OCR Interpretation

Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 08, 1899, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE

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D. M. ASISnnilUr , Vnullihnr.
The livery barn lately opened by
John Newman at Alma was burned.
The fire was of nil incendiary origin.
There was no insurance on the stock ,
most of which was gotten out. Loss ,
( GOO.
While the 3-year-old daughter of
Dlo Chcstum , living five miles Bouth of
Decntur , was playing with an air gun ,
she caught her thumb in the lock ,
covering it nt the first Joint and bad
ly mutilating it at the second.
Louis R. Larson , who for several
years has run a shoo shop In Fremont ,
has been adjudged insane. Hard
drinking Is the cause of his mental
disorder. For some time ho has
Imagined that he was going to bo hyp
notized , and has wandered aimlessly
about the country.
A water spout visited the northeast
part of Cedar county thoroughly del
uging the country. Houses were flood
ed , barns and other buildings swept
away , and some stock drowned. It is
reported that every bridge on the East
Bow creek from its source to the Mis
souri han boon carried a\\ny.
A Beatrice dispatch says the recent
4inll storm in that vicinity was more
seriC'.iR thnn at first appeared. Plga ,
and over hogs , chickens and poultry ,
were killed \y the hall by the hun
dreds. The damage to houses was not
only to the windows , but to the roofs ,
the shingles being split ai.-J blown off
of hundreds of buildings.
Members of company A of the Sec
end Nebraska volunteers have erected
a ten foot shaft in the cemetery to thn
memory of Kearney boys , members of
the regiment , who died during the ser
vices in the war with Spain. The shaft
will bo Inscribed with the names of
Pnul B. Jenkins and Charles M. Hatch
of company A and George A. Hay don
of company E. These boys died of
sickness contracted in camp at Chlcka-
Christian Croft , n German fanner
and an old settler of Nemaha county
living six miles south of Talnmgo ,
while , it Is charKcd , under the influ
ence of liquor rode to the homo of his
neighbor , William Groves during the
absence of Mr. Groves , called Mrs.
Groves out , and began , it is claimed , to
use unfit language and make all kinds
of threats of what ho would do. Mrs ,
Groves ordered him off the place. Ho
refused and she secured a revolver
and emptied the contents nt him , but
seeing that It had no'effect , as she
supposed , wont for a shotgun. By the
time she had it ready for use Croft had
had left.
One of the workmen at the Burling
ton & Missouri carpenter shop nt Lin
coln on going into the nail house
found the dead body of S. E. Doyle
lying at the foot of the stairway , with
the neck broken anil other evidences
that he had been Idlleil by a fall down
the stairs. Doyle , who has boon In
the employ of the company for Hovoral
years , had gone into the nail house
Just after noon , Baying that ho would
take a nap. At the head of the open
stairs was found a pillow with the
imprint of his head where he had lain
on it. The coroner's jury decided that
death was caused by falling down the
Decoration of graves of soldier dead
and memorial services njeant a great
deal more to" York countycltlzenH than
one year ago. Since then four of
York's brightest and bravest boys Iwvo
died buttling the foe in the Philippine
islands. At 9 o'clock twenty members
of the Grand Army of the Republic
post marched to the cemeteries and
decorated the graves of tholr com
rades. Over 2,000 people wore promptly
gathered at 10 o'clock to hear the oration
tion delivered by Rev. 0. W. Flfor , one
of the best ever delivered by any
orator in York. In the afternoon the
oxerclses were held In the largo Meth
odist church , where Evangelist J. C.
Redding delivered the oration.
Morgan Rico of Wakofield commit
ted suicide by drinking concentrated
lye. Deceased had been In 111 health
for some years and wus despondent
He arose early and went to a uolch-
bor's barn , where he poured about
three tablespoonfuls of the lye Into
a tin cup , mixed It with water ind
swallowed It. He w-is found about 'wo
hours later by his brother , Abnor
Rice and Dr.
, Harman was summon
ed , but it was too late to do more than
to alleviate his sufferings and at 10
o'clock ho died. Deceased WHB aced
about thirty-five years and was un
married. Ho was a farmer and had
a' vays borne a good reputation. He
had three brothers and one slsrer ,
all residents of Wayne county.
