Newspaper Page Text
. BfilNE^g nrANCKs, I Ultnil QROCIiBY, BRANCH BAKERY AND i?O\l\j. notion stnre: 7 rooms; furnished; clears fr6i month. Apply "W. F. HEALY, 1148 Market. It lIQUOB SALOON: VICINITY KEARNY AND J J Suiter sts. : eleiantlr nunl up: bnslnesi of $70 day. W. F. MEALY, 1148 Market St. It ~~~~~3~~~~~-~ FRUIT AND PRODUCE STORE; FINE 0 — <'"• corner: N. of Market SU: 2 rooms: ousl- uess 0 a day. VI. F. HKALT. 1 14H Market st. It Cfinn CIGAR-STORK; NR.BALDWIN HOTEL. O->'>l'. Mni-ii.-tst. HKALY. 1148 Market st. It TO ShLL OL r YOUR BUSINESS GO^TtTT D~ BARNARD* CO.. 224 Kearny st. it» " PARTNER WANTKD— STATIONERY STORE- J. a very old and popular stind. I. D. BARNARD* • CO.. 2-4 Kearuy it V. It* <3>CJ"O STATIONERY. SCHOOL SUPPLIES. (J 1 -"". candy, branch bakery and news doootTa f.entccl an i very profitable business: 5 choice rooms for family: low runt; 8 years established. 1. P. iiAi:yAKj) .v CO.. 224 Ream) st It* 13LACKSMITH-BHOP— COUNTRY TOWN; VERY J» lar^e trade: 3 «- terms of payment. I. D. BARNARD ... CO.. a 24 lie;..iiiy gt. It* . V|-|;(i IIU IT. PRODUCE~Bi;SINESS: CEN- »J)V»W. tral; making big lnont-y; good horse. Karon: Ilv ins rooms: receipts average MO a day. < ' l.\ .-!;. :n:.'J Market st. If QA '• t~\ GROCERY A D BAB: BARGAIN. C. O. Ci". CULVER. 10.!-: Market St.. near Mason.* <^»>.>f; CORNER OIO AH-HTAN I); SURE BAB. «- — — ". gain. C. 8. CIiLVKH. 1032 Market st.l« (^•'(jii PARTNER: CASH BUSINESS; $150 A '. '!>".'. month. C. O. CULVER, 1032 Market.l* Ql'fl CIOAR-STORE; IF YOU WANT GOOX>- <p ■ •'"• paying place see this. FLETCHER, 1004 Market st . opposite Fifth. It* C; I 'Ji PARTNER. PAYING SALOON: .MUST », li)U. have help to-<lay; pays »76 month to e»ch - rare chance for some one. Call early on I" 11. i CHER A. CO.. 1004 Market, opp. Fifth. It* ,<<]7X BRANCH BAKERY AMI COFFEE 'v 1 I «-'• parlor; doing good business; good rea- lioiis torsMllr.K. FLEICIIEU. 1001 Market St. 4 a* "I HAVE *300 STOCK ON HAND; WANT RE- liable man with to start, grocery or saloon 711 NhtomasL ana 3t» ' ",()i| HOOD rAYINU LADIES' HAIR- ' O\J\J. dresslnB parlors In Oakland; 3 llviua rooms m the rear ; stock and fixtures worth more than asked; ca .d reasons Tor selling. Apply al _4ll j fwelfth St.. Oakland. Cal. ail s ;!,, ' Ql-ji RESTAURANT. 13 SI-EAR ST. '- I • aus 2t» A] IV SIXTH ST.-BOOT AND SHOE STORE 11 *'3 doing good tra i. : cheap. ana 7t* QTOCK OF TEA. COFFEK AND i ROCKERY i~ store, to^etber with all fixtures. Apply oa prem- Iwj. SlO Valencia st. It* fiORN-li UROC£Ri AND BAR: FINE SI OCR >' "m fiitturei; owner leaving city. Apply Cam, Itran.:h : Ifllce. a ,5 4 « "i I ~}\\ PAJtTKER WASTED IN GOOD-PAY- C luU. Ing wortlngmeu's saloon: partner pre- terred to hlr»d help. » Apply 156 First st. it* Kh.STAIr.ANT~ noIN« A GOOD BUSINESS; ciieap. 535 Hayes *-t. It* \V am ;■::>— WILL PAY 12 PER CENT *' Interest; good security. L. s.. Box Call llranchiliace. kU S ; it « C: I ",(| FINE-PAYING CIQAR-STORE; GOOD V1()U. location: must bd sold. Call at oner, 10J2 Howard su. Room 8. anS 3t* Q 1 ~> o l\ COMMERCIAL EXPRESS '. I*" I . transfer 1-uslticss— Partner wanted to act as cashier, keep b(.oks ana attru.l genera. (..tllce wort In an established transfer and pr«ss com- jiany with i....- bu^iaess, working five teams with ail tht-y .an an: owner a Brst-c a--, w:de -awake busint-ss man: finds more than he can attend, witn a business clearing $250 per month and crt.-^vinK rapidly; "ill give louae active man a Uargnin not met mlh In a Ilfetinie; Invf stisatlou and best of reference. GEO. STEWART, J ;.". Kearcy It. It l<|;"|| MEKCAJiTILE AND MAMTAI'IIK- *_ UUv. Ine business: partner wanted: Hue stole m Maritet St.; 11.1-t attend store, keep pain ac- cuuLts. men's time. T.ike orders, collections, etc.: employs 6to 10 hands: has over .100 iv..rt:i of orders on hint; clears 5250 per mouth; tar; stock, material, tools, machinery: Is » remarkably grow- log profitable and solid business, suitable far any Bteatly. «ot>pr. Industrious man. willing to work a:.."i inane himself generally osetnl: lavestltatloa and l-«st of rererences. 880 STKWART. 1 36 Kearny. I ©~~~~7~ STEADY MAN WANTED AS ,AI;T- -- — •'- • ncr; fine saloon: money not so much an o!i|ett as to have a man willing to take au active ■ ■art. Mum»AN. 23* Kearuy st. It* GREAT BARGAIN— SALI "N AMi LoPlilMi- ' * bo .- combined: splenilid location; must be SJid. MORGAN .* CO.. -. <- Rear v -.-. it« v^-jjil PARTS WANTED IN A FIRST- «_ U\J\J. class cash business in this > -.;> -. clearing at least <looperic »nthtoeach partner: estabilsbed 10 years: no nigh: or Sunday work; prop to take a partner In order to extend the business; no l-rciluus experience required; business sure to double Apply K. i. is \ si Kearny st. tf CTIMI hlSI: PAYING SALOON FOR SALE: •_ Uvi . one of ::.e best locatlo ■In the i them r.irt of the city; Is nicely fitted up and Ui iga large :;.:.:-. best or reasons for selling. Apply to X KENNY, 22 K.amy tx. ' tf "s(»nfl BOOKS, STATIONERY, SCHOOL BUP- j^UV'l'. )■;, ,:,-..! renerai store; prominent cor- Wi in the vicinity of tour principal schools, doing a i.;.e trade; large stork; owner is eDfiaged In other itisme.M In a different portion or the city. Apply X. KENNY, _ . Kearny si. tf QjOKft MARKET ST.. side BAH SALOON; • _ .).;'•. beel loi nlon in city: must sell today VUOli A: ct)., gia'.j Market St." It* VII t| I I CIOAR-S1 AM. ONE OF THE ,_ I UUU. est and '..est ilUbe.t in the city: is well wcrth J-^ooo to a gmi.l man: will Invoice over f liiiiu: L.catlou very central. EICHENLAIii 759 Warjcn st. an. tr i<-;-.||U SIEAM LAI-NDKV: FINE LOCA- *- — t>UL'. tion; lo:ig lease: cheap reut; paying I'lialntn. EICHENLA'UH. 759 Maritet st. nut :>t» }"OB SALE— WELL-KNOWN COR. SALOON. NW. '- cor." Battery and Pacific stj».; owner >>).-». wants to st-ll iinincd lately: i. * esl j---. .... ;.- -»<•': Of 1 HOTEL -■ BUSINESS; ACTDALI,Y C*»vui ■ aril a »250 a month: v. in ;r. veto I uyer; location very desirable. Mi!..-. i i hlin Hi CO.. 26 Kearny st. au.. St* 0- I il.iMirl. CORNER GIiOCEKY AND bar: water froir.; g.'od reason lor sellliu. In- rulrel.Ai 1. l'.r-nrn ofiice. au4 3t» "LINE CORNER tiKOCEKY AND BAR, WITH S Uv ing r.>on]S. 4.^0 'irove ot. au4 7t* r-OR SALE— OIWCKKV AND BAR; 3 LIVING A ri-.-:n-. 422 N'atoina st. aul 3t* I -Cx.-D BARBlili-SHOi' FOR SALE. 324 GRANT ' * aven ;ie. au4 3t« Si SALE; (iOOD CHANCE. 17 O V:ii^Ticia st. au4 3t* *<|",(1 BAKERY. KWB STAND. ETC.; 3 •_ I U\J. rooms; rent «15. C.\u. Branch, aul 2t* Qir,|| SALOON. APPLY 870 HOWARD ST. «7~ 1 •>''. near F'lrtli. anl 7: QIIKI SALOON : MUST SKLL; 3 LIVING *jpjL\J\J, rooms: retiring. 626 Stevenson. an 4 3t* "L^INE CLOTHING-STORI COiTntUY: ESTAB- -1 Ilihed 7year»: !.?t loca:lo;i : ch-np lent: brU k luiUtlii.^. Fur particolrfrs ippil 105 M Aillnter. 33* GUAM INTI ,-T IN A WELL-KSTAB- li.«iiel -,; iii.ii.rrv an.l notion store. For rar- tlf ulara a.l.lress Matl--:i»ry. l",ox U7, this ofHce. 3 3* fJOoP PAYING SALOON FOP. .SALE. INQUIRE II MI.L/.KR & CO., 604 Harl St. 111..1 3t» L i::~ I.AS- HOTEL BUSINESS IN NAPA v City. aiRS. MILLER. Central Hotel. Nap.ra2 7" I > BUCERT AND bAR; 3 NICE LIVING ROOMS; '■» rent ►25. 201 Sacramento st. au2 7i« Q->-"\(in LIVERS STABLE Foil SALE AT •-T— •' "'. Sanßarael; otd-establtshed business; roo.i stock ou hand ; genuine bargain. For particu- lars in ;uiro ot JAMES McMULLIN, 714 llout- gomery st. au3 7t* TAILOR TO HIV AN OLD ESTABLISHED mere liant tailoring establishment; best stand In t wii; excellent opening for a good tailor; only suutll amount or money quired: retiring from business. F. M. SCHMIDT. Merer.ant Tailor, Unas Valley. aul 71 /•!:: BARGAIN— GROCERY AND BAR; ON __^££P"'it leaving city. 1 156 Mission st. ]y3l 7t» AAIN-BTOCK. FURNITURE. FIXTURES JV aud good-will of a hardware business for sale. Ini|iilreat3 Spear St. jy3l 7t» X-OK SALE— HOTEL AND BAR; GOOD BUSI- J n.--<. Apply Call illinch Office. jy23 14t* AN\ INFORMATION ABOUT PR KM BONDS -■■V . rea. M. SALOMON J C 0. .831 Market, 19 lm \\ ELL-ESTABLISH ED HOTEL OF 20 ROOMS, " furnished throughtnt with all modern lrn- rrov«-n:tnts and good bar. In liilroy, Santa Clara County: cause of selling, present parties have bceu then -i) years and wish to retire from business: a targ^lii to the right party. For further particulars adurevs Bux 72. oiiriiy. s.i'ita Clara Co. Jy23 1 it» X'OR ..ALK-lIAKIIKK-SIPIP, NEAR SEVENTH X st. ; doing a good haaftaeaa; call at 844 ilroadway and get I such as price; lease of 8 years; re;. son for selling, owner wants to retire from busi- ness. Apply to R. L. BRIO.MES. 814 Broadway Oakland. jy2l tf ' GOOD-PAYING LIVERY-STAItLE FOR SALE In Santa Cruz: $IUUO cash, balance In one year's t:rae, or will exchaiu'C for property. For particu- lars. 4H Eielith It., ctty. jy 1 1 tf A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS— TUE WEEK.LI (■all in wminipr. ri-ridv for mail 1 FUKKITUKE rOB SAI.K. <^->->l SOLID OAK. SEVEN-PIECK BEDROOM '-•'— -••se>. J. noonan, 1017 to 1023 Mission ttrceL au4 lm Foli SALK— FURNISHED flat-, 6 rooms. J Apply 11 Hydest. au37t* TIAND.sOME FL'RNITUUK OK 5-KOOM COT- J 1 tsge : iv use but a short lime ; can be seen daily from 10 to 2. 921 Army st., bet. Dolores and church. aul 6t* CO Si'LKTE5 i'LKTE SET OF 7 PIECES, 913 50, AT • NEWMAN BROS., 117 Sixth St. 1y29 12m HEFORK B U;Y ING PARLOR. BED-ROOM, kitchen furniture, stoves or carpets, see my (tick a- d ret lowest prices in the city; open even- Incs. J. NOUNAN. 1017-102.1 Mission at. ivll tr A(,(.iil) CHANCE— TOUR HOUSE FURNISHED complete with furniture, carpets, stoves, cur- tains, blankets, pictnres and mirrors at cash prices. 1 cl easy Installments; small deposit. M. FRIED- j MAN * Wl.'s. largest Installment house on the (oas:, 228- 230 Stockton, S:<7 Post St.; open even- li;Rs: roinpt attention i.aid to country orders. Is- tf AM'I-CIAL NOTICE— I HAVE REMOVED TO large, new stores, 126 Fourth st.: prices red need to bed rock all round: parlor suits, *25 to »70; "lies. M up; too second-hand carpets: chamber bets, sl6 to s76: cash or Instalimetits shipped '" T. II .NF.LSON. 12t» Fourth St. apltr X'*.\Y IHAMIiER SETS OK 7 PIECES. (15 CASH, J-' ».r InsiailniMit. WILI.KV BROS. !);ll Mission, It I . CAttrKTS. >(in SECOND-HANI) CARPETS FOR SALE •'' " very cheap. J. NOONAN, 1017-1023 Mission '"■><*■ ]837 tf I yHPKIB-BMITU'S BKUSSFILS. etc A YARD; Installment price elsewhere «1 a yd. M.H{IM>- ; MAN a CO.. 218-230 Stockton, and 237 PosL It tr Hill .SSIII.S CARPETS. 60c, LAID: FLOOR- ! JJel-.tus. - '■■■ 8. W.KHIKKK. -:■-..-. ,■-,- - CAIII'KT CI.KANIN<r. pAITpETSCLEANED; LAID. AXExTw. WHEU I IH.N. 2400 (;e»ry St.: Telephone 4093. Jy3 tr CMTV HTEAM CARPET-BEATINU AND RF.NO- Vj vatlng works: dying and cleaning: 24 and It Eighth st. «i. H. STEVENS, proprietor mil 10n» / 'llr-.AI-E-jl AND BEST PLACE TO HAVE YOUR i V* turrets cleaned anil relald. JONES' Perfect i Carpet-cleaalag and Renovating Works, 26 and *7 »ighth at.; teli»|,bona 31 U. mro «m OPAUUHNVB PIUNKBS CAKI-Kr-IiEATINTi O Works do the best work. 353 to 387 Tebaina at.; telephone 3010. . uirl9 tt < Vi'iV, ! ''v^A 1 ""* :) CKvrs A SAaUfc KIT. " 111 I L'S, 230 Fourteenth si. mylStf /MIti'KTS THOROUOHLT CLEANED WITHOUT *""'■""; ™»Uln«c»rpeU a specialty. CONKLIX H«O».. ttss Ooldey Uate aye. : telephone aiaej. li.; I CAKPEIS CLEANED: .1 AND • CENTS PSaV \-> yard. 4»3 SveveEs-iu; Tele. 5223; S.&THATTAN. IOD6INO-HorSM FOB SAI.K. 49010 28 BOOMB, NEAR KEAKNY AND vT-^-VJi'V. Hush: clearing $125 month; great bar- ■alm. W. F. HKALY. 1148 Market st. , It li;',!! BAY-WINDOW 11OUSS 12 ROOMS: jT»»''- clears if »5 month. HKALY, IMS M'kt- It rro FIND GENUINE BARGAINS GO To I. D. ■i- BAKN ABD A CO., 224 Kparny St. lt« <t*9ftft 6-HOO.M HOUSE ON ELLIS ST.: ELB- O^-U'J. gaudy funiHhed. 