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M. J. FLAVIN & CO., 924 to 928 Market Street. *J- l t^r\ V 11^ C3C; \«/\^r., <J mC**-r LU iwlCl-I FkC?-L **_Jhl v7^Z?Lm _— H *^ in Warn ______ __2_J_ W JK*. J*^ iP -^ THE GREATEST CLEARANCE AND REDUCTION SALE EVER HELD IN THIS CITY WILL CONTINUE UNTIL SEPTEMBER Ist. We need make no affidavit that we are selling goods at a very low price. Our reputation for honesty has never been questioned by a customer, and our goods and prices are a stronger evidence than a dozen such documents. ALL DEPARTMENTS REPRESENTED !_=__=_== Clothing for Men, Boys and Youths! Furnishing Goods! Boots and Shoes! Hats! Trunks and Valises! CIGARS, TOBACCO A.3XTI3 CIGARETTES ! A REDUCTION ONFALL GOODS OF FROM 10 TO 60 PER CENT! HATS. HATS. furnishing goods, clothing, boots and shoes, ~ cigars, Me*,, nroy ...z:. - UNDERWEAR WHITE SHIRTS. SUITS. ___P__^__XTT , S- ME L c c^ F COXGRESS BUTToy acd M S*_f LF BOOTS ' * TOBACCO AND CIGARETTES. S.S : IS me "\v::::.v;.v.:.:::::::::::M. at manufacturers- cost. Wt_ _-_ S7 60 Kentucky Jeans 75c ana 51 00 52.00. -$4.00. C,C * " TES - Wen's st » 50. m , , „ i-A-IUI-btK, t uai. _, 7aC. S7.BU. Fancy Stripe Wool 150 t * .Vanity Fair, Duke's Cameo. Virginia Straight Kim Straw TV White Merino 39c ,• V _._ ALL-WOOL CHEVIOT MEN'S SUITS, Fancy Cassimere 200 MEN'S CALF COXGRESS, BALS AND r _______=- ■£— ■■• •-•- . . BriKhts, Old Judge, N. Y. Standard m i'msr« MOO Shetland Merino 39c Laundned, pure linen bosom and bands, _„,,.„"«.,, * Cassimere and Tweed 250 BUTTONED, i MEN'S FIXE KIP BOOTS, standard ... ..?. .ie, or 5 packs for 20c BlacL-StiffAnS :l_ Striped Merino 74c leduced Iron, 81. reduced from Slo. Worsted . 250 ffi2 -« screwed. Pets (10's) 4 for 25c ]^f--^..::;::..-:::7sca__ loj Finished White B9e SI.OO. « 1 1. HO '.""'"fi 1 . 1 . 1 ! 11 . ;::: " :: " :: -'"" :: " :: IS men, fine calf congbess, bals 53.50. Between the Acts.... g e _t-a S ••*"* eketHats Tic aud 100 v*, cuna Merino 'Mo SI.OO. » I 0.00. Dressy Pat^rn 880 CON€_-_!SS, BALS M,BU ' Ireferre^d Mock, Sporting extras.. 2 for l.>e ffilS/Sv:::..v.:::::::::::::::: JS [7^"^ s if d_2:^n""*ed from »i _. silk^xed IM d ER^ r r= EDS p^f 1^ 12 AMBU,rT ,Sn S2©rfcffir«^rci;c : ™^ •Rl.l. ; k Stiff latest 200 Natural Wool '<c and \S OUST EDS, reduced from Sl6. Dress Pants 500 $3.00. Dress 2for2sc 1 KkS 'latest 200 Scarlet Wool 84c NIRUT <JHIRT<_ 7-1P flilH *t1 Fancy Cheeks GOO t_* g~_\_r t__ . OUAFC Bl_._Stiinov.UlVs\V.V.::*'" \w White Wool Sl 21 night shirts 75c and $1. $|2.50. FallcyCiiei !; MC _ rirDe 00 ° MEN'S fixe CALF nAND welt. Con- boys' SHOES. BlackAlpine 100 Natural Wool 124 _r»_r»_r DtmvMa ,wnn»i«smw DUSTERS. Kress, Bals or Button, exceptional good • KEY WEST— Estrella (Polli) 4 for ffl. BlackAlpine 150 a tiiril WooL lieivv 114 M_T/>I I _~t C C QUIPTQ H__ _ llU_l>h!i!) A.\U Ui_-» BO"3. value, --„ _--,_, „_,. i nTT __ nv .™ " ;" Estrella. K. Esp 3for2sc Black Alpine 200 n*,w„r.° '; iS NEGLIGEE SHIRTS. elegant cut and Onish, reduced from SlB. Linen.. SIOO 53.50. BO\S' FINE VEAL BUTTON. LACED .. .. Bridal Rose 5* Evening Son Hat 200 l>o> ble reast 138 i inr _?T VIPi. IN THP PITY ,'" , u f . '^ Jg ao.OU. AND BUTTON, " - Ocean Bell 6f0r25. Meillicott - 1 * LfiK.E.l Yflaltll IN THE till. $ I 5.00. ' ltoadUlster 125 MEN'S FULL HAND WELT FREXCH t~ I 75. IMPORTED— Maridona 4(«rffle CHILDREN'S HATS. sga_S__a._„_.=-.-.5 S =s - ___■_ nJZ !S_ced ■,» •_. h^S::::::::::::::::::::::::::: S3 a__i_f.o__4 S j S _-B^ H ffi^ 5 ' : g»==s!?s: Scarlet Flannel S__ Flannelette, fancy ._c . _., -_, Extra Duck 350 $4.00. " Dios 20r C>th. . . , 25c -bcartet llanael .J. All . Woo , stripe S1 oo aud S-. -rn-._r.-_-. _--_ __ .™ mi i niv.mvm.Bvvra BOYS' AND YOUTHS' ACME WELT " Suprema 25.* lancvtelt 600 Scntch Won! 150 r Vt7AITEn C3C_»___.l"_-i'. MENS FULL lIAND-SEWED I K_.M._l vitcv rxt v rn\Tßl*>,. rtttthv Straw. 25ca_d50c HOSIERY. snksuip. . :::::::::::::::::::.:::::: 200 $16.75. Bi*»»iße«Qn__ity..-f_ao calf, Con ress,Bals and Button. Placed pluc tobacco. JttrLlOril. ... *... . . . m_ . * *••«*• **_•*■* .•■** • I OC __F* (5 _f^_^_k v »_ *^ _ ___*<*__l _% # _^f> TENNIS HATS AND PAPS - pairs for 25c, reduced from 25c* full fin- BURE SILKISHIRTS. in Bla«k. Pink, MEN'S BEST QUALITY AND FINEST _B_a___l. COATS. ®5-00. $2.00. Lniffi 3 ' '. ■."'.■.•;."■:.■.•.'.•::: i" il £_» I_.NM.IIATSANDCAP.. ished and fast color, striped plain; White and Blue. WORKMANSHIP SUITS, for gentle- Duck ...Sl 00 1 Heavy Uncle... sl 50 MEN'S FULL HAND-SEWED DRESS 9MMU. , Kough and 'Ready _oc.l_S.-_a greatest bargain ever offered. men. reduced from 522 50 and S*2s. Pure Linen 5296 SHOES, Mercier French Calf, Congress, J. B. Pace's 14 oz «0e Sole Agents for Knox, N. Y., Hats ff^:.*:**?..^i^i.-2 Neckwear in Large Variety. OVERCOATS AT HALF PRICE. se.oo. Mran d u L L A S eaf OES for a»«::::::::::::::::::::::::S G_^_»__"_-_-/«_-_- nrniinTlAll em nAUAi « a -r aaaa a e_ BOYS' sailor SUITS --- $ I .00 BOYS' fine TWEED BLOUSE its, $4.50 boys' LONG pants SUITS, Dress .... 0.00 Ki-flTl-XI Ili-liilrllllSy N Si If Vii Umi\ BOYS' BLOUSE SUITS -- - 52.00 BOYS' LONG PANTS SUITS -- - - 55.03 -- BOYS' LONG PANTS SUITS, Fine Dress -- SI 2.50 IlLn ILO I fILUUU 9 lUll ill UU I ULU! I. llly BOYS' BLOUSE TWEED SUITS, $3.50 BOYS' LONG PANTS SUITS, Tweed - $8.15 BOYS' LONG PANTS SUITS, Tweeds & Piques, $ 1 5.00 $3.50 LARGE ASSORTMENT KILT SUITS REDUCED FROM $7.50, $6.00, $5.00 and $4.00 to $3.50. BOYS' WOOLEN SCHOOL WAISTS, 50c. n ____==_ t. -li iif W "T 8 !