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BULLS-EYE GLORY. Prize-Shooting at Shell Mound Park. SAN FRANCISCO SCHUETZENS Thirty-Sixth Annual Festival Is a Success. RECORD SHOOTING BY MILITIA. Marksmen of the National Guard Distinguish Themselves by Excellent Scores. There were medals enough displayed at Shell Mound Park yesterday to have Caused tbe average pawnbroker to turn green with euvy. They were executed out of every known metal, were of all sizes and shapes, and to say the least, proved con clusively that the members of the San Francisco Schueizen Verein were marks men of. rare ability. For thirty-five years past this organiza tion has held an anuual festival and prize shoot, and this, the tlurty-sixih, was from ■all uoints of view one of the most success ful ever given under its auspices. Target shooting was not the only attraction at tbe park during the day. There was dancing in the pavilion, games on the racetrack, lunich - baskets galore and more 6bort speeches than a politician could ever think of. Tha Scheutzens were here, there ana everywhere, but whenever it became necessary to find one of them in a hurry the target-range was tbe place to look for him. Excitement was at its height at sun down when tne scores had narrowed down The Verein Badge. . — ■ _ and prospective champions were a* thick as beer glasses in th« annex. Powder smoke, assisted by hundreds of Havana". .. hung about the shed in clouds; the sharp ";■ Cracking of rifles was almost deafening v »nd the babble of loud voices confusing. ..Bat still the schuelzens reeled off bulis . eyes as though nothing on earth could up .•_ Bel their nerves. .""_.• That hero of many contests. PhUo Jacnby, flitted about, wearing more dec orations on his left breast than all his , friends combined, and in spite of the dead weight he labored under still managed to .-.give the young idea a few points on target . • shooting. And D. \5. Faktor was on hand . bright and early. He had his eagle eye with him from the start and managed to •keep it with him until the sinking sun put j sy-j^oop to his operations. Some of the less j ' Vccessful of the irijrger-pulJing fraternity • if)-;jenly blamed the committee for not bay . -ing- 'made arrangements to have old Sol • I.T long his stay in the vicinity of the ...par*:, but «he bind broke in with "Two ■■: Xiiitle Girls in Blue" and of course bar .. m.ony was restored at once. '•■■*"." To one wholly unacquainted with the .. manners and habits of tue Scliuetzens it is really remarkable the versatility they dis : play on au occasion of this son. There is . » regular committee of arrangements, to •':b-B sure, and a Hour mauager, chief scorer .. »t-n..d guardian of stray minors; but experi ■■' ence has shown beyond the peradventure ..;ol a doubt that it is Impossible to keep • .any- one commiueeman on any one task '. ■"•'•"for" more than fifteen minutes consecu • tively. The floor manager of fifteen mm• -• tiles ago will bob up serenely in the ex ■'..■'&|ied chair of the weary scorer of . balheyes, and, to the surprise of every ; \. one in the park, the watchful doorkeeper will be seen gliding through the mazy , 'vtallz arrayed in a huge silken badge and •1 ivory police-whistle, the insignia of au ■ thoiity. •.'-.■ -:"isut there is, happily, do such thing as Hashing of authority in the Schueizen ',; Yereim They are perhaps the best . riatured and merriest set of men in exist ence, especially at one of their annual • slipotine festivals. Hence, the invariable ; : sbcGess which attends them. So far as j .yesterday's shooting was concerned it was , fully up to the Schueizen standard, while ! ■ not phenomenal, so far as points were con .. cerned. There were so many marksmen ..• entered that the task of footing up ac . .curately the scores on the spot was we!! i .nrgh impossible, and will be completed before the distribution of prizes takes ■ r!acp, one week hence. The basket full of "bullseyes were conveyed to some iieeluded spot, where the experts will have au opportunity to figure them down to fractions of an inch. In the company prize-shooting, how ever, the ten highest scores were as . yellows: Charles RapD 70. D. B. Faktcr 07, J. Tlede man 60. L. 15emiel 66. N. Abieus 65, A H ■;. Pape 05, .1. Uischlg 66, H. Stelllng 04, J. ■ Horstnian 63, L. Haake 03. '•-In the public prize-shooting for beat ' centers there were fitteen cash prizes, ranging from 525 to $1, and a like number of awards tor most points. The names of the winners and the distribution of prizes will be made the occasion of a social gath ering at California Hall. 620 Bush street, Thursday evening, the loin last, Company Shooting. ;'• The Scbuetzen Verein did not have all . the fun to itself.. The other ranges were occupied by the boys of the militia, and some excellent scores were piled up. The record shoot of Comoany D, Sec ond Artillery, resulted as follows: Private Berry 42. Private Martin 41. Lieu tenant Leitz 40, Private Schwarrz 38. Corporal Gofham 87. Private Dobrmaun 36, Lieutenant Hadt 36. Private Gambetta 35. Private Bla wat 33, Corporal Mcßrearty 33, Private Miller 32, Sergeant Roseotnal 32, Private Scbmidi 30, Private Uolstein 30, Sergeant Farless3o. . Company A, First Infantry, record - shooting: H&3B Serceant Newbert 48. Daly 48, Sailer 47, Kuick 47. Lieutenant McCralg 46, J. M. New bert 46, Captain Marshall 45, Li ntenani sul ■ llvan 45, SSeaprave 44. Feid 40, Wls«lug4o, : ; Morlarty 40, Swan 39. Couro* 39. Leonard 89,J Sergeant White 38. Bragden 37, Lord 37. McKay 37 ' Cook '''''' Smith 32, Autbes 31, Cis- Rpcord shoot of Company F, First In fantry: C. Howard 45, .j. i,aks<>ii 45. H. Mangels 44, h. btmve 41, \s . \v. iMcliowau 40. Following is the result of the City Guard Bifle Club shoot: ' pFr D rs" 4 fiJi!2?l?i 4 ,^- Heath 42 - Bllrdl^ 42, Perry 41, t.eliiet4l, Baumcaituer 4.1 rorlunn 40, Captain Cook 40. Unje man 39 ??e uh .