Newspaper Page Text
THE WATEBBTTRY EVENING DEMOCRAT, l- FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1 890 CITY NEWS. Sacred Heart church fair at City hall to-night. Sergeant Cox predicts fair weather, followed by rain; higher temperature. "Beautiful Willie McCormick" at City hall to-mglit. "Uncle Totn'a Cabin" matinee at the opera house to-morrow afternoon. The regular meeting of Phwnix Fire company will be held this evening. The Waterbury narmonlo noci ty have engaged City hall Tor December v. Go and hear the little ones in their en' tertainment at City hull to-night. The First division, A. O. II. social committee will hold a meeting this evening. A team owned by M. Guufoile ran away on South Main street this morning badly wrecking the wagon. The county commissioners will be in Ulty hall nsxt wednesnay ana inursumy for the purpose of issuing licenses. The first division, A. O. II.. will give their annual sociable at City hall, Thanksgiving evening. MiKd Muria Frenette. sued 20 years died this morning at the .home of her mother on Jewelry street. The funeral will take place at a p. m. Sunday. "Honest Hearts and Willing Hauds," the new play of Duncan Harrison and John L. Sullivan, will be produced in Waterburv soon, under the management of Henry Pmcus. Mrs Mary Nolan, aged 40 years, died last nie-ht at her home on the corner of Onirics and East Main streets. The funeral will take place to-morrow after noon. Mrs Mary Cuinmerford, wife of Fat rick Cummer ford, died last eveninr at her home on East Main street. The funeral will take pluce to the church of the Sacred Heart at n:au to-morrow morning. Clothesline thieves are again getting in their work in certain sections of the citv. Wednesday nieht the lines in the rear of four houses on South Main street. below Washington, were Rtrimuul. A number of milk pails were also taken. There is no clue to the thieves. Mr and Mrs F. B. Kice held a recep tion at their home. 23 Church street vesterdav afternoon and evening. Over 400 friends called, many of the guests beinii from out-of-town. Habenstein of Hartford furnished a delightful repast following which dancing was iudulged in to the music of Severn's orchestra of Hartford. The case of tho Concordia Singing society of Bridgeport.against the ollicers or the state isicngernunu, was neiu oe fore Justice Bill in Hartford, yesterday afternoon, and it was decided that the plaintiff be given leave to substitute witnesses for the tinal hearing, which will be held next Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock, when the final decision wfti be given. Waterbury will try and secure an ap propriation" for a new court house durinir the coming session of the legisla' ture, and already her citizens are at work for that end. Ansonia jurors say that the court room was so dark Wednes day, that it was impossible to see to read a newspaper, ntul but rw judges wu hold court there. Ansonia Sentinel. George Barker of Hartford, a fireman on the ISew lork x iNew bnglanil road while going to work last night in a rather intoxicated condition, fell from the northeast abutment of tn. union depot into C hurch street. His heuld was considerably bruised and Ins left arm was fractured, llie patrol wagon was called and Barker taken to the hospital where his arm was set. A small bov with a siting shot got his work this morning. Three loys were standing near the Waterbury bank diS' cusstuir the merits of a slung shot To prove that his argument was right one of the boys let 'or go, putting a hole ultout tho size of a marble in the large plato glass window of Quintard & Mer riam's store across the strett. The window is valued at nearly 1400 and is insured. The boys confessed their guilt but claimed it was accidental. No ar rests were made. An Associated Tress dispatch from Fall River, Mass, says: Dr James Leo nard was arrested this afternoon on charge of criminal malpractice. Mrs Hattie Leonard, his wife, who is also physician, was arrested as an accessory and Mrs Elizabeth Court was arrested on a similar charge. Dr Leonard came here first about two years ago from Waterburv. Conn. There he was known as Dr Leon, and for some time after his arrival here he went by the same name. and then changed it to Leonard. A telegram was received late yester dav afternoon announcing the death iu Detroit of Mrs J. J.,Schwaeble. The de ceased was formerly