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2 ESTEE GAINING Pluralities Roll Up in the South. BUT ARE NOT ENOUGH To Overcome Budd's Lead Through the State- FRESH REPUBLICAN GAINS On County Tickets and for the Legislature. SIX CONGRESSMEN ALSO WIN. Late Returns Indicate That Estee Is Beaten by Nearly Ten Thou sand Votes. Aside from the vote for the head of the ticket late returns from various sections of the State indicate that Republican pluralities have materially increased. This i-i "icularlv noticeable in the vote for Congressmen and members of tie Legislature. The returns show that the Republicans will have a majority of fifty on lint Dull in the next Legislature. In six or the seven Congressional dis tricts the Republicans are far enough ahead to insure their election. Estee's pluralities in the southern part of the State have been materially increased, but not sufficiently to overcome Build's pluralities, especially in San Francisco. The total vote of the Sate for Governor, excepting remote precinct-, is as follows: Budd, 81,363; Estee, 71,360; Webster, 33.098. In several counties which have been heretofore regarded Democratic the Re publicans won surprising victories on the local ticke's. The complete semi-official returns from the State election in San Francisco give Budd a plurality of 12,056 over Estee, con siderably more than the Democrats ex pected at the close of th* polls. Estee's vote was 19.943 and Budd's 31.969; Webster (Pop.) received 63f6. and French (P.) only 696. Jeter ran ahead of Millard by 2977. the figures being: Jeter 26,748, Millard 23,771. Jackson Temple (D.) received the bighes t vole in the city for the Supreme Court, as was expected. But the next highest can didate on the list of aspirants lor this office was a Republican, Judge Henshaw of Alameda. Judge Murphy cf Del Norte (I*.) came third with 20,269. and Torrance (R.) of Los Angeles followed with 13.001. Gibson (Pop.) received 5393 votes; Buck (Pop.) 3773. Thompson (Pro.) 1454, and Gould (Pro.) 1399. Meagher beat Colgan In San Francisco lor State Controller by 4407 votes, the re sult being Meagher 18,222, Colgan 13,815. For Secretary of State Brown received 21,531 and Maddox 17,02 a The complete returns are given below in tabulated form. - THE STATE TICKET. Vote in San Francisco. GOVERNOR. James H. Budd (D.) 31,169 Morris M. Estee (R.) 19,943 Jonathan V. Webster (P. P.) 6 316 Henry trench (I*.) eye LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR. ' William T. Jeter (D.) 26 748 Spencer G. Millard (R.) 28,771 A J. Gregg (*. P.) 47 5 C. H. Dunn (P.).„ 1,172 SECRETARY OF STATE. Lewis 11. Brown (K.).. 21.531 Ben M. Middox<D.) 17 0 3 M. M. McGlyan (P.P.) 5.'815 K. G. Watte (i.) 669 M. C. Winchester (F.) 437 CONTROLLER. Michael Meagher (D.) 18 2*>"* Edward P. Colgan (K.) 13.815 John S. Dore (P. P.) **33 11. C. Needhain (P.; 09] SURER. Levi Rackiiffe (R.) 23.807 | J. C. Castro (D ) 20,708 '■ James >". Barton (p. P.) 6 89° XV. 11. Slagoon (P.) 797 ATTORNEY-GENERAL. Wm. F. Fitzeerald (R.) 17.443 A. B. Paris (D.) 17,144 Louis Luckel (P. P.) 12.755 C. P. Doriand (P.) 1,711 SURVEYOR-GENERAL. P. M Angeir (D.) , 22 127 Martin J. Wright (R.) 31*71 L. F. Bas3ett (P. P.) 6.385 Green Spurrier (P.) Bib CLERK OF THE SUPREME COURT. Peter W. MeGiane (L\) 24.261 Trowbridge 11. Ward (EC -. •_: , ,v60 L. M. Landsborough (P. P.) 5 675 XV. F. Netherton (P.) '770 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC IN STRUCTION. C. S. Smyth (D.). * 25,330 Samuel T. Clack (R.) 15 021 N. A. Richirdson (P. P.) 4,764 B. F. Bum* (P.) 1,027 SUPT. OF STATE PRINTING. Alfred J.Johnston (R.) 19,614 John J. Curry (D.) 17,130 Elgin C. Hurlbert (P. P.) 4,735 A. G. Sheahan (P.) 1,109 ASSOCIATE JUSTICES OF THE SU PREME COURT (Full Term). Jackson Temple (U.l 30,044 Frederick W. Henshaw (R.) 26,179 James E. Murphy (D.)