Newspaper Page Text
. . . . . . . . . . . , " 'J . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . u. . . . QJU tct , OIo. 11cpubUcnu. . Pa\ill bcd OVOIY 'tbur da1 11\ the CoonL1 Heat , - - n. \.mmmmr. . - - Editor 1I1 red hi lIll' II"Il"mcc at IIrolloli DoUob. . , " ( \I'lIll1t.oI , , tnnlll\f fur Irlln mlplon tbrolli/ll / h1 U " , \II\IIM I I. . . . 'lell' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I'ltUm' , , , . , . . " , . " .oJ"H' I' . . II I. , . . . , , " , . " rtl " ' " . . . - - - - 'UVIW'T""t'O'IATICM. J\ ' Pin" . I' , 1I"nlh. " 1700 IIII".ha1t en. ' . , , /Woo , ' [ \I < lua".r Mlllmf'l I'I" . . t" 'I" " I" ' r. 111" " _ , , , " I'll It" . . , . , . . . , II- l'lt' II . dl\ch ' I b' , ' I , " ' - " -"dllh c. 'lUd11 ( jr " , _ , :1 ' " riI , O'tI"1\lt r"Ie. " ' . ' . . . . "p ' 11"110' . oo..hU 'II' ' . h. " I"Iel' fo , IIIbll.III"1I , ' t , I "rle ' IlIlhI'phl' , ' 1- .1. . , . , nflhlIk " 01 , W j\1"Ui" " , I , , ' .11' " h. I At III" , . " .r ; hur ! ) < laJ i\lnrch 9. irJ05 . - . . - . . " ' " " . \ ' 1\1 \ " I . I . . . I rnsol1 City. Neb. , February 27 , 1905. To whOl11 it maj' conccrn : I h < l rc by a I1nO\1ncc \ my cand i- dacy for the office of County sup- crlntendent of Custcr county , subject to will of thc republican convt.:1tion. A. L. PntHclt. . . . n Time for city clection is drawing - ing nenr. Who arc your candidates - dates ? In the death of Ex-Senator Wolcott , Colorado lost one of her able men. The excuse used against the Primary law enactmcnt is that it . would givc the news pap'crs too gn at a powcr in the nominations. what next. .H _ . Senator Cock rei is a candidatc for re-clcction to thc still U nitcd Statcs Scnate notwithstanding he bas bccn made a mcmbcr of thc Presidcnts cabinet. The Hussians have been slowcr on thc rctrcat in their engagements - ments with the Japs of late which accounts for the grcater number of thcir dcad and woundcd. The rcport of Secretary Garfield - field 'on the beef trust will hardly prove satisfactory to beef produ- cers.1'he public will have to be convince that there is no remcdy for the low price of beef on the hoof and the fligh price on the blo k. . - - Unless Secretary Garficld is able to makc a bcttcr hewing in his invcstigation of the Standard Oil business than he did on the beef trust , Prcsident Rooscvclt wiB bc likely to havc somc one else do the investigating' in the fu t ure. The inaugurat ion of Presidcnt Roosevclt last aturday stands ahead of the list ot similar cvents in georgeous array and complcte- ness of arrangements , which is in keeping with the superior majority - ity hc rccch'cd ovcr all his prcde- cessors , at the hands of the peo- pIc. BCllul-r , Putter/OIII / ! On ' ) ' stuh'llOoll mil. \Vhen the Statehood Bill was under discussion in the United Statcs Senate , Senator Patterson - son , of Colorado offered an amendment - ment , thc effect of which , if adopted , would have been to pcr- mit women of fun age in the propo ed two ncw Statcs to vote for m mbers of the 'Constitutional , - coU\'entions and tl1cn the ratification - cation or rejectioll of the Consti- tution. in defending his amendment - ment Senator Pattcrson said : " , Who will say Mr. President , that such a privi1e e should not be given to the women of thesc , now four Territorics. It is the crucial time for the future of these four 'ferntorics in connection - nectionvi th the proposed State- - - - - ocr.