Newspaper Page Text
' . ; . , " . ' . . . , , , , . , . , . , , ' . . ' ' , . i . . ' ' II . , " . ' . . ' " : I ' ' " . . LEGIS LA TURE ' " \ of NEBRASIA I ; I - - - - - - - , { : " . . ' A Synopsis of Proceedings of the 'Twenty I Ninth Gen. . era I Session. - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SENA'rlln the sellalo on the 2nll , the following hllh Wl'l'O passoll : H. It. ' :10 , by Douglnss of llocl-A ; : bill to PCI" I mlt fraterual ol'lIers to IncorpOlato. , t . H , n. 5G , hy Du'UA bill 'colllC'lng , , I , . ' , ( : orlnln sectlolls or Iho Immrnnco I 1atut's I'olllllug to fIIlllg securities with the anllitor. lI. H. 17 , b ) ' CasJ' 1leer-A hili to authorlzo the use of " 1ho SIatu1nlvers1t ) ' cnsh fund for the , genernl uses of the \1111\'ersll. ) ' . II. H. 'lIi , hy Knox-A hili nntho\'lzlng the ] ' 01'11 Normnl 10 IJIIhrnr \ ) ' hoolts with luutrlculntlon fNS , H. H. 27 , which ex. < ( 'mpls cemeteries oWllcll hy prl\'nt\1 1)rtles ) frolll taxlltlon. wns recom. mendell for IH\SSIl O. If , It. 1'I0-1'ho 11111 provides that Inherltnnco Inx. now lmld Into the stlllo t reum : 1' ) ' shnll ho , t } mlll 10 the l'ollntles In which lIIono ) ' , * , , ' is collectoll 111111 usell In the 11II11I'ovo' ment 0. the IltIhllc hiJ.hwlI'S , Hocom. 'lnmulell for II\Hmge. ! : ' 1'he sOllnlo Inlle- lInltel ) ' 1I0stllOne,1 'l'u'I\Or's blll for a joint resolution calling for a constl. 1ullonul convolltlon. 'rh'oto WIIS ' 2 . 10 9 , S , Ii' . 1l18-l'rovlllllll ; fOl' the so' ] ocllon of " ' ! 'nnll allli IleUt jUl'Ors. was 'ordercli IIresolllell fothll'll realilng , ] I , H , GI-1'Q Ilrovlelo an IIPllI'olJrla , 1lon for the hnrlnl of Inlllgont soilllOl'S , was rOC'O\111H'llIlell 1'01' IlfiHsagn. "ho ( mate ( 'OnCIII'I'OII In the nctlon of the . ' , 11On80 In ItiltIlI the emol'genc ) ' danse ' 011 S , p , 8 , the ( 'onllly en lIleel' hill. IInrl also 011 Iho hOIlRe IItnl'llIhnonts to .B. j. ' , G , the jll\'l'nllo court bll1 , 1I0U.s1'h < ' ' ' " hllh. ; wore IInsseli In - 1he hOllso on tlH' : ! tl : Allihorbdn ! ; the Rlato BoaI'll . of I'lIhlle 1.alllls anti ] lnlldln,1-\ Hl'lI II fH ! < 'tlon of school 3antI to Dnnl1 r" , Iohn80n now oe. - < : 'lIpled hy hi 111 , 'I'ho jllv'lIl1e ( , Olll't bill , plll'Oprlatlng ! .OOO for I'ehllllllln 1 ho oltl whlJ of l1w NOl'folk Inl'allo IlHylnm , A - fll'olll'latln $ :12,000 : fOI' a fireprooC IIhral'r hnlllllng at the Peril Normal srhool anti a heatlllg npl'ara. 1m ; , : : 'ewel' nntI st'am tlmnel connections - tions , Glvlnl the right of omlnent do , t' , main to ele1 I'll' allli Intel'lI\'hall \ mil , way cortpan los , ' 1'0 ) lI'otel'l \'I\lle I anll , ( 'IUnmel'l'e lIC'alllHI ; IIl1lawflll r'stralnts find mOnOjH lips filill to IlI'ohl'llt the Riving I' , . J'I'I'I'I\'llIg of rohates on the t\'l\nsllorta tloll oC IlroII01't" . " 0 pl'O- 1\longollan pl\l'asantH \ , ] ngllsh and Bel. gian partl'hges. ] English hlack coclts or any othel' ImllOrtell hh'l1. To Ilermlt owners of ( oatrncts Cor lease oC edu- ( 'alional lanlS ] to pel'Cect their tItles IIIlIler the law In 1'000ce IJrlor to 1870 , , ' 1'0 gl\'e warehollses a lion on goodfl leCt with them. Anthorlzlng appeals IIlhlt shooting of I ngllsh. China 01' , , from count ) ' lovll's to the 11Islrlct Y I conrt and omergClI ( , ) ' clanse. To pe\- J : 0 mit dralnago hy tlloll 01' open ditch into nr.tlonnl water COIII'SeS , Changing ' ' the 'o'rrerlng or giving of a bribe in jury cases fl'OlII a 1nlsdemeanor to a felony. A reclllled antl-poller and lot. tery bllt. salll to he directed ngalnst tOlllt clubs at1l1 emergenc ) ' clause. . . SENA TE-In the ( 'ommlttoo of the whole on the ril Cady or Howard f1Icceeded In havln rerommende for passage S , Ii' . lHi ! , Ill'Oposlng n. ( ' 011- stllutlonal amendment for the election J of a railroad commission of three \ \ members to be Imld a salary oC $3,0'00 a year each. 'fhe committee recommended - mended these blllfl COl' passago. Includ. ing Cady's const\lutlonal \ amendment provldlllg for a railroad commissIon : S , 1 < ' . 