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2 IS VERY CLOSE Budd's Plurality Is Decreased. NOT FAR AHEAD NOW. The Latest Figures Are 2133. PRECINCTS TO HEAR FROM. -Further Gains Gathered by the Republicans. . ______________ * FEW DEMOCRATS; ARE ELECTED In the Legislature the Republicans Will Have a Majority of Fifty-one. If the returns up to 2 o'clock are correct .Budd's plurality lias dwindled down to , 2133. Complete returns from 1658 precincts out of a total of 2274 in the State give Budd 97.162, Estee 95,049 and Webster 43,567. This represents a total vote of ' 248.633. With 616 precincts to be heard from -there is a possibility of a further reduc don in Budd's plurality. Ft r Justices of the Supreme Court (long term) Henshaw (R.) leads with 94.271 and Temple (D.) comes next with 85,097. For the short term Van Fleet (R.) is far ahead with 80,837. On the remainder of the State ticket the only Democrats far enough ahead to insure election are Wells and Beamer for the State Board of Equalization and Stanton on the Board of Railroad Commissioners. The only change in the list of members of the next Legislature which was pub lished in Tin: Call yesterlay is the elec tion of Fassett (R.) from the Forty-sixth Assembly District. This will give the Re publicans a majority of 51 on joint ballot. The Congressional struggle is virtually derided, Maguire in the Fourth being the only Democrat elected. In the First Dis trict Barbara's election is assured. Complete returns from 328 precincts in a total of 457 precincts in the Second Dis trict give Johnson (R.) 14,789, Caminetti (D.) 11.404, Cornell (Peo.) 7192. In the Third District 117 precincts in a total of 202 give Hiiborn (R") 12,895, Eng lish (D.) 10.091, Vann (Peo.) 4842. ln ihe Fifth District 117 precincts out of a total of 200 give Loud (R.) 11,273, Kelly (D.) 7512, Rogers (Peo.) 5562, Denman (Ind. D.) 7207. In the Sixth District 23. precincts in a total of 292 give McLachlan (R.) 17.325, Patton (D.) 10,631, B.wman (P. P.) 8440. In the Seventh District complete returns from 320 precincts in a total of 479 give Bowers (R.) 14.039, Alford (D.) 10,131, Gil bert (P. P.) 7991. ONE LONE DEMOCRAT Will Go to the Legislature From Alameda County. Oakland, Nov. B.— Alameda County compleie, 99 precincts, gives «J. H. Budd 6933, M. M. Estee 8296. H. Fuench 587, J. V, Weh-Rer 4594. C. H. Dhnn 446, A. J. Gregg 3910, W. T. Jeter 5555. S. G. Millard 8579, L. H. Brown 9905. B. M. Maddox 5235, M. M. McGlynn 3297, E. G. Waits 401, M. C. Winchester 381, Colgan 7877. Dure 6363, Meagher 4713, Needham 366, Barton 514, Castro 4774, Magoori 499, Rackliff« 9801, Doriand 553, Fitzgerald 17249. Lttckel 6547, Paris 4265, Angpir 4735, Brtssett 3767, Spur rier 447, Wright 9498, Landsborou'gh 3714. .McGlade 5048, Nettie; ton 544, Ward 9346, Black 8145, Burns 437. Richardson 3710, Smyth 632% Curry 8775, Hurlbert 3795, Johnston 7934, Slieehati 572, Buck 2336, Gibson 6354, Gould 363. Henshaw 12,163. Murphy 4003, Temple 3403, Thompson 454, Torrance 4175. Bridgeford 4356. Daggett 5981, Hurst 488. Van Fleet 7550. English 6549, Hiiborn 9373. Scrantnn 402, Van 3018, Lane 692. Morehouse 7210, Wells 7685, Wheeler 46. Bretz 6053, Clark 6503, Kuus 373, Phillips 6137. Complete returns have been received from the Twenty-eighth Senatorial Dis trict, and the figures conclusively estab lish the election of Beard (R.) over O'Neil (D.) by a very slender majority. At one time the Republicans had given up all hope and were quite willing to concede the success of the Democratic candidate, but three doubtful ; precincts In Alameda elected Beard. The figures in this district are as follows: Beard (R.) 2561, O'Neil (D.) 2368. Taft (Peo.) 1609. Beard's plural ity is 193. Fassett (R.) is elected in the Forty-sixth Assembly District with a plurality of 126. He received a total of 1189, Mendenhall (D.) 1063, Brown (Peo.) 295. The Forty-seventh Assembly District, which includes nine precincts, elected ex- Judge Waymire (R.), and gave him 885 votes more than he required. The com plete returns give Waymire (R.) 1914. Raw son (D.) 1030, G. Majors (Peo.) 835. In the Forty-eighth Assembly District Gay (R.), received a plurality of 1259 votes. Tne vot-s in the district were cast as fol lows: Gay (R.) 937, Bachrach (D.) 678, Ford (peo.) 596. Laidlaw (I. R.) 329. The