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NEW CORPORATIONS. Establishment of a California Veter inary College. The VoTruan Company has incor porated with a capital of (500,000, fully subscribed. Directors— llenry Voorman, C-^ August Wei:ie, Henry A. rnian, Walter M. Willftt, Otto Froelicli. Henry Voorman subscrib-^ for 5200,000 and C. August Wo.iue for $249,900 of ttie capital stock. Articles of incorporation havo been tiled on behalf of tiio California Veterinary tollcge, formed fur tho purpose of iu structins in veterinary science, to confer degrees and diplomas to its graduate-*, and also to trovide means for the care and treatment of sick and injured domestic animals. There are to he fifteen trustees of the institution, and the trustees for the first vet.rare: Henry J. Crocker. A. Archie Cunningham. Joseoh A. Donohoe Jr., Joßppn I). Grant, F. A. Hyde, Dr. W. F. McKatt, J. Leroy NicKel, .1. L. Kattbone, Adoiph ii. bi-reckels. Hugh Tevis, J. K. Wilson, Dr. Luke X binsou, James D. Phelan. C. W. Smith, Dr. Winslow Ander son. The following persons hay* sub scribed 8100 apiece toward the founding of the college: F. A. _\ief. Thomas liow hiil, A. K. liuzard. W. F. E_an. SEARCHING FOR MRS. TOY. Detectives Swear Out a Warrant for ! Her Arrest. A warrant was sworn out in Judge Con lan's court yesterday for the arrest ol Mrs. Hattle Toy, alias Mattie Emerson, by De tectives Dillon and Crockett on the charge of assault to murder. Mrs. Toy is tbe woman who is believed to have shot Robert V. Ojpda. the marine engineer, in her house, i>B Everett street, on Sunday afternoon. She disappeared immediately after the "-.hooting and has managed to keep out nf the way of the police. But Dillon and Cro- kett expect to ho able to lay their hands upon her at auy moment. Ojeda is still in a critical condition at the Rec.ivine Hospital, but there is a chance that his strong constitution may pull fciin through. REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS S. S. Q. and Louise I>ragomanovich to Ernest Schmidt and . I. H. F._.« rs. lot on SK corner of Polk aud .Filbert streets, 50 by E 100 (subject to a mortga.e): .10. Mary Hayes to l'atrick and Maria Lawlor. lot oa .s line of Austin street. 125 E of Franklin, X 25 by N 60; ID. Herryman and Henrietta F. Bryant to Robert D. Cranston, lot On AY line or Clara avenue, 478 >. of Lichteenth street, N 26 by W 136; ,10. City ami County of Sau Francisco to Mary J, wadsworth. lot on xv corner of Solano and Mis sissippi streets, W 100 by 8 200; also lot on NW corner of Butte and Texas streets. \v 100 by _* 200: also lot on B line or Texas street, 105 S of Butte. H 100. Sfc 81:7, ,\K to point 105 sol Butte street, W to beginning: * same R. Ciar.; to H. C. mover, lot on AY line of Second avenue, 150 .N of Clement street. N 25 by W 120: »10. Mary A. M'cUabe to the Dominican College, lot on Vt ,lv» of "Nineteenth avenue. 325 s or Jfoint Lonos avenue. _. 25 by XV 120 »1. Sol and Dora del/, to I»-»vld Samuels, lot on \V line of Thirtieth avenue, 75 N of C street. N 75 br W 120: 8-120. Ann J. Stiles to William Hale, lot 14, Mock 3.2, Great Park Homestead Association: $10. sol and Dora Gats to Andrew J. McNlcolL lot on _ line of Twenty-seventh avenue. •'To S of J street, 8 26 by X 120: *10. .Jacob and Llna Hey man to Peter Harder, lot on s>v corner of I* street and Eighteenth avenue, W 67 by _ 100; $10. Same to L. s. and Mary Newcomb, lot on N line of P. street, 32:. W of Twenty-fourth avenue. \V 25 by N 100: 810. Hannah C. Paine to Frederick H. Gabb, lot 31 block 11. Flint Tract Homestead: gift- Mary Ellen Gorber to Augustus Mann, lot on S line of Trinidad street, 150 W of Mleehany, W 25 by s 100. block 151. South Sau Francisco Homestead and Kailroad: $100. Society of California Plo_eers to John F. Pink ham, lots 177 to 178, Valley Tour Masonic Ceme tery in E section of plat of Society of California Pioneers, quitclaim deed; $50. Johu F' Pinkham to Bralnard F. Smith, lot 178, same: $50. ALAMEDA COTNTY. W. s. Anderson of Los Angeles to Martha A. Anderson, lot 00 E line of Linden, street. 133-4 s of Twenty-sixth. J 33:4 by E las. being portion of lots 7 and 8. block K-b\'». -Northern Extension to da. land, Oakland: *5. Henry and Rebecca Rothschild to F. Emil Hoske, lot on h. line of treaty-first avenue. 102:6 Nor Kssl Twenty-second -tied. N 37:6 by E 1.5. East Oakland: $1. Mountain View Cemetery Association to Cip riauo Pt-drl-il. the E half of lot 121 in plat 30, luutala View Cemetery, Oakland Township: $105. *' K. S. and Lou J.Moore or Alameda to J. R. Fa-tun of Shasta, lot 011 N line of Laurel street. 61 W of Drove. W J. by N 76, being portion of lots 18 and 19, hioc. M, W. F. Kelsey Tract, Oak land; $10. (.'race. Shilling (wife of W. R.) of Oakland to L. O. Burpee of Oakland, lots 1 to 4, 9 to 13. in plat 17: also lots 16 ami 17 in plat 17, amended map, Lakeview, being a subdivision of plats 16 to In, Watson Tract, quitclaim deed, East Oakland: }5. M. .' and J. W. Laymance of Oakland to Mrs. B. Frils of Sau Francisco, lots 1 to 3. blocK a, amended map, Moss Tract, Brooklyn Township; $10. George B. and 3. -1. Hollenbeck to Sarah E. Baston. let on XV line of Dlmond avenue. 275 N of Hopkins street, N .0, W 185 to renter of Sausai Creek, tbence 8 ana W to a point '.75 N" irom the N line of Hopkins street. E335 to beginning, being lot 10. block A. Dimond Tract, Frultvale. Brook lyn Township; $1 0. George T. and Sophie L. YVright to Anton and En-i- Goldstein of San Francisco, lot on s line of Haight avenue. 100 E of Seventh street, £ 30 by S 132:6, Alameda: 810. Builders' Contracts. 31. Plche with Jean Saianave. alterations and additions to a one-story frame building on N line of Glover street. 91:6 W or Jones: *1225. Henry Kahn with Morrison A Cook, alterations and improvements to a frame bnllding on SE cor ner of California and Larkin streets; 47100. THE STOCK MARKET. There was a firm undertone yesterday and prices advanced without attracting any particular atten tion. Nothing of importance was received from the front, and the declaring of a dividend of 25 cents per share on Con. Cal. * Y'a. put the stock up Instead of down as was anticipated. Silver remained steady at 63V_c ln New York yesterday and 29"/ 8 i in London. A dividend of 256 per share has been declared on the Con. Cal. A Va.. payable on tne 14th. The Calitornia Drydock Company bat levied an assessment of $4 per share, delinquent January 5, 1895. In the Savage on the 950 level the drift from the new station is advanced 75 feet. At the end of this drift they are sinking a winze to connect with the seventh floor on the slope above the north lateral drift from tbe last drift on the 1000 level. On the 1000 level in the north lateral drift they continue to extract ore from the sill floor and upward to the seventh floor. J-CJBI The south drift started from tbe face of tbe east drift was advanced 10 feet, total length 90 feet: face ls iv quartz, clay and porphyry. Have started a north drift from ths shaft-station and advanced tbe same 10 feet: face Is in quartz giv ing some assays. On tbe 1050 level lv the south drift started from tbe east drift 30 feet from the south ore-stop-" tbey are sloping ore of fair grade, On the 1100 level they have drifted west follow ing the ore struck in tbe upraise a distance of 10 feet. During tbe week they have hoisted 82 ears of ore. tar-samples average $'_'_ 60 per ton. Shipped to Nevada mill 13- tons and milled 170 tons. Average battery assay $17. Bullion yield $2916. - Bodle— North drift from No. 1 winze 20 feet be low the 300 level was extended 4 feet : the seam of ore In face is from 4 to & inches wide and good grade. West crosscut 40 feet above the 300 level was extended 9 feet, formation porphyry. Up raise 60 feet above the 300 level was extended 20 feet: have some bunches of falr-gr^de ore in face, soutn drift from cast crosscut 30 feet above the 300 level was extended 19 feet: face porphery. Hoisted 16 tons of ore from the north drift from No. 1 winze below tho .'id level, balance from Workings above :_,'-■ -00; grade about the same as last reported. BOAfill -.ALES. Follow ing were the sales in tbe San Francisco Stock Beard yesterday: S _<=*.