Newspaper Page Text
BUSSIAK" MENNOXOTES. llowu Colony of Thorn arc Living In > 'c- , , bruMlcn. i ' Den Molnos IlcgUtcr. Tlnit your readers inayknow wllat hos-o'eooiue of.and'leen dpne'by at least one of1 the colonies ofjllissia"n ( Mcnnon- ites about who m's much was said a f ew years 'ago , * I "will tell of iny visit yesterday to the settlement of a colony of seventy families that came to Jeffer son county , Neb. , eight years ago last spring. They bought twenty sections of land , in one body , a short distance from Fuirbury , and begun Mo make homes thereon. At first they tried wheat raising , ns in the oldj country , but that would not always succeed , and they finally learned that mixed crops were more certain , and. no'jiv a more prosperous set of farmers does not ex ist on the continent. Every vfamily has a good orchard of the hardy fruits oi their old homo raised from seeds : uid roots brought over with' them , or since. These consist of many varieties of ap ples , crabs" small fruits , the white Rus sian mulberry and Russian apricots. All of these seem as hardy ami vigorous as-oaks. This mulberry is one of the most vigorous and rapid growers I have seen ; attaining a growth , in eight an nular rings , in a piece that is well seasoned , of seven and three-fourth inches in diameter , tough wood. Th'ey use it for hedges and wind breaks , making the mobt perfect .of jsach that I have ever"aeon iiv deciduous growths. One hedged saw is stock ( proof , nine feet high and only five years from the seed. The apricots have never" winter killed , andbear , , , at three years from seed. i * Silk culture is now one of their sin- dustrios and the mulberry is the basis for it , as it furnishes the food. It is > an easy work and can be conducted by the women and children and yields them a handsome income. ' At the house of Abraham Thiesseh I was shown a lot of the cocoons from last summer's crop and several quarts' of the cgirs which he has stored away for next year's breeding. These people have set an example to the careless style of the western k farmers that is be ing followed by their immediate neigh bors and should be by every one. Numerous "draws" act as natural drains to most of the table lands in-Xe- braska and these have been dammed in convenient places by these industrious people and are now doing duty in sup plying stock , water , ice , tempering the air in summer aud supplying the fami lies with fish. Being more valuable , by many fold than any other way they can ' be used. The women and children have planted and cultivated the fruits they have , and from the surplus have sold to their neighbors many thousands of the mul berry plants and apricots , thus being producers of nearly equal value with the men. Their little nurseries are as clean as flower gardens , of weeds , and are an evidence of their perseverence and industry. In a fewj years these folks will be supplying the less provi dent Americans , who have been here longer than they , with every variety of fruit that the climate can produce , and at figures that mean good profits ' on the land and labor involved. } Yet these same Americans will not learn the easy lesson conveyed in the example of these simple -people" Tintil they liave paid double for the schooling. II. C. G. TVliore to see tlie Great Trotters of Xew York. . Cincinnati Times-Star. No two men in America have had more experience with fine trotting stock , and none are better jiidges than Calvin M. Priest , ofthe , New York club stables , iSth street , near Fifth avenue , andDan ? Mace , of the Excelsior stables , West 