Newspaper Page Text
BV_____________S rBANCES. "i VERY DESIRABLE CORNER HOUSE OF 30 ,\ r.ionis, handsomely furnished, clearing 8125 ,„. r ii'ontli. Apply W. F. HEALY, 1001 Market, It* TJTT-sA GREAT BARGAIN: 25 ROOMS: NEAR tMliiU. city front! rent only $50: clearing »so er month. W. F. healy, low Market st. ' it» t_r\i\fl 10 ROOMS; NR. SIM AND MISSION: f^OOU. all to-day. HEALY, 1004 Market st 1* <_*f.-.n LARGE CANDY-STORE; SODA FOUN- .^s.H'l.'. tain; tine fixtures; big trade: two rooms !o:,rl furniture; complete for housekeeping: low rent: wonderful bar.aln. WOODItI'IF. 811 Mar- it t st ________ It* •i- I *. Aft GROCERY AND BAR; CENTI-.AI.LY •Z'OOK'. located; no Immediate competition; fine good trade; low rent; _ good rooms: side en- trniice; large yard, wood ituy if, 841 Market. It* s_\lH> BESTAWRANTj BEST LOCATION": iftJUU. seat bO people: trade $40 per day; worm jIiHH); cheap run: nothing better In city for tbe iii.rrcy. Woodruff, 841 Marl *_ It* 5 l-l- RARE OPPORTUNITY: GREAT BAR- <_ 1 — i). gain; come and see It; sickness compels immediate solo; fine restaurant: north uf Market st; receipts $16 per day; worth rsr^oj. B. 11. FLETCH- -1.1.', 1 E-'ldysL It r(Y . GAB STORES, $75 and TOD. — $150— A bakery and candy store. •_ variety stores, $175; worth $550. $350— Grocery and store. $326— Flue saioon In Market. it. 11. FLETCHER, 1 Eddy. It* QC.sA CORNEB GROCERY: IN THE HEART •~v.UK'. ol the city: average from $20 to $25 a day; fine stock and fixtures. 51. LESS a CO., 095 Marketst . It* *-i r )ft SALOON, NEAR MARKET; WITH 6 t~OtlK'. living rooms; doing a large business- .good stock and fixtures; a bargain. M. LESS - CO., P. 5 Market at. It* •ft'^T-'ift CORNER GROCERY: IN TIIK FINEST «_ — I OKJ. location: the slock alone contains the money; cheap rent and leva lease; goo i chance. M. l.i ,-s A CO.. 9115 Market st. It* V*)-'*"., BRANCH BAKER! AND CANDY- ''- —— — • store with furnished living rooms; lii a good location ; must be solu this week. M.LESS a Co.. 995 Market street. It* 'JftA GOOD PAYING RESTAURANT FOR '- — KJKJ. sale en account ol having two places. Apply Cau. Biairch • iffice. jyl6 3t* r> .'I NTRY HOTEL-WANTED TO RENT OR V.' lease. Address, with portlcalan, Hotel, Box 114, Calx Branch llllce. jyltl 7: El'ltllANCH RAKERY AND CANDY - STOKE, •' wltb 3 living rooms, fur sale very cheap. Apply at 501 Fourth St. " Jyl6 3t* IIAHGAIN— GROCERY AND BAR. INQUIRE OF !> r Ai.i an MCCARTHY, wholesale liquor mer- cbairt. 312 5... rameutu at 111 .it- T'l IK SALE-CIGAR-STORE WITH BOOMS AT- Jt ::rcl-.ed; doing goud business. Apply on prcm- !-. -. rj.-i _ Fourth -;. jylS 7t* v .,-(i COFFEE AND CHOI* HOUSE; 248 c_ —t"'. Fourth: cheap. Apply 320 Minna. l6 7* IS . FRUIT AND VEGETABLE STORE ON X cr'o.t street toi sale. if sold at ice; owner leav- Htg thecity. Address Box 58, this ollice. jy 16 3t* L*llK SALE-FINE PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, -T doing a paying bu-iuess, iu I.. i' on i, Wash.; no better towu or business anywhere. Address Photo, 1017 l'aciiic avo.. ..nn. Wash. jyl6 St KESTACKANT: ONE OF THE BEST IN THE ■' Mission; cbeap. Apply Call Branch Otlice, [251-1 M.ssiou St. JylO 7t* » CHANCE— STOCK FIXTURES, INSTKU* -.1 nioirts. furniture, etc.. i: ... Photograph Gal* ler): must sold; together or separate. 5 Stock* lt« 11AKERY AND FEE-BOOM; CHEAP. 1N- X) quire 407 Thlnl st. jyl7 ,'U* I OGING-HOtsi AND SALOON FOR SALE -A-i cheap. 431 and 433 Jessie st. jj it: 7t* O-i'iil CORNER SALOON: 4 BOOMS: BENT C- ". $15: bargain. STARRATT. 632 Mktl* V I "(I GROCERY, BAR: SICKNESS CAUSE; i~^OU. bargain. STABBATT. 632 Market, lt* O-.irii KESTAUBANT— NO. I LOCATION; 3 i~OUU. rooms. ST ABB ATT, 632 Market st. lt* •S'-vftH PARTNER WANIKH I'Kiilll'iK AND •is. 00 11 - Jobbln g business. STARRATT. 032 Mkt* C**>f'A RESTAURANT AND DINING PAR- t3 tll'V. lor-: first-class location and custom; sacrificed on account of departure: suitable for man and wife. HOOKER a TEMPLE. 841 Mart. C I "J?. PARTNER WANTED — COFFEE-SA- «_ -1 I". loon and restaurant; ruht In business center: owner first-class cook; wants steady, ren- able man for rasi:-couuter and dining-room: ban line bar: spiendid trade, place handsomely fitted up; cbeap rent: actually worth $250; must sells; ueeds help: never such ailmice; don't miss it. Scent". sn. WART. ms Kearny st. It fitVOll PARTNER WANTED TO-DAY— LIGHT - KJKJ . and pleasant inside work; giving steady employment: i earing Sl3 to $17 per week to each: not necessary to understand the business: must be willing to work In store and make himself generally useful; no !.!_!t .a Sunday work; business easily • learned; will sort any Industrious, stead sober man. GEO. STEWART. 135 amy st. " ll •ftl-.^n PARTNER WANTED IN LARGE »^ loo". commercial express and transfer bnsi- ner-s to act as cashier, book-keeper, receiving, ihlp- jung arid del: verlng merchandise iu freight otlice: works I- horses with all they can do; everything iu i tirst-class running order; has special contracts w ith railroad and steamship coinpaule- and many mer- cairtrle lortiansportatiou of general Ireigtit arid with trad, clearing $::.o per month: business established on I growing: best of references; rull estlgatl n. GEO. STEWART, 135 Kearny st . It VICE SMALL SALOON. "WITH LODOING- -Lv bouse, cuntaintug _ nicely furnished snitny rooms: located ln the : est part ol tba city. Apply Bavaria Brewery, Montgomery eve. jyll at' Mi; man with a FEWTHOC- J'l aurl dollars W hes to Invest in some business, elliitr hotel. ii.|iio.- orcrocery store: city or country j or partnership; nu object ton to lad v partuer. Adrlress for i.n . .■....-iv M M.. I'o. 58. this om e. Jyl 1 4t* .ir ill CUK.M.K GROCERY AND BAR: JUST V.' «e!l on account or other business. B. <-.. Box is. this office. JylS it* S"N FOR SALE: GOOD STOCK AND Liv- ing rooms: cheap rent: price $200. 501 First -.:. 2* s^ 1 ■ (11 I !EINEOPPOKTD-JITY;6ENT_,EM_-S *. l V VJVJ. or lady plain book-keeper to inveot|in a lnaiitifacturing business; large and steady income. CaM or address 61. Montgomery St., Koom 12. 15 tf /"•OU-NEB FAMILY .iii -TeliK, DOING \J v or! business; fine stock .nil ti.vtures: ioirg lease; great barcain. _145 'I hirdst Jyls It* SN ; 22 BOOMS ATTACHED; CHEAP: AC- Ocoiint ol departure. Call Branch igjce. .'yls 7* d; 1 I'll BRANCH BAKERY^ CANDY AND <}***i I UU. 1..;, -tare for sale; 3 living rooms; rent 612: nn;-: be sold this week. 827 Brnadu near Taylorst jyl." 31 * 0 ~- LIQUOR-STORE FOB SALE. INQUIRE '. I j O. at 407 Battery st. jyls 7t* Cl - INQUIRE ) 143Q._ Jlarket st. Jy 1 5 St" I RING— BLACKSMITH-SHOP; TOOLS; I lease of lot 2 -12 Ml-- st. jy!s 3t* GOOD-PAYING SALOON, TERMINUS OF FOUR lines of cars; alsu lodßlng-nouse; parties truing East -li:'. Fourthst. jyla 7t* OALOON FOR SALMON MARKE I ST. DOING A iO goud business; the owner going north to attend to other business. Apply to A. M LEOD cor. i- rst anil Mission sts. jy 1 5 21* 'i oi GOOD COBNEB SALOON. 536 FOURTH e~t)UU. street. Jyls it* GOOD INVESTMENT: SMALL CAPITAL: GOOD paying business. 637 Kearny,:Roum 7. Jyls lit* EXPRESS BUSINESS: II SOLD TO-DAY Ml.Ml. take first reasonable Oder: two lcainB.i URLONG, 12_1 Market st jy 1 5 3t* DARE OPPORTUNITY— FANCY-GOODS STORE It for sale in tbe business portion or Bayer) st : old- established stand, with a good trade. Further par- ticulars inquire 35 Sutter -.:., Itn. am 6, between 12 cud -2. JyU 3t* TO RENT— SALOON AND 5 ROO.MSr 211 STEV- enson. 2 doors trcm Third; suitable for res- taurant, oyster or coffee-stand; key a: 22 Third st. MADISON a BURKE, agents. jyll lit BOARDING-HOUSE AND SALOON FOB SALE un city front; any reascnable offer accepted. 2:1 -lackson St. Jyll 31* Q I 1 ' NICE BROCKRT. WITH 4 ROOMS: •__. I UU. owner 10 j ears iu it; departure. Apply Call Branch Office, Jyl4 Ht* "^••r.-ii CHOP-HOI 1149 MARKET: I 1 I: — OU . nished rooms ;rent $-'.', :!• avrn.- .14 8* **»' KIM RESTAURANT; FEW MILES FROJI •_ "lUU. cltv: $25 rent: clears $100 per mouth. MORRIS, 14 Turk St., in rear. Jyl3 7'.» HI Sale IN SANTA ROSA: HOTEL ot 40 rooms; all well furnished and doling a pood business; everything in perfect running order: the proprietor is getting old. ami wants to retire from business; win i,_ sold cheap ir applied for at or.i. . coud piano; carpets mostly new; cheap rent and making money right along. Apply P.O. Hox - 157. Sauta Rosa. Jyl„ 7t OLD ESTABLISHED AND PAYING BOOK, No- tion and variety store In thriving interior town, together with agency of Sau Francisco dailies; re- quired about $_o_o capital. Address MACKINDER A- J NOR, P. 0. Cox 109, Napa City. CaL ___________ GROCERY MEN ATTENTION-ONE "1 THE best grur erics N. of Market St., to be sold at Invoice; burse, wagon, etc. ; present owner Isdolug a good business, but is compelled to £0 East; will seil whole or will take reliable man as partner; ref- erences exchanged. Particulars of B. WHITE, 765 Market St. Jyl3 5t ISO rt Art OLD-ESTABLISHED LIVERY: eTp'J.UUU. splendid location; long lease: no rent; Immense business; lull value given; bear ciose Investigation; owner in poor health; take small ranch part payment. 0. 1. CL. P-ox 17. this 137* T.Hiii SALE— OF SHELF AND BUILDERS' X hardware in the best rapid-growing city In Cali- fornia; annual sales about $60,000; stoc* will in- voice about $18,000: an elegant opening. Forpar- ticulars call mi I. J. ROBINSON a CO.. 70 New Montgomery St. Jy 1 3 6t ' -_Q-_rt BRANCH BAKERY AND VARIETY ' • i' 'U . store; 3 living rooms; great bargain. Aji- ply at Call Uranr orace. jy!3 71* Cli 111 GOOD LIQUOR SALOON BUSINESS; • '''1t... rare barcafn: tully atoeked: do og busi- i. --- from $10 '... $12 a day; no other within 5 blocks; loug lease: good reason for selling. Apply 1 1 6 bird St.: no agents. Jyl 2 7t* "I AUNDBY FOR SALE— ONE OF THE REST Xj places ever bo been offered: running by steam : machinery almost new; 2 horses and wagun: also live living rooms, with all the furniture complete. .Situated 345 Seventeenth St.. cor. Valencia. jy!2 7* sj-'ll.l RESTAURANT: GOOD LOCATION: C"""' new furniture, jno McAllister st. 117' GREAT BARGAIN; CANDY-STORE ON Jl.lll- ' ket t.t good reasons for selling; $300. Address A., Box 140. Call Branch Ofllce. jyll 7t» ],".■!'. SALE-TIN, STOVE AND PLUMBING J. business: foil set or tinner'.; tools ond machines; good I lean stock. For particulars call at 213 Firth at. near Folsoui. . Jy 1 1 7t* 'l. ARGAIN; GOOD KESTAUItANT; MUST 84. X) Apply 715 Howard, V or 2:30. Room 86. JylO 7t* - i.i: SALE: SALOON AND LODGING-HOI I 433 Jessie st, jylO 71* SALOON FOB SALE CHEAP. APPLY 896 11. 1.1- - st, I'otrero. JyO lot* Qii-'i WOOD AND COAL, HAY AND GRAIN tJrOtiv. business: large stock; 3 wagons; _ horses; 1 buggy and harness: tools: 3 living rooms-, long lease: cheap rcrrl. Twenty -sixtb and Folsum Btreeta. JyS I4t« Bl SINEBB FOK SALE, CONSISTING DRY goods, crockery, bakery, stationery: within hair block three schools: must be said, account sickness. below cost-price; 201 Twenty-fourth St., near Col- .mbia. - JyB ii}*_ e_i) DOWN AND 60 CENTS PER SHARE PES • _ — no. nth will purchase shares In the Republic Savings, Building and Loan Association; $16 per monthwlll pay olf a loon or 61000; call or send for prospectus; open daily and evenings until 9 o'c.ock. 634 Market at _■ mr 30 tf ft I Mill SPLENDID OPPiMITUNITY FOR THE <PI<JUU. right man; route on morning and even- ing newspapers for sale; pays 680 month profit. Apply at this offlce. '■-- " ' ________ "jVEW MAP OP CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA- T 2.V Most cumplete ever Hsued— offered asa premium to the DAILY and WEEKLY CALL; sent by mall, postage prepaid. with the DAILY' CALL for $» 25 per year; with the WEEKLY CALL for $1 60 per year. ; *- .-Ti -ri - - -rn---i- 1. _ a.. ■_,!