Mis Katie Nolan of this city, sister of Chris Nolan and the MUses Nolan, milliners. Only a few months ago she was married to Mr Schwaeble. After a wedding tour they took up their residence in Detroit where Air scnwaebie nad secured an important position. The remains will be brought to this city for burial. The fnneral will probably take place Sunday. The de ceased had been ill for some time, but her condition was not believed serious. The regular meeting of the board of sewer commissioners was held last night A communication was received from F. B. Kice asking to have the sewer assess ments on several residents on Hillside avenue abated. Mr Kice offered to settle the matter for $100. The assessments amount to $375. The matter was held over. M. Russell was given permission to connect with the Washington street sewer at his own expense. The time for the completion of the Washington street sewer was extended to Decembr 10 and the East Main street contract to Novem ber 20. The Naugatuck train which reaches Bridcrenort at 7:20 in the evening stopped at Noble avenue so suddenly last night that the passengers were startled. The report that a man had been struck at the Kossuth street crossing quickly spread through the train, and in a few moments most of the passengers had left the cars and were nocking to the scene. Lanterns were procured and a thorough search made on both sides of the track, but no trace of anything that would sub stantiate the report could . be found. Engineer Bruce Lane, who had charge of the train, says that he felt sure that the engine struck a man. He aaid that the individual came out on the crossing from the Baptist church side and at tempted to cross the tracks. The gate tender said a man bad attempted to lxard the train and was knocked down. He arose quickly and made his escaps. LOCAL liUtgg. FacDUs Ladd, the oldest and most reli able grocer in the city, is the youngest old man in the business. Call at his store when you want groceries and vegetables. We have some Wall Cases to sell at . j oat own pries. Lx, Stbobm. & Co. POUCK COPBT. Fred R. SwlftaCaa Adjourned Until Monday. Two young boys named Donovan and Riggs were before the court this morn ing on tne cnarge oi tnrowing iwnw through the windows of the residence of a man named Goff , on Halloween night. Their cases were continued until Novem ber 15. Finton Phelan and Barney Matthews were up for intoxication and were each nned $1 and costs. The case against fired li. swirt was again adjourned until Monday. UDEN DEATH. A. Maue Found Dead In His Room tn Ilcllmann'a Hotel. A. S. Mace was found dead in his room in tne jienmann notei on wrana street, this morning. Mace, who was employed at Davis & Co's laundry, had been troubled with a severe cold since Tuesday, and complained more or loss of lune troubles. He was reeling better yes terday afternoon. This morning Mr Mellmann called at the room to see mm and was surprised to rind him dead. The medical examiner was nounwa ana aiso Dr Frost. Both expressed the opinion that the man must have been taken with a severe coughing spell, and that he be ing subject to heart troubles, mis nas tened his death. Mr Davis was seen this morning. He said that Mace had been in his employ for four vears. was a good, faithful worker and an exceptionally bright man. His mother lives in Newburg. His father ued to be a promineut law yer of that place. Mace was about 44 vears old. Mr Davis will look after the funeral arrancements. it seems that Mace naa a premonition of his death. Monday morning, he told Mrs Haase, at whose house he boardd, on Grand street, that he was unwell and expected to die. He appear ed despondent, but it was not thought mat ins cunumuu was its Kiimo none feared. A CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION What The Senate is Advised to Do Vlth Ita Partisan Power. "If" remarked a democrat to-day, it turns out to be true that Gen Merwin's election is assured by the legislature, then the democratic party should do two things. "it should, in tne nrst place, repieuge Itself to Judge Morris, with the under standing that no other democrat shall be given the nomination, so long as ne lives, until he has been inaugurated governor. Twice he has been elected by the people and, if defeated now, twice he will have been defrauded by a constitutional pro vision which has no moral grounds to