180-Maltlng State Historical so. dety custodian of records Iylllg dormant - mant ( or twenty ) 'ears , S. p , 1G5-Tho . vot'rlnl\l'y surgeon bill , 'fheso bllts were read a third time and pa : > sed : 11 , n , 27-Authorlzlng cemetery I1SS0' ( 'lations to buy land and exempting the same from taxation. lI , H. 90- } 'rovltllng the Inherltanco tax shall bo Il1\ld Into the counties wl1'ro the tax was collected , Instead of being tumed into the state treasu\'y as at preslnt. ' 1'ho money Is to bo used fOl' the 1m. e , Jlrovcment of roads. n. n. G1-AIIIrO- ] Irlatlng mOlW ) ' for the hurlal of 11111- [ ; gent soldlerfl. The sennto voted to re- ( 'onslder Its nctlon on II. n. 175 , which It had Irevlously Indefinitely post. : ] Ioned. This hili provides that twent ) ' i people can organlzo a county agricultural - tural assoC'latlon , hold 11. fall' and so- ( 'uro an pproprlatlon of 3 cents for I . ( ! Inhahltnnt. It I1pplles to counties of over 40,000 allli will bo a grent thing for the present DOllglas Coullty Agricultural I < 'alr as mclntlon and nny ether assoclntlon which exhibits a few I I I 111lmpltlns or such IItto and calls the ( ) ( ( 'aslon a fall' . II. n , 137 , to allow l I townships In counties under township urganlzatlon to vote a le\'y of 10 mills for road Imrlloses was recommenlled , . for pnssage , S , I. ' . 137 , an amendment to the antHrust law allowing IIl1l1vld , \\als \ to hrlng suit In their own nam08 , when aggrloved , Instead of the nttor- IH1Y elleral or county nttorney bringing - ing the suit. was recommended for ] Ilssngc ( , S , I' " 87 , provlltlng for 111\ ) " ! \lent of costs In mlsdomennor cases , was l'ecomml'nlll'll for Ilfissag-e. , lIOUSF 1'he fOllowing hilts were ) ' ] H1ssI'(1 ( on the 31'11 : H , n. 2,10. h ' the Lun'astor dee ! atlcm nne ! Leo anti Fostl'r of Douglafl , to prohibit the "orlental r.ntl muscular 111nI'0" ItII'wn n < ; hoocheo-Iworhoe : vole G2 to 30 'H , . It , 101 , hy 1.00 oC DOIIla : ; ! ' ! . to IJI'o\'ent the sale or donation or opillm , ( 'o'alno ! lr morll1llne ex'opt on a physl"nn's prl'sl'rlplinn , I rnl'l'I ellr ) ' ( 'II1I1S0 , H , H , li7 , hy nar ess of Lancast r , to Pl'o. viele COl' till' Cnnlllng f the'out.tanll. . ( . . > , In dlOol Itlstrl < 'l hOtHls. rate of In. tNCQt not to oxrl' ,1 , r. 11(11' ( ' ( 'lit. H , H , : ? 1. hy hlx'lIof Dou2'hs , 10 re"IIIIJtl' } Iaby larmR ntHI providE' a liCl'U80 - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ 0--- morgenc ) ' . S. F GG , b ) ' JOlles or ! Uloo exellliltlu hO\lllllar ) ' Sh'l'atlHl from gal1le 1\1111 fish Inws lIul1Il'rmlls \ I selulng In the : \lIssourl rl\'er. Emor- gOIll' ' ClallB < ' . S. To' , 62 , hh1serv of I nlxou , I'egulallil the 111 III 11I810u to praclll'l1 of attol'ue'snllu\\ . n. ] fiG , I hy Ml'tulleu o ( GnglIlI'ovllllug for the ( 'I' lInlzalloll , gO\'l'I'umellt and ( 'omlll'usntlou of the RtlltO m 111 tin . lu. I Cn'IISN ! adjutant geueral's ! ; aln\ ' ) ' 10 I $1,800 a ) 'Cllr : Cuarterl11aslm' gl'IH'rtI's to $ tOOO : gh'l'S l'a'h arl1101' ) ' $2GO lu. I stead of $100 n 'l'ar I'enllli. allO\v ! : ! the 11I\l'n \ 2ri contE ! for ench dl'lll , requt'lng ! I thl'lII to 111'111 nt Il'ast twice month IInti hl'lngE ! the la\\ ' Into conorl11nnco with Iho DIe ! , law , I mergenc ) ' cltlllRe , S. io' . 1'1 , hy Thomus of DouglaEl , ex. olllpting fron' I'l11hezzlPlllent nn I1l1ot" np ) ' I' ' " ( ' 01l6ctOl' who IIIIIY rel\ln : \ Ihe l\lnOllut oC hlH fee or commission on a collection , S. P. ,111 , h ) ' Shrecl , of Yorl" rCliull'tl ! railroads to gl\'o ouo rO\llHI trip IIHJH : 10 a shipper or ono ( 'ar of hot'ses or ( 'n tth ! . two CII rH of hogs or mixed sloe ] " At 1 : :10 : , whou the Itouse convl'ned aftl'r nOOn recnss , It wonl. Into COllll11ltt'e of the whole , with .Tllelson oCl1teopo ] In the chair , S. F. 1 , h ) ' 'l'homas oC Dollgh\s , came III ) . It Is the hili pI'ovllllng- \ ' Iwo shIfts oC t weh'l' ; IO\ll'S each fo\ ' the firemeu , Carlco ] of DOII 1u : ; offerell an amelHlm'ut 10 ha\'e th ( ' hili tlll\O effocl only when rallOI'(1 ( ( It the lJOlIs h ' 1\ \ I1IlIjOl'It ) ' oC thl''otl'l'S oC Omllha aCtel' It hnll heeu suhl11lttell II ) ' a volltlou of 20 1HJ ! ' cent oC thp'otOl'S , 1'ho mnenllllllJnl. . was allollt'll hr 40 to 41. I Aft CI' ( 'ousillorahc ] 11Iscllsslon , McClay of LallraHtel' IIHI\'l'11 to rlcommonll ! tlto hili for IHlssago liS aml'llIlel1. Hnmes salll It might as wol1 be 1lIIed , slm'e the ( 'It Izdu ! : ! of Omahn hllll no volro In these matto\'s , liS the gO\'I'I'- 1101' appolntell the BO\I'I : of Fire and 1'1111 < ' 0 Comml8slonI'H , which COil troll. l'(1 ( tlto nlTalt's of lhe O\'ol11eu , Clul'l\O 11Ispntell tlth : ; : J\lcCln"s motion pre. \'allcII. and the hOllso adjourned.unlIl \lollda ) ' . SENA 1'Wlth the Douglas COlin , ty senatorial delegation dlvldell and at sea the hilt of SOllator Saunders to dl'slgl1ato all official papol' In Omaha wa8 o\'erwlwlmlnglY deCeateli In the senate on the Gth , On the motion , of Sellator 1\lesol'vo a sifting com- mltteo was appoluted to renovate the geno'al file of the senate. 