Newspaper Page Text
BUSIXKSS CHANCF.S. C^V^o7\ BLACKSMITH AND WAGON BUS!- -■ t"-«_iH l\>. r,es«; establisaed 13 years; retain* ■ bu-mess. MCLAUGHLIN c < 0.V2« Kearny.l* ..(.<» SALOON: BARGAIN THIS DAY. t^-lv'U. McLAPGHLIN A <o. I' 6 Kearny. VJ 4 * • .i- SALOON; BARGAIN: THIS KAY. ._ I — ■*.). Mi LA UGH LIN <% CO.. 'Jo Kearny. jJO 4* CAI-OON FOR SALE— CHEAP; NfcAR KEA'tVY kj : Apply 215 Sacramento st. ja.:! ~l* PAYING" COAI^-YARDSKOR SALE; 2 GOOD i • .. -.-< s Inquire this office. ja*-'3 3t» FToOD SALOON FOR! SALE; WAi ER FRi 'N T. 1 j s coiiuiierciai sc j.2:< :n* . cJa! •'>>-- LIVING ROOMS; LONG LEASE; ... ..r:.;. Inquire 64 « Howard St. ja2:< 7t* | ".I -.\i \.-\. t OR WHOLE OKi FKU IT-STORE. lH:vi;;i U.srscr and wa-i»n; oIJ »t.iud. Apply Cai.i. • , •l\; ;(\ \> IKLKSALE BUSINKSS; cI?.\NCK •!!"' >'" V*. --'Jiio-u ifiVieJ; tuM in\ cii.-. ti.-n ted. i ! !'. r. r 13S; Call Branch Offlee.23 3f : :i;-i;-, ATTENTIONS-GOOD BTICHER- i) ti ..p. with pa;kine-b<3me, s.Hi i a^fl factory, . : i s*2>". cart; etc., for sale ( heap, accotiiit of . :.',or hasiiies's, Inquire Cai.i. Branch Offire -"-' 3t* T I ; A N tI! hA X Kll \7~\ ARIET Vi STORE \M* '• ■ (.■■;: ir-staiid. -sjlH Missiou st; j:rj ! 3t* /:.:li;ak~tore ro;-; sale, apply 5 NINTH »> >::■ . ja23 3t*_ *2-.T| ,1 GRI-.CKKY, PROVISION AND FRUIT Ci ' y ■ store: well-stockod: horsa a:i 1 wajon; . hei ;• rent; rovm! -iaioi: resi>ect»blo noLrhborhood: ownr: r.-i| n; l'.:ist to s.'ttli* father's estate: most V. ceouii .■ !.ir^r.-.:i t>Le can aesjre. BAILEY. 719 Mir'..-; st. ia'JH 7t_ Ci-^^M S.Al.tiON o^ MAIN BUSINESS O'»"''- strt'ft : rout ch;ar>: 'A Jiviiis-rooms: you could not begin to turuish !or price nskt-ii; bought luto another %!i.-i ■.-.-. c.i:i>t o: sale; buyrrs.'see I_l',is I-.AII.KY. 7 ] 1» Market' ST."--'. V )i-- 7i* C">T7\ HORSK-SiIOKINO AM' «iKNKRAL rW.'U. |,|;ic.s,uft:i shop; roit $12: le.i-?: 17 >var.>\ established; pays welL BAii.KY, 7;-.» Mar- tie I st. }»•<■' l 7t V««)Ano?COAUYA!It>: FINE LOaVTION: i r S- r_ — 'Jvm '. ; iiiii,!-ifl IW I .'; r<-n: free io June. :":•'.; (:<'<•<' «lH iUClnrtcs SUICiC c '.i! n: ; ci WPO.I; Lorse, \':t k -..;:-. .: imiiuinss, steels ,iud s'.abi -.-. B.\lLl',\ , 719 M.irUt s:. ja2o Tt Q I'll EXPRESS BUSINESS; A D"CBLE i.'itlU.'.ram: 20 years same stand Market st.; ouiy chanced hand-s 3 tunes: ibvre ii over ¥20 y.grkiy i.i ttiis. IiAILKY, 710 Market st. jal'J 7t WHOLESALE ROUTE IN CITY; O — «■""-•"• rstaWlslied protected trade; profit puarAnteed $30 weekly ; less competition in tblsline than any business going. HAILEY.7IO Mark't.l.i 1 111 \l t ANTED^-GOOD PAYING BUSINESS IN KX- '' ciutice tor (i!'(t acres Napa County land unii> ctun'.n red: value $600 i». BaILEY,*.7IB Mar»et.l7.7 \\ ANTED— PARTNER WITH *2000: MAN U- ** f icturiuc biismoss.'yieldlne larg« profits »!:li incre.-.-iiiK- demand f><r product: no acr<-i:is. Address r.Hs!iif>«. ilrXllS. Ca:.i. Branch Place. J i2O 41* C-Cr A PARTNKR WAM'KD IN CIGAR FAC- C.OOU; -,tory <;.-:iri.,sj ?10J to f.50 a month to fMCh: cl:e»p at ?s*O0; selling at » stcririce on r.c- cmntoi serious illness. CALIFORNIA BUSINESS E\CIIA N ( JK.42SK rar- y »t. It C'»>"A WILL BUY A SALOON WORTH $.")IH). V-' ''(AI-UOiiMA IH>INESS EXCHANGE. ! ' i}fl RF-STAI-RAN T AN I> I. i> I> GIN (J - ! t>UU. house; eiearlag s2so a month: i-st .!<- ILshi'd 17 years ; sjiy oae < a:i ru:i ;t and maka mouey. California Business Kxchauge.^SS Kearuy st. "it PA RTNER WANTED! IN" OLD-KSTAB- t~~i)\l\'. iished ca*ii bustnes*; will prove t">at ie Is 'Tiearins over $200 a mouth: csn travo trial on «.i a:\ : ii" : i^^t i-v Sunday h on -. fine opportunity : -r-.t into a D!eas»nt.'sure and s*f»- mon«7-n«»klng li.-vi ->s. CALIFORNIA BUSINESS EXCHANi.K. :V'J M-JLL OUT YOUR BUSINKSS GO TO I. l». _1 BARNARD.' 224 Kfamy st. ; <?sta'.»liOit»d l^o'.i. 1* Q k >, ,!M DOWNTOWN SALOON; AN OLD 0 — vU"^popßlsr C'Tuc-r stand amon; waoic ■ . c ho i*>>: :.(.'■ .-:i-3 '.i.iy trul.?; fmest cuauce ever ■■• -i-c.L 1. D. i:Ai;.NAKi>. 22t Kearny St. It* QT.fWlf) HOTEL AM) RESTAURANT AT "JwlivlN (;>!>leT! <Lite P?.rk: a 1.-.rrain: im:«t - I« sv ! : : tialidinjrs !?2se and very !ar^e ps> .ii? 1 l.'D.'l W.NARD. I*2l Kcar.iy st- il^_ Q-.r/\ i.I ViK-MIli!. WAGON AND CAK- t)«JU . rine s!iup for sal?: out; of the o Oe-t in . tfljcliy: 3 Erei; 1 st-is tools complete tor wood .'and irjti; i-n.p.oys 3 meo: l«ts wotk on ban I; full F:ock:-be<t location: sacrifice; to sc:i ?.t o:;ce. Sec .U_EO. .Mi. .\ A I£lV l:<s Kearny 5 1. it QT^O I'AKTNKR >YANTEI» IN COFFEE SA- -0 ' O\' • io.-.n an.s rcstanrant; must art as cashier, loik alter u;iil':. T r.-<-m. help, etc.; wants a pood, re- liablcttian; clears J173 per n:orit!:: irrandest bar : ■fain e*er heard of^ location, busiest street in iitv: iar;e ji!.-.ce: worth (Jouble; i.evtr sum a cbakce; tlon'l miss it. ' OEO. w STEWAKT.*iI3S Kearny. It QQ-A GRAND CHANCE FOR MAN ANI> OO'il'- wife, or any one: biauch bakery; cun- :.fettiti:;pry. tr.-.s. coffee, dairy produce, etc; se!!« 1-5 to 150 toarps bread daily: everything e'se ia proivott.o:.; casa sales $25 to $A 0 per day; clean ■ }H*U per mciitn : liaiidsome store: ceiitrx! location : a foil sto.-k: cr-atest place for retail uustaess in the. ' city; must sell. GEO. STEWART. 133 Kearny st. 1 YOIU X-lIAYING I'.tYLKS WILLING TOilN- vest in son:* le;lt!mate bnstness.' parties desir- -1 i; to »eM promptly apply iIKALY. 114S MarKet.l t OffiA-vGROCKRYVAM) BAR. WITil a SU>NY •jOUU.rooms: bar trade >8 per day; !uli value. A>. F. HEALY, 1148 MarKet St. It Q*~>fWy EMPLOYMENT o7f"ltE - BUSINESS OOvu> partner wanted; cit-.ir4 ea-.'ti *-75 per month; cail t«Mlay. W.'F.'HEALY: H-lii Market.; Q 4J (in saloon: nk. mission and third. » V .<;UU. doins- l.usiness $TJ p«»r duy; positive b.rcain. W. F. HEALY.-1148 Market st. ja'Jl 7t» Q.';X/1 PARTNER WANTED,\W OOD, COAL; •_ \jO.\J. hay and grain business; 2 horses. wa<;on, I 1:: tjooj stock and bL? trade; prefer* partner tv : :r<-«l !.el;>. sIIKLTo.s, 1032 Marxet -t. ja'J'J -Jl* Q-^7^, PARTNER WANTED, CIGAK-STORE: : ':»^— • •/. prorumenUy located on Kearuy st : pooa ci: fine fixtures: bU trade: rsre chance for sober, : . ..;-:;.-!ui:s 11^:1. SH KUT ON. W.i'2 Market >t J-'J' CORNER GROCERY' AND BAR; 3 .^- ''<.3U. i-oorrvs; cheap reut; old estahllsheil arid \77t- :■:: s."»tis"actorjT reasoos for s<^i!i:i^-. va ! us i:i fi,!,;: irt^t bargain. SiIKLToN. 10.5^' Marbet.22 '-• Q] j iu~\ KLWiAM FIRST-CLASS GROCERY O I ' v'U: ai,<! L'jr; 4 liviu^ rooms: c. earing -- •■' PACIFIC EX< if AN OK, '-':? Kekrny si. It* Q-- ,| W X 1. 1. -KN O W N BDTCHER-SnOP: V-t.'») ''. ciesrs *-0J: to right man (rnixl reasons 'lor sacrifice. I'AC. EXCHANGE. V 3 Ke.riy. It Q i-n PARTNER WANTED IN WOOD AND r^n)\J. coal t,:isin r s3. witn a nicj yonne man; ii)!!;; a liiie business: old fsta'^iisncd; '1 horses, " vag,.:.s. l.ji-v. scii»s and lars*- s'-jclc: uceJs !.!'!d: if >oni want a bargain cail at oace. PouL x ( <>.'. 11*18 Market st. It* I EXPRESS7IWAUON AND DOUBLE 0 i i)\J . teatn : b^s*. staid la the city; good trade. 1 Ail s>t 783 Market ?t., rooms 3 and 4. It Q'.)"Vl PARTNER>WAXTED!IN[CASH IU'SI- V, *JtJ\J. ness; c'.f,..ria- *!50 p>* ;nouth-t>.> each; 110 cxi'«riL-nce required; w.irk t-isv; hours short: trial civ,T).TK.\;iKI:.V KXCHANiji-J.l 007 Market. 1 l» ANTS AND HOW TO MEET THEM. •• I! you >%a:.: to b'jy, st-li or eichange real «st2te If you h a;it to bay,' t,ell or exchange a Jru'.t, grsLi tr stf-ck rancti; Ir you want a partoVr. If you want s«te in^urs-i'-p at botto:n rate?. I! yon want your t;li;a collected promptly; II you want any conveyance or oiher papers If yon wact tlie services of an attorney rr Hilary. If >oi! «snt entire charge taken of your proptr:j-. v l.e;;.cr a: home or abroad : i« j r.u vi ant to bomrw c r lend money— call on W. .'. HENEY .V DONALO DOWNIEJ 32:'. Keunj- it.. Ilooins 'J ar.d .<. \jl\9 ir Q* ; * ) ,"\ BRANCH BAKERY AMI VAI:I X TV O-— *'• ftare; fine location; good business: riicap.'SUNSET INVESTMEN r CO.. »<s<) Market. 2* CROOKERYrSTORE DOING A LARGE V.l'SI- -I.CJ3: cheap rent; long lease; atcount other tmsi- imss. 1417 StocKton st. JVJO lot* BL'.SIN>«'sS ESTAIifcISIIK!> 20 YEARS FOH sale at a liarcaln: owneriretirlnz. Icqoire at Sir K»arny St.. Koo:n 3. jj-j; 7t /M'NSKKVATfvi:. Rl-:SIT« .TABLE AND PRO.S- jaiV-'il'Crous business :;r. s;ui Francisco for sale, con- Ei«iirjs of procerles." hardware, et-?.; Pin luventory about t'SoOO. Inqalre Commercial Agency. ot tjie CAIir.ALL-HOI'KINS CO., oi4 SUrtSt St. jn2.* 7t* pOOl) DAIRY RANCH IN TEHAM A CO I" N T Y ; ' \t,o acres f'>r .s.iie ur exchange. A<i<lr<>ss TKOY*Box »■<. Call Branch Office. j i 22 7t* QAI.OON* ON A I'UOiIiNLNT BUSINESS i-- utreet; must &8 sold on account of Imtnedljt-; (ieparture; finely Sued up and No. 1 bnsiMeis. J. W.- DON NELLY & OU.j 777. Marketst. ja'J2 4t» .' I(»RNER GRO< ERY AND BAR- CLEAN RTOCK; A J woith S.UO'J; insist l>n sold: uiako an o!ft;r. WOOUItCI j- &, CO.TBH Market it y\'Sl at* Q< ' ~(\ REST A LKANT:~TiriI^KSTAI!LISHhIt x^XJ'nf. piare: maiiln? money, will safiilic If t'Jl'3 at once. EICUENLAUB. 7^3 Market st, LO 7t« QALOON; DOING GOOD BUSINESS; GOOI> 1.0- -0 cation; must be sold. '2'J'J Fourth st. ja'J'J ICH* I>KSTAUKANT FOR SALE; PARTY <iof\(i J t East. -■: lib"s ') hlrd st. Jaaa 7t« TIED EIIA R X & A ÜBRY: I'.KAL" "ESTATE J I- Ei-eats: uou;e< rentnd and rents collected: in- mratice I roters. 100 l YaleiiCia st.. cor. Twenty- ■■'•cotia. jal 4 tr "POR SALE. CHEAP— SALOON; 503~PACIFIC J st. ;_owner solntr Kaat jal^i at* CHOW-CASES, COUNTERS [AND I FIXTURES; 0 cheap; Cue location; bakery: lunch; low rent; all or part, 1527 Stockton st. ja'J'i :{!* A SACRIFICE* OWNER NOT ABLE To TEND -/V i<iit; palntir.e »t.ddi.-coratlnK hiisttiHi. iiuslnt'ss cen;er. for sale: Address Paint, Box 138, > am. Branch liffire. ja'22 2i 2f CALOON POR SALE. 810 HOWARD STREET. II'KLL-KNOWN SKNKRAL VAKliri'Y-STORK. " stuck, fiitur'-s; furrilturo of 4 livlnj? rooms: fortur.e for any one who will teep liquor. Apply on lirerniiei. Sss Howard jai'-»4t« /MTY FRONT; PAYING CHoP-UOUSE. WITH \J bar; bargain. 