Newspaper Page Text
- . . . , ' , ' \ , # , 'U8TER' , UOUNTY 1 PU'BLICAN. 'f2.PI ES , c ESTABLISHED 1882 , THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF CUSTER COUNTY. LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY PAPER IN THE C UN'l'Y. t . . ' r. . . , . VOL. XXV. I BROKEN BOW , GUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURD8AY , DECEMBER 13.-1906. NO. 27. t . , ' . . . . . . . ' - VI41Mrra _ _ _ . _ - , , . , . I - . . . " , : ' ' . " H E L 'PF U 'L HINTS . ; . " ' , , . . . F' 0 R' . . , ' . HOLIDAY BUYERS , . l 'or months we have bc n p anniu for our Christmas display and are . . . now ready to ) lave you come 111 and pass Judgmcnt on the results , \\TIe began ' " ' carly , took plenty of timc and bought careful1y. In many cascs secured .rare bargains on goods of unusual wotth. Iu fact , worthiness is' thc distinctive " . feature of our stock ; everything in it combincs uscfulncss with beauty. We . . . I want you to come and see our stock. ' , if' ' . ; ' - ' , . ' : Come Eat1ly and Often . I . . Come even If you are not ready to buy , as it will give you valuable suggestions - . . . ' gestions as to what would be suitablc. It is needless to urge the advantage . . of early selections , you realize that this alaways pays. Goods on which a , . . " small payment has been made will be laid aside for you and we will pack and ship things to be sent to out-of-town friends. When so ordered , goods for - people in town will be delivered Christmas morning : We wish to make this . , . . . . . an easy , satisfactory . and economical Christmas for you , . - . I \ . Tt1 This Plan ' , " , Make a list of all you wish to male a present to and when looldng over the following items note opposite the names anything that seems suitable , . . . . then come and see the goods. In this way you can'do a good share of your : . ' , . holiday shopping in the quiet of your own 'home and avoid much of the " . . . worry of choosing holiday gifts. - ' . I , . . _ . _ . - - - - - - - - - \ Brushes The improvement in the manufacture of \ I brushes and t e beautiful mat rial used I ' : , .f. for mounting , these makes a brush a : T , . good gift for any one-especially between members of the same famil ) ' . We haye them in Sterline , Ebony , Staghorn , Rosewood , l'oxwood ; , Olive and a variety of natural wood backs. Some especia11y _ fine ones ln Silver. Iilitary Brushes , ! Hair and Cloth Brushes , Etc. , singly erin in sets. Good ones' from 2,5 cents up. " . . . MirrorS Hand , Stand and Oval Mirrors. The . . . former with backs to match the Brushes. All glas ; of heavy Frnch plate. Prices. 60 cents up. i , . . . I I . , _ Toilet Cases .1 . ' A large 'variety and in every desirabl I combination. Also 'a nice lot of ' 1 raveling - ing Cases that a man will appreciate I whether he travels or not. 'rhis is one line where we can't be beaten either as to price or quality. I Toys , We- were fitted out hy one of the best \ tov factories in the mi < 1dl west and can t g arantee yon'Ii purchase wherr.l you see . ; ' , oqr fine elispfay i'it iron , mechanical and . I stationery toys. A fin line of steam i5 . . , - = . ' . . ' . . engines , air guns , etc. " , 'r : f ' - [ . . . I ' . : , Smokers Goods ; , ' , f" ! . , . : " : Something in this line will please a ' . , ; . smoker if the quality be right , and you ' ' insure that by letting us help you. We . probably know his favorite brand of. cigars. Also a nice liue of pipes to choose from. 25 cents up. Cigar Cases , Match Boxes , Etc. , Etc. t "r Books . Our store is especially strong in picture - ture books. We have them from the A. B. C. for the li'ttIe tots up , to the History and travels for the larger children. \ Prices range trom 10c to 75c. , . Leather GoOds FOR Mim : Fine wallets , bill books , pocket books , purscs , coin bags , etc. , from 25 cents'up. . I Nothing wortH while in this line but that we Imve and at the fairest possible prices. , . Shaving Sets If h : : doesn't shave himself an. object-Cor him to do so by giving him a good o tfit. We have the kind of equipment - ment that makes shaving both easy and pleasant. 