^ M ww^^w M _fi#% . CLOTHERS, HATTERS" AND FURNISHERS GMtftst Ml Aon Record +_M J FLAVIJfi de Lil__L_Hh for the human race 111-U.1.0L -JlliU VII 11. willi T^^iggaa %gp* a %m ____i.__s^ W i_mi_^ m -^__s_a K^ fi rmr _■_____- day but sundry, 924 TO 928 MARKET STREET, THROUGH TO ELLIS. I_ir_Rosto___iee Box 1996. Interior correspondence solicited. Catalogues on application. _________^______^_.___--______-__-____-_______-_-_..--____. EVENTS IN THE SOCIAL WORLD. Reception to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar S. Campbell at Port Townsend. ROBINSON SILVER WEDDING. Marriage of Miss Sallie McCormick and Mr. E. H. Cosgrove -Y. M. I. Celebration in Prospect— Party on Green Street— A Farewell Re ception—Brief Notes of Interest ing Happenings. The Western Adrlltlou Club's monthly enter tainment aud dance takes place at Odd Fellow.' Hall ibis evening. Mr. Edgar S. Campbell and ins bride (nee An nie Dray), daughter of Senator and Mrs. F. R. Dray of Sacramento, were tendered a brilliant ir.cei.iion last Wednesday upon their arrival at Port 'lownsend. Some 200 gu .-sts were present to piofler congratulations to the happy pair, whose notable wedding In the capital city Is still li .-iii in the minds of society. Mr. and Mrs. J. Harris of Oakland Tery pie is atuly celebrated their crystal-wedding anniver sary at tbelr residence last Sunday. i':, Thursday Miss Tlllie W'ruchlU or Seattle entertained Mr. M. Abrams of San Francisco at a dinner party. Ii was a very pleasant affair. The conferring of an honorary M. A. degree by Colby University of Watervllle, Me., only two being awarded, upon Mr. E. C. Atkinson of Sacramento, was the occasion of a pleasant din ner surprise at his residence list Monday even ins, Mrs. Atkinson bavin: been let Into the seciet. Attire dinner the communication was read and speeches of congratulation were In ordor on topics appointed by Key. Mr. llerrtck, • the originator of ti.e surprise. Remarks were made by Mayor Comstock, I'rofessor Raymond. Superintendent Ira G. Holtt, Mr. P. E. Piatt, licv. C. I. Massey, Key. A. C. Derrick and Mr. _. A. Woodson. The pie asant affair will long be inhered by those present. Miss Minnie Wolters aud Mr. J. F. Shelly will be mauled this evening at St. Mary's Cathedral. Mizpah Lodge. No. 45. U. E. A., has elected the following officers for the present term: Fast Commander, Mrs M. Souther; Commander, Mrs. N. L. Wllkle; Vice-Commander, E. 11. de La ma ter; Assistant-Commander, Mrs. li. S. Clprlco; Secietary, .Mis. C. L. Warnes (reelected,. Fi nancial secreiaiy, F. F. Wllklns (re-elected); Treasurer, .1. T. Days: Guide, E. S. Clprlco; Guardian, Frank Gordon; Sentinel, '.'rank Souther; Trustee, E. a. cc 'lire Jollities gave their opening social at Har mony Hall on Saturday, eveulir. last. Ire hall was profusely decorated, ami everything that w»- possible was done for the enjoyment of the guests. '1 he attendance was large, and all were unanimous ln pronouncing the party a success. The Cossrov.-BlcCormlck Wedding. The wedding of Mr. E. 11. Cosgrove and Miss Sallie A. McCormick, the daughter of Mrs. Will lain McCormick, was solemnized In Ihe presence of a laige congregation of relatives and friends at Sacred Heart Cburcb Tuesday, the Bth lnst., lir v. Father Logan officiating. The sacred edi fice was beautifully decorated with .inilax and ■ Cowers. Miss Maggie McCormick, sister or the bride. Acted as bridesmaid. The groom was attended by Mr. J. Kates Jones. The groom Is a well known employe of ibe General Fielght Ageul of the Southern Faclflc Company. A reception was held at the residence of the bride's mother, 1206 Haiglit street, and many guests were present. Alter the reception the happy couple left lor Portland. Or., for a two weeks' Honeymoon. On Iheir return ihey will make land their future home. Tbe piesenis were costly and numerous. rj| A Farewell Keceptlon. A very enjoyable reception was tendered last Friday evening at tbe residence of Mrs. J. Lynch to Miss Mac Murray upon her departure for the Garden Cliy after several weeks' visit. The pailors were tastefully decorated, and the even ing was pleasantly passed In singing and games. ire guests were delightfully entertained by choice selections on lhe banjo by Messrs. J. Burke and C. ilcilbron. The orchestra discoursed sweet music while the merry couples mingled In lhe dance. At 11:30 o'clock a sumptuous lepast was served, * alter which the dancing was continued until a late hour. Among those present were: Mrs. J. Lynch, Miss Mac Murray, the Misses K. and M. Lynch, Mr«. C. Heilbron. Miss Lyons, the Misses M. and E. Battles, the Misses E. and l. Murray. Miss K. Grauey, Miss Manilla Schneider; Messrs. F. Murray, B. Slamn, ('. lleilbion, W. Welsh, J. Fisher, .1. Jennings. Oscar Wilde, D. McGlnta. Waller Dewing. Charles Baldwin, V. Bancroft, F. Lynch, James Burke. A. Lynch. The Knliii son Silver We titling in Oakland Major and Mrs. G. _'. liobiusoii, of Oakland, entertained a large number of their Mends at their residence last Saturday evening, the occa sion being the twenty -fifth anniversary of t'.islr marriage. Invitations to the anniversary bad been sent to more than a bundled of their per sonal friends in Oakland and San Francisco and her arts of the state, and all who could be present attended, while others sent letlei " ot congratulation, ..mong them being Rev. Charles 11. Emnierson of