-.39. Kilmer 33. Zimmerman "sy Siuidi'tinf^ . Newman 38, Kupp 38, McCoHoeb 37 Over street 35, Meti 33, Radne 33, Xowuseud 3". At San Rafael. • At the State Medal Shoot, held at " Schueizen Park, ban Rafael, yesterday Company D shot, and made one of the best records known in National Guard shooting. There were seventy-five mem bers of tbe company in attendance, and .the score shows seven marksmen with 4'? • four with 41 and seven with 40, wbicn indeed an excellent showing. Besides these werH the following: T. J. Fallon 47, J. F. Robinson 47, F. B. Moulton 46. Ser geant A. M. Hoyen 43. J. Daw son 44, Ed-n 43, Jacobs 4n, Piettc 43 and Vanderbilt 43. TWENTY-NINE APPLICANTS. The Abandoned Baby Boy Finds a Comfortable Home. An abandoned babe seems to have a great attraction for married ladies. Twen ty-eight of tl/em visited the Receiving Hos pital yesterday morning, each one express ing an earnest wish to adopt the two week-old baby b>y that was left on tbe doorsteps of .Solomon A. Miller's resi dence, 623 O'Farrell street, on Saturday nigbt. They were of all p.ees and all liv ing in coiufor able homes. EftCO had a loot at tlie baby, admired and fondled him and left expressing her intention of calling law with her husband to take him away. When the twenty-ninth lady appeared she was accompanied by her husband. They at once agreed to adopt the little waif. Dr. Corners was sent for and they satisfied him of their respectability aud capability to provide the boy with a com fortable borne and to educate him to be a responsible citizen. They d:d cot wish their names made public so that the child's mother could not in the future come for ward and claim him. They were a proud and happy couple as they left tbe hospital, the lady hugging tbe child and beaming upon him as if he were a heaven-sent gift. FOUR BROTHERS Play an Interesting Game of Handball. Champion Jones and Patrick Donnelly Defeat Champion Riordan and M. Dillon. The principal attraction in handball circles yesterday was the match at the Union court between J. Jones, the Aus tralian champion, and Patrick Donnelly on the one side and J. Riordao, the Pacific Coast champion, and M. Dillon on the other side. The galleries were crowded with admirers of the sport, who witnessed a scientific exhibition, surpassing any thinK before seen on the coast. Kiordan | and Dillon won the first two games, and their supporters were jubilant, as they felt sure the invincible Jones would have to lower bis colors for the first time. But Jones did not see it tnat way, and he and Donnelly, whose service was excellent, took the next in ree games in grand style. Another Interesting game at the Union was the one between the two elder and the two younger sons of Senator Williams. The Senator acted as scorer, and warmly congratulated the two younger sons, Walter and A. C, when they came out ahead. Such a family game has been rarely seen in a handball court, here or elsewhere. Among the games at the San Francisco court was a rattling one between George Hutchinson and W. Kelly and J. liar low and J. Dillon. Harlow and Dillon were I the favorites and culled off the first two games, but to their surprise and the as tonishment of the spectators, Hutcbioson and Kelly won the next three straight with comparative ease. The large crowd at the Occidental missed Jones, the champion, but tuev saw some ! exciting games. Tom Walsh, a rising | player, tried conclusions against T. Curley ' and N. Uewson. After each side won a { game it was decided to postpone the final I till next Sunday. Fortune is fickle with ', Cyclone, but she smiled upon him yes- ' terday. He met Raymond Pontac, a ; clever amateur, giving him two band* to start with, and succeeded in winning the game after n desperate struggle. On Wednesday nizht, wtaieb is ladles' nisiht at the Occidental. Jones and W. W. Ackersan, the Superintendent of Streets, will play Riordan and Tat Donnelly. It will be a game well worth seeing. Following were thecameb played at the Sat; Francisco court yesterday: First game— D. Connolly and P. Barrett de feated It. Shields and W. O'Connell by the score of 15-9, 12—15, 15— 1 Second game— Pbll JCViiii and 11. Moffitt de feated P. Barrett and (i. McDonald two rubs by the score: First rub. 15—6, 12—15. 15—9; second rub, 15—4. 12—15. 15—13. Thlidgame—b. Connolly and M. Orr defeated M . Prince and w. Prince by the following score: 16—9, 13-15, 15—6. Fourth game — W. Williams played Tom Lavelle a single-handed g-nue. They played the b st two out of three. 21 aces. Each wou a game and the final was won by Williams by the following score: 21—16, 21—10. 21—12. ' Fifth game— J. ilarlow and Dan O'Brien played J. Condon and Joseph HauMiiau. They played tue best three-out-oMive 21 aces. Each side won two games and the tlnal was won by O'Brien and Harlow by the following score: | llarlow and O'Brien 2l 19 21 13 21 ! Condon and Hausman 11 21 16 541 19 Sixth and final game— George Hutchlnaon and W. Kelly played J. Harlow and J. Dillon. Tliey played the best three-out-of-nve 21 aces. I Each side won two names and tlie final was won by Kelly and liutchiusou by the following ] score: Kelly ami llntcnin»on 19 12 21 21 21 liaiiowand Dillon 21 21 16 13 8 There was a good crowd at the Occi dent a! Court yesterday to witness some lively games. M. Daly defeated G. Lowe. Score: 21—17. 19-21,21-18. M. Condon and Ben Clements defeated J. Hurley and J. Shaw. Score: 21—16, 16—21, 21—14. J. Hurley and M. Mullaney defeated J. Shaw and F. Cortiyn. Score: 21—16, 21—18. A single-handed game between B. Clements and F. Coruyn. in winch cacti side won a rub. First: 21—16, 21—18. Second: 21—16, 14 -21,21-18. L. Kenny defeated A. Collins. Score: 21— 17. 