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THE CRIMEA ATONED. ? Vur f fer LONDON , December 17.-i-O'Donnc hour'hvst . Tl retired at tin curly hvst evening. morning lie rose promptly and took njo * breakfast , Hhortly after live o'clock. At p Valuer Fleming. arrived and reeolvcd tl prlfeoner'b hist communication and aelminl tered the lioly .sacrament. A few mlnut before eight o'clock the pririon > r waft r moved from his cell to the large room of tl prl on c.Hcortcd by the wardens. In tl large room wurc fetatloncd JJinn , the hunj ' man , the sheriffs and under * hheriffri , uo ernor of the jail , Jlev. Dr. Dufiield , prise chaplain , and the Newgate surgeon. Tl proccfeb of pinions the prisoner's limbs w performed by DInii , O'Dounell keeping ref.oluti ( iilenco and t-howinj ; the utino llrmncsH , ocwLsioiKilly htnilingin an abhtrac eel wy. . This work done thejproceH3lonmoV ( to the court-yard , where wart thecaffolt O'Donnull declined any assistance from tl warden smd ascended the fecaff.ihf. Falhi Klemlng , by his hide , repeated the hervice the church for the dying and held the crue lix before O'Uemucll'dgaze. This priboin took his place on the drop under the ropi the slack of .which was held up ov crji head by a piece of thread. Binn appeart very calm arid quickly fixed tin- nee around O'Donnell's neek , carefully placii the knot , under the left ear. Ile item stepped back and pulled the fatal le\er , at O'Donnell fell eight feet. The rope hard quivered. According to the Mirgeon , deal was instantaneous , there being scarcely at nuifeculiir movement of the hanging fern A the black llag was run up-tho- in tl prlon could hear a hushed murmur fro the mullifudo outside. The body hung 01 hour , when it was cut down and remove for the proper legal humect. Uiim pulled the lever of the trap precke' , athe neighboring eTinrch clock * wei striking 8Th'e crowd in front of Xcwga' ' increased rapjdly , and shortly before o'clock numbered 20,000 peivons. Tl streets were closely packed , but the thron observed n quiet and orderly eleinennoi The Irish element was not connpicuou * . A the moinont for the execution approach * ) the crowd swayed up against the prieo wall , and the joudway , which had befoi been kept clear , became blocked. Thep < lice , however , moved rapidly through ll multitude and easily cleared the waj "When the lilaetk fl.ig was hoisted , anuoum ing the tnisrody was at an cud. there was n demonstration , although suppressed excite mcnt marked many faces. .O'Dounell' brother remained to the last , bitterly wecj ing in the center of a r.ympathi/.ing grouj The clouds began to break as the hour of approached , and when the black flag wt run up it was distinctly displayed again : the rising sun. The people immediate ] dispersed after the hoisting ot the llag. FOREIGN. EXCLAXl ) . Kxtensive precautions have bee taken at London in consequence of informs tiou of the arrival of the feuian , Dalej concerned in the storage of arm * at Clerk euwell , for which offence WaKH wai > con \5etcd. A special corp-5 of police , many c whom speak the Irish language , arc place wherever it is thought mischief i likely t occur. All prisoners in the public build ings and the docks arc carefully watched A special corps of police have been detaile to guard the parliament building"West min-ter Abbey , the government officers national gallery , German einba y , Mansio house , stock exchange and the Bank c England. The luggage of all passenger landing from Atlantic steamers is careful ! Acrutinized. EGYPT Baker Pasha has started for Suakim He Will have supreme command of Soudan The khedive has instructed him to endeavo to conciliate the tribes before resorting t force , the object of the expedition being t pacify the countries between Suakiin an Herbcr. The khedive also advised him nc to begin operations until reinforced' h * lllack recruits , and not to engage Iheenem miles * under the most favorable condi turns. ENGLAND. The steamer Grantully landed at Do ver one passenger , chief engineer and lif teen men , rescued with great difficulty f rot the burning steamer St. Augustine , j heavy sea at the time rendered futile all el forts to get a boat along side the vessel , an the rescued men were hauled on board th Grantully with lines and buoys. They wer the lat that left the fjhip. The second mat shot himself , and a sailor stabbed himsel during the fire through fright. Lord Lyons , English ambassador' t France , has written Victor Hugo expres.