OCR Interpretation

The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 15, 1885, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94056415/1885-10-15/ed-1/seq-7/

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to the abovpWilI-Je ; [ iiotlccd'lnilocals. ' ; .
ME HQbii S7 rTlwC.clr ry SunrtS t 11
A. Land-.f50 ; P < Jtf. . mbvintalh.-tlme iSunilay
Sch6Vl at4rt.P. . . M/lOThri * Rfifirfr '
MWUI.JJ ft * 5" / * -jAi'M * s nnd-'fiiiwilnv
& > 51 wlljtfij Kpld.W ti
CATHOLIC. Services will be held in the
church once every four weeks.
Kegnlar moctiupi , Tuesday nlght-orj ; .
or before Tfull moon of every monttri
. L. GREE& > V
yD. Atects the flrst and third Wedncs-
Igday evening of cnch month.
Sj i ' .J. AV. CAMPJIELL , C. C.
A. M. SPAMlJKb , K. K.-.S.
- nlnrmebtings-oiitho'Uret Wednesday
KNIGHTS OF.LAJJOII ; Electi-ic ilght Aseni- .
bly No. 375 nfe t the Ui-stuhd third Friday vf
' each irionth. * - " SrNrSTAVSAr ' W. -
WILT , . A. CLUTE. E. S.
B. OFL. E. Brotherhood of LocomotiveEn-
gincers. Meet llrst and fourth Saturdays of
GacJi.mQntK..w ! . _ SE. _ HpgK , Chief.
. J. C. ANDERSON.T ? . „ A. E.
J. K. BAUNES POST G. A. H. Uegiilar tneet-
Ings second nud Jourth _ Monday eveninjs of
each inoath at Opera Hall.
-y . J. A. WIT.COX , Cpmjnauddr.
J , II. YAnoEn , Adjutant.
Opon from 7 A. M. to 8 P. M. , M. T. Office
will be closed thirty minutes before arrival and
departure of mails. SUNDAY , oflice will be open
from 7 to 8 A. . .M. and from 4 to 5 P. M. . M. T.
. . . , A. P. SHARP , P. il.
No ' , 2..6:30 , A.M. I No. 40 5:15 , P.M.
No. S9-i.-.UJ:50. P. M. | No.l 8:55 : , P. M.
"Eastbound trains run on CentralTime ,
and , westbound frains on Mountain Time.
Freight trains do not carry passengers.
4 , . . . - R. R. WOODS , Agent.
For Tansill's Punclj' Cigargp ! to Tih.e
mercial House. Xi. . rv J-/J
y & Winter , City Dairy , for
pure and wholesome milk.
Reibember Church & Whittaker for
choice fresh meats of all kinds.
Lytle Bn& . have'steles " it $3.50 and
upwat-ds. See tbTem bfcfore buying , l
a 1 - .1 - : : ri - > . . ' ' " < J'
A nice line of hanging and stand
Iampsafr4he-Metropolitan-Drug-Store. '
The best boot iii.-Arnericar 'The Wai/
ker boot. Sold only by C. H. Rogers.
'tt'Iyou wajbt-'lTgooclj sectfonf'of1 school
landx-chbap , call o.n/Ryan ! BrosMcCoot ,
at once.
Money to loan .on , real estate and pat-
entednhndrby theH-McCopk Loan "and ,
< J-'f ; > ' ° * - ' v > '
The finest line of perfumes and ex
tracts in the'Tcityiiatf 'tKe ; 'B & "Mv
bank building.
_ Gp to Lytle Bros , for stores. They
carryUlie most 'coniplete assortment in .
Red Willow county. .
Several houses and lots in McCook
for sale , on easy terms , by Ryan Bros. ,
near the detrpt , McCook } >
- j ? h ; 3 Y-l ft _ .f .i i * j
fPiarfids having' Homesteads in 'other
precincts should take care that they
vote at , the , prqper polling pjacer . ; . ; . . - .
