Newspaper Page Text
- . , h. . . . _ . . . . ; - . . - . . . \i\ . . . ; ' , , _ . , . r Mr . . . . , , ! .P" ! . . . . . , . ' ' . ' ' . ' ' < " . . " " " . " ' 'j' ' ' ' " " . " : " " . " ' " . , . . . . : : i. . . , I . . . USTER ( ) OUNTY' EP1JBLICAN. ' . " .e . ' 1 . ESTABLISHED 1882. TIlE OFFICIAL PAPER OF CUSTER COUNTY. LAI GEST CIHCULATION OF ANY PAPEl IN TIlE COUNTY. { " _ . . : , - I r j' I ' VOL. lXIII. : ' BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY.NEBRASKA , THURDSAYJ JUNE 22,1905.--EIGHT , PAGES. ' NO. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . , , . \ , . I , ( r A ( ! , . , fi i f I ! , . 'IS.- . . ' 'j' " ' : ! 'I 1 POOR SIGHT n' 1i , . - - . . f'\r. ; \ ; , ; Is orten the. result of poor nl j ment mentul short , , t : : Jud or i : n i sightedness. . n r I ! } ' } ) on't huv 1'\'cTlasses . or . . j'J .l . I " ' . P ' . I Si ; . ; ! ; Jectacles f Will Irresponil' r ; . n" ' : hIe denIers. Don't trust to niti f' ' , . . } . .l " 'our own J'ullgmcllt. lIa\'c " , ' P. ' ' ; . . : : your "t1 : : I ' 1 HYJ S HXAl\IJNHO JI I : ! .Ii - " .f. ) , ( ; : 111I(1 ( glnsses fittell by a rl\ll w.\ \ ; : t 1 , lIutc opliciull. , Our train , \ : . ! i mg , expenence and the use ff. ; ! . : : . ' : of hi h-c1ass instruments ! ; ; I l cnnhle us to get at the ca lsc niij I : . i. of the trouble nnel prescnbe W.e I' ; : ' : a cur . The charges nre ! ; ' : not Il1gh. J ' : l I' , , ' { ! : , j ! r l ; . .1 . . . I il. . . . fP . . . : : : - .r.t- . 'C. M . . , : . , i'J . . : t"l : . : : , I t' . . : : . . . . . ! . - . " . . ' ' . . . . . , _ - - . , , . . . . . . . , . , . , . - _ . . . . . . . . l1. , _ - . . ' . . ' . ' . . : . . . . . - _ . . ' . . ' . . . . . , , . ! ' . . , . . . i . . , : ' : . : : ' ; . . . ! . . . . . -1I'.J-1I'.1 . : . ; . . * : ' , ; : 'i ; , - . : :1 : : J , ' " : il ; . .i : 'iJ : " ' : : J".Iim . : ; 'jji ! - . , tS hool-Bo ks. J . . . ablets I -ANn- $ ' * School Supplies. ) * * ' ' i , . -AT- " i7I" . . J. G. Haeberle's ; l . . . BUSINESS POINTERS. I m m W M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . _ _ _ . Brolcu Bow Abstract Company. This officc for ncat job work. I J. C. Moorc , abstracting. 2tf Insurance that insures. 38tf H. G. MoonE. 4. . . , Dr. Leach , the painless dentist , guarantees satisfaction. . Frcsh , cnndycigars and tobacco at .Mlkc Scanlon. , Buy 'your farm nd city prop- crty of B. W. Blalr. 37tf " - List your farm and city prop- crty with n. W. Blair. 37tf See notice in this paper of Dr. IIcadricks visit to Brokcn B w on 'l'ucsday June 27th. 1t Call and takc a look at the het IIambletonian Stallion in town. 2 blocks north of Grand Central Hotel. 49-7 Ii'UANCIS MOOHH. . . . - , - - - - - I am now located just north of the Custer National Bank. Come \ ' and see me for bargains 1n real - cstatc. Some choice acre property - perty for salc. S tf RAS. ANDUUSON. Peale Sheppard & ; Co. have Just received fine lot of men's Loy's and childrens ready made cloth. iug. 'l'hose intcrestcd will find \ ' it to thcir intcrest to call and see thcm before purchasing. Wc are prcparcd to please in ( lUality and prices. 