The whole east Bide of the main
business street of Curtis Is In ruins
from fire , which destroyed the whole
cast side of two blocks. The town is
without adequate flre protection , and
inouga me citizens did everything
possible with the limited means nt
their command to stop the progress of
the flames , it was of little avail until
they practically burned themselves
out. In the saving of property from
the buildings they were a llttlo more
succensful , though much that waa
taken out of the buildings Is In a dam
aged condition. The places burned
are : F. Hlckleman , meat ir.irket ; A
J. Washburn. saddlery ; Johnston &
Co. , implements ; State bank ; Stoll &
Rumbaugh , hardware ; W. E. Palmer ,
general merchandise , and J. W. Ad
ams , bit store. The loss will bo nearer
or quite $80,000.
Saloons have been ordered closed in
Plattsmouth on Sunday and the thirsty
are somewhat disturbed over the slt
H .M. Clark , who lives near Ithaca ,
lost his flue farm house and contents
by flre. The origin of the flre Is not
known at this time. The loss will
reach $1,800 and is covered by about
half that amount of insurance. Mr.
and Mrs. Clark were not at homo and
the children wore able to save only a
small amount of furniture from the
first floor. The fire started In the
second story and neighbors saw It
breaking through the roof and hur
riedly arrived and did what they could.
Judge Frost Donlos Temporary
ry Injunction.
Holding Unit ttin ItnrulNinrn llnve Ado-
jnntn Itemed ? In tlio Suit fending In
Ponclnn County A IlelirurliiK ( lliunt-
cd Text of tin ) Decision.
Judge Frost yesterday , says the
Lincoln Journal , rendered his opin
ion In the Injunction caBo brought by
Hartley's bondsmen to determine the
liability for the money lost to the
Btatc through the school warrant
transaction. The temporary rcstraln-
Ing order against the governor and
attorney general before Riven was va
cated , and the application for a tem
porary Injunction WUH donlrd. Later ,
on representation of the attorneys for
the bondsmen asking for a rehearing ,
May 81 was not as the date. Follow
ing Is Judge Frost's opinion :
This Is an application for a tem
porary Injunction. Because of the fi
nality of the court's order , If the ap
plication Is denied , the plaintiffs
should bo given the benefit of all
doubt. It may also be said that the
plaintiffs present a bill which appeals
strongly to the conscience of the
court , a bill which shows that as be
tween them and the Omaha National
bank , they are sureties and It Is
principal. Without passing on the
sufficiency of the cause of action for
equitable relief stated In the bill , It
will bo assumc'd for the purposes of
this decision that its Allegations are
ample for that purpose.
In view of what hns already been
snld the plaintiffs would bo entitled tea
a temporary injunction were there no
Jurlsdlctlomil questions In the way.
These questions involve the relations
and obligations of co-ordlnato courts ,
where one of them has acquired prior
Jurisdiction of the parties and of the
Btibjoct matter In controversy. To
the mind of the writer , the correct
answers to these questions lead In.
ovitably to one conclusion , the denial
of the Injunction by this court.
Briefly stated , the plaintiffs ask the
district court of Lancaster county to
restrain William A. Poyntor and Constantine
stantino J. Smyth , who , it is alleged
are respectively governor and attor
ney general of the state of Nebraska ,
tholr deputies and successors in office
from prosecuting In the district court
of Douglas county a suit pending
therein in behalf of the state , and
against ex-State Treasurer Bartloy
and his bondsmen. The Injunction Is
prayed for only as to one Item in that
suit amounting to $201,884.05. As to
that Hem this court is asked to deter
mine whether It was embezzled by
Bartloy , and If It was , to order that
the Omaha National bank and the
bondsmen on Its depository bond bo
compelled to pay said amount , and to
fully exonerate the plaintiffs from the
payment thereof. The Bum In ques
tion was on deposit to the credit of
the state treasurer to Illegally pay a
warrant which had been issued for
the solo purpose of transferring from
the neneral to the sinking fund the
money lost to the latter by the fail
ure of the Capital National bank.
