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WEEKLY TRIBUNE F. M. & . E. M , KIMMELL , EDITORS & . PUBLISHERS , CONGRESS takes its holiday reces : and the country will have a rest for : least two weeks. II. B. PAYNE , the Standard Oil Con pany candidate for Senator from Ohi ( is 73 years old and worth $5,000,00 ( His wife is a daughter of Commodor Perry. THE agony is over. Carlisle has af pointed his committees , and the corres pondcnts who have been doing guess work for the past two weeks have at journcd together with Congress unti after the Holidays. GERALD MASSEY has sued the Nei York Times for $5,000 on account of "funny" editorial in that paper. Tlios who have read the stuff of the Nci York funny man hope that Masscy wil win the suit on general principles. AUSTIN CORIIIN , President of th Long Island ( N. Y. ) railroad , ordered : train out from New York last Saturda ; to distribute 2,000 turkeys for Christ mas among employes of the road. 1 most commendable and happy way o retaining the affection of the employe ; and enabling them to enjoy this season. I NEWS comes from New York tha Sammy Tilden hung up his stocking1 Christmas night and old Santa Glaus tried to put a lead pencil into one oi them , but split the hose. It is alsc telegraphed that when Mr. Gould goi up Christmas morning he found a riva telegraph wire in his stocking , but ii was barbed and he couldn't get it out. SHIPMENTS of grain and provisions from- Chicago eastward last week were 54.500 tons by rail , a quantity enl } once materially exceeded this half year As usual when the movement is large , the Michigan Central took the lion's share 12,000 tons. Until Novembei 10 , a weekly shipment of 50,000 tons by all the roads had not been made. IT is now certain that extra efforts will be made during the present Con gress to abolish polygamy. Senator Edmunds has a new bill which proposes to abolish woman suffrage in Utah. "Women appear to be the bulwark of the lecherous institution in that territory. They vote as their masters dictate , and the result is Mormons fill all the offices and make all the territorial laws. THE most dangerous evil of the times TJ is the mania for gambling in stocks or futures in grain and provisions , which corrodes the conscience , frenzies the brain and petrifies the hearts of the men aud women who constitute the specula tors of "Wall and State streets. This is an eminently respectable curse which attacks all classes. It haunts the par lor as well as the barroom , roosts over the doors of our strongest banks , occu pies a front seat and ofttimes the pul pit at church , and makes paupers and thieves out of the most gifted and trusted in the community. It is recog nized as a legitimate occupation , and the man engaged in it loses neither caste nor his seat at the communion ta ble , as long as he succeeds. IGNORANCE , vice aud crime are the legitimate results of great poverty , and nearly all the poverty of the world is attributable directly to the exorbitant tribute which , under our present indus trial system , the producer is obliged to pay to the non-producer. To reduce the sum total of crime to a minimum , we must remove the cau&e , and the cause can only be removed by the application of the Divine Law , in the spirit as well as in the letter , to all our dealings with questions which pertain to the produc tion and distribution of wealth. All human laws and regulations by which the wealth created by one is transferred to another without a full equivalent , are in direct violation of the Law of God. This is a question which deserves the careful consideration of all who profess to be followers of the "meek and lowly. " Sacramento Equity. RED WILLOW COUNTY. We take pleasure in quoting the r ports made by the following gentletm concerning their success as farmers an stock raisers in this county. The * gentlemen all came into this count with but limited capital , ranging froi $900 to the insignificant sum of $10.0 ! and each and all of them are now TCI comfortably fixed ; own their land , con ibrtablc homes , have cattle , and rnis good crops. This , of course , is but partial report , and there are others wh have been equally as successful. Thei is plenty of land in this county , sul jecl to