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fcTJSCELLANEOUS. CGR. GEARY AND KEARNY. STANFORDHEI&HTS! . BEAUTIFUL VIEWS! NO SANDS OR DUST! ELECTRIC ROAD, 5c FARE! WATER PIPES ON TRACT! TITLE GUARANTEED! ONLY ONE-FIFTH CASH! STREETS GRADED! BLOCKS FENCED! LOTS LEVEL! Where is it ? Directly south and adjoining tlis Twin Peaks. In all cities the most valuable residence property is on the heights. 'Tis so in San Francisco, and always will be so. Nowhere in all the residence portion of the city can such a magnificent viewba obtained as from Stan- ford Height 3. It is destined to be the gilt-edged residence por- tion of San Francisco This magnificent property is put on the market in blocks and sub- divisions. Terms, only one-fifth cash; balance, siz, twelve, eighteen and twenty-four months, at 7 per cent interest. Title guaranteed by the Cali- fornia Title Insurance and Trust Company. The Joost Electric Road will extend through the tract and a five-cent fare is guaranteed. Market street when extended will run through Stanford Heights, making it the most ac- cessible of any tract on the market. Pure spring water is already in pipes on the ground. Streets are turnpiked and lots level and ready to build on. Free convey- ance to Stanford Heights from Castro and 25th streets. Where in all the city is there such a promise of rapid increase in values as in Stanford Heights? Call at the office, 702 Market street, and get a map showing the exact location of Stanford Heights. DON'T WAIT! Stanford Heights Co. M. L WICKS • ■ - President. C. H. PHILLIPS - - Secretary. »uS It PURIFY YOUR BLOOD WITH SCOVILL'S gt "BE I' BLOOD AND LIVER SYRUP. Daring the 40 YEARS that UiißSarcapa- rilla has been a public medicine It has been A PEERLESS REMEDY FOR All Mallsrnnnt External or Internal Dis- eases, and every other Malady, Inherited or acquired, arising from an IMl'l'KE CONDITION OF THE M-OOD, or a lack of rigor in the vital system. the cures effected by ISCOVILL'S SARSAPARILLA are ABSOLUTE, and their record is undis- flgored by failure. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. JOEIT F. EEi:S7 & CO.. Agents, IT. 7. bob 8y v: THE ONLY RELIABLE OPTICAL ESTABLISHMENT. <^x c^x TK YOU nAVE DEFECTIVE EYES AND VALUE X them, (TO to the Optical Institute for your Specta- clesauil Kye-slßB»ea. It's ttieonly establishment on tbe Const wbrre they are measured on thorough •ci ntlfic principal- Lenses grouna lr necessary to correct etch particular case. No visual defect where glasses are required too complicated Tor us. We iMiaraiilepnur luting to lie absolutely perfect. No other establishment can get the same superior facilities as are loumltiere. lor the Instruments anil methods used are my own discoveries and Inven- tions, and are far In the lead of any now In use. (Satisfaction guaranteed. L. A. BERTELIHG, Scientific Optician, 4:7 KKAKNY STKKKI. 427 DO NOT FOBQET THE NUMISEK 427 6 cod tf The most rain and delightfully natural tl*» that ha* yet been discovered. It Is practically im- possible to detect It, and Is guaranteed absolutely niili.Jur'.ou*. K^slly appllml and unaffected by per- « P ,i l i. ;, No '» d *' ! toilet l.< complete without It Bold by all druggists at ?1 per bottle, or direct from Tbe Imperial <DHi n i c ,i Manufacturing Company, ii West Twentytblrd St., New York. Ladles calling ct our receptlon-r>om» can te»t its merlU free" of 'i^^MM^i woods'; Wr^ H^j&>- Penetrating ■$mt nrk^l plaster. -3 v C"' 'Wl x fcris HK. Ctheri In •E& AND THE fc^- comparison are clow or ■5-B nr>> m Jp- OEAl). If BuffcrinK try gkDE A D^ WOOD'S PLASTER. •VVVM-. I' I'enetratei, He- ■Y//7m^ff^ \vX' Hew. Care*. ' /'I- 1 ' I■l ■ . V \'\ All DrugijiiiU. »Pl WeSu ly CD A V "AIR 1 1 "BED'<'y»''"''"i «i«r*T»f. QSllfti I »••*"' IUl»- llnltfa. nriomMdandrufl. Hun'l>la : n. w "" * " »"■• MtmfiSk <.-"■'.' iiui'uj.'i.^toii FREE 10 SUjtmku* I— 1j .'. iJU. Coua, «mI C«> Van, tola t K l l Ml If . ... IT WAS NOT MURDER. An Investigation of the Death of John £. Dixon. The Autopsy Demonstrated Conclusively That the Bruises on the Body Were Re ceived After Drowning. An official inquiry was mado yesterday Into the circumstances connected with the death of John E. Dixon, the well-known stock-broker and mining operator, whose body was found on the ocean beach near Mussel Hock, on Sunday. Detective Rogers started out bright and early to unravel the mystery, but ha was not very successful. Mrs. G. W. Stewart, the proprietress of the hotel at 1101 Pine street, where the de ceased had lived many years, told the officer that at an early hour en Saturday morning she received a note from Dixon stating that he had „<■:.■■ to the baths, but would soon return and fix up her books, lie returned at 8:30 o'clock, and niter taking breakfast he told her that he had made an appoint ment to visit Ii lends in Oakland. Soon after 10:30 o'clock he retired to his room ana a few moments later a heavy set man called and inquired for him. A 6TKANGEB CALLED UPON HIM. When Dixon was confronted with the visitor he merely greeted him as a stranger, saying, "How do you do, sir?" "How are you, fir?" was the visitor's greeting and the two left the house, walking down Tine street. As far as known thai was the last Been of Dixon by any of his friends until his lifeless body was cast by the waves upon the ocean beach. The man who left the hotel with Dixon was about 45 years old and ha.', brown hair and wore a heard and mustache of the same color. The offi cer searched for this man, but could find no trace ot him. "From what you have learned, what is your theory as to the causa of death?" was a>ked of Detective lioger?. "There is little reason," said he, "for supposing that Dixon was murdered. It U more tiian probable that lie committed sui cide or was accidentally drowned." THE HEAL CAUSE OF DEATH. Police Surgeon Williams made an autopsy on the remains ami found that submersion was solely the ciuse of death. "It is my opinion," said the Burgeon, "that the cuts and bruises on the head and discolora tion about the face and eyes were caused uy tiio body being washed against the rucks. At least it h certain that these injuries were Inflicted after death." This disposes of the theory of foul play, and the only suspicious fact yet to he ac counted for is the disappearance of a dia mond stud from the shirt ot the deceased. The cera uiisbt Have been removed, how ever, during the twenty-six hours that the body lay upon the beach before it was re moved to the Morgue. Coroner Garwood impaneled the follow ing named for a jury yesterday afternoon: D. M. Tombliti, 3u2 Pine street; 11. 