The state having brought an action
for that Item among others in the dls-
tilct court of Douglas county , this
court cannot Interefero by Injunction
with the parties to that suit. Such In
terference would bo both against pub
lic policy and against the comity
which it IB essential should exist be
tween the co-ordlnatp courts of this
land. Lot it bo borne in mind that
the Douglas county district court pos
sesses just as ample powers to relieve
from the injustice complained of as
docs this court. If the injunction
asked can be granted , then there Is
logically no reason why some other
court oJ Douglas county , could not
In turn enjoin the plaintiffs from
prosecuting thlH action , providing the
jurisdiction could bo obtained over
thorn. Conflicts of Jurisdiction of
this character found necessarily re
sult In lessoning the respect of the
public for the courts , nor do former
adjudications sanction such procedure.
The law as announced by the hotter
considered cases , gives to the court
first acquiring Jurisdiction the power
to piocccd to n final determination ,
and Injunctions are ordinarily granted
only to protect the Jurisdiction of the
court which has secured such priority.
Our own supreme court has accepted
this view. From the syllabus of the
case of Prugh vs. Neb. , 414 , are taken
the following imraEranhs :
"Courts : Jurisdiction : Injunction.
After a federal court has acquired Jur
isdiction of the parties and subject-
matter of a controversy , a state court
may not by injunction or otherwise In
terfere with the exorcise of such jur
isdiction. "
"Accordingly as a general rule , a
state court will not enjoin parties to
an action already In progress In a fed
eral court from further proceeding
therein. "
"Tho exceptions to this rule are
based upon tlio doctrine that In courts
of concurrent Jurisdiction that which
first has obtained jurisdiction of the
parties and subject-matter retains it
for all purooses , and by nil necessary
process will protect itself in the exer
cise of that Jurisdiction. "
It is true that in that case the dis
pute over the jurisdiction arose ba-
tween the state and federal courts.
While there is a sentiment that the
state courts cannot interfere with
maters pending In the federal court ,
there are no reasons for the sentiment
except such as apply with equal force
to conflicts between different state'
courts. That was a case which ap
pealed most strongly to the equitable
powers of the court. It was sought to
enjoin the United States marshal from
selling a homestead , and the court
concedes in the opinion that the sulo
should bo restrained , wore It not that
the state courts could not intorforo. It
is expressly said that the owner of the
homestead must go to the federal
court for his relief.
There are two chlof reasons why ,
formerly , it was necessary for courts
of chancery to interfere by injunction
with the litigants , in common law
courts , to-wlt : The later had no
equitable powers , nor wore there pro
visions for bringing In now partlca ,
which were frequently necessary In
order to make n complete defense.
Thcso reasons , however , do not exist
In this state. Under our cede all dis
tinction between actions at law and
Bulls In equity are abolished. This
permits not only ancillary proceedings
before the same court in order to ob
tain equitable relief , but also permits
the setting up of an equitable defense
In that very suit. There arc also pro
visions for the bringing in of addition
al parties where these are made neces
sary by the answer of the defendant.
There IB another renBon , also Juris-
dlctional why this injunction should
not bo granted. The action runs nom
inally against the governor and at
torney general Individually , but it is
in reality against the state. The state
being sovereign cannot be sued except
by legislative consent. The adjudi
cated cases do not clearly draw the
line of dcmarkatlon between what
are suits against public officers , indi
vidually , and what arc In reality suits
against the state. The attorney gen
eral has cited the case of Fltts VB. Mc-
Ghcc , which was decided by the su-
prcrno court of the United States In
January of the present year. That is
a suit against the attorney general
of Alabama , and the court there held
that :
"A suit to retain officers of a Btato
from taking any Bteps by means of ju
dicial proceedings , In execution of a
state statute , to which they do not
hold and special relation is really a
suit against the state. "
While that case Is perhaps not abso
lutely conclusive of the one at bar ,
still it would seem to Justify the at
torney general's contention that the
present suit is against the state. In nn-
Bwor to this the plaintiffs say that as
the state has descended from the plane
of its sovereignty by the Institution
of a suit concerning this matter in the
district court of Douglas county , It
cannot now urge Its sovereignty to
prevent jurisdiction , but stands exact
ly as any Individual would. That rule
loses Its force when applied to the
present suit , as It is an entirely inde
pendent action. In order to get any
benefit therefrom the plaintiffs must
make this plea ns a defense In a suit
already Instituted by the state In
Douglas county.