homestead , pre-emption or tiu ber-culture entry , and it behoves a those who want to be owners of 16 acres of land by living on and cultival ing the same to make arrangement early , as there will be an immense in flux of people into this county in tli spring , and within a twelve-month go\ eminent land subject to entry will b scarce. It may be that , as the Lincoln Jout nal says , this is a poor country for th farmer , but the facts it seems to us ar to the contrary : Mr. Stilgebouor rais ed 2700 bushels of corn on 90 acres , o 30 of an average. Blr. Duckworth rais ed 6400 bushels on 160 acres , or ni average of 40. We do not advise farm ing solely and alone , but rather tha stock raising on a small scale be con ducted in connection with tilling tlu soil. Which we think will more preva lent in the valley as it becomes mor < settled , and its advantages see. This is t grand country for cattle , horses , pigs or poultry , aud every farmer shoult have a few of each. This country ha ; never be m tilled in earnest , but rathei in a half-way style ; but those who wenl at the matter in earnest last spring garnered fair crops. I came from Lee county , Illinois , in March , 1875 , and had when 1 came $150. I own 320 acres of land , esti mated at $10 an acre , which is a Ion estimate. I have made about $3,000 , 1 raised 20 acres of sod corn , and cut for fodder. I also raised oats , potatoes , and other garden vegetables to the amount of $268. If there is anything in this statement worth publishing you can use it. lied Willow county is a good county. C. L. NETTLETON , McCook , Red Willow Co. , Neb. I send you my statement showing how it will pay to farm in Red Willow count } ' . I came from Ashtabula coun ty , Ohio , in 1866. I had about $50 when I came to Nebraska. I am now worth about $4,000 , including land , cattle , and horses , nearly all made in Red Willow county in last four years. I raised this year 8 acres of corn , 320 bushels , worth 50 cents per bushel ; millet , 5 acres , 15 tons , $3 per ton ; oats , 4 acres , 120 bushels ; potatoes , 50 bushels ; sugar cane , 5 tons , and a good supply of vegetables. J. A. TAYLOR , Red Willow , Red Willow Co. , Neb. I take pleasure in sending you a statement of my success at farming in one of the most extreme counties in Nebraska. I came from Jackson coun ty , Illinois , in 1868- and was worth 10.35 when I came to Red Willow county. I am worth $10,000 , and have made it all in this county within the last five years , except one yoke of cat tle and $70 in money. I raised this pear , 1883 : Wheat , 27 acres , 43'2 bushels , worth 70 cents per bushel ; sorn , 160 acres , 6,400 bushels , worth 30 cents per bushel ; rye , 36 acres , 1,080 bushels , worth 50 cents per bush- 2 ! . Plenty of vegetables for home use. I send you sample of my corn. B. B. DUCKWORTH , Danbury , Red Willow Co. , Neb. I devote my time to raising vegeta- jles for the market , and do not farm jxtensively. I raise no grain. I came from Mason county , Kentucky , in 1872 , md had when I came , $400. I have iiade $3,100 , consisting of land , cattle , lorses , and farm implements. I raised vegetables as follows : Turnips , one- iburth acre , 25 bushels , worth 50c. per mshel ; potatoes , acre , 100 bushels , vorth 50c. per bushel ; onions , 4 ; acre , 100 bushelsworth , $1 per bushel ; beets , [ acre , 3 tons per acre ; sweet potatoes , [ acre , 16 bushels , worth $2 per bushel ; omatoes , 4 acre , 150 bushels , $1.25 > er bushel ; parsnips , 4 acre , 40 bush- sis , worth $1 per bushel ; cabbage , 4 ; icre , 700 heads , worth $70 ; peas , icre , 25 bushels , worth $1.25 per bushel. CHARLES A. HOTGE , Indianola , Red Willow Co. , Neb. I came from Shelby county , Illinoi : in March , 1875 , and settled in Re Willow county , Nebraska. I had abet $900. I now am worth about $3,00 ( and have raised the following crop thi year : Wheat , 10 acres , 300 buchoh worth $300 ; corn , 90 acres , 2,700 bus ! els , worth ? 