...; 20.VH9 Ellsha S. Torrance (H.)..' 13 0)1 E. M. Gibson (P. P.) 5 •'s*« S. M. Buck (P. P.) 3, 773 Kobert Thompson (P.) 1.454 W.D.Gould (P.) 1,399 ASSOCIATE JUSTICE OF THE SU PREME COURT (Short Term). E. A. Rrldgford (D.) 19473 ■William C. Van Fleet (K.) 18.305 Alfred Daggett (P. P.) 872 IL 1). Burst (P.) btf4 THE LEGISLATIVE TICKET. The Republicans Have a Majority in Each House. The latest retumsgiveu in the appended tables show the political complexion of the next Legislature of California. While the figures are not official nor the count complete the general result will not be changed. The returns show a Republican majority of 10 in the Senate, and a Re publican majority of 40 iv the Assembly, making a majority of 50 on joint ballot. SENATE. Dis. - Counties. Name. Ir Del "Norte "l J } Frank McGowan, R. * (Humboldt ) f I. assen "I *?, \ Shasta.'.".'..'.'." I J. M. Cleaves, R. V -j Shasta J-J. M. Gleayes, R. •**■• 1 Siskiyou ::::::J - (.Trinity j • 3 /-Nevada 1 • J Blumas Tirey L. Ford, R. •(.Sierra J 4 /-Butte *) J Iw. A. Shippoe.R. •(.Tehama. J _. /El Dorado V »-> J ".Noble Martin, D. ***• (placer. J 6 (Sutter. *) ■•:_"-; > -'Yolo 5- E. Aram, K. • '(.Yuba ) 7 (-Lake ) J J-H. C. Gesford, D. •(.Napa.. > 8 (Colusa., *) J (Jleun [J. D. Hendrlck, B. * (Mendocino... J J. Solano. J. B. Hoyt. B. 10. Sonoma J. C. Holioway, K. _. (Contra Costa.*) ' n/ Contra Costa.) McAllister, D. J "-Elliot McAllister, D. •(Marin j ■ Mariposa "J 12.iS:_u.::::[ * *^«.«* (Tuolumne J - 10. Sacramento E. C. Hart, B. f Alpine "> 14. }«•*▼——.«■ ( Mono y i x). San Joaquin B. F. I.angford, D. _„ fFreiuo *) 1 () < ,A. J. Pedlar, R. xv/ " (.Madera.. ) ki. San Francisco.. W.J. Dnnn, D. 10. San Francisco., liugb Toner, D. -L-J. San Francisco.. T. C. Maher, K. —' '. San Francisco.. £ug«D-< V. Rett, R. __. San Francisco .W. i. l-ijjty. I>. 99 — — . San Francisco.. Fercy 1.. Henderson. D. 9° —O. San Francisco. Charl-ji S. Arms, D. __:. San Francisco.. J. H. Maboney, R. 9'" —.«). San Francisco. .John Fay. D. — '). Alameda E. L. Oenlson, It. ,) — — i . Alameda Ouy 0, Earl. It. _ _>. Alameda J. 1.. Hear J, R. —-. /-Ban Mateo....*) '[) J -Hart Burke. D. "~ " * Santa Cruz... .J Ox). Santa Clara .. .N. J. Hyland. D. 01. Santa Clara L. a. Wbiteburst, O. 00 ( In *"°- 1 rt_, -i Kings J- R. Under. B. ****** (.Tulare J r»<-» (Monterey *» A A J. -Thomas Flint, B. ***** (.San Benito... J •-14 i 1-5. C. Smith. R. **■*■* Is. Lnts Obispo J _._ ("Santa Barbara A;~) - "-Orestes Orr, R. '-'"•(Ventura J 00. Los Angeles CM. Simpson, D. *>7 01. Los Angeles John B. Matthews, D. 00. Los Angeles.... S. N. Androus, B. .v.) - Riverside!""! le. C. Seymour, R. **"** (S. Bernardino) jLU. San 1)1020 D. L. Wlthinpton. R. Republicans 25 Democrats 15 Total : 40 The Senators in the odd-numbered district. are holdovers. ASSEMBLY. Dis. Counties. Name. If Del Norte *» -J fTomblin.R. * (.Siskiyou ) 9 A. Humboldt A. *T. tlsoe. Ind. O. Humboldt Johnson. B. 4 (-Tehama. , 4 J i-Reld, D. ***:• (.Trinity J _. ( Modoc "> r> J [J. T. Laird, R *** (.Shasta ) 6 rLassen ) - Plumas 5-E. V. Spencer. R. • (.Sierra J 7 . Butte F. K. Stamen, R. _. rSutter *» X 1 '>-Vf. M. Cutter. B. * J '(.Yuba J •J. Mendocino E. B. Sals'K. R. t rk (Colusa -| |0 J Oleun "-W.Ash.R 11. Y010..... .8. T. Freeman. R. I—. Nevada... C. W. Kltts, P. P. 1 9 k.O. Placer A P. Hall R. _'. El Dorado J. Sweeney. D. and P. P. 10. Amador J. H. Tlbbitts. B. lb. Sonoma W. F. Price, R. 11. Sonoma W. S. staley, B. 10. Napa Owen Wade, R. I*7. Solano. J. M. Basstord, R. AVJ. Sacramento.... J. R. Brusle, R. *>1 AX. Sacramento.... L. T.Hatfield,, R. 99 —__. Sacramento ....J. E. Butler. R. —O. Marin