- j/rt yi'iNinn ii.tir.v.s:*n. 200 Andes.. ..SlllOO CC4V..4.4" '.DO 00h1r...3.20 •5 0 , 0 ---; *2 20 4 >/->''- 00 Ravage.. 100 BfcK Lr... . li _ 15... i) 7 _(j i B ....S5 25" ISoiiie.. ..88 700 Ki-iilucK.,os 100 8 111 II 0. 200 inlllon ...-.j.uu Mex... .1.30 Utah 10 , . IM **- 70100 IV- 150 1 JCM....6h 100 C P0int. .,64,1 j . ■ '■it B*roo_r fiFßl*lr>v— •->•-"-. 50 Andes.. ..(5. CCAV..4.55 ! 100 overra... .39 100 *e1c1.r....b- 250 _.t;ij .nos Nev_...B6 250 fc3!-.U000un...1.0.V100 . 87 400 Bodle ....91'd-O c Point. .58 lull . ' „88 100 8u11i0n.. .34J300 60I10U Utah.!;... 10 3'*9Cboliar...7o 450 Dan .1.00 to V .__]_-_' 67 100 71 a SO 0p_1r...3._010U 69 6000 imp... .021.00 3i /4 i Following were the sales in the Pacific Stock Board yesterday: -ICTT'.A"- f ■•• lO***— ' ',>.-.-_ 100 Alts 0. :K)iic P0int... 64 650 Ophlr. 3Vi -00 0711000 Excheq..(J*.|4so . ...;s'_'.i/» 400 Bodic_...i*B<'-ou O * .... bo _f,o .' .' 3 ___< 600 CboU»r...7U Ino 61 300 u-riao" 17 350 CCAV...1.4. .00 11 * N SI. bOSNev "*B7 6 ' 4V 2 silO K«utck...o6 300 Union... "b2 650 4.47V.!500 Mcx IV_ 1-0 _ *_.».. .«& inmviMS -E-8ION— 2:30. 300 Alta -Oi-OQ Ii A M.. 1.00*100 Ovrmn. . 18 400 ISA. 8.... 1.15.100 99 ;'6oPoto_l. 65 50 ....U.'-Ufl 1.05.00 Savage . . . 60 3(10 8u11i0n. ..3540<» 1.30250 .... _ 01 100 i i _ \ ... 60.00 Unh1r... .31/4 300 Ba_e_L'**ls 100 4.651.00 3.8... 100 Uni0n... .07 400 Excneq . .06 450 ....... ...3.40 100 Utah on SCO (» * C 63 150 3:* -*00 10 350... 65 I CLOSING Ot'Ol'ATlON'S. Tut-as Not. B—4 p. m- Sid.Aif.ed. Bid. A shed. Alpha C0a..... 00 07 Hale _ Norcrs. 1.00 1.05 Alia... 18 -.(! Jackson SO 60 Andes 63 •■..,! 1., _ _ 04 S4 86|Just*.ee 17 19 telle Isle 07 — KentucK 05 06 I estAßeicner. 1.15 1.21" Lady wash — OB Penion C0n.... — »0 Mexican 1.26 1.30 fcodie — 95!M0n0... 16 17 Bullion 35 36 Mount Diablo. 10 — f-'trer _ 10 Navajo. — 10 Caledonia. 10 15 Nev Queen — OH Challenge con. 35 —Occidental .. . — 04 tommonwltc. — oti(>pnir 3.35 3.40 «-hoiiar 73 74 Overman 1 »* 19 •on Cal 4 v*a_ 4.60 4.6&!loiosl 69 70 ton Imperial .. ol 113 .■»vn-r 60 62 li r.t.ornee 1.00 'SBJtMldesO. 14 16 lon New York — P.vfc-orp'-on — 07 frown Point.. 69 68 Mrrra Nevada 87 90 Fa-tSierraNev — 06 Saver lit!- 03 04 exchequer — (Syndicate — 03 Lureka «*5 -luluiK'ou 64 66 fcratidPriie... _ 06 I tan 09 10 l*</uid _ curry 0, 66, leiiow Jacnoi. 09 71 STUCK AND BOND EXCHANGE. Thursday Nov 8-2 p. w. Jo:.w. JHA. _i.>;.i_. BUI Atk'<%\ l" S 4s coup. .Hi _ tanks. Commercial— US 4*re_. . .115 — Aaaerß-tTC — — t'-l-siC-i-65.1-6-/_ — ADglo-C51.... — 65 CalElecL6s.lo9 HO Tank of Cai.. — 207 Cntra CV» SslOO 102% CaISOJtTCo. — 47 D|>nt-st ex-en 90 — 1- iisiNatloul- — 190 I E<l-n*__P6s.lo7~ / a llO Grangers — 90 I lAI-HRR6". — 110 Londont*A__l2o*yil2'- Ceary-stKss.lo6Volo7' > _!l.cndouASK. — 33% LosAi.g_,6s — "it 3 Mirc:i Ex.... II — I'o, i.nted, 6*. — 10.' Nevada 197 m__ — Mkt-siChlebsl'.o 124 SMhcr BCo. 91 100 MntgyAveos. — 15 Banks. Savings— NevC.NsK.s. 98 105 (.(•:. "A -Co. — 1860 NFCKK.S.IOI — llumo.-Ai_.looo — >hi HI — 107 Mutual — 38 U, NKy Cal 65.. — — -.t-DavUnion. — 485 . Oak Gas 65... 101 — SavA 10an. .110 150 ho, 2d in .- — 102 Security .250 — (iliiD'bus 81..116's — 1 1.0:1 Trust.- 35 _ PacßollM6s. Sired Railway— Do. . <: St. 101 /_ — California-.. 99 — P4 l) Ry 6i.ll'_ — Ofary-st. 86 .100 PdCHKj6s.. — 10. M;irket-.t_... 40' 4 -03;, "■wl-stKlt.s..loßV.llo Oak .SLA Hay — 100 Keno. -*>L_*Lloo 105 Presidio la — r.ivcr WCOSI — 100 jsuiter-5t..... — 100 Kh*NPKRSI '.'6 -***4 ; Powder— SPKKArix-a i.n-'.j: <(_'.. Atlantic I) .. — 27*4 SPRRCaI6s..IO7 — , California... — 100 MKRCalis.. — *■.;.<. iaui 19 20 SPErRCaI.s. 90 91V-j'unson 1' 2 4V^ ISV Water 61.. 118*4 — Yigorlt — ' \x _ ! SVWater4s.. 94 — Miscellaneous— i SuustTJtTbs. — — DCoalCo. — 80 1 M.tter-stK.s.lo4 — CalCotMills.. — — ! Vl_j-iaWC6»IOO 105 CaiCryUock. — — CalKlei-LCa. 83 — exocKs— Water. CalhlecWks. — — ContraC-SLa. 69 78*/ 101 101% • Mana Co — on j-asCouAssa. 14 — San Jos i- — 97 'HawCASCo.. 8"-4 9 frprliigVaiiey 97% 97% Hut< hSl* Co. 10», 4 -1% -as— jJuasocMr_C. — 10 j Capital — ' MerExAssfl. — 105 I Central 90 100 OccaDlcSSCo — 24 I Oak 6 LAB. 42 43 PacAuxFA... 1 Pr.c-aslTuD. 85V4 00 pac Borax... — 100 Pacific li.hl 63 66 'P:icl_:NC-... — 30 ! bat- **ranesc. 78 72% Pacßoll Mill. 35 — ' fctockton.., — bo IParfPaintCo. 7 9Vi Insurance— lanrnnsOo. — 35 lren._L.sKd 155 — Pac lAT Co. — 61 Oak Home... — — sunset I*l.. — 45 Sun — 85 (United CCo.. — .a XtIIINIVH __m_-__*. Board-75 S V Water, 97%. AFTEHNOON M.SSION. Board— 63 hdls 11 Ll„!,t A Power Co, 101; 10 Market-st P.allway. 403 8 ; $5000 SP Branch Rail v...v i'ond*. 90' 4. street— so Hutchinson S T Co, 11' ; 25 S V Water, 97-'~ 1 . -• — ♦ — • HOTEL ARRIVALS. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL. B D Murphy A wl, ft Ar F A Hoare. Healdsbur_ A L Brown * fy, Ncwrk Mrs B A Brown, Newark C H BfltU, Los Gatos Mrs B P Curtis, Wlnemca F H Smith * <sn.Lake Co L R Penrvu A wf. Sou Co G Chappell. *_ SN L J Schwartz, U S N D Laughliu. Jose John Wilson, sau Mateo Jos llaminel, Chicago l- Gateiy, Santa Cruz M Latimer, IJB> a V Matlock, Omaha R J Rodman. Kaltlmore John v, atsoo, DS.N B MeManus. Vallejo T ~ Harding, Portland TDenmao, l sn Mrs('i.!dman,4 chn.P Ara Miss O Coates, Pt Arena Ms i'hllllps, Siskiyou R Sterling. Eureka C A Mooney, Eurr.a YV l ("ibbons. Wyoming li F Walter, Portland T B Hall. Vancouver C Foster, Merced A Marr. Colusa Co A King, Los Gatos J 11 Blackwell. San Jose PALACE HOTEL. H A Anderson, Boston D J McLaughlin, Grass v J F Call ban .t w, Boston C A Mackenzie. Grass Vy M L Kristin. V » Navy J V ('unniiii--jam,Sia (rs C J C Taylor, New York A Ii Po lock. Stanford G O Feet. New York tl Levy A wf, N Orleans YY* W Stevens a w.Phl.'ad C 'i Phillips, sn Luis Obo I F McLaughlin, Orovllie J V' Li-hint. Cbicaco YV Garland, Los Angeles C F Taylor. New York C < D Moore. Philadelphia A G Piatt. New York J J Mercier, Switzerland J Kraus, New York D Melone & w.Oa_ Knoll A*a Kimball a w.wiuims ' It Efiey, Santa Cruz Mrs B All swort. X V Cty NEW WESTERN HOTEL. M Hoff. Bakers-eld 1 Mudson Merced F Co- ? -ove, san Rafael Ed Bkataan, Sacramento .1 O'Connor. Walnut (J vc J Cummin. 3. Wat Grove V," J Larsons. Nev City Dll Fitzgerald. s Joso A li Avers, itlo Y'ls'a N st ~ Rio V| a L Leavey. sauta Clara YV Vogue, Angel Island J C Duffey, San D:eg i C R Lane, Denver R Dietzman. Jamestown J Bower, Seattle V - lielter, Vallejo I Steers, Montana X Wlehoff. Chic... • R Rudnick, Tacoma II A Murphy, Merced MARKET REPORTS. Thursday Nov. _. BTCIC-tA-IV OF THK MARKETS. Flour advanced 15c per bbl, YVheat hardening. Barley very firm. Oats, Corn and Rye dull. Heavy arrivals of Beans. Hay steady. No change in Potatoes. Butter firmly held. Eggs off again. Game steady. More i. astern Poultry in. Persimmons in market. Wine Grapes going oat. Provisions unchanged. "New York Markets. New Y'obk. Nov. —There was an unsettled tone to the speculation on the Stock Exchange to-day. As a result of tbe trading a majority of the shares dealt in recorded higher prices la the final sales, the gains ranging from V. to 3* per cent. The weakness of the London market and selling for the foreign account depressed the mar ket at the opening, and under the leadership of Manhattan, Sugar, Union Pacific. New Jersey Central and Denver A Rto Grande preferred a de cline of 1 percent and under was effected. The pressure to sell was slight and did not con tlnuo long, buyers coining to tbe market whose purchases caused a sharp Improvement, extend ing to 1 per cent, in which l.akc Erie and Western preferred, Burlington. Rock Island, Canada Southern, Norfolk aud Western preferred. Lead Western Union, Sugar. St. Paul and Missouri Pacific were most prominent. bis was followed by a partial res. tlou, a slight rally, and then by a small retrograde movement in v/uich the stocks mentioned were the principals. Later specula tion began to grow strong, and some of the specialties came into favor Minneapolis snd St. Louis sold up 2' _-. Laclede Gas preferred 2*»/ 8 , Illinois Central .'4. Colorado t uo: _*■£, Sugar 13 .