Newspaper Page Text
SI NFS** CIIANCKS. C'Onill SALOON: NICE FIXTURES, LARUX X2^ 11 . stock, good location, splendid trade; really worth $500. but must be sold; genuine bar- gain. M. LESS. 5 1.. must. It* (-.Q-ri SALOON: CENTRALLY LOCATED; *•***•, north of Market: fitted np in first-class Bt le 1. business. M. less, 5 Fourth st. It* . -11 COB. SALOON: 3 LIVING ROOMS; tj*»-)«IY7. good location: cheap rent; full trial be- tore buying. M. LESS. 5 Fourth st. It* <J£Qnfl PABTNEB IS HOTEL AND BAR xii , J' ' I . Business: old established mechanics' bouse: among factories, etc.: 50 rooms; bouse full; splendid bar trade; thorough Investigation, M. LESS, 5 Fonrtb St. It* QinAA BB T CH KR- SHOP. HORSE AND Cli"- wagon: established over 10 years: felling from 8 to 10 cattle a week: clearing from *_."»ti to $300 a month; full trial rare chance. M. LESS. 5 Fourth st. It* VT--1111 BEST RANT: IN THE BEST PART V C "U. of Owelty; well worth two thousand dollars; oust be sol.! atonce, with 6 years' lease. M. LESS, 5 Fourth st. It* QTAA PAYING CORNER SALOON: 4 ROOMS; tip ( V.IU. stock and fixtures alone worth $1800; sickness cause of selling: it desired, part cash, bal- ance- on easy terms 11. LESS. 5 Fourth St. It* 07/ in Ci 1:1 i. GROCERY l".li BAR; LARGE v* I ' 'v. and tirst-class stock: good business; beats inxeslljnlloi. M. LESS. 5 Fourth st. it-- (lynn OLD-ESTABLISHED FINE corner «. ,i'Ot. saloon: rent 830. 633 Howard st.jy6 3* til: HOTEL, WITH BAR; 18 ROOMS; !' long lease; first-class chance: good trade. Art- dress It r particulars Bar, Box 90, Call Branch. 6 3* QALOON; PAYING PLACE: CHEAP BENT; 0 bargain to-day. 212 Fourth St. It* 01 ,-.A PARTNER TO-DAY IN PAYING SA- C 1 '*i. .on. FLETCHER. .1001 Market St. It* v- 1 .*. A SALOON, 3 ROOMS: RENT $18; MUST O J"", sell. 457 Tehama St., nr. Sixth, It* C' 1 VII CIGAR-STORE ON MARKET: SPECIAL 0 1 «.)_". bargala FLETCHER, 1001 Msrket- lt» L- - -11 BRANCH BAKEP.Y, TOBACCO AND . ■11 ". notions: 3 living 1 - ... rentals. ; .120 ward st. iy6 3 1* V 1 CA EXPRESS BUSINESS: STEADY WORK . CJ* 1 • '" ' - owner going ;is;ii : Invest thia gift; jou will buy. I 1 KLoNG, 1221 Market St. It* LINE SALOON ON MARKET ST. TO RENT; 1 dock and fixtures for bale. tall at cigar-stand. <i"JB Market si. ji"6 7t* . DR. SALOON: SACRIFICE; 2 ENTRANCES. x. MORGAN A CO., 238 Kearny -l. ll- UACrSEB WANTED FIRST-CLASS GROCERY J arid bar: horse and wagon; Bne trade, morgan A Cm.. 23S Kearny st. It* !>'l 11-Y MAN YYANTED AS I'll. IN I." IN A v.. fiuesaloau: money sol 10 much an object as to haven ataa •■:. ins- 10 take an active part. —OR CAN .X ii„ 23-j Kearui" si. It* Oit.-ll HALF CASH; 111., GRAIN AMI <_ '•". teed'bnsiness; largo trade, *0 to $100 Ttrrday: cstauisbe.l for years; clears 8 100 to #200 per month: selendid team; owus fine build 111 :s. cost s* : Ot to built:, 011 leased ground, 5 years to run; I rent only S2av; has 17 stalls, mostly, rented, whicii pays ad expei ;.,-■.; Insured for 81000; this business is cheap at $lr.OJ; mi.-t sell nt oaee; come and lu- vest! gate . _G I^SJTTTW ll i". I.::. Jxeariiy_9t : __lt_ ,-■ "ii PARTNER WANTKD; FIRST-CLASS •TT-''''- cash business; positive proof of Its pity- ing to each $70 to 5"?0 per mouth given berore buying: will suit any man willing to Else an active Interest la clean, reliable mid respectable business; no night or Sunday work; business easily learned ; good man wanted more tnau in. 1 ley ; must havo ilCi'p; see to-day. GEO. STEWART. 138 Kearny. It To .SELL OUT YOUR BUSINESS GO TO I. D. BARNARD A C 0.,224 Kearny -:. 3l* V I ';()() SALOON ON IIARKE* ST.: CHOICE •„ L—x/Vf. location; best bargain ever offered. I. !■ BABVARDA CO.. 224 Kearny It. it* wv-I'l HALOO.N A.ND LODUING-H iJOt/U. line corner stand; with 5 rnoins in ..i.d 10 rooms furnlsned upstairs. L It. BAR- NARD A CN.. 224 Korny st. • lyy •JiV'iAn SALOON AND LODGING-HOI SE; 6 ,_ ,iittf. furnished rooms; billiard pool table; big trade; investigation solicited: owner leaving country: a bargain. CONRAD A CO., 17 Fourth. 1* << fiflfi SHOE--TORE AND REPAIR SHOP. «COUV/. CONRAD - CO.. 17 Fourth St. It* ftfJKn GROCERY AND BAR SOOTH OF MAR- U«'l/. ket st. ; living rooms; fine bargain. CON- BAD .-. CO.. 17 Fourth st. * It* Q I • I ill SALOON NEAB MARKET ST.: BiLL- ilDxJxJxy. lards, pool; 4 card-rooms; fine fixtures: liirge stock; big trade: will bear Investigation; es- psci . bargallL CONRAD .1 CO.. 17 Fourth It- It* s~ ''I ill SAL ' IN" FINE LOCATION, DOING *.i •>'o ' . gocd business; 2 living rooms low rent: good asons for selling; a rare bargain. CONRAD a CO.. 17 Fourth st. "if y2 Q 1 1 A COFFEE SALOON (WELL 11l ADD ♦T.OUU. cii stcrs). ...table for man and wife or two parties; clear* $2jo a month: 30 days' trial. "•: :. X I GHLIN A CO.. 20 Kearny si. It* v" *, ".(I FORCED TO SELL THIS DAY; »_ ,t, a . saloon positive cheap at $050t see this ami titer. MCLAUGHLIN .1 CO.. 26 Kearny. 1* QQAAA WHOLESALE AND RETAIL YVINE. •J*' ■"" '■ liquor and b-r business; established 8 years; cheap rent and long lease. MCLAUGHLIN A tit.... 26 Kearny -;. jel7 tf ■LOOT AND SH'IE BUSINESS FOR SALE: AN ' - old established and good paying business, a - dress P.. - . Box 313, Sauta Cruz, Cai. j>'s 31* v^;-', , ACTUAL PROPERTY VALUE IN ATS •, Ol \>i'. a. paying meat market for $2000; Oder business engagements compels this sxcnflcc. Address Chance. Box 163. Call i ranch. j'. 5 7: "YEW STORE: GOOD COR. FOR GROCERY: -1 neighborhood rapidly improving. Apply on premises, Adeline and 34th ets.. Oakland, jyo 4t* f*n "J ~ (It) NICK DRCC-STORE FOR SALE: HY*- *~ I OXJXJ. ing rooms is rear; cheap rent; line lo^ cation-tor pbtsiclnii. a-1. Suburb. Box 77. this onice. v -, *". A PAKI.N ER WANTED; ESTABLISHED ♦j — • "'. business: duDes light andeasily learned ; suitable for any steady man that win be satisfied wn'ii'so a mouth lor a time: frlal given before buying. Particulars with DONNELLY A CO. ,777 Market st. jy3 4t« —* ■ \f\t\ W.X.N TED — IN ESTABLISHED BLM- %, - I ''i , !.i.s' partuer as traveling a^ent or treasurer, receiving controlling interest and salary If'SO inoi.thly. J. K. UN LEY A CO., 323 Kearny. 2* MONEY"! HONEY ' MONEY m LOAN SOU taloau>ou. on your piano, without removing it. Apply to Collateral Bank. 15 Grant aye.. near Market at. jal it 30w Mo OAI'S'ALITO - - MARINE VIEW: i'KK- Ope S'ln-liiuc: $10 monthly pavmcuts: $300 upward. SPARROW a PEARSALL, 028 Market street. in is:." ■fcftVVn OLD-ESTABLISHED RES RANT; V- t-UU. excellent Imtlness: small expenses; large profits : good chance and good reasons for sell- Ing. i. EI 1t ll LAC 11 A Co.. 759 Market. jeHO 7 1 - L'l'l: BOARD AND LODGING HOI A with good bar connected: In good location among farluiies. Fit H—NLAI BJ CO.. 75!) Market. 22 14* -2 nnn half interest in first-class *4P ' XJXJXJ. profitable family liquor-store: centra! location; fullest investigation allowed: no agents. C. I'- . Box 89. Call Branch Oflice. jy4 lit* >"OI: SALE— A XV FEE ITTTED-CP SALOON near Market St. 'or sale. Inquire a; SIKlil: ___■- A FLAUEMANN'S. 322 to 332 Sansome 7 tf Tit ANTED— A MAN ■>!- ABILITY AND A LlT- *' tie money to invest can find a business tliat will pay moderate at first, but good prospects. Ad- ore.ts Chance. Box 102, Call Braucii Office. jc26 tf I>EICE 81400 STOCK AND FIXTURES OF~A A candy tactory and lee-cream parlors: opposite Urge school: rent flO with lease. Apply on prem- ises .-ix i/a Geary st. tnylOtf /'OOD PAYING I Lot IN FOR $400: CITY x) root. nr. Malt Dock; er wfll sell half interest; call and see ns. 546 First .-:. j;. i lot ■ . l< 1 " I l OLD- ESTABLISH VARIETY-STO] x^T * .JU . cheap rent: living rooms. 153 7th ST. 17* BAKERY, CONFECTIONERY, NOTIONS: 1 mg rooms: cheap rent. 2011 Mission st. )yl 8* I. OK SALE— OLD SHED GROCERY AT ■T invoice. 308 Fourth st. jy3 7t<; SALE— AT COST: GENERAL MKRCHAN- I ilisc store: doing paying busluess; convenient to city. Apply to BOOT A SANDERSON, 122 Mar- Wet st. Jy3 7t_ J-R\ IT, CANDY AND CIGAR-STORE CHEAP, Xon account of sickness. 119 O'FarreH. |y2 I St* SALOON AM) 2 ROOMS WITH PRIVATE entrance, lira;.; must sell account other busl- i.e-s. _____ 156 titM st. ]v 2 7t* nit SAL* COFFEE-SALOON; ESTABLISHED y 5 us. 910 l.ackm at- je'J3 lot* EVENING BULLETIN. PRICK REDUCED J tola cents per weeK, delivered by carrier to any part ofthe city: the Bulletin is the best, oldest and largest evening paper published on the coast: orders by postal-card or otherwise will receive prompt attention ornce 622 Joiner, st. LOBGINO-HOUSES Fin: s.yi.i. • Ol^-)'-. LODGLNG-HOOSE, 12 RO 'Ms; ALSO «T — — U. fen other bargains larg- and small Bouses. FLETCHER. 100* Market. op i. Firth. It* ]."OB SALE— BOARD AND in .line HOUSE with good bar connected; In good loe iti-ui union - r act"! lr» Call bet. c- and 9a. m.. i and - v. it. at Ji l'Oi-TEL _ CO., wholesale liquor dealers. No. 14 .Kilns st. ji i: 7:* loDGING-iltil -X: 9 RCOMS FUBNISHED; Jjl4 a Broadway I'all Ir-m 12 to 4. jvi 7:- -.Mii-LooM lodging-house." . fin) .)■' 30 rooms to exchange for property 8,500 10 rooms; central: ownerslck i 650 lOrooms; in payments to suit 2.0,0 40 rooms; line corner 2,200 ,11 roomson Ellis st.; gou-l .?. Poo ' 100 oilier houses; pr.ces $100 to 20.000 Fur sale by 11. !'. DECKER, .... Msrket St. It* V; '1 II 1 l-tlDi,lNi;-IIOUSE; 63 BEDS; I LEAKS •— !J' i\J. over $140 month; no offer like this In mm Let ; trial. LESS 5 Fourth su it* A CHANCE TO BORROW MONEY ON YOl'ltSIL- J 'i xerwaro Is offered to-day at the Collateral Bank, lb Grant aye., nr. Market st- jal9 sow Mo riO FIND GENUINE BARGAIN TO I. D. J BARNARD A- CO . .21 Kearny St. 31* -\f UST SELL ON ACCOUNT OF El. WING .'I Slate, furniture of H-rooui flat; nearly new: good paying house: rent cheap. H2l<, Eighth. 1 7 1 < lOR BALI- — .« Ist P. i. I. 1 • Ol'S. Y'Ol'NU MIL! II COW, CHEAP. I'I.NN.-', E- JvanlH live., near Mariposa, I..H ero. j;. v HI" AA 'THICKS. lOC EACH: HATCHED BY tJUIfsCH CLE'S Incubator. 1213 Valencia. 5 3t* C.P FRANCE RANGE, 2 LARGE BOILERS, Xj Mitiahlc for r*stsuraiit : 2 fine marble mantels; 250 ft. nun! tiling, Call 102 O'Farrell si. (old Concordia Clnb). Iy4 3t* 'L* 1 It NIT IKi. SMALL SCHOOL FOP. _ SALE J cheap. Die Eddy st. Jy3 7t« 'L'lMI. NEW GLENWOOD RANGE; CHEAP; J water-back top and extra heating-oven. V. A. 11AEDRICH. Crockery-store. gal Fourth. )v2 71* "LOB SALE— BLACKSMITH - SHOP. APPLY J Call Branch unice; jyl 7t* | J! RSI HEIFERS FOP. SALE. APPLY TOYTi E. CLUFF, j9 Sixth St. Jell if fin WINE-MAKERS-FOB HALE. 2 NEW OVAL I nine casks, 1025 gal. and 4 round ditto. 