Forty-ninth District was the only one in Alameda County which elee'ed a Democrat,! and then only by 11 votes. McDonald (D.) 856. Collins (R.) 845, Mc- Clure (Peo.) 810. Tho Fiftieth Assembly Dictrlct elected North (R.) over the Rev. Mr. Goodenough (Pen.) by 404 votes. The figures are: North *R.) 1273, Goodenough (Peo.) 869, Farrell (D.) 600. The Fifty-first Assembly District re turns C. G. Dodge (R.) by an overwhelm ing majority. Dodge was given "1442, •Pringle (D.) 856 and Fitch (Peo.) ,7.14. In the next StateJLegislatiue Alameda County will be represented by 3 Republi can Senator"-, 5 Republican Assemblymen and 1 lone Democrat. ONE PRECINCT LACKING. I Detailed Vote on the Principal Of fices in Los Angeles County. Los Angeles, Nov. B.— Complete re turns from Los Angele3 County, with the exception of one very small precinc t (Bal lona), give the following vote on Supreme Court Justices, Railroad Commissioner and Comptroller: Supreme Court— Torrance (R.) 10,781, lienshaw (R.) 10.620. Van Fleet (R.) 10, --1)74, Temple (D.) 6179, Murphy (D.) 6532] Bridgeford (D.) 5527, Gibson (Pop.) 4969, Buck (Pop.) 2045. Daggett (Pop.) 4600. Total 61.-27. Railroad Commissioner— Clark (R.) 10, -592. Phillips (I).) C23C, Kretz (Pop.) 5032. Total 21.830. C nip roller— Colgan (R.) 11.847. Meaeher (D.) .-037. DOW (Pop.) 4583; total, 22.367. The total vote cast in the county, taking that lor Governor as an index, was 25,081, compared with 22,778 cast for President in 1892. Exec's plurality in the county is figured at 3635. For Congress Sixth* District— McLach lan (It.) 11,364, Patton (D.) 65«.i4, Bow man (Pop-) 4453. McComas (P.) 1422; *»Ie- Laeblan'- plurality 4470. REVISION OF RETURNS. Budd's Plurality in San Joaquin Less Than One Thousand. Stockton*, Nov. B.— A revisiou of re turns in. m all of the lorty-nlue precincts of San Joaquin County gives Budd 960 plurality. The plurality given yesterday was 1054. The tote! vote is : Budd 3517. Estee 2557, Webster 1036, Clark, for Km road Commis sioner, has 040 plurality in San Joaquin County. BY EIGHTEEN VOTES. Estee Gets a Plurality in Nevada County. Grass Valley, Nov. B— Complete re turns from Nev. aa County give Estee 1494, Budo* 1476. Webster 1279. For Congress men : Ciiniinetti 1428, Johnson 1417, Cor nell 1231. No returns have been sent in 00 Supreme Court, Controller or Rail road Cocuiussiouer. Candidates on the various tickets will probably run with the beads of the tickets. WAS VERY SMALL. Plurality Gained by Budd in Santa Clara County. Sax Jose, Nov. B.— The total vote in Santa Clara County for Governor i.<: Budd, 4404; Estee, 4337; French. 1034; Webster, 1850. Buda's plurality is 67. ALMOST A WALKOVER. Republicans Have a Big Majority in the Washington Legislature. Tacoma, Nov. B.— The Ledger's latest returns from distant counties show that the Republicans have been elected to the Legislature in several districts where the Democrats or Populists were first sup posed to be ahead. The ealns are in Okanogan, Mason. Kittitas and Island counties. Indications to-night are that the Repub licans will have 85 members of the Legis lature out of a total of 112, tbe Populists 14 and the Democrats 13, giving the Repub licans a clear majority on joint ballot of 58. Pierce County give 1 - Dohttle (R.) for Con gress 4500 votes, or nearly a majority over the Democratic and Populist nominees. Pierce County elects two Republican Sen ators and six Republican Representatives, the Populists securing four Representa tives, as the complete returns in the Thirty-seventh District elect Baker and Rader, Populists. CALL A NEW PASTOR. Dr. Talmage 's Letter to His Con gregation. He Formally Resigns the Pastorate of, the Brooklyn Taber nacle. New York, Nov. B.— Dr. DeWitt Tal mage. pastor of th" Brooklyn Tabernacle, which was recently for the third time de stroyed by fire, has written a lottor to the elders of the church, tendering his resig nation. The following is a copy of the letter: BnooKLV:,*, X. V., Nov. 8. 