18—21, 21—12. J. aiatieiy and M. Lynch defeated M. Condon and T. Lynch two stralcnt rubs. First: 21— 16.21—14. Second: 21—18,10-21,21—8. Tom Walsh, who is becoming a wonderful I player, played T. Hurley aud N. Elewsoa. Each side won a game, and the final will be played off next Sunday. 'ihe final mine of the day was b--iwe<*n Itay moud Pontac and the Cyclone, Pontac receiv ing two bands. But it was no use, as the Cy clone came out ou top with the following score: 21—17, 16—21, 21—14. Next Wednesday will be ladies' night, when there will be a fine exhibition of handball. The principal gaum will be J. Jones, the Australian, aud W. W. Acker eon against J. Pviordon, the coast cham pion, and Pat Donnelly, the best three games out of five. ■ At the Union court the following games were played: First game— John Howe and M. Couclilan v< ■ Fred Lutkin and Professor Lvncli. The rub was won by the latter team by tue score of 21 — 10, 21 — ly. Second game— William McManus vs. F. Fin nigau. This was a very in'erestlug game as tncy are evenly matched. McManus wou' br his superior service by the score of 21—14, Third game— Walter Williams and A. C. Wil liams vs. Jean Williams and William Williams four brothers. It was a hard tug from start to finish. The game and tub were won by the former team by the score or 21—17, 21—20 They are sons of Senator Williams, ana as ne kept the score it afiordea him great pleasure In awarding tue game to the two younger brothers. Fourth game— W. Du ran anil M. Coughlan vs. Professor Lynch and Charley Johnson. Each side won a rub by the score of 21—15. 21-17, 21—16, 21-19. Fifth gam<-— John Wilds and Thomas Kearns against Terreucd McMauus au<J William Ke boe. The rub was woo by the former team by the score of 21—13, 21-18. Sixth game— T. Heddid and AlexSwanson against W. White and Charles Lone. The came and rub was won by the latter team by the score of 21-16. 21—20. Seventh game— McCauly and Joe Can* played au lutercstlhg single-handed game. Tne feature of the game was the »■■> vice of Mc- Cauly, who woo by the scoie of 21— U», 21—20. Eighth game— The event of the d,.y was a .scientific four-handed match, the greatest ever played in San Francisco, between the cele brated players, John Kiordan and M.Dillon, and John Jones and Patrick Donnelly, the best three out of live games. 21 ace*. The nisi and second games were won by tbe former team. Scores. 21—19 and 21— 6. The third, fourth and fifth games were won by the latter team by the scores of 21—2, 21—14 and 21-13. THE MORNING CALL, SAN FRANCIHCO, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1894. SUTRO'S MIDWAY. He Will Have a Plaisance at the Cliff. KIOSKS, MAZES AND THINGS. What the Millionaire Bought in Sunset City. PANORAMA FOR THE POORHOUSE An Artist to Build a Resort at Pied mont From Fair Restaurants and Ornaments. Adolph Sutro intends having a midway • plaisance of his own to keep the seals company. That he will have sufficient material for a grand aggregation of the world-renowned shows, etc., is an assured facr. For Sutro bag bought up all the available structures, ornaments, pagodas and things that formed part of the Mid winter Fair wreck. With half a dozen exceptions all tbe other buildings have been disposed of at nominal prices and are fast disappearing by piecemeal, home will be re-erecte.l across the bay. some will pass away into npw houses, a few remain in Golden Gate Park, the Hawaiian Panorama has been THE HAWAIIAN BUILDING TO GO TO THE ALMSHOUSE. moved to the Almsbouse. and the rest are intended to grace Sutro Heights or vicinity. The first restaurant building to open at the fair was a picturesque bauerhaus in | the Heidelberg Castle's concession. It looked like a picture from an old Dutch book, with its quaint gables, windows and framework. Now it is owned by Sutro, and will do service as a resort of some kind, or probably a dwelling, on II street, near the Olympic grounds whither it has been moved and sot on new foundations. But this is merely one of bis purchases. He has bought the Hawaiian village, the haunted swing, postoffice, magic mirror maze. San Mateo building and Flemish dairy, a rustic structure that stood along tbe midway plaisance, and the substantial redwood building of Ilumboldt County, which can be moved without being torn down. All round the grand court and through the Liberal Arts building one's curiosity is excited by two letters "A. s." followed by mysterious signs and numbers. You see them on flagpoles, electric light masts, j nymphs, tyres, eagles, plaster vases and ! I kiosks. Theyare painted in laree black j characters and signify that the philantro pbist of the cliff has acquired possession ! of these articles by paying a ridiculously I small sum ol money to the management. At preset t he is bargaining for the elec tric tower and the music-stand. None of these buildings are composed of perishable stuff. They are fairly well con structed frame houses that may be carried away on rollers or trucks and will lust for years to come with ordinary care. The Hawaiian huts, though flimsy in appearance, are firmly knit little bouses j and their suaw roofs will withstand many j a fierce olast, and being typical of the j sunny land whence they came will be re- I garded with interest and curiosity. The haunted swing and mirror-maze will stnnd as extra attractions at Sutro Heights, while the postoffice can be vari ously utilized and the dairy may forma pleasant rustic arbor untwined in trailing plants. Tlio Humboldt building can be converted into a comfortable two-story dwelling at small cost, and may be placed south of tbe park. What use the hundreds of electric light and flag poles can be turned to is a puz