700 g«E. at a bargain ■ 221 Sansome St.. baaeineuLJlO tf '("•■"ES AND HARDWARE AT LOWEST BATES. J 3 Spear st., near Market. jel tr <s«ynA FOB SALE— 14-HORSE ENGINE AND rip.jyitj. boiler : as good as new. Apply to CON KLIN BEOS.. 333 Golden Gate aye. my 26 tf lii, SHOWCASES, ALL SIZES AND STYLES AXIXJ at Jour own prices. J. NOO.NAN, 1017-1023 Mission st. ap24 tf CHE FARO'S FOOT AND i'OWEB LATHES t, planers, drill-presses. 067 Mission at. se'27t: SECONDHAND BOILERS, ENGINES, PUYLP4 tr«*? .V , ' i '' pulleys, bei»lng. water pipes etc. Ai INTOtiH a WOLPMAN. 137 Beale sl do4lt MO CENTS WILL SEN!) illE WEEKLY CAJ.L a/A> for lour "toutl- to any part of the United CAUI'KNTKItS AND LUKES. V JV. LAWBENCI".CAILp7n«TEiI^x^)'hUILDER . till) Sacraniento st.: cabinet work and fitting up OD.ce. pi cm, fly attended: leleiihone 900. ml 6 KI'RMTI'RE FOR SALE. ■ 1.-'UBNITURE OF COTTAGE ROOMS. CHEAP. r If sold at once ; owner sick, obliged to leave. 467 : Jessie. . iva 71* ; IjiURNTTUBE, NEW. CLEAN, FRESH STOCK: r lowest prices tor cash, at SAMUEL REALS' 818 Mission St.. above Fourth. ]e2O 1 m A - GOOD CHAKCE-YOUB HOUSE FURNISHED complete with furniture, carpets, stoves, cur- tains, blankets, pictures and mirrors at cash prices, on easy installments; small deposit. M. FRIED- MAN A CO.'S. largest Installment house on the Coast, 228-230 Stockton, 237 Post St.; open even- ings: prompt attention paid to country orders. Isttf I A - SPECIAL NOTICE— I HAVE HE MOVED TO JY large, new stores, 126 Fourth St.: prices reduced to bed rock ail round: parlor suits, $25 to $70; ranges, $6 up: 500 second-hand carpets: chamber sets, $1 to 876: cash or Installments; goods shipped free, T. 11. NKLSON, 126 fourth at. apl tf \'£lV CHAMBER SETS OK 7 PIECES. 815 CASH, lx or Installment. WILI.EY BROS. 981 Mission, if WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CKN* l'S-THE WEEKLY Cali- In wrapper, ready for mailing. : CAICI'ETS. FT 1 1 A SECOND-HAND CARPETS Knit SALE OXJXJ very cheap. J. NOON AN, 1017-10—1 Mission street. ]e'i7 ft /XARPETS-SMITH'S BRUSSELS, 65c. A YARD; Xj Installment price elsewhere $1 a yd. M. FRIED- MAN A. CO., 228-230 Stockton, aud 237 Post. It tt BRUSSELS CARPETS, OOe, LAID; FLOOR- Cloths. 2,-ii'. S. W.SHIREK. f.'HI Stnefcton.m'Jtf CABPKT :■ CLEANING. (XARPETS CLEANED; LAID. ALEX. YY". YvTIEU I Xj DEN. 2400 Ge.iry St.; Telephone 4093. I>"3 tf I HTY STEAM CARPET-BEATING AND RENO- I xj rating works: dying and cleaning; 24 and 2'J Eighth st, 8. 11. STEVENS, proprietor inrl 10m pHKAPKST AND BEST PLACE TO HAVE YOUR ! Xj carpets cleaned and rclnid. JONES' Perfect i Carpet-cleaning and P.euovatiug Works, 25 and 87 Eighth it.: telephone 3424. rnrs Sui QPAILDING'S PIONEER CARPET 1 1 IN."; O Woi .- do the best work. 353 to 357 Tehama St.; j telephone 8040. mrl9 tr pAKI'EI" CLEANING 3 CENTS A YARD. MIT- X.J oil ELL'S. 230 Fourteenth st. myl3 tf CIARPETS THOROOSBLY CLEANED WITHOOT /beating; refitting carpet! a specialty. CONKLIX BROS- 333 '.. den Gate aye. : telephone 2130. 13; C /'Alll'liiS CLEANED: 3 AND 5 CENTS PER J 1 yard. 453 Stevenson; Tele. . 338: S.STR ATT AN. SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS AND 'SUBSCBiirN tions taken at Call il'.i.tca Dlncflß, 603 Laritiu Ft., 330 ii.i.- sl aud 2518 Mission at-,* open till 9:30 r. it. v.atf I'iAMIS. VIOLINS \.I, SHEET CtlSiC. \\* ANTED— TO BUY SECOND-HAND UI'bTgHT tf piano. \\. 11. ii. ,, ,, i - Iva ■touardst. 6 ■»_■ I) EAUTIFCL 1. Nil IV 1 PRIBHT, LITTLE _ ii.-., i. very cheap. 618 ilalght St. '■ i St* ■i I 9" SMALL, FRENCH UPRIGHT: PEE- •_ 1 — •'. feet order. BOWERS _ SON, 23 th.;i lm (_Un GENUINE STECK ON $3 INSTALL- C'TJU. ineiits. 213 Poll st. Jy2 71 _ VJ*UMBER OF CHOICE BARGAINS IN* SECOND- i.I hand pianos, good as new, Incluiling a S iv ■■■ iy Parlor Grand, a Cblckering Upright, su inv-n c of 4 upright pianos, to close consignment; a French upright $100, a German upright $75, a Kniii - piauo $60. a Vose piano $55. F. iv. SPENCER .v CO., 723 Market st. [History Bnl ding, iccond rloon, sole agents tor (.'bickering a Sons', Couover Bros.' ami Colby pianos. Je2l tf L*" LEG IN I UPRIGHT; '.i A SACRIFICE: FAMI- JLIi ly going East, 1043 Mission st. jello 7; - HAi LET A DAVIS AND KIMBALL PIANO ANJ IJ Organ Agency, xv. G. BADGER. 725 Market STOCK 'SECOND AN D PIANOS, INCLUD- s 1 ingfine X. ...;„-, lia;,-: A Davis, Emerson, etc., and at prices from 850 to 8360, will be sold at a sacrifice to make room for new stock from New York factory- T. M. ANTISELL I'lauo Company, Seveutli and Market sts. Je27 tf KOH A CHASE, 28 28 AND 30 O'FARRELL st.: leadicg pianos ami organs; oldest music- house: largest stock; easy terms: low prices. ap'23 tf x SELF-PLAYING ORGAN FROM $20 To 8500; JY plays everything as perfectly as an orchestra, KoIILER A CHASE, sole agents, 26, 28 and 30 O'Farrell st ap'J3 tf IiYKON 11.11 /Y. AGENT SOIIMER, CHASE l> Bros.. Newby « Evans. 308 Post St. niy22 tf iTvJ-X FINE BABY GRAND, LIKE NEYV, C— • ti- *-ioii: $125 organ, $70. FAY'S Piano Factory. I 72.' 11 >-.oii . bargains -,;, new piani.s.apH tf IYIANOS SLIGHTLY I BED; GREAT BARGAIN'S. J SI ATH AM A CO.. 1322 -Market st. tuy!6 tf ! GENCY FOR-WHEELOI " CELEBRATED Jx. lams, t's music st,. 727 Market 5t.26 tf QEI <'Nl>-iI.Y"NIi PI tins ABE, *65. $100 O $125, $150: upright, $175. 8228, *-,"5. The Zeno aianvais Music Company, "on Market, 11 tf QJTEINYHFAY. G ABLER 1 AND PEASE PIANOS, 0 organs and all musical Instrnmeuts; call and see our new rooms and sine!:. MATTHIAS GRAY A CO., 206 and "Jo-: Pest st., s . lw>y Hall, ja" tf HORNUNG'S FRIGHT PIANOS: MOST BRILL- lant and powerful 017 Mission St. no__3_ STECK. HARDMAJ*. YORE Oil STERLING ■^ pianos sold on $10 monthly Installments. BENJ. CL'BTA** A sun solo agents, 20 o r.irred st. SgT— 1, 1.. NEUMANN PIANOS: A NEW SHIPMENT I . lust arrived. 82 Ninth st- au29 Lf .- i , CENTS WILL SEND THE WEEKLY CALL ''' ' lor ■ ■ -■■ ■ ■:'" it, tliv pnrtof the Cnlteil Stales, . lin;:s|.s. SOUND HORSE, 6 YEARS OLD, LA YOR CHILD i»ii Irve : cheap. 2503 liowara st. JyO St l/OR SALE CHEAP. ACCOCNT~DI"PAI!TURe", 1 line zentle mure: near y new bu^cv ; harness; Ap- ply lll!t|-rl,rsi,d's Stable-, llsl!! Powell -t i-.' i 4t* I YIAMONDS!— I* )OC NEED MONEY lilll-.1'.01V I ' It 011 lour diamonds at the COLLATERAL BANK. 15 Grant av< near Market st. Jai9 30w Mo , -OOD HORSE AND WAGON FOX SALE." 1047 I I Bryant st, jj-4 3t* MOOKE B'S NEVADA HORSE MARKET: 1605 -I I Harrison: 101.' Lead iuat arrived. ',7 bui . •TAGOXS is,, CAItKIAGES. ••vJEW GROCERY WAGON and BUGGY; GOOD i. x spring: wagon. Il:t5 Fillmore St. !>* LOU SALE— FIBS -CLASS BAKER-« a newly painted. 1811 Devisadero st. jy4 3t* 9 CAR-LOADS FINEItfILBUKN BUGGIES FOR — sale . iieap. • .irv.ti Manufacturing Company, 48 •-".:. ' "■'■ : lit USMTISTS. t^ 7^ sir FOB IKilll: li lllllANTi'.n AS '.. • good as can he made: tilling $L dr. SIMMs, dentist. 030 Market st., next Baldwin Tbeater.ocltt 1 'OLT N DENTAL ASSOCIATION. , \| ARKET XJ st. {i'nelan Buildiiig), positively extract teeth without pain with "Ci inn Gas"; also perform all operations lv dentistry. DC. CHARLES w. DECKER. 71 DR. REA. 923 MARKET, EXT. Teeth r,ocT with gas 81; fillings low; open evenings. tny2 tf g7 s"'i T REPAIRFNQ 81: PI 1. 1. ING *: EX I 'V _p I painless. Soc. DR. CA. PEBKY. B Mason, inoir x LL NEWSPAPERS HAD LONG ARTICLES -i them stating that the Insane asylums are full of people who took gas only cue Tor painless tooth ex- traction and went crazy. My secret painless method Is wonderfuL By its use any dental operation may be done painless. y. Will forfeit 2100 for any tootu that I cannot extract without sleep or gas. even though .i dozen dentists have failed to extract It. All rations done better than elsewhere, sluce l l.avc .seven first prizes lor beautiful fillings, plate and crown -irk. There are 5 Leek dentists, office often till 9:30 p. at.; Sundays till 3 r. M. Dl;. GEORGE W. LEEK, 8 O'Farrell at. oetf tf DIE A. 1.1 HELM HILL. 1443 MARK— T ST., NEAR Eleventh: no charge for extracting when place! are made: old plates made over use new; teeth from $6 per set: extracting 80c: gas given. 4 tt • 'ROOMS DENTAL ASSOCIATION. 7SB MARKET XJ st- beL Third and Fourth; gasspeclaiuts. anl7tt « FULL SET OF TEETH FOB *7: FILLING AT '"» lowest prices: week warranted. DB J. W. BEY. 841 Market St. opp. Baldwin. . aua if DR. c 11. WILSON, DENTISTJ MARKBt St.. bet pililiand Sixth, unli. Mason. delilf ASSESSMENT NOT. x s^l I 'Nn! li'l.-THEP.M 11 I' E' liliKK -*x Company: location of milts. Seotla. Humboldt Coonty. California. Notice is hereby given tint at a meeting of lhe Directors, held on the .loth day of .tune. 1891, an assessment (No. 18) or $10 per share was levied upon the capital stuck or the corpora- tion, payable immediately 111 United states gold coin to the Secretary 0; litis company, at tbe onice •it tltC company. Any stock upon which this assessment shall remain unpaid on the 7th day of August 1891, win be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auc- tion, and imi.-.s payment is made before, will be sold mi the niti da/ of September, 1881. to pay the delinquent assessment, together with the casts of advertising ami expenses of sale, ..K'l: ,i: p. pa RKKR. Secretary. « ferula St.. San Francisco, California. j-.2 4w l ss'kssment NOTICE— SMITH MINING CO.M- --Y pany; locallon of principal place of business. San Fraucisco. CaL: location of nun-, West Point Miulng District, Calaveras County. Cat.— Notice Is hereby uiven that at a meet in.- of the Boar I of Di- re, or-, held on the 27th day of June, UP!, in as- sessment f No. 2) of eight cents per share was levied upon fne capital stock of the ci rpuratlon, payable immediately In United States gold coin to the Sec- retary n" •'.■ ri-ee r the company; No. 19 O'Farrell it., Ban Cisco Cal. Any -it,, upon which this assessment 5h.,,, remain Unpaid on the 1.l llt day of August, 1891, will he iieiiiiquent and advertised for sale in public auction, and unless payment is made before will be *o'd on Friday, the 18th nay of September. 1891. to pa) tbe delinquent assessment. together with costs of atlverti Ing and expenses of sale. I'.y order •■' 1.-- Board or Directors. CHAS. E. WIGGIN, Secretary. once— No. 19 O'Farre 1 at.. San Francisco, Cal. 8 I d ASSESSMENT NOTICE- BEST "i BELCH Eft Mining Company: location of principal place or business. San Francisco. Cat.: location of works, Virginia City, Story County, Nov. -Notice Is hereby given mat at a meeting of tbe Board of Directors, held on TUESDAY, th- 2 Id day of .tune. 1891. an assessment (No. »Bj of fifty cent., .40c) per share was levied upon the capita' slot ofthe curporttlon, payable Immediately, in United States gold com. to the Secretary, at the offlio or the company. Room 33, Nevada Block. No. 309 Montgomery St.. San Francisco, Cal. Anyatoek upon which this asset*. ment shall remain unpaid on TUESDAY, the 2Hin day of July, 18H1. will he delinquent, a d adver- tised tor sale at public auction, and un rs- payment Is made before, will be sold 0:1 TUESDAY, the eighteenth ( 18th, or August, 1831, to pay the delinquent assessment, together with costs of «d- -yertlsius and expanses of sale, liy order or the Board of Directors. L. oskoiin". secretary, Oflioe— Boom 33. Nevada Block, No. 309 Montgoro- ery St.. Ban Francisco. Cal. je2s id SEG BELCH EX AND MIDKS CONSOLIDATED Mining Company.