OCR Interpretation

McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, March 06, 1884, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94056414/1884-03-06/ed-1/seq-3/

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a i
The Secret of Their Unusual Vigor Xx-
'Y plained and How It can be
There was something about the
dy vigor ot former generations that
* * cnallenges the admiration of every
man , woman and child. They were no
epicures those ancient fathers. They
lived simply , and successfully met and
overcome difficulties that would have
discouraged this age and generation.
The rigors of { he frontier were supple
mented by the savages ; wild beasts
threatened their enterprise and pover
ty was a common companion. Yet
they bravely encountered and resisted
all those things and laid the founda
tions of a land whose blessings we now
enjoy. Their constitutions were strong ;
their * health unsurpassed and yet they
were forced to expose themselves con
tinually. There certainly .must have
been some good and adequate cause for
all this and for the physical superiority
of that age over the present/
It is well known to every one con
versant with the .history of that time
that certain home compounds of
strengthening qualities were used al
most universally by those pioneers.
The , malarial evils and expo
sure's to which they were sub
jected necessitated this. When their
bodies become ch'illed by cold or debili
tated by the damp mists of a ne\y coun
try they were forced to counteract it
by the use of antidotes. Medi
cines were few , -in those days ,
and doctors almost unknown.
Hence the preparations above referred
to. From among the number , all of
which were compounded on the same
general principle , one was found to be
more efficient and hence far moro pop
ular than all the rest. It was well
known through the middle and western
states and was acknowledged as the
best preparation for malarial disorders
and general debility then known. The
recipe for compounding this valuable
article was handed down from one
family and generation to another , was
known to the Harrison family and is
used as the basis and general formula
for the present "Tippacanoe , " the
name being suggested by the battle in
which General Harrison was engaged.
The manufacturers have thoroughly in
vestigated this subject in its minutest
details , and are certain' that for mal-
assimilation of food , dyspepsia , tired
feelings , general debility , prostrations ,
malarial disorders and humors in tbe
blood , nothing can exceed in value
"Tippecanoe"which was the medicine
of our forefathers and seems destined
to be the most popular preparation of
the day.
"Tippecanoe" is prepared and given
to the public by Messrs. H. H. Warner
& Co. , of. Rochester , N. Y. , proprietors
of the famous Warner's Safe Cure ,
which is now the most extensively used
of any American medicine. The well-
known standing of this house is a suffi
cient guarantee of the purity and power
of this preparation which seeks to ban
ish one of the greatest banes cf the
nineteenth century mal-assimilation
of food. Any one who experiences
trouble of digestion. ; who feels less
vigor than formerly ; whose sys
tem has 'unquestionably "run
down" and who realizes the necessity
of some strengthening tonic cannot af
ford to permit such symptoms to con
tinue. If the farmer finds that his
threshing machine does not separate
the grain from the straw he realizes
that something is wrong and tries to
repair the machine. When the food
does not sustain the life ; when it fails
to make blood ; when it causes the en
ergy to depart and ambition to die , it
is a certain , sign that something is
wrong and that the human machine
needs repairing. It is not a question of
choice ; it is a matter of duty. You
must attend to' your health or your
sickness , and nothing will sooner over
come these evils than "Tippecanoe , "
the medicine of the "past , a safeguard
for the present and a guarantee of
health for the future.
The Theater Overcoat.
Washington Republican.
"Why is it , " asked a lady , "that
gentlemen no , men persist in wear
ing their overcoats to their seats in
theaters , and then taking them off , to
; , the immense discomfort of at least four
-people those on each side of him and
those before and behind him ? " Aman
witfy a good vigorous swing to his arms
usually manages to dislodge the bonnet
from the laaies beside him , andythe
most careful action cannot save the
lady in front of him. To be this lady
in front is to have an experience un
paralleled in its annoyance. A sudden
blow on the back of the bonnet is the
first intimation you will have that the
! 'man behind you is about'to uncase him-
\ self. Before you recover , , a blow on
the side of the head asssures .you that
one sleeve has yielded up its contents
in a somewhat sudden manner" ; unless
you are unusually quick motioned you
do not avoid a blow on the other side
when he pulls the coat off the other
" arm ; all this , however , might be borne ,
but your discomfiture is complete when
he turns square around to hang his coat
upon the back of his chair , thus giving
the unfortunate bonnet another blow
that destroys your good humor for the
evening. Talk of hats ! They are
bubbles of vanity beside the nuisance of
a man with an overcoat.
