Newspaper Page Text
. . . , _ . . L. . . . . . . . . - . . , = ' 01 " ' " " " ' ' ; " - " . . . . . : - " . , , l.J.i , . . , ( : t , ' R.OYAL 1 B'akil'\.g Powder ; J ! " M a.kes Clea.n. Brea.d , I With Royal Baking Povder thcre is I no olixing with the handsno SWC .lt of the bro\v. Perfect cleanliness , greatest facility J s\veet , clean , heal thful food. Full instructiorw i ; lh " Royal Baker and Pastry Cook" , . book for l11 king : dl linds of bread , biscuit : : lUll cake , with Roval . Ibkil1ff . . . Powdcr. Gr t a to any : : ddr s9. , , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , , - : - rl" " " P-\ " " ' 1 r" " ' ' 1'1 ' ' 1111 'A'j ' \'RI - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = r. = . . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ John , A. French and wife of Atlantic - lantic Iowa , who were on their way from Seattle Washington stopped off 'l'uestlay to visit their lJaughter , Mrs. J. A. Martin who lives six miles 110rth east of the city. city.The The question of an electric. . light plant is one of the important - ant improvement the city council shoulll make provisions for the ensu1ng year. With the 1904 taxes paid in there ough t to be enough money that has been paid I in for that purpose to put in a . . plant in connection with the water - er wors sufficient for tIle city for several years to come. Let us have more light. ' 1 he 1'e llh'lIls CllIIllIOt. ( President Hoosevelt sent the names of the members of his cabi net to the Senate Monday. 'l'he nominations were promptly con- firmed. ; The following is the list : I John Hay DistrictofColumbia , secretary of state. I Leslie M. Shaw , Iowa , secretary - tary of the treasury. WilJidm H. 'l'aft , Ohio , secretary - . tary 01 war. I William H. IVlassa- . . . . Moody , - chusetts , attorney general. Gcorge B. Cortelj'uu , New YUlk , pJ ( lllldSld gl'lhra ! . Pdull\ll1rtlJl1 , Itlil1ul : ' . s cret/y 01 th lIaj' . Ethan A. Hlt hcuck , Missuurl , secretary of'the interior. James ilsun , Iowa , secl'etary of agriculture. i. Victor H. Metcalf , California , secretary of commerce and labur. H , " . lj"II. IInll ) " . , Th following is a sketch of l cv. Geo. Balley formerly a resl- , I dent of Urokcn How. Ile has accepted - cepted a call as pastor of the Western Presbyterian church at Washington D. C. 'l'he tollowing we clip from tbe Evening Star of Washingtoll , "H.ev. Gtorge Bailey , Ph. U. , pastur-elect of tht : Westprn Prc - I bY..terian Church of this city , is 01 ! Eng-lish birth. He was born at W1llington , England , on the 7th day of August , 1867. He received - ed his first education in the pub. lic schools of Durham , England. After preparing for college under a private tutor he took his classical - cal course at Firth College , hef- field , and was later graduated from Ranmoor Divinity College. After engaging in missionary work in London for about a year he came to this country and was Drtlain cJ by the presbytery of JearneY , Neb. , epteJUber 28 , 1892. l. . For si" years he WaS pastor 01 _ _ - = - - : - - - - - h ' - " I . . . . . . . . .IJt"r. . .Ie. . ( ' d u , . . . . . . . rlaliOD aC"So. . 17i,035 \ . . . . . . . . . , . , . - : . , . " ' ' ' " " , ' - , ! , . . 