— Location of principal place of business. San Francisco. California. Location of works. Gold Hill Mining District. Storey County. State of Nevada.— Notice 11 hereby given that at a meeting of the Board or Directors, held on the Six- teenth day of June. 1881. an assessment (No. 8) of twenty-live (25) cents per share was lovled upon the capital stock of the corporation, payable Imme- diately In United States gold coin to tho Secretary, at the oflice of the company. Room 4 Nevada Block. No. 308 Montgomery St.. San Francisco, Cal- ifornia. Auy stock upon which this assessment shall re- main unpaid 00 the TWENTIETH DAY OF JULY, 1801. will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment Is made berure Will be sold on MONDAY', the TENTH DAY OF AUGUST, 1891, to pay the delinquent assessment, together with costs of advertising and expenses of sale. E. B. HOLMES'. Secretary. Omen-Room 4, Nevada Block, 309 Montgomery St., San Francisco, California - JelStd 1 *^~™~ MONKY TO L.OAS. S~auks"full OF MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 PEB cent: will pay mortgage tax; also loans on second mortgage; notes. ISAACS. 411 O'Farrell. 3* Mo.nky loaned prom $1 upward AT Security Loan Lank. 1100 Market Mason; private entrance 7 Turk. N.J. FRANKLIN L'J'OII »10 UPWARD; ISTEBEST ACCORDING J security. 8. E. 0.. Box 91. Call Branch. je.*, tf MONEY Loaned — 818 and UPWARD^ i'l reasonable Interest and payable back ln Install- ments. Address M. M., Box 149, Call Branch, jolt! THE MORNING CALL. SAN FRANCISCO. MONDAY. JULY 6. 1891-EIGHT PAGES. CITY REAL KBTATB. SCENTS.5 CENTS. 5 CENTS, 5 CENTS, o CENTS. 5 CENTS O will pay ear fare from any part of San Francisco to office of J. T. HARRIS, 628 Market St., opposite Palace Hotel, where you can find maps, diagrams, etc. representing Golden Gate lark lots as recorded In the Hall of Records, which at the prices that I can sell will surely double In price iv the near fulure: for prices, easy terms, etc.. and as well lo- cated near the park, lieu- electric railway line now building. Market-sL extension, grand ocean beach boulevard. I will be glad to compare notes with any person living. For all time to come my motto will be. Good titles or no sale. N.B.— lf any person bas 10, 20, '10, 40 or 50 lo!s, with good titles, located to suit, cheaper ihau 1 have, 1 will buy them or furnish a customer that will. Mo don't delay making your se- lection if you can help It, as prices are advancing rapidly all aloug the lluo. Golden Gate Park lots a specialty. J. T. HARRIS, 688 Markets!. Jys 2t CJ'-V-IiAA LOT M:8xll4 FT. ON ARMY ST., tiTOtJUU. bet.- Church ami Sanchez, with a splen- did new bouse of 4 large rooms and bath and flue basement; 1039 Arniyst.; part cash it required. T. P. BIORDAN, 6:12 Market St. jyti li! MoYYeTb ftIOIID 5-BOOM COTTAGE IN BERKELEY ; «Jp J _UU. 4 minutes' walk to station: *12 month. #2500—6 rooms. ltivlght way; $25 month. 3187 50 each -10 lots, Loriu; *5 mouth. *400 and up— lv Tract. Send for maps. CALDWELL BROS.. 12 Montgomery st. my 26 tt Ji-J^nn FOR THE LOVELIEST COTTAGE IN* >ip.)iJUU the Mission; brand new; full swell front; & rooms, bath: electric bells; stationary tubs; elegantly finished throughout ; brick founda- tion; patent sidewalk: lot 25x114; easy terms If desired. W. B. MARSHUTZ A CO.. 630 Market.4 St S99AA HOUSE AND LOT CHEAP: 25x100; •T*" — -Uo. 8 rooms. basement; marine view : shel- tered trom wind. 2501 Leavenworth St., near Francisco. jy4 3t* «3*i IUU.uUU.uUU watcbcs'diamoiiils, pianos, paintings and sealskins at Collateral Bank, 15 Grant aye.. near Market st. J. 119 30w.M0 x • 1 IV MODERN BUILT HOUSE OF" 7 ROOYIS lx and bath: ail modern Improvements: flue view; 2iitb St.. west of Castro; terms easy. , See owner ou premises. Jy4 3t* dp I A MONTHLY BUYS TA HOME IN A USA- Q I U llto. SPARROW _ PEARS ALL. 1138 Market. ('OH. IN COURSECONSTRUCTION*:CAN BUILD V. yet to stilt purchaser- only $1000 down, balance easy terms. 21st and Florida sts. Jy3 7t* LOR SALE— POINT LOBOS AYE. BUSINESS i property; house 5 rooms and bar. with estab- lished trade; lot 28x100; this Is a bargain. For terms apply to owner. Point Lobos aye., near Ist avenue. : je'JS im QV9flfl CHATTANOOGA ST., BET. 23D~AN1> V«)_UU. 24 th— 2 fiats; 5 rooms and bath each: lot 25x175 feet: in hue condition; fine garden; rents for $38: sanitary plumbiug: a bargain: no agents. Apply at cigar - store 5 Leidesdorfx st. from 10 to 12 a. M. ti : tf ( 'ITY LOT: 25x100; MUST BE SOLD AT SOME x - price. Address L. It. A., Box SO, Call Branch i} & Hl* — xJibuUU. ;,ii ST BE 'SOLD IMMEDIATELY*. BUSINESS PROPERTY PAYING 1 PEB CENT ON 89000. For sale at an absolute big bargain: corner lot; 2 --..ins and upper flat ■•: 9 rooms; Income 880 per month steady ; property located In the best portion . tne city; will double in value in 5 years; cau borrow-for purchaser $4500 upon this property; only $4000 needs to be put up. For full particulars apply to _ .1. LAY HAN A CO., 466 Eighth st., Oakland, Cal. jyl 15t Cii'KNElt LOT; 06x122:6; CHEAP. ST. GEORGE 1 Bur-room. 812 Kearny. Je2s 14 1* OJ. 1 rf 11 11 V EACII-2 LOTS 25x120, 125 FT. S. OF JUUU Geary. Address B, Box 1. this offlce.6 tt QJUNNYSIDK TRACT BLOCKS. ONE-FIFTH 0 cash, balanco lour semi-annual payments; lots $:;no to $600 ou same terms. J. it. HILL * CO., 120 Sutter st if rl'lll MINING BULLETIN. PRICE REDUCED 1 to 15 cents ier week, delivered by carrier to any part ot the city: the Bulletin Is the best, oldest and largest evening paper published on the coast: orders by postal-card or otherwise will receive prompt attenti. in. Ollice d 22 Montgomery St. • t'INIUY It HA I, ESTATE. I.'"lt -",11 -.1 >..!:!> OF I. IN II UN IUJS^ J slan River. 11 miles Irom Santa Rosa, 22 acres of which is deep rich bottom land, the very best for bops, alfalla. vegetables or fruit; railroad through the place: timber enough for nun cords wood and 75.000 pickets: good house; 5 rooms, barn inn' outbuildings; all fenced; 5 good springs, one of which Is piped through the bouse; 5 acres orchard, peaches and prunes, the crop on which eau bow be sold for $1000; 10 acres gram: 3 acres potatoes: 2 acres corn; 2 acres alfalfa; price. In- cluding crops, $5500; this Is a rare bargain: must be sold, Inqiilreoll Fifth si. JyO ■_!• I (A ACRES EXCELLENT FRUIT, FAKBING 't'JUand stock land; fenced; 125 acres culti- vated; 2 good springs; 2 wells, 12 feet of water: family orchard, fig, orange, apricot, prunes. lemon, etc.: 2000 grape: new 7-room dwelling, hard finish; 2 bams, l niixoll. other £4x24, with seeds; will sub- divide and make .1 excellent farms or more: 7 miles Irom railroad, 1 mile in postollice. school, etc.: bay, horses, wagons, mower and oilier ranch tools: 000; 88000 cash, b. lance easy terms. Send for catalogue of choice citrus lauds. E. TUCKER, uroviiie. 'ai. : ___^ ;ill 7; <rilll,'l FARM OF 10 ACRES FOB SALE^ ; »"*tUUUU. In sau Bernardino County, '- miles lioui railroad station, with 550 orange and 50 lemon trees 7 years old. 100 fruit trees and 3000 muscat raisin crapes, which win yield tins year not less than $1000 worth of grapes; there is a com* 'fortabio cottage ot 7 looms anti bath, hard-finished and with Inside shutters; a nara 36x30: chicken- house and driving-sued ; a brick clutern, cement lined, for domestic water: connecting Iron pipes to bouse burn .ii. -I corral; water for Irrigation, piped 10 the highest point in cement p pcs; is covered by 10 -hares , paid up) of stock In lhe '-.tiiv.ia i.i Water Company, which is worth $100 per share; in goes With the place; unimproved land Is selling at $200 per acre; distance, to school ..■.'-.--quarters or a mile. For lurtlier Information and photographs apply at this office: principals only. Jy3 tf dAw Fob RELIABLE INFORMATION FREE CON- t eernlng Government laud, call 601 Co:nmercl.7* HERE IS THE CHANCE "' FOUR LIFE— LOTS in lovely EI Moro. 840 and upward; weekly payments ot $1 taken ou lots; El afore fronts on Moro Day, the only bat* of :.i,\ consequence be- tween here and San Diego; grand beach; fine bath- ing, fishing, etc. ; the finest climate; most prolific vegetation in the world : no sens person ought to overlook this, lor lota. information, etc.. address M.-rtt Bay Improvement Co., Flood Building, Room 6; open also evenings. j"-l tf 5£ 1 A WEEK BUYS A FRUIT FARM; LOOK AT t*o! 1 this oiler, Oakwond Colony Tract- f acres, $75. payable $1 a week. 11) acres. *150, payable 82 a week. "- 1 acres, $300. payable $4 a week. «0 acres. Stun, payable $8 a week. No Interest aud no taxes on deterred payments:!! all fine Al fruit land: no irrigation required; near large town and railroad: some oaks; water handy; title perfect; no investment is as »afe. sure or pro- f table as fruit lands. For Information or circulars apply toMI'.sTERN LAND COMPANY, 630 Mar- _!__ uc2S tf iT.'. PAYABLE $1 A WEEK. NO PAYMENT V I .J. required down, will buy 5 acres of Fres- no's famous vineyard lauds; mure In like propor- tion: there am fortunes in it-, send for circulars. OCCIDENTAL LAND COMPANY*. 235 Ke»ruy.7 lm QCHOOL LANDS. $1 50 TO $3 AN ACRE; ON 0 very easy terms; sold by the state In tracts to suit; 1.0 residence or Improvements required: alt kinds of lands. In many dlll'ereut counties; send stamp for list; open day and eveulugs. K. v, . LAKE. 8 Flood Building. 1.1 tf ll>l7^. LEVEL LOT. 26x100, IN BERKELEY"! •Jp J I •'. good views: .Tl.", cash. $5 monthly. 8350— coiner: 40x102; $25 cash, $7 monthly. $30— Gore: 1511x60: cheap and steep: $2 monthly. $500— Lot 40x130: sidewalk- -d and sewered. 8780— HUI; lot 400x319; sis monthly. 8480— Lot 40x130: ildewalked; $10 monthly. .flood— Lots; send for maps. I offer only what I own. CHAS. A. BAILEY, Owner. 20 Mi.ntg'y si. tf ri'lll. ELECT— BOAD TO THE OCEAN IS AS- -1 sureiL The California .1 Washington Invest- ment Co.. at 828 Montgomery St., are buying an 1 selling lots all along the route. Call on or address them at once if yon want to get lv on the ground floor; south of park lots a sit.i tally, inylo tf DO YOU WAN I' PROPERTY, CITY OR COUS- try, In the prettiest valley of the State? Apply to Napa Laud Co., Napa. Cal., lor lilt ot proper- He.s. sejj if CMALL ADVERTISEMENTS AND SUBSCRIP- * . lions taken at Cai.i. Branch unices. 