stand on. I now declare myself for Mor ris in 1802." "Secondly, the democratic majority in the state senate should peremptorily re fuse to transact any business whatever until instii-fi has been done the neople of the state. When the house shall have passed a resolution providing for a con stitutional convention and the senate has concurrently done the same, and the governor has signed it, then' will be time enough to proceed with business. Call this filibustering or what you will, it is tiirlit for what is nirht and just, ana therefore justifiable. This biennial over turning of the will of the people is a dis grace to the state and a disgrace to the nation, t he plan has been aiscussea oy many to-day. including many republ cans, and been approved." HIKED CONTRACT I.AIiOR. A Hi-Klireport lluuirarlan's Violation of the Ijw. Bridgeport, Nov 7. About three weeks ago D. J. Marich, a Hungarian barber of this city, suddenly left town after selling his barber shop at a saeri hce. He told his friends that he was obliged to go back to Hungary at once. as his father was dying. It is now be lieved that he left Bridgeport for a far different reason. About a year ago he sent a -steamship ticket to a relative of his in the old conn try, and he came over and worked for him, presumably at a much lower price than he could hire a man in this couutry, The temptation to obtain cheap labor could not be resisted, and he wrote for another of his countrymen to come over, and he did about six months ago. (juite recently Marich brought over another Hungarian barber, and all of those men are employed here, Marich s action is a violation of the con tract labor law, which provides that no labor shall be imported which has pre viously been contracted for. The penal ties attaching to this law are heavy, Recently United States Marshal Strong has been investigating the case and Marich became aware of the fact and left town, owing a few small creditors, Marshal Strong was seen to-day and ask' ed a few questions concerning the case, He said that Marich undoubtedly had been importing contract labor in viola tion of the law. He also said: "If one or two men had been imported for Marich' own establishment no great wrong would be done perhaps, but when a man gets his hand in he is apt to go farther. They make three years' contracts with barbers in Hungary and then after they get here turn mem uvw iu some ox ineir irieuus receiving a bonus for the transaction Such a system would result in great harm. NINETEEN ROUNDS. Mike Cashing Knocked Out By Austin Gibbons. Providence, Nov 7. Mike Cushing was knocked out by Austin Gibbons in nineteen rounds this morning. The battle took place on the line be tween Connecticut and Khode island and was fought with gloves for $1,000 side. It was witnessed by a large num ber of sports. The hght was hotly contested until the nineteenth? round when Cushing was knocked out. Cushing weighed 127 pounaa and uibbons iaa. TIMELY TOPICS. Tea biscuit hot every evening from 4:30 o'clock, at D. J. Brennan's.successor to Waterbury Baking Co,104 South Main street. To-morrow will be a special bargain aay at neia nugnes ana great re' duction will be given in every depart mem. oee advertisement in to-morrow DEMOCRAT. Elkina & Wake announce that thev will sell f urniture, carpets and bedding at tow prices, notwitnstanaing tne Mo tLiniey bill. An Irish arirl wanted to do numnil housework, at 106 South Main street, first floor. John McEvoy, 173 Bank street, has re ceived a large line of fall woolens. Overcoats and pants made to order at lowest prices. Call and inspect sam ples. J. B. Mullings is showing a larger line of neckwear than ever before. The public are cordially invited to call at B. Pollak & Co's, 90 Bank street, where may be found the finest line of etchings, engravings, water color paint ings, etc, in the city. OFFICIAL RETURNS. Judu Morrle Receive a Majority of . Forty-Two VoUs. Hartford, Nov 7. At 2:43 o'clock this afternoon the Hartford Times re ceived official figures from the office of secretary of state, showing that Judge Morris is elected by the people, having received a majority of 43. HARTFORD TKLEORAM FIOCRES. Morris has been elected governor by the people cf Connecticut. He has a clear majority so far as can now he as certained, of 65 votes, and the later cor rections on tne official returns as receivea by the