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J CLOUD T llfD. Somo'whcro , the legends say , thcro lies a land Older than silent Egypt , wlioso dim coast Ko human foot baa trod , no oyc has scanned ; Where never mariner was tempest-tossed ; Nor pllgiim furod along tbo lonely strand. And where In brimming cistern hyaline. Flasbcs.tho Fountain of Eternal Youth , Whereof who drinks shall know not any sign Of fading cheek or palsy-parched mouth. Or age's long slow langor and decline. Some say beyond the sunset's latest ray. Far down the ocean's azure brink It lies : And of times I have seen at close of day Strange semblances , rcllccted In the skies , In cloudy pageant soon dissolved away. Domes Vistas o . , Dusk forest solitudes and pastoral dales ; Sweet haunts of quietness and pleasant dreams. Surely the old belief was not In vain ! There must bo ultimate , divine repose , And love thatdicth not and end of pain : But none have found beyond the twilight's close The hidden highway to that dim domain. Yet the relentless turmoil and unrest , The inborn , feverous craving and the strife , The winged spirit , prisoned and oppressed , Urgeus tlll onward toward the ideal life , II Onward forever In untiring quest. LLlpplncott's Magazine. THE LIGHTNING ROD MAN. What grand * irregular thunder , thought I , standing on my hearth-stone among the Acroceraunian hills , as the scattered bolts boomed overhead , and crashed down among the valleys , every bolt followed by zigzag irradiations , and swift slants of sharp rain , which audibly rang , like a charge of spear- points , on my low shingled roof. I sup pose , though , that the mountains here abouts break and churn up the thunder so that it is far more glorious here than on the plain. Hark ! some one at the door. Who is this that chooses a time of thunder for making calls ? And why don't he , manfashion , use the knocker , instead of making that doleful under takers1 clatter with his fist against the panel ? But let him in. Ah , here he comes. "Good day , sir , " an entire stranger. "Pray be seated. " What is that strange looking walking-stick he carries ; "A fine thunder storm , sir. " "Fine awful ! " "You arc wet. Stand here on the hearth before the fire. " "Not for worlds. " The stranger still stood in the exact middle of the cottage where he had first planted himself. His singularity im pelled a closer scrutiny. A lean , gloomy figure. His dark and lank mattedly hair streaked over his brow. His sunken pitfalls of eyes were ranged with indigo halos , and played with an \ innocuous sort of lightning. He stood in a puddle on the bare oak floor ; his ii p strange walking stick resting at his iitl side. li It was a polished copper rod , four liS feet lengthwise attached to a neat wood en staff by insertion into two balls of ti greenish glass , ringed with copper bands. The metal rod terminated at the top tripodwise in three tines , is brightly gilt. He held the thing by the wooden part alone. "Sir , " said I , bowing politely , "have I the honor of a visit from that illustri fe ous god , Jupiter Tonans ? So stood he ti ; in the Greek statue of old , grasping the cl lightning bolt. If you be he or his vice cly roy , I have to thank you for the noble storm you have brewed among our mountains. Listen : That was a glori ca ous peal. Ah , to a lover of the majes cam tic it is a good thing to have the Thun at derer himself in one's cottage. The a thunder grows finer for that. But pray be seated. This old rush-bottomed w arm-chair , I grant , is a poor substitute of for your evergreen throne on Olympus ; sh but , condescend to be seated. " th "While I thus pleasantly spoke , the stranger eyed me half in wonder , and half in a strange sort of horror , but did D ) not move hand or foot. "Do sir , be seated ; you need to be an dried ere going forth again. " ba I planted the chair invitingly on the bami broad hearth , where a little fire had miwi been kindled that ; afternoon to dissipate wi the dampness , not the cold , for it was of early in the month of September. But without heeding my solicitations , tel and still standing in the middle of the in floor ; the stranger gazed at me porten- of tiously and spoke ; hoSt "Sir , " said he , "excuse me ; but in stead of my accepting your invitation St to be seated on the hearth there , I sol cuWJ emnly warn you that you had best ac WJ cept mine and stand with me in the du middle of the room. Good heavens ! " th lie cried , starting "there is another Tlmi one of those horrible crashes. I warn mi you , sir , quit the hearth. " "Mr. Jupiter Tonans , " said I , quietly wl rolling