Newspaper Page Text
< - USTER UOUNTY EPUBLICN. ESTABLISHED 1882. 'l'HE OFFICIAL PAPER OF CUSTER COUNTY. ' ' . . LARGES'l' CIHCULATION OF . - - . - . ANY PAPER IN THE COUNTY. - - - VOL. XXIII. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURDSAY , MARCH . - 9,1905.--EIGHT , PAGES , NO , 39 , I , ) r H . , You MOJY Eee -out 011 the worhl in n new wor \ \ ith my glalses. , n' What 'O\l t\V seen may be onI ' hi t of what ) 'ou l\IA \ ' Sleet ) "Seeing thing with your OW11 eyes" is not always conclusive cvidence that you see correctly. You sec through \.indow , but tbc class may be iUlpcrfect or the window soilcd. . You sec \ > th your eyes , but their rc. . frtictivc power may be faulty ; thus 'O\l see but half what you might with proper. Iy adjusted glasses-my kind. 1\Iy tJusiness is to remedy eye defects which if neglected may prove serious. _ . - -0- Sch ol Books , : ' Tahets ] t , . < I. -AND- ( 1 ( (7 (7t . t School Supplies , < * < --AT-- : - J. G. Haeberle"s' ; : , I m m mm 1 I BUSINESS POINTE'RS. ( . m : & m rt& : N ; : m MW 'J . Y Broken Bow Abstract Company. Reneau & Lconard , real estate. J. C. Moore , abstracting. 211 - - Peale Sheppard Co's. big sale continues every day until and including - cluding aturday , April 1st. I will close out my entire line of implements including , corn- sheUers. J. S. Squires. t Farm Lease , Chattle Mortgage and Warranty Deed blanks at this office. The biggest Jack in the state win stand at Tooley's barn this season. It is worth your while to go and see him. - tf. VV ANTnD-Men with families. Fair price and good houses. r WnST UNION MIJ..I.ING Co. tf Wes : Union , _ N d I 1 am now lucated just north of t : the Custer National ilank. Come CI and see me for bargains 1U real estate. Some chcl1ce acre - pro- proS perty for sale. S 8 tf RAS. ANDRRSON. y il Dr. T. W. Ba s , dentist. Office tJ over McComas' drug store. 25tf p - . - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 Stamp photos 25c Bangs studio. a 34tf . Buy your farm and city Iropa' ' erty of B. W. Blair. 37tf tt - - I nsurance that insures. tt 38tf R. G. MooRn. 0 I This office for neat job work.a f- Cabint photographs $1.50 and :1 $2.00 dozen at per Bangs studio. e : 34tf. f ( All persons knowing themselves - selves to be indebted to me by a book account or past due note 0 : will please caU and settle. h J. S. Squires. 0 ] . 'We always have money to loan on farms. R. G. Moore lU Apple ; . Block. 35tf CI I al , FOR SAI.R.--Union Pacific railal road lands in Kansas and Ne- braska. Send for maps to Geo.t I F. Davis. special agent , 136 N. 11th street , Lincoln , Neb. 37-40 a : n Melvin Lee will do your paperfl ing and will guarantee all work. bl ( Prices reasonable. Leave orders ir . at the Republican office. B Mel vin Lee , al Broken Bow Neb. I , I m : : : } : = : = : ] - Ras Anderson made a business trip to T4itchfield ' . 'rur. , aJ' . Clarance Rceder of Merna , was among the city \'isltors Tuesday. , R. G. Bustard of York was among the city visitors Mon a } ' . Alpha Morgan ma e a business trip to 14cxington the first of , the week. I ! Robert Farritor of New Helena was in the ci' y Monda v returning - ing Tucsday. - Henrr Curl of Thedford stopped - ped over in th ( ; city Tuesday , on his way to Litchfield. Geo. F. Gilmore of Omaha , was n city visitor Tuesday , looking after business matters. Isaac Deardorff of Mason City arrived in the city Thursday night on business returning Friday. li'oR SAI.E-House : with block land. Enquire of Con- cannon at Peale-Sheppard Co. 