Newspaper Page Text
r ' ) t Reid & Hughes -Jo- UPHOLSTERY DEPARTMENT. Carpet Remnants. "We shall offer to-morrow morn ing 3 bale of Carpet Hem nants at th- following exceptionally low prices : All wool extra super Ingrain Carpet liemnants at 31c a yd. Best quality Tapestry Brus sels Carpet Remnants at 50c a yard. Best five-frame Body Brus- eels Carpet Remnants at (0c a yard. They come in lengths of from one to two yards each. I'! M & Hughes Bank St., Watcrbury. Manufacturers Take Notice. fHE Worcester Chemical Fire Pail Is the best Fire Pail on tbe market beaun 1st. It does not evaporate aud "dry up.' 2nd. It doea not freeze. 8rd. It does not "mat ont." 4th. It does not "soak out." 6th. It does not "fall apart." 6th. It is equal to twenty pails of water. 7th. It is always full and ready for nse. 8th. It is always easily Inspected. Oth. It requires no care or a.tention. 10th. You cannot spill the contents when rnuninK to a fire. 11th. Your employes will not nss it i.r Other purposes. 12th. You do not have to constantly re place your lire pails. Call and see them at P. J. BOLAN'S Hardware Store, OPP. P. O. 74 AND 70 BANK STREET. Painless Extraction BY THE USE OF RYDER'S Air -:- Special attention paid to Children's teeth. Low prices, skillful workmanship. RYDER, Tlia Albany Dentist, 133 Bank Street. B, Shoninger & Go Are receiving a large and fine stock of the Celebrated - SHONINGER PIANOS - Our sales since January i have been very large, with excellent prospects for the future, showing conclusively the high grade and standing of this celebrated instrument among water bury musicians and the public gener ally. Call and examine. 6. SHONINGER & CO.. 161 Bank Btraet. GEO. L. PKLIIAM, Manager. Miss Nolan, Milliner, Former of corner Bank and urand streets is now located at 88 KXCUANGK PLACE, Miss Markhara's old stand. Ladies who like c tylish millinery are invited to call. New Millinery Store. Miss Rose Reilly, late of New York, will open on Thursday, March 19, a Millinery tore at No 123 South Main street, with a fall line of trimmed and untrimmed Hats, all the latest novelties, etc. Ladies are cordially Invited to call. GRAND OPENING -OF- MILLINERY In all the latest spring styles, at E. J. HUDSON'S, on Tnesdsy, Wednesday and Tk-J.. fn.i 94. 8S and 20. Hats from 25o op. ' Elegant sprays ef - . . jo. . flowers irom iwo up. uonium ov. a large assortment of trimmed hats from $1 np. The ladles of Waterbnry and vioin ity are respectfully requested to call. B.J. Hudson, 140 SOUTH MAIN ST. CITY NEWS. Sergeant Cox predict rain; higher temperature. Mrs Finton Campion of Ridge street Is seriously ill. Dr Anderson left to-day for Great Barrington, Mass. S. W. Merwin, aged 43 years, died this morning at his home in Water town. Over thirty of the pupils of St Mar garet's school left this morning to spend the Easter vacation at their homes. The Rev Father Fagan of Naugatuck, who has been spending the past five weeks in the south, is expected home next weK. About twenty Waterbury business men left on the New England road this morning for a two weeks trip through the south. The funeral of the lute Jamas White took place this morning from his home on Sarsficld street, to the church of the Immaculate Conception. The press has become the greatest in structor of modern times. Lavine has also become the greatest modern anti dote lor dirt. Bernard Donohue, formerly of this city, (lieu in ionisers, jn. y., yesterday. me deceased was a orotuer or jf. i Donahue. There will be a full rehearsal of the Irish drama, "Colleen liawn," at room 14, American building, to-morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. A special meetinir of the district com mittee is called for nex tTuesday evening to take action upon the acceptance of me oond oi dames uougman as tax col lector. A special funeral train in charge of conductor btarr conveyed the remains of the late Father AYhalen from Tor rington to Birmingham this afternoon, where the burial took place. Mary Elizabeth, the ten months old child of Dennis J. Delanev. died last night at the home of Mr Delaney's mother, 43 Hill street. The funeral will beheld at a o clock to moirow after noon. Reports from Ansonia and other val ley towns this afternoon have l?en re ceived to the effect that to day's storm in that neighborhood is the most severe or the year, many telegraph and tele phone wires being down and other dam age done. Capt Thomas Magner, Trainer W. J. Hyland and Manager Ed