Femdale, Humboldt County, who officiated at then wedding twenty-live years ago. Major and Mrs. Robinson have resided in Oakland for about three years. They came to Oakland from New Mexico in consequence of orders received by Major Robluson, who Is a paymaster In the I'nited Sta es Army. The residence and grounds were brilliantly illuminated, and the Interior of the house was profusely decorated with bright flowers an.; choice palms. The reception was au Informal though an elegant affair, and tire guests were eu tertalued with mnslc by Miss I.oita dough and oThers, and Miss Nellie Higby delivered a charm ing lecltatlou. Late lv the cv nlng the parly assembled in lhe|supper-room, winch was beau tifully decoiated with flowers and the national colors, and a banquet was served. Among ihe numerous pie-enls received by the couple were a set of silver cheese folks from Dr. and airs, and Miss Vilas of 1.1 Paso, Tex.; a se t ■I pearl handled nut-pickers fiom Mr. and Mrs. Thomson of San F'laucisco; ice-cieam Knife from the ladies of the liniversalist Church of Oakland; etching in sliver from Mr. George Prentiss Robinson; -diver crumb-knife from Mr. Edward Robluson: book from Judge and Mrs. HemlDgs of Minneapolis; -liver bowl from Cap lain and Mrs. James Stove of Norwalk, Ohio. Among those who attended the delightful ie ceutiou were: Rev. S. Goodeaough, Mr. and .Mi-. C. B. Kimball, Miss Haitte Kimball, Dr. Myra Knox, Mr. aud Mrs. 11. S. Thomson of San Francisco, Mr. and Mrs. It. 11. Huaglaud, Miss Leona Goodetiougb. Mrs. McNaniara of Healdsburg. Mrs. P. H. Matthews. Miss Matthews, Mr. Edgar Matthews, Mr. Leslie Lord. Mr. and Mrs. 1., ii. Wakefield, Mrs. Colder, Mr. Elbert Bushnell of San Fraiicisco, Miss Sarah Kimball, Mr. and Mrs. Whipple. Mrs. Davis, Mrs. i.oyie, Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Stuite vant, Mrs. Miltou. Miss l.ircv Milton, Mr. and Mrs. Potter, Mr. aurl Mrs. Ives SCoville, Mr. E. iiobarl. Mi. B. Wlukelmau, Mr. •W. Ilea ton, Miss Delia riealou, Miss Grace Hewitt, Miss Nellie lligbie, Mrs. A. Sco ville. Miss Lolta Clonal), Mrs. Nicholson, Mrs. Stoar«, Mis. Helen Sloars, Waller Nichol son, llollister Nicholson, Miss May llurulram, Mis. O. H. Burubam, .Mrs- Lulu Babcock, Miss I. ill' Babeock, Mr. and Mrs. Williams, Miss Minnie Williams, Miss Grace Willi, Miss Kittle Fritter, Walter Finery, Ralph Harkness, Walter Whipple, Miss Fear 1 kirns, Miss Genie Hatch, Mrs. Small, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey, Alfred Dewey, Mrs. Elliott, Thomas Burns. Mrs. W'bid den, Mr-. F. de Wilt, Mrs- Lizzie Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson, Mr.and .Mrs. Low, Dr. Bla-e ol the United Stales Army and wife, of Sau Fran cisco. Fnrlliromlng _*. M. I. Festivities. On Mouday evening, the 4lh prox., the Young Men's institutes of this city will give a notable entertainment at the Grand Opera House In honor of the delegates to the sixth Grand Coun cil. A special programme has been prepared for the occasion, mid will be rendered by the best local talent, The price of admission to all Paris of the house Iras b-eu fixed at fitly cents. Tickets are now on sals and can be bad of any of tbe members of the Entertainment Commit tee or the Secietary, In Flood Building. On Tuesday evening, the nib prox., a special Complimentary b II will be given, also In honor of the vlsittug delegates, at lhe Mechanics' Pa- Villon. The Pavilion will he handsomely decorated for lire occasion and lhe i'ark Baud will furnish the music. Admission to tire same will be strictly by Invitation. The KecepLlou ami Floor committee- will consist of members ol every In stitute In the cliy. The luvltatlous are ready for distribution and may be obtained upon applica nt to the Secielary of the Institute. The Ivaiiliun I.otlc« Entertainment. The twenty-first anniversary entertainment anil ball of ivauhou Lodge, No. 5, Knights of Pythias, took place Thursday evening at Sara toga Hail. There was a large attendance. An unusually fine programme was presented as follows: Overture, by band; remark*, W. 8. Dryden, I. C; viol hi quartet, "II Trovatore," Beasev culldreu; vocal solo, Mr. J. L. Cahlll; vocal solo. Miss Josephine Gasman; recitation, Mrs. M. A. Bills; piano solo, "Romance," comp osed and played by Miss Jennie Bea»ey; vocal solo. Miss Cahill; violin solo, "Carnival de Ven ice" (Thoiiiwald), Violette Beasey; reoitatlou, Mr. W. J. Goldsmith; comet solo. Mr. J. C. Cog . m, violin solo, "Hungarian Airs" (Ernest), Miss Jennie Beasey ; xylophone solo, Mr. J. J. Maihiesoii. The selections by the Misses Beasey, well-known as the talented Beasey Babies, weie enthusiastically ..pplauded ami a number of bou quets weie showered upon the little artists. Much satisfaction was expressed with the pro gramme. Dancing followed until midnight. The pleasant allair was generally supervised by the officers and special commit tees, as fol lows: Officers— Past Chancellor, W. 8. Dryden; Chancellor Commander, ___%, 1) Living; Vlce- Chancellor, Joseph Williams; Prelate, J. 11. Hudson; Keeper of Records and Seal, O. Nor cross; Master of Finance, 1. Sieludler; Master of Exchequer, F. V. Davis: Master-at-Arms, (Jt, Batemau; Inside Guard, C*. H. Cummiiigs; Out -..!.