-„ and St. Paul and Omaha IV.. The advance was maintained up to delivery hour, when a gen eral liquidation set iv which sent figures down -/_f'*>l 1,4, tbe Heaviest shares being Pacific Mall and Burlington or the active list. Tbere were a few slight rallies in the final trad ing, but tbe market in the main was heavy at the close, the grangers notably so. ihe early ad vances were not lost, however, and compered with yesterday's closing gains are made of '_C_ in Minneapolis and St. Louis. 2'.i In Illinois Central, 1 J ,_ in St Paul and Of—fas, Colorado Fuel and Cotton Oil preferred, lVi in Sugar aud 1 per rent in St Paul. .Minnesota and Manitoba. Other fac tional advances wen mad" and some declines, the only one over a fraction being Pacific Mai., wbich is down l l a per rent. The bond market was again marked by con siderable strength and activity, sad there was a better distribution oi business than for some time past. All tbe prominent issues were heavily traded in. generally showing a material apprecia tion from yesterday's closing fig- res Tne sales of the day were $2,124,000. Government bonds firm. State bonds quiet, ''nl-rosd bonds strong. Petroleum steady; Pennsylvania oil sales, none: December option sales, none, closed -'_'; bid. Lima oil sales, none. OS-Ll*** AND MICRCHANI'tSK Wheat— November, &6*:/ l .> Flour — steady. Wool— Quiet. ' Hops— Steady. Flgtron — Dull. . Tin— Barely steady; Straits, $14 M*V_#M 55; plates dull. spelter— Quiet: domestic, $3 3G<_)3 ',7y . Lead— Quiet; brokers' price for bullion, S3: exchange prire tor spot, S3 12 >/_--<*; 15. Copper— Steady, brokers' price, I • 00; oxebange price. $9 60@9 66. Sales on change: 200 tons May tin, $14 65: M tons s. o. this year, one day's notice, $14 50: lv ions April, $14 50; 26 tons S. o. to May, 1 day's notice, $14 45. Colfee— options opened irregular at 5 points de cline to 16 points advanC). further advanced stg> 10 points on foreign buying and better cables. Later eased off 011 local pressure, but closed un changed to 1 ( (Cct. l points sidv-iii c. Sales, 30.2 50 bags, including: November, $13 60@13 7": i».c-i_ her. $12 *;o©l- 80: January, Hi 20®12 30: March. fl-' 55@12 70: April, $11 55: May, $11 30011 4J. Boot Coffee— Rio. market firm; No. 7, 15V_c. Mild— Market steady: Cordovs. Is-jbi'ic: sacs 1000 bags. Bio No. 9. 11--*4 c: 5000 oags Santos, 15c; -00 bags Rio. 13-**-ic: -000 Mararalb ; „0_ Savafiitiaat p. t., and 1000 mats interior Pedaug spot at $27 51@3- 75. - ■*s • cantos— Firm; good average Santos, 12$000; re THE MORNING CALL, SAN FRAXCISCO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, ISO 4. ceipts. 17.000 bags; stock, 432,000 bags; cleared Cioni J'a'itoj November 5, 31,000 ba.s. Hamburg — Quiet; prices "a pfg lower to **>*. pig higher; sales 4000 bac». Havre— irregular: •'*,r^ii/ 4 r advance. At noon 0.111-1. nucliaii-ed: at 3 r. m. steady, un changed. Closed steady at l''«@_r advance. Total sales, '.-.UO. bags. •-1 • Rio— Quiet-. No. v Rio. 11S700: exohanee. 11-.d: recelots. 7000 bags; cleared for the United Mate-. 11,000 b.igs; for liuropa. 4000 bags: slock, _64.(>0() hies. Warehouse deliveries Irom New York yesterday 1878 baas: New York stock to-day. 1:: 1.073 ban: United Mites stock, 193.984: afloatJortbe United Mates, 286.000: total visible for the United Males. 459,849 bags, aj-alnst 438,800 bass last year. Bu-r-r— Raw, steady; lair r-nnlne. 3e; Centri roaml, 96 test. 8%; sales. 350 tons Muscavalo. 96 test, at tic: 3.00 i.a.s molasses sugar, 96 test, at 8 9-16 C: refined market 1 (_):«-1 c hlcher: No. 6, !***4#S 15- 16 c; No 7, 3 l-l> -****i,c; No. 8. -4tX*(-| i3-16c; No. 9, .%-**>:» li-i6c; No. 10. 3- H « 3 la-16c: No. 11.3it,ft». 9-16 c: No, 11, .6 X6la) 3%c; No. 13. 31-4. ; off A. 3t%«a4VaC: mold A, 4 <-16@4%c: standard A. 4 l-li@4i4; con fectioners' A, 4 l-lP®4>4c; rut loar. 4" iM ft l-16c; crushed. 4%©5 I-16C: powdered. I 7 la _ ;^c; granulated. 4 ;j-.6 v a,4'.a''; cubes, 4 7-16© 4"iilC. " ' . Chlcaso [Markets. Chicaoo. Not. B.— Owing to renewed and energetic talk of wheat dine, the wheat market was narrow but firm la tone. The range of prices was % cent per bushel Improvement at tbe open ing, and that was the gain with which the market closed. Corn dull and heavy, losing & a c or Its previous value. Provision, were firm and higher, oats rolloxved corn, losing %c ror May. Wheat received a lift at the st. from the re marks on feeolug, and reduced exportable surplus iliere.'iom In tot- Cincinnati Price Current. May, xvhlcn closed yesterd * with sellers at6-*>_c, opened at from J-S^esgc, but with salts freely lUHdc at both extremes. Liverpool cablegrams quoted a steady demand ror wheat at Vie decline in price. Max vibrated nearly all day between SS-'ic and 59i/«c. it touched 59 Vie at onetime, but at the close lt was &>• gC. Corn was sustained for a short time by the firm ness or wheat, bnt that was insufficient to over run..- the apathy of the traders. May opened at 50t_r sold a- high as . 0 -*•«,'*'> JlT'iC,' and at the close it was 49** / «c.. There was very little trading in oats. Kay started at :t'__ a c, sold down i.. :--.>i and back to 3-> -C. touching Sl***-c and closing- at S*_e Piovisinfis were firmer. Pork at the close was 2_*v^c higher, lard loc. and ribs l_**,c over yes terday's close. Ihe leading futures ranged as follows: ** heat No 2— j short Kins per 100 lbs. Highest. lowest I Highest. Lowest. Nov -53'-\'d,n s:'* 4 f.<an .6 lv *' 95 '••"C 54! i .3 :, ,i May $6 17V a $6 16 May 59V,r 68 _• Mess For* i.r nb.— I Corn No 2— Jan.. .Sl2 OH* si i f'_V_l >ov 51' ie 60S I hard per 100 to, I>ec SO", c 49* Jan... .*7 02*,*, *6 85 May M*)_C 49*''8C May.... 4,7 15 $7 00 i Cash Quotation, were .is follows: Hour — Steady unchanged. No. 2 Spring Wheat. 67-" 8 c: No. 3 Spring WMat, nominal: *>o. _ i'ea,&l'..c: No. '* Corn, 51 ■y'z.Sl-i.tC; mine Timothy BeM. $535: Mess Fort. » hoi. »1- -.'5-. Lara. ■» 100 lbs., If 690 (d>7 05: Short kids sides noose). to icfi fg»6 30: Dry salted shoulders (hoxedi, as B .- 5' 4 . ; snort Clear Sides boxed), *_*y ß @6V',: xxmskv. distillers' tnlshed goods, is gat. «l 23: Sutars— Cut Loar, unchanged: uranula'ed, unchanged; standard A. unchanged. •in the Produce j-xenange to-nav the Butter mar ket was firm. Cream «-ry. 11 (tJ-M'-C; dairy, 12© 20c Eggs firm, I.' ..r^-JOc. II II HUH a Hobs— Receipts, 42,000: ofbclal yesterday. 37. --229; >li!|.'heiiis. 9913: ielt over, about .-5.0: quality not as good as for last few days: market active, tit easy, and prices average tail 6c lower. Sales rauce at *1 1( fcji CO tor light; .*{l 1- (_l 30 tor rough packing; $4 j'^i; i,i fur mixed: *4 35 @t 75 for heavy pact lug and shipping lots, and $2 4C@l 35 for figs. Catlie— Kecelnls. 11.500: active and Arm at an n..v..:.C' of f.@loc. Compared with r*-»terrtay's quotations the .ivera-es of prices was :**llo ni.hi-r. Sales were on a basis of $1 15«4(! li lor natives, CI 7C@i 80 for Westerns and if 1 30^ 3 40 tor Texan. bbeep— Receipts 18,000. Sbeepand Lambs were at a decline Ihe prevailing prices for the former were *-'_•-£©: and for trie 1.-ntersH 7i(e}l 15. Ten head of (aa.y SO-tr. sneepbri.u-iit $ .6 ami titer. were sales of Limbs $1 .((*,! 25. Quotations range from $1 '. .<£_ '.'5 lor Sheep and from $175 _>1 .5 for Lambs. Sales of Sheepskins. London, Nov. *.— At the auction sale of she?p skins to-day 3513 bates were offered. There Was I a go. d attendance, but competition to some ex j tent reflected the difficulty or Industry and be j trayed hesitation. A majority of the offerings | wcres-ld. Lin--_rown merino sheepskins were | ;t farthing di'Wii: shirt unchanged. Cross-breeds ; were up part ot » fart. .lng Following are the sales in detail and the prices obtained: New south Wales— bales; clothing aid conibinj, 2**.' s '*l'»Vid. Queensland— 3lo bales; clothing and combing. !l _ -a 5. -fed. _ : ' isO". 1 -i 1. Queenstaaa— 3lo oales: clothing and r.imhlng. sd. South Australia- 1255 baies: clothing aud combing, *_'■/■'#*>'*.',_. Sw-n Klver— 3- bale;; cloth! and combing, ' 3,©i I. T -mania— -36 bales: rlotblng and combing, -Mo. .New Zealand- 5 -6 bales;, clothing and combing, l-..r<_*"Vl Caps ... liood Hope a-.d Natal— 60 bales; cloth : lug nad combing, 2%**>l*j_d. California. Fruit Rales. Chicago, Nov. B.