Newspaper Page Text
, mil' W.WTKn-COXTIXVED. I 1 o*4 D-H AMD SHOES Al 1) KEPaIRImT ij-tie-t,. go to 118 Fourth 0r .708 Howard. 3m l-1-__l___t_? ''*- I*NGl * NG 50c: -'ONE WHILE 0 •*" wail. 638 M-irkjßEopp.pal.Ho'.el. LEVI-:,.n9 lm \\ AN TED-PUPILS IN PENMANSHIP AND buildln- Hematics; day and evc -- lu B- 8* Doooboa pu " alng * noB 7t* ty ANTED— FOB GENERAL OFFICE WORK ,'' y " u ' : P ,a ' i competent and willing to work; _? _. , uuders - '-" 1 shorthand and typewriting: ? 3 mil lt '-- St - L* 7:, l! i,,: "■•*•*' Address in own com ml *'' omce ' box 5i - c i" '"•'• c, •'•-5 Mont- goiner> st. 8 3c pARTNEU, --MALL OAPI TAL. WELL-PAYING •*- cogee-saloon. Apply -.35 Rearm- St., room ll." TV jEN OF INTELLIGENCE: GOOO SALAKY _'»* to right party. '.'4 Montgomery, room 12. 8 3t« " \V ANTED— SALESMAN ACQUAINTED WUH • ' grocery and saloon trade; Hebrew preferred. 41 Second st., 10 to *% a- m. OS It" tV ANTED— YOUNG MAN IN OFFICE AND DO | « collecting; referent necessary. 20 Ellis st.. room •-»■ noS 3t DRIVER ON COMMISSION OB AS PARTNER XJ in milk dairy. 924 Lark ln st. n 83 l » LIP. BT-C LASS CABINET-MAKER WANTED. J_Fink „ SCHINDI t-K, 1309 Market, nog 2t* AMERICAN BREAD AND CAKE BAKERS •** supplied from lr,_ers' Hall. 818.-. Howard si • country orders promptly attended to by the sec- retary - notilSt I*7 ANTED— EXPERIENCED WIREMEN FOR Incandescent electric light wiring: none but experienced persons i .-.-d anplv. Inquire at 5 0 clock i- _. fur foreman of Incandescent De- partment. EDISON LIGHT AND POWER CO 229 Stevenson St. no 7 3t ' •fIOOD BARBER-SHOP FOB SALE: CHEAP- xi good location: only ij-35 rent: long lease- pood business: reasonable oiler accepted, inoulre tall liranch tifflce. nO 7 St* \\ ANTED -A SOBER MAN IN" SALOON Busi- ness; expedience unnecessary: small capital red; rare chance; bargain. b3ij Third. no 7 Bi*> Q i GOOD BARBER CHAIRS.I POLE 2 GLASSES: •J cheap. 614 Jessie st n „7 ;II - TC'" ANTED SEAM APPLY SHIPPING -— _______ 319 I * ac best. nop 7t* I*. ANTED— IO EXPERIENCED SOLICITORS •'to canvass for the new high-arm Singer. Call bit-seen 9 and 10 a. m. The Singer Mauufactur- lug ■■!.. 22 Post at. no. 7t "1 AC-SOUP, MEAT, POTATOES, BREAD AND Xx) butter, coffee, tea or milk. 44 Fourth. oc3lir t^Ot) Pair- OF SHOES uncalled FOR) 25c xjxjV r tu ?l. 564 Mission st., 63 1 *,'■> Sacramento, tr L*KEE COFFEE AND ROLLS. HOME LODGING- x bouse. 704 sansoine* single rms 20c. 91. $3 wt. CELL US TOUR OLD -HOES; BEST PRICE k- given. 564 Mission, H3i '- } sacramento.aul7 3m fj '""MEN WANTED; ROOMS 10c _ 15c NIGHT. * x) 140 Minna, bet. 3d and New Moutgmry. 14 tt I i\Ci MEN JO lAKK LODGING AT 10c. 15c J ' 'V.I and 20C a night. -.eluding coffee and rolls. .24 Washington St., near Kejrnv. jeltJ tf VICE SINGLE FURNISHED ROOMS, 25c A Xx nicht: 91 59 week 321 Ellis. Rosedale. selitl IV ANTED— MEM FOR SINGLE FURN. RMS.. " Sl w_. 23c night. ElCho Bona-, 8 63*/ 2 Mkt. tf Vt! ANTED— TO CALL AT NEW RESTAU- *' rant tor 5 and 10 cent meals. 50 Third. s!4 tf riIRY ACME HOUSE 957 MARKET ST., lI E- -1 low Sixth, for a room; 25c uight:si week.2U ly \\ ANTED— LABORERS AND MECHANICS TO " know that Ed Rolkin, Reno House proprietor, bas opened _oto House, 32 Fourth St.: 100 rooms: '-5c to J. per Bight: Si -.5 to .4 per week. 20 ly ) EST IN SINGLE ROOMS. 15,20 AND kl 25 cents per night; $1. 91 25, ?1 50 per week. Pacilic House. Commercial ana I.eidesdorS ml7 cf a ANTED— SINGLE ROOMS lot.- A DAY. $1 A '• week; rooms for 2 *_5c a day. *1 50 a week. Reading room: dally -aners. 3- Clar st. mr_ tf - V BOARDING WANTED. \Y" ANTED— TO BOARD, A CHILD. AND WILL '* have nice home Apply 1806 Bush st. 5 101* \V AN I D— Hi BOARD, A LADY. WHO WILL ' have the comforts of a good home. Apply 1606 Push st. nos 10t*» ROOMS WANTED. i) FRONT ROOMS WANTED - FOR J-IGHT *- housekeeping In nice neigboorbood. Address terms ■-■ I*. lE. box 127. Call Branch Office imp 2** A i ! *.ll>( I.I.EAN > DCS. IV ANTED TO PURCHASE. 500 CHAIRS. AY. 1'" piy Wonderland. ' . 1* Market st. no 9 3t* LODGING-BOUSES l olt SALE. •i> *)( )l til ELEOAN I I.V URNIBHED ROOM- . —VV'. ing bouse; 41 rooms: desirable local- ity N'.of Market ;be.t bargain offered sstand Investl- gatlon. STENBERO.PROLL.TABOR.g9S Market* TO buy OH -ELL A LODGING-HOUSE SEE GUS STRAND. 19 Sixth St.. near Market . * t^-r'7"-. FIFTEEN BO'»Ms:POST ST. -CLEARS *, V< O. "*5O month. STRAND, 19 Sixth St. * C-Q'/l CORNER HOUSE; 11 FURNTSHED *^'o*-)V*.rooms;i)a.ylpg house.STRAN D.19 6tb st SA "A LODGING-HOUSE WITH 14 WELL _ OV . furnished rooms: good location: beat bargain ever offered; right place for man ami wiie. STEN BEBO. PBOLL _ TABOR, 905 Mar- ket st. * t)A ROOMS ELEGANTLY FURNTSHED: ANY _._• offer wanted. SPECK, 30 Montgomery st. * V*n ROOM - El EGAN ILY FURNISHED. ov clear; to exchange. SPECK; 30 Montgomery.* QUTTEB HOI BE FOB SALE; 95 WELL-FUR- i > i. shed rooms: the oldest and beet-known Louse In San Francisco: dob g good business: price moderate. Address JOS. DESSENS. 308 Butter > noS lot* .T* ODGI N G-H USE OF SS ROOMS, DOING 1 t f-ood business, for 6ale; part cash or trade. Appl_*_BQ3 Front nn.; Tt* rn__.Ni ruKE fob SALE. i :. I i l RE OF 7 ROOMS; PABTT LEA V- J ing city; bargain. 