Newspaper Page Text
, U \ \ ) \ ) ' " ' \b" " ' - , : ' : " ' USTER . ( ) OUNTY EPUBLICAN- . . . , ES'1'ABLISIIED 1882. THE OFFICIAL PAP R OF CUSTER COUNTY. LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY PAPEl IN THE COUNTY. , , VOL. XXV. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURDSAY , NOVEMBER 15 , 1906.--EIGHT PAGES. NO. 23. . - : i\ : ( ; ! _ r : jJ & < ' : = ; T r , ; , \J \ l ( ! . . ( jr1 . . . " , ' ; . . ; , , - I = = : : t'o ; : : : : : . . j//I\\\\ & ; / / \ I" "Frlend , Sweethart , wile. " I Was thc bcauliful sentil1lcnt I scut lncnt choscn hy II wcB known I ) 'ollng IIInn , to hc inscri ed within : .ie lina : cec'j ; rinPriellll / , swcet- heart , \ , ICc-comhine thc three , or choose enc from n1l1oul' ' thcm RlIII I will show ' the . for ) 'OU rlllJ. ! prc- scntution. Dainty solitaircs for the wOl1lan who is satislicel wIlh nothing butthc "correctthillg. " An elegunt line of seals IInel initinls for thc lIIen , solhl , sub- stnntion , economical rings for the ho's } . " ' " ) ane girls. "nvcryborIy's" ring , the solid g ld oval or band , in all sizcs ; broa fiat , hroad full ovnl ; or the ncnt , telince } 'I'iffany , a nllrrow , thick ring , weighing fllBy as lIIuch as thc othcrs , but lacking thcir ostcntation , . rn . . . , AIa' . ; . ' H _ Burlington Bulletin. November , 1906. IITWH.t.l'A\ ' TO CONSUt.T 'I'll IS DUt.t.1t'1'IN. ROUND TIUl' TO ' 1'lltt COAS'1'-Daily Tourist ratcs ill cITcct nll wintcr to Pacific Coast destinations with vnrinblc routcs. CmCAGO AND lurruRN-Onc : fare plus $2,00 for the round trip Deccmbcr tst to 4th inclusivc for thc Ilitcruntional I.ive Stock Exposition. To Tmt BAST ANI > Sou'tn-Very : low hOl1lcscekers' allll Winter Tourists excursions - sions through the Autum 111111 Wintcr to various dcstiuntfons throughout the south. VISIT TIII 01.J } IIolIlt-I.ow : : ccur- sion rates to thc olel homc points in IlIinoi , Ilwa , Wi con ! in , I\1is ! ouri and other middle statcs dcstiuations , No13 nn ' 27 , limit thirty days. II O\USIt1U'tRS' : ! EXCURSloNs-Frc- quently each mouth to Western Ncbrns- ka , Hastcrn Colornelo , Bi 1I0rn Basin , dry lanll farllling Ilcstinattons or irrigat- ce } serli n . DRT.ANII PAIUlIINn-Scne : } for Folder . , :111 : get hell ( of a qnartcr section of cheap western Illnd he fore it if ! too late. I11um KINI'\lD 1.ANl > s-Write : D. Clcm Deaner , Agcnt Burlington's Homc- scekers' Information Bnreau at 100.1 Faruam St. , Omaha , ahout gclling hold of a free section of Kinkaid lands now heiug restorcd to the public Iomain. Consult nearest Burlington Tickct I Agent from timc to time and see what oue-way nnd round trip ratcs hc has ! nvniln lc for your immedIate purposc. : II. 14. ORMS Y , Agcnt C. . & Q. Ry. f. , W. WAlntlltv ; , \ G. 1' . A. Omal1a , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' _ _ _ _ _ zrw : : , r' IJI.J",1 , f A P P L'E S . T am handJing a car 10ac1 of fine BEN DA VI8 apples , well sorted , for a party in : Missouri , . which he wants closed out at once. .I will sell them while they last at 50 cts per bushel. 11emember , they are not my' apples and that I am not "knocking. " but have been instructed to sell thi car at tbe price named. 'l16tfR CR OC ER'V I have a complete stock of fl'esh and pure goods.rrhere's none better on the market and the priees will cause your purse to smile aud- ibly. Investigate this matter. I iT. . : PE.A..1C. . : E , Realty Block. Phone 161. Broken Bow , ! I- , _ _ _ _ _ . .II - 1. : : . . . - "If'J ' . _ _ _ . . _ _ - ! " " - L J - - > > : r I- - - , I , , Stoves . Wl1en it comes to stoves that do not rcquire heaps of , . , " talk we arc there. 'rhe stovc we have do the work , and rccommend themselvcs. 