— The Earl Fruit Company J sold California fruit at auction to-day, realizing tbo following prices: To. ay Grapes, double crates. .-••_ 35(J,2 05: Cornlcboii. half crates. $1 -.5 @1 -0; double crates, •_ 45: Emperor, half . rates, jl -i-ijl 45: Muscat, double crates, $2; P.Barry Pears, t 50: KeHer. $1 80; $1 65; Oie..*i 3- :<j,l 40; Neilis, CI 30. Omaha Livestock Market. Omaha, Nebr., Nov. B— Cattle— Receipts, 4000. There was rather more inquiry for stock and feeding steer*, and 'rices as a rule were a shade : firmer all around. Cows, $'-(_*- J; feelers, $. 75<<j I 3 50; calves, si -- ®'i. Stocks in London. New York. Nov 3.— The Evening Post's London cablegram: The stock market was very Idle to day pending the settlement on Monday. Profit taking caused a relapse In Americans but prices clos*d above the worst. Foreigners were easy, the Paris markets becoming weaker an a consols rising again nearly to tee highest point touched. The China loan is at a small discount. NEW YOLK STOCKS. Bonds, Exchange, -Money aud Railroad siinres. Money en call easy at IJ*: last loan. 1"': closed at 1%. Time loans easy, being offered at 2*4% tor 6 months. Prime nit roan tile paper. 2V.ff§3V_^. ster ling exchange firm, w tin actual business in bankers' bills at .4 BT*V_#< 87% lor demand and ft HO' i"* 4 bbf-H for sixty days. Posted rates. 14 87%_4*M ■•»» and .-?' 88V.&4 89 Commercial bills, $4 os';a ©4 x /d,. Silver certificates. .4 V,c. c-ooRiN-o RTOr-K_ Atchison B% Northern Paciflo. .. 4*.- Adams Express ...;42 i Preferred 18* vi Alton, Terre Haute iV. p. Den. A Gulf.. li»/s Preferred 198 Northwestern U. American Express. » :oVi Preferred 143 Amer. cau 'tobacco 99*SijN. V. Central 100 Preferred 106 N. _. * New Eng.. »i*/ a Bell Telephone 194 Ontario A x* estern 16 Baltimore A- Ohio 07*/ Ore-run Improvnit. 12*4 Canada Pacific .. (>]*<_, Oregon Navigation 91 annas Southern.. 61 '/. Oregon Short Kins. 7 Central Pacific 18-Hl' aclfic Mall -*'_i/j ( lies. A Ohio reorla D. A Evns.. .**,% Chicago Alton 144 Pittsburg 156 Chicago, B. A O 74Vh Pnllman Palace 158 Chicago Gas. 7">V_ He. ding 18 Consolidated Gas..l27V_ iilchmond Termini 17** i C. C. C. A- Ml. Louis 3" j Preterred 'i-'V, Colo, coal a Iron.. 9"*,iltkGrsndeJt Westn 16 Vs Cotton Oil Cert 97* M Preferred 41 Del. Hudson 127 Rock Island «3"/g Del.LackAWesternl6oV.iSt. L. a 8. F. lstDt Denver * R.G. pta :'UT_->t. Paul.... 67y 3 Dlsttlleis 10 i Preferred l'JO'/* East Tennessee 11 j St. Paul A Omaha.. 34-"*4 Erie 14 , Preferred .110 Preferred 28 Southern R X l'_% Fort Wayne. 157 Prof in 40 Great Northern 100 V_ Southern 1-aclflc... 19V_ Chicago * E 111 pfd 94 Sugar Refinery ■"'••' a Hocking Valley ... is"* lecn. C al *- iron, i' • 2 Illinois Central 92 Texas Pacific. lo*y_ St Paul A Dulutb. 21 '/a' Tol a (> Cen pfd. 75 Kansas* Texas pr. 23 Union faeifle I'-Vs Lake Erie A Westn 1 7 li IC. h. Express 42 Preferred 73', \*ab. St. 1. A Pic 6*^ Lake Shore. 133":'. Preferred 14*.„ Lead Trust 4 1 V. "A ells Fargo 10j Louisville * Nash. 5*»".<4 Western Union ... 88 Li.iiisvilleAN'ew Al 71 ; Wheeling A L E.. 1 ''i Manhattan Consol. 8 | Preferred 4(M ._ Mcmohls A- Charts Ii Minn, a St. Louis. 29 Mexican Central... 7 Denver * Kin... 12*-,* Michigan Central. . 97*yi Ueneral Electric. .. 3d < 4 Missouri Pacific... '-'.' National Ltnso.d.. 10 Mobile A Ohio.. ... 19 (Colo. Fuel A Iron.. 25 Nssbvllle ... 68 , -Preferred 68V, U s Cordage l'-V_ H. A lex. Cent ... 2V» Preferred. _o>/ ? 1 AA *N Mich.. 6 N.J. Central Oil's Tot St.LouisA&.C- J V*. Norfolk A West pf. it-*}*, i'reteirsa 6 North American... 4C_' n.osiso *» r >srr>*. U Sflg. IHH-fllUrt llfjljltsti A BO 7s 112 Do. coupon llSi*v 2 : Do, 4S h.(-*'. Do. 4s registered. Ilb Erie 2ds 72*/ l Do. coupon ......il_V2 "H* sabs - »-, 1i... 2s reg 96 , Dc 7s 515 Psclflcesof '96....101 11 A Tex Cent 3s... iota-, AiaciassA 10.' I Do.cs 81 Do, Class B 106 MX A T first 45... S3 Do. Class C !l2"s_' Do. second 45... 45 Do. Currencies. 92V. Mutual Uniou 85...105 Louisiana stmod 4s 95 JN J Cent den 55... 1 is Missouri es 100 Northern Pac lstS.ll_V4 h Carolina 6s 123 Do. 2ds 88 Do. 4s • 89 [Northwest Consoisl4l Non-fund l v 5 Do. a--beulurcss. 1 0 _»nn new set 65... 794 R Grande West lata U9i :, 102 H. Paul Consols... lilo Do 3 St. Paul. c.v .1:2 Tennold 6s 60 StLAlronMlGen 79 Centuries,. ..... SSTs S L A S F Sen M... 96 Do. deferred 7* _ Southern BBSs.. 871.-, Atchison 4S 6S*y 8 Tex Psrlt'n- firsts... 89-*. Do. 2d A.. '-0 Tex Pse seconds. ■_«". Csnsds South *_-5.106/4 Colon Pacific lii-,.lii_i-, Cen Pacific lsts....lo*_s 4 "" ' e »* snore 4s io. Forelgn Markets. II FAT IN LIVERPOOL Liverpool « Nov. 8. —The spot market Is quiet st 4s lid. Cargoes are firm at 24s foi off coast, 24s 3d lor prompt shipment and 24s lor nearly due. futures. The Produce Exchange cables gives the follow- In. Liverpool quotations lor No. _ Red Winter: November, 4s6'<'l December. 4s 7d: January 4s 70; Eeornary. 4s "' -ti; March, 4s "Vo-: April. 4s7*&d: May, 48 Sd. - SItCURITIKS, London. Nov. B— Consols. 102 7-16; Sliver, 29' 8 d; French Rentes, io2f _sc. Fortl-J*.'!*- r.u.sino,.. Portland. Or., Nor. B.— Clearances. $222,. 2*,!-: bataocea, *27.116. Wheat— Valley, 72*/ 2 @75c: Walla Walla, t>s@ Ob'_c ctl. p"x- li Hire and Bullion. Sterling Exchange, .0 days — $4 S7 Sterling Lull. ii. c, _ 4 S8 New YorK Exchange, signs — ID New York l.xchange, telegraphic. — 12"/"i Flue Silver, spot fi ounce* _ 63V_ Fine Sliver. 30 days _ 63*» Mexican Dollars 53 52',_ Produce .Market. FLOUR— Prices have advanced 16c all around. Net casb prices are as follows: Family extras, $3 25@3 35 V hid: Bakers' extras, S3 15®:' 25: supernne. $2 15©2 40 "_> bbl. WHEAT— The tendency ts upwar_. Prices have advanced considerably during tbe past sixty days, though the dally appreciation is annost Imper ceptible w>. 1, _-#B*-"4e; choice. 87 "ac: "it crades, 70-CS2V."*: extra choice for milling, 90© 96i. t c; W a i'ii ■■ ;i la Wheat, 7"V.@7*- /' for fair average. 80A82t.e for choice heavy. 72y>@75c for No. 2 and .s©t>7c 3 cil inroff grade. CALL BOARD SALES. Informal Baa-ios— 10 o'clock— May — 100 tons. M*v_e; 100, I a**-*.-; 700, 99V.C; 1500, 99"/ 6 c; 2000. 99c: 3000. i'-'sc. Rkoitlar Moiimnu skssion— May- 800 ton*. --**,!'; 2900, PB*¥_< i -00, it-" c: 100, 98V4C: 900. i"<' ,c December— l2oo, 89'";_ c: 700. Bi*s_c: 100. KtUfctt Aftkrnoon Session — May — 700 tons. 988; 4.0. 981 nf. 400, 9-O/iC; 800. 98** c; .400. »S *■,-_. December— ico. S:( ; '*c; 100,6914 c. BARLEY— Price-, remain undisturbed. Feed. 80©*2-'ic %>• ctl lor or.huarv and 83**-4@Hsc fl cil choice bright-. Brewing, 87V.©90c i* ctl. CALL HOARD SALES. . Informal B-E-M1 — 10 o'clock— No sale?. Regular Mofe*. _i caatoir— May— 00 tons, 94**, 8 c: 100. 94' ..c. December— 100, 87 V<.c; 100, 87Hc; 100, 87 -so Aftkrnoon, session— May— loo tons. 94 ie: 100. 95c. OAT.-— Stocks show uo decrease. Trade con tinues dull. Milling are quotable at $1 05© 112V_flct*: fancy Feed. $1 02' .©: 07 V_ Vied: pood to choice. B-CJOOI; common to fair, SO© 90c: lU©l 20: i*i«etc. $1 15(31 30: Cray, 85c©$*.. Surprise.*! 10@1 15flctl C- EN — But crs refuse 10 pay the advanced ask ing prices, hence 1 line Is no trade. Larce Yellow, $1 '.o©l 2- 1* ill asked; Small Round Yellow, $1 3.(^1 SOae-M; White.*l 40 fl ell sssed. RYE—Q uieter and more treely offered at y0(3)95c fl ill BKAN'-Quoted at $12 50&13 50 "S ton. MIDDLI OS- I* 10 at *16 St'@lSfi ton. HAT— Steady and unchanged. Wheat is quot able at $9@l:t 50 f* ton; Wheat and oat, $8 50©i2 50 flton: Barley, *-@10 50: -at, -9© II 6"; --»9: (lover. $9©11; Com pressed, 59&19 50: Mock. $f@7 V ton. STRAW— Quoted at 50@70c fl i.ate. MILi.SM'i-1- Or. ani aid nolle. l Barley quot able at $17 00018 f ton: Oilcake Meal, .*.'S r* ton wholesale and $37 50 Jobbing: Cottonseed j oilcake. $: J 0 "? ton: Bye Flour, 3*/*-C f» lb; Kye I Meal. 3c f» It. -. Graham Flour, 3c; oatmeal. 41 4 c *r' Bk; ("at Gloats. sc: Cracked Wheat. SV,-: Buck : wheat Flour. sc; Pearl Barley. 4"i©i*-',c V ID. BI.CKWHfc.AT— at $1 204* 85 *-l ctl. CORN Ml -\L. ETC —Table ileal. o©3Lt.c: Feed 1 Corn. $2K@27: (racked Corn, $28 Sl'©" 750 fl ', I ton: Hominy. 4Vj«-l :; (" «* lb. SEF;ds— Yellow .tlustard quotable at $2 3l'@2 40 j **** ctl; Trieste, »2 ..