313Vj. Market st. 1« 1 FIFTH -15 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR .l^rl. sale: cheap; full roomer-*. boo* 7t* MUST SELL: *750:>4 CASH; 13 KOOMS :UATU; 1»1 good furniture: very central; pays over #30 a month. CULVER. H132 Market, near Mason. It* *£!'>">( I LODUINU-HOUBE 12 ROOMS; BENT «]P_>)U. .s-j.^ FLETCHER. 1004 Market. 4 St* I?OK SALE— LOD<t!NG-H~OUSK OF 9 KIH)MS; ' furnlslieu 12 to 4, 419 Broadway. an 3 7t» TV l.v :-i SONNY CORNER HODBE, J-> 18 room*, at a 10-.v price. Inquire GUI Post,JyBBtf X WlNt. .11 .i .i I>ICS. MAI HINKSRENTKII.SOLD, ; RB> I'l pairing done, W. tJLLNEB, 4^2 M.mtg'yaTe. ::.:i ABSKSSMENX NOTICES. BBLCHKB SILVKH MININU COMPANY— LOCA- JL) 11011 of principal place at business, San Fran- I Cisco, California; location of mirks. Gold Hill, Ne- I vad.i. Notice li hereby given t hit at a moetlugot tb« Board or Directors, bald 1111 the 4th day of August, 1881, an n»»essment (No. 42) of Fifty Cents per share was levied upon the capital stock of toe corporation, payable Immediately In United Slates gold coin to the Secretary, at the oßice or the com- , pany. Room 8, 331 Pine street, San Francisco. Auy stuck upon which this assessment shall re- ; main unpaid on the SKVENTH DAY OF SKPTEM- BKK. 1891. wilt be delinquent and advertised for S'.teat public auction, And unless payment is made hctore will be sold on MONDAY, the TWENTY. EIGHTH DAY OFSEPTEiIHKR. IS9I. to pay the delinquent assessment, together witn the costs of utreittsimr and expenses or sale. order the Hoard of Directors. 0. L. PERKINS. Secretary. Office— Boom 8, 331 Pine it, Stock l-xchiuge Bunding, san Franclsao, California. aiio td ASSESSMENT NOTICE — CHALLENGii CON. solldated Mining Company;! cation of prin- cipal place of ness, San Fran clsc.>, Cal : loca- tion or works. Gold Hill. Nev. Notice is hereby i given, that at a meeting of the is nr.l of Directors, held on the 3:st day of Jury, 1891, an assessment (No. 9) of fifty cents per share wug it-vied 11:1011 the capital stock or the corporation, payable linme- diately in United s;:r.ei gold coin. to the Secretary, at the oilice ot the company, 331 Pine St., ilooni 3, Sail Fraucisco. Cal. Auy stock upon which this assessment shall re- main nnpaid on the 2d day or September, IS9I, will be dellnquaat, and advertised lor s>leat pub- lic auction: and unless payment is made before, ! will bo sold on WEDNESDAY, the 2;Sd day uf St 1 t.-mli.-r. 1881. to pay the delinquent assessment together with costs of advertising ana expenses of I sale, By order ol the Board of 1) rectors. ('. L. MCCOY, secretary. OSce, 331 Pine St., Room 3, San Francisco, Cal. .ml td ASSESSMENT NOTICK-KXCHEQUF-R MINING Company; location of prlucipil place or bjs«- ra.,s. San Francisco. Cal.; location of works, Sold Hiil. Storey County, Nov. N\>t.c- Is hen- .,- atven that IX a meet:ng or tin. Hoard or Directors, held on tiie -i.1,1 .i.ij oi J iii v. ic'Di. »v aasassoieat (No. 31) of tweaty-'fiva cents ('.lsc} per share was levied j upon the capita! stock . f tun corporation, payabt* Immediately in United States gold coin, to the Sec- retary, at the olllre of the company. ti.ioin 78, 2^, vada Hlock, HO9 Montgomery st . Son Praaeisea , Cal. Any stock upon which this ass.-t-iiinnt shall , remain unpaid on the 27th day or, 1891, I will be delinquent, ana advertised tor sale at public . aa. tlon, in 1 unless payraeat Is nada betvre, win be sold on THURSDAY, the 17:h day or September, ] 1881. to p.\y the deltnqtieas assessment together with costs of advertising; and expenses or sale. 15v order or the Hoard of Directors. (HAS. B. ELLIOT. Secretary. Offloo— 79. Nevada liiock, SOU Mouuo.nery It.. San Francis o. Cal. [jg* t.i votim of assessmf:nt— civil code or -»■' California— Qonld and Curry Sliver Mining Company, ..ll .n of principal place of business Pan Francisco, Cal.: location of work». Virginia. Story County, Nev.: notice is hereby given that at a meeting of trie Bourn of Directors held on the 22.1 or July. 1631. an assessment (No. 67) of SO j cents p«r Bh»ro was levied up >n th« capital stock or the corporation, payalie Immediately In United ■ States gold coin, to the Secretary, at 'the omee of li. • romp.ny, Boom 99. Nevada block, 8M Mont- gomery st.. San Francisco. CaL; any stock upon which this assessment shall remain unpaid ou the 25th Bay of August. 1891, will be delinquent, ann advertised for sale at publle auction; and unless paymml Is made before, will ba sold on Ihursdiy the 17tb di;} of September. 1891, to par the delln- assessment, toaether with the costs or adver- tising and ex;'eu a e«oi sa:e. By order or the Board or Directors. ALFRED K. DIIIUROW. Secretary. Office— Rcom €9, Nevada Block, 309 Mu.-lzumen St., San Francisco. Cal. IV.'3 td ASSESSMENT NOTICE- POTOSI MINING COM- pauy: loci. ion of principal place of business. Sau Francisco, CaL; location of works. Virginia. Storey County. Not. Nonce is hereby given that at a b««liij of the Board of Directors, held on the 31st day or July. 1.591. an assessment (No. 3*5) of j City cents (50c i per share wu levied upon the capi- • tal stock of the corporation, parable linuisdlatMy in , United States gold coin to the Secretary, at the of- ] fice of company. Room 7». Nevada Bloci, 309 | >*ontgom«ry s:.. Sin FraacUco, OaL Auy stock i upon which this assessment t.ui:i reiua:n unpaid on i the 25th day of August. 1831. will be delinquent ) ami a.ive.tned for sue at pubic auction; and un- | less payment Is made before, will be sold o:i TUKS- DaY, tne Is;h i:ay or September, 1891, to pay the I delluqnenl ass si eot, together with costs of ad- Tertisiiic and expenses of sale. By ora?r or the Board of Directors. i; E. ELLIOT. Secretary. Ofaee— Room 79, Nevada Block, 303 Montgomery St. Sin Ira CiSCO Cal. Jy22 t-1 A SBEBSMKNT NOT PACIFIC LUM- her Company: location of mills. Scotia, llum- Deldt County. California. Notice Is hereby j?iv«n that at a meetine of th* Directors h«ld on toe 30th cay nt June. IS9I, an assessment (No. 10) of $10 per share was levied upon the capital stock of the corporation, parable immediately In Unit-d States goht coin to the Secretary of this company, at the office of the company. Any stock upon which this assessment shall re. main u-:pn.i on the 7th day or August, JS9I. will he delinquent nril advon l for sale at public sne- t.o-i. and n..l»j payment la innde b'fore. will b» sold en the 6th. nay of September, 189] to pity th« delinquent a.,.'-s..i;e .t. together wita too costs of advertising and exp<-n«ei of Bale. HE'iRUV. P. PARKER. Secretary. _ ? _ ! l la -?Li - * i " Kranelsco, California. Jy2 la T^OTlcn OF ASSESSMENT (OIvTl CODE OF i.» Oallfoxalav— Bullion Mining Company ; loeattee or pilnciiiai placo of i.-.i.i.iess Saa Fmielsco. Call- tornia; location or works Storcr County, Nev- ada. Notice Is hereby ulven that at a meeting el the Beard or D. rectors. he!d on the 4 '.:ti day 0/ July. 1891. an assessment (No. 3o) of 50 cents pei ti;aro wan levied noon the capital stock 14 lha corporation. payable Immediately In Uiiite-t States cold coin to the .Secretary, at the o:K.-e or the com- pany. Ro! m 20. No. 831 Pine St.. ban Francisco California. A. iv stock upon which this assessment 3>-all remain nnpaid on the 20th day of August, 1891. win be delinquent and advertised for at public auc- tion, and nnless payment Is made before, wiil be sold ou Tuesday, the «th day of September. 1891. 11 pay the delinquent adsessmeiit. tozetusr wim the costs of advertising and expends or sale. By order of tbe Board or Director*. B. R. BBAYBON. Secretary. oraee: Room 20, 3il Pine St., San Francisco, California. Jyl7 td ASSESSMENT NOTICE— THB SAVAGE JIIMNO Company: location of principal placo of busi- ness sau Francisco, California: loi at;on or worts Mrjiula Mm District, Htorey County. State of Nevada. Nouee is hereby glvea that at a mr.rtinz of the Board of Trustee*, held ou tuo Hit :i day of July. 1891. an asw^amonc (No. 7B> of 50 cents per share was levied upou the capital stock of the cor pi.ratlon, payable laimr-dlaloly In United stale* gold coin, to the Secretary, at the oilice or the com- pany. Boom 4, Nevada Block, No. JUS) Montgomery si., San Fr*r.olsco, California. Anystoc* upon which IIIH assessment shall re- main unpaid on th) 18lh day of August, I^'*l. will be rieiluquent. and advertised for sale at public auction: and unless payment is made before will be sold on Monday, th« 7'.b day or September, 1991, to lay tbe dellmiueut assessment together with cost or adverlisinz and expenses or sale. E. B. HOLMES. Secietary. Office: Room 1, Nevada Block. 309 Montcomery St., San Franclico. Oiltorula. Jyi7 id CROIKSHANK 6OLD MIMNO COMPANY \J —Location of principal place, of business, San Francisco. Cal. ; location of w. rki. Los l.tirroi district. Mourner Ceaaty, CaL— Notice Is hereby given that at a meeting or the Directors hell on the 7th any of July. 1891, an as*«Minent (No. 2) of S cents per share was levied upou the capital stock of the corporation, payable liinn»di il-i.- 1:1 United States gold coin, to the secretary. Nt th» orflce of the company. Hooui «, 211 san.oino street. Sao Francisco. Cal. Any stock upon which this assessment shall re- main unpaid on the 17lb day o! Anjtuit. ism, will be delinquent, and advertised Tor sale at public auction: and uqio-:. payment is made before will be sold on Monday, the 7th day of Septomber, 1891 to pay tbe delinquent uittsiiuent, together with costs or advertising andoxpemes of k*|c. ERNEST J. KOCH. Secretary, Oface— 6, 311 Sauiume St.. San Francisco ? s^L___ ; jjia 33t - ASSESSMENT NOTICE-CHOLLAR MINING Company. Location or principal ;..;i.-.: or busi- ness. Man Francisco, California: location of works, Virginia, Storey County, Nevada. Notice la hereby glveu mat at a meeting of the Board or Directors held on the'i day or July. 1831, a:i asiess- ment (No. 30) of fifty cent* (5Jc) per «hare was levied upon th« capital stock of the corporation, payable immediately In Called States gold com, to the Secrotary, at tliao.Tit.-o of ttie company, boom 79. .Nevada Bloct. NO. 308 Kontcoinery street. Francisco, California. Any stock upou wiilcs t Is asiessi,:eul shall remain unpaid 0.1 me eighteenth nay of auju«. 1«M. will be delinquent, and adver- tised for sale at public auction: ami unless li made before, will b» sold ou Tusiday, tha .-1 'htri day or Sep:eniuer. 1M')1. to piy the delinquent at- •ess'nent, to'.'etuer wl'ft coita of advertising and expellees or iae. By «r-l»r or tai Board or Direct- ora. CiIAS. K. KLLlOt T.pwretary. O.Bre—Rooin 79 Nevada Bleak, No. 30J M nt;omcry street. Sin Francisco, California. Jylstd JUSTICE MISIN'O COMPANY— OK principal puc« or business. saa PrajMisee, Cal.- locmloo or works. Gold lllli Mblluz District. storey County. Nev. Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of tb» Board of Directors, bald on the eleventh (1 1 Hi) .1 iy ot July, 1831, an ;i*He*-*iiiem (No. 43/ or inenly- Bye ceuu per share was levi-d upon th-i i-.initu stacc of the corparatles, payable linmeJliteiy la United Si^te. goiil coin 10 tua Secretary, at t.-)» of- nee or the company, Hooln », Hay ward* Lulllllug 419 California st., ban I- Csl. Any stock upon which assessment shall re- main unpaid on tbe fifteenth (IStli) day of A.i.'tist, i 1831, will be dalliniunnt. and advertised for sale at I publio auction: and mil. payment Is made before, will be sold SB FRIDAY, tin fourth ( Ith) day of Seutomb.>r. 1881, to pay tbe delinquent ,i>s.