L. Ualoney of the Co U tug-of-war team are in New Haven to-day completing arrangements for the tue-of-war between the Klinur brothers and Company G, next Friday afternoon. The funeral of the late William II. Brown will probably take place Tues day. Col Doherty received a telegram this morning from relatives in the south announcing that they would arrive Monday afternoon. The remaius arrived here late yesterday afternoon. The following are the district court assignments for next week: Monday, ctmitn vs Ireland; uoodwin ox son vs Moriarty. Tuesday, Uillett. executor. vs Shelton, administrator, with the will amended. Thursday, L. u. Moss vs W. S. Todd. Friday, Connor et ux vs Lalley, ei ux, imsi.j The board of trade at their meeting lust night discussed the proposition of the Bicycle company which is desirous of locating in this city. The outlook is very encouraging. President Upson an nounced that he is in correspondence with an electrical company located in Philadelphia who are desirous of locat ing in uieroury. The employes of the training depart mcnt of the Waterbury Watch Co on last evening presented Thomas J. Moran with a handsome secretary, as a token of their esteem and well wishes for him in ins new field of labor. He severs his connection with the factory the 1st of April. Mr Moran has been employed for the past nine years as a foreman at tue watch factory. The Connecticut Catholic says: The oecono division, a. o. n.,or waterbury, under command of Captain D. J. Casey, took part in the grand celebration at New York on last Tuesday, and were justly acknowledged to be as fine a bodv of men as ever paraded the streets of New York. Captain Casey and his boys renect create on me isutmeg state every time they appear in public. The Consolidated road is now making preparations lor equipping all the pat enter cars with water tanks. As fast as the car is sent to the repair shops an end seat is taken out and a tank placed there insteud. Ever since the late war. water has been carried through the car in conformity to a law which was passed at that time, The boys for their services are paid $4.80 a week and if the changes as contemplated are carried out a large numuer ot poys win nave to seek work eisewnere. The regular battalion drill of the two local companies. G and A. was wit nessed by a larger crowd lust evening man ever oeiore. uuard mount pre ceded the regular drill. Captain A. J. Wolff was old officer of the day : Cap tain Stocking officer of the dav : Lieut Moses, senior officer of the guard ; Lieut Halpin, junior officer ; Capt Dickinson, adjutant; and Sergeant Major Carter acting for the first time in his official capacity. Ihe drill which followed consisted principally of battalion move ments. The battalion was divided into four companies under command of Captain Stocking. Lieut Fitzoatrick. Lieut Halpin and Lieut Burpee respect ively. The battalion was in charge of Major L. F. Burpee. The movements were well executed. Dress parade under command of the same officers concluded tbe night s work. Mi luting Since Tuesday. The friends of John O'Brien, a miller at the Old Colony Distilleries company's works in New Haven, are much worried over his disappearance. He left his home at the corner of Grand avenue and Haven streets, on Tuesday evening uwui v uwk, uu nus nub returned yet. When he left home he had con siderable money and a gold watch. He is said to nave a lonaneas ror exhibiting his money and watch. He is about 24 years old, of fair complexion and medium height, and wore a dark suit, cutaway coat and derby hat. LOCAL LINES. If yon want good Tea or Coffee, oa to Phklah's and you get the best. Remem ber the number, 27 East Main street, Piatt's DlOCK. The Eyes. Prof. A. J. Cross at onr store, Sat. March 28, Lake, Strobel & Ce. 125 Boxes of Indian Birer Or&nraa &t LADD'S South Main street grocery. Brennan the Baker, 104 South Main. Wm. Cob Holhes, M.D., Brown's bl'k. Db. C W, 8. Fkobt, 187 Bank St. THE ATEBSUBY EVEKnta DEMOCRAT, JSATUBDAY, BULKELEY USES A CROWBAR. The Acting Governor Creates Seen at the CapltoL x-'. Hartford, March 21. Governor Bulkeley finding a room in the capitol locked contrary to his orders, and not being able to secure a key ob tained a crowbar and burst open the door, with the remark that he was governor of the state and intended to run things at the capitol to suit him self. CONVENT OF NOTRE DAME. An Organisation of Graduates of the Institution Effected. A meeting of