1' : " " " c. " . , , ' . , . . . . ' - ' , . " " r. , : : f ; o < ' ; " " ' - . . , , , " 1' t ' : " , : . : ' ' , : ' . , j ; . , , > . , . , . - ; . , . . . . . . ' of' , , , . . , . , , . . - ' . ' . . . , . . . \ . , . ' " ' , ' " " " . : . . . " . " l , ' , ' ' Z'R 'I 'I I'll . . - ; ' l' . . , , ' oIr r' 'f" II" , . , , . . . . . . . . . . " 110I. b d "h. ra 41' " \\11 r t ( It , bre..rllnl : .nll quoit. , wllb ony weal ot " 'blcw" mpo I. . . . . ( y pltp4'rl"rCl' b. . t'ollbt m ! ' tb t 10 atv ! ' I1tood I " , 'bfactl"n , brlWdln catl II muat he rnlsod In this altllude. I erpt'ct : tn ralao them \ here tnll eQual of onrlhlnll r.lold In Ib U S. I n 11' bave 20 bnll. snllllbl 'or Ihl. . anr' , next yoar'8 IIorvlcO. ! If" COWl welRh from 1400 I' , pound" , ( JO/l1e .ndlu 'bow , - . - - - . - . - - - - - - - , the first Presbyterian Church of Bromn ] Bow , Neb. In July , 1898 , he was unanimously called to the pastorate of 'Vestminster Presbr- terinn Church , Salt Lake Citv Utah. In 190t Gen. John Eatoit , LL. D. , the president of West- minsteI College , Utah , resigned that position and D , . . BaileV , was elccted acting president. li'or al- must a year he filled this position in addition to his church work , but in February , 1902 , he resigned - ed his pastorate and since then has devoted his time to the presidency - dency of this college. The importance of this work in which Dr. Bailey has been cn- gaged is shown by the fact that 1t is the only Cbristian institution with collegiate courses of study within a radius of 750 miles , and being located at Salt Lake City , tbe headquarters of the Mormon Church , it occupies a place of great importance for Christian work and education. Since March , 1903 , Dr. Bailey has been in Washington on business - ness for the college of which he is president. This business was connected with the property left byIrs. . Mal' ) ' J. G. 'l'emple , the daughter of Mr. Gunton , for whom the Gunton-Temple Memorial - orial Church of thiscitv is named , and by whom the funds for its bUilding were donated. Mrs. Tcmpl on her death ldt certain prop rty to be administered by the lJOa rd of Horne 1is8fons 0 I I It , . Presbyterian Church in the United States of America a3 ! "U ICl' . This property was so tl.I.lI ) : ntumu : red that the board 01 bOUle MissIOns retused to act a8 trustee , where-upun a suit in equity was liled and the Westminster - minster College was appointed substitute truste { ! . Dr. B.dlcy has succeeded in paying off the incumbrances and selling a larg ( ' portion of this property , with part of which the Gunton Memorial - ial Chapel of Wtstminst rCollegt : has been erected. Since his graduation Dr. Bailey has tal\l'n pust-graduate cours of study in conncctlon with 140n- don Un'ersity , Eng-land and Illinois - inois Wesleyan University. HI has also t.dl n a course in la w and was admitted as an atlornc\- at-law in the dislrict courts f the state 01 Nebr.l lca. He h.18 . devoted much of his spare tim to the study of sociology and WitS awarded his degree of doctor of philosuphy after examination in physiological pyschology. Dr. Bailey is a contributor to a number - ber of religious } .Jeriodicals. among them th , MissIOnary HI'- view of the world , Preacher's Helper , the Pulpit and the Tr as- ur.v Magazine. Although Dr. Bailey undertook the presidency of Westminster . . - - - - - - ' . ' ; : S , fjfo ? 