In view of what has been said the
application for temporary Injunction
must bo denied and the restraining order -
dor heretofore entered , vacated.
Judge Frost this afternoon decided
to allow the bondsmen of ex-State
Treasurer Bartley another hearing on
their petition for an injunction re
straining the attorney general , gov
ernor and other state officers from
proaecutlng them until after the lia
bility of the Omaha National bank for
a portion of the shortage of the ex-
treasurer is determined in court. Ar
gument on the petition was made sev
eral weeks ago and Monday Judge
Frost refused to grant the injunction ,
vacating his temporary restraining
When the adverse decision was ren
dered the attorneys for the bondsmen
Immediately flled objections \ vita \
motion for a rehearing , citing" eight
alleged errors. At the tlmo Judge
Frost expressed his willingness to
have i.io case argued again before the
entire bench If the other Judges agreed.
The motion was to have been argued
this afternoon , but the court decided
to grant another hearing without ar
gument being made. The order of the
court refusing to grant the injunction
and vacating the temporary restrain
ing order was revoked.
The caBO now rests in a much com
plicated condition. There is some
doubt as to whether a restraining order
once dissolved can bo enforced again
before being argued in court. This la
precisely what the district court has
sought to do , but the attorney general
stated this afternoon that the suit
against the bondsmen in Omaha could
bo commenced , the restraining order
having been once vacated. The case
in the district court hero will not bo
argued again until Saturday and It is
doubtful if it can bo reached by CTlat
time. In addition td the petition for
injunction another obstacle stands In
the way of the prosecution. The case
of the state against the bondsmen in
Omaha Is entered In Judge Powells
docket , and even If the attorney general -
oral Is permitted to go ahead with his
case It Is hardly probable that It would
bo culled to trial ( hiring the present
term of court , during which nearly all
of the time In Judge Powell's court
will bo devoted to the election case.
The attorney general stated this after
noon that an attempt would be made
to transfer the case to another docket ,
intimating that ho might begin the
prosecution nt once.
The Nehru situ Crop * .
U. S. Department of Agriculture ,
Nebraska Soc. , r.Unmto and Crop Ser
vice , Weather Bureau , University of
Nebraska , Lincoln , May 30 , 1899.
The past week has bran warm , with
moro than the normal amount of
cloudiness and sufficient rainfall for
present needs. The average dally
temperature excess has been between
2 and 3 degrees.
The rainfall has been normal or
above in most parts of the state , ex
cept In the southeastern and extreme
southwestern counties , where the
rainfall hns been light generally less
than a quarter of an Inch.
This has been a good growing week ,
and the ground Is now in excellent
condition In all parts of the state.
Oats , wheat , rye and barley have
grown well. Rye is heading out. Corn
planting has been delayed in the
northeastern counties and In a few
other localities by the heavy rains.
Most of the corn is planted , and as a
rule is coming up nicely , with n good
stand. In a few of the eastern coun
ties heavy rains have washed out corn ,
making replanting necessary , and in
the northern counties , the cold , woi
weather has caused the seed to rot
in the ground somewhat ; however ,
tlio stand at present promises to be
above the average. Cultivation of
corn has commenced in the southern
counties. Pastures are In good con
dition , and stock on the range In
western counties Is doing well. Sugar
boots are up , and cultivation and thin
ning Imvo commenced.
Section Director , Lincoln , Neb.1
Official Eolations Broken Off During the
War Finally Hestorodi
With the I'ruldent nt the White
Home n Meimirnlile Occnilan ICxprvn-
ftloui of HtttUfnctlnu t Itcturn of 1'cuco
Incident * of the Day.
