OCR Interpretation

Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 06, 1906, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94055463/1906-12-06/ed-1/seq-1/

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. . . . . . ' . \ . . " I :
. '
all iilterest is.focussed .
. On Cliristn1as'
And what lincf business wonld you say receives most
, attention ? Gue s jewclry and you'll guess right. It
, occttpies the . first place , in thc hearts of all-young and
old ,
, ,
. , . .
D n't let OUR displa escape you. . . . '
. . . . ' ' , - , .
Months ago we decided , to be in a position to say to
Xmas ; shoppers-.l'Jlerc'is' a Christmas Jewelry d.ispIai : : '
t1 a for size , f 'r'pl ri , fCr variety , for generous values
DEMAND.S your a.t"tenti n. " "
. .
. . ' , ' . , I
. ' n w.we say it. .andeverywor
. .
i . . of it : is true #
. . \
, . . . .
'It is certain that we have. ne\er invited the people to
view an offering quite as tempting. The price range of
.presents re ch'cs from a few cetits to hundreds of dollars ;
- It includes artices to make glal the hearts f all. ; .
our invitatI . n to visit tIs 'is I extehd'ed
. - ' , - " .
to all. This.'m ' ans : . y u
, , .
. . . . ' , .
I .
Take YQur t me to view o11r ; showing thorou'ghly. . Ask' . "
about qualities. Get pdces. , Find out aft you 'Yisli
about ever ingri which yo are interested. It's , none
too.-soon . to do { he hoosing. We are gld to lay . 'aside .
aII'scl tions. : -
. . " , .
Co , , . .
I ' > " . . . . " . ' : < , - .J- ! , . . .
- f' ' . . . , . . .
' .
. . " .
. . , . \ ,
. . . ' " . '
" ,
, , \ ' ' ' ' " " . "
' " I , . : . ' .
. . . . - - - - X1 IIII IIII
, we have loaded our counters with a hoice .line of.
Deco ated' ' < China
, especial1y for fhe occasion , consisting of
Plates Platters Saucers
, , , , ,
1 Eowls. Pitchers , Tour s ,
and in tnaking your selectins for hrish s , tokens you
should visit our store and see this lin which is just . . hi. Also -
so a car load of .
"U" : t\TITT.TFl.E , : , ]
of which we feel prond , because it is beyond question the
finest car load ever brought to Broken Bow. and , from which
) 'ou can make a selec.tion adaptdble for a very acceptable
Christmas pres nt. . .
. . '
s. P. GRO ltT& 'CO
Opera I-Iouse Block , Broken Bo\v. , .
- .
' ' .
, .
. , - '
; , " ! . , " "U''I' ' ' ' ' ' ' 11'I ' \ , I " ' " , ' . . " . - , . . " , ' _ _ w
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. 'I " . ' ' - " " ( on
11'il"j" I : , .
1'00.)1 ,
; \.1 \ ! - , ' I "I " 1I"L " ill , 4" , "I'U' ' . ! . 1I , IIiII' < i . . , . . i . . " 'I' ' ' \
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I r ; ' . " ] ! glll1i1 H ! nnn ! .
. : : . . liAA
, . on " , , " " , . , . , P. ,11 , ,
i ' . 'E " .
' ' ? . .
. ,
- - .
. . - . . . . c. W. .WAHL , Proprietor. _
. .
Twenty-three Y cars Ago.
! ( I rollt the RIU'UIILtCAN tII\1R. )
I "W. 'V. Cowles , Brimfield ,
'Illinois , returned last week and
I is making preparations to domicile -
micile on his homestead. " ( Just
23 years aftcr this item was
printed" the RUl'unI.IcAN stated
that Mr. and Mrs. Cowlcs had
gone to Peoria , Ill. , to reside
with a daughter. )
The ofiicial abstract of votes
at the elcction heM on November - I .
ber 6th was published and
showed seven hundred and thirty- I .
five ctst : in the county.
"The roof , of the new b 'ick
church is completed and the building -
ing makcs a fine appearance. "
"l'he "new brick church" was
remodeled and is. now the residence -
dence of County Treasurer
Cavattee. , "
A game of baseball was played
in Br01cn Bow on Thanksgiving
day between Lillian and Broken
Bow for $100 a side. The score
was 23 to.l ) in favor of Lillian.