'rho cOl11mlttee wilt not beg-In stlrmlsh. ] Ing IIntll dll'ected by the members , The following were appointed : Senators - i i ators 'I'holllas , La\'ol't ) ' , .Tnclson , Ep- lIerson , Wall , NeIlson atHl Beghtol. I Senator Sheldon mo\'ed thnt a com- , mltteo bo appointed to confer with the hOllse and have house rolls Iassed In that hod ) ' whllo the sen. ate was Indusl1'lously grl ldln out s nate bills , This would fnclltato legislation and prevent a tnng-Io nnd a snarl In uio lallel' dnrs of the ses. sian. The motion WIIS adopted. The committee on rules will conduct Iho negotiations and malw 11. roport. Son- ale f11e No , 167. by Gooll , was recom- nlcnded for Ilfis8age. The bill reen- ncts the dralnago law nnd Is designed to remedy the deCects oC the net re- cent1) ' declnred unconstitutIonal by the SUIH'eme court. HOUSg-A largo number of com. milleo reports came In on the Gth nnd over ono a contest yoto wns talwn , 'fhls was II. n. 182 , by Fish. bncle : of Clay , to enahlo Inllependont telelhono lines to enter Omaha and other cities o\'er the lines of the Nebraslm Telephone company. The committee on olephoncs nncI telegraph - graph had recommended the bllt for Indefinlto lJOstponement. Flshhaclt mo\'ecI to nonconcur In the report and ho , Wllulham of Cnss , Bartoo of Valley , McClay of Lancaster nnd Hoaro of Platte spolto for the motion to allow the bill to go on general f11o , The motIon was carried. Plshhack In his rernarlts said the bill was nn Indopenllent telephone meaSIl1'O , the ' committee of those leglslatl\'o con- cerns having offered certain amend. ments to bring the bill moro to their lilting , and these amCllllments , Fish- hack said , 'he would lII'go. II. n. 2 5 , the commltteo brldgo bllt , came lip for consideration and about every other section was nmended to th satisfactIon of the commltteo , Jahnel of. Washington , chairman of the roads nnd bridges cOl mlttee , mo\'ed that the bllt bo recommend ell Cor passage. Horton of Keyn Paha moved as a substItllto to report progross. Horton's motion to report progress was lost. Jahnol's moton ! to recommend the bill Cor IIllssago wns carried. At 4 : 40 P. m. the house ' 'I adjourned. S NA'fF 1'he sonalo on the 7th spent the entlro 1110rnln In lIasslng these bllts : S , I ' . gG--Allowln ( 'am. 1)lalnl' ! agaln t ollenlng of roalls to be f11ell In IlIstrl't court 11I111 glvln1 ; that court orlgnal ! jurisdiction , S , J ' . 97- Fixing the term when milt sites IIlmll rl'\'ert 10 original O\\'nlJl' , S , 122 - 1\lIowlng the laying of sldewallts In vllla < : os without rl'-nrtl ! ( to grade'J , S , Ii' , 70-Allowlng rllIe or the sp'ond ehss 10 0II nt. . I opprnte el'l'trl ( ' light plants. S , P-J ' allzlngIlstcoplthy ancl lJ'est'rlhln examination of these who IntClIII to 11ra'lIce bllCh a proCe - Ion , S , I ' , ISO-To malw state his. tOI'I"ol sorletrlstollilln oC IJllh1le I'I'C. o\q \ or a h'"toI',1 ! n"t'lfl' , S. I ' , 1'18- i I Pro\'ldlng for thO s'1I'C'lIor. of Ill'\lu'l I , p , . . , . t - - - and 11l'tIt juror" , , p , I GI'i-'ro l'Slnt1' lI1h U IItllh' honrll \'l'IOI'lnl\l' ) ' mecll. dnl' , S , p , J3j-\lnlllI ; ; : IL IAWCul to FlI'I'\'O ( \ 811mlllonil on uur ngl'nt of 1\ fOl'l'h n ( 'ol'plJl'nllun cloln hllslt1l'I's In Ihl > statl' , ancl maltlllg thl' SlIlIlInons hltllllng un thu l'ol'lOI'atlon , II. 1l. " " - An ) ' Ill'rROn who NIIIIII Ill'IHlSll l'I'C\lRO \ In 1\n ) ' tlrnlulI l' IHlch shllll ho IIl1hlo for tlum1\gl' ! ' . ) ( n , \ OSInltln ( ; fire eSl'alll ! lawlf nllllllcahlo to threo.stor ) ' bnlhllngs. 1I0USIln thl' house on the 71h , H. n. : ! 3. h ' 1'11\1"1' \ of Otoe , } 1l'Ohlblt. Ing Ralooll within ,100 feet o ( 1Inlb. . lie s'hool , WII\I 1'l'I'OIllIl1C1l1lell for 11I\s , ! m o. Ll'l' IIC DOIICllls ohjl > elell to the bill h < 'CIIIISl1 It 11111 lIot Inclt\llo \ nil Rchool sn'III the stnh''nll II'Itnl' ! ! . ) \\'nll II ! ; \ I ' IlIlel'oRtnl1 III the lIIornls oC 11rl\'llto srhool cltllllrl'lI 1111 those oC IlIIhllo sehools , 001'101' lIrIH'r Rllh III It totl a hilt 10 Ihl' hOllse 10 tml\lIfel' $800 fl'om Iho ( 'Iothllll.t 10 th ( ' 1'1'111\11' f\\llli \ nt the Gl'IW\1I ll'Is' school. 'rho hili { Iolnts enl thllt l'l'llIIlrs 111' ( ' rentlr lIecclnll I\nll whll ( ' thol'l ! Is $1,77 , nS In 11'Iolhlll \ fllII \ I , Iho r' : (111111 Is I'xhnmtpI ! ) . 