Newspaper Page Text
. , \ , ' ' ' ' -4 ; . ( . l' . . . . . . . ' ' . " \ " , ' - 'uouNTI ' EPUB'LIC'AN : , j ' , USTER , i ESTABLISHED 1882. THE OFFICIAL P .APER OF CU STER COUNTY. LARGEST CIRCULA'I'ION OF ANY PAPER IN 'rITF. CQUN'I'Y. , , ' _ , , . VOL. } : . XIII. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COHNTY , NEBRASKA , THURDSAY , JULY 6,1905.--EIGHT , PAGES , - - - NO. . _ I + . - - - - - - i ' - I f ' , \ ! , f , . I , 'I 'f t i Your Noselll t. 1 . , , . ! t. ! , . 'i ' : M a J \ be roman ' : . ? . ; grecianpug.long . . Ii , , ' ! "i ' ; I. u 11 or s 1 Int , 1 f ffW n 1 JOu can wcar a lq os.e gla5s : I cal t , 11t It , If you can , l J ! ! .I . ! I'll ell . JOU so. 'h. . 1t1. < , . ' = ; and It wIll . . be the " . : ' . ; . ; : final decIsIOn , on s . which JOU ma.r f : , 1 rest. I am an ex- n : i f : . ; : " pert in fitting m. frames wcll r : ) i as as . ' ; " e\'es ' , : : ! J' 1 i. ( . ir , . - ' " : , .1' , . . . . . :0 " 7 ' .r. C'a . 1t1 , ' . ' .j : " " 1. ' Pol : ' : , . , , ii J' : \7. : ' ! ; , , ; . 1" ' : . , i. : : . . : . ! ' . . . . ) 7 . . , . " : , . . . , . . _ ; _ . ; ' : : : r.'j'i'u . . ' . . , r..I' .y. , . , . . " ! , " . . " " . , . . t":1'/J' . . - . ' : ; . ' . ! . - . ' . . ' ' . ' . ; , . -1 . . ' , : . ' ! , ' . ' ' . 'uJ . . . ' I : rn..uo ' ' ' ; r ' . . < : ' - - - - - - - - - - - , , School .aks , j \ . . ! ' I ( ( . . Tablets i . ! -AND- ' \ - Supplies , ; , . . . .AT-- I ' " ,1- : ; J. G. Haeberle's : , , , . ' - - M wmw BUSINESS POINTERS. I ' , / - 3 ; I ii Ab ; - ; I' 'l'his office for neat job work. U J. C. Moore , a sltacting. 2U 1 Insurance that insures. 'J. ' 38tf R. G. MOORH. . . / - ( Dr. Leach , the painless dentist , guaran tecs saUsf action. - Buy your farm and city prop- I erty of . W. llJair. 37tf I - . I neau & Lconard , rcal cstatc\ _ I List your farm and city prop- crty withY. . Blair. 37tf We always ha\'e money to loan on farms. R. G. Moore 111 Apple lllock. 35tf Farm Lease , Chattle Mortgage anil Warranty Decd blanks at this officc. othing succeeds like success. n JOu want to do any busincss in the real estatc lin ( ' . Call on \Villis Cad well Co. Ltd. , Broken Bow , Ncbr. 1t Call and take a look at the bc : ! > t Hambletonian Stallion in town. 2 blocks north of Grand Ccntral Hotel. 49-7 FRANCIS MoOlw. 'rhe ofi cers of the Bro1en Bow State Bank endeavor to promote thc interest of' their customers along whatevcr hnes it is practical - tical for them to do so. . l-tf I am now located just north of the Custer National Uank. Come and see me for bargains 111 real estate. Some ch lce acre property - perty for sale. 8 tf RAS. ANDItRSON. . I : ! Pcale Sheppard & Co. have Just rcceived a tine lot of men's boy's and childrens ready made cloth. ing. 'l'hose interestcd will find it to their interest to call and see them before purchasing. We are prepared to please in quality and. . prices. 4Stf 'or Sale. An organ , piano cased , 71 octave , ebony finish , almost new. For sale cheap , I. A. Coleman. ' 1'0 he. , , 'l1rUl rtl. Come to my barn and feed your teams hay over n on. 15c 49-7 FRANCIS MOOlm. 'l'hreshlug Moehluery. The Geiser Mfg. Co. peerless mach iner.r for sale. Parties contemplating - templating putchasing will d ? well to sec' me. S. ! \ . DORRIS , Agent. ( Ht ) . Pr4l1ierty rlfr Snit' . Wc have some nice homcs in Brolen Bow that will be sold cheap if ta'ken at once. . OWMAN & THORPR. Office in Gleim Block. 