"The weather , with the ex.
ccption of a few days , for "a
month past , has , been warm and
clear , with but few cloudy days
All kinds'of outdoor work is'
I carried on the same as if in
spring time. Cattle and all
kinds of stock are doing finely on
the wi14 gra'ss and no winter
feeding as yet. "
"Messr"l. Beebe , Atmour : and
HQpkins , of Westerville speut
Thanlsgiving day witli Broken
Bow ci ti7.ens. "
Thanksgiving occurred on
Nov. . 29th , 23 years go , the
same as this year.
15 YUAHS Ano.
'A packing house for Broken
Bow is an assured _ fact. It9
capacity wilJ be for 50 or 60 hogs
per day. t w.il 1-ep ? } to. s.timt -
late prices on hogs and no doubt
wi11 in timeresul.t' \ . in building
up..hQ QC.s , .market , for hogs in
thl . .P rt ofi the..c untry. " ,
. I'Jc s 'a ' y and Q. P. Perle > .
re ur e4.y at.cr.day : from. . their
sport111g tnp" wes . 'l'hey
brought , b ek vith them a fine
deer. They re1JoH g me scarc.e
wherc they were. " .
'Hon. A. R. , IIu-mphrey : and
wife ame np fr m Lincoln the
25th and BJcnt ? Thanksgiving
with fri nds In. the , city. " . ' " .
"W illis Talbot camc in
Wednesday Nov. 25th , from
Lincoln , where he is attending
the State university to spend
Thanksgiving'day at home with
his parents. "
1 "The county board had ,
Warm , time , . 'yesterday , ' " over
allowing the bills of the several
election boards. J. II. Chap.
man's bill for ' -17 hours , on the
compounded method , under the
new 8-hour per d y law , amounts
to $133.70. " ( 'I'he 8-hQur law ,
ena ted by a fusion legislature ,
rbad : "Any employer or cor.
poration worldng his men over
the time specificd in this act
sh alllny as extra compensation
< 1 uble the amount per hour
as ar'cl for t c rev'otu hours. "
'rherfore Mr. Chapman for the
9th hour charged SOc. For thc
10th hour , $1. For the 11 t h hour
$2 and so on including the 17th
hour. In Lancaster county a
clerk of election put in twcnty
hours and filed Ius bill'on the
sam basis as per the law. It
I. amounted to $2,049,00 for the
20 hours.
"Strangers who arrive in the
city to remain over night uni
vcrsally observe Broken Bow's
lack of entcrpri in not having
th city lighted. " ( hcre isn't
any morc enterprisc now than
15 years ago. Not as mitch , it
\vould secm , since the voters reused -
( used to allow au electric light
plaut established. It is too bad ,
realey too. bad. ) .
, 'I'he abstract of votes at an
ele tion held Nov. ' , 3rd wns
p blished and showed th : re were
3,494 voters in the county who
did not stay at home on election
A Th/mk.sivlnu WeddIng.
Concernin'g a wedy i ng 'an-
nounccd in.the RIU > UDI.1CAN last
week to take place on 'rhanls-
giving day the Merna Postal
Card saysj "A very pretty home
wedding took place yesterday at
high noon \It the home of Henry
Cox , when his eldest daughter ,
Goldie , was joined in e lock by
Rev. SchanI ( to Hans Stt110nso 1
of Broken Bow. Only the relatives -
tives and a few close fricnds
were present to witness this
evcnt. The younger sister of
the bride played the wedding
march and it is said the bride
lo ked very beautiful robed in a
rich gown of white , while the
groom was tastly attired in the
convential black. After the
ceremony was over all did ample
justice to a wedd1t1g T4anks-
'giving dinner and it is hopcd
t 1at in after years th t1 o't of
the happiness of yesterdays
Thanksgiving day will assist in
keeping any cloud that may
gather on the sly of life ilway
is the best wish the Postal Card
can maIe Mr. and Mrs. Simonson.
'rhev will make their future
hem . in the Bow. "
The December American-Boy.
The Christmas numb r'of 'l'he
American Bow' is a winner.