0. Sex ton, corner of Pine and Sanguine streets; F. W. Seaman, 133 Sansome stieet; Thomas Turner, 129 Sansome street; Charles Brown, 121 Sansome stree: ; J. Nathan, 117 San some street; L. Meyer, 113 Sansome street: Murphy Grant, corner Sansome ana Hush streets; Edward Potter, 30 Sansome street; B. Levy, 17 Sanayme street, and J. lljseu blatt, 13 Sansome street. SO REASON FOR SUICIDE. P. B. Grnyaon, the well-known mining Secretary, was called as a witness, and he identilitja the body, and said he had known the deceased for twenty years. Dixon was aged 5S years and 8 native of Now Bruns « '.cli. The witness last saw him alive about three months ago. and knew of no reason why he should have taken his own life. Dixon was always of a most jovial disposi tion and never appeared the least despond ent, not even ivheu ho loet thousands by sudden fluctuations of the stock market. He never smutted nor drank, and his social relations were always most pleasant. "Gentlemen," said the Coroner in ad dressing the jury, "I*ll have to postpone this case until some future time. In the meantime a thorough investigation of all the circumstances surrounding the death will be made by the Police Department." DIXOX WAS IMPECUNIOUS. In speaking of the case. Chief Crowley said he felt certain that Dixon was not murdered. "The autopsy," said he, "will bear me -out in tuts. lie. was 'uipecuaious. Pawnbrokers called here this morning and state 1 that Dixon's watch and jewelry were frequently pawned." Friends of the deceased deny that he was in financial straits. They say that, he re cently received dividends on Coptis mining stock". He al«o had in his possession a note for $2000 and could have readily discounted it It is true, however, that he was in debted to several stock-brokers, but none of them were pressing him for a settlement. The story circulated by unreliable per sons that a woman of ko, Nev., had some thing to do with the case is discredited. The assertion that sh« frequently wrote threatening letters to him has no founda tion. A number of unopened letters have been at the late home of the deceased for him. I'er h:ips when these are opened some light may be shed on the circumstances of the death. EAILKOAb PERSONALS. A Good Outlook for Touriat Travel bur- lne tho Fall. Phillips' Rock Islnnd excursion from Boston and Chicago brought in fifty-three tourists yesterday. Tlie managers report the outlook for travel to California this fall as much more promisinc than Wst year. A. P. Mussey arrived yesierday from the Boston office of the Union Pacific to assume the position of Contracting Freight Agent, made vacant by the resignation of E. V. Howe. General Manager Toucey of the New York Central left yesierday for tin East. He wa3 accompanied as far as Trnckce by W. G. Curtis uf tlie Southern. I'acilic Coin- pany. Ex-Superintendent Rassett of the Coast Division of the Southern Pacific whs in the city yesterday. He is devoting his time to extensive lumber interests in the South. It is said that N. K. Wade will become General Manager of the. Atlantic and Pa cific in place of D. U. Jiubiusou, restated. John U. Keene, hive Stock Agent of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul, arrived here yesterday from the East. W. A. Uissell of the Atlantic and Pacific returned yesterday from v frog-catching ex pedition to Lake Merced. IX Gullible of the l - a:ific Fast Fruit Line la In the city. GREAT SUN SESSION. The Grand Council of Improved Order of !;-m1 Men Convenes. Tho twenty-sixth great suu session of the Grand Council of California of the Im proved Order of H»d Men convened yester day at 320 Tost stieet, ou the 4th sun at the eleventh sun rising of the sun, sturgeon moon, G. S. I). 4tX>. J. I. Counts, Great Sachem, presided, and Joseph W. Maher was (i;eat Keeper of the Kecorils. The other great chiefs present were: Frederick Brandt, Adam Smith and Henry A. Chas**, San Franci-co ; George \V. J»vie. George H. Jiuck, Redwood City; j. A. File tier. Auburn; James (i. Smith, Va llejo; 11. Buockel, Sacramento; E. If. Ar riola, Oakland; J. E. Iladley, Alaineda. There were about 120 delegates in attend ance, end the wholo of yesterday's session was occupied with reading the renorts of the Great Sachem, Great Chief of Records, Great Keeper of the Wampum, Great Itep reseiitauves to the Great Council of the United States and from the Committees on Correspondence, I'mituiß and Finance. The sessions will continue until Friday, and the election ol officers will be the tirat order of to-day's uusiness. HOUSTON'S CLAIM. A Notice or Motion to Dlgmlga Ills Omnl liub Land Suit. In the United States Circuit Court yes terday John 11. Durst, City and County At torney, filed a notice of his intention to move for a dismissal of tha action of David D. Houston against the City and County of San Francisco, mid that the motion would be made on Monday. The suit is against the city and 100 other defendants to quiet title to a lareo part of San Francisco, and the motion t'> dismiss Is on the ground that no bona-lide effort lias been made by the complainant or bis solici tor to make or procure service upon the defendants of the alias stibpuua Issued in the case. » Accompanying the notice of motion is nn ath'davitol Mayor Sanderson, stating that no subj'ena was ever lisucd upon the origi nal complaint, and Unit no application win ever made to the clerk of the court for the issuance of any. : A Millionaire Fiuishei Ills "Shine." John Hoey of th« Adams Express Com pany, who is one of the best-dressed men In New York, ami the picture of cood living, besides being known as a millionaire, never goes back on the fa. that lie once sold paper* on the street, and that lie began his express career with a wheelbarrow as his THE MOTINING- CALL. SAM FHAJSCISOO, WEUiNKSDA?; AUCiUST 5. 1691-EIGHT PAGES. delivery wagon, his own arms lifting the Inindles. lie stopped in lower .Broadway recently to get his shoes blacked by a darky boy. who, just m be was puttinj tlio finishing Rhino on the second loot, received a knock from a stranger passing b7 in a hurry, ami was thrown ajaiost his stand in a way to cut a painful gash in his thumb, from which tlio blood streamed out. The youngster was gritty, poized a piece of cloth and tried to bind it up so as to conclude his job, but the big tears that stole down his cheeks showed that he was in considerable pain. The millionaire stepped down, seized the brush, put on the last touch of shine, tossed the I id a quarter find waited away, Buying: "Never mind, my boy. it isn't the first time I have blacked shoes, and it was not your fault." — X. V. Press. PIPE LEAVINGS. A Mixture Which Is Claimed to Contain No Opium. A peculiar caas involving an important point was heard by United States Commis sioner Sawyer yesterday. Iv last February a Chinese named Dee Ah Tom was arrested by tbe Internal lievenue officers for manu facturing opium. The case never had a complete hearing uatil yesterday, when all the facts were brought out. The defendant all along acknowledged manufacturing a certain article, but claimed that It was not opium. II is operation con sisted in taking the ashes an I scrapings of opium-pipes aud all the leavings and resid uum of opium that he could obtain. These he would mix with' gum-arabic and other stuffs and sell. He manufactured almost l">0 pound; at a time. He claimed ihat even if there were a little opium iv his mixture duty had already been paid on it, aud it could not be taxed acaln. He denied that it was smoked, and claimed that timse who used it mixed it with pure opium befure using it. Tiie revenue officers, on the other hand, made the claim tliat the mixture was a sec ond-class kind of opium, I.nd that Chinese smoked it aud became insensible from the effects. Iv the examination yesterday a number pi experts wore called on the subject. P. W. Harris, B. M. Thomas ami C. W. 1.1 - testified f»r tiie Government; nud saiii tbat the mixture contained opium. Thomas said he had seen Chinese sinoko it with the Bauie effects almost as puie opium. Professor Price, om the other hand, testi fied that there was no opium in the mixture, or if them were auy it was hardly percepti ble. Commissioner Sawyer eoneluled to hold Ah Tom to answer ou the charge brought. Ihe case is of interest to the lu'ornal Kev enue officers, as it is tlie first one arising under the