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. . ( . . . , . . " " ' 1 I I I TO HONORABLE MAN r ' of Nebraska NevI I 'j United States Senator I I , _ I I J . ' ( YOUNGEST STAR HI SENATE Hon. Elmer J. Burkett of Lancaster - caster County Speaks to t' Legislative Members , - \ The hall of the house of Represen- / , " tntlves was literally paclted when the . Bon. Elmer J. Burltett was do. la.r"d IJY n. joInt commltteo of both hOUlJes . &nd senate elected United States senator - , tor for a term ot six beginning . , oQn the 4th ot March. ' 1'he cr wd which y. witnessed the formality was as mixed : lnd. as truly democratic In Its malwup .ar. ono could find. There were dlgni- fled judges of the supreme court , mem- 'berR of the house , senators , , state offl- 'clals , frIends and neIghbors of 1\11' . Bur- , women , children , ragged boys from the streets , state house employes , Imslness men-every class of humanity. .ulmost , was reprcsented and everybody joIned In the chorus of approval whlc.h reeted U10 announcement that Mr. Durltett had at last realIzed the hOIJO whIch the people of Nebrnslta were pleased to hold out to him. In his address ! Jerm'e the joint assembly - bly Mr. Burkett said : } Mr. President , tr. Spealer and Gentlemen - tlemen of the I.elslature ! , I deem this lectlon to the United States senate the \ highest honor that the state can glvo one. It is the highest .positlon . that , any state can give any man. I thanlc you for It. "Thank , " Is so small a word and so easily said , and oft-times , so lightly said , that some way it Beems .almct : : Inadequate to express my feelIngs - Ings , If the EnglIsh language con- tnIned n. stronger word of grntltude I assure you that I would use It. My .apprecIation Is sincere , but language fails. As there are no words to express - press grlof , nor any to r.ortray the sub- llme emotions of joy , so are there none adequately to convey the feelIngs of { the llOart houndIng wIth gratitude. t I pledge 'ou six years of the best ser- , ' ! ce that I can gIve to the state and the nation as m - apprecIation of your generosity here and now. I crave your indulgence wMle r go further and thank the' people of the state who elect- ( ) d 'ou , and thus gave you the power to confer this honor. THE REPUBLICAN POLICIES. I indulge the hope that I sha11 merit the continued help and support and ltlndly feelIng of a11 the people of the state. I am elected a republican and I shan be such in polItical matters , where party policy divides us. I believe > i..l that republican .policles are for the best " . , interests of the AmerIcan people. But first I am an American citizen and a Nebraslmn. I want Nebraslm to do her part In the great work of the na- tion. I want to lwcp the high stand- .ard wl1ich my distinguished predeces-I . 501'5 of all parties have set , I realize that with thIs election there comes much of duty and Rome hlng of responsiblIlty. There Is also something of achIevement and something of hon- 0 : : ' In beIng elected a United States. senator. But I have novel' believed that "success" In politics was simply to be elected to something. The prlzo ) n public Ufo Is not getting Into office ; , . , that is only the opportunity to contest - : . test for the prize. There Is llttlo in tItle. The genulno reward-tho cherished - ished ambition of the soul is the ap- Jrobation of a lovIng constituency for flomo measure of success in performing the duties of the office. . You have given me the title-I wIll try and male it honorable. You have given me the I opportunitY-I wIll undertake to wIn the prize. . I congratulate you all upon your own election. It is an expressIon of confidence - dence that you may wen appreciate , It is an old and famlIlar platitude that "the world wnnts better men. " I am an optimist and bellevo that the world has the best men today and the most of them since "The sentinel stars set theIr watch In the sky , " From a personal - sonal acqualntanco with each of you I bellove that this legislature wHl bo the tbest that Nebraslm " has ever had. I say that with all deference to the high . character of preceedlng legislatures , f one of which I had the honor