- = = ' . . . . . . . ' ocr..occ."l F. W. HAYES , Jeweler and Optician West Side Square , Brol'cn Bow , t Nebraska. \ , ( .4' . " . . . ' " .h , n. . , - . - - - - - - - - - - - . . Ayers _ . .un . . . , . . . . . . . _ _ - - . . . . Give nature three helps , : md neal'ly every case of clJn- sumptlon will recover. Fr-sh nil' , most Important of nil , Cherry Pectoral Nourishing food comes II xt. Thcn , n medlclnc to con 1'01 the cough find hen I the JUI gs. Ask any good doctor. . Of . ' . T. tornIA fBU T first 1I. d Aror' Ohorry RIO , ' 111' ' ' " lo..n IIIrrlhll' . : ' ' 'PI or Inlt .dll' UIU I CIII " , . 10111. I IIlIIlHwrr wlthnllt I ALUlw'r U. II AlILTI1 : < , M..rloltu , Iblo , 2 \II " , . .Ir" .fIc , ' " . PIOO. 1.1 ' , I. . " C. . . . , AYI - It II. CO. . . , . - f or--- Consumptio n Henlth demands dnlly nctlon If the bowels. Aid nature with Ayor'L Pilla. - hood. The constitutional con. ventlons wi1l have cvcry bing with which women arc most deeply concerned to consider , the qucstion of divorces , the question of the right of parents to chil- drcn the qucstion of the olvncr- ship of property bj' wives to the procceds of their own labor , and the qucstion of schools. Who is more decply intercsted in these diffcrent qucstions than arc the womcn of thcsc now fonr 'l'erri- torics ? Whatevcr may be Haid of the bravery. , the courage. the self-sacrificing devotion , and the patriotism of thosc who lcft bc- hind thcm the civilization of the comforts of thcir castern homcs , as applicablc to the mcn. may be cmphasizcd fivcfold as applicable jo thc womcn. Mr. President , this is in the linc of thc progress , of civilimtion. : " 'l'hc amcndmcnt was rcjcctcd , but History will not havc to record - cord of ' 1'homas M. Patterson that he was one of those who made himsclf "the laughing stock of posteritJ" by standing in the way of evolution. ELIZAIJU'rII J. HAusuR. 1.I1lcolll LIIUCI' . S clal CorrCHllondclIl- At thc close of tIllS week thc legislaturc will havc becn in session - sion forty-scvcn days , thirtccn days yet remaining f the actual sixty days scssion. It is not lilc- ly that thc hgislaturc will bc in sessiod longer than thc sixty days , and t1 c last of March will probably - ably see the closc of the twenty- ninth scssion of the Ncbraska lenislature. * * * Another maxium freight bill has been introduced in thc housc. by rcprcsentative Bcdford , of Holt county , one of tlie fusion mcmbers. The bill was dra vu up by M. F. Harrington , of 0'- Ncill , and makes a cut of 15 and 20 per cent on car lots of staple commoditics. This now makes three freight ratc bills introduced in thc housc , which will doubtless - less result in none of them being cnac.ted in to laws. . . . ' * .f' ' S. F. No. 122 , by Epperson , of Clay County , bas been rcported for third reading and will with. out doubt pass the Senatc , 'l'h ( bi11l'rO\'ides for a c.hange in the mtthod of canvassing' the votc on constitutional amendment ! submitted to the voters , the pur' pose bcing to a\'oid the countin against such a proposition of al voters who do not vote upon tIll proposition. The opponents 0 tbe bill clainl it isnncol1stitution aI , hut the : fricnds of the bil say it is in harmony with the de cislon of the supreme court in till case whercin I obcrt Ryan Cues tioncd the right of legislator ; ; t , draw :115.00 : per diem and il1\'ol\ ' ing the sixt ) days limit of t1l legislatlvc scssion. * ' " * 'l'hc House bj' a un lnimoll vote passcd the Mocltet juvcnil court bill providing fot' thc cstal lishment of juvcnile courts. 