my body on the stone , "I stand of very well here. " ofwl "Are horribly then " wl you so ignorant , he cried , "as not to know that by far the most dangerous part of a house during such a terrific tempest as this , is sa " CO ! a fire-place "Nay , I did not do that , " involunta rily stepping upon the first board next to the stone. The stranger now assumed such an nrMl unpleasant air of successful admoni tion , that quite involuntarily again I of stepped back upon the hearth and yo threw myself into the erectest , proudest roi position I could command. But I said ov nothing. Sp "For heaven's sake , " he cried , with a strange mixture of alarm and intimi lie dation "for heaven's sake , get off the roi hearth ! Know you not that the heated air and soot are conductors , to say wi nothing of those immense fire-dogs ? be Quit the spot 1 conjure I command ty- you. " pa "Mr. Jupiter Tonans , I am not ac yomi customed to be commanded in my own mi house. " "Call me not by that pagan name. You are profane in this time of terror. " wn . "Sir , will you be so good as to tell fro me your business ? If you seek shelter me from the storm , you are welcome so long as you be civil , but if you come on sai business , open it forthwith. Who are str you ? " "I am a denier in lightning-rods , " said the stranger , softening his voice ; flai "my especia ' business is Merciful ( heaven ! what a crash ! Have you ever cal been struck your premises I mean ? chi No ? It's best to be provided" signifi plu cantly rattling his metallic staff on the " floor "by nature there 'are no castles ear in thunder storms ; yet say but the cor word and this cottage I can make a seli Gibraltar by a few waves of this wand. Hark , what Himalayas of concussions ! " "You interrupted yourself ; * your special business you were about to speak of. " "My special business is to travel the country for orders for lightning rods. This is " his my specimen-rod ; tapping staff "I have the " ; best of references" fumbling in his pockets. "In Griggan , last month , I put up three and thirty rods on only live buildings. " "Let me see. Was it not at Griggan last week , about midnight on Saturday that the steeple , the big elm , and the assembly room cupola was struck. Any of your rods there ? " "Not on the tree and cupola , but on the steeple. " "Of what use is your rod , then ? " "Of life and death use. But my workman was heedless. In fitting the rod at the top to the steeple , he allowed a part of the metal to graze the tin sheeting. Hence the accident. Not my fault but his. Hark ! " "Never mind. That clap burst quite loud enough to be heard without finger pointing. Did you hear of the event at Montreal last year ? A servant girl struck dead at her bedside with a rosary in her hand ; the beads being metal. Does your beat extend into the Cana- das ? " "No. And I hear that there iron rods only are in use. They should have mine , which are copper. Iron is easily fused. Then they draw out the rod so slender that it is not body enough to conduct the full current. The metal melts , the building is destroyed. My copper rods never act so. Those Cana dians arc fools. Some of them knob the rods at the top , which risks a deadly explosion , instead of imperceptibly carrying down the current into the earth , as this rod does. Mine is the only tme rod. Look at it. Only one dollar a foot. " "This abuse of in your calling an other might make one distrustful with respect to yourself. " "Hark ! The thunder becomes less . muttering. It is nearing us , and nearing - ing the earth , too. Hark ! One cram med crash ! All the vibrations made one by nearness. Another flash ! Hold ! " " What do you ? " I said , seeing him now , instantaneously relinquishing his staff , lean intently forward towards the window , with his right fore and middle finger on his left wrist. But ere the words had well escaped me another exclamation escaped him. "Crash ! only three pulses less than s a third of a mile off yonder , some where in the wood. I passed three oaks there , ripped out new and glitter ing. The oak draws lightning more than other timber , having iron in so Sif lution in its sap. Your floor there f seems oak. " l "Heart of oak. From the peculiar lb ld time of your call upon me , I suppose b you purposely select stormy weather T for your journeys. When the thunder lia roaring you deem it an hour peculiar a ly favorable to your trade. " V'Hark awful ! " ai "For one who would arm others with fr 'earlessness you seem unbeseemingly frai imersome : yourself. Common men ai hoose fair weather for their travels ; rott choose thunder storms and yet " st "That I travel in thunder storms , I jrant ; but not without particular pre- sv sautions , such as only a lightning-rod ai nan may know. Hark ! Quick look P my specimen rod. Only one dollar re foot. " or > "A very fine rod , I dare say. But ai diat ] are these particular precautions Ih yours ? Yet let me first close yonder at hutters ; the slanting rain is beaLing ne hrough the sash. I will bar up. " th "Are you mad ? Know you not that in on iron bar is a swift conductor ? th osist. " pi I will simply close the shutters then , nd call my boy to bring me a wooden sti ar. Pray , touch the bell pull there. " ra "Are you frantic ? That bell wire in light blast you. Never touch a bell rire in a thunder storm , nor ring a bell th any sort. " ey "Nor those in belfries ? Pray will you ni ell me where and how one may be safe tri a time like this ? Is there any part my house that I may touch with It opes of my life ? " nii "There is ; but not where you now ell Land. Come away from the wall. The urrent will sometimes run down a sp rail , and a man being a better con- ne uctor than the wall it would leave liv lie ( wall and run into him. Swoop ! tir 'hat must have fallen very nigh. That fei lust have been globular lightning. " "Very probably. Tell me at once rhich , in your opinion , is the safest part this house ? " m "This room and this one spot in it WJ rherelstand. Come " hither. of "The reasons first. " fa. "Hark ! after the flash the gust the pu ashes quiver the house , the house ! sh ome hither to me ! " "The reasons if you please. " Fe "Come hither . " to me. tic "Thank you again , I think I will try tiq ay old stand , the hearth. And now COpe Ir. Lightning-rod man , in the pauses pe the thunder , be so good as to tell me so our reasons for esteeming this one oorn of the house the safest , and your th wn one standpoint there the safest pot ; in it. " of There was now a little cessation of no storm for awhile. The lightning- dr od man seemed relieved , and replied : frc "Your house is a one-storied house , qu ith an attic and a cellar ; this room is frc etween. Hence its comparative safe- me . Because lihtnin sometimes tin asses from the earth to the cloud. Do pe ou comprehend ? and I choose the fa : riddle of the room , because if the Fe ghtning should strike the house at all me would come down the chimney or of f alls ; so obviously the further you are tra om them , the better. Come hither to of f , now. " "Presently. Something you just feu iid , instead of alarming me , has ser ; rangely inspired confidence. " at k "What have I said ? " the "You said that sometimes lightning km ishcd from the earth to the clouds. clo "Aye , the returning stroke , as it is tlii tiled ; when the earth , being over- the mrged with the fluid , flashes its sur- the us upward. " hoi "The returning stroke ; that is , from as Lrth to sky. Better and better. But aswh ime here on the hearth and dry vour- wit . " un : "I am bettor here and better wet. " "How ? " "It is the safest thing you can do- Hark , again ! to get yourself thorough ly drenched in a thunder-storm. Wet clothes are better conductors than the body ; and so , if the lightning strikes , it might pass down the wet clothes without touching the body. The storm deepens agafn. Have you a nig in the house ? Rugs are non-conductors. Get one that I may stand on it here , and you , too. The skies blacken it is dusk at noon. Hark ! the rug , the rug ! " I gave him one ; while the hooded mountains seem closing and tumbling in the cottage. "And now , since our being dumb will not help us , " said I , resuming my place , "let me hear your precautions in traveling during thunder storms. " "Wait until this one has passed. " "Nay , proceed with the precautions. You stand in the safest possible place according to your own account. Go on. " "Briefly then. I avoid pine trees , high houses , lonely barns , upland pas tures , running waters , flocks of cattle and sheep , a crowd of men. If I travel lead the horse. But of all things , I avoid tall men. " "Do I dream ? Man avoid man ? and in time of danger too ? " "Tall men in a thunder storm I avoid. Are you so grossly ignorant as not i to know that the height of a. six- footer i is sufficient to discharge an elec tric 1 cloud upon him ? Are not lonely Kentuckians ] plowing , smit down in the unfinished furrow ? Nay , if the six- if footer stand by running water , the cloud will sometimes select him as its conductor tothatrunning water. Hark ! Sure your back -pinnacle is split. Yes- a man is a good conductor. The light ning goes through a man , but only peals a tree. But , sir , you have