'I'ho ! : II\1'I\111' Fnys the BOil I'll of Pllhlll' 1.111\11'1 \ 111111 11111111111/s / Itgl'el'S with hllll In thlll limper , 'rho hOIlHO paolRl'l1 ! S. I , ' . ml , h ) ' .101ll'1I of Otoo 10 111'(1\1111' flw allllulIl eOl'l'l.'lIon h ) ' ( ' ( ) \tnl ) ' hoa\I \ ( < of o\'hlellt nllil ross Cl'I'orR III IIII' vllillation IIf 1'1'111 prop. erl ' . 'I'ho 1)'sl'lIl ( Inw l1IalI'H thlR once In fOlll' 'l'IrR , II , H , Hil. hr E\'nl'st of ,10hlllmll. IImltlllg Ih < , nllmher oC fla. loons In tOWIIH of 1.000 m' less to thr'u , 111111 III 0 I'll th : ! 1 1,000 to fOllr , \\'IIf ! . IlOstllonell on ro'om' monl1ntloll oC Ihe clllllmltlce , H. H. ! I , hVnI'll Cl' of LUllcnslor , o ( l'lIlllel1 lIIuch lIm ( ' , It provlelel1 o\'lglnnlly nn alllll'olll'la tloll of $100,000 for 11. mlhox , Ill'rllllentlll slotloll at North Plntte I\ml the 11II1'l'hllsO of lallel fot. the UIII\'I.'I'- RII ) ' . As the hili 11 lei 1I0t slale what lrtIon ) of thlR SllIn might go 10 euch 11\lI'IOSO ) the bill WIIS al1lellllel1Ipro. . } JI'laling $18.000 fm' the IJ\ll'ehnse of 1\1111 : 1IIIj'\l'CIII to Ihe UII\'erfllt ! ) ' ( ,1\lIIIIIIS , $ : ! OOOO fa I' the sllhstatloll. $ II , OOO tor IIhl'ary IIIII'POSCS nnd $7,600 for ' ' ' ' ' the totul IlOultl' ) l'UIlIll'l" ( 11111111 ; to $82I OO , In thlH cOI\l1Illon \ the lIIell8- 11\0 \ was I'ecollllllenlioll fOl' passllge , SENNI'g-Thc Collowlllg hills wel'o lJaSl'll III the SC'I1 tO on the 8th : SOli , ntl' 1110 22t , a hili IImltlllg the nUlllher oC pl'oxles of hlllhtlllg nlld loall Rlocle : 10 the aclual lIumbel' oC shllrl1 helll hy the nwmh'l' who wlshell to vote thl'm , Spnate f11e No , lJG ! , c'"l'nling n slatc' rnllwu ) ' 1'011I mission Sl'lIato 1110 . No , lii7 , a I1ralllage hili , House 1'011 ' No , 172 , II'ansfc1'I'1IIg $20,000 from Ihe ; Norfolk to the IInstings asylum , Scn- . . ate file Ko. 3:1 : , hr Sellalor Gl'lIl1n , n. hili to provllie foa prosecuting at. . I . lorneS'ystom In the stnlo. was 1l1Ie(1 ( In the ( 'ommlttee of the whole of the sennto h ) ' a l1ecls\-o ! majol'lt ) ' , Sell' ate 1110 Ko , 1GO , a compallion hili , WIIS also slaughterel1. The slate 11rlson commit Ice l'ellOl'lell that the 1101111,11' tlnl' ) ' wns ill excellollt cOlldltloll. the 11amage 110lle h ) ' the fire ha\'llIg heen I rc > nall'eJ ! anll the alhnlnlslrntlon of \Vnrl1en A. D , Beemel' was mo1. ! ' ex- cellent. The WUl'I1en was cOlllplllllcnt- 011 011 l11H manlier of conc1uctlnl ; the InstItutloll , Senate 11Ie No , 17. hy SPII- ator Glhson. WIIS IlIll00nltel ) ' post , Il0nel1 on the report of the stamlln rOl1lmlttee , It 1'1'0\'lIled Cor the career or depellllelli. chlll1l'ell. HOUSE-In the house On the 81h the fot1owlnft hills wore r'nll for the thlrll time anll pnsserI , House roll No , 188 , h- Douglas , I.'lImlnatIllg the coun- . clot'k and cOllnt ' ' I.y ) assessOl's ns m,111bel's oC the coullty boaI'll of oquntl- : mtlon. HOllso roll ! \o , 211 , br Andersen - son , to protect lahels nnd tratlemllrlt ! ! of union ] ahor or nlllzl\tlons. HOllso 1'011 No , 220 , hr Pl\rl\Or , 10 prohibit tlto gl'allllnghy cOllnt ) ' hoal'lls of Hconsos to sell IIl1uors within 400 feet of cOlin try school houses , 'fho rallrO\l1 : rommltteo rOII l'tell to the ! ; eneml me , with favorahle recommendation - tion , house 1'011 No , 282 , by Hili. requiring - quiring the rllnnlng of at least 0110 train dally on o\'er ' Hne of railroad and fixing a mlllimum speed of twelltr mlles IIn hOllr fOl' IlI\sllengor tmlnH , ton miles for fl'elght trains IInti twel\'o miles for mlxetl tmlns , At 2 o'cloclt Dodge moved that the hOllso goo Into rommlttee of the whole to ronsilier hOllso 1'011 Ko , 207 and other hills Oil the g''Ilernl mo , House 1'011 No , provides for the suhmlsslon of 11. ( 'on. stltullollal I1mondment fOl' the C'roatlon of an elecl1'lc railway rommlsslon of three membel's , which l'ommlsslon shal1 hl\vo tlt ( ' 11O\\'er to estnbllHh , modify and enCorco reasonl\hlo freight rates and ' IlIscl'lmlnations pre\'ent and ! nhuses , Mr , Dodge spolw fOl'clhly In sUIJIlOrt of his motion , ( 'ailing attontlon to the Irnportanco of the bill IInti the Inteness of the session and nrtulng thnt unles ! ; Ihe hili ho consiliered at once It would hn\"o hut tlllie chance of passag-o , Porter ohjected 10 the ntl- vancoment of the bill " ' 0\01' the rate bill , and Peahody of Nomaha mo\'ed that the hili ho lIot ronslllol'ed at this time , whlrh motion provallo by a rls , Ing vote of 34 to 1 G , Seriousness of Bridge Whist. ' ! 