- ing regret that the English governmer found it impossible to advise- the queen t commute O'Donnell's sentence of death. KRAXCK. Franco is reported not- disposed I negotiate further with China before the oc cupation of JJacninh.ItJs , said. thatSi Charles Dilke is about to visit the continen to moot the question of mediation of th ' powers between prance and China. The chamber of deputies debate ) Bert's interpellation concerning- with drawal of the prohibition against the impor tation of salted meats. Bert demanded tha the withdrawal be postponed * mtil th special hill on the subject be discussed 'llerison , minister of : commerce , ' opposed th motion on the "ground .that the : withdrawn responded to the demands of interestcd'per sons , and showed no case of trich'inos is had occurred during the time the frei importation of pork wan permitted. Tin adoption of the order of the day was puri mcnt , but was rejected 21itoi liOO ; Tl order of the day , 04 propoh'ed y "Bert/ ' ' -carried flSO to 2at. _ > ] * -H , . CONGRESSIO TAIi. , " ' ' , SENATE. * Monday , December ' 17.- , ilr. Sherman offered a resolution' that tl Hcnuio proceed to theelcctlon'of olllcep Ordered to Ha over till to-motro ' , A met sage was received from the IIOIIHU annoiu cing the death of Ha-kdl , of Kansas , an was Immediately taken up. After appn priate remarks bv IngallK , on hlsTTiotioi tentative. Adjourned. HOUSK. The chaplain ; In" touching wove ! referred to the death of IJotu 4 J ) . C. U : > - kell , of jvatifas , and invoked divine ' .blue * ing upon the bereaved family.Mr. . Andei son offered tlie customary rcnolullom which were 'unanimously ' adopted by tli house as a tribute of respect to the meniQr of the deceased. Adjourned until MoiuTuv SKNATK. Tuesday , December 18.- Mr. Van Wyck offered a resolution callin upon the secretary of the interior forcopie of the mortgages given by the Texas Paeili railway on lands granted by the act < March 8 , Jt > 71 ; also-to inform , theeonate * the names of railroad corporations claimin lands not eanicd during lifetime t the grant , together with th TUimher of acres claimed by each road The senate went 'into committee of th wlmlefor thcpurpo.-uof continuing the eon ciili > ratun ! of tho- new rules. Mr. Injill offered the cu-tomary resolution , whic was agi'red to , that tlie presidunt and th house of representatives be notified of th plOcti'ni of a new .secretary of the senate 1'cniling the vote on the ' rule theciiatc ad journed. * / 1 SHXATI : . Wednesday , December l Bills introduced Mr. Cullnm , to provid forthe accoptaniio l > y the t'nitpd States ( the Illinois and Michigan canal from Illi nois. Mr. Ingalls , to provide for the ap pointnipnt of a commission to inveMigat railroad trnwportation. Mr. I.dgan. t consolidateth bureau nf military ju-tlccan corps of judge.- * advocate of the armv ' ' 'he bill rt atinir a new standard of time fo the diMrict of Columbia was pa ed. Th senate took up the hoii'-c concurrent re.-olu tion for a holiday recess. It was amende to make Monday , January Tith. the date fo reassembling. "As amended the resolutio was agreed to and returned to the house. Ilorsi : Mr. Morrison offered ; concurrent , resolution for a holiday veers from M mday. Decembers-Hit until Thur * day , January 3d. Agreed to. 1411 to til with the umlerstanding that no busine * should bo transacted on Monday except th nppointmont of committees. O'n motion o Mr. AVill an anipndmont was artifpted in crpasinirithf inembprship of i-elucl commit tees from one to three members each eve the la-t congrr'-s number. The origins j-i'solut'on as amended was agrred to 3Ir. Oolkens offered a resolution , which wi adopted , crilling upon the secretary of tat for all communications , documelitam paper * in his po' e' ioll relating to the trial conviction and execution , of the late Pat rickO'Donni'll by the British government " Mr. Blackburn "reported a resolution fo nii.Mnir a standint ; uouuiiittec on labor , t which to be referred measures affrctin ; labor , and limitimr the jurisdiction of th committee on education and labor , and pro viding ithal' ' hereafter be konwn as th committPt' on orlucation SENATE. Thursday , December 20.