603 I-arkln ft., ill!) Hayes st. aud 2518 Mission tt. ; open till 1 -; Ur. M __________ HOUSES TO LET. YIOL'SE— « ROOMS, K^^WINDOYYsi YARD 11 and cellar. 57 Everett st. Jy6 St* QJ99 (*■.("! HOUSE li ROOMS, BATH. 506 •si — _.»>'!. Hickory aye. Apply crocerv. cor. Hickory aye. and nuchauan SL. nr. i ah. Jys 7t* riIENEMENT; 4 ROOMS. 201 - EDDY ST., REAR J house. _y2 tf 1 GENTLEMAN EXPERT (WHO IS NOT xs. known) is sen; to your bouse; 10 minutes after but departure you receive money on your piano, without removing It. irom Collateral Bank. IS fir. aye. near Market St. Jfclfl 30w Mo inn FELL-COSY' COTTAGE OF 1 IliioMS. lt'ij with large stable. jclllli: I I HENNAS A DINS, 112 MONTGOMERY ST., ' ' pay special attention to the rentlog of bttus-i antl collection of rents. my lit 1 m <■ cun:-, m: I) 1 1 OUSKS. '.J (199 CALIFORNIA— LOWER SI AtTo •Jt;_ — rooms, bath; furnished complete; piano; -""• Je:;o 7t* _ L"OR BALE— NICELY FURNISHED, 6 ROOMS. I Inquire Landlord. 322 Third St. je'JO 28l» COT I .1. .■■ tti I .<■, 1. y t>7 1 1 BUSH— COTTAGE: 3 ROOMS; LARGE — I IT 1 basement: $12; water tree. Jy6 2t* pill "■!'• "1 1. ROOMS. 228 WEBSTER. 100 XJ feet from Height : $16. je;;o tf <& 99 COTTAGE; 6 ROOMS; BATH; YARD. 711 'I, •— —i. Treat aye.. el. 20th and 2lst sts. mylS tf FLAT'S TO LET. Sir. FLAT. DOUBLE PARLORS, DINING^ tip I'l. room ami kitchen: good location. 41 Her- man St., junction Market and Valencia: good loca ' 1 1_ ■ Jy«_3t* SUNNY" PLAT .1 ROOMS, 41 HERMANN ST., IK. 'Unction Market and Valencia; $13. JyJ 6t* OUNNY FLAT 1 ROOMS; $13. 7*io WILLOW O aye.. nr. Buchanan st. Jys st* C; I I UPPER FLAT 4 ROOMS. 1822 SAN CAR- tjpi-'J. lon aye.. nr. Twentieth st. Jy4 :it« 9 NEYV FLATS 4 AND 5 ROOMS; BATH; MOD- — em improvements; sunny side; rent reasonable. Twentieth st.. bet. Howard anil Capp. ■ JyStf J,">LAT— 3 NICE ROOMS; PA.NP.TY; CLOSETS: i yard; rent $14. 050 Jessie st, jys tf L'LAT: 5 BOOMS AND BATH. 6 GROY'iO ST., J mar lar. 111. . - , . - - ■ . ■ Jys 7t« TVTEYVLY FURNISHED FLATTO BENT: 5 BOOMS lx and bath. 17 Henry st., bet. Sauches and Noe, Fourteenth and Fifteenth. Jy6 81* DIAMONDS!- DIAMONDS! BORROW MONEY on these securities at tbe Collateral Bank, IS Grant aye.. near Market st. JalO 30w Mo 9W-1 FILLMORE, NIL WASHINGTON— NICE .-•>— .Oflat. ' ■■ - .- Jys st* \'ICELY FURNISHED FLAT 3 BOOMS FOB _ sale. ■ Apply 223 Mason at. jys 3t* niOGEARY-2 SUNNY FLATS: 0 AND 6 ___U rooms; $22 50 and 820. ]y4 »t* 71- FRANKLIN. KB. GOLDEN GATE AYE.— -lit Flat. 8 rooms; rent reduced. Jy4 3t* C 971 haight-loweiTflat OF 5 ROOMS O— I 2 and bath. Jy4 at* /"XOR. WEBSTEB ST. AND LINDEN AVE.-KLAT \J of & rooms; fine mantel; Inside blinds: large yard and planked cellar. ■:' . jy4 31* 1 .11.1 j I 'ARRKLL— FLAT OF 6 BOOMS AND i «-'■— 1 bath; rent 825. Jy4 3t« '»,<,! POLK -FLAT: 7 ROOMS AND BATH; _x./f/.; rent reasonable. jya tf FLATS TO I.ET-CONTIMIEB. ' . lOYVER FLAT; NEW: 5 ROOMS AND BATH. i Frank ford aye., off Thirteenth, nr. Howard.3 7* 61); MODERN FLAT 6 ROOMS AND HATH; — >>. Golden Gate Park. 1810 Page st. jya tf "VICE FLAT OF 3 ROOMS.* INQUIRE AT 452 11 Tehama st. - - - Jy'J st« ■ lilt DOREST.-'.l ROOMS, YARD AND CEL- -1 i la lar; between Harrison and Brj-snt. and Ninth and Tenth; rent $10. Jy'a 7t* ') NEWJFLATS: 5 ROOMS EACH; BAY-WINDOW. — Twentieth and Sliotwell sts. jya 7t» Q-J ft EDDY— UNFURNISHED ROOMS; PRI- OxO vale family ; hue location. jyl 8t» (gO EACH-3 TFTNEivIFTNTS, 3 ROOMS EACH; tITO yard and water; on Elm are., bet. Turk, Pierce and Scott sts. Inquire at 1512 Golden Gate avenue. - jyl tf £•>)•: 6 SUNNY ROOMS; ALL MODERN IM- xJpOtJ. provemeuts. Cor. Sacrameuto ami Fill- more sts. . leiStf UPPER AND LOWER FLAT; FIVE ROOMS AND XJ bath each; rent cheap. 513 Oak st. jeai tf IJOB RENT— A 7-ROOJTFLAT CORNER CLAY " aud Ste nersts.; $30; also 5-room cottage, *17. Inquire TAYLOR, Suu Insurance Company, 4as California st. JelB tf 1 Q POND ST., OFF SIXTEENTH. HALF BLOCK I O from Market— Sunuy upper flat : 5 rooms; bath; rent $18; water free. Key at RICHARDSON'S drug-store. Market and Sixteenth sts. jell tf I 1 Q NINTH— PLAT OF 8 ROOMS AND BATH. HO niy'-'Btf II!II!SHKEEI*IN<i IttlOUS. Vft^^ROOMiC^ToIfKETE FOR Hot I!- -0 — XI. keeping; gas and sun. Address C, Box 98, Call Branch Office. jyO '21* ICE FURNISHED ROOMS, COMPLETE FX)R Ux lii.nsckeeiiing:»l4; no children. 121 7th* J(»7 CLEMENTINA, NX. SIX IH— ROOMS FUR- *iU ' nlshed, housekeeping; also a fur $10, It* . 1 - F:VF:RF;TT— FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING -XO rooms ; $3 per week. - )) o at* ■ A('.o CLEMENTINA, KS. OTH -J oil a ROOM.-. jUO complete for housekeeiiing; bath; cheap. 1* I .1 DALE PLACE.OFF GOLDF.N" GATE AYE., NR. X— • Hyde— 3 large sunny rooms: no children. 6 41* , O-JC FOURTH —FURNISHED ROOMS, SUIl"- - —J — O abie for light housekeeping. JyB at* J "I CQrtl HOWARD— 'J SUNNY ROOMS FUR-!, ACSOz nlshed housekeeping; both: yard $12. It* ' •)-)i- SEVENTH— 3 FURN. ROOKS; FRONT AND J » )i.)\J back pari .us; private; .si 1. jyti 31* o (JO: THIRD— FRONT SUITE, FUR- j *L)-^'l utsbed complete, housekeeping: itii'u.jytf at* f£o LARGE SONNY FURNISHED ROOM FOR yO, 1 lit housekeeping. 525 Folsom at. lt* 111 I J MISSION— 3 OB|t FURNISHED ROOMS ! ±1/11 tin housekeeping; 111- , suuuy suite, |".l " .i Oil" SIXTH-SUNNY FURNISHED BOOMS FOR : QUO housekeeping ; reasonahio. lys tt (.111 SUTTER— PRIVATE FAMILY : THREE UN i Oil furnished rooms Tor light liousi pin,-. 7. st* 7*>Ci CALIFORNIA-NICE FRONT SUITE, $16: 1 * — i2J oilier rooms. ligbt housekeeping, jy s at* COO lIOWABIi - SUNNY HOUSEKEEPING I ci— rooms; flirt— — Od cliipieteiv: a. so sui- j gtc jyl 31* : "L"-RONT HOUSEKEEPING ROOM; KITCHEN: | J Sit a niontb. 1301 Montgomery, cor Union 3* OllQ TEHAMA. NEAR FOURTH— "J NICELY Ot- Ofurnlslied sunny rooms; housekeeping. jy4 ■'* . I 1 .-.') HOWARD si. - 4 UN! I RNISHED l-i — _ 1 sunny rooms for bonsckoeptng. |y3 tf 000 THIRD-FURNISHED OH UNFURNISHED I ■ )— O housekeeping rooms; rent low. i\::-it J - 1 WELI I'll. in;;. HOWARD — SUNNY- "IO rooms, furnished complete for bousekeep- Ing- jy.l st» A 17 STOCKTON— ROOMS FOR HOUSE- tri I keeping; atsoslngle room, -tl jyl tf X MINNA .1 ROOMS FURNISHED COMPLETE TO fur housekeeping. ; jyl 7t» C "I A O'FARRELL — SUNNY ROOMS, PUR- ' xil O ißshetl, housekeeping; basement. je29 tf 897 POLK -3 SUITEsVnTcELY" FURNISHED O— I liousckeeplng rooms. jea.Yliu 99/; OAKV3 OR 4 FURNISHED IJOOJIS FOIt — -— .1.) housekeeping; sunn) side. Jyl tf 1(1. )\ POLK— LOWER 1 I.' 'OR, PARTLY KUR- I '- ' — I- nis bed for lioasftkeeplug, Ji-a6 If POWELL HOUSE. 71 in.... UOWARD-2~HOUSE- A keeping room, furulshed; other rooms. je.O In 9IE MISSION— S ROOMS: FURNISHED COM- It) plete ror housekeeping. Jed tf WEEK s NEWS FOB 5 CENTS— THE WEEKLY Call lv wrapper, ready tor mailing. ;;i ions in LET. McAllister— nd c furnished sutn- -1 -IO ny room; $9. li' !)!),) THIRD— a UNFURNISHED SUNNY HOI'SE"- **H>*i keeping rooms in rear: $8. jyti tf — PEARL LARGE FDBNISHED BOOM FOX ' geiitlemau: .-is , mil bath. jl B 3l* C.OQ >' ARK El ND SUNNY FRONT SUITE; LOO $25 a mouth. . jitiol* 91 VALPARAISO. HEP. MASON AND TAVLOR. _■— Greenwich ainl Filbert — 4 sunuy rooms; rent $10; water free. jv6 3i» f.C'J MINN A — NICE I SHED SUNNY OO ■ ) rooms: private family. Jib7t* •.IT I GROVE. NR. FRANKLIN— 2 NICE FURN. —v— rooms: housekeeping: large sunny yard.o3* -■)- BBANNAN, ABOVE SIXTH— SUNNY P.pTe •— O room and kitchen; furnished ; $■*. JyO st* ill TEN 111, CORNER — D '! li.i. - "-^!!?.!)!:, I I 1 kitchen. Single, fur .':!: .- or f smlly. J r _ at * ■> i GOLDEN •■ li I. AYE.— NICELY FURNISHED • >y. room; suitable for 2; gas and i- itn. jyo 7t* 0 11 i 1 MORE PLACE. OFF 11 'ASHING I ■, HET. •' Powell aud Mason— a unfurnished rooms. ]yb 71* -• ( CALIFORNIA— NICE ROOMS; SING! OB .■— .I don :.'.■ bay-wlnitow ; reasouabie. f- % -;t* >] Q PERRY -S OR 4 LARGE SUNNY Kii()m's -IO to let cheap; large cellar and yard ; also fur- nished rooms. jys ■_':* V" Al.: A111.1.s RECEIVED ON 51. 1RA. . 1. AT > COLLATERAL BANK. 15 Grant aye.. near Bar- ket st. Jala »Ow Mo "I nOQ BUSH, Nit LEAVENWORTH— NICELY JtVc—O furnlsbed rooms. v 5 ii* a»"IO LOWEK FLAT— FOUR UNFURNISHED, Qt—O* nice sunny rooms; large yard. 257 Perry street. jyl 31* IQQFO TJ R B — FURNISHED ROOMS IN" 100 suites or single; with or without board: or for housekeeping. .. : 71 "I 9 ELLIS— TRANSIENTS; .SUITES: SINGLE; 1— day, week or mouth. M. P*. GRANT. t>i lm t>OQ SEVENTH- 4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. — •' ( ' : p'li'.t* I9| QMISSION-t-FU FRONT AL- -I—l i J cove; also shixie rooms. jyl 3t* 3 DA EDDY — PLEASANT SUNNY FRONT OXJ rooms: -nit. or single: reasonable. Jy4 3t* 7AQ O'FARRELL— LARGE SUNNY ROOM AND I XJO kitchen, housekeeping; others. j>-3 ot* 7 1 1 STOCKTON-sNICELY FCRNISHED ROOMS I X 1 from at to $10 per month. JyB6t* - QfYQ TURK -BAY-WINDOW SUITE; SINGLE, QUO sunny rill- : turn; $18, *■•: gas; bat h. j>-:< st" J HYDE— SUNNY NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS '1 for young men; suites or silicic Jy2 7l* V I 1 V I LAY- II FURNISHED OR 4 L~N i!l||- — ■ li • ) nis',,..t rooms. jya t; ■ i.^ i ELLIS— SUN?NY. FRONT BED- BOOM; 9 .x nlce:y furnished: reasonable. jy 1 if I '-{ J *-J '' ""K'- '' - SUNNY, FURNISHED I .JxO rooms; gas, bath: reasonable. jyl 71* 111 GEARY- ROOMS" BY WEEK, $1 50 UP; 1 11 also housekeeping. jea7 10!* 11l- lol.soM-l! LARGE. SUNNY, UNFOK- t'To nlshed, bav-is-liiilniv rooms for family with- uut children ; rent »15. Apply In store. Jell tf 99/1 THIRD. COLTON HOUSE— CHANGED —— V hands; thoroughly renovated, refitted and reruruisbed; rooms en suite and stogie; light, sonny and airy; ti-e proprietors mil make tbis house first-class In every respect; reading-room, all papers; open all night. PETERSON _ KAKYVOT.Iiu VI V O'FAKR] i. I.