secretary of state,will not change this by 10 votes one way or the other. The vote now stands as follows: Mor ris 67.673. Merwin 63,970, Auger 8,81)8, scattering 240. Later returns show that we have gained another state senator, This makes the senate stand demociats 17. republicans 7. a democratic majority of 10. In the house the democrats have 118, and the republicans a 134, a repub lican majority on joint ballot or o. HARTFORD COURANT FIGURES. "The Connecticut legislature shows by revision of the Courant's figures: Senate 7 republicans, 17 democrats ; house 134 republicans, 119 democrats; republican majority on joint nanoi tour ; uut one republican member (from Wilton) who had one vote more man nis opponent, was declared defeated because the ticket said "for" representative. This claim will not be sustained. The state vote at the present time shows Merwin 63,967, Morris 67,663, Auger 3,409, scattering 257. Morris lacks 31 of a majority. In this calculation 14 towns are unofficial. Their prohibition and scattering vote is received by telcgrapli and reckoned as 205. Two ears ago the same towns gave 267 prohibition and scattering." NEW HAVEN NEWS FIGURES. Corrected returns in Hartford late yesterday afternoon bIio wed Morris's vole to be 67,643 against a total of 67,620 for the other' candidates. This leaves Morris's maiority 17 with the prohibi tion and scattering votes in several towns still to lie heard from. As some of the towns show no prohibition vote there is a probability tnat Morris s ma iority mav not be wiped out. Although the election of Morris is still in doubt the other democratic candidates on the state ticket are elected by majorities ranging from 800 to 700. PRISON MATTERS KlirHt Convicts to be Released From Wethai-sfleld This Month. Eight prisoners are to be released from the state prison at Wethersfield before the present month expires. Four more convicts will be allowed to breathe the air of freedom in December. In only two cases are the convicts to bo released on pardon. The terms of the others have expired. There are no noted convicts among the number to be released. The board of pardons meet soon and will have to consider a large number of par dons. Among those who ask the board to give them their freedom are 'Taylor, who with v Chamberlain murdered Mar garet Ernst about four years ago in New Haven : Uharies Alaynnrd of Aladison who is serving a twelve years' sentence for felonious assault, together with half a dozen men who are serving terois for minor crimes, claiming clemency on the ground that they ha vo reformed. LAZY LETTER CARRIERS. A I-lttle Green Card That Keep a Watch Upon Them. There Is a little green card in use by the Post-office Department that is terror to some of the more careless let ter-carriers. It is a terror only when they have once been caught Very seldom, indeed, are they caught the second time. This card is dropped in letter-box, and on it is marked . the time it was put in, and also the time it should bo taken out by the carrier. A record is kept by the chief of tho car riers, and if that little card does not turn up with the other mail with which it is duo, it is clearly to be seen that tho carrier has not takon the mail from that particular box. The object, of courso, is to test the reliability of the carriers. Where there is any complaint on the part of the citi sons about the tardiness of local mails, tbon, a little green card is dropped in one or more boxes in the district from which the complaint comes. Sometimes it shows carelessness on the part of the carrier and sometimes it does not. It is, however, not necessary that there should be complaints, for frequently the cards are put in the boxes of the most efficient men. Of course, they are happy when they discover them. But where a box is missed in which there is a green card then the carrier is bound to get inte troublo, and very serious trouble at that. This eard has been in use by the Post-office Department for a good many years in all parts of the country. They were first used in this city under the administration of Postmaster Hulde koper. Tbey are furnished by roquisi tion upon the Department at Washing' ton. Philadelphia Times. Little Tommy gave up his seat in the elevated-railway car to a young woman of uncertain age. "it is very pretty of you, my dear," said she, "to rive up your seat like this to lady. "Oh," said Tommy, "to old la dies I always let" Coarrier des Etats Unla. ANOTHER HOTEL DEATHTRAP, EiKUt People Fatally Injured In Fir Last Night. Owensborouoh. Kv.. November 7.