From its two-color front cover ,
showing a Ij\ ely slmting scene ,
to the last work of 1he last page ,
'it is replete with matter to stir
the heart of a boy. The first
chapte's of two new serials make
their ppearance-"Tad , the
Story of a Boy Who Had no ;
Ch t ce" , by the Editor of the
American Boy , and "Starting in
Life" by Nathaniel C. Fowler Jr. .
= -
. ' :
is on. tOOll ; everybody will be buying
things to make others happy.
: : EI..er.tl.er1:1 : : : : : ber !
we' have fl. ' well selected _ .assortment , .of
very pretty . .II > , as , veIl as useful . gifts. 1 " '
Perfu'mes Stationery ,
Pipes. ' ; : : : B'oo.ks
Vases . . . Noveltieskfl :
Be sure to .come and see. even if you do
. , not care to uuy-always glad to show
0111' goo s. .
AT Baisch'sI
. I
, '
I I ! - J ; 9
. . .
r gb
THe : b8AJd8R Ab WAYS t
. ' - ' t
, Broken. Bow I
t Abstract Co. , I
t Bonded. .
' ,
On I Set-of Atistract Books in County ;
tone Oontinuous and Unbl'olcen Line t
' 1&(1 ( of Busi\less Since Beginning ,
\ ' \ Fifteen Years Ago. t
' t
. I.
A few properties of our owii for sale on tel'InS l'igh't
. .
f. . Notary FarO'1 Lo Publio ns , I.A . "E'I\TEAU ' , I
, .
Phonc'No. 201. Sec'y-Treas.
( _ . _ ' , \
, y . ?
: '
. t11t'1t1't1""t1'tt1t'tt1t"1"'t1't1't"t"t'1t'1t11tt1t"t1Jt1 ' ' " " ' ' " " ' ' ' " " ' ' " l'tt'Y ' '
' Fill the Stockings .
E : with'candy selected from the choice linc . .we purch sed = =
= = especially for the purpose anti ml1lc the children happy , = =
: . . : : : : and then for . = =
- , -
'E : - ' Chr1S : an.a..S : : . : J)1n.n.er . : :3
- ' ' - -
= = we invite YOllr , attc.n ion to the Fli1g Brand of Eruits , aUll . : : : : : :
= = Vegetables , cOlllpnS1t1g1 , , ' . . ' = =
= = Hed Raspberries. . . . . . 30c
. = = Strawberrics. . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . .30e
: : : : : Ch' rries ' ; . " . ' . : . ; ' " ; : : , . . . . 5'-
= = Wax Beans. . . . . . . . . . , . .1Sc
: . . : : - : : June 'Peas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Sc
Succotash. .20c = =
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. Cream . . , Corn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . .1Sc : : : : :
, .
. - -
. PutUpkn. } . . . .Ir. . . . . . . . " . " . 'rd5c : : : : : .1 I
'l'olna tocs. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . .20e : : : : :
Sweet Potato. . . . . . . . . . .1Sc . . - : - : : : :
E There- t one better tRan Flag Brand and on this point = =
= = , YOIl will so deciare if you try'it. 3 ,
- -
= = l > UbNI NU1\lIl1 R . - SHEPPARD & BURK : : : : : :
: : : : : -'l'WO-1'IYl : : : : : :
1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111 .
- . . _ . _ . . . . . . . . . - -b. . . -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
. [ I .L A M P S .
" : ,
; : Wha.t is grea.te j
" - -
--I lR111 0 what is grander ,
what is. : pre tier
. plei ty.
, 'of .lig1Jt ; 7
. ,
. . , . . " . , . . , \ . .
We have Lamps of atl kinds : ' . , ' : , I
.r " '
I "
Hanging Lamps , Stand r4ainps " ,
Nigh.t r t lpS. Vase Lamps
at prices that speak for . themselves.
Night Lamps from 400 to 75c
Ha,11ging Lamps $2.60 to $6.QO
Vase tamps SO cents .to-$12.50 ;
Glass Lamps 25 cents ' -up : - ' , .
We have lots of Lamps-lamps-for all-at LESS
\Ve save yon money on lam'I > s. Buy lamps of us.
Buy now and we wi1l.keep it-for you till Christmas.
'I'HADE NOrth Shle
Pllrc Old ClCler Vlucllar I1HOKEN IJOWNE R.
- - -
. " , . " h : .1. . - ( ; ' . " T. . " . . . , . . ,

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