-SUNNY FRONT ROOM BUTT* • >10 able for a gentleman. jcas If QOl A ELL NEWLY FURNISH EI) ROOMS Q.Jt l.v day or wees:. jeas 151* IAC STOCKTON - FAUNTLKROY HOUSK; i.i») neatly furnished sunny .suites ami single rooms: also elegancy furnished 'corner room, with 2 large bay-windows; rent reasonable. jeai lm 70.) QKOVE— FLAT OF i ROOMS and hath* I—l jeaa tf C* I Q 3 FINE SUNNY ROOMS. WITH YARD. ttgii), '2419 Clay st.. near Fillmore. Je.'li tf 777 MARKET— SUNNY WELL-FURNISHED 111 rooms: housekeeping, stogie; cheap ju'ji lm **, I sJ IAYI.oR-a NICE SUNNY ROOMS; SUIT- 010 able for geiitltiiiieii. jel9 if Ijf' JONES — NEWLY" FURNISHED SUNNY I I vi rooms; from $1 to $12. jelu tf 99 HAWTHORNE, R!NI"N * HILL— 2 LARGE — ■— sunny rooms and 2 single. je7 tr 9()A GOOD ROOMS— 7IB HOYVARDST.. NEAR iIU Third: gas and water in each room: readlug- room end bath Tree; Ilium changed daily; house open an nlchi; best beds in the world: rooms per day, from otic upward: tier week, from $1 50. .' i tt 'till EVENING 1.1.1 lis, PRICE REDUCED 1 to 15 cents per week, delivered by carrier to any part or the city: the Bulletin Is the best, oldest and largest evening paper published on the coast; orders by postal-card or otherwise win roceira prompt attention, onice Baa Montgomery st BOAtebITNQ AND BOOMS. PRIVATE : FAMILY; SUNNY ROOMS WITH .1 board: central location; relereuces. Address 1".. BOX 07, this oflice. Jy2 14t* CtAO FOLSOM— FINELY FURNISHED SUNNY Pl— • front room; suitable for a; with or without board. . jyl St* ANDREW— ALWAYS BORROW MONEY* OF Collateral Bank. 15 Grant aye.. near Msrket , siri-cL - - . Jal 9 30w.M0 Dk 11 A V E 8, NR. VAN NESS; FURNISHED lii) rooms, en. suite and siugle, with first-class private family: boara optional. jelO lm "I -11 O POST— NICELY FURNISHED BAY-WIN- — -- — I dow suite; single room; good board. jell) tf YOSEMITE HOUSE. 1015 MARKET ST.. HUE. I Sixth and Seventh; tosl per night; perweoK, tl 60 to $5: single and en suite; tatinlins. nni if ABLINUTON HOUSE UT KEARNY— PLEA 4- sul sunuy rooms, en suite and siugle; Drsttitai* It every respect: terms reasonable. - jalO'.f BROOKLYN HOTEL, BUSH ST., BET. MONT- gomery aud Sansome, under the maiiageuieut of • HAS. MONTGOMERY: Brst-elass family and mer- cantile hotel: home . -mi oils; conducted on Ameri- can and iur.ipe.iii plan; board and room *1 25, $1 50, $1 75 and $a per day; rooms 50 cents toll: tree coach tv and from hotel. fe7 ram MERICAN EXCHANGE HOTEL. 319 AND .111 Sansome St., San Francisco; board aud room it. »] 26 and $1 50 per day, free cuacu. YYM. MONIN UOMEBY. proprietor. 1 -...:'.. jyaltt , The Mariposa, sat laguna-fine suites; first-class board ; terms moderate. - ■ aultftf -. MONTGOMERY'S TEMPERANCE HOTEL. '-17 l'l and 220 Second st— Single meals 26c: ii on, per day, 75e to »1: by the week, $4 to $5: true coach to and from the buiel SM I sl HTOItFTS .TO LET. 1 1 (\(i KLEV EN T ll ST.— STOKE WITH stJROOMS I UXJ and basement; lilted up lor bakerr. • Apply W. !)lIERDEi..NER. 22 Sutter st * jea7 tf ritO LET-BOTCHER-SHOP; AN OLD AND VERY J. good business stand ; alb' Secoud St.. Pel. Howard and Fulsom, with tbe line flat of D rooms anil buth upstairs; rent stilt: without *.'.}. JOHN PI-oRR, . ' Montgomery st. - ----- .' ■-. -■ Je22 tf '.Ay : , »>FFIt!KB . TO LET., 119 MONTGOMF.RYST.— THEFINESTOFFICE i- I■— and desk-room In tbe city. ■ ■ • jy*! lot ' nVPOYVELL— LARGKOFFICE.SUITABLEF'OK J I •) dentist or other professional biislaoss. 30 71* SU.XI.YILII ItKSURTS. SEA Y'TewTsONOMA CO.— THBJHOST lIEAUtT? : fnl summer resort on the Pacific Coast; good hunting and lishlug. J. HEN BY. Prop'r. 11; yal am tIOSE MARIE FARM, SANTA CLARA CO. : OPEN tail year; picturesque scenery; lisblng; bunting; "■ '■ circular showing house. McCURRIE, Box 19. Gllroy. 'SHAVER HOUSE, SAN RAFAEL, FIRST-CLASS . 0 in all respects; large grounds. 0p29 3mo OAK GROVE COTTAGE: OPEN FOR BOARD- ers dune stb; good table; milk and. fruit ln ■ bundauce; lovely, healthful resort; fine drives; . ".hade for games, hammocks and tents; guests met at the cars at Los Gains; satisfaction assured. - A. B. CALM Saratoga, Cal. . . . . niyl3 cod tt A NDERSON SPRINGS, LAKE THK -*» proprietor of this famous and celebrated resort wishes to announce to her friends aud the public 'bat arrangements havo been made with the South- I crn Pacific Company and Wm. Spier's stage line for the sale of through tickets to the Bartons; from San Francisco aud Oakland (5: round trip $9 50: -trough tickets can also be obtained at Sacramento ami San Jose, Tho advantages of our hot and cold sulphur aud iron baths, natural steam baths, are '■metiu.iled; take 7:30 a. m. ferry rri, in Sau Fran- cisco for Calistoga. For further particulars ad- dress J. ANDERSON, Anderson Springs, Mlddle- >owo. Lake Couuty. Cal. my 3l tf RESORTS. SPRINGS AND HOTELS OF THE Paciflc Coast, with rates, location, etc., pub-. lished m the Hotel Guide, 110 pages. Forsale by newsdealers, or send 25c In stamp! to W. M. PAT- -IERSON. publisher." 310 Post st. S. F. mil tf GRAND HOTEL. DUNCAN'S MILLS- popu- i-I lar resort ; elegant rooms; climate, fishing, '.mating, bathing, scenery, drives and redwood .forest rambles; send for circulars; $7 to *10 uer week, and special rates to families. W. B. MOORE, invl'2 If 'UILLA LOS LOMAS; BEAUTIFULLY _ SITU- v ated in Sauta Cruz Mountains; just the place for health and rest A I). ZILLMFTR. Sauta Cruz. I'al.jl tf A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS— THE WEEKLY Call, iv wrapper, ready for mailing. LOST. KOF P. GOLD BADGE. INITIALS J. B, 31cC. . on same. In San liam isco or Oakland ; liberal reward. 145 Second st. lt* I OBT— JULY 3. SMALL SATCHEL CONTAIN- ' — t lag email purse, tintype or owner. business cards, lodge papers, door-key and other things or no value but to owner. Reward at 1504 Market St., Room aa. lt* <• ) - LOST— ENGLISH PUG dTIgV (FEY! ALP!). »**)— O. $25 reward If returned to owner, 5 Taylor Place, and no questions asked. •_ It* T JULY I, LADY'S GOLD YVATCIt AND l-< fob. Finder will be liberally rewarded at 403 Leavenworth st ■ Jyr) 3t» SMALL PURSE IN CHILDREN'S PLAY'- ground. Golden Gate Park, containing sum of money. Howard If returned to 510 Sacrameuto. 1* I OCKKT LOST AT SUTKO HEIGHTS SUNDAY: *-" tinder plense return and receive reward. J. j fSCHARNER. 507 Flue at. - jyti 2t» L» RATER-BOOK AND MILL VALLEY TICKET I of MRS. li K. G. 011 steamer Sail Rafael. Return ! -ins office and receive reward. lt* : L/ROWN .HARE, 1.0 TO 1400 POUNDS, SHORT I '' mane anil tail. Return to 1315 O'l'arrell sl., bet Lagnna and octavla. reward^ jyti at* ! I ORBOW MONEY ON SEALSKINS AT THE 1- ' ' Collateral Bank, 15 Grant aye., near -Market j street Jali)3Uw Mo j to.*". JULY 3. SMALL FEMALE DOG, P.ROYVN . i la 1 ", abort hair. Return to 17 Lewis st., between Taylor anil . lotus, oil Post. ji "i 1.l * FOUND. : L'OUND-AN OVERCOAT AT SHELL MOUND. I 1 Owner can have property by proving same aud paying costs. Room an. Flood Banding, jy-l 3t* A DVICE FREE; READ AD. PERSONALS, O. V. -x HOWE A CO.. Atlonieysat-law, 350 Market, tt UOUND— BEST VARIETIES OK MUSICAL IX- I siruinents cheaper than auvnbero else at 0. C. KEEN E'S. 3 Third St.. cor, of Mark.l. my 15 If ATTOKXh YS-AT-LA W. IT L. JENKINS, Ai ioRNEY-AT-LAW] 73 t. IJ. Fourth St.; advice free on all legal matters.2 8* fRANK KENNEDY, A I TORN I' Y, OS MURPHY " A Building; all cases promptly 116 m 4 DVICE FREE; READ AD. PERSONALS. G. YV. ■*»■ HOWE — CO.. Attorneys-at-law. 860 Market, tf AM. ARMSTRONG, ATI'ORNKY-AT-LAW. RE- - moved to Academy Sciences Bonding, R. 35 ly ZT. 11.-t'N. ATTORNEY -AT - LAW, 503 . Kearny st. Rooms 1 and 3. apl t Cm t'l.ll.A I i Li/., ATTORNKY-Ai-LAW -PRaY 'XJ tiers State and Federal courts. 410 Kearny. 12 dm J) A. CKOTH_t_, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. d>> *"V <; 'ay st. uoilt "\\r W. DAVIDSON. ATIORNKY-AT-LAW,"iIJ~ ■' • Calilornia St.. Rooms ilia: advice Ires. IS.i ■'.-_ STOK.YCE. 1.":: I'• ASS STORAGE; UPPER FLOORS; - X til"-' MI Mission si. Cl lAS. L. TAYLOIt jy3 II . L'l RNITI RE STORED; EASTERN PLAN; I terms moderate, sterna; Furuliure Co.. 1039 rfurke! St. opposite Jones. miaatf GARLAND, ADYERTISEffIEMi 1IIKI.AM) Kill. l-STITf. OAKLAND - 11 ■ V Lit EN TS AND XJ subscriptions received at tbe Oakland Branch Office ..I Tin Mohxinu cam., sm" Broadway. -s I'-'-'id H'tlYiao: i TIAGE AND STABLE: tutrv. Central aye.; splendid bargain for 15 -.lays only: magnificent garden. 4300 cash— s3s per month will buy a beautiful home 0:1 Santa Clara aye. ; 7 rooms, partly fur- nished: 50xl50front; near Morton st. $a*»o cash— ST4o per month win buy a beautiful . ntlage; ii rooms; San Jose aye., near Cbcstniit-st -til. $.31).' Lit 50x103 and Improvements; neursta- tlo-i. j sii.iiki .Fine 7-room house, new: near station and .'ii'.ni: street work all done! very easy payments, tiir- so-' .Hixr-r«ei» .— MM?-*-, mv; _-..,,', «— pay- meut. i.-ii. in, a/0 per month. Houses will be built to order on easy Installments on the famous F.isski ng's Park Tract at Gran l-st. Station; now ready. OPEN BUND ITS, Four-room modern Improved cottages to let, $14. Including water, near station. Also 4, 5, 0 and 7 room bouses to let. MAECUSE -;., Alameda, San Francisco. j -st. Slat ton bas Market st and Hlgh-st. Station. lli.ookoul for the opening or the Garfield ant liberty True!!!! MAR! U>E - REMMKL. Agents. Jys 7t <''iIU MONTE VISTA iii All. SAN LEAN- •. _W. dro road: electric railway; largo lots 50x145 each ou tbe INSTALLMENT Plan: these lots are selling fast, being adjacent to Oakland, ami directly near the new electric railway to San Leaudrn and Hay wards; see the large slse of these lots. 50xl4fi each; no small 25- -foot lots In this trait; all level and good soil lor plants ;'.tiil trees, etc. Tins properly Is sure to double in value in a short time. '■ " see these lots call at the office or li YV. WOODW lltli a CO.. 002 Broadway. Oakland. J 17t I AXE VIEW LOTS. ease OAKLAND. ARK Ai selling like hot cakes; siieSOxUOO, etc.: Itisthe large size that sells them; also iho advantage of a beautiful lew. together with the new electric road passing directly In front of this property; terms easy. If you want to see this fine property, rail at tbe ollice of E. YY. WOODWARD - 111., OO'J Broadway, Oakland. jyi 7t i I •>*",( I MIST SELL. " C I— 'Jl'. AN OFFER WANTED. A modern 9-rooin bouse, built 3 years ago, and cost ■ 1800 to build, wl'h good lot and situate right in tbe bear! of Oakland and good neighborhood; this property must anil will be sold, slid no decent oiler will be refused; call and examine E. IV. v., in war I) _ Co.. 902 Broadway, Oa«land.jy4 7 , 311-MILE EXCURSION TO FRO ALE, OAK- -"A laud, and return for a."n'., and a ride to look at the De Wolf Tract, whose large lots give room for croquet grounds or tennis court. Is Just the way to pass the Fourth. Jya tt t N EXCURSION TO FRUITVALE, OAKLAND^ .*' x to look at the lovely home lots In the De Wolf •tract is Just the way to spend the Fourth, Ticket ... i i nilval- .station and return only 25c jy'2 tt si'-Uifin PINE NEW MODERN COTTAGE: 8 '. .iDi'tt. rooms, bath and laundry: corner 51) x llld: street work done: first-class location; e»sy l«™, 11. M. CAMERON. 