29th street , the champidn double team driver of the United States. Both of these gentlemen say , that for pain ful ailments in horses , such as cuts , bruises , swellings , lameness , stiffness , St. Jacobs -'Oil is superior to anything they have ever use'd or heard oLThis is also the opinion of Prof. > avid Kobarge , the celebrated horse-shoer of the metropolis , and thousands of stuck owners throughout 'the country. As a pain cur for man and beast St. Jacob's Oil has no equal. Mr. Priest recites the case of a valuable , trotter , so tlff from rheumatism that he coald pot move an inch. .By one thorough ; application - plication of St. Jacobs Oil at night , the animal was completely cured , and waj > fit for the race track'the next day. , A Cautious Lawyer. A gentlemanly farmer of Onion Greek , who happened to be "in Austin. last week , called al the office of a dis - tinguished Austin law firm. Both mem bers of the firm being in , but the gran ger only knew one of them. , yCorae across the street and take a drink , " 'saidlhe farmer. "As soon as Lputon my overcoat. " 'You don't need any overcoat. It's * warm out doors/ t . - \ \ * ' 'f 'OhVsT ' "Waat for ? ' Frittin' on. , style , .are you ? " "No : it's not that' , " whispered j the lawyer , as soou. as they got outride , "but you saw. .my partner in.there , didn't you ? Well , if I were to go put and leave that overcoat therewith nim , when I came back it would be in th'e pawnbroker's oillce. " , -TheeTjony rae grows tcrjbe t . -feet in circumference.TheLoiiEer wood 5fis pure.Tyhitej thojheart pnlj bjelug per- A jrrandniece of Kosciu- is em- ployei in one of the government de partments at Washington. Kx-Gov- crnor Cnrtin , who is interested in her welfare , secured her the appointment. Yoik Truth. A numbur of journals * and , among tliein tlie stately Conim6rciul Adver tiser , have begun to advocate a free breakfast table : This is a very pretty phrase , Init ju making sugar free thii country thatwill derive , thu most bene ; lit 19 Cubu. iAmericati sugar prpduoors jyho Jliirq tbeir labor ; cjinnpt compete with the "CiiGan planter who owns it. Even now America sends nearly § 150 , 000,000 in gold every year to Cuba for sugars , thus helping to sustain Cuban 'slavery' in opposition to American free laborC-nnd enriching a country which discriminates against American pro- duets in its tax laws ; Truth is also in favor of a free breakfast table , but'doe's not wish to secure it at the expense of American sugar producers , or for tlie ben'efitr 'of Cuban , and Spanish slave . .drivers. Once the country had a chance to'do it by the acquisition of Santa , Do mingo" . Even now the whole island , , including Hayti , vyhi1 ' 'a always m a , state of chronic revolution , might "be acquired. Its acquisition would give us a free breakfast table. Had there been statesmanship in congress twelve years ago , when President Grant pro posed his Santa Domingo ojieme , the United States to-day could supply the whole world with sugar , and every American breakfast table would be free with a cigar after breakfast. The true American policy is t& produce every thing we consume and tp manufacture everything we use1 or wear. ' Until this can be done , regardless of Cuban com petition in the matter of sugar , it is idle to talk of a free breakfast table. To Cl'HE a sere throat , Karx c with Piwi s Cure for Consumption. 25conU. THE MARKETS. ' _ * " * OMAHA' i * , . ' } 'I-- WHKAT No. 2 , SOfSSl c. BAULKY No. 2 , . 