zling question, thouEh they may come in conveniently when Sutro builds bis elec tric railroad. The facades of the French and German sections in the Liberal Arts building, con sisting largely of staff figures supporting arches, ornamental columns, cornices, vases and two monstrous staff eagles that, measure 12 feet from tip to tip of their wings, will be removed to the cliff this week and Introduced in recesses of the bathhouse as ornaments. There are two highly artistic open woodwork pavilions and one handsome pagoda in the Russian section which will grace the bathhouse and height*. Then the hundred kiosks that stood in every nook and corner of the exposition grounds are to be transplanted to ottier scenes. Some fair officials be lieve that this job lot will prove a white elephant on Sutro's hands. What Mr. Sutro did not secure has been purchased for a curiosity shoD in the per manent Egyptian building. Tlio panorama building that covered i Hawaii's burning mountain, has been i carted to the Almahouae. Its lumber will be employed in building a recreation ball ! for the poor inmates, but whether a cir cular structure or an ornamental one will be built is still a doubtful qu'-Riion. The old mining cabins r.t Downey, Per kins and Mac Key, Sam. Davis' '49 paper office and the tua '49 camp office have been presented to the park. All the remaining buildings were sold to William* & Co. street contractors, for a ami), ' James E. Fair bought the Vienua Prater He, has disposed of the worthless material by giving it away for firewood and the re- ■ mainder has been moved to his land on North lieach. j Festival hall Central and Northern and Southern California buildings are fast disappearing, contractors having bought them lor the lumber. The chorolat* p - a vilion that cost $8000 was sold for S"5 to ' men connected witu the fair, who are ! ?'£■ Whi?,? ney .H* Mmil * la sections. J. E. Whittier & Co. got the Oriental vil lage, electric fountain, horticultural building. Indian village, palace of black art and co«morama, which they are wreck ing. Mrs. Loring. the artist, will take tbe German restaurant, viticuitural cafe orna ments of the electric theater and chocolate pavilion and many booths from the largest building to Piedmont. She intends hav iDg a resort across the bay for which she naß drawn her own plans. The Lock wood model and French restaurants have been bought by a contractor for the lumber in them. All the other small buildings have been sold and are fast disappearing in the shape of debris. Ail that Is owned by the fair is the erand stand, Administration building and the Emergency Hospital. The Japanese are holding out for a fancy price, and so none of their pretty buildings have been sold. 'ihereare thirteen fin-men and thirteen lights on the grounds, which afford grounds for superstitious t>peculation. Captain Baldwin's guards are limited to fourtnen men, and this number will be decreased in a week or two until only a few watchmen am left. WHEEL AND TRACK. Entries for San Jose Races—Pre sentation to Wells. Cyclists are busy preparing for tbe race* to take place at San Jose on September 10. All the leading clubs will be repre sented, and some of the boys are on the spot already. Of the Olympic Ciub, Christ, tb« ten mile record-breaker, with Plagemann, Elias, Gunn aud Geldert, will enter in class A. Young Fuller will enter in the half-mile under 16 years race, wnil« Bob Lonjr. Haley and Walter Foster will ride in class B. Christ went down to San Jose yesterday to try the track, wnile Foster is canned down there and doing his training. There has been no club run, members riding here and there and doing just as they pleased on an off day. The Bay City boys were to have had a run to San Jose yesterday, but it didn't come off. Some of them, however, went across the bay and put in a good day's practice on the track at the Oakland Trot tins: lark. The club will be well represented at San i Jose. Both Terrils will ride, and so will i Merene, Hall, Vincent, T. A. Griffiths, H. i A. GndiJard anil A W. Small. 15ob T«T- I rill. Hall and Griffiths rides in class B, I waile tbe others are, of course, in A class It is said that the Hancock b'>ys will be there to ride tandem against the world's record. So much h^j the recsnt performance of Wells been appreciated by thp Hay Ciiy boys that on Ills return to ban Francisco it is intended to pr^bent him with a diamond Maltese cross. It is not yet announced when the ceremony is to take place. WINNING YACHTS. First Regatta of the California. The Rover Loses Her Topmast A Great Race Attended by the Usual Number of Mishaps. The first annual regatta of the California Yacht Club took place yesterday on the bay. Barring the uncertainty of the wind encountered it was an undoubted success. Early in the morning all was acUvity about the clubhouse, and trie small boats were going to nnd from the clubhouse to the yachts packinc aboard the racing sails. Some of the craft had gone down the creek the night before and anchored off the Alameda mole, while the rest started down about 10 a. m. yesterday. There was a strong flood tide and very light wind, and the yachts made but slow head way. A little after 11 Captain Mundyler. a member of the club, came along in Ins ■ launch Viola and took two or three of the i racers in tow and started down tin- creek, j This was too good a thing to let slip, so a i great number -of those mi the wav out passed a line to the stern boat and joined the procession. I3y the lime half the dis tance had been covered the launch bad in tow nine yacht?, which presented a very pretty picture as they came down the creek with all colors flying. The regatta committee? «aw that it would be impossible to start them off at the tune appointed as they