'ho oor stooll OllOn ns 1 passed nnll therein I hohelll silent groUIl' ! ot' women slltlllg a"ollnll tllhle' ! , their hnnd' ! hoforo their fn'I'S , tholr eres rlvlted Ulmn a rheaf of ( 'III'II ! ' ! which the ) ' s'lt'mell ahout to do'ou"Whnt \ Is thIR ? " I n'1I\OI1. "WI'r this n"llI\lIInl ; Rllon'o nnll Intense deml'lI'1or ? " "Oh , that Is n hrlrl o whlAt I' ! II h , " WI1S tlto I'OSpc.llse , "It's a mnttor oC IIfo or dlJ'\th with 1111 the ' ' " . \ Illn 'CI's-gx. change , Lanca"'hlre , I ng'ntHl. 3 the next rll.'hN1l ( , oulIl ) ' to 1.0nllol1 , 1IR \ rntrd .c ? I./OOOOi ) . IIgalnst London's .c.13. . = i'IQ OuO , , , > f . I . RUSSIAN OEFEAT REPORT THAT LOOKS BAD FOR CZAR'S FORCeS , GEtlTER OF LINE IS BROKEN Russians Said to Be Retrr"tlng-Thelr Position , After Furious aud Unpre. cedl'nted Fighting Is Desperate , But Not Absolutely Hopeless. ST. ' ' ' ' ' ' I'rl. . l'g'I'lmSBUHG--A ) { fie rt'llort Is ( ' [ I'l'lIlnting I l'XI'l'l'llIn IY \\1'11 InCorllwd (111\1't'l'1\ : IIl1lt thl' Ihl ' hafl gnn'l hlllll ) ' w\l \ h ( JI'IIt'I'al 1\011\1) . pnl1dll , thnl thl' HlHlHlnn ( 'I'nlol' Iii hl'olten 111111 Ihllt Ihll'tl'ell hl'lI\'Y sll' e gUIIr ! ha\'o hl'I'1I ( 'lIl1t\ll'PII h ' the .11111' IIU'Sl' , If thlH IR II'\H' \ . It I IIO\ntell \ out here. I1Il' bllttlo Is 10RI. 1.0NDON-Thl' lJall ) ' 1'l'II' rallh'H l'OI'rl'SpOllllelll. . nt 'I'oldo ! lnrH : Hl'llmln 1\1'0 l'lI rrl'lI t h l' I'l' tlml the Hils H I 11.1111 111'0 III rotrl'al III1IIIU'pmrlllg ] to dl'lII'o ! ) ' the ranwlI ' north of 1\IIIIHIl'n. GOllerll1nllrollntJdll Iii ! : mld 10 hn\'o gone 10 I"lIlIhllll IIftl1holtlhlJ ; a ( ' 011\1- \ l'lI of WIll' with Ion Ofih'l'I'fI. HI" left rongunl'll \ , ( 'olllI\lllnJ ; of : ! OIJOO 111 < : Iwd t 1'00 II ! ! , I l'etll'lnJ ; , Chinese l'l'llnl'l that l\11I1lll'lI hils hl'l'n cOIIIl'lell'lr l'\'IIl'II' utejl und Ihllt Its \'I'at \ mngllzlll'n ! were sel. . on lire h ) ' .111IHIlIt'AO nrlllll'ry , ST. PEl'InSBtTHO-'I'hlll ; Ihu 11111- l1e oflIllull'n : will go down III hlslOl' ) ' with Lillo YnIn \ ) Ihl' lon list or Hussilln defolltH Ig thu ulmoHt 11111\1'1" Ral lIellef In Ill'flHlmlHt 1 ( ' S ! . l'l'tnrH. hllrg. whll'll ha for otll'n Iho)1l'II \ \ ) - In of Iho wOl'11 'v I 1'1111' ) ' , 'I'ho wnl' ollko doe ! : ! lIIit IIlhnl I. I hnl I hI ! IHHIINI or thl' great IInllll' . which IIlrl'l\lly ox'eellR In tnllgnlltule of ollCrallonH IInll IOAs ( , I hn t of Shn Idle. has hel'l\ Ile'llll'll. although It If ! IloHllln'lr 1'11111 III high CIIII1'IIrH thut I\olll'olllll\\n \ ; : \ hUR lele l'alllll'd to l ntIH\'OI' \ NI < 'IlOllIs thllt It. wilt 110 1lIIlllJHlhlo ! 10 holel 1\llIlull'lI allil that Iho wlllul\'Uwal \ of Ihl' lI\'m \ ) ' nOl'thwlII'l1 has III\'elllly hel'lI lleg-lIl1. Nothing fl'OIl1 Gl'IIOI'I\I 1\:00l1'opnl1,11I : latl'r I1lnu : 'IrniHhl ) ' hlln hl''n gl\'ell ollt , IIl1t advll's 10 St , l'olorRhlll'J ; nOWR. papers a\)11 \ IlIsplltehmr to the ASRo , cllllell PI'OSR lit 8 o''lor ! , Illst night Indlcato thnt Ihe )1C1slllol\ ) the HUH' sian nrlllY afll'r n Iiny oC flll , ! ells 111111 IInprl'cell'ntell Oghllllg Is dOHIJerato. bllt not ahsollltel ' hopull'HH , some n1l ! - sinn cOI'l'mlOIuII'IIIH } 11I''llIl'l III a Hllsslall "Idol'y HOIII ! , unll om' 1111I1'11\ \ ' IlIg that the PXI\'IIIH \ ! ,1lJlfilleSe ; Il'ft hllR ull'coI\lI ) ' 11011111 to l'l'IIt'o HoulhwlIl'll. B\'I'I''thlng )1I'Ohllhl ) ) ' now , lelH'luh GI'I101'al ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' , all 1\:01l1'01Hll.liill'1 : I'COt l'I'\'l'S Whllo the Japallese hlll'lell thl'm. Rel\'es fo\'wllI'I1 at ' ' ' . \ \ e\'l'I'r llOllIt yonler. day , thelt' maIn cllel'gles WI'I'O hehlnd the II10w weRt fiIlIl gOlllhwCRt. . In nil IIttemllt to on\'elop the HIUsllIlI right and d\'lvo II wOllge thl'oll h I ho 11110 at l\radzyqJII , hilt Gl'lIomlollroplll - 1 < 111 seems to have heen uhll' 1i1ll'l'eHS' I'nlly to challgc frolll 011 Ihe 11110 of his I > hallI'oll I'I hl , ullglllll fl'OIll lIorth. west to HOlltheast , to IlI'otrC'l the \'aI- \ ! road torlliulell ; ; 11I111 lit IIlghtfall It wns rllI01'led hI ! was 1II'IIctll'IIl1y holll , Ing nil his } lOSltlolls , At the I'anl ) tlmo ho was llrawlllg III 111111 shortoll' . IlIg his Ihlto the RCIIltlwUflt. - - - - - - - - - PLAN TO SEAT ALVA ADAMS : wentyTwo Republicans Combine With Democrats to End Contest. DENVI lt-A 1111111 fOI' ftlHpoRIIIJ ; of tlte cOlltost 00th \ < , JOVIH'II01'flhhl 111111 relnlnlll Allums III the l'hal ' WIIR nil- nOllnced " 'elll\'Hdllr IIlghl. h ) ' the Allams SIIPIIOl'tOl'H , It Is to he hrollght IIltoUt hy the alII of 01'1'111111 rllIl1hll- ( 'an , tlloughl they will not ho 1'1'- ClIlrell } to'Otl' 1llt'e'lly to Hl'at AdllJIIH , Al'corc1lng to the ( 'IIIIIIIH of the AllalllH 111.01110 tlll'Y ha\'o sl'l'lI\'d \ I ho Hh IIII' Illros of Iwellly-two 1''llIIhllclin nll'lII- hct's of the legll'llItlll'lJ to an IIgl'pe- mon t to'oto Ilown 1111 I hreo l'epol'lli In the ( , Ollteflt ( 'olllmll ( > l' , With Iho 1I1elllhors who It , In rlporlell will act with the l'elHlhll'III1S ahovo IIIl'lItlolled the I''sllit will hn , II. I1Il1jOI'- Ity of 1'01\1' . By elOfOlltlll 1111 thl'el ! 