the graduates of the convent was held yesterday at the resi dence of Miss Uolohan on Union street, and an association to be known as "The Alumnae of the Congregation of Notre Dame" was formed. Since the convent was founded fifty young ladies have graduated. At the meeting yesterday much enthusiasm was manifested. A constitution and by-laws were adopted and the following officers elected : President, Mrs T. F. Jackson, class of 1880; vice president, Miss Coughlun, of Brooklyn. N. Y., 7tt, Mrs J. F. Haye, '83, Mrs L. M. Cremiits, New Britain, '8tt, Miss Gallagher. New Haven, '88; secretary. Miss Ilolohan, '88; treasurer, Mis Malier, '70: advisorv, iHmrtl, Miss Bluke. '80, and Miss Guilfoile '84. The The Waterbury members will be in formed by the secret iry of (he date of the next meeting. POLICE COJRT. Thomas Mai ley Found Not Guilty of the Charges llrou;ht by Agent t'olley. The witnesses for the defense in the Mai ley liquor trial were heard this morning. Simon Brown, the bartender, testified that he did not sell liquor to O'Donnell ou Christmas day, neither was the latter in the place, lie said that about four weeks ago, O'Donnell, Dillune and Fitzgerald did enter the place, but he put theui out without giving them any drink. Joseph Phelun corroborated Brown's evidence . and further strengthened it by saying that when the men wer put out O'Donnell swore he would get square. James Fly nn, who one of the witnesses for the prosecution, swore was present in the saloon on Christmas day, testified that he was not there on that day. Attorney Colley fougjit hard against a forlorn hope ot conviction. Attorney Root made a strong argument for his client. Chief Egan was called in to show up the record of Dillune and O'Donnell and a wonderful criminal record it was. A joking remark was made that they were guilty of every crime but murder. Judge Cowell promptly found the accused not guilty of selling to minors on Christinas day. On the second charge he said the decision rested on the truthfulness of the witnesses. The record of the boys was a strong factor in the case. " Individually he thought that the boys did purchase the iH'er but ludtcialiv he would give the accused the benefit of the doubt and so discharged him. John Mack, who hails from Bristol, went into John J. Carroll's barber shop on liana street and asked tor a tew pennies to got a night's lodging. Com plaint was made to the police and he was arrested. This morning John J. Carroll. Con Moriarty and Thomas De laney appeared against hiin. He was sentenced to M days in the townhouse, SUPREME COURT DECISIONS. Kilgnr w. Pinney Ihe Legal Town Agent and Superintendent of Highways. The supreme court judges were in session at uarttord all day yesterday and nanued down decisions in Water bury cases as follows : Edgar W. Pinney vs F. J. Brown ; superior court is advised that Pinney is the superintendent of highways in 'the town of Waterbury and that Brown is not town agent ; reasons by Andrews, This case involved two questions, viz Whether Edgar W. Pinuey or Robert Fruin is the lawful superintendent .of highways for the town of Waterbury ; and whether Edgar W. Pinney or Fred J. Brown is the lawful town agent for the town. urious votes were passed at town meetings and by the selectmen in regard to filling these positions, but as these appointments seemed to conflict it was determined to bring the matter into court to settle definitely who was legally ent itled to the olhces in question. It will be remembered that Robert Fruin was appointed superintendent of Highways at a town meeting shortly aner cue uctooer election, s. w. Kel logg was counsel for Pinney and L. F, Burpee for Brown. James Farrell vs Waterbury Horse Railroad company; no error; reasons by lorrence, J. The plaintiff was standing on the track directing workmen in a trench dug under the tracks, and was iniured by being struck by a car. The driver saw him and shouted to bun when 150 feet away, but Farrell did not hear the warning, ihe driver then paid no more attention to Farrell until just before the accident occurred, being busied with removing the coupling pin so as to de- tacu me norses from the car preparatory to taking them around the hole. The lower court decided that on the facts found the defendant was negligent. and that the plaintiff was guilty of con tributory negligence, and the court as sessed only nominal damages. An ap peal was lanen. ine piaintitt claimed that he was not