-'iv' 35: Native Brown. '-'(•<$ Ji ,c fl tti: Ftai ■-..-. .5 ~v* ctl: Canary, :'@4<- "j* lb; I Alfalfa, Sic-' ■ ***• lb '«"" tali and 7<j7L*»c lor Cali • fornia: Rape, '-'©-V4C > lb; Hemp. 3** («()•, 'ic *? tb. DRIED PEAS— Nile* 01 35®l 50: nom- Inal; Split Feas, 5.-.c V lb. BEANS— Necrlt 10.V00 sacks came In yesterday. S ! The m>ik.t continues w. ak. Kayo«, $l <..0(a,2 : ] I Small Whites. #1 75©2 : 0: Fea. $I*7s©-' 35: Lady ; Washington, $1 *-> 1.- 20: Larce Whiles. $175© , , 2 20: Pink. 01 25*| ] 35: Reds. $150©1 KO: Blacn : eye, $3 50% i 60: Red Kidney. $.'©3.25: Lima. $4 10@l 20; Butt-is. $1 76@l 85 for small and $2 ©2 10 >' etl for large. POTATOES— Nothing new. Sweets. 4u@soc: \ Early Rose, ::i -;_*».■; River Reds. (NXOSSe; Bur banks. :.,->(•:■ l"( : I>> -.-:i nurbanks, 4l'(d80C: SalluH ! Burbanks. 80 *§0I %i cti. I ONIONS— Me-kal '.6©*sc -j* Ctl. BUTTER— Some dea.ers _;, inclined to hold ! Creamery for more money, but tte majority ! 1 bane buck. Creanery descriptions are quotable at 2-.'©22V«!C f». tb: Hairy squares. l*-@2uc fl tb; 1 fancy Dairy rolls, 19($'.Uc: good to ciioice, 15© 18c: store batter, 14c: pickled roll. 17©18 c: I firkin. 15(10. 8c: creamery tub. lß**J-0c tp It. I'Hf.hM- liood to choice mill, new. It.© lie fl : It.; common. B@9c i-» tb;Toeoa America. 10©llc; , , Eastern, ' '-.0i1..' r Western, ll@l2c t*S lb. POULTRY— Turkey i are low,, a: .r.-nnd and ■ weak. Bens and Boosters still overstock tt.e mar- I ket. Still another cur of la-tern came in yester : day and sale were made at lOctor Turkeys. $3 50 for 1 UK--, $4 50 lor Bens and young Roosters. $1 for oid Boosters and $ for Springs. California \ Stock sells as foil ws: I iv.- Turkeys. !(a.l:'i- for i Gobblers. > gi :c tor Bess: Pressed Turkeys, 12 ] ©15c f» IB- i.-.-se. r- pair, tl 50*iJ2: Ducks. »3®5: ] Mens, $.©-50: Boosters, young, $3 50©4 6 1 > i doz: do, old. $3 50© 1 *^ <loz: Fryers. $3 60: Broilers. 03©3 00 l«l large, and $2 60 for small: Pi-moo*, fl 75©l 60 fl dozen ror young, and 1 $]@1 25 for old. GAME— heeetpts were moderate and prices were ' stea ly. yuall. SI 30 fl lard. _. (+5 .*>" i'anvaslj;*ck, $ ©' *-pri-r, »2 25©2 75: Teal, $-. (a : 2 -.'5: Widgeon. $1 60@1 75: -mall Puck. $150: : Gray V.eesc. $1 50©2: White Geese. 75c@H ; Brant. i $li«_l 25: English Snipe. ol ST)©.: Jack Snipe, Si© 1 .5: Hare. 75<@*1: It-bblts, >! 25©1 50 for Cot- , to-tail* and $.1.41 25 t* dozen tor small. ROUS— The ir -Mcl continues to decline. East ! em are quotable at •_(»'?$"-2 c *f> dozen for common to choice and 22>r-©-'4c for fancy: California store F.itgS, '_o©j;'h-; ranch Eggs. 27'/,©'.BV-C fl doz. wit 30'- as an extrrme flrrure for fancy. " HONEY— *-,'>;' ll Vie t» lb; water-white X tracted. 7©7 Vie: light, amber extracted, S'/aftSSc; dark amber. s'<i>s*y«|C *pi th. BEESWAX— Quoted at 24@.6c *| 0). ORCHARD jrHClTS— Persimmons ere on the : markets; $I©l 28 J box. Pomegranate". 40SJ.5C V" box Quinces. 30'a»50r; Fears. 25©t>6c: Apples. 7t©»Cc tor choice to fancy and 3!%65: t' box for Common to good. GRAPE"*— Receipts of Wine Grapes are droo ping off an. I tl e-. will soon iilsappear. Table Oral are firm. Corntebea. 4l»©6(lc; Black Grapes. 30© sue ***) box: Musc-ts. *0©»0c: Verdells. 40@5uc V box: Tokays. 4U©soc >. box, according to color: crate* sell 10016 higher than boxes; Zlnfandel Wine Grapes, $**@14; Missions, *10 ©12 fi ton: Chasselas. *?©:<. , BERRIES— Cape Cod Cranberries are all cleaned • up Oregon Cranberries, however, are obtainable $11 6.©12 *$ bbl: liaspb-rrles. $6©6 *0 chest: Strawberries, $2 50©5fl chest lor large berries and $7©lo for Lon. worths: Huckleberries, .tgitt. jr, lb. CITRUS FRUITS — I. rrto Oranges. $3 50 fl box: Lemons. $"fc.4 fl box for Common and "*4 s('©s 50 tor good to choice: Mexican Limes, $3 (3,4 V box; I'ananas, $l©2 f. bunch: Pineapples, ! $2 5093 50 fS dozen. Ditii D FROlTS— Prunes, lour sizes, 4V@sc; ] smaller six's (. much lower; Apples, 4c for -1 tered, 4 VitSric tor sliced and e(a.t>V_c for evaporat ,ed ; Bleached Peaclie>, .".©lict Apricots, _@7c for j lair to choice mil 7V.©**c for f_-.:cy Moor part: : Pears. 5c for evaporated halves and 3@lc fl lb for quarters; Plums. .©sc for pitted and IVt-Op-O for impute I; Figs, black, 3c for pressed ami I'.' -©2c for unpressed: White Nectarines, 6 V_©7c fl tr.: Red Nectarines. S'f.-ioyc. RAIsINS AND DRIED GRAPES— We quote as follows: Raisins— four-crown loose, 4V*[C f* tb: S-crown, Sc 01 lb: '-'crown. '-V-C t* tt>: seedless j Sultanas, 3',iu fi Xt ; seedless Muscatels, 2*~^c; 3 -i-rown London layers. $125 fl box: clusters. $160; Defies* clusters, $2: Imperial clusters, $3; 4-crown loose, 8 1 15: 4 crown loose, faced, $1 25 I y. box. Dried Grapes— l*"4c t* ID. Ml'S— Chestnuts are quotable' at 12U,cflIb: ! for Italian and lie tor Eastern. New Wal- I nuts, BVi©loc for paper-shell and softshell and 5© 7cforbardsnell: new Almonds, 4". ©be tor hard shell, 7"/-@B^_c for softsheil and 9@loc for paper shell; Peanuts. 6@Bi: ***) lb for Eastern and 1 V^c Tor f-alirornla: Hickory Nuts. s©6c: Pecans, 6c for rough and 8c fl lb 'or polished: Filberts. B*/.* «-,''•■: Brazil Nuts. 7©7V_C \4 *b; locoanuts, $1© : 4 50 fl 100. VEUETABLF*S— Mushrooms. 6© too fl lb for common and l'Ji.'.OlSc for Buttons: Dried Okra, {lSeftlti; Eec riant. •-'.' (»r)or "frt box:* Cucumbers, 1 25©35 cfl box: Green reppers, ; 6@soc; Dried I Peppers, lo©r.'Vi >( ' lb: Tomatoes. 3.©50 cfi Dx: I. lnn I. cans, '.@.'iyC fl lb: Marrowfat Squash, ; as®! fl ton; Cabbage, 50 ode -fi ctl; Feed far mis. So© ioc : Uarllc, '.©-VsC fl lb. Provision's— Prices run aiou. witbout much variation. The New York circular of Clapp * Co. vats: "Live hog receipts re less than early tail I expectations. Pigs continue in lame supply at minimum prices. Packers have apparently aided the decline in bogs, and the product, as is usual for them to do Just ab Ut the time a packing sea son begins. Sheep and cattle have seldom been ln lar.e r supply or much lower In price. Fiices have lie-lined about 20 the past Mxty d.vs. Ibis would Indicate thst It l-aliont time to enlist on the buying side. Packing to date 7.995,000. In 1893 " Bacon. 10*..c V ft. for heavy and 1 1 c V tt. Tor hrlit medium; 12c "i*. lb for 11. lit and l-i'-o Lie for extra Bgtit; Eastern sugar cured Hams. l.@l_Vic: California Hams. ll'^© 12c: Fastern Lard, tierces, (jS, 4 c for compound and 91.4 c Tor pure: palls, 10c; California t erces, 6*-4.- for coin).. and 81.-C for pure: batf-bbls, 9c: 10-lb fins. 91-c *< lb: do. 6-lt», Die; Mess Be. $7(g»; 50 fl bbl; extra mess do. $Bf<_ - 50; family do. e:u<ki 1 : extra prime Fork. *li©l 2 50: extra clear. $19 51»@20 *** bbl; mess, IJIB-. .-mokod Beer. 10c flib. HOPS— Quoted at 6@7c "$ it, for good to choice. HIDES AND SKINS— Heavy salted steers quot able at < ©'ii If) lb: medium, Mar>>^c -. light. 4c; cowhid.-s, 4c: salted Kip. 4c; salted ( alf. C_o7c: silted V. al. '.c: dry Hide-, ususl selection, 7V.C: dry Kip. *(>@l2c: dry Calt, lo@12c; prime Goat skins, _o_k_oa each; Kids, 5.- ; Deerskins, good summer. '.'s@3oc: medium. 1 5 2 2; 1 2 c; winter. 6c: Sheepskins, shearings. 10 ©20 c each: short wool. '_.f<-.'.c: medium 40©50 c each; long wool 50© 75.- each: Culls of all kinds about i.'-c less. TALLOW— No. l renaerea, 4i...(_i4". s c: country tallow, 4.(-4V-c tX tb; reflnca, -jy 8 9ii'4c: Grease. 3@3V*-e V lb. »> l/i)l —We quote Fall as follows: Southern and San "oaqulu, -Ik-. tic: Mountain Free, Hi/.*..; North ern. B©B c; Humboldt and Mendocino. 7©9 c: Fast ern Oregon, 7.»ioc: Valley Oregon. 10©13 of :r.. Ofiner-*! Merchandise. BAGS— Fruit Bags Otwc, ey^c and 6** i.c for the three grades respectively; Calcutta Grain Pais, 4@4V4C for June and July delivery; Wool Bags. :<4,a Kic. <>IL— California Castor Oil. cases, No. 1. $1 20; bbls, $115 (manufacturers' rates): 1 luse-d Oil in bbls. boiled, G7c: do raw, Me: cases. 6c mere: Lard Oil. 1 ins. 9()c: cases. 91 C: Cocoa. 55c: China Nut, 47V«,@50C ifl gallon. rKllan.KlM- St.i-.lgllt. 17»^c: Eocene. 20V«c: Astral. 17»Ac: 160' Elaine, -.'.l^c; Pearl. 17L.C: Waur-whttc. refined, bulk. 1 1 1 ...- : ii*>-a'ig~ht, 176 3 . cases. '.'.(•: Mineral Hlumlna'tln-*. 300', 20c In cases: standard, I*o° fire test, 17c fl gal in cases (caps'), 17V 5 c lancets and 11 Vie lv bulk. GASOLINE, ETC.