48tf , , Rcneau & ; Leonard , real cstate. i Wantcd-A good team of young mares. 5,2-3 lns. ETIZAIIR1'J { SUT.T. . I Wc alwa's hi1\'c mone , : . ' to loan on farms. H. G Moore 111 Apple 1 mock. 35tf - - - - F.'a'rUI Lease. Chattle Mortgage and Warranty Deed blanks at this officc. - . - . - - . Dr. Christcnscn gives special attcntion to all form of Chroni Diseases. Also E"c , , Ear , Nose and 'l'hroa. . . 50tf 'l'he ofiicers of the Brokcn Bow Statc Bank endcavor to promote the interest of their customers along whatcvcr hues it is practical - tical for thef\l to do so. I-tf " ' , ,1' Snlu 01' ' 1'l'lIl1e Go d livcry barn south of 'Com- mercial Ilotcl , llrolen Bow. Enquire - quire of P. A. WALTON. . ' 01' Sail , . An organ , piano case , 7.1.3 octavc , ebony finish , almost new. li'or sale cheap , I. A. Colcman. ' 1'0 he t'llrllll'I'I' . Come to my barn and feed 'your teams hay O\'er noon. 15c 41)-7 li'HANCIS MOOlU\ . nt' lshrnl IIIft'fllnl lIull. . Will sell , or trade for another good bull ; eithcr' Hereford or Shorthorn. R. BAHuwr'r , 52-54 Anslcy. 'I'hreshlng Muehln't ) ' . 'fhe Geiser Mfg. Co. peerlcss machinery for sale. Par tics con- templating pu&"chasing will do wc 11 to see me. 8. 11DORRIS. . Agcnt' ' . . . U It ) ' PI'IIIIClt ) fOI" Snl ( ' . \Ve have some nice' homes in Brolen Bo.w that will be sold cheap if takcn . at oncc. BOWMAN & ; 'l'UOUJ > I { . Office in Gleim Block. 47tf . . . . . , " Ce'I , 'lit U\ock" \ . . ! , ' , / ; I \ \0 ' I a ll now prepared to take orden , for cement building blocks. Price eigh teen cen ts a sq uarc foot. Sidewalk blocks at tcn ccnts a square foot. li'actory ncar oil house. 47tf JOSHl'U BnCKWITH. I Wnut Crt'JlJJI Anll l gg8. At highest market pricc in Cash on Delh'ery and on August I 1st. I will g-ive a GOOD BROOM to EVl RYBODY tJlat sells me all thcir cream in June and Jul.y. R. G. Bn'1"1's , M gr. Beatricc Cream Station. Broken Bow , Nebr. , . ' 111" l'inle. One good brick residence with six rooms and bath , hot and cold water , two blocls south of public squ re , two lots , the cl oicest residence location in Broken Bow. Also one good frame residence with eight rooms an ceUar , barn , coal house , well and cistern , fruit' and shade trees , cement walks and one of thc nicest homes in the city. 52-54 1 . C. HOUSH. IMmy NolIl'o , 'l'akcn up at my place of residence - dence a Duroc sow. weight allout one hundrcd fifty pounds. 'I'he owner is rcquired to prove property - erty and pay cxpenses. 1-5 AH'l'HUR HhGADOHN. Xollro to Wl1trrtnkt'rN. All parties who are using city water wilhout paying- for it are requested to make arrangements with the undersigned at once 'for such pr'ilege. . 