Beware of the Incipient stages of Consumption.
Take Piso's Cure la time.
Die Lewis says American women
need sunshine and not paint and pow
der to improve their complexions. A
fortune awaits the man who discovers
a mode of condensing and bottling sun
shine for toilet use.
t It is no Everywhere.
E.B. Ball , druggist at Hiattsvillo. Has. ,
has this to write about Allen'sLung Balsam :
"It In the bent telling Throat und
Remedy , and frfves general satisfaction
cheerfully recommend it.
Holler skating rink ? and sixteen ball pool
are strictly prohibited from the ' 'Sweet bye
and bye. " . _
Samaritan Kerviue , the great nerve con
queror , is guaranteed to give satisfaction ,
or money refunded. Get at Druggists ,
If "Strong drink is raping , " why not
puttee on ita bead and tell it to keep cool ?
"Rough OB Tooth Ache. " Ask for It. In
stant relief , quick euro. ISc. Druggists.
The Ohio river is rising , but the Ohio pol
itician seeing to be going down.
If there ever wan a specific for iny one
complaint then Carter's Little Liver Fills
are a rpeclfic for Sick Headache , and every
woman should know this. They are not
only a positive cure , but a sure preventive
it taken when the approach IH felt. Carter's
Little Liver Fills act directly on the liver
and bile , and in this way remove the couse
of disease without first making you sick by
a weakening purge. If you try them you
will not be disappointed.
Characters are wrecked when conscience
becomes a careless and had pilot.
Mr. W. W. Arnold , Attorney at Law at
Gallatln , and formerly a resident of James-
port , Davies county. Mo. , ban recently re
turned from Drs. Dlckerson& Stark's Sur
gical Institute at Kansas City , where he has
bad.his only son treated successfully for
congenital club-feet. The bright little fel
low is proud that he can now walk like
other little boys.
The rebellion against the Turks in south
western Arabia IB spreading.
SKINNY M ? r. "Wells' HeiOtn Rcn wer"
restores health und vigor cures Dyspepsia , Impo
tence. IL.
ArabI Pasha gets an allowance * of 50 a
month from the English government during
bis exile.
For seven years Allen's Braiu Food has
stood the strongest tests as to its merits in
curing Nervousness , Nervous Debility and
restoring lost powers to the weakened Gen
erative System , and in no instance has it
ever failed ; fest it. $1 ; 6 for $5. At drug
gists , or by mall from J. H. Allen , 315
First Ave. , New York city.
Rinderpest American pork in Germany.
'Ill at teas the fellow who ' 'got the mit
ten. "
The best and oldest medicine for cure of
liver disease is Dr. Sanford's Liver Invlg-
orator. ,
"Tio girl I left behind me" wasn't
Maud S. *
For Throat Diseases and Coughs.
really good things , are frequently imitated.
The genuine are sold only in boxes.
He tolled the belle ) and she told the
whole town.
"Xtongh on Couch * . " ISc , 25c,50j..nt Druer-
eists. complete curj Coughs , IU'a ' sencss , gore
Old winter is still undecided as to when
he will make his exit. _
"A God-send is Ely's Cream Balm , "
writes Mrs. M. A. Jackson , of Portsmouth ,
N. H. , on May 22 , 1882. I had Catarrh for
three years- ! had tried nearly all remedies
butte no purpose. Two or three times a
week my nose would bleed quite freely and
I thought the sores in it would never heal.
Your Balm has cured me. ' * This prepara
tion is not a liquid or a snuff , and is easiiy
applied. ( Price 50 cents. Seeadv't. )
Never ride a nightmare with the spur'of
the moment.
and Navy Liniment "cures Colic , Scratches
and othar diseases. For particul ars see ad
Would a feline on horsebackbo considered
a ' 'catamount ? ' '
Fare Cod-I tver Oil , made from selectedllivers
on the sea shore by CASWELL , HAZAHD & Co. , New
York. It IB absolutely pure and sweet. Patients
who have once taken It prefer It to all others. Phy
sicians hare decided It superior to any of the other
oilskin market.
Chapped Hands , Facr , Pimples , and Rough
8Jn , cured by nslng JUNIPER TAB SOAP , made by
CASWELL , HAZARD & Co. , New York.
