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VOLUME LXXII NO. 35. JAMES B. WEAVER. The Logical Candidate of the People's Party. XOMIXATED OA THE FIRST BALLOT. Trying to Stampede the Convention to _________ KYLE OF SOUTH DAKOTA DIED FKfITHG. Indiana's Great Jurist Declined to Stand, and After That the lowa Man Had the Rnnniug to Himself. Special to The Morning Call. Omaha, July _.— "Tour success seems assured." Such were the inspiring messages sent to each of the three leading candidates by their supporters in the People's party national convention before the opening this morn ing. Gresham 'a friends in particular seemed Increasingly tenacious and enthusiastic. General Secretary Hayes of the Knights of Labor said that the Knights were deter mined to stand by Gresham, and the latter's friends believed tie would be the nominee. George Washburno of Massachusetts, the manager of Senator Kyle's forces, was unqualifiedly claiming the nomination for the South Dakota man ou the first ballot. General Weaver's disciplined corpsawere entirely undismayed. His lieutenant, Ter rell of Texas, answered all questions, "Weaver is solid as a rock." A: 8 a. m. promptly, though there were only about 50 delegates scatiered about tha Coliseum. Temporary Chairman Ellington called the convention to order and presentsd Rev. William McGreavy of Buffalo Gap, Black Bills, who offered prayer. Then the glee club rendered several selec tions while the convention waited for the belated delegates. At 8:45 (/clock enough had arrived to rep resent the majority of the States, and the roll was called, but there was so much con fusion that at 9 o'clock a motion was car ried that each State appoiut a serjeant-at arms to keep quiet in its delegation. The chairman of the committee on cre dentials was called for, but could not be found for some time. When he was finally routed out he reported that the committee bad found no contest, and that it had there fore decided that the names of those on the rolls should be declared entitled to seats. The committee on permanent organization reported in favor of 11. L. Loucks of South Dakota for permanent chairman, J. 11. Hayes of New Jersey for permanent secre tary, with a list of assistant secretaries and a vice-chairman from each State. There port was adopted, and Chairman L.ucks assumed his duty. GEITINGTO work. The New Cbairmin Shocks the Tempo rizing Delegates. Omaha, July —It was a picturesque spectacle when the permanent chairman standing firmly on his one leg and swinging *hls crutch at arms length waved the great assemblage to order. His speech as he pro gressed was a disagreeable surprise to perhaps a majority of the convention, but its impetuosity and fire if not its hits for and against candidates elicited cheers at every few words. He thanked the conven tion for the honor of presiding over "the grandest and largest convention ever held in the West, or, I believe, anywhere in the civilized world." In the past great revolu tion . were brought about by the sword and bullet This, the greatest of all revolutions was propelled by education and the ballot. Many thought the republic was in danger, but the speaker believed that the great mass of wealth producer, having come to a high standard the changing of the system of gov ernment by the ballot bad saved the nation. His hearers could congratulate themselves that they were progressing all slang the line. The speaker had not heard of a single sal. on In Omaha having to double its capac ity to accommodate the vast crowd present He thought that was not true of some of tbe other convention cities for some of the other conventions. He congratulated the convention on the harmony which had prevailed throughout and upou the fact that no slates bad been fixed up, so that the choice of the people would finally determine the nominee. More than that, there was a spirit abroad that the man nominated must not only stand squarely en the platform, but must have burned the bridges behind him. "We are," said he, "at a critical period and cannot afford to take chances. We want no doubtful man to lead this movement. We must know be has been with us long ' enough to have been found true or he will find no place here. I have heard one thing that has discouraged me a little, and that is the statement that we must not nominate one of the old guard who has been in the front of this movement all the time. Did you ever hear in a Democratic or Kupubli can convention the statement that because a man bad been active in propagating Demo cratic or Republican doctrine he must be knocked in the head and sent to the rear? I have been told here tbat it would not be safe to nominate a man who bad been a greenbacker. You have got to nominate a man who has been either a green backer or a gold bug, and you can take your choice. Bless your soul, this movement was begun by green back It's on the principle of the original greeubackers that this move ment is founded. 1 believe in selecting a man who will meet the approval of the people inside the party. Do not be afraid of what the opposition may say. You bring - -up a man and say that he has not made ene mies in thin movement and I will say that he is not worth that (with snap of finger). "We want a man who has made enemies for tbis cause, and will go forward and make more enemies in the future. Such a man. I am satisfied, you will nominate to day." A new gavel, announced as being made from timber grown on the first homestead entry in the United States, was presented to the chairman. A SLIGHT UNPLEASANTNESS. Delegates Object to Being Deprived of Their Freedom of Choice. Omaha, July 4.— After the chairman had concluded bis remarks, and amid some evi dences of dissent, General William Jackson Armstrong, inspertor-genere.l of consuls under President Grant, was given the floor. Armstrong ep.-ke at some length on the Issues before the convention, denouncing millionaires, and declared that matters had come to such a pass that the price of a Cabinet portfolio under Republican admin istration was .150.. He said the only •acred thing In the world is humanity. The only thing having a right in this world is man- We have met to affirm that the sor rows of this world should be attended to here, and not wait for the mysterious judg ments of a future state. At ibis point the speaker's time expired, sod tbe general sentiment of tbo convention being in favor of proceeding with business, he retired. A California delegate arose and demanded in the name of his delegation to know who General Armstrong was. It had been stated tbat be was well known all over tbe coun try, and Californians would like a little in formation. Mrs. Emery of Michigan was then Intro duced for a speech and fared better than General Armstrong, but the convention was Visibly impatient to get to business. A delegate from Oregon presented an other gavel in honor of the People's party achievement in the Oregon State election. Then the committee on rules presented its report, limiting nominating speeches lor President and Vice-President to 15 minutes and remarks on questions in general to five. The rule for balloting ou the nomination of President and Vice-President provided that if no nominee received- a majority on the first ballot each delegate should be al lowed on the second ballot to cast one vote lot his first choice and half a vote for his The Morning Call. second choice. If no one secured a majirity on this ballot, the two candidates receiving the lar. est number of votes ouly should be Voted lor .n the third ballot. All resolutions were to be referred tolho committee ou resolutions without debate. Each State and Territory was to have one vote for each delegate. The following order of business was re ported: Announcement of the names of the Na tional Committee. - ' Report of the committee on platform and resolutions. Nominations of candidates for the Presi dency and balloting thereon. Nominations of candidates for the Vice- Presidency and balloting thereon. Vociferous signs of disapproval greeted the reading of the paragraph governing tlie proposed new system of balloting, but after some colloquy a motion on the adoption of the report W as put and declared carried. \ andervort of Nebraska protested that any man who had a choice should be per mitted to exercise it without being muzzled. lie proposed an amendment striking out the clause providing for the retirement of all except the two leaders after the second ballot, and th- amendment prevailed by a large majority, leaving the rules in this matter as is customary in national conven tions. The convention then took a recess for 20 minutes to witness the Omaha Fourth of July parade as it passed the convention ball. CANNON GOES OFF. Tbe Callfornl-n'_ Hinging Denunciation of the Pacific 1 allroa.l*. Omaha, July 4.