WASHINGTON , June C. Diplomatic
relations with Spain , broken off April
21 , 1898 , were formally resumed at 11
o'clock Saturday , when President Mc-
Klnley greeted Due d'Arcos , the newly
accredited minister to the United
HtutcB , In the Blue parlor of the White
HOUBC. SlmultaneouBly In Madrid , It
the program aranged was carried out ,
Bellamy Storcr , the new United States
minister to Spain , was being present
ed to Christiana , the queen regent ,
during the legal minority of his Cath
olic majesty , Alphonso XIII. It was a
notable occasion in the world's history
the resumption of friendly relations
between two nations which had been
at war and In the brief struggle had
changed the map of the world.
The speeches were especially nota
ble. They were plain spoken and de
void of the usual hazy diplomatic
The ceremony was exceedingly sim
ple. Promptly at 11 o'clock , the hour
set , the two carriages containing the
Due d'Arcos , Secretary Hay and the
secretaries of the now Spanish minis
ter , Senors Rlano and Pastor , reached
the White House. Quite a crowd had
gathered to catch a glimpse of the now
minister. The party was immediately
ushered into the Blue parlor.
The duke was attired in his resplen
dent diplomatic uniform. Across his
coat he wore n scarlet sash and on his
breast aparkled the Insignia of half
a tlo/.on ardors , the dazzling cross of
the Order of Catholic being the most
conspicuous. He carried his plumed
chnpeau in his left hand and the copy
of his address In his right. The secre
taries were likewise attired In tholr
gorgeous diplomatic uniforms.
On reaching the Blue parlor they
wore presented by Secretary Hay to
Colonel Blngham , who remained with
them while the secretary of state re
tired for n moment. He Immediately
reappeared with President McKtnley ,
to whom ho presented the Due d'Arcos
and Senors Riano and Pastor. The
president was cordial but dignified in
his greeting and Due d'Arcos then read
his address in Spanish. He stood a
llttlo in advance of his aides , facing
the president , while to the rear and
right of the president , stood Scretary
Hay. Colonel Blngham and Assistant
Secretary Cortclyou stood upon the
left. The minister said :
Mr. President : I have the honor to
place in your excellency's hands the
royal letter by which her majesty , the
queen regent of Spain , in the name
of her august son , King Don Alfonso
XIII. , accredits me near this govern
ment In the capacity of envoy extraor
dinary and minister plenipotentiary.
I have como to renew the relations
of friendship which have existed from
of old between Spain and the United
States' and which were Interrupted by
the war of last year. The treaty of
peace which Spain has signed put nn
end to that war , and now , looking
only to the future , Spain desires that
her relations with this republic may
bo as friendly as they wore In times
past and from the days in which this
country was struggling to gain Its in
dependence. It is my task to contrib
ute to the renewal of these relations ,
to strengthen them and to draw thorn
closer , and In the di&chargo of it I
hope to bo aided by the kindness and
co-oporatlon of your excellency and of
your government.
The president responded as follows :
Mr. Minister : I receive with the
greatest gratification the letter by
which her majesty , the queen regent of
Spain , in the name of her august son ,
King Alfonso XIII. , has accredited you
near this government as envoy extra
ordinary and minister plenipotentiary.
You will find , Mr. Minister , a cor
dial welcome in this country , not only
from those whoso friendship you ac
quired during your former residence ,
but from all our people , who rejoice
as I do at the renewal of the ancient
bonds of amity which , with a brief
interruption , Imvo united our nations
for more than ono hundred years. That
thcso friendly relations may bo con
firmed and strengthened , to the advan
tage of both people , Is my earnest
wish and I can assure you that every
member of this government will hear
tily co-operate with you to that deslra-
blo end.
It was noticeable that Due d'Arcos ,
in referring to the gratification with
which Spain resumed the friendly re
lations with the United States that
had existed over 100 years , plainly Bald
that these relations had boon broken
by war , while the president spoke only
of the relations interrupted for a
short time.
At the conclusion of the address ,
the president stepped forward and
shook hands cordially with the new
minister and they engaged In conver
sation In n low tone for a minute or
two. The president gracefully Inquir
ed after the health of the queen re
gent and the king. Ho courteously
referred to the due's former residence
In this country and his many friends
hero , and repeated the assurances ol
the concluding words of his formal
greeting , that every ono hero would
unlto in making the minister's stay
in this country pleasant and satisfac
The party then retired and was driv
en to the Arlington hotel.