's 38.39. S. J. Winch of Elk Creek has recently moved to the city. lIe bought property in the north part of the city. Oliver Dubery of Lo p City , a representative of the Loyal Mystic - tic Iegion was an eat ! bound passenger Sunday. Royal Betts came up Saturday night to spend Sunday at home with his parents. He returned Monday morning. Elsie Saville of Ansley who has been visiting with the family of John Johnson for several days returned - turned home Monday. Jason Evans , of Sargent spent 3evera1 days in the city the past week looking after the business ) f the Harding. Creamcry Co. 1\1rs \ : 'M. A. Towell 'of Nelson , unVed in thcity yesterda ) ' to ook after her farm near Berwyn. rhlS office ackuowl . dg.esa friend- y caB. C. E. Snyder returned from ) maha Thursday where he ship- ) ed a car of cattle and hogs cache Ie found a good market for his : attlc , receiving 53.55 for his : OW8. Leslie Clay of Ansley , was a : ityvisitorSaturday. He brought Ip a load of household goods tor liS brother J. W. , who hasrecen- 1y built on his farm south-west If the city. . Rev. J. R. 'reagarden has bcen lut in charge of the 7th grade " , ork in place ot Miss Martin who esigned. As a lady Miss Marin - in ! las made many friends while t1 the city , who regret to see her ave the city. Houses still go up. P.lI. Munk ports that he and Ellis com- lenced their fourth 110use Satur- aysince the middle ? f February. t was for B. W. Blair , and that hey contracted with C. H. Holn omb 'ruesday for another one. C. A. Montgomery of Pringle outh Dalcota arrived in the city esterday with the view of locatn Ig. Mr. Montgomery has been c' ' lie B. & M. agent at Pringle U1e ast four years , but resigned in rder to return home to engage gain in farming. N. L. Reynolds who has been ssociated with this o1l ce as fore- Ian of the mechanical depart- lent has resigned and will leave 1 a short time for Portland Iregon. Mr. Reynolds has been faithful and competant man nd it is with regret that we e him leave. 'l'he RnpUDI.ICAN ! ttends to him its best wishes > r the future. 'l'he Public are axed tu cum tu "Poverty Sochel" that us fos ] ] f the Y. P. S. C. E. is a goin tu av at the house of P. H. Munk , t1 Wensday Ulte March 15th. RUI.S AND RnGlU.ASHUNn. lc CHAp. 1. Evry woman who 1 : uns must ware a caliko dress , pern . or sumpthin ekerly as propnate. \ , CHAP. 2. must ware m lere old close & Hannil shurts. Bil d shirts & stan up ( H keys \V r prohibited unles there old & nkled. These ruls will be in- ) rced to the letter and lines wiI ] in order. There will be speak- I and singin all lots of phun. tl ring your pocket full of pennies M : ld lots ot good nature \ Kum & hav som phun. 10\ I 'I " , w I Mrs. Dollie Burk was a Berwyu passenger yesterday. N. T. Gadd went to Mason City 'fuesday on legal business. 'l'he court house is being treated - ed to a new covering of shingles. J. J. Wilson and Geo. Ii' . Palmer - er were Grand I lnnd visitors Sun- daJ" . Alfred Cooper of Ryno table was a business visitor in the city Monday. I Earl Cooper wcnt to Ravenna yesterday to work for the Central Telephone Co. D. W. Thomson came up from An lcy Saturday night and re- malUed over Sundao. James Varney of Ansley' , returned - turned home Monday , after a short visit in Callaway. J. G.Vhite of Georgetown was in the city Mouday making proof on his Homestead before Judge Armour. R. D. Piclett and wife left last Frida.v morning on a , oisit at Scoti where Mr. Pickett's parents - ents reside. 'Will Cross of Ansley has recently - ly located in Broken Bow in the l ector house in the southwest part of the city. . H. Wehliug'of Oakland was in the city Tuesday and WednesdaJ" . He came to attend the funeral of Mrs. R. B. Mullins. Miss Rosa Hickin bottem of Westen'ille who was in the city over Sunday visiting Miss Anna Hyatt returned home Monday. J. B. Ball of Grand Island was in the city yesterday and bought three car loads of hogs of Wilson & Palmer to ship to Seattle Wash- ington. Fred W. Hargarten managerof the Dierks Lumber & Coal Co's yards at Mason City spent Sun- dav in the city returning ! \Ionday tn rnin r on 44. Thos. E. Cole of Mason C Y" was aCounty seat visitor MonddY. He says there has been a number ) f farms change hands in his vi- = inity the past few months , prices from $18 to 526 an acre. MARRInD-At AnsleV dnes- ' lay , March 8 , Mr. N. Benjamin 3heldon and Miss Margaret A. : : rousel , Rev. 