operations of the McKinley bill. < ': Her similar seizires have since been made, which all depend on a decision iv Ah Tom's case. THE LAWS DELAY. It May Make Mrs. Mary A. Godfrey a Bigamist. The grave and reverend gentlemen who comprise the Supreme Court of California were given an idea yesterday of tbe wrongs that result from the law's delays. Mary A. Godfrey of Alameda County brought suit in IKSB against her husband, George, for divorce, alleging that he was cruel and had used harsh language to her. Godfrey filed a cross-complaint charging her With infidelity, and on January 9, lssiu, the husband was granted a divorce by tlin Su perior Court of Alameda County, and al though lie wr.s wortii £150,000 do order was made dividing the community property. There were two children, and tho elder wa3 given to the father aud the younger to t!ie mother. Mrs. Godfrey appealed tde case to the Supreme Court, and six months alt'T married the man who was curcspoudeut iv the action against her. Yesterday Godfrey's attorney asked the Supreme Court to dismiss her appeal ou tha ground that if it was nut dismissed she, being tlie wife of Nery and claiming that her divorce from Gidfrt-y was Illegal, would be a bigamist. Tlie court considered this a novel point and gave 11. E. Hightou live days iv which to prepare a brief ahowiug that Mrs. Nery is not a bigamist. RETUBNED IN DISGRACE. Joseple liaiNon licnt Upon Marrying n Worthies* Fellow. Among the passengers by the steamship Coroua from San Diegj yesterday was pretty Josepte Baison, the old girl who eloped from her aunt's borne r.t 644 Si; rumen to street on July 13th with Emile Cauton, a waiter. From tho steamer she was t.iken to the City Prison and booked for the Industrial School. Mine. J. Yiilemeur, her aunt, was sent for and the meeting between them was Quite dramatic. "Will you come back to me, Josepte?" a3ked the aunt. "No, madame, I want to marrj" Einilp." "You shiill not," shrieked Mine. Ville metir. "He is a bad man. You shall die first," and the aunt wept hysterically as she left the prison. To reporters Josepte said that if she could not marry Canton she Would go to the asylum or return to her parents in France, Officers are still searching f..r the waiter to arrest him for abduction, but it is believed that he has lied lo Mexico, having basely deserted hLs victim. For Fighting In Court. "King" Frank McAlanus of the Potrero, with many benebmen, appeared in Police Court 2 yesterday to answer charges of as bault with a deadly weapon and battery, preferred by Michael Burke and other Ooanlers at his hotel. John Welsh, a rival boarding-house keeper at the Potrero, was also there urging the witnesses for tlie pros ecution. Tho "King's" brother William took exception to iiiis proceeding, and a fistic encounter in the court-room was the result. Judge Worlev ordered William Mc- Manus anil Welsh into custody fur battery aud couteini't of court. Mmlo I niiappy by n e r Father. Frederick I'ieico of 5 Lawrence place caused his daughter Mamie to be arrested yesterday and boi.ked for the Magdalen Asylum. The officers investigated tho case, and li.und that the father is a common drunkard, while Mamie is a hard-working girl. Owing to his cruelties she went out to service in a private family, but was taken siik and sent to the City and County Hos pital. She had just been discharged when her father caused her arrest. Sho will not be scut to the asyiimi. Was Not Qtvsn a Fair Show. K. Jl. Smith, representing the property owners of Bernal Heights who object to the work of the Howard-street Extension Com missioners, has tiled with the Board of Supervisors a list of objection! to the pro ceeding* of the board when tho protestors were heard. lie maintains that he wis not allowed to present tho case of his clients at all; that ho was "choked" elf before he had stated the must important poiute he in tended to make. Clarke Cannot Ilavo tlie Lot. The proposition to change, the naino of Park lane and Caselli avenue to Ashbury street was approved by the Street Commit tee of the Board of Supervisors yesterday. Alfred Clarke*! petition for tho privilege of usiiiu one of the city's engine lots out near W street and Twenty-lifth avenue until the city shall want the isamo was denied. Juan Tainrg' Kgtute. A copy of the will of Juan Tames, who died in Madrid, Spain, in May, was filed in the I'robntn Court yesterday. Tames left 220 shares in the Spring Valley Water Com pany, worth |96 apiice. mid $.i'2'.H) in money. His heirs are his widow and two daughters, who reside In Bilbao, Spuiu. One Year In the County .tall. E. M. Lombard, who was arrested with a burglar's outfit in bis possession and con virted on charges of carrying burglar-' tools und a weapon concealed, was yester day sentenced by Judce Wotley to six months' imprisonment in the County Jail -on each charge. I ns!-iii!;...,i Clears. A Chinaman named Ah Wall was nrrested yesterday by aDeputy Uuited States Marshal for liaving unstamped cigars in his pos session. The prisoner pleaded that he pur chased them fpiiu a countryman for SI, and intended to take them home for his own use. Deborah la Forsaken. Deborah Hiebo r alleges that shu bus been married and deserted within six weeks. Her husband left hor destitute, and she has brought suit against her landlady, a Mrs Coleniau, to recover her clothes, whicu are held for rent, besides 575 for damages. Forgiven for the Fifth Tim... The charuo of contempt of court against Attorney 15. F. Napthaly was dismissed by Police Judge Xix yesterday. Benjamin apologized profusely for his conduct on the day beloie, aud fur the fifth time ha was for given. A Mollier'a Suit. Jcannette Kcrridge haa brought suit against liur husbaad. F. J. KerridKe, from wtiiim slio Im separated, askiug fur Llio con trol ol tticir iiifum child. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. Heroism of Natives in Rescuing Seamen From » Watery Grave. The Pacific Mail iteamer Australia arrived from Honolulu bringing Hawaiian exchanges to July 23th. The following is a summary Of recent events in tho islands: On July 11th, during a terrific cain at Kawaihae, three canoes, containing thirteen tneu and a boy, were blown off to sea. Learning of the calamity a slnor-owner of that place put his fine craft at the disposal of auy oue who would go to the rescue and a native snilor rniied a volunteer crew of five and started. One of this number, a boy, was lashed by ropes half-way up the main mast to keep a look-out, which he did for hours In the face of tho gale. It was near sunset when the lost men were found out at sea clinging d-'sperately to their frail crafts and were rescued ai.d brought back. Great credit U duo the native sailors, and particu li riy to the Luv on the look-out, whose uosi tion, in tho cold and wet, was a difficult and painful one to maintain for so long a time. It was he who sighted the canoes, of which two were found, the oilier bavins drifted in shore early in the day with its exhausted owner who gave the alarm. A proclamation dated from lolani Palace, July IW, 18!H, says: It has pleased her Majesty thfl Queen to appoint the lion. John Mott-Smlth to be Minister of Finance, vice Hon. Hermann A. Widemann, resigned. On tiw evening of July 27ih a reception was tentored by bis Honor the Chief Jus tice to General and tho Misses Armstrong aud Miss Agaes Judd at the Justice's resi dence. It was a very biilliitnt ; ITair. The railroad company's warehouse at Kuliuli, Maui, was