'l'he city ordinances - ances regulate the use of water. and the"civ , laws wilt be enforced in all cases : W. A. Y ATF.S , I 1.2t Water Commisioner. - - - , ROOMY AND COMFORTABLE ' Hammocks. GET ONE AND ENJOY YOURSELF. ONH of our fine room\ ' hammocks will g'c ) ' 011 lIIuch solid comfort nUll enjoyment clurlng the hot weather. We have hamlllocks in a IHlmber of different styles aUlI sizes-aU with the strength which gives perfect security and 101l wear. If YOI1 wi11 come in we wi11 take considerable pleasure in . showing ) ' 011 this splendid hammock line of ours , ED. McCOMAS I- , t SOMETHING G.OOD. - . , 'l'he cultivator Swede two-row - tivator and the Un'crsal Cu1t'ator. . We will haYI : something goo in the line of Hay tools-the Dain Sweep a11 < l Stacker and the International side deli \'er ) . Stac1er. 'fhis Star.ker wilt sa\'e . YOU . enc man's work. Don't fail to see it. - G. W. . . Apple. ' < ' _ _ . . - - I - . . - - - - - - - - - - m : : : : : : : : Jcsse Wilson was in Merna last Sunda , : . ' . F. M. Sharp of Dunning , was a city \ ' itor Monda ) ' , Mr. II. Siuunonson was a t\lerna guest last ! : ; undar. Dr. Prest of Com 1tock , was a \ ' sitor in Uroken Bow Monday _ Mr. a11d Mrs. II. Lomax' were passcngers for Omaha last 'l'ues- day. . J. McManis of Ansley , was here on business , the later part of last wcek. Mr. and Mrs. F. n. Young rc. turned from Colorado the first of the w.ek. : Hev. W. D. Hall of 'Sarg-ent , was a city visitor Monday. ' ! 'he 1 It1'UIlr.ICAN acknowledges a social - ial call. Mrs. ArthurCrootsley left Saturday - urday morning on the. flycr lor Peoria , Ill. , to v ! , it her fathcr , who is seriously ill. . Mr. and Mrs. Wilt Moodv of Grand Island , were here visiting theirdaughter , Mrs. A. Lamphear returning home Monday. l\f r. and Mrs. D. F. Weimer of Mason City , were here visiting - ing at the homc of James Whitc- head the later put of last weel { . Mr . 104. A. Panl1c tter was a passenger to Seville , Ohio. laR ! 'l'hursday. She was called there on account of thc illness of her brother. Mrs. A. 'I' . Sill1l11' ) and daugh. ter l\1 iss 14ottic. were passcnger for Mason City last Sa lurday 011 a few days visit. Miss I40ttie expects to go fromlhcre . to Omah [ ] before returning. u. F. Oxford and sister Mrs , My'rUe Hersh left Saturday morn' ing for Brownsville. Ore on. tc \isit thcir father J. 104. Ox fort ! . While wcst they will Io to Port. land to see the exposition. Miss 1 (1ith Simnn. who ha been tcaching in Btg Horn B.lsin , Wyoming. rcturned her Satur. da. } ' : She is visiting at hc uncles. A. ' 1' . Simm , before goin ! on to her home at Comstock. G. F. Perkins of the Cherry vi lie farm informs us that he lw' ' a fine crop of cherries again tlti season , lIut not as large as la51 year. lIe.thinl . { they will b ( ready to pick about the lirst 0 July. J. F. Coleman of the Wes 'l'ablc , was a city visitor Satur day. l\Ir Coleman has been af flicted with blood poison for tht past six weeks. resulting from i II light scratch on the back of hi hand. In the time he. spcnt I 'week at the hospital and while i is some betterit is far from beinl , well yet. I . Cha.s. . 