v.J. H. Dickinson, R. __. Contra Costa... C. M. Belsbaw, R. Ao. San Joaquin E. L.Jones, It. — V). San Joaquin P. A. Nelson, B. —i . Calaveras W. R. Dunbar, R. — O. San Francisco. H. Healey, D. _ ■J. San Francisco. .J.D. Coughlln, D. OVJ. San Francisco. .J. O'Day. D. OX. San Francisco. .J. J. Wlikinssn, R. OA. San Francisco.. J. T. Twig-?, D. 99 tit). San Francisco.. L. J. Dwyer, D. tl'l. San Francisco. .M. A. Devine, D. Ox). San Francisco. .C. Ewing, I, P. P. OU. Sao Francisco.. McCarthy, D. *A 7 t) I . San Francisco.. W. Dickson. R. 00. San Francisco.. M. Lewis, D. *».<» 00. San Francisco.. A. T. Vogelsang, D. _U. San Francisco.. Sigmund M. Bettman B. _1. San Francisco.. F. H. Powers R. - _ . San Francisco .E. J. Reynolds, D. *iO. San Francisco.. W. T. Boothby R. __. San Francisco. L. F. Zcccnl R. *_0. San Francisco. .4. Devltt R. *_U. Alameda. W. W. Mendenhall, D. _i . Alameda J. A. Waymlr*, R. 4:0. Alameda. R. Gay, R. TO. Alameda.. J. J. Mac Donald, D. OU. Alameda H. H. North, R. Ox. Alameda. G G. Dodge, B. Da. San Mateo T. G. Phelps, R. 00. Santa Cruz B. A. Osborn R. o_. Santa Clara C. P. Berry, R. 00. Santa Clara J. G. Kelsey, R. 00. Santa Clara W. Mead. R. _.'_ (Stanislaus....*) *^^3^@^^tß9^___ 01 A "-L. A. Richards, B. *** * (Merced J _. ,_. (-Mariposa *» OO -I 0 - L. Booth, P. P. '-'*-■• (Tuolumne ...J OJ. San Benito C. O. Cat-gill, R. (Alploe ) hi) - Inyo y Coleman, R. v/, * , * (Mouo J m ' U_. Monterey U. Hudson, R. x)A. Fre5n0.... ...... W. F. Rowel!. R. ftQ' ' - '" • . ••■' ■* :'•-*:• '•>". UO. Fresno N. L. F. Bochman, D. THE MOBTOG' CALL, SAX FRANCISCO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1894. C*o"V'_-R,_srO*E_-___ J __CT JAMES __. BUDD. 6. ■ (Tulare " ' "}j. W. Davis, B. VJ. Vf. Davis, R. wr -(. Kings J V) 0. Tulare D. V. Robinson, D. UU. Kern R. C. Dale. R. V) i . san L. Obispo... J. H. Glass, R. DO. Santa Barbara. W. L. Talbot, R. bJ. Ventura. ..Peter Bennett. R. VJtf. Ventura. Peter Bennett. R. lb. Los Angeles.'. ..B.G. Weyse, R. 1 JL. Los Angeles O. 11 Ruber, R. i—. Los Angeles B. C. Kenyon B. ii). Los Angeles W. Llewellyn B. i "_. Los Angeles C XV. Pendelton, R. ID. Los Angeles.. .. R. M. Bulla, B. ix), Orange C. 8. McKelvey. R. i i. Riverside J. Freeman, R. iO. S. Bernardino. .J. C. Lyucn, B. i x). San Diego W. R. Gray, R. OU. San Diego A. Keen. R Vote in San Francisco. STATE SENATOE-18th DISTRICT. Hugh Tout (D.) 5.887 Miebael W. Coffey (R.) 1.671 William L. Harvey (P. P.) 1.357 V. STATE SEN ATO*R-'*Oth- DISTRICT. ! iicene K. B-r: (R.) .' 3,6"*4 P. F. v\ard(D.) 2,691 Joseph Fassier (P. P.) ... 1,073 STATE SENATOR— 22d DISTRICT. I'ercy L. Henderson il>.) 2.396 William Sidney Wood (R.) 1,689 Henry ('. Mrebaugb (I.) 1.370 John H. Tlugniau (P. P.. I.) „ 72!" STATE SENATOR-24th DISTRICT. J. It. Mahoney (R.) 2,012 •eorge 11. Williams (I.) 1,356 JereT. Burke ( D ) , 1,041 W. XV. Sanderson (P. P.) 859 ASSEMR _____ I— 2 Bth DISTRICT. Henry liealey (I).) 1.186 ihtllp I. Kilev (R.) 743 Joseph Stillor Hanson (1.) 637 M.F.Jordan (P.P.) 278 ASSEMBLY MAN-!. DISTRICT. John D. Coughlto (O.) 1,308 •'ohn J. l'aupbney (R.). 844 George Elliott (P.P.) 719 ASSEMBLYMAN-30th DISTRICT. John O'Day (O.) 1,343 Charles F. O'Connor (R.) 874 George D. Gillespie (1., P. P.).. 835 ASSEMBLYMAN-31st DISTRICT. Timothy E. Treacy (li.) 1,251 .1. J. Wilkinson (R.) 1,219 Patrick Shea (P.P.) 230 ASSEMBLY*MAN~32d DISTRICT. John F. Twig? (O. 1.191 Henry Luae (R.) 754 FranK Lair lor (P. P.; 607 ASSEMBLYMAN-33d DISTRICT. L.J. Dwrer(D.) 1,044 Jeremiah K. Reach (R.) fls.< William Wallace Magary (P. P., L) 676 James F. Kelly (I.) 175 ASSEMBLYMAN-34th DISTRICT. Mark A.. Devine (D ) 1,509 DaTM ('. Smith (R.) , 1337 Casper J Gardner. (P. P.) 615 , ASSEMBLYMAN-35th DISTRICT. 