de-ti"jyed by lire July 15th, wi'.u a loss of SJO.OOO. Tlie Advertiser of July 20th says: The steamer Mokolii, arriving Sunday from Molokai, brings news that the island is stif fening greatly for want of rain. No rain has fallen at Kalae for several weeks, and that is a place where it usually rains almost every other day or so. The pasturage of the whole is'and seems to be drying up. The American ship PacU>lu« of Boston put int> Kawaihae, Kahala, on the 13th, iil days from Hong- Kong, and short of provi sions and without water, which circum stance had caused such disagreeable results among th'j passengers, tome <;_m i Chinese among them, that n mutiny was feared, and would probably have resulted from another twenty-four hours at sea on such short ra tions as had been necessary, The Pactolus nad not anticipated such « slow trip, and was only provisioned for 55 days. PEOPLE TALKED ABOUT. The novelist Saltus promenades the Paris boulevards daily, a sad, forlorn figure, ar rayed in black. The widow of "Stonewall" Jackson has applied fur a pension on the ground that her husband served in the Mexican War. Ex-Secretary Bayard is growing fleshy as lie advances iv yearn, and his fine height is vow balanced by a fair breadth of body. Colonel Conger of Ohio is talked of as the possible successor to Colonel W. I). Dudley ns Treasurer of the Kopublican National Committee. The wife of Senator Edmunds bas a unique card receiver at their Burlington home. It is nn Immense Indian mortar, with pestle, from the Columbia Uiver. It was one of Hannibal Hamlin's hr.blts early in Irs career never to let a letter go unanswered over night, no matter how ln- Bignificant tho writer may have been. A Parisian electrician has succeeded in forcing violets by the aid of his battery, and recently sent a bunch of these fledglings, only four hours old, to the Empress Eugenic. Andrew Lasy, the English literary free lance, is tail, emaciated nmt dark. He has what is known as a Mark Twain drawl, and is Mipposed to be tho hardest worker iv England. They say that Philip I). Armour is thfl largest individual commercial operator in the world. His transactions lust year reacl.ed tlie enormous aggregate of $63,000,000, The Empress of Germany is loyal to tho fatherland to tbe extent of havicg all her dresses niiule In Berlin and Vienna. She buys all her lints iv Berlin aud only her glovei cume from Paris. George \V. Sanderlin, upon whom tlie North Carolina iH'inorrnts and Farmers' Alliance managers are saia to have agreed for Governor, is a Bai tut preacher, abuut 5U years old. He is now State Auditor. John W. Uooknralter, who was the Demo cratic nominee f.<r Governor ot Ohio some thing like twelve year* ago, has spent a great deal of his money in promoting llylng-uia ciimeiuvoiuii.ns. Ai he. hasscTcral millions he can afford to lose. The Shah of Persia is an enthusiast with tlie kodak, and takes very bo:m1 pictures with it, wiieti he condescends to do so. Wherever he goes be is accompanied by a court photographer, who takes views" of everything tlml interest) the King. The Russian Count Oreola, who is now in this country, is an unusually handsome and distinguished-looking noblemen. But the fact that he is married will prevent fenii nino eyes from seeing tiie aureola of romance that is visible aOoitt, other foreign noblemen. Scnor burtado, the Minister of the United States of Colombia at Washington, is the si ow horseman at Narraftansett Pier. Be is a man of tall, straight fi-jure, and sits on his steed like a centaur. The hurse he rides is a magnificent bay that is said to have cost him $S(AiO. Count Wal.lerseo's passion since he ceased to be tiie Kaiser's military adviser is said to be for Bower-gardening. Even Napoleon used to piay, with his cane, with the tall lilies iv the gardens or St. Helena, the sport was rough and generally left the lilies headless. Governor Hill's double, who resombles him as much a3 the late Adam Forcpaugh resembled Cbauneey M. Depew, U the man who plays the big bass-viol nt the Grand Union Hotel in Saratoga. More than one rural visitor at tne hotel has mistaken the musician fur the Governor. The little I'rinco of Xaples ha* become a great favorite with tho royal family of En gland us well as with the members of the army, navy and diplomatic corps. Although he is hardly up to thu I'rince of Wales' shouldi-r he is quite as alert as a bigger man, and has also a Binart military manner. The dedication of moruments to General Stonewall Jaiksun and other Southern sul diers brings to mind the fact that many of the general officers of the Confederate army bavu passed away. Of •»«), the original num ber, only 184 urn now alive, and lioauregard is the only surviving General who attained full rank. Order of .Jesuit*. Key. 11. Imoda, Superior of the mission la California of the order of Jesuits, has an nounced the following appointments of professors and teachers: St. Icnatlus College— President. Key. IT. Imoda (until lilt siiccesiur h appointed); Vice-I'iesldeiil, Key. V. Clii,i|.i>ii; proltmor* or the graduating classes-Ken. J. .sasla, V. Chlnppa. T. I.eoiiaid ami J. Neil; professor or rhetoric, Jtev. 11. Woods; poetry, Key. 11. Kyuers; (list grammar, Key. M. Connolly; second L-rainmai, J. de ICop; third grammar, (ieorge Butler. Simla Clara l'loslJanf, Rev. J. ri na«co; Vice-I'rosldeiit. Itcv. J. (Janrddn; pro lesson of Kradtinllngclasii-s— Keys. I). Al.ilioney, J. Haynia, A. Clclil and J. Brunenßo; rhetoric, Key. J. oiiiiiiiitiham; poetry, .1. Mulligan: Hist C i annual-. 1". WeU; »ecou«i uiauniiiir, .Joseph Landry; third grammar, I*. Foote; rlietoilc and pofiry in commercial department, Key. Kdmund Youiib; ineicaiilile, (i. Sedgley; preparatory, J. Wtiddell. Civil Scrvico ExHininutlon. Over 100 applicants were on hand in the Appraiser* building yesterday morning to take the civil service examinations for the classified service in tho l'ostuffice. The positions consist of carriers and clerks, and whenever a vacancy occurs will tie tilled from those successful in the examinations. The papers of tho«e examined must all bo transmitted to Washington before the result can be made known. That Your Hair may retain its youthful color, fullness, and beauty, dress it daily with Ayer's Hair Vigor It cleanses the scalp, cures humors, and stimulates a new growth of hair. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. Lowell, Mass. fe23 ly FrMoWe ■ ■ ffl| A f§f ¥Sf f| BUSINESS PA f!f f^ffl BUSINESS Sv^SS W 33i) roar "'. Life Scholarship. $75. DARBY'S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID ! IWIWI4M mi i»»™»7itwj j t never fails to TV n acts 1 relieve the pain ':■; ;;; IN CASE iof Burns. Scalds, /yjj ; .'- B Bmiscs or Wounds Ui! § of any kind. PitE- ACCIDENTS I vests iaflauima- . ■— , hi mi .I— . ■ m-i mv F li 9 u an( l suiipiir- !gla "'"""' T MT^nr 1 miUm M a or)( and rauiUly heals, leaving no scar. GANGRENE OK I'EOUD FL.KSII Never appear where the Fluid is used. CLEANSES ASD HEALS Obstinate Ulcers, Boils, Carbun- cles, Erysipelas and running sores of every kind. It destroys tile dis- agreeable effluvia arisin™ from Can- cers, Abscesses, Ulcers 'and every kind of purulent discharge. "I have used Darby's Prophylactic Fluid In hos- pital ana private practice for ten years ami know 01 nothing better for slougblng coutused anil lacer- ate.l wounds, foul and Indolent ulcers an'l as a <lislnrectant."