They are having aperfect rush at the
Cnimemal fl9usef ttiese daysfand are
Atiother'shipnierit 6f-eleven-car-loads
of cattle passed through this tatiomon
Monday evening for the Chicago Jiiarlc <
Stock boarded by the day or week at
1. 1.I OfcottAs'bsm oppbsiteGolvrn 'Hbuser |
. Also buvs and sells stock on commission.
I it ) i-- > t.-- . . , t /j > , r- - . . f.j'i
5RyaBrosjMioo ( | | havefois ; ; |
two choice farms , deeded landdfesirably
f located near Indianola and McCook , at .
low-figures. - . . . . :
The Juvenile band held another dance
' 6f
last\9eek. - . . . ; -
The' Central Meat Market of Church'
& Whittaker has at all times the choic
est cuts bfj steakand .other meats for
i their pa'tfohs. ' -1 t * ' "
Coriie alf yV.wh'o wa'nt.anj-Unngin the
dental Ifne tp.ES. . Carl , jSlcGopk Bankr ;
ing Co.'s building. Reasonable , charges
and work guaraiu ed. .
Kyjv yau . r Q acres of deeded land- ,
11 acres under cultivation , Nvitli good
frame-house , 4 miles from town. ' For
furtherparticulars-inquireafrthisrofH.ee.- I ;
* They have just received a'choice qon- ,
signinent * p candies at the.City Bakery ,
and lovers of. that toothsome article .are
requested to call and sample them by
purchase * ; . * - . . . ' . ' ; ' . . _ > ' t. * . . ' .
All parsqns knowing themselves in
debted to me on account are requested
to 'call ' .arid settle , as soon as 'possible , .
either by cash or bankable paper. . u
' i . . . . . C. H.-IxOGEUS ; I
' Nebraska flour .for JSJebraskans. ' The ;
f CSty. Bakery received a cir-load : of that 'u
celebrated Grrand. Island _ Flour , . tliig ;
C week. The shipment contains the new
brand "of flour. "White Frost" which is
without a-peer * , * " and " * js4 guaranteed . . to.be .
fiqesb braqd fa .the city.
the t Arery T. ; % < , J.J , * - . < t > . . : f
y 41 / -f- . 'T-I : s'VVV ij * , ; > ' ! *
. . . Tht3 < ! MethpdistDrethrcn-held : : a Very
' T'.j ' , --I" "
'V-1 > -V i : vi - - ? V -
y ; . ; F9r.theiuQfitejegan6aiJ.pejfect.Base ; ;
"TliiiTijirV.t tVic-'Rfjfinrn OnlrJ'IfViin srfi.T ivtl ff
. ' . .
ti-K-r-vif ' ;
- - i i'.te.'t j %
hhviag hou esSand a
farms for sale , should leave them with
Ryan Bros. , near the depot , McCook.
contentment in
'vrC * ' 'iiji5ri. ( . i .1 T > .v'st.f , ,
u Mn'iIyjioJo Lytle Brps and get
' '
Gatherings i-siuh as those of last week
have-an excellent social bearing/and are
especially coninict'da lel H *
* *
* * * 'T * *
Thb ladies veil ! seciire bargains at the
ew York Millinery Store. See the
new advertisement elsewhere in this
S - ' . ' , , :
issue ; ' < " % ' : ' . 'i : * -r " - ' / i-
The Marble brothers of our city ,
called awfayth ( 'fir5trof tlie\V.eekjj byfa'i
telegram announcing' the death of their
aged mother.
, The Juvenile band played , a .nuiubcr ,
of'excellent selections at. the , different
church socials , , .last week. The boys are
coining out nicely. . . ,
LOST ou STOLEN A deed nd lease
to lot 9 , block 21 in McCook , . JFinder
will be liberally rewarded by returning-
the same to Jos. Braun.
The establishmentopened.by E. & , D.