'alvln Ewing (1.. T. P.) .863 .John M. Higgins (R. 1 813 J. M. Doiilon (D.) 78* ASSEMBLY!! DISTRICT. John McCarthy (O.) 1,610 Joseph Scheerer (R.) 1,305 I F. X. Holcber (P. P.) 653 ASSEMBLYSIAN-37th DISTRICT. George W. Dixon (R.) 1436 John P. Daltoo (D.) .• 1/-77 Richard Cohen (P.P.) 678 M. C. Dunn (I.) 31'_ ASSEMBLYMAN-38th DISTRICT. Marcus Lewis (R) 1.662 Thomas F. Clara (».) 1,164 .*s P. Blumenberg (L) 376 L. L. Ewing (P. P.. I.) 238 ASSEMBLY3IAX-39th DISTRICT. 11. { Vf. Dinkelsplel (R.) 1,935' Alexander T. Vogelsang (U.) 1,361 j M. E. Van Meter (P. P.) 3*o ASSEMBLYMAN-40th DISTRICT. SlgmuudM. Bettnian (R.) 1,407 Uauiel Webster Baylor (D.) 896 Herman F. Hlller (1.)....... 671 K. A. street (P. P.. I.) ; 179 Jobu J. Callsh (I.) 170 ASSEMBLYMAN-41et DISTRICT. Frank H. Powers -X.) ....:... 1,20r. lames V. Sweeney (D.) 982 Lawrence W. Cos (I.) 6AV Henry O. Tiffany (P. P.. 1.) 173 ASSEMBLYMAN-42d DISTRICT. Edward J. Reynolds (DO 863 Isaac M. Merrill (R.) 861 William Hail Fhelos (I.) 731 Emlle 8. Letnine (8.F.) 179 ASSEMBLYMAN-43d DISTRICT. •V II 1 lam T. I'oothbv' (R.) 1,219 -Kisrph M. Marks (D.) 822 Albert G. de Vincent (P. P.) 366 ASSEMBLYMAN-44th DISTRICT. Louis P. Zoccbl (8.).. 1,132 lames J. DegaiuO.) i*Bo Frank B. ROlllO (P.P., L) _»s ASSEMBLY»IA*>*-45th DISTRICT. lames Davitt (R./. 954 J<.hnT. ' _r*y (D.) : 569 .""ugene Valente (I.) .- 4"i<J frank Souza (P. P., 1.) 26; VERY CLOSE CONTESTS. Republicans Elect Nearly All the Legislators in Alameda. Oakland, Not. 7.— ln tne figures ol> tamable of Alameda County to-night, when nearly all the county had been' heard from, the. vote on the leading State officers was as follows: Governor— Budd 5053. Estee 5671, French 428. Webster 3139; Lieutenant-Governor— Millard 4913, Jeter 3470, Gregg 2131, Dunn 294. Secretary ol State— Brown (R.) 5228, Maddox (D.) 2940; Treasurer— R-ckliffe (R.) 4712. Castro (D.) 2568: Clerk Supreme Court— Ward (R ) 44!'.-., McGlade (D.) 2734; Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, long term— Henshaw 5549. Temple 3664, Murphy 2407; short t«-rm, Van Fleet 4263, Hridgefoid 2742; Congressman— 4842. English 3850. Vann 1751. Hiiborn is making a good showing so far in the votes and will lead English at least 1000 votes and some of bis .sanguine friends insist he will go out of the county with at least 1500 votes to the good. In 1892 Hiiborn had 7327 to 6129 for English. But there is one point on which Mr. English can congratulate himself. He has been vindicated jn the celebrated Atta niont precinct. Io 1892 Attamont gave Hiiborn 37 votes and English 15. Upon a recount the vote was declared to be 29 for English and 22 for Hiiborn. This year the vote at Altamont is 52 for English and 19 for Hiiborn. The latter is five votes behind the Estee vote there. Hoard of Equalization — Morehouse (R.) 4978. Wells* (D.) 5256. Railroad Cnmmi« -inner—Clark (R.) 4457, Philllis (D.) '75 The foregoing figures show how poorly Morehouse is running in the county for the State Board of Equalization and what a splendid showing the Traffic Associa tion candidate for Railroad Commissioner (Phillip-) is making in this Republican stronghold. In the votes counted, Phil ips keeps gaining on Clark and will carry the couuty. In the case of Morehouse, he is losing const-ntiv, and will be a very i oor second to Wells. Mr. Morehouse has always received a big vote in Alameda County, and he counted on carrying it by the usual par majority. Estee will probably carry the county by 1000 votes, as be is gaining a little on Budd as the clouds clear away. In 1892 Harri son received in Alameda County 8772, Cleveland 7109 and Weaver 2110, a plural ity for Harrison of 1663. The Populists nave a good vote over 1892, Webster re ceiving thus far 1000 votes more