16 Fotnom st. ja22 7t* «OH SALE. ON ACCOUNT" OF DEPARTURE 1 grocery aud bar; 14 yearj esuWisned. ZOO ■Sinthjl. ja-"J7t» Q I l\(\ NICK PAYING RESTAURANT; PART- V i '- 1 "' »J«r wanted or for sale. 418 Jackson Mrect; j.i"-j M» l.'oi: SALE— A HANDSOME SALOON ANT) -i crocery-store. cor. Army at. and San .Jo-se aye..: serves a hot lunch to over 300 of Backins&am A- Jlrcbt's shoe-factory employes and a* many more mechanics, . ' ■.:•■:- and bnsloess men: »il rash tritle; sale on account of trip to Europe; thorough Investigation win l>eeiven. Apply on ttie premises and aisoa: F. KAUFMAN'S Grocery, cor. Fifth and fusion sts. Ja7 tf CALOON FOR SALE CHEAP: PRICK $300; » rent tJS, Including water: situited in the cen- ttr of a luanofacturlng district; must lie seen to he ;ippr<-riatcd. For lnfor'uatloa iii({iiirc of WM. lIATJK, 74 and 7'JHrstgt. jas tf QMALt, HOAKI.INrj-HOIiSK. Wl Til BAR; WELL O furnished : will be sold reasonable rat<-s account gjck ness: no agents Call' Branch Office. JaVil 7t* Q')"n CORNER CIOAR-STORE: GOOD ~uT- • •'•)''...•:,!;>. .', tiring room ■ good place for II Mil and wlfo. Apply tlii.i ofheo. ja2l 3t« !;LA' KSMnH-SliOP-GOOD IXJCATION : VERY '>< In ,-ip. Inoulre 50b Bryant st. .Ja2171» OAKERY AND RESTAURANT FOR SALE. I > Apply at 1439 Valeoo last. Ja2l 1 ! *__ Q*;aAk handsomely fittkd- li' and 'Jti>\>\J. WL-11-establisfaed bakery, eaady and no- tion More; ko<hl paylriK: nolllujr accouat sickness. lujjAse 'Jalj. Branch. 710 Market nt. Ja2l 3t* QALOON (FOR SALE; OWNER : VINO CITY. t J ■-'•.0 l'riiiiiiaii st. * ja'JO 7t» Tf^Alßl'.-ssj PRODUCE AND PORK - STORK; XJ mm» bay; cheap. Cam. Branch. )«I7 7t* ( K'KEN AND DUCK RANCH. 1 CHEAP 100 " ' lay 1 115 hens. 2 dozru laying rtiiots: cvt-rj'lhlng rompiete for business. Call 139 Uonjfh st J*l!» 7t* 7 I »illNII,(lJIEI:V AVK.-DAIIO IKOIU'CK • 1 _ cash "' u >'n«*ss cheap; 4 rooms tttacbetLUS 7t pKOCKRYAND BAB CHEAP. GM SIKVKN. *■> s-»n »t. Jal3 St* ©rnn will buy A wkll-paying r:;s. »i tJUV.I taurmJ: promhu'iit I. 'ration; lease. Ad- Oxess L. W., Box lii). Call Brancii OHice. j*l9 7 1* r.ISINK-SS < h ANCICS— rOMrSUET). QO||(| SA LOoV: 5 LI IN.. BOOMS; UOOD «3 tJUvI. basinets locality: profitable place: own- er accepted Oorernment position ;musi sell; chauce seldom i>r«Ted : gen nine bargain: M. LS-S. r> tli. • &w/)/) SAIOON: II ANDSOMi LV HTI 1:1) • ." »'""". up: good lmsioes* street; a very Sue M. LKSJ* 5 Fourth st. It* Q 1 I/Hi C !; - lil:u( ' 1 ' ; l! v AND BAR; AI L<»- C 1 M" ". cation; stives »n 1 fixtures well worth the money; brisc li:«r trade : ill cltsirat least $riSQ a mouth: au nnasually good offer, which is genuine and open to thorough iureetigatloa. M. LESS, 5 i'ourtbst. It* QCA/ kl SALOON Will! 1 PRIVATE BOOMS; 0 1 "'''. next!y Btted ttp: well .stocked: ca'.ile- road terminus: very profitable ii;rs ; iies.s: don't fall to see t!iU bargain. "M. I.ESs, 5 Fourth st. 11* < 1 '*l\C\ SALOON; BUSINESS PORTION OK lt>\l'". ciiy: ameoe bsnkers aad broken; no tiieht or Sunday woik: steady rnn of traae all dsy; ;i tine investment for any one; St-e it M. LKSS. 5 liurth «t. It* C S j|. . I COFFEE SALOON AMI CHOP-HOUSE «n".O,Uv/.ou Markets!.: really a fine place; you cannot help makine money iv this place; a bargain. M. LtSS, 5 Fourth st. It* VJ 1 10/1 RKSTAURAXT ON MARKET ST.. t^ I -iUX/. jarce place, bandsomiiy tiitrd up. steaay tnnSe: ir you want a inoney-mati'iu place do-^t miss this bargain. -M. LKSS. 5 Fourth st. It* C* 1 *;aa grocery and bar: 4 living O ' — v'w. rooms: good lease: flue business loca- tion; pood stock and tixlures; r«;tlly mouey-makln<{ place: full Investigation granted; s;.*c it M. I.hSS, If Ej F iI|i"~SALOI>N ~A N D BOARDING-HOUSE: >i lll'.'Jt) rooms: city front: established l'J years; (.resent owner made Fortune there a:idri- tites; any, cue can run It; worth doubia; sold ac^ connt otlier Interests. M. LK>.s. 5 I ourtli st. It* QOX(\ CIUARSTOUE; CHEAP IIENT; GOOD t^ — t.)"/. loratioii. 210 Grant aye. j ill") 7t* L"*LEGANT,S-ROOJI HOUSE AND H:T 25x114; ••> i h-.i'i. 715 Klghtcenth st. Tii* tt loim:in{:-housi<:.> h>h salk. 0 i (\/\|l lodfjinu-uouse:23 rooms. fink- OXV/UU: | V lurulsiied: ct-utr.iily located: pood paying honss^wortli d.>ub c ihe uiouey; must be sold on accouut of sick tufts. M. LESS." 5 Fnnrth.l* ri.huAN v -iiol'si:. ji st com- 1j ideted. of 74 rooms and !>at!is: with an entrance <>;i -J stroeis; iuu<t Le seen to he appreciated : S»it Howard si., cor. Sixth. Apply G. H. I.MI'.SKN a CO., 14 Montgomery st. jz'-'A 'At CXfCjA r!i>l SK - 15 ''-ooMs; CI.KAKS $7j PER tj OO\J. mouth; hardwood furaiture: rooms nil full. TRADERS' EXCHANGE. IUU7 Market. It QI-- 1() K(H)M^T~Nl;AirTiTss'l O X AND t_ I <•'. Tuird: clearing ?35 a mouth: selling on account ot Sickness. W. F. HK.VI.Y. 1113 Market. 1 /«/« KtiOMS-CI.LAKS $200 MONTHLY; PRICE V\' Jl 100. PACIFIC EXCHANGE. 2A Kearny. I* (li'SK Ol' IS KOOMS; BATH; NEWLY Fl'R- nfshed; full of steady. roomers; mtist i>e sold. 11 lit Mission St., uoar S.-vetith. j*'2J 41* £• wA I GOO D .- HO USE : 1 9 RO 1 1 MS *AN D B ATM ; tp«Jt)U; Howard et: Ltt. Thlid and Fuurth; sunny .side: rooms always full; rent cheap: hand- some furniture: greatest bargain ocr hoard ot: must ne nod at onca. SeeGKO. STEWART.*I3S hear.'iy st. ja'JO 4i* 1(' FL'RNIMIJSD ROOMS: CENTRALLY LO- lUcated: all occu;.ie«L Appiy S'J.i' , M. nt- gomt-r\ <r. u-.'ii 7t* ItK.MIIIIK XCIX SAX,S-;. i;oi; h:i;x;tihe kont miss oh; smKK; 1 prices reasonable, quality good, roiirtroui treatment SAMUEL BEAU 81S-S2O Mission st4 above Fourth. y.S lm "YI>TICK-I AM NOW AT l'itj FOURTH (NEW o-\ buiidinc). and ofier a tare? sto<-w of general household furniture at reduced prloe-; ."ioo carpets, pood a« new: stoves. $U: antique chamber. suits, $16: parlor suits, *.."• ; c.<sh or installments; nl! at httJTQi * prices. T. ii. NELSON; 1-J6 fourth «t. al tr l\ C"HAMBKR~AN D^AItLORnFI^MTCUI', 1 I1ISLO1". 31* llayei st.. Insl liiroents. nol t :im / 'Ol N TKV BUYERS WISHINU SECOND-HAND \J iuinuure or carpets nt reduced jnces: satisfac- tioiur uiouey relimdea; stiippel frev. 110 Fourth, ly Cl rpED-BtiOM SKT"OK 7 PIKCKS fATJ NEW- Cl''. >IVN I'.KOS.. 117 Sixth st. Jy29 12:n \ijC-OOD CHANCK-YOUR HOOSE L'GMSajCD A comp'^i^ »!th furul.ura. CirtifU. s-toves, car- taijis, blanketa, pictures aad mirrors at i*.-ii prices, tn rtij Installments: Fisiivn deposit. M. I -tlKi> MAN & VO.'S, Isrjri-st Installment licuae 00 the Coast, +-S-2.H) stuc»tuu. 2:57 I'ost St.; opfta «-veo- iiigs; prompt alieniio , is»id to couutry order*, lsltf ; V KW, CHAMHEKMirs < IKI7, ; PIECES,' fl5 CASH, - v crlnslalimeiit. WIIXKY BROS. !'.^l Minion, tt I JMEYEKS, (107 MISSION ST.. t'AVS FULL • value for youi furmtnre un i carpets. ja9 6m A- 1043 MARKET ST4" WILL . buy your furniture and carpets for cash. *aS tf H.l. LKL'I tiOLTZ. 1:^61 MARKET. ROOM 35. 1 1 . will buy your furniture, jewelry, or ge^ds of -nr kind for cash: send postal di-6tf IUHfPRICE'pAIDiFOR HOUSEHOLD Fl'RNl- ture. i, tLLAG lI EU. 1241 Market, ur. Niuta.;C ~* w7H'Ks"F~PA V S Til E HIGHEST PRICE -\ . for !i:rnitiire. CMI or «end postal 1121 Mi\r- ke;st.. l>et. seventh and ICi^htiX oc'Jl ly IA'LL"! Sh( ONK-li AN D FURN ITURK AN D CAR- ."V pen tioiijht; lar^e or sni:ill lots; cail or seal postal. KosKNl'llAL .I'O i-uur'.!i st. <:cl7 ly \i ;V. sIM.-!u>> A CO.; AUCTION EIuIM. WILL i'l . I'irj- jour lurtiiture, p;ai.os and U)oti 1037 JJarketst. ap9 tf \IcCAB:i.T'JS FOURTH ST., PAYS THK lIHiH- c*; price for fnrtiUnre. stoves, rau^rs, carpets. \ LAliiiK QUANTITY Or SKCOnTmTaND FUIT S\ :,iti:re naoted : i.'O per cent paid more than «;»*• r r ,... M ALONE. 138 ln:rh st! n*r» «tore. mTOff "TaT:i-i:ts. VKY.' LINE !M:i:?saS CARPET, 60c SETWED *^ ;.a 1 laid: 1000 rugs' tilza 30x6u iu-hes. S'J'OO tac.'i; f orjner rTir« * 1 30; shades, i-'sc. S. W. BHIREKrUI-St Stockton st. de 22 tr_ /'Al:l'i:; >-S:.!tTHS BKCSSI.LS. 65c A YARD; \J iostailmenl price else-ntere SI a yd. >L FRIED- MAN -V ■ (i.. -Jh-'.-HO vl"<-.;ori. ami v:t7 C.^t. It tr V'A!;I'KIS CLEANED; .S AM) 5 IKNTS I'KR \: y.-rd. 4.:<SteTensonj_Teie : 3J£^; S. STRATI TAX. / -il! i'p'KST AND"BEsT~pT.'Aii:irTO IITvE YOUR Vj carpets cleaned aiitl relaid. JONES' I'erreot (.art e and Renovating^Works,' 2s and vi 7 i. . ■::■. s:.: telephone 3424. »cts :y_ iV'AKI'ETS CLEANED: LAID. ALEX. W. WHEL- . M.N. -JIOO Geary st.: Telephone iWX j\3 tt QPAULDIMi'S I'lONi.tii; CAKI'K T-BKATIN'I 0 Works (!o tliO wor». 353 tv lehamast.; teiephone 3040.1*6 n)r l 9 is_ /IAP.PETS THOROCcmLY CLEANED WITHOUT \J beati'ii; refltting carpets a specialty. CONKLI!f 1 EU's.. ii.yi UoMen Uate ato. : lfi>i:i;on 'Jl'i<t. 13 I'IA-NO^. VIOLINS AM) SUKKT MUSIC. O;Xj)\CPRIGHT:i»6O KKEXCH UPRIGHT: ZOO tv •■'' ' Stelnway A: Sons' new pianos nt factory i-r;. <;i. FAY'S Piano Factcry; 1729 Mission. 23 lm L'IRST-CLASS SQUARE PIANO; SHERMAN A r Clay ume: cheap. S'-S'.i Montgomery. ja'J2 3;* / IOICKERING UPRIGHT riANO; FINE ORDER; \J bar>:ala. 2'J O'Farrell ji2o 7t fJIWu <J')Ol> UPRIGHT PIANOS AT $125: FOR 1 a few djyi only. 20 O'Farrell st. ja2o 7t VHW UPRIGHT PIANO CHEAP. ROOM 714, ■ 3U flour. I'aUce Hotel; 11 to ti o'clock. ]a'_'O 7t* \ J AGNIFICENTiUPRIO HT; £M UST| BE I SOLD; great sacrif.'-'-. 5.J5 Haicht st. j*]'.< 7t» L'ISCHER PIANO.'IN.'PRIME CONDITION." AT fa; a iinr^riin. Cail Ito v o'clock or address 11. ILi'iL 11 X - 4 " 7 S'aEOQ "t. jr. 1 7 t f \ LOT OFj.SKCOND-HAND SQUARBiPIANOS: ■r\ f.Tie condition: at a tacrUica KOH LEU x CHASK. 2>i Q'Karreil st. jyJ3 tr X OH LEU * CHASE. 29. 28 A>D3O O'KABRKLL st,: Iradii-iif pbuios and <Tijaiis; oid<:st mnnio- licusp; l;irge»is;nctt: <-asy tgrnn; low price*. ap23 tt V U.M iJL'II OF SIXOND-HAND I'I.VNOS; ViRY cheap; irn-iudin<{ Knaiie. Yose. iru!:d, Emerson and others. F. AY. SPENCER A CO., ~2S .Market .-;., second Boor. tlel'J tf I J (VLLET A DA VISANDKIMBALL i I A N'OAND H Organ Agency. W. O. BADGER. 720 Market tt HORNUNG'S PIANOS: BRILLIANT: FoWeTT fui tone: strictly f.rst class. 917 Misslou.nl3 tr L 1 I- NEUMANN PIANOS: FIRST-CLASS IN J • tone and workmaiiahia. 82 Ninth st. no 7 tt I j EAiML* LONT, I'IANO CO.. Al;l 800 3 JOi:; -I-l Polk p: . corner Clay; fold ou liislnllmeut-i; send for Illustrated catalogue and terms. nol tr S- •- y pianos. orzKiu and ail mnslcaJ l&atrnmeots: '■.:. -j>1«o« ur nr« rooms »nd »:ock. MATI HI AS) OKAY * CO . VOC and vo>» I'osi st., h'.eliiway Hall. Ja7 tr qjteck; hardman. vose and sTkjTlin"! i- pianos sold on $iv monthly Instalments. Bl "..) CURTAZ A SON. sol- agcuts. 20 O'Farrell st. au7 tr r (\ CENTS WILL BEND THK WEEKLY CALL •'"for f'.-nr months to »ny part of iho United Stnt's. lIOItSES. jfoß SAI.r - ■? GOOD Ml I.KS, $^ BACIf. AC- £ count of sicluevs. ljila Union »t., Oakland. 23 .1* HORSE. HA AND ; CHEAP. JOO5 Ciiurch st. (coal->ard». ja2l at* ') I •> AMi 221TENTH.C0II. HOWARD— HOUSES — *-«> boarded and tor sale. .' R. WALI ON.jal'J ly Hilll'.K :y ta> diyot month; exchange or sain. J-cllpse StaMen. i:::t3 Kddy st. ;;.-, in. \VA«;ONS AN CvUtUIACWtS.