Kendall-in thejr , new. .brick on Main
Avenue is certainly , onc.pf.-'the finest of ;
its kind in the state , -
1 Revv J.-'W. Kimmel of 'the Lutheran
church'j North Auburn , Nebraska' , will oc'-
cupy the pulpit- -the Congregational
chuxchj-noxt-Suntiay Qvening- , \ f
Nice , smooth quarter of deeded land ,
40 acres broken , near a live town , part"
cash , balance on time. A bargafnr
Ryan Bros. , near the depot , McCook.
If current reports are possessed of
ajiy ttruthj ther i3 need of another dose"
of ) tar and featuers iiji about thVsame'
place' tliemedicine was administered
caution , ou' citizens against the
toiig'lis a'nd 'roughs with Avhich this city
is-now invested.Tinhorns , fakirs , and
individuals * of like ilk are da'rigerously.
. °
- y
- j- - f
4handsome lamp now ornaments the
entrance to"-th'e .Opera HalKalid gives
/ . , ' * ' " , vi * . ' -j- ' - - - - ' . > v" * " 4
light to all thiitjgo therein. ' It was pur
chased by Mr. Meuard , while in Chicago
lately , and"is V areyY -
molecules of musk
ftjThe < odprifereus ;
ate said fcffcfie incomprehensibly'lmall. '
' - * / i J , * ' * -f ' T * ? . . * * 5 i
But who call calclflate "the mental mag-a
uitude of a-postmaster who don't know-
the . > H.L "postage v * . .r3 rate * * / on third-class w + + i , , matter " ?
.W.ANTED-7A boy between 12 and 15
years of-agewho-wishes-to go to school
during the winter-to , make himself gen
erally useful about my thouse , build fires ,
milk ? " oow , etc.--A'gpbdi home offere < J-to ;
a gobd boy. : > ; : GE'O. HtfckNELi-
An exceptionally large and gay party
participated in the Congregational social
held at the church , last Thursday night ,
a . - - goodlynumberiof \ them beingffrofn
tlie 'country. "Th'e ladies'served.an "e'le- "
collationjr-Avhich was heartily en--
ioved. as was also.the.social intercourse
' ; V - ' : J3 : r * S * i , - '
- -
Typhoid fever claimed another victim
, , _ . , ,
; > „ U fn t-J * J ? " ,3 - ' * ,1 * # * * * ' < -f T -"f-w-i" " - - " - " ; > U * - * * ft
last Friday evening , in theperson of
Alta ? Spoke , a young glfl 'of eighteen
L , liii _ _ ; _ ! . _ i _ i _ -SCi i-iii" _ : _ .i- _
, , ? . ,
to have been one of unusuju'Virulence.
' ' . '
- - - -
the girl dying in less th"arn-a week from
the time the hsrcHaB called in.
Neiis'of the New l Iillincry Store
lea'ves for the .east , nffit . * " * 3undayto pur-
J * * " "FM
chase her stock of WJjgfcVj styles , which
werejust made outf'Q tb % 15th of the
* f'1 - i4 '
month' 'Her handsomejH&eof fall styles
lias already been recSi.V.c d6ut she wants
he ladies to wait Ufl't | .Jie"n return be
fore buying any winter igoocb ? .
It as with rcgirc.t tli'5i . . we .announce
abode in the little
lermanent stirring
. , . .
- - { - ' " iw > nr.-- ' c * ; " ' > * - * * * - * f4 * * s * rfJ : W - ' * / ' w
jurg of Stratton , where Mr. Moody is
nterestcd in the lumber busi'nessi. , . They
* * " " " *
* - * "if-
veil wishes . .of many friend's'acc mpany
. " *
, tt -
There arc a number -pTemises in
f * tT
his. city'that are filthy beJ tKl all meas-
ire , and-we cannot fgjfcea spjgiking the b >
ror'd of 'warning , in view Sc . icftne. < ! * * * _ . preva-
5 akin to godliness. " Jjet iis7oo the
1 r TllPTf 1 riO - * * liw.'Av'rflfh M-Ton li
iuch filth and .deca iujfL-mattBi'i'r.-Jieibg s
ft around to breed-sick eBs anaJJeafn. p
; - < gaublers have _ _
pyingfjmP&b | ; e KendallSfVl |
brick . , | | ?