1,300 ; potatoes , acre , 2 bushels , worth $8 ; total , $1,608. S. W. STILGEKAUXR , Danbury , Red Willow Co. , Net A WOMAN in Texas , bearing the prom ising name of Mrs. Christian , has bee arrested on suspicion of poisoning he affinity. His name was Brunner , and h is said to have been the seventh victin of fatal decoctions prepared by th hands of the perfidious dame. It seem to have been her habit to poison he lovers when she tired of them , as it wa not so unpleasant as the usual seem upon desertion. She was out of lucl this time , and has been arrested fo Bruoner's taking off. The other dc spatclices having been lawyers ant newspaper men , of no special value t < the public , no notice has been takwi oi her Borgian way of disposing of them , KANSAS CITY , the headquarters oi Frank James , would not allow the Sul livan slugging combination to give ai : exhibition within its limits. The Kan sas City Journal is indignant at the action of the police in barring Sullivan out. The Journal says : { 'lt is possible that if certain officers could have shared the piofits of the entertainment there would have been no interference. The cloak of virtue which envelops this citj is getting altogether too heavy. * * * Bunco steerers and confidence men may run riot in the city , but a sparring exhibition can never be allowed. It is too horrible to think of ! " RED WILLOW COUNTY possesses a split-haired dude , a feeble-minded girl and a matrimonial bureau. There are necessary evils in the trial of civiliza tion. The girl was booked for marriage with a farmer after scarcely half an hour's acquaintance , but while the plow boy was skirmishing for a permit the dude stepped in , paralyzed the girl's heartstrings and took her to his palpi tating shirt front. The sod corned youth is out a wife and $2.25 , but the license will hold for another day Bee. CONGRESSMAN . VALENTINE is on the committee of elections and of claims. Laird is on military affairs and pensions and Weaver on expenditures on public buildings and private lands. An English clergyman , the Rev. R Hodgson , believes the pre-Adamic re mains to be "fossil-angels. " NOTICES OF COMPLAINT. U. S. LAND OFFICE , MCCOOK , NUB. , J DECEMUEH 17th , 1883. f Complaint having- been entered ut this oilicc jy Thomas Bennett against Oregon Wnshburn "or failure to comply with law as to tiniber- julture entry 766 , dated North Plattc , Neb. , fune 4,1879 , upon the southeast quarter soc- ; lon 27 , township 2 north , range 28 west , In [ led Willow county , Nebraska , with a view to ; he cancellation ot said entry ; contestant al- eging that Oregon Washburn has failed to mltivate , or to plant to trees , seeds or out ings , any part of said tract at any time since naking said entry ; the said parties are hcre- > y summoned to appear at this office on the : Cth day of January , 1884 , iit 10 o'clock , A. Jl. , o respond and furnish testimony concerning > aid alleged failure. 29-4t. G. L. LAWS , Register. U. S. Land Office , McCook , Neb. , December 19th , 1883. Complaint having been entered at this office > y Charles Tihlutrmerer against Ludwig Bohl- nau for abandoning his homestead entry 2409 , [ ated North Plntte , Neb. , June 3d , 1880 , upon he southeast quarter section 17 , township 2 torth , range 28 west , in Ked Willow county , fob. , with a view to the cancellation of said intry ; the said parties are hereby summoned o appear at this office on the 21st day of Juu- tary , 1884 , at 10 o'clock , A. M. , to respond aud urnish testimony concerning said alleged .bandonment. G. L. LAWS , 29-4t. Register. U. S. LAND OFFICE , McCooK , NEB. , I DECEMBER 18th , 1883. Jf Complaint having been entered at this office iy John C. Russell against George R. Nelson or abandoning his homestead entry 2169 , da- ed North Platte , Neb. , April 10th , 1SSO , upon ho south H northwest H and west Yt south- rest M section 13 , township 2 north , range 80 rest , in Red Willow county. Neb. , with a view o the cancellation of said entry ; the said par ies are hereby summoned to appear at this ffice on the 24th day of January , 1884 , at 9 'clock , A. M. , to respond and furnish testi mony concerning said alleged abandonment. 29-4t- G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , I December 26th , 1883. f Notice is hereby given that the following amed settler has filed notice of his intention ) make final proof in support of his claim , nd that said proof will be made before Rcg- > ter or Receiver at McCook , Nob. , on Tuesday , 'ebruary ' 5,1884. viz : Morris O. Williams. D. . 