4c. IlYK No. 3 , 44 c. CoitN No. 2 , 472-Tc. . \ OATS No. 2 , 3'J > ic. FLOUR Wheat Graham , $2 75. CHOP FKEO Per cwt. JKJc. SHOUTS Per ton , -$14 00. \ , - * OitANGES Per box , $6 25. . i ; : < LKJigNsV-Per box. $7 OUfS7 25. * / ; APPLES "Per barrel $3 ( XMB5 00. BUTTKK Creamer } ' , 33 350. - - , BUTTER Cboice country , 15S20c. ( EGGS Fresh , 27r 28c. r HAMS Per tb. 14 c. { ( ( SHOULDERS Per Ib. 7c. POTATOES Choice , per bushel , 30S32e. ( 1 HAY In bulk , per ton , $0 00 © < 5 50. LARD Refined , per tt > . 10 l-iu. SII'EEP 33 00ffi3 50. CATTLF$3 OOfS. . 23. CALVES $ o OOffiG 00. CHICAGO. bushel. 9S.i . " J WHEAT Per c. ) - , > -v J CORX Per bushel , fil c. .s > : . J ' j OATS Per bushel , 3414C. PORK $11 12K015 00. LAUD $8 l)59 00. HOGS iDxedo , 53(36 ( 00. CATTLE Exports. 5-1 iL5(54'73. SHEKP Medium to good , $2 50r 4 25. ST. LOUIS. WHEAT Per bushel , $1 02O1 03' = . CORN Per bushel. ( WrSGO e. OATS Per bushel , SO rSoO c. CATTLE Exports. $ ( > 30i66 75. - - iiiKKP $ $ 30 423. HOGS Mixed , $3 203.3.\ - - - - - r-t * ? r. A Tlie Treachery of > Iaii. There i& no animal in the world so treach erous a < > a man a remark easily credited of the authors of the vile compounds sold as tonicsi Allen's Iron Tonic Bitters , howe - eer , does not belong to this class , but is the best medicine of its kind known. All gen uine boar the signature of J. P. Allen , St. Paul"Minn. _ Woman is an idol that man worships until he throws it. down. Kansa- City Correspondent of the "Walnut Valley Time's , Eldorado , Kan. "Parties inJJutler Co. have written to me concern ing the Surgical Institute at the corner of Fifth and Delaware Sts. I will answer them the 'Times. ' lam through personally ac quainted with Dr.s. Stark & iJickerson , and most cheerfully recommend them to the sick and afflicted cripples. Their terms are reas onable. ' ' _ . 'A good liver is as a rule a bad liver. rSchooners of beer arc made for sale. Picayune. f ; LOOK OUT FOR FRAUDS ! The genuine "Rouen on Corns" ts made only by E S. Wells ( uioprlcror of "Rough on UatV ) , ana h-is luuKtmiK face of a man on Inbela. lae k 2oc ooules. Bathe thoroughly oncea-week in soft water , kasteel soap , and avoid tite boots. . * i'i * , * When 'ytfu 'come to Omaha , take the Street Cars or 'Bits forithe.Metropolitan Hotel. § 2.00 per day. Tables as good' any $3-00 per day house. DR. JiUES GERMANWOKM CAKES never ail to destroy\vQnnS ; and reniovethein * ' " ' f rohi the sysicm. _ EHEU EATISM , NEUJiALGJAr SPRAINS and BRUISES are p'onpanentiyJ relieved by Uncle Sum' * Nerve and Bone Liniment. Sold by.ull 'druggist . _ PURIFY THE BLOOL ) with Eilert's Day- HgbtrLiver-Pills.---They act directly ; : on the Liver , Stomach and Bowels being "mild and cleans-ing but never griping or painful. SAVEi'ODRHARNESSbv oTling wiih UnclelSam iHaruess Oil which wilLmake ii boft and pliable. ' hi * is the best oil ever raad'af or leather' Sold by all harness ma leers. * is ju t the medicine for mothers to 'have in the house for the children. It will cure .qpughs , colds , sore throat and regulate the Jjqwels.Do not fail to giVe it a trial , you -will be .pleased with , its charming * effect. "Sold bv all druggist * . * WIJEir1lb'R3E3 AND CATTLE are spiritless scracsy anti feeble , they need treatment-with Uncle Sam's Condition Powder derIt Turifies the * blood , improves the .aj > pctitc7 curcfr COLDS and DISTEMPERS , jnvigjorate- s-ystemiind will keep the ani mal in a healthy , handsome condition. - ? STOPv TILtVT TERKIBLE COUGH. JSyery case of consumption commences with a coiiirh , occasioned bv hav ' * ' * --i- ' * ' - - - - - - 'Coldvhich , M-- . remedy as EILERT'S EX TRACT OF TAR AND WILD CHER- UY , which is unrivalled for all