^ II ANTI-.0-A GOOD TttP ROAD BUGGY A '» 8., I.ox 100. Call Branch Other. ji23 2t* PXPRESS- BAKERY WAGON; CUEAP.^I IIB Jj Mission stre>-t. ue»r Seventh; Ja22 3t* L'XTKA FIN X Fi7al;tT>n7~R<;CK AVV A Y7l;l! SI- Ij iievs I'li^y : baker w.igon. b-8 Harrison. |a 22 7* 111 DELIVERY»WA(!ONSfATIRE- J dueed prices for i month. 24 Boale »t.. S. F., A. W. .- A M <IHN ,V «-■> , a n t f pi{MHCfKJU|K^IIBCKMj A NKOPS; L'OE SALE-FINK SIIO\Y-CASK~7>N~'la'kgK 1 roilcr^: lasldespace 3x4> fU'a&d 18 incheihUh; :.!so pop-cora r0.4-?tlii2 machine on wheels, xtilt.i&io lor ;i >% (iiiiUbf! street-peddler. 202 PowelL j^23 3* pKN I INK K.MJLISM PL'd PUp'sj PRICE RKA- *I satiable. 1527 Dupont st. ja2.l at* VKW W I I.S lI I R KSA FeTIsaRCAIN; mTHsT BE -i-> sold. Apply Cai.t. BitANcii. )a22 7t« Remington; caligraph and Hammond type-writers for sale. SCOTT a BASS an. 213 Sansoine st. Jal 9 7t I MM. I'ETALUMA INCUBATOR. NEARLY J new. capacity lib o<rfs, sold Cheap for cash, or niil <-xc.iai;pe f<«r c«">'l i*yln» liens. ukORGE SMI I 11, 'Jl3O Maiket St.. opp. tiuerrero. J*i7 tf CAfK, SCALE. LETTKkTpr"kSS. STORE-TRUCK O and tnoncy-tlll; cheap 102 Clay st. jm7 tt (Jl-:CONI>-HAND BOILKRM, ENGINES, PUMImT O RlitftiJig, puilfys. Oeillii?. water plpo*. etc. licJl. 1 McI.VTii.SII a WOLPMAN. 1:57 Brale it. CHI-PAKD'S FOOT AND POWER* LATHE.V *■ I *••' rs. iirlll-|ircs<-» et:7 MlMlon st> »«27tt Al TOit N r » -.-.\l-I.A U. ADVICK FKKK. READ AD. pXß^ON r AT.s!~u7wr iI<;;VK A- CO , attorney^-aiian-. 850 Mxrcet. tf I.' L. JENKINS. ATTORNEY -AT - LAW. 7:1 ill. Fourth St.; advice !rt-« on ail le^al mutters. 8* K~~a7 CROI luJRir"~Ai ; T77RNEY-AT-LA W. M, . Clay EC no 3 tt W"~W. DAVIDSOV. ATTOHNKV-AT-LAW. ill . Cailiorntast.. Room* 11-15: ..:v,. * free. 1J ' rC«»NTK*«rrORS AND lil ll.Dl JAMES CARPENTER ami buiiJßr, ITi Eddy— Jobbing, repairing attended: store mid offiM littln/ a specialty. l>.'ep'i'c 3*28.1y JW til n. ■ . UU*J N M 1. \ ■!' BUILDICK . 01V : r.iii.t'iiM at. : cablaol wor. and titles up •acts ;iod;/:,j attoiided: toleuhouo WO* mltU Till-: MORNING CALL. SAN FRANCISCO. SATURDAY. JANUARY 23. ISP2-KIGHT PAGES. CITY BKAL I STATE. I/OrVaL] '.i!I\(.KIN MISSION; 5 ROOMS i' in Rood order; would take other property In part payment: or would exchange for boose and lot at greater viiueand assume renee. Inqnlre of owner. 132 Market St.. Room 16. ]■'•-■! 71* T L A I) L liR, BUILDER AMi OWNER. 18 MONTGOMERY ST. — , — WHY PAY RENT? WHY PAY RENT? WHY PAY X...M? For sale In ensy monthly payments eiual tori»nt, CutUgea and '2-s.tory hi uses In all Ue.->irauie parts of tho city. If you are tired of paying rent, call and see me: I ca:i build you a house according to > our own plans in any p::rt of the city you may choose, In monthly payments same as rent." For particulars apply to ja 19tf 1 v liiSaSu U LA N DLER. 18 Montgomery. w? !1 1 l\t\i\ LKAVKN WORTH AM) JACKSON 3K 1 U.IMM". cornnr; -Jsi7O. sine and Hat. Robert j. mekcer. 4to ptne st. C--')'(\ LEAVEN VII "S. OF JAI'KSON; • <—•)''. larso lot. 32x137 house of 7 rooms and hath; S"'>d Imv. ROBT. J. .MKHCEIi, 110 line. •.-,., I Vl^ v ""T-. ' X - * }F BROADWAY: »> i .'IK', lot ■_'_• :llTt;:-i:>». with 2-story frame Im- provements: rents for »7. > per month: pays over 11 per ce-.t ou Uie lnvcslintut. KOI X ! .1. MER- CER.-410 Pine st. i^Q-A -- :• ST.; NEAR DOUGLASS: LOT 25r 0 O i>\] . 85 : Buuny side; all street work done; only 1 lot left. ROBERT J. MERCKR. 410 Uiv C* |illO ilt 1 II I ll.^'l .■i|i|i|i PRINTING OCTFIT.TO KXCHANGK 3)OUuU; i,r r*al estate. W. M. P.. :<iu Post Bircet. j ; lr=Jl_ CIU/l l\i\i\ BUSINESS PROPERTY IN SAN 1 ">'"-'•"' '"'• lr»ln!*io to cxi halite Tor coun- tiy property of equal value. \\. M. i;i:AM>(>\, 4'/o Montgouiery s:., s. F. .m'Jj '-'t» >.} HOUSES OF 10 BOOMS KACH, DIVIDED — into 'J fiats of 5 rooms and baths each; •II lots "JsllT and 25x1"5: stre-jt w<.r'«: done: well located ht the Mission; price $3300 each; one-half cash, balance li Improved lo:s. J. I. PLUMB, 14<fJ ' ■ - m ,^ t 1 (\i PI Ii V.l X -NO MORE— ■J PER WEEK. SO PAYMENT REQUIRED DOWN. XT PROPER! V TERMS UNEXCEPIIOXAL. GJ DAYS ONLY! 100 LOTS, 25X1^5. ONLY $100 TO $200 EACH. Grandest Offer Eves Made to thk Ptblic. FOR TilE NKXT 60 DAYS ONLY. in: ELMHUBST TRACT. AT ELMHURST. Ou the broad Cuage Railroad.' Third Station Eitst of 1 Ton minutes to Oakland] thirty-five minutes to Sa!i Francisca To brine this elegant piece ol property before the eves of the pnbilr. I am instructed to «ir.-r l>!0 lets. 'J.ixrJS, upon iu-ih terms that will come within the reach ol every one who ile.sires tv make asmail and profitable lurestment i:i real estate !>>r a home or speculation, t ie object Ullu^ in mak- ing thes* unexceptional t-.-rms to dispose of the 100 lots offered within the next sixty itay.s, s>> that every purchaser may become an advertiser ol Elm- liurst. The prices of lot-t In tho Klmliurst tract bare iteen placed at the lowest possible figure, ami every purchaser can t>e assored of making money out of ttie Inrentment Tha tract adjoins l.iuihurtt. which is the third station east or frrnltrale ou the broad-cause railroad: als> on tii<* line of Oakland; San Leandroand Hay wards electric road. Ten nnn- utes ti> Oakland: H5 minnled to San Francisco. Eight daily tram* both ways, aiid It is predicted be- fore I B months 1 !in!iiir-*t. win have hourly truun to and from s:m Fiancisco. Commntation tickets to Oakland, $1 per month. Commutation tickets to San Fra 1 Cisco, $5 per month. The elevation al Elmhurst is from 10 to IS feet higher than at Frultvale. Lots same sUe tn Frnlt- vaie,*S6oo to f 1000 «ach. Lots in Ulmhurst Tract $\oo to *300 rachJ The interest is luade extremely low until the first 100 lots 1< disposed of— only 7 per cent p?r anauin. Nojj>orlion of the tract more ttiin three minutes* I'artieA who cannot c»ll at onca can remit $1 and one of tho choicest lots left will be selected for them. There is already a number of leadlnj citl- re.'is who are interested In the property In question^ and who unite In the. opinion that It is ime ol ilio most inviting opportunities for parties of small means for au investment. SELECT ONE OR TWO TO-DAY WHILE ■* <''T HAVE A CHOICE. MEMBER, YOU ONLY PAY fl PER WEEK. IF YOU rlNu A SAVINGS BANK THAT WILL PAY YOI BETTER ON THE AMOIN 1 OF INVESTMENT THEOWNKR WILL GIVE YOU A DEED Li.KAH. You tun remit your payments lv postage stamps, money orders; preen- backs, or in aiiy way most convenleue to yourself. hirst ■ Do not wait a werk to make up your mind. Tho terms are made easy so ta*t >ou can roi'i- to a cor.- cin-ioii at oiicj. Can jou afford to lay r-a^it- f 1 per wie^ ? 'I dink of it I can Rive you thi names or hun- .!red> :•• vsti ..; 1 r. ,vt iald ;■.< ;.-ri . In :iu< way and they hare doubled their investment in every m- fc Lance. For full particulars apply at onco to .1. U COUKK, lals lot Brooklyn Station, I int. i'akl»!id. Q 1 r,(\ CORNER,"BOxIOO.'ON»RAILROADJIN* t^'l')\t. Berkeley; 925 cash.* 9lo monthly. tJlO— LotSszb7. on railroad; ?5 monthly. SluO— l-ot 40xl'.'0; side walked; flo tnlf. ♦Too— Lot 40x180; macauam and sewer. $625— L>.t4_:200; inacailaiti and sewer. $•^7s— Lot :,-3x\U'J. sldewaiked; ?5 monthly. $75— 11:1!. lot 'jrvt-O: fin" viows. Get liiai't; l(»00 lots; 1 o.f^r only whit I own. (Has. A. BAlLEY.' Owner.' 2o Montgomery st. tf r'LhTiIANT 5-KooM lIOUSE'AND LuT *.'sxlU; P-i chrap. 715 Eighteenth at. jntJ tf i> I 'n 1 OR I LOTS. SOUTH OF P.\i:"k. Mi. •,. N 1 »>l". boueirard now building; abstract coai- pleteito date. Address C , Bux ISS, Call Branrti Qttite. J4-Jotf UIIV NOT CONSULT US BEFORE YOU clfrr your property for s*i«> thron^ti other linns who will tie i: up for Irom :in to \u) nays y. itn- out n;alii! 5 acy rffort to dlsposts of It; we have buyers for a" ''lasses ot property from Jloo tv $100,000; money.wlll be aavaaced to those wint- iue t<» sel!. P. A. DOLAN a CO., fiiO Market strict. lalOtf !<•/"■( |( I < i<»" ' AMI. i:.\l ..-MAIL >!'"% III;'. tj _ IV/<». payments: elegant new 5-room bay- window cottages on tunny *id«i o( Sanchez St., near 27th: onlr J lilcf tt from <"a^trc-st. caule. Only one IcJt o' those larEefi-rooni, v-storv houses <m side of Clipper St.. 'Jon feet W. <»r Ca-ntro- )«t. cats. near 25th. for *Jo 00; lo; 'JOsii;; fii»o cash, balance to suit. Also a modern 0-roo-n, double fny-window cot- taje 011 the corner ot '.'7th a:;d Sanchez su. K. NEL- SON, l:uiidcr, 15^0 251h st . uear Castro. <I:J7 tf ,_• v. 1 1 EACH— LOTS (US IN BAST HI C l " !<■>: $10 cash and J.< monthly. $150 — Lots ijtl 1 .'.); *!"> cash, $i in xithly. I'j.'.u each— Lots 2ix 1 Ji : *Jj < -a.*!i, $■<> monthly. J4OO T Lot 50x125: *IO cash and *S mo.itlily. jmjO— Lots &OXIJS: seweied and macadam ./• I. i.0(» other lots; ail si/.f*. Hend ior map*. tKASK M. « ILSON. (iwiiit. 4IT> Montgomery st. du'« '.f I\O YOU WANT PROPERTY. CITY OR COUX- i ' try, In II c prettied va.ley of t: « .--tato.' Apply to f-nja Lnud Co., Napa. Cat, lor lut of proper- nth. ■' JJ-J < Mia UKAI. I>i \ ; 1.. 1 COMPLETE HOME! INCOME PROPERTY; 4~7Vi VJ acres, fronting on Sonoma < reeK, 1 m 0 from town and station;, all lewi uottom I and;! 30 acres in bearing Tines; hOU young lisrtlett pear trees: line x-Tutmi, "J -story new bouse; bricK foundation : all modern Improvements: ttim barn, windmill and tanz-hooje: :< horse*, wa.'on and boegy.'and all farming utensils; no waste land: offer •ranted ; terms to suit purchaser; xt> miles from this city. -I. T. j^KTKKs. i:C Moiitgo.iu-ry i>t. ja'J SaSu lin 5] I " ~(\ "NAPA" Cor NT Y~; L'O ACKE.S: 5 MILKS t~ 1 I •I' '. from stati,,,,- m minutes from pond school; fruit ranches on two si les; no bitter soil in liie Stat >; tirot*cied from vrliid.s; house, ham an<i chicken-bouses; "> acres cleared; good red and black oak and madrons trees on balance; splend d view and excellent roads: fine nilueraJ spring on tract; 8900 «;(^h : balance <an stand. Address CARR J dilli!'-_?i c ' Markt * at - ja'j-j 5t VAI'A COUNTY RANCH— BO ACRES WITH IM- 1' provemeuts; ?:<jtW; water and wood In abimd- nine: 5-rooni house and Rood nutbul dlom; water piped to house; fence on i! Hi<leH; k"" <! - roads to rail and steamboat stations: 20 acres clear; # 1 ;..iii cash: no agents. Apply by letter to .i- MINOT, Hl7 Turk_s^._^ ja'."_' .It J, OR BALE, EDWIN K. a I. sir d ( > RE A L ESTATE A(li;N 1 B, Branch Office, 22 Montgomery street. San Fr»n- Clico. Mam Oflice. 