than Weaver. These returns on Governor, Board of Equalization and Railroad Com missioner were given when seveiitv-seven of the ninety-nine precincts in the county had been counted. In the Second Supervisorial District the tight is between J. R. Talcott (R.) and C. A. Brown (I).). The vote at 10 o'clock stood Talcolt 1119, Brown 1186; but Fruit vale, a strong Talcott precinc*, was to be heard from, and. would probably give Talcott 100 majority and elect him. In the Third Supervisorial District Church (R.) is elected. The vote at 10 o'clock, with two small precincts to hear from, stood: Church 848, Denison (Pop.) 547, Everett (1. R.) 257, Schmidt (N. P.) 36, Watkinson (I. R.) 329. Wild (D.) 417. Out of two Senators and six Assemblymen the Republicans of Ala meda County have certainly elected one Senator and probably five Assemblymen. At 10 o'clock, with only four precincts in the city of Alameda to hear from, the vote Bto<d In the Twenty-eighth Senatorial District: Beard (R.) 1872. O'Neill (D.) 2001. It is just possible that these four precincts will return sufficient of a Republican ma jority to overcome O'Neill's lead, but capable judges think that the majority will not be sufficient. In fact. Republi cans concede that O'Neill has been eiocted by a slender majority. Ell Denlson (R.) has been returned by the Twenty-sixth Senatorial District with a handsome majority. -In the Forty-sixth Assembly District the vote, wilh two Newaik rrecincts to hear from, stood: Fassett (R.) 1098, Mendenhsll (D.) 1013. Two years ago one of these precincts was strongly Republican and the other was as strongly Democratic. It is not thought that Mendenhall can overcome his oppo nent's lead of 85 vote* , and the Democrats admit the r candidate's defeat. Later re turn-, however, may show a different result. The Forty-seventh Assembly District In Alnmeda ha-* elee'ed ex- Judge .1. A. Way In the Fall i There is danger from the sudden changes of temperature, the heat of midday and the chill of the evening air. If the body Hood's Sarsa - & *%%-*%%% parilla is in a run down, J**^ _ 0 *•___-» debilitated condition, fl ill C__ Hood's Sarsaparilla %_, V • will give strength -^«^ **&%>*&%& and prevent attacks of the grip, typhoid fever, bronchitis, pneumonia, or other l serious and dangerous diseases. Hood's Pills cure nausea, sick headache j mire (R ) by a very large majority. In the Forty-eighth Assembly District Gay (R.) has been elected over Bachracb (D) by only a moderate Plurality. The Forty ninth Assembly District is the only one la Alameda County that has elected a Demo crat. The Republican vote was divided between Collins and McClellan. The later, however, ran very poorly, while Collins, with two Berkeley precincts to hear from, received 502. McGulre (Pop.) got4SB and McDonald (D.) 561. The two Berkeley precincts are heavily Democratic, so that McDonald will un doubtedly be elected by a very fair plur ality. In the Fiftieth Assembly District 11. H. North (R.) has been elected over Goodenough (Pop.) by about 300 votes. The Fifty-first Assembly District returned C. G. Dodge (R.) by an overwhelming majority. At midnight eighty-four of the ninety nine precincts in Alameda County give Budd 5499, Estee 6439, French 446, Webster 3467, llenshaw 8482, Torre nee 3926, Temple 5593, Murpby 3363, Bridgefor-I 3401, Van Fleet 5917, English 5279. Ililhom 6293, Vann 2410, Morehouse 5447, Wells 5669, Clark 4888, Philips 4894. Twenty-eighth Senatorial District, Beard (R ) 2113. O'Neill (D.) 2112. Forty-sixth Assembly District, Fassett (R.) 1275, Mendr-nbaM 1038. At 12:30 o'clock, with 84 precincts count el, the vote on Governor stood: Budd 5951, Estee 7041, French 483, Webster 3809. Nine hundred and thirty* precincts give White 5514 votes for Slier ff, Scbaffer 5381, McKillican 4365, Morse 1730. BUDD'S HOME COUNTY. He Gained a Plurality of Over a Thousand in San Joaquin. Stockton, Nov. 7.