Denis Kearney maintains that he has a
right to peddle pie.
Piles ! Piles ! Piles !
Sure cure for Blind , Bleeding and Itching :
Piles. One box has cured the worst cases of 20
years' standing ; . No one need suffer 5 minutes
after uslng-WlHlams * Indian Pile Ointment. It
absorbs tumors , -allays Itching * its as poul
tice , gives Instant relief. Prev _ _ ad only for
plies , itcning of private parts , nothing else ,
for $1. FRAZIER MEDICINE Co. , Cleveland , O.
The king of the Cannibal islands likes ba
bies on toast , well done.
When , you come to Omaha , take the
Street Cars or 'Bus for the Metropolitan
Hotel. $2.00 per day. Tables as good
any $3.00 per day house ,
neverfail to destroy worms and remove them
from the system. '
and BRUISES are permanently relieved -by
Uncle Sam's Nerve and Bone Liniment.
Sold by all druggists.
PURIFY THE BLOOD with Eilert's Day-
light'Liver Fills. They act directly on the
Liver , Stomach and Bowels being mild and
cleansing but never griping or painful.
SAVE YOUR HARNESS by oiling with
Uncle Sam's Harness Oil which will make it ,
soft and pliable. This is the best oil ever
made for leather. Sold by all harness ma
is Just the medicine lor mothers to have in
the house for the children. \ \ will cure
coughs , colds , sore throat and' regulate the
bowels. Do not fail to give it a trial , you
will be pleased with'its charming effect.
Sold by all druggists.
spiritless , scraggy and feeble , they need
treatment with Uncle Sam's Condition Pow
der. It Purifies the blood , improves the
appetite , cures COLDS and DISTEMPERS ,
invigorates the system and will keep the ani
mal in a healthy , handsome condition *
Every case of consumption commences
with a cough , occasioned by having taken
cold , which , if allowed to run Its course ,
will soon work its way into the air passages
and then the lungs , if not checked by some
such valuable cough remedy as EILERT'S
RY , which is unrivalled for all diseases of
the throat and lungs. Save dangerous spells
of sickness and expensive Doctor's bills by
taking this valuable medicine in season. Ask
your Druggist for it.
When you vmt or leave .Ne\ York City ,
MVB Baggage , Ezpressage and Carriage
Hire , and stop a * GBANDUNION HOTEL ,
opposite Grand Central Depot. 600 decani
rooms , fitted up at a cost of one million dollars
lars , reduced to $1 and upwards per day.
European plan. Elevator. Restaurant "Tip-
piled with the best. Horse-cars , stagcb und
elevated railroads to all depots. Families
can live better for less money at the Grand
Union Hotel than at any other first-class hotel
in the city. \
Stop at the Metropolitan Hotel when
in Omaha. The best $2.00 per day
house in the .west. Tables as good as
any $3.00 per day house. '
Ideas are tbe soldiers and good judgment
the general.
WHEAT No. 2 75 ©
BARLEY No. 2 60 (3 51
JlYK No. 3 44tf ©
COKN No. 2 3SHti 39 *
OATS No. 2 32 © 32
FLOUR Wheat Graham. . 2 75
CHOP FEED Per cwt 90
SHORTS Per ton 14 00
ORANGES Messinaperbx 3 50
LEMONS Messina , perbx 4 00 O 4 26
APPLES Per barrel 4 50 O 5 00
BUTTER Creamerv 33 © 35
BUTTER Best country roll 17 at 19
EGOS Fresh 18 ( d 20
HAMS Perth
POTATOES Choice. . . . . . . 60 © CO
HAY In bulk , per ton. . . 6 00 Cd G 50
LAKD Refined per ib . . . 15
SIIKKP 3 00 © 4 25
CATTLK 3 25 © 4 75
HOGS 625 © C75
CALVES 5 50 & 6 50
WHEAT Per bushel 91tf ©
CORN Per bushel , 52 © 63 K
OATS Per bushel 32 © 32-V
PORK 17 85 fa 17 80
LARIH- 940 © 942K
HOGS Pckg and shipp'g. 6 80 © 7 25
CATTLE Exports. . . . . . . . . 6 40 © 7 00
SHEEP Medium to good. . 475 © SCO
WHEAT Per bushel 1 09 © 1 09tf
CORN Per bushel 47JV © 49
OATS Per bushel , 34X ©
CATTLE Exports 6 fiO © 6 70
SHEEP- Medium SCO © 4 CO
HOGS Mixed * < 4 40 © 6 90
Shan the Plague.