-. ,m,--it together with costs of atverllitng aim expenses of •ale. By crder of the Hoard of Directors. „"„-'■. E- K. KtLJ.Y. Secretary. Offlce— Room 3. Mas-ward's LTiuTlng. «1» Califor- st.. fan Francisco, Oal. ]yl4td TVJOTiCR OF ABBK.BSMENT ( CIVIL CODE OF 1' California)— Crown Polnt-Uold and silver Min- ing Company, location or principal place or huji- neas. Mi 1 liii'illi-o, Cr.l. ; lorr.tlon or worn. Gold Hill. Storey County, State ol Nevada— Notice Is i.e.r»- by given, thai at a meeting of tha Heard of Direct- ors, held "ii lii- Ota Day of July, IH9i.a» assess- ment. Ho. 56, of fifty (iO) eeats p-r ibug was levied npou the capital atoeic of the corporation, payable lmuie<l>ately la United st.-itns gold coin, to tlie Sec- retary, at Uie olUce of tin- company, Kooin 3, 331 Finest. (San Francisco Stock 1.1-hlujo Hull. line) Cm fmii'.-laco, Oil. Any stock api<u which this \ assessment shall remain unpaid on the 13tn day oc August. 1891. will bo delinquent, and advertised* forsaleat I'.ilc auction; ami uulsss payment is made iii-rore, will be sold on Thursday, the 3d day of September. pay t.ic delinquent asunv meat, tosetfcer '.!'... th» cut of advert. and ex* penses of tale. By order of tljo Board of Directors. JAMES KKWI.AMJS, Beexatary. Office— Room 3. 831 Mac st. (Sau sTratteWea St. ek KxciiaDgo ;':ii..;in ,i, San Francisco, Cal. jyiO td ~~~"BSMGNT~NI>TIC£— BMITJI MINING COM- J\ pany; >or>t|nn or principal place or business, San kranebjeo. Cal.: Iccatlon of worm, VTeit Point Mluirg District, CaUveras Uounty. Cn'.— Notice Is rieroby given that at a meeting 0/ the Board of Di- rectors, held on tbeS7tta day of June, 1181 n as •essmeut (No. 5) of alglitceuls per share was levied upon tun capital stock of the corporation, payable immediately In United fttatrs (old coin to the Sec- retary at the orneeor the company, No. iflO'Varrell St., Sau Francisco, Cal. Any stock upon which this asseuintutithaii remain ur|i»iu on tne 14Ui day of August, 1891, will be delinquent mid advertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment Is made before will tie sold on Friday, tbe 18th day of • September. lMttl, to pay the delinquent aisesitneof, together with costs of advertising and expense! uf sale. By order of the If.. a rd of Directors „_ - ,- SL HAS - E. "WIviHIJt, Hocrctary, I Offlce- No. 19 O'Parre.l St., San Pranclsco, CaL 6M ! THE MORNING CALL. SAN FRANCISCO. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 5, 1891-EIGHT PAGES. j CITY KSTATE. 'FARRELL *~LAXU. REAL, ESTATE AGENTS, Auctioneers and House Brokers. Full charge taken of property. Members or the San Francisco Real Estate Excllange. 11 Montgomery street. RANK DIVIDENDS HAVE IIEEN DECLARED • ' averaging (U per cent per annum; examine the following list ol investment properties, yielding at least 4 times the Interest of savings banks and I aying for themselves In 5. 7 and 8 years. MARKET ST.. WITH 75 FT. FRONTAGE; NEW ™ Improvements; p.iy'.ni about 6 per cent.: Digit be sold by August loth: the owuer lias authorised us to sell at our appraisement. Call at once and pet rail particulars, O'FARRELL « LAND. 11 Montgomery st. aus 3t REDUCED FROM »i>ooo TO *4000: MUST BE suld by August lOUi: on largo street; distant 140 ft. from Market *t. : pays 8 per cent on invest- ment. For parfculara apply O"FAREELL A- LANU, II Montgomery st. . - -. auft :^t MUST BIS SOLD THIS WEEK— YOI'K I KICri IS ours, it it is anywhere near Its Intrinsic value; new residence, having just been completed, con- taining salon 1141.-IV dlnlng-uall, butler's pantry, tour sunny and capacious chambers, bath-room; house heated with turna.-e; front entrance door of oak; In fact a complete Eastlake residence; on the sunny side of the street: convenient to California St. system of cars: can have 35 feet frontage or 60 feet, as desired. For further partlcnl rs apply to <|'. C -Aiti;hi.i.,v i.a\i;, .1 Montgomery st. QtOVOfi AN OFFER WANTED— I7TH ST.. '- — •— vu. near Sanchez; positively one of the nicest building lots In the Mission: street work done; all ready fur buildlug purposes: if yon are looking fora building site don't fill to took at this before purchasing anything else. Fur further par- ticulars apply to O'FAUKELL it LANG, 11 Mont- gomery St. © 7 r-.l\(\ LOTTST.. NEAR FELL: 75X106:3; 3 liT I V\J\.'. choice building hits ;6 mo.leru and pret- ty residences now In course of construction directly opposite and ad jar-cut to the above lots; Lott street has an entrance to the Uolden Gate Park: street work complete and ready for building. For further particulars apply to o'r'AKKrXL & LANU, 11 Mcutajemery si. »<|'',|Wj I'AUK AND CLAYTON; LARGE SK. i?Ut>VJ\>. corner 37 :8ilia:e; tills is the transfer corner of the electric railroad, now i-einj built; the tracks are tall via Pago and Clayton sts., turning directly by this corner; tali is worthy of your In- v<-«tlfotlnn. For lurtbnr particulars apply to OVFAI-. i;; .l.i. ,v LANU. 11 Montgomery St. 4E "7(II I POSITIVELY THE CHEAPEST <PtJ|\'U. residence In the city of Nan Fran- cisco; 2-story frame house, 9 rooms, bath, laundry, all modern Improvements, on l'.rodeiirk st; 10' 25x110; a good resldeuceora good Investment* as It would rent lor *45 per month: this is a '-pick- up"; don't fall to investigate. For further par- ticulars apply to O'FAKI'.ELL « LANG, 11 Mont- Romnry st. < ~\^f"l00 THE BEST BUILT FLATS IN THIS *3)U*J\J\J • Mission: pays over 9 per cent; consist 01 (5 and 7 rooms and bath each: total Income $78 per month: lot 2»xl50; located on No* St., nr. ll:h; they will bear a thorough Investigation., as tueyare remarkably well buIlL For further par- ticuars apply to O'FAKRICLL « LANG. 11 Munt- fom.-ry st. ClO/j (U\ A mac.mi.m; KEUIDENCE, NICELY t.i\.i\i\j. located on the sunny sldo of Scott st., cnvenienr to Hatfat-st. car-line: contains salon parlors, dining-room, kitchen, four bed-rouinj, fin- ished attic baaeme»t with laundry and servautd' room: targe lot. 25x112: any one seeking a home should not purchase b-loro looking at tills. For further particulars apply to or ai:ri;i,L a LANU, 11 joinery st. 7(101 I 3 FIATS] PAYS OVER ll Pliß CENT; '_ IWI'. nicely located on st., near shot- well; rive runin> a-: I bath each; total Income *o4 40 Pel month; lot 28\6'J: building new, liiivihg lust I'ppu completed. For furth-r particulars apply to O'FARRELL A LANU, 11 Montgomery ac - "ift.^nnd LAtiUNA ST.: PAYS OVER 8 PER \J\f\j. cent: new oulldlng of 3 Hats. 5 and « rooms and bath each an-! all modern Improvements; convenient to the Itornla-at. and Jones and OFarrell st». lines: 10t 26x137:6. For runner par- ' iculars Apply to O'FARBELL * LANG. 1 1 Moufgy. '- \')'\C\ PAYS OVER in PKR CENT; PAYS '.• "- 1 — O\J. $40 per mouth: good investment; Im- provements coosui or a store end 2 ll:its above, and house of 4 rooms: close to 7tb St.. bet. K'>l«om and Harrison: lot Sax A3. For further pirtr-uiin apply to (i r.utiii.Ll. ,v LAND, 11 Montgomery st. *s ~r~l 0 0 PAYS "OVER 10 I PER I CENT; lIN- '-'"''''• come $576 per anna : double houses 01 6 rooms each, all in Al older, having Just bee.:, l-am-red throughout; lot tfUXtMJ: on one ul tlie lini blocks of Perry st., n-ar Fourth: this will bear Investliratl in. For further particulars apply to O'FAHKF.I.I. .v LANU. 11 Montgomery st. Q-"l7~>fl HAYS OVEB 13 PER t ; PAYS •_•'••'"• yt>o per month: located near 4th St.; store and three rooms and two Hats above: prop- erty steadily rented ; sizh .1 lot •Jd.v-jO. For fur- ther partlcnl irs, apply to Or AltlthLL i Lano, II Mo.itgomery st. S; \\l I A PAYS OVER 7 I'KR CENT; 15TII tfi'utll, M.. N. side. nr. Marke.t:2 Bats of 5 and U rooms and bath each: hard finished; total rout • IS per month; lot 25 x 115: the owner of the above property has lett the city and it positively r.ust l>e sold: a reasonable offer will be entertained. For further particulars apply to O'FAI'.REI.L i LANU, 11 Montgomery st. '<& '4 100 ELKUAST I modern COTTAGE; •p'>l.\l\J. bay-window front, double parlors, dining-room, kltche-i. bod-room and bath-room; bric-a-brac top mantels; high basement ; can be bought on terms to suit purchaser; a olden oppor- tunity lor the man or small means to sacur ■ hi- own home; 25th st., near Noe: lake Ca*tru-sL cars, got out at 25th at., walk 1 block east; first come, lirst served: only 2 left; loos: at this at >i ice ; man on the premises all day Sunday. lor further particulars apply to O'FARKELL .V LANG. 11 Montgomery st. ■i I ~»frO ' *-' " - A BARGAIN; 2 LOTS ON ASH- C 1 OW\t l.ury Heights; street work comi.iete; ready for inn id n ; cam sidewalk laid; the Mar- ket-st. cable system la nowlaylog Its tracks for a cable road within 100 feet of this property and the proposed Joost electric roa 1 will pass the property: pick this up: must tie sold n a few days. Apply "to i' . ARRELL .v LANG. 11 Montgomery St. suwe .: TKAI.T OF 11 CHOICE LOTS IN RICHMOND 1 very cheap: fronting on 21st and 2icl mi.., 200 feet south from Lake; well located aud slghtly.wtth a lovely mar. ne view; really the choicest lota In Richmond: I«»l;e Is being graded and macadamized ami sewered trom First avi-. ; cable road bow being built on Sacramento: l,:ik« Is the extension of Sac- ramento, and It looks as it the cable r-jad will eer- taluly be extended out: 4 or these lets cost $^.m each this year ; aiwtrict or title In book form to date; price only «7UOO--only about *B:tS per lot: a year from now these iota will be che»p at H: 00 each; this is a live parebase; easy terms of par- men Apply tow. J. lii'NV, 410 Montgomery st.ans If 'rilK OREATEST DARQALN Is RICHMOND OR 1 In the entire city: (j choice lots on K. lino or 18th aye.. bet. Point Looos aye. and Clement St.. near Clement: elevated and commanding: they are the choicest les. deuce lots i;. Richmond; the ma- rine view Is grand : Improvements being made In all directions: sewers golnz in, residence* being erected; these lots cost $-00 each this year; price for all only 93900— just »050 per lot: bank will lend *■»»■» on each lot: or will sell In single lots only *U5O each: within a year, with all the Im- provements going on, these lots will be cheap at »12S0. _ Apply to W. .1. CUNN. 410 Montgomery St. au» tt ONLY »9SO: L.TH a\ :-.. W. BIDE, 150 FT. S. OF Point Lobos; 25x120: graded; street graded and macadamized; sidewalk; sewer; assessments paid. Only S2lOO-W. side of nth avo.. bet. Clement and California sts.: 50x120; 2 Snelots: grand view; all street work <love; lots graded. Apply to W. J. (iUNN. 410 Montgomery St. aus tr LUROTUWELL * CO., 318 MONTGOMERY • street. sill r.(\(\ EACH 25x105 ON oottsb st., NEAR t-p.IUUW. Union and Filbert; Slots. (JSX.On 37:6x100: SE. COR. FILBERT AND (^)OiJ\J\J. Uoughsts. COnnrv 30xlO5:«: NE. COR. FILBERT AND IJduUU, Uoughsts. These lots are very cheap and mint be sold at once. Can and see us ror further particulars. Also large list of choice investments. L. <iI;i>TIi WELL A- CO.. 318 Montgomery at. aus WeFrSu tf Gjl Oft ft WIL~~~BUY~LOTa 135. I.!». 140. 183. •!? ' 'J\r\J Block 22, Falrmoiint Tract; 3Oir'O each. 1250— 150x100: corner In Block 68, Excelsior Homestead Association. •.550-loOxlvO: lot 3, Block 165, University Homestead Assorlatlon, ■f 1700-2U0x125; lot 3, Block 0, Railroad Home- stead Association. f930-200zlOi>: NW. cor. Core* and Monongahela Its., South Sun Francisco. 25x!14; south side Valley st.. ur. Douglass between Twenty-eighth and Twenty-ninth. C C FISHER, 568 California at. it» •RV-WlO HOUSE AND LOT; MEACHAM PL, '£!£.