- A me sage \v.i received from the hous concurring : in the senate amendment , mak in r the date of the reassembly of congrcs iifterthe holidavs : Monday. tJanuary 7th Mr. Van Wyck's resolution , introduce ! yesterday , calling on the secretary of the in terior for information regarding la'ntli grant ed to railroads , wa called up. Mr. In rails had an objection to the preamble a tending to commit the enate to an interpre lation of the deci-ion ( if the supreme court Mr. Van \Vyek insisted that his preambl was correct. In the course of the debate h referred to the opinions of Attorney Gener id Devons and Justice Harlan on the saini subject , and criticised thfir opinions , a1 well as the practice of the general lam 3tlicp inlollowiufrthe law laid down by thos opinions rather than those by the suprem purt of the United States. The discussioi closed by the insertion in the preamble o the words , ' 'it iH alleged , " so as not t commit the senate to any special intrepretii : ion of thp sunrpine court decisionA imended Van Wvck' ip.snlutiou was agreei : o. Adjourned till Monday. HOUSE. A lonsrdiser's on sprang ti ] jver a resolution offered by Mr. . Geddes ti ; rant a munth's extra pay 10 di cliarged em ployes. " TrTlveifer calle'd up"lh resolutioi foe the appointment of a committee 01 ivoman's suffrage. Mr. Keifer spoke in fa ror of the appointment of a special commit lee to which will be referred all petition : md measures pertaining to the sub iect of woman suffrage. The resolu : iou was rejected yeas , S8 ; nays. 12t Mr. Hollitzell , from the special committal iuving the matter in charge , reported : joint resolution requesting the iresidentt < issue a proclamation recommending to thi people , either by appropriate exercises ii connection with rel gious service , on th < J3d inst , or by such public observance a > they deem proper on the 2Hh , to comment jratc the surrender by Washington of his lomrnission as coinmander-in-chief of th ( irmy. Adjourupdtill Monday. The Case of Polin , Under lieatl Sentence. jpeciul to the Omaha Republican. LIXCOLK , December 19. The su areme court adjourned to-day sine die They have considered a number of civi ; ases , and a few criminal ones , the mos prominent of which was that of Polin vs. thi State. Polin , it will be remembered , wa : lentenced to be hung on the 21st , for mtir ; ler committed in Plattsmouth some tim < igo. A strong effort ha * been made to gc : iis sentence commuted , and , that failing , m equally strong effort has heen direciec .oward securing a new trial. The motioi n the matter was argued to-day before tht upreme court but was overruled. The en- ; ry of the court was as follows : "In tht natter of Polin versus the State , the motior 'or a. orehearing is overruled. The formei > rder fixingthe dato-i execution is vacated , md now fixed for the 2oth day of January , SS4. " e One Hundred Years Old. Mrs. Johanna Lipp celebrated hei mndre th birth day at Maysville ; Ky. , a few lays age. She was born in Kerchhelm , 9tith Germany in 1783 ; has five children , uneteen grandchildren and tweutyffivc rreitt'grandehildren. Her mental -fkcnltici ire good , and she is an interesting and luent talker. She held a levee on the oc- : asion , and many gentlemen called to pav heir respects. OP LIP-E. HY3. K. Ft.K18CIIM.lK. ' , , { lt parklen , I , Itrt diamond jtttd on high , , fTill it waters clear and pearly , Jlellect on the azure sky. Tho'Graybeard hltH and watches . , , dlifi treasures with jealous care , Watches and Walts for ybitorjj Victors few and rare. For he who would drink of the fountain M"uJ.4tpas3 the portal of bliss ; It * passage iH rocky and scraggy , ' Surrounded by precipice. ' , And he would drink of ite watery . 4l'hat sparkle , no clear and high Must live the life of the righteous , ' "For the righteous never die. [ Philadelphia Call. e > o 4' * OLD TIME'S'.DEATII. . 'Twa noon ( old time ) ; the busy clocks' A brief while ceased their ticking ; I crept behind my sweetheart , Xcll. . My way , with soft feet picking. ' ' - . . . I Mifitched a kiss ; she blushed and scroamci And vowed me b'ase to win it , And that she'd rtih and telHier ma That-very , very 'minute. "Old'Titne is dead ! " I cried with joy ; And for thin blessed quaiter iVlI luw-8 are off ! 'Tino time now ! / I would not wish it shorter. " rhe clock" struck 12 , and 'Nell's dcareucel Were bright an summer's posies ; S'cw time for us winged on its way , And strewed it deep with rose * . [ Life. - ' CHRISTMAS. Harper's ilPK-'izine for Dccembur. THK OKIOIN OF CHHISTMAS. Chris mas looks out : iL us from the dii shadow of the groves of the Druids wh mew not Christ , and it is dear to they > vho uov/ renounce the name of Chri : < ian. The Christmas log , which llei exhorts his merrie , merrie boj's t with a noise to the firing , is hi ; he SaxYin Yulc-los : ' burning on tli English hiiurth , and the bla/.ing iiol lay temples of Saturn shine again 5 .lie illuminated Christian churches. ] s the Inigan mistletee under which tli Christian youth kisses the Christia uaid. It is the holly of the old Itoma Saturnalia which decorates Bracebridg .l-M on Christmas-eve. The hug < iinoking baron of beef , the flowih jeeans of ale , are hut the survivals t "he tremendous eating and drinking c lie Scandinavian Walhalla. Tlie Christian and anli-Christia 