1'0- FortH the offel't will he to allow AllalllR to I''talll' hlH HOU ! . 011 the other hllllll , the PCllholly ) I'elluhllc'alls ( ' ] 111111 that. they Il11v ( > fOI'IY'lIlx plollgell to Rtllnd togl'llIer fol' "Imhlllly nCHI that this Illell e Willi III a Ih ! lit hlHt night's callrllH , A stl'OI'III ! { ( 'OUlllllttC' ( ' was namell allli InHtrlll'tl'l1 to IIHIJ ( ) VOl' ' of. fot't 10 ItcOl1 hl'fol'o the joint 118801llhl ) ' the Alexanll'I' I'l'POI'1. III favor oC sellt. IlIg Llelltellllllt 00\01'1101' 1\1 I'Do II IIIcI IIndl nOl'lng UI ( ' I'IIIIIIIA of hoth AelamH anll PeahollY , . : r1H'Y hOllo III lilts WII ) ' to o\'ontllllily will IIwny l'nough of the -\onalll ; [ men to gh'o a maJorll ) ' Co I' PeabodY. Officer's Wife Suicides , O'lIAHA-'I1 : : rH. Louis B , Chandler , whose hllllhallli Is a 1I0utpllanl III the Twenty.firth VIlItI'II StlltOR Infllllll' ) ' , ( ' at FOl't Nlohl'u'a ! , Noh" ! 'Om , mllted fllIl < 'ielo at the Pllxtoll lIotel hy Bhoolln hlrfll'1f thl'ougll the hrl'ast. She hllll aslwll 'l1l1l11l1l'rl11l1l11 to 111'0- Il\ro ! IL hath for hel' . whl'h the malll was donwhol1 ! / flho hl'lI\'eI \ a shot I1l'el1. She foul111 l\lrll , Challlller 1)tIJ. ! ; on the floor of her room with 11. Illstol III her hllllli alld a hullet III Ill'r hreast. She Illeel uu 1I0llr later at Clal'tHolI ! hOHllltal. Children All Deserted Her. SIDNI Y , la-Tllo stm' ) ' of : 'III's , Lightfoot. who IIII'll nt the ( , Oll\lt \ ' 11001' flll'm two mlieR sOllth or SllhlO ) ' , Is ono of 1ll11lllual f'nllllmrs. She was tlto moUll'r oC Ho\mteen I'IllIdron , hut none 1'e81101l111'Il 10 her lllcalllll H fUl' tholr prOAellro In hI ! ! ' dyfnghours. . III. thollgh she hlld Homo 1I\'llIg wlthlll 11. dozen miles of hlr , She wns the wlfo of nn alii solllIel' . nnll aslwc1 the 0 , A , n , to gl\'o hur Il\1rlnl \ , hilt they turned n II'af eaCo he ! ' rl'qu st. No rolntl'o'Nlt IW ! t Iwr when she waH d'llIg alld none aUendod the tUlleral. I LABOR OF SENATE. - . SelMte Protnptly Convenes In Specl..1 Session , WASlIlN01'ON-'I'ho 1I11(1clal IIOS' slon ( If the Rellllll' wnH OIIlHllII .Mori. illlY hy 1\\l1 ( alllllrulMo Cor Vice Pres I. dl'nt 1'alrlmnliR whl'n ho nppenrOl1 h\ thl1 I'ltllmhOl' In III'Oflllil' , 111' nl OIlCO rnlllll'll LIlli 1111111' III 111'I111' 11I111 I ) ray' 01' wall ulTl'l'l'll h ) ' Chnillaill Hall' . 'rho 11l'unatcIl'Hl'lh' ! ! of Wash. 1111-\1011 \ , Bllllwh' ) ' of CIIUnl'elll'III , Pllnt IIf CalICoi'll III , Nlxlln oC NO\'I\IIII , Bill" Iwtt ofehl'lflliII : , Harlll'r of Mary- Inllll , Cllrll'r of I\tllllllllla , SIIthorhu1I1 of Utl\h nUll lIellll'IIWI\ ( IIl1l1nlln- \\'CI'O wl\1'lIIly gl'l'C ! eel lIy tlll'h' col. haglll'H , III I'ORIIOlIsn III II 1'l1lmlulloll : 'lit. . AI. 111-1011 nllli It' . (10\1111\11 \ Wl'I'O nOIllI. nntl'll liS a Cllllllnitteo III notly the IlI'eHhlent thlll t1\l1 \ lIellatl WI\S Itl S)8' ) IIlon 1\1\11 \ 1'I.'I\IIy 10 l'lcl'l\'o ! I\lIy COlli' lIIunlcatioll hn 1\1\11 \ 10 OlTl'I' . A 1'0l'l'HH waH tlll'n lall'lI IIlItll I II. 111. At the l'xlllmJol1 ! of the l'l'cess two mUflSa l'I'l'I'l ! rCl l'I\1.11 ( rom lho Ilrefllll'nt ! allli Iho flonnln at ouco \\'l'nt Inlo I'Xl'IHltI\'O Hl'HHlon. Onn of I hem I'pCl'rn'll 10 the Dom. Inlcall tl'l'III ) ' alHI the nlher was 1\ IIHl oC'lIollllnntlollll. . It InchllllJ ! ! the IIl1nWIhl'I'ploflll'l' . anllllllllclHI all am. haSlntlOl'H 111111 Sl'llIItor ' Codrell as IlItnl' tatl'IIlmllll'I''l' ! l r.mmIIlHloner. 'I'lto cahlnct nomlnlltlons ColIl\\ ' : l\mnlwl'H ! nf till ! Cllhllll't-.lohll ' Ifn1 the nlllirict o ( Cohllllhla , HCCl'l.- tnrrll'Htate ! : l.l'Hlio1. : . Shnw nt Iowa. flo ( l'elnry of tlio t rl'nRllr ) ' : WH- 111111I II. 'I'aft oC Ohio , /llcI'otary / ! nt wa\ ' ; \\'lIl1a1l1 H. 1\11111(1) ' of I\I1\S9l\- 1'I111HottH. lIt1m'IIl' ) ' gl'IIl'I'1I1 i (1(1ol'go n. COl'tel'oll lIfew YIII't ] , posttnnHler gPIIl'I'nl : PUIII1 ' ; III't 011 oC IlIIno ! : ! , SCl'\'l'tal' \ ) ' of till' 1111 \ ' ) ' : 1' tllI\lI A. tlltchc eel , oC I\IIf1HOIll'I , Hl'CI'etarr ot the latel'lor : ' . .Ialllefl'lIl1on of lawn , : HeCl'otnl' ' oC n I'ItJIIltlll'n'Iclol' : II. I\Il'tcaiC \ of Cnllfol'lIla , Hccl'olar ) ' at I OIllIllJ\'Cl' \ nnll Inhlll' , 'I'ho nOllllnll'lIn IIlIestion WlIfI I'nlsell II : ' ! HOOII IH ! I he dlllll"H oC tlto Hl'nl\lo WlJl'lI eiollcil III l'xmmtl\'o HOS- Hloll. 