-J. F. Uecbtis, Prof. Mobile Med- ical College. . • . ocl 50w Wt-FrMo 1 II Dili) FORM. ■ It Is considered Tory bad form for a person to be galtty of an act that offends others. To keep on su!f-rin;r from catarrh when you can easily In cured Is bad form. There are few diseases that are- more Ulsa?reo able and nauseating. It 13 painfully unpleasant to witness the ravages of th's acute disease and ob- servo the extent to which It sometimes progresses. 3m. So Diner, C al- jtf^Sffi^Vj*^f 4 Cosmopolitan Jr f&^V Dispensary, San / Ife^a Francisco, Oal.— !jK <|S&S, ItiiJ Gentlemen: lam K£ V«"* \S^^ «° really glad I **/ «*• i \| that I began |ijf»dj|^ w y treatment at your 5" fes§£Si" fi *" Dispensary eoiiio [v%.s£^^ { M^\\ time ago. l^eforo /^'^rsfefcZ* j^"Bs«i. l be K an l suffered *i#&MS^>~aJs so much Irom V?sstiimjjr \VrT/ catarrh and relt : ('/ i.^^r *^\ a 60 sick a " (l weak ' often thought T\<^ « that there was no 'w-*.\J^* earthly use In my H ever expecting to be a well man. I noticed an Improvement In my condition two weeks after I began your treatment. The dull, woebegone feeling has left me, and I feel so glad that I only hope my voice may be strong enough to guide other sufferers to your Dispensary. I tried many patent remedies and all the local skill, and none of them did me any good. ;.; Yours, very truly, W. J. BAT. There are a great many others who have been cured at the Cosmopolitan Dispensary. Among them are: .Mrs. lilcuard Lloyd, wife of Judge Lloyd, Dwlgli; way, lierKeley; J. ll(»!iner. "JO.» Minna St., S. P.: Miss .Julia I'ooley, 1727 Market " St., 8. 1.: J. 1". Hanson, SUVfa Geary St., S. ¥.; Miss Lottie Hart, 240 Greenwich st.. s. X. : Charles ltose, ion Jessie St.. S. P. ; Matthew Woods, Twenty- first st. and Broadway, Oakland, Cal.: W. E. Uood- rlch. College City, Cal.; .1. 11. Lawrence, 974 Folsoin St., S. V.; Mrs. J. J. Cunningham, 10 Karen St.. S. X. : James Bury. 776 Howard St., H. F.; Mrs. Mary steole, 19ij Itausrh St., B. I.; C. L. Harvey, l'Hk's Mill, Sonoma County, Cal.; John l'etersun, '-"Jo o'Farrell st., 8. X: Iflsa Grace Sachs, 4 Lewis st., s. P.; David Williams. 379 .Shotwell st., 3. P.i Mrs. Krauklc Stewart, iO'i r.usli St., H. P.: Andrew McWlliiam Martin, 48 Ridley st., S. F.; Mrs. Pau- line Vom, 2010 Manchester st, M. X. : C. F. Kck- hart, Uilroy, Cal.; Mrs Koiliy, ■.':":, Willow are., 5. X.; William I. Kane. 1713 I'ost St., S. F.: Miss Cella Nelson, SW/z Natoma St.. S. P.; Charles Homier, 603 Davis St.. S. P.; Miss Kllen D. Collins, 711 I 1 st.. 8. F.; I. M. D. Wright, 1324 Florida St., P. i .• Mrs. Mlchenfelder, 11 Uopeton terrace, .s. X.; Mlley l> lan. 128 Ivy st., S. P.; Mrs. Margaret Kohlcr. Ban Jose, (a!.; James J. Walsh, S lO Clem- entina s:., S. F. ; Mrs. Mary Toivnicnd, 25 Erie st., 6. i-.; Frederick Jirown, CopperopollSi Cal.; Mr-. I.iz/.1..' Harris. Sun.lose, (a!.: Mrs. A. A. Kopr, I'tU- luma. Cal.: Henry Woods. 409 Twenty-eighth st., S. F. : (ieorge Haulelson. 204 Fourteenths!;., S. P.; John Mreklaii.l. 151 .Sliver St.. s. F.: Miss K. larker, : 149 Ninth St., 8. !•.: A. Astorg. San Rafael, Cal.; Mrs. S. G. Smith. 1705 Market st, S. P.; Jennie Johnson, liemcley. Aiameda County : Mis. Downey, 211 Lily nvc., S. !•'. ; Peter A. Anderson, l:)o'ji... I Stockton St.. S. P.; Miss ICrally Baner, 2318 Callfor" nla »L, 8. P.; Wood. 605 Seventh at.; Mrs. JlcGreovey, Bartlettst.; Henry rlrown. Union Iron Works; Orvlllo welling. »c« Castro St., Oakland; O. line. 410 M. Fell st., S. I.; Mrs. l'aullne Stew- art, 832 Vallejust., S. r.: I), o. slay ton, Mies, Cal. ; Miss Minnie Neagie, 607 WelMter St.. Oakland; Herman J. Hose. lisa Folsoni st. s. Xt Miss Nellie Maddlsaii. !U-J McAllister St., S. P.; Adolph lloege, old Mission road. s. X. ; Hugh McSherrr, 341 Firth fct., s. F. ; Mrs. A. Flehmauu, Tracy, San Joaqnln County, (Ml.: A. 11. Adlof. 616' .. Grove St., S. F.; Ailol|>h Nelson, 17S0 O'larreli at., S. P.; 11. E Suo,.k, 1031 Market St.. S. F. These ladles and gentlemen have given permis- sion to use their names. Write yourself an.l learn their experience. A atari 1 of physicians and surgeons, having diplomas and the Indorsement of the best colleges or medicine and surgery, skilled specialists, who have had long experience lv treating special and chronic diseases, are In constant attendance. Th« great advantage an Institution of this character has Is self-demon- strative. Every character of disease treated. Hundreds have been cured by mail treatment If yon are out of the city explain your case by letter. It will cost you nothing. P.ewaro of people who accost you on the street an.l endeavor to induce you to go elsewhere for treatment. They are In the employ or disreputable quacks. German, French and Spanish spoken. (OSpPOUTAN < Dispensary Corner Market, Stockton ami Kills St«., San Francisco, Cal. Out of town patients treated with CNFAILINfI SUCCESS through correspondence: one visit desir- able, but not necessary. Medicine sent safely and free from observation to any part of tho country. Write for prospectus or semi for symptom blank to fill out, and a letter explaining your disease, giving advice, etc.. will be returned free. au'J 5 'Jt BOARD OF NEW CITYHALL COMMISSIONERS PROPOSALS FOR METALLIC FILES. SEALED PROPOSALS FOR TUE FOLLOWING work -.iii materials will be received by the Board of New city Hall Commissioners, ln the chamber of the Hoard of Supervisor?, on WEDNESDAY, the 12th day of August. IH9I. between the hours of 11 A. K. And 13 ht. of that day: For tho furnishing and placing of metallic docu- ment run boles in the IHtlUi.» made therefor In the County Clerk's new olTlce. lv the northwest wing of the New City Hall, to the amount or 19.000. or thereabout*, Proposals to be accompanied by sain, pies of tbe file boxes bid upon, ami the work to be completed on or before 31st day of December, IHBI. Dimensions of flies to be obtained lv the office of the architect In awarding this contract the question of quality anil durability of the Hies bid upon, In connection with the price, will be consMcrod. The svcrotMry will furnish blank forms of propos- als and bonds to lntenitluz bidden. No bid will be entertained unless made upon blanks so furnished. The Olds must bo accompanies with a certlhod chock, or with a bond with two or more good and • nmclent sureties. In the sum of 10 per cent of the total sum or tender, to guarantee the closing of tho contract when awarded. The nine of the bonds- men, when bond Is given, must be submitted to the Commissioners at least threa days before the open- ing of the bids. in order that they may pass upon their competency. 'I he board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Payments will be mane by au.ll'ed demands upon the treasury drawn against the Now City Hall Fun J. lllddors must strictly comply with the proposals with reference to bandsmen (should they hare them instead of checui). GIiOKOE 11. SANDERSON, THOMAS •'. L. SMILEY, JOHN H. DUKST, Board of .New City Hall Commissioner!. Enwinu I., Secretary. bun Francisco. July 7. 1891. Iv 7 30t §f H \ * * ' i §S _^ jy'J3 am We FrSu _^ Daniiana ij^^v: Bitters wr WSr^Oiil ■ Th" WRat Mexican Komedy <« St^rr v «>i3' for l>l«<>rdvrs of the Kidneys ■rftflr^ißiSif , - ami Kladdcr. Olvcsl-.faltiiiind • ■ I rß4i^__MsKrs. ■ ,tretij;t!i to the Sexu&l Orsana. : NABER, ALFS & BRUNE, | S23t aua .M.VKIvI. V ST., H. *' AtiK.NM MISCELLANEOUS. j DRAPERIES! I i_. **'--- -i.-.rvi..iim^j^ u ~-.-.-.-_-.— _-_-_- Jvv .^,,_,^_ rJ ,^ <| . j '-■■■uv»Aj-wz_-tS< CALIFORNIA FURNITURE CO. NEW EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS, (N. T. COLE a. CO.), ESTIMATES GIVEN". 