_ 11 1 ■■ n- .i ■,i m __■ . - ir. ■ Cl"_llin I lirSINES . CHANCES-CONTINUED. TO SI 1.1. OUT YOUR BUSINESS PROMPTLY ror ...sir go to I. D. BARNARD, IMS Market st, Oct. Mason and Taylor. Established 1851). It* •_. I .)l\(\ SALOON ON WATER-FRONT, NEAR lj iZou. the ferries; running day and night: b-st chance ever olfered to see-are an A No. 1 stand: most positive bargain. 1. D, BARNARD, 1118 Market st. nr. Taylor. It* Cf'l'lX FRUIT-STORE — GREAT BARGAIN; sSr-j —O. bone and '.la-rnnr old stand: 4 rooms for family: cheap reut; must sell at once. I. D. i.,i'- .-, IRD, i.:- Market st, nr. Taylor. it* (*_; 7 wfi LARGE RESTAURANT AND SALOON, »„ Id", near water front; low rent aud long lease; a spiendid chance to make money. I. D. BARN Mil'. 1148 Market st. near Taylor. It* SODA FOUNTAIN* AMI CONFECTIONERY; finest location ami best bargain offered, Apply Immediately. 1. D. BARNARD, 1148 Market st. 1* C!'Jfi(lfi LI VERY-STAR I.E; BARGAIN THIS •rCOUUU. day. MCLAUGHLIN A; CO., Kearny street. jyltl 3t» Jfi fi GROCERY AND BAR; GOOD PAVING Ci»»j corner. M_LAL'OHLIN,2B Kcaruy.l6 3* 60-ROOM HOTEL; NEAR CITY. SIC- gP I UUU. LALi.l'.l.lN, 2.i Kearuy st. It* Q(!Afi COFFEE SALOON AND LUNCH- «J7UUU. bouse; dally receipts $25: old age cause or sale. MCLAUGHLIN a CO.. 26 Kearny. It* &> / »7' GOOD FRUIT AND VEGETABLE i_ -iii. store business; $12 doily; 4 iry lug rooms. Mi LAI .v CO., 26 Kearny st. It* QJ i I llil I BEER-BOTTLING BUSINESS; GOOD «S* iuuu. horse; wagon. Mclaughlin, 2, Kearny st. jy!6 3t* 3- 1/1 111*- CORNER GROCERY; A BARGAIN i_ i i-U, it sold to-day. Mclaughlin _ i •>, 26 Kearny st. It* MILLINERY BUSINESS ON LEADING STREET. C, Bux lit:. Cali, lirrrrrcri orlice. jell tr 1. iiik. ING ~ mill SKS lull SALE. HAVING BUYERS WILLING TO INVEST IN some reliable busiuess, those desiring to sell prompt apply to _____ 1-. ll lIA I.N, 1004 Market, lt» QI'IKI CREAT BARGAIN; , FRUIT AND yl lli-'U. produce store, Western Addition: urn* of the best cur. stands In the city; doing a trade ot $25 perday; 2 horses, wagon, etc. ; living-rooms; cheap rent. W. F. lIEALV, IOOI Market st. It» SsilAfi PARTNER WANTED: STEADY. UEI.I- -i. "I*< 'U. able man to assist in running flrst-class business that requires th" assistance of an active working partner. W. I*. HEALY, 1004 Market. It* 00 ROOMS; GOOD PAYING HOUSE; LOW — — rent: must be sold ou account of departure: $1250. J. VV. DONNELLY A CO., 34 Kearny st. It* - BOOMED HOTEL IN A STIRRING TOWN <"' -200 miles from city; clears $3000 per year: $2700. J. W. DONNELLY & CO., 34 Kearr.J St. It* Oil ROOMS it > I RALLY LOCATED ' HAND- — U somclv furnished; $400 cash, balance easy pay- ments J. W. DONNELLY & CO., 34 Kearny. It* I FEW OF OUE BARGAINS IN LODUIXG- ___ROUSES: 20 rooms: furnished and occupied $150 62 rooms: cir cap rent: long lease 1600 12 roouis; oil new furuiture: bargain ... 675 10 rooms on Powell st; eheap -or 40 rooms: will exchange for laud Toot) 8 rooms on Hush St.; bargain 260 20 rooms; elegantly furnished ; part cash 3500 9 rooms on Eddy St., near Market 661) BOOKEB A: TEMPLE 841 larketst. It* 1) H. FLETCHER, 1 EDDY ST.— BARGAIN'S: It- $1450— 62-roum lodging-house. $550 10 rooms; Mason st. $600—12 rooms: Turk st. $l(iu—l7 rooms; Howard St. $70U— 14 rooms: Howard it jit* -_ ! " I '(» LODGING-HOUSE: 50 ROOMS; BAR- Oldou. gain this day. MCLAUGHLIN 4 CO.. 26 Kearuy st. It* < I '-.ftl _ LODGING-HOUSE OF 10 ROOMS; W IOUU. cheap rent; lull of permanent roomers: tins house is a geuuine bargalu; sold only on ac- count or immediate departure or proprietor. Mo- LAL UIILIN a CO.. 26 Kearny St. jylO 8t« V-OK SALE— LODGING ". OF 20 ROOMS: i finely furnished; best location; near principal hotels; must be 5..»,d Immediately; terms to suit purchaser. Apply L. LANHL.K, 228 Montgom- ery^. JylOSt* lI ARE CHANCE-HOUSE OF 12 BOOMS AND IV both; newly furnished: for rent and rurnlture for sale; overlooking Union Square; occupied a- a private borne: any one wishing to rent rooms can in this locality clear $100 per urolith. Apply 221 Powell St. .or. Geary. Jy2 tf FTItNITI.'MK 1 Oil SALE. TpICE~FLAT; 6"rOOMS AND BATH; NICELY Lx furnished; for sale. 226 Taylor st Jyl6 ;it* PARTIES FURNISHING HOMES SEE oil'. complete bed-room sets. $15: mattresses, *2 to $25; parlor sets. $25 to $120; cash or easy terras. J. noon.. ■' A CO.. 1017 1 1033 Mission stjylSt f V EW CHAMBEB SETS OF 7 PIECES. $15 CASH, 1> or Installment WILLEY BROS. 831 Mission, tt Fibl'N'll.V BUYERS WISHING SECOND-HAND v.* furniture or carpets, at reduced prices, call *: ROSENTHAL'S. 110 Fourth st; satisfaction guaran- teed or money refunded: goods shipped Ireo. 1 1 14"*" ALL PRICES -IN PLAIN FIGURES; ON IN*, -*V acuta, without interest, you can lurnlsli vour lionie as .par lor cash elsewhere at 11 E.V- El'S large furuiture and carpet wan rooms. IS to 24 Ellis St 21 tt f xl GOOD Cli A-NCE— YOUR BOCSE FUKNISUEO 2\ complete with furniture, carpets, stoves, car* tains, blankets, pictures anil mirrors, at cash prices, on easy Installments; small deposit. 51. FRIED- HAN .. co.'s, lamest Installment house on the Coast 228 and 230 Stockton St.. cor. Post: open evenings: prompt attention paid to country orders. S TEE LIN li FURNITURE CO.-CARPETS TAN" O fnrnltura. 10.- and ion Market st. Rosenthal Building. _______ A 1.1. MV GOODS ARE DOWN TO BED-ROCK •»*a prices: parlor suit) $25. ranges $8, new cham- ber sets eoiripleto $15 reductions all round; casn installments, 'f li. NELSON. 136 Fourth st 3'Jtf iAHl'l : s I > RUSSELS . i pets! elegant patterns 11 .(ic per yard, sewed and laid; best value ever offereu. .- W. SHIRKK, 1234 Stockton st je!2 tl [■Al.l'l CS— SMITH'S BRUSSELS. usij A YARD; V. Installment price elsewhere $1 a yard. VL FRIEDMAN i CO.. 'J2. 2. ■ Stockton St. cor. Post /■•LOSING - L'P ESTATE; BRUSSELS SEWED. V. lai.r.oOe; 2-ply ,25c roll -cloth, l2' ..eeurtarrr-iiolas, 35c: malting. 10c. NEWMAN ltßi_S.. 1 17 SnthSL I'IANOS. \ mi. IN- AM) SHEET ML'SIcT UPIANoi ADDRESS •-', »I Box 156. Call I'.ranch Office, It* 1;-,- OLD CREMONA VIOLIN BY JOSEPH C I <-). AIi.M.i:HS.II7 Kearr.v. 2. 10 __.'_• II ORNUNG'S UPRIGHT PIANOS: .MOST HRIL- Bl and pewerfn'. 917 Mission MOST I'.ltlL- -917 Ml non -" ___ 15 ly C-CHUr.ERT PIANOS (NEW YORK)— GREAT RE- -0 ductlon in prices. J. KEEFFE, 410 McAi- llstcrst !_______. * N ELEGANT STEINWAY UPRIGHT, LITTLE -I used, for 6250, at OOJialgbt st. Irl 3 7t» C I", PIANO IN GOOD CONDITION FOR BE- ■. I' 1 . glnners. 1324 Slason rt Jyl2 7'.*_ DECKER. SON'S PIANOS. MUSICAL INSTRO- uients. and lull stock ol 10c sheet-music. ZENO M VIVA I- HI SIC CO.. TOO Market st. jyl Itf IJ ARGAINS IN SECOND-HAND PIANOS AT BARGAINS IN SECOND-HAND I'IANOS AT] -J KOHLER A CHASE'S, 1041 Market St. ail2l tf DBROS.' MATCHLESS PIANOS. HLEIi .a CHASE. 1641 Market st au2l tf OR STEINWAY, KRANICH A BACH. llohl- X nisch. Galiler pianos. M. GRAY CO. -Ob Post 2s 1 1 AND INSTRUMENTS, PACKARD ORGAN'S, I) sheet music JI. GRAY CO '-'."i I'"-'. 3t 25 tt _ GOOD SECOND-HAND PIANOS; $5 MONTHLY VJ installments. -I ill! AM . 1322 Mar.et_ )y2_tf EST PLACE ON THE COAST TO BUY A PIANO or an organ; punas fr-un $100; orgOUS from $50; leading makes; finest stock. F. W. SPENCER A CO.. 723 Market st, second floor. in. 27 tt II ALLET a DAVIS ASD KIMBALL PIANO AND JLI Organ Agency. VV. G. BADGER, 725 Market sttf DC. DIRECT I Ili'.M THE MANUFACTURERS I-> and save agents' prolits and freight; 25,000 or our pianos in use: established 25 years: second-— and .bickering, Kuabe. Opera, llallett a Davis. Vine, etc.; installments or cash. ANIISELL, Odd iel- lows' Hall, -seventh and Market its. my'_9 if STKCK. HARDMAN. vi. sk AND STERLING pianos sold on $10 monthly Installments. BENJ. ______7_____Z a. SON, sole audits. 20 o'l-arrell st au7i.' L* 1 W. SPENCER a CO., AGENTS CHICKEBINQ J. . a- Sous. Conover i'.ros., Colby and Opera pianos. 723 Market st. History Building, second floor. 26 tr' BYRON MAUZY. AGENT SOHMER, HALLETT A Cuinstorr, Newby a Evans. 308 Post iny_2tt rpHE BANCROFT COMPANY, 721 MARKET ST., I. sole agents ror the Miller. Benning. Stints* Bauer . and Kirrtzilinrrii orrilio- ami .rst-Cl— SS Org— lell tf ill'. - - . SALE _ AN ELEGANT STYLISH (III.ST- X nut sorrell team of horses for carnage or buggy; lUliiah; Wei.-!,! 11511 to 1200: well bred; Will also tell one. Apply at 1120 Market at. JylS at* 4) MAKES AND 1 HORSE. INQUIRE 71 FRONT 22 street. Jyl s ill* I LAI I. HOUSE. WELL BROKEN, GENTLE AND 1 I * kind, 16 i. ana, ni-'ii; shows 2:10 gait and One styii*; rare opportunity tu yet a young iiorse with ail good dualities anrt no bad ones. I'Ai 1 [SON a son, 630 Market St.. or ( Ilth stahles, Taylorst. Jj'ls 3t» CST KECEI VED-2 CAR-LOADS YOUNG J I Bl 11 1.1 HI V lli> -2 CAR-LOADS YOUNG horses, broken and unbroken; will sell for cash or on easy terms. J. NOONAN A Co., 1017 to 1 023 Mission st 13 tf BAIIiTIIT HORSES; BROKEN A UNBROKEN; i'erelier m and Clyde stock. Address J. 11. SCHNEIDER. Cornwall Slat'n. Contra i'..-;t;i c>. 1 • . l, .««-u.i.-« A..11 t. ,. Iltliri'il:.-t. L*n:si-i i.,s.s WAGON, SUITABLE FOB J bakery, candy, etc. 157 Eleventh st Jyl 3l* LOR BALE-NEW PHAETON, TOP AND OPEN I boggy, horse, harness, wagons and bugcv; also baker*' wagons; cbeap 828 Harrison St. Jyl6 7i* G i OOl) DELIVER! WAGON FOB SALE. 337 VJ Halght st Jyl Hl* ,I.' OND HAND WAGONS; 1 CART FOR SALE 0 cheap. lilt Harrison sT. JylU tr SEWING MAI ll INi.s. DEWING MAI lifsr.s FOB SALE AMI Itrv paired. W. B. HIQiiiNS 628 Hayes st mr Itf $.JC NEW YORK OR HELPMATE: BKANI) *)0. ne.v; latest; best for $35: all kinds repaired; rented .'lieau. .1. 1.. HICKS. ■'." Missiun. mrl If Pith- >A i.i.-.iii.s(;ki.i..i,\r,ob*ii, ~~\ 1 FRESH MILCH COW FOR SALE. 2927 A 1 Mission at. Jyieiit* $1/1 Hill SAl.i'-TO HE REMOVED. BOUSE ,JTi ill). 1113 Scott st., near Geary, ami buildings In rear. Apply between I and -1 p. m.. to B. M-'- HOI HALL A SON, Architects, Koom 62. 330 Pure attest. _>______ HUNTING PUPS FOR SALE CHEAP. 30 ElGll- tecutli ave.. South San Francisco Jyl2 7t* I. ANGE FOR SALE AT 311 PACIFIC STREKT. It ____!__ SECOND-HAND ■ STKAM FIRE ENGINE FOR O sole cheap. _____ LOGAN, 41 Fremont st. JylU 7t» \*l.W AND SECOND-HAND SAFES FOR SALE lv ('heap. 42 Main st. mrJO tt ■ roll SALE-HOUSE TO BE REMOVE ', ON* W. a side .lunes st, bet Bush and Pine; male an otter. Apply (J. B. UMBSEN A- CO., 11 Montgomery. 18 tf GAS FIXTURES OK ALL KINDS VERY CHEAP. 11 1 I .sr II M l Ol. 637 Clay st my9 3rn SHEPARD'S FOOT AND POWER LATHES. HICKS, agent. 667 Mission st. se27 tf XTEW ANI) SECOND SAFES. MIGHELL 1> A RICHARDS, cur. Rush and Market sts.ulo l_m SAFE. SCALE, LETTER-PRESS, STOKE TRUCK oud money-till cheap. 102 Clay st iiu2Sl'_in SI'XO.NII-HANT) BOILERS, ENGINES, PUMPS, sbartlng. pulleys, belling, water pipes, etc -to- IN'IOSII A WOI. I'M AN. 137 Bealest del tf a . , (llI((( . | . F\ ( 1 1 IO STORAGE 00, SOl" STOCK' rON~STn I furniture and merchandise; advances _____________ tf T-iUKN'ITUKE STORED - STERLING FUBNI J; tore Co., 1039, 101l Market, Rosenthal Bid*. 7 tf _s saa i !!■■" iln mil I .sin. 'mi 1 1 ■ i ■__! " ■>■■ IM WII"JW^i 0 W\_fJJli~n lar'tl'f* _Z i THE MORNING CALL, SAN FRANCISCO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 1890- EIGHT PAGES. CITY ItKAL ESTATE. ftlfl- EACH: THE CHEAPEST LOTS SOUTU vffl I _-_> of the Park, fronting on _Bth ave., near Cat; only 3 left; pic. these up at once. O. D. BALDWIN, JOOST * MERTENS, 238 Montrtom- ery st. Jyl3tf SuWe rtta I-r EACH-BEAUTIFUL RICHMOND LOTS tU*"ii i O at bed-rock prices: size 25.1)0, fronting on 17th ave., near Point Lobos; corner them at once. O. 11. BALDWIN, JOOST A .MERTENS. 238 Mont- guniery st. Jyl3 SuWe tf C!.".__A LOTS, LOTS, LOTS. TO SUIT EVERY.' %7») U U . body, and ob tbo most liberal terms; sit- uated on tire I'otrero. close to Oal. Sugar Rcfluery, etc.: lircrn'.