— lnstead of twenty min utes, It was nearly an hour before the con vention resumed business. The roll of States was first called, and each answered the name of Its member of the National Committee. Then a storm was precipitated by tho chairman of the resolutions committee offer ing a resolution calling attention to the fact that the ticket agents in Washington and other States on the line of the Union Pacific Railroad did not receive instructions to grant delegates to the convention the usual reduction in fares and appointing a com mittee to communicate with tho railroad officials and have the mistake rectified. Several delegates moved that the North ern Pacific and Great .Northern roads be included in the resolution. Delegate Marion Cannon of California excitedly protested against the resolution as exhibiting a want of independent spirit in the convention, and his vehement denun ciation of the roads led to the liveliest scene of the day. "1 want this convention to understand," he said, "that it is not by accident or over sight that the Pacific Coast delegates have been overlooked. Our request for the cus tomary courtesy was denied, deliberately and with insolence. Ido net want this con vention, as far as California is concerned, to go back to that railroad, cap in hand, and ask for any privileges whatever. [Tu multuous cheer-. The Democrats and Re publicans secured half fare, but we, the producers of the earth, have been refused equal terms. We can stand the refusal. [Cheers.] We can tell those railway compa nies," continued the speaker in tones that rang from end to end of the hall, "that the people will own and operate those roads yet." The enthusiasm and passion of the speaker extended to the audience and every member rose to his feet and wild cheers rent the air. The Montana delegation indorsed the sentiment of Cannon, and so did Oregon. The chairman of the resolutions committee then withdrew his resolution. On motion of Dean of N>w York it was decided to bring the matter before the Inter state Commerce Commission to decide whether the law permitted railroads to dis criminate in favor of one national political convention and against another. The committee on resolutions not being ready to report, a recess was then taken until 2 v. m. MUTTEKINGS OF WAR. The Weaver Men Show a Tendency to Force the lighting. Omaha, July 4.— lt was 2:07 o'clock when the chairman called the afternoon session to order, but it was 3 p. m before .asineea began. f-'\_-. A motion was carried that the ' resolu tions committee report .such parts of the platform as were ready. This apparently is the first move on the part of the Weaver men to hasten a ballot. A suspicion had gained currency that the committee on reso lutions was not anxious to make progress, for the reason that it, as a whole, preferred Judge Gresham fora candidate and wanted time to get an agreement from him that he would let the convention nominate him. The motion was carried, but the committee reported that it was not prepared just yet to make even a partial report. Ward of Missouri moved to suspend the rules and proceed to ballot for the nomina tion of candidates. This was seconded, but there was no intention on the part of the ardent Gresham men to give un hope, and an Illinois delegate made a point of order that the motion was contrary to the rules. The chairman overruled the print of order, on the ground that the convention could do as it pleased. Ward's motion was then tabled on motion of Ellington of Georgia, and Lamb of Texas, a Weaver man, who is also working for Terrell for Vice-President, moved to adopt the St. Louis platform as the party platform. Brown of Massachusetts declared that the St. Louis platform was one upon which the organizations of united labor stood. Tney did not intend that anything should De taken from it or added to it. If the com mittee desired additional resolutions it could move them when it returned. "There fore," he said, "let us adopt the St. Louis platform and proceed with the nomination of the People's leader upon principles which are to squash plutocracy. Let the nominating speeches be made oh the Fourth of July, the natal day of the country's in dependence." McDowell of Tennessee objected to the attempt to form a precedent, and Manning, the boy orator of Alabama, added his quota to the din. DECLARATION <)_ KIUIITS. The Committee Had Prepared a Long Preamble. Omaha, July 4.— The effect of the pro ceedings In the convention was to alarm the resoultions committee. It became stam peded and its members soon filed on the 6tage with the platform hastily brought to completion. Their appearance removed the cause for the fight on the floor, and the con vention became silent while Thomas Cator of California read the preamble of the unan imous report of the committee. At the conclusion of the reading, Cator asked that It be adopted, and this was done unaui mously. It was as follows : Assembled upon the one hundred and six teenth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, the People's party, invoking the blessing of Almighty God. puts forth in the name of the people of the country the following preamble and declaration of prin ciples: We meet In the midst of a nation brought to the verge of moral, political and material ruin. Corruption dominates the ballot-box, the Legislature, Congress, and even touches the ermine of the bench. The people are demoralized. Most of the States have been compelled to Isolate voters at the polling-places to prevent universal intimi dation or bribery. The .papers are sub sidized or muzzled. Public opinion is si lenced; business is prostrated' our homes covered with mortgages; labor impover ished; land concentrated in the hands of capitalists. Urban workmen are denied the right of organization for self-protection, which imported, pauperized labor beats down their wages. A hireling standing army, unrecognized by law, is established to shoot them down, and they are rapidly degenerating into the European condition. The fruits of the toil of millions are boldly stolen to build .up colossal fortunes unpre cedented in history, and make the posses sors of them in turn a menace to the republic and to liberty. From the same prolific womb of governmental injustice we breed two great classes— tramps and. mil lionaires. The national power to create money is appropriated to en rich the bond holders, and the vast public debt payable in legal tender has been funded Into gold bearing bonds, thereby adding millions to the burdens of the people. Silver, which has been accepted as coin since the dawn of history, has been demonetized to add to the purchasing power of gold by decreasing ihe value of all forms of property, as well as of human labor, and the supply of currency is purposely abridged to fatten the usurer, bankrupt enterprises and. enslave Industry. This vast conspiracy against mankind has been organized on two continents, and it is rap idly taking possession of the world. If not met and overthrown at once it forbodes ter rible social couvulaiyus, the destruction of SAX FRANCISCO, TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 5, 1892-EIGHT PAGES. civilization ar the establishment of absolute despotism. We have witnessed for moro than a quarter of a cdntuty the struggles of the two great political parties for power and plunder, while grievous wrongs have been Inflicted upon the suffering people. We charge that the controlling Influences dominating both of these parties have per mitted the existing dreadful conditions to