Montaigne , the French philosopher ,
shunned melancholic and sour-visaged men
as he would the plague. Allen'slronTonic
Bitters remove all traces of melancholy ,
nervous prostration and physical debility ,
One trial is sufficient. All genuine bear the
signature of J. P. Allen. St. Paul , Minn.
Blows hard , but full of bu'stand business
"Mother SVVHQ'M Worm Syrup , " forfever-
Isbness. restlessness , worms , constipation ; taste-
10S. 25C.
The coal-dealer is a believer in mile
ton-ics. .
"Samaritan Nervine cured our daughter's
life-long epilepsy. " Rev. P. P. Shirley ,
Chicago , III.
Could a pair of pants worn out in a week
by sliding down a cellar door be tpoken of
as hardware ?
The soft and silky appearance given to
the hair by the use of CarbDline , the natu
ral hair restorer , is the subject of general
remark by all who have witnessed its effect
upon the human head. Sold by dealers in
drugs. J
A butterfly a churn dasher.
When you catch a fellow off his base
Easytouse. A certain cure. Not exprnsivc. Three
months' treatment in one package. Good for Cold
in the Head , Headache , Dizziness. II y Fever , ic.
Fifty cents. By all Drucpists. or by mail.
E. T. HAZELTINE , Warren. Pa
Our dopant new Sewinff
Machine , USo-h Armlatest
and best , ni2.ll Arm Tuck.
or.Rufflcrantlfull outfit free.
All the latest improvements.
JSe SSS Machines
on trial. A new Singer Machine
with all attachments warran
ted , * l/l ne No better
only uB'vi wi can bo
boujhtatanyprico. Circulars
and testimonials free.
ThrChunnlon Selling Suhbe Co. *
Chicago. HI
$25.00 REWARD !
We will pay the above reward for any case 01
Rheumatism or Neuralgia we cannot cure. Itwtl )
relieve any case of Diphtheria or Groan instantly.
Army and Navy Ltn'ment will relieve pain and sore
ness and remove any unnatural growth of bone or
muscle on man or beast. Price per bottle : Larce ,
II : small , 0c. Will refund the monevfor any fail
ure. Army nnd Sfavy XInltnent Co. , 51 wabash
Ave. , Chleaco. Richardson & Co. , Wholesale Drug-
glsta , Bt. Louis. Mo. , Western agents.
And Vegetable Plant i ,
Adapted to this climate.
Address WM. SMITH ,
Siorrs CITT , IOWA.
Send for CntnloRue. Agents
wanted. Cut flowers tha jeer
Send Stamp for xny circular , -How I manage
poultry ; $7SO. S1.30O. S1.50O a year ,
llow to make poultry profitable. How to make
an Incubatoi costing less than 35. How to
build cheap poultry houses. Preserveeggs. .
Cure Cholera ) .Make Hens Lay ; General Man-
element , etc.etc. l.OOOtluugs for the poul
try yard. A new book. C. G. BESSEY ,
AKTLENE. KANSAS. Breeder of Plymouth
Bock fowls and Poland-China mine. *
ACPtlT ? WAtifFn KVKRYWHKUB to soil
AbtWlO WAllltU the best Fnmlly Knit-
tint Machine ever invented. Will knit a pair or
stockings with MEEt , und TOE complete in 20
minutes. It will also knit a great variety of fancywork -
work for which there is always a ready market. Bend
for circular and terms to .the Twomhly Knitting
Machine Co. , 1G3Tremont Street , Boston , Mass.
-A SURETIIIXC ! Sent Free to
Anyone. I manufacture and keep
constantly on hand every article use/
Jbythepportlngrraternltyto WINwltl
gin pumps of chance. Sand f r mam [
'ciotliclrcnlxr. AdtlrefsVlU SUTDA1T , '
1 JtunabtrcttiffcirlorL Clly
CKOFUTA. s.vr/r
jLM9.it. , and all Bl od Disea-e8-cured ry * * - .
