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THE TRIBUNE. K. M. & 15. M. ItlMJM KE.r. , Pubs. McCOOK , - : .NEB KBBBASKlA. ITEMS.j\ | , , Harvard Journal : Corn cribs are to " be hccn going up in all part * of town and county , and they arc no little 0x12 concerns either , but are such as will hold from fi,000 o l.'i,000 bushels of corn , and nearly every armer needs a crib of this capacity in order o hold liis corn for a fair price , which -wii ertalnly comcwhen.cornis in iijjood mar- kutablo condition. Hastings Journal : , G. "Wv Wigton , tb'j bor < s cattle man of Ayr , was intownyeb- tijrduy and offered our creamery folks , the milk from 500 cows to be delivered daijy at he depot at Ayr. This offer will' bo accept ed provided satisfactory rates can be ob tained from the railroad , -company tor the eliveringof the milk at thin point and the cturn of the empty cans. Pluni Creek Pioneer : . J. J. Jensen , v ing in Uutler Grove , uorthwcfct of town , nforms us that on Thanksgiving day , early n the morning , a wild goose was placed in His first thpught was hat pomobody had been kind enough to give m a goose for dinner , but on clo er ex- mination it was discovered that several in- S3 rtious had been made into tncmeat , which d to some suspicion. He cut off apiece and gave it to the dog , Uub-the animal re used to cat it. The same piece was then veil to a hog and in a few minutes the hog howe.d unmistakable symptoms of being oisoncd by eome powerful poison. The og was only sa > ed by giving him a large quantity of nwcet milk. There is work in Juniata for a score of carpenters , but they cannot lie had for eve or money. Merchants are carrying large stocks of holiday goods and arc expecting a big trade. The members of the Nebraska dele gation in congress are < niarteredao follows * Senator Mandorhon , the Portland : Senator Van Wyck , KK3 Eis htccnth street ; Repre sentative Laird , National hotel ; Weaver , I' . ! ) ! Indiana avenue ; Valentine , National hotel. Capt. John Taylor , of Stanton , left for the east Monday. When he returns he will bring back with him two cars of stock one of Merino sheep and one of Durham cattle. cattle.West West Blue , Adams county , claims the champion thresher In the west. He made $ l,44.7o ; this season in sixty-seven days , an average of about $21.00 per day. His best days work was 1,452 busliels of oats. Plattsmouth Journal : The counsel forS. H. Richmond have been busy to-day preparing a number of affidavits from prom inent citizens in support of a motion for a " change of venue in the-ca-e > The affidavits allege that the feeling is so Etrong n this ' community against t.he defendant that his life is in danger , and that there is a prob ability that lie cannot receive a fair trial in f any of the courts of the county. Superior. Journal : A.bold , bad man by the name , of Swanttrom , whose only cap.- ital was a government license , some villain ous whisk } * , a pack of cards' ' and a heap of cheek , recently opened a saloon , etc. , in ir Xelsou , without so much as * 'by your irH leave" to the good people of that town. He was soon arrested anil bohud over to IECl Cl trial-in the sum of 500. Not having secu Cldi rity he languishes in durance vile , and considers te siders himself fortunate that he escaped a C coat of tar and feathers. ai A gas-fitting firm of - Nebraska City th were about to move their outfit to Omaha , ta when a writ of attachment put in an appear a ance and suspended operations. The pro ceeding bids fair to end Sii a law suit. ' A car load of serva'nt girls is now the great "want of Hasting- , according to , the. -S , Gazette-Journal. . ' o F. C. King languishes in the Valley re county jail for fifteen days for personating a st woman in female attire. ti tiCO Ord Journal : Mrs. A. J. "Wilson CO started on-Tuesday for-Sidney , Iowa , where ai her husband is in. jail. The cashier of the lie of Riverton bank hu : > identified Wilson as the fill man who held the revolver oil him when the bank was robbed , -o there is bnt little erne en no doubt that a conviction will be made. la Beatrice Republican : Thegreat su reservation land sale-closed _ yesLerday at 111 about four o'clock in the afternoon , the last CO piece eing sold and one-fourth the pur tit chase money paid down. The excitement for nsted until the closing hours , and the vii ran from four dollar * above to twice Ui "value. the appraised the Henry Shiiltz , living ! tiborit four of miles southwest of Odell , had hileg j broken by the kick of a * mule. He , lay a ad couple of hours in fearful agony before be kil ing discovered. At last "accounts he wa1 * in doing as well as could * bs expected under- de the circumstances' . . - CO Lyons Mirror : Barney Jackson , the paHi thief who entered Hopkins * barbershop , Hi Sioux City , last Wednesday" evening , and" * i r stole sixteen razors smoother goods , was lll arrested Saturday evening in the livery foarn , _ of F. ' F. Parker , this , placp by Deputy ; Sheriff'w/Gr.'Thayer , of Sioux City/ assist ed by Wm ClnrV.1- Six of-'lW'rhzors , were IH found in his possession. He' wa3 'taken- back to Sioux City Sunday. en Fullerton Journal : The Omaha , ors Niobrara & Black Hills railroad is at last | completed to this place , and Fullerton is \ ' connected with the rest of the world by iron of bi nds. Our people have just cause for rej j trv J. . joiciug in that the greatest possibilities are opened for the futuie of our prosperous city and county ; already its beneficpnt influence io felt in the increased demand for town prbp * ortv and "Nance ' 'county soil. " < < f * - * An interesting series of religions meetings have been in progress at Fairfieldt resulting- nearly fifty accessions to the church. Lincoln Journal : The members of the Driving Park at ociation propose to make a move looking toward the locntionof the next slate fair in this city. Thest'atn fair managers meet in Lincoln some time in January , when they will decide upon the location of the next state fair. The Driving Park association will submit to them a prop osition , i. e. , to give tLem the free use of their "grounds , fifty-five acres , for five years roe of charge. Seward Blade : Many of our. best farmers are experimenting with and testing their corn with a view of securing good heed ; for next year. This is very important , as there Is undoubt edly a large amount of corn that will not grow , in fact many who raised big crops this year will be obliged to buy seed. By a little precaution now much trouble may be avoided in the spring. Mrs. Martha AVilson , of Hastings , wants a divorce from ner habitually drunken husband and slie ought toliave it. " Lincoln had a close call for a disas- trousTfire on the night of the 20th. Timely action of one of the firemen quenched the flames before they had urule much head way. * Harvey Btmdy , a brakeman , was- run over and instantly killed at Nebraska City on the 20th , at the Burlington and Mis souri depot. He attempted to board a freight engine , and there being ice on the Htep , he slipped and fell on the track , the wheels passing over hischest. . When pick ed up the bowels protruded. The de ceased was unmarried and lived at Lincoln. Geneva Keview : Last Thursday night.Bernhard Ivrug , who lives in Frank lin , was suddenly Jerked out of bed by some unknown persons andaftera severe struggle was overpowered and thrust into a corner with his face held to the wall , while 'other parties made a light and searched the house for moncv ; then the light went out and the rascals made good their escape. When Mr. Krug had recovered sufficiently to make an examination of the premises , he found him self badly bruised about the head and b ° dy , the possessor of two or three broken ribs , but minus SJSiii cash which had been in his lanfs pockets. No clue has been discov ered which leads to who the bcamps are. Stuart Ledger : Just as we go to press we learn that five horses were stolen from Captain Tarbull one night this week , two mules from A. J. Burnham , and sev eral other animals from parties along the river. The entire country is said to be thoroughly aroused , and are armed and in , hot-pursuit. The Ledger is of the opinion "thatrthe entire outfit of desperadoes- be driven from the country before many 'months. The city council of Lincoln recently $ passed an ordinance requiring a high license fee of merchants re-sorting to auction sales. This action of the council is held by the in terested firms to be'arbitrary and illegal. ttT The auctions ard confirmed , and if the city , interferes a test ease will be made up. Ainsworth Xews : The attempt 'to an indict Judge Hooker was a failure. Judge Hooker , who formerly owned a cattle ranch in the northeast part of this county , was charged with having caused his biother's . death at hi * home on his ranch by ndminiss te'ring poison. Captain Hooker , the de ceased , was a retired army officer , and , it til appeared , was stopping with his