiiptiis ot Hut portion ol the city lying east of Montgomery and r'iist streets. The tide-water backs up and banks up the sewage In these stnvets, thereby cieatiuc. a nuisance which 11 Is impossible to abate until a lecenug sewer Is constructed along the city lioul lo convey it to a i eservuir. wbeuca it could be Mumped into the bay. i'liese are matters which 1 eaitie»lly call your altention 10. All that could be done toward cleaning and re pairing the sewers of ibis city anriog the past tisial year las been dour, and Iheir condition is no* belter than at any mevious period. The re -1 vii i-t the Hearth I '";cer, showing a marked de crease In zymotic diseases, demonstrates this fact; but evils I refer to etlar, and eanuot be re moved until the measures I have suggested are I ■..: iv oi'eiatlon. Mil va Ol" MACADAMIZED STREETS. Only ■ small proportion of the streets paved v;tii nasalt blocks durum tne past year has been laid with a conciete luiiiuuuou. as i>iovuieilu Order 2121 of your honorable hoard, approved the llih day of November, 1889 Ibe cause ol this is that ii.o-i of the work Miuce pei [mined was ii ojeeied and contracted for uuder tbe old Mecilicaiious, and the Older could not be retro active. The bituminous rock pavement laid iiuwu has btiil i utlnu d to deinonsl its adaptability lor all streets on which residence property liouts. 1 have in my last three annual report! referred to His inalciial, and I have no occasion to cuaoge my judgmeut leading it. I believe it Is admir ably suited for such streets, but 1 do not believe it should be used on streets In which there are . ralluiad tracks and over which heavy tratlic passes. Daring the past year tbeie have been ... miles of macadamized streets constructed in this city. Ttiis ui in of Improvement is opeu to much objection, and I believe it sbould he prohibited will. iv ceitaiu boundaries. I- is true that li, some of the outlying lets of this city It is [he ooly four, of improvement wlileu It la poesiblfl to obtain. In tuauy cases ni.i-ie streets are neotuniended lor full impiove nreiits, the work of grading and seueiu,.'. when adoed to a m<-ie expensive improvement than i.Mc.r.laiu, wouid exceed one-halt the usassed Value of the pi overly aSee.led. and in other cases liiopiriy-owiiers would not consent to have a ii. i/i c expensive Improvement performed. WEAK AND TEAHOX ROADS. In my lß*t aa 1 3 v : 1 1 report I called the a'fention Of your liouoiai;le board to the extraordinary wt-ai the paved stnetale the buaiMtt portion '! the city ye subject to, ;md suegtste'l that St-cii.»u 11 ot General Order 1557 be amended so as lo prohibit !!.'• hauling of excessive loads uu less the tlies of the wheels weie of a width com ■ ..•ii .late whip ii. load. I aeemjt my duly to :;::.:.. call yi'iir attention to ttiis mafter, In order to protect the stieets against unnecessary iujury. My exneiience has convinced me that i lie bei ter the condition of the street! the heavier aid the .'is that .lie hauled over them. No ma now in use will withstand tbe traction nblch toe streets of this city are subject 10. Un less some restriction 15 placed on the weight \Milch can be inured in one load no effort wi.icii this department . ay make will keep tbe streets In iioper repair. The amount expended on the repairs of the county roads during the past fiscal year, gyOO7GS, lias been man . expended on the Mission road, Thn extraordinary traffic over that highway compels lucessaut repairs. When the commis sion heretofore appointed to condemn and ac <iune the land neeetsan to widen it to a width of cighiy-two feet, in. m Tweniy->Ulh slieeito the coi.nty Hue, has completed its tabors, your hon orable board will, 1 presume, declare it' a public at reel and commence proceedings to Improve ft nndei the piovlsious ol the stieel law. Until then the lepairs needed will have to lie per formed by this derailment ami paid for from the funds appropriated fur county roads. KXFEKDITURE FOR THE FISCAL TEAR. Sen rrs— Wages lor cleaning and repair- Idii $48,061 50 ■ Material for same 7.138 93 Workletb) Nuperrlson... 3.472 2tl lii front of city property 7,151 S*4 VurK by agreement wltu Suiierhiteud euc ot Streets 2,754 15 , $6C.57.S 7--' Btrect-— Kep»lrinj and reconstructing:, v ..■■ - 114,728 50 Material ror same 65,282 93 In front of city property 24,50 VTI - }'■} agreeflient witn Saperinteadeat of streeu 5.118 87 Street sweeping.. .. 57.355 8« Mlscellaoeous 10,18 a 19 »:Sl.B7_' 69 » '. 9.087 ii:, Seaeri 66,578 72 (.rand t«{a:. *357,319 06 r Amount of appropriation (353,000 00 1-ruiii WLieotcubi/;^...,,. :...... 5,736 48 • Total .1358.736 4-* Amount expended. 357,319 06 0 Balance on ham! $1,117 42 * IMPROVEMENT OF STREETS. The total amount expended in the Improve - nient of streets by the property-owners during the past year was as follow* (it includes all private contracts, as well as contracts let by the - board of ipervlsora, but In many cases the cost ol private contracts Is averaged .and the total # given approximately): The total expended by the sue t Department, $357,319 u>>, added to the total herewith civ. n, makes the amount ex pended on the streets last year (1,706,196 06. This Is the greatest amount expended in one year in ibe history of the Street Department Amount and character of work and approxi mate cost: 356.^11 cnlilc yards of *radm(c at 35c. $128,235 98 8,51M, 30M-/3 square feet of macadam atl'/nC 110,732 I'i.r,' ] lineal feet of planking road <»»« 4,242 50 1,033. 641 square fee; of macadam on sidewalks 2:{.256 92 SB.'r.':(!/s front feet plank iiilcwaiki.. 3H.0J3 hi I"-.; in square feet or cobble pavement h.ih'.i wo «- k-i.'..iilS square feet basalt block pave ment 365,900 50 85,311 lineal feet or granite 93.873 10 lv:. ; 9 lineal feet of redwood curbs.. 16,120 36 HI ,-n. I lineal feet sranitu crosswalks.. 22,0/1 30 311,111 lineal feot uric, sewers. 54.090 00 77.183 lineal feet pipe sewers. 154,306 00 Sr>2 BMPOOISaod corners complete... 46,500 00 873 manholes anil covers 13,120 35 til >.-i73 square feet bituminous rock paring 192,261 »0 71. i !«'■.. lineal feet bituminous rock and artificial stone sidewalks... 149,032 00 Total $1,348,877 00 TAIiU. OF COMI'AUISUN". . Miles. Feet. J.enstli of sewer* constructed from July. 1856, to July. I*B9 188 3,463 1 loin' July, 1889, to July, l«fU 16 3.531 Totals 205 704 Length of accepted streets up to July, 1889 60 4,949 Accepted from July, 18(i3, to July, 1830 5 1,822 • Totals 72 491 PIONEER ELECTION. 