101& Fonr'.n street, Bactameßto. LAND ALMOST UIVEN AWAY. We offer to actual s< itlors on Light Tract Colony six yean time to pay for lane, requiring noeaan payment for three years: . ri tied required 10 put up Improvements and set out trees orvlnea. Interest «t 7 per cent per annum required upon purchase price. TUes^ terms will enable purchasers to pay !or lands out of proceeds. 1 lii« colony lies in Placer County, a short distance from Pearyn and Newcastle, among the principal in: it !>hipplnx points of California. The soli is deep, rich and easily cultivated; sufli- Clentwood upon each tract for family use: corn crown without irrl*iti<in; citrus or Ulciduous fruits crown In th's vicinity are not excelled: pricu «o to gSi per acre. No, r.-i-i in acres line fruit land centrally located; $«00. Nn. SH.T-:vjo arrrs. three miles from railroad .station. El Dorado County. Good bouse, five rooms: Hlabiesanrl outbuildings; ten head of stock coes with place; prlco r.i,.00. !">'<C 671— 200 acres fuse fruit and Rrain land at $'.'& per aero. No. sC.:t— Bo acres of the finest frn t land In Placer County; improved; k-iiM.i house, luirni, etc.; price ■1.6(10. ....ALSO.... Fur saie ar exchange torcfty property, 1 000 acres or Fort Hill land: iCOacrci cleared, baton Iv heavy timber that will more than pay lor the place If cut In wood; price ordy >.IJ u() pir aero; three miles from railroad at Coifai. Call iit 22 Montgomery street, Francisco, and get our latest catalogue. _Ja^l at EDWIN K. ALSIP 4 CO. An; mi:; RANCH FOH KENT. CUfcAP. W. /\ B. KASTIN. 4V.0 Montf on»erytt. u'J 1 St •>-,; ACRES CHOICE BOTTOM LAND: WILL • '— > sell half or inn whole tract; quarter mile limn station, 1 mile to school. •_' from town; no improvements; a barfaln :<i $85 per acre. D. li. TWINO. .Sonoma City, Cat lalii 5t L OR SMALL FARMS AMI LOVELY HOMES r climate thrown In. see D. 11. TWINO, Sonoma City. « r ilemlayn, al SanßOtne, Room 11. jU7 tf ]('AAtHKS IN SANTA IIAKBAKA CO! STY; J ' •' ' orchard and Yluoyard; plenty wood ami water; $10 per acre. 1072 Howard, after C> v m.17 7* ft A A AIJRESOOOD LANI>, NAIVA COUNTY, flO '""' acre; easy payments: would s^caai for Improved property. BAILEY. 71» Market. Jl7 7t ANOTHER LIST "i CONTRA COSTA CJOKTT _ la '"' : 8.-U. I"* a D.J. WEHT, Martliiex.d'2s lm« SONOMA COUNTY LAND: HK.M) FOR jisr. ANDRKW PRICE, Uealasburg. CaJ, jal tf COUNTRY REAL ICSTATK-CO^T«NL T KT>. SI. LANDS, fl 50 TO $3 AN ACRE; OH very easy terms: sold by the State in tract* tt suit; no residence or improvements required: all kinds of lauds, iv many dlttereut cuuntlcs; soul stamp fir list: open day ami MTtrttft F. */. 1 AX '■ f Hood nun., ■■ i.;tf ASSESSMENT >'OTICi:S. VOTICE OF ASSESSMENT— EXCHEQUER MIN- -L' iiiK Compinv. Location of principal place of business, San Francis California; location of wrks. Uold Hill. Storey Coni ty, Nevada. Notice la hereby piven that at a meeting of the Board of Directors, held on the 22d day of January, ;S',» assessment, No. 32, of twenty-fivo (25) ri'iits per share was levied npon the capital stock of the corporation, payable immediately Ii United Statei .id coin to the Secretary at the office of the company; itoo'u 70. Nevadi 1 lock, 303 Montgomery St.. San Krancisoo, California. Any stock upon which this assessment shall re- main unpaid on the iwenty-filtb day or Febru- ary. 1892. will be dellnqu-i't, and advertised for sale at public auction: and unless payment I- in»j« before, will be sold on THUKSDAY, the 17 in day ol March, 1892. to pay the delinquent assessment, to- gether with the ro->ts of advertising and expenses or sale. By order of the Board of Director?. (HAS. E. ELLIOT, Secretary. Office-Koom 7!\ Nevada Block, 309 Montgomery St., San Francisco. California. Ja2;i ''I ASSESS!! EN T NOTICE—CONSOLIDATED IM- pt:ri;ii Mlulng Company. Location of principal place of business, San Francisco, California; loca- tion of works. told Hill, Nevada. Notice Is hereby Riven that at a meeting of the Board of DlreCtOlS, held on the 22d d ly of January. 1 892. an assessment (No. 33) of three esnta per share was levied upon the capital stock ol the corpora- tion! j'.-iv.i; ■.-.• linmedlateli In United Slates koUI coin, to the Secretary, nt the o!!ico or tho company, 3^l Pine street. Room ", sau Francisco, California. Any .stock upon which th.s assessment siiail re- main unpaid on Uie -.'.Tth ay or February; is:i_'. « .11 Lii- delinquent.' and advertised for paia at public auction,' and,* uuiess payment Is made before, will !><■ s.dd 011 TUESD -.v. Hie 15th day of Man ;■. I8»a, tO pay tho delinquent assessment, together witii costs of advertising and expeuset of sale. By or- der of thu lioiird or Directors. 0. L. McCOY. Secretary. ('*;.-.■- :t:!l Pine street, Kooni 3, FraiiCUCO, Ctllfornia. m ,t td VrOTICEIOF A SSKSSMt NT— MEXICAN GOLD i-> anil Silver Mining Con, piny. I ocatlon of princi- pal place ol bu-tmess/San Francisco.' Cal. ; location Of wonts, Virginia. Set Notice Is hereby given tiiatata meeting of tin loir i of Directors, held on the 1 itb 1 ay or Janu- ..r-. . i-> <:. .11. assetsment (No. 44) of twenty-flve (25cj <ents per share .1. levied upon !'■■• capital hi ocu of the corporation, payable Iminediateiy In United States gold coin; to 1 in- Secretary, :it tim office of rtm com Dan Room 7t). Nevada Block, 30i» Montgomery st., Ha Fmui'taco. Cal. Any stock upon which this assessment shall r 1 ?- -mam paid on th.,- I7tli day of February, 1892, will be delinquent and advertised for sale »i p!ii>!!c auction, and uules.s pitvraent Is made ix'fure will to sold on THURSDAY, the lOtli day of March. 1892, ;..„ paj tha delinquent assessment, together with costs ol artvertlsinn and i'\;ie-.;scj of sale. By order of the Board of Direc- tors. CHARLES K. ELLIOT. Secretary. (fSce— k.i in 79, Nevada Block, 303 Montgomery s\, San 1 ... Cal. jal afd VOTICE OF ASSKSSMENT-CHALLKNUKCON- 1> solldated Mining Company. Location of prin- CTiai place of txi-iness. San Francisco,' Oil .; loca- tion . f works, Bold 11111, N<;v. Notice is hereby itlven that at a meeting of tbe Roar 1 of i In ctors, held on the fourteenth d:iy of January. 18'J'i, an assessment ( No. 10) of 25 cents ]n-r siiar>* was levied upon the capital stock of the corporation; piyable immediately in United St.ite-t sold coin to tho Bi c rotary, at till office o* tii^ com- pany. 3:<i I'ine st., Room 3, Sau Francisco, Cal. Any Stock upon wiilch this a«s>>winont shall re- main unpaid on the seventeenth d.iv of February, JSH2 Mill ii- deliuqnent and advertised f ora*le at iMildic auction, ami unless pavmrnt is made 1 .-- fore will be soldon.WEDNEsDAY.'thefltliday.of March, lH'.tj, to pay id* delinquent assessment, together with the cosis of advertising rind expenses of sile. Uy order of tlie Board or Directors. C. 1.. MeCOY, Secretary. Offiee-331 Pine st, Kooni 3. Sun Francisco, culi- foruLi. jal^s Id HALE & NOUCROSS SILVER MINING COM- p.tuy— Location or principal placs of I'uui'si, s>an Francisco, Cal.; location or works, Virginia Riintnc District, storey County; stale or Nevada. Notu« is hereby given tiiaiata meeting of tv» Uoiir.: or Trustees, held on tho aist "ay or Decem- ber, ls?l, an assessment (No. lou) or 50 cents per share ni levied upon the capital it. <rt of ttie corporation, payable Immediately,!!] United States gold coin, to the Secretary, at th» office oT the com- Davy, Room 6s, Nevada 111 ock, JOU Montgomery st., b.i.-i Frauclsco, Cal. Any sti>'"k upon whi'-!i th;s assessment shall re- main unpaid on TUESDAY; the 28th day or Jana- a.-y, ISili. will be delinquent and advertised for nio xl public Auction, and mreis payment in mad« before will te sold on WKDNESDAY.'tbe 17th day of February; ]«O'J. to p^r tno delinquent assessment, (ether with costs of advertising mid exiiousei of >.is. By order of trio Board or Trus- tees, A. B. THOMPSON, Secretary. office— Room , r >S. Nevada Block, BU9 Montgomery St.. San lian-lso. <'->l. ■! «?"-.' '0 ■V"OTICE OF ASSESSMENT— UNION CONSOLI- >-' dated siivrr Mining Company. Location or prluolpnl plnco of l»u-«lnpss. San in clsco, Call. t.^riiia. Loc«tu»n ,■.'»! kk. \ irginla Mining Dis- trict, Sturej County, Nevada. Notlca la hereby ulvc-.i, that at » meeting of the Board of I»lre<-:or>. h;l 1 in the f.ih riay of January; 1-H2. a:i »»%es<nte!it. No. 4.V of 2^ cents p«r shirt- was iovie-1 upon the capital stock oft ie corporation; p»y-i>!(> Immediately In United States gold oin, to the Secretary.* at the i fflcn n( tha company. 1 ! Room 11, No.'3oJ California street, S:in 1 rjiicisco, Ca'- Ifomia Any stoei upon which this assessment shall re- mam unpaid on the lltli day or Febrasry. 189", Alll be delinquent.' anil advertised for ... pub- lic auction; slid uate*s payment is made bH.'ore. will I)? sola on »VKDNE»DAY, tho 21 d-.y or March, iHiiL', to pay tho delinquent assessment, to- jelher witC the cu<ts of adv-r:is nj >n1 rxpeusbs ofsale. liy 1 ider of the Board of iHr-'ctors. a. w. BARROWS; Secretsry. Office— Room 11. No. 3t)J California strei-t. San Francisco. California. ]*7 td VOTICE OF "aSsKSS.M>-NT— 'JOL'LD 4 CURRY Silver Mining Coiupauy. ! ocatlon of principal p;a-e of l<U'i:it-s«, .->»'! I'ranclscy. 0»l.'; location O' works, Virginia storey County. Nevada. Notice Ii hereby given that a: a meeting of the Poard or Tntst«-e». heid uq the 6:ti 1 ay nt Janu- ary. (882, aii anseuraeat 1 No. o><) of thirty fStrj cents per sliar» wat levlad upon the c«ptal »tocif of the corporation; payable Immediately In United states Kola coin, to the .Secretary, at the office of the co:n- pany; Room 09, Scvada Block, 309 Montgomery st., Kan Francisco, Cal. Any stock upon which this assessment shall re- rua'.ii unpaid on :hi S:h day of February. 1992, will be delinquent aud advertised fur sale -t public aurtion, and unlej-i pat went is made I.erore will bo (.old or» TUESDAY, the Ist day of March. I.s:i2. to p.»y ttin delinquent R.«sess:uent, tcgethor with costs or advcriLsini mid cxi'eus<:3 t.f K*ie. By order of tho Board of Trus- tees, ALFR! r l> K. DI'KBBOW. Secretary. Office— KO'un Gt». Nevada lnock. 3Uii Mout^onierf S'.. Ssn FranrlsC >.^*l. j»« 'a VOIICI-: tV ASSK«*!*MENT — ALT A .SILvTiU -I' Mlnlns Company. Location of principal piac» of bnslness. Sin Francisco. Cti.: location pf worts, Uold hui, Uold Hill Minir.:; District, storey County, Nev. I Notice Is hereby {riven at a rnpetinj of the Board of Directors, held on the fifth (Mh) day of Jaiiuxry, 189.', an assessment Mo. 41) of 50 cents prr s.'ure was levied upon the capital stock of the corporation; : able linm lately In Lnitcd States cold coi:i to the rotary, at the offleo Of the corn- paay. Koom in, Nevada Block, 309 Moutgomeri »t.. San Francisco, Cal. Any stock upon hlcb this aiscsstnent shall ro- nnln u:r,).i!d on ihe ninth (Jtbi day of February, 189X'wlll be delinquent mi>i adveriised for <*.