1894. To the Session of Brooklyn Tabernacle— Dear Brethren*: 1 hereby ask you to join wltb me lv a ieque«t to the Brooklyn Presby tery that they dissolve the pastoral relation now existing. I__ congregation ot the Brook* lyn Tabernacle have built during my pastorate three larze churches, which have been de stroy d. It is not right that I should call on them to build a fourth church during my minis try. I advise that you do one of two things— either call a new pastor, inner whose le dor ship a chinch might he built, or lematn an organization until you can give certificates of membership to our people, so they may join sister churches. As for myself, 1 will, as I'rovidence may direct, either lake another pastor. or go into general evangelic woik, preaching the Gospel to all people without money and witbout price. Thanking you ror your ever-increasing kind ness to me and mine, and Hoping to be re associate-, with you in the, heavenly world, to gether witb the tmuhltudes with whom we have worshiped* during the last twenty-live years, 1 am yours in the Gospel, .■'••• T. DeWitt Talmage. The session, according to a friend of the nreachei, met Talmage last night and agreed to request the Brooklyn Presby tery to dissolve the pastoral relations now existing. This is a practical acceptance of tbe resignation. OUT OF WORK. Sixty Men Discharged From the Navy-Yard. Vallejo, Nov. B.— Discharges have al ready commenced at the navy-yard. Sixty mechanics in the steam engineering; de partment were discharged this afternoon and other discharges will take place very soon. The United States ship Adams was taken out of the drydock this morning and hauled alongside the wharf. All spars and rigging have been taken down and stored in the various storehouses and as soon as the stocks are out the ship will go off commission. Orders bave been received for the York town to go to sea on Saturday of this week. Powder, coal, stores and provisions are all on board. From here she goes o Hono lulu, thence to Yokohama. The York town was hauled to-day from the wharf down abreast of the Hospital wharf, where she will lie for the purpose of being painted. She is about ready for sea. Tne wife of Gunner Stephen Young. U. S. N. (retired), died to-day at the residence of her sister, the wife of Sailmakor Wil liam Redstone. U. S. N. Gunner Young is himself lying at the point of death at the hospital at Mare Island. ALMOST FINISHED. Getting the Worden Case Ready for the Jury. Woodland, Nov. 8. — In the Worden rase Attorney Strong, for the defense, con cluded bis argument this afternoon. He endeavored to show an alibi, and that the defendant was insane. He was very hit ter in 1 .is denunciation of th"* detectives who testified, and also of the strikers. Attorney Cook began his argument this afternoon and will conclude to-morrow, when the case will go to the jury. - Ex-City Treasurer Arrested. Tacoma, Wash., Nov. B.— George W. Boggs, ex-City Treasurer, was arrested to-higut upon information by the County Attorney charging nun with ihe embezzlement of •*-24:.368, the sum deposited by him in the suspended state Savings Banic. Be luimedi^tely gave bail. THE MORNING CALL, SAN FRANCISCO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1894. VOTE OF THE STATE FOR GOVERNOR AND CONTROLLER. VOTE IN 1898. VOTE IX 1894. PRESIUEXT. GOVERNOR. v. c 5 tr I c 1 a a t-i o s < c s . I < a m a c. "c 5 f ■ a < ■ o P 5 a ■ a s V A It ■ a 5 o o n w M X •a c C c d n tr n o ■a c a n a = - ? n "5 s a 1 c o ! I Aiaineaa Alpine A mud or Hutte < :i r eras „ Coltm Contr . ('outs lie) Norte Xi Dorado Fresno Glenn - llumboldt Inyo Kern Xl i(i lake Lassen Los Anreles Madera .M.rla Marl [km i Memlocluo .. Slerced Mttilnc , Mono ... Monterey >»pa Nevada "range I'lacer Plumas . . KlVfMlflO » Sacramento San lieu ito S.i ii Bernardino San IM?co \ Ban Francisco , San .1 <». ii i ...... San L.ul<t obiapo ;,— — (Ma M.itco ......... Sum Ttaroara. . . .'. Santa Clara ;,- Santa Cruz ' *.... Shasta Sierra Ms If i you Solano „ . Sonoma .Stanislaus Slitter Tc iiama , Trinity ....... ...... Talare Tnulunine -...!...!!!! Ventura " Tola k«ba '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 99 18,47; 8,7»v 5 M 65 VI 2 61* 1.125 65 4 603 i 180 :<0 2.7*0 . " i MB 21 2.001 «45 SO 3,138 1,631 8 644' 235 Ml 2.641! 1.159. 72 8 629 "427 17 1550 628 tiO 6.427 2.4 Hi 17 798 40» 48 2 513 f)O2 15 1.343 coi 20 1 4-5, ■ 632 Ml 1,123 fi-irj 117 28 776 10/228 24 1.533 54 r. 17 2 210 1,180 15 1.013 404 50 4.084 1.708 22 1.961 752 16 1145 4<» 7 i»-!6 28G 43 4 105 i t -, <» 25 3.477 i 769 42 4.105 ; i 757 M 2.897 1.158 4!) 3.540 1 743 17 1 2.".1 649 • M 3 355 1.745 60 8 922 4.3(52 IS; I.m;i; «1« 61 5 390 o 405 85 (1,503 3,001 tt>3 68.425 24.410 48 7.033 2,*58 87 I 766 1.433 17 2.151 1,088 29 3.61!