601110 111-Feeling Recall* on Account of Ilia Two Tickets. be rioneer Society rind Hi annual election on Monday, and the " conservative" ticKet was Oeteuod by a small majority, tue regular ticket uavi nc been elected, lleury K. Kuss of the conservative ticket was the only successful nominee, being elected one of the nine Direc tors. Xne election was quite warmly contested and considerable bllieniasa was manifested, espe r cially with reference to tha reuiural of ecre ■- Urj lili am X. Graves, who was one of lie oc ca-i.,m of Hie two ticket*. The conservatives warned him and me opposition did not, The Dew board Immediately leiuoval Mr. Graves and elected K. l: Jlaicellus, a former Doited States Manual, as un succetsor. It Is said that many opposed Mr. Crave*, becau*' tome years ago lie appointed Ills sou anil daughter as his assistants at good salaries. Many thought that some of tliu rinumu ■■hotiKt hove liwn riven the places. Henry B. Hues last nlulit said that there was considerable uncalied-lor bitterness against Mr. Graves. "He used to get £ 200 a month and had lo hire Ills own assistant years ago," said Mr. Boss, "but lately be only cot $150 ana his as sistant. cot $75." W. ii. J)oolltt!e, a member of the society, was elected cleric. It is said that ilie affairs of the society have quieted down and all is prosperous since the election. Tli« voles cast on the. two tickets show bow closely ibe society was dl vided. position ticket— President, Alexander Mont gomery. 473. Vice-l'iesidents— Henry K. Higli ton, B<H5 ; liomualdo I'acheco, 225; Cams T. Ky laud of San Jose, 408; George W. Chesleyof Sac lamcnto. 222; Patnck W. Murpby ot San Luis Obispo, 220. Treasurer— Howard Havens, 473. Marshal, Joseph Goodridge, 190. Directors— Joseph G. Casttand. 390; Klliott M. Hoot, 232; Thomas 11. Caswell, 214; James S. Welheied, 232; Henry H. l£n»s. 247: Samuel H. Daniels, 220; James I). I'helan, 225; Uany li. Hunt, 220; Robert Vandercook, 220. An amendment looking toward a limitation of the powers of the lioaidof Directors was de feated by a vote of 223 to 262, two-Hinds belnc necessary to carry it. The following regular ticket was elected, with one exception in Hie Irani of Directors: For rre«ldenl, Alexander Montgomery, 273; Vice-Presidents —L. L. liikei 277, Frederick Lux 255, Henry Mai hews L'-T.i. lams T. ltyland 4i;.s, George F. Uoouer 248; Treasurer, ilowurd Havens 473; Marshal, li»eiilel B. Vieelaud 282; Directois— A. W. yon Bcbmldt 245, Samuel Deal 245, James Heron 237, Augustus E. l'helps 254, John J. Spear 240, Christian Kels 2C4, John Brlckell 253, George T. Maryo Jr. 240, John Mthtlngale Jr., M.D.,245. HAPPENINGS ACROSS THE BAY. No Settlement of the Carpenters' Troubles in Prospect. An Ex-City Wharfinger Suit— Arrested for Threatening His Wife's L:f.— The Pratt Jami y Troubles. There was little change In ttie situation be tween the carpenters and the contractors and builders yesterday. 'There is a determination evinced by both sides not to yield to the other. The carpenters believe that their cooperative association will help them out, while It Is claimed by the builders that they do not fear it. They af firm that the carpenters cannot get along without capital to back them, and (hat they wont hold together. Thai Hie difficulties aie beginning to affect business is evident, and unless adjusted there will be a stagnation In tbe building trade 1-. (all. There are a number of persons, it Is said, who desire to build residences, but who will not do so during tbo present state of affairs. J. J. Pennypacker, ex-City Wharfinger, has sued list" city of Oakland. He alleges that on October 10, 1882, the City Council fixed the sal ary of the Wharfinger at $100 per month; that on August 1, 1887, lie was appointed to the of lice at said salary; that by mutual mistake lie was paid anlj $75 a mouth, and as he served twenty mouth", he now say« the city owes him twenty times 62,"i, wlilcb equals 5500, back sal ary, which the city, as au Involuntary tiustee, ounht to pay ever to him. Pennypacker did not discover the mistake (or fiaud) until January, 18H0. after lie was out of office. THItEATENED Ills WIFE. Edwin Davis of Berkeley, a rancher, spent the latter part of Friday night at the County Jail on a charge of threats against the life of Ills wife, lip was takeu to Berkeley yesterday afternoon, and botiuil over to keep the peace. Some time ago an agreement of separation was entered into between them and the property divided; but Davis, tne wife claim.*, compelled her, under Ibreats against her life, to live with him. He continued to mistreat her by choking her and by other brutal Bets, bo that she could not endure it any longer. The papers for divorce proceedings bave been prepared, and will be lii'd lv a lew day*. Tlie estate of the late Chief Engineer of tbe Fire Department, James Aloflitt, deceased, has he. v praised .it $'25,783, cousislingprincipslly ol leal property in Oakland. Jim Cornell forfeited his $16 ball yesterday in the Oakland Police Court on charges of drunksa ness aud vulgar language. YOUTHFUL THIEVES. The four boys arrested for stealing sacks a day or in ago aie witling to go to sea It they may be allowed to. Tm-y seem to be iticor liKible. They have beeuJu a number of times tor minor offeuAes. A number of Oakland ladies are again tal Ins of. the matter of a reform scbool for boys and girls on Ibis side of the bay as an InstltutloD very mucb needed. Whether they will succeed in Interesting ilillauthropic persons with means Is a c njectuie. Tn- matter i.m" I" en several times discussed before, but the encouragement recervea was so meager that til's Moiectors have abandoned It di-heaitene<l. In rjynies at tlie police beadqiiaiters elicit the fact nut there are at all times from a dozen to twenty boys in tne City Pilsou who might be reclaimed lv a proper institution. The public >chuols will mien for the school year to-morrow morning. The High School will also oy en at the saute lime. THE PRATT FAMILY. It Is said that the prop rty i igbw of Georefl C. Pratt, who shot Colonel L. L. Bromweil, and Ins wife have been settled by agreement wbicu will make an eana distribution of the property, giv ing each about $3000. it Is «..1J that each is willing for a divorce, but Mis. Pratt will not al low one admitting any inlidellty on her part, be cause she deuiei tbere was any. She will agree, ii is said, that Mr.'i'ratt may t;ii;e a decree at the end ol a year on Hie statutory ground of de sen inn. Key. Dr. Slrattnn, late President of Mills Col lege, • turned to Oakland this wrek and will oc cupy Di. Dille's pulpit this morning. He will go back to OreEoii tv time lor mo opening of the Willamette University, of which ha is now the bead. It has been ascetialued that Dr. J. M Sel frklge s'.::.