kept .me talking for so long answering your questions .1c that I have not yet come to business. Will yon order one of my rods ? Look at this specimen one. See , it is the best of copper. Copper's the best conduc tor. Your house is low , but being on the mountains that lowness does not one whit depress it. You mountaineers are most exposed. In mountainous countries the lightning-rod man should have the most business. Look over these : recommendations. Only one rod , sir ; cost only twenty dollars. Hark ! There go all the granite Taconics and Hoosics dashed together like pebbles. By the sound , that must have struck something : . An elevation of five feet Sia I above the house will protect twenty feet about the rod. Only twenty dollars lars , sir a "dollar a foot. Hark ! dreadful ! Will you order ? Will you buy ? Shall I put down your name ? Think of being a heap of charred offal , eih like a haltered horse burnt in his stall ; eici and : all in one flash ! " ciw "You cim pretended envoy extraordinary ind minister plenipotentiary to and m trom Jupiter Tonans , " laughed I ; "you a mere man who come here to put you Dlai md your pipe stem between clay and ai iky , do you think that because you can tcw ; strike a bit of green light from the Leyden tcw ar , that you can thoroughly avert the w late iiipernal bolt ? Your rod fusts or breaks md where are you ? Who has em- to . ; jowered < you , you Tetzel , to peddle ound your indulgences from divine rdinafions ? The hairs of our head , ire numbered , and the days of otir ives. In thunder as in sunshine I stand y , ease in the hands of my God. False in icgotiators away ! See , the scroll of he storm is rolled back. The house is m mharmed ; and in the heavens I read in th he rainbow , that the Diety will not , on mrpose , make war on man's earth. " ro "Impious wretch ! " foamed the tranger , blackening in the face as the ainbow beamed , "I will publish your * ' nfidel notions. " . The scowl grew blacker on his face ; Sli he indigo circles enlarged around his at yes as the storm rings round the mid- be Jght < moon. He sprang upon me , his bl ri-fork thing at my heart. wean "I seized it ; I snapped it ; I dashed it ; an trod it ; and dragging the dark light siz ing king out of my door , flung his fa. Ibowed copper spectre after him. bl ( But , in spite of my treatment , and pite of my dissuasive talk of him to my eighbors , the lightning rod man still Ives in the land ; still travels in storm br ime , and drives a brave trade with the of sars of men. CO An Historic Spot at Auction. an It is ninety years since the govern- mine icnt , purchased Harper's Ferry , and noPe rith it 640 acres of land , from the state Virginia , to be used for the manu- acture . of arms. It is to be sold at Po ublic auction by the government hortly. In 1794 , during the adrninis- ration of Gen. Washington , Harper's 'erry was chosen as the site of a na- both ional armory. It is said that this selcc- iqn was made by the father of his th ountry , he having visited the place in as erson. The water power is immense , fo : erne : supposing it to be the finest in in lie ! world. In 1794 congress applied to It lie general assembly of Virginia for me ermission to buy this property , and siv course permission was granted , but ob ot to exceed 640 . acres. One hun- the red and twenty acres were purchased the heirs of . prj om Harper. A subse- br ; uent purchase was made of 310 acres in orn a Mr. Rutherford. The govern- rat icnt , desiring to secure the valuable ] mber of London Heights , leased in iti erpetuity : 1,395 acres from Lord Fair- isti , immediately joining Harper's ma erry. Thus prepared , the govern- the icnt at once set to work the erection dal shops. In 1799 , during the adminis- p we ation of John Adams in , anticipation tal war with France , the government rganized a considerable army for de- ani mse. A portion of the forces was bra nt , under Gen. Pinckney , ' into camp bo ( this place , and the ridge on which one tey were stationed has ever since been asc aown as Camp Hill. When the war am osed many of the soldiers settled at one place. The spirits of those buried gin icre are said to be regular visitors to asc ; old habitations , causing these rea uses to remain tenantless and known the haunted houses. The negroes , appear to be especially favored J ith spiritual manifestations , bear ing lanimous testimony to these reports. noc The more recent history of the place is best known. Hero John Brown struck his blow for the freedom of the slaves , capturing the arsenal on the night of October 16 , 1859 , fighting all day on the 17th , seeing