— Full returns from San Joaquin County, forty-nine precincts all told, give Budd 3517, Estee 2463 and Webster 1036 votes, making Budd's plural ity in the county 1054. The county gives Grove Johnson, for Congr-ss, 545 plural ity. Tne Republicans elect their two As semblymen in the Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth districts by lirge pluralities. Oil the county ticket the Democrats elect only two men, the District Attorney and the Treasurer. Sheriff Cunningham is re elected for tbe thirteenth term by a plu rality of 400, and Grunsky (II) for Clerk has 960 plurality. The highest plurality in the county was for Dr. Fred Clark for Coroner, who has 1889 more than the Democrats. The Republicans elect the two Supervisors, Orrln Henderson and Don Hemphill, giving them control of the board for the first time In many years. The Clerk's office has been held by the Incumbent, Charles Tolland, for twelve years. , His successor is at present a Su pervisor, and is a brother of Engineer Grunsky ot San Francisco. LIKE A LANDSLIDE. The Republicans Victorious in Fresno County. Fresno, Nov. 7.— Fifty-six out of sev enty-two precincts in the county at mid night give Estee and the whole Republican ticket a majority of about 175. Bowers is in the lead for Congress, with Gilbert (Pop.) second. The county election has been a , landslide. '*;-"' Fresno has always been a Democratic stronghold, but the Republicans now have pluralities on every county officer, with the exception of one Superior Judge and Coroner, which were secured by the Popu lists. Only a few foothill districts are to be heard from yet, but it is not supposed they will change the situation. The Re publicans are jubilant over the outcome on the general ticket here for the first lime in the bistorv of the county. Fresno, Nov. 7.— Complete returns of the nine precincts in Fresno give the fol lowing results: For Governor— Estee 409, Budd 209. Webster 176, French 31. For Congressman— Alford 340, Bowers 228, Gilbert 206. For Senator— bowler 2o7, Harris 11, Mor decai 250, Pedlar 504 Sixiy-ihird Assembly District— Ashbrook 216, Bachman 190, Reese 129. Wood 8. .Sixty-second Assembly District — Ga leener 42, Henderson 93, Rowell 109. WON NEARLY EVERYTHING. Republicans Jlad Things Their Own Way in Santa Cruz. Santa Ckuz, Nov. 7.— With only two small precinct* to hear from the voie for Governor is: Eaten 1759, Budd 1252, Web ster 1200, French 242. Jeter received 216 votes more than Budd. McL achlan'a plu rality is 253. B. A. Osborne (R ) is elected Assemblyman by a plurality of 827. . The Republicans elected every candi date excepting for Coroner, which was won by Dr. Clark (Pop.). The following were elected: Superior Judge, J. H. Lo nan: Sheriff, Jl. Besse; County Clerk, Ed Martin; Treasurer, W. H. Bias; District Attorney, C. S. Lindsay; Tax Collector, W. E. Peck Assessor, F. Matteson; Sur veyor, Ed Perry; Superintendent of Schools, J. W. Lenscott. In this county Jeter's plurality over Millard, as far as heard from, is 486. OVERWHELMINGLY BEATEN. Democrats Lose Nearly Everything in Sonoma County. Santa Rosa, Nov. 7. The Democratic State, district and county tickets have been overwhelmingly beaten, with the exception of Emmett Sewall, the incumbent and can didate for the office of District Attorney. This official'? excellent record in office and great popularity alone saved him from the general defeat. Estee carries the county by 500, Barham by 100. Allen (Sheriff) by 800. Fulton (Clerk) 200. Holloway (Senate) 800, Staley (Assembly) 300, Pric* (Assem bly) 320, Vanderhoof (Assessor) 250, Davis (School Superintendent) 200. Woodward (Treasurer) 100, A'chinson (Recorder) 300. Young (Coroner) 800, Ricksecker (Sur veyor) 20ft Attorney Sewall beat the Republican candidate 200 votes. The Populist vote generally showed only small gains over the election of two years ago. REPUBLICANS FAR AHEAD. Estee Gets Quite a Plurality In Orange County. Santa Ana, Nov. 7.