brother , In the judge. Some time last winter the cap pi tain wa * taken ill and died within dc few hourx. Colored Menlin Convention. to The executive committee appointed . < tli the colored intioiial comcntion at Loui-- "vilie met at "Washington on the 19th. prM 'I'welve states-and the District of Columbia M responded to the roll call. The chairman stated that since the meeting of the conven- at atha tion < the civil righ'ti decision of the supreme ha court had caused considerable agitation 'an among the colored .people , and this would dgubt incidentally affect the discu-sions clc the present meeting. Init the members should not lose sjgnt of the main principle1 * enumerated atthe Louisville convention. Fred Douglas said the public mind was. mi largely ; divided on the .recent decision of the 'n supreme court. . He jii jrested that if a :00 unatimous decision was possible by the , Pcr committee in the dissenting opinion of Jus- cr ticeHarlan. it would be the proper thing the committee to take such actiqn. Jo. view of the present , political situatio'n , he Lhought'it would be weil for them to hold sei national convention just -prior to-those thi : the two . great powers. IU A committee was appointed to prepare an iddfes's to the public on the subject of the killing ofiiegroesin A'irginia. and the chair- coi : IIIRII I was instructed to call upon-the presi- iemVind ask him oirwhat day it would be wl ouveiiieiit for the .committee , to. call and be their respects. cit : - a- - Resolutions of Kespect Adopted : I 'WalsnixoTOXDecember : ? ! . A ineet- iiffof the bar was held by the' " supreme , fly joiiri to-duv ti > take appropriate"action witii en w " * * * , v espect to the.deith. t > f Ju UreJere , Black. enM jenator Edmunds was called to the chair ten inuMcTvennvaihos'e'fi ecretary. Eulogistic Sai inls ry. Ashton , and W. H. Smith ; also Sena- thr Bayard , V.mce and Garland , and Rep- eoi esentathe Hopkins. Resolutions expres- a \c of the high character and attainments the the deceased , and the great loss the coun- Ing sustained by his death , were adopted. plii n. j > NEWS OF THE WEEK GENERAL. ' The printed statement that Governor ilendrickH has gone abroad for medical ad vice and treatment is denied by-members1 of " . * L * 1 " * * " " * V" T " * * ' * - ? "T1 ! his family. While playing ball near Paris , 111. , th'e'bat slipped from the hand of thc batter , striking a boy named Asa Mapesj 1C years 'old , bursting his eye-ball , from-the-effect * of which he died. Asa 'B. Baker , of Brockton , Mass. , plead guilty to the murder of his , wife , and. wa < j sentenced to imprisonment for life. . ' > A dispatch from Santa "Fe" says the Nayajo Indians are running off the stock of thCjSettler.s , and that the latter are highly incensed and threaten to shoot the liiuians. The anti-administration democrats in caucu agreed to support General Fran cis T. Nichols for the nomination for gov ernor of Louisiana. The Creek council at Jkmulgee or dered a recount of the votes for principal chief , , and the count elected Spieche chief by thirty-seven votes. He was' duly in- ailgurated and tookJhe oath of ollice. The second chief , who had heretofore refund to take the oatli on account of the fraudulent count , under which Perrpmau wan chosen , was also sworn in. A tract of 2,000'acres of coal lands j northwest of Peru , HI. , has just been pur chased by a syndicate , said to include the Northwestern and Burlington road * . Bor ings are being made , and several shafts will be sunk in the spring. Efforts aio being made by the Catho lics of Denver , Colo. , to make that city the -eat of the largest Jesuit college in Amer ica. The western nail association met at Pittsburg and decided to clo-edown for a period of six weeks , from December 20th till January llth. The meeting was one of the largest ever held , every mill in the west being "represented by person or by letter. The stoppage is for the purpose of restrict- ng production. The obsequies of the late Dudley ! hase Hiskell at Lawrence , Ks. , were held on the 20th. The business part of the city and many residences were draped inmourn- ng. Flag * floated at half-mast , bells tolled and the entire city gave itself up to paying respects io the honored dead. Sullivan and Slade were advertised or a sparring exhibition at Kansas City , but the chief of police called their attention to the statute forbidding such displays , and as a result the exhibition took place acro-s the river in Wyandotte , KH. Miss May Fairfield , daughter of Prof. E. B. Fairfield , was married at Grand Ha ven , Mich. , on the 20th , to Hon. A. W. . Field , of Lincoln , Nebraska. The corn mill , elevators and ware house of Tyson Bros. , on the south side of Baltimore harbor , were almo-t entirely de stroyed by fire on the 20th. Lo-s about $70,000 ; insured. A reduction of ten per cent , has been made without notice in the wages of labor- era at'the ' New Jer.