IIlRli rrlcrs for Inun llor r .
NEW YORK , June 5. High class
saddle and harness horses under the
hammer brought out n large crowd of
blders to the sale at the American
Horbo Exchange. Tlus animals wcro
brought from Iowa by W. 0. Bryant
but only a part of the lot wore sold
The remainder , with those owned by
Douglas Brothers , also of Iowa , will bo
sold tonight. The star of the sale was
Llttlo Bonnie , a brown gelding , 14
hands , by Bonnie Wilkes , 2:11 : , for
which T. W. Lawson. of Boston , paid
Vlmt He Snld In III * Tnlk Jtcforo tlio
LOUISVILLE , Ky. , Juno 5. When
Col. Bryan arrived hero a great crowd
met him at the depot. He was escort
ed to the hotel by mounted police and
three bass bands and accompanied by
J. P. Altgeld , George Fred Williams
and bimetallic organizations , Colonel
Bryan held a reception for half an hour
and shook hands with hundreds of
Lioulsville's leading citizens. After
unchcon ho was driven to the audl-
.orlum , where he spoke to an audi
ence which was packed to the doors.
Ills talk was along the lines followed
jy recent speeches made by him. He
said :
"Tho object of a party is to give
force and effect to the political prin
ciples entertained by the members of
that party. The policy of the party is
determined by the majority of Its
members. The democratic party adopt
ed at Chicago principles to the condi
tions then existing. The conditions
existing today require the apllcatlon
) f the same principles. No question
jrought to the atontlon of the people
by the last campaign has been settled
since the close of the campaign. The
republican party did not declare- the
existing gold standard satisfactory ,
jut declared that it should bo contin
ued untfl foreign nations would Join
n international bimetallism. The de
mand for the restoration of bimetal-
Ism does not mean that there are no
other issues before the people , but it
means that this issue can not be laid
aside or surrendered until the financial
jolicy of the American people is de-
ermlned by the American people
themselves , without waiting for the
aid or consent of any other nation. "
In reference to the gold democrats
\lr. \ Bryan said : "I wish to say that
he men who withdrew from the party
n 189G are mistaken , In a large meas-
ire , and If I can help them to see the
Ight and regain them as supporters of
the party , I feel that the time will
como when they will thank me for it. "
The remainder of Mr. Bryan's re
marks were confined to.a . condemna-
.lon of trusts , the gold'standard and
, ho so-called Imperialistic policy of
he republican administration , along
, ho same lines as laid down by him
n speeches in other sections of the
Preceding the address of Mr. Bryan
the Hon. Matt O'Doherty , of Kentucky ,
tddressed the convention and directed
ils remarks chiefly to the financial
question. Ho dealt briefly , however ,
with the Filipino matter , and con-
ended that the congress of the United
States hod not declared war against
he Filipinos , but that President Mc-
Klnley has usurped the authority vest
ed in the congress of the United States
by the constitution , which provides for
such action in cases of exciting hos
tilities with any other nation. His1
contention was that the Filipinos had ,
Iko the Americans , an aversion for
the tyrannical ruling of the Spanish
government , and that they have been
fighting to throw off the yoke of ty
The Chief Says the Army HUB Abandoned
LONDON , June 5. The Dally Chron
icle says that Major Comtc Ferdinand
Walsln Estorhazy called at Its office
last evening ( Friday ) with a confiden
tial friend , and , after declaring that
the time had arrived when the whole
truth should bo told , although hitherto
both reason of constant orders and in
ducements he had kept silence on the
essential point , made the following
statement :
"Tho chiefs of the army have dis
gracefully abandoned mo. My cup is
full and I shall speak out.
"Yes , ( raising his voice and glaring )
it was I who wrote the bordereau. I
wrote it upon orders received from
Sandherr. "
Esterhazy , the Chronicle says , then
proceeded to explain that for months
before 1893 moral proofs had been ob
tained of leakages which were only
possible through officers belonging to
the ministry of war ; and It was neces
sary to catch the guilty party by ma
terial evidence. Hence the bordereau.