1. _ , \f : ; . : : ' \\'Y.r ; - - ; \ ! . ' ft ; > . .2"l ' , h : > r'l. ' - ' r' ) : J rI'he : ' Aa va g Cash Grocery ! -3\r - - : A High Grade Caro- ; - sene Oil a Specialty. , . , Brightl 4'\ Sail-II ' , ) No Smelll1 ! p. I No Smokelill L. ! Call at the store and l \ ' ge t a coupon goo , 1 . or ! " , ' , ? 1 half gallon. Try a ! ! can and be convinced.j \ - , t : , ; ; ; , ; , - ' Our - , ' 1 I' - can g-oOlR are -3'lS I it lie led "Ad0 Ex t ra. . . - Bi ' ( (1 ] the best the market af- JI\ fords. We have a fine Rf. line of Staple and Fancy roceries. Call and see u J . \f' . . . If' . r . ' , . . . " I . _ r.r. - - - < , -0' , . \ _ AN > > , ' . . . . . . . Collc c bccnU ! e the necessities of this work were' urged upon hiUl , he has always belie\'cd that the pulpit and not the educational 1nstitution was his proper field of work. When the Julplt of the \Vcstcru Pres yterian Church , in this city , because vacunt last September his name was among the first of those suggested a9 a possible successor to the ReDr. . Wilson , who had Just left this city to acce-pt a call to Providence R. 1. Dr. Bailey was accordinly asked to preach , soon after wh1ch it became o apparent to the committee - mittee in charge of. the calling of a preacher that the cong-regation was ready to extend to Dr. Bailey a call that a congregational meeting - ing was called amI formal expression - sion of opinion was had. At this meeting Dr. Dailcy's name was the only olle put. in nomination out of the fifty or more nawes rought to the attention - tion of the committee , and he received - ceived a unanimous cull on the first ballot. He has ac epted the call , and expects to begia his new pastoral lJuties on the 1st of March , subject to the approval of the presbytery. Dr. Bailey , during Ilis stay in Washington , has made so many friends among the Presbyterian ministers that the question of the approval of the presbytery is considered - sidered to be merely a formal act in accordance with the rules of Presbyterian law. Dr. Bailey has a wife and three children-two boys and a girl- th oldest cllild being eleven years of age. SIlII 11111/10 ellmlllg' . Dr. H. B. Mullins who has been attending the Medical college at Baltimore .l\larylaud for several months returned Sunday nigh t with the corpse of his wife which he brought home for burial. When the Dr. and his estimablc' ' wife left here for Baltimore last fall she was the very picture of health and in high spirits over their prospective pleasure in the east with happy anticipations of when they should return to make thcir pert : mnent home in Broken Bow. How changedl Today we live tomorrow - morrow we die-God giveth an ( He taketh away. Only a week t\go last Monday Mrs. Mullins was taen ] sick at once she was taken to the Ilospital for treat- men t. Her case was found to be cri tical and an immediate operation - tion was performed , with hope of giving relief , but without avail. The sad news reached here Thur day afternoon that death htd , taken her. It was not only a . , hock to her aged parents and hrl1thers who residt , ! here , but to .he community that had known ! 