negligent; also, that if he were somewhat negligent, his negli gence was not the proximate cause of the injury. Webster and O'Neill for the plaintiff; Terry and Bronson, for the de fendant. John O'Brien vs Miller & Strickland; no error: reasons bv Andrews. C J. O'Brien was injured by one of Miller s ocricKianu s teams in a runaway ac cident, and brought suit. The lower court rendered a decision for the defen dants. , Louis M. Meyer vs Angelo C. Burritt! error; reasons by Torrance, J. This was an action to recover taxes. ihe defendant entered a demurrer which was overruled by the lower wun, wuose uecision was reversed. A SCOUNDREL ARRESTED. lie Committed a llrutal Assault on Woman 60 Tears Old. Bridgeport, March 21. James Flani gan was arrested in New Fairfield, last ntgnt, ror committing a criminal assault on Mrs Julia Campion, who is 00 years oil. Mrs Campion is very rich but a crippie. or some time sne has been re siding with a family named Murphy. rianigan, on xuarcn ii, entered ihe Murphy house and drove out all but Mrs Campion and then committed an assault on her. She has been partially unconscious ever since, and it is thought that- owing to her age and infirmities she will probably die. Flanigan has oeen Hiding ever since the crime, but was captured last night. When his arrest was known a large crowd collect ed, and it was with difficulty that he was got to jail without bodily harm being done him. He was lodged in the Bridgeport jail. . A3 YOU LIKE IT, Stray Leares From Reporter's Is'ote -.' ' : BOOK. .' ' In the last monthly report of the state board of health JJr undsiey saysi in dis cussing the question : "What Is a Pub lic Funeral?' "that the phraseology is unfortunate and open to criticism, be cause the expression 'public funeral' is a misuse of words, and therefore the words being wrongly employed carry with them a wrong meaning.- It would be better if the law was expressed thus There will be no funeral ; or, there shall be no public burial of any person dead from small-pox. etc. Tbe obvious ob ject in making such a regulation is, to reduce to the minimum, the risk of spreading infection. The best means of doing this are by disinfection and isola tion. If isolation of the patient was necessary before death, the isolation of the body is no less bo after death. If if was important to prohibit visitors to the sick person and even to the house in which he was sick, lest the infection might be carried from the infected things therein, it is not the less impor tant to exclude visitors from the infect ed house after death, and until the Frocesses of purification be completed, t teed not be understood, however, to prohibit a clergyman from holding any brief religious service, if it would be a consolation to the friends, in the infected house, in the presence only of those who have already been exposed by living in the house, prcvided no others are admitted, and provided always that the clergyman himself take an necessary precautions against spread ing the contagion. Actor Ilenrv Avolinira Inst, wiufi - nrPHsed in a lit.tor inat hfnrA lu ,m. mitted suicide at the Sturtevant house, that his wife be not permitted to look at his body, will be disregarded. His wife, whose stage name is Miss Mittens Wil lett, has not only taken a look at the remains lint will nlai hurv tham Rlio said yesterday : "The funeral will take piace irom my nouse, aa Hiast rour teenth street, at 11 o'clock to-morrow mnrninir- T nrftnai.lor it: nv ilnt. k,i-it my husband, despite his wishes to the contrary. I loved him dearly, and if there was any resentment it is and was not on my part. 1 separated from him vu usvuiiv VI IHUVl IUIIUIQ XBttlfllSs FATHER WHALEN'S FUNERAL. The lleiuulns Taken to Ttlrminghnm on a Speeial Train. The funeral services over the remains of the late Rev Father Whaleu were held m 1st rancis church, Torrington tins morning, a solemn requiem hiah. mass being celebrated by Key rather Keena of Stamford, assisted by Father Crowley of Naugatuck, deacon ; Father Short ell of Bridgeport, sub-deacon ; Father Harty of Hartford, master of ceremonies. The panegyric was delivered by the Rev M. Tierney of New Britain. The pallbearers were Rev Fathers Mulcahy and Duggan of this city, Kennedy of Birniinginan, vuuui oi oinnsviiie, fitzsiinonsof JNew Hartford and OTirien r Hi-i.l. Many other priests from all over t.h diocese also assisted. At 2 o'clock the remains were taken by special train to uiruungnatn, escorted Dy the local so cieties of the Knights of Columbus and -Ancient uraer or iiioernmns. Harmonic Festival Tickets. To the Editor of the Democrat : of the Harmonic society, there seems to ue eiuier a luistaxen impression about the price and the advantages to be de rived from purchasing them so far in ndvancp. nr aIai tha muMar lina n.