117 to 121 Geary Street. MODERATE PRICES. ....OF THE.... CONDITION AND AFFAIRS ....OP TU8.... MANCHESTER FIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY f\r MANCHESTER, ENGLAND. ON THE 31ST D\y v<-f peeember. A. I), 1300, and lor the year '•iidlnK on that day, as made to the Insurance Commissioner or tin- Mate of California, pursuant to the provisions of bectioiis 010, him Oil nr the Political Code, con- denied as per blank furnished by the ConunUsioner. CAPITAL. Amount of Capital Stock paid up In cash. «750 OXI O3 ASSETS. Heal Estate owned by Company tlfl 172 12 Loans on Huidimd M irtioura 30,5537s Cash market mine of all Stocks and Hi. lids owned by Company 1.440.353 75 Amount or Loans secured by pledite of. Bonds. stocks, and other in nket:tiile Recurities hs collateral C.25000 ;i-li in p.ank« &5&tMlO Interest due and accrued on all Stocks , anil Linus 10.429 Interest doe and accrued ou ISonds and MortxaxTes 70 R2 I rriniuiiM 111 due course of collection.... 33C.250 15 Rents due and accrued 02 60 Total Assets 12,074,738 G2 LIABILITIES. Losses In process of adjustment or In suspense M78J30000 Gross premium* on Fire Idiks running one ye:ir or less. »Uo.">,7'.' J 37. reinsur- ance COper cent 302.86317 Orou premiums on rireKlska rtinitins more than one year, »125.355 02, re- nuuranceprorata 64.012 80 uub alvldends reraainins unpaid 00375 Commissions and brokerage duo and to become due 42.237 05 Total Liabilities 1578 257C7 INCH Net Ca«ti actually received for Fire Pre- miums 1001,458 40 Received for interest on Bonds ami MortKßcea 7,51844 I>eceived for interest and dividends on Bonds. Stocks, Loans, and from all other sources 31.100 M gaceh <•■) for Kents r,,:ir,o on Received for profit on sale of Investments 27,01 02 Received forTrai^fer fees 450 OJ Keeelved for premiums new shares.. Sno.ll Total Income »1.47L>,98S 77 EXPENDITURES. Net amount raid for Fire Losses (ir.clud- juu 4 14 1 00 losses of previous years; »Sin,U4.TO Dividends to gtocktaplders 4'j.Wis 0) Paid or allowed for Commission or llrokeraue 201,703 00 Paid for Salaries. Fee'?. and other charges for office™, clerks, etc 70 420 (U raid for State. .National and local taxes.. ».i 10 .TO All other paymauts and expenditures.... 28^!2578 Total Expenditures »570.57520 Fire Losses Incurred during the year.. .. «555,704G0 RISKS AM) PREMIUMS. j I I RISKS. 1 pbemiitms. Net amount of rißks written during tho ' .y-' - ;••-■; 1328010.802 ;«1,079.732 4O Net amount of risks ex- pin-d duriiii,- the year 265,290293 I 814,49118 Isi-t amount In force ' ' Ueci inber 31. 1800... 221,003.874 I _ 731.1110* .1 BURNS MOFFAT. Manager. »i .^ j . VTM. LEWIS.Ai»t. Secretary. Pnl>scrihed and swum to before me. mis 13th day Of March, 1081. Vi . K. (iHINNKLL. United States Consul. BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO., GENERAL AGENIS. CEO. W. SPENCER, Manager, 316 CALIFORNIA ST., SAN FKANCI3CO. lyjl 7t sTATEnaBKrT OF tjte CONDITION AND AFFAIRS OF TIIE American Insurance Co. OK NEWARK. IX THE STATE OK NEW JERSEY, on the 31st day of December. A. 1). 18S0, and for the year ending ou that day. as made to ibe In- surance Commissioner of the State o: California, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 010 and 611 of tne Political Code, condeusod as per blank fur- nished by the Commissioner. CAPITAL. Amount of Capital Stock, paid up in cash. .". $600,000 00 ASSETS. Real Estate owned by Company 313. H07 72 Loans on Bond and Mort^aee 1,319,039 83 Cash Market Value of all .stocks and Bonds owned by Company 396.625 00 Cash In Company's office 2,564 40 Cash In Banks 22,807 60 Interest due and accrued on all Slock! and Loans 3,166 67 Intercut due ana accrued on Bonds and Mortgages 19,977 03 Premiums In due Courso of Collec- tion. 33.382 45 Rents Due and Accrued 2,614 t'2 Total Assets $2,U5,55» 14 LIABILITIES. Lotses adjusted and unpaid $14,770 01 Losses In process of adjustment or In suspense 14,980 11 Losses resisted, including expenses.. 2,350 65 Oross premiums 0:1 Fire His*!* run- nliii! one year or Irsi. $285,807 47, reinsurance 50 percent.. 144,403 74 Gross premiums on Fire X ales run- ning more than ons year. »47t).- -647 21. reinsurance pro-rata 255,674 05 Cash dividends to stockholders re- maining U'ipalil B.O!16 40 Cash dividends to policy-holders re- maining unpaid 3.635 00 Commissions and brokerage due and to become due 6.493 42 Total Liabilities $147,303 41 INCOME. Net cish actually received for Fire premiums. $447,924 73 Received fur interest on lfoints and Mortgages 67,141 33 Receive. l for Interest and dividends on Bonus, Stocks, Loans r.ud from allothersources 23,957 17 Received [or Rents 6,640 57 Total Income. $341,663 80 EXPENDITURES. Net amount paid for Fire Losses (In- cluding *:v.', lltj 73 losses of pre- vious years) $212,558 27 Dividends to stockholders, *'H>.- -376 00: dividends to policy-hold- ers. 401 00 63.780 00 Paid or allowed for Commission or Brokerage 76,872 89 l'ald for Salaries, Fees an. l other charges for olllcers. clerks, etc 46,318 91 Paul for State, National and local taxes 15,996 01 Another paymeutsand expenditures. 35.461 38 Total Expenditures $450,987 46 Fire losses incurred during the year. . $206,526 90 RISKS AND PREMIUMS. |KIBK RIsKS.|PHEMIf MS. Not amount of risks writ- I ten during the year $71,050,000 $549,500 35 Net amount of Kisus ex- pired during the year.. 64.530.153 510,484 »6 Net amount lv forco De- cember 31. 1890 93.199.344 .765.454 63 F. 11. HAItKIS. President JAS. H. WdUiiKN, Secretary. Subscribed anil sworn to before me. this l:tth day of January, 1891. 11. M. Dot (iIIF.UTY. -f . Notary Public. BALFOUR, CUTHRIE & CO., GKNKUAL, AGENTS. GEORGE W. SPENCER, MANAGER. 316 CALIFORNIA ST. jy3l 7t ' V jfliP^OUßSELin^ll sWiJHgasT Iftrouhled\rithGonnrrhcra\l3 Mfr&HStff t»l*«t, Whites, S|HTinatorrlHTn\3S MiiVXktfW oran y umlaturallllscl " lr {3ij*S»Hfyour dnigßist for a bottle of ESBs»3 "i. 1 -' **• " cures in .1 few days Kn .pi without tho aid or publicity of a KuflF*'lU doctor. Non-poisonous and tmli>*jH puarantpcil not to stricture. Bafjeßaw The Universal American Cure. ■g C& Manufactured by n_g| Evans Chemical &*&Mm C y fn •' • ■ ■ ]c2l SuWeSa ly PCIiI»KmH«V« Kairllah UlAmon.l Brsni. ENNYROYAL PILLS _<rr~v- Orlsiai'.l and Only Grnalne. A. ■ *~ jl iPrvOv «*rc. klwirn relUbl*. ladies Mk B\ - rJn V^M DmaUl '"' CM\etltri Knalitk i>.»is\\ (f*Ni™*j!i'<»'"J -"""'•* in tti-*I svuJ Gold oi<utllc\Vitr * £\ -OeWbo"! "' * I ' 4 with Woo ribbon. Take \£r " "|W 49^ wfQ* other, /.v/w»f danfftrova tubttitu- V . , \~ I "" Jff Hum mvi imitation*. At Druul>ta, «ra«iid4<s. 'I W .."- fc /* in «t»nn"" fur p&rtidulftra, :'»im: nri: lad ~ \V* fir "Uallcf far I^ndlr*.** in Ittttr, by rrtarn .—X yC^ Malt 10.000 Trinaoaikli. A'umi fmptr. .- ~l Cfalrli»lnrClivmtcalCw. l lt>ull>nnHai:>rc. ■Old bj it;:,:- '-->. -._ . rhUada.,f<v ' dclO WeSA ly ' THE ORIENTAL GAS ENGINE IS THE BEST, because it combines simplicity of construction with power and economy In space. It can be run with natural or manufactured gas or gasoline at a cost of 20 to '-'6 cents per horse-power per day. IT CAN HE USED FOR pumping purposes, as well as for all purposes where a perfect enelne Is required, with the advantage of lessening the risk of explosions. No licensed engineer at a hlgu sal- ary needed to operate it. Send for circulars and prices it a good safe engine Is what you need. M. A. GRAHAM, INVKNTOK AMI MANUFACTURER, 105 Beale Street, San Francisco. au2 SuWe \%y -■■ - j)2O cod 2w OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. PACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP CO. DISPATCH STEAMERS FROM SAN/tya 1> Francisco for ports in Alaska May id, it£££2 June 4, 14, 19. '.'