-w this is your chance, stop paying rent arrd become your own landlords. O. I). BALD- WIN. JO.ST A SIERTENS, 238 Montgomery Street Jyl3 SuWe tf flh/}C A TO $750 EACH: TAKE VOIR CHOICE: t„ UiJ" beautiful and highly picturesque situated lots on Criselli ave., Falcon ave. and Corbett road, near 18th St., affording grand panoramic views of tbe city and bay: extraordinary terms given: to see these lots means to Iniv them. 0.1). BALDWIN, JOOST A- MERTENS, 838 Montgomery St. tt SiiWe (» I7C A EACH: J PROSPECTIVE BUSINESS «i? lOU lots, 25x100, on 15th ave.. South San Francisco; Omnibus cars pass this property. 0. D. Baldwin, JOOST a MERTENS, .3. Montgom- ery st. Jyl3 ti SuWe <_*-_/ AN" EXCEPTIONAL PICK: SEC I." RE IT i-OIHi. Immediately: SW. cor. a St. ami isth ava.; size „_:_xlUo: cheap at $1000. (). 1). HAI.U- WIN.JOOSi a MERTENS, 236 Montgomery. SuWe OS QAA EACH-ONLY A FEW LEFT; LOVELY tJrOv'l' building lots on Lake st, near 13tb ave.: opposite Mouutalu Lake ami park ; this property Iras a great future, O. H. BALDWIN, Joosr A; mer- TENS, 238 Montgomery St. JylS tf SuWe (J; QC/V NICE LOT 2S_lOO ONE SIDE OP 10TB «p t7r_lU. ave., near Point Lobos: is highly profit- able investment. O. D. BALDWIN, JOOST A- MER- TENS. 238 Montgomery st. Jyl3 tf SuWe _ * 1 AAA A GREAT BUY; BEAUTIFUL, LARUE «pIUUU. corner lot on __d ave. and Ast: size IS. TbxlUO. O. D. BALDWIN, JOOST _ M I ENS, 238 Montgomery st. JylS tf SuWe cTlrllrl CHOICE CORNER LOT, MV. COR. t|£xUUU. Falcon and Moss aves. on easy terms ; a garden spot, with grand murine view and sun all day; th s is something extra good. O. D. BALDWIN, JOOST A MERTENS, 238 Montgomery st. tf SnWe ft 1 i),-(l CENTRALLY LOCATED LOT ON <!P 1 _._>U. Tay St.. near Clay and Powell; size 22x 56; improved at a small outlay: will bring good in- come, 0, 1). BALDWIN, JOOST At MERTENS, 2118 Montgomery st Jyl3 SnWe tf ft I < i "", (I ,( ' $8280 EACH— A FEW VERT SU- sip 1 OU perlor lots outbe magnificent eminence tapped by the new Hyde-st- Cable Railroad, situated on the s. side of Lombard at., near Hyde: unob- structed and enchanting view. O. 1). BALDWIN, JOUST » Mi.lLi t\>. 236 Morrtgomery.Jyl3 tf SuWe Ci'. OKA ONLY— FOB THAT MAGNIFICENT ~)£—OU corner lot. :soxlus. on SW. cor. Llberly and Church sts. ; line chance for a lovely home. o. D. BALDWIN, ost a mertens, 238 Mont- gomery st. Jyl3 tf SuWe (Jb. ..I'll EOR 11 MCE LEVEL LOTS IN THE C**- SOU Excelsior Homestead, not far from the Mission lead, particularly well adapted for a milk ranch. O. D. BALDWIN, JOOST _ MERTENS, 2.8 Montgomery st j> in tf SuWe ©•.Ml A SPECIAL GOOD THING; HOUSE O— ixkJU* and lot on Clara st. only '.'7. reet from 4lb: rents $20 per month, which even can tie in- creased; brick sewer: basalt block pavement and sldewalking lnst completed and paid ror; this is a find. O. D. BALDWIN. JOOST A MEKTENS, 238 .Mo ii ornery St. JylS tl su e sj--'" ill I EACH _'. LOTS. N. SID*! FULTON C— ' '•'»' st., 56 feet W. of Lyon; size 25x100; sec them without delay. O. D. BALDWIN, JOOST a M i.k i i..\s. 238 Montgomery ft. jylii tf SuW'e H_*^7-M1 MCALLISTER ST.. E. OK RAKER; ~;—l OU. lot 25x100: this property hi offered it a bargain. O. D. BALDWIN, JOOST ft MERTENS, 238 Montgomery st. Iyl3 tf BuWe 9 7" A SPLENDID BUILDING LOT ON Or*- I OU . Baser St., nr. Grove: within few feet if tire main entrance to the park: size 25x121 -.10; tbistsa bargain. O.D. BALDWIN, JOOST** MER- TENS, 238 Montgomery st. jylll tf SnWe (_' ill ill LOVELY NEW BAT-WINDOW COT- tSOUUU. time ou litih ave.. 275 S. of Point Lobes: size of lot '.'• -. 1 20: cottage contains i rooms andbath; has brick foundations; stable, etc 0. D. BALDWIN, JOOST A MERTENS, 288 Montgom- ery*^ JyiStf SiiWe tm2"~'.l) FINE WESTERN ADDITION LOT ON <_*•«) I OU. Page St., near ltrorlerick : large size, 37:6x75: well worth the money. O.D.BALDWIN, JOOST - MERTENS. 238 Montgomery st. tl SuWe VII it'll VERY PRETTY MODERN COTTAGE ©"JUUU. 0 f 5 rooms arrd bath, on Liberty Heights, near Church st. ; grand view or the city. O. D. BALDWIN, JOOST A MERTENS, 238 Mont- gonrery st. Jyl3 SuWe tf (Jj.i'.ii CHEAPEST BLOCK SOUTH OF THE C -—""'. park: bet. 88th and 39ih ayes.: a sale buy. O. D. BALDWIN, JOOST * MERTENS, 238 Montgomery st. jyla tf SuWe ._ I r.llfl A RARE CHANCE -NI ANDCOM- tjpTl OUU. fortable bay-window cottage of 5 rooms an! bath: on liroiier St., near Hayes; cheap at $501)-. O. I). BALDWIN, JOOST. Mill- li SS, 23n Montgomery st. JylS tt SuWe <_:.._ 1-1/1 SUPERB CORNER LOT ON SACRA- «IT UI'V'V.'. ent.. ami Scott -. , ; size 29:6x102:8; very cheap. O.D. BALDWIN, JOOS T A- MERTENS, _. - Montgomery st. jyiatt We Q. j.. ii FINE 2-STORY RESIDENCE IN THE '_ I'o 11. Mission warm belt; on Guerrero St. bet. is I. a:, - 1 lOtl ; contains 7 looms and both and ail modem improvements, o. D. BALDWIN, ■lids I A- MERTENS. 2.8 Montgomery st. tfSuWe ■ill'llfifi IRICK BUSINESS CORNER: CLAY •_"'"' <-"-' . at., i.i Stuckton: -..I. building con- taiulug 11 rooms, hath, etc.: size 26x00; a splendid investment; cant be beat. O.D. BALDWIN, Joos i' _ MER I ENS. 2. - .Montgomery St. Jyl3 tt SuWe 4__-'-t- 1 1. ONLY. OR $120 PER FRONT FOOI CUiIV- [or that magnificent NW. corner or Washington .and Spruce BIS.: tire choicest and most select corner on Presidio Heights: -..-• 53x127:6; this property will treble in value within few vears. O.I). BALDWIN, JOOST A MERTENS, 238 Mont- gomery st. rj 13 if Saw .- Q/'-Ari ELEGANT LARUE COTTAGE. EN- ._ il. UU. tirely new, with 7 rooms and bath and high basement; on Scotl St., nr. Mcallister; large lot. 25x1_7:6; house is georgeousiy papered, etc.; must be sold on accouut of owner's removal Irom tire city; don't fall to investigate this. O. D. BALD- WIK.JOOSi * MERTENS, _38 Montgomery. SuW ".(111 BEAUTIFUL PACIFIC-HEIGHTS «£*■ I OUU. residence on K. side of Webster St., near Vallejo: contains 8 rooms and bath and the ' most modern Improveineuts: patent stone sidewalk : . magnificent marine '.view; $3000 can remain at 6 ' per cent. O. D. BALDWIN, JuOSl A MERTENS, 238 Montgomery st. JylS SnWe tl ffl; Cl' (HI OR LESS THAN $100 I'll: LOT «J OI'UU. } or nearly ball a block (21 lots) err Clement St., bet. Slst and 321 aves.: this is a par- ticularly tine speculation, and will make big money within a short time. O. D. BALDWIN, JOOST A- MERTENS. 238 Montgoiuery st l.i Sa We (Jill flfifi "THE SAFEST BANK Is A ~) 1 U. UUU. sandbank "; put your money Into it; thousands and thousands have growu rich by It; we olfer a particularly well situated block south of the park, fronting on J St., for the above price; rn, safer and surer speculation irr san Francisco. O. D. BALDWIN, JOOST A MERTENS, 238 Montgomery street JylStf SuWe &li; AflA AN EXCEPTIONAL BUY; GRAND «_ 1 —.UUU. NE. corner lot: Ist and Hamsun sts.; with fine 3-story bouse of 18 rooms, etc.. and all modem Improvements; size or lot 45:6x68:'- ; house cost $18,001) to build, O.D. BALDWIN, JOOST A MERTENS, .IS Montgomery. 13 SuWe tt ._ I A 77f_7\~llrV INCOME PROPERTY, CON- CT J .«)UU. ststlng of 3 Groomed 2-story bouses on Sacramento St., 85 feet E. or Polk: monthly ren- tal $H7 50: the lot aione is almost wrth the money ; Investors, look Into this. O. D. BALDWIN, JOOS'I a- mertens. 2:*B Montgomery st. Jyl3 SuWe $1 E. AAA 5 0-VARA ON PRESIDIO ~) I Ii.UUU. Heights; S. side or Sacramento st, near Central ave.; this Is excellent speculative property. O. I). BALDWIN, JOOST _ MERTENS, .38 Montgomery st. |y!8 Bnwett 1"1 E. MAYNE & CO., REAL ESTATE DEALERS, VJ. 322 Montgomery st. Sate Deposit Bldg. jy IB tr •i'VIW) '*" A MODERN NEAT COTTAGE OF •?— UUU 5 rooms and bath, on Cumberland st. bet. Church and Sanchez, lutli and 20th: lot .6x114. VV. H. CRIM Ac CO., 205 Sloutgomery St. 16 WoSn 2t ffl. .i'Jfifi HANDSOME NEW FLATS ON* AI.A- -(JrIOUU. t.iiuiTi st., near 23d; 1 and 5 rooms and baths. VV. 11. GRIM a CO., • 205 Montgomery street. Jyl6 WeSU 21 <» I _»Kfi MUST HE BOLD; 60x114; S. SIDE V. 1 ')OU . Cumberland st, bet Sanchez and Noe, IBtb and 20th. CHARLES C. FISHER, 50s Call- furulast. _ It* BARGAINS FOR SALE BY THE CAKNALL- IIT/.IiUOII-llol'hl.NS COMPANY, IMPROVED. $26,000-27 Page st. to Rosa ave., with cottage and 2-story tenement house. fl',, 50x80; Mission St., near 18th; business location: 2 r ..... - stores, ana rooms above. 1(5:1x161). with I. 25 leet; splendid business prop- erty, N. side lbth St.; 2 stores and tenements: bet Valencia and Mission _ts.; good rent; Inquire at of- Bce. *16.000-27:0x1..7:6; elegant 16-room modern Improved 2-story residence; Rush St., near Leaven- worth. $13.(100-25x137 :«: N. side Post st., nr. Jones: 2-story 1 i-rooui house. $12,5-0—27:6x120; N. side Geary St., bet. Polk and Liuartir: well Improved; rent $166. $11,500—25x121); Post SL, near Larkin. to rear s!i el ; 2-storv, 9 rooms and Path residence. $10,50.1—27:6x137:6; Poet st, nr. Leavenworth; Hood Improvements; rent 1 12, $8500—33x100; N. side Sutter st., nr. Scott; 2- story. li-room. modern residence. $8500— 25x137:11: N. side Gulrlen Gate ave.. ii r. Lyon st.; new 2-story modern --room residence, elegantly built :» ion 30x100; N. side Russ St.. near Howard: 2-:.tnry ii .1... . 8 rooms; rear' house of 8 rooms; all In excellent repair; relit $70. $4600—35x7-; W. site Utah St., ur. 21th; now house. 2 floes: modern Improved. $4250—26x1110: 27th St., nr. Guerrero; 2-story modem bouse, 6 ruoms and bath. $4100 26x76— (jrrlrrrr st., nr. Valencia: modern 2-slory bouse, 2 llats; barn in rear; rent $16. UNIMPROVED. $10,000-37x80; NE. cor. 16th an.l Guerrero sts. 50x100: NE. cor. Kroderick and Grove sts. $8760—60x75; NW. cor. Howard and Adair sts. 26x80— Only a few. left or those elegant residence lots, un A.slriniry Heights: street graded, macadam- i/.ed and sewered: unsurpassed view or ocean and park; sold cheap anl on easy terms; Inquire at olllee. $7000—32:6x110; lot SW. cor. 17tb and Cappsts. 40x120; N. side Ellis St., near Franklin, to rear street: imiuire at otlice. 34:1 ",_xl 37:6; 8. side Calllornla St., near Steluer. 81:3x106— NW. cor. Clay and Broderlck sts.; elieiiji; sold in sub.liv Isions. $5000-110x112. N. side 171b St.. near Howard. $450i)-80il 14 ; S. side 2 ith st., ur. Castro. - * -86x1 14; N. side 27th st., near Church. $3.M)()-3u:ioxl27:BV_: S. side Washington st, (rear Central ave. i lot graded; magnificent view. $3250 each— 2 lots; liroderlck St.. nr. Grove. $1200— 27:6x100 ;5W. cor. C ami 14th ova.: easy terms. fllso-26x120; vv. side Sth ave., nr. I'ulntLobos. $1600— Will buy 4 original lots, 76x100 eacb. In block 631. Ray view Homestead. 41 :«xl.:7ri»_N'. side Sutter, near Buchanan. - $060—26x160: 11. sido utb ave.. near California. $826— 78 120: W. side 118th aire., near A St. $760—25x120: W. side nth ave., nr. B st. $800— Lin In Park Lane 'Tract. $500-25r120-23d. nr. I'oint Lobos ave. THE CARNALL-- ITICIIUGII-HOI-KINS COMP'V", 624 Market St. Jy lti tt C-CiAl'l FOR A SPLENDID HOME AND A NO. ~IOUU 1 cottage arrd lot: lot 25x100: Mlsslou ami 31st sts.; fullpri.e $1500; Mission It. when widened, graded and cable running, this place will readily seil tor $30001 most positively bo sold this week. Fur the greatest bargains ever offered apply tu P. A. DOLAN A CO., 630 Market st Jyl6 tf o> 1 7A A ONLY— SUITABLE FOR POOR MAN; nT I I UU lovely cottage; 4 rooms, hard finished; stable, garden, etc: on _ lots, _.x7t> each; 11 blocks iroru 2 lines cars; $500 ca-sh, balance $15 per month, 7 per cent Interest. J. F. PLI'MBE. 1402 Valencia st Jj 18 nt suMowe . $*-«'J!IIA- A BARGAIN — PIEASANI - HUME; • )OuU. _ large rooms; bigb basement: alt modern improvements; 2i"itli St., one block irorn Castro-.