his sons and near friends shot down about him , and finally on that evening returning to tile little engine house as a last stronghold , where the forces gathered against him the next morning , capturing him and his two remaining men , killing one out right , wounding the other , and , after piercing the leader of the band with their bayonets , reserving him for the hangman , who did his work on the following December 2 , at Charlestown , turning the remains over to the son-owing widow at Harper's ferry on the same day. Less than two years later the echo of John Brown's blow was heard at this very spot , when the arsenal and its val uable arms and machinery for the man ufacture of more arms , were captured by the confederates without a blow. The place was recaptured by the union troops afterward , but not until the more valuable machinery had been carried off to Richmond for use by the confed erate government in manufacture of arms. It was recaptured by Stone wall Jackson in 1862 , just before the battle of Antietam , later by the union forces again. The fortunes of wai left it a wreck ; the buildings burned and demolished and nothing is now left to remind the visitor of many tragic scenes enacted there except the foundations of the olel building and the little engine house where John Brown made his last stand , which , by some means , escaped the general destruction about it , and now stands near the railroail station , labelled in large letters , "John Brown's fort. " lyuooTS. Straiuje Freak of a fountj Girl Who SougJtt Jjjde/iewZence. Louisville Journal. A wealthy farmer in Rutherford county , Tenn. , not long since was ap plied to by a good-looking lad for t work , the boy saying that he preferred to drive a harvester or a wagon , or do other light work about the farm. The applicant looked so delicate that the o farmer refused the request , but gave d the lad the name of a farmer in an ad r joining county who wanted a boy to litt milk cows. The situation was sought , and the lad taken on trial. The two tiIi farmers met a few days since in Nash IiII ville and got to talking about the lad. II Said the" employer of the boy : "He is irm the best milker I ever saw , and can get irS1 more milk from the cows than anyone S1a1 ever had before him. He attends a1 strictly to business and suits me first- tcSi rate , but I am afraid he is going to create SiP ate a sensation yet. " P Being pressed by his friend , the farm C er was compelled to admit that his wife d liad discovered , through the merest ac- sc cident , that the supposed boy was a st ivoman. "When I found it out I told stw my wife that the girl-would have to go , w is ; it would never do to have our neigh- In oors know we had a woman parading ra iround the farm in top boots. My wife tli ; old me she didn't think anybody else tliw ivcmld ever find it out , and it was worth w virile taking the chances on it , as the in ad suited us well. I like Gcogie and cl ook my wife's advice , and I think she tilm .vill be able to stay with us and wear m nen's clothes as long as she wants to. la "She lived up in Indiana and had not icard about. Middle Tennessee , where cu rou could throw your hat on the ripen- ar ng wheat and it would bear it up , it ol vas so thick and strong ; so she dcter- th nined 10 come down here anel get work bl in a farm , where she could work in sp he open air nearly all the year va ound. It was then that she Ol ) Letermined to carry out a long- Sc herished plan that of assuming the as of a man , which added so much to hi icr independence in seeking a situation. Lnd you ought to see her my milker , no ihe's a dandy , I tell you. She weighs an bout 140 pounnd , is large for a woman , alj icing about five feet high. Her hair is ha lack : and she parts it on the side and in ears it very short. The has small feet an nd hands , and wears kid boots two air izes too large for her. She has a round ace . , a roguish twinkle in her large ja lack eyes , and her coarse shirt is al- tre irays kept buttoned close around her tin : veil-shaped | neck. sic "When I tell you she wears a wide- tin irimmed , coarse straw hat on the back an her head , and her tight fitting trow- rej ers thrust loosely in the tops of her oarse boots , always has a kind word an .nd a joke for everybody , and is very sin ouch liked b } ' my wife , I leave you ila othing to all to the picture. " pr Size of the Brain In Animals. * l opular Science Monthly. Among mammals we find a still a i reater increase in the weight of the pis T , rain as compared with that of the , ody. Leuret found it to range in the . , a lonkeys from as 1 to 