47!) Ninth st. Oaklan I. HtV.'lfl BACH— CHEAP: BARGAIN. '?'"'" lots 50x125: 10!) feet above sea level: 1 bloc's from Prultv:tli'-ave. railroad, now ln opera- tion: fine view of Oakland, Alameda, San Francisco and bay; cannot be excelled even in the lllasdel Tract, where lots the same slza are three times the price: surrounded by flue houses; party going East; will sell one or both: hair cash, balance to suit, i. R. LOW, Tiveutj-tblrd-avouue Station. Oak- land; je2s I 111 ti&O'J/k/l GREAT BARGAIN- NKW MODERN »,_>)! cottage, 7 rooms: high basement; brick foundation: lot 81:3x7.1; neat- station. Ap- ply to A. J. TAil". 1504 Seventh St., Center Station, Oakland. je24 lvi VINE LOTS I.N LORIN, CHEAP, FRONTING ON _ Harmon. Falrvlow. Biackstone and Lowell sts.; sold on easy terms. Apply to H. L. WELCH. 221 Kearny st. : office hours bet. 12 and 1 . my as tf .V OTICE— »3OO TO, »150j LOTS AT FRUITVALK i." Station, opposite the depot now ottered for sale at the most reasonable terms as follows: one-fourth cash, balance lv H, la, IS and a I months, or In monthly Installments from $10 upward; these lots are ■ the most accessible to railroad con- veniences of any lots In Fast Oakland. Apply to JEH'RESSA' WHITE, or Twenty-third Land Co.. Twenta-thlrdsive. Station. Last Oakland- nirltf milE EVENING BULLETIN. PKICE REDUCED L to 15 cents per week, deliver ed by carrier In any inn of the city; the Bulletin Is the best, oldest and largest eveniug paper published ou the coast; orders by postal-card or otherwise will receive I roiimt attention, office 822 Montgomery st OAKLAND HOTELS. '[' ÜBS HOTEL, OAKLAND— TUE FINEST AND X most commodious family and tourist hotel. ln California, occupying full square; first-class in all lis appointments. Ie 1 0 1 m Pr ex OAKLAND BIiHIXKSS CHANCES. SPLENDID CHANCE FOR BARBER ; GOOD 1.'.l- C cation; cheap rout MARTIN,*3B2 Twellth St., Past Oakland. ' Jyl 71 . ___________ __ AKCHITKCTS. SPLENDID OPENING FOR ARCHITECT TO • step Into good established business. Apply to DISINIII A WPRTS, 407 h.i 'iKl mil ',*:!» 7t ALAMEDA ADVERTISEMENTS. AI.AMF.IY.t ItKAI. . F.STATE.' ' > ftQ-JAfl FINE BARGAIN: HOUSE o^tOOMS xT?o.)lflf. and bath: 90x140 feet; $1000 cash, balance monthly Installments. - -sloso —New house 7 rooms; lot 25x110; near sta- . . tion: $500 cash, balance monthly. . . ■:. S'-'aiiii— Cottage 5 room: lot 50x150; terms to suit Lots from $70i) and upward la good localities. Apply to THOS. A. SMITH & CO., 1601 Park St.; take broad-gauge Terry. . jya lot 1 LEG ANT AND COMMODIOUS COTTAGE OF 8 . J l large rooms anil bath, with large lot; lor silo at ' a bargain. Inquire 3110 Santa Clara aye., near St. Charley st. Bay Station. ■ Je3o Bt» 1 LVXCIIANUK , FOR CITY PROPERTY — ALSO II several line ranches for improved or unim- proved property; homes tor ouly $100 iluwu ; 5. beautiful corner lots with modern dwellings: -:......•! locations lv Alameda; a large list of fur- nished or unfurnished bouses. Call at our office and Judge for yourself. MRS. I. 11. CHANDLER A ■ CO.. 1 323 Park st., Alameda. - ■-. - - - .. ■■ - Je-iS if : ffi;',)OCn FINE COTTAGE; LOT 45x100: ALL X*?— — . OU. street work done: near station: easy terms. • jry**m mnti":W sa»«^— gtl'.'jasr"*^^"* ■»«■»«— -J $7boo-Bi-st bargain lv Alameda: lot 100— .'"-'O; fine residence; easy terms. J UDD, HAN LEY A CO., I3slParkst- ■ ■ t -■ -. .. . m)"a7 tt t| BE EVENING BULLETIN, PRICE REDUCED J to 15 ceuts per week, delivered by carrier 10 any . fsrtof the city; the Bulletin is the best oldest 'and largest evening paper published on tbe coast; orders by postal-card or otherwise , will - receive jdompt attention. ■ ornxe t_a Mum., i.i.i-y st -- . A MODERN JONAH. A Sailor Who Lived Thirty-six Hours in a Whale's Stomach. Unexpectedly Eescoed by His Comrades While Cutting Up a Captured , leviathan. The whaling vessel Star of the East ar rived at New London, Conn., after a cruise of two years and a half in the South Atlantic waters. She had on board a man who is a veritable Jonah, having existed in a whale's belly thirty-six hours. Toe man's statement is vouched for by the captain and crew of the vessel, and to day lie is an object of great curiosity among the sailors. The man's naino is James Bartley, and he hails from Xew Bedford, where he was born thirty-eight years ago. The strange story told by him is, in sub stance, a3 follows: Last February the Star of the East was in the vicinity of the Falkland Islands searching for whales, which were very scarce. One morning the lookout sighted a whale about turee miles away to the star board quarter. Two boats were manned and put chase, to tho prey, -s. in a short time one of the boats was near enough to enable the harpooner to send a spear into the whale, which proved to be an exceedingly large one. With the shaft in his side the animal sounded and then sped away, dragging the boat after him with ter rible speed, lie swam straight away about live miles, when he turned and came back almost directly toward tho spot whore be had been harpooned. The second boat waited for him, and when Put a. short dis tance away from it he arose to the surface. As soon as his back showed above the surface of the water the har pooner in the second boat drove another spear into him. The pain apparently crazed the whale, for it thrashed about fearfully, ami it was feared that the boats would be swamped and the crews drowned, finally the whale swam away dragging the two boats after him. lie went altotit three miles and sounded or sank, and his where abouts could not be exactly told. The lines attached to the harpoons were slack and the harpooners began to slowly draw them in and ceil them in the tubs. As soon as they were tautened tho whale arose to the sur face and beat about with his tail in the mad dest fashion. The boats attempted to get beyond the reach of tiie animal, which Yva3 apparently in its death agonies, and one of them succeeded, but the other was less for tunate. The whale struck it with its nose and upset it. The men were thrown into the water and before the crew of the other boat could pick them up one man was drowned and James Bartley had disappeared. When the whale became quiet from exhaustion the waters tsere searched for Bartley, but he could not be found, and, under tho impres sion that he had been struck by the whale's tail and sunk to the bottom, the survivors rowed back to the ship. The whale was dead, and in a few hours the great body was lying hy the ship's side, and the men were busy with axes and spades, cutting through the flesh to secure the fat. They worked all day and a part of the night They re sumed operations the next forenoon, and were soon down to the stomach, which was to be hoisted to the deck. The workmen were startled while laboring to clear it and to fasten the chain about it to discover something doubled up in it that gave spas modic i-igns of life. The vast pouch was hoisted to the deck and cut open, and inside was found the missing sailor doubled up and unconscious. He was laid out on the deck and treated to a bath of sea water, which soon reviv d him, but his mind was not clear aud he was placed in the captain's quarters, where he remained two weeks, a raving maniac. . Fie was carefully treated by tho captain and officers of the ship, and he finally began to get possession of his senses. At the end of the third week he had entirely recovered from the shock and resumed his duties. During his brief sojourn in the whale's belly, Bartley's skin, where it was exposed to the action of the gastric juices, under went a striking change. His face and bands were bleached to a deathly whiteness ami the skin was wrinkled, giving the mail the appearance of having been parboiled. Bartley affirms that be would probably have lived inside his house of flesh until he starved, for he lost his senses through flight ami not through lack of air. He says he remembers the sensation of being lifted into the air by the nose of the whale and of falling into the water, then there was a fearful rusiitng sound, which he belirved to be the beating of the water by the whale's tail; then he was encompassed by a tearful darkness, and he felt himself slipping along a smooth passage of some sort that seemed to move and carry him forward. This sen sation lasted but an instant, then he felt that he had more room. He felt about him, aDd his bauds came in contact with a yielding, slimy substance that Beamed to shrink Irom his touch. It finally dawned upon him that he had been swal lowed by the xv hale, and he was overcome with horror at the situation. He could breathe easily, but the bent was terrible. It was not of a. soothing, Stirling nature, but it seemed to open the pores of hLs skin and to draw out his vitality. He became very weak and grew sick at the stomach. He knew that there was no hope of escape from his strange prison. Death stared him in the face, and he tried to look at it bravely, but the awful quiet, the fearful darkness, the horrible knowledge of his environments and tire terrible heat finally overcame him and he must have fainted, for he next remem bered being in the captain's cabin.—Corre spondence Globe-Democrat. COTTON-DUCK. COMBINE. Negotiations for a Consolidailon of Man ufactories}. The movement to effect a consolidation of the cotton-duck manufacturers of the United States is being pushed by those interested, and it is said that tiie matter now is in a fair way to be settled at an early day, says a lialtimore dispatch to the St. Louis Globe- Dt-nitxrat. It is stated by a gentleman who favors the consolidation that the parties who have heretofore held back from the proposed combination have been brought to see the advantage that would result to the business from the movement, and that they have expressed a willingness to go into the deal, providing an equitable and satisfac tory basis of agreement can be bad between the different interests. So many different interests have to be consulted, it is said, and so much is involved in the ileal, lhat prog ress is necessarily slow, and it will re quire several meetings of the Con ference Committee before the terms can be definitely settled. It is further said that when a basis of settlement is once agreed upon by the committee the next stco will be to put a valuation upon each mill that enters the pool. This con solidation has important local bearing, from the fact that ob" per cent of all the cotton duck made is manufactured by Baltimore mills. The industry here gives employ ment to many thousand hand-*, and is nn important factor in our commercial rela tions. The consolidation, it is claimed, will not lessen the amount manufactured, nor affect the working capacity if the mills. On the contrary, it is urged that one gen eral management for the whole business will greatly reduce the cost of production and have a tendency to increase the ca pacity of the several