of beIng - Ing a mom bel' . We are livIng In the most enlightened - ened ago or the world's history anll consequently In the most exacting po- rlod of human exlstence. , And , whllo I we congratulate ourselves upon the former , wo must qualify ourselves for the latter.roro Is expected of a man than ever before in morals as wen as Cl1paclty. HIGH STANDARD DEmANDED. This demand upon men Is no less In 1 > rlvato life than in publlc tlfe. It only seems so because fewer eyes are focused - cused there. In fact , the higher standard - ard In private affairs Is responslblo for the higher demands In public offlco , Behavior In pl'Ivate lIfe moulds the ethics of the nation. It must bo oh- served of every studentof history that governments have been better as the people themselves llllve Improved , that governments have become humane as the. people have herome enlightened , just IlS the people have lJerome fraternal - nal and strong , conservative and sub- . . ) stantlal as education and Christianity I. have supplanted Ignorance and super- stition. On the other hand a voluptuous - ous peopl has always reaped a lIclen- tlous abuse of government. The same generation that furnished a weal- minded , InglorIous Itlng , fighting the maddened , storm-tossed water of the ocean with his blood-lJegrimed and im _ potent jn.velln. proJucel1 , as the historian - ian tells us , but a sln ; lo virtuous woman - man In all his 1.lngdom to restore his BIJht and appease the wrath of the / . EOIls. t'.S a people anl1 as a nation we have , . "elf reason to rejoice at our position among the people anti the nallons of the earth , We lead the world In ma- torlal progress. American diplomacy Is trIumphant , "Old Glory" Is "The Gem or the Ocean , " l1l1l1 Is l'nown and' 1'0- fllected wherever hl'l' folds kiss the breezes of heaven. 'fhe Unltell State9 hIlS demonstrated a good Inuny things during the sbort centur ' of 113 oxls- tence. It hus base strong gO\'ernment on good sovernment. It has given more protection to the Indlvhluul , morc peace to hIs mind , more hope to his heart , than un ' other nution on earth. It has conferred a new purpose to IIh- erty and extended n new meaning to hope and opportunity. It hIlS proven that justice nnd Idndness are moro potent - tent of control than t 'rnnny and op- pression. It has shown that national sncrlflce Is national glor ' . It has made phllanthrop : ; 'yorld-wlde , mercy Intm' . national atHl humanity universal. But ever all nnd because of all It haa dem- onstrat0(1 tbe more importnnt fact that the people can govem themselves- ' that a 110pular government can exl8t- that the l1COplo through their OW11 chosen agencIes can male laws and I I enforce them. Encourageil h - theIr own I successes through succeeding years the people , chafing under restl'Iclions , have reached out and taltOn unto themselves prerogatives that the founders of the republic did not bellm'o belonged to them. And from year to yeal" we find the disposition of the people growing to lmow more and do moro of the things that pertain to their government. 'NEBD OF LEGlSr..ATION. Ono might suppose that a day wouhl come when all necessary laws would bo made and that nothing would remain - main for the leJlalator to do. But a moment's reflection w111 con"ince us that such a time wlll marl { the mlllen- nium-hen the "iles of the devIl will ba curbed and the ambitions of - CiVIIl-1 zatlon wlll be triumphant in a reIgn or holiness throughout the world. While I men are human , some of them hop1Jful : and aspiring and others depraved and . degraded , there wHl be need of leglsla- . tlon. .1 It is not a wholl - unfamlIlar expression - sion tbat "we have too many laws npw. " But this Is trne only to the anarchist - archist in direct opposition to all forms of government and to that : otber class of indivIduals who test theIr wits rather - er than piety In theIr upra 'lng" for dally subsistence. The development of human tastes and Idenls finds its oxpreslon ! In the laws and wo all hope that development may go on. The material progress of the country and the mental achievements - ments of the people from year to year demands constant revision of the old