-63 3 Benzine, bunt, lSVicfl I gal; cases. ISc: 74° Gasoline, bulk. X3c; cases, | 19c; 86° Gasoline, ouik, '.oc: c.ises. '.'sc *© «ai. WHITE LEAD— Quoted at 53Affisvs.c "¥ 18. RED LEAD-<*uoted at BV*.c alb " 1 I'KI'ENTINE— Quoted at 48. 9 gal. SUGAR— Tbe Western Su*ar Refilling Company quotes as follows, terms net cash: Cube. Crushed, Powdered and Hue Crashed, a!ls" 8 c; Dry iiran ulatecl, sV_c; Confectioners' A, 6V_c: Magnolia A. -•"/.c; txtra C. Vim*, Golden c, _%*««: D, 4' c; half barrels, 3 /sC more than barrels, and boxes, V.c more. San Francisco llett Market. Wholesale rates for dressed stock from slaugh terers are as follows: BEEF— First quality. 6@ii:.-; second quality, -If* I Vie: third do. :*-_l.ti 2 c -_\ th VI-.Ai.— Lame, 4(3i.c: small, s©s*v'.c 9 lb. MUTTON— Wethers, 4_.lVijc"-4 lb; Ewes, 3V.@ 4c **". ' ' *-g*riM*n[ lamb— _*v_oH_«V m. PORK— Live Hogs, 4Mfac. *fi tb for heavy and medium grain-red, and *V_- 9 ti. for small fat: feeders, nominal— none here; dressed do, 53i_J 6y_'- *p tt. I:EC£IP_r. ok PRODUCE. Thursday. Not. 8. Floor, sks. • 6.756 Bran. sas 165 do. Wash. d 0.... 66(> do. Washington. 607 Wheat, ens.. 6,17- Middlings, sks... . 140 do. Washington. 3«4 do. Wash, do 9.".1) Barley, ct15........ 3.- Hops, hales.' - '.6 Oaus.ctis no Wool, bis 509 no. Washington. 2.37S i.uckwiieat, sks .. 123 Corn. ctls. I*9l Kais ins. bxs 1,550 Beans, sks 9,647 Quicksilver, flasks 105 Potatoes, 5k5..... - 3.5-5 Hides, no 644 Onions, sks.-. 180 Wine, gals 71,460 Har. tons 378'Brandv. sals 1-0 «>< »....-, M ..A.,, _.___>. l>at«*-< of I><*p.-)r-*ir< J-'itim San Francisco. FTFAMKK. PKBTINATIO* ; >An* 1 PIM. Coos i:»v... iNewDort ht:tteot(.'ai. I Portland hcmnoidc. ' Hninbolac... A<:il>llICO ! faiiitmrt ! Corona I r>an Uleco. .1 City Puebla. ! Vie & Pjtt Snii. torfnj | Newport Wjltam Val.i Hunilildt Bay. Columbia... I'ortiana Ilelcic China Jrjaoaa Aiamea.i ! Sydney V»uren .^an ineiro ... Hornet Yaqninst Kay.. V. ■ ,i:i V* :>:■ , Vie d: J'ctsnd. | Not 9. Mam I NotlO.lOaw Not 10. Paw | Not lo.ia ill NOV ll.llAM Ncv 11. 'Jam I Not 14. Him Xov 14. »am Xov 15.10 AH Xov 15. 3pm I Not 15. '.'ru not I«.ll*m| »\ov 10. , r -r.M ; I Not 16. 9am ! spear ! Washt'a I'M * S litlw'y 2 I J'.dw'y 1 i Bflwr i 1 KdWy 1 >:fir »• M S3 Oceanic ! B4Wf 1 MiJts'n 1 Hrtw'y 1 SUA AN*> l*li#l-J TABLE. e < ihiqii «*ti LOW HiTIH BCS. MOOV. Large. Siiali. Klsesj *ets St>l3. 3.13p. 2.10a 6.4»! 5.02 2.53a a. -t6i»i --'.47AJ 6.471 6.01 3.57a I LOW WITCH I '■'. '••Hrge.jSii-.Hll ! 9.00a 29 I 9.»7A| (Small HYimOi-KAPIIIC ItILLKTIN. Branch IlYDßof.HAi'iin- officii, V. 8. N.,*) M Km Hants' Kxchan*oe, > San Francisco, November 8. 1894. J The time ball on lelegraph Hill was diopped eiai at noon to-day— l. c.. at noon of the Ilium j meridian, or at exactly 8 r. m., Greenwich toe, A. 1., Lieutenant c. 8. >.. in charge. ! *W_,ATi'__l. iti -USA- ICK. O-.i". United Statks Department or ACBICUL ti'rk, Weather Bureau. San- Francisco. No vember 8. 5 p. m. the press-are continues high over Utah, Nevada and Idaho and is rapidly In creasing In Montana. At Havre the barometer now reads 30.52 inches, au increase of more than half an inch In tue last twelve hours. This Indi cates tbat an area of unusually high pressure is moving rapidly southward from the Canadian pos sessions north of Montana' which will cause un usually low temperatures east of the Rocky Moun tains. This unusually high pressure will probably be followed by a decided barometric depression, moving eastward from the Pacific, as yet the barometer remains high alone the coast. At no point north of Los Angeles Is 1; lower than 30.10 inches, but easterly winds continue at Island and are Increasing in force. hair weather prevails thr .nghont the southern Pacific States, ; nut the skies have become cloudy along the south ern California coast and tbe temperature has fallen considerably from Baa Francisco to Los j Anzeles. San Francisco data: Maximum temperature to- I day 73 deg.. minimum 57 de,-.. mem 05 deg. j Total rainfall tor season to date 2.78 inches; total ' la.t year to same date .59 of an inch. Forecast made at San Francisco for the thirty hourii ending midnight. November 9: For Northern California— Fair; pr.Lably cooler in the northern portion; fresh to brisk westerly winds a o-ig th* coast. For southern California— Fair; nearly stationary temperature; :i.'h; to fresh westerly winds. For Nevada— Fair; probably cooler in the north ern portion. I or Utah— .'air; nearly stationary temperature. For Arizona— Fair; nearly stationary tempera ture. lor San Francisco and vicinity — hair: cooler during Friday; fresh westerly winds. W. H, Gammon, 1 Ast Official J sill IT . .>«i LNTi;;i.NCL. A rrivei". TirnnsDAY. November 8. Stmr Sunol, YValvig, 58 hours [r.m Port Los Angeies: ballast, to I. E White umber Co Stmr Point Arena. Johnson. 111 hours from Men. docino, etc: pass and muse, to Mendocino Lum ber Co Stmr Corona, Ball, s'.'". hours from San Diego and way ports; pass and mdse, to Goodall, Perkins St Co. Stmr Humboldt. Edwards. 20 hours from Eu reka; pass and mdse, to M Kalis*] 0 Co, stmr Cleone. Miller, is urs irom Kockport; 200 Mil lumber and 40 bales wool, to YV a Mitchell. stmr Rival. Johnson, 40 hours from San Pedro; ballast, to snmuei Blair. Stmr Gipsy. Leland. 12 hours from Santa Cruz, etc: produce, to Goodall, Perkins * Co. .vS". ,-.: stmr Ban i, Smith, ■(; hours frm Tacoma: 4700 tons coa?, to S P Co. Oakland direct. schr Mary and Ida, Rtstlne, 7 days from Shoal water Pay; 210 M ft lumber, to Preston _: McKln uon. Cleared. Thursday. November 8. Stmr Coos Bay, Jepsou. San Pedro; Goodall. Perkins A Co. stmr North Fork, Hansen. Eureka; Chas Nelson. Sailed. Thursday. November 8. Stmr Alice l'.lanchard, Nordbers. stmr Alex Duncan, i'lummer, Moss Landing. stmr Alcazar. Gund-rson. Simr Ara.o, Reed. Coos Bay. stmr Rival. Johnson. Stmr Sunol. YValvig. Br ship Galena, Reid. Hull. T**l-_-tnp**l-< POINT LOBOS— November -10 r m— Weather thick; wind SW ; velocity 6 nines. -BBsS- Shippin- Notes. Steamers to sail to-day arc the Coos Bay for Newport, North Fork tor Humboldt Bay, Cres cent City for Crescent City, Boalta for Sau Diego ami Gipsy for the Salinas Klver. steamers to arrive to-day are the National City from Humboldt Hay, Point t.oma Grays Harbor aud Bonlta from the southern coast. The Br ship Galatea is chartered for wheat to Enropo, 27s lid net. Spoken. Per Br ship Scottish Dales— Aug 14-27 S 48 W, Br bar. Dunard, from Santos for Chili, Oct 6—4 N 110 w, Br ship Laomene, from San Francisco. 28 days out. Per tug Hercules — Nov 7— 20 miles west ot Point Beys, schr Sadie, from Fras-ST River for Sau Fraucisco. YVished to be reported. Nov 3— 48 N 10 W. Br ship Algburth, from Liverpool fir Esquimau. Nov 3—4* l N 15 w, Br ship Sierra Cadena, from Swansea for San Fraucisco. Domestic Forts. EUREKA— Arrived Nov B— Stmr Willamette Valley, hence Nov 7: stmr Cells, hence Nov 6. AS Arrived Nov B— stmr oregou, hence Nov 5. _K_t-_ Sailed 07 8 — Br ship Pencwera, for Queens town; ship Solitaire. for New York; ship Iro quois, for New Y'orn. TATOoMl— Passed Nov 8-Stmr Willamette, hence Nov 4 for Seattle; stmr Umatilla, hence Nov 0 for Victoria; Chll bark India, from Val paraiso tor British Columbia; ship Lined, from Nanalmo for San Franc. FORT BRAGG— Arrived Nov 8-Stmr Tilla mook; stmr Scotia, hen. Nov 7. COOS BAY— Salle. Nov B— Stmr Areata, for San Francisco. TACOSI\-ArrivedNov6— Br ship Law Hill, m Hiogo. ALBION-Salled Nov B— Schr Moro. for San Fraucisco. •--!:-•' Arrived Nov -Stmr Albion, hence Nov 7. POINT ARENA— Sailed Nov 8-Stmr Alcatraz. for Port Los Angeles. Arrived Nov B— Senr Mary Etta, hence Nov 4. GRAYS HARBOR— .Sailed Nov B— Bkntn North Lend, senr tea Buenaventura, schr Roy Somers, ■ schr'Cbas Hanson, for san Francisco. Arrived Nov B— Schr Oh is X V ilk, hence Oct 29; schr Twilight, from Port Harford. GREEN wood— Sailed Nov 8 — stmr Greenwood, for sau i-rancisco. Foreign* Forts. HONG-KONG— Sailed Nov 7-Stmr City of Rio de Janeiro, for san Francisco. AUCKLAND— Arrived Nov B— Br stmr Mono wai. hence Oct 18. NEWCASTLE. NSW- Sailed Nov 8-Br bars Carleton. for San Francisco. Importations. ELREKA— Per Humboldt— 3oo M shingles, 100 Sks oats. 10 b_s apples, 1 cs clears, 1 crate hard ware, 234 bis butler, 160 cs fish. 7 pkgs express, ; 1 bag coin, 3 sks wool, 3 bbls mineral water, 2 cs I dry goods, 1 cs It goods, l cs tobacco, 3 pkgs mdse, 1 cs clothing. 