would not be at the line in time so postponed the start for one hour. All the while the breeze was freshening and it 2p. m. when the first class was sent off the spray was fly ing. Aft this class started the major, Captain J. Hartman. j >lned the procession, but was ordered back by the committee as he was not in this class, an order which he did not heed. Fur taking this action he was ruled out by the judges. The Siren when well on her way to Blossom Rock was struck by a squall and hail her port rigging carried away. The Idler had cleared Goat Island and was standing over to Blossom Rock when it was noticed that her jibtopsail was in trouble, and from tbe way she was sailing she must nave lost fully twenty minutes in getting it aboard again. The Surprise pulled out of the race as, when to lee of Goat Island, she ran into a calm and came near being set on the rocks by the tide, to prevent which the crew got out sweeps, which disqualified them. But the worst accident of all was to the River, who apalu carried awny tier top mast. Bruce seems to be in hard luck, as this makes the second one that has gone by the board In a month. The wind increased until Blossom Reck was reached, when it made things aboard the craft as moist as the oldest salt could wish for. and many were the cockpit rail ers that were taken at this point. Turning here the wind lightened until at the finish some of thn yacht* bad hardly enough to cross tne finishing line. The first to reach home was the Flash, followed by the Hazel, Whirlwind. Edna, Sevan Bells, Dolphin, Pilgrim. Kara, Stranger, Hover, Idler and Sea Fox in the order named. The corrected time was, in the largest class: Seven Bells, 2:13:52; Rover, 2:25:51; Idler. 2:10:33; Edna, 2:11:08%; Dolphin. 2:12:11. Iv the second class the Pilgrim 2:33:55, and the Xira at 2:38:14. In the subtler class the Fmsh 2:25:47, toe Hazel 2:36:35. the Whirlwind 2:35:13, the See Fox 3:35:22. and the Strancer 2:47:22%- This gives tne first class to the Edna, me second class to the Pilgrim, and the thin! to the Flash. The judges were Charles G. Yale, W. C. Gibbs and Lieutenant Turner; th« timers were Messrs. Lambert and Hommedieu. The racing yachtmen after the race spoke in high terms of the captains of the ferry-boats for the courteous way in which they kept clear of the course. LABOR WILL REST. A Grand Parade of Six Divisions. GRIEVANCE OF THE UNIONS. How the Labor Day Law Was Blundered With. THE LEADING AIEN OF THE FETE. Exercises in Metropolitan Temple. A Theatrical Performance in Turn Verein Hall. Labor day will be appropriately cele brated to-day, in spite of the general mis understanding as to whether or not it is a legal holiday. The various labor unions in San Francisco and Alameda County will turn out for a grand parade, with music and floats and banners and oratory. Hut it will not be entirely satisfactory to the labor unions as a whole, because only a limited number of ~ members will be per mitted to participate. Stores, shops and factories will be kept in operation pretty much the same as if no national Labor day exited in the statute-books of the United States or of California. The members of the various labor unions feel that they have a grievance and a grudge against some manipulator of legislative proceed ings. The bill which passed tbe California Legislature, and became a law, desig nating the first Monday in October of each year as a legal holiday and "Labor day," was introduced by the efforts of the laboring men. In its original state it des ignated the first Monday in September as Labor's day, and it passed to engrossment in that condition. But, through some hocus pocus not explainable, the engrossed bill changed th« time to tbe first Monday in October, and in the rush of business it was passed without tbe change being ob served, and received the Governor's signa ture. That is the grievance. The San Francisco Labor Council sent a communication on the subject to Governor Markuam, asking if he would not ignore the statute and issue a proclamation fix ing Labor day on the first Monday ol September. But this the Governor de clined to do. In his reply, however, he stated that if tbe labor unions throughout ! the State desire to have the date changed in conformity with the original bill, lie will recommend such change to the next Legislature. How the change in tbe original Dill came about no one seems to know. It may have been a mere clerical error on the part ot the engrossing clerk, or, for some reason not clearly understood, it may have been brought about intentionally. There was at the lime the bill passed consider able opposition to tbe measure, owing to the closeness of Admission day, Septem ber 9, to the proposed Labor day. and it is suspected that tbe change was effected by and through the influence of this opposi tion. Last yenr tbe labor unions refused 1 to accept the first Monday in October as i I labor's holiday, and, therefore, appropri ated the corresponding Monday of Sep tember — the national day— and celebrated to the best of their ability. This year they will do the same, and the autumn sun will shine upon a grand street parade and the ocean winds will be stayed in their course by the music of many I instruments. As many of the federated toilers in this city and OaKland as can obtain leave of absence irom their employers will attend and participate in the celebration. Of course the demonstration will not -be so great as if it were in fact a legal holiday by legal enactment. But it will be credi table so far as it can go. W. J. B. Mackay of the Sailors' Union of tbe Pacific is the grana marshal of the day. His chiefs of staff are: E. P. Bur man ot the Furniture Workers' Union. L. lluey of the Sailors' Union and H. lingers of the Typographical