laws and the enactment of no"ones. . E"ery 1111.0 . of the statute bools marls the progress of the people and the development of the country. Speed regulations , safety aplln.nces , and danger signals is legislation or this generation and necessitated only as man's inventlvo genius makes him to travel with the velocity of electricity and carry with the power of steam. Trade regulations , rate maldng , traffic control , corporation survel1lanco in le lslation is the natuml product of this commercial age. Law malting must l.eep up with the evolution of IndusU'y and with every possibility of injustice , The rebate , arbitrary and disproportionate rates under same conditions and other forms or discrIminations between IndivIduals and communltle3 arc Injustices and wrongs against the pulJllc and therefore - fore proper subjects of governmental Inquir - . The congress of the United States , so far as its authority goes , has , recognized Its duty und has not been I slow to act. Anti-trust laws , the interstate - state commerce commission , the anti- r'lJate law , the bureau of corporntlons , appropriation of money for specIal counsel , and enactments for speedy trial , are some of the governmental factors that congress has already em- ployed. FAVOR PRIVATE OWNERSHIP. Sufficient has not yet been done. New agencies may yet be needed , ndditlonal to those already created may bo sufficient. A governmental - mental agency given the authority to determine rates and yet without power to enforce Its decrees , is not only futlIe and Impotent for any good , but 1I1te the old Continental Congress that could declare war , but not muster an army or mlso a dolIar , Is of little consolation at. homo and commands no respect abroad. I am not In accord with the distinguished citizen of our own state who advocates state oWI\ershlp of railroads - roads as the solution of the problem. I do not bellevo It Is the best way or the most economic wa ) " . In general terms I do not bello\'e that the government - ment should do an 'thlng that individuals - viduals can do. What the government has undertalwn to do in the past has been what was too largo for private enterprise - terprise to undertalm or of not sufficIent - cIent remuneration to wnrrnnt the investment - vestment of primte capital. Publlc ownership thwarts IndivIdualism , stupefies - efies hope and ambition , hampers in- ventlvo genius and destroys opportun- Ity. Better Ulan own the rallroads Is to oxerclse such .proper arid suffIcient control as sha11 malto thorn effIciency and economlca11y to serve the publlr , With President Roosevelt's recent message stilI fresh in our mInds and with our confidence In hIs honesty and energy there can be no doubt with any _ one that this matter of transportation and a11 the others of the great problems - lems of our Internal trallo and commerce - merce , as wol1 as these of labor and capital , will have ns thor are now receiving - ceiving , 1'11'01'101' Investigation to the ( 'nd that wise , ronsorvatlve , patriotic a1ll1 offIclent legislation shal1 ho had. AmI let me say hero , as I Indicated to 'ou in my telegram n few dars ago , that it wlIl bo my pleasure to stand firmly w.Jth . the president and to sustain his arm in his efforts to solve these great 11rohlems. Wo bave rmssed the perIod of uncertainty - tainty In this country. Wo are no longer - er "an Infant nepulJllr-blit n "full grmm nation. " 'Ve 1111'10 ono beyond the "hoping that we shall become a eat natlon"-wo 0.1'0 It gr-At nnlto'lt. We 111\\0 spent our time of I\pprentlrc- ship M n go\'ornln/t / power , anll " .e belIeve - lIevo thllt no question Is too subtle tor \I" to fathom nnd no l1l\tlertn1c1ng too Jreat forIS o handl , 'Vo malc 11 m'rlrlfreo. . " ' mndo Cu'n freo. and under the guhlance of n good Provl- donre , wo hrw ( ' OtlO son'n th01u nnd miles Into tht' nrl'lln to ( 'Ilrry freedom ff' the people of the Philippine Isllmds. 'Ve slnt our guns UH1r ( ' , we Ient our llo 's there , wo scnt our tcnlhlf'-1 and preMhers nnd 1 > lhll1:1 : thcro. O1d Glory b ' the consrlonco of Is th rc-n d ) eighty millions of pcoplo liberty 19 thOl'o. 