'feagarden perform. ng the ceremony. Thev will re- , i c on the farm a short - distance , outh of Ansley. J.V. . Billings has sold his resi- lence property west of fifth aven- Ie to F. M. Olmstea , I-lis lots n the east part of the city he , old to Chas. Russe ] ] . Mr Bill- ( ngs will locate in Colorado for lis wife's health. Mrs. C. H. Kennedy went to ed Oak , Iowa , Sunday , to join ler husband who reeently located t h re in the hotel business. She 1 as accompanied by her daugh- er , Mrs. Grace Sheppard and lliss MoBie 'l'urek , of the com- lercia1. Edw. Alexander , who has held he positition of local reporter 011 r be RUPUnI.ICAN left Saturday lOrning for GiUett \ \ ' yoming in ompany with a young man by be lIame of Henry. 'l'hey have een offered posItions on a ranch I \ \ ' yoming wh ich they wi ] ) ac- pt if they find the situation as t1 presen ted. Col. W. Harry Kirby who came ere from Ohio last October , and c as been associated with Att'y \ ' oss G. Moore since that time , 'ent to Thedford on 'rhursday > look after his homestead and ther interests ill that locality for 11 indefinite time. 'fhe Co1. has lade friends of al < lrge number of cople in this community who re- ret that his land interests caUs im away , ven though it may e temporarily. . - - - - - - t.cUcr ltH. . 'l'he foHowing is the dl'ad ttcr list for the week end i ng larch 7th 1095. V. Adams. Samuel leUer , Mrs. t. M. Stoner , Miss Sarah Wein- Ian. Ian.Parties Parties calling for the abo'e ill please sar ; advertised. L. H. JnwRTT , P. M. . \nothcl' JJuHIIII'S8 t hnllgo. a - - Will Davis who recently sold a Ie Merchant cafe restuarant to 0 larquiss and Snider , has bought d . \t the Cannon restaurant and b ill again engage in the busIness. : S Miss Britten of Callwa ) ' is yis- itiug in the citJ W. L. Phillips made a business trip to Aurora 'l'uesday. Mrs , C L Mullins visitcd Grand- Islnnd J'csterday , on No , 42 J T Arthur , uf Comstock was a passenger for Lincoln today -t J. W. Conle\ ' made Ansley a usiness visit n 44 thiR morl11ng. R. ' 1' . Baker and wife of Clear rcck , were city visitors Saturday. H. B. Andrcws of Anselmo was a business , 'isitor in the city Moni d . i I c. H. Harris of Loup city was a visitor yesterday. He returned on 44. Geo. W. Wirt of 'recuunseh was in the city on uu iness the first of the week. ( 'l'om Harwood of Elk creek was among the number of County scat visitors Monday. R. D. Pickett and. wif , returned - ed th is morning from their visil to Scotia and I incoln. Otis EnghSjerd ! of Hound Valley - ey was an east bound passenger for Lincoln this morning- Sadie Daily , of Milburn is visiting - iting at the home of her sister , Mrs Lee A they near the city Dr. G. H. Brown left Monday morning on 44 for Litchfield and other points on the B. M. R. R. H. B. Drake returned Priday night from Chicag-o where he purchas d his Spring stock of goods , F. A. Bate ! ; and R. P. Schrits- mire went OWI1 to Cario Sunday , accompanied by Mr. Fifield the horseman. A. P. Melson of St. Louis , President of lissouri State Life Insurance Co. , was in the city on business Monday. Jas , Kerr of Lexington IUinois , who has been visiting with his sister , Mrs1 J , W , Wantz returned b"ome this morning , Mrs. D. Stark of Weissert , arrived - rived in the city today on her\ y home from a two months V1S1t with relatives in Lineville l\Iiss- ouri. The Rae Opera Co. that showed - ed here last week lcft on 44 Monday - day morning. They were well 3atisfied with their receipts while [ n the city. B. S. Bcnnett of Ansley who re- lurned from Colorado , where he lIas been on a prospecting tour , topped off yesterday to see his laug-hter , Miss Emma. F. A. Bates of Gates was a > usiness caBer at this office Mon- lay. He ( purchased while in the j : ity a fine Percheron staBion I : hree years oiel that weighs 1700 ) ounds. ; W. F. HamiltOl ; and wife of 1 ) tonnsburg , who have been in I : vicinity several days visiting ith the families of J. 