-. ,1 cmifiderahle loss by stieak tmeves during the lire at hi" u«e on Filday forenoon. A number of valuable articles ot brie a-brac were earned away, as well as highly prized jewelry. Juhn P. Ames, a grocer doiug business at 1663 .til Pablo avenue, has made an Hsiigumeul to ; ne nan Francisco Board oi I rude for me ben efit of bis creditors. His liabilities will amount to about $3000. The principal creditor is the Oakland Fruit and produce Company, to whom he ones £1000. The City Attorney, Mayor and Board of I'ubllc Works being agreed that liie latter body cannot pioperly. under the charter, take charge of me opening of street!i, the matter of appointing com missioners will be taken up and Hit! appoint ments made. Tbeie are three eoailHlssloners to be appointed for streets, which the City Coun cil lias already decided by resolution lo open up. These are: East Twelfth stieel. from I'ark ave nue to Tvventy-lbird avenue; Clay reel, from Seventeenth to Sail Pablo avenue; Twentieth, between Grove and Castro, and Fifteenth, from Center to i'eralla. Kichard White, an employe of the Contra Costa Water Company, went to sleep in a room In a house at the coiner of Eighth and IVialta streets on Thursday infill with the gas turned on. When his sister called him tlium-xt morning at 5 o'clock she found him lying in bed unconscious and the room tilled with gas. Failing to arouse him, sue summoned thw neighbors and a phy sician, and be was brought to with difficulty. He and bis tister aie occupying tbe bouse iv the absence of the family in the country. A CiuiiJinau attempted to board a moving local train between Broadway and Washington stieet ve-*leiday forenoon, and was thrown to tbe ground. A story went the rounds that a woman had been tun over out of the Chinaman's mishap. He was taken to the Receiving Hos pital, but was not seriously hurt. 1.-l.iiii.»nv rrfa fainter. , T. U. Backus, 105 Carlloa avenue, Brooklyn H. V., writes: • "ai.i.iiiik's Poitous Plasteus are un doubtedly Hits best external remedy manufiic tuied. I make Uiis assertion to the public from id; own personal exuerlencerof their \voiideiful virtues, Sufterlns from severe pains In in; side Ami chest, contracted through a severe cold, 1 applied • couple of ai.lcock's I'OBOtTS I l.AS tubs upon «<>'"(? to bed at nl&lit. Tub result »as tnal la elgtJl hours after applying them 1 could net up and wain abunt with very little Ciuu or aclit', when the ulglit 1 revlous 1 could nelllier go up nor dawn without help nor stoop to remove my shoes. I have since used them iv my family lor vaiious ailments ami linva never known them tv fail to give uliniw: immediate re lief." . • Nabs Island I-'kauils.— l'ulted States Pis trict Attorney Carey is lovajtlgaiiDgt tie alleged charges of fraud In connection with the coal at the Mare Island Navy-yard, anil if lie limit any genuine crookedness he will itisiuuta a prosecu- Hull against 1 lie guilty parties. "The C»II'«" I'l-ininm Dlctionnrleg. . The Caix lias received another conslgn rneut of tlio "Allen" edtliou of Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, which is being for warded n-i rapidly sit possible to subscrib ers whose orders are on file. These bunks are substantially bound in leather, beauti fully embossed, and in quality of paper and excellence of workmanship are a per fect marvel. • Kimoxrs and His llkyoi.vkk.— The sound of a pistol-shot was heard on First street, near Minna, yesterday morning. Officer Daly sluiiped a man named Frank Edmonds, alias Mlclia. 1 Juhii^un, win) was near the (pot, and, on wrcli ,lll- Mm, fuiiiMl in his itickt-t ,i pistol with one empty chamber. Esmonds was locked up. Sentenced FOB Maviikm. — Ueorm Altrup lias been seiitenceit by Judge Murphy to San Qucutln for three and a half (or biting off a piece of Ilertha Altruu's nose on the, 'Jth of June last. _ I'l-liSOSS SDFJTKKINO FUOM SICK IIEADACIIK. dizziness, nausea, constipation. pain in thestde. are asked to try one vial of Cai tor's Little Liver Pills. ' • Bom to Kansas City.— Judgr Hii yester day released Mien Ilottman, 13 years of ace, from the Magdalen Asylum, whither she was sent abuut a month auo. The Klrl's mother In tends to take her wayward daughter to Kansas Cliy. To tub Howl or CoitßKCTio's—For at tempting to kill May Martinez with a knife 00 May ]4Lli last., Robert I'arsons has been sen tenced by Judge Murpliy to the House of Correc tion for one year. i-'i.iMi has tbe only reliable methods to fit defective ■sight. 427 Kearuy stteet. • THE MORNING CALL. SAN FRANCISCO, SUNDAY, JULY 13. 1890-FOURTEEN PAGESJ MARVELS OF HYPNOTISM. Medical Jtteu of Europe Become Interested in the Subject. At Usosl Medical AnllKrities D:ffer on the Utility and Desirability of the Innova tion in Medical Science. J"|./.CORRESPOKDENT writing from I.on ?iJ -don to a Journal In the Ka-t o;i the sub 'jf™\ |ject of byunollsm says: The doctors of ■=*=■ London and I'arls are excited over the merits of hypnotism. Tlib few believe it to be an immense KT'i" » ll(l a blessing to science; tbe majority are either actively hostile to il or quietly t kei'lical to the claims set up In Its bebalf. It requires a bold man to advocate Hie cultlvalion of ibe hypnotizing power, or gift, as will be seen trom wnat follows : Dr. Cbarcot, the eminent Frofesseurde CUntque at the Hospice de Salt petnere In Paris, is bold euoimb lo i ul>lish in the fullest way ibe particulars of the experiments A hyimo>l="t niKjrrt. lie lias for a long time beeu making. So Is Dr. MI line Bramwell. a physician Iv (ioole, England, who willingly shows his experiments lo scieu urio investlgaiors. That Hie iiypnoltc power is capable of accom [ill'hlng wonders cannot be dounted. 