-;. cable; 10l 26x114,' near public school;, yard In front ami rear; street sewered and graded. J. F. PLUMBE, 1402 Valencia St. Jyl'J SaSuWe 3t (_• I7 ,- LOT 24x100, IN Berkeley; SIOE- i_S 1 I O. walked; $5 cash, $5 niotilbly, - 1150— Corner, 75x1011, with creek; $5 monthly. $450— Lot 40x136: sewered and sldewalked. $800— lots, oil sizes and kinds. Send for maps. .. CHAS. A. BAILEY, owner, 624 Market.l2 If y^'-.*" CITY REAL F.STATE. '■■---■"■'■ WOVEE, TOY & CO., 19 MONTGOMERY ST. IMPROVED. . $1000— Fillmore St., near Fulton: 1-story building used as a store; rents $18 per mouth: lot 25x87:6. $4800— Union st., near Laguua; suuny side: house or 7 rooms; -table, garden, yard, etc.; rents $40 per month: lot 28x157:0. $8500— Hllinoro St., near Oak: elegant cottage houseof 6 rooms aud bath; every modern conven- ience; splendid chance to secure a gentleman's tonic; lot 37:61110. $7750— Ridley st.near Scott; a bay-window flats of 5 and 6 rooms and bath eacb; rents $00 per month: lots 25x119. $5500— Pine st., near Webster: bouse of 6 rooms and hath; stoue side-walk, etc.: a cosy home ; lot 31x87:8. »25,000-S|ilenillil business corner on I'olk St.: 2 stores with 2 rooms each below and Hats above uf 5 and 6 rooms and batb eacb; rents $132 60 per month; splendid Investment property. $20,0110— Ellis st., near Polk; 2 2-story bouses or 7 rooms and bath each ; also 2 3-story houses in rear on Olive ave. or 7 rooms anil bath each; rents $130 per mouth; lot 33x120 to rear street. $4700— St., near 18th; 2-story bay-window house of 7 rooms and batb, basement, etc.; Mission warm belt. $2560-York st., near S2d; 2 flatsor 3 roomsoacb; separate entrances; sewer connection, sidewalk. etc.: rents $24 per mouth: a good Investment; lot 25x85. $4600-lleaver St., uear 14th; one-half block from Castro-st cars; a nice house or 6 rooms, bath, gar- den front and rear, stable, etc.; lot 25x115. $8760— 215t St., near Mission: 2 elegant bay-win- dow flats of 5 and 6 rooms and bath each; brick foundation, cement sidewalk, etc.; rents $57 60 per inonth: lot 33:6x90. $16,600— 13th and 14th: store and living rooms below and 2 tipper flats or 7 and 8 roums and bath each; substantially built; rents $110 per month: lot_lUxl43. Clementina st, near 4th; bouse of 3 tenements, divided into 13 rooms; rents $16 per month; lot 25x80. $22,000-6tli st., near Harrison: splendid Invest- ment: business properly; consisting of 3 stores with living rooms eacb: also upper flats of 0 and 8 rooms and bath each: rents $127 per month: lot 50x80. $4260— LarKln st., near Lombard; nice bay-win- dow cottage of 4 rooms; hi_h basement; fine marine view, etc.; lot 87:6x116; cheap heme. $•750— Bush st, near Powell; 2-story and base- ment boy-window house of 12 ruoms 'ami both; brick fonndotlon: cement sidewalk, etc; rents $55 per month; a very central location. $10,000— Post St., near Hyde; front house of 8 rooms and bath and rear house uf 6 rooms, etc. ; rents $50; lot 20:9x120. $6000- Vallejo st., SW.cor. Leavenworth; 2-story house of store runt 2 rooms below, and upper pari of 5 rooms and batb: basement for horses, wagons, etc.; rents $60 per mouth; examine this. $9500— Broadway, near Kearny: business prop- erly of store and 4 rooms below, and upper portion of 18 rooms; rents $90 per mouth: lot 22:6x137:6. UNIMPROVED. $2500— Frederick St., near Ashbury; 25x116:6. $2000— Cherry at, S. ot Jackson; 31:10x117:9. $_600-JlcAtllster St., N. side, W. ol Loll St.: 25xi00. $2200— McAllister and Wlllard: 49x186; as a whole or in subdivisions. $3166— Laguna St., near Green: 25x100. $3000— Guugh st., near Green: 27x100. $16,000— Marketst near Hermann: 26x107. $2760— Fulton St., near rlrorlerick; 25x137:6. Broderlck st, near Grove; 25x106. $8000— NW. cor. Pierce and Vallejo st. : 50x100. > 000-Jsckson si., near Broderlck: 24:9x127:6. $2800- Scott st, near lialght: 25x106:3. $1500— Pace St., near Hevlsadero; 37:dx100. $16,500— NW. cor. Vallejo and Bough Bts.; 70x 120. $6000— SW. cor. Broderick and Fell sts.; 25x100. $7500 -SW. cor. Rush and linker -ts : 60x87 :6. $5200— Schroder st, near Page: 50x112:6. $2500— McAllister St., near linker; 25x100 $5506— Webster St., near Haves; 37:6x101:5. $2750— Devlsadero st, near Ridley: 251 125. » 2766— st, near Buchanan; 26.x137:0. $5756— Fe1l St.. near Devlsadero: 50x)37r6. $3500 each— Ashbury st, near Frederick; 2 lots; 27 TdxllO each. $1260— Hampshire st., S. of 20tb: 25x100. $1500— SW. cor. Dlamoud aud 20th sts.; 101 :9x 111. $1250— Ciipper st, near Noe; 26x115, $2250— Heury st, near Sanchez; 25x115. $4000- '.'Oth st., NW. cor. of llrirtli.i.l: 55x100. »ls_. each— Hill st., near Noe; 2 lot-. 25x114 each. $5000— ll. .ward st, near 16th: 25x175. $2700 Castro st., near 14th: 29x100. $.000— Foisom st., near 13th; 24_v>. $3400— SW. cor. 21 and Church sis.; 30x80. $8500— Leavenworth St., near Lombard; 37:dx 110. Also cheap lots In Richmond, Homesteads and Mi-si. ui road ou easv installments. Fur rurther particulars apply to BOYLE, TOY & CO., 11' Mont- gomery st jylll 21 SuWo KEAdTtHI.NK! AND PAY RENT No LONGER. $1000: balance in monthly Installments of $95 per month; we make the above proposition for the next two weeks only: 4 new bouses on the N. sido or Page ' st, li_ blocks W. of Baker; 2-story bay - window house, containing salon parlors, dining-room, kitchen, servant's room, laundry, bath-room and 5 sunny and capacious chambers; bric-a-brac top mantels; the above houses are built by one of our best builders; sanitary pltimbiu.; a charming boms In every r. sped ; look at I Ire and be convinced; price Only $.006: lot 25x111: bear In mind the ah.. pro- position '.'■ easy terms is for two weeks unly; and only _ honses left. Apply at ouce to AH.: lil.l. A LANG. 11 Montr-ornery st Jyl3 tf tsnWe ol_q.>-jl, TWO NEW HOUSES, SUNNY SIDE «J"O— OU. of Wasliingtoii Brodoiick and Baker; 9 rooms; bath, launrlry, etc; look at these to-day: houses open; lot 25x102. Apply to O'FAK- RELL A LANG. 11 Montgomery st. jj 13 SuWe tt <_! sl" ill I SUNNY SIDE HAIGHT. NR. BAKER. V 1 - civ'". No. 1168— New idem house; 9 rooms; bath and laundry; carpets ond window Shades included at above price: large lot. 26x137:6. Applyto o'iARREI.L A LANG, 11 Montgomery street Jy 1 .1 sn We tt SPECIAL-FLATS OB RESIDENCES— II HAVE tor sale 12 new modern bay-win. low residences or 8 and 9 rooms and batlr. each ranging from $7600 to $9000, ln various desirable locations of tire west- ern Addition: also several 7 and 6 room flats, pay- ing over 16 per cent gross on asking price Those seeking the above should apply Tor location and full particulars to O'FARRELL i LANG, gollrery St. jylii SuWe H- 'ill 111 CLEMENTINA ST.: s. SIDE. BE- CUUuU. tween sth and 9th: 2-story bay-win- dow bouse 8 rooms and bath; large basement: rear bo ■". 2-Story frame. 4 rooms: Income $42 56 per month. Apply to OFAItKELL A Lang, 11 Mont- i;.. irrery st JJ'l3 SuWo If C_QA(IA HAIGHT ST.; SUNNY SIDE. NEAR _50U*rJU. Pierce; 2-story house 9 rooms and bath: all modern Improvements: high unfinished basement; lot 26x110. Apply to O'r'AKRELL A LAN.,. 11 -Moutgomery st. it 1:1 Sil'.lctt S"'ft tilt. DOWNTOWN CORNER: 50-VARA 0*)-'.UUU. lot in northern part of city, par- tially improved, and rents at present for $250 per month; must be sold to satisfy the heirs ot tbeeo- tate; if flintier Improved would pay $500 per month; this Is a big bargain. Apply at ouce to O'FABBELL _ LANG. 11'y tt. i.riiSuWetf otQ7f\ft 2 NEW FLATS: JUST COMPLETED; O I OU. sunny side or Sutter sl.; 6 and 7 rooms and bath each: bric-a-brac, top mantles, orna- mental gas l tires, appliances forgos lighting, etc.; must be seen to be appreciated. For farther par- ticulars appiy to O'FARKELL* LANG, 11 Mont- gonrery st JylS SnWe tl (517-11 RESIDENCE OF S BOOMS AND ~) I I till, batb on Henry St.; nric_ fuuiidatlun; street work complete: lot 25x115: a remarkablv cheap home. Apply to O'FABBELL a Lang, li Jloiitgomery st jy 13 SuWetf ._ Vf.ftA CASH: BALANCE IN MONTHLY IN- _*•— ' 't'l' stalllui'iils: price $4000: 1-slory and basement buusor 6 rooms and both: lot 26x114. Apply to O'IARRELI. at LANG, ll Montgomery street JylS SnWe tr 'llrii GREEN* ST., NEAR OCTAVIA; NEW «^r I UUU. 2-story bay-window 'house; 9 rooms, bath, laundry, etc.; positively one of the cheapest houses ln tbe Western Addition: easy terms ir de- sir, lot 28:6x187:0. Apply to o'V.UiRELL A- LANG, : 1 Jluntgumery st jylll SllWe If L'OR sale- Bl JOHN PFOBB, 329 MONTGOM- I cry St.. opp, Safe Deposit. Real Estate, Renting of Houses and Collection of Routs. $30,000- Fine large lot, 70x100. Foisom St. NW. side, near stb, running back to Clementina; well adapted tor mauulacturlng business. $20.000— Cloy St. near East; 2-story fire-proof brick bouse; tot 23x116 ; rent $161). $10.000 — Spear St.. near Howard; Oar-room, din- ing-room, kitchen and rooms upstairs; lot 23x 137:6; rent $50; leased lor 5 years, increasing $10 per month every year. Reduced to $38,560; a very fine corner on Jllsslon St.: : story, 3 tint; 6 rooms ami bath each: upstairs: and two 4-ro.'iii cuttages: lot O.'.xlOO: rents $215. $12,560—40 acrea adjoining odd Fellows' llall, in tin' town of l'acheco, one or the oldest towns back of Martinez, which will tie coming to the trout again by means or railroad connection through that lovely valley: the whole tract Is covered with grapevines, all lu bearing and about 100 fruit trees; tine house of rooms, outhouses, cellars. $I.l,6oo— Steuart. near Jllsslon; brick house and lot; rent $75. $26,000— Fe1l st.near Hough; 4 fine 2-story; lot 82:6x120; well located ami always rented. $31,600— A splendid corner property on Post St.; 3-story bay-window, new house: 2 stores and 4 flat- upstairs: lot 38x62:6: rent $200. $11.000— 2-story houses and lot; Post St., nr. Larkin; 9 and H rooms; lot 27x187:0; rent $30. $11,500- Howard St, nr. IBtb; 2-Story and base- ment; 10 rooms and bath; lot 31x245 to Capp St.. with stable. Reduced to $70.000— A first-rate property on Mar- l.r-l St. 50 It. Irom tjtli: 8-fct, . house, ami lot 25x 8.'.; present rent $300; will soon bring $400; Ibis chance will only be open for a lew days. On easy installments at from $260 to $100 each— 21 lots lu the Excelsior Tract; 5 lots on Morton St.. 166 feel from Mission; 16 lotslu west End, fronting on tin- rood; 0 lots 360 feet from the railroad depot in Ocean View. $8000— Bent $31; Rltchot, near Bryant: 2 houses and lot '25x15; very i ri".,p. $3000— Fair Oak'.", st, near 24th: cottage of 6 . rooms ami bath; lot 80x125: rent $20. $3000— Bonss and lot; Broadway, near Jones st: 6 run urs and bath; 23x66; on account of departure; a very good buv. Rcdifi.ed to $24, 000-Cor. Geary and William sts., 4-story bay-window house of 27 rooms: lot 28x 02:0; rent very low, $125; lower flour can bo ar- ranged tor astute and rent be brought up to $175. $40.000— Mission st., near (ttli, 2 fine bay-wiudow houses; 0 rooms ami both each: lot 50XS5. _ jy lti Wesu tf ft. _'>•_._ Aslll'.ritv ST., NEAK OAK: LARGE ~)U—OU. lot, 65x123 feet: close to Park and car- line. ROBERT J. MERCER, 513 Calirornia street Jylii SnWeSn lit O-U.-'WI, COR. PINE AND WEBSTER STS.: ~VOOtIU. lot 27 :6xl00: two-story house or store and flats; rents lur $05 per month. ROBERT J. MERCER, 513 calirornia st Jylll SuWeSu 3t ft I A AAA FRANKLIN ANDLOMHAKDSTS.; •*u) lU. UUU. northwest corner; entire 50-vara: 137:6x137:8; Lombard st. being Improved by the Government as a grand thoruugbrare to the Presidio. ROBERT J. MERCEK, 513 Callloruia street. - ■ - JylO 3t TbSuWe ft lii AAA POSTST., N. SIDE, BET. LAOUNA «JI I U.UUll'. and Buchanan; lot 50x137 :«0; 2 cottages of 5 aud 6 rooms: will pay well If Im- proved in flats. ROBERT J. MEIICER. 513 Call- fornlast JylO Ot TbSuWo ftl9 ~f\f\ JACKSON ST. —NORTHWEST ijl_.