develop without serious efforts to prevent or restrain them. Neither do they now promise us any substantial reform. They agreed together to Ignore In tho coming campaign every issue but one. They propose to drown the outcries of the plundered people with the uproar of a sham battle over the tariff, so that capitalistic Corporations, national banks, rings, trusts, watered stock, the demonetization of silver and the oppressions of usurers may all be lout sight of. They propose to sacrifice our homes, our lives and our childreu on the altar of mammon; to destroy a multitude in order to secure corruption funds from million aire?. Assembled on the anniversary of tho birth of tho nation and filled with the spirit of the grand generation that established our Inde pendence, we seek to restore the govern ment of the republic to the hands of "iho plain people," with which* class it origin ated. Wo assert our purpose to be identical with the purpose of the national constitu tion, to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the coming defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty fir ourselves and posterity. We declare that this republic can ouly endure as a free government upon the love of .the whole people for each other and for the nation ; that it cannot be pinned togeth er by the bayonet; that the civil war Is over and every passion and resentment which grew out of it must die with it; and that we must be, In fact as we arc in name, ono uni ted brotherhood of free men. Our country finds itself cinfronted by conditions for which there is no precedent in the history of the world. Our annual agricultural productions amount to billions of dollars iv value, which must within a lew months bo exchanged for billions of dollars of the commodities consumed in their production. The existing currency supply is wholly inadequate to mako tills exchange and the results are failing prices, the formation of combines and rings, and the Impoverishment of the producing class. Wo idedtre ourselves, lf given power, to labor to correct these evils by wise and reasonable legislation. We believe the powers of the Govern ment should be expanded, as in the case of the postal service, rapidly and as far as the go d sense of the intelligent people ami tha teachings of experience shall justify, to the end that oppression, injustice and poverty shall eventually eea->e In the lan 1. While our sympathies as a party of re form are naturally upon the side of every proposition which will tend to make men intelligent, virtuous and temperate, wo nevertheless regard these questions, im portant as they are, as subordinate to the great issues now pressing for solution, and uron winch not only Individual prosperity but the very existence of free institutions depends, and we ask all men to first help us determine whether we are to have the republic to administer before we differ as to the conditions upon which it is to be ad ministered. Believing that the forces of reform this day set in motion will never cease to move forward until every wrong is remedied and equal privileges sect* rely established for all men and women we declare therefore: First— That the union of labor forces of the foiled States this day consummated shall be permanent and perpetual; may its spirit enter Into ail hearers for the salvation of the republic and the uplifting of man kind. Second— Wealth belongs to him who created it. ami every dollar taken from In dustry without an equivalent is robbery. "ll any man will not work, neither shall lie eat." The Interests of the rural and city laborer are the same, and their enemies are identical. Third— We believe the time ha* come when the railroad corporations will either owu the people or the people must own the railroads, and should the Government enter upon the work of holding and managing any or all of the railroads, we should favor an amendment to the constitution by which all persons engaged in the Government service shall be under civil vice regula tion of the most rigid cnaractet, so as fee prevent the increase of the power ot the national administration by the use of such additional Government employes. iii£ platform; A Flexible Currency and Go. eminent Control of Everything. Omaha. July 4.— The platform was as follows: We demand a national currency, safe, sound and flexible, issued by the General Government, of full legal tender for ell debts, public and private, and that without ttie use of banking corporations, a just, equitable and efficient means of distribution to the peon c, at a tax not to exceed _ pel cent per annum, to be provided as set forth in the sub-treasury plan of the Farmers' Alliance, or by a better system; and also by payment* in the discharge of its obliga tions for public Improvements. (a) We demand the free and unlimited coinage of silver and gold at the present legal ratio of I*l to 1. (6- We demand that the amount of the circulation medium be speedily increased to net less than .50 per capita. (c) We demand a graduated income tax. id) We believe that the* money of the country should be kept as much as possible In the hands of the people, and hence we demand that all State and national revenues shall be limited to the necessary expenses of the Government, economically and hon estly administered. (c) We demand that postal savings bank* be established by the Government for the safe deposit of the earnings of the people and to facilitate exchange. Transportation being a means of ex change and a public necessity, the Govern ment should own and operata the railroads in lbs Interest of tne people. The telegtapta and telephone systems, like the postoffice system, being a necessity for the transportation of news, should bo owned and operated by tho Government in the in terest of the people. Land— Land, including all natural sources of wealth, is the heritage of the people and should not be monopolized for speculative purposes, and the alien ownership of land should be prohibited. All land now held by railroads and other corporations in excess of their actual needs, and all lands bow owned by aliens, should be reclaimed by the Government and held for actual settlers only. MEN WENT MAD. Enthusiasm Over the Adoption of th. Platform, Omaha, July 4.— Pram of Georgia read the platform proper, and the strong sen tences picturing graphically the ruin of the country unless there was reform were well received and met with approbation, but when tho sentence lelaiing to lhe Govern ment ownership of the means of transpor tation in the people's interest was reached there was a demonstration which inter rupted the reader's progress. ex-Senator Van Wyck, in the front of the hall, leading the Nebraska delegation and tbe con vention. The reading of nearly every plank In the platform proper was received with some applause. The free silver plank was greeted with cheers and waving of hats, and the Govern ment ownership railroad plank again got a tumultuous greeting, in which it was noticeable that Nebraska, Veorgix, Kansas and Texas led. Applause and cries of "Amen" from all parts of the. bouse was the reception accorded the paragraph favoring the Gov ernment control of the telephone aud tele graph lines. A regular Baptist camp-meeting chorus greeted the land plank. At the conclusion of the reading the platform was warmly greeted and its adop tion instantly moved and, though a Missouri delegate was striving, for some unknown purpose, to get recognition, it was put through by unanimous consent. Then the convention broke over all re straint and went wild. Delegates arose in their chairs, cheering, swinging their coats, waving their hats MM fans and throwing things in the air. Several delegates Seized Branch of Georgia, the chairman of the committee on resolutions, and trotted him up and down the main aisle on their shoulders. A number of delegates also seized the uprights used to hold the placards designating the places of the State delega tions, and rushed with thorn to the platform, forming a cordon about it. Banners were also borne there. That of the frontier county of Nebraska bore a placard in scribed: "What is homo without a mort gage? Don't all speak at once." A picture of a settler's cab n was also i art of it, and on the reverse side, on a big gold niece, was inscribed: "Twenty dollars, 1892," the portrait device on the coin being a money lender with a long, avaricious nose and a noticeable lack of chin. ".