'l'he best Rr7.o\'s , Strops , . Mugs , Lather Brushes , Etc. Corifectionrey . \ We handle Douglas Chocolates and , Special Confections-the kind that pleases critical people. If you will want something extra nice in ' , ' this -Hne give. us'your order now. Fancy gift packages 25 cents to $1.75. , , Perlumes. . Yon will want to give perfumes no matter what else you Ig'e. . , Our stock is al ways large and is surprisingly com- . Ilet . , More so than ever for the holi- days. We can supply your every need. High grade perfumes , imported or domestic - mestic , ir magnificent gift packages , up to $2 00 and as low as 25 cents. Also the same goods in bulk. . A tine array : of Colognes , 'l'oilet Waters , Sachet Powders , Etc. Atomizers Beautiful imported ones for gift pur : poses. A daintJ gift 'alone or , better still , filled with some of. our good odors. Prices rang-efrom : 50 cents up. . Stationery Many ltems in this line that make good Christmas tokens. Stationery in special boxes with ho11y decorations , from 25 cents up. Mooney's Fountain Pens-all warranted-$1.00 up to $3.75. I Gold Pens , those for ladies having pearl handles , from $1.00 up. , Desk Sets , Fancy Ink Stands , , Paper . Weights , Desk Pad ! ! , Etc. - , Other Gift Lines . . ' It is out of the question to do more than outline onr stock in this space. Each ; , of .these tines stand' for scores of gifts that you should know about. Come and see them. Fancy Goods in ce11uloid , plu b , wood , leather and metal. ' Pictures - - tures , Mcpa1lions" Games , Toys , Dolls , Fine China , Decorated Lamps. I , . ' . , S.R. : : . . : J.ElEI. : , , . . . - L . , . . . . . . . . . . - . . . " . . ' . . . ' , ' , , . < , ' . EVILS OF MODERN LIfo ! ! . Harm Done by Hurry and Worry at Our Modern Civilization. Not long ngo , while trnvellng , I hllnced to stall nt a vlllngo on the rIver RhIno , whore I found nn nBton- Isblng numbQr of old 1'00plo. There were n dozen ever ono hundroll YOlLrs Ilgo , Ilnll mnny trom 80 years 0111 up o the centur ) ' nll\rI ( : yet straight nml vIgorous. Ono woman nonrly R. hun. drClI ) 'cars 0111 W S cnrnlng her Ilvln , ; by lcklnl : hops : her grnndchlldron were mlddlo. ! : oll. It WIlS qulto won. dortul. llut thuro was no mystery nbout It : It WitS merely the effect of R. slmplo lito spent Inrgely In the nelds , : wIth 111nln diet , conslstlnl : or R. tow ! I vogotnbles nnd tt'Utts , UlUo mont , nl\tlvo b or nnll wIno for bovorages. Nothing can bo maI'o obvIous thnn thnt'tbo , very coml11exlty of our mod. ern clvlllzntlon la shortening our lives , nut of nil the ovlls tbnt nm10t UI.1 the worst Rnd most dostructlvo are hurl' ) ' . nnd worry. lIurry drives tIlO bOlly mnohlnu beyond Us cnI1l\clt ) " , while worry rncks It Inwnrdly. or the two worr ) ' Is probnbly the WOrso. This might , Indced , bo cn.1led the ago or worry. Decnueo of the Intense norv , ous strnln to wh\'ch \ wo nro subJected , wo do vast ! ) . moro wotl''lng Ulan dill our forobenrs. The nverngo man' ot tCHIay Is continually nrroundell nnd pursued by phllDtorn troubles , whlolJ , though tow oC thom vor matcrln11zo Into realltlos , haunt hIm contlnul\l1) , ruining hlB peace at mlnll and Inj rIng - Ing his hcatth.-Dr. John V. Shoo. mnltCr In the Reador. , , . SETTLED CASE RIGHT THERE. I Revenue OfflC r's Argument Cogent and AII.Convlnclng. Miss Dorotlwn Iutnpltc , tlJO no- tronoUJor , was tantlng nbout the dlt. flculll 1i lill Intrlcaclbs that o.strono- m ) ' l1rOscutB to the Iny mind. l "For In8taneo , " she snld. "thoro Is tbo wo11.lmown cnso of the mOleQrlto II that ten on a Vermont tnI'm In ' 96. It ; wns a valuable meteorlto , o.nd the landlord at onoo stOPl1od nud claim. ' cd It , 'An mlnorals and motal9 on the Innd belong to mo" he said. 