'D. Ream , ' . ) . J. Sidwell and Chas , Jeffords" 'eturned home this morning \Ve are oue da ) ' late with our > aper this week , as we werc short : me compoBitor untillastevcning , , Ve hope to be able to strike our Isual gait ncxt week and here- Ifter get our paper in the post- Iffice 'rhursday afternoon ; J. G. Amsbcrry who hm ; becn onfined to his hed for several " , ees ] , has sufficiently recovered t o as to be in the cit ) , Saturday. Vhile he is not a well man yet , t is gratifying to hi : : many riends to 3ee him able to be up : ; gain. I Editor Pinch of the Merna J : ) ostal Card was a city visitor last 11 eek. 'l'he RUl'uDI.ICAN . ackno\\- dges a social call. We have nly scen the initial number of he Postal Card , but it was bright I nd newsy , well patronized by he local merc.1ants and in every espect a credit to the town as , ell as the publisher. t Rev. A. M. Laveck of Goo rich , hilario , Canada , who arr'ec1 in I J his city Jast Friday , preached ( wo'ery acccpta ble sermons in he Baptist church last Sunday. c le expresse j himself quite fa\'or- bly impressed with Broken Bow t nd tlie spirit of life ane ) enterprise v lanifested on a ] ) lines. lIe will t : ccupy the pulpit again next Sun- ! ay morning and evening. 'Ne espeak for him a full house next \ ' uuday. I a Edgar E. Thompson of Georgetown - town , was a city visitor Saturday. Mrs. oJ. W. Scott went to West- t r ille Friday on a few days \ ' IU ! t. t.Mr. Mr. Craighead is building' a 1 house in the south west part of the Hallie Joyner came down from l\lerna Sunday morning to'isit his parents. This otlicc aclmowJedleR Il friendly call from 1.4. f. PiclceH of Ryuo Saturday. Cap. Harris of Sar ent was ! I the city Monda ) ' lookmg after hh cement stone business. Miss l\lamie Coopcr , tpacher in the Ansley Schools spent Sunday in the city with her parlnts. ! W. .T. Lang of the West table was a city visitor Frida ) ' , 'l'hi oflice acknowledges a welcome call. call.Ed Ed ward R. Hakes , who bas been stopping in the city the past month returned tl.l his Kentucke ) ' home Sunday. Mrs. 1 . A. Emers n of Wester- ville , who hos been , 'isiting with 1\11' . and ] rs. Buc1cnet' of this city , returned home Monday. , G. L. & Charl ) 'l obinson went to Omaha Sumla ' with ) a ship- mcnt of fat cattle. Chas. win go to Sioux City before returning to'isit his brother , Lo'd. Rev. J. R. Woods came up from Mason City 'l'uesc1ay nigh t , on his way to Bethel Union where he commenced a series of meetings - ings last night. I G. A. Seybol t of Denver who has been in this vicinity for some timc looking after business interests - ests left yesterday morning to visit his son Andrew at FOntom. James Lindly of Anselmo wm ; a county scat visitor 'Monda ) ' . He informs us that his son-in-law Leu Carnes , of Idaho paid him a visit recently and that he was gr.eatly sur.prised to find the conn- try so prosperous. F. R. Mayes of Kearney arrived in the eity yesterday evcning from CaHaway where he has bcen employed - ployed for several months on the Tribune , to accept the positIOn of foreman on the l UPUDI.ICAN. Mr. Mayes is a man of a number of years experience in aU departments - ments of newspaper and job worle. He is eflicicnt and a first class workman and with his assistance we shaH soon be able to catch up with our work which has fal1en behind and in the future we hopc to be ablc to fill aU orders promptly in the Hne of job work. ' ! 'hB O. E S. J oIl8IHlon. ( 1'he O. E. S. Kensington win be ( ntertained by Mrs. Jud Kay and t Mrs. gd ward PurceU , Tuesday J [ lfternoon , March 17th , 1905 , at lhe residence of Mrs. Kay. AU tllembers of the order are in\ited. , - - - - Go to Peale ' Sheppard CO'R and : J ; ee what cash w111 do. lIl11l1r.1'Y Ollt'nln 31nreb 1 11th . AU the latest styles in ladies 111d childreu's dress and street lats , caps aud'ciIs. . The cheap- st place 011 earth for c\'ery thing .n up to date millinery. Yours ; : or business. Courteous treat- nent. Call nnd see us. West 3irJe SCuarp. ) Mrs. Geo. Zahn. - - - - - - - Peale Sheppard Co. invite you - .0 attend their big reduction saie. en fli uf 'l'hllllk . We hereb\ ' extend our sincere LUd heartfe t thanks to the peo- - ) le of Brocn ] Bow , for the ] eind- less and s\'mpathy extended to IS in our g'reat bereavement. I , BIULIINS , MR. AND Mr < s. J , N. SNYD1tR and family. - - - - - . . . Sa'c your monc ) ' by going ) eale Sheppardf. hig sale. - - - - - - - - 1I.