'Vo nre not Iolnr to stop \lnUl we ma1e It enslcr for some people to visit the 111111.111111 . who don't seem to I comoro1101ll1 just what we arc doing over thlre. TlIIii PANAMA CANAL. "re lJa\'e lInl1l'rlnlon to .11 . the Pllnn- mn canal , so that b ' anll b - n shIp ran sail from BORton rl ht Into Man- lIa harhor. The American ; : r.oplo want- I'll the rnnal a long time hefore we had the Philippines nnl1 heforo most or thorn 1me\ " just wherr. the Islonds were. " ,1 If WI' fml to RntJreclato the DivIne WlII In the ! \Ianlla I/lY incident , wo . ou ht at Il'ast tn ho Jrateful for the f'XCU1O if ll\ ! furnished the Unlt.el1 tatls for ( : onfiscatln the liabilities or n. . 'funct , Impc.tnnt alHl somewhat dlscredltel' I orporatlon anll nssumln the TII\1on1lhl1it \ ' of tll glnt' ; tllQ cannl 'oUl'sol\'cs ' ! he suddenness of It shocled some lIf'I'VeR aud the certalnt } " of It no doubt shoclOIl soma rl.rulntlons. ; llt the cnnal will le ) built 'Jr.rauso w hlWO the ner\'e to underta1m It-the genius to 110 It and the money to pay for It The overwhelming 'uajorltlos In- crellSln 'ear br ) 'car with the tn.rlrr the main Illsuo establishes without doubt t.hat the Amerirau people boll eve In the protectlvo polley. During our hundred ) 'ears of national life wo hnvo tried all forms and all schcdules. Dut experience teaches us that the Ireatest prosperity has come to use when the products of lalJor or this country hnvo been protectel1 agalust the Importation of the products or labor of foreign countries. The degree of protection needed in the main can be measured by the dlfferenco in the cost or labor hero and abroad. Amorlon Is the best mar- ltet place in the world and the American - can Is entille.l at least to au equal chance In that marlwt with the forolgn vendor. The ) 'ears under this policy have been the ! 1apJ1 - , prosperous and progressive years , they ho.\'e been the years when labor was best om- ployed. 'when factories were busiest , when wages were hlgh03t and manldnd most contented. With the policy determined - termined and protection established' , the question then settles Itself down to 0110 detall , to produce the desIred re- EmIts. THB ' 1.'ARIFF QUES'rION. The only tarIff qucstlon , or the only pbose of it that now confronts us Is the schedules of the present tariff law. \ \ hUe there is some disagreement as to the rates In some particulars , there Is ItlclIng as yet Ilnr sufficient c\n- 1'CI1US ; of olJimon as would warrant the rlsl of the provisions of that late \ , , to the more ur leE:3 : uncertain results of gcneral tariff Avision. I can thinlc of no griater danger both fancied and real , that could posllibly threaten us 'than a hasty , preclpltato revision of the Dingley law. No law was ever made with lUore care. No law ' \\"I\S \ ever lUnde by more competent hands. No l:1w : ever produced so splendid results with the qulclmess almost of maglo , & .ul1 the continuance of years. No la , , ( ' \cr sustained Itself so long In the connd nco of the Industrial world. It Is easy to talk of tariff revision. It is more dlfflrult to agree on the re- , 'islon and to frame tariff laws. Or to put It in n. better Wl : - by using the warns of the late , lamented Sponler HCNI , "It Is easy to revise tarff-In . . 'O\JI' \ mind. " In vIol. . . of the delicacy of the undertaldng to all Industrial l'nltd States , and the danger of too hast v or Immat.ure action I most heart- lIy aplrove , of the decIsion of the pres _ IIlcnt as l'Aported in the press not to 1:111 , for the present and early summer , nt I ( 'ast , an extra session of congres9 fOI' t 1'lIi ! revision. Gentlollll'l : of the legislature , I accept nl < ; ; ) Oslt'on to which you have elected ITe anti thnn ; , ) 'OU for It. At the proper tlnlt ) I shall aFsumo the duties and un- dertalto the responsibilities , and , God belnJ ; my IIl'lper , I bope to perform them fnithfu1y ! and well. Sub-Edltor-"A correspondent sends us a full account of a cocl { tight , with photographs of the steel spurs used , the cocl { pit , spectators , birds in battle , etc. , with every round' descrIbed. " Great EdItor-"G1orious ! Get U all In. ' ' Sub-Editor ( cloubtfuUy-"But ) this Is a famlly paper. " Great gdltor-"Y-e-s-I-lmow. II < nd it 'A Brutal Sport-Whero were the Police ? ' " Old GenUeman-"Tell me , my frien , why ) "ou are so ugly to passengers. ' Brutal Conductor-"So they'll hate th' street ca\ ' company wet employs mo. See ? " "N-o , not oxactlr. " "Wh - , when they hate the company , thoy'll just laugh to tholrselves when they see mo chelltln' th' comll1lU ' by not rlngln' up fares. See ? " CURtomer--"These shoes you made for me squeal { so I can't stand them. You'll have to tale thorn baclt. Shoemalter-"Ain't you a church member ? " "No. " "Oh ! Beg pardon. I thought you were , " Maglstrate-"Why don't ' 'ou answer to 'Olll' name ? " Vugl'ant-UBeg pardlng , jedge , hut I forgot wat name I gave las' night. " l\1aglstmte-"Don't ) 'Oll glvo 'our own name ? " Vagrant-"No , jedgo , I'm tmvelln' Incog. " . . . . . Clerl-"A Ind ' In the front of the store wants some el ! ! 11hant blsle jelly. What on earth shall I do ? " Ji"ashlonalJle Grocer-"Tell her wo just sold the last lot to a boarding. , hOUSR Ieeller , lJllt wo'll got another hogshead In SOlSl1o'll ) change her llIilld tl1en. " . - CUlllI1 Is n sorry leader : after leadIng - Ing people Into trouhle he .el1\8 th m to fight It out themselves. , . I. 7@7z/lJ 10 7 tr,1 ! } . 1 l J A Winter Afternoon. . pwhl or lU'OWllllm\'CK ( t'olcl1lhlclt with IIIIOW : A lo\V grnr IIk ' ot Inlcl'\IPllhlJ \ ( : : clom111 : A bnuk-lIlah IIlrcl\mlet lhat hllK ccnscd to Itow : Gaunt-Iu'meet , hnl'trcc ! ! , close wl'nlll\el1 111 sleel ) ' IIhroul1l1. A lone 1Jtrl1 tarcs Qlhwn1't lho (1rOOlllnG sky With SUI'c. IIlron& & ; wing which pulses swlrt nnd tnlf ; Forth from his'crt sUnlls the fox , 1119 ere " 'lth hunger wllO , 1'0111119 sCQrchillG' out the view. A farmhouse. G'nbIM , 1)'lng wrQPPl.'l1 In 9now' A wrlllh at Slnollo corllscre"ln ! : the cold IIII' : The mufflcd shnpcs or mcn whtch como and go , And IJlltl'l' , bllln'i ' wtnlor o\\r'wher ( ' , -Edward Curllslo .III1C1' , 111 llouscllecper. Cllrlstmas Day In the Army. "Christmas In the early cla 's , " said Addison llallnrd , "was not lIIto the Chl'Istmaa of this dn ' . I WllS mlsed in Warren count ) . , OhIo , a1ll1 In a I nolghhorhool1 of l1eol110 , and hero is what I received from m ' parents - ents as a Christmas gift : Ono big- red apple , a IIttlo saclt of chalco hlcl- 01' ) " nuts , ono pall' of lmlt mittens amI a homemade Imlt comforter to wear round the necl , . "In addition , myself anll brothers were given jointly 1 cent's worth of powder , which was Inserted in a corncob and exploded , or in n. hole bored In a log. In the latter euo ! other bo 's joined with their allowanCe - anCe of powder to have a greatel' ex- plosion. FOI' candy wo had maple sugar and for a special treat the ) 'Ollllg plwplo of the neIghborhood ellmbed the hills near our house to heal' the boom of cunnou fIred In Cln. chmati fifteen m1les a way. " "I was that sort of a Bucle 'o bo ) ' myself , " suld the sergeant , "but or n later date. I were a red 01' a red und white comforter us late as the year before the wnr , and my Christmas gift from homo In 1862 was n l > alr of closely lwlt rell and blacl. mlttena. Wo were then In CUl\lp at NashvllIo I and the mlt ns were a great comfort , but were regarded as a standing jolce by the bo 's. We were rather coz1l ) ' quartered and We hegan tq prOl1111'e for Christmas a wcele in advance. "Somo of the bors went ten and fourteen m1les cast and south from camp looltlng for geese or turlteys , chickens 01' ralJlJlts. ' 1'hoso who went outsldo our lines came bacl { excited nnd anxious. ' 1'he ' found ever 'wher Indications or 11 genernl advance on Chrlstmus du- , and they didn't Il1to it. On Dec. 24 wo Imew that wo would spend Christmas in camlJ , but that we waul II allvunco In battle order - der on the morning or Dec. 26. Knowing - ing this and Imowlng that three day- ' rations were to be coolted an el\ . rled in huyersacls , the boy we" , not as merry on ChrIstmas dar , 1862 , as they had exvected to be. " 'rho whole urmy moved toward MurfreeslJoro 0:1 the morning of the 26th , and as wo passed waiting regl. ments I saw several pairs of mlttm:3 not unlike my own , and I Imow that the good mothers Ilt homo lltHt U ought. of our cold hanlls. One mr.t I saw wearing a rell comforter , such as I had worn as a , lQ ' , and I wOJ.