011 of lito ml'RHagl'EI ' I'ecel011 1'1'011I the IlI'eslclollt rolnell ! to thllt. Hllb- h'l't nnd II. was Iho tlt'lil lIIalll'I' lal < C11 " 11 , It ( 'allell all"lIl1ol1 In Iho IlI'oto- col 01' 1111 agl'l'l'lItelll with the gOY. I'l'IItllonl tlf SIIII Domingo h ) ' whloh the UllllelSlillml \ will 1IIIIII'I'tailO to conlillei. th. . . r"lIIhllc'fI ( CIIHtOIlH ! IIf- ( nh'lI In 11\1 \ l'ITort 10 IIfplhlnto IItI IlehtH alld 1111 tl IHla111 go \ ' 0\ I monl 011 a mlll'e stllhlo footll ! ; wllh olhm' l'ullltl'Il't ' 'Iho nlHHlgl' II th. . . Hl'COII' that haH ' ' ' ' the ' ! ' leon I'el'el\111 1'111I ( ( In I'ulloll ] 10 til' tl'l'aly ' , ' ( 'ho IrRt was Illln IlIlhlll nH wnH the 11101 ( , ) I , ! o which II wn 1ll'l'ctoll , It :111\0- caloll the mllcnt lOll of I ho IIgl'CO- IIwnl nlil l'gl'll aH OIU ! IIII thnt Il ' ' ' ' ' t hlH ' waH l'I'eHHal' Im' go\'orlllllent 10 talt thlH eOlll'se III oder to uphold - hold the 11 ! IIIt ) ' 01' tile ; \Iol'oo Iloc. tl'hl 'I'he ICHngo ! ' I'CCCI'l ! < I vo allltlonni lelHOn' wh ) ' , ' In lie opin- Ion of the 1I'I'HIrelll , tho'lreat ) ' Hhonhl hu ncll'll IJII f'O'lIhly. 1 Rtlltec the henl'llH thaI ! \lIght ho dorlvell by tnlwlI thll cOllnl' , ' heclIllo oC the \1.lon \ CZAR ISSUES A RESCRIPT. Representative of People to Be Given an Advisory Voice In Government. S'I' , IWrl HSBUHO-'lhe ell1orr hnfl IHHUpd n I'psll'lpt to the Ilnlltor of the InINlo. . ' . ItatinIlat / ho hl dephll'll to eOI\'cno nn nllHcmhl ' of olecloll 1III'Oslmtntl\'eH of the IICOlllo to elaholto IInll cOIIRlcle : Icglslatlvo 101 S 1'1 ! H hI the AI xlllim } HlleO at Tnrg. Iwo Solo , SI'OIllIII'II Ir the mllllfltel'S anll a Il'IIHIH'I'H \ 01' the cout anll with Iho OIIlI'SS lt hil Hille , ] mllorm' . NlholaH Ilxell hlH Ilgnltl'e to a 10- f'rlp ! . l'onlllnlllg hlH lIIajesty's co , ( 'I'pe to glvo elel'tell n'IU"escllllvcs Qf the Ileopio 111 lIIIHU'IIIlty 10 ox press theh' vlows II thc prcpamlol of the laws of Iho l'lpl'lJ , ThiEl Is the 1110- ( ' 1 ( ' "n Inal I'R1118e 10 the agltalol II 11\0' lr IHl'\dlmtol hy the pcoilio In goverlloll whldl hils hl'OIIht HIHllla III the IUHI fl'w mOlths 1110st 10 Iho hllll : < of IOVulltlol No ehnlgo II Ihl roglllw 01 Iltol'ral' ) II Ilvol\'oll fO' the IIrc.lt11 ! : II. mealR 10ithor U ( 'oI8\IIIIn , 111' a tai 01 I I hly , At the lallle tllo It rlloJllzos the 1I'IIcipio of Ihe people's I'hht to ho hearll real'dlng law ! ! 11ler whlrh thl'y mid 11\0 , Whntovel' I he rcslit ma ) he the IIH'IInnt Is sue to mnrlt an opo'h II Hnsslal hlHtory al 1m- 10rtalt al Iho RlgIIII/ / { of the emnncl- pat lOl 11Ulr.'Hto , I he twolty-fouth IInlh'lrfal ' of which It wa9 Intcldo to slgllallz . - - - - GRAIN RATE WAR SETTLED Rairoads to Restore Normal Tarlffl Apri 1. CHICAGO-Tho wORtel1 lll rate war \\'IS Hoted h ) ' 1"1 Igl'eemont 10 1'lHtro lonnul tarlfH Allrll 1. II ld- 11101 10 roll'nilto / the olc mtes , the IhwH n that If at any reel lmo Ulr 010 hecnml dlssnlslell with can. II tlols or ra teR they would not tnlt actlol wllhout nollrutlon , The rates II ClltH 111' OlO hllcroll lJlnds agrecII Oi 1'0 : Price Put On Their Heads. EAS' S'l I.OUS , 1-1 wi Ivo $ HO to uny hlslncsf mnn wlo Itills B safe hlo\er In thc l't o' blowing n snlo II his pineo of hlshlesH. 'rhlf anlolncelent Wil ofclllly 1alio hy Cilof II 10110 Oeorgo 0 , Pll'c ) ' to the mOIIIH' ! oC tw pllho celll'tmolt 1"11 they were Imrru1 ed 10 loty hlslnoss men that sllh n rowarll'as rOld ) fOl' ni ) ' ono who wOllI Itll 1 slfo hlower ( 'alght In the nct On his Ilrl'mlll's , llyor Coole : aJprvos Chlet PI rlY'1 11101 'Il'eml.'nt , 1flr consldor. Ilg the situaton. J UfRANGfU NfRVfS - - - - DSTRESSING TROUDLS LEFT DY 81VITUS AND GRP , WOln" 11"1"11 flrffU I'T Atrnne Np.IJ of : nlhnl' " nlli ' \"nknu. lncn\'rrJ J'Irfl'ct Henlh , When tlto WI fOl1eln 'Clr8 o1lrr. 111J. J. . B\wn 1\111 \ St. ylus' dnllce. ' She 1lnly O\'OL' the JioU 'u \ loL Lcl\\ll fcatmeR of the ft11 . . O 1111101 ( , hiL wnl . sti tlouhh'll11 ' "o. IUCOIICl'tnhlfon. , MlolIH foloWR , : whluh ! ho rocenty dogcrlbcl , ns . 010 hnld , haU IJ my lnco , Itl11mlt ot I ) ' 10lgl0 wOIM JoL colli nu11II b. 