Union. These gen tlemen, together with the appointed aids, will meet at the junction of Bush, Battery and Market streets at 10 o'clock to-day. The procession will be formed point and will start punctually at 11 o'clock. It will be made up in tbe follow ing order: First division— The Typographical Union with a baud of music and Moat and 500 men; .1. W. Newton, marshal 01 tbe union, and J. i. Uoiton, aid. ThY Pressmen's Union, 100 men and a float, carrying a decorated press. Second division— TDe Uorseshoers' Union, 100 men, with a baud and a float; M. M. Don nelly, marshal. The Iron— Union, 100 men. The Stonecutters' Union, 100 men, with a baud aud a float. Third division— The Sailor* Union of the Pacific, 800 men, with a band, also a platoon of sixteen young eiils, sailors' daughters, at tired hi sailor costume. Tim Coopers' Union, 200 men, with a band. Fourth division— Tailors' Union, 200 nun, with a baud. The Carpenters' Unions, Nos. 483 and 304, 175 meu, with a float. Fifth division— bakers' Union No. 24, 75 men. with a band. Painters' and Decorators' Union. 50 men. Brewery Workmen. 100 men. baud and float. Furniture Woikets' Union, 75 men. Sixth division— Alameda County Federated Trades. 300 men and a band. The procession will march up Market street to Van Ness avenue, thence up Van Ness to a point not yet determined upon, then counter-march to Market nnd down the latter street to Fifth street. The grand marshal will review the procession from the step? of the Lincoln School building. The exercises will be held in Metro politan Temple, and will begin at 2 o'clock. C. li. Johnson will be president of the day, and will open the exercises. Tbe orator of the day is James H. Barry. Speeches will nlso be made by A. Fureseih of the Sailors' Union and James Andrew of the A!aniP(ia Couuty Federated Trades. Miss Lottie Graeber will recite a Labor day poem written for tbe occasion by T. 11. MathiaH, formerly a sailor, whose previous «efforts in verse have attracted borne attention. M:ss Xena Roberts, the well-known vocalist, will sing. Music will be supplied by an orchestra under, the direction of Professor O. T. Schuppert. A grand theatrical performance will be given in Turn Verein Hall, on Turk street, at 8 o'clock to-night. It is believed by the members of the ar rangement committee that a number of wholesale stores will close, at least during a portion of the day, in order to give their employes an opportunity to attend the celebration, even though it is nut a legal Holiday. Tne banks will be open, but ex pect a slack business during the day. All the Government departments. Federal, State, city aud county— except some of the courts— ;uid the public schools will go on as usual- There was a final meeting r,f the grand marshal and his aids, at 363 Jessie street, last night, and all necessary arrangements for tbe celebration were coucluded. The programme for the entertainment in Turn Verein Hall is a musical affair, with excellent talent. I: is as follows: Overture by the orchestra; song, by Mrs. S. .J. Tulley; banjo solo ana song, by Tom Bree; sing, Miss Mabel Hudson: overture by the orchestra; instrumental specialties, by Mr. Monroe; the clown juggler, by Mr. Sparrow ; serio-comic and parody songs, by Miss Teddy Mayiiew. The pleasures of the evening wind up witb a merry dance. The Law of the Day. A correspondent writas : Ktl Hot Morning Call: There seems to have been an inwnensn amount of Ignorance of law amoug tUose wlioso business it Is to know It, wim r<g;iid to i lie character of to-day as a legal holiday. There has never beeu any pre tension tliat eliher ('mimes* or the President lias any tight 10 pioclaun a legal nouday any where except In the District of Columbia and such other places as are exclusively under the control of the Federal Government. All our holidays have simply been adopted by tbe Mate«, or by custom, tor the sake of uniform ity. Decoration day stands In tbe same cate gory. The following cannot be disputed: - Kevised Statutes—Laws relating to tbe District of Columbia. January 'Jß. 1S7O: Section »93- The loilowin^ day?, namely: Th« first clay of January, commonly called Sew Year's day: the fourth day of July; me twenty-fifth nay of December, commonly called Chr stmas day. ana any day appointed or recommended by the President of tli- United St ites as a cay or public rait or thanksgiving, shall be holidays within tbe District, and shah, tor all purposes of presenting for payment or acceptance for the maturity anil protest, and giving no- ice or tbe dishonor of bills of exchange, batik checks and promissory notes or oilier negotiable or commercial paver. be treated and considered as is the first day of the week, commonly called Sunday, and all notes, drafts, checks or other commercial or negotiable paper Tallin;; doe or maturing on either of said holidays snail be deemed as having matured on the day previous. W. W. P. OCEAN VIEW COURSING. A Large Crowd Witnesses a Fine Day's Sport. The weather at Ocean View was all that could be desired, and the attendance was the largest this year. It was the second meeting of the New Occidental Ciub, and two sixteen-dog stakes proved the da.v's programme. Sum mary: Puppy stake, sixteen entries: First round— J. Moffat's Kannle beat J. Kerrigan's fI)S. C. ADderson's Fairy D beat J. Dean's Moniior, P. Goimau's Domino beat J. Motfai's Meuasha, I*. Carney's Annie Daly beaU. Donnrly's Flora Temple, G. Watson's Lady CUre I eat P. Donovan's Dixie. A. Mer rill* ■« Butcher Boy beat P. Donovan's Nellie D. J. Tracy's Gladstone beat il. Hull's Mystic, G. Watsou's Jim Kinney beat K. Koaeli's Kerry ; Eaeles. First lies— Fannie S beat Fannie. Annie Daly beat Doiuiiio, Hutctier Boy beat Lady Clare, Gladstone beat Jim Kinney. Second ties— Fairy