the "drankenV c # er" figure , havg&eeji ;
going 6q , : in dijfcot and open violatlqii-of
quite .a ,
" * ' " *
roW' bccurre3d'Yec-the repeated atteiupts
* , . ' : - : ' , $ & > 3v : i
K- ITj
or-acaper to--'sl aBa gray blind. ana.il
looked for a while as though gore might
stain the new floor. The belligerent fel
low jfinallyipacifiedjbyjrref qndjngjthe
" - ' * , : * * > " . . v ' V iJ i * ' -t' * f ? * * Cl- ' " '
inoneyjclaimed ; torhava.beeh stolen , aiid
; . ' ' . . ' * - j , . ' : ' -fi.'W 't.i'i' * : " - '
ambitious ones were hard at work try
ing to down th"e beautifully < spot'ted tiger.
Chuck-luck in'Still another room did not
seem to attract.- One..would.imagine ,
that one experience before Judge Gas-
lin would have sufficed the of
. . . . , . . " owners .
_ - * - ' - - - , - . . - - . * . . ' ' .
thebuilding but . .it. seohis hotThe
council should teach all parties tothe
' . " " " ' " . > "i ' " " " ' '
t "iO' < - -
orime a'lesson worth-remembering.that
theordiiiances.of-thiscity , cannot.be de ?
Ced wi h impunity. . . .
and soft coal/best quality ;
at-Ha'llack & Howard's lumber yard.
One of the most aniusihg trials which
has ever transpired in this city was that
of John Jones vs. Eugene Hall , which
occupied Squire Colvin's attention , Mon
day night. Hall was owing Jones , who
approa'ched Hall for the s'ame. Instead
of Veceiving his pay , Hall slapped him
in the face. The matter first came up
for trial , Saturday , whe'n a continuance
was secured. In the meantime , Hall
bowled up pretty well and made himself
so obnoxious on the streets that he was
placed 'in the cooler over Saturday night.
Monday"evening the final.trial 'took'
jJu.l , _ "i. * . _ . / - > - - . : . ' - j . ' . J , , > ' .i.
jurisprudence in this valley probably
never saw a worse parody.Halk.was . - .
found guilty by the jury nd Squire Col-
yin sentenced' ' him to the coUntyja'il-for :
20 days. Hall"wiU'prbbablyjiev er again
want "pettifog" anothercase , in4he
"lower courts.
and soft.coal , best quality ,
at.HallackHowarcTs , lumber .yard. = ' . t
' ' - i i ? ! ; ; , : * ' } ' * ' M ' - T4 1 J - t ' *
/Vye"are slightly interested in.kriowing
jutTr | Tvhy flje commissioners' _ ofthis
county , at a meeting holden at the be
ginning of the present year , voted the
county printing jointly to THE'TRIBUNE ; ;
and to the Courier ; and then , at a recent ;
meeting voted the publishing of "the de
linquent tax list , , ( about ; the'vonlyre-5 ;
munerative printing in the gift of the
county , ) to The Courier ; in direct vio-
latio'iio ; ' 5tbte'ir first actionJwhjch . gtiye :
S'.v - V
. _ . . _
A T.T't > It'k * xkSwfW vt bl ' 4 * < - 4-X . 1fni.l - ' A k' J
county .printing to. both. K.-
again , why'a certain notice concerning
to be submitted to the voters of this
county , appears in The Times , under
the clerk/s . ' !
signituretothe. exclusibn-'of
both the ofBciahpapeW of/the county.
THE'TKIBUNE"either wantsa * fai/deal
in this matter , or to know the reason
why , aridweeipect to have-it.-
& 5F Har'd and s"oft'coa'l"best quality ,
a Hallack & Ho ward's7lumber 3'ardl *
- S6cTA"L Last "Friday"evenrrig , " " Ke
cozy * , ' resjdencg ofM.rvand Mrs.A. J.