- Fire destroyed the Budd hotel in this place last night. There were many guests in the building and a panic en sued. Many people were badly injured and eight will probably die. A number lumped from the third story win dows receiving terrible injuries. The office of the Daily newspaper, the Bank of Commerce and Evans' livery stable were also destroyed by the fire. The loss will reach $250,000. Fir In South Norwalk. South Norwalk, Nov 6. At 8 o'clock this morning fire was discovered in the large storehouse of Raymond Brothers, coal dealers. . The building contained over 100 tons of baled hay and a large number of carts. The loss is estimated at $3,500. It is believed that the fire was of incendiary origin, and suspicion rests upon a recently discharged em ploye. ' - 13 !r chairs jjaat Hope Gone. Montreal, Nov 6. It was officially announced to-day that Birchall would be hanged on the 14th the minister of justice haying refused to grant the con demned man's prayer for a reprieve. Da. C. W. S, Fbost, 187 Bank St. CONNECTICUT INDUSTRIES. Weekly . Record of Kualueaa -In a Very Buay Mate..: -The summary of the Weekly Record of New Haven for the current week re ports real estate sales: ew naven 4, Bridgeport 27, Hartford 7, Vaterbury 13, Meriden O, ew oriuun i, uanoury Recorded mortgages : - New Haven $52,016, Bridgeport $83,200, Hartford $23,725, Waterbury tia.vw, Meriaen $7,050, New Britain $17,750, Dan bury $12,095. The total number of sales re ported IS 131, uguuwi. no iw mu previous week. The total amount of real estate loans is $215,081, against $375,000 the preced ing week. Five new corporations are reported this week. A $7,000 park association in New Britain, a $10,000 clothing com pany in New Britain, a $2MKM) smelting and rtftning campany in Bridgeport, a $2,000 art publishing company in New Haven, and a $1,000,000 company in Stamford to manufacture soda, etc., . , OUR NEW NAVAL GUNS. Terrible Weapons Th.t Are Experiencing- New Development Kvery Day. From an article on the above by Com mander C F. Goodrich, in the Century, we quote as follows: "now very ' few persons, by the way, appreciate the latent power of a modern projectile when In motion. Those who have vis ited the Atlanta and have seen her smaller guns, of six inches caliber, whisked about by one man, will he even the less likely to realize that their shot can pierce an iron plate over eight inches thick at the distance of a thou sand yards. Try to imagine for' a mo ment the number of men who would have to pull on a line .that, arranged in any conceivable way, could be made to throw the hundred-pound shot with force enough to make such a hole. Yet all of this power is stored up in a car tridge weighing less than fifty pounds. To eentain and restrain such a power we must, it is evident, use the best material obtainable; the best at the he- ginning, best in the midst of the firing. and best at the close. It must stand the sudden and heavy first shock; must yield a little, without rupture or per manent distortion, when the pressure is at its greatest; must return to its original shape when all is over; and it must offer, at all times, the greatest possible resistance to fracture. Tech nically our metal must be tough, elastio and of great tensile strength. These qualities find their highest development in forged steel. As in guns, so in what they throw, the tendency is to ward larger masses, more perfect mate rial, greater destructiveness. The can non-ball of our grandfathers gave place to the eight-inch and nlne-inoh shell of our fathers. To-day we are using elon gated steel projectiles weighting ' in some cases a ton eaeh that will pierce' iron armor measured in thickness by the foot, or even the yard; we are charg ing some with melinite or other fright ful explosives that will create ''untold havoc, or with noxious ohemicals to suffocate a whole ship's company. "Other weapons are experiencing the same development Hotohklss an American, of course brought put his revolver oinnon, then his rapid-fire guns. The largest of these was a six pounder. Mounted on a swivel it could be fired from the shoulder like an old wall piece, delivering about twelve shots a minute. Presto! we now hear