47tf " : sll'ay Nollce. Taken up at my place of residence - dence a Duroc sow , weight about one hundred fifty pounds. The owner is rcquired to prove property - erty and pa ) ' e'xpenses. 11.5 AR'ruuR HAGADORN. , , ! ROOMY AND COMFORTABLE Ham mocks. , ( ' ( GET ONE AND ENJOY YOURSELF. \ : ONH of onr fine roomy hammocks will gi\'e you \ much solill comfort nllll cnjoyment < 1urtng the hot weather. We have hamlllocks in \lIImber of diffcrent st.rles 1\1111 sizes-aU with the strcngth . which gives perfcct sccurity nncllong wenr. If you will come iu we will take cousiclerahle pleasure iu i showing you this splenclid hammock line of ours. ! ED. McCOMAS ' - . - - . - - , . . . _ . , t'tt't1't1't1't11t1't1't"t1't1't1'1r1't1't1't1't1't11t11t1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' t1't11t11t1' ' ' . , , ( Geiser Threshin ! ! Mac inery - - - - _ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - ' - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - " = I" - : : = : : : : - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - = - = The Machine WithDut Selves. Cleans Wet or Dry. "Hever Beaten.ln a Test" :3 - - = = WIlEN askcll how he liked the Pecrlcs ! ! machine a Custer County - : : : : = = fanner replicl1. The best machinc c\'er hrought to this connty. : : : : = = Cal1 ou or write to me if contemplating buying Thershing lI1achiuer ) ' , :3 : ) , t s. 1\.1.1 : . : DC > FI.JS : : - = = - - - - LOCAI4 AGENT FOR GIH5F.R MANUFACTURING COMPANY. : : : : : - iiliillil1111111111111111111il111111 ' 1111111111111ill111il1111il111111111 I A SNAP We have just recch'cl , anothcr cnr of Americ n Hog fencing on which we will he ahle to make a vcry low price for the' ncxt 30 da's. Don't miss thlJ ! it \ ill save you money. . HARVEST IS NOW ON , Give \19 ) 'ollr order for Deer ingBindersalllt Mowers. DOIl't delay to long , ) 'ou mny not get oneif'ouwallt long TWINH AT IOC , in the International Side Delivery stock we have the best amI strongest string on the market - ket , it will do you good to see it. Dent miss this before ) 'OU huy. Ke'stone and Acme Mower - er , at low price of $36 00. G. W. . . Apple. . . r . . : : : : = : . . : 1 : , : : ] J. E. adamson was at Ansley on busin ss last Thursday. P. Wilson of Georget.wn , was a county seat visitor Fridav , on . business. , Mrs. E. H. Burrows of nsl y , came up to Broken Bow Thursday - day night , r turning borne Saturday - urday _ . , - - ! . Mis Lo ie-Si p ll I j" who bas been visiting. W re for the past three w elts , r turiled to her home last Friday. Mrs. Mayhcw of San Francisco , arrived Monday night to visit with hercousinMr. J. A. 'l'hO\llas , pIoprietor : of the city laundry. .Miss Elsie Savi11e.of 1\1s1 y , wiis here the later part pf' last week to assist in the conccrt given - en b } . the Baptist c1 oir I\riday night. ' . . Ii- , The Misses Adab BoYen , anel Nell Gulterson arrived hi're from Crcte , last 'rhursday night. 'l'he ) ' have been altending school at that place./ ' Mrs. R. Triplett and chi1 lren of Berw'n , whu have been visiting : lrs. 