-.. Iuu. clearly and sufficiently explained to the 51.50 each, entitling the holder to ad mission to both afternoon and evening lei iui maiices, wjiu reserved seat, lne " " - uvow .i.ivii .1 V IV IT IC5 for reserved seat coupons will take place Mnmlav Anril lilr.h. nl thu Btni-a r.f 1, Driggs & Smith Co. Seats for either or I . 1. .. i . HI .. i I . - ., uubii tuuLri w lii utib ue hoiu irom enc chart until a week later, April 20.- All who wish to have thn firuf rliri nf seats, must buy subscription tickets of ix, oiuini s music store oeiore ine 13th of April, as no tickets will be sold on . i. .. . . c i. -, i . . iuab uav. One of the Committee. His llody to be Cremated. Meriden, March 21. Frederick A. Rugg, aged 60, died here yesterday of heart failure. He was a firm believer in cremation and in accordance with his wish his body will be taken to the cre matory at Fresh Pond, Long Island, to w luuiuvraivu. Hughes an" Easy Winner. New York, March 21. The noon score of the walking match was as fol lows: ungues oau miles, Bennett 515, Moore 502, Hegelman 496, Herty 492, XT Tv i .til iioremac 101, oeacn TIMELY TOPICS The opening of spring styles at E. J. Hudson's millinery establishment on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdav of next week, will be an attractive one to the ladies. This establishment has a well earned reputation for good style huu puinataKing worn, and its patrons may rest assured that they can be suited here, no matter how highly their tastes are cultivated, as well as anywhere in me state. Pure English mohair brilliantine. 29 cents a yard, worth 50 cents, at Miller & fecks. Dodge's famous 42.65 shoes are going with a rush. They are great wearers ano styusn, too. The finder of a black fur shoulder cape will be rewarded by returning the same 10 mis omce. American tin drums, house numbers. fishing tackle and garden seeds, are among tue specialties at t . a. Field a. As usual I. Chase has a display of Easter millinery that comprises all the latest styles, and all the novelties to be found. Trimmed and untrimmed hats in any size, shape or price. The good people of Woodburv have at last been able to read the spots on tbe moon. JKead tne dispatch from there on ine nrst column or the second page. xt is inieresung anu instructive. Easter flowers in large varietv at low prices, uau on a. uauas. mm Hank street or 32 Union street. Cut the advertisement of the Bridge port Pants Co out of this issue of the Democrat and when you order a suit a discount or ten per cent win be allowed. Headquarters, 43 East Main street. SOCIETY AND CLUB MEETINGS. Secretaries are reaueated to send In ths dnte of meetlnas of societies, kxiras and nluha and to notify us of any changes of regular meet- iug uiguis. -r it Meetings This Evening. Lyra Singing society. . -' American Mechanics Social club. Waterbury Stationary Engineers. ' Nosahogan lodge, I. O. O. F, STRUCK A SNAG. Apparent Wreck ot the Proposed State Base BaU Lesgue. Unless the signs so clearly shown at yesterday's meeting fail, the proposed state league of base ball clubs is a wreck. The rock upon which it split is the question of a guarantee to visiting clubs or a large percentage of the gate receipts. This rock was struck bows on, and the stately ship which was ex pected to sail so majestically through the season has a big hole stove in her bottom. If she doesn't sink entirely out of sight before she can be rescued, it will be a surprise. The meeting was held in Hartford, with delegates present from Hartford, Waterbury, Bridgeport, New Britain, Plainville and Bristol. After consider able informal talk, and reports from the delegates as to the readiness of the vari ous cities to enter the league, a perma nent organization was effected. Nearly all the afternoon was spent in discussing the division of gate receipts. The plan which had been generally dis cussed, and which it was supposed met the approval of all the clubs, was for the home club to take 55 per cent and and the visiting team 40 per cent, the other o per cent to go into the treasury as a guarantee fund to finish the season. T. H. Hayes said Waterbury could