-ULI. cor. Spruce st. Presidio Heights; elegant marine view: cannot be obstructed: entire 50-vara: 137:6x137:6 feet on grade, ond fenced. ROBERT.!. MERC ER.SI California st. lo3tThSu We *_|Q AAA FIRST AVE., AND CLAY ST.-FINE ~i.O.UUU. large curuer lot: 129 :4' _xlol feet; First ove. Is 100 leet wide and thoroughfare to the Park and Presidio. ROBERT J. MERGER, 613 Callfornlast. JylO 3t ThSuvVe ilj-QQ.;)) FIFTEENTH ST., NEAR CHURCH (J OOUU. and Market sts.: large lot, 37:6x166: tbls IS the cheapest lot offered In this location. Roll- KKTJ. MERC Lit 513 California st JylO 3tThSilWe fttt.NfW- LEAVENWORTH AND CHESTNUT «lpOUUU.sts.: corner lot 80x137:6, with large houseof 7 rooins andbath: brick foundation: bay- window, etc.; elerrnut marine view." ROBERT J. MERCER, 513 Callfornlast JylOStTbSuW C--I "117,(1 LOJIBABD ST., NEAR tKAVEN- tff I I OU. worth; lot 22x137:6, with 2-story house or about 7 rooms, etc.; fine view. ROBERT J. 51 ER- CER 813 Callfornlast ■< ■■ ■ JylOStTbSuW. S_')*7."\l 1 RANDALL St'., CLOSE I'll MISSION; «E>_j I OKI. large lot 70:0x27:6: very cheap. K" EKT J. MERCER, 613 Calirurulast jy 10 3tThSu W QBO AAA LINCOLN ST., BET. TAYLOR AND ~i_.Kn!U., limes: large lot, 82:0 front; 2-story house of 5 rooms; marine view: only oue-hair block from cable-cars. ROBERT J. MEIICER, 613 Cailfurrrla st. - - y ■ JylO 3t Th Su_W_ |»Ol)C'l LOT 37:6x120: COTTAGE, STABLE ~) — er.OU. barn, cblckcn-house, pretty • garden: ocean view; Spring Valley water; ur.G.G. Park. Ad- dress It., blue letter Ualgbt aud 7t* *-*_•'.--■■■" " CITY REAL ESTATE. ' ft WWI RENTS $40; 2 HOUSES: TWO FRONT «JP_:UUU. ages: Heron St., Lot. 7th and Sth. Foi som and Harrison. W. L MORGAN A- CO., 512 Cal. st. Jyl3 tf SuWe ffi ') 7 (1 OAK-ST. LOT; SIZE 25x110; HOW- <"**_, « OU. ard-st. cable: fronting Golden Gate Park. W. I. MORGAN a CO.. 612 Cal. St. 113 tf SuW ft'-.?'..! Rage; N. SIDE. bet. DEVIBADEBO t~D I OU. and liroderlck; flue view of the city; largo lot, 25x137:6. W. 1. MORGAN A- CO., 512' Cal. st. Jyla tf SuWe <K_[ Piftft RENTS $56; NATOMA ST., N. side, xJT-UUU. bet. Slh and 9th: 4 fiats and rear house; lot 25x75. W.I.MORGAN' « Co.. 612 Cai. street Jy6 SuWetf ftQ'iOH DEVISADERO ST.; CORNER. BET. iff: UOUU. Geary and Post; lot 50x100: 2-story house; 6 rooms and bath; stable. VV. I. MORGAN* * CO., 512 Cal. st. Jy 6 SuWe tf <i;OAnA RENTS $82: PACIFIC ST.: N. SIDE, (y,UI)UU. bet. Jones and Leavenworth: trout, middle and rear houses; street accepted: lot 23x 120 to rear street. W. I. .MORGAN X C0., 612 Cal. street. J) 6 SuWetr ffiUKfin 2 FLATS; RENTS, $36: STREET AC- iiPOUUU. eepted; 10t 25x75: Garden Har- rison and Bryant. W.l. JIoRUAN A CO., 513 editor nla st. je23 SuWe tf q_9<-vftft EACB— LOTT a ST., HALF BLOCK e~ — OUU from Golden Gate Park; lots 26x100:8 each; street sewered and macadamized: will sub- divlde. W. 1. MORGAN A CO.. 512 Crll. 22 If SuWe fti'lilWi RENTS $,*0; CHESLEY ST.. BET. •JiCOOl'. 7th and Sth; flats; largo lot 30x80 tt. VV. I. MORGAN a CO.. 512 Cal. st. je'22 tl SuWe ft '..7 -All RENTS $66: 3 NEW FLATS OF 0, 5 t~VJ I OU. aud 6 rooms aud baih each; separate entrances, etc.; cheap; Shotwell St.. W. side, bet. 17th and ISth. W. I. MORGAN A- CO.. 512 Cal. street. j022 tt SuWe _t7ilfl_l RENTS $65: 4 FLATS) LARGE LOT, «£> I UUU. 30x80; Pearl st., bet Market and Rid- ley: call Immediately. W. I. MORGAN .v Co., 512 Cal. St. J.-23 tl sii e ffl;r.UXll DOUBLE HOUSE, 6 ROOMS AND «(PU__UU. bath each in front: rear house of 4 rooms; Oak Grove ave.. bet. Folsuin and Harrison sts.; rents $17; lot 25x112. W. I. morgan * CO. 612 Cal. st. jc_2 tt SuWe ft*^ 7?, » LOTS (2 CORNERS); SW. COB. iff.-.. 1 UU. 37th ave. and Cst: size 210x100 ft W. I. .MORGAN ft Co., 512 Cal. St. ■• IVmi We tr__ ftl --"".II EACB— I BLOCK PROM HAIGHT ST.; •iiIUOU a. blurry Heights; 3 lots; each 25xSo>; street macadamised, etc. W. i. MORGAN .v CO., 512 Cal. at [18 SuWetf ftl '-!(»( I ANGELICA ST..W. SIDE OFF 19TH, <piUl"'. bet. Valencia and Guerrero: lot 25x73. W. I. MORGAN A: CO., 512 Cal, St. jcls SuWe tf ftl Will NATOMA ST.. N. SIDE, BET. 6TH IJUUUU. rir..l7tli; 4 flats; mouthly rental. $61 : sec this immediately best bargain south of Market at. W. 1. .morgan a CO., 612 Cal. stje IS SuWetf (jgOf'Xn BOUSE 7 BOOMS. BATB, LAUN- xjT».)UUU. dry: brick foundotiont cement base- ment; In perfect order; Hard..' St., bet Church ami Sanchez: cannot be duplicated for the money. W. I. ROAN a C '. 512 California at. uiylutfSuWo DOWNEY At GAMHS, LEAL ESTATE AGEN'fs", 318 Montgomery st. - Reduced to $15,660, for that well-Improved cor- ner Mlsslou and 25th sis.; 35165; 2 stores and Hats; in Brat-class condition. Vacant lot ou Ist., near Foisom: 50x87:6. $1000-1 reuii nt st, near Foisom; 23x70, with i;.....! building; rents $49. $27.560-Cbolco Investment; 50xS0 to roar street: in one of the best business blocks or Stock- ton St.; brick building: rents $187 50. Reduced to $10,000; Guerrero St.. near ltitb; 160x100 with good bulldiug on part of lot Western Addition lot for 11. its: on Rush, near Flll- irioia : 23x127:6 to Wlld-.-y st: bouse on rear street rents $25. $17,006— Fine corner In Haves Valley; 35x80; star.-, and flats; rents 6117 50: __ first-class condi- tion. 55000— Well Improved, with substantial bouse.; Minna st., mar Ist; front house, 9 rooms; rear Use. It rooms; rents $15. $4000-South San Fraiicisco; corner, 100x100. with 2 cottages; 00 feel on corner vacant: 2 blocks from coble line and a little over 1 block rrum Rail- road ave. $8500— Flats; Post St.. nr. Larkin: 22:6x130; rents $82 50; in perfect order; always rented. $1260— Pacllic St., near Stocktou; 24 137:6 with g.od building; rents $35. RESIDENCE PROPERTIES. $8500— Cosy cottage; 23d St., near Valencia; 25x 114:5 rooms ami batb. $4500—8 rooms and boib; Guerrero, near 22d st. ; in tirsi- class order. $5500— Nineteenth St., near Sanchez; 50x114; convenient residence of 9 rooms and bath; 25 feet of lot vacant. $1506— O'Farrell St.. near Devlsadero; 6 rooms ami bath; 22:6x112:6; stone sidewalk; 0 cheap home. 103x114— Elizabeth St.. near Castro. 45x110 with L to Clara ave., cor. 17th and Dong- lass. 27:6x120 to rear street: Fulton, near Uouch. 27:6x126 to rear street; Ellis St.. near Dough. 50x1 30- Douglass, near 20th st. DOWNEY £ a M BS. 318 Montgomery at. Jyl3 su w ,• 2t ffl; II•! | PER FRONT FOOT. AND -MAY BE »_ I'll) less, for the choice residence lots on McAllister St.. near Steirrer: In sizes to suit pur- chasers: one the best blocks on the street; ready lor building: all street work dune. DOWNEY A AM HS, 318 Montgomery st. Jyl3 SnWeFr St pHBAV, NEW AND EASY TERMS; BEAUTIFUL KJ residence on Van Ness ave.. near Vallejo St.; .st finished; offered fur sale at a very reasonable price arrd on easy terms: 10 rooms, bath arid all the very latest Improvement : heater, electric bert, stone sidewalk and iron fence and cresting.; lot 27x123. DOW NET, ,v GAMHS, 318 .Montgoiuery St. ,n y3t (."ii; SALE BY .1. W. COLEMAN, 106~ POST X street. $2900— Gilbert St.: 2 houses In flne order, renting for $32 a inonth: pays 11 per cent, and cau be Increased; street work done; size 25x66. $21150— Clinton St. : cosy cottage of 4 rooms: room Tor another house: street block paved 25x80. $3100 — a bargain, 22. i st., sunny side, bet. Valen- cia and Guerrero; cottage of 5 rooms: street work done; lot alone worth the money; sUe 25x124. $1506— Zee St.. ur. Bryant nice new flats of 4 and 5 rooms aud bath; rents $37 50. $3500— Elliot I'ark, off Steiner St.: cosy home or 6 rooms, all lu first-class order; make au offer. UNIMPROVED. #.000— 15th. near Church; street sewered; 75r inn: nice lot for 8 flats. $511110 — Fulton St., sunny side, near Lyon; line lot fur Halo; 60x137:0; street worn done. $3000-Feil st, near Devlsadero: 25x137:6. $2206— Hartrord st, near 18th: 37x125. $2100— NW. Clement and 6th av,-.: 29x111. $2000-Ualirornla. near sth ave.; 50U00. 01. '00— 17th ave.. near Cailfurrrla; 52x1 20. WSu 2t Ci 1 ')s\ T<J *- 00 BACH. ACCORDING TO LOCA- -0 I mdO tlou — Nice level lots In South San Fran- cisco; close to street-cars: secure a homo while land is yet cheap. JOHN C. GREEN _ CO.. 401 California st. ■-'.--- ■- jyl3 SuWo _! (xflll EACH-BEAUTIFUL BUILDING LOTS 14 01/onir Pennsylvania ave., near Colusa st; close to manufacturing district on the Potrero. JOHN* C. GREEN a ______ -101 California. Ju29 tt SuW di; X,-. A EACH-NICE LEVEL LOTS ON CARO- t^*r O'jU lino st. near Napa; liberal tern, s: the Im- mediate vicinity is building up very fast JOHN c. GREEN A CO., 401 California st. JylS tf SnW |a./;ji/i EACH FOB 2 MAGNIFICENT LOTS, N. tipUUU or the park, on lllti ave., near 1! st; se- cure these at once. JOHN C. GREEN * CO., 101 ci;'. st JylS tf SuWe CM-- EACH -A FEW CHOICE LOTS ON YaL- ~> UOU con aye., not tar rrom ISth st. and near Market-street extension, at bed-reek prices; terms easy: this property will rabidly enhance In value. JOHN (I. GREEN a CO.. California at 13 tf SnW <7 "( I EACH— A FEW CHOICE LOTS ON COR- _> I OKI bi-tt road, near 18th st. JOHN c. GREEN* A CO.. 461 Call forn la st Jy 18 SuWetf OCAA EACH— BONANZA LOTS OB COBBETT i~K2UU rood, near 18th st. nnd not far from Mar- ket-street extension; un most liberal terms. JOHN c. GREEN A- CO.. 401 Callfornlast jyi:i tf SuW 4; Uftft FINE CORNER LOT IN A RAPIDLY i~ I — KIU. growing section: size 32x100; south liroderlck ami Tildeu sts.; this is an exceptional buy. JOHN C. GREEN A CO., 461 California street. Jyl3 SuW e tf V| .101) 3 LOIS ON 35 1 HAVE. , N. OF THE tjp I*IUI/. park, 1 block Irom I'olrrt Lobos ave. ; no sand. JOHN C. GREEN a CO., 461 California Street Jyl3tfSnWo ■ft 1 tit )t 1 FINE CORNER IN SOUTH SAN FRAN- t_IIUUU. cisco; well located; sue 266x150; pics Ibis up at once. JOHN C. GREEN A Co.. 401 Cli ruriiia street jylll tf SuWe 4_U7(WI NICE SONNY COTTAGE OF 1 BOOHS; ir— I UU. lot 2.1x1 14. 011 Elizabeth St., near San Jose ave. ; easy terms. JOHN C. GREEN At CO., 401 Californiu st. jy!3 tf SuWe 111-Q-.AA MUST BE SOLD: LOVELY NEW iffIUUUU. cottage, 6 rooms and lath: Chatta- nooga St.. near 23d; lot 25xlo0; easy terms, If de- sire, |. this isa bargain. JOHN C. GKEEN * CO., 401 Califuniu. St. Jyl3 tf SuWe -a'T'il'll *' INK WESTERN ADDITION REsT i~ I UUU. dence; Clay St., near Webster; large lot with an L 2-story Game building; brick foundation; all modern conveniences: this is offered cheap on account or owner's removal from this city. John c. GREEN _ CO.. 401 California St. Jyl3 If SuWo >51 1 1. .Win ONLY; THE BEST BUY ON MAR- «Jp J.U.UUU ketst; W. cor. Market. Castro and 17lh sts.; lot 90x75; we are Instructed to sell this property r. rthwlth. JOHN c. GREEN a co., 401 Callloruia at. s JylS tr Wo «*;_>_< AAA CHOICE MV. COR.3D ST., NEAR i.iW.UUU. Mission, bringing In a monthly rental or $165: a gllt-edrto Investment; canuot be duplicated. JOHN C. GREEN a CO., 401 Califor- nia's t__ Jyl3 tf SuWe <•)-. AAA MABKET-ST. FBOFEBTV; 76-FT. dTOU.UUU. front; through to rear street; the safest buy on this leading thoroughfare. JOHN c. GREEN a CO.. 401 California st iyl3trsuwe it' ILL SELL TWO h-room ED RESIDENCES, '* flrst-class and modern in every particular; just completed: $760 belOW value; terms, etc., posted 011 premises. 623 and 53 1 Hill st., Castro cars, jHi 3* SUNSET HEIGHTS LOTS— ON EASY INSTALL- -0 ments; near Fori and Olympic Club grounds: $500, $760, 6750, $800. 61000: chulce corners $1300, $1400, $2500. RICHMOND LOTS. $560 to $1100; cash or installments. 