'That's In the 10liso. ' . "But the tenant demurred. " ' 1'hIB moteorlte , ' lie sahl 'wasn't on the farm , Y01l must rcmember , when the lense WIlS drawn up. ' "Tho landlord percel veil the justlco of that claim. Ho thought ' : , . 'tnoment. Then } 1 said , declslvely : . claim her ' . . lI\P.- 'ns' ' flyIng game. "Dut tllO tenant wo.s rendY for Wm. 'Sho's got neither wIngs nor feathors. ' he said. 'T1icretore , as ground garno , she's mlno. ' "They continued their nrgument , nnd In the boat at It a revenue officer arriving with n truck procceded to put lho mo orlte Il.board , 'I claim hC1' for the gov rnment. ' ho sahl , 'as an artlclo Introduced Inlo the counlry without . . payment or duty. ' . . Avoiding Vengeance. Attor 1\1lsl1 Scl'camer had sung "by request" a gentleman was observed to leave lho-'room with con ldcrablo co. Icrlty. I "I can that rudencss , " declared ono guest. "Don't you ? " "Can't sa ) . . . . Il.RBwercd the guest nd. dressed. "It mny be 11rudencc , Ho loolts to me 1IIto the man who dId .tbo requestlng.-LoulavlIlo Courler.Jour- nal , Hasty Reassurance. "I was so glall to meet ) 'our mother , " said Mr , NewcomOl' . "ny the way , I dldn't lhlnl ( she was-cr-BO very stout- " , "Oh , " Intetrruplcd 1\IIs9 Yernor. "I'm sure 1'11 never ! ; row to bo 111\0 her. 1 tal\O aflor lJa , you Imow , " ! , - - - - - . . ; for a HRISTMAS PRESENT in the linc of something useful for family , friend or yourRelf see ec > . "VV'i11i'n.g. A Charter Oak Steele Hange. Gee-Whizz Washing Ma hine. Clothes Wringer. . Carpet Swecper. Slmtcs and Slcds for Doys and Girls. White Sewing Machlnc , the latest style and best madc , Set of Carvers. Silver I { . & Y. Spoons , solid silver. Hazors , Pocket Inives. Guns , A completc line of 11lANCY LAl\PS , DlSlIES , P LA'l'ES , ell PS , , SALAD D ISIII S , I 'rc. A large assortmcnt of l 'ancy Rugs , 100 to select fro'm. Sideboards , Dressers , Lounges , Book Cases , Kitchcn Cabinets , and Fancy RocIters. A Racine or Dunlap Dug g ) ' or Spring Wagon ; 110 better made , the factory name plate on each job. ' Horse Blankets , Lap Robes. A few Wagons at $58.00 and $ & 3,00. For a Complet Housekeeping Outfit , see me. , . GEO. WILLING. . J. - It . Stoves , When it omes to stoves that e10 not require heaps of talk we are thcre. The stoveii we have do the work and recommend themselves. They have a reputation built on merit. , Corn Shellers . . We are agents for Joliet and Keystone corn shellers. Can furnish all kinds of repairs. , , Casoline Eneines : . . Tall { to us about International gasoline cngines-stn- tionary and traction-from 2 to 15 hdrse power. All Kinds of Feed Grinders. , C O. APPLE. 1 M-ONEY. to Loan. . I am prepared to Also bargains i If place money on good farms. Will sell you improyed farms a t n farm on easy terms lower rates than has of payment. ever been offered in Custer county. Call Do not rent , , : hen . and see l e. you can buy. James Ledwich , I Broken Bow , Nebr. . r - ' - , We W have in : Broken : Bow a , very interesting store. It 1s conducted by Herbert W tts and located first door south of : p stofftce. Ever' since moving into this new building Herbert has had . "something doing" it1 : the way of startlil1g' ' bargains in every line repre- sented. Especially are the ladies pleased with the every changing displ y of beautiful' dishes at unheard of cut value's. Also the m3Jny pleasing and amusing novelties-comic and - smiles provoked on the face . of the pessimist , and unloosed the : purse strings of the.miserly. . At : present there is to be seen at this attractive store an extraordinary snowing of Christmas Goods , representing every known Xmas gift invented. by th ingenious , Yankee. Toys , games , novelties , etc. . , . . . . . . . , " . , . ' " . . . ' t , j , t