diseases of the throat and lungs. Save dangerous spells of sickness and expen > i\e Doctor's bills by akin ? this valuable medicine in season. Ask our DmggNt for it. tfT. nnolriTljns niCted : i 'cold uinicr. would It not be aNc move to provide j'onr fajiijly with.a good fmnilv remedy for curing cougM and1 colds ? Wu woulil lecomini'iid Allen- . Lung Hal-am : i . I tin Invt and purc-t rcmi'ily nu\v uffxruil for " -ilc. One trial will IBortvlnce yoii lfjlN MUH nn'rirk. - is tins tlm mud Wlu > something fii .t to a < ld mfru. fcljiyune.Mjf f \ \ and luralyzi'il. .S.inuHtan Nervim1 cured her. " y < * er Ro"Springwater , AVN. ' A - A hitch in the. proceedings Stoppin'g to tie youir.hurse.j [ New Yorkj Com- 'mcrcial AdHr er. oiiMiH iii HUM enter Into the cqm- pohition.of Curboline. a deodorized extract of petroleum , thu hair restorer. I It if the perfection of the c.hemKt's art . aiuT wijl , hpyond a perailventure , icstorc [ the h iij rA n _ jjald heads , y * - -"Alooholie-omotion- Allun'ri Jitain" l end extract strengthen'iiUis Urain ami * positively cines X'-rvdiis Debility , NcrvousmIleadaclie , nnatur l--lo o - . and all weikne-.s of jthe ( unerativp S\stem ; it never fail- , . * ! pKir. , U for 'j.Af dnnriri ts , or bv mail from .1. II. Allen , Til" ' Klr't A\ < - . . Nc-w York City. The horse prefers to dine at the taole- d'oat. - ' T . f'iicig ! : > , UK , Peeih , 1W { . JJeceived of J J.poiigli'i , LoiiNvillf. Kforihe Henry Collfgj liOfterxCo. Ten Thou < > : ind Dollars ci > h. in full pa\ment for niv 1'r' e Ticket , AWf\ Think giing I.iy. Nov In f/iiiixvillp. tvy F J Schm tit , ; : t31 > A\enue , Chicago , UN. The fol- San Franci co. C l : "Ticket No 84 > 2i5)0 ( ' ( ) > . sold to AV H Leaser , Denmark , Ashtabula Count v. Ohio , cent bv letter ; Ticket No 872n3 , $ > ; , - > pOold to E M Hawking" MiwUor. Henry , ( Bounty. Mis- t-niiri , fenU hletterv " ; > TickPt IXfr"40 ( iS ( ! , $2)00old by".I M Trader , Divton , Ohio ; Ticket No 00'TIOfl.OOO , sold to A Botto , Ciiro. Illinois , sent by letter ; Ticket No /HM5S" " jljfinit ; "softl by AV Scott Glore , Loui-vill""Ky. fliO.fino for $ t > . Grand 'Holiday Drawing Thursday. Inc.27fh , 1S S3. 1)7 prizeamnuntintrto ft 10.400. Tick ets onjy $1 ; Halves , l. Order. have al ways b'feji addves ed to.I F Douglas , Louis ville , Ky L'niNvillc Courier-Journal. Never run into tlebt , not if you can find anything f'lso to run into. Kenower"restore health and viu r. cures Dy-pepsla , Imp itence. Jl.pj > Be honest , if you can ; if yoncanjt be honest , pray for help. F r Dynpepulii , ln < ilceNtI n. Repression of Spirits nnd debi ity. m theivnrloui forma ; also a a preventive asalnst Fever and AKUC , and other Intennltteat Fevers , trie "Ferro-Pho | .lio rt ted Ii.l > r or CallNiiyii , " made by Ca-well , UazarjJ & ' "o. New Vork H < J old by all drupKists. iii the best ton < ; ; and for patients recoverinc from ( fevers or oth'er 'cune s. it Im * * n equal. Laff every time you feel tickled and laff once in a while anyhow. Piles ! Pdes ! Piles ! Sure cure for lUind , llleeding and Itchintr Piles. One l > ox La cured the Svor t cases ol 20 years' standing. No one nctd suffer5 minutes f tor usingAVilliams' Indian Pile Ointment. It absorbs tumors , allayitc'hin < - ' 'ts as poul tlce. givcsMnstant relief. Prt. id only for piles itc'iinfr of private parts , nothingelse. . for $1. FiiAKiuit MEDICINE Co. , Cleveland , O. * A "brand new g ivel , very strong , has. just been made for Speaker Carlisle. 