'l'riplctt of Ansle. ) " was a Clty Vlsltor ovcr : : hllHlaJ. Mrs. Wcdeking fro'Ul near Call- awny is here at tnc eit , : . ' hospital. Miss Gold ic Cox visited with her parents at Mcrna last Sun- day. day.S. S. Powell of 'Weissert. was transacting business in the cit , ) " Saturday. Charles Gadl ( wcnt to Ansley 'l'uesday to attcnd the ball gamc at that placc. Hamah I ye'rson dro\'e over the country to Anstcy last Monday on it bqsi ness tri p. Rumont Pigman was a passell- ger for lhvcnna Saturday , where he witt spend a few wecls on a visit. Arthur Crooksley of WC1sscrt , was a city vts lor last Saturday. lIe rcmembered this ofiice with " - welcome call. Mrs. S. Shrodcr was a passen- gcr for Pcndcr , Nebraska , last Saturday. She expects to vis l her sister wh ilc there. Mr. Ringsb ' a promincnt ranchman - man frol11 Whcatland. 'Vyoming , is in town taldng medicial treat- mcnt from Dr. Christenscn. Roc1nvcll & : Konlcl havc put down a cemen t side walle in front of their store on Maine strcct. 14ct the good work be continucd. Miss Io4aura li'arrcl1 came up from Ansley. Saturday night. She cxpects to visit some time with hcr brother and sistcr of this cit , : . ' . Mrs. S. F. GJayton and threc children were passeitgcrs for Omaha last t\lol1day , on an cx- tendcd visit. 'l'hey expect to visit in Iowa also beforc return- tng. tng.C. . II : Huff of Central Cit'o' , Nebraska , who has heen 'instnic- tor in pennianship at thc Brokcn Bow Business anll Normal college for the past tcrm , returned to his home Jast Mql1day. i\1 sscs Ullian and I mih' Long ' of Clinton , Illinois. who' have been visitinl { at the homc of William Dillivion. at Round VaI- le " and 'also at this } , place returned - ed home last Monday. Mrs. Minnie Watts left for tatrice last ii'rida\ I where she will join l er husb nd who is now locatcd there in a firs' class music store. We regrct to lose thcse citizens flOI11 our city. Mrs. A. R. Humphrcy. 1\1rs. G. Gillings and Mrs. ii' . 1\1. I ub- lec were passengers for Clay Ceil- ter , Nebraska , ' last ' 1'uesday to attend the P. E. O. convention which is held at that place. Rev. Al1en Chamberlain will go to Alliance Saturday. where he will oc upy the pulpit in the M. E. church Sunda > ' , for the pastor who has gone to Indianna , with the remains of h ! \ wife for interment. Uncle ' 1'om mowcrs of Ansle } ' . was visiting in the city the la tier part of last weel { . He had re- I lU1'I1ed a few da.ys previous from a visit to New York state. lIe Hays thc cities hasill1provcd there a great deal in thc last tf1irty rears. IIe says thc strcets arc ) avcd with cClhel1t stonc in a I numhcr ! of instanccs and that : horse drars are replaced with ' I elcctric c 'rsor automohiles. li'arm land is worth less than it was , fort'cars . .I ago. \ F. A. AIU : > uerry i congratulating - lating himself he will be the . iirst dtben : ofi'tlason Cily to huv an autolllohile. 'lle has orderctl four-horsc Orient Bucl- a - powcr { - board from Waltham , Mass. . and expects to use it on his mail route and also for other running r 'rhe condition of the' roads now willuot admit of thr use of the I Auto but as the trip over the mail , route can he made in three hours I with it , it is hoped that the patrons - rons witl smooth up the roug-h I places so that the bettcr sercc can b secured. 