502 Post at •__ H«. KRASKY. SEW AND FIRST-CLASS - second-hand furniture, carpets, bed Has:, pictures: bargains. 779 Mission st oc_7 tf "i ) eductioa » on large STOCK. HEW AND J i second hand; 400 carpets, good as new; oil doth, _9c; parlor suits, $X\* up: linoleum. 45c: 7- j-iece chamber suits. *T4 60: cornice poles. -sc-. ranges, $6: cash or Installments; goods ahipoed Dee. T. H. N ELSON. I2tf Fourth st. L^_ fiTT PRICES IN FURNITURE AND CARPETS » ' th'« weelc at Mi-CA UK'S. t-H-s-i' -') 'tis j-.--..'. lv FURNITURE VV ANTED. H^ENBt _UTTM__r~AUC_TONI ; _B HUVS restaurants, saloons, groceries, notions, car- pets, furniture, piano-. 142 Phelan tf \\' ILLIAM BUTTEEFIELD, AUCTIONEER; '' buys, sells and rents furnished bouses. Oface opposite Palace Hotel, 2d Cour Crocker hid.. Itt i 'EO F. LAMSON WILL BUY Villi: FURNT- * ' ture: full cash value. < '. 0 Kearnv. r'm .' mltf M.I. MMMONS A- CO.. AUCTION EERS. WILL . uuy your furniture, pianos and boons: do ret dispose ot mem until you have seen him. 1057 Market St. ap9 tf A LARGE QUANTITY SECOND-HAND niturs wanted: -0 per ct paid mors tban else- where. MAI.QNF. lltf Fonrth: new store. m2O DENTISTS ANY TOOTH FILLED OR i_O__oT_D _\ painlessly by my secret method without dan- gerous cocaine or gas: won 8 first prizes: ] rices reasonable; work warranted: all operations ex- pertly done; remember 1 have removed from 6 to 20 O'Farrell St. DR. GEORGE W. LEEK. m 96 tf DR. REA, COS LARKIN ST.; ALL DENTAL k' work at lowest prices and warranted. oc_4 tf "MI- MOVED- DR. ALFRED 3." HILL, DENTIST," Jt from Geary to 1370 Market; painless extractn: 1 ate and bridge work; teeth without plates. 14 tf DP. .1. J. LEEK. 1 FIFTH ST.; OPEN KVEN- IngS and Sundays until noon. seS t'.n Di DLUM HI LL, 1443 MARKET ST., N EAR Eleventh : no Charge for exlracung when plates ere made: oil plates made over like new; teeth from _a per set; extracting 50c ; gas giveu. 4tf \ "FULL SET OF TEETH FOR $7; FILLINGS J^x at lowest prices; work warranted. DR. J. \'f. KEY. 1122 Market St.. bet. Mason and Taylor. 15 if C OLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION. 80S -AS- XJ ket,:. DR. CHARLES W. OEOK.EK. jei tf DE. li. G. YOUNG— EXTRACTION -AlM.l-.v-l~ platework, bridgework, teeth without plates' ii specialty. 1841 Folk st, my 14 tt TV PAIN—EXTRACTING OF TEETH MAI. II XX easy; aoe and 91: artificial Uoth rum $. -"Jllii? from $1. CROOME Dental Assoeiatlaa, 7iS Market st,. ber. Third and Fourth. apl'itf 'O-rj A SET FOR TEETH: "WARRANTED A3 *£*• I good as caa be made-, filling 9L DR. SIMMs B-ntist. 930 Market, next Baldwin Theater eeltt ~~~ OLA IK V ANTS MME. RAY bNA.OLAIBVO*_AST: LlfE READ- er: names given: vibe up. s.B Howard. 6 7t* "C*IRST-CLASS MEDIUM: CONSULT DAILY. X 438 ■/. Brannan St.. bet. Third and Fourth. 4 8* "\f ME PORTER' CARD READER: LADIES 60C, i'l gouts fl: tells pist, present, future: i-lalrvoy. ant sittings $1 60. SUS O'Farrell. nr. Jcnes.o.3 tr JIFE-BEADER, PALMIST; LADIES and J gents. PROF. Man li, lb:' Market, oc^l lm MRS. J. J WHITNEY, CLAIRVOYANT, TEST 111 medium and life-reader. '.18 stock ton. ~\] ME MOKEAI . LAIBVO¥ANT:TELLSPASr 111 present and future: fee 25c up. 102 4th st. tf ME DR. THOMAS TELLS ENTIRE LIFE past, present, future: consultations on ail af- fairs, nothing excepted: names given.good advice. sure help: restores lost love ny sympathy; mistake impossible: fee $1 ; letter $2. 30 Kearny st. *c 4 tf SPIRITUALISM. ~t~T~X OVIT EIGHTH ST.- WILLIE HARRIS, Jr\ grand me'tinti': Indict 60c. mi' tf ASTROLOGY. -TR'ATTsEER^TTViir IHILMKS." 623 GEARY : si. : horoscuncs. questions, stocks. :ulvice.2Utf CABPENTEB AND ;;r (LDEB _-"mEL9ON, CARPKN'tEB.'b UILD ER AND . lobber, 41 S-nsome st. cod 7t* ■ roam ESS CHANCES. *T<o BUY OR SELL A BtTsiNEsTTTF^ANY m kind go to the reliable firm ot PBOLL A TA- BOR, 995 Market st • -^'.^n SALOuN WITH 3 LIVING-ROOMS; -_)__- }\t. good stock and fixtures: ret 915. STENBEP.O, PROLL & TABOR, 995 Market. * CO t\t) BARGAIN* WELL -ESTABLISHED *„ XxJXJ. butter and egg route; GO good-paying customers: fine horse and wagon: trial given. STENBERG, PBOLL A TABOR, 1395 Market St. * (E;o*;ri PARTNER FOR WELL- PAYING •_ tJtiXf. liquor-store on Market st.: money to be used for improvements. STENBERG, PROLL A- Tabor, 995 Market. • ij*;'_>,--;(l A BARGAIN; RESTAURANT} FINE «4j x)OVf. trade; pood stock and fixtures, well- furnished living-room. fel F:N BEBO, I'Kt'l.L * TAiIOR, 995 Market st. * ffiV^H ARGAIN — FRUIT AND CANDY tC't)t)\l. store; full value insight. See STEN' BERG. PR. L.. A TABOR. 995 Market st. * Kf-rnil CORNER SALOON: 4 FURNISHED *Ir'lV.*V. rooms: receipts 920 dally; stock and fixtures worth the money asked ; big bargain. See STENBEBG. FROLL A 1 ABOR, 995 M .11 ket St. * LOR SALE— THE EXCLUSIVE BIGHT OF * selling article that everybody needs in every country ; sells rapidly: safe investment. STEN- B ERG. PBOLL A TABOR, 9 9 5 Market St. *_ (J6_L_'R BRANCH BAKERY AND CANDY Ctlo- manufactory; fine established busi- ness: In flourishing country town. SIENBEKG, I'ROLL & TABOR. 