D Deat Annie Daly. Butcher Boy beat Ul dstone. Flual course— A. Merrill's Butcher Boy beat C. Anderson's Fairy D and won. Did dug stake; sixteen entries. First round— D. OBi leu's Pnde of Park beat J. Mc>auiara's IVnuy Royal, J. Kerrigan's Dashaway beat H. Hull's Frisco Boy. P. Ryan's Magpi- beatG. Xvauou's Belmout, A. Moore's Sir John br-at J. B ardon's M;»uie. p. uor mau's Kingston l>f i J. Dowllng's White Rus tic. A. Mei rill's .Si ,iv beat T. Tracy's Blue .lack, T. Train's Little Beauty beat D. "Roche's Jonu Mitchell, P. Carney's Spokane beac T Murphy's Red Llgbt. First ties— Dashaway beat Pride of Park, Macple beat Sir .Johu. Kiugstou beat Sierra, i Spokane beat Little Beamy. Second ties— Magpie beat Dashaway, Kiue ston beat Spokane. Trial course— P. Ryan's Magpie beat P. Gor man's Kiugslon ana won. William Fiynn judged successfully, wtailH Jim Ale Connie!: acted as slipper. TWO GOOD GAMES. Some Excellent Cricket at Alameda. The Cup-Holders and the Pacifies Win the Three Tall Scores by Three Good Men. When the two leading clubs— the Ala medas and Bohemias — come together they always draw a good crowd of spectators, but that of yesterday was exceptionally large. The weather was perfect, which, do doubt, Had much to do with this, but the certainty of witnessing good cricket and possibly a close contest had more. In regard to play, no one had any cause for disappointment. Moriarty for Ala meda and Robertson for California gave two batting performances that were worth the trip over the bay to witness. So far as the issue of the game was concerned there was at every stage of the fight the greatest excitement, and as the victory by the cup holders was only by runs the interest of onlookers was well sustained. As the scores show, the batting perform ances, with the already noted exceptions, were not panic nlarly brilliant, and in one of these cases— Moriarty's inning of 52— there were two misses, Doth of which, however, were difficult. Of field play there were some deservedly applauded in stances, Robinson's one-handed catch of Slnman being a notable one. Of the five bowlers put on by the Ala tnedas' captain, Sloman did the best work, and Guild for the Bohemias got five wickets for 31. an analysis which, consid ering the batting strength against him, is distinctly meritorious. ALAMKDAP. : K. Hood st. Webster b. Robertson 0 .1. J. Moriarty c. and b. Guild 52 K. B. lloeue c. Cookson b. Robertson 0 K. T. Randall st. Webster b. Robertson 10 E. G. Sloinan c. and b. Robertson 5 H. Ward Jr. c. Webster b. Guild 12 H. Ward Sr. b. Guild..., ' " 0 J. Bryan c. Robertson b. Guild " g J. Bird b. Cook son 17 E. l.ewij c. Cookson b. Guild .... i H. Bird not out . ... 7 Extra. 1 Total 113 noIIEUIAS. Dr. Bowhtll c. Ward M-. b. Ward Jr 0 a. 8. Webster b. ward Sr 1 H. Warren li. Sloman 1 W. Robertson c. Moriarty b. Ward Jr. 45 A. G. Sheath b. Sloman 9 J. Uulla b. Hogue 14 H. C. Cookson b. Hogue 0 W. hefVtK'. Randall b. HopUf 6 A. F. Wai by st. Hood b. Sloman 5 W. Lough man b. Sloman 0 W. McOrae not out '. \\ tt 1 Extras 4 Total Btt At the pretty' grounds of Golden Gate the Pacifies and fornias met the An sonlans, defeating them by 58. This would imply that the game was a very one-siund one, but up to a well advanced stage of it the contrary was the case. Ansnn won the toss »nd went in, pre ferring to give his opponents the benefit of fielding in the warm half of the day. He and Lugg then led off in grand shape, making 60 between them, and had the rest of the team contributed an average of 7 apiece, instead of something over 2, the result of the match would bare been re versed. Alison's innings of 45 was an ex cellent exhibition of careful baiting. With 95 to make the Pacifies went in, and, though Meyers and Griffiths both scored well, at the fall of tna seventh wicket it was anybody's game. At that point Charley Hill joined Wise, who was set, and the two soon put all doubts at rest by piling up between them 69 runs. The bowline Honors fell principally to Anson for California and Griffith* for the Pacifies. Maish-Brownu of ban Jose also did good work with the ball for the win ners: Following is th» score: CALIFORNIAS. F. A. Anion c. and b. Cassldy , 46 A. W. Lung b. Griffiths. 14 V. C. Drifnehl c. Marsh-Urowne b. Uriffitiis 0 J. Grlfflu c. Hill t>. Marib-Hrowne. O i: Dunlop c. iheobald l> Marsh-Brown 0 R. Eaton c. Hill b. Griffiths .-, 0 11. Levy c. Tledemnnn b. Marsu-Bromne 6 J. M. Halton b. Griffiths 1 A. Canab. Griffiths .'.. 3 B. Bird not out 1 ti Slanlea b. Casldy ..'. 8 Extras IB Total 95 PACIFIC*. Q. Theobald c. Lugg b. Anton 3 J. Meyers c. (Jane b. Anson 21 L. Browne b. Anson a W. N. Griffiths I. b. tt. b. Anson 24 C. W. Bennett b. Anson • 3 <;. B. Aviso b. Drlffleid 48 H. C. Cassldy c. Lugs b. Anson , 2 .1. 11. Mills Luijg t>. Anson 0 C. B. Hill St. Lus- b. An«on ....... 21 J. 11. Harbour b- Driflield...... 9 T. J. Tledemann not out ,,. 