'eeling blend in tlie happy season , an : he Christian observance mingles : i svery point with the pagan riter It 3 tot easy to say where the paganisr ; ntls ancl the Christianity begins. Th : arols and the wassail , the prayers ain phe games , the generous hospitality lobby-Horse and the Lord of Misrule Vlaid Marion and Santa Glaus , are ; urious medley of the old and the iie\v \s the religious thought of all ages am : ountries , when it reaches a certain el jvation , Hews into an expression whici iiakes the scriptures of the most divei i ent nations harmonious , the history o , his happy festival is evidence of th lommon humanity of the earlier am ater races ; and the stranger in Brace > ridge Hall , musing by the glowinj icartli on" Christmas-eve , as he watche lie romping revelry beneath the glisten ng berries , and listens to the waits cat oiling outside in the moonlight , or a ic is wakened on Christmas morninj > y the hushed patter of children's fee n the passage , and the shy music o iluldren's voices at his door , may v.rel leeni to hear a more celestial strain ind to catch a deeper meaning in th < vords , "Before Abraham was , I am.1 THK EKGUSH CHRISTMAS. The Eag is i Christmas tradition makes goo < : iieer the glory of the day. Forty year igo , when Leech was "beginning hi : iareer , Kenny Meadows was the "char icter artist" of the Illustrated Londoi sews , and its chief holictay picture : vere drawn by him. They were _ al cones of eating and drinking , of game : ind jollity. They were full of bottle ; md smoking bowls , of roast beef am > lum-pndding and mince-pie , of burn Bg brandy and kissing under the mis letoe. "Old Christmas1' was repre ented as a tlowing-bearded satyr crown id with ivy and pouring huge llajroni if wine , or as a rollicking boon com > anion stretching out one hand to th ( pectator over decanters and jugs am passes , while the other holds an. oper ankard. The typical faces of th ( Jhristmas figures were those of the ubicund middle-class John Bull , 'am lis hearty daughter gayly resisting the fforts of the young soldier Irving's fulia and the Captain to draw fiei inder the permissive bough ; or of the luxom chambermaid and greedy chil- iron in a frenzy of delight over tin rnoking plum-pudding. Christmas , ac- ording to these delectable pictures , ras all guzzling and gobblingJoye- naking and other bliudman's-buff ; and s the reader of to-day looks with mused curiosity at these holidaj ketches of yesterday , he too , like the tranger by the fire' in Bracebridgt Tall , throuirh all the fun and the feast- rig , Hears the music of the old Chnst- ias song : , ' -Twas Chrietmas broached the .mightiest ' ale. J't Twas Christmas told themerrie , t tale ; L Christmas gambol oftwould - cheer v- , 'he " 'poor imri's heart through -half the year. ' * This is the spirit of Dickens' Christ- : ias , at.d of Thackeray's , and , in a ; reat degree , of Irving's , touched in all of them by 't'he mo tern humaiiitari : sentiment. It is the traditional "Eii' ) iah Christmas , wlmn no man should < j hungry1. For there is no jo } ' upon : i 'empty ' stomach except , indeed , ti thin ecstasy of the starving saints i olel pictures , and the } * were already d 'humanized. ' Thh is' " a Christian tnit which asceticis-m has forgotten. I identify squalor , emaciation , and doni ; of all human delights with espeei : sanctity was to elegrade the rich an generous 'eligiousi spirit which taugl that all the worhl * is for man's benef and pleasure. Ic was George llerbe : Of whom Richard Baxter said that 1 sang as one whoso business in this worl was most with God , anel whose beaut ful lines , * " ; > weet daj' , so eool , noe-alm , MO bright , The bridal of the earth ami sky , " are as fresh as when they were written who also said , "For u the winds do blow , The eartli doth rest , heaunmove , lui fountains llo w : Nothing we need hut means our good , As our delight or as our tre-i-ure ; Tins \ \ hole is either our eupbouril of fooe Or cabinet of pleasure. " Christianity does not decline an wholesome uses or beauty of the worle anel it would be a sorry preacher in tli church embowered ami seentod wit Christmas greens who diel not hold thi Christmas gooel cheer contemplate body as well as soul. Tin : KNICKKKUOCICKI : fnuiSTMAr. . While their neighbors upon jMa > saclu setts Bay were banning Christmas , tli Dutch at New Amsterdam giaelly we corned and honored him , anel nowher has he been so truly at home upon tli continent as in the Dutch city. Th character of the inhabitants natural ! determined that of the day. It wu les s an ecclesiastical festival than a si cial and deuuuslic holiday. The g i ! luring