>J\J\J. off Post st., near Hyde; must be hold account owner leaving Mate. For particulars ap- ply 1-231 Market St. . ails 7t* I O"\O STYLISH NEW 2-STOKV, 5 ROOMS- «J! 1 •'t*\l. Berkeley; terms easy. Building lot: Central avr.,near Bush st. Call or address DOUGLASS, 2809 Geary st san Francisco. iIU S 7i» JOHN FFORB, IT2B MONTGOMERY ST Or~F Safe Deposit. + j.'iull .t:.ry »t., the only street running straight out Into Point L.ilios aye. and to the Cliff House- bound to be a business street: a 2-story bay-window house, 6 rooms, uud lot 22XH2-6. •.300U— Lot BOxHa: Clay St.. bet. Jones aud Leav- enwortb; hue view: very good buy. *500— 25x110 feet near Mission St. and Sil- ver ive. * -50— Lots near Mission road and Sliver aye In Excelsior Tract. ?18,50J— Fine corner on Eddy: 2-story liay-win- riow. store an.i 3 separata flats; lot 37:6x87:8; rent $6300— Fine corner home and lot on Powell St.; saloon In-low and lodgings upstairs. *15, 500— Howard St.. bet. 3d and 4th: 3-story house; 2 stores, and 13 lar/e rooms upstairs; lot 30x80: rent *xj. ■>'.:") -Lot 63x400, cor. Dolores and Dorland sts. : very cheap. $7000— st., near Mason; 2-story. 10 roomj; SUsoo— San Jose aye.. near 26th st: lino 3-story bav-wliidow house, and lot; 1:4 rooms and bath- lot 25x125. or * . (I. with lot 75x125.' $10.000— P.ent if*i 50: fine corner on Webster St.- ■tore and dwellings; 27xl'J0. ' ?35. 000— Valencia St., near 16th; 75x85, with Improvement*: always rented. W. ooo— .Magnificent property ou Mission St., near ("ih : 2 hny-wliidow houses; 9 rooms and bath each- li'tuOnH'i; always renreu. •24.000— C0r. (ieary and Williams Ms., bet. Taylor .lint .liities; lino 4-story bay-window home; restau- rant below and 27 rooms on tho upper floor; rent 000— Clay St., near East; fine 2-story brick house and lot 23x115, to Merchant :sioro and sail-loft; rent (100. *8000— tlaignt St., sunny side, near Hater; new mo'lorn lay-wtndovr house. 8 rooms and bath: lot 25x137:6 reec. ]y2B SuVtetl (Si r, A— aSO-*sO— *so— »so— S5O «JpOU GOLDEN OA IE PARK LOTS. S. ,1. SHELPEK, 320 Sansome street. Room 59. 53t *1 LARGE LOTS. NX. LICK OLD LADIES 1 HOIS .£3160 each. CHAPIN, la Montgomery. aus M* ©QOKfl WORTH iflO.HOO: UOLDEN GATE *3>Q£,O\J. nve. (No. 1057): lot 27:8x120: neitlo c. m-r of Buchanan at.: business location and equal to a corner. For sale by M. B. LEVY, 432 Caliror- nla, near Montgomery. aus tit £3500 OB H «8000-SACRAMENTO ST. «JT«»c»VU. (No. 1329), cor. or Golden court, bet. Jones and Li- a von worth: lot '22:6x87:6, and house or » rooms, bath, etc. For sale by M. B. LEVY. 432 California st. AU S at $ 1 200 ? K )M COTTAGE IN BERKELEY . <JPI.£UI/. 4 minutes' walk to station: #12 mouth 4-rooin cottage: *50 cash: «20 month ' »187 SO each -10 lots, Lorin; »9 month 3400 and up-In McKee Tract. Hand for" maps. CALDWELL BROS.. 12 Montgomery st. my-26 tt "Hi fU) , Ai;H - 4 LOT B SOUTH OF PARK. NEAR •mj-UV/ electric rtiad; must be sold at once. M. 1 . CRAM. 828 Market st. au4 tt ©I A MONTHLY PAYS WE A HOMEINSAU. 3p JIU sailto. t)2B Market. au4 tf I 1 1 4X10"7:H, WITH IMPROVEMENTS: SW. JEn- ! Hi sey and Diamond ata, luq.uire promises. 10» CITY BKAI. ESTATE. , ' -'• THE ARK A L L,- -i. HOPKINSCO.. • 624 Market St.. San Francisco. Members of the San Francisco Real Estate Ex- change. ■ - ; C'OAA AND UPWARD— FOLLOWING (JliiUU Hems embrace only a few of our bar- mis. Call and examine our extensive list. IMPROVED. (S'^fiAA CHEAPEST HOME IN WESTERN <aP*J\J\J\J. Addition: 2-story bouse; 0 rooms; in good condition; must bo sold. ALL-HOP- -IUNSCO. (fc^CAA RENTS $570 a YEAR. ABOUT 8 «jr«.JOV/v/. per cent; 2 new flats on the W. side ot Lyon 5t., near Sutter; 5 and 8 rooms and bath; all modern improvements: electric bells, etc. CAR- NALL-HOPKINSCO. - OjO^AA LOUISA ST.. BET. 3D AND 4TH, i&OOUYJ. FoUoin and Harrison; 2 nice flats, renting for 930 a month. CARN ALL-HOPKINS CO. BUYERS LOOKING FOB INVESTMENTS IN flats in any part of the city will rlii.l it to their advantage to give us an early call, as we have sains of the choicest propositions now on the market. TBJC CAKNALL-HOPKINS CO., 821 Market St., San Franc ■ UNIMPROVED. ■■■ CiQQrifi FOLSOM ST.. NEAR S4TII; LOT 25x QOOUW. 87:6. CAKNALL-HOPKI.NSCO. fIfOAA EACH— 4 LOTS ON N. SIDE THRIFT ST., jffiOWU ocean View; lots 25x100. CARNALI/- HOPKIN'S CO. QEVER.AL OUTSIDE LAND BLOCKS FOR SALE 0 at a bargain. CAKNALL-HOPKINS CO. f>OO~ EACH— LOTS S. OF PARK; 1 BLOCK «P_.^ii) from the new railroad. CARNALL-HOP- X IN SCO. qt "1 Ql JA EACH-2 LOTS, 25x114, ON niLL ST., »!)IOUV near Sanchez. ALL -HOPKINS CO. <£'}QfWi LOT 27:61137:«. ON PAGE ST.. C'JO'-'". near Scott. CAKNALL-HOPKINS CO. *'>ll<Wl Nli '-OK. OK 26 rH AYE. AND B «J — IJ\J\J. St. ; easy terms: lot 75x125. CAB- NAI.L-HOPKINS i CO. >> I AM Bach— bead lots IN THE CITY tip 1 ' '{' Extension Homestead, on line of Baden Electric Railroad, no - .v being llnl-.he.l; 910 down, balance lv inouthly Installment!! a: *5 cacti, witn- out interest. CARNALI.-HOI'KINS <;.'. i>ll,li| EACH-4 LOTS, ii\liO EACH; E. SIDE «3»/UU am aye., bet. .1 an. l X >».; lan graledt streets graded and utacadauiUud. ALL-HOP- K I :■> s Co. CjrflUJ 33:4X100: D* HABO ST.. NEAR SO- jgiUUl'. nonia. CAHNALL-HOPKINS CO. ]"- A KEY I — CHOICEST BLOCKS IN THIS J beautiful suburb; kingle lots for sale on easy monthly inslallnleiits. C ARN ALL-HuPKINS CO. HOUSK OF 4 FLATS ON CLAKA ST., LEI. 4 1 11 and sth; can tie ti^u^ht cheap. CAKNALL- HOPKINS CO. 1 IT- FOR SALE IN THE FLINT TRACT, OAK- -1 j land Heights, having a iieaiuiful view of the sur- rounding country; a line locality for a lovely home : only 2 blocks I'rom the cable road and 10 minutes* ride from the loi-al train: terms to suit all; full par- ticulars may be had at our oillce. THE CARNALL- HuPKI.NS CO.. 654 Murker st.. San Francisco. »ua Bo We tf BOVEE, TOY .v ( ■■.. KEAL ESTATE AGENTS AND AUCTIONEERS, 19 UO.sTOoMhKY ST. r.ents collected and lull charge taken or property. Under Lick House. Members of the Sa:i l-raucl.sco Real Estate Exchange. C|;."fl(| Moss ST., SEAR FOLSOM AND <i?yji)\J\J. 7ii,; 3 data of 4 and Brooms; separata entrances: always occupied: lot 89x80. lloVtlc, TOY ,V CO. 4i;/jOr,A NATO.)} A ST., Nil. ?TB: HOUSE IN OU— ''". -I tciiciilcuis; baths, gas; brlc« f..uu- ilatlon: rents $02 50 per mouth ; lof'iSx76. UOV£E. TOY A CO. Sj r. f|f)H MINNA ST., BET. 3D AND 4TH-. JiptlWv/. 3-story rind basement house of 12 rooms: In tenements: rents $42 per month; lot •ax 76. BOVIjE, TOY A CO. (g('nAAIJE3BEiBT; BET. ftTH AND 6TH; V""l'"- front and rear house; in 4 tcueuieuts; rents 916j>er mouth. BOVEE, toY a 00. 0 17r.1l HAP.HISON ST.. BET. 10 .\T AND «J) t: I OV. llrh: 2 flats of I rooms each : rents $'-'Bper month; lot2sxlort; always rented. 110 VHE. 'nil .v C>. * tit "-l'> r »0 MINN A-ST. COP.VEX, BET. 7TU AND xlT''— iw, Bin; store with living rooms and >.|- -joining tenement property: substantial bu!idiu,,-s In liisi-c iis^ repair: rents 983 50 per muiitu; ■plendU locattoa. BOVEK, TOY ■* CO. C; 1 1 A 1 1 . sW - CO K. SIERRA AND VEKMONT *& UV.'U\'. sts.; store and 2 rooms: upper pal : 4 rooms, and roar hou,e; rents 910 per uvj:it!i : lot 33:81100. BOVEE, TO if « CO. < sV >^flfl ""HAP HOUSE; COTTAGE HOUSE '. — «->"". of 3 rooms: Wood St., near Point l-uhosave,: lot2si!4<:J. liovtii, TOY ,* CO. Q^^lHl I.YOS ST.. WITHIN 1,4, BLOCK OF t?u*Ji>\J. (ieary-'.t. cable: almost new bay-win- dow cottase honse of 5 lar/e rooms and b^tri ; brick ronndatlon: basement, yard, ets.; lot 23x100. BOVEK, TOY .v Co. si 7 7.'n HOWARD ST.. NEAR 13TU; FRONT «gl • I fix', and rear house or 4 rooms oa'-.h; rents nominal; extra largo lot, 20x142. BOVEK, TOY * CO. *: r t r, A A SHOTWErL ST., NEAR 24TH AMD CSOOVVJ. cald?llnc: «oxr.'2:B. and CO*? cottar of rooms and uath: stable aud beautiful ur.'irjds. HQVBE,T<iY ,v 10. airJ 2r SnWe i'J-lIHI '-'-STORY HOUSE, 7 ROOMS AND ijT.>_\7U. bath: Midway St., K. side, bet. Wan- -1 kico and Bay; large lor. 23:7x111:3. W. j. Mf»i;. CAN .'. CO., 512 Cal. at., mem. S. F. Real Estate Ex. Q"->7 r »0, PACIFIC. BET. LEAVEN WORTH V — iU\J. and Hyde su.: house, » rooms and bath: street accepted, etc. W. L MORGAN * CO, 51'J I'al. at., mem, of S. K. Real Estate Bx, ■< 1,1 ('(il) NW. COR. 4TH AND FKEEI.ON <T < t.''UU. sts.-, large 10..30180 rt., with stores and tilts: total rants SBX W. 1. xiiiiuan * CO 612 Cat St., mem. 01 >. F. Real i.>. , CAIT.AMF.MO SI 1 ., N. SIDE, BET. L.IOUNA ■ ' « iml I'U(.hauaur elegant buildlu; lot; »ii:^a!S:9r 127:»'/4. W. I. SIOKBA.N 4: CO., 31'J Cal. St., Mem. of S. F. Beal Estate Ex. CjftXAA UNION ST., N. SIDE, BET. LAGUNA r^.yjijviyj . ami Buchanan: store and flats, with stable; brick, foundation: slie of let 2«ll37;8: street accepted, etc. : rents $'io per month. 'W. L MORGAN a Co., 512 Cal. St.. Mem. of S. F. Real Estate BX, _^_^ i^EE THIS TO-DAY— r TII'UL HOME; 110 1- Liberty «L, N. side, nr. Guerrero st.; all modern conveniences, etc. ; 6 rooms, bath, laundry, brick foundation, cement floor to basement, etc. ; beauti- ful garden; easy terms If desired; iuu-1 be s^ld, as owner is lv to leave town: 00 admittance ex- cent through this office. «v. I. MORGAN * Co., 512 1 ■.- -:.. Me, 11. of S. P. Real Estate Ex. VIM t\(\f\ jones ST., W. SIDB. bet. sao •2) IV/.uW. rwnentn and Cliy; elejint rial- uence: 9 rooms, batb. laundry, patent natcr-closeta. li mantels, stationary wa'li— taml; front aud bsck stairs: unitary p uuibiu^: frescoed, painted and papered: fine marine view; lot 27:6x120; pateitt stone stdrwalE ; but 5 miuqt-.'S from Kearny st, W. I. MOK(iAN * CO.. 512 CaL St., Mem of S. F. Iltal Estate Ex. 2* ( ', Ti'.A CLAY SI - NT" ">-:: 3-3 TORY |J)U I V»U. brlol building; 3 flats; rents $80; street accented; corner loi, 26itfJ ft.; bet Stock- ton and Powell sts. W. 1. .Vi.iKiiAN 4 CO., 512 Cal. St. Mem, of 8. F. Heal Ivii at Ex. Si 19^0 GRISENWIOH ST.. N. SIDE. BET. <Ji t—tJU. Dupont and Stockton; large lot. 38 1 1.<7.C. to aller : bouse 7 rooms and ohurcrj. W I MCIR'JAN 4 CO., 812 Cal. St. Mem. of S. F. Real Estate hi. «R "IAOCI INInN ST., N. SIKK. BET. I.AOtJNA and Ociavla; large stor» anil flats: brick foundation, etc. ; runts 915; street accepted- imtantstoi.esldßwalit. W. 1. Mult .an iCO.ftia Cal. »t. Mem, of S. V. Real Estate Ei. SRlVfll'l lot 211:8x111: 2BTII ST.. N. side. V X£t\l\.i. bet. Churca ai.J Sauchet. W. I. MOR- AN & CO., 812 Cal. St. Mem. of S. F. Real Estate Ka. >,> ELEGANT NEW MODERN RESIDENCES; — Just rompleted; 9 room., frescoed and tinted; porcelain bath-tub: reception hall: salon parlors; finished basement full lencth of dousu: all modern Improvements: oak St.. bet. Aahhury and Clayton: either Oak or Ellis st. cars pass the property; honsea open fur inspection: lot 25x1 H7:B: terms easy If required. W. I. m«>ri»an £co . 512 Cal. St., Mem. of S. F. Real Kstata fcx. C;(;r.(|n KKNT~96O: NATOMA. N. SIDK, •yVOVU. bet. «th and7tb: :1-story flats: brtok foundation, etc. W. I. MORGAN « CO.. 612 Cal. Bt., Mem, of a. F. Real Estate Ex. a- 1 tf BoWa : J£EADyUAUTERS FOR PARK LOTH. Q'^ll DOWN, BALANCE «5 OR $10 MONTHLY, O"" for 9200. 9250. 9300 and 9350 lots, near electric road aud boulevard. SOL GETZ .1 BKO . C 24 Market at. C?*>- A 937» AND9IOO LOTS; IOR a BLOCKS V« v "- Irom park, on line of ißth-st. extension and cable road: VS» cash, balance 910 monthly. SOL HETZ & lIRO.. 624 Market st. <I|| II 1 9850, 91U00 AND ■-. i .1111. FORLOTSON <ipu\j\j» 7th, — t 1 . ami ;i:h a yes.. near Olympic Club Grounds: streets on "Illclal urado and macadamized; easy terms. SOL GET 2 * Hi,!".. B'J4 Market st. SIX A 9500. 9800. 9800. 9900, liooi) anTi •hT IUU. $iuiio for the lots 11 or < It of the par*; splendidly located, with an excellent view 01 the ocean and park. We deal only in onrown properties, drive good bargains, and are wIIIIiik to Rive the public the benefit of our low purchaa««: remember we make park lots a specialty ; one-third cash, the balance In easy Installments: call for our maps aud diagrams. SOL. GET/. 