- at public motion, and tme«s payment Is ;.i i-ie be foro will be sold on MONDAY, inn -J9t:> !>y or February, IH9^, to pay Hie delinqurnt axsessment. toj«:llier with tlio its "■' advertising kiid <"i;iecscs ofsale. >'y Older ol the Board or Directors. l>. (i- BORN," Secretary, Office— Hooni 33. Nevada Block. :lUD Montgomery lU, S»n Francisco. Cai. j»t!td ■VTOTICK OF'TSSKSSM E V T. - J C STIcTTII INISti Xi Company; i«fatio:i of principal place of busi- ness. Han Francisco, California; location of irutm, Gold illil. Storey County, Nevada. Notice Is ber.'ty Riven that at a moetias of the Board of Director*, hold on t.'ie 23 1 day of Decetii- ber. 1891. an msrmmont (No. 4vt> of 25 cents per share was levied upon thi capital stock or tlm cor- poral I :i. payable InimoiJlately In United states Uold Colu. to the Secretary, attaeoStoc or tha Com* pi»»y, K.JOIII 3. No. 419 Ca.lforala street, San Frau- cl»t». California. An] stock npon waU-h tills asje.«smont shall ra main unpaid on the 38tb lay ol January, IHJ2. will ie delinquent, sud advertised for .-.a.r at public auc- tion ; *nu unless payment 1j made betore.'wlll he sold on WKDNESDAY.'tbe I7ta day of February, 1 -.'.'' J. to pay tic dallnqucot asseismeut, together with the cost ■>: advertising and expenses ol sale. By order or tbe Board ol Directors, B. K. KELLY, Secretary. Omen: Room 3. No. 419 Csiirornia street, san Francisco. California. aeSt td A-citii. OF ASSESSMENT — OCCIDENTAL Ii Consolidated M Inlng Company. luxation of principal place of l> mines*. Kan Francisco Califor- nia; location or works, Hlloa Star Mining District, Btorey County. Nev. Notice Is hereby gives that at a meeting of the boards! Directors tit-id 0:1 tti» I lth day of Jan- uary, 189 V, *n »R»es»ment (No. 9) of tweaty-flvs (25) cents per »hir« niti levied upon the capital stork of tie corporation, payable limned lately tn I'nlieil States rdlil coin, to tha Pocr«tary, at the , <!;,<••• of iii- company, Room No. >'.'.». Nevada lilock. No. 3».« Montgomery street. Ban Franc sco, Cal. Any stock upon which this assessment Shall ro- maln unpaid on the 16th day or February, 189*2. will ho delinquent and advertised for sale si public auction: -in I unless payment Is undo before will bo Hoid on rnUBSDAT, the ion <lay or March, 1893, to ray the delinquent 1 <-iiiiiPut. together with the roils or advertising and expenses of sale. By order ..f the Board of Directors, ALFRED K. DURBROW. Secretary. OiTice-N'o. CO Nevada Block, No. 309 Montgom- ery street, San Frauclsso, Cal. Jar.'i.l jvfoT 11 'E O F ASSESSMENT -( HOLLAR MI N I O i.i Crmp^ny. Location of prni' place Of busi- ness, Sau Francisco, California; location of works, Virginia. Storey Cou-ity, Nevada. Notice Is lirreliy given that at a meeting of the Board of Directors, held on tbo Hth day or .lauuary, 1892. an asaessaiont, No. 32, of rt y (50) cents per share wag levied upon the capital stock of liie cor- poration, payable iiumtdlately in t'nited States KOld ("In to the secretary at the Oflice of the Cons* pany, Room 70. Nevada block, 309 Montgomery St.. Kan Francisco, California. Any stock upon wblcb this assessment shall re- main unpaid ou tl:e eleventh (11th) day or Febru- ary. 1K92, will he delinquent, and advertised for sale at public auction; and unless payment Is before, will be soid on THURSDAY, the M day or March, 1892, to pay the del ie quest assessment, to- gether with the costs of advertising and expenses of sale. By order of ttie Board or Directors. CIIAH. i: KLLIoT, Secretary. OlBce-Room "'.<. Nevada Block, 303 Moate cry St., San Franclßco.'Caiirornla. }a 9 td A BSESSME.NT TERIKOFFU. M. AND J\ M. Company. I>ocallon or principal place of buslnesi, Ban Francisco. California; location of ■works. Amador County, California. Notice Is hereby gtvsn that at a meeting of the Board of Direct.,! s. held on tho 'id day of January, 18' sssessineM (No. 7) or one cant per share was levied upon the capital stock of the corpora- tion, payable Immediately In United Kates gold tola to the Secretary, at the ofnea or th c company, 308 Pine street, San Krauclscu, California. Any stock upon which this assessiaonl re- main unpaid on tho 2<l day or February. 18»2, will be delinquent, and ndvertlsed for .ah at public auction, and. unless naymecii Is made before, will lip soli on M n.i-.v. the 20th day of February, 1 893, to ray the delinquent assesHineut, together with -cost* of advertising and einetrsesof sale. By or- der of the Board of Directors. ■ w. .1. 1.1 KNKIT. secretary. Offlre— 3o« Fine St.. Sun r-r»nl>l»d» nn. U'i td IJKSOLUTIONS. ATA MEETING OF THE BOARD OF NKW '"» city Hall Commissioners. held .lan u.«ry 16. 1893 the fallowing resolution was passed to print: Re- solved, Thai a ti.iiii estimate in the sum of 91281 30. biina f 1105 92, balance due on contract No. 7, $101 :;8 Interest, and $14 co»U, in favor of JOHN I KENNEDY; isslgnes or ANTONELLIJt DOR, In full for contract No. 7, pass to pr ut. RAyes— Commissioners Sanderson, Smiley, Dnrst. SJm-'I stf*Sn r.l»w.\|;i>| wol.r-K. Secretary. TO IVEA.SK. KSKNU - si -. bet! fHovENrli anT> J Eighth; lots to le.iHe any size; wuuld erect building to suit tena-it and elve lease for 15 years. CM AS. ASHTON. 411 Moiilgom-ry st. tiff ""(< 1"' i;iil.snM AND KKIHI i.i n rti JiTS. ; STEAM J. power and would put up building* to suit per- manent tenant; lots any size. « v •. s. ASHTON, 411 Montgomery »l. jay coil 1 in nOUSKM TO LET. ]('] T LKAVKNWORTH 7 BOOMS; ■IU I J- large basement. }523 7t* 90 I 7 CALIFORNIA-HOUSE lNi: KOOMS: _ i'l I bath, conservatory, laundry, servants' room. 1:t23 3t» Hi)- E— HOUSE 7 KOOMS; BATH: ALL — •' modern improvements. ja23 tf MOUSE; 10 R6~OMs7 ALL MODERN IM- Jl provemenrs: stablo. Apply, 26lo Vi Folsom. :;t* 1 ('] Q WASH IN GTON ST.. BET. POLK AND I" I CJ Larkin— House or 11 rooms and bath: 6 marble mantel piece*; modern lmprnvements: cn- ble-car passes tin- .lour; rent $65 month. ja22 7t* Q1 •_) HOUSE OF 1 ROOM 8; LARGE Y.\i:T>: • . I- table. 650 Fifteenth St.. cor. Dolores. Tt* Q i W! WATER; WORTH #35: NEWLY «V Iw .• i|.»ti-i| and pa.nted: 9 ro»uis and batb; tine location to rent rooms. 21 Franklin, Vs block from Market; only respoitalble tenant need apnly to Collateral Brnk. 15 Grant :iv.-. ja'.'i 7l T?IVE SUNNY BOOMS IN BEAB; BENT *-<>. J 224' i Q'Karreli st. .i;i.'l i:_ V KW COTTAGE, H ROOMS, BATH; MODERN Xi Improvements: electric bells: splendid marine view; Bower gardens; 2 minutes' walk ♦» lines cars; rare chance: healthy locality; rent $25. or leased to responsible parties. 2521 McAllister st . neur thep>rk. jail 4t* HOI SK OK 6 ROOMS AND BATH, COR. Elghtseiith and Colilnßwood. ]a2O tf 7Q9 S( ' ' parlor FLOOR; FOUR ROOMS i *J*J and bath; retit $:ij. ja2o it* \ ' li: V PLEASANT HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS AN laundry, modern Improvements: handsomely painted and papered; every thing In first-class con- dition. 911 Valencia st-7 next to cor. Twenty-JBrstj rent, with w.itcr, o:i!y . *■•.'„"): key lux: floor; K. O. DENNISTON. _I_2g-l_j'weiny-ilrstjit. _ja 10 tf \ r i;i:V PRETTY HOUSE. NKWLY PAIN i » ami In elegant style; s rooms; modern Improvements; 819 Twentieth st.. bet. Valencia and Mission; rent, with water to good tenant only *:«: key at comer store opposite. E. <;. DENNIS- 'I ON," I'M I .T wenty-flrst st. |al7 tf_ '^'JQ TWKL FT I - 1. 0.. M5, STABLE: 123 H ' A, — >>(J rwelfth; I rooms; Wl Eleventh, 6 rooms and hath.' stable: rent ciißJii. Inquire 660 Bryant MtvcL^ j^i7 7t* (B*JO r \C\ MODERN I!.-.: 8 ROOMS BATH. O' 1 — ••' '• ::■■■, Howard, nr. Seventh. 17 Tt* 'l(jO MASON-UPPKR PART OF ; >.nOUSE;S4 oUU sunny rooms: small family. jil7 7t* Q I'.OOMS. COR.IOF.CALIFOJRNIATAND JOSEB: P rent .-'- with water. Key at 121 S. JalU tf i. CM ALL ADVBRTISEMENTB AND JS D I'.SCK I P- *..' tlnns taken at Call Branch Larkln St.. H3II Hayes St. and 251S MUslon s:. : open till ? : : ' ' i i ■ m ilii \ ■ -> !. : > hoi ■.!■>. I l RMTURK, fl KOOMS. BATH, CHEAP; RENT J_^Vs. '20* il}, i st. ja23 3t» LMKMTiKK 13 ROOMS; MUSI SELI r. . t Hi. i Ist; Plain; tine location. Apply to G. F. OCHS. 'no Mission st. ja2'J St* , \'EWLY i i '.n ISPED HOUSE; 13 ROOM 8: 1> tmih; must be sold. 823 Mission st. fa 11 Ti* I OR SALE II.! GAM LV t'URNISHED HOUSE i ot H)roo:ns: a sacrifice. 832 Mission *L jl^_"_i_* I. • : -NI 1 ! i:i. .■.,);,!(. .i FOR UALK *i 75. I v.d Howard -:. ja!7 Ht* ««• : vii • 1<) lkt. jl I STEVENSON— CONVENIENT? 6 BOOMS 'i 1 and bath: rent low to good tonoit. j»22 :<t* <• ROOM COTTAGK:!HIGirBABEMKXT,'DKIV» V) way rear for t.'am. 632 Shot wall; |al7 Sll We 5* 1 •>> i ■ \ ■ 1 ... i>:.--. KKONI' AND REAR. 123 \J I.liifrtv st.. l»et. Guerrero and Dolor**. nnH tf FLATS TO 111 < I •) 5 NEATLY PAPERED ROOHS: YAKi>; '..'•'• water: adults. 3 Ewer place, oir 1011 Mason sf.T bet. Sacramento and clay. j:»23 if <«•>,". O.NLY-1 NEW COKN~EK vi r; h FLAT '.. —• ' with 5 large rooms and bath; all uiodera luiproveincnts; 3 bay-windows; bsseincnt ('o.-.ior Notr and id z.ilx'th sts., 1 hlnck iruin> and Twenty-fonrth; apply oa premises. ii 1 ' 2 '!! s!*—5 !*— 1 1 I)(J DKVLSADEKO-UPrKK ILAT. li SUN- i "IVU uy rooms: 1. .Hi. rent cheap. ja23 .U*__ QUNNY CORNER FLAT I>F 7 ROOMS: MIST O be Reen to Ue appreciated; carpets lor sale: reut reasonable. Apply 1607 Golden Gate are. Sl* < I 1 WORTH $20: COR.'FLATf]S ROOMS'ASD 0 11 • tath; ' mantel; sto:ii- sidewalk; i^r«e >an!: pleasant home. <'nr. .Niiie'.et-uUi aioi York street*. Apply from 1 t ,4. ja22 .'H* ('.>.- CLEMENTINA. BET. FIFTH AND SIX ril — I .).) Flat 4 rooiiH unfJirnisht-l. j_22 3t*_ / '()!!. r W KM li I il AND CAPP- 3 SUNNY " I tt.its. with all modern Improvements: tf Piid 7 roomi; bath; large basement. ja2i 7 . ' Q(l FLAT; 3 R(hTmsT~APPLY ao.VTUOM- •-'■:••:. ja2l 3t CflO NINTH, COX. hI'.YANT— LOWKi: FLOOR f.M '— , bay-wiadow flat; 5 rooms and Oath: good order: modern Improvements; $22 si). m:l 4.* D LARUE SUNNY ROOMS; BAY-WINDOW AND 0 porch: fine view: (iiil^t neigh&orhood. 118 Jasper 1 lace, ofi Filbert, near Mucktoa. ja2l 3t T 1 - '.>/• OI'KKKKRO— KLi;«!AN T NKW FLAT; b" 1 . I . M 1 rooms; bat.'i; large basement; cheap 217* LM.hIiANT UPPER l-LAi; .'