'l'hi bill passed the scnate earl.r11 . t11 scssion. It is similar to thc hi votcd b ' the two ' ) overnor ) 'cal ago on the ground of its uncol stitutionality. The purpose ( tbe law is to provide for th" , tal . . . t . \ - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . - " - . 0' _ . . ' . _ . _ . _ . _ _ . , I ing care of childr n living in I vicious or criminal surroundings , : and whcn any child is cbarged wHh any crime to be brought bc- fore a separate court. If the governor signs the bill it will go into effcct immcdiately. * * * Onc of the primary bills in thc ! House Imown as the McMullcn direct primary hill was Idllcd in the hOIl5 ( ' by n vote or 48 to 22 The Dc'dgc primarj' hill has hecn plnccd on gencral file. 'l'he fricnds of the primary systcm havc faint hopes of any primarv bill being passed at this cssiol1 of thc legislature. 'l'hc main ar- gumcnt madc against thc primary I law is thc powcr it placcs in the hands of the ncwspapcrs in the nominating of candidates. * * * The Senate has approved Scna- , tor Cady's constitutional amcnd- i mcnt for an elcctivc railroad commission - ' mission of three mcmbcrs , cach ! ' salary of S3OOO a year , the I amendmcnt to be submitted to a I vote of the people in the fall of 1906. Scvcral of the senators ob. jccted to the salary bcin'g fixc at $3,000 , andIn : amcndmcnt was I I : ffcrcd rcducing it to ' ' This was opposed by Senator Cady. ScnatorVall , thc orator I , of the Scnatc , also opposed reducing - ducing thc salary to $2.500. He said thc railroads always won because - cause they paid good salaries and could dcmand the best of taleut. ' 1'hc cutting down of salaries tea a merc pi ttance woulclnot secure the hcst talent fOl the state. If thc commission is to he composed of compctcnt and talcnted U1CU , I S3.000 was not too high. ' 1'hc I amcndmcntl'cducing the salary was lost. St eel , Ul'lIwcrs ROtnOll tl'l1tC. Washington , D. C. , March 5th , 1905. S\l \ clal to the' Republican. 1'he Ncbraska Stock-GrowcrsAs- sociation has remonstratcd to the Bureau of Animal Industry against any order relating to thc shipment of range cattle that would change the practice in vogue last year in 'Vcstern Nebraska - braska , 'l'he secretary of that association in a recnt lettcr to Senator Millard states , that the I livestock insped r having juris-j diction over the rangcs of western - I . ern Ncbraska contemplatcs mak- ing' a ruling to prohibit the shipping - ping of cattle , for fceding unlcss each animal shall be dipped , un- clcr a strict constructi11U of thc rcgulatlons of the Animal Bureau. The Senator rcceived complaints - plaints from other big cattle . . . - - - . . . ' - . . , . , . - - - - - - . . . . , . . . . . . . . Any Woman. . can make Better Bread from .Any Flour with YEAST , : fOAM' e Ycaat } onm III the 'l'lut Umt took Ihe " 'Irlll limud ) _ l'llzo nL the 8t. IOlllh } ' : X' position , lI\\lt III Built . , h ) ' 1111 IS IfOCtnlllt ! Ii 11l , R IUII.ItUIe- ouollch ( Of CO Ilia "Otl , HumS Ie pOlttnl oafll (01' 0111' now IIlIlAtrntud Lol. "Good 11 IIrend : How to : 'olaku Its - " , s tHORTHWESTERt' ' YEAST CO , ) f CHICACO , ILL , ' { . . - - . - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - ' . - = . : : : : J' : : : : : ! - _ _ _ _ . , , . . _ . . . . Vtll. . : a i.tW& : . .1 ) . . l\ , . , I , \ I . \ I : Stuor : ' : " , 1 : ; -q , . ; . . . . . " f.ol\'TH' D ' t t ' ' ' . ' ' i . , , 'to ' . L. . v. " ro. . . . . , ' n. " M81ER Ry arsonaGaor 8 Co. , Sellers of Good Shoes. 