1. myself, recently saw a series of exceedingly Interesting e\| diluent". Hie subject being ;i French woman, young, comely, and apparently of the peasant class. Slio was of a phlegmatic temperament, dreamy-eyed, and generally what we would call a weak-willed woman. The operator was a very positive persou, a slim. wiry, keen-eyed, Mephis tophelean Fieuchnian. When slie took hei seat the operator came win re I stood, about twenty feet or more away from her. He simply asked her tn look into his eyes, be looking into hen at the same time. In a moment she was fast asleep, with her head sideways and her arms h ii.i'iK listlessly down. 1 a-ked tne operator to cause the patient to do certain things, such as lift a hand or linger, or cross or le.irranee tier fert. Though no word was spoken or whisnered tn the sleeping woman, and though the operator aud myself were at the opposite cud of ihe rooir, she obeyed every com mand or the oteratoi's silent will When II came to my turn to test the experiment I too- the op erator iluht back to the dnor. <|ti!te lorly feet distant from the sleeping girl, and there 1 whi" itied as low as I could In bis ear something like. Ojsra'tng at a dlttance. this: "let her raise her right arm. CO rob her haii with her fingers, and then take hold of her lefi hand on her knee." The operator never ('l'^ued his tips nor moved from the r*DOt ( I'lit h« Blared pleiclimiy at lm pailent and in a few sec onds she peifnimrd ti.e movements 1 had re • Mi' -ted, »:u».y ludced, lvi wltnout any failuie in any poinc. To prove Hie si undnessof tiie girl's sleep and her iDsenslbilitv tn pain while in it. the opeiMOf borrowed a scarf pm from a spectator and ;!n u-t it rl^ht the tits^hy pair of theu|«4>er arm ■0 lliat the point stuck out an Inc'i. She was then made to extend her arm and wnlk around v* for close iDspectloo, which lasted tv mmutes by Ihe watch, a feat which few stinns men could dv vUbout lei tlrg lire arm drop, even w ilhotit a pin tlnougb 11. There was no biood, and wlieu the pin was withdrawn and the irnl restored to coasctoosnes s she told us *l.c only felt as though she had been pricked slightly. Dr. Charcot divides the action of hypnotism (which means the «rale or perfect sleep) into three stages — first, lethargy ; second catalepsy, and thud, somnambulism. On the recent visit to his place of an investigation Dr. Cliarcot pro duced a younß woman of 24, stoutly built, with a bright and Intelligent race. She was a highly hysterical .subject, habitually Insensible to pain oil the left ha lof the body. Dr. Cuarcol showed mis by pricking her with a pin on each side. She '.vi. bidden to gaze intently on a point near ami above her eye«. when she went oil into un consclousiies- and Hie doctor closed her eyelids. How the picba could be Inserted anywhere wiih- The victim exhmut'.d. out nny slpns of pain. By touching certain muscle* various ac 1 lons were mechanically per formed by i lie limbs and fingers and inuscl's of the face. Then tbe doctor pressed on certain tendous of Ihe leu, the result being the stiffen laic of tbe whole Dudy; so rigid was she that the doctor could place her bead on the b ck or a chair and her heels on the door without the girl falling. The .second or cataleptic blare was Induced by i lie forcible opening of the girl's eyelids, result ing in a stare as of enhancement. In this state the girl was made to believe everything and any thing. A loaf was struck, and sb« was told it was a church bell, upon which sbe struck a de votional altitude. A tilt of led glass was put before her eyes with the Information that the bouse was on liie. und at once she became fran tic wiib terror. A number of other experiments followed, which most of us have seen done In ex hibitions of mesmerism during tbe last thirty years; but whereas most of those vulgar per formances were Impostures, these hypnotic man ifestations are. undoubtedly genuine. The third or vomniimbulisttc ttace was In duced by rubbing the girl's liair on Ibe top of her head. She now saw things around her as li.'V weie, but the reasoning power was de taiiged. Again she believed whatever was told her. One man was an Iceberg, and she sluvcied when he came near her. BUS guawed a sleel file, lielievini" It to be chocolate, find so on. Iv this slate Ibe doctor could paralyze any limb at will. KIKK MATTKKS. Chief Kii;liir«r Scamii-II Granted Thirty Days' Leave of Absence. The Fire Commissioners met yesterday. . Acting Chief Engineer Sullivan was ordered to communicant witb.llie Hoard of Supervisors In relatiou to the formation of company to operate the water tower when It ii placed in position. The resignation of Louis Helmets as pipe man of tbe chemical eiißlue w;u accep ed and James Graham appointed In his place. Chief Euelneer scannell was cranted thirty days' leave of absence owing to ill health. It was decided to recommend that Hosrman Tliuolliy Keran of Engine 12, who was Injured at a- Die on .May 2d, be allowed $lUO by the hupervi~iirs. An amendment tr> the nile govrnlng the dunes of Hie diayman at the Corporation Yard, otleri-d by Acting Chief Ku^lneer Snlltvan, was adotited. Ihe Aclinß Clilef Engineer was Instructed to consult with the Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee of the Boaid of Supervisors i egardlng the sewerage of Ibe bouse of Eugiue U, Soutb Kan Francisco. Y'.iiiie i."v Tht^TfS. Two boys named Willie Sears and lens tius Hurley were arrested by the Harbor Police yesterday for stealing brass from a foundry at th« corner of Kolsom and Spear streets. . They admitted their guilt, and said they hud .-.old the metal to a junk-deal er. The foundrymen state that a gang of thieves has made heavy hauls from their premises lately, and that bit; boys make the little fellows do th» pilforinz. BIRTHS— MARRIAGES— DEATHS. flllrth, marrlago and death notices sent by mall will do: Iw Inserted. Tliey'w l« fur, Ml in at either of the puDlicatkm utUcea aud :„•. Indorsed with the u&m* and residence of persons authurUed In I.JV.) sarnu put>Llshed,J BORN. i;ASTRLP- In this city, July 12, 1890, to the wire of Harry Bustrup, a sou. II ANNA— In this city, July 10, 1890, to the wire or John Hatina, a sod, ■ . - . . RASMUSSEN-In this city, July 11, 1393, to the wild of I*. Uasmnuea, a dauzhter. MAKX-ln this elty, July 1», 1890, to the wife of il. Marx, a son. KIELTY-In this city, July 12, 1890, to U»e wife or I*. J. Klelty, a son. EEHKEK-In this city, July 11,1890, to the wlta of William lU'liker, a son. «. KF.I.SEIi- in this city, July 9, 1890, to the wire of Henry Kei.ior, a daughter. STEWART— In Oakland, July 10, 1890, to the wife of John L. Stewart, a son. BACKMAN.N-In LUIS city. July 9, 1890, to the wife of 11. lia-kinanu, a daughter. FOSXEBCUK— tkki elty, July 11, 1890, to the wile of Hubert M. Fortescue, a daughter. HEATH-In San Anselmo, .Marln County. July 11. 