2733 , for the east H southwest H and west H Duthcast Ji section 10 , township 2 north of inge 30 west. He names the following wit- esses to prove his continuous residence upon , nd cultivation of. said land , viz : Joseph Ncw- amb , George Fredricks , Kay Davis and C. E. [ cPherson , all of McCook , Neb. SCMJt. G. L. LAWS , Register. U. 8. LAND OrrzCK , McCootc , NEB. . I DxCKMIiXK Hth , IttCI. \ Complaint having been entered nt thin ornc by Francli M. Klmmcll ugainat WillUm t \\alllri for failure to comply with law as I timber-culture entry 1045 , dated North Phut Neb. , October l t , 187P. upon the soutbwci quarter section ! , township U , ninth , range 2 went , in lied Willow county. Neb. , with a vie- to the cancellation of said entry ; contetrtnt alleging that said William A. Wallin baa f ailc to break the second live acrai required to b broken from October lot , 1880 , to October Is 1881 ; that ho has fulled to cultivate 5 acroe c any part of said tract from October M , ] 8tf to October lut , 18SJ , or ntany time ; that he hi failed to plant t tree , seeds or cuttings llv acre * or uny part of said tract ut any tira Hluco making said entry ; the nulrt particw ar hereby summoned to appear at thw ofllce o the 5th day of January , llt , at ll > o'clock. M. , to respond nnd furnish testimony concert ing said alleged failure. Or. L. lAWS. Registei U. 8. LAND.OFFICE , MCCOOK , NEB. , > DECEMBEU 7Tii , 188J. f Complaint having1 been entered ut this orac by Walter K. Foraoy against Benjamin Clar for failure to comply with law as to timber culture entry C03 , dated North Platte , Neb , March 2U , 1879. upon the Houthwe&t quarto .section 4 , township 2 north , range uO west , ii Red Willow county , Nob' , with a view to th cancellation of mild entry ; contestant allcgini that said Benjamin Clark has fulled to broal the second 5 acrus of said tract from March 2E 1880. to March 29 , 1881 ; that ho has failed t cultivate 5 acres or any part of said rrxct frou Jlnrch 29,1881. to March 29. 1S . and to thi date ; that he has failed to plant to trees , seeder or cutting ? any part of said tract at any tlmu the said parties arc hereby Hummoncd to ap pear at this oIHco on the 18th day of January 1K84 , nt 10 o'clock , A. M. , to respond and fur Utah testimony concerning said alleged failure 28-4t. O. L. LAWS , Register. U. 8. LAND OFFICE , MCCOOK , NEB. , DECEMBER 10th , 1833. f Complaint having been entered at this office by John S. Modi-ell uprainst Elishii Pcudcll foi failure to comply withluwastotiinbcr-cultun entry 570 , dated North Platte , Neb. . April 17 1879 , upon the southeast quarter ection 29 township 4 north , range 'J9 west , in Red Willow county. Neb. , with a view to the canccllatior of said entry ; contestant alleging that sale Elisha Pcndell hns failed to break 5 acres since making said entry in the year 1879 up to tlu present time ; that ho has failed to cultivate the second 5 acres since April 17,1882 , that sait land is abandoned nnd grown up to weeds iinci grass ; the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the 23d day of Jan uary. 1884 , at 1 o'clock , P. M. , to respond and furuish testimony concerning , said alleged failure. 28-4t. G. L. LAWS , Register. U. S. Land Office. McCook. Neb. , J December 5th. 1883. j" Complaint having been entered at thiH office by William Akers against William Richardson forabandoning his Homestead Entry 1379. da ted at North Platte , Neb. , July 5. 1879 , upon the northeast & section ISO. township 2 north , range 27 west , in Red Willow county. Neb. , with a view to the cancellation of said entry ; the said parties are hereby summoned to ap pear at this Office on the Itith day of January. 1884 , ut 2 o'clock , P. M. , to respond and furnish testimony concerning- said alleged abandon ment. 27-4t. G. L. LAWS. Register. U. S. LAND OFFICE , MCCOOK , NEB. , 1 DECEMBER Hth , 1883. f Complaint having been entered at this office by Alfred B. Fuller against Daniel Grimm for failure with law timber-cul to comply as to - ture entry 966 , dated North Platte. Neb. , Au gust 23,1879 , upon the northwest quarter sec tion 19 , township 2 north , range 28 west , in Red Willow county , Neb. , with a view to the cancellation of said entry ; contestantallcging that said Daniel Grimm has failed to brcnk , plow or cultivate , or to plant to trees , any part of said land since making said entry ; the said parties are hereby summoned to appear nt this oflico on the 28th day of January , 1884. tit 1 o'clock. P. M. , to respond and furnish tes timony concerning said alleged failure. 