of 30-pounders, 70-pounders and 100- pounders of this type. Imagine shoul der praotice with a six-inch gun Weigh ing five tons and' three-quarters, at the rate of eight or ten rounds in a minute, eaoh round capable of piercing fifteen inches of wrought iron! Sucp guns exist, and will . constitute a ' large part of the armament of the most modern ships of war. Every one is inventing some new form of mounting to hold the gun that deals such rapid and powerful blows, or of breech mechanism to lessen the time taken up in loading. Electricity, steam, hydraulio and pneumatic powers are used in our new ships M load and han die guns. Maxim American again utilizes the recoil of the piece to do all the loading and firing. "The improvements in guns within the last few years have been so great as to amount to a revo lution, and their constant end has been increase in the power of the gun and in the rapidity of its fire. In the first direction we appear to have reached a limit in the 110-ton gun. and there is a tendency to reoede, for it is generally agreed that a smaller gun will do the work required for naval service. The largest gun contemplated for our new bat tle ships is the thirteen inch 60-ton gun, firing a 1,200-pound shell with a velocity of 3, 100 "feet per second. In the second direction we are making constant progress, but it is mainly by improvements in gun mount ings and in the service of ammunition. Thel mitof the rapid-firing prinolple Is reached when the ammunition be comes too heavy to be easily handled by one man, and it is believed that this limit has even been passed in the En glish six-inch rapid-fire gun. For the present at least we are content with four-inoh gun firing a 36-pound Shell; and a large part of the armament of the ships now building will consist of these guns." Pastor at Windsor Looks. Manchester, Nov 7. This morning Rev Father WiIliam Lynch, who for a number of years has acted as curate un der Rev Father Campbell in this town, received notice of his appointment as pastor at'Windsor Looks. An Am If or Detretlva Aenry. Sweet Girl Pa, the house next door was robbed last night. . PaMercy! Next door? Sweet Qirl yes. and the burglars have, been in two or three houses on this block within a week, Pa I know it. I know it. It's ter rible) But what can we do? Sweet Girl I was thinking" it might be a good plan for Mr. Micufeilow and ve to sit up a (ew nights and watch for them. N. V. Weekly. . A young girl rode her horse in through store doorway at Lynchburg, Va., made her purchases, said good-bye nd backed gracefully out. T?0R SALE Placards of .""To Rent" 1' "Furnished Boom Sals," and many other designs, ldo saob. At the Democrat offloa. AMUSEMENT!. "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Stetson's combination played. 'Uncle Tom's Cabin to full houses yesterday afternoon and evening. They had all the accessories for producing the play in the most approved style. and were highly successful in pleasing their audience. Wilmington News. At the onera house Saturday afternoon and evening. TUa Son.tb.ern Cross. " There are many strong situations abd fine characters, and the play can be set down as one of the hits of the season. Philadelphia Call. At the opera house Monday evening. At the Caalno. Ladies and children are invited to at tend the matinee at the casino theatre to-morrow afternoon. The full pro gramme will be produced. Sacred Heart Fair. The rooms in the house at City hall are all furnished, and visitors are invited to come and inspect them. Only 10 cts a peep. The Hibernian Rifles have decid ed to visit the fair in a body, on Thurs day evening November 13. , Another Glastonbury Fir.. Yesterday a tobacco barn in Glaston bury, near the East Hartford line, was totally destroyed bv fire. The barn was owned by Charles York, but was rented byUodfrey Smith, who cultivated the land and lived in the adjoining house. About an acre of tobacco was hanging in the barn at the time, which was also destroyed. The entire loss was $2,500, which comes principally on Smith, the barn being worth only about $200. Mr S.mith'8 house was with dilliculty saved. There was probably no insurance. Two Tors uht OAT. A1FRIDEN, .November . a younc Italian employed at Lane's nuarrv and in charge of the elevator,made a misstep yesterday ana a beveled gear cut ott two of his toes on his right foot. The injured man was taken to ur higgieston s orhce for treatment. DISTRICT OPWATKRBURT bs Probate Court Nov. 6. 