1880, to the wire of it. W. Heath, a daughter. LANULOIS— In this city, June -'1, 1990, to toe wife of K. IS. l.uuglola, a son. TAYLOU-In this city, July 11, 1890, to tie wife of J. A. Taylor, a daughter. .' UATELY— In this city, July 11, 1890, to the wife of John F. Gately, a sou. MAKKIKD. WHITE-URISCOLL-In this city. July S. 1890, by the Key. rattier Kiultli, Joan I. White and .-.irub. K. Drlscolu WHKBLEB— tI'BKIEN-ln this city. July 1. 1890. by the Ittv. rather O'Urad.v, Judson Wheeler ami Katharine C. O'ltrien, both ot Kan Francisco. LOeAK— KtJ.LEY- At San Mateo. July 10, 1890. by the Key. R. L. Brewer, Stewart Logan and Jennie 11. Kelley, both or (iold Hill, Ner. LAWS— ixiijtmaN— ln this city, July 11. 1890, by the Bar. M. I). Ituck, Arthur Laws ai.d Susie K. Loiitinau, both of San Francisco. TAK»ATtK-LEl)lOKI>-At Point AreD», July 10. lt>»!>, by the l!cv. r>. Mnnro, Albert R. Tar; water and A..d:ih B. Ledford, buth of Uuala-a, Mendocino Cuuuty, Cal. YOGELSUOBFF-In this city, July 10, 1890, by the Rev. M. S. Levy, Benjamin Newman and Theodora Voßelsdorff, both of .San Francisco. UIEU. Andrews. Julia Leonard, Tryphena IL Churchward, Thomas J. Levy, Pauline Chamberlain, C. If. Mauen. waller Magnus Clutf (Infant) MortenseD, diaries Carherry. James I. McMulien, Florence Carlson, John A. Nixon, Patrick l>ahtiken. Carson l'eter O'Connor, Edward N. Devers, James Pnrves. Maria Delelts. Jfrry Parkes, Ellen E. Dnbots, Sirs. \"ir?lnle Rathuan. James E. Bmlg, George s. Rlsdou, Mrs. E. A. Uourlay, Lucy K. Kafferty, John liately, John Francis Sinltn, Charles F. V. Huutley, Charles Sawyer, Patrick iiaiiiii;aii. Patrick SUrk. Raymond Ili-i-fl, tieorge G. Van Vtlet, Florence Jacobs, Max Wemple, Teresa SATVYt'R-In this city, July 10, 1890, Pat rick, be- loved husband of Margaret Sawyer, a native of the County I»own, Ireland, aged 67 years, »»"l'tl(!inis aim acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Sun- day), at 8 :30 o'clock a. m.. from his late residence, Khotwell street; thence to the Church of St. diaries liorroiuco, minis a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the reposa ot bis SOUL connuuucliiK at 9 o'clock a. m. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. •* SMITH— In this city, July 11, 1890, Charles T. V., beloved son of C. F. and C. S. South, » native of San Francisco, aged 1 year. '2 muiiths:in<! 28 days. Air Friends aud acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral THIS HAY (Son- daj ). at 1 1 :;>0 o'clock a. v., from the residence of the parents, 43 Sacramento street, interment 1. O. o. I". Cemetery. •• CHURCHWARD— In this city, July 10, 18!)0, Thomas .1, Churchward, eldest son of Mrs.'ile Churchward and brother of Mrs. .Ma: tie Lamport, a native of. California, aged 32 years and 6 months. »*-Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral Tlll.s Day (Biutdayi, at '1 o'clock v. ii., lr.mi bis late residence. 70l'« O'Farreil street, interment Hasonle Cemetery. 3 .MATCH In this city, July 11, 18' JO. Walter 11.-w- BUS, belovcil son of Theobald and Helena Maurh aud EtandsOß of Mrs. c. Hirauteliuauii, a native of .•sa:i rraucuco, aged 7 years and 10 months. Bi~ t-'rlt'iids anrlacnualutancesare re.Hpuctrull.rln- vlted to attend Die funeral THIS DAY (Sun- .i.ii nt 'i. o'clock p. m., from me residence of the parent.-,, 513 McAllister street, between Frank- lin and Van Ness avenue, Interment 1. O. O. F. Cemetery. •• dklf.tts— At Port Townseud. Wash., July 2, 1890, Jerry l)eletts, brother ol Wilson Delctts, a native of Dalmatia, Austria, aged v.< years. 3irFrleinis aim pcqtiaintattces are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Sun- day), ;it2-.;iu o'clock p. m.. from the parlors of J. 0. ('Connor * Co., 767 Mission street, between Third and Fourth. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. *• LEVY— Iu this city, July 9, 1890, Pauline, beloved wife of Isaak Levy aud mother of Mrs. Au^uste Waebsniann, Cecilia, Gertrude, Ke^liia, Adulph, I iii- r and Siegfried Levy, a. native ot Uermauy, ;lj il 55 years. Ce'l rii'iiiN are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services THIS DAY (Sunday), at 12 o'clock m.. from her late residence. 40tf octa- vla street. Interment Homo of Peace Cemetery, San Mateo. •• i:\HEIITY-liithis-clty.Jiily 10. 1890. John, bo- lovoil sou of PatrlcK and Mary Kafferty and brother o % f Julia Kntferty. a native of New York, aged 16 Tears. 1 month aad 8 days. aWfrlends are respectfully Invited to attend tin. funeral THIS DAY (Sunday;, at 9:30 o'clock a. .'!.. from the residence ot his parents, lOC • Bryant street: thence to St. Joseph's Church, Tenth street, near Howard. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. *• CIIAMI EHI.AIN-I:i Oakland, July 10, IM9O, Charles H., beloved husb-nd of Susan W. Cham- berlain and father of « illlaui 11. Chamberlain and Mrs. Carrie 1.. Watson, a native of Maine, aged 70 years. 8 months and 5 days. ff#"Frieinls ana acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral this DAY (Sun- day), at 2:30 o'clock i*. m.. from lib late residence, 1409 Franklin street, Oakland. 'i HUNTI.EV— In this city, July 9. 1890, Charles liitntley, a native of Yeruon Klver, Prince Ed- ward Island, Canada, aged -' 1 years. * V Frteuds and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAI (Sun- day), at ■-' o'clock P. m.. rroui the parlors of the Han Francisco L'udertaltlng Co., 1021 Market street, between Sixth and Seventh, interment Masonic Cemetery. •• NIXON— in this city. July 11, 1890, Patrick, be- loved husband of Delta Nixon and father ot Mrs. Julia Albee and lute and Nettle Nixon, a native of i'onnty Cure, Ireland, aged 53 yearn. fi »~l riei;.!- and aeqaaitttanees are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY imiii- dai ,at 2 o'clock p. v., from bis Ute residence, ;tI.M .. Third ittreet. between i-olsoinuud Harrison. Interim Munnt Calvary Cemetery. '1 1-:>1 li, -In this city. July :t. lHflO.iienrcc S.. beloved hitsttand of Mary I-.. IsmJy and father of Maud and lviatt l'.iiii>r. a native of Pennsylvania, aged 60 years, 10 months and 13 days. I Kansas City and Carllitle (Pa.) paprrs please copy. 1 £*-*riends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the inneral THIS DAY (Sun- day), at 1:30 o'clock m., from St. John's Hall, i >. .me Temple, corner I'usl and Montgomery Streets, under the aiu-Dices of King Solomon's 1. ■"!.