4 BRO 024 Mar- ket tt. <■) WHOLE BLOCKS NKAR ELECfRIO ROAD — < and cable lines, very eh0 'P: liiust boil them 30011. SOL. GfclZ A- into., BJ4 Market at. jj 15 tr Wo Sa *sl -BTHSI.. N.SIDeTnF.AK DOLORES; •~> 1 i»iU. flue lot ; »' rret work done; size 25x11 1 JAS. W. COLEMAN, «2Byi_Moj;tju_iii»ry st. %17()0 RKNTS *'«: HAI.IHM-- COURT; .- <JT 1 IW. story bouse: ti room*. JAS. W. COLE- MAN.2VBVJ, Montgomery «t. fli-Jlll MAI >K AN~)K|»EK: FULTON. N. iJs.lV'.f naarLyon; 50x137:8. JAS. W. t,nl,l.aiAN, 22H'/a Montgomery at. o:9^ IU)() LAKUK CORN F.R ON FIFTH ST.: •jF*jft.\'\r\J. present rents 913J; this lot If Im- proved with modern bulldlnxa would pay bin In- ter. 1111 the, money. JAS. «'. COLEMAN. 2281. Montgomery st. . $OCAA W ALI.ER ST.. NEAR MASONIC <JP— «JUU.ave. ; nice residence lot: 'i5x128: sew- ered and ready for building. JAS. W. COLEMAN, - JBi/j Montgomery st. .\, . -. <&F,&An TWO LOVEI.Y LOTS W. SIDE OF tZ>UO\J\J. I.yon St., l«et. Hayes and Foil- street work done; fine place for 4 flats. JAS. W. COLE- MAN. 228V<i MontKuiuery at. ]> EDUCED TO 91H.U00-PACIFIC HEIGHTS; At Jackson St.. near Lacuna: 2 houses of 8 and 7 rooms and bath: brick foundation: fine unrlno view; nils 49:6x127:8>4. JAS. W. COLEMA.N. 22»yt) MuntgoiMtry st. "J. O(H) ' NICK BUILDING LOT; FELL ST.. Hj.uui;w.iiB >r I'evisadcro; street work done- ■Ji>xl37:U: fine lot for flats. JAS. W. CoLKMAN. •M3M, Montgomery St. __?"? BuWe tf ■ Q'-ififlfl 2-STORY BAY-WINDOW HOUSE; S ipiJUUU. rooms, bath, laundry, basement, nice irarden, atone sidewalk: ann In every room; nor 4 lines oars: Mission warm belt, 1938 Han Carlos »*»■ ana 4t» BnWeFrSn <iftV^(|ft NATURAL PAKK OK S ACKKS IN «D— iWU. Berkeley, with creek; ancient oaks- superb view; 9250cas»; 9250 semi-yearly. . 91000-Corner: HoxlOO; maeadamijed. IUI)*) — Lot 100x136; sldewalked; .-?-:(> monthly. 9180-Li.t 40x135; $•-•!} cash; 91Onioutbly. jr.UO— Corner; 4*>xloo; *50 cash: $12 monthly. *IUO-Hljsb lot: 25x150: 93 monthly. Send for maps; ., I ol ' lots; I offer only what 1 own. CIIAS. A. »All.h.Y, owner. 20 MontßOmcry st. )y3l tf 1 fi"Sn "ARD-FINISHED HOUSE, 28x32; .'";;! tKW stCD!I ftom San Bruno road car lot .".in lull; fronts <m 2 streets: rent 10 92000—12 lots, 24x100: house; stable; fronts on streets. DBS HOCHKS. University Mound, near old Ladles' Home. ■■■■.. ; - . Jy3l 7f» SRI 000 KAC "- LOTS 25x120. 128 FT. 8. of m>i.\J\J\J deary. Address B. Box 1. this office. OTTAGE HOMES SOLD ON INSTALLMENTS; buy a home. D. B. LIIJIIY. 628 Market. ly'iu lm ■; CITY ■ REAL ' ESTATE. $'±7l\(\ RICHMOND LOT, 82:»XIt>4:/ BE. •> I U\J. cor. on Like st. and Twenty-first aye, 000— House of 6 rooms and bath: lot 20x60 to rear street. Apply to D. REDMOND, 257 Sixth St., or 1141 Harrison. ail 4 3t 0 I A CASD, 95 PER MONTH, SO INTEREST. fffl 1 " buys a home; near Baden Electric Road; 30 minutes' ride. W. I'ARRISH I'EARSALL, 623 Market st. all \ tt -— ~>ii^!??'! TKlf BKAIi *; ' rAT1 ''~ / JOOl) STOCK RANCH FOR SALE-1200 ACRES VJ and BO acres alfalfa laud. Address D. c, Com- merclal Hotel. _aus 2 t« ©'}'? '-vOO 3 - 5 ACRES or as FINE LAND 4 *' '""«• as the sun ever sbune upon: a good B-room house, 2 large barns, good orchard. line well of water: 21/ a miles from Santa Rosa; this property would subdivide and sell readily at $150 per acre, $10,000 worth or gi;t-edge city residence proper- i. y nvvx. oxcha " B ' lor ll d se rancn property. BP.bNNA.N DUNS, 112 .Montgomery.-.^ "F'Vi? SALE AT $12,500— A SPLENDID CHANCE; i. .1 acrej la the town of Pacheco; 5 miles from Mar-inez; at present used lor a vineyard and orchard, etc.; in one of the finest valleys In the country, heretofore rather isolated, but now coming to the front by means ot the new railroad from Martinez to San Ramon Valley, which, whin fairly established, will raise the price two or three times **. s'« n as "Is offered at above. By JOHN PFOKR, 3JJ Moutgoniary st. 10 Wesu n.OOD PAYING PLACE CIIEAP-20 ACRES OF vj land; rood Broom house: furniture; stock; fanning tools, etc.: fine orchard and small fruits: pure bred fowls, with, established trade or « years; poultry houses; Incubator: brooders, etc.; can raise anything on the land ; 1,4 miles from depot; dear school-house and churches; a barjralu; must bo sold; part of puic money can remain on mortgage. Inquire Laurens Printing Co., Rooms 3i>o7, Kunohoo Building, cor. Market and Taylor streets. aa4 7[ , Jfl Klt ACKE-1300 ACRES OF AS FINE «S?-iy foothill laud as can be found In this State; Bnm>8 nm> O s.s xctoa « for city property; will pay *-"'J', .2 dllleieuce It necessary, or will carry $-.V<>oo mortgage on ranch. LLOYD A- O'BANION, 420 Montgomery at., Room I. au4 3t CSJfIAA HALF CASH, BALANCE OX EASY •iTTyVU. terms; 85-acre ranch In Napa County: new house and bam. and farming implements; all "';':'<" pouliry; plenty wood and wjter. Imiulre at 0.58 Sacramento st. au4 .it* ■ 9K ACRES, IS MILi-.S FROM OAKLAND, lv a 11 1" 1 V rrom tuw u.3mliesfrom railroad station; so. I Is a rich black loam, will raise anything: small orchard 0,1 place; all but a lew acres under cultiva- tion; most all level; l i vine spring forms one iionud- ary: *ioo par a re; no better land can be found for tour times the cost. W. E. BAKNAUD £ SON. 483 Ninth ,!.. Oakland. » U 4 7t "I A ACHES OF THE FINEST FRUIT LAND IN X\J the. State; only 9150; payable 910 cash. ance in mu'itliiy payment!) and no interest: nothing like It ever offered. WESTERN LAND COMPANY, 830 Market street. aul i m SCHOOL LANDS, 91 50 TO $3 AN ACRK: ON k-> very easy terms; sold by the state In tracts to suit; no residence or Improvements required: all kin 's of lands. In many different counties: send stamp for list; open day and evenings. F. W. I . M.. v . 1 -, i Building. 13 tf 1 A ACRES A FORTUNE -GOOD APPLES X\J raised In California are rare, but there are lo- calities having the necessary requirements to In- suic :■ 1 apple with the de. lease flavor and juicy tart- ness cqnal to any rahed In the world : an apple of tills kind will piy the grower better than any ' other class of fruit; lnstunees are not rare where good soil's have averaged overslBoo per fire: by our plan of co-operation you can pet yourself a lovely home In the best climate In the world for lii'altii and comfort; be Independent; have the land put in bearing; make your own selection from a large number of 10 to 20 aero tracts after toe fruitage .-bows Its quality, and never miss the money it has cost; location only 7 hours from San Francisco: lielsrht rate if 10 per ton. See prospectus CALI- FORNIA LAN COMMERCIAL AND FRUIT CO., 1170 Market st, Donahue Block, San Frau- c lsco, cal. jj-.ti tf <2?<',AA(l f ARM OF 10 ACHES FOX SALE San Bernardino County, 2 miles liom railroad station, wltn 550 orange and 50 lemon trees 7 years old. 100 fruit trees and 3UOO muscat raisin «rapes, wbt::h will yield this year not less toau $1000 worth or grapes: thore Is a com- tultable cottage of 7 rooms and bath, hard-finished and with Inside siiuiten; a barn 36x:(0: chicken- house mid drivlng-siied; a brick cistern, cement lined, for domestic water: eonnertinit iron pipes to booM, barn and corral ; water for irrigation. )i:p«d to the highest point In cement p.pes: is covered Dy 10 shares i paid up) of stock In the htlwan.U Water Company, which Is worth 9100 per sharo: this goes with the place; uulmproved land Is soiling at 9200 per aero; distance to school three-quarters of a mile. For further Information aud photograph* apply at this office; principals only. ly3tfd<Sw HERE IS THE CHANCE OF YOUR LIFE— LOTS in lovely El Moro, 940 and upward: weekly payments or 91 taken on lots; El Moru front! on M.-ro Hay. the only Lay of any cansoqueneo be- twees here and i»au Diego; grand beach: tine bath- luff, fishing, etc. ; the finest climate; most prolific vegetation In the world; 110 sensible person ought to overlook this, For lots. Information, etc.. address Moro Bay Improvement Co., Flood Building, Room 0; open also evening*. je2l tl DO YOU WANT PROPERTY. CITY OR CnCX- try. in tne prettiest valley of the Stater Apply to Napa Land Co.. t>ai». CiL, lor list of pr-jper- '"*■ bC2Stt SMALL APVERTISF.MENTS AND SUBSCRI P- iIons taseu at Cam. Branch Omces. 603 l.or»t;j H..i3U Hares at aud 2JIB Miuiuii »L; open till r-M*. v 1! V.NOS. VIOI -''- * AMi SIIKKT Ml^lO. ,-, second-uand pianos at your own •-' prices: goud order. J. NOONAN, 1017-1023 Mission St. am til C IiCUN D-HAND ANTI?ELL SQUARE GRAND. 0 good as new. UALLAfIfIEB. 1241 Market. an 2 tf HALLEtT A DAVIH SQUARE PIANO; ALMOST iie-.v. 8. Foster. 2a Oallfornla St. |y3l 7t« \ LOT OF SECOND-HAND SQUARE PIANOS; .T flue condition: at a sacrliice. KOIILUII jf CHASE, -.'1 O'Farrell it 1y29 tr KOIILER a CHASE, 28. 28 AMI*) o'l'AitllKLiT ■a.l leading pianos and organs: oldest inusic- liousa: largest stock; easy terms; low prices. apS '. tf * SKLt'-PLAYINi; ORGAN FROM .«J0 To »Too 7 n plays everything as perfectly as an orchestra. KOBLEB « CHASE, bole ageuti, 2ii, 28 and :w O'tarrell st. • apM tf HAKE CHANCE FOR BARGAINS IN SECOM>- hand pianos: some almoat new: prominent BUkyfs. Antisell Piano Co.. "th and Market. jy2B tf OTKfcK. HAKDMAN. VOSE AM) STERLING kj pianos sold ou $10 monthly ina:a'm-nts. BBNJ. CURT AZ 4 .SON*, solo agents, 20 O'Farrejl st. au7 tf IT ALLET* DAVIS AND EIMBALI. TIAN') AND 1-1 Organ Agency. TV. (}. BAUOER. 725 Market, if iTvSoN MAIZV. AUENT bOHMER, CH.VSS *> liros.. Newuv * Evans. ;iiiit oat st. myJ-J tf I BKORTMBNT OF PIANOS FROM $75 "UT; *'V c-r^Aiis from 940 iiu: varlons makes: including' « upright pianos with 3 pedals, muffle attacliment. F. w. BPENCEK * Co., 7 23 Market St.. History Byllding. second Boor, jj-23 tf V< W. (SPENCER * CO.. 7*B MARKET ST., SET> 1 . oud floor, Hole agents ('bickering pianos, Cono- Terpjano*. Colby pianos. Wllcn AWhlte organs. 23 H flJVt^ FINE BABY ORAND. LIKK NEW, gl&tO. $-.00: 9125 orcan, 970. FAYS Piano tactory,l7ai) MUslou; bargains '" new pnnos.aif tf DIANOS SUaBTLT I'SEI): GREAT BABUAIKS ISI ATI! Ail i CO.. 1..--2 Mars»« st. mylß ;. • I liEM.I MR - WIIKKLOCK'S" I.'ELEBUATED + \ pianos. Cnase's music-store, 727 at. -26 tf STEIN WAY. U ABLER AND PEASE PIANOS, Organs and all musical Instruments; call anises our new rooms and slock. MATTHIAS ORAY * CO., 2u» and 203 post at., Stelnway Hall. ja7 tr HOBS UNU'S UPRIGHT PIANOS;' UKILL, ■lalitaud powerful. Ul7 Ml»»ioi st. aoM v _ V 1 L. NEUMANN PIANOS; A NEW SHIPMENT I ■ 'u«t a-rlvcd. H2 Ninth at. auja tf IIOKSF..S. LOB SALE CHEAP- H E "anlTTsx PRESS 1 wagon: account sickness. For particulars aimly E.SWENSON. 614 Third at. aus At» r»oit SAI.E-*1SO; oray HORSE. harness X aud cart: almost new; horso sundi anywhere. Apply 31d Hercntli st. ans St» |VOH SALE-FINK I.ALllli HORSES AT A lI A R- -1 gala. Inquire at 50J butter at. Jyl7 tf OIIKI-'R-S NEVADA HOUSE MARKET: IBOS -II Hi.rrl».<ii: 100 Lead )ust arrived. |e7 Bui WAGONS AND fAKUI s>"<; KS. l7u<l(lIE8 VNI) WAUONS- 1 NEW KXFBBSS M wagoa, 1 hack 3-sejted top-wagon. 1 140 Fol- »om st. inT"-'4 cod 3in I DOI'BLF. ROCKA WAY AND SlN*",i.E COVERED X buggy; new; chrau. J. NOONAN, 1017-23 Mis- »'■» ■' »'• an 4 lot ■ <>X SAI.K— I.LAIS 1.111.5. < -)C\ LA RUE STORE: 6 BOOKS; BSTBD AS «J—'^. saloon. HI Folsoiii at., near Fifth, aultr rpWO FINK WATCH-DOGS. APPLY SW. mi: 1 Tweiuy-nith aud Diamond sts. au:< 3t« LOR VAKIKIY OF FRESHLY CANNED 1 rrult, done for private use. At 2705 Howard street. »»-.' 4t» S KCON D-HAND BOILERS, ENGINES, PUMPS 0 shafting, pulleys. belting, water pipes, etc. de 4 If McINTOSH A WOLI'MAN. 137 Dealest. 1 .