01 her womanly graces. Andrew Snyder , her brother of the firm of Snyder bro hers left on Friday morning for Chicago to accompany the Dr. home with the remains. The funeral serV1ces were held Tuesday morning in the .l\I. E. church at 10:30 : , by Hev. Cham. berlain ssistec1 by ReA. . 1\1. \ 14e. vac1 , in the presence of a large crowd who assemble to pay their i respects to the memory of the dc- i parted. The pulpit rost1'1ln was ltbcrall , decorated with patted flowers In front of the casket and two very large wreaths hesides a numher of smaller centllb 1iors of cu t fl'J\vers , ac1o\'neq \ the casket during the services. 'l'hc Hepublican joins with the many fricnds in extending sym- pat ) ' to the relatives in their great berea vemen to 'rilE wonLn' ClLDIPION IJ.lYElt H , cUI'llur 2 l1n OIW'IU' .l'rol1erty fir 1'1'"f , ' ' ' ' l . ' . " SOl' Gt'UflI' I. 00\\1.11 ur 0'.0. ' . . . , llsltllrl. [ nv A 8CloL CONTRIDUTOR. Champion of the world is the proud title successfully held , against all competitors for three years by Hen No. 617 of Plymotl , RIck , of the hennery of Pruft. 501' George M. Gowell , poultr ) specialist at the exp r1ment sta. tion of the Ul11versity of Mal11 ( ' . at Oroup. Hen No. 617 promises to retaill her title for as man V vearg mor ( ' . lor 110 other bitldv ha1 laid as many eggs as she in a given space of time : ' ( 'wo-hundred and fifty- one laid in one year is h'r record. I nr" ' : ' : ; ! E.ns' ( ' } i'rOIfl select Shll' : of ll. P. l ock V'llHlice strain J have lill ) ' last year's plIllets that I have , , \4rakd \ intCl thn'I' classes. Class I , T o. 1 S1.00 for fifteen eggs ; class No.2 75c for fifteen cg-gs and I . : No. 3 50 for 15 eggs. I , , lJave ! .old eggR 1'111' 25 and 30 cts. ; per dozen \his \ wiutcr. Your or- 'dl'r' ' . re..pectfully . .oliciled. Hcs- de 11ce OppOHI te Ma ) ' 01' A ppe ] 's. Gentlemen and ladies interested in poultry shonld come and see my birds. 'W. W. COWLits. H. I List your. farm and city property - I erty with B. W. Blair. 37tf , , . . " , , , . t.NDON'S GRASSHOPPER , 10'01' Nt"nly 'fhrl'l" UII' . A U,1t e.llt" " I'll' ' ' " Iunulu , L" 'fhu snlden'lIsahullper ! ; on tlJl ! to\Vur ot thl ! nu 'u I E chlln I'111'4 lJt't'U tor uelll'I ' thl'ce IIII aIIIt \ c"lItl1rle II Lonllon Inllllmllrh. liS eumlllllr U8 thu cruss on t. PlIlIl' : ! UI' UIl' 111':1,011 on Bow church stel'plu. I Ir 'I'homus Ul'cshn'II , II ru 'nl IIgcl1l In three 811cCQssh'e 1" 1 1I11. fOUUlIL d tIll ! I oxchnllge Iu the rel11 ! ot l llznl.ll'th , lIe ereclCll ut lthl OW11 expellsc II LeuuUtui lIu'ucture In the l'luml.h : . &t"lo or nrclt ( . tecture , with Rhops all the first floor. A bell lower cl'owueu 1..1) ' II hllgo cruss. hopper Il100 on olle Hll10 of the chlet eutruuee. Tltc lJoll III Ihl tow or Gum. monell tlte uWl'chnnts III 12 o'c101'k noou nnll U I'clocl , l'\'Olllu . Dnrlu th. . g1'Ont fIl'O IIr 1GGG I hc lJlIl1 lllj ; WUf : tolnlJ ) ' ilL" II t 1'0)011. TIll ! IIlnhl's of klu ' 1I nnd IlUl > ( m\ ! which Ol'lllllUcllte the cOt"\'l orll wcre 1II''t'lJlltutedlnln the eUOI'1II0Ucel. . ln 111111 with tl trtI ! tlm tuwer ; IWIl grnllshufIIll'I' : . Greshnlll wn 10 'ull ) ' loved by tllo wett'opolls , It 1111 his Jr"lIcroll Cl"Y1ces were 1101 fOl'gottell. FI'OIll thl. ! 