995 Martet st *"__ s-TlTi FIT ABLE BO 1 CHEB's BOSI- *3J U' '\'. ness: large custom trade: '_ horses: wacons; across bay. STENBERG, PROLL A TABOR, 995 Market St. *_ (SJQ.-.A . ICECREAM AND STATIONERY; -_ OOVJ. elegantly furnished: full value In fix- tures. STENT' F.RG.PROLLA 1 .808, 99a Market* C_ AC A RESTAURANT WITH GOOD STOCK «_sti-JU. and fixtures: receipts --18; stand in- vestigation. see STENBERG, PROLL A TA- B"R. 995 Marketst. * 9i ? : nil GROCERY AND GENERAL MER- tJ_,«)UU. cbandlse store in prosoerous town near San Fraucisco: fine stock and fixtures: doing a profitable business; fine chance for live man. Sl EN BERG. PROLL A TAB' 005 Market St. * C-C-t/l PEST BARGAIN EVER OFFERED: *. I •'"'. fine saloon, opposite eartionse: stock and fixtures worth the money askeo; don't miss It. STENBERG. PROLL 9 TAP. B 995 Market.* QIOXA BARGAIN: CORNER SALOON, •yj* l VOV . handsomely fitted: chance for 2 part- Beta. STENBERU, rA80R.995 Market* j J ARO AIM; f300; BRANCH BAKERY; ' NO- I' tlo- (trocerv: 3 living-rooms: furnished: rent $12 STENBERG, PROLL A TABOR, 995 Marketst. • (t> I 000 DOWNTOWN MERCANTILE COM- *_! I ''^" , '. merclal luiichlii.use: patronized al- most exclusively by wholesale merchants, their employes, bank clerks, insurance ami downtown business men generally; elegant pace; clears slso per month; easily run; famous location; immense trade; cloves »t. 0 -* _.; never open Sundays: cheap at 92000; must sell; investigate; make offer. GEO. STEW ART. 032 Market st. 1 "VTOTICE —TO SELL TOUR BUSINESS ->-> promptly for cash go to the well-known firm of GUS STRAND. 19 Sixth St. » si •>"".() PARTNER WANTED IN LIGHT -"p^-OV. manufacturing busiuess: established 18 years: clear $15 10 $20 per week each; no ex- perlence n?cessary GUs STRAND, 19 Sixth. • O-miT SALOON AND BILLIARD HALL: tJffdijV)V. stock; fixtures: cbeap rent; bar- this week. GI'S STRAND, li" Sixth st. • Q'-oH BRANCH BAKERY, STATIONERY, tPt)OV). notions, etc.; north of Market st.: rent $13: sickness canse of sale. STRAND. 19 Sixth.* **•* I 000 SALOON AMONG WHOLESALE tj J *'*"'• house*: owner same place 8 years: clears 100 per mouth. GUS STRAND, lb sixth. • QX-/*; CORNER GROCERY ANDBAR NEAR Xi O— O. Marketst.: rent 925: pays well; great bargain. GPS STRAND, I. Sixth St. • -"••J?*". GROCERY AND BAR; OLD ESTAB- •*r-)4»». lisbed place; 2 rooms: cheap rent: value in sight : suitable for man and wife; great bargain. See GUS Si RAND, 19 Sixth st. * k-1 *.|l BUTTER, EGG ROUTE; GOOD HORSE -~r_ -Jl*. wagon. STRAND. 19 sixth st. * C "V 7'> CIGAR-SIORE— NEAR MARKET ST ***!«-> I O. clears $100 month. SI RAN D.19 Sixth* Sl *)' BRANCH BAREST, 0-1 FFEE PAR- •***■ 1 -.U. lors. great bargain. STRAND, Sixth-* £♦-).- RESTAURANT; FEwTcUSi OMERS; 0 — *•""• dally receipts $18; suitable for lady or gentleman. i,US STRAND. 19 Mxth st. * CjO^fl" RESTAURANT AMD COFFEE SA- t_ O»'U. loon, near Market st; great sacrifice en ace tint of sickness. GUS STRAND, 19 Sixth. * Q^r/l RESTAURANT, BAR AND T FDR- ■"^■- / *~' , '• nished rooms; city front; clears $100 per month. 0-0 B STRAND. 19 Sixth st, . * <__j -./i BRANCH BAKERY: 4 ROOMS; RENT •~7«J»JU. $17 50. aND, 19 Sixth St. * C_ A*\l\ SALOON CONNECTED WITH SO- <r*T-JI". cietv ball where 50 odd lodges meet: clears $100 per month BOS STRAND. 19 sixth * <y lAA SALOON — OPPOSITE; FERRIES; x^IVV. selling on account of sickness; bargain to-day. GUs s BAND. 19 Sixth St. • (j_ .-. Z. PARI" WANTED IN COFFEE «. •'«•». saloon and family restaurant: clears > 99 per month to each. BOH STRAND.I 9 Sixth.* Y-OONU MAN WITH $500 CAPITAL CAN GET 1 into business near this office; will pay him well. Address Business, box 83, this once. _Os» tf >.\ ANTED— PARTNER: PAYING BUSINESS: •' 9100 to •E'.i*. 509 Goush St., downstairs. * LINE PAKERY AND FANCY-STORE; NORTH * or Market st. ; stamping, pinking and em- broidery; good business. Address A., box 160, Call Branch Office. no. 3t* OO'.O PARTNER WELL-PAT SALOON" q| tltJVi. near Market St.; loug trial given ; clears $75 each. Apply 235 Kearny, room 11. * }.) UTCHER-SHOP. ' Good fixtures: rent 5-19. Inquire H. MEISEL, NE. cor. Union and Montgomery sts. no 9 3i*» ( 'OFFEE SALOON ON MARKET ST.; POSI" ' J lively clearing $100: $800. .-PECK, 30 Mont- g.iiiit-r> St. * "{ I NCH-HOUSE AND SALOON: Al LOCA- 1j tion: large place; splendid trade: sold ac count sickness. ANDERsEN 4 Co., 235 Kearny St.. room 11. * " Q--.AA PARI WANTED IN ESTAB- «_ t)VJVJ. lighed business, paying $75 to $-5 per month eacb: 1.0 previous experience necessary; full investigation given: a reliable, steady man will find this a good opportunity to get into a pay- ing position. Apply at 9 Geary st, room 2, be L 12 ai.d 1. • l\ ANTED— NEWSPAPER ROUTE FOR GOOD ■ ' real '-state, J. [> 310'/- Devisadero st. 8 •'..* FIRST-CLASS BOARDING-HOUSE: TAYLOR, near Sutter; no agents, For particulars ad- dress, A. A., box 114, Call Branch Office. » Q* [Cfl BARGAIN: BEST PAVING COFFEE Ot«JU. and oyster stands: cheap rent: mast be sold; owner sick. 1. Hayes st. noB "t* Q*;r./l WESTERN ADDITION FRUIT AND *2-.OV . produce business: il3tf McAllister st., corner Fillmore: good norse and wagon: flrst- class trade; rent $15. noS 41* I'OR SALE— GOOD-PAYING SALOON"; DAY £ business: owner having two butinesses and not being able to tend to buth, wishes to sell cither one if the two places. Apply Call Branch. 