> 1.4 S3 71 11.381) 4 820 34 4.1 . . 1.843 4 7 2.888 1234 24! 1.370 7)>7 42 3.225 1,499 30 4,879 2.408 62 C..SMO 8.016 23 2.542 !l{»2 17 1574 745 81 2,831 M 9 28 H75 405 4!' 4,8ii0 i 483 27 1 830 730 22 2,7321 1,283 M 3 3«8 1.372 22 2.:iMi 1,079 2,274 270,511 117.968 811 «1 1.253 2.IHH 1. 75 1 1.183 1 | I 7 BM V. 2r " 4 3.08 1 1 1 71 19 5! 17« 1.17! is: 1,031 .17; 61 1.1 4 18 116 18 14 2.741 1,477 . 2,097 ......,.,. 24.! 1,784 1,3*1 03 201 I i I 1.a77 ■ 37-i 935 11.254 7,619 334 603 567 498 31 -^9 678 6 9 42-2 470 29 1 -29 110 51 1,488 1.3J8 1.858 , 1,360 1.494 1.47H 1.353 »!«6 927 087 688 427 883 307 3,57« i 3.037 690 770 2.377 1318 •2.867 1.745 19,1*48 31,169 '2,641 8,536 1.344; 9801 722 63-< 1.510 1.163 3.716 3.9*21 1,6181 1,212 962 798 338 152 -' 669 489 1,969 061! 1490 1,323 734 1.148 226 213 860' K4» 188 147 88H 1 1,053 20 20i 1,169 896 1.190 1,458 1,163 1.107 I, 1 1. .......... ""flxi i W34 ! 2.3« . 427; I.VSI a 27 I.VBI 475 m 7.61U 1.6 1.1 Vi\ ......... dii 40. 1,77: ■ n. -y. 1 i 1 4. ill 217 •207 1 a 488 i 4'24t •11! 2^ 821 147 1.27!« 607 384 i«a •293. 2,34 6. 2iif>| 1.187 1,6^31 6.31« 1,033 958 6|J «stt 1.625 1.1*9, 1.0671 521 266! 559! 477: 260' 4$ 62H! 1.047 4661 41:< 37ti 4.11 21 82 14' 1 4b7 1.2t« •-•69 43S "Yoo 1.456 893 52-' 6.0 4.010 1 1 40 j I 676 496 {'"" : Sik 6.tH7 38" 11 7.. 1 Bul 126 26b «.i| I i i 134 t>ls 35 •J79 ana 150 1,888 147 494 72 249 283 67 20tt 4,58:« 2 ii« B*3 10 45 154. ~ti 21 64 S 9i •205 &20 308 142 347 2,49. » 16 5-1 -',0 4. 8.0 1.-198 95i> .9 697 25 4 408 kSS 78 2-27 «77 •264 • 365 348 23 1.361 3 647 984 396 h. 1 *: 17 16 61 m ,TM 81 39 J l,8f»0 1.988 31.012 3 110 1.11*4 1.019 1 227 4.169 1 615 1 140 1 629 1.603 2.170 3 44 1.301 733 1 048 458 2.156 018 937 1 711 1.202, ■98 lj»- -., 508 99] ■ <■''. 3«> 98fl 1 691 6#B «S4 44 10J 218 2»7 5f 4. 17|> l!l 1.082 113 415 13.', 57 1 31- -1 61 45 •J • I 65; 1,691 9. 3 4" ,Ho;' 10.4 1.471 461 4.U 5' 316 1.3»9 1.936 1134 788 814 692 125 1.002 vn 1 .3. 1 1 89.- -1' 4' i iM ■ I 10 61 31 I, 2, -o 1.176 1.174 1.134 957' 18 o*l 1,098 Total* '■ 118.054 i,6H V48,635J 95.D4U 77.510 5*,700 43.76tf Cot'NTIES. ■ n & £3 o sg < T I* H ]| if i c c C a a — * •a; o V \, in <• i.i Alpine i. 4,178 "'iiii 7.55U :..'». ■Mnailor I i-, ■... i 1.271 310 444 947| 40V 1.198 ■I~.VI b .3 1,26* ""4:;7 "iv 78 505 51 206 280 Kutte Saiaveraa ! L'olusst I Contra Costa.... ■ Del .Nortc El Dorado Kresno nienn j Him. bo. .lt [nyo Kern Kiii-s Like ■tVfl '. 3,13e' 717 ""aii l.btfl '" ii<h 1,7 166 530 ' 1.7*7 454 331 if* ... 151 2,1103 Itij 1. ■■■ . 71 248 443 HI 170 4.' nil 242 21»7 10 425 164 .457 •_>: i i 1.531 i - -19 1.01 1 8' Laasen Los Anijeles ... Naden 217 Hi 476 4 li 137 254 417 77 271 0.179 385 549 i<i 351 10-' 211 5,53 .' . 5-2 1 24 71 174 •5 144 10.781 10 4.2H9 Uarin ] Vanposa. i M-iiloclno •.M 618 lib -•4! 607 1 123 j •»* lit 51:^ II 441 140 lurcod Modoe 'li. 1-^0 1,07. Mono. Monterey., &*»• Nevada. Orange Placer '1 1 im a | Riverside j 101 l!i •i.i 643 M •IB 4P» •JOB IH4 350 2.1 tit} 64"5 I.BMB 12.87J 1,409 1.053 1i 710 2.314 459 245 77 •258 65U 291 V.2 68 360 20 1,875 2 19H 1 1,207 I 254 IHI 191 144 KM 173 i 173 1.401 7XII 214 6iil Sacramento San Benlto ! San rnardlna. «an IM-co ! *an Francisco.. San -!■• n|ii 11 | San I.uisoblspo. San Mateo ' Santa Karbara.. Santa Clara Santa Cruz. .'.... Stiasta. Si. rra.. -.. Slskiyou j Suia.'io. . j Sonoma. i I 41 1 007 2. 2 HO 20.179 470 «8.- -2.5-2 3- -91 \i 3,108 13,001 ■ IITQ 51 4,1J tl — * 331! 131 ,45 V.705 1 18.305 V.491 1,341 417 1.487 4,<>37 51j9 1011 •JO,'-2t>9 l,» 0«: 401 1,313 . 19.423 1 J7U I.' 3. 740 339 77- -71 j Ml 1.f>85| 567 ' 5.'9.< »7M 3.614 371 18fi 151 HU4 759 ;i5--' i«H 151 444 61 1,41 37 175 164 4J •31 '11 i; '4 ! «18 1.7891 ■7 ti 24 62 I.7;'*, 90 ; 851 Stanislaus Gutter rehama rrlnltv I'ulare I'uoiuinue ...... Ventura I '010 tuba , 114 »74 ■211 76' 81! I.o*B 18 745 1.182 1.18 -II 1.114 1,083 i.071 la I 1 1.11 1,0 1. i 6XI l.'ou 5' I 1,071) S>67 438 407 | 67,96ti TOUI | 94, '^71 «6.«a5 59.7' .'■H.B47 38.1 CONGRESSMEN ELECT. c c •c I -1 a ' o c B S * ET = C o 1 '/I er V; o" ■a J>el Norte lumnoldt. .ajseu >larin iletidotlao tlortoc «ai>» "lumas 'basta. IT 31; 1,37!' 1,338 874 1 18' 3«9 . i! 47 242 «, 60-' 644 171 IS 719 5tS3 441 1 3-' 28/;.'. 