1\1r. Amsberrr has a letter from a rural mail carrier in Massachusetts who has se rved his rou te su ccess f ull y t with an "Orienl" for more than - a year and he is thereforc rcat1y - cucouraged to undertnkc the pro' ject herc. It is e-pected : : : that the machine will be put on thc s route about July I , 1\lr. Chas. 11 Huckleberry , of Broken Bow , has t I bel'n engaged aschaulTer to tcach r the new owner how to run the .AlIto.-Mason City Star. , . I \ - - h" : \ , . I 4th of' J Iv ! u \ \ , . < . . . . : : \ 1f ! . ' \ " , . , : \ ; . . , - - - ' - - " - - " ----r"-- \ ' : - r"I . : " \ - ' - . \ I . . \ \ . , , ' . 'y t , . 'l'h timc i dm wing uear for us to Cele- I \ . ' bratc the Nat ous Irulcpeudcnce a ld the \ \ J. ? young lUau wll1 waut a new BUlgy to . . " . talc his best girl t We cclebration. I -j : . ha'c just rccch'ed auothcr car direct from ' ! : . the factor ) ' , al1 of the vcry lutcst styles. . . - . Come iu and see thcm whcthcr ) 'OU waut " . to huy or uot and if YOlt wau t to buy I . ' witl guaran tec to sell yqu a buggy ! car- . . ricge or spring wagon , for lcgs money . : ' than ) 'OU cau bu , ) " anywhcre elsc , auti ' Iive you the \'cyy latcst output of tl.IC : : ; f factory. sOl11etll1ng uo othcr dcalcr 111 ' . the county can do. 'j' " . ' . . ' 0 ; ; . _ _ . _ . , - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ . _ . L.- ' - . . I ClIIl1r , "J i n lIIl1r " I r I ' . . - " " " : c ( : a.r. < : : O : : II.Cf..c ; : : I.O : : : : o'JCfJcoxCCCUQ J' . . : I . : It I I-lorton , Carl & Millett:1 . ; S N : enr land of pianos is ANOTllEH and we must mnke room ror them , consequently wo must S sell ten pianos ill t.he next tOil duys. Thme ; < .mstome1'S who are l'endy to buy Hhoul < l visit 0111' store at onne ns we of- S - fer HI > llcial inducements at this time. S PeOIln ) hill liS that ; we have th.e best ] ine of vianos ( Wel' shown in K.nnrny. i If you doubt ; it come in find see for - ) 'ollrsclf.rrhl'l'e month's lessons } < 'REE . S with every Iinno Hold. Y01l1' ehoice , 8 H ' oftell.hcY \ 0118 fl' sq IIl1rc ( lc 11 Ii I ! g , . . . ; I I-lorton . , Carl & . Millett. . , . . . . . . . . Ih'I:2.JII l1"Clz.tI. tu. n'arllcy. : Ncb. : r.r.&lr.r.&l : : : # " . . ; . : . . . : " . . ' - : . ' " . ' ' & : : . . : r = - - - . . H. T. BRUCE & , CO. -SELLS- Lumber Lath Plaster Lime Hair , , , , , , , , Sash , Doors , and . , Storm Sash. . . . . . . Everything first-class. Sec them. South Sidc , Brolcn Bow. - - - - - - - - . . " ' . - . . . - . , - . . PURE OI D CIDER . VIN'I1JG . AR " . . . . . -w ' ( JbO ' whnt it is- TlIArr'S not only in name hll ill quality-it'iH made from } HII'H ripe apples , all thol'ollghlsr washed and Q , Htdt'cted f'om ) good , VUI'e appll1R , had oncs are nil . mallNI out. 0111' vinegal's . fire all t.hol'oughly . aged Iprol'l' , t.Hl'Y . al'c offtll'ed fOI' Halt' . I f too st.l'ong jll t add a little water. lurH Old Ui m' Vinegar is also wholesome. , youns I'on PUlm Woou PHOI > UC'l'S. PHONE 5. . . . , - - - - - - - J. C. BOWEN. , TnAUI . . , ' 1 CIlQr " , ne Ir. MAY9t'JOS. . . . . "r " "c : & " . MAHK - . - - . . - , . - . - " CAS . . - . I I The Republican' Docs that Good Kind of Work ,