Kxt Red lover. Send lor circulars. Testunonlals ,
J. M. LOOSE & CO , Monroe , Mien.
VnllMP UCU learn Telegraphy hero and
lUUnU Bltn earn big wages. Situations
furnished. Address , with stamp , VALENTINE
BROS. , Janesvllle , Wis.
AJHonth and Board Tor 8 X-lve Tounu
i earn TCI EGR1PUV * B.B. Agents' business.
Leam itLtOnArni Good 8Una-ions. BEST
chance ever offered. AdJ.t ) BROWNJlgr.SedaliaMo
iMAXTEU experienced Book and BlDle AKenta In
" every County. Liberal Salaries Paid. Address ,
stating experience , P. O. Box jr. K.Ht. Louis. Mo.
A new treattrent. A
positive cure. Dr. W n.
Payee , Manhalitown , la.
IV KTKDfor the best and fastest
Belling Pictorial Books and Bibles. Price reduced
33 per cent. NATIONAL PTJB. Co. , Bt. Louis , Mo.
The want of a rel
able diuretic which ,
while acting SB
neys , neither oj cites
mr Ifltntci them ,
vr 8 1'ng nee rup-
pned by Kostotter'a
ct-mnch IMttera.
This fine mcdiilno
exeris the n-qnlBlto
dtpreo nt Btlmutn-
tlun upon the o or-
cana , wiihoutprodu-
clnK Irritation , and
Is , tberefore.fnr bet
ter xdnptert ttr the
pu'p > BH than nn-
mrdicatcd excitants
rftou resorted to.
Djepcpsli , ferer
anr ame. and kln-
crod OI'castB , aio all
cured by it , Ifaraate
by nil DnuriiUUand
Dealers generally.
CATARRHEIV'S ' Creaia Balm
when applied by
the finger into toe
nostrils , 'will be ab
sorbed , effectually
cleansing the head
of catarrhal virus ,
causing healthy se
cretions. It allays
inflammation , pro
tects the membrane
ot the nasal pass
ages from addition
al colds , completely
.heals the sores and
iifjrcstores taste and
A few apa
; a
thorough treatment will positively cure.
Agreeable to use. Send for circular. Price
60 cents by mall or at druggists.
BROTHBK4 , Oweso. K. TT.
Oldest Medicine In the World TT.R
Is probably Dr. Isaac Thompson's R
This a't'cl is a carefully prepared physician' *
prescription , and baa been In constant uo for nearly
a century. a a notwithstanding the many other
piepnratlons that have oeen introduced into the
marker , the silo of this article is constantly increns
Ing. If tbe direction * are follnned it will never fall.
We part-culnrly Invite the attention of physicians to
its merits. JOHN Lu TnoitPao.v , tioKs & Co. , Troy
N. V.
Union Ptock Yards , Chicago.
Most any bank or regniar live stock shipper thronRh-
out the west can uivo you our standing financially
and tell you how we do business. Correspondence
and consignments solicited
I bare a positive remedy for the nboro dlscu ; brlt
on thousands of cosas of the wont kind and of lonjj
etandina bavo been cured. Indeed , BO strongli my faltn
In Its efficacy , that I will send TWO BOTTLES FREE , to >
cether with a VALUABLE TBEATIBE on this disease , t
SUIT sufferer. Giro Express and P.O. address.
DB.X.A.I , , 181 ; PoarlBt , New York.
10 Soldiers & ilelrs. send stamp
for Uiculnrx. COL. i. . BING-
11 AM , Att'y , Washington , D. C.
Sows all irralna , frnxa needs , lime , salt , a hai. fcrtill-
r ra and everything rwiuirinir bro dca tinr * nr
quantity per acre , better and fa terthjm by npy other
metlioJ. Saves ie l by Bowintr it perfectly even.
iuido or double caat , all on either or both ridetr
< < i vra > rou. Not affected bjr wind , aa the need is not
thrown up Into the air. Perfectly 8imi > le. lleadily
to any waxen. Lants a life-time. Cnn bo
wed w herever a watron can be driven. Team walklcp
ouomllo BOWS four acres of wheat. ' Crop.one-fourtb
lanrer than when drilled. Send Btamn for circulars
giving terms and testimonials. Mention this i > ap r.
C. W. DORR * Treasurer , -
RACINE SEEDER CO. , DenIUolne * , Io\ra-
Cure Headache , Cooitipntlon , Chilli and
Fever , and all Bilious Complaint * .