7t* (**-*_>■; A SALO"N AND 3 BOOMS. CALL AT XjtjQV. once. 60 Seventh st, n<'B 3t* SALOON WITH FIXTURES TO REV)". 11l 'ii .-.rreil at. no" ;;t* ALOON, 4 LIVING BOOMS; RENT, 922 60: < -■' -ood business: make offer. 649 Mission. 7 3t* j ORAM! II BAKERY: CHEAP; GOOD REASON X* for sailing. Apply 66 West Mission st.iio7 at* i OBMEB BRANCH BAKERY, CANDIES. NO- -1 tions and cigar-stand; good trade: full stock; must be .-old: reason leaving city. 420 Third. B7t* I.'AX Eltr AND NOTION-STORE FOR SALE *> chean. 1-9*2 Union st. no. 7t* "L "R SALE— STATIONERY AND NOTION- IT store cheap; good location and business. Hi 99 Sixteenth st. . no 4 7 1 * SALOON ON CITY PRO >T| GOOD BUSINESS; O cbe.p rent: lease. 108 Steuart st no* 7t* *.■. OOD. COAL, HAY AND GRAIN YARD; " Rood reason for selling. 1138 McAllister street. no 3 St J.*: % AVERAGE WEEKLY PROFITS ON $150 lx) invested: prospectus; Remixed statistics iree. BENSON _ DWYER, B34 Broadway. N. Y.o'_7 -0t SALOON FOR SALF*. CHEAP, IN A FIBS I - > ciass location on Market st.; rent 946 per month. For particulars inquire of MCLEOD & A USS, Wholesale Dtiuord^eajers. 516 Market, if IjAIiKKTSI. SALOON IN BUSINESS CB.**- ''l ter; good lease; cheap rent. Inquire at Naber ALFS A BKUNE. ... Market. cell tf / 'ITY PAPER ROUTE IN OAKLAND FOR * sale. J. W. L., 1010 Broadway. Oakland.2o tt FOR SALE— INTERIOR agency on THIS 1 paper: price $3500: paying $200 per mouth. lequiro this office. im;i\ -» A™. -, NEWS FOR 6 CENTS -THE WEEKLY CALL. Id wrapper. lor malllag. CAKI'KT CLEANING. ~— ~~ *THE .1. F MI I I SHELL 'AEI-ET - n'l-A NINO X Co. (lnc'p'r'd): oid-establlshed carpet-cleantne machines: cleaning 3c yard. •..«. litn. tei. 0074 EXCELSIOR CARPET W. P.KS-C.v RPI. '> m C ".f», c, l I .*rs*i*' rl mou * U : upholstering done. Office -.01 Polk st , cor. Grove. ocl'i tf / -ARPETS WELL CLEANED AT BARBER^ vy 930 Fourteenth st- near Mission- 3 cents' telephone (Mission) 100 j,.; *i in ' / -ITY STEAM CARP-,! BEATING AND RENO xj rating Works. Us and 40 Eighth: G. R. sTE- VENS, manager. Telephone cad. 3250. my 2 6m I MCQUEEN'S CARPET LEA I ING AND REV «J_. ovating works. 463 Stevenson; tel. 32".8.m. tf C-ABPKTS THOROUGHLY CLEANED "AN _ I renovated same as new. s. S. ff.P.GUSun a CO., '-. Tenth st. ; telephone 30.5. 1 if /"IOMKLIN'S CARPET BEATING" WORKS. 333 ** J Golden Gate aye.: teleonoaa 2123. .2 tl 1 1 ti-;\vi:ii and jpp_T___fc E. NA YLOR, MFORS^AtPT, 19 MONTY * st. Standard Typewriters acd supplies: Mimeo- graph goods: installment terms: rents. repairs, tf THE MORNING CALL, SAX FRANCISCO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1894. CITY KEAL KST ATE. BIG HOUSE FOR LITTLE MON E*x H Flats on Elizabeths'.: a few steps from Cm* tro-st. cars; your own terms. CHEAP. CHEAP. CHEAP. J Tasty cottage; Douglass St.; close to cars: 5 rooms: batb; high basement; laundry; low figure and easy terms. D. SAMUELS. Lace Homo, 123 Post 28 cod 14t HOUSE AND LOT; 22x80; ONLY _ YEARS built: contains 6 rooms and bath; bas to be sold ou account of mortgage 1215 Noe st. n_ lm $:.050. IKlCKK ____^ 5_ $.50 casb, balance installments: the most ele gautly equipped cottage ever offered: contains 5 moms and bath, bric-a-brac mantels, elegant gas fixtures, cement sidewalk: 2 rooms can be finished in attic: lot 25x105: 1013 Castro St., bet. '.2d and 23d. TOBIN A MeN ALLY, 630 Market st. 19 tf Ql AOO Cottage 4 rooms AND base- «->J-^ivU. ment; 1 block from station; lot 35x57. $850— Cottage 3 rooms: $50 down. $15 monthly. CHAS. A. BAILEY, 20 Montgomery St. Oral tf QUICK SALE OK LOTS; 1 OR ti NORTH OF the park, nr. Strawberry Hill and the lake to tie sold this week; cash or time. Room 12, Flood building. se_-' tf M" ENLO PARK, NEAR STANFORD UNIY'EK- slty: choice lots in sizes and on terms to suit. W M. M. DE WOLF. 11 IS I.m dwav. ■ --.d.19 tf COUNTRY KE-L ESTATE. "hTtvv7n^Bonol_Tctt_^c^ * '• real estate, caa Market, S.F.: Mondays •11 ACRES grazing land! HOUSE. barn, £9 chicken house, horse, wagon and 3 cows; sell- Ing cheap: opposite machine shop, Sausiilto. Ap- ply FRANK t AoLO on premises. oct 10 lm A AKIN" COUNTY-5000 ACRES 26 MILES lik Irom San Francisco. BANCBO de MOFATO. Tracts of any size desired: lruit, grain and vegetable land: no irrigation: both rail and water transportation: 840 to $75 per acre- easy terms; town of Novato; grad-d school, hotels and stores on the property; send for circular. Dairy for sal" with or without cows. SYNDICATE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 64 and 66. Chronicle building. sel tf LINE ARMING, FRUIT AND DAIRY LAND. F so wiles from this city, in lots to suit, from 10 acres upward: very easy terms. Maps, views and full particulars will be sent on application to GaMAN a LYON. 215 Kearny St., S. F., or GEO. T. TROWBRIDGE, Cotatl. Cai. aul9 If OAKLAND REAL ESTATE. <_J*E( I A MONTH. NOTHING DOWN. WTLiTbIJY O—U a 5-ro am cjttage. XV. C. MORAN, Lor In. TuF'rSu lm 91AAA BEST bargain yet offered; «jj*- I VIUl'. cottago 4 rooms; l-'ruitvale station; lot 50x140; a genuine bargain. A. 11. BREED A CO.. 400 Ninth St.. Oakland. nol 6t <_ I 1 "^H CASH* A PARC. HOUSE OF 5 **P I lOV rooms and bath. Address WILLIAM P. TODD. 1010 Broadway. Oakland. 