1I10un. taln ot ,1elJrll t1H grnsshopper WUII 1'08. cued , nUll It WIIS Illtwell-u loft ) ' vnuo or gllt 1JI'nsslIlIlI'e thc uedoute IIUP' ported lIr , 'jght < ' : ol'lulhlulL columns , nud to this hour It swlug to tlto polntll or UlO comlmss , verpctuntlug tlle slsn /Iud crest uf tlw Grcsl1l1lU family. 'rlll ! old cloe1 In thlt : ! tow"r 111\11 1'our t.lluht end chhuell eOllr t11m' ! ! 111111) ' . uu SUUlla ) ' . tl10 Ouu Uuudl'e IIm1 1.0I1rth Psuhu ; , on oDlluy. "Gud I"'t' the Klug ; " on truesdn ) ' , "WaterlooIurcll : ; " 011 WI'd. l1e dllr. ' ' 'l'lwte'H NII.ucl \ ! .AllOot the Hoose : " on i'hmsdu ) ' , "Hel' . tlto Con. qlltH'III Hero COllies ; " 011 1"I'lll1r. ! "Lito Lot 'L''j Chlll'lsh. " 11I111 011 8alu/'llll ) ' . "l oot Ollnrll ' rfi1'ch. " In 183S Uru ogaln dU\'URtul1I tltH Hlul'I ' hllll ln . heglulling HOOII Un\ ! ! ' ] ( ) nt nl ht , uul1 1.1) ' nextII101'lIllI.t , ; IIJ ( ) { 'IIII'I , lowlI' ! nlon ! ! wnH IlnIHI1 ! , , . It 11 : HI lIllIt'nlit Ihnl till' IURt ull' plll.\'I'11 h ' ll1n t'hllllt':1 lIoo/'o tlH ! ' Weill l'I'II-IIIIII/ : / . : ' t 1I1'11I1 h till ! 10wl'l' roof , ct'ushllllr tit" , , "tl'III1C ! ! II/'ch IJt.ow. } WUfI ' ' ' } 'lte/'e'H Xuc 1.111'1 , Ahoot Ihe Hoosc ; " tllclI tlw I'hhl : ; hel1 ccusl'd tltelr CIIlIlIIIJ. ! , : , 'rill ! l'\SSIIIJlIII'I' } WUN lIuhnrlUell Ullt ! to this du ' ( 'cUU1I1IH , "Ie\'cu feet or IIlJlnlll1erlllg IIIctul. looldlll ; 1.10WII fl' lU Its perch 10S fcet IIh\'I the bUii ) ' etrcelH. - Jllllnn 1\1tl Colforl1 111 8t. Nloholatl , - _ . _ , - , - - . APHORISMS. Mirth canuot lUO\'I' 1ioul III ugOI1Y.- ' ShakespellL't , Cl\llIlol' I the 1'llI'esl vll'tlll ! at' Hodl" b1l1ty.-Sh/1I II II. No CIl'CUlllslullect : ! CIlII I''pulr U detcct churnctI'fJ11I"I'SOn , ut ! : ! - - - " Cheel'rulness Is Ull of\'shoot ot 110011- poss uu of wlslloUl-.Bo\'L . Bad meu exctjse lhell' fUlllts : good w11l leu'e IhelU.--Johul wen - - OIl. 'l'ltct'e ure ploutr of ncqulIllltunccs III tlte worl , ! Jut very few "cui trlel1l1R. -J. 1" . DII\'ls. , C1Jurlt ' IIlId pCl'sollul ( OI'CC III'C thu enl ) ' III\'esIJl\I'IIIH \ WOl'th UII.thlllt- Wult WI111I11UII. . It la iuCI'ul1)9 : : : ! mol'c IIOtulJlu to reck- 011 lip 1111I' defeets thuu 10 hOl1l1t of our u Uu 1 u men ttC1 / rl 'I ( ! . A lUlU' canllot hn " 0 Ull Idca of pel'- tactlou III UllotlWI' which he WLI lIever lIeusllJll ! 01' III 111111elf.-Steole. ! . Gratitude Is the el1lreat IJl0ssom wldcll Ipl'lugs Cram the 1'10ul.1II the heart of mnn knowelh ilOilO morl ! tru. . ! ; rllut.-Hoseu Ilnlloll. A.ay. tl't. thl' I.UNt Worl' ' . "SII ' , IJH. " quel'led little BII1 ' DlOQ9 l1mper. "whatls lilt echo't" "All echo , 111) ' son , " repUe,1 the 011\ mlln , with II sigh In ( drnwlI ollt. "Iii thc 011 I } ' thln thnt 1'1111 IIImllam II wo- nlUn IIlIt or the II15t wOLyl'l' \ . - - - - - - A I.l\zy lUna. On n hot HIIUIIL\Or'S \ < lilY n Jolltlemnn who Was WIIIUII for Itl8 trutu ut ouo at aUI' ( 'oulIll'stotlons usked a parter Who wus J 'llIg ( .III oue ot the Flel\tll whert ! the sbtloll I/IIISh'I' lived , olld the porter. 