11l .1. "s. W, HEIGHTS LOTS. $400; $75 cash: balance $15 a month. DIAMOND, TWENTY-FOURTH AND ELIZA- 1 BETH STREETS LOTS, $1000. $1200, $1500: on easy terms; choice cor- ners $1750. $2500; on installments. HCCKING- HAJI A- CO.. 415 Montsomery st. Jels SuWe lm SQ-Vfl BARGAIN: RICHMOND LOTS. 10TII t~UUU. av*., near Point Lobos ave. BUCK- INGHAM At Co.. 415 Montgomery st. je-'2 SuW'e lm P'OR SAI.E-'.SrH ST., NEAR MISSION; LOT J 75x14(1. see owner, 26 Geary St. upstairs, JylS tf OS* AKE YOUR OWN TERMS— FOR - SALE ON 111 monthly payment* equal to rent, line modern cottages, containing 6 rooms and bath: 7-foot base- ment: wooden mantel and mirror; stous sidewalk, 'Iron fence, large lot; '- blocks from Castro cable- car, on San. -bez St., between Clipper aud 26th sL*. : owner on promises to-day, or apply to L. I.AMI- . LElt. 228i_ Jloiitgomery st Jyl3 St 1 AROE LOT. 60x125, IN THE BEST PART OF XJ Berkeley, lor $166, on small Installments; will bo worth double In one year; beautiful, new. mod- em cottage; 5 rooms, bath, etc.; large lut, $2,100, . on installments: genuine bargains In new bouses and choice residence lots. I'll LLCs dc RICHARDS, opposite Berkeley Station, ami 11 Montgomery st, San Frauclsco. ■ ■ ■ Je2o If I,'LATS FOR SALE— AND 6 ROOMS: MODERN improvements.; on Potrero ave., bet 23d and 24th Its,; lot 25x100; llnvvard-st. cars pass the bouse; the best prospective business properly In the City. - Apply ou the premises through the day or: at 3006 California St., to A. J. WEIR. Jell tf COTTAGE FOR SALE; ALL MODERN IM- Vj provements; lot 26x95; on 23d st, bet. Potrero ove. ami Hampshire st Just Hnlshed; the Howard- st. Hue In lrout of the bouse: terms easy to suit Apply to A. J. WEIR, ou premises, through tbo day, or at 3000 Horn I a st Jell To EXCHANGE, 5 LOTS 100x100 EACH ON, .Mission road, 1 lot 25x120 on Point Lobos ave. for country property; value $3060. Address W„ Box 15, this otlice. ■ - - • ■ Jyl34f ■■■ l?OR SALE— FINE MODERN COTTAGES ON t 1 easy monthly payments, containing 6 large rooms, bath, 7-foot basement wooden mantle and mirror; stone walk; Iron fence: large lot: only 2 blocks from cable-cars: this Is an opportunity to se- cure a home by monthly payments equal to rent. Apply L. LANDLER. 22_c_ Montgomery st JylO lm AT A BARGAIN: LOT NW. COS. SUTTER AND Broderlck sis. ; 35x110. j Inquire 208 Sutter *t, top floor. • Jj*ls 31* COUNTRY LEVI. ESTATE. BARGAIN— 56 ACRES Al IJIPROVED LAND; near school, town and railroad station: short distance from city ; iu Sonoma County; orchard ond ' vineyard: house 9 rooms, barn and other buildings; 3 horses, 2 cows, 2-sealed buggy, wagon, cart, har- ness and all farming implements: incubator and poultry: nicely located: price for all $7500: i. cash, balance time; also 35 acres unimproved ad- joining above. Call at 1617 Grove st, Sau Fran- cisco: "no trlllr-rs." JylO 81* roll SALE-160 ACRES OF LAND; FENCED X and improved; near Napa City. 784 io aoru Street. _________ 9 AAA /.Oft acres: vast ESTATES OR _Lr.UUU.UUU acre lots; all specialties In laird: stock, dairy, grain, fruit and general farms, resorts, timber laud, Mexican laud, mines, town sites and lots, city mansions, country villas and sites; Invest- ment and speculative properties; money to loan; send iUc Tor 110-page catalogue. C. H. STREET & CO.. Land Agents, 415 Montgomery st. « 10 lm AN ENGLISH GENTLEMAN LEAVING - THE _ V state will sell bis property at a sacrifice for cash or good mortgages! Santa Clara County stock, grata ami lrn it farm . 1000 acres, $12 60 per acre: stock, crop and Implements, low valuation: 16 acres, Wrights Station, $400; 15 and 16 acres, san Jose, part In fruit, $350 per acre: Monterey Conuty, 640 acres, ISO in volunteer wheat, $15 per acre; -ISO un- improved. $5 per acre; livery stable, barn and cot- tage, San Miguel, $5006; also 3 lots, $700 each; also some goon mini's two-thirds 'can remain on mort- gage on any or these; particulars on a; plication. .I.. dress A. W. li., 2514 Sacramento st., San Fran- Cisco ap26 it SCHOOL LANDS, $150 TO $3 AN ACRE: ON very easy terms; sold by tho State In tracts to suit: no residence or Improvement required; all kinds of lands, in many different counties; send stamp for list. Open Monday. Wednesday and Satur- day evenings. F W. LAKE. 6 Flood Building. 13 tf HOI SKS TcTi.ioT^ LET-HOUSE OF S ROOJIS AND HATH; I stable fur two horses, In first-class order. 43 Willow ave., corner of Polk st. Apply MADISON & BURKE. 401 and 403. Montgomery St. Jylg 7t CjQ UPPER PART. 4 SUNNY ROOJIS AND «p_l. wash-room, cheap to good tenant 6 Boyd St., bet. Harrison and Bryant. Seventh and Eighth. Jyl6 WeSU at* fl* DO "II SUNNY BAY-WINDOW Hols I , 8 «_*.!)__. »>U. rooms, alcove: modern improvement-. Fillmore, bet. Sutler and Post: cable. JylO 4t* ffi;() 3-KOOM COTTAOE AND YARD. JERSEY u, ami Sanchez sts. Apply at Bakery, Jersey aud Sanchaasts. Jyld 21* C; I(• RAY-WINDOW COTTAGE 5 ROOMS; 0 1 U. basement. Cor.Dolores and Fltteenth.ls7* Ino NINETEENTH ST. — HOUSE 6 ROOMS, IUO bath anil basement. Jyls 3t* 1 17 PERRY ST., NR. THIRD- HOUSE 5 ROOMS 1 1 1 and bath. jy!s 3t* ■ ..>- COSY FURNISHED COTTAGE OF 1 UP -JU. rooms fur family without children. 1221 Twenty-third at., near Chattanooga. j> 15 31* 1 AA I LARKIN-HOUSE 11 ROOMS TO LET; IUUX $10; carpets forsale. Jyl3 7t* l\'}') GEARY. NEAR LARKIN, 7 ROOMS, t'— .ii bath. $65: ISSI Stevenson St., near 26th, 6 looms and bath, $25: 2503 Clay, nr. Fillmore, S rooms ami bath. $4U: '.116 Oak, nr. Scott, 6 rooms ami hath. $35; 1031 Dolores, nr. Twenty-fourth, 8 rooms aurl bath. $12 50: 425 Sixth, nr. Folsuin, 7 rooms and bath. $37 SU; 4 new- flats, cur. Valencia and Quinu: 9 Liberty, nr. Valencia. S rooms, bath. $15:2118 Union, nr. Webster. 7 rooms, botb, $30; 631 Va Halght, nr, S(elner. 8 rooms, batn. $-10: ; 52 '1 went) -fourth st. near Foisom, 6 rooms andbath, $26: : 1627-29 Post, near liuchanan, 10 rooms, bath, $65 each; 521 Ilrrlghl. near llllmore, 6 roonrs. bath. $35: 11.39 Valencia, near 23d. 7 rooms anil batb. $35: 923 Valencia, nr. 21st. 0 roums. bath, $50: 6 Juniper, nr. Uth. 6 rooms and bath, $25: 32 Frederick, off Ist. 3 rooms. $10; liitn. r.r. Guerrero. 0 rooms, batb, $25; 618 21st, trr. Harrison, _ rooms and bath, $20. VON 1; 1 1 KIN « CO., 524Callfornla «. Jylg tf \**EW HOUSE TO LET. S ROOJIS AND HATH; — all modern conveniences, inns Page st.near Lyou: will be rented reasonable to a responsible tenant ; gey on premises. 13 7t* r/TKN EMENTS," ALABAMA ST.. NEAR — Twentieth; modem Improvements; $14 and $16. Jyl3 7t» GOLDEN GATE AVE., NEAR BAKER-BAY 'J i\ rr.. luw house; 8 rooms; bath; $35. jy!3 51* rpO LET— COTTAGE ON CHENERY ST., NEAR 1 the Mission-rood cars, with large lot, stable, chick- en-house, etc., enclosed by a high board fence. Also a portiuu of house. 559 Bryant st, noar Fourth. Ap- ply .1. li. LEWIS. 436 Jlontgonicry St., SElor. Sacramento, between 12 and 1. Jyl 3 tf 7 ROOJIS AND BATH; RENT $55. 9231,:. 4 do] leu Hate ave. _________ 0;(\ HOUSES ItOOMS; I .a. 15 KEAHNY, NEAR gH/. (.reenwich. CAPP a CO., 416 MonL jy!o 7t U'ANTED-TO PURCHASE TO BE REJIOVEI), sl a house, either cottage or 2- story, at reasonable figures. Apply 11. DOUGALL _ SON. 336 street, between 1 and 4 o'clock p. if. JyS lit DIKEJIAN P1... OFF MASON ST., BETWEEN I. ills and O'l-arrell - 1 rums: large yard; $17.JS tf >>.- ELLIS-HOUSE, 16 ROOMS AND HATH; t OO all moileru Improvements. J>6 tf CUT ~f\ HOUSE OF 6 ROOMS AND BATH. ~~— t .OU. ___?_ Powell at. je2S tt li I •> BOUSE 5 NICE KOOMS; 161U_ MASON «35 1 st.; cable-road at door. U. P. MOREAL, 402 Montgomery si. jell tf FLATS TO J. liT. .T~N~ELEHANT PaTiLOR~FLAT oT^TtOOMS 2_ and bath: sunny side; 13! hills st., 1.e.. La- grriia and Buchanan: rent cheap. Apply Q. 11. UMBSKN A Co., 11 .Montgomery st. JylO 7t nil) LFIT-! SUNNY FLATS; 316 AND 318 JER- x sey St., beL Noe and Sanchez; 4 and 5 rooms; hot and cold water; bath and wash-trays and separate basement; rent reasonable, inquire 1419 Twerity- fonrth St.; take Castro-st. cars. Jyl6 lit* L'INE FLAT TO LET— E. SIDE DOLORES. LET. 1 Twenty-third ami Twenty -fourth; second floor; bay window: 7 rooms and baih; rent $30. with water; key there. Apply to C. S. CAPP* CO., House Broken aud Real— Agents, 415 Mont- goinery st- 16 3t C.-1C FLAT OF 6 SUNNY ROOJIS; ALL JIOD- ~)oO. em Improvements; water free. 363 Halght street jyl6 71* l/'LATS-'i 6-ROOJI AND BATH. $15: 1 4-KOOM X and hath, $12: close to cable-cars. Apply at bak- ery. Jersey and Sanchez sts. j>l6 21* I I f' JONES-LOWER FLAT OF 3 OR 4 ROOJIS i- 1 U lurnlshed for housekeeping; liar gas. Jyl.", tr 1 (V.) SIXTH-NICELY FURNISHED FLAT OF 5 11'- rooms; cheap; call alter 11. j>ls 17t 1 I VA HOWARD-LOWER FLAT; 7 ROO.MS: 1 J OU bath; speaking tubes; electric bells.ls7* I ■• I ,- WORTH— FLAT OF 5 llol 'MS 1U 1 U and botli: ln good order: $18. Jyls 3t* -li, ELLIS-UNFURNISHED FLAT; 4 BOOHS, OIU to let. jy!s St* r./10l STEVENSON, NEAR SIXTH — LOW OUO'2 flat; 5 rooms; rent $1_ iy!s lit* PLAT, 4 ROOMS: LARUE PANTKY; $16 A 1 month; Twenty-third ave.. near Polut Lobos. In- q ulre on premises. JylS 7t l() 1 - GEAItV— 4 NICE BOOMS: BATH; FUR- IOI I nlshed hall: gas; cellar: cheap. jyls St* SUNNY CORNER ILAI WITH 8 HAY WIN- -10 dews, containing 5 rooms and bath and all mod- ern ImproTemcnts. N. E. cor. Sutter and Devlsa- dorosts. Jyll 31* 010 215 AND 217 VALENCIA— 4 NEW BAY- — 1 *). window suuny corner fiats, I*_ blocks Irorn Market, 7 and 8 rooms and bath each, costly mod- ern finish. if you see them you will reiuse all others; also 56 other Hats In all parts or the city. VON BHEIN A- CO., 524 California St. Jylll 10* 2 FLATS OF 4 AND 5 ROO.MS; SUNNY SIDE mm Florida st, near Twenty-second; new house; all conveniences. Apply lo MADISON _. BURKE. 401 Jlurrtgoiuery st. iyl2 7t* 9 FLATS OF 7 ROOMS EACH, $20 AND $22 50: £1 all modern Improvements. 402 Ninth st. Jyl3 tt I.iLAT OF 4 ROOJIS: $15: WATER FREE. AP- . ply 1213 BushsL Jyl'J tt 141 'J SACRAMENTO— UPPER FLAT: 8 ROOMs iilO with batb; good view. Jyl2 7t* UPPER FLAT OF 6 ROOMS AND BATH. V-J 13121,3 Lark I nst.. near California. Jyl2 7t* A THIRTEENTH, NEAR Howard" 2 NEW DU sunny upper tints; 6 ami 7 rooms; both. JU 81* )>ll2 AND $20— NEW FLATS, 4 AND 5 ROOMS; t~ IO bath. 1263 Guerrero St.. cur. 24th. j_ 1 1 7t* ft If\ $211. 2 NEW FLATS, 4 AND 5 R.irr.VlS: (iplO, 120.1 Guerrero St., corner Twenty- rourth. ■.- ■■■■ . jylo 71* 11 IINISUKI) houses. L'INE HOUSE OP 10 KOOMS TO LET AND FPU- X nltnre rrr sale. 1209 Howard St. _\ ;3 tr rpo RENT-ELEUANTLY FURNISHED HOUSE J. 16 rooms, bath. 961 Sutter, corner Leaven worth. _ Jl3 7t 7>)Q McALI.ISTER— UPPER FLAT OF 5 ROOMS, I — O bath: modern improvements. $31). niy_9 tf ______ __ __ _ UOO.UTH Tt) 1. 1.'_-. B~7[Tr^ ,sslo^- L A''fi''* FIIONT~TIOU-EKEEP- -000 Ing ruoiu, $S; single sunny, $6, jyld tf O»9Q HOWARD-FRONT SUITE; GAS. HATH, ________ closets; $14; single sunny, $6. Jyl6 tf Oft THIRD-FRONT SUITE, NICELY FUR- UU nisbed. with piano. $20; double front. $14.1 lit! <_) HUBBARD-BIN6LE SONNY, NEWLY FUR- V ulshed rooms; $5 and $6. JyiOtf ('O7 HOWARD-PLEASANT SINGLF: SUNNY UOt rooms. $1 a week; double, $1 50. lt* 1 '-_ 7 MISSION-NEW FURNISHED SUNNY xt) I I front room; gentlemon: cheap. jyl6 2t* ll ' (\il ARK SCNNY BAY-WINDOW AND I UOU other rooms handsomely furnished; with or without housekeeplug privileges; real moder- ate. jyl6 71 9Q SOUTH PARK— SUITE OF FRONT — O parlors, elegantly furulshed; also single roouis; wllh or withorrt board. Jyl6 71* 10 I JIINNA— NICE SUNNY ROOM. SUITABLE "lO"i for 2 gentlemen or man and wife. Jyl6 2t* CO') FOLSOM— NICE HOUSEKEEPING ROOM. ___________ also bay-window trout room. - Jyl6 :'.t* A tli BOWABD— FINELY FURNISHED FRONT i' -U suite, first Hour. JylS'-t* 07 NATOJIA— FURNISHED AND CNFCR- I i nisbed rooms fur housekeeping; cheap. 16 lit* H-IQ MISSION— NEWLY FURNISHED SONNY —D rooms, en suite or single; bath. JyiOtf HdO JIISSION-FUUNISnED FRONT SHITE: iT'lt) but and cold water; single rooms $5. 