• Guard. F. A. Pike. Committee of Arrange ments—U. W. Dodge (Chairman), W. _. Drydeu, THE MORNING CALL, SAN FRANCISCO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 1890-EIGHT PAGES. C. 11. Cummin, s, F. K. Southard. .1. H. Hudson. Reception Committee— M. de Merrill. I. Stein d er, F. P. Davl«, O. Norcross, W. E. Palmer. Floor manager— W. C. Ordway. Floor Commit tee—R. Biiiemau, Benjamin Davis. M. D. Ewtug, E. J. Heverin. Kirihcl n_r I'urfy on Grerrn Street. A pleasant party was tendered to Mr. William Kllborn last Saturday evening in honor of his nineteenth birthday anniversary at his lesideuce, 1223 V_ Green street. There were many pleas ing selection* during the evening, hut the most notable was the singing and dancing of Miss Lizzie Howard and Mr. J. Kelly. Dancing and games were kept up till davbieak. The guests adjourned at midnight tastefully decorated dining-room, where a delicious supper was served. Among those pieseut were: Mr. and Mrs. Una Kilbom, Mr. and Mrs. George Lord, Mr. and Mrs. Geoige Trane, Mrs. M. C. Kllboru, Mrs. Brown, Miss Browu, Miss Came l.intrnp, the :.'.r--es Lou and Laura Bailey, Miss Annie Kelly, Miss Minnie Darklus, lire Mt-sos Annie and Freid i Johnson, Miss Lizzie Howard, the Misses Pauline and Amelia Williams, Miss Minnie Ryan, Miss Bella Traue. Miss Florence Kenny, Miss Cairns Ivrllioni, Mr. Williams, .Messrs. J. Ue-i-miiiilii. W. Willis, 11. Kelly, William Kllborn, Frank Bollinger, J. Barry, J. Kelly, (*. Schmaling. K. Brown. J. Manning, M. Ryan, W. Collier, W.Kelly. J. Handle}*, 11. Kll horn, J. Brown. 11. Johnson. 11. Lenny. Mimic. l* at Banta Cruz. A particularly pleasant musicale recently took place at Hie Riverside Hotel, Santa Cruz. Mr. Fied Barson had the pavilion beautifully decor ated for the occasion. Most of the ladies and gentlemen who paili.lpa'.ed were from San Francisco. '1 lie concert opened with a piano duet by Mrs. lutrn and Mrs. E. Levy, followed with a song by Captain McNevtn, a lecltallou by Miss May Llppllt, excellently rendered, plauo duet, the Misses AUrrp.cb, song and dunce by Master Sidney G. Llppllt, harp solo by Miss Phoebe Saalbuig, violin solo by Mr. Louis Cohen, mandolin by Miss Florence Lippltt. song Ijv Mis. R. E. Marks, piano solo by .Miss resale Meyer from Portland, Oregon, piano solo by Miss Hamburger, Highland lliug by Miss Molne liar sou. 1 Ire mu-icaio was uuder the able leadership of Professor B. ii. Licbleustelu. I'-rrlr" Const tWllil tics. A quiet wedding took place early Friday morn lug at the home of the bnde In Los Angeles, the contracting parties being Miss Emily B. Key nolds and Dr. J. W. James. Mr. V. Marks and Miss Kay Levy of Seattle were married last Sunday a week ago by the Key. Mi. Kaiser. Miss Belle M. Chrlsp and Mr. B. B. Cain of Los Angeles were married in that city Wednesday. Toe bride is one of the most popular members of the Oxymel Club, and since her debut has been a great favorite in social circles. Mr. Cam has been a resident of Los Angelas for tno past two years aud a member of the law firm of Cala & Ganl-ou. Tbe happy pair will reside In Tyler, Tex. Society P. rionslß. Mrs. I). S. Williams of New York Is visiting this city afier au absence of twenty-one years and Is stopping with Mrs. J. Donahue, Mrs. Williams Intends to visit Camp Capltola and other points of Interest before her departure from the Slate. Mrs. VV. E. Dean returns from Del Monte this week. Hon. and Mrs. Charles D. Fierce of Oakland have returned from a visit lo Klamath Hot Springs. Lev. Kobeit ISenlley, D.D., presiding elder of the Oakland district of the Methodist Episcopal Chinch, and Vice- President of the Faclflc branch of the C. L. S. C, Is one of the many notable vis itors at the Pacific Grove congress. Miss A. Nelson has been the guest of Miss Vivian at the Del Monte tills oast week. Miss Anna I_. Homier of San Francisco Isspciit!- Idx the slimmer months Willi her friend Miss Min nie siallord of lledwood City. Miss M. Ford spent ibis last week at Del Monie. Miss Emma 11. liening is at Campbell .Springs, Sierra County. 111. O. Anderson leaves D»l Monte tomorrow. Mr. ami Mrs. George 11. Howard spent Satur day and Sunday at San Mateo as the guests of Mr.and Mrs. Henry F. Howie. Alter a short vi .11 to the Hotel del Moute they will go lo house keeping at 1812 (lough street, the residence ioiiueily occupied by Mr. aud Mrs. Monroe ill .bury. Mr. and Mrs. John 11. Hammersmith are at th» San Felipe Kartell, the guest of Mr. Malaria. Miss Laura Conway of 114 Hayes slreel bas returned after a sojourn of two weeks at Camp Ca pi tola. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bradford have returned from Napa Valley. Mrs. C J. Ellis Is now In the city, haying re turned from .Sacramento. Senator und Mis. Stanford are expected home from Kisseugeu in lhe middle of August. Mrs, Judge linger and Mrs. Ilager are at the Hotel del Coroiiailo. a Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deerlng went up lo Napa Saturday. Mr. VV. 11. Mills and bis private secretary, Mr. l'erklns, have returned from Santa Barbara. Hon. Ell T. Sheppaid has returned home to Napa from a live weeks' stay in lhe southern tot the Slate. Dr. C. C. sttatton has come down from Salem, Oregon, and will return In a lew weeks, taking his lamlly with him. Mr. and Mrs. Audenrled ate visiting friends In Semite. -. : .- . -, Miss Couroy returned to her home In San Fran cisco on Monday, after a visit to bar sister, Mrs. lttchard Chute, In San Jose. t •■■.