!>, July 5, li, IS, 2tt, August 3, ia lt^.u-*. September 12. 27, 9 a. M. For Itrltliii Colombia and Pu^et Sound port*. May 28, 80, June-i,!), 11. 19. 3«, July 5, 9. 14, 19, '.M. a.(. Auju.t 8, 8. IK. IX, -IS. -2-i. 9 a. v. • lor Eureka, Humholdt Hay, Wednesday!. 9 a. if . lor Santa Ana, Los Angelas and all way ports every Icnrthday, 8 a. m. For San l»lejfo, stopping only at Lo* Angeles.Si^!:* liarliara aud San Luis ulilspo, every laurtu day at it A. 11. For potts In Mexico. 25th or each month. '.ticket once— Palace Hotel, 4 New Montgomery IS. uooiialu PEKKINS 4Cu., General Asea-j. Itt If .Market >t-. Sao FraaoUo* FOR PORTLAND & ASTORIA, OREGON. THE rNIO>f PACIFIC RAILWIf— A<a orcan Division— and I'ACIKic c-i\ST^3ap STEAMSHIP COMPANY will dispatch fromSiiea? ilreet Wharr. at 10 a. it, for the atiove porti oat) j: Iteir Al Iron steamship-!, viz: STATE OF CALIFOUNLA-May 31. June 12, 21, July ii. 1«. :;.>, Aiuuit 11, '.'3. COLUMBIA— May 27, Juno 4, 16, 23, July 10, 23, .Aiiirtw 3. 15, *27. OhEGON— May 23. .Tune S. 20. Connecting via Portland with the Northern PaolM 2-sllroad, Oregon Short Line and other diverjrl:n Hers for all points in Oregon, Washington. BrlilsH Columbia, Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Dakota, Utlll, Wyoming, Yellowstone Park, and all polnu East an! ecutb and to Kurope. Fare to Portland— cabin, * 18; steerage, ¥ 3; roml tup. cabin. «»0. (ifflces-1 Montgomery st an* Palace H> if], 4 New Montgomery st. gooijaxl. irUKKiSs * CO.. Fupt. Ocean Line. In tf 10 Market St.. San Frauclsaa. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHiP COMPANY. rpilK COMPANY'S STEAMSHIPS WILE. A^\ FOR NKW YORK VIA PANAMA. Steamship CITY OK SYDNEY. Thursday. August 13th. at 12 noon, taking freight and passengers for Mazat,lan, !siu 1.1. 1-, Manzanlllo, Acapnieo, Cham- perlco. San Jose de Guatemala, La Ltaertad and Panama, and via Acapuico lor all Lower Mexican aud Central American ports. FOR HOKG-K.O'XS VTA YOKOHAMA. CITY OF PEKING (via Houoluln) . Tuesday. August 11. 1891. at i fk CITY OF UIO DE JANEIRO Thursday, Septembers, 1831. at 3 pic CHINA Saturday, September 2t>, ISUI. i:le< Bound trip tickets to lo^ohatua and return at ri- dured rates. For freight or passage apply at the oSce, cora9r>: >lrst uud liranuan stroeta. lirauch office— 2o2 Front street. 7lh If ALEXANDER CENTER. General AgaaS. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. THE SPLENDID 3000 TON" STEAMEKS *r£a Xof thti line, carrylui! L'ultel m i:.-<. Hawaiian and Colonial walls, sail from Folsom-st. Wharf as under. I OK HONOLULU ONLY. , F. S. AUSTRALIA AUGUST 11th. 2 P. M. P. S. ZEALANDIA AUGUST 25'.h, 2 P. M. FOB HONOLULU, AUCKLAND AND SYDNEY DIRECT. F.K. ALAMEDA AUGUST 20th. .1 P. M. For freight and passage apply at office. R27 Market Street. J. U. SI'IiECKELS * MKOS., i 6 tt General Agent*. ANCHOR LINE. Steamers Leave Now York Every, For Clasgow via Londonderry. Kates for Saloon Passage BY S.S. CITY OF ItOJIK. *8O AND UPWARD, according to accommodation and location of room. Other Steamers or the line 350 and upward. Second Cabin >3'>. Steerage 9 It), ressencers booked at through rates to or from any city iv Great Brltala or on the Continent, Drafts on London Sold tit Lowest Etat*^. Beck of information, tours and sailing lists nisheil on application to a<e:iti*, HENDERSON 11ROTHERS,7 Kovrllni Green, V. y - or to QKOBGB W. FLEICHKIt. tils M.irtve;.st: or to T. D. McKAY, 31 Montgomery street; or to j.F. FUUAZI & CO., 6 . Montgomery avenue; or U Jior.UK B. SEAMAN, 1073 Broadway, uakUad. 1)16 am * ■ COMPAGNIE GENERALE 11IANSATLASTIQUB Frem-Ii Lino to HaTr*». COMPANY'S PIER (NEW), 42 NORTH m— a \J Ktver, root or Morton sL Traveleri by i^SjAMt Itls 111. c avoid both transit by En^llsa rallwayniid the discomfort of crossing the channel la a siuaii boat. la OASCOGNE, Santelll .' LA IUUHAIM-, Saturday, Aujust loth. l:0u r it LA BOUKUOONE, Franxeul Saturday, August fl\\, 7:00 a. it LACIIAMPAUNE. Trauli , Saturday. August -'.'lll. at 1:00 r. H. LA ttOHMANDIK. De Ker»ablec Saturday, Septambira Sth, M OU "a. it M* For freight or passage apply to A. FORGET. Aient, ; ; i it „,„,„ ISa , B <>wllnit Green. New Vori. tkil rm^cl'co ■ Agents. 5 Moat^ouiery ara. branch otttce, 19 Montgomery street. mrgQtt WHITE STAR LINE. United States and Mail Steamers BKTWKEX New York, Queenstown & Liverpool. 1 BAILING. IiYKUY WEEK, CABIN WO AND UPWARD, ACCORD- am* Ing to steamer and accotnmodatloas ss- {SbH( lecteU; s.'conJ cabin. $35: Majestic and Teutonic, awl *45. Steerate tickets from England. Ira- laud. Scotland, Sweden, Norway aud 'Denmark, through to Kan Francisco at lowest rates. Tickets, sailing dates and cabin pla = s may be procured from W. H. AVtKV. i-,i i;. ■ Mall Dock, or ac tba General Office of the Company, 613 Market St., under Grand Hotel. O. W. FLETCHER, _ ap'JO TuWcFrSu tt Gen. Agt. for faelilo Coast. ROYAL KAIL STEAM PACKET GO. STEAMERS I.EAVK ASPINWALL , r .— fortul(rh:ly for ths West Indies and -^IKJtriS Buutbainptun, calling en route at Cn*> ■^■*«Ma» boun;, France, aud Plymouth to land passengers.' ' 1 Through mils of Lading, la connection with the Pacific Hail S. s. Co.. Issued for freight and tre.isure to direct ports In England and Germany. '■■ • - . r ■ I Through tickets from San Francisco to Plymouth Cherbourg, Southampton. First class, $195; third I class. 97 80. For further particulars apply to . JelO tl VABKUXX * CO.. Agauts, to* CulKoruU tt. ap travels nMUTHERTpACIFIC COiYIPAiST" ;-v;~-t-! (PACIFIC srsTEii.) Trains Leave and Are Dae to Attire SAN FRA>'CIS<O, ____, ***▼*- — *X"M a ; j^»Bi^_2 A a 7?Sf 7:00 a Benlela, Rnrnsey, 6aci'»monto' — r^T\H ?'•??,* S aywarcl '' N " e> " n<l s » n '«••".« •16:16* 7 :Soa Martinez, San Kamon. Oallstoia! l »"-°* «*n. £' v * rino »'"> Santa Rosa " «:U» S ?SSt ti" a ","", lto • K««l<lin(t, Tla Oarii 7ilJ# 8:00 a becoDdclan for og.lca and Kijt. _.„ »nd Krst-t-ias* locally. 6-4J» B^Oihlle., San Josa, Stockton! ion* . £S'5SJ D ,\<>.M«rysvaie.&rOTUl. ..„ • «0a Lcj Angles Kxprim FresVo."Bv jttrjfl-id.banta liarbaraand Loj ».-00r Sunset Koute. Atlantic ExpreJi," Banta Barbara, Loi aii««i«J Seining, El Paso, Mew l)rie»aj and East... o,n« B*of Ulddle Kouta Atlantic KipresV "'"■ for Mojave and East lIiISa 4:00r Benlela. Ktinrto and Sacramento 10-i6» • flop Woodland and Orovllle 11)^5* • :30r Martinez, -an Kaiuo'i* Stockton a-4J«. 4:cor Vailejo, Callstoga. El Verano ana "* Santa i:osa 9*4Sa. i : , S J? P IIM and Llrermore .'. .7.7,'. »g Iti*. 6:O0i- naj wards. Mies and Sin Jose.... 7:u» ' • Mies and San Jose 18- la- t:uop ok r, ton. central Atlantis 17: oop vSSJ?* Oidn llna Elu: 9:1B 8:001- Snasta ■Ronte"Ei.'i;reH.'"Si"rU memo. MarysvliK. EtdOlaCi l-oitiand. Pu;et Sound and tjn 8:15* ; s.^>TA ch'v'y. i>lvTsn>\-. " 17 :46 a "Sunday Excursion '• Train lv ' Newark. San Joso, 1.09 ■■ i- ■ ; Boulder Creek and Suita Cruj.. tB-aJ» ■ 8:16 a >:ewar»-. Ceiitervllle. s.m Ju 4 j, "••"■" Feltoo, I^uuldcr Cree i am! Siu:» Cruz 3-«)» Cfnterrilie, Saa Jose, Aimadan Feltou, boulder CreeK aud Saa-.* . .. ,. Cr " 2 •ll:«» »MOP Ccntenrlliv. emu .tw, I.os ;,:itus, Saturday and Bandwr to Santa Cruz, Saturday t-J Honlder Creek 9:58» COAST I>IVIS'N-Thlr.l Hi! 1 T.»v.m»-mi I Stl. 7:20 a San Jose, Almaden and Way st i- lions 2:30» J7:sOa Monterey and Santa Cruz Sunday Excursion IS-''s# 8:30 a San Jo>e. (, Ilroy, Tres PinoVJ-'i- Jaro, Santa Cruz, Monterey, I'acilic Grave, Salinas, San Ml,'. uel, Paso Ilob'e* and Santa Margarita (San l.ulsoiiupa)aa 1 - ■ • l'rln'-lp.ll Way stations 6:13f 10:^0.