When asked what the chiefs of the
French general staff would say to this
confession Esterhazy , shrugging his
"shoulders , disdainfully replied :
"They will He as they know how to
Ho , but I have them right. I have
proofs that they know the wholothing _
and share the responsibility with mo
and I will produce the proofs. " He
then denounced the chiefs as a sot of
scoundrels who have abandoned mo
basely , ' and added :
"But at one time they used to como
to thank Madame Pays for her assist
ance. "
Esterhazy asserted that , quite re
cently , the chiefs sent M. Laguesso , a
former deputy , to London with secduc-
tlvo offers to him to keep silence.
"Now they are using threats , " ho
shouted , 'but I will not bo deterred. "
The Daily Chronicle got Esterhazy to
sign the notes of the interview.
Sued fur
LEAD , S. D. , Juno 5. Four ministers -
tors of this city have been sued for
$5,000 damages by the managers of n
female minstrel show traveling from
the city. Recently the minstrel , troupe
was billed for an entertainment In
Lead , when the pastors of the four
doadlng churches secured an Injunction
preventing Its appearance. The man
ager of the companys claims his repu
tation has boon damaged in the sum
of $5,000 damages , which ho seeks to
recover In the courts.
KitlHer of a Moro Hoiioful Mind.
BERLIN , Juno 5. Replying to con
gratulations tendered him by the Ham
burg-American Steamship company on
the acquisition of the Spanish Islands ,
Emperor William sent the following
dispatch :
"Your warm congratulation shows
mo that the importance of this acquisi
tion for German trade and commerce
and my own incessant struggle to fur
ther mo same have been rightly appre
ciated. I , therefore , thank you most
heartily and wish that upon Its voy
ages to the now German Island German
shipping may continue to be accom
panied by God's blessing. "
* * fm
Senator Butler of North Carolina
! B to enter the law school of the North
Carolina university next month.
This Is the season when the only LB-
nentlal article of clothing In the Phil
ippines IB a waterproof cartridge helt.
The New York definition of a sacred
concert now Is a vaudeville perform
ance from which hard drinks arc ex
The Boston Democrat points out that
dcopito the Increasing heat in the
Philippines , Auglnaldo still continues
to cut a little ice.
Secretary Hollis of the American
Peace commission presents what may
prove a handy accomplishment. Ho
'writes ' equally well with hoth hands.
If rum Is to he fought with tea , as
is proposed In New York , the tea must
bo reinforced. Otherwise It will belike
like fighting Mausers with bows and
David Rankln , the millionaire far
mer of Missouri , says that ho began
llfo with n Colt revolver and a dollar
bill. "For me , " he adds , "there has
always been an eleventh command
ment , 'Thou shalt not sell corn. ' "
The London Dally Chronicle an
nounces that Mrs. Florence Maybrlck
Is likely to be liberated shortly as the
result of the pressure brought to boar
by Mr. Joseph H. Choate , United States
ambassador , in favor of reopening the
A 26 per cent advance in rates on all
height coming from Atlantic seaboard
points in the northwest is to go into
effect on June 20. Eastern and west-
3rn freight men Interested In these tar
iffs have been in session considering
the question for several days. It was
the general feeling that present rates
arc too low and that the traffic ought
to bring in more revenue.
Charles D. Poston , upon whom the
territory of Arizona has Just confer
red a pension of $25 a month , Is known
as "Tho Father of Arizona. " He was
the first delegate to congress from
that section. He has been a world
wide traveler and is full of stories of
China sea pirates and how he govern
ed his little kingdom of Tubac.
The organization of so many indus
trial combinations is adding materially
to the federal revenues of new securi
ties issued all have to bo stamped , and
It Is stated by the internal revenue
collector at New York that the receipts
Df his office alone will be increased at
least ? 1,000,000 from this cause.
Sam T. Jack of New York willed
tils wife to his brother , James C. Jack.