'l'riplell's mother , Mr . M.I I E. Bishop , returned to their homc last Ii'riday. , " I , . Mr. and Mr . A. Morgan and daughter were passengers : for Chicago last Thursd y to aUe.ul the wedding of MrS' . Morgans ) 'oungest sister , whose home id at that place. .Attorney A. R. Humphrey , wIfe and youngest son left Saturday - day for Colorado , where Mrs. Humphrey will rcmain for a time for the boy's health who is aft1ic- ted witb asthma. . J. II. Haney , daV operator at the depot , has received notice that he haa been elected a delc. gate to the telegraphers conven. tion to be held at Alliance on the 15th inst , and will accordingl ) ' attend the session. Rev. Schank dro\'e 'over from Callaway last Friday accumpan iee by his wife and children who left on the morning train for Arcadia , where they will visit for two weeks with the parentb of Mrs. Schank. Prof. G.E. Boggs , Principal and Manager ot the Hasting Commercial College was a social caller at this office this morning. Mr. Boggs was on his way to Weissert to spend the Ii'ourth with his parents , Mr. and Mrs. J as. Boggs. Seven persons were arrest..d at Fremont on Sunday June 18th , and were bound over to the district - trict court for violation of the law by playing ball n Sunday. It is hoped that this law will prosecute - secute all like until the : Sunday Base BaU will be a thing : of the past. Miss Hanna Edmunds returncd from Merna last Saturda ) ' . J. ' A. FarreU was at Ausle\ ' looking after business last MOIi- tlay. Lawyer Bentlcy , of Ansley , Was up on business the first f the week. Editor Wimmcr was at An- selmo on bUincss the later part of la t wcck. Edmunds who has bccn visiting at Mason City returncd here last SunddY : Roy Libbey of Gencsco , Ill. , was a guest of his uncle , Mr. Leggitt , the past week. Mr. J. 'l'homas our c ty laundrJ- man , wa's at Alliance Hunday , to visit his mother and sister of that place. l oad Master , J. Bowen , waH hcre on busincss a short time last Friday , betwcen train time of 41 and 44. Miss Janie Cooper , was a passcnger for Bencdict , Neb. , l st Monday where 'She will visit some time. Nettie and Fred Jensen went to Alliance "last M011l1ay to visit thcir sister , Mrs. Herbcrt Woods of , that place. ' Ramah Reyerson left Monday for Baltimore. lIe goes as a del- igate for the National convention - tion held there. Miss Eva Gadd is visiting with fricnds at Hebron. Hhe expects to visit at Fremont and Lincoln also , before returning hem . , Mrs. F. Hanigan , who has been visi ting her mother , ! \1 rs. .E. r . Crouty , of this placc , re urned to her home 111 Seneca last Monday. . Chas. Davis one of the Pioneers I in the vicinity of Ansley was a city vlsi'tor MondaHc made the R PUllr.ICAN ofiice a friendly caU. .IIa1.el and Edn:1. : Simms and brother James were passeri ers to J.\SteJ' Jt i Sa turcla.YoiAto ; visi t their gramHl10thcr 'Mrs. ' 1' . ' 1' . Daniels. L. W. 'Amsberry came in Saturday - urday night from the eastern part of the state , .for a few day's'a - a tion. lIe is in t hc em plo ) ' 0 f the U. P. H. l . Pearl r ddy and Chloe Brother- ton of Merna , came down last Friday to take part intheconcerl given Friday night at thc Opcra Housc. 'l'hcy returned < lturday morning. G. Guyle of Walworth , was a city visitor Monday. 'l'he I H- PUlU.ICAN acknowledgcs , a ocial call. Mr. Guyle desires to dispose - pose of his large farm and retire from farm life. Mrs. Ii' . W. McGrew , wife of Cashlcr McGrew of the 'State Bank at Callaway , came OHr via stage last It'riday to mcet d rda- . tive who arrived for a'isit anTi returned the following day. Miss Anna Carroll , who has held a position in the land ofi cc for some time , was a passenger last 'l'hl1rsday for York , whcrc she will visit beforc going on to Kansas City , Mo. to her home. II. E. Hall who has bcen visil- ing his mother at Missouri Valley - ley , Iowa , for tHe past month returned - turned home Sunday night. Since Ills visit to Iowa , 'he IS better - ter pleased than ever with Broken Bow. Another soaking' rain \'isitcd this vicinity last 'rhursc1ar'night. l'be percipltation in this locality was two inches , but south and ast a few mites a rain fall ( 'If three inches is reported. 