29-4t. G. L. LAWS , Register. U. S. LAND OFFICE , MCCOOK , NEB. , | DECEMBER Hth , 1883. f Complaint having been entered at this office by William P. Burns against Samuel Fisher Tor failure to com ply with law as to timber- julturo entry 1106 , dated North Platte , Neb. , Dctober 18,1879 , upon the northwest quarter section 20 , township 2 north , range 28 west , in Sed Willow county. Neb. , with a view to the mediation of said entry : contestant alleg- ng that said Samuel Fisher has failed to break > r cultivate any of said land and has not itteinpted to plant timber thereon ; the said mrties are hereby summoned to appear at ; his office on the 28th day of January , 1884 , ut o'clock , P. M. , to respond and furnish tcsti- iiony concerning said alleged failure. KWt. G. L. LAWS , Register. U. S. Land Office. MeCook. Neb. , December 18th. 1883. Complaint having been entered ut this office y Peter Muntz against Ira Crundel for aban- loning his homestead entry 1K83 , dated at forth Platte , Neb. , October 30 , 1879 , upon the lortheast quarter section 13 , township 3 north unge 26 west , in Red Willow county , Neb. dth u view to the cancellation of said entry , he said parties are hereby summoned to ap- icar at this office on the 25th day of January , 884 , at 10 o'clock , A. M. , to respond and f ur- lish testimony concerning said alleged aban- oument. 29-4t. G. L. LAAVS , Register. U. S. Land Office , McCook , Neb. , December 14th , 1883. Complaint having been entered at this office y William Fruin against Herman Thale for nilure to comply with law as to tiinber-cul- ure entry 1M5 , dated North Platte , Neb. , May t , ISM ) , upon the northeast quarter section 22 , awnship 3 north , range 30 west , in Red Willow ounty. Neb. , with a view to the cancellation f said entry ; contestant alleging that said efendant , Herman Thale , has failed to culti- ate or cause to be cultivated any portion of nid tract of land since making said entry as squired by law , nnd has failed to plant or nuse to bo planted to trees , seeds or cuttings , ny part of said tract of land since makin- ud entry as required by law ; the said parties re hereby summoned to appear at this office n the 22nd day of January , 1884 , at 10 o'clock. . . M.t to respond and furnish testimony con- arning said alleged failure. 2Mt. G. L. LAWS , Register. U. S. Land Office , McCook , Neb. , December 18th. 1883. Complaint having been entered at this office y Rothes S.Hileman against George W. Simp- ins , for failure to comply with law as to tim- 2r-culture entry 1308 , dated North Platte. eb. , February 20 , 1880 , upon the northwest uarter section 24 , township 2 non h. range 30 est , in Red Willow county , Neb. , with a view the cancellation of aaid entry ; contestant leging that George W. Simpkins failed to reak , cultivate , or to plant to trees , seeds or ittings , any part of said tract during the year iding February 20,18S3 , or caused the same be done ; that ho has failed to plant to trees , seds or cuttings , any part of said tract at any me ; the said parties are hereby summoned i appear at this office on the 25th day of Jan- iry. 1884 , at 10 o'clock , A. M. , to rc-soond and irnish testimony concerning said alleged Lilure. 25Wt. G. L. LAWS , Register. U. S. LAND OFFICE , MCCOOK , NEB. , DECEMBER 17tb , 1883. f Complaint having : been entered at this office r Charles M. Noble against George Franklin inchillcr for failure to comply with law as ' timber-culture entry 585. dated at North atte. Neb , April 24 , 1879 , upon the south- t quarter section 6 , township 2 north , range west , in Red Willow county , Nob. , with a ew to the cancellation of said entry : contes- nt alleging that George Franklin Stinehlller is failed to break , cultivate , or plant to ees , seeds or cuttings , uny part of said land era April 24,18S2 , to April 24.1883 , or to cause e same to be done , and that 10 acres of said act has never been broken or cultivated ; e said parties are hereby summoned to ap- iar at this office on 23d dav of January. 