-. Nip. JBO. F. and A. M. • THE MEMBERS OF GF.OKUE H. THOMAS POST, No. 'J. (1. A. H., Deportment of California, are re- quested to attend the funeral of our Ute Comrade. George B. Enili!, THIS DAY (Sunday), at 1:80 o'clock p. v.. at Masonic Temple, corner Post and Montgomery street.-,. W. 11. 1., names, Commander. 11. L. Ticxn fat. Adjutant. • MOKTENSKN— In this city. July 10. 1890, Charles Horteoam, a native of Denmark, aged 45 year-*. A 1- rH-i,>ls ami acquaintances are resi>ectlully Invited to alien. i the funeral THIS DAY i -nu- ll. .. at 1 ..HI o'clock r. v.. from King Sulomou's Hall, Ma-sonic "1 ein[>lc. corner Post and Mont- Kouierj streets, under tbe auspices of Mount .M»ri:ili I.mleo. So. 44, F. and A. M. • HFISKL-In tills cltr. July 12, l>9o. Ceor?e 0- Belsel, beloved son or reter and Frederlcka llel- Hi'i, a native of San Fraucisco. ag^d 2 years and 6 mouths. Air Frleuds and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Sun- day). at 1:30 o'clock K. if., from the residence of parents. :>4^ Tenth street, corner Harrison. Interment I. O. <). F. Cemetery. • McMtl.l.h-N -In this city, .Inly 12, 18dO, Florence, only (laughter of Jinn and Myrtle BlcafuUen. a native or San Francisco, a^e<l 1 year, 5 month* and 17 days. ISJ" Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the runeral THIS DAY (.Sun- day), at 2:30 o'clock r. m., from 755 Hsrrisou street. • HANN'IGAN'-Iu this city. July 10, 1390, Patrick rlbotilxAn. beloved brother of Michael Hannigau, m native of the parish of Colllgau, Couuty Water- ford. Ireland, aued '.'3 years. • sTFrit-nris and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Sun- day), at 1 o'clock r. m., from the Pacific l"ud*r- takers' parlors, 777 Mission street, between 'Itiir.t aud l-'ourta. Interment Holy Cr»s» Cem- etery. • CI.UKF— At Seminary Park. July 12. 1890. Infant daughter or w. 11. and Marine Cluff. a native or bcminitry Park, aged 4 mouths and 3 days. Air l-rieuiN mid ;u o, us iii lances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral TOMORROW (Mon- day), at 1:30 o'clock r. m.. from tr.e residence of the parents. Seminary Park, Alameda County, lutermeut private. . * STARK-In this city, J-ily 11, 1890, Raymond, l win son or William and Annie Stark, a native of ban Francisco, aged 1 year, 7 months and 21 days. 03~I»terment private. * ANDREWS— In Itlo Vista. July 12. Julia, daughter of John and the late- Julia Andrews, a native of San Francisco, aged 28 days. PARKES-lu this .July 12, Ellen E. Parks*, beloved wife of Jauies K. Parkes, a native of Michigan, a«ed 44 years and 10 days; also her baby, aged '2 days. O'CONNOR-In this city. July 12. Edward N. G'Counor, a native of Ireland, aged 50 yean (iATKI.Y — In this city,. 11, John Francis, In- laut sun or John F. and Alice Gately. VAN VI.IKT- At Fort liayard. X. Me*., .Inly 11. Florence, only daughter of Colonel F. and Kvelyu N. Van Vllet, aged 1 year, 5 months anil b days. LEONARD-On July 11. Tryphena Helen. daughter Of G. F. and Belinda Leonard, aged 4 years and 5 months. CAKBKRKY-In this rity, .Inly 10, James I. Car- berry, a native of Shu Francisco, aged 6 days. CARLSON— In this city. July 10, John A. Carlson, a native of San Francisco, aged '.'4 days. DAHNKKN-In Antloch, July 11, Carson Peter, beloved son of Frederick and Bridget Dahnken, n?ed 7 years, 1 month and '-'7 days. JACOBS— In this city. July 10. Max Jacobs. a na- tive or San Francisco, aged '2 mouths. wi.mpi.K— this city, July 11, Teresa Wemple, a native of Maryland, aged 51 years. PDRVF.S— In this city, July 10. Maria, relict of the late Thomas 11. I'urvcs, a native of tho Isle of (iuornsey. aged 00 years. KATIIItUN- 111 this city, July 11, James E. Rath- bun, beloved sou of Mrs. K. C. Dean and grandson or H. A. Klaus, a native of Illinois, aged 16 years, 2 months and 9 days. lUSDON— In Oakland. July 12. Mrs. E. A. Rrsdnn, relict of the late J. >. Risdun and mother or K. N. Risdon and Mrs. Alice Mci'lierson. DUBOis— ln this city, July 8, Mrs. Vlrglnle Dubols, a native of France, agud 78 years. GOUKLAV— In Alameda, July 11, Lucy E., wire of Charles li. Gourlay aud daughter of Eliza M and the late .1. H. Owen. CITIT »XU COUNT* HOSPITAL. DEVERS— In the city and Oonnty Hospital, Jnlv 11, James Devers, a native of Ireland, aged 40 yearn. [UNITED UXUKUTAKKR3' ' ' • | EMBALMING PARLORS. I : Eikverytliln^ Kequlsltefor virit-ei.ui J)'uuar*u I g at i'.:..i-u:i.' Kates. I E Telephone 31t>7. 47 and •:.) Firm street, g .lAS. IIcIIKMISIVtHOX, Funeral Diroctors anil i-mhaliiuri, 111.". 7 Mission St., ii.-iir Seventh. . Everything requisite for f auarali at reanona- bH rates. Telephone 3354. a-'4 ThSuTn tf _ IliUljiNE'JrrclJfN. TROtUJa MuOI.SX. MdiIMN imOTIIKIiS. (Sons ot the Mc;il.\M,) Funeral Directors anil I'lmbnliuers, 31 l.lily St., opu. Tivull O|ier.l Homo. ©*- Telephone No. 325' A au4 BnTnTn tf " SAN FEANCIBCO UMUERTAKIMG CO. " I" "sTN ESIDALMINU A. SPECIALTY. CO^ IMKI.OKS. I.MI'.AI.MI.Mi A SPECIALTY. I (CM .HailK-t St. anil 8420 .Mis-lon St., San Franclfiro. C'al. T<-li-phom- No. :rj!7. T. l:.l'AHK^'.M:r.n?"r. jel^ .shah irl- It ' , ■ ' • ■ : ■ ■:■'£ AMUSEMENTS. II II NEW BUSH-STREET THEATER. M. B. LEAYITT Lessee and Proprietor I J.J. GOTTLOB ' Manager THIS (SUNDAY) EVENING, £!?