tree of gifts was its lighted an decorated altar , anel hearty gooel eat ing anel drinking were its genial ceremonial menial rites. Hereditary Dutch pnd sometimes looks askance and even an grily atDieelrich Knickbockei s storj But it is plain that tlie gay exaggeni tion of the old chronicler only emphi : sized the truth , and that his huuiorou imagin tive touch produced a likenes as accurate as that of Bradford of th Pilgrims , or that of Winthrop am Sewall of the Puritans. Tin ; tranquil contenteel burghers whwu he elrcA were sure to make the most of Christ ina.s-tide , and their neighbors wh cursed it must have seemeel to them th most whimsical of lunatics. It was natural that the genius wine ! described those burghers with so sub tie a .sympathy should seem to b kindred with them. Indeed , there wa so much eif the true Kniekcrbocke spirit in Iring that he is usual ! ; supposed , bthose who d < not'reltect , to be of Dute ! descent. It is this quality , perhaps this reaely sympathy with cheerful am simple domestic enjoyment , whici made the author of ivnickbocker's His tory the laureate of English Christ mas. The holiday that he describe effects him as it affected tlie citizen o New Amsterdam , as a day of pleasun consecrated by religious association ind the enduring popularity ol hi . harming essay show that this is tlu Christmas of the English-speaking race. Even the NewEnglanel air .vhieh was so'black with sermons thai Jt f-uffocateel Christmas , now murmur ; softly with Christmas bells. The chil Iron of the resolute Goel-fearing mer .vho elid not rest from labor on thai irst Christmas morning now rest ami rejoice in the happy day whose dawi : s a benediction. But it is no longer a superstition ol my scarlet woman , no longer a festival ivho'o observance implies perilous ael- ierence to papal or prelatical errors , The purifying spiritual fire , historically cnowu as" Puritanism , has purged the iheplpgical and ecclesiastical elros * iway , anel has left the pure gold of re- ijjious faith anel human sympathy. When-the neophyte asked his confessoi , vhat was the central truth of Chris- ianity , the olel man answered , "Char- ty. " Then he explained that charitj neant love , and that love meant the ipirit 'of universal ' fraternity. The ilmsgiving which is the technical inter n-elation of the word is but a symbol ol hat giving of the heart anel soul anel ife to help others of which the supreme acrifice of Christ is the accepteel type. The day that commemorates His birth s the festival of humanity , as the in- piring sentiment ot actual life. The ovely legends of the day , the stories , md the songs , and the half fairy-lore hat gathers around it , the ancient tra- litions of elusky woods anel mystic ites ; the magnificence or simplicity of Christian observance , from the Pope in iis triple tiara , borne upon his porta- ive throne in gorgeous state to cele- irate pontifical.high mass at the -great Itar of St. Peter's , to George Herbert nimbly kneeling in , his rustic church at tamertou , or 'to the bare service in olnc missionary chap'el'upon the Ameri- an frontier : the lighting of Christmas rees and hanging up of Christmas lockings , the profuse giving , the hap- y family meetings , the dinner , the ; atnu ; the _ dance they-are all the atural signs and symbols , the , flower nd friiit/of Christmas. , For Chriitmas > the day of days'which 'declares the niversal human consciousness that eace on earth comes only from good nil to 'man. g0 " 4j The first international exhibition of lie newjearwillbea display of culinary rt"at' 5 icnna , e'arly in January , at , 'hibh ail' thc''best bpoks' hi Germany -Austria will'Vombnd for prize med- fe. , rj v// : : , . } i , z\ M-- : W. B. Johnston has just ended at Tebster , Mass. , a buggy ride of eight lonths1 duration , his starting place azing been San Francisco. Queer Shadows. Detroit Kit-e Pn-rs. It was twilight. The red Hashes thrown on the window-panes by the setting sun had slowly faded out and given place to the first soft shadows of night , which bring tlie cricket from his hiding place and send the bee and but terfly to sleep. There was a feeling of rest in the room a fouling of quiet con tentment and perfect satisfaction. The hum of voices from oilier rooms lulled instead of annoyed ; the voices of chil dren on the street seemed far away and had a touch of pathos. The old man lay at perfect ease. U\n \ eyes rested on the wall at tl e foot of the bed his , thin , wrinkled hands were folded one over 'the other there was no pain to deepen the lines on his kind ly face. He had seen the sun go down , and he had listesned for thft voice of the cricket and the call