1684. 10 o'clock. A. M. , to it-spend and furnish stimony concerning said alleged failure. J9-4t. G. L. LAWS , Register. U. S. LAND Orrics , McCooK , Nun. , { . DXCKMBEK 17tb. IfKI. f Complaint having' boon entered at this ofllco by John Ifc Sollen * igruinil Jacob Ztugrc for failure to comply with la r a to timber-cul ture entry 6W. dated North Platte , Nob. . April 15,1810.upon the Bouthwi st ejuurtor .soctlon 13 , township 1 north , range 23 we t , In Ned Willow county. Neb. , with a viuw to the cancellation of 8 ld entry : cout tant ullc-jdng thutJucoU Zlngru has inlk-d to plow or cultivate any inirt * off Aid tract from April 1C. 1882. to April 1 > . 1883 , and to this date , and that. Ire hits who ly abandoned wild claim ; the said parties uiir hereby summoned toapK r at thin ollUf on thc 9tli iiyorjimuury. IflM. at 1 o'clock. P. M. , to rcKixindand furntoh testimony concern ing iid alleged failure. wt. G. L. LAWS. U. S. LANII OmcK. McCooK. Nun. , I Xovjunira 29. 18M. . f Complaint having bevn entered at thU otnr l > y Pet IT Iliiylr apulnut Jolia M. Howl for f nllnrt * to com ply lth lav ai to tlmber-culturfi tmtry tuns , dated at Xorth Ilatte. Neb. , Oclolicr 0. Ii79. upon tint we t 54 northwest > f and west Vt outhwct ? * i"i'c- " tlon 2. tinvnxhlp 3 north , ranee 30 writ. In Itrtl Wil low county. Neb , , with a view to the fnncvll.ilIon > f salrl entry ; contestant aliening that niM Hood li * failed to break the i-eroi l 5 acre * during the yrnr * . 1388 and 1885 and up to preicut sSiic ; that lit * f.itlrd to cutthate the fiMt 5 aerra from October C. JMU. n > the present time ; that hu has failed to plant tliir lame to tree * , needs or cutting * lnre muUni ; * .ilil entry ; the laid parties are hereby miinmnm-il to up- penr nt thin office on the 5th dny of January , IHSt , at 10 o'clock , A. M. . to rrxpjnd and furnish tcstlliiu- ny coiiccmlugf ild ullrjfud fnllure. 2-4t. . L. LAWS , U. S. Land Olllcc. McCook. XH > . , I Je ir < l ) -r 1st. 1H . f Complnlnt harlnf ; been entered nt ihfrt onice l > y tTllllain Mclntyie against Samuel A. IVttlt for fail ure to comply with law as to tlmlier-rulturi : miry 1364 , dated at North 1'luttu. Nth. . March 2(1 ( , JMO. upon tin : Noiithwest quarlcr section Si , trwnihlp I north , rniiK' ! 29 wirst. In Hrcl Willow coituty , Nfli. . with a low to the cancfllatlim cf ald entry : con- tfitnnt alloplnj ; thai ald I'ettlt laa failed during Ihi : irear rndlng March SO. lb l , to bieak S arreit ot unlit land and that he ha * failed dnrluz the > enr iMiitln March 20. ItW ! tocu'tlvate ' any part of natd lanil uiul hat 110 pirt of hald tract ha er heeii phintcd n > trcei , nei'dri < > r cuttlDKi ; the kald parties : irr licrcl-y summoned to appear at thin ottite on the lltli diy of January. 1S84. nt 10 o'clock , A. M. , to twpunil ami furnUh testimony colicerulng mild alleged failure. a-4t. G. L. LA\\S. U. S. Land OfTIce. McCook. Neh. , I December 1st , ISS'J. f Complaint Imviup heen entered at this otlloe hy Sunder citarbuck iiRnlnut Louts Larncu for almnduii- UK hi a homestead vutry 1974 , U.MfJ : it North 1'lutlf , Neb. . February 12 , 1880 , upon the wrath ' ,1 north- uaat Ji aud north. H nouthcaat , ' < . section 3 , township 1 north , range 30 e t. In Ited Willow county. Nel > . . with a view to cancellation , of xald entry ; tint said panics nre hereby tummoned to appear nt thl * office on the 14th iay of January. 18S4 , in 10 o'clock , A. M. , to respond atid furnUh testimony concrrntuK aid alleged ubuiidonuient. G. L. LAWS , 87-4 1. PINAL PROOF NOTICES. LAND OEFICK AT MCCOOK , NEU. . I December 22nd. 1883. f Notice is hereby given that the follovin named settler hus llled notice or his intention to make final proof in support of kit claim , aud that said proof will be made before RK - Ister and Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Tues day , February 5,1884 , viz : William P. Burns , homestead 2466 , for the east yt t-outhwi-pt S. and west H southeast M section 4 , townships north , range 28 west. He names the following- witnesses to provo his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Rob ert