10 1,232 Jtllll US 117 O3J 875 201* I Vi 4H2 342 4M S 813, 178 60 ; 7 iOO 179 144 23 1,410 1.40.> 349 ' SKI 446 64 1 1 aHli I 9 MM 220 43 'l»8 7,981' 6.968' »481 ilerra 'isktyou lonomt , L'ehaina I runty 5i 31 V 2 Totals Second Congressional District. o 1 « j 8 5" 1 o 5 B I: I o er 9 a O 3 » ►8 £ ki[)iae 1 in niter lutve ;alaveras £1 Dorado nyo , ilariposa.. 5.. ..1 . .. 21 19 B('i 65 4.|l 1,72 30 5; 311 36 34 1 85! 17 16 43! 15 2 ft V 2 0! ** 41, 1,41' 4!) . -j» 93: 66 63 4,30: * 8 . 47 2.87 i 17 7 M 2! 27! 19 60 I 'iji I,< M ""•-'65 B'JO 7« fiBS 100 1-2 23 1.231 515 1.0«0 1,468 iii 4oiio 61 »eva«l» 'lacer. tacramento ■an Joaqmn ■utter iiiolunme fuba 527 ! SkOB ""ii 7.102 Totals 11 Third Congressional District. <:ountiks. o — I r> n II = 5 J3 I B _D I U.-uneda 3. Jus* ••I.' 1.1 Costa. 09' 9 il i 30. 1 17 20 ■ 30, i 25 a 3,018 4 as •J9!t 175 66 47 6 38j ile:.n 1 3! 20 Lace i SOIxDO v i 010 *. TotaU 3 io.o»: ourth. Congressional I>latrlct — San i"r»ncisco (part;. ' VOTK I.V 1894. .'o. or precincts heard from "".... hannoti. X !Ml< laeiiire, I> 14.450 "oilier, Top 6.5f5 Lowell. Fop 379 Utmeli. Fifth Congressional District. o ■r. B * o ■ o. San Francisco (part) Sun .Mateo Clara.... 4.914 62 2,241 X0U11.. ...... ,7.307, SUritKMK COURT JUSTICES. . I I Sixth Congressional District. Counties. ?! c -" I 1 1 2 • 3 - • o J3 : - o » I Lot Angeles | Monterey I >an l.tilsMM.po.. . ; Santa IlarDara I >»nl» ( ruz I Ventura 1 117 i 43 37 I 39 I 34 IV 11 .•JM'.I 1 8.894 '.iil I 4.453 •I'.'tf 1,9-M 65» 1.V42 570 17 Tolalg I I ! 17 S2-")i I 10,631 Seveuth Congressional District. COTN TIE!!. 5! "Z p \— ~ 2. 'Ik a • ~ I j] n * * o |« a n : "■ ¥ i: ? : : m . . « ; i*i : . d w ; p 5 c 8 a ; 1.967 378 ¥5t 408 101 488 311 13 I OUS •J7» 1,257 1 7.9»l Fresno 72 es ls*r< 48 14 •• >"X I 15 9 .Merced o 2 j 4 Mailer* <> 4 7 Ormisn , o.j; 2° Klver-irte "' 4« 16 hao if ato is 1 Sun lti-rnardliio ' si 46 fun Diego «5 eg Stanislaus »3 39 Tulare... " ; 9 41 1.4 .ti; 7t>:< 3,178 B^7l I.3UC : i.2Bi! 1 1.403' [I?. 10. 31 First Kailroad District. • p ; J3 9 "3 if Alpine Am.vlor Bntte Cal»ver»» Coiusa ,_'/ l>«l None.... Xl Dorado "' Ulenn HaiubuiiU .', Lake "/'■ l.;is»cu '.\W nducino .. ' . M(KIOC >«pa ■""■ Nevada j Placer — • j riiiiiias ~-* | Kacraineuto. .."'" I Mi»»u Sierra ... "■ MMlyuu. I"*" Solano. . "" Sonoma... Sutler. Tehama. ' Trinity... '" Yolo j Yuba ;; I SI i... I 111 I,' "ir f. 6. I,W Mi 1.142 C.7 I »4 64* I 82 27U '! 141 ii • 16 ; 1,385 64 I I . 180 I 471 ■I vp I 79 I VI i I 3H5 i 136 i I 1.: 92 ! 290 II 70 t| 25»5 I tM : V 45 . til I I 338 j i?l ! S!8" ! 35 3,951 2,8 29 i •■or. -■ot> • 19H «1K l,V6i Sri-J 17 : i ii ■ , X Total! 381_l IB.iaBl 15.97^1 6,637 Second Railroad District. I o - -, ■ a n i s • ° ■ i a 58. i o ■ c o ■ a "8 o XI S B 20,0.: 7 ■JR.. 4 9.81 i • ».. Tot»U.... Third Ban-road District. Counties. a c n. • n '■ tr • ft '. w I n se O c" •a : 0.063 3.7 I I,B'Ja 46 278 274 5.U32 lOti 19 151 22 655 66» 360 11 5->0 1.935 1:34* 1.052 t>s9 2,045 399 341 1.331 - > -2 555 -till"'!.! o:nra Costa.. res no | ujo "iern SltlßS I .us Angeles...! «»<iera unripona Merced.... Mono Monterey Grange lliverslde •an Metilto. . . v Uernardiuu. San : ■- . San Joaquln.. S. l.uls oiuipo. janta Karliara 00| 99 6.50:< 15.1371 30! 'J8 1,448 1.0 15' 72 Hi I.WT 2.«50l 17 6 :^54 1 lrto 48 11 € J54 27-j 15 9 490 4^> 117 116 10 59581 6,00 2-1 7 117 lao 15 3 22 21 22 3 104 178 7 -2 109 60 43 21 900 1 779 ft! ft 1.253 787 46 15 tils 252 18 l| 31 S8 51 16 i*s9 39« 85 «7 2.4801 1,530 4H| 41 1 2.702 1.««i3 37 1 2b 1.188 BS2 29 27 1,350 1,14 V 71 5H 1 3.075 2.915U 34 10 428 378 23 19 VH9\ 930 49 41 1,152 1.314 27! 1 iK 19 ,22 ( 17 1,151 777 ,075 70 1 39.773 30.84U' 1,448 1.787 ! 304 • 54 10.5'J^ 1 17 104 109 I*o 27 2 4«> i 6, 06 l»0 21 178 U. i:- -1,0 25 61 AH 37 >anta Clara. .. Kama Cruz.... 71 :;4 Stanislaus Tu:are i uolunioe Ventura TotaU 1,075 METHODIST MISSIONS. Alay Find It Difficult to Collect Money This Year. New fORK, Nov. B,— The general mis sionary committee of tne Methodist Epis copal Church Is In session iv Brooklyn. The committee is composed ul all the Bishops of the church, representatives from districts covering the entire world, ministers and laymen from the missionary boards of the church. These Bishops are present: Thomas Bowman, R. S. Foster, S. M. Merrill, E. G. Andrews. H. W. War