1 k..r.f . : ' ; " ; 'J ' mJ' , . ' , : n. 't t& 'l am Ii H ! " ' - - ! ! - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . . _ . . , growcrs of largc herds. He prc- scntcd these protests to thc Scc- retary of Agriculturc and also to the Chicf of thc Bureau of Animal - ! mal Industry , urging that the i contcmplated action bc not taken if it would cause financiallo g to thc cattle-men. Dr. Salmon , Chief of tbe Bureau , replied that no inspcctor in thc field had I authority to makc new rules ; that the report complained of lackcd foundation ; that it may have ariscn from thc lettcr of 11'ebrn- ary 10 , writtcn bj' the Bureau to . the : : tate Board of Stock I nspec- tion at Den \'cr. Dr. Salmon said that thc letter I I may havc been misconstrucd ; that the department intcnds to be reasonable - enable and to do what properly an bc done to facihtate the ship- meut of cattlc ; that the position' ' othe department is tbat it should I eithcr prevent the sbipmcnt of in- fectcd cattle for fceding and grazing - ing or else make no regulations . : u. " , wbatevQr and l dve the IU Uero ! I be controlled by the Statcthat ; such control was essential to the cattle inclustr\ , ' ; that mange last season spread rapidl ) ' ; that f eclcl"S were losing heavily bj buying cattle infccted with mange hut which did not gllOW sYl11toms at the time of purchasc ; an that railroads were prosecuted for bringing iufectcd animals into states not infccted. In , 'iew of these facts the e- partmcnt had rcquired exposcd cattlc to bc dippcd in a curative liquid before shipmcnt. ' 1'hc department - partment , however , 's 0.1 ways rcady to review a speci fic case and I if it appears that parties in any i section have mad proper etTorts for thc control of thc disease and still are unable unclcr the inspection - tion rulcs to ship their cattlc , the departmcnt would in a gi vcn case be willing to make rcason- able 1110chfication of cxisting reg- ulations. . - r.tII-.r : . - . Dr. Salmon wh1hes it under. stood , howevcr , that it will not be easy to get cattle to market in the fall if tberc bc in any case ground for thc hclief that the a i. mals have been exposed to diseasc. Senator Millard has given this mattcr his earncst personal at- I tcntion in an cffort to relieve the situatiol1 , at the samc timc protect - tect thc ! : Itates from the sptead of cattle discase. 'l'he Prcsident's rcccnt message I to Congress Lears directly upon thc point of whether or not the go\'crnment inspector shaH be per- mittcd to placard or condemn ange cattle whih may ! n bis Judgmcnt have becn exposed to disease. Bills arc pending to 'A. authorize such condemnation , , . Nebraslm cattle-mcn dcny tbe power of the Government tbus to condemn. Two cascs in tbe Supreme - preme Court are bascd upon their I contention. Should the law pa s , 'it ' would be nccessary forthe gO\- ernment to appoint a large number - ber of inspcctors ; othcrwisc tbe cattle industry would bc greatly I cri ppled. t - > -t : = = ) ; : = > > -t. - ) D - > - > - : " The P. V. CoIl