3Ir. A. Nic-liols , of this place , -jyh he suffered from Catirrh for years. He "pur chased a bottle of Ely's Cream Balm of/us. He > s now almost cured , and savs you can not recommend it two highly. Wc'are sell ing more of Ely's Cream Balm th-in of all other catarrh remedies , c-ui hardly keep a pupplyon hind. EVIKS ' Bitos. , Drusrgits , Independence , Iowa. The pluckiest man of ancient times was Tantalus he never "tnnk water. " - . There are always new umivumences and improvements in : the manner of travel which add greatly to the comfort of those who are journeying. One of tiic late-t , though it has been in use some time , i the celebrated Dining Car- , run only bv the CHICAGO & Noirn-WKSTKix RAILWAY. These cars can be found on the Council Bluffs and Omaha and St. Paul and Minne apolis Lines of that Company. In these any passenger on the train can get a "square" meal for 73 cents ; everything that is to be had at the be-ajir-t-class ho tels , and all without any rush mid hurry. The life-saving crew af ° L"on Branch haveiseen a monster sea serpent. STTXGFKG , irritation , inflammation , all Kidney and Urinary Complaints.cnred oy "Buchu Palba.l. ' Marry yunjr , and if yu nnake a hit , vceg , cool and don't brag about it. The mos * popular nervine tonic in the world is Dr. Richmond's Samaritan Ner vine. . ? 1.50. _ ' "Sweet'are the.iises" > adver-tisjnnf. [ Philadelphia Call. IvVRev. . J. N. Beck jay * : ' I have u-ed Brown's Iron Bitter and consider it one of the best tonic * -old. ' ' Japan is rapidly undergoing a trans- formatibn ofaiTabsolute monarc'hy into a republic. TffEGREATGERMAN elicx PS and cures IHIEUMATIS3I , Neuralgia , 2 Spiatica. Lumbago,1 , BACK A i'HE. ' - SORETHpOflT , QUINSY , .si itAir s , Soreness. Cats , Bruises , * * And allothcrlKjdilycches QIC , a'l ! ? I'-MIIS- FfFTT CEfTS n BOTTLE. Sold by all Dnicgistsand Dcilrrs. Directions In U The Charles A. Vcgeltr Co ( Socctsior. ta 4 VCM1ELER t CO. C.5,1 , save Baggage , Express-ige and Carriage Hire , and stop at GJtANl ) UNION HOTEL , opposite Grand Central Depot. WX ) elegant rooru-s , fitted up at u cost of one million dol- iarjv reduced to $1 and-upwards per day. European plan. Elevator. Restaurantsup- pllcyl withjjiq best. iHor evcaraIL bUi"e and. elevated railroads to all depots. "Fain 11 fen can live better for less money at the Grand Union Hotel than at any other first-class hotel In the city. Stop at the Metropolitan Hotel when in pnialia : ) Tfie best , § 2.00 per. , day : ' bouWin'tneiWest. ' Tables as good iC\ any $3.00 per day house. Tlie remain * of tllqvJcaiinette party1 " will arrive in New-Vofk in February. ' Constipation"is positively cured by Car ter's Little Liver Pills. Not by purgingand " weakening the bowels , but b"y regulating and itrengtlicninir them , Thiisr done by improving the digestion and stimuliitingthc Ihcr to the proper secretion of bile , when the - boweKlllvpeform their customary , functions in an easy and natural manner. Purgative pill- , must bca\oidcd. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills. Price 2T > ents. } Veiy rough wool clotlis arc conspic u ous among the new winter goods. Prevent crooked boots and blistered heels by wearing Lyon' Patect IIel Stiffencrs. The favorite amusement of 'the em / peror ( of Clfina is to sfin a lop. Persons rccoerinfrom wa-jtingdiseascs , -udi as malarii , fevei-s , etc. , will be greatly benefited by the u-e of Brown's Iron Bit- To rs , a true"tonic. ' * Henry Ward Beecher likes to go to the theatre. . . . . , . . . . U Vi - - ' .i- | m.m mm IION'T HIE In the nou-o "RouKh on Hals. " < leant out rnta. Ice. tiioB.roacbes. bcd-bORS. 15c. Be kind to your mother-in-law and if necessary , pay