•• Tennessee's banner pledged 80.000 votes to tho now party; and Virginia had George Washington for its exaraplar. Then the banners and placards were rushed down from the stage and an im promptu procession, to which new adher ents were constantly received, started around the body of the hall in which tho delegates sat, the drummers heading the marchers. ■"■'■■-,.. Connecticut's banner said: "Congress and not the people be - — 1 Shylock's twins — -trover and Ben." The crowd broke forth time and time again In applause, and the women joined in the movement. Getting into line they marched with their male associates, the men not in the line shouting encouraging cries of " Bight, sister!" After twenty-five minutes of this sort of thing the leaders concluded to stem the tide, but it was hard work. The remark able demonstration still continued, and, forming in the center of the hall, the band laved "Yankee Doodle" and "Dixie," while a number of enthusiastic delegates sang party songs. ALMOST A STAMPEDE. There Was Magic in the Nam . of tV_t«r O. Gr»*li-iii. Omaha, July 4.— Taubeneck lied, during the latter part of the scene following the adoption of lhe platform, been in despair, seeking to get an opportunity to make him self heard. He was on a chair wildly wav ing a telegram he had Just received, and the surmise that the dispatch was from Gresham spread like wildfire. From all over the hall people ran to got information from Taubeneck, while others became excited and added to tho confusion by Howling down their neighbors. The people on the stage were tiio noisiest, and lngersoll of Kansas, regardless of the rap ping of the chairman's gavel, excitedly lusbeo. up aud vehemently warned them to keep quiet. Chairman Loucks, whose speech on first taking the gavel in the morning had stamped him as anti-Gresham. sought now to create a divers against the imminent Stampede of the convention to Greshum by making a speech of some length ou various issuer. Taubeneck finally got on the platform end the house was comparatively quiet; but attention was again taken from the manor of real interest by the chair recog nizing, instead of Taubeneck, a delegate named Wadsworth of Indiana, who made a rambling address of considerable length. Then Taubeneck, telegram in hand, was at last accorded a hearing. "1 have," said he, "just received a telegram from Dr. Hauser of Indiana. In order lhat you may know what credit to place in it 1 will tell you who he is. He is the present candidate in thai State for Lieutenant-Governor on the People's party ticket and the author of the celebrated work, "Is Marriage a Fail ure?" [Laughter.] This is the telegram: '•'I have MM Gresham. If the nomina tion is unanimous he will not decline.' " The effect of this telegram was electrical. Thousands of people sprang instantly to their feet and thousands of voices cheered again and again for Gresham. There seemed to be no doubt that among those wildly cheering enthusiasts there was a majority of the deirgit.t, whether the en thusiasm was an evidence of their senti ment* or not. Immediately after the reading of this dis patch Urowu of Massachusetts took the stage. "Equal rights to all. special privileges to none, ho said. [Loud cheers.] The chair man has made the announcement that Gresham will accept if nominated unani mously. [Cries of "That's right," and more cheering visibly to tbe annoyan.'e of the speaker.] "I hold in my bud a letter from Chairman Page of the Virginia State Alli ance, in which he tells me that bis name may go before this convention for the Pres idential nomination, tint that, after a full, free and fair expression of the will of the convention, be is prepared to abide by the result. [Faint cheers and laughter.] This is Just a little better than Gresham, who wants it unanimously." Here the audience rose en masse. "Gresham, Gresham, three cheers for Gresham, hurrah for Gresham," rang through the hall for several seconds and cords were accompanied by wild manifes tations of enthusiasm. Prown resentful yelled: "I do not pro pose to stampede tbls convention with tbo aid of the gallery. That is an old party trick." A volley of hisses, loud and long con tinued, greeted this statement, and again Chairman Ixmck interfered, shouting: "This is a disgrace to the convention." Instantly Etnber. >. Chilling of Wiscon sin sprang to bis feet. "No gentleman has a right to insult the chairman of our Na tional Committee and our convention." he said amid ringing cheers. "No one has a right to so insult us by making charges and fraudulent insinuations against our party's chairman. A scene of indescribable confusion fol lowed, and recriminations were hurled back and fortn by the two factions. When silence was restored Prow apolo gized for anything he might have said in the heat of the mo nent. Then Mrs. Lease elbowrd her way to the front and shouted in her stentorian v. ice "1. too, have received a message. I am authorized to say that if the nomination ls tendered him unanimously even General Harrison will not decline." [Derisive laugh ter.] The Gresham people, however, were not dismayed by these evidences of sharp oppo sition to their candidate and tbe cheers were renewed. At this point the opponents of Gresham made a clever move to prevent his name carrying the convention by storm. Paul Vandervoort of Nebraska, who is bitterly opposed to Git-sham, having been removed from tdlice by Gresham when the latter was Postmaster-General, claimed recognition. With remarkable dexterity he shifted his position and assumed the role of a Gresham enthusiast "if it is true," said be. that Walter Q. Gresham will accent on the plat form of the People's party I will support bias with all my heart, and I will second bis nominal ion in this convention." Vandervoort|then moved that the conven tion adjourn- alter the nomination speeches were made, until 7p. m. . The Gresham peo ple received the motion with but little favor, but it was finally declared to be carried, and nominating speeches were announced to be in order. Again Vandervot rt sprang to his fee .with a motion for delay, moving for a recess till 8 o'clock, to give time to bear from the com mittee that tied gone to see Gresham. Prown moved to amend by making the hour 7:30 and Yaudervcoit accepted tho amend ment. General Secretary John W. Hayes of the Knights of Labor, a strong Gresham man. denounced this as a scheme for delay unworthy of the recognition of the People's party. At this moment T. V. Powderly and James S. caver entered ttie hall side by side and their appearance was the signal for prolonged cheers. A brief era of good feel ing ensued. Mrs. Lease of Kansas rushed up to Weaver anil said, "Do not desert us. general. Yon are the choice of the people." Weaver replied that if assurances were received from Gresham himself that he was willing to accept on the People's party platform ho was for Gresham, but that he agreed with friends that it would be wiser to be authoritatively informed of the Judge's Intention before nominal him. The question occurred on the motion for a recess until 7:30, but it was so vehemently opposed by the Giosham people that a call of States was demanded. S. F. Norton of Illinois finally gained the floor and asked, "Is it in order to move to suspend the rollcall and to make the motion to adjourn until 8 o'clock and put ourselves together? God knows, wo need il." [Great laughter and applause.] Norton's speech seemed like oil on the troubled waters, and, by unanimous con sent, the rules were suspended and the mo tion to adjourn till 8 o'clock, being substi tuted for tbe pending motion, prevailed. IN TIIE EVENING. Making Several Important Additions to the I'lut form. . Omaha, July 4.