. lioOMS; BATH. Ij laundry; in a plessxnt part of Mission: most •xpehslvelT fittid ini^lth new imyrovemeuts uut known in fi>ti: will b" r«nted reasonably to respon- sible party, without .small children; references ex- changetL Add. F. ■;.. Box !si>, Call ßraach.j2o at* II Ol )EUN I- LA T 4 LARGE ROOMS. BATH. J7Ksj|»'Knt st.._near parK^ JaCO ; :• O"'q;i3tik iikt. folsuu and Harrison*: »> - O timer jUt -i rooms, yard, cellar. jalt* 7t* LINE I.olvKK CORNER FLAT; G LOOMS AND r b.itu. -~ 'l !i.ricent!i st. ja!7 7f* C;')|| FLAT OF 6 ROOM - AND t.A !il ON g! +JJ. .1 Seventh sVi, Apply 3>'s Fifth St. _ jal 2 tf__ (T*')' NEW FLA'IS-'.) ROOMS ANI» BATH; C?«><-'. handsomely finished lar^e .sunny rooms. 2KO-5 and 2UiO Howard at., uct. Sixteenth and Scv- e;itf>-l;tli. ja'J 15t I/LAT OK 6 ROOMS AND BATH. l!ti<% 1 Ninth s^ jalO tf QMALL FLATS: NEW. H. LEIIRKE, COX. 0 Marlj'Osa aud Minnesota sts.. Potrero. ■ '.Itf r. \C FINE UPPER FLAT 5 SUNNY 1 • IMS CM), and I -tli. 308 Vlcksburgst.7 near .l wen ty- fuurih. de(j tr VK~W ILAT. IMS ST., BET. FuLSOM AND 1> Harrison. Twelfth ntid Tliirteent'ti. uo2'.' tf- "l,-X« r EPTIONALLY DESIRABLE NEW FLATS, Jj Clay st., Uet- Leaveuworth and Hyde;,? and 8 r oo ms: marine view ; 4 car Hues available Uo2ti tf U'OT, AND lb - FULTON -2 FLATS. 4 KOOMS )«)•• rach: $\4. YON KUKIN .V CO. 11-- 1 i » If r M ' l WILL SEND THE WEEKLY CALL DU.for lour months to any dsj I ol the United Mlten. KOUSKK KM'lN<i j;<m>-.- <• I I FOLSOM— KOOMS FOX HOUSEKEEP- V)'.l 1 riiniiinr bath; 811 an 1 - 12.23 3* I•) Jl " ShVENTI - ■ FURNISHKI) FRONT I « »m- narlor, with kitchen; $10; 2 back robins, with yard, *a It' 4ELH CLEMENTINA— ROOMS FURNISHED FOB luU bousekeepliiK: cheap. It* Q UNFURNISHED BOOMS SI'ITAI'.L:: FOX «> housekeepmc;. with hath, not and cold wat'r; ran all d«y. 4 20 Second it jvj.; 2t" .4) LARGE ROOMS, 1-UKMsIiKP. WITH KI1C1I- •- ei> ... suitable for houaekeeplnff. >•;.» Kolsoin st. =- J i 23 2t* • ©Tql 2LA RISK SUNNY FURNISH KI> ROOMS.' >*„■ forirou< " liet 1 11 l 448'/^ Ili rd st.ja sl* Yon OKAKKELI.-2 OK ;: FURN ;iSHED KOOMS -100 ror bonsekeepintr. Ja23 6t* 1 h:knisTikd (mrnkk si;nny hoi'sekeep™ 1 log rooms; reasonable. 133 Seventh « , It* VTUMSIIKI) SUNNY ROOMS lOR lIOUSE- I teeplng: every convenience. 1100 Folsom. It* oj|o -l ESMI'-F KNIS H E D ROOM FOR 01-C "<»us«jie_epin? : If 1 in-, i 1:1 ETTA s. . OIT ELEVEN Tlf-3 UN- I furnished rooms and bath. ja22 3t* KTICE FURNISHED ROOMS'FORJHOUSEKEEP- 1N Ing; 98 to 912 per mon Hi. 71 1 Stockton .22 'A* - • Q HOW V.RD st. -2 fi'rnishei> hack <*•'' rooms compteto for iiousckoeidnj: rent til. J.VJ2 2t» on 1 i MISSION— SUNNYi SUITE I'.OOMS KOK CVf'Jbt houjekceplng; also slugle. _\»2'2 Al* ('II' POLK ST.T=] HOUSEKEEPING: NEWLY ' M '• ' furnished; sunny front alcove kitchen. 22 , "* VICE ROOMS,' COMPLETE FOR'HOUSEKEEP- Li in/. 10IH Pitwoll st. ji'J'Jlit' 1 «>-,. mmii — 3 SUNNY HOUSEKEEPING 'i—iO rooms; nafUrulshed; no children; rent $1".. 'asm (ill HOWARD - SUNNY ROOM rURMSHKD •Ml for housekeeping. j»22 ;u* it) SOUTH PARK - ~2" "FURNISHED HOUSE- I — koeplnß rooms; miii all day; $\H }a'J2 4t* j FRONT SUNNY WINDOW KOOMS; HOI '1 and cold wutor. Cor. Sixth aud Shipley. js223t* I i'Of\ MAIK I. i ST., Mi. TENTH — » UN FUR- - IUOU nlsh'.'U housekeeping ruuins; gas; water; I::. Ja'-'l 5 •_ K»-| i« POLK ST.— 3 PLEASANT REAR HOOMS; 1 1 vJ^scpnratc entr.ince; $10. j;in.'l t! ,• I 1 3 LARGE ROOMS, YARD AND WATER. *? ' 1 . '-"-'• Flllmoi-n St.. nr. Clay. |a2l st* L'KONT SUNNY HOUSEKEEPING ROOM P cheap: evory convenience. 1040 Foh m. 21 3* OOGROVJE, . PP PAVILION— 21 NICELY FUR- • ).— nisiiiMi boiiiokcepiug rooms; rent reason- able. ]»2l :u« Qp; 2 COMFORTABLE ROOMS FURNISHED 1' — • fo£ housekeeping. 354 Grove «t )^-l_?i* ih'IMSTH BUNNY FRONT ROOM. WITH — Ul bed -room mid kitchen connected; furnished complete for housekeeping ; private family. j.VJOIf O \}(\\ T. JONES — a s:\n\ llclsiKl: LtO\iO roams to let; adults only. Ja2o 7t* Ql'Ol MISSION ST. - SUNNY FURNISHED OU^'J hiusekecpli)^ suite. i.i-'u St* f»1 (.MCALLISTER— H 'LARGE PLEASANT UN- \J 1 V lui'iiHlu-d roouis for boUSettOOßlOg, ja2o 4l* ij(\f\f\ POWELL Sl'. -SUNNY FURNISHED — U"'U and uururuisucd rooius; 3iiit:iiiio liouse- kceplnir. j.il9 st* >) ROO MS OB TOP, FLOOR g FOR* UOUSEKEI P~- _ Ing. 103 Posl St. jar.' St* fUW WAhHINUION— SUNNY '- UNFURNISHED t)v^ housekeeping; rooms: running water. 19 7t* 1>»1O THIRD FURNISHED OR IN il RNISHBD t )-O 1,, ,■!,..,.;,,,_. ronirw; rent low. jIIT tf K00.H3 TO LET. 1 J9 SIXTH-NICE PLEASANT ROOMS: in 1 I— suite or single; roaaonable. ja23 tf . Q'J[\ TREAT AYE.. BET. TWKNTY-FIKST \ni> O—\i Twenty-second sts.— l rooms to rent 1 $« a month. )»'.'.( lot* m- ELEVENTH -NICELY FURNISHED I BAY. JUU wind iron! room for ii; $10. i.r.';; 2t« 1 NEW MONTGOMERY— NICEFURNI ED I \Jy double rooms, $1 75: *2 week; single $I.l* 7*IO NAI OMA. NEAR MVIII — A INili;. 1 *)—. nlshcd room: man and wife. It* 1 AUQB FRONT ROOM STOVE; CLOSETS; li American family. 371 Minna st.. near Fifth. l* 1J 7 THIRD— SUNNY FLRNISMJO) ROOMS; Jl I single or double; reasonable. ja23 :it* 1111 M. ALLISTEB - a LARGE 1 n m X il. LI Is be I rooms; closets: bath. ia'_':! Jt* 1910 MISSION— NICELY FURNISHED sin- -1 _ I i sunny frout room, with closet. 23 :tt* j-'ll SEVtNTH-2 N ICE 51N1.1.1. II KNISIIKD I«>.t^; irmii rooms; f-i, *r> month. It* lE'J 7 1 M. M NS'N FUKNIHHIOI AN I) UN-' • '• ' I • furiil;hed rooms tor rent. Jn23 Si* >II •» AND 217 1. i.\\:\ — I' N FURNISH ED £iXO rooms; atoo offices. Key .r, > ... j.-rjs &t*_ I I O SIXTH — T 111: BUUNSW-ICK, SI •N N V I JO rooms; SilHfiS or en snite; tru listen ts; new ininaaeiucut. MRS. S. L. JACKSON, Piop. }a9S tf BOWn TO LI".T-CONTINL'KI>. 1 A9rTMT«n^TN^KirE7rA^T~T!ATi^ BLOR: 1 \}J*\J pleasant and sunny; double and sinele rooms. ja'2'2 It* Q (\ 9 MONTGOMERY. COB, JACKSON— FOR- i ' '— nlsheil and unfurnished; reducedrents.22 5* (/! FOLSOM-SUNNY FRONT BOOM; FUR- •' ": nisiied: cheap. Ja22 3t* EBB HOUSE, »7 SECOND -FUBNIBHED '' rooiii3:en Balte,slngle; permanent transient. 14* O A STANLEY PLACE— LARGE. SUNNY ROOM: 01/ furnished or unfurnished: gas; bath. Ja22 3:* J'J STANLEY II NICELY FURNISHED, trO largo, sonny from room; grate. ja22 3t* Dl(| HOWARD— SUITE: FURNISHED; Ol'/ ground lioor: for doctor's office. Ja22 tt ■ Cl *> CAll, NEAR TWENTY - SECOND — S7 : I L Olarge.unf urnlshed front room ;gas:?rate. 22 3* r O.MS FOR HOUSEKEEPING': NEW HOUSE; ') bath and wash tuh3; good location; fine view. Inquire 423 V:.. « . r.-.-ti st. ja2'j St* i )'J\ THIRD— NICE SUNNY ROOMS: DOUBLE x.»> I or single; rent very low. ja22 M* i,| 1 BUSH — 1 r!!Msiii;ii SUNNY KOOMS. '"11 411 00 to $i per week; also housekeep- ing. ja22 4t» H'Jl HOWARD— S UNFURNISHED ROOMS. •> I j,i-."J it* 7OK POLK— FLAT OK SUNNY KOOMS AND i £O±&th. , ja22 tf QUITE OK LARGE BUNNY FRONT ROOMS, 0 suitable for housekeeping; cheap. 210 !/ i> S'xth street. ja2l tf -*H7 VAN NESS AVK.-NH'K SUNNY R(KiM; • >' ' I furnhlnMl; suital le for lor 2. j»22 31* I (> 1 I* POLK— 3 PLEASANT REAR ROOMS, *10. 00 4 FIFTEENTH — 1 . R> ISIIED Ii OOM S ; <■ '> l front: reasonable. ji2l 4t* (* 1 8 ;ss l 1 '-— A SONSY BAY-WIK DO KOOM; I'll price reasoiiablq ja2i 3l* I (»•»!• Howard— nice j sun nyjdouble or 1 \JO\J single rooms: *> and $10. jtJO 7t* "I AC SI OCKTOJf— FURNISHED AND I M i ];. I '•■'•' i bed rooms reasonable. ja2o st* 900 CLAY— FURNISHED 'i. UXFUENISHED — V rooms, j,i 1 r> Tt* 01 jl ivy avk.. BET. iia\es and urove— '•I I: 2 sunny.' furniaa*d front rooms. 17 7:* C'J (," l'-\ si., OFF VALENCIA SI-NNV <) i rooms: separate or together; German fam- ily ; -well lurnisued. j*l"> t! I d 7 POLK— NH 1 .!.'. rURNISHRI~S V nN v 1 IO 4 par lor*: '£ or 3 persons; reasonable.'Jtf li\(\ BRYANT. NEAR morris AYE small I vM) sunny bud-room, fnruisLcd; batU: -'i. 17 tf QMALL UNFURNISHED ROOM AT 107 FIFTH O.straet. j. l ;i:r_ I - TillßD-NICELY FURNISHED KOOMS; EN L I suite or single, use kitchen ; office-rooms. j8 tf <• I■) 3 I. \::i.l ROOMS; YARD AND WATER. •, •-• 2419 ( lay St., -jr. Fill more. jat> tr_ I Q9IR MARKET Tilt. HAWTHORNE; NICE I »'_U sunny rooms and offices; with or without board: transient by the day, week or month: ipecial rales to families. •!»-:'. 1 1 in 9"1 TENTH — NICE SUNNY FURNISHED — I-' rooms; double and single; all new, de 29 lvi Y'OSI'.MIIE HOUSE, 1045 MARKET ST. BET. Sixth and Seventh: 35c to 51 penitent: per ween, $1 DO to (5: stnifioand en suite: families, mrl tf il- a SIXTH-NICKLT FURNISHED SUNNY 1 I >> rooms: house and furniture new. ticJ tf 9Q] FULTON SICKLY FDRNISHEDJ ROOMS; _• t 1 rent cheap. 1100 tt 1.) I FULTON— NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY 1»)1 rooms nol 4 if » WEEK'S SEWS FOR 5 CKNTS— WEEKLY .'» Call, In wrapper, ready f t maitl ISO I s:i»i ... i Sit ItOO.MS. 1.'1.1 LiAN I FORNIsri ED ROOM lI li BOARD; 1 j private family ; suiUQ.e fur 2 gentlemen ; all conveniences; line cab.'e-can; 10 minutes Kearny st.-, references. Ad. I.i Box 85, Cai.i. Branch. ii 2 ;!••* V ICE SUNNY DOUBLE A V D SINGLE KOOMS, Xi | with board; cheap. 10:16 Howard st |a2O 7t* 'IMiK MARECUAL M.l.. C i!,-. JOMiS AND I hills; quiet family hotel; centrally located; handsomely rurnUhed; sunny rooms, single or en suite; hot and cold running water ... every room table exit:! lent. jali Ituo ABLI>OTON ~H O SB. 127 KEARNT— PLEAS- act Eunuy rooms, en unite and tlug.<t. CrstaUU II every respect: terms reasonable. j.-UO.r X I I.i Ri IPOLI iAN HOTEL; 512 AND i!G •'I Fourth st.: single meals, J'Jc: board and roa:n 1 er day. 75c to *! : by Lip to $5; tree coai-h to and from hotel. K. KKASLEY. Propr. ocli «$m HBOOKLYN HOTEL, BUSH ST.. BET. MONT- gomory and Sansome. under the onatiacemeot <>■ CUAS. MON I'iiUJllißV: tirst-claas family and mar- csntile hotel; home comforts ; conducteii on Amort- rs:i and European plan; board and room 31 Ji, ill 60. SI 75 mil 92 per day; rooms i>o cents to*l; fife coach to and on botoL fc7 12in MUMLOMMIV > TKMPKRANCC HOTEL, Ml and -'J-J Second st— siujie m«au 'Jic ; l«»»r'l Tt < :.' per uav, 75c v SI; by lue Wee*. #1 lo *5. rM coach to anil from the h ■.-•! asJl' l ' WINTER i::.'.)*!: rs. ; ESORTS, SPRINGS AND HOTELS ()? THE 1 » l.i ifie Coast, with rates, location, etc., nu>- libbeil in the Hotel Guide. ItJO pa^o*. For sale ar newsdealers or sen t 25c In stamps to W. M. PAT- TERSON publisher. :'.!'! 