— Comi lete returns from precinct* polllne nearly one-half the vote of Orange County give Es cc a plurality over Budd of 212. There is no reason now to doubt the estimate made last night that Estee will have about 500 plurality in this county. Bowers, for Con gressman, runs much ahead of Estee. Estee scarcely runs up to the average of the State ticket. Budd gains .slightly on bis ticket. The whole Republican county ticket is elected, with the possible excep tion of Bowers (D.) for Recorder. All the precincts in Orange County complete but one, not reported— give E<tee 500 plurality; Bowers, for Congress, 682 plurality. ESTEE LED BUDD, But Trinity Elected a Democratic County Ticket. Weavebville, Nov. 7.— The totals of nine prsciucts in this county give Estee 296, Budd 230, Webster 40; Barham 306, Geary 220, Grigsby 43; Nutting (D.), for Senator, 250; Gleaves (R), for Senator. 280; Reid (D.) for Assembly. 350; Nollman (R.) for Assembly, 215. Most of the Demo cratic candidates on the county ticket are elected. All the amendments receive a majority except No. 20. COUNTY TICKET ELECTED. Republicans Secure Material Gains in San Bernardino. San Bernardino, Nov. 7.— Complete returns give Estee 914 plurality over Budd. Bowers, Incomplete, 1200 over Alford. Lynch (R.), Assembly, complete, 1014 over Meserve (D.) Returns on the balance of tbe Sate ticket are so meager that no accurate esti mate can be found. Colonel Paris will run ahead of Fitzgerald and Torrence ahead of his ticket. The entire Republican county ticket is elected except County Superintendent of Schools, which was won by Miss Maggie Mogeau on Democratic and Populistic combine. ONE POPULIST SENATOR. Castle to Be Sent to Sacramento From Merced. Merced, Nov. 7.— Budd carried the county by a small plurality. County of fices are divided as lows: C. A. H. War field, Sheriff: A. M. Vander'.io, Cierk; T. H. Legeett, Recorder; T. H. Simonson, ! Assessor; F. G. Os rander, District At torney—all Republicans. W. H. Cook, Auditor; O. W. Grove, Superintendent ot Schools; D. G. Bambauer, Treasurer— all Populists. W. P. Stoneroad, Surveyor, Democrat C. H. Castle (Pop.), for State Senator, carried the county by 286 plurality and is undoubtedly elected. ABOUT EVENLY DIVIDED. County Officers Elected by Demo crats and Republicans in Butte. Okoville, Nov. 7.— The State Repub lican ticket is elected in Butte, forty-six out of fifty-three precinct* giving E*tee 222 majority. For Congress Johnson Deals Caminetti, forty-one precincts giving the former 294 majority. W. A. Shippe .is elected Senator by 764 majority in Butte, out lo?es Tehama County by 46, giving him 738 over McCoy (1).) in the two couni Important •• i * l ****'**** t ******'*'*" r, *ih-i i _f ii-i-ii fiinirirF ig w w \t\ 1 1 li >_■ Announcement -JB_B__MBIHBB— H MBB __E__BB__B_t__g__BgHH_B_an_ M_S_i— B^ For month of NOVEMBER only we offet <Y> •to HANG all Lace Curtains purchased, §g| FREE OF CHARGE. Artistic effect guaranteed. ONLY SKILLED WORKMEN EMPLOYED. BRUSSELS— S6. 50 pair and upward. TAMBOURS— SS.OO pair and upward. IRISH POLMS-53.00 pair and upward. MUSLlN— Figured and Dotted, 53. 25 pair and upward. SAXONY— Finished with Silk Edge, $4. 