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t John Campbell of Weissert , was a city vl itor 'l'uesday. Frank Dean has -resigned his position in the store of J. C. Bowen. Mr. J. M. Betts was a passenger - ger east on business the first of the week. Miss Minnte Howard who has been visiting at Dunning returned - ed here Wednesday. H.ev. R. F : : B arley will preach at the M. E. church Sunday morning and evening. Bert Gregory of Lin oln , was a city visitor Tuesday. He informs - forms us that he is still with the B. & M. railroad. Mrs. M. A. Daniels of Ansley , who has been here visiting Mrs. f S. D. Bishop , returned to her home last Saturday. Wi11iam Berkmefyer left Tuesday - day morning for Groat's ranch in the north-west part of the county , where he expects to spend the summer. The Broken Bow Junior orchestra - estra will Jive a free dance at tbe Simonson hall in the Realty block tomorrow nigbt. Everybody - body invited. J. SDIONSON. List your farm or ranch with Willis Cadwell and get photo- 'raphic views of same. published in lilustrated pamphlet describing - ing resources of Custer County. Tbe musical concert to be given at the Opera House , June 30 , will be by the best mU3ical tallent in Broken Bow , Ansley and Merna. Be sure and hear it. Rev. A. M. Levack made a trip to Arnold Monda ) ' , by way of Merna , to attenr a church conncil. He was accompanied from Merna by J. B. Smith and r C. H. Casso He returner ! Tues- day. - The Loyal Temperance Legion will meet next Friday , June 23 , 1905 , at the U. B. church at 2 p. m. All members are urged to be present , especially t e boys. also the \V. C. T. U. , ladles are cordially - dially invited. A program will be rendered. The W. C. T. U. will meet next Tuesday in tbe city park at 3 o'clock. All mcmbers arc urged - ged to be present and bring as many friends as they wish. A most cordial invitation is extcn" ded to all ladies who wish to - come. An enjoyable visit is promised to all. David Weesner , father of the Weesner Brothers , accompanied by a brother , Micajah Weesner , and tbe wife and child of O. O. Weesner and dauffbter Lucy , arrived - rived from Marten , Ind. , lasl night and will remain abou1 three weeks before returning , Tbl' patrons of the Oyster Ba ) restaurant are all commenting Ot the broad smiles being worn b ) Orland. . A. R. Humphrey went to Lin- c.oln today. Cbas. Geswit of Berwyn , was transacting business in the city' Tuesday. Miss Otie Reeder was a Merna visitor Wednesday , returning this morning. Mrs. Katy McCormick wcnt to Mason City yesterday morning for a short visit. D. E. Bauder has been awarded - ed t e contract for building the , Presbyterian church. Miss li'aith Gutterson was a passenger for York , W.ednesday , for a short visit at that place. The county board adjourned last Friday as a board of equalization - ization to July 15tb , at 9 o'clock a. m , A musical conccrt will be given in the Opera House , Friday night the 30th ( , f June. Program next week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Parsons and children of Dunning , came down Wednesday , for a short visit with friends here. P. E. Ryerson who has been up from Mason City a few days visiting his parents and friends , returned yesterday morning. C , H. Kennedy came in Tuesday - day night from Red Oak for a few days visit. He reports good business in his new location. Ethel Bartlett went to Ansley yesterday morning , where she took part in the recital given there , by Miss Pauline Oldham , last evening. Miss Lulu Brown was a passenger - enger for Omaha Wednesday , where she has been. called as a I witness on tbe Ed Penn case held there during Federal court. The summer scbool has cdded to its list three new scholars. They are Estella Clayton of Ans- ley , Lula Williams of New Hele- na and Mez Finlan of tbis city. I A. J. VanAntwerp , the city , engineer , bas his house complet- I ed and as he started \'csterday I I morning 6n the flyer for Canton , S. D. . his friends are expectiag to sce him return with a house- keeper. A most interesting ball game was played at Ansley last 'rues- day between Ansley and Merna. , The game ende'l at the ninth - inning , the-score being 9 to 0 in favor of Ansley. Quite a crowd of young folks attended the game. The Ravenna News notes in the Grand Island Independent .says that Clyde Carlos , of the Ra\'enna Telephone company , has been chosen gencral busineEs manager of the Central Nebraska . Telephone company , which company - pany has a very extensive system I of exchanges and toll lines r throughout Custer and Valley I counties. - Pauline Oldham waS a passenger - ger for Ansley Tuesday. Mr. R. Ryerson was at his farm near Milburn the first of the week. Howard Kennedy was at Ausley last Tuesday to attend the ball game , . Mrs. Con Gibson was a passel1 ger for Anselmo last li'riday on a short visit. A. J. VanAntwerp was a passenger - enger for Omaha yesterday morning - ing for a short visit. Henry Kelly was down from Anselmo Tuesday , looldng after his interests 1n the county court. Mrs. J. R. Reynolds of Grand J unction , Colo. , arri vcd here Saturday to visit her sister , Mrs. J. H. Slogett. Mr. C. W. Gibson of Litchficld , Nebr. , bas accepted a position in the store of J. C. Bowen , he comes to us highly recommended. Cornelius and J. B. Tierney took 240 head of cattle up to their L. TV. ranch the first of the week. They returne yesterday. The ladies of the U. B. cburc'h will serve cake and ice cream in the city park Saturday , June 24 , from 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. Everybody - body come. Miss A. Wehling from Oskosh , Wisconsin , arrived here \ \ ed- nesday morning 011 a visi t with her brother J. C. Wehling of this place. She expects to spend abou t two weelis here. The Central .Telephone company - pany of Brokcn Bow and the Ravenna Telephone company will build a full copper circuit , from Broken Bow to Grand Island and seven car loads of material are now.on . the way for this work. -Grand Island Intlepcndent. The attendance at the Lewis and Clark Exposition at Portland is remarkably good. From the very first day the average was above 10,000 and on some days there have been 20,000 people present. If this average keeps up throughout the season the Exposition cannot fail to be a finnncial success ; but the chances are that the attendance will increase - crease rapidly as the fair goes on. The social given by the Christian - tian Endeavor societies ( If Broken Bow held in the Park last Tuesday - day evening and was greatly enjoyed - joyed by all. Ice cream and cake was served and a pleasing program - gram was also given. Quite a number of selections were played by the Junior Orchcstra and was followed by a solo accompanied by the piano from tbe Misses Langston. A solo was also given by J. G. W. Lewis , and two good selections by the Glee Club , which were all highly praised. It was a late hour br.fore all sough t their homes , and all report - port a most e joyable time.