- - . The Misses ('race and I Oeorgle Cope and Mr. W. ,i..iii Webb of Oakland, who have beeu the guests of Miss Grace de I.amater of Sanla Ciuz, returned Saturday to iheir homes, accompanied by tlrelr hostess, Miss ac Lamnter. Hon. Walter M. Maxwell of Los Angeles Is vl-lting In this city. Mrs. Alfred McC rooty of San Francisco Is at the Hotel Veudoiue, S_u Jose, for a couple of weeks. " , . „ Miss Cora Finch and Miss Lena V oltz of Sin Jose are spending their vacation In the North west and aie al present visiting frleuds at Seat tle. Miss Mary Carr. who has been visiting her brothers. Colouel E. M. Carr sndfHr. ii. I. Can, in Seattle, Is expected to return home this week. Mr. vv. .'. Wlilttier and his son are vlslllug Mr. and Mrs. Ilenry ISothteu at me Hotel Veu iluiii". Mrs. 8. Crooks, the Misses Crooks and Mr. Robert Crooks are exoecled to return shortly from a trip to Alaska. General UK-hard P. Hammond returned yester rlrv ti Jose. Mr. Aclrllle Itr.os has been visiting his brother, Mr. ArioU'ir Loos, ami family at the V endnote, San Jose. Ti.e latter will leave for New York and Europe next Monday. Mr*. FoKer and Mrs. ,1. A. Folger of Oakland Inn c leturiied from Alaska. Hod. William Alvord and Mrs. Alvord. who have hern visiting Dr. ami Mrs. James Keeuey of san Jose, returned borne Monday. Mi. 1). 0. Mills leturned Monday from a bilef visit to Del Monte. Miss Satire Hull Is visiting at San Rafael. Mr. Mark 1.. McDonald has relumed to bis home ln Sauta Kosa. FOR SPOILED MEAT. Clarke Files Another of His Ill imitable Complaints. Alfred Clarke, attorney and counselor at law, solicitor in chancery and proctor in admiralty, filed a complaint in the United States Circuit Court yesterday on behalf of Mark Strouse and agaiust a very large number of people, to wit, tho peoplo of tho State of California, but specially the city and county of San Francisco, the city offi cials, the members of the Butchers' Asso ciation and one or two prominent at torneys. The complaint, in brief, states that Slrouse is in the meat business; that he conceived one day tbo bright idea of using specially made refrigerator wagons in which to deliver meat to his customers, and that the new departure worked so well as to call down upon his head tho enmity of all the meat butchers, whose trade was being slowly but surely undermined by the superior methods of Strouse. The jealous butchers conspired to ruin the business of Strouse, so says the com plaint, ami drew up a petition asking that a license of $75 be imposed upon all meat peddling wagons. The Supervisors, ca joled by oleaginous attorneys of great per suasive powers and frightened by the com bined butchers, passed an order to that af fect. The complaint then describes in Mr. Clarke's own peculiar stylo how Strouso was arrested under this ordiuancu, without being given a chance to deposit bail, which he bad already provided In anticipation of such an event; but was thrown '"in a filthy prison full of blasphemy and lice," where defendants "searched his person and pockets and road his private papers without warrant and against the law, aud laughed and giggled over said private papers, all to the great humiliation of the saul plaintiff." Then the complaint, by way of a climax, describes the arrest of one of Strottse's drivers, in charge of one of the hated wag ons in the Western Addition. In the coun selor's words: "And the said wagon of plaintiff, then and there filled with tooth some and luscious meats and cooling ice, the defendants captured aud took from plaintiff without warrant and against tbo law, and said wagou the said defendants then and thore caused to stand ,iv the hot sun so as to melt the. ice therein contained, and said defendants with impure breath breathed upon the fresh meats of plaintiff in said wagon then contained with bad breath derived from stale beer and impure condiments then undergoing the process of digestion in the stomachs of defendants, so suid meat of plaintiff became deteriorated in value." For all these things the counselor says that Strouse wants general damages to the amount of $800,000 and special : damages as follows; $75 fora new suit of clothes, $25 for disinfectants, $5 for wasted ice, $100 for deterioration of his meats, and $2500 coun sel fees, making iv all the ulce little sum of $802,70-, which he prays the court may al low, as well as to declare the obnoxious $75 license fee order invalid. ■ Strouae Ie Arrested. A complaint was sworn out yesterday for the arrest of Strouse on a charge of violat ing the license order. The accused was ap prehended. . T ACROSS THE BAY. One Concession Made iv the Strike at Oakland. A Woman Attacked by a Bloodhound—Re mains of a Drowned Han Found—Loca tion of a Mine— Camera Club Opening. The situation between the carpenters and builders, so far as work is concerned, remains unchanged, but the Carpenters' Union has rescinded the resolution passed on February 17th, ns follows: Bssoi-Sd, That DO member of this union be al lowed to put up any mill work that is uol manu factured in an eight-hour shop, such mill work to Include window fi antes, moldings, cornice and bracket work, inside and outside finish, doors, windows and blinds. Any violation of this act will he subject to line, suspension, or ex pulsion, at the discreuou of the union. When the trouble first began, about a mouth ago, over the so-called "black listing" resolution of the builders, the con tractors agreed to rescind their resolution if the union would rescind tlie above resolution. Whether or not tho action of the union In rescinding the resolution is the