— The delegates were prompt in arriving for tho night session and all were nervous and expectant owing to the lack of positive and final information as to the possibility of the nomination of Judge Greaham. The first actual business was ttio reading by Chairman Pranch of the resolution com mittee of a supplement to the platform as follows: Wiii.'ii.As, Other questions having been presented lor our consideration, we hereby submit the following, not as - part of the platform of the People's party, but as resolutions expressive of the sentiment of this convention: j7 We demand a free ballot and a fair count in ail elections, and pledge ourselves to se cure it to every legal voter. without Federal intervention through the adoption by the ■Stales of the' uuperverled Australian or secret-ballot system, The revenue derived from a graduated I income lax snould be applied to the icdtic lion of the burden of taxation new levied upon the domestic industries of the country. m Ne pledge our support to the fair and liberal pensioning of ex-Union soldiers and sailors. •;': - .■•_' Ue condemn the fallacy of protecting American labor under the present system, which opens our ports to the pauper and criminal classes of the world and crowds out our wage-earners; and we denounce the present ineffective laws against contract labor, and demand further restriction of undesirable immigration. We cordially sympathize with the efforts of organized workingmen to shorten the hours of labor, and demand the ricid en forcement of the existing eight-hour law on Government work and "ask that a penalty clause be added to said law. We regard the maintenance of the largo standing army of mercenaries, known as the 1 inkerton system, as a menace to our liberties, aud demand its abolition; and we condemn the recent invasion of the terri tory of the State of Wyoming by the hired assistants of plutocracy, assisted by Federal oflicots. We commend to the thoughtful considera tion Of the people and ot the reform press the legislative system known as the Initia tive and referendum. We favor a constitutional provision lim iting the offlca of President aud Vice- resident to one term and providing for the election of Senators of the United States by a direct vote of the people. Wo oi pose any subsidy or national aid to any private corporation lor any purpose The immigration plank and anti-Pinker ton plank were loudly cheered. When the first paragraph, relating to the foice bill and the Australian ballot system, was read a delegate moved to lay It on the tabic. "Thoy already had the St. Louis platform," he said. His motion was beaten decisively on a vote. A motion to adopt the supplementary platform was promptly seconded, and it was adopted before some of the Protestants could pet a hearing. They protested against any "tag" law, However, and moved a re consideration, but on its being put to a vote It was defeated viva voce, though delegates from Ohio and Missouri protested against this method of counting aud demanded tho call of States ou the vote. IN DOUSING THE BOYCOTT. :--:.V- The Knights of Labor Upheld by Unanl ■lunik Vote. Omaha, July 4.— Branch then Introduced Hugh Cavanagh of Ohio, secretary of the resolutions committee, who read the follow ing resolution, which was unanimously adopted by the committee: "Resolved, That this convention sympa thizes with the Knights of Labor in their righteous contest with the tyrannical com bine of clothing manufacturers of Bo<hes ter, and declares it to bo the duty of all who hate tyranny and oppression to refuse to purchase goods made by said manufacturers or to patrouixe any merchant who sells such goods." Peters of Texas moved to table the reso lution and Dean of New York to divide It. The first part, expressing sympathy, he wanted to vote for, but not for trie boycott. "This Is a political convention," said he, "and the latter part of the resolution is out of order." In vehement language General Secretary Reyes of the Knights of Labor declared that sympathy was not what was wanted. The Knights of Labor demanded a boycott. Cater of California earnestly supported the resolution and entered upon what he -escribed as the scientific bash of the boy cott. He pointed to the action of Moses when the children ci feme] were oppressed to show its ancient character, "Boycotting is not human but divine." said he. "Cyclone" Davis of Texas was also for the boycott. Alter some further debate Ignatius Don nelly took the platform. The resolution, ho declared, was in keeping with the spirit of the preamble to the platform adopted with so much unanimity earlier in the day. The i; heater clothing manufacturers have said to (6.000 of their workmen and workwomen that they could not gain the means of live lihood without yielding their rights as America-! citizens, Mr. Donnelly said. "On this question there can be no compromise. The agriculturists of the country must . tand by their brethren, and we will crush all men who seeK to oppress their fellow men. Hero there can be no hesitation and no compromise, lt is war to the knife, ana the knife to the hilt. [Loud cheers.] 1 trust that those who havo staggered away from this resolution because of the oppro brium that a hireling press lias applied to the word 'boycott' will withdraw their on position and that the resolution will be adopted by a rising vote." [Tremendous applause.] At the conclusion of Donnelly** address Powderly, Hayes and others grasped him warmly by the hand. A Kansas delegate moved the previous question, but the chairman staled that a colored mother desired to say a few words. "I wont yield to any brother." said the Kansas delegate, and on a rising vote the motion 10 strike out the boycott clause was nvorwbelmingl. defeated and the resolution adopted i>\ acclamation. The colored delegate protested against the action of the convention ordering the pre vious question. "I don't think it i* right," said he, "after you have all spoken that you should call for the previous question. You expect us to help you out with our votes on eltetiou day and yet refuse us a hearing." '.-7' .IfnUM DECLINES. The Judge la Courteous, but Moat De cidedly Emphatic. Omaha. July 4.— During the Knights of Labor discussion the Gresham movement received its coup de grace by the receipt of the following dispatch from Judge Gresham himself: '--7 Chicago. July 4.-To J. 15. Weaver. Ignatius Donnelly, Boa Terrell and John W. Ilayes: I Have just relumed ami Had your dispatch of the Ist. i must nana by my dispatch to Mr. orrot the 2d. Acoiiiiny grateful acknowledgments. W. Q. ______4__ Immediately on the receipt of Hi? the Gresham Doomers accepted the inevitable. "That settles it," said lguiitius Donnelly, " Gresham will not accept." Powderly, Bayes, Terrell and others expressed the same opinion. A resolution deelariu_ against tho pres ence of public oflicers at convention*, pre pared by Cator of California, was reported from the resolutions committee. It pro vides thai bo person holding an office or position of profit, trust or hum-nt under the Federal or any State or municipal gov ernment— including Senator^ Congressmen nnd members of Legislatures, Stats and na tional— should bo eligible to sit or vote iv any convention of tins party. It was adopted with a whoop. NAMING I ill HE.. _____ . ji ■■; It Waa m Struggle U«tween Weaver and Kyle. Omaha, July Than the roll of States was culled for the presentation of candi dates for the Presidency. When Alabama was called. Delegate Manning placed in nomination General James B. Weaver of lowa, saying: "He Is a man the mere mention of whose name creates such enthusiasm as is never other wise heard in our State." California was called, and an enthusiastic delegate said the State was divided, but would vote for Weaver. Colorado yielded to S. F. Norton of Illi nois, who placed Senator Kyle of South Dakota in nomination." Norton began by calling attention to Postmaster-General Wanamaker's refusal to permit the trans mission through the mails of one of the new reform books. If that little book could not go through the malls there are thousands of reform papers that could not go through, and tho platform of this convention could not go through. The man he should name had already won bin spurs in the brainiest assembly in the United States. The man he should name stood there as a giant. Due part of his strength consisted in the fact that he was a member of no faction. He was a man so great that no big white hat of an ancestor could hide him from public gaze. He pledged his rapport to whoever the candidate might be, foi no man could bo so great as the plat form of the principles of the patty. His candidate was a broad and liberal minded man, who gave to every one the right to speak and write for himself and to follow the dictates of his own iv all things. it was not impossible or improba ble that, they might place the man he would name in the White House- that grand, mag nificent matt, James H. Kyle of South Dakota [Cheering] A Connecticut delegate declared he WOUld present one who came from a State which gave us Washington and Jefferson, General James Field of Virginia. [Applause.] A Florida delegate seconded the nomina tion of Weaver and said: "lf you will give him to us we will carry the State of Florida for the People's party." [At please.] Wimberley of Georgia seconded the nom ination ol Senator Kyle. •'.