not agree to that plan, and would withdraw if it was adopted. "He insisted that the old method of a fixed guarantee was the only thing Waterbury would agree to. All the otiier delegates favored the per centage plan. Some of them wavered a little, however, and seemed inclined to accede to what Mr Hayes wanted, but the Hartford delegates remained firm They said if the fixed guarantee plan was adopted they should withdraw from the meeting. Mr Hayes said he should do the same thing if the other plan was adopted. No vote was taken and the meeting adjourned, subject to the call of the president. ACCIDENT AND INCIDENT. A IlrlHtol Italian's Family Thought to .Have Keen on the Vtopla. In September, 1889, Leo Renaldi of Bristol, with his wife and two children, returned to Italy to visit their friends and spend the winter. In the spring Leo returned, leaving . his family to finish their visit and return early this spring. Letters from his wife stated that they would sail for New York about the middle of March and, as no word has been received from them, it is feared they were on the ill-fated Utopia. Mr Ronaldi is employed at the E. Intrra hani clock factory. All Shore Line trains yesterday after noon and evening were sent by way of Middletown over the Air Line and Val ley roads. The interruption to regular traffic was caused by the sinking and shifting of a new iron bridge just east of Leete's Island. There had been some trouble there before, and the bridge is now reported about a foot out of place, probably owing to settling of the foundations in a soft soil. Two explosions startled the p ople of Birmingham yesterday, but fortunately they vere not attended with loss of lite. At the Stpr Pin company a steam chest burst, filling the room with steani, causing some of the fifteen or twenty girls to faint and slightly scalding several. At the Derby Silver company a compressed air machine gave way and bits of iron and steel were sent flying about the factory. William Houlihan, aged 28, insane, strayed away from his father's home in Birmingham last evening, and no trace of him has been found, although con stant search has been made since his departure. Houlihan has been in the asylum at Middletown for a number of years, but recently has been at home. w nen excited lie is violent. A mason's helper named Dennis O'Hearn. fell from a ladder nt Milford and broke his back Wednesday. He imgerea aw nne and died Thursday evening. O'Hearn was employed by Eli Elverston, the mason, and at the time he fell was engaged in carrying a hod up a ladder. The dead mason was sixty years of age. A serious runaway accident occurred at Williiuanlic to-day. While a funeral procession was crossing the tracks of the' New England road a pair of horses attached to a hack became frightened and ran away. The hack was demolish ed and all the occupants injured, M. H, Bates being seriously hurt. NAVAL WAR COLLEGE. Coasters Island Off Newport Will be Se lected us the Site. Washington, March 21. Under au thority of a section of the NT.-i t-1 "j'U- ation bill, the Bureau of N jivlirntinn nf the Naval Department has begun the preparation of plans for the establishment of the naval war college. The preparations are beinar ml V Ann An rapidly and within a few months the col- itrso uv iu upei uliou. ine Appropri ation hill nraviilefl fni r.lm! the new buildingsand the Navy Depart ment .menus io erect a suitable lecture room and to purchase all the necessary aDnaratus. Coasters Island off Newport will be ine sue oi ine college, and U119 selection is considered particularly advantageous because the nearness of the sea will allow practical demonstrations to bo made of naval warfare theories. NEWS OF THE DAY. It is reported that Mr. Proctor, Secre tary of War, is about to resign from the Cabinet. Youthful counterfeiters are passing apunuus ujwi uouars at i-roviuence, C J., and suburbs. The State Board of Trade of Main adopted resolutions favoring an appro priation of $40,000 by the Legislature for the Stiiln's exhihit. at. t.ha VM' inl and favoring reciprocity. All the collieries operated by the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Coiiiimnv in the Schnvlkill al Mirfm, of Pennsylvania will be idle three days a ween in oraer 10 restrict production. United RtAtA-a Sennt.nnl.w.f. n...U. XT Felton of California was examined by the Legislative committee of that State now investigating the bribery charges and hs stated that he had not spent one dollar in the recent ran v jls nne hn? snnn been authorized to do so for him. State of Maine has formed at Veazie, on tha Pannhftcnf; River Tt. ia fullv ..n i length, and is jammed solidly. It is tea iocs soots tne river level and extends from the surface to the river bottom. Cakea nt ieA nf Annrmniia fimmidinna piled indiscriminately on one another. 