-ey steel and ironworks , Trenton. $1,000 for trial for forgery in connection with u pension iasucd to him. San Francisco merchants are com plaining that their trade with the northwest tl s rapidly declining. o.j A.large meeting of Salt Lake Genai tiles , both democrats and republicans , wa1P ' held at Salt Lake to appeal to congress to cl pass the laws recommended by the presi tr dent. th dent.The Fitxgeralds and Webb , Washing thH ton pen-ion attorneys , have given bail in H 2,000 to answer to the indictments against 11 them. They have been suspended fiom &um practice befoie the commissioner of pen m sions. Great distress exists from small-pox 70m Gadsden , Tennessee. Out of 24 case * * 1-t m have died. An appeal is made for nuraca to nnd virus. of The Heading ( Pa. ) rail mills will SU ulose down indefinitely on January 1st. This ivill throw 300 men out of work. The Xew York weekly bank state ment on the 22d reports as follows : Loans , inerease ( , $77,030 ; specie , increase , 3,000.- ton ; legal tenders , decrease , ? ( J-22fcOO ; deposits - posits , increase , $3.1W , JWO : circulation , in- "j1 rease , $44,100 ; reserve , increase , f 1,038- to : legal requirements. pr The lauding : of the Piljrrims was ob- ao erved on tht 22d at Plymouth , Mass. , by hePilgrim society on Pilgrim hill , Thos. lUi'-sell presiding. pa CO The Burlington Gazette publishes a Lo omplete description of the buildings and th raprovemcnts of Burlington during 1833 , ob vhich foot up in cost o\ei ? 1,000,000. the ) po : record of grow th in the history of the vill itv. j all CHTTVIK. Excitement at Durango , Col. , over his killintr of Bruce Hunt , sou of ex-Gov- pr irnop Huntr by a negro ( Big Ike ) whileei iurjlari/.ing the bank of Durango. iin - eii-e. Su-petting an attempt to rob the t iank , ajparty compo-ed of two bank oili- , Hunt-and thc-town marshal } had for ch : hree night * kept watch from a law office 3 ; onvenicnt. At midnight the watcher--aw prc man approach the side door , pick nt lock and go in. After waitgra some time for the accomufn [ ilieeif any , to appear , and the burglar to / nit get well to work , the party approached the front door , pushed it open and ordered the robber to throw his hands up , but who , in- 'bTead7fireiT\vp shotis in rapid succes-ion and jumpcditlirough thocbidodoor. . .Oue 'ball too effect in Hunt's breast and 'lie full aiuHnstitn'tly expired. As the .burglar lefa thVbulIding he was recognizedasjthe ncgnJ * ' 'Big Ike , " the most desperate character in the region. Robbers entered the houso-of S. P. Crcasinger , a wealthy resident of Maple Rapids , Michigan , chloroformed him , rail- Hacked the premises- , secured about $2,500 In cash and a quantity oNvaluiiblep and'then- undertook to cover up their tracks by set ting fire" to the house ifnmcdiatejy'bolo'iv the roorn'jn.which the proprietor lay. file re covered from the influence of it in time to escape , though the house was wrapped in flames , and burned to the ground , with its contents. Thomas Drewcs , sentenced to seven yearn in the penitentiary for killing Patrick Maloneyfof jRat Portage , Manitoba , in uary last ; hanged himself in bUcelll ? " " i ? convicted oL burglary > late term of court at Sterling , III. , and sen tenced to one year in the penitentiary , was found dead in thu-county jailat that place. He hunghim elf with the bed cord. - The Brownwood stage , which was robbed of the mail near Cisco , Texas , on the 18th , by-a single highwayman * , . tacked agafn.the next day , and i'pas.songer named Henderson shot at the robber , the latter firing back continuously as he re treated as fast as his horse- * could run. No one was hurt. George Freesture , twenty-live years years old , one of the boarders at the'Auburn house , Joliet"l1l. , entered the room of the head cook , JaneJIaycock , bound her head topre\ent her screaming , nnd then out raged her. When he .started to leave the room the woman gave an alarm , when Freesture rah back and cut her throat with a knife and fled. Edward Duehamen , aged 21 , report ed .it the Cincinnati police station fhafhe hucTk'Hed his Wife , and stfovv'ed' lire * "knife with which the deed was done. He wii.s locked up and the case investigated. Itwas found that he'had stabbed bin-wife and sup- po-ed she was dying ; then went and got breakfast before going to the station house , wife inoi seriou-ly hurt. Guilford Loon ( colored ) was handed utlunatou , N. C. , on the20th , for brut-illy- outraidng widow Jones , in May la-t. The executio'n was witnessed by several thous and person"- ; . Death wasin-tiintaneous. Police Officer William Conroy , of New York , who killed Peter Keenan with a club and pistol * on the night of November 3d , has been sentei.ced to be hanged on the 8th of February next. Caleb Washburn quarreled with his niece. Jennie Washburn , at Williamston , Ills. , about a small amount of money , when the neice seized : i heavy stick and-truck her uncle on the head , inflicting a woundwhjeh resulted in death an hour later. The negro , "Bi/r Ike , " who murdered young Bruce Hunt , son of Ev-Governor Hunt , of Duraugo , Col. , la-t week , was captured on the 20th on tLe Southern LTte reservation. As the pursuers came sudden ly upon him , about daylight , sitting by a ! tire just made , he jumped and ran like a frightened deer to a precipice forty feet high , over which he leaped. He was found the bottom terribly bruised but alive. a J. F. Lantz , a barber , released from P the ] Kansas City work-house , died on the bt . 22d. A brief inv estigation w as made by the sa authorities , which resulted in the arrest of Patrick Murray , guard of the work-hou-e , ti charged with causing Lantz's death by mal tihi treatment. Several inmates told a story that i- very damaging to Murray. aiw At Petersburg , Pike county , Indiana , ctM Henry Curtin wa- murdered , and Charle.- M Har\ey , a hard character.was arrested on re suspicion. Strong feeling prevail- and he O may pos-ibly be lynched. 01 Mrs. Judith Fitzpatrick , widow , aired , living near La f'omptoii ! Kansas , was n murdered in her home and an attempt made m burn the house with the evident purpose am concealing the crime. The motive is m -upposed to be robbery as the old ladj was sa known to have several hundred dollars. in fu hi The president will leave Washing 'til Thur-day for a visit to "Brooklyn and Philadelphia , and will attend the annual banquet of. the New , England fcocietv of Philadelphia on Saturdav , and will return Washington by Sunday and spend the Christmas there. Secretary Chandler , and Cc probably < other member- the cabinet , will boo iccompany the president. 'H l There is a better prospect for the bi biW passage of a bankruptcy bill the pre-ent biPI longress ] than la-t. The promoters of the PIFu Lowell bill are preparing modification- Fu .hat measuic with a desimrof inukinir jt less tai buoxioii9 to the we-tern intere-is. It i ? cle ! os-ible , therefore , that a bankruptcy law be framed which will meet the uews of sections. , The republican sena'ors held a caucus . morning at which it wa- decided not to : rocced < with the election ofa , pre-id < | nt pro ioi- empore of the senate until after the holiday di- > advisable not to , make the contemplated hange just before a long recesr , f , . . . j 3Mr. Dockery will introduce a bill" na providing that after June Of > . 1SS4 , the pre an. rates of duty on all woolof whate\er rade or classification to be u-ed in tneman- I facitire of shawls , blankets , flannels , hat- , goods and wearing apparel of every de- . Hcriptlon bo reduced 25 per cent. The resolution elution will bring the average duty 01. wool to about 22 per cent. SuperinlendonJameson , ' of the railway mall sen-Ice , has 'returned from * Portland , Oregon , and points ( in the North'- ' ern Pacific railroad1 ? He .succeeded in per- feeling- the "S-nUway nVair y.itotn of tha route , HO that no delay N now experienced In the distribution of mail matter. The 'president sent a long list of nominations to the senate on the ,18th , mostly rece-.s appointments. _ Attorney , General Brewster characterizes I terizes the published statement ) * of John A. W-ilsh. in which the latter diseredits the sincerity of the government's efforts to prosectjte ex-Senator Kellogg , as "a rig marole of diHcngenlous In-xilcnce. " The government , Mr. J5rpwster > ays , fias made an hone.-tandjauicere effort to find-Wal.