0c24 If ex Su ALAMEDA REAL ESTATE. I*n*)/\'w\ FOR" SALE— MODERN HOC BE. «_ OVVV. rooms; between three railroad sta- tions; half block from electric-cars. Address Business. Alsmeda Postoffice. m>4 7t* FKUITVALE HEAL ESTATE. Cl* I OC/T TERMS 9390 CASB. BALANCE O ' --t)U. #10 per month, without Interest; 4- room bouse and basement; lot 30x100: good loca- tion: near Frultvale aye A. G. SNETMNGER, Frultva'e station. oc-_-i t; 111 BKI II REAL ESTATE. BERKELf V— FOR SALE. BEAUTI FUL iHil>_ of 9 rooms; modern ln every respect: charm- ingly located: price 54600; terms to suit. Apply to owner, J. L. BARKER. 400-402 Twelfth »i„ Oakland. oral tf *> PIANOS. VIOLIN*. \ N D SHEET MUSIC QTECkI C-ICKBRIM- * ROMsTSrOBE" AND _. Sterling pianos sold on $10 installments. REN J CURTAZ A SON, sole agems. 16-20 O'Farrell st.t 4 LARGE BEAUTIFUL ORGAN, ALMOST -*v new: will sell at one third former price. 3. DEWING COMPANY, second floor. Flood build- -■ -■ not tf j ABGAIN-BOOM Tnis WEEK CONTAINS I* rare opportunities: uprights $85, *10.*>, Ji9o and many others; also 100 elegant new planus to select Irom at prices that ate right; don't delay, but come at once. THEJ. DEWING COMPANY, Flood building. . no 4 tf \ 1 00 T O-BANK PORTABLE PIPE-ORGAN --.for s-le at $150 J. DEWING COMPANY, second floor. Flood oulldlng. not tf IHTS— STEINWAY 9389. WEBER $275. Xj pelf osse $95. HEINE. 40 o'Farre.l st. no 4 tf DEMO CAUSES THE SACRIFICE OF it splendid upright piano; elegant case, flue toue. Room 10, -Hi' Market st. no 4 tr H,-;". UPRIGHT PIANO; EXCEPTIONAL ■^C-l. opportunity. Room 21. 809 Marktt. 4tl A GREAT BARGAIN: A FINE W'EBEB PIANO; -» excellent condition: urdercd sold by owner for what It will bring. Room l'_, soy Market. 4tf MAGNIFICENT 9-PEDAL UPRIGHT CASE: slightly damaged: sacrifice. 515 Van Ness, n'-tf AARGAINS IN ALL KINDS MUSICAL m> instruments. LEON I. STANTON A CO.. 9 Third st. 1 oc2l if 0 P.& ART, SKILLED TUNER* REPAIR- " .er. With WM. G. BADGER. 31 Flood bldg. if V» ILL; AM G. BADGER REMOVED TO ROOM « 31, Flood building; pianos sold on install- ments: sole agent fur Paillard's'- tf a OENCY sohmell NEW BY A EVANS A pianos. BYRON MAUZY, 308 Post St. 016 t* HARPS. DOUBLE AND SINGLE ACTION Erard, Grosjean and other makes: direct im- portation just received. KOHLER it CHASE 28 O'Farrell St. ocs tf LINE MEDIUM UPRIGHT PIANO, $17.">; a ia.-ge cabinet grand, 9339. MaLVae-', 769 Market sL oc'_ tf i" TEI N WAY UPRIGHT; slightly USED* 0 grand tone: V. cost SPENCER, 721 Market I <-upf:rior VIOLINS, zithers, old* new. *■- H. MULLP*,E,mnker. rcpalier. 2 Latham place, tr KOHLER A CtiASE. '_t>. -8 AN t> BUU'F aER-lL -lA. St., iradlug pianos aud organs; older: misla- bense; large.; siock; easy terans; low prices. ap.3Ct AIL KINDS OK REPAIRIN- AND TUNING; low prices; firstciass work. KOHLER A CHAM-, 28 O'Farreil st. de 7 tf HOUSES POR sale- YOU NG~HOItSE, BUGGY, HAB- -1 ness and new wagon: bargain. 7:-7 Hares. 8 :'t* F.A HEAD OF HORSES SALE: AK- tJ\i riit.e and work, weighing from 1000 to 1700 pounds: suitable for all kinds of work. G. LIN PAPER . Union Stable. Ma Howard. no 4 7t a ICTD'N BALE OF HOltsps, WAGONS. j J.X. carts, etc.. every Wednesday 11 o'clock at the ; estahlishtd and reliable horse market. 3.7 6:h. bet. Folsom and Harrison. Sullivan _ doyle proprietors and llvestoc- auctioneers. sels tf LOR SALE CHEAP —390 STREETCAR I burses, owing to introduction of electric car lines by Market-st. railroad. Apply to A. J ALLEN, Fourteenth and Mission sis. oclO lin •CCTION SALE OF HORSES. BUGGIES. ■*» wagons, etrts. harness, every Tuesday, at 11 o'clock, at New Yerk Stables, 44 Sixth st. S. WATKINw * CO. Auctioneers. ■*>-) tf yVAOONS ANT) CARRIAGES. "TTrTTe EXPRESS RIG AND I EXPR Ess I- wagon for sale: cheap. 205 Twenty-sixth. 8* -; NEW MILK WAGONS; MUST BE SOLD AT — oiico. B'_9 Howard st. no'-lin I, INE BAKERY AND LAUNDRY WAGON'S. ' rnckaw.iy. Imtrgles. also back. 8- 8 Harrison, tf ■^ —^^ M^M^waw__ FOR ! SACK MIMT.I.LAN LOR HALE. CHEAP, 1 STREETCAR 30 FEET 1 long, handsomely finished in birdseye maple and upholstered: also 2 30 11. P. electric motors with v guaranteed efficiency of 83 per ceut. Apply 34 and 96 Main st. - 1108 las L IREWOOD. 91 -5 PER LOAD; KINDLING- » wood free, site of Mecbaulcal Arts buiiding- -110 admission fee. noB '-t* rrypE* WRITER, REMINGTON No. 2; pj.,-7 1 fee; condition: $10. Box 267.. city. noB 3t* 1 HEAP: MEW PHONOGRAPH. CHOICE ' records, etc. 8.. Call Office. Osiland noli St HOUSE. 4 ROOMS; STABLE 47 WEST MIS- _ stun st. no 4 "1 1* ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. $25. KINO'S Old Bookstore, 16 Fourtnst. 1104 tf I'ill.P. UPRIGHT BOILER AND ENGINE- iVI good condition; cheap. 