- dered If he came from the old home nelghhorhood. Flvo da 's after that as our brlgado emerged from the Cli ) ' dars at Btono HIveI' , pursued hy tl.J" , rebels , I saw In the rohel Hno two men wearIng- red comforters. "Ono of thcso were the comforter around his neck , with ends crossed on his hreast and carried down to hh : Ilelt. ' 1'ho other were the comfortur around his necl { with ends flyIng. I wondered If these were , lIlto my mittens - tens , Christmas gifts from oldfash. I ioned homes. I lmew later , beeauso. . the rebel of the red comforter fel1 , not fIve steps from where I went down , wIth two wound II. It was very cold that night , and the woundiJd In blue and gray hegan to cl'eop toward the llttlo devresslon In which I was lying and snuggled close to leep from freezing. "Somo ono tool , my mittens out of my pocltet and put them on my almost - most helplesR hands , and someone else alJlo to use his hands lifted my llt ad to his lap as he sat on the ground , and I felt the ends of a Imlt comforter brush across my face. It was fresh nnd now , and ho said it was a Christmas gift and ho had worn It In battle hecauso fils mother had sent It. ' 1'hat led the freezing men , huddled together Il1tO shIvering hogs , to tall { of ChrIstmas and their people at homo , and I found that my man or the red comforter was or the sarno stocle as myself , hIs fam1l ) " settling - tling In Tennessee , mlno In Ohio. "lie had a p.alr of mittens Il1to my own , nnd the customs of the two homes were not unlilte. Wo did not freeze that night , and were carrIed off the field next day , hut in such condition - dition that I novel' Imew how wo I were removed nor what lJecame of the men who came to mo that night. Some of thom did not recover , I was told In the hOflI111al , hut I was Informed - formed that not one 01' the dead were a red comforter. All this came bacl { to mo yestm'day when I came across a whlto army hosJJltal blanlet wIth my initials worlwd In red In one cor- I I ner. It was my hlanlet , and I 1'0- memberQt1 that as the letters went into shape fort -.t\\'o 'ears ago a tear fel1 from my mother's e'es fo'r every stitch tal\On. I lived , however , to carry thut hlrmltot through the war. " -Clilcago Inter Ocean. War Chnrgcro of Great Soldiers. There has seldom , If ever , been a braver and 1:101'0 loyal w..r horse than Traveler , who ( mrrlcl1 his mnstcr , Gen. Lee , through scores of battles and came through them all without a scratch. It Is said that ho whinnied plllCully when ho rollowed the gen. eral's cotlln to the grrtvb : and It waR not long after thnt , while grazing , a nail became Imbedded In his foot 0.1111 he died of loeltjaw. COIJenha en bol'o Stonewall Jack- lion thl'ough ten fierce battles before UIO falal bullet struclt his rider. 110 sllI'\'lved , through an honor. cd and Im'lngl ' tendell old age , \lntll 1886 ; anll ho ma ) ' bo lIeen , stuffell and cleverly mounted In a gluss case In the lIlJrar ' of the SoldiOl's' homo In Hlchmond , Ya. Gen. Sherhlan's famous black horse , Rlenzl , lonJ urvlved all the dangers oC war and died , lovell rnll mourned In 1876. HIs holly was mounted and Is to bo seen In the musoulU of GO\- ernor's Island , In Now Yorl , bar. It seems to ha'o heen the fate of most of these famous horses to survive - vive tholr masters. Such , however , was not the lot of Nellie Gra ' , the handsomest charger In 0.11 the confell' orate army. Ne1le ! , with Gen , Fitzhugh Leo on liebacl" seemed to bear n charme1 ! lICe , 110 many were the dangers - gors she escaped , until at last she fall In the VOl' ) " thlclest of the fIght at the battle of Winchester. Cincinnati , the Jnoflt loved of all Gen. Grant's horses , was more for' tunato than Nellie : for he survIved all the horro\'s or the civil war and died "as sincerely Inmented as ho hu lived reBpected. " The Badge , Money Cannot Buy. - KAiSAS' Vetertns Wcll Behaved. " 'rhe conduct of the great body 01 the 33,000 old soldiers who are in. mates of the national aoldlers' homes Is excellent , " said Gen. l\artln 'r. 1\Ic , 1\Iahon , presillent of the board 01 managers of those Institutions , at the Arllngton. "Only about 3 per cent of the vet , erans glvo UB any trouble , aud thello are not nearly so annoyIng as the well meaning , mlsguldell c011tingent of outsillo cl'nnls nnd temperance fa' natics who are contlnual1y tr 'Ing to toll the IIresidont anll congrCss ! how the 110llles ought to ho I'un. For In' stance , the outsldo band of phllan , thr01Jlsts would ahollsh the canteens established In the homes , dosplte the fact that experlenco has proved their Ireat usefulness. 