of the whip-poor- will. will.Vhat was that ? A shadow suddenly llitted across the wall in front of his c cs. Now anoth er and another. Now the firat shadows Hit back to head a procession. Passing irom right to left the procession moves a procession of queer shadows. They take on faees as they move along , and the old maa's heartbeats fister as each face eomc.s before him. Hero arc the friends of his youth- faces which grew white in death so long ago that he had forgotten them. This one was a child that a otith-thut a fair young girl when he fatood by anil saw the earth cover them. They smile at him , and his heart grows young. One procession ends and another be gins. There are the faces of men and women sirickcn down in the noonday of life. Some of them had shared his hopes and yiupathi/.od with his sorrows rows all had been his friends. The sea , the lake and the forest gave up their dead to the procession of shad ows , each face was recogni/ed and re membered. The proe-erision moves on and on. He is shocked lo realize that 30 many of his friends fell in the battle of life while ho was spared to grow olel and rest in peace. Now conies the third procession. There is a father , old and bent and feeble ; a mother with wrinkled , pa- Liejnt face ; brothers in youth and mid- ille age ; sisteis who wept with him over some of the graves. Every face looks as it did in life : every ey < s meets his with a glad look of rece guition. The shadows wave their hands and move on , and the old man's heart jrows childish and big. There is another procession. The 'irst ' shadow is that of a loved wife , .vho died while the ? now-white locks ! iad scarcely turned gray. Then came .he children sons anel ( laughters five .n all. One by one they had grown A'cary and rested by the wayside , leav- ng husbanel and father to pursue the journey alone. The procession halts , md every shaelow holds out its hands to he poor old man as if in supplication. His heart swells tears fill his eyes , uiel he cries out to them : "I see 3ou all I am coming11 ! Back with your light ! 3ut it is too ate. The glare of the lamp flings the .wihght out of the room with hasty land , and the shadows which crept iloug the wall are gone forever. No me saw them but the old man , and yet here is proof of their presence. His > oor old hands are outst retcheel on his vhite cheeks are tears on his wrinkled ace a smile of joy and gladness. His pirit had joined the shadows ! A Young Lady's Gift in Music. 'roin ttu Norwich , Conn. . HuI.Vtm. The sense of absolute pitch , by which . person Js able to name any note of he musical scale when sounded , is one if great rarity. Some interesting ex- leriracnts were recently made with a oung lady of this city who possesses his gift to a remarkable degree. Tlie ndy sat in a distant part of the room , 'ith her back to the piano , while a per- Drmer took his .station at the instru- uent. In tlie linst ulace , in order to iroduce a confusion of tone and ele- irive the lady of any pitch which she light be carrying in her mind as a asis of reckoning , the experimenter rew his thumb up and down the key oard two or three times , with the ampers raised from the strings. When lie noise had subsided he struck a ingle note at random , when the'lady romptly declared that it was "E flat , " rliich was correct. After she had been lioroughly tested on the single tones without a single mistake , the pianist ent through a series of comph- ateel modulations and when he fjsted and inquired , "In what ey is this chord11 the response came uickly , "G.11 Although lacking the jchnical knowledge ot harmony , and nable to call every chord by name , ic could mention the component tones , 3 once in answer to the question , What chord is this15 she replied , "I on't know the name of it , but the notes re C sharp , E , G and B flat , " which ras correct. At a public entertainment n one occasion , conversation turning n this subject , the lady said that the iece the orchestra was then playing as in the key of D. In order to test le correctnejof the statement a gen- eman went to tlus conductor at the inclusion of the piece and returned 'ith the reply that they had played in i flat. The lady insisting on her accu- icy , a seconel inquiry revealed the fact lat the piano , to which the orchestra as tuned , was a-serni-tone below con- ert pitch. Her ability in this direction ; entirely a natural gift and not an ac- uir'eil accomplishment. i - "The increase of livestock is not equal ' - - - . - -Since > the' increatcof population.Since SGO the population of the United States as increased Go per cent. , while the in- reasc in live stock has been about 50 er cent.