100 First st. no3ti / 1 OOD SET' OF PAINTER'S TOOLS FOB SALE. Vj 2008 o'l-arreil St.. call bet. 2 and 4. oc3l tt BONZE AND HARDWOOD OFFICE PARTI- I tion with rail: also doors, windows, mantels. Counters, shelving, sinks, laths, lumber, Hue, roofing, etc. 1150 Mission st., near Eighth, sec- ond-hand yard. oca. tf \TEVV RANGES CHEAPER THAN SECOND 1> hand. VV. S. RAY Mtg Co.. la California.,* tl OEUOND-HAND BOILERS, ENGINES, PUMPS, O shafting, pulleys, belling, water-pipes, etc. Mcintosh a vv olpman, 137 st. DOIIMTI'iS, SHELVING. SHOWCASES >/bonghtandsoid.ll2l'*, Market, bet. 7th and Stn ONE SMALL MEDIUM AND LARGE-SIZE fire and nur-lar rr -: «-*•• "-' . '."23 M'kt. 0. tf AXTOKN YS-AT-LA W " DVICE FREE:' DIVORCE LAWS A SPECIAL-' ty; collections, damages, wills, deeds, etc, G.W. HOWE. Att'y-at-Law. 850 Market, cor.Stocktontf I OHN R~ AITKEN, AT I ORNEY-AT-LAW *J r. 16 and 17, 402 Montgomery. Callfornla.t W. DAVIDSON. ATTOK.NET-AT-LA^~__o . California SL. rms. 14-16: advice free. d3tf RA CROT-fIEBS. ATTORN ST- *■•■» » Clay st. ac3 a STORAGE ~ STORAGE OF FURNHTTK_,^AN^riTo~US& O hold goons, etc. J M. PIERCF*. 735 Market- 1* "L'IRST-CLASS S'IORAGE: ADVANCES MADE.' x 41*1-4.9 Market Iti. Cll AS L. TAYLOR. j«l3 if HOUSES TO LET. C-O*' 5 SUNNY ROOMS; GAS, WATEK, -£* —-• bath. Apply US Elm aye.. net. Van Ness and Golden Gate. no 9 7t* (J.] A COTTAGE 4 BOOMS* BATH; HIGH *_) JA . basement; yard. 64 Homestead St., near 1 vveuty-fourtb. - no 9 7t* 1 *\ 1 •-* BRODERICK— -BOOMS-BATH, I O kt) basement and yard; rent 422. no 9 .'t* 00 MORRIS AVF*.. OFF HARRISON ST., NEAR — O sixth— Sunny 5 large rooms; house .11 reno- v.ted: appreciated If seen; $15: water free. * ELEGANT CORNEB RESIDENCE. WITH i._ stable: 10 rooms and bath: 114 Guerrero St., near Ridley. Apply to G. H. UMLSEN _ CO., 14 Montgomeryst. aus tf SuWeFr 4OC MINNA, BET. FIFTH AND sIXTH-5 •jO-J' rooms and every modern improvement. 3* -|.l|i| STEINER— HOUSE. 7 ROOMS AND J _U1 bath. noti 7t* Q|,| 2.0 PERKY ST.; BAY-WINDOW «Jp ' *_". house; 4 rooms; newly papered and painted: water free Apply to G. 11. UMBsEN A CO.. 14 Montgom ery st. no 4 tf 1717 BUCHANAN' BETWEEN SUTTER AND II 1 I Post— a fine house.with 6 rooms and bath, newly fitted up; sun in every room; a beautiful lasemeut aud a lar.e yard and garden: reut $35. nol tf 4.1/1 EAT COTTAGE; 4 ROOMS AND «"?_.•_. bath 1833 I uiou st. $12— Store and _ rooms. ______ UNION-SQUARE FURNITURE PACKING AND Moving Co.. 3" i Stockton st . cor. l'o*t. oc4 tf <*< >TTA i> TO LET. *_Q COTTAGE 4 ROOMS; YARD, ItEAIL *i? 0. 1021 Lombard _ . near Hyde. not* 71* d_ 1 I SUNNY BAY.WINDOW COTTAGE. 5 *~*M-T. rms: 1-ir.ev-ird '34 Dolores, nr. 15th 7* FLATS TO Li;!. E^V~SUNNY~FLA1 8. JUST FINISHED: 4 xt and 5 rooms; latest lmprovomentr; rent $15 and $10. Apply 1128 Alabama sL. near Twenty- fourth. no» 3t* V.MAI.L FLATS op 4 AND 5 ROOMS EACH; — rents $18 and $10: 3.7 Clementina st. Apply G. H. UMBSEN A Co.. 14 Montgumery st. 110S 7t Ati SEVENTH- 6 sUNNY ROOMS, $15; ■"_*.) water free, .-pply corner r.rvant. not! 3t* C_ I-1 UPPER FLAT op 4 ROOMS. 109 GBR- «UP I i-t. mania St., bet. Fillmore and Stelner 9 31* rjf)(* LARKIN — "FLAT OF 6 ROOMS AM» I VV bath: $25. - nog 3.* A ROOMS~BATH: '-'•. 901 POST STREET. "T . no 9 St* A ROOMS; EVERY CONVENIENCE 82 1 V- "A erett St., near Fourth. _ no. Bt* d_ 1 11 LOWER FLAT OF 5 SUNNY ROOM-*; kVI . bath. .4. Ua lost St. noB St"* I* LEO ANT FLATS. TOP and LOWER, 5 xx rooms: hath. IS 14th $15-20. B St* L*LF.GAN'T NEW FLATS. SEVENTH, BELOW Xj Bryant: rooms; bath. $9 to $17. n.-8 5t •)"1 w THIRD-FLAT OF 8 ROOMS; RENT, "520: •'i-O water free: suitable for 2 families. nog 3t« L-LAT 7 ROD AND BATH; LARGE YARD; X sunuy side; cheap. .0 .ight St. ' noB 3t* A LARGE SUNNY BOOMS, $15. 715 BOSH •J St.. in rear. noS'-t* Cjl-- SUNNY UPPER FLAT: CLEAN AND **pit>. comfortable. 120 Shipley st. no 7 3t* (&7'l Hlis A NICE FLAT OF 3 ROD. Q< V complete; tent $11. 1120 Mission. n7 3* i lCi Il' S UTTER-SUN NY UPPER FLAT: _-Q I •_ 2 elegantly p-ipered Key-jelO. no 7 3t* -UN NY FLAT of. i ROOMS, YARD; TV ATER >. free; Sit*. 358 Third St. noo 7t* CI" 1 FOLSOM— ELEO ANT FLAT; 7 BOOMS; 00l batb; fireplaca every room. noO 7l* QOQ MODERN FLAT 8 BOOMS, HATH. »_*—.( . 11*_8 Howard st., near Seventh. 1104 si* 171 j POST — SLNNV FLATS 3 AND 4 ROOMS. II IT bath; garden: $15. $17 and $18. ____*_____* l*.lf- VVAiER FREE; FLAT 6 LARGE *. ID. room.t: bath and gas. 25 Ford, between Sixteen*- and Seventeenth, Noe and Sanchez -. 7* fl_Q AND $9— 4-KOoM FLATS ON RITCB ST. CO Apply 325 Fifth St.. upstairs. noltf QI O 4 SUNNY ROOMS. 135 IVY AVI... «"p_*.>. near Van Ness. . .'.- oc2B tt 'LAT— B BOOMS AND BATH, WITH HOD 1 eru Improvements. Inquire 1153 Howard. 2s tf 1 Q/YQI BUSH-FLAT 4 BOOMS $13; WATER X-.VO-Z Iree. Apply P.O. a Bush st. oell tf -r. "I I* SUNNY FLAT, 4 ROOMS 728 MeAL- C _____ lister st. se'-O tf HOUSEKEEPING KOO*IIS. *I QA7, HOOSEKEEPING ROOMS iOUI to let; cheap. null 7t» AflGl. SIXTH— ROOMS FURNISHED COM- IV'U^ piete tor bou-cVe< ping; cheap. * -(1 MISSION ST.. N EAR SIXTH— 2 FRONT 000 rooms furnished Complete for bouse-et-p- Ing; other- cheap. * E RONT ROOMS FURNISHED FOB HOUSE* ■ seeping: $10 to $12 week. 362 Third st n»3* O J 7 MISSION-FRONT RDRNISHED BOOMS. OTk I light hou»e>eeplu.; also single rooms. * I •_».