18 Extras. , ./....,.. i Total 153 • — *. — • Election of Directors. The following were elected directors of tbe Hom9 Gold Mining Company at the regular annual stockholders' meeting held on fcaturdav last: ,1. B. Fargo, Charles Siepp, A. Goeiz, Charles Groezinger aud John Fischer. CALDERON BOILS. The Salvadoran Consul on His Defense. NOT EDUCATED BY BARRIOS. Charges of Drunkenness and Immorality Denied. EMBITTERED REPLY TO EZETA. Imputes Unworthy Acts and Motives to the Ex-President, His Old Enemy. * Doctor Calderon, Consul for San Sal vador, donned his war paint yesterday and dipped bis tongue in venom, wherewith to reply to his old enemy, General Antonio Ezeta, now belne held in this city pending extradition proceedings. Calderon says that Ezeta overstepped the limits of propriety when he ventured to attack him personally; assailing his good character aud holding him up as an ex ample of Central American immorality. "Ezeta has attacked me and now I feel it my duty to answer him," commenced the Consul last eveniug as be gathered a mass of pupers before nim. each and every one of which. had a separate story. "Before presenting my proofs to show that my enemy has uttered a suing of falsehoods 1 must show you a clipping from the official paper of Santa Ana, pub lished under the press censorship of An tonio Ezeta. "There is a cable dispatch, which It dated at San Francisco, published under date of February 23, 1892. which reads: Dr. E. CaiUeioD has been committed to an in*aue asylum. He Is violently insane, the dis ease having been brought oa by excessive us« of liquor. "That dispatch never originated at Sam Francisco. It was simply put in this paper at tlm instigation of Antonio Ezeta." Under the dispatcii shown by the Consul was printed an editorial headed, "Dis graced," in which Dr. Calderon was posi tively declared to be a drunkard and a worthless character. "Ezeta declares that he does not know me; that 1 was expelled from Guatemala and that I was educated by President Bar rio?, on whom I afterward turned. "Here are letters from my teachers and receipts for tuition paid by my father. AH are dated as you wiij observe daring 1871. 1872 and 1573. Barrios was never in power during those years." Doctor Calderon then unfolded docu mentary evidence which purported to snow that what be said was true. One letter was signed by the father-in law of ex-Consul Roma, now a merchant in this city. Other letters and a diploma from the irniversity Berne, Switzerland. showed that Calderon had graduated be fro Barrios was a Central America politi cian. "This letter of 18S8, dated at the execu tive mansion of ibe President of Guate mala, appointed me a Commissioner of tho Government to Paris during that year." The Consul then handed over a commu nication sigued by Barillas. "And now for the most interesting part of my siory : "In 1890 I received several communica tions signed by Antonio Ezeta, and by his brother Carlos, offering me positions in the gift of the Government. "Their reason for doing this was to get me in their power, for they knew that I was an enemy of the administration. "Antonio Ezeta says that he does not know me; well, please read this:" The epistle tendered by the doctor is dated at Santa Aua, and its translation is as follows: We have nominated you for the position of chief surgeon of the army and Board of Health 1 cjiii assure you of tlie tegular salary, aud sin cerely Lope tnat you will accept. antoxio Ezeta. Still another letter signed by Ez«ta urged accet)t*nce, and said that "the Chief of Police will do all in bis power to assist you." Dr. Calderon declined, and then it was that he was attacked, he says, and had to leave the country. "Ezeta accuses me furthermore of ex- Dressing a disdain for «elf-made men. If there is any one 1 admire it is the honor able self-made man." LOP-SIDED BALL. Californias Defeat San Frnnciscos at Haight Street. The San Francisco and California nines played at the Haigbt-street grounds yes terday to a comparatively small gathering of admirers. It was an average exhibition of ball, al though the game was a one-sided affair. Following is the score: San Franoiscos. a.b. r. b.h. s.b. r.o. a. k. Dextraze, 2 b 5 VS 1 l 2 *> 1 K.Levy.p 5 13 0 0 2 1 Bodle.Clf 3 0 0 U 1 0 •« Bliss, l b 5 o 2 o 8 o 2 Nealon.S.s 4 Olio Hearty, c 1 11 <t v _■ O Mclntyre, c. t 4 U 1 0 2 0 D. Levy, 3 b 4 * * • 7 S 1 Murphy, I. f.. r. r... 4 1 2 o 0 0 O'Connor, r. f 3 0 1 0 1 0 o Totals 38 10 13 2 »2S ~9 lT Californias. a.b. r. b it. s.b. P.o. a k SHea. 2D t> 2 2 2 4 5 6 Mulloo.lD 6 8 8 1 7 O U Hauley, I. f 6 4 2 13 0 0 Mooaiiau. s. 5 B 4 113 4 Buckley, c. f 5 2 H 1 6 v O Creegan, r. f 5 0 2 0 0 1 a (ancao. lib 4 1 1 1 0 2 O McCarthy, 0. b 0 1 O & 2 O Loughraa, p 6 ■_' 2 O 0 1 1 Total! 47 18 17 7 27 15 ~i •Mona&au out; tailed to toucb second. BUNS BY INNINOS. San Franoiscos 1 2 3 0 10 0 1 2— 10 Base hits 2 3 4 0 1 0 0 U I—l 3 California* 5 3 5 0 12 0 3 o—lß U»se blt» 4 2 6 0 2 111 o-17 Karned runs— San Francisco* 3, California* 4. Three-bass tilts— Murphy "J. I.ouabran. Two-basa hits— Mullee, K. Levy, Buckley First base on errors— San \ ranciscos 2, Callforn'las B. t'lrst base on called balls— San Frituciseos 3, Callforalas 3 Left on uase*— t>au Franclscos 10, Californias 7. Struck out— By Levy 2. Hit by pitcher— Murphy 1). Levy. Botlie. Mullee. Nealon, Mclntyre. Dou ble play— Monahan, shea and Mullee. Passed ball — Bodle. Wild pitch— Levy. Umpire— Donohue Official Scorer— Hennessey. A BURGLAR'S MISHAP. Severely Injured While Escaping Prom a Lodging- House. Tbe occupant of a room in the lodging house at the corner of Kearny and Morton streets was awakened at 4:30 o'clock yes terday morning by the noise made by a bureiar, who was industriously engaged in examining the content* of a bureau drawer. The man in the. bed yelled, and the man at the drawer cursed and dashed nut of the room, which was on an upper floor. The lodger pursued the thief, who honing to gain time, leaped over the ban ister and landed on his back on the floor below. He was severely injured by the fall, and lay groaning and blaspheming until the police arrived. He was taken to the old City Prison and booked there for burglary, but it was subsequently found necessary to send him to the Keceiving Hospital. The burglar says he is a sailor, and that his name is J. L. Thomas. The police found some money, a watch and a buncti of keys in his pocket that he had stolen from tbe lodging-house. Part twnnty-seveu of " Picturesque California" win be ready for distribu tion to "Call" lubicrlhen to-day. Ie l« derotect to the lumber interests of California and Washington. 3