illS Publishing Co. ft'Hl1l1cul1olls. Minn. , . Publishers of. . . . , The North'\vesterJl Agriculturist , ( Weekly ) I ! AI..r The tI0111e Magazine ( Monthly ) , ! HAVEINAuaURATED ' < 1t TI1E GREATEST COMBINATION SUBSCRIP. . t THIS TIO ; ; ; c ; nu ; LUDES The local ( uame uf lOCAl paper ) the \lest \ , lJrlghtest , most reliable tocal newspaper In this count } ' or stab . : lOll also as a FREE PR.EMIUM , II. , , Grand Collection 0'1 Seeds and Bulbs C'Hr ' I' UOIlIIty ; \nHbl L ! ' \ t , Iwxl1lal' , pl'iee , - $1.00. 1 > " ere II " - .60. The Northwestern Agriculturist . . 1 ; . OUI. 0 er The Home Magazine u" - .25. > I Ii. : ' 1 , The Flower Seeds and Bulbs U - _ LOO. } > Total value - - - - " . ' ) . . 8- . 'I t The P. V. Collins Publishing Co.'s l Special for ALL TtlE ABOVE _ . . . 81.85. r 0 , . we will i\'c n ycnr's subscription to ( local pap r ) and the N. W , Agri- 1 " ; \ clilluristweldy , and the full dollar collection of fine flower seeds and : ' bulbs , nil lot. . . . . . . . . : :51 . 10'0 . , . Or we will give : l YCllr's subscrlption to ( local paper ) and TIll' Home'Maga- < < ' 1 . 50 . zine . and the full Jullar CollCdion uf fine tlo\wr s ( > , eds an bulbs , nil 101' , . ' : ' ! , . It costs you practlc.1l1r thl' : ; amc to c t LlII th sc extra ! . LIS th rtb'ular price for your local paper alone. . . 'I I X 1-1. . VB ' ' 'OU EVER BARD ' ) " 1-113 ; I3QUALt : I III1A ) I llON .y. . Tak : ; ; i ice ' 1'1-1 E ABOVE OFFERS all' fur Ntw or Hellew,1 ulorfphun , , tll UIIY of the pnblicntlon5 , In cas the suhocrlhcr ts In arrears tu anof tilt ! p.ll'ers , Ill' wHi reccl\'e credit for one ycar Ijf. from Ills forlller .11' , 1110 ! .uhsmlJcr has o"erylliing to ahl. 1I"llIlli to lo c , l > ) ' thl. . spcd.11 offer. All . . ' 'alen IIn erhl off , ' , arc un tI" " , 1"\ul:1I : 'uhail'lI"n lellt" IIf tIr"'I " 'I , ' " P3'l'IS'l1en lhe subscrlbt-r SuhSCI'iltions nOI1I. . . . . Ihe I'lIhh.h' ' " l"al h" I' I"'I "h. h' 'IOI'I , < , J.1tI \ ! ' . I1J lit Ihl''r" , II P3/'l'IS / I : ll tupI' < 'a. Naonl : ) . , ' . . . "III . . . . . . . " It , . , . . .al" I .It till' 1IIIIl' . ) t , uh'oll > lnIIr ' ' othertlmll , . > I1cull h""I.1I ' 10' ' " .1' Ih.'lhe pawr " .1' ul1 .1I111111\ : h null I" " Ih. I'ubll'htr. " \ : IIr " pn ) Ih.II I\ ! ' ' 0 Jr , , , , ' , , II " , II , , < ' 1lII'PI'J I'rlllI1l'lI'C lCullrllnlee Ihlli. f1 'These " ' Publications , cach a ICoilIer In Ib , ; las . , Ir , ' all that a ftlllll } ' needs-the IOCliI paper for hume lIews , Tile Nurthwcstern Agriculturist , i wl' kly , for up-to-lllte ; I llculturnl ami live stock Infonuatlon by the most )1mctl ) 1 farmers and stock raisers of the I ) ' . West ; The HOllie Ma oIzlllc , a literar } ' monthl } ' paper of stories , tr\"el anll lIistorlCl1 articles :1l1d fashions for the \ women. ContrllJutors of national reputation write for The Home Magazine , It Is ; llltifull } ' Illustrated. : SAl\\I'LB COI'IU ! ; PRim. Sam "I. coplps of the ( local paper ) \\11I to. senl b ' lis put'li her . . III IInaJJlt'Sli. . upon I pltC ltlOI1 10 lis oule. . , I ) s"mple copln of bolh Th'l"onhweslern " Alticultull I nnJ The Home " ' 3i1 1llne111 toe enl f , . . upon \l'pllloillol1lo Ihe , \ " Collins Publlshln. . : ' Com"'Nm' ' ' : ' " ; : ' ; ; ; ; : 'b ; ; ; ; : ; ; ; ; "CO mpa ny . ) MINN APOl.IS , MINN SOTA. I. - c . , ; . .o ( . " , ! . , t ) ! .I' , ' ' lit' ' , ' . I