£%££ gg}~ ZIZ^"A FAIR OF JACKS!" . THE FAVORITE CHARACTER COMEDIAN, MR. JSOL. :o. ourtis (THE ORIOINAI. "SAM'L OF POSES"), WILL PKKSKNT To-MOITOVC (Monday) T!Tr«TiiTig, HENRY DOBLIN and CHAS. S. DICKSO.VS New Comedy, Entitled, *• ■T* T^T" "IT" C 3 "KPT A. ■"■"■ #"*< TT* "IT" TXT " JL Jta. JcLji ESI Jta. j£\. JL %~s Jt3L Jk^ji -LXI WITH A MAGNIFICENT DRAMATIC COMPANY, INCLUDING* IVIII. ITItAIVIC aiOKI>ATJIVT. Voder the Management of LOCKE and DAVIS. EVERT EVENING AND SATUItDAY MATINEK. Of EVENING »50, sOc, 75c and 81. JJi.ll/riijtMATIXISK 35c. sOc anil 75c. ~l\ ""TT AMUSEMENTS. NEW CALIFORNIA THEATER. Handsomest Theater In toe World. MR. AL HAVMAN Lessee and Proprietor MX. HAKKV .MANN Manager THIS (SUNDAY) NIGHT. Last Performance "THE OLD HOMESTEAD." TO-MORROW CiIOXDAY) NIGHT, Every 1 veiling Slatince Saturday! RUSSELL'S COMEDIANS! (From the Bijou Theater. New York), —IN Tilt UtVlhtD tIiHIU.N OF HIE CITY DIRECTORY ! (Music by William S. Mui.lalv.) THE OKKATKST COMPANY OF <' <! .11 KIIIASB KVKB OIIRAM2GD, The Cuiuediuns: CHAULIEREED, | MAVIBWIN. WILLIAM CUt.LIER, KLUIIA IK«IV. MAIiIINETTI AMELIA CLOVER. IHHT lIAVBKLY, BESSIE CLEVELAND, WILLIAM F. MACK, ROSA FHANC'K, CIIAKLES V. BEAM AN, JOS IE SADLKR, ALHIED HAMPTON, MAIM XXI.SO. JOSEPH JACKSON. IIIE LARGE bale of SEATS IS a WAKMXG TO UKi; THEM KAKLY. Evenings— 2sc, 50c, 75c and $1— Reserved Matinees— 50c and 75c-llest Reserved Seats. BALDWIN THEATER. MR. AL ii.wmaN bosses Md Proprietor MX. ALKItED UOUVIEU Jliuager To-Morrow (Monday) Evenlne, July 14th. SECOND WEEK— KneiKeinent of A. M. PALMER'S CO., From the Madison-Square Theater, N. V., WKEB WILL UK l'ltl:SKNTi:lt Full ONE WEEK ONLY, ONLY MATIN BATUKDAY, Sir Charles Young's Kemarkaule nay la 4 Acts, entitled JIM, THE PENMAN Cattt of Character*. ■Tames Ralston Mb. KmcDEific Kobinson Louis Farrlval Mil M uriui t: Harbvuobk llaron Hartfcld .Mil. J. 1,. (Irri.llKVKß Captain Kedwood .Mr. K. M. Holland Lord Drellncourt Mb. Ki.iv.iiui Hull JacK l: .1 '..:, Mi Hknbv Woodbutf Mr. C'hapstone, «J. c >Ik. I'kbcv Winter Dr. Petty wise Mb. F.H. Tales Mr. Jictherby, M. P Mb. H.uikv ll.ii.i.ikav George, a servant Mk. BKOB lax Nina (Mrs. IUI»ton) Miss Ada Oyas Agat^, her daughter. Miss N'annikCiiaddock Lady Kunscombe ...M«\ B. J. Phillips Mrs. Chapstone Miss Emily Skwailu M July"l« T ') The Litest Success. Third W.. L AUNT JACK, Din in k iii i i Preceded Each Erenlng by £VKHVXV't) I a J» A *' v* 111E YYUI.LLJ, Fourth Week-.IuIy2Bth— SAINTS AND SINNERS. j I'KICES - Evening, :jc. 50c. 75c. «1. *1 50: I matinee, Dress circle ami Orchestra, reserved, fl; Halcony, reserved. 76c; Admission, 50c. ALCAZAR THEATER. WALLENROD * STOOKWELL Mauaten TO-NIGHT, aoUYKNLB PKKsTOBHAKCKI Closing of theater prior to alterations. Last time ot NELLIE McHENBY And her best play, : MY BEST FKIKNDI : l'rice«--i.ic. iiOr, ami 73 a. KKELINU BROS Proprietors and Manager* KEGINMNG I TITT V 7 TIT MONDAY. I J U lil I 1 il, - l3Sr:D x & _o^ — JtrsttimS IN AMERICA — HTKAI's.-j' SrKC'TArI'LAR OrKHA. Popular Prices— 2sc and sOc. "" WIGWAM THEATER. Corner Geary ami Stockton Streets. The only Hrst-CISSi Novelty House In tho dtjr. CHARLES mkvkk Proprietor and Manager. Week Coinnienctnt; >lonflur, July I -It It, NEW — KVEItVTHINO NEW. I STRONGEST ATTRACTION • : Thus far the present season. : : Ilrisht Gems From the Apex of Variety : : Fame, I • : «irAS. DIAMOND'S : " : K.I.KCTKIC SI'AKKS. : SO d\zz r. I r. i.ioiits so. Largest and best show on earth, Harnuni execpted. House— Show — l'rlces— lOc, 30c— No II iuli- i - Kvfrv Evening at H. Alallnm- Sunday »t i. FALL OF THE BASTILE I Grand French N.lional Celeliratlon at Wootl v\ ;tril'.H G.'intuli!), Monday. July 14. I8»O. Grand Military procession. Literary ExrrclSPS. Concert and (lamed or ail kinds ilur m; the day; Oraud Illumination, Concert, Fireworks auil Hall during the night .. rBICE OF ADMISSION".... Day celebration, from 10 a. m. to li l\ M .1 -- mi'iuiiiiift exercises in the Pavilion ; "' " Children nnder LI years 10c k/f Tbe uardeu will be vacated and closed from 6 to 7 P. M. Tickets good for both day and night cele- 1 ... liratlon / "" c Children under 13 years • ..250 Sir Admission for night celebration only sumo price as for day and night. jyl'-l 3t CALIFORBIA BASE-BALL LEAGUE. CHAMPIONSHIP UAMiidL Sunday July I nth, At 11 A. IC-hISPOUTS vs. ALLK>S. AT 2 P. M. STOCKTONS v». SAN IHANCISCOS. Admission 25e and 10c. Lwlles free. Reserrel seats on Sunday, 25c extra, onsaleat Will & klncs's. Phelan ItulidiiiK, .vjo Market at. jylO ■" MB. AND MRS. DKtWS' DANCING AOAtV »Jl i»l emy, 71 New Moatgomery st. — New ar- SSL ranffements; tuition reduced: dancing learned f^T st little cost; Ueuts exclusively (Iwsluncrs). I— 4-V. Mondays, Wednesdays; Ladles (beKlnners), I'wii days.Thursdays; soirees Saturday evenlogs: prlvacn lessons dally. de'iltt CHICHESTEH'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS. W^LJ^SH RED CROSS DIAMOND BRAND. "^ **WiJ S.rr, "''"■ ""I »!•».»• HlaWn. LadlM. Mk '/ iff Prn bl for l>lamDiiil red mec«l!lo ■-. Jf hurt. with bin. r\M»«i>. T«k»> do otber. \ JB H..-H.l 4e. (*ipn) Tor puticulftTi aa.l "Keller for I.fKll^m"*. i-r-turK mall. .Vo™«i^pw B.J!M»iSt..l'liU»,P« 1 oclO TnThSu*Wy ly ■\*7-322-A_^ 3VHS3ST; SUFFERING FROM THE EFFECTS OF YOUTH- fuI errors, early deeny. wasting weakness, lust manhood, etc., should use n.I.iIIANA ISIT- Tf KS, the areat Mexican remedy; gives health and strength to tna sexual organs. no? tf cod ' "" 'tTjdßßz ! '£ ' /a& Bw^? ' r * -3&VS^ Ifc—J^J^ I jrf^jy^^\ ptj£2Sß^ £^ft3E^^ ;mr23SuTuThtoj»l7p | AUCTION SALES. BOVEE, TOY & CO., Real Estate Agents and General Auctioneers. ' OFFICE AND SAXKSKOOM, 19 IVtontgoixxor y Street -a-T -<Sa. XT OT I O U". TO-MORROW. MONDAY IliI.Y 14, 1890 At 12 o'clock v. at salesroom. I 1 1 «t-t l:i-*s In vestment. Lot and Improvements, >'o. 713 Taylor St., bet. Sutler and Hush— This property is very centrally located, and can be made to return a very handsome unit: by the erection or flats or a lodging-house; between two Hues of cars, and only 5 minutes' walk from Kis.inii 1 st. Examine this before the day of sale. Size of lot, 30x137 :«. Kle^ant litilldlng Lot. N. side 14th tt., bet. Howard and Folsora— This lot Is well located In a very desirable part of the ' Mission; the llovv^rd-st. cable line and the Folsom- st. cars one-half block distant; ready to build on; street sewered, paved and accepted by the city; specially adapted for fiats: see the size, 38:6x130. ::rr«-11--1 . Investment. No. 1605, bet. Webster and rlllmoro —This property consists or two houses: front house con- tains 8 rooms and tho rear house 5 rooms, and fronts on Bytuarton St., and can be made to yield an Income of *."».". per month; 3 lioes of cable-cars within a short distance; street work all completed; size of lot, 22:6x120. Fine Prospect! vo Business Corner. Size, 50:ll\li4-NK. cor. Jersey and -Vie sts. N.iu and Jersey sts. aro both sewered, macadamized and sldmvalked, and the lot ls ready to build on. This Ls a splendid opportunity to purchase a corner In the warm lie.t of the 31)sslon, only 1 block from the Castro-sL cable-cars. i»< -ii >»»i«? Down 1 fin-in ■ii Property. No. 708 Pine St., ruuniug