1101 1II0\'III , lazily polnte1 to the house with llls Coot. ' 1'110 gcntll1JIun01' ) ' lUl1cll struck nt the man's lazluess , IIIIld , "It 'Oll enl ! Iil10w mo n IIIzler actloll than thut , my good mun , I'll give ) 'oU two nnd six- peuce. " 'he porter , not Ulovlu1111 / Iucll , l'C' plted. "Put It In IU ) ' pocket , gU\'nor.- London NewK. lJcl1aUo Intormutlou. "now II1I1'h ( ure tllese Scot flan. nels , please'i" IIslted u WOIDIIU In ono or the large 1l'lmrtllll'ut ! " stores OliO day last wee Ie "This Ind ' will Flhow them ' ' ) to 'OI.l/ I\lrlly \ rcpltl'tl t 1C clt'rk. ludlC'ttng ! wHh Indl'O'l'l'l'lIt \ nod fI IrIIlJOllt \ 1hrco feel dlstallt. "nllt , " Drl'slstetho ( \ WO"1I1U , " 1 dOll't wuut to hll ' now. . 'dIUlj'ly ' wont to now how mllcll t\.Je \ ' nre. " t40\I \ , different 1)\'lcl' \ ' enl uP. " WatJ thl' flollchlllaut IlIts"e. . . - New York 'fluH's , A Jut/ltl' lit Until"'uellre. : . "nol'tor. tell me hUI\estly \ \ \ ' hcthcf my III'Hlth Is Impro\'JII or Ilol , " "My l'ar sir. you'ro gcttlnu 011 tn. mousl-eIl11l01lily. ! " "YOII nrt' lIot Flpl'l\klng the truth. doctor - tor , hut I cun 11'11 without YO\11' IIsslIt. ancl' whuth1' I urn Iettlni : hotter or not. " "Ilow cnn you jlld o1" tIny th ( ' lJehnvlor of wy 111'11'11- Purls GUlliols , Tilt' Se..luu. . p".e ot II. Actor-Ullrr ' . or w11 mlR tile Iruln , Actr'ss-I cl\n't flnl1 my I11UIIIO\ll18 \ or m ' purse. "Oh. w II , m''er 11111111. " "Yes. lIlIt Ihe IllIrso Ilud $10. I" \t.- \ New Yorl. Weekly. - - - - ll'or f\'er tlljuH rou hn , 'e ml ed ) ' 911 i b".o o.lncd sometl1lnc elllIwerso : \ \ " " , . , . " - . ' . . . . . . . . . = " , . , SAVE I A DOLLAR or 1II0rc , 1IIII'rhnsing } 'ollr trce8 cu. ft'l't from n 1\'SpUllslhll' grower. Wheu the "Alle1 ; " trol' ICllt calls UpOIl YOII , show hlall ' nmille will look 8S 111110Cl'1It nH n I1l11h nlld teU ) 'ou "nil I ltH11of III's UlJollt UII ntHl aliI' trec ! . 'Jplos Oraftod Itnoh &acl1 to 7 fcet. . . .13c. 4 to 0 feet. . . .lIe. . . S 10" " 00 2 to 3 . . . . . . fie. ( 'I'nh Allpll' MillO 118 AJlplt" Poneh Uuddod I c h bclJ G 10 7 eCl.t. . . .lac. < 1 10 { j { col. . . .110. 3 to < 1 " , . . . 8e. 2 10:1 : . . . . . 70. ] 8 10 4 Inches , lJo , clleh , Plums Budded 1.IIoh : Itnoh Ci to 7 fCl'l. . . . , : i5e , < 1 10 Ci fcot. . . .25e. U to 4 I. . . . , Oc , 210 H II . . . .llie. CIIOI''Y Duddod Elloll ) ' : lIch to U fcel. . . . .Uc. , t lu fl'et. . . . :100. : 3to4 II . . . . ju. 2103 . . . . . .15c. IS . tu : Z IIIUhcs , ] 2l' . cilch. Concord Gr 1IJO ) "u eh 1lIeh 2 'elll' , . . . . . . . . e ] , "cur , lJelcct. . 'le. 1 your , gool1 , 3e , nussl 1n Mulburl'Y I'lH 1.000 1I to 12ill , . . . $1.00 12 to IS fll. . .SI.W Ollcl ( Locuat 1'Im tOOO Ci tu 8 III , . . . , : S1.00 8 to 12 III. . . . $1. 5 011 onlel ! ! uf $10,001)1'1/10\\ ) \ will liliaI10 lIet' cellt dlscoullt frolll alJovo Juices.'l' pll ) ' the freight 1111 $10.00 01'111'11. Htll fOI' ' ' . ' 11111' I'lL In lug. 11.1i frec. fil1lRBURY NURSERIES , r-I\InUUICY , - NEOnASItA e _ _ _ . _ _ _ : = : : _ _ _ . _ . . . . . . . . - - - ; : SuUs , Sklrls and Coals I 1 1\lal1l : 10 YOUI' 0\\11 IIICUglUl' h ) ' Ii/st. duss Chicn o Inilors. Sample ! ! OIl III'lc5 at 111) ' shop. Cull UUlI Bee Ihem'cstsi ; c of11llIlrc. ! . Mrs. Gco. % 01111. . . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Palace Baxber Shop I For first.class work , call nt tltc Palncc 13l1rhcrShop. Hverything up-to.dale. LEO DHAN , Propriclor. - - SIMON CAMICH.ON , 8 uIce1101' i1 ) y ) ' AT I.AW. Ioolll ! 8111111 0 , Hoalty 1IIock. Urokon lIow , Nub , ! . W A. THOMPSON. . CON1'HAU'I'Olt " nllllI ! H E1rP1mll ; 111111 ol'hu.tOIl on 8horlnollr . Ilrokoll 1I0w , Nollrllskl\ . O.JL OONHAD , . . . . . .noalerln. . . . Pampl , Wind. Mille. 'ranks , i"'lttlug. , OnDolln Cnelnc" , 010. clc. IIrokon Jlow , NulJrlllka. , s. 1\1. DOlUnS" mJlillCUlliDl1tlia" 1 AI. 111111101 of work III lIur IIno don. . vrollllllll 'lIull11 Qu\.c.luttll IIrllur. i.'i1"'HI(1 ( lilloll un tb. ooruUl' 10l\tllol\81 01 tbo .quMU. 4HV1 ; ; ( JtJ . . " 'CnIAI. . 'I roll on lIu\\ ' , . . N"hraRIa. - - - - DR. T. A. LEACH , 'DEDJnrxs-r : , Brokcn Bow , Nebraska. We make a specialty of performing - ing all operations as near painless as possible and guarantee our anesthetics to be absolutely harm- less. less.We We make porcelaain inlav fillings and crows which are more lasting than. gold , and in appeafi- ance cannot he distinguisltcd from tIle natural tooth We guarrant < : e om work to be first class and should our fillings fall Ot or our work prov ullsatis. factory we. will refund your mOlley 01' do the work over at our own expense whichevcI ; ' ( OU desire. Phone 258. . - - - - - - - - - FHANSE MOOHI , Rlm ; JJnY.D } IDJJJ4ID Jjl1D . 'fwJlock. < . Mull of Or nll Owlul 1101,1. 1 II' rOIl"jc oilcII4J'1. } 'rlCUIJ rOlldlJunblu , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Frit has returned from Russia and opcned up his shoe shop at Pealehcpparcl Co. 's store. Call ancI ' , cc him for your repairs. 25tf 5'1 VEARG' EXPERl1.NCE . . , . . . . TnADc MAHXS DESIQN8 ; , f 1 COl1'lAIQHTS &c. Anyone ' " " " IoIlInrl clescrllIoIlIJlUJ / qul kly . . " ' ' " t " 1 'JIIOII fro" " lotllor 1111 ' , I IIlnhlo , ( ummulllc , . . IIIVUIII' < lII 0 " I ( 110118111'1' .11' ' " I I l III. IIANUBOOI ( olll'atuuta Ullt Ir J" , IIto .1 . II , " 1Y tor .ucurlUlputunt. , \thliIK luk . , . . tllr"olI 31111111 , ' ! Co. rec lvl/ / .pttj.lnollr. , . \ \ , t IIllIt cllllroo , In lho Scl ntific jBt" rjca" . 1I111111"Ollll'ly nII' ; " a' .J weekly , 1.II'1ltsl Ir. ( 'ulnUI,1I lOr tlIIT" " " III' " hllml\l , 'rrrlDI. fa II. yoorl t'.Uf mOllth . 'I 1:10111JYl \ ll1e\f.d It1N. lUNN & GO , 61UrOnd\\Ay. New Yurk ralleb VIDeo. II' St. . . . WMblQu.1" Co . . . . . . , - ' ! : : ' : - " . : : ' . . ' , : r ; H lJ J SIDE HEHFORDB 111111 Ullroo JI'IUOll1ogA brcd IInd lold. UI111 blloli otlhelr 01" " " . A,1I\reu \ , O. . UAUWIU.f. , 11 roll 1111 Bnw , NobrMka , . - - - - - - - - - - - - J. . . : A\'wusl1llomuiJCnr. : Auction Salcs ! DyerJ Saturday 1st Broken Bow , Nebraska. - DU , O. II. MULLENS , Physician Surgeol1 tlld IHilr"a , trow w.end 10 Ul'llIlly 11100'11 1'\\lll1oocc , Brd Wl'lI M R. rhnrah. on nrno IIltlt ot .lt81'1. nrUrolwn 110. . . . NchrllUa. - - - - DU. 1' . 1J. FAHNHWOltTJI , Df NTIST , . . . . . . . .omco /lOrtbw It cornur Uell1ty Ulock. # - - CITY UAHUElt snop , 11 , o. UUT'rON , I'roprlutor. l1Irll-ol" . . work. n"ar Room ot Jlu111cu Iklf Blllt ! ! Ullnk. Drokt ! 