'rhey have a reputation bu ilt on mcri t. . I ' , . - - - ' , ' - Corn Shellers Ii We arc agcnts for Joliet and Ke'stone corn shcllers , Can furnish all kinds of rcpairs. . - - - , Casoline IEneines : . Talk to us about Intcrnational gasoline engines-sta' . tionary and traction-from 2 to 15 horse power. All Kinds of Feed Grinders. CEO ; APPLE. ! - t1't1't1't11t11t"t1't'1"tt'1"'t"t'1t"'tt""t''tt'tttt'1"1t" ' ' ' " ' ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " " " ' ' ' ' " " t' ' - - - - - - I Groceries I - - - - - - I and I - - - - - - - - - I Provisions I - - - - - - - - - - - - : : : : IJIIONl . NUMlllm , SHEPPARD & BURK . : : : : ' ' ' ' ONE.1'WO'l'E = = : : : : : : : - - - - il1il 11 11 11111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11 S : Honor to Whom Honor is Duc , ' 1'wo weeks ago the Rm'unr.IcAN published an item to the cffect that "The onicials of the pcnsion onice thinl < they have discovered in Lyston D. Howc , of Sfreator , m. , the ; youngest voluntecr of the civil war. He enlistcd in 1861 , when only tcn years and nine months old. " , ' 1'0 this "statcment Comrade J. J. Douglas of Callaway , takcs . exceptions and writcs as follows , "Now , this question was argued pro and con in thc Chicago - cag-o Inter Ocean a few ycars . ago , and I think , wa finally ! decided in favor of my friend , Gilbert Vau andt , of my ncigh- borhood in Ohio , and as I was acquainted with "Gib , " as he was called , I write this in his defense , thinldnk it may be of intcrest to some , and especially to the old soldiers. He was ten years , seven mon ths and sixteen da's old when he enlisted Aug-ust ( .th , 1862 , in Co. D , 79th Ohio Volunteers , in the little village of Port William , Clinton county , Ohio. He enlistcd as a drummcr bo ) ' . His discharge at the close of the war describcs him as I'a soldier 13 years old and four feet high. " He has documentary proofs to show his agc , the time of his enlistment and dischars-e , and interesting- letters that tell what he did as a soldier. He is now living with his widowed mother in Kansas City , and is a member of the Faragut-Thomas Post G. A. H. of that place. He still has the old battered drum , he carried when he cnlisted. He ' also has an old sword t.hat was ! { iven him while in the arml' II served as dispatch carrier 111 the Atlantic campaign from Atlanta - lanta to the sea , winding up at Washington. He was in all the t1gagements his division fought in. He was in the grand parade in Washington at the close of the war and there he met Andrew Johnson , president of the United States. He waS riding a bcauti- ful pony he captured in Georgia and as all such propcrty belonged to the governmcnt , he was sup- ? osed to gi c the .pony up , bu mys he went personally to. the president to ask to be allowed to : etain it. He took an interest In the boy and askcd him many questions , and , wan ted to , know \vhich he cared more for , the pony or a commission. He said the pony , and it was given him , with transportation for it to his home in Ohio. He kept it tilt it died , which was several years after the war. ' ! Put it in the Conscience Fund. Congressman Ernest H. Pollard - lard , of this state , through the return of $1,8&5 in back salary , has managed to worry Uncle Sam's financial experts as to whilt to do with the money , They cannot lcgally accept it , for there is no fund to which it can be creditcd , and at the same time the Nebraska Congressman refuses to take it back. 'l'he $1,865 r presents salary from March 4 to July 18 , 1906 , paid to Mr. Pollard , who was elected in the latter month to succeed lr. llurkett , who was elected to the Senate. Mr. Burkett did not I I-- r- that timc , for he wa.s c1raw- ' ing his salar ) ' as Senator. ' 1'he law provides that a Congressman shall be paid from the time his predecessor's .resignation was madc , and thus Hepresenta.tive Pollard is clcarly cntitled to the monc ) ' . IIowe\'er , thc fact that he accepted the cash without having actually earned it' was used against him in the campaign - paign , but imlllcdiately after election he returned the money in ordcr to convince the voters of his good intentions. But what is. the government going to do with the money ? 