mills. The leading manufactories of cotton duck in Baltimore and vicinity are the Mount Vernon, Druid, Laurel, Woodbury and Franklin. There are also mills at Laureville, Plymouth and Manchester, Mass.. and one in Georgia. The plan as discussed contemplates the formation of a stock company, with a capi tal of front 18,600,060 to 810,000,000, divided proportionately into preferred and common Block, A fair valuation will be placed upon the property of each factory that enters the pool, and slock therefor issued to present owners. There will be one general office, probably located in Baltimore, which will exercise a supervision over the workings of each factory and will consolidate in its hands the fiuancial operations of the pool and attend to all contracting for raw and manufactured material. The plan will be similar in operation to that of the cordage consolidation. •■ Each factory that enters the pool will conduct the general business of. manufacturing under its existing manage ment. The only restriction is that the qual ity and width of the manufactured article shall he dictated ironi the main office. This is said to be one of the chief advantages to remit from the pool. Another advantage urged by those in favor of the consolidation is the saving of office expenses to each fac tory. This will amount to from 3150,000 to $200,000 annually, which will go to swell the dividends of the pool. - ■ She -Imitated a Novel Heroine. Clara Wortraao of Ottawa, . Ontario, for whom 300 men have boon searching the woods, instead of heing lost for twelve days was comfortably situated most of the time at the farm of Mr. by run McLeod, near Sussex. | She did not like going, to school, and was in several ways dissatisfied with her mode of life. - When she left . home she had all the necessary clothes for changing her garb to that of a man. I She went into the woods, changed her attire, and with a pair of scissors and a mirror which she had with her cropped off her lone hair. ■-- After dark she started out on the road and walked into Salisbury Statiou. ' The next * morning she walked to ; Byron MrLeoil's and hired there us a farm-hand. Ni-i;'u-i Mr. ilcLeoJ nor others bad any suspicion of her sex. hen found she was in the field hoeing po tatoes, and the day before she was assisting the other farm-hands in loading thirty wagons of manure. Miss Wortman's rela tives say that the cause of the girl's strange course is excessive novel reading. The last book she had told of the adventures of a young girl who int on men's clothes and had an exciting time.— Ex. MR. BEECIIER'S PRECEPTS. A Letter "Which Contains Much Good Ad- iff to His Soli. The following is ' a letter from Henry Ward Beecher to his son Herbert, formerly Collector at Port Townsend: - Brooklyn* (X. V.), October 18, 1878. Uy Dear Herbert: Yon are how tor Ibe first time really launched Into lite for yourself. You go your lather's bouse and from all family connections lo make your own way In the world. It Is a good lime to make a new start, to cast out faults of whose evil you have bad an experience, aud take on habits Hie want of which you have found to be so damaging. 1. You must not go into debt. Avoid debt as you would the devil. Wake it a liiuilaiiienial luie. No debt— cash or nothing. 2. .Make lew promises. Keligiously observe even the smallest luumlse. A mail who means to keep Ills promises cannot altoid to in. ike many. 3. Be scmpulously careful In all statements. Accuracy and peifeet frankness, do guess-work. l-Tilli-r nothing or accurate truth. . 4. When working tor others sink yourself out of sight, seek tbeir inteiest. Make yourself nec essaiy to ihuse who i tuploy you by Indusiry, fidelity aud scrupulous integrity. belfisnuess Is fatal. 5. Hold yourself responsible for a higher Standard than anybody else expects of yon. De maud more of yourself Hutu anybody else ex ited* ot you. Keep your personal standard high. Never excuse yourself to yourself. Never piiy yourself. Be a bard Blaster to yourself, but leni ent to excrybndy else. 0. Concentrate your force on your own proper business; do not turn oil. Be constant, stead last, persevering. 7. The ail of making one's fortune is to spend mulling. In this country any intelligent and In dustrious young man may become rich il be stuns alt leaks and is not lit a huiry. Do not make haste; be patient. 8. Do not speculate or gamble. You go to a land » here everybody is exciied and strives to make money, suddenly, largely and without woi king lor 11. 'Ihev blow soap-bubbles. Steady, patient Industry is both the surest and the salest way. Gl eeduiess and Haste are two devils that destroy thousands every year. 9. In regard lo Mr. H— , be Is a Southern; lie Is receiving you as a favor to me; do nut let Mm recrei It. 10. I beseech yon id correct one fault— severe speech of ot hers ; never speak evil of aay man, no mailer what the facia maybe. Hasty taali-Innl ing and severe speech uf absent people is nut Honorable, Is apt lo be unjust and cruel, makes enemies lv yourself, and Is wicked. 11. You must leinemb-r mat yon go to Mr. — not to learn to manage a faun like bis. One or two huudted acie«, not 4u,uot), is to be your inline homestead, bill you can learn the care ol cattle, sheep, the cuhttie of wheat. ill.: climate, country, manners and customs aud a hundred things tbat will be needful. 12. If by Integrity, Industry and well-earned success you deserve well ol yuur ellow-citizeus. they may In yen lo entile ask you to accept Illinois. Do not seek them; do not "receive them uli: 1 ■ you are young; wall; but when yuu are established you may make your father's name known wilb mow In balls of legislation. Lasllv, do not forget >mir tamer's and your mother's oil. Because yuu will be laigely depiived of church privileges, you need all your neive to keep your heart ueioie God. Hut in not despise small churches and humble preachers. "".Mind uot high I bunts, but condescend lo men of low estate." Read often Hie Proverbs, the precepts and duties enjoined -in the New Testament. May your father's — od go with you anil protect you. ilKNitv Ward tt-Et'll--. WREN WE GROW MOST. Vcars In Which the Organs of the Head :•!. I Body Develop. The brain of a child is proportionately much larger than an adult's, but of much softer consistency, and its convolutions are not complete until the seventh year. This is one of the reasons why early study is dangerous, says the .st. Louis Star-Sayings. The child's heait heats much more rapidly than that of an adult, and the growth of the heart, instead of being regular, like the erowth of the body as a whole, is accom plished by fits ana starts. The more rapid action of the heart renders the child pecu liarly liable to fever aad the liability is fur ther increased by bis weaker vital resist auce. Hence childhood is the special season for scarlet fever, meases, whooping cough and oilier similar complaints. The irregularity of tue heart's growth may give rise to disturbances of the organ of a seemingly dangerous character, but with proper care they will pass away as the heart attains its full development. Such proper care includes ample nourishment, sufficient s!ei-p and tin- avoidance of special strain. The season of rapid growth and develop ment, say between the age-> of 10 and 'JO, needs particular attention. Nature is then at work, as it never will be again, in builtl iug up the tissues and developing the nerv ous sensibilities. This is the period which makes the largest demands for an outdoor life, lor pure air, sunlight, active exercise, abundance of nutritious food, a vigorous di gestive tract, a ready assimilation and an active elimination of waste. ft is the period of study and ambition as well as a wisdom that. thinks itself wiser than it is. The Increasing mental activity needs to be regulated by experienced teachers and considerate mothers lest the brain be worked at the expense of other or gans and tissues. Duller minds should not be forced to keep step with those which are naturally more active and the Influences of the home and the s-'hool-room should he tranquilizing and adapted to evoke the kindlier feelings. Fretful parents and scolding teachers may do a lifelong injury during this susceptible period. It is a period when neither study nor night excitements should interfere with sleep; when dime novels do their worst work; when mothers lived to know what iheir childien read and to be t leir confiden tial counselor in all delicate matters; when the use of tobacco is specially perilous, al most surely giving rise to affections of the heart, and when spirituous liquors and all opiates aro peculiarly pernicious. LOVE IX MID-AIR. Elopement in a Balloon, and Now the Old I. ally Wants Her Clara. A singular story was developed by the ap plication at the City Hall of Mrs. J. T. Goodrich of Pittsfield, Mass., for help to re cover her sixteen-year-old daughter Clara, who had eloped in a balloon from Pittsfield on Decoration day with an aeronaut named Walter Cooper, says a St. Louis dispatch to the Cincinnati Enquirer. The girl became acquainted with Cooper a smooth-talking, handsome young aeronaut. He culled upon the girl at her house, but her father and mother did not like the fellow, aud finally forbade her to receive attention from him. Then she began to meet him in secret There was evidently a vein of sensational ism in the young people, because when they determined to elope the commonplace meth ods which have been in vogue for centuries would not do. On Decoration day young Cooper was to give a balloon ascension at the fairgrounds in Pittsfield. Dressing herself in a suit of her brother's clothes Clara eluded her parents and stealthily made her way to Pittsfield. Her father pursued and reached the fair grounds just in time to see his daughter being borne into the air in tho bal loon with the young aeronaut. Mrs. Good rich lias been pursuing the couple ever since, and swears to kill her daughter's be trayer on sight. __Vv~ THE RACE OF THE FUTURE. 