4 crates crockery, 1 cs learner, 2 cs axes. '•*> POINT ARENA— Per Point Arena-87 sks peas 20 bxs butter, 29 bxs apples. 6 sks seaweed, 1 box mdse. 19 pkgs household roods. Meudocino— 2 coops chickens, 3 bxs salmon, 6 tanks, b trunks Little River— t bbls apples. White- bom— _ coops chickens, 4 bis apples, 1 bx mdse 1 tank. SAN DIEGO— Per Corona— 2 pkgs dry goods. 1 i bx shells, 6 pk.-s China goods. 1 crate coffee. 1 trunk personal effects. 191 pkgs pickled tish. 2 bxs solder. 1 bx candy, 60 cs honey. 1 bx raisins, 2 sks beeswax, 2o cs smoking tobaco, 41 bxs lemons. 61 pkgs dry fish. 2 sks dry fruit, 2 pkgs cameras. II bdls green hides. 7 bdls calf hides. Newport—] ox books. 98 sks walnuts, 2 cs bees wax. bbl lard, 2 tanks. ; Los Angeles via Redondo— 2 bbls firebrick, s pkgs castings. 2 drums. 1 pkg G cans. 6 pkgs pipe. 9 bills poles, 5 cs dry goods, 3 pfctsa clothing, 1 roll carpet, 2 pkgs hardware, 1 lot furniture, 1 box cocoa Redondo— l lot household furniture, Ibx books, 28 bxs lemons, 1 bbl wine. 2 pkgs clothing, I bdi household goods 1 crt sewing-machine. 1 crt glass. 1 crt machines, 2 bxs plants. Los Angeles via Port Los Angels— l cs bicycle, 3 bxs household goods. I trunk personal effects, l lot furniture. 41 sks flour. 3 cs mincemeat. -. Port Los Angeles— l ble cork. I bx dry goods. Santa Barbara— l bdl dry goods. '_0_ Mia wet aides. X trunk sample., i'_ sks crawhsh, 1 hf-bbl olives. 76 bxs lemons. Santa Maria— .loß3 sks beans, 32 sks garvangas Arroyo Grande— 3o3 sks beans. i Port Harford— l bdl sacks. 6 -._ bxs butter, l roll wallpaper, 13 cs eggs, 1 bx mdse, 1 keg olives. 3 springs. 4cs Chinese goo. is, Ics books. 1 tank. 1 cs dry goods Ice clears. 18 pkgs household goods. 335 bxs apples. 1 lot furniture. 5 coops chickens, 1 cs canned roods, 1 coop poultry, 2 sks game, 21 dressed calves. 10 bxs fish. AMh.sPi.ltT— Per Gipsy— 22s7 ' sks oats. 647 sks beans. v atsonviile— l4B2 sks potatoes, 1 cs cocoauuls. Moro 0..J.1— 1 Si sks potatoes. . ' Santa Cruz— ls bbls glue. 6cs cheese. 700 bbls lime, ll bxs butter. _ rolls leather. 23 bxs apples, Monterey— 20 tanks, 1 stove, _1 bbls scrap iron. 3 bbls copper, 5 bbls bone, 1 pc copper, 6 coils barb wire. "*on*»ij-*_""--s"e. --'.". Per Humboldt— E R Stevens A Co: Hills Eros: 8 » Gray; McDonou.h 4 Johnson: Ross A Hewlett; Shoobert, Beaie A Co; A Crocker A Bros; H Ellis: Humboldt Mineral Water Co; Haas Bros; Edward rorrester: Hoffman* Alexander; X X Griffiths; Cerf. Schioss A Co; Dunham, Carrlgan * Co; Louis «ertbelmer A Co: lincbam. Hoppe Jr. Co; B ■ Atchlason* Co: Geo H Tav * C>; Getz Bros* Co; - X " hltney * Co; Dodge. Sweeuey & Cor Dairy men's Union: .Norton. Teller & Co: F B Halght: _ X Smith A Co: Buss, Sanders * Co; Wheaton. Breon * Co; Witzel A Baker: Wells. Fargo A Co; i J ll Nt-wbaiier A Co: Felling. Cressy & Co; order. ,v.i er *°* a * Arena— E J Bowen & Co: C B Strong: *«Ml3on * : aechtel: Ross * Hewlett; P S Enos; Martin. leusi.r.v Co: Dodee, Sweeney* Co; J A Smith: Standard oil Co: W P Fuller * Co: Ella McCabe: Smith's Cash Store; W C Knox & Co: G W Coniegys: Cal Notion & Toy Co: 8 C Stickney: Mendocino Lumber Co; D J Buckley; C H Lam bert • .." _. l er Corona— C Carpy A Co: X B Halprbt: Bore * to: Cal ann Nev Creamery Co; D (i ilenehett-, li'Oze. Sweeney A Co: Russ. Sanders A Co; C E Knight A Co; Selby Smelting and L-ad Co: J Alli son A Co: V. I' Fuller A Cos Eveleth * Nash; .1 H Cain A Co; XV 15 Sumner * Co; L D Stoae A Co; San Francisco Brewing Co: Union Transfer Co: Enptnger A Co; Cunningham, Cnrtiss A Welch: XV Jacoby-t Co: W C Price A Co; Oalton Bros; Gil bert a Co: >t».nii;tgen A Co: Standard Oil Co; Wlttland A Fredenckson; Kedington & Co; 1. Sa rom a Co: I > X Allison * Co: Garcia A Magglnt: 1-. Gamier A Co: Dairymen's Union: a I'aladlut: Brlghani. Hoppe i- Co; L Ulnkelspiel A Co: T N ..loses: Murphy. Grant Co; Blsslnger A Co: Wm Clements: Mack a Co: American Union r:sHCo: (- Camlllonl & Co: Norton. ieiler A Co: M Gets A Co; J Ivancovlch A Co: Phillips Bros: H Heync manu: Witzel A Baker; Wheaton. Hreon A Co: M H Simas: Hills Bros: Smith's Cash Store; I'acoina Coiiimereial Co: J X Armsby A Co: H Dutard: M FCahral: D X Alison A Co: C E Whitney * Co: .' M Moore a Co; I) Tledeman A Co: J Hoffman: L D stone A Co; W 0 Knox: CalHornla Fish Co; San Francisco Fish Co: .lEßonseil: E II Eaton; Union 'transfer Co: L XV Bobbins: Meyer Bros: E Pincus A Co: J Reynolds; Wright & Olsen: F w Peters: -oldsteln A Co: J W Vendryes; Win Schwencbert: Pacific Ammonia A Chemical Co; Kills Publishing Co; F O Ludlow; Hester. Hart A Garibaldi: Stoli A Van Bergen: button A Beebe; J A Mar-chall: F Whiteside; Meugs Jt Strantt; J W NewLerrv A Co; H A Lozler A Co: Abraham A Co.- A C Pry A Co: National Ice Co: G G Wlck son A- Co: John Quadc A Co; Nxtbau liohrman 4 Cc; J B Angus; Holt Bros: A Crocker A Bros; J A Lennon; A Tewls A- Co: McOonough A: Kucker; a (.rubier: Grange, Hastings a Co; S Brunswick; STrapsui; B Gusmant. Per Gipsy— H Dutard: I. G Sresovlch A Co: Fil Hammer; M T Freltas A Co: Dalton Bros: Sherry A Avlila: Thos l.ongbran: Norton, Teller A Co: J P Ames; Dairymen's Union: Kron Tanning Co; A -"» i ink Western Kenning Co: Hills Bros; Standard oil Co: XV P Fuller A Co; Cal Paint Co; Chas Harlcy A Co; Goodall, Perkins A Co; Arctic oil Works for Late Fhfppfna Inte'llpenee gee Tenth Page. OCEAN STEMSHIPS. PACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP CO. DISPATCH STEAMERS FROM SAN _??--, Francisco for ports in Alaska . a.m. -*Sr3 fS__S "Nov. 6, _l ec « _:. ■awAaifi-ap For British Columbia and Puget Sound ports, Oct. *-7. and every fifth day thereafter. For Eureka, Humboldt Bay, Steamer Willamette Valley, . v iv Wednesday nj ' a. sc. For Newport, Los Angeles and all way ports, every fonrth and fifth div, alternately, 8 a. __ For Ban Diego, stopping only at Port Harford, Santa Barbara, Port Los Angeles, Redondo (Los Angetesjand Newport, every fourth and fifth day. , alternately, at 11 a. m. For sorts In Mexico. D> a \i. -»sth of each month. Ticket office— P.iiace Hotel, _ New Mont<orn3-y street. GOODALL, PERKINS A CO.. General Agents. ltf 10 Market St.. San Franclscu. FOR PORTLAND ft ASTORIA, OREGON m HE OREGON R'Y * N'AV. CO.. E. Mo- >-**---«_ 1 •ii L.Recelver. Ocean Div.— will ills- _t__|B patch from Spear-street wharr. at 10 a. m.. for tn. above ports one of their A l iron steamships, viz.: STATE OF CALIFORNIA— Oct. 31, Nov. 10, '0, 30 ■'. :- ,»o. COLUMBIA— 96, Nov. ft. 15. -5, Dec 6, 15, Connecting via Portland with the O. R. * N. Co. system and other diverging lines for all points la Oregon. Washington, British Columbia, Alaska, Idaho. Montana, Dakota, Utah, Wyoming, Yellow- stone lark and all points east and south and t. Europe l-u-e to Portland— $18; steerage. *i; round trip, cabin, unlimited. $30. Freight and Ticket office, 19 Montgomery St.; -icket office, Pane Hoc-.. 4 New Montgomery sc GOODALL. PERKINS* C ' supts. Ocean Oiv. _ltf 10 M'rset st. San Franclaca. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY -il,***!' Oy q Cooigardle gold fields. tS**\t}i**^ J " ' U -* 5 -*4^l Australia; $'.'2O first j ***} > " class, $110 steerage Qff Sq \v*-" Lowest rates to Cape- II £*><£' *? town. South Africa II -**■>'' *-*-« Australian steamer If' ii- Qii'ifdTf^ ' ij Alameda sans via \\ _-' d"_'lU il Honolulu and AUck- V. BG--?^^ II land Thursday, \_^^,^^*^*L r .- / / ber 15. at -' p. m. f> x&i ■■' 'p'^GJ^S^*- Steamship Australia, "y^XsC-f. _sSOlSf^> Honolulu only, Satu;- - ' vi'7r - ; - s- -:- *oV November *_4, at 2 *2£VE^ v **. **• Ticket office 138 "lontsomery Street. Freight office 3-7 Market street. J. D. SPRKCKEL** & BROS.. General Agents, tf COMPAGNIE GENERALE TRAW < ATi-ANTIQU£. French Line to Havre. COMPANY'S PI LR (NEW). _'_ NORTH _a___ Liver, foot of Morton st. Travelers _?*~**^f* by this line avoid both transit by English railway and the discomfort of crossing the channel in a small boat. New York to Alexandria, Egypt, via Paris, first class. $160; secoud class. $11& LA CHAMPAGNE, Capt. Laurent -i, ber 17. 