22 , 24 and 25 ; in ic oft < dolphin it was as 1 to 36 ; in the cat : val 1 to 94 ; in the rat as 1 to 130 ; in the x as 1 to 205 ; in the dog as 1 to 305 : the sheep as 1 to 351 , in the horse as ten to 700 , and in the ox as 1 to 750. The lean for the class of mammals , exclu- , . ic ve of man , was as 1 to 186. My own bservations ; accord very closely with cai lose of Leuret. I found that in the my rairie wolf the proportion between the me rain and the body was ns one to 220 ; the wildcat as 1 to 158 ; and in the e ; id as 1 to 132. If these figures teach anything at all , slo' is that there is no definite relation ex- ting between the intelligence of ani- SOD it lals and the absolute or relative size of brain. It is true that , taking the sav 1st ata of Leuret as the basis , there is a ell defined relation between the men- the development and the brain , as re- e irds the several classes of vertebrate J1 ? limals ; for in fishes , the lowest , the in ain is but one 5,668th part of the it , : elet dy ; in reptiles , the next highest , it is 1,321st part ; in birds , next in the she wai iceneling scale , it is one 212th part : in mammals , the highest of all , nar 186th part , There is , therefore , be- ver nning with the lowest class , a regular As wei cent in the volume of the brain till it , 5 . aches the maximum in mammals. upc MAN -wastes his mornings in anticipat- and his afternoons , und wastes his nfter- whi [ ous in regretting his mornings , sen KEST. Love came floating o'er the waters of life's calm untroubled sea , , Flashing in the inornln ; sunlight ; "Illse , ' Ho said , "And follow mo. " "Lord , " I cried , "tho flowers thou gavest they are claiming all my care. Love , I can not rise and leave them , never llowcrs were half so fair. " Then the decoy freshness vanished , and the flerco unpitylng heat Smote upon my tender blossoms ; laid them dying at my feet. Love came near me. in the shadows of the evening , cold and gray , "Let the dead their own dead bury. "Illso,1 He said , "And corao away. " "Lord , " I cried , "yet still thcro lingers the rich perfume of their breath. Though my flowers were fair In living , they are sweeter still In death. " And the evening shadows deepened to the blackness of the night , And , the darkness gently piercing , came a ray of Love's own light. "Lord , " I cried , "oh , take my blossoms , take my weariness and pain ; Take my loneliness and longing , only give mo peace again. " Then ho drew me oh , how gently to the shelter of His breast. "Child. " Ho said. "I take thy sorrow ; thou shalt have thy perfect rest. " Still , I have it. passing onward through a scene , each btep more fair ; All my joy In Him is springing , all my glad ness He doth share. And though gently , days unfolding some times pain and sorrow bring , Yet the Hand , that gives them to me , flrst doth rob them of their sting. [ From Good Words. DEFJIXDIA'G Till : CAPITAL. Ctualus iU. Clay's Itetnintscencca of the Early Days of the War. One of the first acts of the adminis tration of President Lincoln was the superseding of the diplomatic represen tatives of the United States at foreign courts , in order to put a stop to the in trigues which it was known were being carried on to the prejudice of the estab lished government , and in the interests of the rebellious states of the south , says the Philadelphia Times. Among the first of these appointments was Cassius M. Clay , of Kentucky , commis sioned just twenty-four days after the president's inauguration. The following autograph letter , writ ten ( by Gen. Clay to Maj. Armes , a re tired officer of the army , and recovered from a mass of private papers , presents fto interesting picture of the condition ftr things in Washington the first few- days after Mr. Lincoln assumed the reins < of government , and also sheds b light upon his supersedure at St. Pe B tersburg bj * Simon Cameron. The let ter read as follows : "DKAU SIK : ClP n response to your letter of December P 16 , 1880. In the spring of 1861-62 , be n ing appointed envoy extraordinary and t minister plenipotentiary to the Russian o government at St. Petersburg , was B awaiting , with my family , at Washing Bol ton , my instructions , when United ol States vessels were sunk in the Chesa ole peake < , and the railroad and telegraph r communications with the north were o lestroyed ( by the confederates. As ofr soon as I learned that the ships were se sunk I knew that the war was begun. seT "ItAvas near night , and the omnibus ' vas standing at the door of Willard's tl : lotel , going to the Baltimore depot. I in an to the rooms of my