ren, C. D. Fuss. J. F. Hurst, J. M. Waldon, C. 11. Fowler. J. H. Vincent, J. N. Fitz gerald, I. \V. Joyce, J. P. Newman and D. A. Goo-sell. Last night the committee devoted the session to considering how much it should undertake to raise for missionary pur poses during the coming year. Last year the collections were $1,125,000. Many of the members thought it inexpedient to undertake to collect that amount next year on account of the hard times. Tins precipitated a discussion of the business depression. At the suggestion oi Chaplain C. C. McCabe the organ-loft was deco rated with a big United States flag. The chaplain said it was In honor of the elec tion. Dr. R. S. Storrs, president of the Amer ican Beard of Missions, and J. D. Wells, president of the Presbyterian Board, made addresses. Dr. Storrs said: "I see by the flag that you believe in ihe doctrine of election. I'm sure you practiced that doc trine yesterday. I'm sure it was ordained you should do so." Brooklyn-, N. V.. Nov. B.— The second day's session of the Methodist Missionary Conference was held this afternoon at the Hansom Place M. E. Church, Bishop John P. Newman presiding. After prayer had been offered. Bishop F. C. Andrews of New York moved that 2*". per cent be taken from the home and given to the for eign missions. , *. .- An appropriation of 55 per cent for home and 45 for foreign missions was finally de cided upon. ""■',-■ V ; The Rev. Dr. Leonard called the atten tion of the officers to the fact that Bishop Taylor, who received an appropriation of $2500 for library, and large private dona tions besides, had made no report of his expenditures since 1888. although be bad been called upon Oy the conference to do so. The Methodist Social Union gave a ban quet to the members of the conference at the Hotel St. George to-night. It was fol lowed by a reception. VICTORY AND DEFEAT. German Residents of South Africa in * Hard Luck. Berlin, Nov. B.— A special dispatch re ceived here says 2000 natives of the Maw iii'ji tribe recently attacked KilwaKi wiudje. East Africa, and were defeated by the German regulars and natives under Baroii yon Ehrsteln. Later the Mawoojl tribe captured Kei wakes waul with much bloodshed. The Germans bave not force strong enough to recapture the place. Forger Sentenced. Los Angeles, Nov. B.— J. G. Leyshnn, who forged the names nf several people In this city by signing their names to various instruments and raising money on them, was to-day sentenced to six years In San Quentin prison. A stay of execution of sentence until next Saturday was granted. Steamer Disabled. London. Nov. B.— lt is reported that the steamer Venetian from London No vember 4 for Boston is making for Queen* town with her machinery disabled. Yale and Princeton. New York, Nov. B— Yale and Prince ton will piny their usual football game December 1 on Manhattan Field. WISHES TO RACE. Lord Dunraven Writes for Modification IN THE YACHTING RULES. Some of Which Seem to Be Fair , Enough, BUT WOULD BENEFIT CUTTERS. The New York Yacht Club Referred the Request to a Special Committee. New York, Nov. B.— The prospects of another series of international yacht races were given au additional impetus this week, when it became known that Lord Dunraven had sent a letter to the New York Yacht Club, the members of which met in special meeting to consider the communication. The letter is not a chal lenge, but simply a decision of prelimi naries. " Lord Dunraven desires certain modifi cations of the terms. and conditions of the Vigilant-Valkyria matches. lie wants, first, measurements to be taken with all tne weights on board, dead or alive, that the yachts are to carry; secondly, that all dead or windward or leeward races should be started to windward. •' He also suggests that the races be sailed at Mnrble Head instead of New York to avoid crowding. He also finds fault with the provision which gives the challenger right to name but one yacht, while ' ie challenged can choose from any number the one to defend the cup. At the meeting io-ni_ht it was decided that meetings must be held in New York, but the i th?r questions were referred to a special committee. GOULD IS AMBITIOUS And Has Ordered a Magnificent Keel Racing Boat. New York, Nov. B.