\ San Ju.Hyanl Why stations ... s:iur l'2-.lSr Cemetery, Kenlo Park an.l Way Stations . 4:00* *2:30r Menlo Park, San Jose. Gllroy, l'aj^ro. CaHtrovllle, . Moate.-oy and Pacific Grove only (Del Sloiite Limited) '1I:ISa •S:3of ban Jose, I m Pluos. Santa CnU, Salinas. Monterey, OeUroTa and Principal Way stations "10:01\ •4:'Joi- Meulo Part and Way Stations.... »H:31» 6 :20p Saa Jose and Way Station* 9:l>'it 6:30p Menlo lark and Way Stations ... 6:3 ii t11:46p Menlo Park and Principal Way Stations'. 17:V)r A for Morning " rfor Alternooa, •Bnndajsexcepted. tSaturdiyi lalf. {Sundays only. BAGGAGE fN OTICE. The Pacific Tranafer Company. 110 Sutter street. Ban Francisco, has the sole right to solicit bating* on Incoming trains unit to check at hotels and residences for outgoing trains of this company to avoid the ru«h at the ferries. ; BAN FRANCISCO AND N. P. RAILWAY; "lite Honolulu ISroail-tiaiiics Route." COMMKNTINO SUNDAY. AIT.IL 12. IBM. and until farther noUee boats and tntna will leave from and arrive at th« S«u IfraueUco i".u;iii- ger [».•(,.,:. Mnrket-street Wharf, as tullowi: ™"™ From San Francisco for Point Tlburon . |lc:v,..l?re Bundays 8:00 a. v. 'j:s: a.m.. 11.00 a.mJ i .t) rSi S-»p. n-i:oor. H_a:lsr. «. From San Kataei for San FraneUeo— Week 1 in: C^i'. A. .«.. i :cli A. a, D:3OA.M- 11:4) '.«., I- M . S:4op.Nr, 5:05 p.m. Eaaidan only, an extra rrij 15 (, :i'l .- m Sundays: 8:10 A.M., 0:40 A.M., 1110 \'.\i 1. -4(1 P.M. 3:40 P. HU COUP..M.. *::-."» P. M. ' " From Point Tlburcn for San Francisco- Week ■!!»•: C:fcil a. M.. «:•-■<> A.M.. U:«5 a.m.. li:0 ii-. V, •-' :o.> I. M, «OS i. M.. 6:.'1."» V. M. Saturday- only, 1111 extra trill as 7:(«IP. M. .->ui:ilai»: 8::;,j A.M., 10:03 A. M_ 11:33 a M_ |1:05P.JC.. 4:usl^u.. 5^.1 P.M.,u:^)r.«. Leave I likstina-i Arrl^'o In "" Snn Francisco. I -rmx. I S.m rrinci<(T«r. Week i sin- I i SI'S- i Wkek BATB. I DATS. I I T)AY«. ] 1)AT». 7:4" A. M 18:00 am i Potßlnma I in:4i)A.M "S:.V)A.JC S^iOl-. X! !I:3H». M and I <i:osp.u 10:.l.'-, B0."i p. Ml s^iur.M I St:i Boaa. I 'Mi p. m u:luP \I I | Fulton I | I Windsor, I 7:40 a. m 8 -°° A '" LlttonSM 1 7-25- "i 10:30 1.« BSOp. k S-OOA.M uttonspj <~5 '• « U:lJ^. J (lor rdale I A- WaySU 1 I I I Hoplaud I j 7:40 a. Ml8:00A.MI and 7:23 P. M 0:10.». -c I I kiah. 1 . 7:4 ii A. m |3:oja.m I Guernvlo 17:^ P. « i 10:3il aTv gap F.MI _l I I 0:10 7:40 a. Ml K:»A.U I Sonoma I 10:40 a.v I 8:. .a A. «' D:' 5 P. m I C:OOP.M I Glen l'd i 0:05 I 0:10 p. « 7:40 A.M I8KX) A>l I Bclautop'l I ld:4() «.m HC-30A ■£ gJiiP-M la:00l'.M I [JJ:OS P.M I 8:10 P.M Stugei connect at Santa Kom for Mark We«« Bprinn: at Geyserville tor Skates' Splilun; at CiovenUl' tit the Guyßers; at lloi>:an-i for lli^hliiid Suring*, X >l- vllle, Sodji Hay. l.»kn»ir: and Itartlett Springs as l!ki:ili for Vichy St>riui£B, Saratoza spriuxi. liins Lakes, Uppor L^lce, L..Lci)'jrt, \ViUlt4, Ukbto aleiido- ruin itty, tort linn,., Wi nport, I ■ d, KyaeavUio ani 'EXCUUSION TICKETS, from Saturdays to Miv «»y»-Tu I'etaliuiu, »l ft); to .■wnu K.jsa *2 2 >; ci JI.-alil.-burK-. %SU): to i dale, 14 50: to Hoplai L •,-j 70; to Uuian, »-i 75; tuSelm.Hinpui. * j .■• t . Uuerna^ viile. »3 75; to Sonoma, »l :,', to oteu X: in »1 as. EXCURSION TICKETS, good for Sun.Uyj only-r» I'etnluma, »1; to Santa Bon, II SO; to Ileildi-rirz. *2 25; to Oloverd.iln, IS; t> L'kiah. * t .vi; to lloii'.ini, • 3SO;toSaba-topol. 1 1 SO; to Gneruevllla. %■! ii. it Sonoma, »1; to Glen Ellon. «l il. *,■*■■*„*. J. ■'• c - WIHTINO, General Manajar. PETER J. MOGLYNN. Gen. Pass. & Ticket Ait Ticket oolie) at Ferry, 3S Moutsomory strojc .111 8I«ew ttantgomerj street. SAUSALITO-SAN RAFAEL-BAN QTJENTIH NORTH PA0!FI0" V cdABT RAILROAI TIMK TABLE. Corampnrlnit Suiklht, April ."!, 1891, am until further notice, boats and trains will in aj follows: From SAN FRANCISCO for SAUSALITO. ROSS VALLEY and SAN RAFAEL (weekdays)— 7 :«. 9:30, 11:00 a. m.; 1:15. 8:25, 4:55. 6:10 p. m. (Sundays)— a :00. 10:00, 11:3!) a. v.; 12:39, 1:SO, 2:50. 4:-jo. 5:30. 6:30 p. m. Kitra trips 03 Sundays to BAUSALITO at 11: JO a. m. From SAN KRAH CISCO for MILL VALLEY (wee* days)-7:35, «:30. 11:00 a. m.; 3:25, *:35. 6:l» V. M. (Sundays) -8 9:00. 10:00, 11:00 A. M.: 12:33, 1 :3 O. '.':5 O. 1:20. 6:30 p. a. Ext» trip on BaSUT- days at 1:45 p. m. . ■ From SAN FRANCISCO for FAIRFAX (weei days! -»:30a. M.: l:*s. 4:5.) P. H. (Sundays}— 8:00, »:00, 10:U0, 11:30 a. it.; 12:3J P. M. From SAN RAFAEL for SAN FRANCISCO' («tit <lays)-6:25. 7:15, 9:30. 11:15 a. M. ; 2:0!). 3:3 J. 4:55 p. v. (Sundays)— B:oo. 9:50, 10:55 a. M.: 12:00, M; 1:15. 2:15, :i:oO, 5:00. 6:05, 7:00 p. »r. Extra trip oa baturd&ys a: Bait p. m. Fare, to ceuu. roual trip. from FAIRFAX for SAN FRANCISCO (wast days)-7:3«. 11:1.) a. m.: 1:20 p. ii. (Sundays)— 2:45. a:55, 6:03 P. it. Fare. 50 ceatl ruund trip. Irom" MILL VAI.I.EY Tor SAN FRANCIs"CO (we •* days)— 6:lo. 8:00, 9:40. 1 1:03 a. 11. ; 3:ii, 5:i)J r. m. (Sundays)-8:12, 9:20, 10:10. 11:15 A. M.; 12:25, 1:40, 3:00. 4:10, 6:15. 6:30 P. M. Fare, 50 CeutJ, round trip. From SAtSALITO for SAN FKAXCISCT) (w«et days)— 7:oo, 8:15, 10:05 a. M. : 12:0:., 2:10, 4:0), 6 :30 p. M. (Saudays)-3:45. 9:15, 10:40. 11:10 a. v.; 12: tJ. 1:55, 3:30, 4:35, 6:45. 6:JO. 7:45 p. a. Kltra trip on Saturdays at 7:05 p. v. Fare, 25 cent*, round trip. TllßOliiiH TRAINS. LEAVE ' ARRIVE •AX FRANCISCO. X>ESTIXATIO>J. SAN riUN'-ian Week Days. Weak Days. «••«! a v Camp Taylor. To- «,.,, i-45^i<! J»'onia. Point . I S.*.{?J-!J > • :b&p.u. stations.' • O:JJp. «. "~*~~ Tomales, How- ~~ ards, 1:45 p.m. Mill, Caaddro 12:35 p.*. and May Sta- tlous. Sundays Suuaays, " Camp Taylor. To- ~~* 8-nn a caloiua. Point a. 15.,, .00 a.m. BeyesandWaj 8:1Sr!t Statluni. Tunnies, How- ards, Duncan 8:00 a. v. Mill. Cuadaru 8:15 r. *. aud Way Sla lious. KXCOKSIOH RATES: Thirty-Day Excursion— Round-trip Tic^e:^. t 1 ? «1 fromal] stations, at 25 per ceat reduction frj a (tingle tarltt rate. Friday to tin. lay Excursion— Round-Trip Tlc^ita sold on Fridays, Saturdays an. l Bandar*. 11 return folfowtug Monday: Oamp Taylor, $15); Tocaioma and point Reyei, $1 76: To.ualrs, *ii j; Howards. (3 50: Cuz.i,lert>. *• Oil. Sunday Excursion— Round-Trip Tickets cool o« day sold only: Ca-nu Taylor. (I 25: and Point Reyea, $1 50; Tomilei, ¥2 0>); Haw ards, *2 50: Uuncan Mill and Casa.l -io. »3 UJ. ■ v ■•: -■ STAGE CONNECTIONS. Etaccs leave C.izadero dally (except Mondiys) fat Stewart's Point, i.i..ii,;a. Point Arena, Culsya Cove, Navarro, Uendoelno City, aud all (O'.uts oa the North - *KO. W. COUUtAN, F. B. LATHAM. General Manager, Gen. Pas i. .v i'kt. Aj%, Ggueral orHcej. 21 Smisollie Street. ATLANTIC AND PAGIHC RAILROAD. SANTA 1-.. ILOl'tK. TRAINS T.KAVE AND ARRIVE AT SAN ?.11t- j:I»ao (Market-street Ferry): ££} _ "MAYLISiL^ {AWacvi '3:0.) p..FastExpre»i via Mojave ll:li» BKW a. .Atlantic Express viaLoi Anfeiet.. Jif .*" Ticket umca— Market strest. Chronicle teS.K W. A. lIISSISLU IBK General r*aa»an<ec Kt>l~- OAKLAND OFFICE ....OF THE.... *CALL*; 902 BROADWAY. * Subscriptions and advertissnmti ' received for the San Francisco Daily and Weekly CALL. B. A. COLEMAN, Manager, i -■''•■•'■' 902 Broadway. Weak Men and Women SHOULD USE UAMIANA BITTERS. TUB . Great Mexican - Remedy : gives Health - >il BUeugth to the Sexual vi; .ii. no 7 cod U 3