beginning of compromise action neither side will say, but the contractors affect to believe it to be a sign of weakening on the part of the carpenters. It is announced that a young minister. Rev. Mr. Emerson, just graduated from Oberiin, will arrive in September to act as assistant pastor of the First Congregational Church. It is said that Lev. Dr. McLean met Mr. Emerson while East Six of the Chinese lottery men failed to put in an appearance in the Police Court yesterday, and their bail of $150 each, ag gregating |900 l was forfeited. The contract has been let for an annex to the Fabiola Hospital to cost 910,200. ATTACKED BY A BLOODHOUND. As Mrs. U. Coleman, who lives at 1458 Seventh street, was crossing nt the inter section uf Eighth street and Broadway yes terday, a large bloodhound, belonging to T. F. Chapman of 120 East Fourteenth street, sprang at her throat. The lady threw up her left arm to protect herself, and the savage brute seized it between the wrist and elbow, slightly scratching the skin and leaving the marks of his teeth, A demand will be made that the dog bo killed or that he be muzzled when on the street. It is said the same dog attacked a girl on Tenth street, near Broadway, three or four days ago. Judge Greene yesterday allowed Stanley Eastwood, under charge of grand larceny, to go 00 his own recognizance In the sum of $1000, uu condition that he ship fur England. Ills mother wrote a strong plea that ho be allowed to come home, He was arrested with four other boys ior stealing lead pipe some two mouths ago. i City Attorney Johnson has filed his writ ten opinion that tbe Board of Public Works cannot act as Street Commissioners for the opening of new streets, in accordance with his verbal announcement of a few days ago. The estate of Charles H. Hedges has been appraised at 110,969, ; JAM. K. MAULEY'S WILL. ,;•_■ .The will of Mrs. Jane E. Bagley was filed for probate yesterday by James Stan ley, Public Administrator. It was holo graphic and .bequeaths au estate of about SIOOO to William H. Bagley and Mrs. Jeunie E. Johnston, a daughter. It Is said that since making the will she had been di vorced from her husbaud William H. Her furniture, books, pictures, clothing, etc., she left to the Old Ladies' Home at Sacra mento. She died on June and the will was dated at Sacramentu last September. The Camera Club opened its club-rooms in the new Young Men's Christian Associa tion Building last evening with a formal reception. Au exhibition of lantern slides was given by the club at Hamilton Hall, including scenes from all parts of the world,' the slides having beeu made by members of the club. - v _* f _ '7 A young man, giving the name of T. O. Ward was arrested yesterday afternoon|on a charge of room burglary. He is said to be au old hand at the business, and at least three burglaries of recent date can be traced to him. A meeting of the City Board of Examiners has been called for Saturday afternoon at the Superintendent's oflice. ANOTIIEII IMtOWKED MAX. The body of a man, supposed to be Halm, who was drowned off Hunters Point ten days aito, was found in the bay, near the Union Pacific Salt Works, at Mount Eden. An inquest was held by Justice of the Peace Austin, and a verdict of accidental drowning was rendered. He had the ap pearauce of being a German, about JO or 35 y.ars of age, wore vvorkiugtuan's clothes and a pair of old laced shoes, small, light mustache, chin clean shaved. He will be buried in Mount Eden Cemetery. . * The following notice has been recorded in lire Recorder's office of Alameda County: Notice— Know all men by these Presents that We the iim-rei signed have tins day Located one I. edge of Mineral harlin: ltoek suposed to con tain Gold and Silver said Ledge Banning In .1 N.W. and S. E. direction 750 from monument said I.edge Is about 2 miles from Cole Mines In S. VV. direction about I»._1 »._ miles from Oroh .Moon Creed dated Alameda Co. Cal June 18, 18.0. T. J. Hlggins.C. L. Jones. Ferdinand de St. Germain yesterday sued for an injunction against the Peralta Park Hotel Compauy to restrain it from selling twenty shares of stock to the company 011 an assessment, which he alleges to be il legal. Mrs. Mary C. Hanson was examined for insanity yesterday and committed to Ag news Asylum. She imagines some oue is trying to injure her. YOUNO CHURCH'S FIRST DIVORCE. John Henry Church Jr. has secured his first divorce. Judge Greene severed the bonds of matrimony between him and Car rie Church on the grouud of her extreme cruelty. She was at one time an actress, autl was divorced from a man named Val entine before she married Church, It is said that Churcli remarked after the decree was granted that Carrie was "a good girl, but she was awful when she was drunk." She did not answer the complaint. Young Henry has lo secure three more divorces to catch up with his father. "Old Harry." The Southern Pacific Company's addi tion to the shops nt West Oakland will soon be completed. The new part of the blacksmith-shop is 50x71 feet, and will be used as a boiler-shop. The new part of the machine-shop is7ox__ feet, and that of the round-house is 114x10. There is out* pit 184 ami another 106 feet long. These are for the purpose ol taking locomotives into the shop and backing them up so as to take out their driving-wheels. John Li-nan, who was adjudge 1 insane and committed to the asylum on the 3d of Oc tober, 1833, hut was discharged on the