— Howard Gould has given the Berreabeffi au order for a crack racing yacht in the twenty-rater elans. Work is to be begun on the boat at once and she is to be ready early in April to go across the ocean and sail against the fleet of the British twenty-raters. ''Judging from my experience on the other side," said Mr. Gould to-day, "I be lieve there is a good deal of line racing to be bad in this connection and I am going over to try it with a boat of my own. I have told the Herreshoffs that i want the fastest boat of that class they can turn out. "Her design is not all complete yet, but roughly speaking her overlengtn will be about sixty feet aud she will be about forty-five feet on the water-ltne. She will be a fiti-keel boat with the fin made ot bronze, and tliere wiii be about fifteen tons of lead in her hull. She will draw ten feet of water." OLD BALL-PLAYER DEAD. "King" Kelly Succumbs to an At- tack of Pneumonia. Boston, Nov. B.— Michae! Kelly, known the country over as the "Kins" among baseball-players, died at the Emergency Hospital here at 9:43 to-night from acute pneumonia. Although he has been ill for several days, it was not thought necessary to summon Mrs. Kelly from their home a: Allentown, Pa., until yesterday, at which time communication was cut off by the crippled telegraph wires. Since the baseball Mason closed Kelly has been connected with a theatrical com pany, appearing in a specialty. .Last Monday morning he came to Bos ton feeling slightly 11, but well enough to call on an old friend at the Plymouth House. He intended to continue his work with his company at a Boston theater that nieht. but feeling unabl* to do so, called on Dr. Calvin at the Emergency Hospital. The physician pronounced his disease acute pneumonia and ordered him to led. Until yesterday the prospects for his re covery seemed good, hut during the night he suffered a relapse and sank rapidly, re maining in a hopeless condition until death this evening. COLD-BLOODED POISONERS. A San Bernardino Woman Confessed to an Awful Crime. San "Bernardino, Nov. B— Mrs. Barnes, the woman arrested a few days ago, charged with slowly poisoning her husband in a conspiracy with her para mour, has made a confession. She says her husband brought Salter to the house when sick. Sho nursed him, and while so doing fell iv love with him. Salter proposed that they el p?. She would not consent to this until her hus band was dead. Then Salter wanted to shoot her hus band, but she could not bear the idea of a cold-blooded murder, so poison was agreed on. She commenced administering poison in his food, and wh"n he was taken sick they put it in the medicine. As he grew worse they increased the doses. The woman many times wanted to back out and Salter found it necessary frequently to threaten to shoot her if she did not keep giving the poison. They had agreed to zive up the work and elope when apprehended. Did Not Come Off. Chicago, Nov. B.— The shooting match which was to have b"-»n held in this city between Carver and Elliott did not come off. There was some misunderstanding of the affair, as Carver is in Texas and did not know the match was arranged for to-day. For Tired Mothers Jfi£g<jssm* "I feel very thank- -ol^m^B^iSj\\ . 1- ' or wniU Hood's fep-aMm Sarsaparilla has dnne -»-* **«*-"jtA tot me. I have taken I *£_ -*- r -- a bottles and the !___) _--?> Ira medicine has made a ff l?-"f ,W^ "eat change. I was R __.** jHr All Run Down \ "^_.*" >m* from trouble and M* V i -^ overwork, and had f'^fe- '' i 1 *^ "ther complaints tffc-^lw^r _-€* con,roo - to my sex at &<J ;^S_^M^^^ mv •**•"■. 4 "- year-. fcv_ _K i" i _k^^7*^-^° "*" since taking *_.*_ »kl 1 1 f irrvsf SB-Rood*! Sarsaparilla Mrs , xi. MV. W_mocl_ l am much stronger and «m Braining in fl»sh. I would advlsn all overworked; tired, weak MOTHERS to take Hood's Sarsaparttla io build ti*«-m up." Mrs. G. W. Warxock. Beverly, Nebraska. Remember, Hood's s^ Cures Hood's Pills «ci easily, vet promptly and I efiicieutiy, on the liver ana bowels. 25c. aiISC--2.1.A_7E0ir3- -\ * \ . \ ' \ NOT 1 I I ■ ; 1 ; i . If a man whose whole business career has beeu devoted to buying clothing from makers, wholesalers and jobbers, and then retailing it to you, tells you he is a whole- saler selling at wholesale prices, just tell him he is not. \Ve are makers of cloth- ing, selling at wholesale In a wholesale store in the wholesale district— whole- salers pure and simple, notiuug else. It you have need of clothing for man, boy or child, and want to save jiiston.