-ih and bring him to the witness standt. A olose" friend of Senator Conkling says concerning a storjsnntrf rom Washing ton , that Conkling.'BIaino hnd Grant had formed a combination to put Log-in forward for the presidential nomination , that it wu > an entire fabrication , and wan without the slightest foundation .so far as Colliding was concerned. * Col. Boudinot presented an applica tion to Di-trict Attorney C'orkbill , asking him to prosecute William A. Phillips , of Kansas charged by Uoudinot with violating thu reyifcd statutes in making contracts and reoei-tlng money from Indians. The names of six wltne"- < 4 , including Secretary Teller and Commissioner price , will be furnished to Corkhill. A bill has b.een introduced by Sena tor" Cullom to c tablNu a board of railroad commistioners to regulate inter-state com merce , which provides for the appointment , by the pre-ident , of a board of five com missioners at a salary of : , (100 ( each , who will exercise i-upervision over the inter state commerce of lailroadn , caiuN , and commerce of foreign countries , and inve tigate all complaints niadu by railroad < * om- niis-ioueis of state- , and otbors of discrimi- nationxin charges'made by s-iich tranporta - tion companies tlien for service as common carrier ? . In the Proteus court of inquiry Capt. Powell , acting chief signal officer during the absence of Haien , testified thatLieutenant , Ca/.iari drew up what wa knoxvn as ' 'sup plemental in.-truetions , ? ' including orders for the conduct of the 'ttcppdition. which witness thought had licen all settled by the chief Mgnal officer. It contained Caziari's views. The i-uestion of leaving utoreat Littleton ir-iand was not diocti.-scd in the presence of the witness. President Arthur on the 2Ldt issued a proclamation recommending that the 100th anniversary of Washington's surrender of hit commission as commander-in-chief of the , armof the United States , at Annapo- libe ob-erved by appropriate exerci-e- connection with religious serviceon the -3d in'-t. , or b3 * such public observance as may be deemed proper on Monday , the 24th iiirjt. The pre-ident further directs that at 12 o'clock , noon , on Monday , the 24th , a national salute be fired from uli forts throughout the country In the criminal court Judge Wylii * rendered ' a deci-iou in the case of ex-Sena tor Spencer , charged with contempt of court for failing to appear in the star-route trial. The judge said the subprna was not aubp < i-na , became there was no penalty attached. It ordered the ex-senator to ap pear , but limited the time to one day. The subp.una , by error of the court , the judge said , was for a ehil , and not for a criminal ease. The ex-senator wa- , here before the time ordered by the so-called subp ina , and he remained here two weeks. He sought ai interview with one of the counsel , bnt was unable to secure one. I'ndur these circumstance cumstance- , and owing to the fact that the siibpu-na had been improperly served and returned , the judge held the , , case was not one ! of contempt , and discharged the pris oner. i Speaker Carlisle is expected to an nounce the house committees on Mondav morning. Considerable difficulty ha- been experienced from the fact that some of the membera given places have expressed dis satisfaction with their alignment. In-onu- instance1- the dissatisfied membera have re fused toerve. . necessitating a number of Chan-re- . . Throughout the work Carli-e ha- been a i-ted by f'oi. Morrison , an in timate friend. Nebraska Appointments. WAIIINGTONDecember 20. The senate thi- afternoon confirmed the follow- Sngappoinimeut- , : Postmasters Charles K. C'outant , Omaha- Joseph M. Davis Wa- ; Kdward Whitcomb , Friend ; William . iedaman , Norfolk ; Hiram Price , Alien - ion : Peter F. Peterson , Tekamah ; W. . Morri-on , Beatrice ; George Little , I'lum Creek : J. Gandy , York ; Solomon F. Pajette , I'.lue Spring * . Ben. C E. We-- .ailaul ha- been appointed railway po-tal erk from Omaha to Oj.'den. Confirmations. \VAainxGTOK , December 36. The enate to-day confirmed the following : .awTence Welton. of Illinois , judge of the ourt of claims ; John Ji. Tanner , of Illi- ioiUnited States marshal for the southern li-trict of Illinois ; Nathaniel P. Burnof Iax-ichuetts United Stat s marshal for ttaisnehusetts ; John W. Scott , of Kansas , ndian agent atPonca , Pawnee , and Otoe jenfcy ; Col : Samuel U Ualabi'rd , -ter-genen.l ; John S. Tucker , of . secretary of Montana. COI > OIL-J. PA. Hev. J. D. Xehrin" .av . - WMparalyid in my ri'ht side. "The seofHrown- " Iron Hitters" enabled me to alk.