'fheso cameens , or heel' halls-since nothing but beer Is sold in them-maim directly for the good of the Inmates and uro In the interest of sobrIety and decent conduct. The amount of beer sold to the IndivIdual Is strIctly limited , nnd no ono who Is Intoxicated Is allowed - lowed to enter the beer hall , nor can drlnls lJo olJtalned after 6 o'clocl { P. m. "The evils of Intoxication on tbe part of veteran Inmates como from patronizing drlnldng resorts In the vIcinity of the gl'ounds , where the 0111 soldiers can IJ1lY cheap whlsly , and where they 0.1'0 often drugged and rohbed. 'fho alJolltIon of the canteen would simply Increase the IH1tronago of these resol'ts. Instead of reducIng temperance , such a policy would pro , mete it and wonld malw drunlmrds 'out of many now leadIng respectable IIvos.-Wl1shlngton Post. New Pension Ruling. "Somo 'ears ago , " said an army of. ficoI' , "tho War Department held that a soldIer who was Injured while out hunting In the far West on n. pass was disabled In the line of duty and there fore entitled to a pension. It wn.'J held that as hunting is encouraged by mm tal'Y authorIties , the in doins what ho was encouraged to do was not thereby taken out of the IIno oj duty. "Following the precedent establish , ed In that case , the department has recent1 . held that a soldier whoso leg wns hl'olcen hy Iwlng run over lJy It stl'eot car was dlsahled In the line ot ntr. In this case it apl1ears that the soldier was alJsent from his post on a pass for the PUrl10S0 of self.lmprove- ment ; that Is ho was going tQ attend - tend It. lecture. It was held by the nuthoritieH that this case was' . . . gnus wIlh the other ono referred to , In that ench case the JJnsses were gralJl ell v'lth the Idea that the use to which they would ho lJUt would bo a henefit to the soldier , and through him to the sor\'ice.-'Vashlngton Sta.r . . : . . . . A GREAT SUffERER LAY nELPLESS .AND SPEEOnLEBI ron. nOURS .AT .A TIME , Blnklnl' Spel" , 1I"\l1"eh'l , nheum"Uu- . .All CAUIOd bT l'oor IJloOtI..Cur.d bT Dr. 'V1IU"ml' l'lnk 1'1111. I W1um Mrll. WiUlnms wns aske(1 for some dotnlls ot the fearful I11nos8 from " , bloh she bad so long sufferel1 , she spoke 118 follows : . . Ever sll1co I ba(1 ( nervous proltrntlon. about thirteen yenrs ago , I bnvo 111\11 pero ! lcn1 spells of cOlI\lllote oxhaustlon. Any exoltcmcnt or uI1u8ual aotlvlty would throw' me Into a IItato ot lifelos9- ness. At the boglnl1lng my strength would oomo bacle III a mOt1ernto time , but the period of wenkllesA Itept lengthening - ening unUl nt Inst I wouhl lie belple. . as mRny ns three hours at strotoh. " II YQU 'v ere under mcdlcnl treatment. ot oourllo ? II Yes , when I becnmo 80 bnd thnt I hnd to glvo u1 my housework , in Mnyof 1003 , I wns being treated for kidney trouble , nnd later the dootor thought 1111' diffioulties oamo froUl ohango ot llfo. I was not ol1ly weak , but I hnll dizzy fceUnga. pnlpltntlon of the heart , misery after entlng , hot l\6hea , lIel'VOll/J / bend- nohos , rheuUlntlo pains ill the back and hIp ! ! . The doctor did mo 80 little good thl\t I gnvo up his treatment , 1\1111 really fOl\rol thnt my cuso was incurnblo. " " Whl\t 61\vod jOll. , fl'OIU J'nur state ot hopolossncss ? " "In July of 1003 I bad 1\ very bad pe11 , nll(1 my 1l\1IJbnnd cluno in ono dBY with lIttle book which toM of remade- I\blo oures effected by rOUlody for the blool1uII(1 the 1I0\\'es , Dr. Wllllamt' ! Pink Pilla , lIe boltht ! box for 1110 , nnd thl\t , vas the beginning of my return to hel\1th. My appetite grow leell , my food no longer dlstrossod mo , my nerves \Vere quletod. and my strength bogau to ro- . . vive. "lImv long dill you taIce thIs remcdy7" "For two month : ! only. At the cnd of that time I III\(1 regltlncd my health 1\1111 oheerfulness , 1\1111 my frlollds MY that I 1\111 looltlug beUcr than I huvo , done for the paRt fifteen J-ears. " Mrs. Lizzio WlllltunlJ if ! 