\PTIS'r cuuncn. Pre\chiug \ sCr\'ices at the llapic ist church next Sunday at 11 a. a 11. and 7:31) : ) p. JIl. , bj' Rcv. A. M. q 4e"ack , Sunday school lOa. JIl. uuior meetiug 3 p. JIl. , B. Y. P. , 1. . at 6:30 : p. 111. 'j'he public is 1 ordiall y i nyi tell. Pealc Sheppard Co's. big Rale is he wonder of the age , ) 'OU are in- f ( ited to come and see the decora- CI ion and hear the music. tl _ . In the death of gx-Senator \Tolcott \ , Colorado lost one of her L 01 ble men. I B - - Oliver and Will Cross of Angley were city visitors Satur ay. Leo Dean made his usual trip to Ansley the first of the wce1i. C.V. . Dall was among thvcl. . . come callers at this ofl ce Mon. . day. day.J. J. L. Long of Mulen was a P&S4 senger from this cit ) . to An ley Monday. J. H. Fcssenden oPrairie Cen. . 'ter ' made this oflice a business call'l'hursday. t D. C. Allen of DcrwJ'n wa\e ! : 1\ city visitor SnturdL\Y , He returned - turned home , on 44. Sheriff Campbell of Scotts Bluff Co. was in the city looking after husiness Monday. P. F. Lascwe \Vestcrvi11c was among the city visitont yes. . ten1ay that returned on 44. Louis Bookneau of Westel'vlllQ was transacting business in the city Monda ) ' . He rehrncd ! homQ on 44. N. K. 14ce of Round \'flUey kindl ) ' rememuered thi ! ; orace Thursda ) ' . Mr. Lee : has nmted his farm this season and expect ! ) to'isit Minncsota for a time. David Eberle of Bradshaw was among the social callers at thia office Friday morning. He has recently purchased t1leI . X.Han ! $ farm near ! \Iason City. Mnrrlngu Llccllses. Judge Armour issucd marriage license to the following persons the past two weeks. J John Lester King , Lexington 1 Pearl Driefi1s , Mason City { August Kieborg , Litchfield Cora Rcisland , Litchfield { Albert Brown , Merna Anna Philipson , Bl'ul < ct1 Bow { Mike O'brien ; Broken Bow Emma Carr , Broken Bow { Ed. , v. JDmerson , Comstock Melissa W. Irwin , Sargent j Carl E. Bowen , Ans.elttto . 1 Nellie M. 'fullcr , Anselmo { Mr. Nathen B. Gorden , Merna. Miss Dottie Rash , Merna. { J ame C. Patton , Broken Bow MoHie Happ , Broken Bow { Charles H. Hagman , Comstock Esther Olcnslvan , Comstock J \ViUiam Heaper , Ansley 1 Mrs. : Iinie li'iIdcamp , Litchfield { WiHiam Uhlman , Round Valley Marie Smith , Broken Bow. J R. Beng Sheldon , Ansley 1 Margies A. Housel , Ansle ) ' . - . ( JIc'III'IUII'1 ! Snlo of Henl Esll1tf' . - Until March 1st 1905 , we will ) ffer 5000 acres of land for sale : onsisting of well improved farms .0 raw prairie land , in tracts' of 60 acres to 1780 acres. 'l'hese iH include almost any kind of a ' 'arm that a persoll would desire. \.11 contracts of salc wiH be l11ade vith a ! mall cash payment , bal- I11ce in c < lsb or mortgage on darch 1st 1905. We will also ofrer 80me good own lots ; also one two story house vith eight rooms , good ccflar and : istern , barn and a whole block If ground on the same' tenus. We ha\'e a special object in Iffering this property and ally Ine wlnting ! a farm or Hmall anch or city residence , call get a argain between this and March st 1905. W II.I.IS CADwm.I. . Attend the big sale at the Peale ; heppard Co. store. OJ - - - ' - - Fresh oysters , candycigars and obacco at Mike Scanlon. . - - - - - \Vanted-Ten men in each tate to travel , tack signs a'tId istribl1te samples and circulars f our goods. Saar.y ] 575.00 per onth. 'l'hree dollars per day or expense . Kuhlman Co. , > ept. W. , Atlas Building , Chi- ago , Ill. 35-42 . FOR\Vell . - impro\'ed res- leuce property.ViH be soM at bargain if called for SOOI1. En- uire at this office. 26tf . - - - - - - - - - li'oR SAI.lRoad wagon and lngle harness , nearly . new , cheap ) r cash. See Geo. .Papineau. FOR SAIH-li't Ve room house , mr lots , barn for tell horses , ribs and granary , will sell or 'ade. F. M. SHARI' . tf FOR SAI.u-Pure : bred bl ck , angshau Cockrels only , call on r address Chas. Garton , Broken ow , Neu. -it ,