family and told 01 hem to get at once into the carriage or 01h .hey would be left , and after that they vould not be able to get out of Wash- ngton. Ther did so , leaving their ilothes and trunks unpacked , and set- Mst ing out awaited my arrival in Balti- Mw uore. That , as I anticipated , was the st ast car that left the city. stdi "For nearly thirty years I had dis- a iussed the slavery issue in Kentucky in md elsewhere , and I knew from long th ibservations and the avowed designs of he slaveholders that war was inevitare le , and I had so stated in my many ex peeches made in the presidential can- va ass in 1860 in Illinois , Indiana and tli hio. I at once went to Gen. Winlield ed cott's headquarters in Washington and ca sked an interview. He granted it , but is ; military staft then present , hearing va ly request for a private conference and ot retiring , I asked the , general into lin : nether room , but they followed him in ilo Iso , and refused to retire. As I then th ad reason to believe there was treason ne the army I refused to say anything , nd , telling the general I would call Ju gain , I retired. soi "In the quadrangular court of the Hi ard of Willard's hotel was an old thea- thi which had been disused and was tal ien turned , I believe , into an occa- sai ional church. It saiMJ communicated with MJ ic main hotel by a passage and door , wi nd also opened upon the street in the sei 3ar of the house. ah [ "The hotel full of was guests , friends of nd foes of the union. I consulted with tie .ich as I knew to be true to the old th ag , and they agreed with me that the resident < and the other officials of the co overnment and the capital were in Ne anger of capture. me "We began immediately to organize meW volunteer force for defense. I was W . laceel in the leadership. I received but lin lose whom I knew to be true , gave the Th atchword. and introduced them into nal old theater. This nucleus took Ma hers in. All were brought to my pri- Ho ite room , enrolled and sent into the cot mimon quarters. When the enemy tha imd out what was going on , thcv at- Th irnpted to bullme. . Three gentlemen , ere a notorious person from California , ble iding me alone in my front room , inie in and demanded admission into corps. I asked upon whose recom- endation , and they answered insolent- BosJ upon their own. I kept two revol- J rs upon my red in the next room , the , going in , came out with one in the ich hand and ordered them out. They all owly did so , but their chief rolled up spo ime balls in his open hand and then "M them in his pocket , as much as to Wli , 'We'll give 3-011 these. ' 'Very well , ' haj said , 'we will meet you. ' Again , as Grr 5tood at the door of our quarters as wai crowd of our force were entering , an it. iknown face appeared. I challenged the. for the watchword , and. not having iron and still advancing to enter , I lev- my pistol at his head , told him it ] \ revolutionary times and I would con oot him. He" then retired. The the imes of all my corps were taken down ; mai ry distinguished men they mostly cha ife , governors , senators , judges , etc. and 1 soon went to Europe , I don't know andS iiat became of this list. 000 , , more fortunate in another call con ion Gen. Scott. I gave him my views eve : got his consent to arm my men , rich he did. For the moral effect , E nding to niy quarters to get arms to skin : arm his household rather than make n requisition himself. In the meantime Senator James Lane , of Kansas , had also raised volunteers. Wo united our forces for drill and action. As I had the most I was made chief and ho sec ond. After being organized , armed and drilled my force slept in the theatre ready for immediate action. "A guard each night was placed over the president's house. We were all called one night to the government barracks below Washington , on the Potomac river , expecting an assault , but we were not attacked. As I antici V pated , the capture c f Washington , as it r appeared later in the war , was the de sign of the rebels. I know they were in the city. I gave out to a man whom I knew favored the rebel cause , though a professed friend , in confidence that probably the next day Scott would de clare martial law , and that many would be captured , tried and shot. "The ruse had its effect. That night hundreds , if not thousands , left Wash ington for Virginia. Willard's hotel , which lately was full , was so vacated that the proprietors took up their car pets and took down their curtains with a view of closing the house. "But my absence left me unable to say what was done. So soon as the regiments from