-_' Stephen H. Has I. or of Illinois, pastor of the Progressive Church, said that as armies follow intrepid leaders to conquest and victory, so should political parties crown with honor the genius and leadership which gave it birth. The People's party was founded on principles, not men. and it de manded as its leader the biggest, brainiest and squarest man In the party fold. The party should keep in the middle" of the road and choose a man who was old enough in the party to know where the middle of the road was. That man was Senator Van Wyck of Nebraska." The mention of Van Wyck's name aroused some of the liveliest cheering of the evening. John ii. Borgermand of Indiana seconded the nomination of Weaver. Professor C. Vincent of the Noncon formists of Indiana said that although In diana was divided now, she - would not be In November. He had nothing to say against Weaver, but it seemed to him that they must get new blood into the move ment, and he seconded Kyle's nomination. Another Indiana delegate jumped up at this and said half the delegation was for Van Wyck. ■■ ':::___ LEADER and TEACHER. High Traiae From Ilia Home fur General .limit's It. Weaver. Omaha, July The principal speech for Weaver was made by Morris L. Wheat of lowa. He said, in part: The common people of this country have at last resolved to take the reins of this Government Into their own hands. We aro to place in nomination a candidate for the Presidency who it not a pliant hireling of Wall street, but one who springs from the great plain people of the country, one in thorough sympathy with their wants, ono who touches elbows with the toiler of the shop and the tiller of the field. The leaders of the old party combinations take their certificates of leadership from a plutocracy more fiendish than ever afflicted a nation. It touched both the Minneapolis and Chicago conventions, and the result was the choice of men who had been previously chosen by the money powers of the country. They stand upon platforms that promise nothing to the groat army of wealth producers. He who votes for either throws bis vote away and sacri fices upon the base altar of prejudice the dearest rights of liberty, equality aud home. It is not to bore. This movement originated with the common people, and with them it must remain if we would preserve pure and inviolate our rights— the ballot-box and leg islation. Now and here, in this great con flict with plutocracy, we are to choose a leader. He must be a man who will guide us in the middle of the road; who will , carry our banner boldly aud skillfully in the forefront of battle; who has taught and will teach equal rights to all and special privileges to none, and that injury to one is the concern to all is the only enduring republican form of government." We must not choose oue who agrees with us only in part. Neither must wo bow down to the old party theory of nominating any one who we think will command the most votes, regardless of whether he accord with the entire platform, lt would be a criminal blunder that might give us temporary gain, but in the end would mean ruin and disas ter. We want a man who is emphatically in favor of the free and unlimited coinage of silver, and also of the issue by the Gov ernment of full legal tender paper to make altogether $30 per capita in circulation, but he must not stop there. He must be in favor of the Government control of telegraph and railroad lines, and of the extinguishment of land monopoly. We have a man who pro 'eminently fills these requirements, and who has lou_ht more battles for the toiling masses than any other man in this country. Others have been great in noble self-sacri fice, but there does not live to-d:iy a grander advocate of the common people than this brave veteran of the Western prairie, lv nominating him we shall make no mistake. As we enter iuto our first bailie I am proud of trie honor of nominating as our candi date lor the Presidency une who "stands four square" to all the Winds that blow— that in trepid advocate of the common people, that splendid cantata of the "old guard," General James li. Weaver. THE LOGICAL CANDIDATE. Even the Women and Children Would '~"fff~': Vute for Htm. Omaha, July 4.— Mrs. Lease of Kansas caused the greatest enthusiasm of the even ing by her speech seconding Weaver's nomi nation. She said: "In behalf of the women of the nation, who, by words and work, aided you so nobly in your grand struggle for liberty in behalf of the Sunflower vote, 1 desire to second the nomination of that true and tried friend of the people, that grand champion of human liberty, that hero of a hundred battles, brave, bold Jamas B. Weaver. [Applause.] Give us General Weaver, and not ouly the mothers, but the very children will battle for him. Give him to us aud wo will drive from American shores the English Arabs with their stolen goods. We win make the pluto crats and monopolists cringe aud tremble. No need to ask if be is true. Give us Weaver, and no earthly power can keep us from sweeping on to victory in November." A Kentucky delegate seconded the nomi nation of Weaver. Major Webb of Massachusetts, candidate for Governor of his Stale on the People's party ticket, seconded the nomination of Senator Kyle. ____.f BEGINNING OF THE LANDSLIDE. Everything Waa K-pidly Going in One Direction. Omaha, July 4.— Speeches, however, were cetting wearisome to the hot-headed delegates and, besides, for sentimental reasons, they desired to make a nomination before the Fourth expired. It was decided to limit speeches to three minutes, and this stirred up Bird, the colored delegate from Chicago, who protested, aud a compromise was arranged providing that no speeches with refereuce to old candidates be made, but that the nominating and secondiuc of new candidates would be permitted, and in this form the motion limiting debute was adopted. Delegate Brown of Massachusetts nom inated Mann Page of Virginia. No man, he declared, would better represent the Soutn than Page. Delegate Fish of Minnesota arose to pay a tribute to Ignatius Donnelly, and to tell of his unselfishness in refusing the offer on the part of the State by which he was loved, to put him in nomination. Tho withdrawal of one candidate. Van Wyck of Nebraska, varied the proceedings. Varidervoort, In a forcible and eloquent speech, stated that Nebraska had no candi date to offer. Incidentally ho alluded to Van Wyck and asserted that Nebraska would have giveu him hearty support had he allowed his name to go before the con vention. Joe Waldron of Portland, Or., seconded Weaver's nomination and the chairman of the Indiana delegation announced that the solid vote of the Hoosier .tale would be cast for the lowa candidate. The Virginia delegation also withdrew the name of its favorite sou and declared unanimously for Weaver. G. B. Banna of Washington seconded Weaver, and West Virginia announced that It would cast a solid vote for him. The Now York delegation announced that it had agreed with New England to remain neutral and allow the South and West to select a candidate and they would vole for the man selected. New York hoped that Weaver's nomina tion would be made unanimous and it would vote solidly for him. Mississippi aud Georgia aiso swung into the Weaver line. KYLE GOES DOWN FIGHTING. Lust Deaperate Stand on Behalf of the South Dakota Man, Omaha, July 4.