6:ooa.** LA TOCRAINE. CapL Santelll , November 24. l_:30 *?. M. LA it asi -ONE. Cap*. Bandelou '".ember 1. 4:30 a.m. LA BRETAGNE. Capt Rupe , - ber 8. 11:00 p. **• Js_P* For further particulars apply to \ A. FORGET. Agent, . _.„ . ,'. ' 8 Bow llng Green, New York. J. F. FUGAZI A CO., Agents, 5 Montgomery aye., San francisco. Branch office, 19 Montgomery street. au3l tf Internationa! Navigation Co.'s Lines. AMERICAN LINE. "VrEYV YORK AND SOUTHAMPTON— _r*f*-"-****_ ._> Shortest unci most convenient route _S____9. to London. Close connection at Southampton for Havre and Paris. First cabin, $00 and upward; rail cabin. $35 and upward: steerage, $10. Caps Town. South Africa. $60 Pll ILADELPIIIA and LIVERPOOL or QUEENS- TOWN. second cabin, $25 and upward, steerage, $10. RED .STAR LINE FOR ANTWERP. Desirable rout" for Belgium, France. Germany, Switzerland and Italy, First cabin, $50 and up- ward; second cabin, $38; steerage at very low rates. For freight and passage apply to International Navigation Co., G. D. FAHNESTOCK. General Agent Pacific Coast, 609 Market St., Grand Hotel building. ■ oc'-3 if WHITE STAR LINE. United Males ami i'ov-il Mail Steamers JaSTWKEN New York, Queenstown & Liverpool, S)..ii.i.i(, EVi"i;_" "*iV*_-,IC. **/>ABIN,S-0 AND UPWARD, ACCORD- JSfr^m xj ing to steamer and ai-cumui.' datlotis _s\____2 selected; second cabin. $3 •: Ma'rsticand leutou- c, "-36 and $40. Steerage Tickets from England' Ireland. Scotland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark through to San Franclscoat lowest rates. Tickets, falling; dates and cabin plans may be procured from W. H AY'ERY, Pacific Mall Dock, or at the General Office of the Company, 613 Market St., under Grand Hotel. G. W. FLK I CHER, apgg luWeFr-su tf Gen. Agt. lor Pacific Coast. ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET CO. STEAMERS LEAVE ASP'NYY'aLL J^ea *. fortnightly for the West: i -ies and ___-fi_*j*| Southampton, calling en route at Cherbourg, 1 ranee, and Plymouth, to land passengers. . 'ihrougb bills of lading, in connection with tha 1 stifle Mall S. 8. Co., issued for freight aud treas- ore to direct ports in England and Germany- Through tickets from San Pranclsco to Ply. month. Cherbourg. Southampton. First-class, $196; third-class, *-7 60. For farther particu- lars appiy to PARROTT * GO.. Agents, . tf -.Ota California 3C CONRAD! CONRAD! CONRADI In accepting tbe Presidency of the Honduras National Lottery Company (Louisiana State Lottery Company) 1 shall not aurreneer the Presidency of the Gulf Coast lee aad wannfac-tirln*** Company, of Bay St. Louis. Miss. '^ *>T Therefore address all proposals for supplies, machinery, etc.. as well as all -.siaesi *-;an-»a*:;efcttoDS to PAUL CONRAD. Po«rt» Cortes, no.aarai. Care Central America Express, lOiil TAMPA CITT, ■eiJBUOod FLORIDA, D. a A. ! AUCTION SALES. THE KATE JOHNSON COLLECTION OF j $250,000 WORTH OF , Everything Beautiful WILL BE SOLD AT AUCTION IN GOLDEN CATE HALL- Sutter st., near Taylor, COMMENCING ON Thursday, November Bth, Continuing Daily Until and Including (Sunday excepted) Thursday, November 15th, At 3 o'cloc i Afternoons and 7:30 o'clock I'tphl.i ■*-.•.. PUBLIC FREE EXHIBITION WEDNESDAY. November 7, from 9 o'clock a. m. to 11 o'clock r. m.. and every day during the auc- tion sale from 9 o'clock a. m. to 1 o'clock v. m. Note— The sale is by order of the Executors of tbe estate .nd tbe Directors of the Mary's Help Hospital, under instructions of the Prooate Court. N*.l'.— "We earnestly request all intending buyers to examine these ehoiee articles carefully, as hun- dreds of them (.stuglv) reach in value "into ths thousands of dollars, and it Is no doubt oue of tho choicest collections on the Pacific Coast, For particulars see catalogues. Catalogues can be ob- tained at our office. o;'8 Market st. Every article offered for sale belongs to the Kate Johnson collection. kastonJ PLDRIDUK & CO., nos 6 7 89 10 1. 13 14 15 Auctioneers. JOSEPH T. TERRY & CO., AUCTIONEERS, Salesrooms. 747 Market st., opp. Grant ava THIS DAY. Friday... * oveinber 9, 1894, At 11 o'clock a. _- at the private residence, 721% BUSH ST.. Between Towell and Mason, WK ***«._ SELL WITHOUT BESKRVK All the Parlor, Bedroom and Dicing-room Furniture, Etc., Contained in the Above Residence, COMPRISING IN PART.... Plush Parlor Set: Marble-top Tables: Oak and Wal- nut i. edroom Sets; Mattresses and Bedding: Ex- tension Table and Chairs: Kanges, and ueneral household requisites. Terms— Casn ln (-old coin. 1 J. T. TF.P.RY A CO.. Auctioneers. RAILROAD TRAVEL. FRAMISCO & SORTH PA- CIFIC RAILWAY CO. (iron Ferry Foot of Market St. San Francisco to San Rafael. WEEK DATS— 7:4O. 9:_o. 11:00 a. H. : 12:35. 3:30. 6:10. B:: J 0 p. m. Thursdays— Extra trip at 11:30 v. m. Saturdays— Extra trips ac 1:50 and 11:30 p "-. SUNDAYS-8:00. 9:30. 11:00 a. m.: 1:30. 3:30. 6:00, 6:20 p. m. San l.afae! to San Francisco. WEEK DAYS— 6:.S. 7:55. 9:30 11:10 a. m.*. 1.-.15. 3:10, 5:.0 p. m. Saturdays— Extra trins -it 1 :55 p. nt. .nil 6:35 p.m. SUNDAYS-8:10. 9:40. 11:10 a. it; 1:40, 3:40. 5:00. .25 p. m. Betweeu S.n Francisco and Schuetzen Park same schedule as above. Leave . In „».-. . Arrive San Francisco. I "<,,.! , San Francisco. Week I Sex- Ine-M^.M,--. I Suj I Wkkk Days. | days. | DM *»ns"o°- | DAYa . |_ Days._ 7:4oam 8:00ah| Novato. [To":4oai_i 8:50 am 3 -.30 pmi 9:30 ami Petalnma. | 6:05 pmi 10:30 am 5:10 pm|s :00 Santa Rosa. I 7:30 pm! 6:15 pm I Pulton, I 1 7:4oam I Windsor. |10:30au I Healdsburg, | i 1 (.eyserville. i 3 :30 j 8 :00 am I Cioverdale. I 7:30 pm! 6:15 pm j Pleta, i — — — Hoplandandl 7:40 amj8:00 am Ukiah. {7:30 rs 6:15 Pic 7 ;40 am [ i j 10 -.30 am 18:00 am Guemevllle. 7:3opm 3:3opm| , I 6|lspm 7:4oam|B:Ooam| Sonoma 10:40 am 8:50~am s:iOpms:oOpmi and 6:ospm 6:lspm I I Glen Ellen. I 7:4oaM|.S:ooami s . ., tonol 10:4') AM, 10:30 AM 3::'upm|s:()opm| Sebastopol. | 6;u5 HM ; 6;15 Stages connect at Santa Rosa for Mark West Bprln.s. Stares connect at ("eyserville for Ska-*;*s Sprint**, Stages connect at Pieta for Highland Sprln-S, Kelseyvllle. Soda Bay, Lakeport. Stages connect at Ukiah lor Vichy Springs, Blue Lakes, Upper Lake. Lakeport. a<> ,e- -vllle, Greenwood, Orr's Hot Springs, Men- ducino City. Fort Bragg, Osal, Westporu, Cahto. Willetts. Calpella, Porno. Potter Valley. Joha Day's. l.ively's. Gr v-i.< v. v.. Harris, Blocks- burg. Brldgevllie, Hydesvllle and Eureka, Saturday to Monday round-trip tickets at re- duced rates On Sunday— Round trip tickets to all points beyond San Rafael at half rates. Ticket Offices, corner New Montgomery and Market streets, under Palace Hotel. H. C. WHITING, B. X RYAN. Gen. Manager. Gen. Pass. Agent. \2jjg& SAUSALITO FERRY, From Novembkr 1, 1894. Leave S. F. WEEK DAYS. Arrive S. F. 7.00 a.m. Mill T»L, "toss Tal., San Rfl 6.45_.m. 8.00 a.*.. '« .": " SanQtn. 7.45 a.m. 9.15 a.m. " " " 8.45 A.M. ** ,€ *' m 9 36am 10.30 a.m. " " «' SinQta. 10!50a!*_! 11.30 a.m. " " " ....... 11.50 a.m. 1.45r.M. " " •' Saa Qta. 1.30 p.m. 3.25 p.m. " - " 3.10 P.U. 4.30 p.m. " •■ ■« SinQta. 4.sopji. 6.15 p.m. " «' " .; , 5.55P-*. 6.15 P.M. " " '« " " " SsaQtn. T.SOp'.m. 11.30 p.m. Ross Valley and Sin Rafael S.OOa.m. Tooales, c-za.ero and Way Stations 7.3.P.M* ' 1.45 p.m. Tomales and Way Stations x lO'eOa'k. 1.46 p.m. " *' «< *11'.50a!m! X Monday only. - •Except Mondays. SUNDAYS. Ross Valley and San Rafael 7.40 a.m. 8.00 a.«. Kill Val., Ross Val., San Rfl., San Qtn. 9.15 a.m. 10.00 a.m. «' " t - » m 11.15 a.m. 1130 a.m. " " " •< 1.15 p.m. 1.30 p.m. «' " " •• Ross Valle v, San Rafael, San Qta .... . 2.'4sp'.*_*. 3.00 p.m. Kill Val., Ross Val., San Rfl., San Qtn. 4.20 p.m. 4.30 p.m. " «' '• •> 5 55p.m. 6.15?. ii. " » <« ■.....::. '• " «' SaaQta. 7.30p.m". 8.00 a.m. Point Reyes and Way SUtions 7.30 p.m. ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC RAILROAD. y SANTA FE ROUTE. TRAINS LEAVE AND ARRIVE AT SAN FKAN- k clsco 'M_r_et-street Perry): ____. ' fe E } NOVEMBER, 3. 1894. {g ! :00"p". .Past Express vlaMoJave .".10:;5p | 9:00 a.. Atlantic Express via Los Angeles. 6:45 a Ticket Office— 6so Market st. Chronicle Hand- ing, S. F. Vf. A. BISSELL, General Passenger Agent. 11