New York and Massa chusetts came into Washington our volunteer , force was dissolved. Lincoln , J through the secretary of war , gave out body J thanks for our patriotic serrices , and presented me with a Colt's pistol , which I proudly preserve in my family. Charles Simmer and others insisted upon my taking the post of major-general on volunteers in the United States service , and his views were backed by the 'union safety committee' of New York. But I declined because Scott was old , and as my rank would have placed me above Worth and Wool , veteran regu- ular generals. I did not think myself qualified to supersede them , as I had only served as a captain in Mexico , and only colonel of uniformed volunteers in Kentucky , and had no regular military education. " A Famous Game of 1'olter. From a fetor } ' by Joel Chandler Har- is ( "Uncle Remus' " ) , in the November Century , we quote the following char- ictcr-sketch. The time of the story is before the war : "In his own estimation Major Compton was one of the most ac complished of men. He had summered Cla at Virginia Springs ; he had been to Philadelphia , to Washington , to Richmond mend , to Lynchburg , and to Charles ton , and had accumulated a great deal of : experience , which he found useful. Hillsborough was hid in the woods of middle Georgia , and its general aspect of innocence impressed him. He looked on : the young men who had shown their readiness to test his peach brand- overgrown country boys who needed to be introduced to some of the arts and sciences he had at his command. Thereupon the major pitched his tents , figuratively ! ' speaking , and became , for he ! time being , a part and parcel of the innocence that characterized Hillsbor- 3ugh. A wiser man would doubtless lave : made the same mistake. "The little village possessed advant- igeri that seemed to be providently ar- anged to fit the various enterprises that Major .Compton had in view. There vas the auction-block in front of the stuccoed court-house , if lie desired to lisposeof a few of his negroes ; there Avas quarter-track , laid out to his hand and excellent order , if he chose to enjoy he pleasures of hoise racing ; there vere Deluded pine thickets , within easy each , if lie desired to indulge in the xeiting pastime of cock-fighting ; and arious lonely and unoccupied rooms in lie second story of his tavern , if he car- to challenge the chances of dice or ards. "Major Compton tried them all with arying luck , until he began his famous ame of poker with Judge Alfred Wel- ngton , a stately gentleman with a owing white beard and mild blue eyes Iiat ; gave him the appearance of a be- evolent patriarch. The history of the ame in which Major Compton and udge Alfred Wellington took part is amething more than a tradition in misborough , for there are still livin"- liree or four men who sat around the ible and watched its progress. It is iid that at various stages of the < nuue ajor Compton would destroy the cards ith which they were playing and jnd for a new pack , but the result was ways the same. The mild blue eyes Judge Wellington , with few excep- ons , continued to overlook "hands" Kit : were invincible a habit thev had squired during a long and arduous surse , of training from Saratoga to ew Orleans. Major Compton lost his loney , his horses , his wagons , and all negroes but one , his body-servant hen ] his misfortune had reached this mit the Major adjourned the o-ame he sun was shining brightly , an'd all ature was cheerful. It is said that the .ajor also seemed to be cheerful f owever this may be , he visited the Hirt-house and executed the papers lat gave his body-servant his freedom bis being done , Major Compton saunt- ed into a convenient pine thicket and ewout his brains. " A Lamentable Mistake. ston Transcript. Johnny was told he might have half grapes. When his mother went to cupboard she found he had taken and left none for his sister. When ioken to by his mother , he replied- Mamma , I'll tell you just how it was" ( , hen I had- eaten half of the ° rapes I t ippened to think that I'd eaten up racie's half 4 instead of my own I real sorry , but then I couldn't lieln I'd given her part of my half , onlv ey were so good that they were all me before I knew it. " Miss Louise Sidonie Veque , a well- nnected lady and Creole beauty of French quarter of New Orleans , has irried a Chinaman , SamHinoamer ant in El Paso , Tex. , an educated polished gentlemac. New York sells annually about 100 0,000 pounds of butter , of which the mmissipner of agriculture claims one-half is bogus. Esquimaux girls make their own seal sacques