to Prospect place, bet. Stockton and Powell sts., consisting of a house of 13 rooms aud at present rented for $t!0 per month. There is bulllcieut vacant land on Prospect place to build flats on. and thereby greatly Increase the In- come. For site or lot sea catalogue; 13100 can re- main on thu property. C'«»By Cottage in the Mission Warm Kelt. >o. 33 Liberty St., bet. Valencia and Guerrero: cottage of 4 rooms, beautiful garden, cement slde- j walk and bulkhead: in the most desirable part of Liberty sL; only Vi block from Valeucia-st. cable- cars. This Is a choice lot aud can be greatly 1111- -proved by erecting Hats; good drainage; street sewered and Bared. Look at this before day of sale; size of lot, 25x115. Vsileui'ia-at. Business Property. Lot and improvements: \v. side Valencia St., No. 1410, bet. 25th and sts. This property is now suitable for business and should be Improved by building Hats with ■Cores below, and will readily rent and pay good interest on the money Invested. : Property on Valencia st. is rapidly enhancing in value; cable-cars pass the property; street sewered, paved and accepted by the city. Mlftsion Building Lota. Four choice building sites; S. side Jersey St., w. of Noe: situate in th« warm belt; V a block: from CaatFO-at, cable. Lota level and ready to build on; street sewered and macadamized; no nicer location lor a home can be found. Bee too terms, one-half cash, balance in 6 and 1- months at 7 per caul In- terest; size of lots, •J-'xlH each. Nice l.uililini; Lota. S. side of mih st., W. ot Diaiuoud. This lot Is well located, being only 1 Va blocks from the Castro- -• cable. Twenty-fourth st. has recently been macadamized and sewered, aud the property Is ready to Improve. If you want a cheap lot you ought to examine this; size of lot, 25x114. For further particular), maps, catalogues, etc, ap- ply to BOVEB, TOY & CO., Auctioneers. 10 itlonti;oin<-ry St., under Lick House. jya 10 11 12 13 5t AT AUCTION ....8V.... Vonßhein&Co. 524 California Street, THURSDAY. THURSDAY JULY 24. 1890, ■ At IS O'clock 31., Sharp, 25X160, 429 GTH STREET, Between ISryant and Harrison, ; Through to Morns ;m;., with improvements In both j streets: rents $70; adjoining the piece sold at our last auction. SANSOME. OPP. APPRAISER'S STORE. ■-.".t.v>:«om(Mt.; Wrick i-'irl-iinar. consist* lug or biueinent aud 'J stories abovo; ret::-; $103. MASON-STREET CORNER DWELLING. Upp. the Hopkins mansion. Nob Rill; 60x77:&; 817 .Mason St.. brt. I'iiie ami California; .superb view; with suitable outlay would pay handsomely. Fruiicisco-Slre't Income Paring Prop- FUWl^'l 'lIIIHU'HI'fc'UI ' 'liU'fii im'hii I'llliiiJil'l 'ill fit erty. <8:10rl87:B: 212 and 214 Francisco St., bet. Stockton and 1' well; front and rear houses: rents . s»u. Howard-Street Building: Lots. 3lots.rach'.!B:6xlls, to an alley; E. line of How- ard St.. 158: li N. or 26th; In the midst of spleudid improvements; cable-cars pass. Jessie-Slreet Dwelling. 25x75: 1821 Jessie st. or San Carlos are., bet. 19th and _o[ii; rental value $J0; 6 rooms and b-itu. Corner 2-lili ami Douglas Streets. 125x110: BW. 21th anil Douglas at*,, being 125 feet on 24tu st. by 110 ou Douglas St.: as a whole or Iv 0 lots. Powell-Street Flats. . 22:11x68:9; 1 005 and 10051!. Powell St., bet. Clay and Washington; 1 llats; rents f56; heavy briclc foundation. Paeiflc-Street Dwellingr. 22:6x68:4: 1225 Tactile St.. bet. Jones and t,ear- enworth; neat 5-rooin cottage. Well-Located Business Corner. 25x100: >'E.oor. 19th and Diamond sts.. betnir 25 fret on . :nii st. by 100 ou Diamond St. ; all sewered ami macadam. zed. 25x110; S. line of 14th St., 25 feet W. or Landers, bet. Church and Dolores. ALSO 25x100; NE. 6th aye., 75 reet SK. of X st. ... AND.... Lots 91, 92, 9:', 94, 95. 361 and 363, Silver Terrace Homestead Association. ...SOUK MOIIK. ... Lots 11 and 13. Ulock 17, lUilroad-;irenuo Ilome- siciid Association. ....AND.... Lots 1, 5 and 8, Bloat 142, Vlaltaclou Laud Com- pany, San Mateo County. Lots 11 and 12, Block A. View Homestead Asso- ciation, Oakland. ltichmond Building Lots. 80S 1-0; W. cor. California and 19tliave., being 29 feet on California st. by 1-0 on IStbave. ALSO 26x120: W. line lath avo., 180 feet N. or Cali- fornia. Tweiity-flr-it-Slrcct Business Corner. 52x123; SE. cor. 21st and Church st»., with 4- room c»lta«i'. Jy 1:1 10 20 22 23 24 6t W*S\ mMPANY lnr'j:l Su .... : ■ ■ . . Weekly Call $125 Der Tear 1 %>^z&x&\^v-K'^-rtt%,v*A^^w^ A '&>?tf3a&!&i/B£asiißiltt MISCELLANEOUS^^ ROOSBROS PRICE LIST! THE TALK OF THE TOWN ! ■ Boys' Gloli. Men's id Yonl&s" ClotMng. KNEE PANTS SUITS. $7.9S— ALL-WOOL SUITS. 75c— SAILOR SUIT. $9.50-Very Nobby SUMMER $2.50-Nice Plaited BLOUSE SUITS. SUIT. $6.45- Stylish All- Wool OVER- 53.75-ALL-WOOL SCOTCH COAT. SUIT (Special). 52.00-ODD PANTS. 50c— ODD PANTS, all sizes. SUMMER VESTS, 65c. W^TECAKRITHE BEST STOCK IN REPUTATION KIIKCARRTINO THE t!ITV, AT LOWEST FKIVES. THE BEST STOCK IS ESTABLISHED. CHILDREN'S GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. kilt suits from $ i upward. Neckwear, Underwear, Outing Shirts, $4.00 Kilts, reduced from $5, Bathing Salts, Bath Robes, Eta, $6 and $7. AT factory prices. BOYS' LONG PANTS SDITS. We call your special attention to the dls- ss.OO-A Good SCHOOL SUIT. P la * of our New St ' le of 1 5c SILK AND $ 1 .50- Pair of odd Long Pants. bAfIN bGARFi>< also JAPANhbfc EMBROID- aar WE CAN fit any SIZE BOY. ERED HANDKERCHIEFS. T)/\/\n T)ia/v/x Leading Clothiers and Furnishers, KOOSdFOS., 27 - 29 . 31 - 3,35, 37 " KEARNY STREET. REGULATORS OF 1 LOW PRICES, THE SUNDAY CLOTHING PIRATES! Three of a Kind. They were content from birth, their course through life to run, And wanted but the earth, and a mortgage on the sun, They'd live in quiet bliss, and free from all that mars, If they had the solar system, and you'd throw in the stars. The public should, by some expression of their feelings, demand that this unfair method of doing bus- iness on Sundays be stopped. M. J. FLAVIN & CO. OUR $16.00 ALL-WOOL SDITS AT $7.60 .ARIES O. 33L. DROP IN THIS WEEK AND SEE WHAT WE ARE OFFERING IN Men's, Youths', Boys' and Children's CLOTHING ! ~El.e>&LC\.<c£\JL&i,TC%e>Tr& for Hats, Fine Shoes, Shirts, Outfitting Goods and Fine Furnishing Goods. Agents for Knox, the Hatter, THE TROJAN SHIRT CO. . The Great General Outfitters for the Human Race, M. J. FLAVIN & CO., illllililililii 7