(. SIIOWCABJCS, ALL SIZES AND STYLES, 1"V a; your own prices. J. NOONAN, 1017-1023 Minion at. op 4 tt SHKPARDS FOOT AM) POWER LATHES planers, drill reuses. W'i7 Mission St. sei7t; JJKNTISTS. VANDKRLIPS HKNTAL PARLORH- REASON- » .I.l ■ teen; work guarantee I. 6n3 Munt^'y -.»..<-. I jR. is. I). young, dentist, '' 1811 POLK STRKF.T: rainless extraction. . Jyl2 lin (IB 7 A SET FOR TEETH; WARRANTED AS K. • good as can bo made: nillni; *!. l>ll. SIMMS, dentist. » .!') Market -t.. next Baldwin Theafr.ocUf DR. REA. !)V3 MAIIKKF, EXT. TKKTIf SOo: with gas 91; fillings low; open evenings. mj2 il ©7 SKT: REPAIKINU 91: FILLING VI-EX n». I palnlfas, 60e. DR. C.A. PI- S Mason, m»tt pOLTON DKNTAL ASSOCIATION, ho« MAIIKKT V.' st. (Pneiaii Building), positively extract teeth without p»ln with -Coltou Gas": also perform ail operations in dentistry. DK.CIIAS.W. UECKEK.7 it ALL NKW.M'APERS HAD LONIj"ARTfCLB»TN them stating that the Insauo as. liims are run at people who took gas only once for painless tooth ex- traction and went crazy. My secret painless method Is wondcrCul. By its use auy dental operation mar be done |.ainiesh.y. Will forfeit 9100 tor any tooth that 1 cannot extract without sleep or lias, even though a dozen dentists havo tailed to extract It. All operations dnue better than elsewhere, since I tiavoxcvru first prizes for beautirul fillings, plate and crown work. There are 5 Leek dentists, offlce open till 8:30 r. m.; Sundays till A r. v. UK. Ulokue W. LEEK. 6 O'Farrell st, oc» DX. A. li; lii.V.M HILL. 1443 MARKET ST., NKAK Eleventh: no charge for extracting when plates are made; old plates made over iiko news teeta Irom $8 per net; extracting 500: gas given. 4tt GROOME DENTAL ASSOCIATION, 759 MARKET I V^_st.. bet. Third and Fourth; gas specialists, auirtt A FULL SET OF TEETH FOR $7; FILLING At"" ' lowest prices: work warranted. DR. J. W. IMYY, 841 Market st. opp. Baldwin. anS tt DR. C. H. WILSON, DENTIST,! 924 IdAKSBt st., bet Fifth mid Slitn. opn. Mason. de!stf CONTRACTORS AND IiDILDKBS. JYITTIinTup'BTbKEM-JIIrIBING NEATLY DONK r reasonable, J. HAT Fl XI.I). 322 Polk st. jy24 3iu /'AKPENTKU WORK: I'ITTINO UP STORES A specialty ; reasonable, lilt) Howard st.jy!4 Jot JVrLAWRENCE,CARPENTER AND BUILDKR . til!) Sacramento »<-; cabinet work and fitting up oflicis promptly attended: telenhoue 800. lulßtf - aiONf?Y~ TO LOAN. '~T MOHKY TO loan. c. h. street, land Agent, 310 Pine. Room 44. ' - au4 8l» LOANS MADE AT 6 PER CKNT ON INSTAUr XJ ini'iit plan. D.B. LIBIiY, 628 Market st. )ylO lm MONEY LOANED FROM »1 UPWARD~AT Security Loan Hank, lull) Market st.,ur. Mason; private .ntranco 7 Turk. N. J. FKAN lil.l N L'KOli $30 UPWARD; INTEREST ACCORDING X security. S. K. C, Box 91, Call Branch. . je". tr HOUSES TO LET. U'LEGAMT HOUSE OF S ROOMS AND B"ATir; AJrenti«:i2 50; 18 Metcalf place, oft Geary St., bet. Mason and Taylor. Apply li. H. UMBSEN A CO., 14 Montgomery st. - aus at 7')'7 BUSH-HOUSE OF 13 ROOMS AND BATH: « I 970. Apply L. ANDRE. 320 Sutter st. aS 3t pALIFOKNIAAND JONKS-922 WITH WATER; \J 7 rooms. Key at 1248 California st. aus st» TTPPER PART HOUSE NE. COR. EDDY AND J Stelncr; 5 rooms, Lath, etc.; rent $13. with water: key In grocery. aus 3t* 9 NICE, SUNNY ROOMS, 530 EDDY ST.; RENT 0 extremely low; no reasonable offer refused. In- i|iiire of P. LYNCH. 10 Larliln at. au4 tt C LARGE ROOMS. CELLAR: MARIPOSA ST.. w off Eighth, bet. Folsauiaiiil Harrlaon; rent reas- onable, an I 2t* (t •; (i EDDY-NEW HOUSE. 30 ROOMS; SPLEN- yj—yj did location for first-class boarding-house; special Inducements to good tenant. au4 7t* MOST COMPLKTELY FURNISHED HOUSE IN J.»A the city; 18 rooms and bath: elegantly frescoed and bund paintod throughout; will rent same aj residence only; rent very low; Bush St.. between Leaven and Hyde. Apply to O. H. UMBSKN A Co.. 14 Montgomery st. au26t 1 GftJ. STEVENSON-6 ROOMS, MODERN -LUVx provementa: rent $'.O. au2tf TCEVr HODSE: 10" ROOMS: LATEST IMPROVE- meats. 818 McAllister; sunny side; 952 50.|a2 8* A 1 '> LEAVEN WORTH. NEAR ELLIS-9 ROOMS •±I«J and Hath; all modem. au2 7t» rjIKNEMENT. 4 ROOMS, PATENT CLOSET, x. hall: rent $11. 812 Jessie St.. near Ninth. jy2B tt HOUSE, 421 POWELL ST.,. CONTAINING V rooms newly painted and papered ; suitable for Piiysician or dressmaker; rent clieap to permanent tenant. Apply on premises. ]y25 tt VOW READY FOR OCCUPANCY, THE (JLEN- i.' brook. SW. cor. Sixth and Minna sts. -Bay- window house of 41 sunny rooms; no area rooms; 20 elegant mantel mirrors: to lease. Apply tt to 11 A. M. S. HANCOCK. 781 .Mission St. jy24 tf r{9'-4 FliliI — MODERN HOUSE; 8 RuOHS AND ~<J bath: rent reasonable. jyvii tf aPJ= 2 HOUSES, 7 ROOMS AND BATH. 812 W~iO. Ellis St., near Polk. Jyi9 tf QUNNY HOUSE: 8 ROOMS AND BATH. 17 0 Hampton place, off Foisom, bet. Second and ThlrdHa. ■ j>lB tf TENEMENT; 4 ROUMS. 201»A EDDY ST., REAR X hi, me; rent »15. jy-> tf COTTAGES TO I.W. T.MNK COTTAGE OF 4 ROOMS; KENT CHEAP; X l 2OB Perry. Apply G. U. UMBSEN 4 CO., 14 Montgomery st. aus 3t ONEW hay-window COTTAGES; 5 rooms, 0 bath; plunked basement: lloward-st. car system; rent $20. Potrero aye. and Twentieth st. aus 7t» SUNNY COTTAGE; 5 LAROB ROOMS: lIASE- __ ment. yard, stable. 137 Dolores, nr. 15th. 30 9t« lit '>o COTTAGE 5 KOOMS, BATH: SUNNY «C>wl'. yiiri!; also flat Brooms, 912. 711 Treat aye.. bet. Twentieth Mid Twenty-first its. )v!4 tf Hats to LET. I^LEOANT MIDDLE FLAT, FINEST IN CITY, -i of 7 rooms and bath; rent very cheap; 1824b Howard st, uet. Fourteenth ana Fifteenth. Apply G. H. UMBSEN A CO., 14 Montgomery st. aua 3t Qjl.> 3-ROOM FLAT. 1810V4 PAGE ST., «jp — . Golden Gate Park. aus tf IX UPPER FLAT 4 KOOMS AND BATH. 217 yl»- Colli: g>vood, bet, Castro and Eureka. 53* L'LAT 4 ROOMS; BATH; RENT REASONABLE. ■T 815 Third st. n* FINEBAY -WINDOW COR.; 5 FRONT ROOMS -I »nd bath ; $20. liryant St., but. Sixth anil Seventh. _ ans At* - BOOMS: RENT VERY CHEAP; NICE FAMILY. «J 21 B..ardmaa place. auo st* 1 4 1 A 1 CASTRO— BAY-WINDOW; 4 ROOMS; x^X"±> bath: modern Impts; key store. au!3t* 0 SUN V UNFURNISHED BATH. 1229 •_> Mission St.. bet- Eighth and Ninth. au4 3t* LI.AT OF 4 ROOMS TO LET. 332SHIPLEY ST.; x 910. ■ ail 4 7t» I^URNITURK OF 3 ROOMS FOR HOLSEKEEP- -1 log, cheap; loivcr 4 rooms, $15, uiifurnuh»d. «24 Devisaderobt. must* UAA NATOMA. NEAR EIGHTH — FLAT OK 5 '- l rooms on_suniiy^lde of street, aul 3t» PPErt FLAT, 4 SUNNY ROOMS; KENT $14. S3 Moss st., oil Howard, bet. S>ixtu and Seventh streets. am Si» 1 OWEB FLOOR OF 4 BOOHS, 1825 MARKET xj St., little above Valencia. au3 3t» fill UPPKK FLAT B ROOMS. FLORIDA <£ 1 X . street, near Twenty-fourth. au3 3t« Q.IT FOUKTEESTH-FLAT. 5 KOOMS, BATH; 'J' ) I all sunny; newly dtc.iratod. au2 7t* I <>« KB FLAT, 3 KOOMS AND KITCHEN. AT -* - 622 Post St. ■ - - an.! 4t* 1 OA«J EDDY— B GOOD ROOMS; BATH; ALL X i)Ut) modern Improvements; rent 923. Key lit corner grocery. . an 2 7t« I NICE ROOMS; BATH; G. G. CLOSET': M.X- I ntshed hall; gas: yard; cellar; every facility for Comfort; to adults cheap. la 17 Geary st. »u2 7t* O'lji FLATS in-' 5 ROOMS AND BATH IN •(i O\>. th« elegant new building at the corner of Valencia and Mxteenth »ta. Oil AS. AsHTON. 411 Montgomery st. aul6t /• SCNNV KOOMS; ALL MODERN IMPROVK- *> ments. Cor. Saeramßnto and Fill more, aul tf a; 1I • 6 BOOMS; BATH; WARM BELT MlS- <plU.slon. 1220 Twenty-second st. aul 7t» I OWBB FLAT TO LET; 814 TNVKNTY-TIRST List.; B rooms: hot aud cold water; *ls per inoiith; water free. aul 7t* TTPPEK 4 ROOMS AND BATH; 111(1 YARD: $18. "U Treat in' . near Twenty-nrst.]y3l 7t« I l|| AliO SB - NEW, ELEGANT FLAT: 7 X\Jl\J rooms and bath; set ran.-c and heaters; rent 960. ' ]y3l 7i« 7| 17 HAVES-LOWER FLAT; 7 BOOHS; HATH; « \.i I all m.i-lerii. |y3O 7i* P-'LAT 4 BOOHS; HALL: BASEMEN tTsI ALL day; 111 idem Improvement*: $13. KU.. Crock lane, or Kile, st., bet. Thlrteontll and r . m .- e-. :i. Howard and Folsum ; key 1837 Foisom. jy.S'j 7t» inQBAIOBT — 6 LAK(.;-: SUNNY BOOMS) X\JO bath: all modern Improvements. jy29 tr 11 CM MISSION, NKAR EIGHTH— yLAT~6 1 XV L rooms and bath: rent i.'7 SO. Jy22 tf J^LAT: 5 ROOMS AND BASEMENT FOB hcme.eeplug. Apply 383 Eddy > t. jy 1 ti VICE SUNNY FLAT: 7 KOOMS AND~UATH. XI Ccr. N lath and Harrison »ta, jyl-jtf LrPPER AND LOWER FLAT; FIVEHOOMS AND *-' tuth i-ach; rent cheap. f-13 Oak st. J--U'ltf i, oi KENT— a 7-UOOM FLAT CORNER CLAY I and Ste tier sts.: $30, also 5-room cottage. 917. Inquire TAYLOR, Suu Insurance Company 4*B Ctjlfornla st. i- Jel6 tr lIOIsiiKKi.IISI, Ilillllls^ x 1 1 MINNA-FUUMsirhnuTn»>M~K>rUl<)nsT> »xl kee]>lnfr, 93: large front rocin. aui* 9OC KOI Kill - FURNISHED I'.OOM, SUITA- - — jO blu for light hotisekeeplug. It* 81 FOI.SOM: SUNNY FRONT KOOMS FOR I 1 lijht l-.ouseki-ej.liig; terms reasonable. Acs 7t Q/'.pi MISSION - FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- <- \J—'4 lug rooms. aus s'.* (•> I EDDY— 3 UNFURNISHED BOOHS FOB 1 —^t housekeeping, with yard. nuStit* 11C TENTH - ELEGANT PARLOR SUITE: Xl< us«» kitchen a.i.l dliiti.K-ronin ; other ruoms. • [('•7 CIEMKNTINA. Ml. SIX TH-KOOMS JU I ulshed for houseke -plug, cheap. li» 4.-7 MINNA-3 SUNNY BOOKS FURNISHED X*' I cumplete for housekeeping. auftl't* r 7f\(i v *> NIiSS AVK.-3 NICELY FURNISHED I Ull sunny rooms fi>r bous keeping. aus st« 1 tYW MISSION-FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS l^yl for housekeeping: quiet house. aus s:* Q/V7 BUSH — 3 L'NFURNIMII I) UPSTAIRS O\J I rooms to let, suitable for housekeeping in- cluding bath. an.) M* I •> LEWIS. BET. TAYLOR AND JONES- FUR- tO nlshed room and mtcken: reasonable. au4 at* AND^OMELY FURNISHED PARLOR SUITE of rooms, also a kitchen: everything complete for housekeeping; also furnished rooms and fur- nlshed rooms ror light housekeeping. 829 Howard street. au4 2t* T»IQ LARKIN-FURNISHED FRONT SUITE 1-JtJ for housekeeping; aiso others. au4 3t* 1 Ci')Q MISSION-NICELY FURNISHED FRONT IV' — stilts with kitchen. au4 3t» IQI 7 MISSIOX-3 UNFURNISHED ROOMs": Xk/X i housekeeping; also '1 furnished: 814. 4 51* 00l KKiHTH-NEWLY FUKN.SHtD FRONT • >—*Z anil back parlor; use kitchen; batii: ens; rent reasonable; private family. aul:lt* QUNNY ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING 0 334 Turk st. au4.u» "1 OO(? MISSION-IORNISHED SUNNY BOOM iO^U for housekeeping; reasonable. aul 21* I I I Q SETTER— « OK 3 KIRNISIIKI) BOOHS i J. J.O for light housekeeping. au4 2t* OOJ THIRD— FRONT KOOM AND KITCHEN; • )«> I neatly furnished for housekeeping, aul tf CM Q FOI.SOM ST.— 3 BOOMS, Fl'HNiSllM>h>l! O'XO housekeeping. aut '21* 1011 SEVENTH-NICE FRONT PARLOR BED- lu'lil room. 916. with veranda. an 4 3i» A 1 f! BROADWAY— DOUBLE AND SINULEFUR- xi Unishei rooms: also housekeeping: cbeap.3 8* t?kont rook; fURNISHED COMPLETE- J hoiisekefplug; bath: $10. 886 Bryant. an. tt QfkA. JACKSON-FURNISHED SUNNY FRONT U\J~t nonsekeeptng rooms: to $10. au2st* A] Q KIM NA — 3 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR *±1 i} housekeeping: first floor. aua 51* I - TWELFTH; CORNER HOWARD-SUNNY XO rooms: fiirulsiied complete hoiLse«ce)iini;.a^ 5* i.> 1 MCALLISTER —FINE SUNNY PARLOR I*- t floor with bay-wiudow furuished for bouse- keeping; 4 or 5 r.".|11-. JV.JI tf J'JS UEARY— OK 3 ROOMS FURNISHED COM- - jOU piete for housekeeping; sunny yard, aul at* O-1.l OAK-2 LOVELY BOOKS: AU. con\k\- titdlk. lenecs; light housekeeping if desired: 916 tf • ) UNFURNISHED KOOMS 1 OIL HOUSKKEKI^- -0 lug. 35 lurk st. jy'_>.i if .'(IQ ART— N K W I. Y FtKNISHED SUNNY «•— ro mi for housekeeping. Jy2B tf •_>■ U THIRD- UNFURnTsHED HOI si-.KKKP- »' — O ing rooms: rent low. ]y2B tf r./kll hIILTH — 1 FURNISHED BOOMS~FuB «JV/ I 3 housekeeping: rent low. jy22 tf I I 7 SIOCKTOW SUITE ROOMS FOR UOU&a> I 1 I keeping: also st:igte room. if U. Jyl tf ~" .