3 Pearl Street , N.Y.
OLD EYES MatlcVcw w n ° ut doc-
"RTTPTIIIf U0or uncomfortable truss.
"PHTMOSTS Cured wlinnnt cnuliip ;
W\ir now .piUnles8Hafe,8ure.
NERVOUS Dcb "y ctc-j causes1
Dl8eastC8Ioaf alilhlSIf" pamphlets
eo-eallea "Incurable. " lOc.eachJ
. E. B. FOOTE , $8. X. Y. City
Sold by ALL DEALERS throughout the 'World.
Gold Medal Paris Exposition , 1878.
T7 N U Omaha 186-1O
please Bay you saw the advertisement
' Wire Check Horror.
Eleven Years Practical Use In the Field.
or *
Popular because Simple and Easy to
It has the lead with the Dealers and the Farmers ,
who have rendered an unanimous verdict that it
U the tut Check Ravitr made.
The toirt does not cross the machine , thut avoiding
WIRE , and friction on the pulleys , and making A
wire that does not cross the ouchine outwear sev
eral wires that do cross.
CHAMBERS. BERING , QUIMLAN CO. , Exclusive Manufacturers , DECATUR , ILLS.
OL0223 Oy 00TDIDB OT 033. Onlv SingleKinpever invent
ed that Closes on Outside
Only Double Ring Invented. of the Nose.
Brown's ' Hiiplical
Trfflo Or:7 Scs sii Kg Sires.
The only ring that will effectually keep hogs Only SinpleRinjr that clones on the ontfide cf the
from rooting. No sharp points in the nose. tsost. No sharp points in the flesh to keep it sore.
CHAMBERS , BERING , QUJNLAH CO. . Exclusive Manufacturers , DECATUR , ILLS.
A Weekly Politico-Economic Journal Devoted to Tariff Reform ,
HON. DAVID A. WELLS. PROF. N. C. FREDERIKSEN , formerly of th'c" '
PROF. W. G. SUMNER , of Yale College. University of Copenhagen.
PKOF. A. L. PERRY , of Williams College. GEN. 31. M. TRUMBULL , author of History of
REV. HENRY WARD BEECHER. Free Trade in England.
HON. HENRY WATTERSON. Free Trade League.
A. L. CIIAPIN , D. D. , President Beloit Col- Mrt. GRAHAM MCADAM , of New York.
lepe. MR. J. SCHOENHOF , of New York.
PROF. JAMES H. CANFIELD , of Kansas State New York.
University. PROF. H. K. SMITH , of Chicago University.
HON. J. STERLING MORTON , of Nebraska. MR. E. W. JUDD , of St. Louis.
HON. WM. G. BROWNLEE , of Detroit. | HON. B. F. GUE , of Iowa.
The first number will be sent f ren to all who will send In their name and address.
Find it pays them to give Uncle Sam's Condition Pow
der freely to diseased stock , and occasionally to all ; be
cause it purifies the blood , aids digestion , stimulates the
various functions to healthy secretion , and thus pro
motes growth , and gives a smooth , glossy coat of hair.
arJTiCJH" COWS are much benefited by the occa
sional use of Uncle Sam's Condition Powder in slop or
SOGS fatten faster when it is given three or four
days in succession every month or two.
SHEEP. All diseases common to sheep , such as
coughs , colds , scabs , etc. , are relieved by this powder.
KgWe caution all tr/to desire a truly meri
torious article to be ure and asJc for Uncle
Sam's Condition JPotcder , and accept no other
as a substitute.
It is a well-known fact that most of the
I Horse and Cat tie Powder sold In this conn-
I try -mirthless ; that Sheridan's Ccndi-
j tlon Powder Is absolutely pure and very
I valuable. Nothing on Earth will
I make hens lay like Sheridan's
I Condition Powder. Dose , one teaspoonful to each pint of food. It trill also prevent and cnrc
( | RJ I J F A3 f * BJ 1 _ F K ? A ° Cholera , < tc. Sold everywhere , or sent by mall for
" " iT3B &Btt
* j 25 cents In stamps. Also furnished in large cans , for
breeders'use , price $ LOO ; by mall , $1.20. Circulars sent FltEE. I. S. JOHNSON & CO. , Boston , Mass.

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