'hoo fcolll ! ! ! wouM como on , Int Cor I olt h'l 111UIRt ) 1111 thel RI Iwny , Bo\'o"1 thl's I day. BorhleK I woull1 ll\'O pa1pltatlol of the heurt11 my Btreugth woull gct BO low thut I coulll ' ' . As these hnrll hrl'ntlu. tlO WClt 01 spels leopt , cmlll ofoler 111 HrowllJ worRe. The ' Illbl'SH wOllll tOlet1a axtenll O\'llr hl1 m ' hoty. " " How 1111 'Ol nt rilof \ them ? " . I Heolell for 1 long tlmo UH if 1 never oould ot rll oC t111. I WILH IOt Ullt nbouLNlx ' thllt I 'carrl O fOlll rOlely thnt hlli'Irtlo l\ugh II It 10 rllh lY ( IS0. Thlt11 DI' . WlialH' Pil Ie : PI1 . for Pllo PO\plo , 111 the ) 11\0 811eo Oi. ' ' . tiol CIl'odIU. , I it to t" Dl1 tlko IouA efect 1 curA "No I 111\\11 'L tllclI the whole < C the frHt hex 11Coro I I\\ \ great improvo. mOlt. So I Jtollt Oi lHll I hOl , h'owill botternt thotluolII Ihnll tlkouclghL bOXCH 1111 tholl I Wn'lorfecty wol , 111 I hn\'o rlmlll't il Hool1 hoalh 0\01' dnco with . " 010 Ixceplol. " \Vllt WIH tltllt ? " . "Oh I thut Wil when I hnl1 the grip. 1 WII il hOll , 1111,1 the doetor'H C1ro , for two weuTI. Whol I got up I hnl dromHul ulnnls of 11IzzllIUff. 11111 to grnHJ ho111 or HOIOt htllH 01 I WOlll tul 110wn. I , rght Wil jlHL mlserblo 1111 when I /l\ the doclm' Wili 10t holpll 10 , I logln ) to tale \11111' 1)lllc \11 Iglil. II IL Hhort tlO they cured of trouble too , I mo thlt 111 11\0 novel hall 11) ' Ilzzr spolH HIIIO. " Mrl. 1rowl l\'m ui No. 170 : DoWlt , , . Dr. ' /troot Mlllool 1i101s. Wllall' Pllk Pis UI'O wihout 11 OC1111 Cor the . mph11\II f hmollHh l\O of 10r'01 pros. trtol. 'rl ) l'xpl,1 the polsollcU III the 'St(1 h ' ! moh 11 mil UfO ( ln/ul UI glp the hest of tOllll'l III ut cnso ! ! oC wOlk. . ' ' ' ' ' . noss. 'rher ' I'O Iollb , OVC' , < ruEwltt. PI'lnco lllrsly , Hlmh\'s reform stllteStnln , al L'.lhutes Ilch of his Rno I'A in Illhllc Jo to his hrllnnt wlfo . J'nrU""C frr'l 11101. . The John A , f I1C' ! "l11 Co" La Cros5c , 'Vis" nlwu . 1,1' " lllhiog ) OW , 6110' . ' thing v.ll1blc. 'fhil ) 'ell' they otfer nmong thcir IOW mOlley maldn \gl tnblcs , nu j nrIIRt Urll Elhul : ! Onill. is MI' . ' ' , I I willer , 1ul'lel'11 llener , JUS' S.NI : ' 'IH NO'II'NO 1 Go , ant lhey wi scnll ) ' 01 tllir bit Illnnt Dld Beet t catalog , togolher with eaough leIl ] ,000 fne , sold Cahhages , . 2,0 rich , jlie 'ul'nip , 2,00 hllnchin ) nuty Celer 2,00 rich , hUler. Ietuce , 1,0 pllluld Onions , ' 3,00 rurc , IIHciouH HnlalcR , , . J J100 gllrllMI Iriiant Flo\1rs. In nl ) over 10nO planls-thiH grent ofer ( s made to Iet you to lest their warranleJ vesotlblc Bccda and AU. J'on nUT lGo l'OSTA ( , : YOI wi retlll thiH nolce , nnd povding Alul tll 2Ic in pOltage , the wi ndtl lo lhc nhlvc 1 hig pacltago ) Salzer's FOlrth of .llly Sweet Cor the on earth-IO ) ' ! ! ' lhnn earlest / tncnrll Cory , Pcep o'Vay , FirslofAlele. tn/ [ W.N.U. ] A dreamy relgion never dlstlrbs the dovll YELLOW CRUST ON BABY I , . Would Crack Open and Scab Causing Terrible Itching-Cured by . Cutlcur . , "Our bnby hnd a ) 'elow crust on his head which I cOlld not keep nway. When I thollght I hnd succeeded In gettng hlH hoall clear , i would start again by the clown of his head , crclt nnd Bcnlo , and calso terrlbo ] Itching. I then got Cltclrn Seal Ind Ointment - mont , walhlllg the Bcalp with the sonp nnd then nIIIII'lng the Ointment. A few trentmonts made n complete c'lre. I l1a\'o nd\'IRcII a number of mothers to use CItClr when I hnve been aBlted about the Ramo 11mont of their babies. Mrs , John Doyco , Plno DUBh , N. Y. " Ploty does not turn 1mnn Into putty. IMPERIAL HERNIA CURE. Dr. 0 , S. Wood cnres nUllturo by a new process , In a few woolts , without - out loss of tmo or Inconvonlence , nectnl dlseaseR cnred without the lmIe. Send for circular. 0 , S , Wood , M. D" G21 N. Y. Lifo Dlllg" Omaha , talk. No man clmbs to heaven y tal Insist on Getng It. Some ! { rocers HIY they don't lecep Defance Stalch , 'fhls Is ecause they have I Htoclt on halld Ir other ranlil contalnln only , J : 01111 In I puck- age , which Uwy won't be able to frst , e'luse Delance contulns sel 1 ounces to\ ' the . sale mOle ) Do you want )6 ounce ! Instead oC 13 OUleeH tor Hnlll 10ne ) ' ? 'fhen huy De- fance Stan'h. Helluh'el no cooking. 1'ho w0111 wi not bo SI\'O by stllned glass saints. Sather Gmy" Sntet PonIlen tor Chidren , Successfully used by Mother ray , Durs In the Chidren's Homo in New York , cure Consllpation , I"everlshness , Dad Somach ! , Teething Disrders , move and regulate the Dowels and Destroy Worm. , Over 30,0 \ te-tmonlls , At al druggisls , 25c. Sample u FREE. Add , . s RoyN. y , ! ; : A.S. , Ono 15 n t hypocrl8 : dll 10t ox- ' CUljO nnot lor's Indollmc . . ' I . .