'Twill Bo Larger nnd Stronger and Its Blood "Will Be Mixed. There is forming in America at present a new tree, distinct from all others on the earth. It is being made up of a moiety of every race and nation in existence. We note tin* disappearance of blondes, says the Cincinnati Times-Star. It is true tbey are going, for the new race is going to be a dark haired race, as pigmented people always gain the ascendancy where they mingle equally with nou-pigmented, not because iion-pigmeiited people are less able to with stand disease than the others, but for the same reason that if you mix white and black the white cannot preserve its purity. The new one Is to he the largest race ot the earth, and will contain all that is good and some that is bad of all other races. It is to be a grand medley, and the American of the future will be the representative man of the world. But we are as yet just beginning to develop into this race, which may not be a distinctive one before 1000 years! To sum it all up in a single statement, I would say that man is positively increasing iv size, longevity and intelligence. . An Irate Uncle Spoils un Elopeuient. Daniel Charters, a thrifty, honest farmer, has a pretty seventeen-year-old niece and ward, Ada. On Friday night the girl went to her. room on the second floor of tho farm house. The window of Ada's room is only two feet above an extension to the house. Farmer Charters went to bed in the room whicii is sheltered by the roof just -under Ada's window. He was wakeful, and at midnight saw a man stealthily skirting the shadow of the big boxwood hedge which borders the path. He also heard his niece's feet patter overhead anil 'a voice exclaim: " Is that you, darling?"' " Just hang and drop; it wont hurt yuu," was the hoarsely whispered entreaty lie next heard from the •' - ln bis single garment he" sprang through | the window to confront the guilty pair. Ada I screamed, end the strange young man ran | from the presence of the irate Charters and I the shrinking girl. Who he was is still a mystery except to himself aul ■- Ada. If farmer Charters gets a clew he will make it I decid-dly, warm for the? young man.— j Orangeburg (X. V.) special ito Pittsburg I I'lM'atch.-^b^pi^Sj^S^Hfe^aH-W A BRIDEGROOM'S STORY. In a Cox Car Whirling Away - From His Wailing Bride. _ Remarkable Experience of Police- Constable ' " " ----- ■■y.. Dodds of Toronto After Taking a Dose of Antipyrine. The mysterious disappearance of Police. Constable Robert Dodds of Xo. 2 precinct on the eve of his marriage has been ex plained by his reappearance after an ab sence of several toys, during which he suf fered intense mental agony, and passed through an experience so strange and re- markable as to be almost beyond belief. About two weeks ago he secured leave of absence for the purpose of taking unto him self a wife in the person of Miss Stewart, an estimable young lady of Milton, and it was arranged that the ceremony should lake place at the East End Pres byterian Church. The bride looked lovely in a white gown trimmed with range blossoms ana lillie.-*, and the bouquet of white roses she carried in her hand nodded and bent their heads as if conscious of the- Joyous event which was about to take place- The delights of anticipation were some, what marred by the tardiness of the groan, and as miii alter minute passed and he came not, the faces of the guests became grave and a feeling of restless nervousness attacked the minister. Ton minutes length.' ened into hours, and still the groom failed to put iv an appearance. The feeling of uneasiness that pervaded the assemblage changed to one of excitement and alarm, and messages were dispatched in search of the missing groom. The fainting bride was removed to the home of her friends, .anti one by one the guests departed, thoroughly' mystified its to the reason of Mr. Dodds' in explicable absence. On inquiry it was ascertained that the Con- ■ stable hail made most complete arrange ments for the ceremony, anil had already - I ruvided a home for his bride on Cair Howell street. Of all Ms' friends', his fair young bride was the only one who felt con fident of his return, and that this mysteri ous absence would be satisfactory ac counted for, and her trust was not be tiayeil. lie returned to his home with hag-, card face, sunk" -ti eyes, and travel-stained and dusty, and was, as a matter of course, received with joy by his friends. Without wasting a moment's time, the guests wer gathered together again, the minister was notified and the happy young couple were united in matrimony in the midst of their rejoicing friends. The newly made benedic*. in explaining the affair to a relative, said : :>':■--. "After leaving my boarding-house on Wednesday 1 went down to the Union Sta tion to arrange about some baggage, and being troubled with an acute attack of what I thought to be neuralgia, 1 dropped into a drug-store and took a dose of antipyrine! a powder that had on previous occasion bene fited me greatly. lam satisfied now, how- ' ever, that it was not neuralgia I hail, but that I was gradually losing my physical activity through some pressure on the brain, | caused by a fall received many years ago * lien I was a boy at school. When I ar rived at tho station I felt, somewhat dizzy, and there seemed to be a sort of tinny web ■ waving with an undulating motion over my brain. This motion became greater went 1 went from the shade into the sunshine, and at last became so irritating that I b.-cante . deadly sick and took refuge in a box freight car that was standing on a sidetrack. Grad ually the pressure increased until I could? not stand up, while little electric shocks seemed to shout through my body. "Suddenly it became dark as night, and when 1 came to my senses 1 was unable to . move a muscle or even an eyelid. It seemed to me that my body was to all intents dead, ' while mentally 1 was must intensely active. 1 could distinctly hear the whistles of loco motives, people callina to each other and tin' rattle of wheels on the roadway, but I could raise no outcry, so concluding that 1 had been temporarily stricken with dumb ague • I decided to rest easy for a lime. "A sort of torpor fell upon me, from which 1 was awakened by a sudden jolt, which told -me that my car had been ■ attached to a train. A few minutes later I could hear the shrieks of the loco motive, a loud puffing, and the rattle of the wheels told me that I was bound west with the car. You can never imagine my feeling as the motion of the car in creased, every revolution of the wheels tak ing me further from tho little woman win: was so soon to have been my bride, and so . active was my brain in contrast with mv helpless body that the horror of my position flashed upon me in an instant. What would ' my bride, my friends, the minister and th.- . police authorities think? Would they be- = Sieve that I had absconded or that I had met with foul play? I strove with desperation * to break the iron bonds tha: seemed to hold me down, but in vain; death seemed to have a sure grip on mv throat and finally I lost my senses, but thank God, not my reason, .although I was nearly mad. "I don't know how far I traveled, or how long I had lain in the car, but when I came to myself I was overjoyed to find that my strength was coming hack. When I was able to stand up I made my way to the door and attempted to open it, but failed. Then 1 took out my knife and was cutting one of the slats out when the train came to a sudden stop in the yard, which I afterward lound to be Point Edward, I think. While I was cutting" at the slat the door -was thrown open, aid a man caught me and dragged me on the track. Confused by long imprisonment, half crazed by pain and mental torture, I answered his questions at random, and as a result I was taken t- Sarnia, where 1 was locked up as a tramp who had been stealing a ride. Ashamed to - let my friends known of my plight, and be lieving that my story was ton strange to In believed, I gave a fictitious name to the magistrate, and was fined 510 and costs or a month's imprisonment. It took all the money 1 had to pay the fine, and as soon as . I got my liberty I started for Toronto on foot, arriving, as you know." SOMETHING TO LAUGH AT. He (to his pretty type-writer)— Will you marry me? She— Xo, but I will be .an amanuensister to you.— Washington Star. •- • a. Mephisto— Bring me a fan. Imp— sir. Mephisto— l have been up doing some work in a New York tenement house, and 1 almost got roasted.— X. Y. Herald. • * « Reminded Him of Home: nis Honor (to prisoner)— Step up to the bar and receive your sentence. Kentuckian (absent-mind edly) — Thanks, don't care if I do. Epoch. • * * Wife (timidly)— Charley dear, wont you let me look at your paper a moment. Husband (irritably)— Wait till xve get under the tunnel, can't you?— V. Telegram. • > • Tom— lt always strikes me that your fiancee is a very cold girl. Jack— My dear fellow, if you paid for the ice-cream .she - eats, you'd think she had every reason to be cold.— Puck. •• • ■ "Do yon think I can see through you?" said au irate old gentleman to the burly man in front of him. "You ought to li able to, sir," returned the other good natur ediy ; '"I've a pain in l.iybaek." mm* Mrs. Parkav— l understand your son Is a great spendthrift Mrs. l'arkavenue- Oh', ye«; wo sent him to spend four years at Harvard and it only took him six months. He works very rapidly.— Minneapolis Jour nal. • • » "And yon say you would die for me? I'm afraid you are not as brave as that." "Am 1 not? Why, i show my fearlessness of death every time I come into your pres ence." "How is that?" "Because you always look so killing." That settled the business.— X. Y. Press. • • • Something He Always Missed-j-"First you had the whooping cough, then you got the grip, then malaria and now you have jaundice. Seems to me you catch every thing in your town," said Wiggles. "Yes," said the commuter, "everything except the train I want." Harper's Bazar. • * » , A Slight Mistake— "After the ceremony," wrote the rural editor, "tho bride was hailed and kissed by all. and the happy' couple given plenty of praise." But what was his horror when he read the notice in the paper next day : "After the session the bride was jailed and hissed by all, and the scrappy couple given twenty days."—At lanta Constitution. She Need >itn-r Go Barefooted. Few babies can boast of possessing sue!: a stock of shoes as the infant daughter of Prince Paul of Russia, and the grand-niece of the Princess of Wales. This little lady has bad not less than sixty-four pairs con structed for -- her . wee feet by au English . maker, and all mothers will feel envious " when they bear that these are of every shade to match her small - imperial high ness' various sashes. Russia leather, mo rocco, suede and silk have all been employee in completing the order, and soma of the little slippers are "embroidered, some quit plain, and some finished with a rosette. . All , are made to. strap" around the ankle, and they are in various .sizes. I As the. wee per son tor whom they are intended cannot yet walk, she will have yet to grow to some oi her -imiit chaiissures and their correspon ds! lies. —Ex. 5