— Schilling ot Wisconsin entered an indignant protest against per mitting announcements by allowing States t to be called after they had been passed in order to stampede the convention. The Kyle men decided to make a last desperate stand against the Weaver landslide. Washburne of Massachusetts mado an eloquent plea, and Schilling made ouo of the ■Oat notable, and powerful speeches of the convention declaring bis Intention to talk of political politics and his want of faith in sentiment, lie said In part: "There Is no man for whom 1 would sooner vote than for our grand old standard-bearer, General Weaver, but wo want the votes oi others besides our own people, and that I* tho mason why we do not want to adopt the name of any member of tho old guard. 1 do not dare to run for . flico In my own Mate because our enemies will say 1 r_„ ■ greenback crank, anarchist and socialist Is it not better to select some man who has not made himself obnoxious to men not in our ranks? 1 propose to second the nomination of Senator Kyle of booth Dakota." <■•■ rge E. Ward of Pennsylvania made a brief response to Schilling's remarks, and an Oklahoma delegate seconded Weaver's nomination. Tins closed the speechtuaking and the combatants prepared to draw the lino of battle. _\ WEAVER NOMINATED. It Was a Foregone Conclusion From the Start. Omaha, July 4.— Just before the ballot "Cyclone" Davi3 endeavored to secure a suspension of the rules to make Weaver's nomination unanimous, but there was so much opposition that he withdrew the mo tion. From the very beginning of the roll call Weaver led. and so overwhelming was the vote cast for him that his nomination was practically assured before the ballot was half completed. The Weaver people grew. wildly enthusiastic, the culmination coming when the result was announced. The first ballot for President, only one being necessary, resulted as follows: Alabama— Weaver __ Arkansas— Weaver 12, Kyle 20. California— Weaver 25. Colorado— Weaver 6, Kyle 10. Connecticut— Weaver 8, Kyle 2. Delaware Weaver 1. Florida— Weaver 13. Georgia— Weaver 13, Kyle 30. Idaho— Weaver 12. Illinois— Weaver 41, Kyle 42. Indiana— Weaver 54, Kyle 5, Norton, 1. low a— Weaver 52. Kansas — Weaver 40. Kentucky— Weaver 40. Louisiana— Weaver 33, Maine— Weavers, Kyle 2. Massachusetts— Weaver 9, Kyle 18, Pagel. Michigan— Weaver _»">. Minnesota— Weaver 27, Kyle 9. Mississippi— Weaver 27. Missouri— Weaver 61, Kvie 7. Montana— Kvie 12. Nebraska— Weaver 23. Kyle 8. Nevada— Kyle 7. New Jersey— Weaver 4. New York— Weaver 4. North Carolina— Weaver 20. Kyle 5. North Dakota—Weaver 11, Kyle 1. Ohio— Weaver 30, Kyle 22. Oregon— Weaver it;. Pennsylvania— Weaver 29, Stanford 1. South Dakota— Weaver l, Kyle 15. Tennessee— Weaver __. Texas— Weaver GO. Virginia— Weaver 48. Washington— 16. Went Virginia— Weaver 17. Wisconsin— Weaver 7, Kvie 41 Wyoming— Weaver 9. District of Columbia— Weaver 8. Oklahoma— Weaver 8. Totals. Weaver 995, Kyle 265, Norton 1. Pane 1, Stanford 1, and Maryland, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont, Alaska, Arizona, Indian Terri tory, New Mexico and Utah are blank. Morton of Illinois moved to make the nomination unanimous, and Schilling of Wisconsin, Washington of Massachusetts and delegates from South Dakota and Mon tana seconded the motion. It was carried with an hurrah and loud cheering, ending with calls for "Weaver." B The general was not present and a com mittee was appointed to escort him to the hall. 1 FIELD OF VIRGINIA. A Spirited Struggle for Second Flace on tbe Ticket. OMAHA, July 4.— With little delay the call of the roll of States for nominations for Vice-President was begun. General F. Gaither of Alabama presented the name of Ben Terrell of Texas for the honor. Delegate Roverly of Arkansas nominated the ex-Confederate genera), James G. Field of Virginia, and the nomination was sec onded by a, Colorado man. A Florida delegate named Ben Terrell of Texas, whereupon a North Carolina man sprang to his feet and asked if a man could be eligible for the Vice- Presidency who had been on trial before the Farmers' Alliance. This created a tre mendous uproar, and Terrell passionately denied that he had ever been connected with any trust, saying that this attack was unworthy of any man, and defying the per son who made the charge to prove it. Baldwin of Illinois attempted to interro gate Terrell, but the questions could not be heard, and Terrell left the stage. Harvey of Georgia grew excited in de fending Terrell, denouncing the charge as an infamous lie aud asserting that it came from the machine which controlled tho cordage business of the country. This stirred up Samuel Leavitt of Joliet, 111., who shouted that he had proofs of the charges. A personal encounter seemed imminent for a time between Terrell and Leavitt, but ftiends warded it off. Nearly all the subsequent speeches had some relation to the charges and most of the speakers, while coming out for Field, were careful to say It was not because of the cordage trust matter. Finally balloting was begun and the first ballot resulted: Field, 733; Terrell, 554. Weaver and Field each made spirited ad dresses and at 3 a. m. the convention ad journed sine die. THE TICKET. Brief Biographical Sketch of the Norn- In--- of the Convention. James B. Weaver, nominated by the con vention of the People's party for the Presi dency, is an Ohio man, having been born at Dayton In that Slate June 12, 1833. lie was educated for the law and was graduated at the law school of- the Ohio University iv 1854. At the outbreak of the war he enlisted In the Second lowa Volunteers, was elect ed a lieutenant, rose to the rank of major and after the senior field Aiders had fallen at Corinth ho was com missioned colonel in October, 15.2. Ue was brevetted brigadier general in March, 1805, for conspicuous gal lantry ou tbe field of battle. After the war he renewed legal practice, was elected District attorney of the Second Judicial Dis trict of lowa in ISG_, and was appointed assessor of internal revenue for the fifth district of the State, lie became editor of the Tribune, published at Oes Moines and was elected to Congress in 1878. Iv June, ISB . be was nominated for the Presidency by the National Greenback Labor party and in the election following received 307, --740 votes. He was returned to Gongress in 1834 and re-elected in 1886. The nominee for the Vice-Presidency was born In Walnut. Culpepper County, Va., on tho HIM of February, 1836, and is conse quently 66 years of age. Uo comes from the same stock as the .New York family of Fields. In his earlier years he was a teacher, and in 1848 he came to California with the Argonauts, and in 1850 he was selected as one of the secretaries of the conven tion that framed tho first constitution of this State. Later lie returned to Virginia and f rom 1-iiO to ISGS was attorney for the commonwealth of his native county, lie entered the Confederate service at the out break of the war and served until he lost a leg at the battle of Slaughter Mountain. Since the war he has been Attorney-General of Virginia, and from its first inception be has been identified with the third party movement. ;r NATIONAL AFFAIRS Measures te Facilitate PuMic. Business in Congress. Washington, July 4. — Pierce will Introduce a resolution in Congress at the next session providing that on a day to be agreed upon it shall be In order to move a suspension of the rules to pass public measures which h:ive been previously discussed, and that a majority vote shall be .sufficient. It is probable tbat such a bill will be reported from the Committee on Rules, and if the majority favor it it will be adopted. It may be that this proposition will be adopted at a meeting of the Com mittee on Rules to-morrow, instead of a two-tliinis suspension rule for Thursday, to secure the passage of the tin plate and other bills, as well as the silver bill. '.