18SM). Estate of I u-tra Cti;irtn. late of waterburv in saul District, aecensia Pursuant to an order Irom the t ourtof Ito- bate for said Dis; r:ct, I will sell at riva'esie the f, Hawing real estate of and deceased, viz: i nn premises Known as rso. in iiawKn s s reet Waterbury, Conn For terms eic., at ply to tLLb s --iiAivrtt .Administratrix. T. H. HAYES, Wh Uvale and ret iil dealer in Foreign and Do Blest in Ales, Wines, Lijuors and CUirs. 34 and 35 East Miin ctreet. Goods delivered on telephone call to any part of ih- city Telephone 49-3. FranK drothers & Co., Importers and dt alcr- n choice Wine?, and Ciitirs. Li-pi'TS retai ed at wholesale prices. All kitid U' bottled Koods lor lanuiy us . M. . Liquor Warehouse, Cor. Union ani so. stai'i Mm., "pp. !rund Vhe Windsor," J.ti South JUm, Cohnku Ukaju Si Choice 1 ifinors. Wines, Ales ani Lugur, Bans Ale and fort er oil OraiiKht. r Ine brands or - - Fore iff n and Domestic Curars. CP"" Free Lunch niirht and day J C. SRAHAN. JOHl4 J. SHEHAN NO. 8 UNION ST. (Around the corner from S uth Main.) ALES, - WINES, - LIQUORS Foreign and ronusilo Cigars. BaUantine's Trip Extra Ale and bonded ois eys a fD' c.alty jjfARDWAR 3S A: LARGE STOCK OF SINGLE AND DOUBLE I1BL Shot -:- Guns Martin's Ntw 1889 Safnty Sporting Rifle the best in the maiket. Brass and Paper Gun Shells, Loaded Shells aud Cartridges, Loading Tools, Hunting Coats, &o.. A Full Line of Ammunition, Call and examine goods and prices. P. J. BOLAN, 74 AND 76 BANK STREET, ARE YOU FOND OF CRISP CRACKER Ask Tour Groccr For The Daisy Milk Biscuit. FLOUR Received by KELLY during October, 875 barrels, and still the people wonder why he can sell it so cheap. EGGS Received by KELLY during October, 7,700 dozen, and still people wonder why he can sell fresh Eggs for 27o per dozen. If you doubt either of these statements, visit the N. E. freight station and see for yourselves. KELLY'S Wholesale Candy store, 72 South Main Btreet. TOB PRINTING Good ' worki Ijow t J nrioea. All kind. At the Dimoobat ' office. The Prlcev Talk And Talk Loudly,; The very best offering of the season ! ! Trimmed Hats made up by our own milliners, in, first ( class manner and the newest styles. I $1.99. i Just ponder on this offer and than make an inspection of the largest- and most com plete line of ' Trimmed Hats ever placed on our counters, at prices that are proportionately low. I OHLA.SE, Arcade Building. Peach Baskets, MARKET BASKETS, CLOTHES BASKETS, DINNER BASKETS, COAL BASKETS, WILLOW BASKETS, SPLINT BASKETS, -ALL SIZES.- 3 bu Baskets, 2 bu Baskets, 2 bn Baskets, It bu Baskets, . 1 bu Baskets, bu Baskets. D. B. WILSON. 11 EAST MAIN STREET. Owing To Tie Mild Weather of last winter, woolen hose were a drug on tne market, ana we took advantage 01 an opportunity to buy. in March, a lot of 250 DOZEN at a price that enables us to offer them very low. 100 dozen Ladies' Seamless All Wool Hose at 1 7c, regular pr'ce 25c. 1 50 dozen Ladies' Seamless All Wool Ribbed Hose at 2sc,regular price 37 Jc Ask to see Walter Aiken's Solid Knit and Seamless Wool Hose for Misses at 25c. 'J hey are the best. 150 dozen Children's Seamless Wool Hose at i2jc. Our Children's Seamless Ribbed Black Cotton Hose at 12JC have created a demand , that has kept us busy to meet. We have just received a large supply of them and they are moving rapidly. We are the leaders in originators of Low Prices and have everything to be found in a well kept hosiery stock. Miller-& Peck, OUR STOCK OF - Boots and Shoes Are now ready for inspection. We think they are the best lines in the city tor tue money, x He following are a few of them. Meu'8 Heavy Oil Grain in Bal & Creedmore f 3.60 10 &4.UU. Men's Heavy Puritan Calf Bal Creedmore, $1.00. Men's Heavy P rpmse lionxolatops, $3 to $.1 S". Men's Heavy Call, double sol s Bal & Congress, $4.00 to $3.50. Men's Heavy Calf, cork soles Bal & Congress, Ji uu u $0 1 u. Men's Heavy Veal Calf, double s,les, $1,00. These shoes are made in all style cap, plain and glaze toes. Our children's School Shoes are all solid and warranted in every part for $1.00 and $1.25. Call on us and save money. B. J. FINN, 13 East Main St. -: SHONINGER :- Are yon thinking of getting that new Piano t If so, jnst coaenlt the Sisters of Notre Dame and Sisters of Charity, to whom