The last testament of the actor and
theatrical manager , who died April 27
last , was filed for probate In the office
of the surrogate. It contains this re
markable provision : "It is my wish ,
Qrst and foremost , that my brother ,
James , and my wife , Emma , shall be-
cotao husband and wife. ' '
Specials trom Indiana give informa
tion of a heavy storm that swept over
a portion of that state. Huntlngton
reports that lightning destroyed sev
eral buildings in the country and oth
ers were unroofed by the wind. Among
the latter were the Chicago & Erie
railroad shop and the Exchange ho
tel In the city. At Swoetzer , near
Marlon , the Brlckner Window Glass
factory was destroyed. Traffic on the
Vandalla and Chicago & Western Illi
nois rallrond was seriously interfered
with at Terre Haute early In the day.
An odd marriage ceremony was per
formed in Kearney , Nob. , by Elder M.
T. Maze. The contracting parties wore
Mr. C. C. Fannell of Cozad and Miss
Tillie Insit of Crete. The ceremony
was performed through the medium of
the telephone , the bride being in Crete
and the groom with the preacher in
Kearney. The telephone operators at
Kearney and Crete were witnesses to
the marriage. The groom left on the
early morning train east to meet his
bride. If not the only ceremony ever
performed in this manner , it is one of
very few.
Hugh Bonner , whom the New York
Evening Sun has called "the greatest
fireman in the world , " and who was for
BO long chief of the New York flro de
partment , has written an article on
"Modern Fire Fighting" for the June
number of Ainslee's Magazine. Ex-
Chief Bonner tells a plain , direct story
pregnant with the fruit of his experi
ence and ability. Photographs of some
of the most disastrous fires which have
occurred in various cities throughout
the country are reproduced to illustrate
Chief Bonner's article. "How Many
Are Worth a Million , " by John Gil-
men Speed , in the same Issue of Alns-
Ice's contains a mine of information.
Omaha , Chicago unit Now York Market
Quotation * .
nutter Orenuiory separator. . . 18 a 20
llutter Choice fancy country. H a 18
Esp-rresh , pt-r ( liu . . . It a 13
Chrckons me , per pound . 8 a o
I'lBeons live , per dot . W a 1 W )
Lemons 1'er box . 3 Si u 4 00
Oranues-1'er box . . . . . . 300 H 4 00
( JranDcirlos-Jerseysperbbl . OJ a . SO
Honey Choice , pur pound . lHa la
Onlons-1'er bushel . 53 a 75
lleans HandptcUcd nuvy . 1 " > a 1 60
rotntoeb 1'cr biuhol now . 40 n 50
Hay Upland per ton . 5W a60J
HOBS Choice liaht . 325 u333
lloifs Heavy \\olKUts . 335 n 3 40
Hoof steers- . W a B 15
ilullb . 260 .1400
fitacs . 320 a 4 75
Calves . W " W
Mock cowb uuil heifer. . Z 8) u 1 00
Cows . 2 50 a 4 SO
Heifers . < n 4 OJ
StoclitM s nnd feeders . 400 a 5 00
Bhoop-I-Hmbs . 00) a 0 35
bheep Western wethers . 5 00 a 5 35
Wheat No-2 spring . 77 a 78
Corn J'er busl.'jl . 33 a
s-l'iT bushel 21 a . . .
llnrlev-No. 2 30 a 40
Jlyi' No. 2 3t ) a 57
Timothy seed , per bu 223 a 2 30
I'orU 1'orcwt 7 Hi a 8 CO
Lard 1'er 100 poands 4 112 a 4 m
Cuttle Western fi-d steers 4 70 a 0 75
Cattle Native boot steers 4 40 a 4 W >
Hogs-Mixed 350 a 3 75
Phtep Lambs 05 } a 7 00
i 1'oor to I'rlmc 350 a 5 25
MW YOIIK MAitKirr. u.
Wheat No. a , ruil winter . 84 a 84K
Corn No. 2 . 40 a 40S
Oath No. 2 . 31 a 3U (
I'ork . 850 a 8 7J
Lard . 6 SJ n S 50
Wlieut No. 2sprlng . S7 tt " °
Corn No.2 . 30 a SOW
pats-No.2 . 27HH & 4
Bheep Muttons . 1M a 8 20
Hos-Mlxcd . 3 50 a 30J
Cuttlo Stookeraand focdcis. . . 400 u 6 65

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