*(! HOVVARD-3 NICELY UTIMmTkTi I*l—*-' rooms, complete far housekeeping: bath; yard. ' I,O'J st* 9JC MISSION FRONT BEDROOM AND OxO kitchen for light house keeping. * 1 _> _> SEVENTH— FURN ISHED FRONT SUNNY I Otl housekeeping room; grate. * ■. -. 'JilO THIRD— CHEAPEST. CLEANEST. SUN- «> — — ny furnished housekeeping suites: sec them. noil 2t* • i,-- JESSIE. NR. FIFTH— 2 SONNY HOUSE- Ox) I keepln. rooms: rent cbe.ip. * I j..> THIRD— SONNY HOUSEKEEPING 1-T-J rooms: complete: front: bitfh; gas 8 3t* ,•-■■ SEVENTEENTH - $10: LARGE BED- U— T room: use dining-room, kitchen; plate lor housekeeping. nuB 3t* 00 NNY FRONT AND BACK PARLOR; UN- -0 furnished; nice location; cbeap. 810 H.-o-tit street. nog 3t* Q*(' 9 SUNNY UNFURNISHED HOLSEKEEP- '. "• log rooms. 10 Devisadero st . H-ight-st. cars. noS '-' 1 1 ~\ JESSIE— SDITE AND KITCHEN "i'l 17- -t>V)Q nished tor housekeeping: gas: hath. fttS st* 1 I Q TENTH— 2 B CNN 1 LIGHT HOUSEREI I'- 110 ing rooms: private; reasonable. noB I CO! CALIFORNIA — 6 BOOMS, DOUBLE 1' *— parlors; elegantly furnished dining-room: kitchen, garden; sun all day: refereee. doB 3t* (.>- RI'SS— 'iljß 3 FURNISHED HOCSEKKKP- d-> i Ing rooms. 1108 31* QIC 6 - ROOMS; BATH; LARGE «_*iO. yard. 2208 Ullmoro, ur. Clay. aoS tl 7 I Q CALIFORNIA -NEATLY FURNISHED 1 I I O housekeeping rooms. noB st* I *)(*( ,1 X ANNAN — FURNTSHED HOUSE- I dCXj' '-» keeping rooms: $7 per month. no 7 st* 9 d. MCALLISTER— B SUNNI RMS : SINGLE —U or together; housekeeping it desired. no 7 tf (* C *-: II a rr 1 so N — . ROOMS; running VOO water; furnished; housekeeping; $10.7 3t* 8071 EDDY— a UNFURNISHED ROOMS IN — I •* private family; .rate, gas, bath; $7 0 7t* . rill, OF SUNNY FURNISHED K> EMS AND 0 sin-ill kitchen complete for light housekeeping; first-class private Imulir. 1834 o'l-airell. not 7t J 1 7 HARRISON ST.- ln.ny FlP.Nisiir.D ill rooms from housekeeping; cheap, no. tf 1 li' *'*'' v MONTGOMERY (FARGO HOUSE)— J V 1) All kluds of rooms; cheap o-S tf Ci I Ql MISSION— FRONT SUITE FOE HOUSE- -0 I xf : Keeping: rent re.mmable. oc2S tf GLEN WOOD, 1632 FOLK, COR. SACRAMENTO —All kinds of furnished rooms cheap. oc-5 1 1_ y"|Q MINNA — FLAT, 0 ROOMS, COMPLETE *Ik O for housekeeping: bath. ocl7 tf ROOMS TO LET. 0001 SANCHEZ— 2 LARGE UNFURNISHED —— rooms for housekeeping.^^ 00041* l"Tq FIFTH, SECOND FLAT— NEATLY ''PO-fc » k O nished front rooms; single $1 50, double $2 50. no 9 __ A I QJONES-2 NICELY FURNTSHED FRONT trlO rooms, newly renovated: gas; bith.uo9 .tt* AQI7 SIXTH— NICELT FURNISHED FRONT ill I room. $4 per month. • HREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, CON- -1 venlent for housekeeping for 3 adults: within walking distance of Market st. Address R, box 87, Call Branch office. now at* <| it' Mission-'. BEDROOMS AND PARLOR; OTUiit floor; furnished for 4 gents. no 9 tf I •_»(' SEVEN I H-NICELT FURNISHED 1 OU room : $"> month. » . ,-. J ♦_» T U KK— LABGE FRONT ROOM; NEWLY 0"I O furiitslied: grate aud bath; suitable for 2 Beuneiiieu; $12. v"9u "9 ■:;* ' - ) ,- STEVENSON — NICK FRONT ROOM J— -/well furnished, for 1 or _ gentlemen; $10. _*__ n* OliO MONTGOMERY — LARGE FURNISHED 01/Zi looms, Sl 60 to $'" 50 per week, $5 to $9 per month. __^ no 3 st* IA I *_> SACRAMENTO, BET. HYDE AND 1-t 1 D Leavenworth — furuisbed rooms* for light housekeeping. noB 3t* Q li; HOWARD— NICK LARGE FRONT ROOM, OTkO nicely furnish -d. tu-8 st* .107 STEVENSON— ASA NT FURN I - • i i. _____ rooms lv a private family. no __ at* l/'»* CLAY. NR POLK-FURNTSHEDSUIIE 1 Vdijy) of rooms: rensonable. noB '_l* (•(in MINNA. COR EIGHTH-NICELY FUR- Wi nlsbed bay-window rooms; $1 week. 7 d;* 1 i\'-d\A GOLDEN GATE AYE.— SI ORE AND 3 1 l"-_*± living-rooms. Apply 1040 Golden Gate "vc. no 7 .t* ol I I GEARY- UNFURNISHED ROOM"- --Jl'.' housekeeping. Key at '-l?^. -6 l-t* HA SIXTH, COR. MINNA (THE PIEDMONT) ■ > 11 ely furnished sunny roo'ns. no. tf OR 3 PARTLY FURNISHED ROOMS _ D dCi bath. Apply 113 Scott st. 1103 tf I Q7A MARKET — CNF CRN* ISHED FRONT 1 tV suite; good location for a physician. 27 tf , ROOMS TO LET-CONTINUED. POSBDALB, 321 ELLIS— FURNISHED RMS. 1 1 -'5C to $1 per nighty $1 50 to fl per week. 14 tt TO LET— LODGEROOM: " MINERVA HALL, 188$ Mission si., cor. Fifteenth; also suitable for daucing academy. no. 7 1* I IN DELL HOUSE. COR. 6TH AND HOWARD— - ii 0 single rooms, newly furnished; 25c night. $1 25 week; satisfy yourself; open ail night. 24 tf ARLINGTON HOUSE 127 KEARNY-PLEAS- ant sunny rooms, en suite and single; flrstr class in every respect;' terms reasonable JalO tf SEMITE HOUSE, 1015 MARKP'T, BET. x Sixth and Seventh — single and suites: per night. :'se toftl : week. $1 _•__>»s- families apl ly BOABDING an d BOOKS. suite of FURNISHED rooms. 738 ellis. - no"* 3t* "I ' OAK— BOARD AND LODGING; REASON- Xt) able. 1108 3t* "1 7* X LE-IVANBOE— NICE SUNNY FUR- -1 11" nlsbed rooms with board. nol lmo . RAND VIEW; 71- BUSH; OPENED UNDER ' new mana.euieut: family hotel: references given and required. • ■ se!s tt CHILDREN HOAUIiEI). TV7ICE HOME FOR SMALL CHILD, WITH -' yard. 17Q6 Howard, neir Thirteenth. 