for her board at some good hotel. The Throat. "Brown'- , Bronchial Trocaes' ' act directly on the organs of t lit ; voii-e. . . They have an extraordinary effdct Ju all disorder of the throat. _ The knack of foretelling the weather The almanac. " _ " UKAD Tins. The Army and Navy Lini ment will positively take the soreness oui of Spavin , , Riiifoone , Splint or Curb , and stops their growth. See advertisement. * Exercise in open air , but don't saw wood till yu arc obliged to. - - - Couch away if you want to , but if not , use Hale'.s Honey" Uorehound and Tar , Of Druggist. Pike's 'Toothache' Drops euro in one initiate. _ _ v ' "Erastus Corning has given § 80,000 to the new Kni eopnl oatbedrnl at Alb.nnv. Spy's ' Cream Bain when applied b\ the finger into thf nostrils , will be ab sorbed , effectuallj cleansing the head of catarrhal virus , causing healthy se cretions. It allaye inflammation , pro tects the membrane bt the nasal pass ages from addition al colds , completely heals the sores and restores taste and thorough treatment will positively cure. Agreeable to use. Send for circular. Price 50 cents by mail or at druggists. FT.TT imOTWEBS. OweffO , W. T. . t g * a day. Now sien fi t" - . . anay Addrc-s p y Co JCmsaa Uy. AIo. A * TVAATF i > tor tne best and tautest selling Pictorial Hex ks and ulblca. Pnce reduced KJ percent. NATIONAL fan. Co . 'St. i.onlMo. . i CURrf..VHERE Alt EISE.FAIIS. JJi" ! JoiiRli Syrup. Tastt-SKooil U-i in time. Sold bydnicinsts. TEllcxDC-icnced ionka'id Uiole Agents in o ery i"ounty. Lib jral Salaries I'aij. Adaresa , statine experience , P. o. Box c. K. , 't LOUIS , Mo. YflllMR MCrJlcarnTc PTTOI > ' > yhcrpnndwc lUUllU ffltlll will jrivi-j on a situation. Clr- cular-trcc. V\II\TI.VK 111:0 . , Jane vlll % Wis. A. Month nnil Bnuril f r it Jblve " 1'onnr Men or i adies in each county. Address P. W. ZIEOI.EK & Co. . Chicago , III. I pnrn TFI FRR4PHY * " liAe nt * ' busme-s LKdlll ir.LCUnArnl ooo I SituationIJKST chance ever offered. Ad .J.I.fJ'io r.v.M r. edaIiuaIo W N U Omaha 1S ( r % WHEN WRITING TO AUVKKTJSEUSi please &ay j'ou saw the advertisement this iu > pr. * vsejOM.fmmrtm i Lmi . _ - * * & " t" * * * - i- - s J you are Interested. ' * r \ -2 In Iho Inqniry Tiich is tlio best Linimjiit i'r Man and Ilcastt this 13 llio answer , at- tcstcdlv two generations : the MEXICAN MUSTANG UNI- HENT. TIio reason is sim ple. It penetrates every sore , wonml. or lamrnesa , to HIB ery bone , and drives put all inflammatory and morbid mat ter. It" goes to the root" of the tro'uule , and never fails to 'ja in ( louJjIo uuicfe : timc. " As un Moil ttor'd Mum- ich lltt > ra him ro- oclvcd tins mftpiM - It v emlorspiucnt. from ununent pliys- Ithma , mill lias lei K i ecu It-it 11 foremost , in k nnio K K nrul- nnt prup'i'tary rcm- rill u lit proper- tics IK an ulturutlvo- t il 1 i > o r il o rod ondltl us or the- toniiit li. liver and . . ne'e ' , and 11 pro- tfntlva of iimlm \ \ nlHcas > arc no IKJB nnuwned. K r sale by Drwi- Ist.s ana Do lurn. U > whom apply for- i stettt-r't Almtm- nc fo HENRY'S CARBOLIC SALVE. Tno Most Powerful Healing Ointment. 