P ate op' Monroe street wasjthe'scJene , ; of'
one of the most delightful social gather-
-which' 'the ' . " ' " '
ihgswhich' 'ybtrhgf.pe"rtple'-of-
city have ever had the pleasure of en
joying. After a. full evening of-social
pleasures , the affair was refreshingly ;
rounded off in the form of .an , excellent
collatipn , served in profusion , and show
ing the handiwork of the hostess. , . The
occasion will long be remembered by
thosa present ; „ . „ ,
Our representative noted the presence
ofthe following ladies and _ gentlemen :
. Hollister , Leech/Fisheri Ilowell ,
Laws , Meserve , Dell , Echia andJosie Menard ,
Vaughn , Flora and Oennie ShawVamler -
pool and McAchron.
Messrs. Mers. Moody , Fred Ilarris , Eberty
Snow , Fi3r , Sam. Ashmore , Laycock , Mc-
Dnicken and Bonnot.
. _ _ - * " . * . . _ * . '
g-Hard and soft coal , best quality ,
it Hallack & Howard's lumber yard.- - - 5
; al
A serious fire was narrowly averted , n
itore./Wednesq'ay eyening-A hand-
some ; canopy 'which--'was- ' suspended m
) ver a bed room set , displayed in the ci
rindow , was ignited by the lamp , and
vas in a'u uistant enveJopjed * in * flames ,
i disastrous fire' , was lavbided by " .Mr.
IIiilorwh0Ltlireiv the-canopy dutbo'dily , ?
eing severely .burned-aboutthe , face in.
io doing. m
quality , , 'm
_ it Hallack . . & . _ Howard's .1 , . lumber , * , . . - , vard. *
The Epworth Hymnalone of the. th
' '
atest and best publication's' . churchj , '
unday school , etc. , is used by theM.E.
* " "
" , . > e -r
- < -5---.M ; ?
'Fial Wither , Superl ) Tracliia
tie Strongest.Field of'TIpfees- ' - :
f rEyer in the
i and.bth'e F
ers. "
Greatest Attractions Friday and
The' publican Yalj.
Wednesday with flattering prospects for
a mpst successful season. The. : . ntries
are:5HOSt : numerous and eiubrace some
of the best horses j in this , state , as well
as those of Colorado , Kansas , Iowa , etc. "
The weather and track are propitious
for fast work , assuring , "with the. excel- .
lent fiejd of horses now on the ground , ' *
the grandest | e'xhibition ' o"s'p.eed' ver
seen in the west. We give the ' races
which have co'me off up to tile time of
our going to press , Thursday noon :
PACING JlACE. In tliis race there
were' but two'entries Uncle Sile , owned
by P. Ja'cobs of Sabbetha , Kansas , and
Glen Nealby H..S. Taylor of Atchison ,
Kansas. " The two first heats were taken
by Uncle Sile in 2:444and : 2:59. : Clen
Neal won the third heat in 2:50 : , ' and
Uncle Sile the fourth heat in 2:43 : , and
winning the race.
TROTTING KACE This' race embrac
ed horses under 3 minutes and owned in
the valley since July 1st , and the fol
lowing entries were made : Minnie by
Saltzgiver of Danbury , this county , Me-
Gloud ; D. "M. ' Tomblin * of '
Gloudby - * * . ' , . * . Arap'ahoc , ,
Fred. Douglass by.X W. Spaulding of
Box3Elde . . . ; Little Joe b'f S.\T , Haw-
.A. - - " ' - * > > ; * J - t'f' i i * ' * fjr
kins of Trenton and Maud b/1l. L.
Perrysof-Gulbertson. The race was won
by Minnie ' in three straight heats , the
timejbei'ngf2:52 ; : ± , ,2 , 43,2:407 : McCloud ,
owned | by'I ) . M. 'Tomblin , though .veVy
rank , did some magnificent work , taking
second. place , in jail , threa .heats , . .making.
ane mile in 2:45. : No horse in the Re-
' " *
publican Valley to-day - is more , prqmis- '
ing . than ' . McGlbud , , Tvho only needs prop- .