we have lately sold elegant Shon inger Pianos. As they are ever ready to give you the best of advice on other matters, so they will also on the Piano question. Their judgment, friends, is of much more value than that of agents who often nse arguments totally void of truth. There fore, yon who are going to buy, ask for their opinion. We feel confident it will result in a fine indorsement of the Shon inger Pianos. B. SHONINGER & CO., 161 Bank Street. GEO. L. PELHAM, Manager. SOCIETY AND CLUB MEETINGS. Secretaries ara reauested to send in the dates of meetinRS of societies, lodges and clubs and to notify us of any changes of regular meet la nights. Meetings Tbls Evening. Woman's Relief corps. " Wadhams post, G. A. R. Waterbury Athletio club. Tunzis tribe, I. O. R. M. Albion Cricket club. Waterbury Temperance Reform club. Mad River grange. Harmony Iodide, F. A A. M. Frederick Wilhelm lodge, K. of P. Friendship lodge, Sons of Herman. Martha Washington" OTder Silver Stars. Monitor Hose company. Citizens HoBe oompany. Mutual H. ot L. oompany, " I Mean As I intend to make a change in my busi nesss ebruary 1st, I shall close out my stock at prices that will surprise you all. Having bought a large stock of rubber goods early in the summer before the rise in rubber stock, I shall sell you ujoods at prices less than they can be bought at wholesale. Two Horses for sale. One a fine bred l.uly's driving. One latest style Concord, (Goodwin & Son.) RAMETTI, 16 East Main St. E. T . TURNER & Co. Special Display of Bargains in Every Depart ment This Week. ON THE FIRST FLOOR We offer very attractive prices on our large stock of Dress Goods, Silks, Flannels, Blan kets, Hosiery, Umlerwi ar, etc, etc, Fnncy Goods, Notions,Laces iiuu x 1 mini lugs. E. T. Turner & Co. ON THE SECOND FLOOliWl, .oh ; no0.;i.U u tor, we are showing a very fine i.jiuic?s ouhs. trapes, wraps, Misses1 and Children's Cloaks and Dressers. On this floor can also be found our Ladies' Cot ton Underwear d :nartuienr. which includes the finpsf l; nf j 7 these goods to be lo"nd in the E. T. Turner & Co. ON THE THIRD FLOOR ( Accessible by elevator) may be seen one of the largest and most complete stocks of Carpets, Rugs, Curtains, Mattings.Up holstery Goods,. Oil Cloths, Paper Hangings, etc, that we have ever shown- In addition to our large stock of these goods we are showing many new and de sirable patterns in Carpets that cannot be found elsewhere.. ; Ladies areinvited to see this stock before purchasing. . ' - ; . . ' E. T. Turner & Co. With our new store, new elevator (the only complete one in the city, run ning from first floor to top of building,) new cash system and our elegant stock of goods, with the best light in the city to show them by, we guarantee our customers that we can save them money every time. Also assure them that when we advertise a bargain they can always find it as advertised. We in vite everybody to visit our store, and they will be convinced that we have one of the best organized Dry Goods stores in the state. Respectfully, E. T. TURNER fe Co. The HII Absorbing Subject Of Conversation In Nearly Every Household Lately Has Been FUR CAPES. And the demand is hugely for the Bust, Furs. For reliable Furs, go tollawleys where you will find tho largest assortment in the city. The most popular in Fur Capes are Alaska Seal, Mink, Beaver and Black Martin. In low priced Capes the As trachan. French Seal, Black Hare and Wool Seal Fine Fur Trimmings of all kinds. Buy your cape now if y u wish to save money, as they will certainly cost you more larr in season. Hawley The Hatter And Furrier, Exchange Place. XJ3STI02ST TEA OO. Can sell you the best Teas, Coffees and Spices in this citr. Specia Presents Saturdays. "72 SOUTH ST- A Penny A Word 0 Do you want a situation ? 8- Advertise in the Democrat Do you want to buy anything? iW Advertise in the Democrat Do you want "help" male or female? ' ' tW Advertise in the Democrat Do you -want servants, clerks or mechanics ? B" Advertise in the Dkmocrat Do you want to rent a room, Do you want to rent or sell Have yon . lost, or found anything? Advertise in the Democrat A Penny BllSilieSS. Branch 197 Bank St. assortment of Ladies' Cloaks furs, JNewmarkets and Shawls, Grfitclietia. .Tnrkff.a. w- U V VI citv. house or store ? t" Advertise in the Democrat your house, office or store ? Kdgr" Advertise in the DKMonRAT A Word