■ .. ~lt«i«i MS TO UT. --S Tf fVv ALEN i'l 1 A — SINOL'e,~^ODIILE JW an'd IJ A housekeeping sunny rooms: turnlshed or tinturnished: private family. aus 31* . KA.<rWASHTNGTOV_SCNNY UNFUKXISHF.D O\J£i rooms: running water. aus7t* 7|«IFCLSOM N*ATLY FURNISHED ROOK; I I V private family: $15 mouth. aus 3t* IVI A MCALLISTER— 3 MCEJSUNNY FRONT 1^.1.0 rooms, furnished; 932. xt* '1 »> ELLIS: TRANSIENT: SUITES; SINGLE- x*La day, week or month. M. E. GRAN I*. : aus lm ' ltifii HYDE~-FURNISHED BED-KOOM AND l»ul kitchen ; cheap; bath ; sunny yard. 5 2t* ffljQ 3 NICE ROOMS. 247 CLARA, BET. FIFTH <Ji7. and Sixth, aus At* lARGE FRONT BASEMENT ROOM; STOVE. JJ closets. ■ 371 Minna St., near Firth. It* "VTICK 'PARLOR FLOOR: 4 LARGE ROOMS: -L> quiet: near City liall. . Apply at 3.<9 Hayes St., Call Branch Office.. ■ ■ -; , ■ .-- - .It* m TENTH— SUITE OR SINGLE, NICELY ulshed; also doable r iouis and kitchen. aS 2* Al PRANKLIN— SUNNY FURNISHED ROOM, lit) with or without board. .. . - : It* *<■) TURK.— a ELEUANT SUNNY SUITES: SUIT- T^i able for professionals. - • -■■• aus 7t* Q I X MISSION-2 ROOMS; FURNISHED COM- 010 plete for housekeeping. - Jet) tt -.— KOOMS TO LET- COJJTIXt;K». CqH^ARKET2STcB BUNNtTroNT ROOMS", 000 for music teacher or any kind of business! and living rooms; cheap. _aus3t» QUIET FAMILY HAVE 2 NICELY FURNISH ED sunny rooms; hot and cold water; bath; healthy location: fine inariue view. Address E. »;., i.ox 158, Call Branch Olßce. - au* 3i» 9AQ VALENCIA-FURNISHED FRONT PAR- +*\f%/ lor; suitable fur plauo teacher. au t 3t* K1 X O'FARUSLL — 3 UNFURNISHED BASK. »1" nieitt rooms. ■ »«4tf lie EIGHTn — LARGE SUNNY UN FU R- J- J-U nishedrtonulo parlor: terms reasonable. 4 7* a O4 NATOMA ST., OFF SIXTH-LARGE SUN- " ut °y from rooms, alngle and double. au4 7t 991 POLK - SUNNY FURNISHED FRONT —^ J. sntte. with or wlthont kitchen. »u4 3t» 4OK NATOMA-3 NICE FURNISHED FRONT :I "" rooms: gentlemen or man and wife. an 4 gt» 1 490 I>UPONT-SUNNY FCRNISIIED FRONT x - t —' room; rent $7. an* 3t 090 OF ARR X L L _ FORNISHED DOUBLE °— v room: grate; running water; also single. 4 5« 01 H EDDY-FINE SUNNY ROOMS; SINGLE 0 I I and double. am st* 1 408 M '»»1«>-SUNN V FRONT ROOM: FUR- 11\J<J v [shod; atove if desired. au4 2t fS4(f Ml - NJi A- FURNISHED SINGLE FRONT " - tv/ room. ant 3t« 1 1 9 O'FARRELL-3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS; X A -j board »"l>«ta«Bn in payment; also fuji nlshed parlors. IU 3 3t « 71 Q, CALIFORNIA — SUNNY FURNISHED I -L U rooms, suitable tor 1 or 2: reasonable. 3 3t» O'JM C MISSION-4 ROOMS TO LET; SECOND Z.OLO floor; rent »12. au3 at* ONE LAUIiB AND ONE SMALL ROOM CON- nected: neatly furnished with grate and run- ning water; In second flat; rent $10. 942 Howard »»reet. an 3 3t« 19 1 O'FARRELL — 2 OB 3 UNFURNISHED -^ - L rooms for houaekeepiug. au'J tl 7S >: ? MARKET. COR. FOURTH (THE ALTA » l-U House)— Newly furnished rooms; cheap.alitt Q9O KLLIS — PLEASANT ROOM, PRIVATE KJ^Ki family, moderate; refeteiieas. aoa 7t* 1 r.(> THIRD - MILTON HOUSE CHANGED J- UU bauds; clean sunny: double and single fur- nlsned rooms; rents very reasonable. aul lino 71 0 HI'"*— NICK SUNNY FURNISHED ROOK 1 ->-\J for a gentlemau or gentltinau and wl[ tf Ol It O'KARRELL-FURNISHEO ROOMS: PUI- OXU vate family; with or without board: to a laJ y- _^ aul 6t» 1 [IX I ** Bllll * - NIChLY FURNISHED. SUN NY A- V rJ room; rent reasonable. iy3l 7t KOQ KEAUNV-$l5; FRONT SUITE; 3 UN- *J~*J furnished rooms. ■ .-.i : . . Jy3l tf PI 1 POST-LARGK, FRONT ROOM; 1 OR 2 "i- I gentlemen: private family. Jy3l tf CiC\A GEARY-SUNNY FRONT ROOM; 2 PER- \J\J'± sons: back room; reasonable. jyJ9 --'w 1 IKI) MISSION— NICE LIUHT. AIRY. SUNNY I aw rooms, suite or single; new house- reuts very reasonnbio. •■ — .. jy2u 1 111 777 M A I; K KT-SUNNY WfcLL FURNISHED 111 rooms, suites and single; also omcos.jy29 1 m ■yosKSIITE HOUSE, 1045 MARKET ST. BET. J. Sixth and Seventh: 35« tot] per night; per week, $Isoto $3 ■ single and eu suite ; fa uillies. mrl tf 1 '9 TAYLOR-SUNNY KOOMS FROM ¥0 UP- —-" »I»Q frout suite, cheap. Jy27 tr A I (I ISROAIIWAY-DOUBI.E AND SINGLE FUR- II " nlshed rooms; also honsekcep'g; cheap.26 lm O(; I MA R KET- LINCOLN' ROUSE: " FUR- yj*)>t-4 nlshed suites and sliirlb rooms; sunny; per- manent; country transient. MRS. N. F. COOK, lm I i \'\ «TOC X T o M NTI.EROY HOUSK; ±\JU furnished, nnfurnlahed. housekeeping. J.'3 lm -,()1 STOCKTON - ELEGANTLY FURNISHED "'/-I suites and single rooms: all sunny every- thlug new; private family; rates reasonable. 22 lvi (1 I A JONES— NICELY » FURNISHED ~ SUITES yjm and single; also basement. jy2J lm IIC HAVES, NEAR VAN NESS-ELEGANTLY x 1 v furnished suites and single rooms; also fur- ulshed suites, housekeeping; terms reasonable. 10 lm liM IiDDY— SUNNY FURNISHED CONNECT- J-_^-_-£_iUii rooms; suite or single. jyls tf 410 TAIXOB - FINE SUNNY FURNISHED xxkj rooms, single or en suite. jyl4 lm I Ol MONTGOMERY — NEW MANAGEMENT- -1 Ul pleasant suites or single rooms: omces fur- nished or unfurnished ; transients solicited reason- ab 'e- )yUlm 1 OkQ FOLBOM— LARGE SUNNY BAY-WIN- -l <Jk}<J dow room; neatly furnished; cheap. 12 tf 5 I GOLDEN OATIi AVK-NICELY FURNISHED •J'Jt room, suitable for 2; gas aud bath. Jyl2 tf 0J Q ELLIS — KLKIiANTLY FIT RN 1 SHED »'" rouin-'. en suite or single; board optional. U 9 SEVENTH <GIHARD~HOUSt) — SINGLE J-1— and double: housekeeping II desired. )y8 lm O9j KLLIS— SUNNY, FRONT BUD- KOOM; O~<-t nicely furnished: reasonable. lylir 9(in li "° 11 ROOMS— 715 HOWARD ST.. NEAR — v '\i Thjrd: gas and water In e:ich room: reading- room nd batii free; linen changed daily; huuso open all night; best be«is In the world: rooms per <iav. from soe \ per week, from *1 60. 20 tf UU.XaIUI^U .*>•> IiOO.US. IJI ni lili-siov-MiHLY FUBHIBHBO X±Q-4 rooms, board; terms reasonable. 5 7t* UAO FOI.SOSI-NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY (t *— < rooms with boartl: reasonable. au4 7t s A MKRICAN EXCHANGE HOTEL. 319 AND 321 .£ Vsansnmt.' st., San Fraai'tsco; board and room $1, * : 25 and si 50 per day: rrca coach. jy2l tt MONTGOMERY BROS., proprietors. EUREKA HOTEL, 4.5 Hit ANN AN — GOOD -Li rooms and uoara; moderate ijtss. aul lm t'ULToS HOTEU 141 LARKIN-BEST FAM- i- liy hotel a. city: first-elaja b'.ard. jyl7tf 'Tii; ORIEL, A I-AMILY HOTEL, WITH UNSUR- I passed accommodations, corner Market and Pate sts, Sau Francisco. W. (i. GRAHAM, pro- prletor. jjl7 Im_ ATI AX HOTEL. 512 BUSH— GOOD ROOMS; -*■' No. 1 lable: reasonable. JylO lm A I•> LK*VK> WORTH — HANDSOME, SUNNY 11") iront parlor; gas and bath. JylO tf AUI INGTON HOUSE. 127 KEARNY— PLEAS- ant M>!iny rooms, en tnlte and tingle; trst<v.»» li every reaped: terms reasonable. JalO KOOKLYN HOTEL. BUSH ST., BET. MONT- gomery and Sansome, under the management of (Has. MONTGOMERY: hrst-elass family and mer- cantile hotel: home comforts; conducted on Ameri- can and Kuropean plan: board and room Cl 25 ■- '. 60. SI 75 and f i per da/ ; rooms 60 ceuts to •■ L; lice 1 oich to and from hotel. fe7 12in rpHE MaRIPOSA. 524 LAGUNA— FINK SUITES; J_2rvt-ci:i.s'i board; terms moderate. aultiif MONTHOM FRY'S TEMPERANCS HOTKU 237 «nd a-.'H Second Et.— Single meals 25c ; hoard nl room per day, TBa to SI : by tne weax. »1 to 56; trs* coaeli to and from the boinl. an2lcf C M !l.l)lt*JN xtUAtIUKU. LOR 2 LITTLiT~ciIiLDREN, DESUtAULE 1 happy .lome: best of care; pleasant surround- ings: sunny grounds. 23 Glen Park aye., off Twelfth St., bet. Mission and Howard. au4 'M* pOM rOBTA HI.E HOMEF(>KIOR3('HILHREN- \J term, reasonable. Call 719 California. 3 3t* SI'MMKB KKSOltxi; ('BAND HOTeLT' DUNCAN^ MILLS— FOPl£ VI lar resort; elegant rooms; climate, llshluz. boating, bathing, scenery, drives and relwood forest raic.bies; send for circulars: $7 to (10 ler week, and special rates to families. W. B. MOOI'.E. inviatf \NDERSON SPRINGS, LAKE COUNTY-THE • 1 iiroprletor si this famous and celebrated resort wtsheM to announce to her frien Is and the publle that arran^eiueuts have been made with the South- ern Pacific Company and Win. Spier's stage line for the sale of through tickets to the springs: from Ssn Francisco anil Oakland » 5: round trip *9 00- -through tickets can also be obtained at Sacramento and San Jose. The advantages of our hot and cold sulphur and iron baths, natural .steam batlis, are unequaled; take 7:30 a. m. ferry from San Fian- clsco for Cullstoga. For further particulars ad- dress J. ANDERSON, Anderson Springs, Middle- town, Lake County. Cal. my3l tf IJESORTS. SPRINGS AND HOTELS OF TUB 1 > l'arlhc Coaat. with rates, location, etc., pub- lished In the Hotel Gnlde, lIS pages. For sale by newsdealers, or send 2Sc In stamps to W. M P VT- TKRSQN, publisher. 310 Post St.. 3. F. mrl tf jo LEASE- MOUNTAIN SANITARIUM AND I resort; fully equipped; only tour hours from San Fr.iir:sc.< X. Bos 71. tlila ■■Itlcn. 21 tf !ift>Kl3 TO let. RENT or LEASE FOB TEKJt of TEAKS: I large store, 32x40. on BE. corner Mission and Seventeenth. YON RllEl.N * CO., 524 California street. ans 14t* Ii >. X AND FIXTURES (IF STORK FOR SALE iJ finest location ou Market at. 11. M., llox 129, Call Branch. aus 31« 'IK/ LET- SMALL STORE. INQ.UIRK '209 MONT- i. goiuery aye. au6 M* I?n(E CORNKit STOKE: SUITABLE FOR DKUG- -1 store or wholesale liquor. lstil Howard st.s 7t» ffljl - STOKE. 2 LIVING HOOJIS; GOOD FUR Upl-U. diessuiaklng, tailors. Apply 325 Firm street. an 4 2t» TOKEl7xfi2. (I'FAI'.ItELL ST..NR. MARKtrT. kJ Apply 10-- O'Farrell st, au2 7t» mo LET— LARIiE STORK; 17 FRAN KLIN, COR. I Lily ive.. near Market: cheap. Apply G. A. I-MHSF.N. 14 Miw.tgoir.ery at. lot* o*r"iCii*i to mi 1 , l* - FLL-FURMSHED OKFICE TO LET OR FOR " sale; carpeted, ritsk*. lan* safe, etc, at great bargain. Apply toagfnt Pbelan Building. It* 119 POWELb ST.-LARUE offii'K: SUIi'A 11 0 bin -or dentist or ot!i:T proresflionnl liusinets- eMit'ATlO.l'iii. TmTunTPTady pTanist wishes tukx- I change piano lessons for Spanish. Address Musician, Box 160, Call Braucb Omc*. It* ST. 1 11 N A T I U S i-oI.LEHK. 214 HAVES ST.. SAN O Francisco— Studies will be resumed 'InesUay, August 4. 18.11. H. IMUD.A. S. .I- President. a 4 31 PROF. !>EFILIPPI'-.'> SIMPLIFIED PRACTICAL ■1 methooor|ianish,*l 50. The ßanerortCo. 1) W. KIM U.U.1.. TEACHER OF PIANO. 2912 . Howard St.; terms moderate. au3 lm \T OCAL CLASSES MONDAY AT 8 P. M.; GOOD mnleimi fema'p voices wanted. MRS MEL- VILLKSN VUBU, 138 McAllister st. .opp. City Hall- dramatic classes Wedneiday at 8 r. m. aul 7t* I>ROF.J. F 1.. MKYEK.7IU HYDE ST.. SCHOLAR of Lisxt— Experleuced and able Instructor ou piano and organ. aul3m A LL KINDS OF THE VhRY FINEST NEKDLE " and fancy work taught. 1821 Sacramento st., 9 A. M. to 12 M. jj-31 I>ROF. CHAS. GOFFRIIi INFORMS HIS PUPILS that he has returned to 1430 Webster «t.Jy22 15* SPANISH LESSONS BY A lI.IaN LAOyT- -0 classes for-jied ; reasonable. 610 Jones. Jy2l lm BANJO, GUITAR AND MANDOLIN LESSONS. PROF. DOUGI.ASS. 120 McAllister, tylB lm SPANISH LESSONS, THEORETICAL AND practical, by competent teacher. 1170 Market »L, Room 7ft. jylStfm CAL ACADEMY: VOICE ELOCUTION V 1 oratory, acting. Saratoga Hall. 814 Geary. M. J. BRADLEY (Kuconle de Forest). Call 2 to 4:30. i 7 8m IJIANO: VOICE CULTURE, ELOCUTION: 1 dramatic classes. MISS BEALE, 328 O'Farrell. tt ACCOMPANIMENTS: PIANO LESSONS: CALL puplla' homes. MRS. HAKRIS, 805 Mission. 3m I>ACIFC ENUINKKRINU SCHOOL— ENUIN VJS.K- rng. architecture, surveying. 121 Post. feJO lyr SCHOOL CIVIL. MINIMI*. MECHANICAL EN- O glueerlug, surveying, architecture, drawinx, a> nylng:estau. lam. A. Van derNalileii. 