1 Ever Discovered. e T/5 ' Salve cures- Sores. Henry's Carbolic Salveallays Burns. Henry's Carbolic Salve cures Bruises. Henry's Carbolic Salve heals : Pimples. Henry's Carbolic Salve cures Henry's Carbolic Salve heals Ask for Henry's and take no Other. ESTBEWAUB OF COUNTBHFBIT8.ff3 | JOSEPH IGILLOTT'S Sold by ALL DEALERS throughout the "WorUU Gold Medal ParlK Exposition , 1878. $25.00 REWARD ! "Wo will pay the above reward for any case of Rheumatism or Neuralgia wo cannot cure. Itw11 > relieve any case of liiphtheri * or Croup Instantly , Army and Nary Wn ment will ielieve pain and sore ness and remove any unn ural Rrowli of bone or muscle on man < -r rea t Price pe1 bottle : Lanre. $1 ; small.nOc. Will refund tlie 'nonev for any fall- uri" . A.rmyun I Xaivv J liiIraentCo..51"\Vab'ch Ave. . chteaBO. Htchardson & Co. , xvbolesole lni - .St. lion ! " Mn . y pstprn agpnta. JJmvo a i > ( isltl\orcranly fur tlio nbovo dUcase ; bylts the t Und anil of long- r e thonsands of caMS of Aion > ttandtnir hao been cured. Indeed , no BtrcinsIs my faltli o- ot WAKTCn KVttvV .v llt-HK u sell IfArlltU the heat Fiimlly Knlt- tlnicBIachlnt-overinv nted. Will knit a pair ol stockmRS with IIEKI nnd TOE complete In 2Oi minutes. It ill also knit u crcat varltsty of fancy work for which there la always a ready"mark t. t'cnd for circular and terms to the Twombly Knlttlngr Machine Co. . 113 IVpmont fppt. Ktftnn. Mass. . Mump for mv circular , "How I inanetju po ultfj ! S75O. S1.3OO. S1.50O a jt-ar. Iow to make puuliry profitable , liow to make sn Incnt'-itor co inp loss than S5. How to build cheap poultry hoiurs. Pr > rve ? f ? . CureCItolira ; JIake Unit Lay ; Gimraljlaiv- nsLiiifnt. etc. , etc. l.OOO things forth ? pod- try jsnL A new book , a G. E niy , AiutsiKo. . : vs. iire ler of Mymouth THE BEST MEDICINE NO IV Kt , 0 VJH FOR HORSES , CATTLE , SHEEP , HOSS. ETC. , JETC. An amrmVwi li dornn I ? dlgfxnfon.-'impoTor- ishni blood onlwiMi ! Mdneis tannot tlime. It btunics weak , nmtk .s. of scr.ippv appeannc- whith renders it un It costs no more i - keep sound , lu-altliy annuals that will find ready market , and slmnrd farmirs find it pnis the in to fine Uncle tarn's Condition 1'owiler"freely to di ca.ed stock , and occasions.- all ; tccausc it Iiiinlifh the Mood , nuls dlpii-tion. stimulates thc- various flinctioifs to hraltli > sixrtlion and thus I.romotes Rrontli.BDil cives a smooth , clew icat. of hair. MILCH COWS arc muth beniGtKl b\ the occasional u = e of Uncle Sam'i Condition , londennsloporftj-d. HOGS fittmJister wlien it is BI\CII three or four dajs Innotsion e\try month ortnii. SHEFP. All < liists common . . tn Elieejuch . as coughs , cold-i , scibs , ttc are rc- * J * VX flm. - ii iwi > .j-thi3 jMiwdrr. _ We caution all ivho desire a truly roentoriou anicieiio ut ur and ask for Uncle Sam's Condition Powder , and actept no other as a substitute , frepared only by TIIE PROPBIETABY CO. . - - CHICAGO , ILLINOIS. on receipt of 6centsfor Postage , containing I5OO EH CRAY INGS or the most beautiful thinps in DIAMONDS MUSIC BOXES , SPECTACLES , CLOCKS WEDDING CAHCS AKD STAT10.1EEY. SILY U\rAKE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I-l _ SILVER PLATED WARE , VASES , ETC. Tliemo t wonderful jewelry catalosiieever i = ned < You will b * > snrprised to learn at what rtmarAaUu 'lots price * llii * great houfetells its'fitie goods. Cg When in St. Louig call and see tlxm. p * rPHnnr3TOT7T'Hri ' 41 i > J J'lTV ' JF.V.f Nos-401' 4 ° s & 405 _ 1 IKK ATHNbiN * sM 1 iVf It-fS a weJl-tndivn fact that most of the } rfc'andCatlJeJ'6Vtdrsoia inihis , cotin- " ' I try is" worthless t that Shcndan's'Condi- jtlon Pouder is absolutely pure andxiru Ill Ivalipble. Nothing on J-Zarth ivill j make hpns lay like Mieridan' * Condition I'owcler. Dose , one teaspoonful to each pint of food. It will al o prevent and cure C H O S P A IIo Cilolcrat * Sold even , w here , or sent M wall for W"VJ"SI25 cents [ n stamps. Also furnished in larce cans , for breeders * use , price $1.00 ; by mall , S1.20. Circulars sent FllEE. I. S. JOIINSOX Jt CO. , Boston , 3Iass.