50 and $4.75 pair. HOTTIKHAM— In Point d'Esprit, $3.25 to 55.00 pair. DOWN COMFORTERS— In Great Variety. COUCH PILLOWS-Full Size, $ 1 .50 each and upward. HANDSOME TAPESTRY TABLE COVERS— 44, 64, 84 and 104, from $ 1 .25 each and upward. W. _. J. SLOANE & CO 641-647 MARKET STREET, I SAN FRANCISCO. ties Stansell (R.) is elected to the Assem bly by 600 majority. The Democrats elect a Sheriff, Assessor and possibly Treas- -4 urer. The Republicans elect a District Attorney Clerk Superintendent of. School^ Tax Collector. Surveyor . and Coroner. J v CARRIES THE COUNTY. Budd Getts a Small Plurality in San Benito. HOLLISTER, Nov. 7.-As near as can h ascertained Budd carries the county hr c_V Cargill (R.). for the Assembly, _,„ MS plurality. The entire Democratic ticket with the exception of Assessor, Surveyor and one Supervisor, is elected. The'poDu list vote was cue down one-half from the" last election. MADE HEAVY GAINS. Populists Get One Office in Tehama County. Red Bli*ff, Nov. Complete returns from all but eight precinct* in this county give Budd 619, Estee 649. Barham or Congress will carry the county by a pl u rality of 100. Beamer (D.) for State Board" of Equalization will also cr.rry.the county by a small plurality. The Republican can didates for Superintendent of Public In struction and Superintendent of Slate Printing are running ahead of their ticket Hollman (R.) for Assembly will carry the county by 200. Populists made heavy gains over two years ago and cast a laree vote, and will probably elect a County Su perintendent of Schools. CARRIED ONE PRECINCT. Populists Drew Votes From Demo crats in Yolo County. Woodland, Nov. 7.— Complete returns j from all the precincts, except one, show that Aram received a plurality for tha Senate and that Langfour, Democrat, for the Assembly, was elected by a good plu rality. Budd ran ahead of his ticket in tbe county. The Populists carried one precinct— Washington, but drew many votes from the Democrats. BEYOND RESURRECTION. Democrats Badly Snowed Under in Siskiyou County. Treka, Nov. 7.— Siskiyou Democracy is buried beyond resurtection. The Re publicans carry everything on the county _ ticket excepting the Treasurer and, do*- ""*"*T sibly, Surveyor. It was a case of root hog, or die with the Democrats, ana they died. There are not enough of them left in the county to-day to go on the bonds for the Treasurer they elected. As far as heard, the Republican majorities are as follows: Tomblin, Assembly, 80; Barham, Congress, 21; Gleaves, Senate, 73; and Estee, 37. GETS A SMALL PLURALITY. Estee Leads Budd Up in Plumas County. Quixcy, Nov. 7.— Complete returns from Plumas give Estee 161 plurality; Barham, 159; Spencer, Assembly, 68. The Democrats elect on the county ticket: J. S. Bransford, Sheriff; H. C. Flournoy, Clerk; J. W. Coliingham, As sessor; W. S. Dean, Treasurer; Kate L. Mullen, Superintendent of Schools, and one Supervisor. The Republicans elect M. S. Webb, Dis trict Attorney; William Richards, Re corder, and one Supervisor. Beanier, Temple and Ward are leading their tickets many votes. POPULISTS POLLED WELL. But They Failed to Win an Office in Madera. Madera, Nov. 7.— Returns received in dicate a majority of 200 for Budd. The rest of the State ticket is running very close. The result Is doubtful. Mordecai, the Democratic Senator, will carry the county by a small majority. Powell (R.) for the Sixty-second Assemby District has a small majority. The Democrats carry most of the county offices. The Populists polled a big vote, but carry no office. GAIN FRESH VICTORIES. Republicans Elect Most of the County Ticket in Ventura. Ventura, CaL, Nov. 7.— Twenty pre cincts out of twenty-two in Ibis county stive Estee 1257, BuJil 988, Webster 479, French 165, McLaehlln (R.) for Congress 1181, Patton (D.) 738, Bowman (P.) 598. Bennett (R.) lor Assembly is elected by Continued on Fourth Page.