16tf I=l A MISSION - LARUE DOUBLE SUNNY «^IU rrout room; rent $12. J)l6 5t - /'III GEARY-FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH OR U I U without board, in private family; rererenees required; fur gentlemen only. J/16 tf 7 Aii PINE — 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR I UO huusekeeplng: 2.1 Boor; also furnished. 16 51* QEiJI HOWARD— 2 SUNNY UNFURNISHED .ut- rooms, suitable fur housekeeping. Jyld tr dl. I z 3 LARGE, BRIGHT . SUNNY BOOKS ~) I O. with bath, pantry anil sink, suitable for housekeeping for , small family. Inquire 17011 _ Foisom st. " Jyltf'Jt* 7*1,1 McALLISTER-3 NICELY FURNISHED 1 1 1 rooms for housekeeping. JylS 31* A 17 MISSION-SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMS oxl for housekeeping and others. ; It* ' 94 VERONA, • COIL. THIRD -SUNNY FUR- 2—X nlshe*d front rooms, housekeeping. jylO 2t* A til CLEMENTINA — ROOMS FOR IIOWSE- IuI keeping. - ■- ■ 1 It* ' l\r\:) HOWARD-LARGE - FRONT FURNISH III) Ove* room frr housekeeping: rent $s. ___ ( ".11 MINNA- 2 SUNNY BACK ROOMS, FUR- ili'l nished far housekeeping. jyifi 2t* Llil- FOURTH-FURNISHED ROOMS, SUIT- —_-0 aide fur light housekeeping. It* ' l")(i POST— SUNNY AND ; HOME-LIKE U_-U basement for small raoilly.* Op-) FOLSOM— 2 SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMS; QUO kitchen; yard; for housekeeping. Jyl6 st* 1...1/1 MISSION— UN FURNISHED HALL HID- -1 —..vl room, with closet; $.i 50. JyltJ sl*j_: m7MisSION-3 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS." I furulshed or unfurnished ; bath. _Jyl6 3t» . CI/1 MINNTA^-a : "UNFURNISHED ROOJIS FOR t-*xU huusekcoplug. Jvl6 c* JROOM9 TO LET-CONTINUED. -'Jli MISSION-DOUBLE AND SINULE "fUR- v 2.U nislie.l rooms; cheap. . It* 09.) CRELNwicTI-PLEASANT SUNNY FUR- •J-j-j nlslieh room: private famliy. ih Hl* I ARGE FRONT ROOM: STOVE. CLOSETS- PRI- -2 vaie family. 371 M. una, near Fifth. ' It* m TEHAMA- il FURNISHED ROOMS; ALSO unfurnished kitchen. Jyia 3t* {7_i)r\ FOLSOM-LAEGE SUNNY FURNISHED __________ room: light huusekeeplng] $3. It* SM SECOND — ELEGANTLY FURNISHED OX rooms; sunny; cheap. id St* Oil RUSH— FURNISHED AND CMIRMSif- I'll ed rooms, with grate, to rent. jyls 2t*|j kli^.lQ MISSION— BUITE OF ROOMS: USE OF m.U£.d kitchen. Jylo 21* AQQ JESSIE-l FURNISHED ROOJIS WITH *jOO kitchen for housekeeping. JylUSt* 7flQ PINE-2 UNFURNISHED UOUSEKEEP- -1 UO lng; second llcor; also lurnlshed. JyS eud st* 1 CITY BALL PL., ('PP. CITY" HALL AND Mo 1 Allister St. — Sunny rooms. JylS 3t* ' QAO HOWARD— SINGLE ROOM, $5; SUNNY C-tO double room. $10. Jyls 2t» "I Q LEWIS, OFF POST. NEAR TAYLOR- -1 O nlshed room, witb use ot kitchen. Jyl62t* If) I THIRD — NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSE- i"I keeping and ..tilers: gas and bath. Jyls 3t* 01 9 WEBSTER— FRONT SUITE OF FUB? 01-L nlshed rooms with privilege of kitchen. 15 lit* /'] - POST— THREE SUNNY ROOMS. FUR. UlUnlsbed; housekeeping: private famliy. 15 3* 001 VALENCIA— FOUR FUBNISHJED BOOMS o_ll and bath for housekeeping. JylS at* 791 -SMALL FURNISHED FRONT I -Li 1 room. jyll 71* "199] JIISSION-WELL FURNISHED HOUSE- Xtmimm 1 keeping roome: bath, eto; cheap. Jylß at* ~(](i Ell. TWO PLEASANT BOOMS, SINGLY I UU or for housekcepiug; very cheap. jy!s tr HA Q MISSION-LARGE SUNNY DOUBLE ROOM, U'-tO $- ; light housekeeping. jyls tf ~A(- MISSION— FRONT SUNNY DOU- I *i- oi. room; light housekeeping. jylu if "I l'_>7 v FURNISHED BAT-WINDOW, 110l anite with kitchen complete. Jyls st* 1 'Ml I MISSION I— LARGE SUNNY PARLOR; 1--U~L bath and gas; reasonable. jy!s 111* 7 SEVENTH— LARGE SUNNY FRONT ROOM; I gentlemen only. jyls 2t* B.iv JIARKET-SUNNY FRONT BOOM SUITE; JO 20: large room on first floor. jy-13 31* 6 --J HOWARD— NICELY FURNISHED SINGLE ! OO rooms; $5 and XL 5 3t» O HARRIET. OFF HOWARD. BET. SIXTH AND 0 Seventh-Sunny front furnished room. j\ 15 2t» l|lt)| .MISSION — FURNISHED ROOMS FOR -1D,.) I light nouseke^pirrr;; rent moderate. 15 5t '_> 1 OAK, BLOCK 1 ROM MARKET— FURNISHED 01 arrd unfurnished rooms witlr kitchen. Jyls 2t* ); I 1 -FUBNISHED ROOM WITH HATH; 01 I $8. Jyl s 3*.» | 99') LEAVENWORTH — NICE FURNISHKD __>) room; bath and closet attached; to gentle- men or man and wife. jyla 2t* ■ i'lvr JESSIE— 2 LARGS SUNNY ROOMS COM -OO plete fur housekeeping: -10. jyl s 2t» 1 li.W MISSION — FURNISHED lIOUSEKKEP- -11''Oiiigroum,$10.2uii'rrinh'il,$12:8lngle,»5.2« C MASON — SINGLE, DOUBLE AND HOUSE- -0 keeping rooms or transient. jy!s 71* A 1 91 HAYES-ROOMS FOR 2 RESPECTABLE Trl»)2 men ln private Ameilcau family: with or without board; reasonable. jyll st* 7A71 HTDE— SINGLE SUNNY ROOM, WITH 1 U I ', or without b aid, ln Spanish family: all modem conveniences. jyll it FIFTH-TWO FURNISHED ROOMS COM- OUO plete fur housekeeping: rent cheap. j) 1 1 It* Ql li BUSH, Nft.TAYLOR-NEWLY FURNISHED tJIU sunny rooms; alcove; Improvements. 14 st* Oil' VAN NESS AVE-2 PARLORS. SINGLE QUI or en suite: also others: newly furulshed. tf ~'.-i HOWARD— NICELY FURNISHED FRONT 1O I rooms : bay-window. jyll 3t* 1 (ll)) MCALLISTER-FINE SUNNY SUITE, iuOt furnished or unfurnished; reasonable price. J} 13 st* -99 SUTTEP.-SUNNY UNFURNISHED BASE- __________ ment. for housekeeping or office. Jy"l3 5t r7rQ"~V"AN _ NESS— SUNNY ROOMS BUI I' ABLE ■ LyJOlor gentlemen. Jyl3 10t*«o IOQ SECOND— SUNNY ROOMS COMPLETE. ______________ furnished for housekeeping. _>'_ 3 *'___ 1/YQ 7 MISSION— NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY IUO i parlor suite: also single rooms. Jyl3 st* 1 AQr, MARKET — FURNISHED ROOMS; IUOO suites: single: rent r_B to $20. Jyl3 lm 1 oft MCAIXISTER-3D FLOOR: ELEGANTLY J —U fnrnlshed sunny suite. Apply Room 3. 13 10* 71 1 WARD — SUITE HOUSEKEEPING ill rooms; everything complete; $15; double $10. JylS tf 1 I Q TENTH — DOUBLE OR SINGLE ROOJIS; 110 bath, piano, grate; private family. Jyl3 tf 7ft I I 'MO WARD— I RONT BAY-WINDOW DOU- -1 l-> lite room; *12: use of kitchen. Jyl3 st* AOA ELLIS - LARGE SUNNY BAY-WINDOW atO^L front room ; private family. Jyl3 tf 1 l^f. MISSION— NICE SUNNY' BAY-WINDOW x *1 0 17 suite: suitable ror housekeeping. jyliitf 1 1 Q EDDY-SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMS, ALSO XL 0 2 unfurnished huusekeepiug rooms. Jyia st* 1 9 CLEVELAND. OFF SEVENTH-FURNISHED _______ suite fur housekeeping; $12. jylSlt* 7 •_>.--. LINDEN AVE, NEAR WEBSTER-ROOJIS I t)Q with use of l.atu. Jyl3 st» m7 TAYLOR-SUN NY FRONT PARLOR BED- _ I_ 1 room In private family. jyl_st* HI W POST-BAY-WINDOW SUITE OR SlN- l*i 1 O gie; also utbsr rooms; board optional. l2 tf \l ULVEY HOUSE. 719 JIARKET-FURXISHED lil rooms, suites or single; cheap rent. jyl2 lm 1 I iVY-{ MISSION-NICELY FURNISHED SUN- I UOO uy room: 1 or 2 gentlemen. Jyl2 lm (U. NATOMA— TWO FURNISHED ROOJIS FOR UiiiJ housekeeping; also single. Je24 tr 9.m MARKET-LARGE. SUNNV, BAY-WINDOW —U suite, or sir gie; suitable for offices. je'J2 lm •J Ivj MINNA— 3 RirllMs FUKNISHED COM- OI O plete for housekeeping, with bath, je'.l tt O ELEGANTLY FURNISHED SUNNY PARLORS 0 with tlressing-rouin attaclierl 918 Valencia. 28 tf i 9*-> ,". Jl AKK E T, INDIANAPOLIS HOUSE— 1 —.1.1 furnished sutiiiv rooms to let. my2s tt 9/II I GOOD ROOMS AT LOW RATES-715 HOW. £>UU ord bird: gas ami water In each room; reading-room ami bath litre; linen cbauged dally; house open all night • best beds In the world.ap2d it AMERICAN EXCHANGE HOTEL. 319 AND 321 Sansome si.. San Francisco; board and room $1, $1 25 and $1 50 per day; free coach. WM. MON _- GOMEL Y, proprietor. Jy2l tf 191 O'FAP.RELL— FURNISHED OR CNFLR- i— 1 nisbed rooins; suitable for housekeep- ing; Jyl2 st» iliri McALLISTEB - nice sunny* roojis IUO with board. jy!2 st* ntVA EDDY— SUNNY CORNER BAY-WINDOW UUX suite of rooms. Jyl2 7t* 9*"»Q GOLDEN ATE, COR. HYDE-FURNISHED —UO and iinrnrnlstierl sunny front rooms, jyll lni 1 Qt'9» KABKET— FURNISHED BOOMS; ALL 1 DUmm new; bath aud gas free. jyll lm I •_) POLK— NKW ROUSE AND FURNITURE: LD bay-window suites and single rooms; all sun- ny; hut and cold water. jyll lin 1 .)l ELLIS— THE GENEVA. NICELY* FCR- -1 _ AJ nlshed suuuy rooms en suite or single; a centrally located, desirable and quiet home for strangers visiting the city. Jylllm I I 111 TWENTY-FIRST— 2 VERY PLEASANT 1 ill' sonny rooms with board; splendid !o-_- -tltin; 1 block from Valencia cable. Jy 11 DINGLE FURNISHED ROOMS 15c A NIGHT. 0 Lludell House, cor. Sixth and Howard. jyll tr ,19Q LARK IN -2 SUNNY ROOMS; FURNISHED _.. . . I for housekeeping: adjoining. JylO tf A fk JONES—" SUNNY FURNISHED PARLOR _ : LO for 1 or 2 gentlemen; also bed-room. JyS lm 1Q I d UNION —4 BOOMS, BATn, PATENT 1 O L'i closet, $15: 4 rooms, store. $20. JyO tf 1 (lot? 51ARKET-LARUEANDSINOLEROOMS. 1 Ui)U handsomely furuislied, with or without bousckeeprug privileges; rent reasonable. Jyl) tf '-{OR! RUSH— THE JIORUIS; ~R BNOVATED; 0 — ______ nice, clean rooms, SOc a night. Jy9 lm 'Kill MCALLISTER— NICELY FURNISIIED ''— ' rooms; housekeeping if desired ; both, jyl) lm 1 E/|Q CALIFORNIA -FRONT AND BACK 1 OUO room, furnished for light housekeeping; bath, hot and cold writer an, l gas; $25: also front parlor, $15: 110 children. jyB tf QQ/1 FOLSOM, NEAR FOURTH-FURNISHED —U rooms, $1 a week. Jy6 tf _>l*. GEARY-SUNNY FRONT SUITE; ALSO OU* single rooms. JyS lm CAQGEaYRY— 2 LA ROE PARLORS SUITABLE OUO for doctor or dentist. Jyd lm 7 I A O'FARRELL— SUNNY ALCOVE. WITH _______ room adjoining: ail modern conveniences. lm 1 I Q FIFTH— BAY-WINDOW ROOMS; 110 middle fiat. jv4 lrn 7 I (> "FARRELL -SUNNY UNFURNISHED AL- I' U cove; also rurnishe.l rooms: baths. jyl lm 1.1 Q ill Til — NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY lIP ROOMS, singles or suites; first Jyl lm - II KEARNY-KASSETTE HOUSE; FURNISHED 1 1 roouis; reasonable rates. __________ C. HEDGE, liu Tm7~OFAP.RELL AND 819 TAYLOR - - ELE- *il'l garrlly rnrrrrslreit rooms. Jyl tf fTI '_> O'FARRELI.-AN UNFURNISHED KOOJI 0 O to rent. ■ JeliO tr 1 900 HOWARD— PLEASANT UNFUR- L-mUV nisbe.t rooms; no children. Je29 tf Til* VICTORIA. IlBV_ ELLIS. HAS CHANGED L bands, and Is new ami elegantly furulshed; en suite or single: transient accommodated. Je2_ lm Kali; MINNA - FURNISHED ROOMS FOR oil) housekeeping. - Je26 tf lli'J LAKKIN*, COR. GROVE — NEWLY FUR LUO nisbed sunny bay-window room. • Je24 tf A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS— THE WEEKLT A Call, irr ready for mailing. ■ HOARDING AM) GOO VI-, I_\ .- STOCKTON , opp GRACE Cl -FA M- - lolly boarding-honse; first class; moderate; references. Jyl6 7t» 6 O'FARRELL— 1 FURNISHED AND 2 FUR- nished sluglo rooms: all sunny; cheap. .nil it \ OSEJIITB HOUSE, 1045 JIAKKEI* ST, BEL -I ' Sixth and Seventh; 35c tool pernigbt; per week, $1 60 lu *5: single ami en suite: families, inrltf rpilE MARIPOSA. 824 LAOS NA— FINK SUITES; 1 flrst-class board: terms moderate. __!___ ARLINGTON HOUSE." 127 KEARN Y-PLEA*4- ant sunny rooms, en snlte and single; llrstciass in every respect; terms reasonable. falOlf MONTGOMERY'S T_JI.KKA.NCK ' HOTEI, 227 and 2211 Secoud St.— Single meals 25c ; board and room per day, 75c to $1; by the week, $1 to 55; Ireo coach to and from the bo .el. - ap'Jl tf OF-'ICE. TO LFLT. I,'RON 1' OFFICE, SUITABI-- - EITHER FOR I pnyslclrn or dentist. 229 Kearny st. Jyll 7t« Or FICEBCO& FRONT AND CALIFORNIA; COR. a, ilarr., 1 and Kearny: 013 Sauaome, near Jackson, top lluor. VON RHEIN * CO., 524 ____. torrrra st. - - - . . IllVlltf ' t i'Hysit;iANsT~~ DR. MRS. (, EH RICRE, SO3 GOLDEN GATE AVE. Women's diseases specially: hygienic sponge suc- tion cleanser: simple, solo, sure; instructions given confidentially: treatment Uy month low rates. Jy2 6m "V-T '.**• .7 '*■- i l-VY.N'CIAL. C* infill (J. 0 LOAN AT LOW_ST~«A_. tStOUU.UUU k-trole* 011 city and country real' estate, any amounts. sen I.LK it. 420 C-iluor.ria. tc 1 ;r".^:. SITSrWER RESORTS. T~AJI__-PAIS~VILLA, TAMALPAIS S.