14 lter. -Every day jt r ins , more or less. Claude Wahl , who recently purchased the IIutton barber . .hop needs no introduction to thc people of Broken Bow and vicin- Ity. lIe is now the oldest , in experience - perience in business here. .TIc has been associated in the busi- ncss for most of the time for tif- teen . \ ' ars , ha'ingowned , two or ' threc.shops' in that time. li'or the past year or two , since he sold his shop on the west side of the iquare to 1.eo Dean he has hied Ither lines of business and other localities. But now he informs Lis that he has settled down permanently - manently in the barber business ' 'in Broken Bow. As a tonsorial artist he stands second to none , and his many friend : ; are pleased to know that he is hare to &tay. - _ -v. Buggv'Talk . ! . . I - - . . ' " ' . I ha\'c recch'cd anothcr car direct from , " ; the factory , all of the vcry latest styles. - I 'Comc in and see them whether you wanl to huy or not and if you want to bn ) ' 1 will guarantee to Hell you a uuggy , car- ' . riege or spring wagon , for less moncy than you can bu ) ' anywhere else , and g-ivc ) 'ou the vcry latcst output of the factory , somcthing no other dealer in , the cou ny can do. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . I " - - - - - - - - - - . . _ , . " - - - - - - - > I C J ! ! i ri I . , , " , , , I I' ' I. , . ' II II . ' . : r.I'cr.JO" JO'.YJCO : jCf..a.-r.l. Y..f.r.f. . jQf'y".r..o F I Horton , Carl & Millett. I I ANO'.L'1I1m CHI' loml of pinnos is l'i ' now her and we must mnke N room for t.hem , ome ; ; < 1 uently we must Rell ten pmnos In t.110 . next ten < hlYS. 8 Those customers who nre ready to buy H 8 Rhou lel visit our ; . once ns we of- 8 . Jm ! : specinl indueemqnts nt this time. 8 People tell us thnt we hnve the best B line of pianos ever shown in ] ( enrny. ii . 1 f yon , doubt it come in find see for . yours 1f. 'l'hrec month's lessons PlUm i'S ' . wit.h o\'ci'y Iillno 1OId. . Your choieo B or teaeJer. ! Y OIl1'S for squtlro dealing , ' . . R I-lorton , Carl' & Millett. - . . . . . . . Z.111.onll : Z.ltll Ht. . . , IC ( rlU , ! ) ' , ch. Q".r..r.g-.M . .ooq.r.r.J'f.r.r.r.r.r..oo : : : : : O'"QJO'3".r.rJ'Y'/ ' " # - _ _ , - - - . . . . _ - - _ .r - . . ' . H. T. BRUCE a ; CO. , -SEr4LS- \ . Lumbar , La , th , Plaster , Lime , Hair Sash ; Doors , and Storm S1sh. . . . . . . , Everythiug first-class' . Sce them. South Side , Broken now. . . , - . . - - - - - PURE OLD CIDER . VIN"liJG AI { - " . 4N ( . JC04' THA'l"S what it is- Hot only in name IHlt in quality-it is made j'l'om 1HIt'n rpe ; apples , nil thol'oughly washed and Hnle 'tpd I'rom ' ' < g'ood , IHIl'e apleR } ) , bad OIH'S nre fill l'lIllt'cI out. Olll'\'inegul's aJ'e a II thol'ollgh l I aged bl.rOI'e they HI'C oIrel'cd for Halt ! . I f too Rt.l'ong . just ndd a little watcl' . 1'111'0 Old Uidcl' Vinegar is alRo w hoh.'somc. YOUHS FOlt Pu'Hl ' 'o01) Pnonuo'l'S , PHONE 5. . " . - - - - - J. C. BOWEN. 'l'H AIII- : t , . . MA . . . . Y . . 9. 1905. . . ' -ur ( ( ) lei " " 'r " 11' ' nr I-ure 'r duct. M.\RK CASII. . . . . . - . , . . : - ' . ' ' - ' I - - - . - - - - - - - I The Repu lJli an Does t11 at Good Kind of \ \ ' ork. , . , . ' . , . . ' . , . . . , ' ' ' , ' , " I. ' " , T