72S M»t.2l tC BEALD'.S BUSINESS CULLKUK. 21 POST ST. Doubie-eutry booK-keepiug. pt.nmAu.-hip, short- hand, type-writing, telegraphy, etc., all Included la business course under one fee of $75. ie3l> tf PACIFIC MUSINKBS~COLLE«Kr 329 POST A 14Ie scholarsuiu, S7S; day aaa ereamz. ojJ*!.: OAKMNDJDMIISEIMTS. <>.\ KLAXI>_ KFAI, K STATE. <C 17K 'HERE YOU HAVH IT; UNPRECE- «ipx 10. dented o«er: 128 choice, lot*, SO feet front, containing nearly a ouarter acre of laid, »175 n to*3soper lot, and fronting on East Four- teent and Buenaventura sts., an 1 S.iell and Haw- ley ayes., in tba beautiful Bneniventnra Tract: new proposed electric road to Haywards parses this property ; we will sen you a quarter-aero lot for too same monoy that you will have la pay for a 25-foot lot In the immediate vicinity; we offer thU prop- erty at 100 percent less than the prfcei at which any or the adjolulug properties are ottered for salt) • terms or Hale— »:10 down and 93 a niontb • auction terms and prices beaten; our price* are set at auction limit*, and you will not have to bid against other purchasers in order to seenre your lot- yon will save money by calling on in at once: re- member there aro only 128 lots for sale, and tills grand offer is good for 30 days only. For mam an I full particulars apply to CLOUGU A IIAKbB 9tis Washington st. JhJ7 cod If •£9OO EACH- 100 LOTS IN THE HEAUTIFUL O — U\J suburbs of Lorln; no such bargains ever offered In Osklnnd; right In the march of Immedi- ate improvements; new ferry to San Francisco: new street-car line to Oakland; come at once befora prices advance; snre to make money: lots 25x135; *15 down, $5 per month. CLOUUU 4 HAKEK, 864 Vi aaaim;t(.'u street. mr22 cod tt «J>HE McGEE TRACT, BERaELET. THE CREAM OF BERKELEY PROPERTY". THK FINEST AND CHEAPEST PinPF.RTY IN KOKTH OAKLAND OR BERKELEY. ten REASONS war. First— The Oakland and Berkeley Electric Road runs through this property every ten minutes. Second— The MoOee Trset Is within two blocks of half -hour local trains to s»u Francisco, Third— The McGee Tract lots are large, being f>o feet front by 130 feet In depth, and range In prlca from *fbOO to *louo each, while adjoining property Is held 25 per ceui nigLer. Fourth— The McGee Tract Is situated In the center of Berkeley, surrounded by handsome residences. Firth— ha system or sewerage Is perfect, the main sewer ruumug from the bins to the bay. Sixth— climate Is the best 111 the world— nerer hot, never cold. The mountains at its back protect It from the. cold north and east winds In winter, - with Just sufficient sea air la the summer to make it delightful. Seventh— The system of education cannot be equaled on the I'aciilc Coast— complete In every re- spect. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, The crown of our educational system. fa here. The most prominent university of the land, free to all that seek to study within Its halls. — — Eighth-Churches are here of all denominations, with buildings or tno substantial and pleasing architectural designs. r Ninth— High elevation, pure air, abundant pure water, unsurpassed scenery, ricnest soil on the globe; will grow anything that land will product 1 . These all combine to make the McGee Tract one of the most desirable places for a home on the Pacific Coast. Tenth— The terms are easy, only one- fifth cash as first payment, bataoce In four equal yearly pay- ments, with low rate of Interest, only 7 per cent per annum. For maps and full particulars call upon or address M. J. LAYMANCK 4 CO., 466 Eighth St., Oakland. Cal. aul lot T ARGE LOTS, 60x150. FOR Si Oil. ~~~ Xj . IN the fruitvale TERRACE TRACT. Small cash payment, balance In monthly install- ineuts. This tract of land, generally known as the Octa- gon-house property, lies at the cor. of High st. an, l old county road; it has always been acknowledged as the finest location for pretty homes In or around Oakland, aud the public have 01 ten wondered why this tract has not bean opened to them; now is you.- clianra to secure one of these choice locations for a home fat acre prices): Talcotts Station (California R. R.) Is located on the tract : Me. rose S. P. R. U. station only 5 blocks away, with a proposed (i. V. Hearst) electric railway to go by tne property, and the Oakland and Haywards road only 2 blocks dis- tant. .1. M. MKRKITT. 1062 Thirteenth aye.. Brooklyn Station. East Oakland. au2 7t FOR EXCUANUE--10 ACRES. 6 MILES FROM San Jos-, ou Stevens Creek road: 6 acres In French prunes; will sell or exchange for Improved or unimproved properly. GRAY 4 SWENARTON, 4ti.) Ninth St.. Oakland. au2 tf FREE PASS FOR 5 YEAKS FURNISH Kl> ITi:- -r chasers In Prospect Hill Tract. Frultvale, who will build: lots *15'J each: a blocks from cars; Sill cash. $7 50 monthly, 7 per cent. 11. U. I'INNEY, 907 Broadway. Oakland. 28 tf Q"l Eft »175 AND $200 PER LOT; WKLL LO- WI.O\J. cated lots at 1-ruilvale. within one block of 2 car line*, and a free pass given on same for .> years to any one who will build upon the. lot or lots purchased: only $10 cash payment required and ¥7 50 per month; the best opportunity ever ottered to uurchasers, besides these lots will don ile In va!n + in the course of a year, as they are In the heart of Fruitvale, central and surrounded by beautiful honiffs, and easy access to San Francisco by Oak- land local tram; apply early and secure one of these bargains, with a 6 years' pass on the cars. Apply to E. W. WOODWARD A CO., 902 Broadway Oik- 'and. ]v3l 7t I IN DA VISTA TERIfACK. SITUATKI> CM? -i the high land, about midway between Oakland and piedmont, on the line of the Piedmont cabic- road, which passes through the center or the tr..e\ I* the desirable suburban residence property on this side the bay; high, rolling land, magnificent views In ail directions, healthful, salubrious ci:- mate, freedom from fogs are the natural advan- tages of the property: the streets hare been sev- ered, graded and curbed ; are to be macadatniz .1 and cement sidewalks laid: fine homes already erected and occupied by purchasers of lots: no houses of less value than f iDi'j allowed to lie erected on the tract: within 10 minutes' delightful ride or the center of Oakland and 40 minutes from San Francisco; communication with San Francisco every 15 mlnntes by broad and narrow gauge ferries :caiile-cars coo nect with th« last boat' from the city. For maps, price list. etc.. coin mini with or call upon E. A. HERON, agent. 1050 lirnad- way. cor. Eleven: h. Oakland. ty307l firl'./lA * 850 AND *700 »" KK LOT: UEAUTI- «ffiUUU. fui building lots at Irnltvale. East Oak- land: these lots ore large, being 30 and BO feet Ironlage by a depth or 129:9 feet, with a coin nan I- Ing view and fronting directly on the new double- deck car Una or the Sessions road. Frnitvale aye. and Hopkins st.; this property is surrounded with lovely homes and grounds with fruit orchards, etc : to anyone building ou these lots a fret* |>as<-fors years will he given on these cars to the local train at Frnitvale Station, or Thirteenth-avenue Stall, i, at East Oakland; will sell on Installment plan II desired. s>so cash and (la per month. Apply with- out delay to E. W. WOODWARD A- CO.. 902 Broadway. Oakland. iyOS 7t *49|in To *-«OEACH: 18 LOTS; 40x133; SlO «iP^»») \J cash, balance f > monthly; w thin 1 block of electric ears: this offer Is nude to close out tract; over 100 lots sold in 30 days. M. .■ LAY- MANCE * Co., 468 Eighth BL. Oakland. jy2B lot u-'JH CASH, BALANCE*" 60 MONTHLY; LOTS yT^V'ln the Falrvlow Tract, on the Pladniont cable. 7200 to 4300 each; over 50 lots sol.l In the past 2 week*: grandest opp»rtuoity ever otfered to buy properly on the Piedmont cable upon easy terms, street graded and city water. M. J. LAV- MA.NiJE CO., 468 Eighth St.. Oakland. jy2« lot TIWO ELEGANT NEW 6-HOOM COTTAGES- ± electric bells, electric gas-llghtiug. and speaking tubes, etc; they are In every way a "model house"; only three blocks from local train station: t Tins one-hslf cash: balance on time to suit. Apply to K. L. PRIEST. 90tf Broadway. Oakland. Cal. 1y23 1 4 1 CJV^O LOTS IN THE SUNSET TRACT; FIN- -0 — «'V. est location In Fruitvale; only a few lon ' left. DAVIS ,v DOW, owner Twenty-third station. Oakland. jylOtf ■VTOTICE— fSOOTO $450: LOTS AT FRITITVALE i. 1 Station, opposite the depot, now ottered tor gale at the most reasonable terms as follows: one-fourth cash, balance in «, It, 18 and 21 mon:hs. or In monthly installments from $10 upward; IMaa lots are tba most accessible to railroad con- veniences of any lots In Fast Oakland. Apply to ,U.rrKhS> ,t «HIIK. or Twenty-thlrd-ava. Laud Co.. Twenth-thlrd-ava. station. East Oak) mrlt: I'IKLAND imiSKS TO It t: NT. RKNT - MUELY~FUKSISIiBIT~TpPKB Hat: fine location: about 7 minutes' walk t. local train; references exchanged. 1230 Union St.. Oakland. Ivlittf OAKLAND _lIOTkLsT~^~~~*~~ rpUIiBS HOTtL, OAKLAND— THE FINEST I most commodious family and tourist natal In California, occupying full squire: nrst-ci»« In all it.s appointments. IvIH lm TuFr ■ X ALAHEDA ADVERTISEMENTS. .*\LAMl:i)v KKAI. KSTATB. Cj I <i(\f\ *250 CASH, *2!> PER MONTH. WILL J OV/V>. buy a beautiful collate: all moderu Improvements : 2Sxl»0: near Hay-si station. » 2<ioo- 5;250 ca-Ui, ?.'!> per month, for a pretty tt- room cottage, near station; all itireet work done. $2750— 5350 cash, (30 a month; 48x160 Mot; 7- room cottage near M istic station. s.'.'Sti »..dil cash, 825 it mouth for little beauty 5-iO"in cottage ou Webster st. : all modern improve- ment*. $2650-.? 10!) cash. $25 a mouth: a, haudsom.t >\- room tlwelling on Pacific aye,, station; in <d. itii Improvements and street work all compute. Houses built to order, on oasy iustalline'iti, ori the famous Fassklng's Fart Tract, at liraud-at. Sta- tion; now rea>iy. Houses for rent. Open Sundays. MARCUSK 4 KEMMF.LL. The largest contracting linn in Alamnit County. omces— Alame la. Bay st. station :tud Ulgb-st. Sta- tion. San Francisco, o'2B Market st , opp. Fslaco Hotel. - an-J 7t MUST BK SoLD -A UNK CORNER Ull" with bouse or 8 rooms and bath. Houses aad lots on easy terms, from $100 to 9509 down; Installments $15 to *2 ' per month, intern,. included. ' . • Wanted— a small place In San Dle^o, to exchange for Alameda property. Also, several place.-) Li Alame-da to cxc;i:tuge for onrslde lands. For bargains In real estate call at MR«. I. n. CHANDLER JtC0.'3,132» Park St., near Masonic Building. Alameda. au*! tr JUDD. HAN LEY * CO., 1351 PARK ST.. WILL build, sell or r.-nt you any kind of a house. any- wbero la Alamo. la, on the most reasouahto terms. _' ' _ _ Jy23 tt ■ HOUSES FOR SALE AND TO KEN*T; JOHN F. WARD, Real E<tate and Insurance, 1415 Park St.. Alameila. jv2*J tt ■ i,ok7n~kkal ksiat"k~ T OTS'JSxISsTiSoUtLOTS *0 I l»2:6..»i00. $325. JJ $350, »373. $100: lots 50x135. »400; lots 4t>x ISO, $500 each, $2ft down. $5 and $10 a man to. Holies built to order on the installment plan; •300 or $400 down: balanco easy monthly nay- ments. ' Cottages for sale on the Installmsnt plan or to rent, furnished or unfurnished, Inqi-.ire of W. C MOP.AN. Lortn. or PI'SINBURY * WURTS 467 Ninth St., Oakland; take Berkeley train or new electric-car, which passes dour; Sunday engage- menta. • ■ . aul 145 V at UNUSUAL OPPORI'UNITY! LOOK AT THIS! Lot 78x120: tine modern house, 7 rooms, new, on sunny sid* or leading street, only 1 block rrom local railroad station and electric railroad: $30 j(>: only $500 cash: balance la monthly payments. IRWIN it JOHNSON. Adeline st . Lnrllu aul 71 - ~TtkI"{KEL.KY KKAL : KSTATeI' CHOICE LOTS CHEAP. J. HK-NDERSOV 1 Jr., Coal Office, 130 Ellis St., S. F. jyM tt 5