*__TiON. Ross Valley, nr. San Rafael ; salt water bathing: commodious grounds; line drives: pavilion: take Sau-allto ferry. JIR3. PETER SMITH, pro, rletresi SPRLNG COVE SUMMER RESORT; GOOD AC- ciiiuinodntluas: 5 miles rrom .Napa. MRS. 1. (1 RIDLEY, proprietor. jyl 1 m* \.V ILKINS HOUSE-THE MOST CHARMING. 11 convenient ami beat conducted lintel in Santa Crua. HOYT Ac iv HITMAN, proprielors. Jyl 3m CANTA CRUZ-RIVERSIDE HOTEL AND COT-' >'•-: the favorite family hotel in Santa Crua: 5 minuies* walk from beach; beautiful grounds; term, reasonable. FRED BAB SOX. * je"-'S lm SANTA CRUZ— SUNNYSIDE: A NEW FlKST- ctass boarding-house: $1 to $1 25 per (lav; Wal- nutave. MRS. P. . I. DUTCH EH. je27 3m ■J.tOLLIN COTTAGES, SANTA CRUZ. CAL— A 1 Best summer resort on llearh Hill, overlooking the bay, >>. VV. FOLLIN. proprietor. j.-27 :1m 4 NDERSON SPRINGS. LAKE COUNTY; HOTEL -iv and cottages now open to visitors; beautifully located: tree hot and cold water anil hut sulphur baths: -closo board slo to $14 per week: train to Calistoga, stage to Mlddletu >vu. private carriage to Springs; rare from Sao Francisco $5 .10. .1. AN- DKItsON. Proprietor. lelK if in, Vr,- lE' HOTEL, SAUSALITO — HOT -I- salt-water laths. myg 4 ino ETNA HOT .MINERAL SPRINGS. can Ellis waters; unsurpassed; pleasant place: pure air; no fogs: warm swimming baliu table good: reasonable. Write for circulars to VV. il. 1.10E1.L lni S WANTON HOUSE, PESCADERO, SAN MATEO County, ("a!., the favorite resort or the Paeioe Coast; botel and cottages all newly funiisherl : lovely grounds; also the famous pebbly beicn. where are found abates. opals, topaz, moonstone), emeralds. water crystals and many other precious stones; _aa 1 trout fishing and wild game; board reasonable: spe- cial rates lor families. -MRS. S.W. SWANTON.jII tf SAMPLE COPY 11. THE HOTEL GUIDE, COS- -0 talnlng a directory of Calilurnlri hotels and re- sorts, sent tree to any address. Hotel Cubic, 120 Sutler -I. _f__ t' I tlll.Diil.N IlllAlltll'll). WIDOW WOULD LIKE 2 OR~3 V.X children to board; mother's care will be given: references it required. Address A., Uox 14S. i'aij. Branch Ortice. jyl Silt* EN'i.I.ISH LADY. HAVING A NICE HOME IN Alameda, desires 1 or 2 children to board or an Inrant to raise. Address G. JL, Box 149, Calx Branch office. it* lADY WISHES A CHILD TO BOARD AND CARK J err re for. 111(1 Hyde st. near California. 15 3i« 1 ADY WISHES CHILD BOARD WHERE AKE L . no other children. 27 stoue st. jyls 2t* T ADY LIVING MVP. 11 SCHOOLS WANTS 1 JU ur 2 children to board. 605 Howard st. 15 lit* 1 AH) WISHES A CHILD TO BOARD AND J d core Tor. Address J. C, Box 91, Call Branch Otrrr-,'. Jj 11 .It* /' TO BOARD BY GERJf AN WIDOW. AD- VJ ess A. P.. Hoy lo'.. Call llraiir-h Q!h"e. lli 14' sioi.i.s TO 1.1 I*. 9 LARGE STORES; NEW BUILDING; Mi Coif dm. ner Valencia and .ulnrr: l\_ blocks from Mar- ket, with family rooms; suitable for drug-st>ire bakery, etc.; also dry light basement, _$xS5: ' Cirri floor: 11 feet blrrh; ran be voted. VoS RHEIN ... C0.. 521 _________ ______ it jyl '. lot* TO LET-1115 SANSOME. NEAR JACKSON: 1 floor; 2 new stoics, cor. Valencia and i.ul'iii. VON RHEIN J-r CO., 524 California. Jyl2 U TOMAN) FACTUBKBB— TO RENT 1 with power, fur a term of years in the large brick building cor. Folsuin and Eighteenth sta. CHARLES ASHTON, 411 Jlontgomery st. Jyl ' 1 111 pORNER STORE, WITH FIXTURES AND V. 1 basement, suitable for a grocery, liquor or dm ; Store. Cur. Ninth and Bryant sts. jyl 2 71* SMALL STORE TO RENT: 19 FRANKLIN st rO near Jlai Set; rent $15. Apply G. 11. UMP.SEN & CO., 1 1 Montgomery st. jyio ____• J.i: STOKE; 2 LIVING ROOMS. APPLY 1125 «plO. Firth st. Jyl tr LARGE BOOM, WITH POWER. 12 STEVEN J son st. El.en Vineyard Company. mv2o tr STORE AND OFFICE i I ATI RES. f'OR SALE — COUNTER, SHELVING, SHOW X case, cabinet for thread. '-'-IT 1 . O'FarreiLJylg -* L*> LEGANT IIAK-ROOJI FIXTURES COMPLETE: l-i alsu safe for sate cheap. Inquire of WILLI.) N GREEN a CO.. 100 and 408 Market St. jj'ls at* BAR.STOKK FIXTURES, CASES, DESKS doors, sash: goods taken on storage, money a.l vauced. Pioneer Store, 21 to 25 Tenth St. 1e22 tf AH FIXTURES, COUNTERS. SHELVING show-cases. sash-doors, etc.. at -25 lost st. 1,1- it 7IHEAPESI PLACE FOR COUNTERS. SHELVES, I -' show-cases: offlces A stores lilted. !-14 'b-arv. Jtr DENTISTS. D~Ht*c"THojiTA!rir'iriLL oDTrrEixo^vsTnjiLii> ing; onice hours, 9 to s. ap24e_d DK. B. AUSTIN, SURGEON DENTIST, HI. moved* to 710 Market, near Bancroft's. JelS lm SI CASSILLV 'S PAINLESS DEN I'AL DR. CASSILLi'S PAINLESS DENTAL rooms. 920 Market st: best teeth $1 to* 7: ex- tract. or or tilling to ; halt price to pnor.a. '.: SYLVESTER. SUBLET! * SYLVESTER. DENT- lota -DR. W. A. SUBLETT has exclusive eharg. or our mechanical department, while DKS. HKNICY aud WILLIAM SYLVESTER manage the operative: teeth extracted or lined, positively without pain, ot the use of our celebrated vitalized air. omces NE. cur. Sixth and Jlission sts.: hours 9 to 6. JeS ly BEAUTIFUL SET $7 PAINLESS EXTRACTING 50C: gold plates: bridge work; crowus; tilliuts. at lowest rates. DR. C. A. PERRY. 8 Mason St. des « K. KEA. 923 MARKET, EXTRACTS TEEra for 5Uc; witb gas for Sl: open evenings. nel4;f LtTNI-rw SPAP^RS HAD LONO ITCLE... 5 them stating that the insane asylums ore full .is* I eopie who took gas ouly once for painless tooth art- traction aud weut crazy My secret painless method Is wonderful. By its use any deutal operation in.y be done painlessly. Will ior ret; $100 for any toota that I cannot extract without bleep or gas, emr though 0 dozen dentists have tailed to extract . AB operations doue better than elsewhere, slues I have seven first prizes for beautiful fillings, plate and crowu work. Thereare 5 Leek dentists. OOlca open till 9 all) p. it. ; Sundays till 3 _. u. DR. GEORGE W. LEEK. 0 O'Farrell St. ocfl tf IAK. C H. WILSON, DENTIST,! 925 MARKET XJ St., bet. Fifth and Sixth, opp. Jlason. delStf CIOLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION. 806 MARKET ' St. (Phelan Building): gas specialists: positively extract teeth without pain; only übice that make) and gives the celebrated "Cotton Gas"; 30,000 ref- erences: established 1863; all operations In dentistry performed. DR. CHARLES W. DECKER. te7 tt DR. A. LUDLUJI HILL, 14411 MARKET ST.. BET. Tenth and Eleventh; no charge for extraetint when plates are made; old plates made over like new; teeth rrum $8 per set : extracting 50_ _______ ffl; 7 A SET FOR TEETH: WARRANTED AS <S> I good as can be made: tilling $1. DR. SIMMS. dentist. .DO Market at., next Baldwin Theater.ocltf CAItI'ENTEItS AND BUILDERS. V. LA WREN CE, CARPENTER ANDBUILDEK, , 519 Sacramento St. ; cabinet work and fitting up offices promptly attended to; telephone 900. inldtf OAKLAfiD WjSEKjg O.iKLIND UEAI ESTATE. o~is-___ND AGENCY— ADVERTISEMENTS AND subscriptions received at the Oakland Broach Ofhce of Tuk Morn ins Call, 557 Broadway, near Seventh St. Olhce hours 6a.m. In 0 r. m. {(Clin WILL PURCHASE A FIRST-CLASS tp*!itlUU ranch. 1-5 miles from Sriu Francisco, on welt-traveled stage road, about 13 miles from rail- road: good stopping place for hotel, bar-room and store; improvements; 5- room house, with bar-room, barn arid outhouses; 5000 vines and 200 Iniit trees, all bearing; plenty of water: 150 acres clear land, etc.; terms, '. casb, balance un long term at 7 per cent, Full particulars addres. Proprietor. Nevada Stables, cor. Eighth ami Ham-sun sts- Oakland. 15 7. LOOK. LOOK— » B ARE CLOSING OUT A FEW of the most elegant resldeuce lots in the very heart of the best portion of Oakland at sarriftet- prices: convenient to both trains: liberal terms; can at ouee and see us. A. H. BREED A CO., 232 Jlonl- guiiicry st.. San I ; incrsco. JylO lit L*OE SALE IN EAST OAKLAND— SISOO FOB A -T choice cor. sixteenth st. ami Nineteenth av,-.- 70x100; $900 can remain on time: must be sold. Address X. 11., Box li, this otlice. jylo 7t» fiJ'J^fl -UST~BTOP AND SEE THESE LOTS; t___-OU. close to the center of the city; near Broadway: only $250 per lot on easy terms if sol ; this week; no such bargains ever offered in Oak- land : secure one of them before they go as they ar.- worth double the money. See owner. H. B. Pin- NEY. IDS Ninth st., uear Broadway. oßceopou till _ o'clock every i.wi!!. jyS lm C,»»7-(\ A PAYING INVESTJIENT-BOARD tJP,)I_H!. lng anil lodging house of 12 roam. barb and basement, with lot 25x*)0: paving a clc._- proflt of $150 per month to tbo owner: tfbaootil on easy it rms; will show the property and rit- reason of selling, etc. Apply E. W. WOODWARD A CO.. 902 Broakway. Oakland. Cal. frS tr <_"Jf\lt TO $500 EACH-A RARE CHANCE FOB tlrtlUU ahouieou the heights; lots 40x150: com- manding a Krarid view of San Francisco. Hold Gate and the bay cities: a new subdivision of t.-n Gleu Echo Tract: Just put on the makct: street-ear. now pass th' tract; terms only X. cash, balan e ... monthly or quarterly payment-*; don't pat It olf. but get a choice location now. W. E. BARNARD '. SON, is;*. Ninth SL. Oakland. JyS It Ur ILLIAM J. DINGEE— OAKLAND REAL Es- Vv tate ror sale or exchange: 0000, N'os. 400 aso, ■Hi.' Eighth st.. Oakland. Cal. ; semi fur Illustrate , price-list. ]e24 l ' "I ITS' lots: LOTS!-$3OO. $1125, $350; 1.0 iS J J 40x138 feet; south frontage; only 1 block, from liwrglit way-statluu; local trains to Sao Fran- cisco: only 10 inure lett: come quick: easy term- see owner. L. L. SALSBUKY, 4,5 Ninth St., Oai land. _________ 1.1 tOO SIDE-HILL LOT 300x100: sllll. «E' UII"!!. toted: S. froutage: $51) cash : $10 niuiit'i iy._CHAS. A. BAILEY, owner. 021 Jelg tt \* I W 2-STOKY HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS AND lv bath: stone walks: lot 25x100; In a centra! location, near San Pablo ave. ; $3000: on easy terms. Mi DONALD * CAMERON. 470 Ninth _t-, Oak- land. - jela II OAKLAND HOARDING AND ROOMS. UtNTBD BY~OEXTLE.MAN AND MOTHER, '• room, hoard for lady. Address, stating terms. _*, w. P.. *-37 Broadway, QaklamL jvie at* "1/1 eI. IN 1 1 FUKNISHED SUNNY KOOMS TO J-. rent wirh board: all modern convenience'; pri- vate family. $69 E'.'lrth ,1.. '■■■_. Clay and Jetferaoo. 1 block from local train. ■____ JylS lim ARLINGTON HOISE, 474 NINTH ST., OAK- _\ laud— First-class family boardlng-hoose; two blocks from local train. jyls lni* ELEGANT ROOMS. SINGLE OK EN SUITE, AT Ibe Albany, Fifteenth and Broadway. Oakland; one block from the narrow-gauge depot; table is ua surpassed; elevator and artesian water; .rat-class in every way. 0. A. MAUERHAN. Prupr :la W ILLSON HOUSE, OFF. CITY HALL- ELF gant snnny rooms: reasonable rate.; special at tentlon Riven to the comfort or guests, both ttrxn sient and regular. 1 4HI and W-Vlliln;- bflto 3m ..TLA 51 El) A KKAL KSTATE.'- A"~LAMED A BARiIAINIS-$l7-0-^LOT 25x145: 2V nice, moslern cottago 4 rooms nnd batb; 1 block rrom Park st. : 4250 cash :*•_'*» per uiont!-.(415) $2700—1.0133:4x125; 5 rooms and batb: on Cen- tral ave. : $500: balance $.!() per month. (No. 385) - *2759— L0t 53x117: new modern cuttage 3 room, and tail.; 2 clocks irmu station; $500 cash: bal- ance $40 per month. (No. K> $3000— Lut 27x115: new 2-story house 7 rooms and bath at station: $(500 ca__; $.5 per month. (Xi $-1000— Lot $0x126; nne new niodera 2-_torv . house 7 rooms and bath un Central av_ on r.nj terms; a good bargain. ■■ (Nov 41:11 $7800-l.ui 50x150; elegant new 2-story honors! rooms, with stable; well located ; partciL ___> -. II, .Uses built to suit: 15 per cent down, balance Installments; cheap lots lu all parts ol «' meda: houses to let aud money to lean, 11. r M.rßEll. J CO.. I__SrOI*SL, Vla'rl'.la. *»" *« .Montgomery at.. Snn Fran '. "**"" ' iS^tfu K*7LKV_Jf«»j«^ VMI CO) !!>>M*. ' CALIFORNIA HOTEL, f'a'n. i l":0 -.-.K "I ' . ; r;...|> l.' rooms: family 0r... g!a n-eu: <■«*■*■" "' 5