ISth ' day of August, 1864, yesterday petitioned , the Superior Court of Alameda County to ' be restored to capacity. A petition is in circulation for signatures asking Congress to pass a law stopping Im migration. It is a movement on the part of the American party. James B. Lewis, a carpenter, has sued Frances Rachel for a divorce on the grounds of desertion aud cruelly. They have grown children. Thirty now pupils attended the Temescal school on Monday. Air-merle. Light liquor licenses have thus far been granted under the new ordinance. There were sixteen deaths in this city during the month of June. Engineer boinerville reports that the cost of running the electric lights during the mouth of June was Sti_7 65. The Board of Fire Delegates has reseated George Lovegrove, and his action for a writ of mandate has been dismissed in the Su perior Court. .. Mark Ilnckett of this city had a finger cut off with a baud-saw while at work in a fac tory in San Francisco a few days ago. Mr. Ilackelt is foreman of Central Hose Com pany. . ' A commission of three citizens was ap pointed several months ago to assess the benefits and damages arising from the opening of Taylor avenue, but as . yet no action has been taken. The . commission came together for the lirst time a few even ings ago, but adjourned without effecting anything. « The Alameda City Brass Band has already become a popular institution in this city. Its first open-air concert was a success, and open-air concerts will be given by it at stated intervals until next September. The Cltv Trustees have appropriated the sum of SIOO for the erection of a stand in Alameda Park, and an electric-light will be sus pended over it- The City Trustees have awarded contracts for improvements as follows: To macad amize Walnut street, from Santa Clara to Buena Vista avenues, to the California Im provement Company ; to lay a sewer in En cinal avenue, between ; l'aru * and Benton streets, and •in Pant street,- to Thomas White; to lay a sewer in Eagle avenue, to 1. N. Chapman. A The ordinance - prohibiting * the mainte nance of dairies within the city limits went into effect on June Ist, but the removal of those which existed before that date has not taken place. The Hoard of Health is very desirous of having the ordinance en forced, and has requested the City Attor ney to take the necessary steps against the derelict dairy . The .Southern Pacific Company has laid a double truck at the corner on Railroad avenue, between Paik and Everett streets, for freight purposes, and this has brought out a protest from Julius Qiutichard, Jacob Koss and John Nobmann, who claim that the additional track damages their prop erty and endangers life and limb. Their protest has been filed with the City Trus tees with the request that they interview the railroad authorities and have the track removed. Moses Dohrmann, residing on Pearl street, has been arrested for sending obscene let ters through the mail to his wife. Dohr mann was nt one time a prosperous young business man of San Francisco, but became a victim to the liquor habit aud domestic troubles ensued. His wife refused to live with him, so abusive did he become. She refused to see him a few days ago when he came home and he sent her letters of such a vile character that they were placed in the hands of a United States Marshal with the result of his arrest. The preliminary examination of Peter O'Laughlin, charged with arson, was called before Justice Hol_ yesterday and resulted in his discharge. The complaining witness was his wife, who alleged that he set fire to her dwelling at the corner of Encinal ave nue and Mound street, but when she took the stand his lawyer objected to her testi mony on the ground that a wife cannot tes tify against her husband. The objection was sustained by the Court, and as she was the principal witness the Court could do nothing but release the accused. When ar rested O'Langhlin had with him a bottle of coal oil aud some matches. flerkel. y. The California and Nevada Narrow-gauge Railroad has ordered a lot of lumber from one of the local yards for the repair of the Adeline-street bridge, as ordered by the County Supervisors uuder pain of forfeit ure of franchise. ■ , The divorce suit of Amelia Pimentai against James Pimentai, the capitalist of this place, has been heard by Judge Ells worth. A decree was granted giving her a divorce, with .40 costs. S"5 attorney's fees. $120 alimony, to he paid before the 2-th inst, and jib a month thereafter. he KEPT HIS WORD. A Sailor Who Would Whip Two Men or Jump Into the Hay. Yesterday afternoon a couple of sailors en gaged in a row on the bulkhead between Howard-street wharves a and 3. From words tbey came to blows and a crowd quickly gathered around. Among the by standers was a man who is known as " Scotty," a fireman on the steamer Aus tralia, Scotty had on what is frequently termed a "jag." .