-'. ;: Suppressing Bord-r Troubles. The Secretary of State has received ad vices confirming tho reported troubles along the Rio Grande, near San Antonio. The troubles involve no political features, but are simply individual acts of desperadoes lrom both countries Instructions have been sent to General Wheaton, commanding the "Department of Texa*, to communicate with , tho Mexican general commanding in the ad joining province with a view to co-operat ing lv tho -enforcement of the neutrality laws aud preventing further violence if pos sible. Capital Notes. Ex-Secretary Blame has sent the Presi dent a cordial; acknowledgment of the re ceipt of his telegram of sympathy and con dolence at the tune of the death of Emmons Blame. :•*" ■/'•'■•' ""-;;" PURE FIVE CENTS. ERROR OF THE SILVER MEN. Disappointed in the Provisions of t_« Stewart Bill. UNAVAILABLE BUSS IT IS i_____.E9_ Tlicir Anxiety to Pass a Free-Coinage Seasire L«__ Them Into a Dilemma— The Prcto___ Outcome. Special to Tn_ MokViko C_i__ New York, July 4.— The Times Wash ington special says: Some free silver men are beginning to wonder whether the free coinage measure which the Senate passed on Friday would really accomplish what they have been aiming to bring about if it should become a law. Apparently very few of them knew, previous to Friday, that Senator Stewart proposed to offer a substi tute for his original measure, and most of them seem to have been Ignorant of the provisions of the new bill. Now that the bill is in cold type, the impression is grow ing that should it finally become a law the free silver men would soon realize that they had been led into a ridiculous position. One Senator, who voted lor the bill with- ' out examining it, said to-night to the corre spondent of the Times that he believed a serious mistake had been made. The " bill," he said, "provides that the uncoined bullion in the treasury must be coined. - Taking the amount on hand and the capac ity ol the mints Into consideration, I figure that over three years would elapse before i any bullion not yet delivered could be used by the Government. The man who drew . up the substitute which was accepted evi dently did not think of this." Denounced br Harter. Representative Hnrter (D.) of Ohio says It is the most bungling measure which ever parsed a legislative body. "Should it be come a law," said he, "the most ardent free .ilver men would soon begin to upbraid its , trainers. First, it provides tor the stoDoage of the monthly purchases of silver, and also stops the Issue of silver certificate* - This ends the accumulation of silver month. by month and puts a period to tha vicious increase of sliver certificates. Observe, it absolutely closes the monthly market for silver bullion and is likely to cause the price to drop away below 88 cents per ounce. So far, yon , see. the free-silver people have, in their zeal, killed the goose which laid the golden— or sliver— egg, and it their bill should ever become a law the curses from mining camps would be loud and deep. Go a step farther and you will uotice that the bill orders the uncoined bullion In the treasury to be coined. This will cost. say. 81,600.000, which is, so to sneak, thrown away, and will occupy the mints on Government coinage probably not far from two years. Meanwhile our free-silver friends can keen their silver to cool their heels with on the sidewalks. Suppose you had $100,000 in sil- * ver bullion and proposed to gat the benefits • of this bill. You would take it to the mint; but, as the mint has not storage room, it would be wholly impossible legally . and in a Pickwickian. or technical sense possible for the Government to take it. Iv other words, it may he two years before the Government could take your bullion, and it may be five jeers. Put suppose the Government does take it. Wili it be kind * enough to tell me when you would get your . silver dollars in return? Here is a nice sum in arithmetic for the sliver men, and. after they have figured it out they can co and buy their ox teams and be ready to transport their coin. lam satisfied I nave said enough to cause any man to see that tho whole bill is a delusion and a snare." Bland in D >u!>t. Washington - , July 4.— Bland is here ready to take hold of the silver fight He believes that Stewart's bill will have to be amended in order to prevent its being a practical repudiation of the siiver certifi cates now outstanding. A meeting of . the Committee on Coinage, Weights and Meas ures will be called for Wednesday to con sider the silver bill and a speedy report is expected. To a Star reporter to-day Bland said although he had not talked with the members of the committee or Senators in terested in silver, nor yet investigated the subject, on looking the bill over he feared it would have to be amended, as it appeared to him by repealing the act of 1890 the bill deprived over $80,')0_,000 in silver certificates of their legal tender qual ity. This, he said, would admit of a veto by the President without reference to the question of silver coinage. Of course there is no intention on the part of the gentlemen proposing the bill to destroy the legal ten der character of the cci tificates, and il may be that they have looked into the matter and discovered It to be all right. So far as the passage of the bill is concerned. Bland was sure that it could be accomplished if brought to a vote. If it proves necessary to amend it it will be done and sent back to the Senate for consideration. If it needs no amendment the matter will be very sim ple. Representative Culberson of Texas, one of the local lights of the House, said to Tub Call correspondent to-night that, in bis opinion, the Senate made a fatal oversight in passing the silver bill, in that it failed to reserve In the repeal of the act of IS9O the legal-tender quality of the coin notes issued under that act, and also destroyed lhe authority of the Secretary of the Treasury to redeem them. The effect of the Senate bill, he says, will bo to demonetize more than .100,000,000 of the coin notes and postpone their redemption until, Congress authorizes it. The House will be compelled to amend the bill, and thus the session of Congress may be prolonged. FATAL BALLOON ACCIDENT. Three Persons Fatally Hurt by the Bursting i of an Airship. Bostox, July 4.— The balloon ascension from the common this afternoon bad a sad ending, the aeronaut. Professor George Augustus Rogers of Maiden, Me., being almost instantly killed, his assistant, Thoma3 Kenton, dying shortly after, and another occupant of the balloon, .1 reporter, named Gelden Goldsmith, was fatally in jured. When about five miles dawn the harbor and off Thompsons Island Professor" Roger?, who did not relish an ocean voyage, * attempted to open the valve and make a landing on the island. A rent was accidentally made in the side of the balloon and tbe immense bag began to descend at a terrific rate, and as it struck the water it collapsed. Rogers sank at once and his body was not recovered. Fen to 11 and Goldsmith, though badly hurt and half asphyxiated by gas, succeeded in holding onto the basket until picked up by soma men who went out from the island in a boat. Fenton died in » short time and Goldsmith is very low. Convention of Colored Men. Cincinnati, July 4.— The national con vention of colored men to consider matters of Interest to the race was convened her. t -day. Daniel A. Rudd of this city, who is the leader in the matter, made a glowing speech. J. C. tvibinson of Kentucky also delivered an address.' Resolutions relating to the amelioration of toe condition of the coloied race in the Smith were adopted. * Fought to the Death. Dallas, Tex., July 4.— Charles Chandler and Charles Franklin, negro gamblers, fought a duel with pistols on Commerce' street last night. They quarreled early in the evening and Chandler drew a grin on Franklin. Franklin secured a pistol and bred and Chandler tell mortally wounded. Franklin was shot twice and will die. S[2 ULCERS raS scrofula gTZ SCROFULA ™ RHEUM ATISM R 7* I BLOOD -poison-' And every kindred disease arising from impure blood cured by that never-failing and best of all medicines. Book on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. • - THE SWIFT SPECIFIO CO. ■- -''-.- ATLANTA, G_. i«lSly SaT-ia