Bond. Nicolas Whitescll and William Per kins , of Boudville , Neb. , and G. L. ( 'lurk. of Indiunolu. Neb. u. L. LAWS. 30-4t. iccgibter. Laud Office at McCook , Neb. . Nov. 20.18K3. Notice is hereby given that the following- aamcd settler has filed notice of hia intention : o make final proof in support of his claim , md that said proof will bo made before Kegis- : er or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday. December 2Mb , 1883. viz : Reuben H. Trow- : > rid je , hoineotead 1900 , for the north-cu t 'i section 19 , township 8 , north of range 2U west , le names the following witnesses to provo lis continuous residence upon , and cultivit- ion of , said land , viz : John Farley. William > IcMunigal. Edward H. McCorinick , S. H. Col- fin , all of McCook , Neb. 25it. . G. L. LAWS , Register. Land Office , McCook , Neb. , Nov. 27,18SI. Notice is hereby given that the lollowinjc mined settler has llled notice of his intention o make final proof in support of his claim , .nd that said proof will be made before Rex- 3ter or Receiver ut McCook. Nob. , on Monday , anuary 7,1883. viz : John M. Ferguson , 1) . S. 745 for the south east M section 7 , township 2. lorth , range 29 west. He names the following ritncases to prove his continuous residence : pen , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Sam- : el L. Gram , Joseph E. Berger , Wesley .M. andorsou and Frank P. Allen , all of McCook. ieb.JMt. ( ! . G. L. LAWS , Register. Lund Office , McCook , Neb. , Nov. 30. . Notice is hereby given that the following umcd bet tier has filed notice of his intention a make final proof in support of his claim , nd that said proof will be made before Rejr- iter or Receiver ut McCook , Neb. , on Friday , anuary 11. 1883. viz : Allen A. Phillippi. omestead 1367. for the southwest K north- est Ki and lot 4 section S and southeubt 'i ortheast & and lot 1 section 3 , township 2 orth. range 29 west. Ho name * the follow- ] g witnesses to prove hid continuous rcsi- euce upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : lenry H. Pickens , John Eaton , Harmon Ea rn and Nathaniel L. Meyers , all of McCook , cb. 27-6t. G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , ) DECEMBER 13th , 1883. f Notice is hereby given that the following amed settler has filed notice of his intention ) make final proof in support of his claim , id that said proof will be made botore Kepi T or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Fridav inuary 25th , 1884. viz : Carl Willert , I ) . S. i , for the southwest h. section 13 , township 2 , srth. range29 , west. He nanvs the following itnesses to prove his continuous residence pon. and cultivation of , said land , viz : Na- laniel Myers. George Roper and Alexander Jhnson. of McCook. Neb. , and Deatrick Blake. : Valley Grange , Neb. G. L. LAWS. 59-61. Register. Land Office at McCook , Neb. , ) December Hth , 183. f Notice is hereby given that the following iraed settler has filed notice of his intention ' make final proof in support of his claim , id that said proof will be made before L. estgate. Clerk District Court of Frontier lunty , at Stockville , Neb. , on Saturday. Jan- u-y 2ti , 1884 , viz : John Miller , for the heirs ' Rosa Clark , deceased , homestead 623.for tbo uthwestJi section 29. township 8 , range 2fl 2. t. He names the following witnestes to eve his continuous residence upon , and cul- t-ation of , said land , viz : John W. Crosby W. Warner and Alexander Negus , of Laird jb. . and Lewis West , of Stockville , Neb. ' -6t. G. L. LAWS. Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , DECEMBER 12th , 1S83. f Notice is hereby given that the following med settler has filed notice of his intention make final proof in support of his claim , id that said proof will be made before KCL-- : er or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Tuesday , irch 4 , 18S4 , viz : Perry JonesD. S. 21W. r the southwest Jf northeast V and Fomh- st Ji northwest & section 9 , townships irth , rango2fi , west. He names the follow- K witnesses to prove his continuous resi- nce upon , and cultivation of. said land , viz : ibert Bond , John E. Furr and William O > nd , of Bondville. Neb. , and Samuel Stock- a , of Indianola , Neb. G. L. LAWS Register.