1I0w , Ntb/"kll. DUS , It O. & W. E. 'l'AIJHOr. PHYSIGIANS SURGEONS. OWOn o\'or nllch/ ! . , ' . lIrUIStore. / . Dtok"1 Uow , . - . Nrhrililta. J"J. . SNYDlCU. Attorney and Counsellor at Law , 1'cu910I1/1':1I1111 : 011 1dlllis of gO\'clluuent clnlm8 , ollila gencmllaw pl'llcllc . Of- flcc Dunk'of COllllUercc Imill1lng. Jlrokcu 1130NchlUJkl1 ! , . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dl . C. B. JOB , hn B DD m ] lUJ ID ; [ ) . Olllcu III Itenlly 1IIock. firlll flnlr" ' 11011\ " \11111. - DH.T. . II. COLll ! , V eteri na.'ian. Dlscusc:1 : of nil the lowcr au rnuls twal- cd. omcc at Lce Bros. drug storl : . 'Phonl : 203. Drokcn Bow , Nc,1) . - ROSS G. MOOI E , Attorney-at-Law. ltulIllIBlllto11,11110411 rokor. OIDcI n AI'vl.1I Dhlck , lIrokon How. NlJht"lka. , ; _ TIME TABLE nHOln N no w. N I . I.'colt. , ncnver. Unluhll. Ilelelll.l. CblcuUo , " "th . . .t. .Joweph. I'ortlund. l'UIIHa , . C1l : ! " , H.tlt I1. I e City. . HI. . 1..01lttt. A ull 'II l.olnt , . leiltU And All Point. 'lid . .oulh WCtl\ . No , ( 'I-V011Ibulu ' < < \ lIII"rll'l dnlly , Lincoln. Om' " b. , St , Joeo\l \ Ilan M OilY , tIt. Lonlw Obi OB II al\ll \ II 1'0111' 1\II l ADiI I'Olllb. . . , to 4 a.m. No 4 IIlnr _ only lit 'I IIY , ) fllvenun. ( lrllDIl 10' IlInd. Aurora , Ynrll. Huwlud. Nn , H dlll'IIUI ror Ihu I1Ut tll. . . . . ' . , . . . . 9i5 : II. m _ ' 0. U-Vt'lItlhnIOll oXIJr.r A 111111y , 1101111111 , Hoat- lIul IInllo , 1'nrl1111111 null nil l'I\r:1110 (10 ( nth ' " ' ' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 OS am No. 43 arrlvoH trom tI'lI ' IInst 6 , , . . . . . /1 :4C1 p. Blonplnr. . dh.ln ! ; 111111 r\cl\nln chllir CIIlIl ( soat. roe ) 011 through lmlll" . Tlcku& 10\11 \ find bai. , 111 O cbucir. 11 [ 0 "IIY vnlnt In tn Unl10d ! ! latOf nd Oanllf ! " . latOf/llAU/lII , mUIII , Umu lnbl" . anll tlckot .11 on or WIUII t'l U. L. Orlllllly. rrl'U1 , or L. . WakultJ1. ( J. " . A. . Omflhtl Nt'lhnntu. , H. / , } ) " , , , w II'nt. . 0- . _ _ _ a _ . _ . . . . . . . . - . _ _ : .IIIIJ ! ! ! ! iJ'J. ' ! ' ' 'T..J , ' : ; :4L" ' . : zsLB ' t ( g rl. . . . ' . . , i'H - ! / ; ( } ' tG { 1 H > HID CtH r : : Ttl LUNC - - . - - . . - - ' . . - . - . - _ . - - - - - - - - - - - ; WITH Itt Jl f'j 'S 1c ' " DBb 'U ew isc@ws J S Util PTI 014' ' PrlclJ Fen CON and 50c & 1 .00 OLOS Free Trill. - - - - - - - . . . . . . . _ - Sur t and o.UiCItCBt OUI'O for ! LU , 'gHROA'l. ' and LUNG TRC 1I/ . LEB , or MONEY BAOK. " . . . . . _ , . . , . .uI ! > , . , . . . . " . . . " ' " " " . &m .l. . _ ' r- WHEN YOU CAN DUY ON \ Easy Credit Terms P I A Wi 0 S Sl24.70UP. ORCAINS 510.00 UP. SEWn G fflt\OHIHES's . STOVES and RINGES ! $ . UOUSEiUUJJ FURHIT ( ; E ilt nlklnd(1 \ ( at 60 cents up. IRON and SIEEL SAFE : ; , TYPEVmlTERS and OFFIOn FUnUiTUnE From $0.2:1 : up. We Ue the ) nrgoet manufaoturor. OD t.rlh. ha\'o unllmltod 03111tal Bnd 'cll . . dIrect frlfn thu worklhop to the IIrebldo on JASV 1\10-ll1\LV : \ PA Vl\\ENT.5 to llllnnra lo OO lo In 1111 SHull or the " "rid. NQ olher IIInnutaclurur wmlet ) ' 1111 , , o the ood9 rOr fears whllo 110wl , purlult tor UlOID. Wrllilor InformllioD IDd frcc CllalOluo THE EPiCLEWOOD CO. eaoUda't'acloI. . . , 61,63 nandolph St. , Cblcago. 111. , U. So A. l