1108 ~t* ST'OKI-S Hi LET. O M s7~ ?Tx KrtES~FOR 0 grocery. SE. Twenty-sixth and Hartiett. 8 7i* ri"o LEI— LARGE STORE WITH 2 I IVING- T rooms: rent cheap 1 Soil Turk he nori 7t* PERSONAL**. T)IANO LESSONS -s^-^ATi^trURrGERJEAN J. lady, 11.0 Howard st. noS »m* * DVICE FREE: DIVORCE LAWS A SPECIAL- _tx ty ; collections, damages, wills, deeds, etc G.W. HOWE. Att'y-at-Law. S5O Market. rtucaieiN a co., 23 MONTGOMERY AYE.— 1 ' Razors, scissors, barbers and horse-clippers ground, etc. no 4 71* < i F. Haas, WOOD and ivory turning xJ. and planing-miil, 64 First St., S. F. no 4 tf I*.' E Col LDN'T DO THE BUSINESS WE'RE " doing If prices were not right. Carpets, new and second hand, from 2oc up Oak Bed Sets $17 50 up Mattings, per yard _ 7c up Linoleum, per yard ', 50c Kitchen Chairs 25c Kitchen Tables ...$l5O EVERYTHING IN PROPORTION. Largest sloe, and store in the city; lowest prices; easy terms, if desired. J. NOO.nan. 1017-1019-1021-1023 Mission St, ____' Sixth. Open evenings. oc'-S tf v F.CO - I--HAND AS WELL AS NEW BARS, ■ showcases, counters, shelvlngs, mirrors, desks, safes chairs, scales, etc., and a very large, stock of tbem, too. Be sure and see stock' and get prices before going elsewhere. J. NOoNAN. 1017-1019-1021-1023 Mission st .above Sixth. 2»tf I, BENCH OR SPANISH SPOKEN IN THREE ' months; new method P.O. box 21U6. 0c27 tf (AS FIXTURES AND PLUMBING, 023 VI Goiden Gate aye. li. HI FSCHMIDI. 0C24 lira I VR. LAMOTTE'S FRENCH CORN PAINT PER- X) 111. inn .y removes without pain eons, warts, Dan ions and callous flesh by a few applications; ■old 1 v all druggists, 25c. oc2i lmo* HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR LADIES' AND gents' cast-off clothing; old gold and stiver bought: money loaned on personal property. A. COLEMAN, 41 Third St.. cor. Jessie. oclO ly HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR OLD GOLD AND sliver and ail personal property. 702 Kearny St.. N E. cor. Clay. . s--!'_tf NEW AND OLD BOOKS BOUGHT. SOLD AND xt exchanged. FRAZER'S, 1 ley- Taylor. oclO tr \ DfICEFBEB; LEGAL AND PRIVATE MAT- it ters. People's Law Offlce. S3B Market. McCABK. ADVANCES MADE ON DIAMONDS. ETC. BALDWIN Jew el Store. 948 Market.al7 Om TFLEI-HONrS, *1 75: HEADQUARTERS FOR A everything electrical; s->na for latest catalogue. Klkin'- F.LKCTai'.\L. VV ork*, 7-0 Moutgy. se2 tf HIGHEST lKll.l-.iAl. CAST-OFF CLOTH- Ing. gold, jewelry, boots. KLEIN. 109 SUttLtf i\ ENDOW SHADES MANUFACTURED TO OR '* tier by WILLIAM McPHUN. HO5 Market-241C /'EN T N* NT A L STABLES— CARRI AGES.ROCK- xj aways. victorias, buggies, etc.; 1621 Callformv nr. Polk; telephone 60x M. < ONLON, prop. 27tt _, lT 1 TO ORDER UN EASY INSTALLMENTS, -- Merchant tailor. 613 Kearny st. my'l7 tf A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS — THE WEEKLY CALL, in wrappor. for mailing. LOST. I OST— A PA--.SBi.OK WITH THE UillelßMA I- Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco in the name of JOHN (HEKR', No. 1.*8.172. The finder will please return to bank. noO.t* LOST— A PASSBOOK WITH THE BIBEBNIA Savings and Loan Society of in Francisco in the name of LILLIAN" i*. MTZGERALD. >". 17,705 The i:::der will please return to bank. 5* I OST— » DIAMOND RING ON BUCHANAN, 1- Sacramento or Webster sts. A suitable re- i ward will be mid for its return to 405 Montgom- : cry st.. room 13. no. -Jt- | TUESDAY A.M. FROM 321 THIRD ST., I- Irish setter dog; light red color; bad nickel- plated collar; tag 1404. Reward If returned to 421 Fast st. iio9 3t* f OST-NOV. 6, BUNCH KEYS, . YALE, 2 J- trunk and 2 small keys. Return 1400 Finest. Reward. nop 3t* 1 OST — LITTLE BLACK AND TAN DOG, I- partlr blind in one eve, on Wednesday at 11 p. *_. Reward of $1 If returned to 138 McAllister st.. cor, of Hyde. * 1 OSi-A PASSBOOK WITH THE HIP.ERNIA 1 J saving* and Loan Society of San Francisco, In tiie name of JOHN KELLY, No. 1,881.403, The finder will please return to bank. nod i'l* I OST— A PASS-BOOK W] H THE HIBERNIA L. SAVINGS AND LOAN SOCIETY of San Fran- cisco in tl-.e name of ANTONIo DA ROSA PIN- HEIRO, No. 193-774. Finder will please return to bank. a o7 6t* I OST— KNIGHTS TEMPLAR BADGE; NAME I- Inscribed thereon. Finder please return to THOMAS 11. BROWNE, 20 rout st Liberal reward. 11..7 Ct* Fill 11. BLACK HORSE. APPLY 211 STATE J- St.. near Kurej-a. no 7 3t* LOOND— MISFIT PARLORS (FORMERLY OF • 200 Post). 613 Montgomery.cor. Comiiierclal, Fine suits. $j5: bi.-icK dress pints. $4 75. tf 31 EPICAL. A I CASES OF I CLARITIES RKSTOK ed in oue day; ELECTRICITY used for all fe male complaints; borne in confinement; regular physician Si long and successful practice; French puis guaranteed: consultation free. MRS. DR. WYETH. sanitarium, 916 Post st. tf M o.ME EN CONFINEMENT WITH PE-sT POS- IT sible care; ladies may have tbe beuetit of the skill and attention of a physiclau of long practice ; i mi female diseases treated consultation free arid j confidential. MRS. lip. GWYER, ;'-ll"r_ Hyde j s:., bet. Eddy and Ellis. -nol tf ANEW PROCESS— NO MEDICINE. 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