1-,^ m. S V. mrl i' STOJtES 1(» LET. mo LET— STORE.'S9IISIXTHIST.';«ROITABLK 1 for any kind of business: rent J>'Js : key grocery. Apply MADISON a i.i i:u;-:, O-'ti .Market st. ja23 3t QTORK iHi LARGE f> SUNN YST ARD. '-H 54 1 O aixlli st. Jil- 7l» »i: hne vegetable stoke, with Qli>. l.utcher-shop Twcltth :in 1 Misslou.23 7" QM ALL" STO RE A N 1) 1 FRONT ROOM. Al'l'LY 0 bOl O'Farrell st. J»22 .it* T AKGE STORE — SUITABLE FOR UAMJ- business; and also a very fine ce.iar. k uit :t l»if« for stor rl> or wine cellar. Silli IMdy St.; cellar berentfd with or v.ithout .store. i:t2l 23 25 MO LET—CELLAR; 02J SAC K A M KN It • ST., I i*t. Montgomery and Kearoy: BUitaftle for wine cellar. .■.[.;, v LANDKVC. :■. A UN. -, i.i .■:.: ■, i, .-J»J_ iiKfit» It) U..T. lOHT. AIRY OFFICE ON UIU)l T NiT~7LomT I* with show-window (*pace to suit tenant;, by w, 11. (KIM .v vo.. liB Montgomery s:. oci if cod OFFICE ltooM TO LET , REASONABLE: proinlneiit location. BA ILKV. 7U> Market. 17 7 OFFICES AND WORK- ROOM'S TO LET IN NEW brick tmlldlns on llardle place, off cast dde of Kearoy tt., bet. Bosk nml Suiter; l«;st ligbted rooms in the city, and rents to suit ail; entrance at JJ3O Kearnj s:. A| ply to V. C. MOLLOY, lAH Mont- gomery si. Jala la 1/INK LARGE OFFICES TO LET. CHEAP. 113 I Powell --L del tf Mm:!. AM) OKI H » ii\ i : K.KS. 7^' UNI EKS AMI rl\l L RES 1 UK SALE \.i ...,■ at B:it Geary st. nolO if ASTRO LOUT. 1J MX MORI .73 FOURTH ST.. FOIiTHNE i'l teller, clairvoyant; life-reader: fee 25r. 20 St* \\ ME. EVA AYLESFORD, CLAIRVOYANT.LIFE i'l re.ider and healer 1187 Mission, Km. 2. 20 7t* " I IST "aIIkTv ED MMX. SI. Mil ON s| LATE OF ti Denver, acknowledged by presa and public th« prfnti'st eUlrYoyaltt mid mncuctlc healer in I. S. J27 Turk st : don't fall to call. jal 7 7t* M E.l EXODI US.TI CLAIIiVOYANH 1 1 AS * RE- moved to 1 1 Taylor st." Koo-u ti: fee6oc.o24tf VfilE. I>K. THOMAS, M'IKNTIFIC REVEALER i'l by i-. irs ii, -I card*; lelis entire life. past, present, future: consul tatiout uu all SffalrJ, nothing ez- ci i (•■■! nmue plven, valuable advice and sure help; restores lost lore by sympathy; mistake Impossible; iiise.-ivs euro i : rpe's-i": letter $2. :;o hi' .T\\ !.< IV BPIKITt \usiL ~7 M rTviE^PATMTK HAS; l;; ?J oTe7T~TO -:V. Nucleus Building. Koon 27. j.U7 7t* us. i.vans. spikTtT~\l7 hkalkk. (;cau- Mi.- 1 \ \ VB, srii;i tI'AL 1! i vi ! l; autees to euro all cases ken. 10 Lafayette street, }a 7 ■..ii •j".;i I KLECTRIC 1 R A ILW AT* DEVELOPMKN ? 1 coDipauy will seii ,i few Debenture Bonds. a:id piiiii.inU'i' iO per cent: also ■ few ordinary s'lare-t. DR; i). c. MOORE, organizer and Promoter, 3>)l Montgomery st. rt"27 DR. M. TTTiKE. . li:- WONDERKI'L CLIPPI-.R »i!ip prophesv in? medium. "'I Market &L Re fcr to Examl.ier of Nov. 7tli for exi>los>lo:i 1 :n* Mi; . ' DR. 1-. P. KNAPP-SPUtITUAL PHTSt- cla:i: cln'lts Monday, Tuesday, Tburs.Uy and Friday. 142 Serenth St. tie-' 1 lm r A UGUSTA LEOLA, FORTUNE TELLER; MAOIO JY charms: love token.*; true tores of futur* husbands and wives free: teaches fortune. :i!i Mission strcear.Twentleth: lee^l. au27 tf Mrs .i. ■). iv i n i.\ . CL.VIKVOYANT. TEST medium and life-reader, ii 'i'ur» s;. at>2s cf f\ CKNTS WILL SEND THE WEEKLY CALL *)' ' fur four month* to any r»»t ot t;i« United Mat-*. • . » ->•» aw i.. MISS MABr I.i "V. SELECT MASSAGE.PARLOR i:>. third Moor. ■■'!>-.' i.r ii, t :iv.-. -:i i 7 7t« :>i I IST*. DR. REA, 1)23 M \!;ki i . EXT. TEETH 50c; with gasfl: ftlllngs low, open evenings. )■■>:< tf 1 i-:ek~dental COLLEO? . charges only li for maierlsl u«od^lioom 107. 1170 Market. j.m R.T. H. FKKGUSON. DENTIST. '.'O9 KI.AKNY near Sinter; the best work Is the cheapest, del tf D~~ \k. h7g. young, dentist, FORMERLY with G. W. I.i:i.k. o O'Farroli sL. now at 1841 PoU, near Jackson; painless extraction of teeth no 13 tim * NY~l 7 UrLD~KNOWS~GAS IS DANGEROOsI An my wonderful secret S is application to by tny wonderful secret lo the gams any tooth i;i:»y lie extracted or filled painlessly: nine first prizes awarded dm tor finest fillings, plata aud brUlgs worn; > iiic<- open even- ings and Sunday*. DR. G. W. LEEK. 6 O' Qf»7/AT SET FOB TEETH; WARRANTED A.i «Jp I . od as can be made; fillin? 91. DR. SIMMS, dentist. 0.50 .Market it, next BalJwiu 3 be » er.oolti , . - SET; REPAIRING 91: FILLING $l;E\t'(t. |:i!nhss. BOeJHt C.A. PKKRY. 8 Mason. ttk&U i H'l.Tn.N DENTAL ASSOCIATION, MARKET \J St. (I'helan Building), positively extract teeth without pain with "Coiton Gas": also perform all operation in i c , Istry. DR.CHAS. W. DECKER.7 if I 1 1;. \MM i 11 1 1. 1,. 1443MARKETST.. NKAIt 1' hle.Yeutti: no charge for extracting when platec •re made; old platos made over oca uew; te*lfe from $8 per act: extracting &00; gas given. asf A FULL si. C OF li.Kili FOR *7; MI.LINGAC loweit, prices: work warranted, UK J. W. hk.\. Ml >Inrket «. ogp. Baldwin. aiii ;C DB, <• H. WILSON, DENTIST.) 935 MARKBr »L. bfL Fifth mid Slxtli. (inn. Mason. ile!s.? ADVERTISING] 1Y \.n: WISH TO ADVKKTISE ANYTHING I anywhere at any time write to GEO. P. KOWELL & CO., 10 Spruce St., New York. aui9 ly VERY ONE IN NEE OF INFORMATION o V the subject of advertising will do welt to obtain a copy of "Book for Advertisers," 363 pafOa, pries SI: mailed, postage paid, on receipt of price: con- tains a careful compilation from :Uj Ainarlcai Newspaper Directory of all the bt»*t pasters and class journals: giro* the circulation rating of every one, and a good deal ot lutorma; ion aitouc raiai anil other matters pert«itiiiiK to iii« huiinn-n ol "a Ivor- tlslnir. A'tdreis ROWKLL'S ADVEKt'ISINU BU- REAU, 10 Spruce St.. Now York. aulfl ly nan AUK. II KN 111 111 I 1 INKS. PIANOS. ETC, I r for and itnrs< reasonable: atlviuice* made. LIEBES' Pioneer Storage C 0.,310 »ton. Vtf THIRST-CLASS STORAGE: ADVANCES MADE. X «>42-t}-i4 Mission sC (.HAS. L. TAYLOR Jy3lt OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS, OAKLAND KE*l. ESTATE. OA X I.TNrTAGIiNXY^Xij vIcTt™SEMENT3 ~AXO subscriptions received at ths Oakland Braacti Office of The Morxino Uaij, 901 Broadway. C» 7 PiOn ' HK (IN '- V NEW MODERN 2-STORY ((T I O\J\J. house In I vale: larjje lot. rooms. bath and eh set*. 425 Cotnrntrcial St.. top f100r.23 STOP!— FOR CHOICE LOTS IN FRUIT VALE r? at lowest prices and terms to suit, see H. W DAVIS, owner, 4(>."i Ninth St., Oakland. Jal3 lm <jU If\ COST f 8 MONTHLY. EVERETT TRACT, Situated on the line or th- Oakland, San Leandro unit Il:«yvv:irl> Electric Kuao (now butldlog). ONLY ¥11)0 EACH. ONLY $100 EACH. Positively the best speculative property In A lame la County. Kree carriaje to tie property. A. H. BREED & CO.. 180 Ninth 3C, Oakland. Ja'.'O tf Cl^fl TO * :tr>o PKB LOT AT FRUITVALE, XUtf Oakland: «10 to $29 cash an! $5 per luontb; beautiful lot adjoining the double-deck i ..r line of .Sessions' new electric road: win glva free .;-.s lor .'> yean to any one who Mill build. Ap- ply at once tot. W-WOduwaßU 4 CO., 902 Broad- .ay. Oa.Und. j.«l7 t MCKEE TRACT *-l^o to $7:*.0: only 60 lota Icrt in M.'Koe Tract. Oakland, near Lori BerSalpy Branch Railroad ; a splendid Investment; lnrtje 50-foot lots: casv terms; f5O cash, #10 per inuatli : 30 minutes to San Fran- ri»c(i; 10 minutes to oaxiand l>y electric road; lm- pruvonieiits on ever, band; buy now. Send for catalogue. WILLIAM J. DINUKE, 400 Eighth St.. Oakland. McKEE t;:-\CT. }a!7eod7t MELRObB - STATION TRACT; LOTS $150; first station K;i>t of Prultrale on broad-:;au;8 railroad; r 0 cash. $0 monthly payment ; 'I block* from electric roaa U. 11. l'l.\>i;v, 907 Broad- way. O^klan.l. 11015 tf TTOW TO MAKE A FORTUNE. DO NOT STOP HERE, HUT READ BTSU WORD Oi THIS ADVERTISEMENT. THE ONLY SLUE WAY: BUY REAL ESTATE. LET IT BE EV£B SO SMALL. Ist V ONLY WHAT YOU CAN PAT FOR. IF IT IS ONLY rO i'KK MONTH. IF WKLL INVESTED M WILL PAY YOU BETTER THAN ANY HANK IN THK UNITED HTATKS, AND iOf CANNOT Si'END 11 AT YOUR COMMAND. HERE IS A GUARANTEED INVESTMENT FOR SMALL CAPITALIST OF SU RE INOKKASE IN VALUtS. $269 to $400— Loi in the Warner Tract. 50x150, o i lit; line or the new electric road from Oakland to San Lcaudro and Harvard*, which is now being liullt and expected to U- running v,- May Ist. TILE SUCCESS oj TlllS TRACT It. ASSURED. __ OVER 310 LOTS SOLD TO BON A riDE PUR- CJIASERS SINCE ■ OB£R 17. = WHAT MORE ok A RECOMMENDATION DOES AN INTENDING PURCHASER WANT? THE RMS ARK MADE UNEXCEPTIONAL FOR i HE NI.XT SIXTY DAYS. ONLY *10 AND ?'JO REQUIRED AS FIRST PAYMENT, DALANCE So AND $10 MONTHLY. The power-house and car-houses are located upon thy tract, a .ar.."' Dim tier of residences uuw uu- der course of couitractl ?3 or $10 a month invested In the Warner Tract Is without no] question the best investment you cm make for tli- same ainouul of money either Hi sau Francisco or Oakland. Come and see for yourself. Carriages In waiting at our office at all times to show you the property. Office open evenings from 7 to 9 o'clock. ~' : I© M..T. I.AYMANCK A C0.,4t55 EIGHTH ST., OAK- LAND, CAL. jalti lot CJjOA (\f\f\ A HKSr-CLASS HOTEL PROP- ♦„•»*'."''"'. erty forsato or exobinge for any eood O^kia-iil. S:m Francisco, Alauieda or Berkeley rcil estate; put down o:i a cash b.uis. For particu- lars '.r call at otlioe or K. W. WOODWAKD i Cu.; W)-J Broadway, Oakland. jal7 7t ~Q> ] .;- PEB LOT— HOICJi LOTS IN PERALTA. O ! —*-' :»>•'. i [■>■ :. .:>...•: terms to suit. li. >v. DAVIS, owner. 465 Ninth St.. Oaklaud. ja!3 lm "< I Ann HOUSE ROOMS AN D HATH; <j~iK}\.i\J. hipii basement; brick roundittoa; per- re< I in every reapect; lot 3Ux125; 3 blocks from lural station; half casQ, bslAnCfl to suit purchaser. A.J. TAtT. '.504 Seventh St.. Center Station. jaiatt f*| rjr KACH — FIXE FRUITVALE LOTS; a 0 I i*J Btroet railroads; .?1O cash, $5 monthly. CLOVUH A- UAKKi:. 41-0 N'.r:th St.. Oakland. jlO "tf ;.H (| LOT HALF A BLOCK FROM ELEC- »•»''"'.:■ r"a<l <»v Fortieth st. ; only one-tenth ensh. H. l; I'INNKY, 907 Broadway Oakland 15 tf . WEEK'S NEWS FOR ! CENTS— THE WEEKLY A Cam In wrapper. rea.U- for mailing. OAKLAND HOUSES TO KENT. *v3:W COTTA^ET^I'ST^INMSHEITTT^ROaM?, -»-' hath, pantry, hot an 1 cold water; all modern Improvements; cement i 1 le walks; md yard; 1677 Chestnut st., oakiand: 7 ml i ites' walk to Adeline Station; rent $ltf. Apply on premises. j.rJ '•.'.' 1 I KMTI XX KOIt ~SALK. ~ I m km i ; kk roi wA N MimnTANTrCHEApT J^H -( II 1.1.1.H AA.s. 4(H Kleventh St. <le6 !f cod ALAMEDA ADYERTISEMEN^ ALAMKI)\ KKAL 8T \ TK. J- HANLEY * CO., 1351 PARK ST., WILL « • . build, .