'l'he problem is turning gray the hair of certain - tain governmcnt onicials and onicers of the House of Heprc- scntatives. Knicht ErrAnt of Tnriff Rcform. Whether Mr. Bryan tal1es about the 'l'ariff or keeps quiet on that matter the record is made , and if things so turn as to make him ag-ain the Democratic presidential nomince the country must once more face squarely the determination - nation by the Democratic party to ovcrturn the existinb' economic advantages in the form of the marvelous industrial develop- mcnt of the county , the unpar- al1eled growth of our foreign I trarl and the general prosperity of the pC9ple. In all probability the fight will turn chiefly on that issue in any event , but it will be additionally ficrce with Mr. Bryan as the Democratic stand- al'd bearcr , for in his party's frantic etTorts to have the countr ) ' forgct his cheap currency championships - . . pionships it will reclouble its . - to prove him a lmight crrant of 1I'l'aritT reform.II I Maaon City. George Shaw , who was tateen suddenly ilt white at the show at the Opera housc last Saturday nigl t , 'is now on the highway to recovery. J mes Kelly returned Saturday morning from Sioux' county , Neb. , when he'd beenlooking at Jane1. He was well pleased with the country and took a half section - tion homestead while tbere. wia Scharper returncd" Friday , from Grand Island where he has been attending the Baptist col- lege. He expects to rcturn to school work after the holidays. 'Villtam I40ngmore and wife , of Callaway , have been visiting relatives in this vicinisy the past two weel < s. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph who have been visiting friends and relatives - tives in this vicinity , returned to thcir home in S1. Joseph Tues- day. Corn husking ison in full blast. Nearly all farmers , > near Mason , began husking this week. While breaking a broncho Ed. . Gilt had the misfortune to have it fall upon him , making him pretty sore for a few days. J. R. I4amb is doing the mason I act nowdays. lIe built a chim- ney'ruesday. Advent Church , There will be Gospel services at the Advent church , in the southeast part of the city next Sunday , November 18 , at 11 a , m. ELDUR HAYCHAl1'1' , Paster. - - - - . TTE 1'I N COllin Sllllclrel"S . - \ Last year l sold nearly a gross of my 11 and and Face Lotion to corn shuckel's alollo and it gave such satisfaction that I make ' This Proposition : If you purchase a bottle , use according- directions and it does not g'ive entire satisfaction - tion your money will e cheerfully refunded. \V hat fairer or more liberal proposition could be made ? Price , only 25 cents. S. RII LEE , Uealty Block , 131'0 Bow. I = : FII ! " " , . . . " . ' " I I ; . gi sik' THE 6El\rdER \ l\6Wl\Y3 \ \ ' Abstract Co. , t Bonded. t Only Set of Abstract Books in County . ' One Oontinuous and Unbroken Line of Business Since Beginning , } ) I @ Afew properties of our own for sale on terms right Notary Farm Loans Public I A RE . TEAU , , Phone No. 201. Sec'y-Trcas. . - ? ? ? ? ? ' _ _ _ -L _ _ _ ' . . - ' - ' - = : = : : ; = tr MONEY to Loanll I am prermred to Also bargains. i n 1) hlCe110 ! ley'I _ ( 'ood. " . . , lspll ' yo1 improved farms at. a farm on easy' l' ns lower rates than has of payment. ever been offered in It Custer county. Call . ] )0 not rent when and see me. you cnn buy. . J alneS Leclwich , ,5 Broken Bov , Nebr. \ \ . . _ _ . . - _ _ J ) _ _ _ -7 . , - - - . _ . . . . - . - - - - , . . . . . . - . . , . . , , . . " " . ' ' . . 'v. . . , .j'r. - " " 1'"J":1'r' " " : - " I , 'f" 't . . . .t' . " ; ' " > . . _ . . " Wake up nd Boost for : BrokenBow : GOQl Heads generally mean prosperity for a , , - - . town. Push the good . I ' work along. Everyone \ $ n W ' . . . . . . , . , \ push. . : " " " ' Hedlacket Swcet Cider , the pure quilt , . on earth , per ga1Jon , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35c Wright's lluckwheat Flour. All buckwheat , a lb. . 5c Sa1Jy Gibson Pancake Flour , rice , corn and wheal. It's good. ' 1'wo packages for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c Fancy White Comb Honey , per frame. . . . . . . . . . . . , 20c Fancy White Bxtracted Honey , 2 pounds. . . . . . . . . . 25c Hice Pop Corn , clean and good , a package. . . . . . . " 10c 'l'ea 14eaf , Japan tea , the finest , a pound. . . . . . . . . 50c Halston Pancake Flour , two for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 25c Jell-O , you lmow it' finc , a package. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10c Kamo Syrup. It's all right. A gallon paiL. . . . . . 50c Guaranteed Pure Maple Syrup. . . . . . . . . . . $1 35 and 1.50 I4ipton's Famous 'rea , a can. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40c Standard Stock Foods , all sizes Hess Stock 14'oods , all sizes. . J. C. BOWEN" . 'urc 01.1 TRAm caner : 'Vlncflur JlROKl Norlh N now Shle , NI : UR. MARK -