*_"*_, lie did not seem to appreciate the science shown By the combatants, and when ouo of them made an tipper cut and missed he shouted, " If I couldn't whip the two of 'em I'd jump overboard." One of the by standers said, " Why, Scotty. you couldn't whip one .side of one of 'em. " I couldn't eh?" retorted Scotty, "well, if. that's so, then I'll have to jump." He then threw off his coat and jumped into the bay. After getting into the cold water in the slip Scotty swam around until ropes were got from a neighboring schooner, when he was hauled ashore, more sober than he weut in, and proudly conscious that although he had not whipped any one, he had kept his word by jumping overboard. Aim...! Ready for Trial. The divorce suit of Mamie ■ Montealegre against Carlos F. Montealegre was set for hearing yesterday before Judge Hunt, but the defendant's attorney stated that be was not ready to proceed, and was ordered to be in court on Friday and ascertain If the case could be beard on Monday next. Mrs. Montealegro's attorney states that the case ill be hoard with closed doors. She sues on the grounds of cruelty and infidelity, aud in a cross-complaint is accused of like acts. ... - ■' m - ■■'■ ■ ••" " - No Case Was Made Out. Judge Wallace has dismissed the cross complaint of the defendant and denied a divorce to the plaintiff in the divorce suit of Mary Hansen against Peter Hansen, on the ground that there was a failure to es tablish a cause of action. The parties were married in Denmark in 1877, and ten years later the husband came to this city, leaving his wife behind. Shu charged . that be In tended to abandon her, and he that she wm unfaithful to him. ■; - v KERR'S CASE. Continue.! Until Next Tuesday Afternoon. . The case of James W. Kerr, the foundry man, charged with the killing of Edward Cogan, an apprentice molder, ' on First street some weeks ago was called yesterday in Police Judge Lawler's court. It was again postponed for another week. Judge Darwin, for the defense, asked a continuance until next Tuesday at 1:30 o'clo. k iv the afternoon. Judge Maguire, who appeared in the interests of the, mold ers, stated that there was no objection on his side. Reuben IL Lloyd, one of the attorneys for the defense, is ont of town, and this was the principal reason for the contin- nance. Judge Lawler agreed to the proposition, aud granted a postponement as asked for. LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY. Number! Winning It. Principal Irires at tlie July Drawing:. The regular monthly drawing of the Louisiana State Lottery was held at New Orleans yester day. No. 92,561 drew the capital prize of $300,000, suld In New Orleans, Washington, San Francisco and Leavenworth; No. 32,794 drew the second prize of $100,000. sold In Chi cago, Cairo, Vlcksburg, San Antonio and T» coma; No. 26,747 drew the third prize ol $50,000, sold in Boston, Washington, San Fran cisco, Cleveland, Waco and Frederick City, fort Perry, Pa., and Fairfield Center, VL; No. 44,767 drew $25,000; Nos. 44,107 and 48,468 each drew $10,000: Nos. 42,026, 5 1.297. 50,324, 70,928 and 73,986 diem SSOOO each. Th following numbers drew $1000 each : 2750, "20, 17,483, 911,018, 20.89.**!. 27,634, 27 Bii3, 29.018, 39,602, 40,008, 48,885, 54.802, / 6.557. 87.553, 58,206, .8,914, 59,0-3, 77 954, 811,627, 80,870, 81,703, 83,669, 90,000, 97,457. Keirenl-r that tne | -nent of all prizes Is guaranteed by four national hanks In New Or leans, nd the tickets are tfxned by the I'iesl dent of an Institution whoso chartered rights are reco. nl.ed In the highest courts; therefore, be ware Ol any Imitations or anonymous schemes. ■ An Investigation of the books of the Treasoret and City Clerk of Tacoma mows that certain councilmen and officials bad overdrawn 'h.rr accounts by nearly 180,00.. The delinquent will be given live day; to whack If or bt proso- cuted. __________—___———. — _» — — ' ■ "The Cull's" Premium Dictionaries. The Call has received another consign ment of the "Allen edition of Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, which is being for warded as rapidly as possible to subscrib ers whose orders are on file. These books are substantially bound In leather, beauti fully embossed, and in quality of paper and excellence of workmanship are a per fect marvel. • Mat Disincorporate. — Judge Hunt ha' granted tlie petition of the Alaska Mill aud aiming Company for permission to disincor porate. - I'latt's Chlorliles, Hie Vest I) U.nfectant Odorless, liquid, prompt, reliable, cheap. • To Take i:sti-U>.ny.— divorce suit of Margaret MeUlll aealn«t Jeremiah McUiil lias beeu referred to a commissioner for the purpose of taklug testimony. ' Bertelixo Iras the only reliable methods to fit defective sight. --'" Kearny street. * SPECIAL NOTICE. School Books! Slaughtered Prices! TWO SCIIOOI. TABLETS FOIt Se. CALIFORNIA rtIATIT SKKIKS. First Reader 15c Second lie, i ior ____ Third Reader 55r Speller ._sr Advanced Arithmetic 45c 1 . ;.Mr Grammar 45r United States History 70c Elementary Geography 55? Moiiteltti's Comprehensive Geography. al -6 Steele's Abridged Hvglemc Physiology 55 Clarke's Commercial Law 1 05 Packard's Commercial Arithmetic 1 35 Williams A Kotgei's Complete Book-keeping.. 1 65 Lonits' Music 1.15c; '2.20c; 3. 25c: 4, 45c Ward's business Forms. ..l and., 10c; 3 and 4, 15c Flue Lock aad Key Pencil Box Be Victor Bound Slates- Single 8x9, 100: "ill, 15c; Bxl_,3oc Double 6x9.20c; 7xll. 30c 5c Oreenaway Tablet. 5 V_x., 30 sheets 3 for 6c 10c Greenaway Tablet, 5 Vaiß. "'- sheets.... each 10c Large Greeuaway Tablet, l\_,xlO'','_, 46 - sheeti. 5c each 20c Owl Tablet, Extra Fine Paper, Reversible Blotter lOceacli Dixon Lead Pencils, per dozen JJ Good 6-m Note Paper. 24 sheets VIST'S Cross fa Fountain Pen, » 1 75 Styiograpiilo, *i 7» VAN NESS BAZAAR, 1808 Market St. and 7 Oak St., Nr. Van Neil Ave.. * •_. un PKKHAU BROS. * KITS CO. UM ■_&_*__&!_. . . . ... ■__■ ■ m.i .v.. n* r drWTin'TßnTfn'nniT-l-^TirFl 7