-ell or rent you any kind of a house viv- where in AiaMßCda ou tuo mo-it reasonable ternia. au'JO t( IN OPPORTUNITY— *4 Ki.KiiANl' LOTS ON I\- easy payments, la the vicinity Ot Ceutrai aye. : very best part of Alameda: one-quarter caith, bal- ance 1, 2 and 3 years. Apply to THUS. A. SMITH A 01.,O 1 ., lu'Ol Park st.. Aiaitieda. ja'Jl lot EXTRAORDINARY BARQAISS. *1300— f.nt 50x100. with Improvements; narrow- pauce station: Centra] aye. 9'l'iOO—Lol !7xl0l», and 6-room house la fine con- ditlon: $JOJca>h: $:0 j>er month. $'JUOO— Lot :-!7ilojaiid-;-roora cottage; beautiful location; built to order; f uo cash; $25 per iu<-uih. !?;>s-00— 13x150; fine new 7-room bouse: $450 cash: . IS per month: for 7 days only. Four lots a id ■_' cottages at a bargain: quick sale. Hooks built to order and furnished In 60 days prompt: plans and estimates furnished free: houses to rent; open Sunday*. MARCUSE A RKMMEL. Tl.e largest contracting Brm in Alatneda County. Offices: AUuieda— ltay-s:. Station ana HiK r ti-->t. Station. Sau Francisco— «-' 8 Market at., opp. Pal- ace Hotel. JalOtf =: \\' ANTKD— NEAR LOS OATOS, RANCHES TO '• exchange '■• tino Alanifda property; value largo or M. :i,l. Apply to MRS. L W. CHANDLER .V- CD . ; ■( •••• ■•>■■ -t J-ilO if ALAMKDA BOOMS AND HOUSES. rpoLf'.T COTTAGE OF 6 LARGE ROOMS 1 and bath, garden, etc., on Railroad aye.. near It.iy Station. AUtmeda. Apply to C. S. CAPP *CO . 415 Montgomery sc. j«2:< :'t I.OHIN lIK.VI. KMVII. w' 'i'l m HOUSE OF l ROOMS AND 3 45-FOOT ♦iT — Ul'l*. lots in heart of town; limit bo sold Immediately. W. C. MOHAN, Loriu, take Uerkaley train; easy terms. ja'Jl tf BUKXKI) ALIVE. r.rniurK:tl>ln Crime Cuiumttted at in Ait:. •! i,i. Loi.dou Times. A remarkable crime has just been cem mitted at Oran, in Algeria. Diego Lopez and his wife, natives of Spain, lived at La Mecheria, near Oreo, upon a farm which they had brought into cultivation, the other occupants being their son, 2 years of age, and a Spaniard named Juan U.tesn, who was a soil of general servant. One evening last March they hud invited three of their compatriots who were employed as navvies upon a railway in course of construction to spend a few hours with them. About 11 o'clock their guests left and Diego Lopez and his wife went to bed. About li o'clock in the morning the three navvies returned and were let in th« house by the servant, John l!aesa." Having first shot the husband, they knocked down the wife and rendered her unconscious, and then proceeded to pillage the bouse and liy hands upon all the portable articles of furniture. While they were doing this the woman came to her senses, whereupon the three, men as sailed and theu killed her, taking the Hitlo boy and burning him alive, Before leaving the bouse they sat fire to it, in the hone of destroying all traces of their crime, and wl.ilo it was in flames they stood uii concerucdly outside, advising the people whom the fire had attracted to the spot not to risk their lives in trying to extinguish it, as the inmates must certainly have been burned to death by that time. Fortunately their advice was not taken, and when the tire was gnt under control and the bodies of the victims discoverd, suspicion at once fell upon them and they have all three been condemned to death. The large st siphon, probably, is on ho levee between MeKinuey Lake and the Mississippi Kiver. The main pipe Is 2 feet in diameter and Hi feet in U*ui<tli. and it lias a discharging capacity of 20,000,000 gal -1 in I day. WONG GEE ON AGAIN. Seizure of Opium Stamped With Forged Certificates. A Clever Capture by Revenue Agent Thomas. The Drug Manufactured in Red Bluff. The Forgery Confessed. An important seizure of opium was made yesterday by Internal Revenue Agent ii. M. Thomas and an assistant whose name is not divulged, according to Agent Thomas, for fear lie might coma to h;am. The seizure was the result of carefully laid plans on the part of the Government cflicials. The confiscation of the goods is not important from the value of the opium seized, but from the fact that it discloses to the Federal officers that the for gery of. opium stamp* is still gaiug on, and, perhaps, on a target scale than is imagined. The spurious certificates are in the hand writing of the Chinese, Wong Gee On, who some months u:o was arrested for so clev erly imitating the signature ot Agent Thomas. CERTAIN VALUABLE INFOHMATIOX. About the beginning of December the In ternal Revenue Agent received information that a large opium factory was running somewhere in the neighborhood of Red Is!utT. The city was watched for ship ments, but none could tie found. Thomas decided to go to Red Bluff and seiz* the factory. II purchased tickets for the place and started on December 2G'.h, but on his way received information which induced him to abandon the trip for the tima being. Several day? ago Agent Thomas was noti fied that a Chinese at Red 13 1 nIT had shipped some opium and had checked two trunks and two blankets. Thomas directed his assistant to watch the depot. This assistant saw the Chinese arrive yesterday morning and hire an express wagon, into which he put his trunks and blanket*. The deputy revenue officer followed the wagon nloug Clay street At Kearny it turned into Sacramento. Just as the wagon was entering Chinatown the revenue officer placed the express-driver and the Chinese under arrest, and had them drive the wagon to me Appraiser's Building. Here Agent Thomas was met. EXAMINING HIS THAI'S. lie found that the name of the Chinese is Ock Yuen, and promptly turned him over to the United states Marshal. On examin ing the blankets and trunks 391 5-tael boxes of opium were discovered. Of these 3G4 had on stumps written by Wong Gee On, and 27 had sweated stamps, or certificates which had been used before. The seizure is valued at S2OOO. The Wone Gee On stamps on the boxes evidently were new, and the question is, How came they to be in Red Bluff? After the arrest of Wong Gee Oa it was discov ered that there is no law by which he could be prosecuted. He was also prom ised that if he would reveal who wrote the forged signatures he would ba allowed to bo. He confessed that it was himself, and sat down in his ceil and wrote off signature after signature, which were coed imitations of Agent Thomas' hand. Wong promised to go to China, and it was supposed that he had gone. HOT KNOWN TO HAVE REGISTERED. He is not known to have registered at the Chinese Bureau for three steamers, Some of the Federal officials believe that Wong Gee On is still In the State and engaged at his old tricks, making the country iiio base of his operations. About midnight on Thursday, in a room in tlie third story of 1022 Stockton street, Acent Thomas seized two jars containing twenty pouuds of opium and fourteen ."-tael boxes. In the room was a large num ber of empty boxes. The place is supposed to have been used as a place where cans were filled with opium illicitly manufactured elsewhere. The doors bad to bo broken down before the place could bo entered. No arrests were made. A FALL IN FEES. Ju'lse Coffey Cuts Expenses in the Searles I'sisp. When Mrs. Ilopkias-Searles died her property In this city, estimated to be worth several millions, was taken charge of by Public Administrator Freeze, who era ployed as his attorney J. I). Sullivan. They devoted about four days of their val uable time to ascertaining the condition of the property, making an estimate of its value and notifying tenants and others that they were in charge. For their arduous labors each presented a bill for $2000. Judge Coffey looked at the bills, and after making some reflections on the sin of charging too much called for a bill of items. In due time the bill ap eared, showing how often the attorney had appeared in court, how he had notified persons at Fuurth and Townsend streets of the responsibilities he had assumed, of his dealings with the tenants of the estate and his estimate of the value of these services. Judge Coffey gave his decision yesterday, and instead of allowing the Public Admin istrator 82000 for his four days' toil he gave him 8346 25, and unto the industrious at torney, instead of $2000, lie gave $350. Mra. .lUlloiiiild's C.VrMlicate. Mr«. Ann O'Brien testified in Justice .Low's court yesterday that sho had seen the certificate of the marriage of Duncan McDonald to the woman who claims to be his wile, but whom lie repudiates. The record book of Rev. Dr. Scott, who is al leged to have performed the ceremony, was produced in couit, but displayed no such statement. The trial was continued until Wednesday. Ajjetl, Idle and I >t- » ]> > n <i »■ nt . August Trici', an aged man of uncerta : n occupation who lives at the Liudell lI(UiM3 on Sixth and Howard street*, wandered to the water-front yesterday morning and jumped overboard. He wns limned oat by boatmen an I conveyed to the Keeeivinc Hospital, where he was soon resuscitated. Price said be tried to drown himself because he was out of work an despondent. FOR SALE BY THOS. MAGEE, Real Estate Agent, And Publisher " Heal Estats Circalir." No. 20 Montgomery Street, OPPOSm LICK HOUSE. IMIOADWAY, NEAR 1 A«.r\A; 30x190; $6000. CA-VABA CORNER, PACIFIC AVK. AND WAL- t)U nut st: $13,000; grand view of bay, Kort I l . nut »nd Heads; rrrsidio Reservation on north and west insures view ana *rt'«h air from tue ocean. -/VVAKA; $12.n00; NW. COR. CLAY AND t)\J Spruce sis. ; a very desirable corner; has gooa view. VORTn BIDE. PACIFIC ST.. NBAS BAKES; 1> 100x130, SACRASIENTO-ST. LOTS 25x100; $1450; ON ZTtuie and read) to build on :Sacr»meßto l Utyond Lanrol; within about a minute's wall of two cable- cars. __ lOOOBT, NEAR BACK AMES TO — 83*187:$; i J $l»iO'J : very cheap. pORNER SACRAMENTO AND LOCUST--37 :6x \J 100; $3100: streets kie'l. sewered an I mac- adainlzed; 1 block to California or Sacratnentu-st. can. SACRAMENTO-ST. LOTS— 2SxI33; $1350 OR 0 any atM at saints rate; street s.-wtjro 1 and in ic- adauilzsd; easy terms: li-n* view. lATESTMJTXTS. GBABT. NEAR GRANT AYE.-IN VESTMENT; Vjf $43,000. TONES ST., NEAR GEARY, CORNER OF SMALL O street; 50x137:6; $23,000; rents $140; a buy. I OTS 45 -.9* 137:6 OR 91:8x137:6 ON MISSION. J Spear, Davis, etc., at low prices. 1 KVANTST.. X. SIDE. THROUGH TO siLVKtt I) st. and bet "d and 8<l ! 60x155; $11,700. 3D ST.. THROUGH TO TOWXSEND AND Ol'l\ K. R. depot; SOsSO and 32x33; ouly $18,000. POWELL AND ( LAY SIS.; 63x60: RENTS (93; -L 2 cable lines; .f •_'(.", 000. BKANNAN. NEAR THIRD; RENTS $375; 20 >x 175; $75.0i)0. TURK ST.. BLOCK FROM MARKET; '<J7:Bx 1 137:0; reuUfllOa month; $30,000. ELLIS, BET. POWELL AND MASON: 50x137:0 and party walls; cheap. T>OLK AND CLAY; FINE CORNER AND 3- -I story and brick l»as«mout bu::i';.. a *; rent* $151): *-'5,5U0. It 5