-liftl", come BROWN, BROS. & CO. Wholesale Makers of Clothing Proprietors Oregon City Woolen Mills 121 = 123 SANSOME ST. BLUE SECOND BLOCK SIGNS FROM MARKET A WONDERFULLY POWERFUL NERVE-PRO- DUCING REMEDY-STOPS ALL LOSSES. |IgS.THE Great- I w L*, c f Sft^ -*&*? ??Ii I HI'DYA.* is J-S^SJ vl?orates,tone§ the most mar- m>&*"-H_r and makes pow- velouj disco v- 'd»vt'i_! erf ul the entire errof th<* a.c, K>J*' I *'T2*^ bony. -HUD- indorsed Dvsci- l)/^X v Y'AS c urea ence It is a |_*_„V,4e| headaches, dlz- power. Is the tW^--i7» V "_i zli.ess.cluline.-s, great brain «.:\ ! "-*"' "!.<-*_ confusion, pres- nerre producer C- )^**-'3 ? «3 sure. blu?s,mel- Takeit. HUD- *"".___a3| ■ anclioiy and VAN Is purely _^_a , 3Bsw_ was tint; nor- veße table it <i-"S* wfeia vous disease, will Rive you J***t2>"^*^J II l" mi V A ■ trenctn. &Sis»tfs3»-_ steps all losses HCDt AN* *r-,< v _-,;i : Sg Insta n t i v. cores lost man- ¥§?_*. tl I* "** -* 1 •* hood, ilizzlno-s, (_SM __y_sß3 gives power to constipation, tSf^^viiKvai the body so that nervou. <iel^il- '"i/yr^v'-vij^i ail the organs ity, nervous fc"Cof< r BWw_\ of ll.e body aro prostrat ion, '•?,;..'< K**W_a in a healthy falling sens*- .'/4*-t"it'-yj.'*_*S state lfyou are tions. nervous '":*"4'* *r-** , «s-W*« weal", debillta- iwitchlntr of 3**^_^-^_i__ ted. lack en- the eyes and , *vl x '••■'.*'' : - -■**■■. er?v, nerve, other parts. «e}!W_»-Wira__ force, vitality. Stretißthens,!a -Ij&iffl i,*_'ffi?ft_fflt use HI,DVA>I ■ ~f¥< i If you would bo happy, strone, vigorous . and powerful uso RUDY A The new discovery was made hy the specialists or the old lainous HUDSON M »>!• VI. I>- STITI'TK It is the strongest vlt".llzer made. It is very powerrul bat harmless. Sold tor $1 a package, or six packages for $5 (plain sealed boxes). Written guarantee given lor a cure. If you i>u"" six boxes ami are not entirely cured six more will be sent to you free of all charges, bend for circulars and testimonials- Address HUD- SON M_DICA_ INSTITUTE. San Fraucisco, Cal. HUDSON MEDICAL INSTITUTE Stockton, Market and Ellis Sts.,B. F. JT'2O eod-Wy tt ■V" S _r_ £_ £_ a "aiatiuo ref reshia* for _ __ K_ SA §_ frul - -05-enge. . I f_L.___ II very agreeable < >*«TIiATIO\, i__l __ !&?-_! hemorrhoids, bile, 3_ 1 1 i I - 1— 'ess of appetite. castric and . . II I b I. trouble.- and headache arising ■ from them. I- SIB I Iml 38i:uede Arc I hVv_.: p^ris US Bi I _■ WI- Sold by all Druggliti. oc*_"- Tulr am FINE CARRIAGES I Of Every Peseription at 1 astern Prices. CASH, NOTES or INSTALLMENTS CARVBLL WIF'C CO., 48 Eigh'.h Street, San Francisco. . oc' tf MoWeFr *-p $50 REWARD! . LOST— FROM THE FOOT OF FOLSOM. ST.. ' last Thursday niebt, a gasoline engine boat. VO feet long, painted white above the water lino ami below the line a light pink, lt tins a four- ipiiidi a propeller, an iron rudder and a wooden tiller. If the boat is returned to tiie place It was lost from the reward will lie promptly paid and no questlous asked, o7 9 FRANCIS _ VALENTINE, 517 Clay. BnBIAIRR a _ I % FORBARBERS.BAKEIIS ■ t*SBC 1 1 3^l &« &■ _-4 bootblacks. Dam - houses I Ua.VvwnfcV billiard- tablet, brewers. { l ir-.rti, candy-maker., canners, dyers, flour- in Wis, Jcundritt, laundries, paper-baoger.. -print- I ers, pa inter-, shoe faetorles,stableineu, tar-roofer- | tan hers, tailors, etc. BUCHANAN BROS., I Brush Manufaclurcrs. 001) Sncramento tt. ocl7 "WoKrSu _p tf /^~*%, Dr.Gifolion's Dispensary, _I®^*^_ 62: - KEARNY **T. Established 3_3 '" ,554 * the treatment of rrlvat-j I 62.1 KEARNY JUT. E*C_l>H_ied I in 181 M tor tbe treatment of i'rivu!" *«-4SfcSJ£ Dtseases, Loal Manhood. Debility or * 5 -s_Sssffi«_a disease wearing on body and mind and V-K'^-sSixv^J Skin Diseases. This doctorctires when *%_^«B^_- fail. Try him. Kol'ure.Ao k~ es_ter«__ pay. Charges low. Call or write. Dr. J. F. -UIITBON, Box 1957, San Francisco. ! INTERNATIOHALkISFI^,S "Ei OTEIj. NESS UOTEL ill s-'.n iTanctecoT Kates *1 to *1 50 por day. The bouse baa recently been rmnodeled at an expense of *i.,00-*t. KINO. WARD * CO. Fropr*"- Wa_rM _ ' Buy Direct at Factor.' and Save 30 Per Cent RMVY PEDESTALS vt 8 HEW 8 __ Mantels. K-c-iugs. He_rt_B. Ktc. VII 9f\ 605 Brannan st., near Sixth. _■'. *_K. KI_»S:LKK. _ 0.19 lm *' r T u _ iffH-TE-IUITW-