1I0W living n' No. 410 Cedar streot. Quinoy , Illinoill. The pills which she prnises so highly. onro 1\11 ( lIse1\808 that COl1l0 from im- povcrlHhod blood. If your 8ystOl1l is nIl run down , \VilIII\I1IR' Pink Pills nre the very best reUledy to tuke , Auy druS. gist cuu SUPIJly tholU , The famous diamond , "Star of South Africa , " helongod orlllnally tea a witch doctor. A tnrmOi nnmed Nleuwlterk truded a wugon and t1over. al oxen for It , and sold It for $66,000. 15 YEARS OF TORTU E. Itching and Painful Sores Covered Head and Body-Cured In Week By Cutlcura. - . "For fifteen years my Bcalp nnd fore head was ono mass of scabs , nnt ! my body was covered with BOres. 'Vords cannot express Itow I Buffered from the Itchln ! ; and 11I\1n. I had given - en up hope when n friend told mo to get CutIcura. After bathing with CuticUrl\ Soap and applying Curtl- cura Ointment for three days , my head was DS clear as over , and to my surprlso and joy , ono caIto of soap and , ono box of ointment made a com111ete I cure In 011.0 . weel , . ( signed ) lJ. B. Franltlln , 717 WashIngton St. . AlIe- ghony , Pa. " The great thing which counts In this world IS' not talent , but falthful- ness.-John Clifford. _ Dcnfncss Cnnnot Be Cured by local appllcallonl , al tbey cannot reach tbe 41. . e.led portion or Ihe ear , 'Cherell only one WlY 10 cure deMllc" , ant ! that II by cfJlI.tllullunal rnmedlea. Deafnr. . Ia cauled lIyan Innamell condlllon ot the mucoul ! lnlnl ( of the Iu.taehlan Tullo. When thll tube /I Innamed 1uu hae a rllmllllnl ( Bound or Imperfect - perfect hearln\ \ { , and whl'nlt II entirelY clooed , Delr- lIeHI 18 the relult , and IIlIle. . tile III ammatlon can b. tallcn out Rod tbll tube reetored to Itl normal condItion - tion , bearing will be ( Iellro'ed forever ; nine calel out of ten arc cluBed lIy I 'atan'b , wblch II nOlhla. but In Inllimed con < ! lllon ot the mucoul lurfacca , We "lIIl1lvo One lIullllred 1I0llara tor lay eRI. 01 Dufnen ( cauled h1 catarrh ) that cannot be curl' brlll1l'l OIt.arrl1 Cure. Send fur clrcullr1 tree. F. J. OIlENJty ' " CO. , ' 1"011110 , 0. 801d b1 DrujfKlltl , 7 c , Take 11111'1 'alnlr 1'11I1 tor conlUplUon. The pure In heart 11.1'0 slow to credit calumnies , but they sometimes like to henr about th'om. VhY It Is the Best 18 becausc mudo by un entirely different - ent proceS9. Def1unC'C Stnrch Is unllka any other , better and one-third more tor 10 cen ts. A liberal education Is considered the best dowry , but . ! : 10,000 a year I is still rather lilted. Plso'a Cure Is the bcst medicine we ever used tor all atrectlon ot tile throat R lllungs-WJoL I O. ErlDSLKT , Vanburen , Intl. , Feb. 10,1000. Say little. loo1 { wlso and all your neighbors w1l1 flock to you for ad- vice. Defiance Starch houtd be In every household : none 80 good , be ldes " ounces more tor 10 cent8 than any other brand ot cold wa.ter' .ta.rch. $ .OO Cream . . t.JJ Separator , POR S25-,00 we..11 thl ul. . b.led OutfnfECREAM SEPARAo : JJ TOReapaclt1.XOO poundlper bOI1 , sro jlOlind. cap.dl1 per hour fa - S 9.00 : WOpoundlc.paclt1P 110llr lor Sl4.00. Ouaranlll tha equal . , a.epa.lo'l thl retII..rwher. .t Ir. . . . S1'II.O ta $115,00. OUR I I. OFFERII : : ralor .n our 30 dll' frla trlt : plarl. wltb tile blndJnlfundentanlSo Inlf and &l1rrcmrnt If 1011 do Dot \lnd h1 cow".bon. telt anl1 u that It . .II ! Iklm clNcr , .klq colder mille. Iklm , 1'1" elilltr . 1Illllerand .klm one-h. Imo , . ndlle th.n an1 other Cr _ lIeplU'lllor lIIade , , "U can r. . turn thl Separator t. u. o'IU' e.pen. . .nd WI wllllmm. . . . . alii , relurn .n mone , 'e ma , have pal ! fer fral , _ charu or oth.rwl. . , Cu UlI > > . . \ out at onte and 11I&11" ( I' , &n111011 wilt raoelve h7 no turn m 1l. rrce J'Olt ldLO LATEST spe ; IAL Cft"M . 'AJlATO" CATALOOU YOllwlll..tour bllroUeru. ur froae trial ropoelUon..4 J' . " 111..1. . . . . , uI. . . S ftS'd ; ' ' ' r . ' Ii1i -I Q 4