001110 Hra miny ana ioriy leet in length. A Vineyard Haven, Mass., dispatch saya that Wree.kincr IMnat-Ai. Ttiircraaa wI.a nn board the. Elsie in attendance on the stranded tug Triana, said that if he could get one day's smooth sea to enable him to box nn the Tirana's ha.te.hmi ha t.hinVa can be pumped out and floated. . The inana lies in a nau position with her shore rail and part of her deck under th wat$r. . MAIiCH 21, 1891. E A 8 T E M I Ij Hi I Jf K It Y MILLINERY Elegant Display OF Ladies' and Children's Trimmed and Untrimmed HATS All Shapes, All Styles, All Prices. E A 8 T E It M I Ii I N E It Y I. CHASE, Arcade Building. Call and examine the new 1801 COLUMBIA SAFETY. D..B. WILSON, 11 EAST MAIN STREET. Bargains For To-Day And Until Sold, 56 pieces Pure English Mo hair Brilliantine, plain colors and mixtures, At 29c a Yard, Regular value 50c. Another case 36 inch Mo haii Alpaca, all seasonable col ors, At 20c a Yard, Regular value 39c. Miller & Peck. NOTICE. From now until inventory you can save from 25 cents to $1.00 a pair on all our ' Gentle men's Heavy Shoes. They must go, as we need the room for opnng goods. As th balance of the season will be more or less wet and the ground damp, heavy sole shoes will be just the thins: vou want, so don't let thin. opportunity pass without getting a pair ana Keep your teet dry E. J. FINN, 18 East Main St. HC- O. CHATFIELD THE OPTICIAN, is now looated at 107 BANK ITREET, ARE YOU FOND OF CRISP CRACKER ? Ask Tour Grocer For The Daisy Milk Biscuit. Manufactured By Trott, Lawton & Co., Waterhnry, Conn. Great Drop In Butter EELLT the baker says that there has been a great drop in the price of Butter within fons days. Fe is to-day selling cugin creamery nutter tor 3D Cents a Pound at his Brooklyn store. Kelly sella four pounds of Milk Crack ers for twenty-five cents. Flonris Quoted hiaher. but owing to the large st k he has on hand he will make no advance 1b prices. , '- Kelly Riv more bread for a anarter than any t oker in the world. Niagara Falls flour makes sweeter bread than any otfier flour milled. Kelly's Flour quotations to-day: . Niapara Falls, - $6 25 Pillshnrj'aXXXXBest, - V $ oo Washburn, 0 & Co, v 8 00 ,' E. T. TTJBNER & CO. Commencing Monday morning, March 23, the peop'e of Waterbtjby and vi cinity will have an opportunity to get more Dry Goods for less b loney than ever before. We purchased the entire Mock of C.II.Hartand will sell it out for a small percentage on tV. dollar. We also made large pur chases in the auction rooms md have put these goods into this V sale. Now is the opportunity and you will not be slow to V grasp it. We have not the time or space to mention the ex. traordinary bargains to be had during this sale but inrite all to come and see us. ' Sale commences Monday morning, March 23, at 9 o'clock. E. T. TURNER & CO. Essential For a Well Dressed Gentleman is a ' Good Hat, Fine Gloves and a Stylis li Necktie. We have them all, the best of Stiff Hats from $2.40 to $5.00. Cheaper hats- that are just ai got d style from $1.00 up to $2:40. Silk Hats from $4.00 up to Xnox and Youmau's best at $8 00. Dress Gloves from $1.00 o $2.25. Neckties, the finest assorti i-nt in the city from 25c to $1.00. Dress Shirts, made to wea and fit, from $1.00 to $1.50. flawley the Hatter and Furnisher, Exchange Place. SPECIAL PRESENTS With One Pound of Tea or Snowflake Baking Powder to morrow at the A Penny Do you want a situation ? Advertise in the Democrat Do you want to buy anything? Advertise in the Demoobat Do you want "help" male or female ? IW Advertise in the Demoobat Do you want servants, clerks or mechanics ? Advertise in the Demoobat Do you want to rent a room, house or store ? C3T" Advertise in the Democrat x Do you want to rent or sell your house, office or store ? tW Advertise in the Demoobat Have you lost or found my A Pennv mm THE PEOPLE'S PiPEl" Tie EVENING DEMOCI AT, Delivered to Your Home for 12c ur xnree juonuis, $o a Year. Good Boys wanted to sell the EVENING DEMOCRAT. xjisrioisr tea. go. A Word thing? Advertise in the Demoobat A Word Op flnm7 1 CM Q vOpy! r. a Week, 42c a Month, $1.25