' - ' 'CJi t i v '
jr handling to' develop him'into'a.s.uperb . ;
* * j i y < - .1 '
'strider. " 'Perry's Maud aiforded no"
2nd of amusement in this race , making
Ee firstmile in about 4 , minutes , and
hen retirin'dh hei4 laurels""won. i
- MILE DASiiAce of
Ulubs by W. _ S. Bannister of Kearney ,
Bilii'e ' Mack by John Short of Indianola ,
Collie 31. by Maxstead of Trenton ,
Fjoker by H , , Eeed of .Fairfield were
inter'e'd. Ace of ClubV.TVon.the'raceritl
' " * ' " ' ' 4 >
hj" & crt --j - -
3 , ending the races tor the day.
MacMahon , record2:21 , owned by Dr.
lolliday of Lincoln , Charlie E. , record
:25f : owned by Charlie" Emery of Beat- ,
ice' , and Van Duke , record 2:37 : , owned
iy Brown & Hurlbu't of Lincoln are-all
iere , under the care of Billie Edwards ,
if Oskalobsa , 'Iowa. ' ' . . . .
Among the liorses afethd'fair : ground
rho will-'astonish the. sporting world , is
Jeo.Bailey's4year-old stallion Consul-
rho will trot in the 24:5 : race , to-uior-
* * * * . ,
V- f ' 7 fje
ow. He.-is'aj-mag'nifice.nt.specimenf of ,
lo'rse-flesh and full of p oniisei. ' : 3 ,
-.Charlie E.rLittle.Willie and..Mattia
Jarle will make an interesting pacing )
ace , and .no mistake. Charlie E. is a
reat stayer , Little Willie immense , on
he spurt ; and Mattie - Harle has few
Trampoler , Estell and others will
nake a flying 2:30 : trot. C. P. C. , Con-
ul , Friend Boy , Van Duke and others
rill so in the 2:45 : class.
iuffalo , N. Y. Courier. April 9th , 1885.
The Schubert Quartette gave a vari-
ty of pleasing selections in excellent
tyle. Their voices blend nicely ; the
itdli-is'usually-true to an exceptional
egree , and they sing with precision and
dmirablc expression. The body of tone
moreover full , agreeable and gcner-
lly'wcll balanced. Their ENSEJIBLE '
umbers embraced one or two sacred se-
ictions arid s'ome * hum'o'rblis " " "songs , . '
jiich"were especially felicitous. Tfief
uSiencewas enthusiastic-in "its appro :
iation of their joint efforts.
We take pleasure in. recalling the
fatemont made last week.referring tb
ic drunken individualjho ma'de afobl
himself on the streets. The fact re-
lains , iut "Frank"Everts ; bf' the Drift-
ood .was not the party , as he never fo >
akes use of intoxicants in any ehapc. foM [
e.v/ere misinformed as to the.nameof
ic pa.r.ty , and take tins means of recti- R
'imr tlie uiistakev"
Great Reduction in Watches and be
ewelry at McCraokcns.5 ! H v H
rJJgSgj&L ( POINTERS , , , , , ,
3f ; Wv.WaldCiifSirattoulias bijeii-nJ : thl' .
city 'all.week. . . , ' - . ' * A f ' . -
Eenj. Bird of BcuJftilman came Hi fr'oiiitlie
west on.40 , Saturday. * ; . . . .
L. Mbteutpo'teanm ; in from Benkeiiuan ,
; -\ViHiainFiscifecQtarrico ( | P. 0. was among
tlie visitors iitfo'jvri ; "Saturday.
' - . - . ' : M ? ; : ' _ ; >
Mrs. J. A.McKillip anil sister of Holdrege
were registered at the Eating House , Sunday.
Mrs. Geo. Dungan , and.faniily . moved out
'W ' the homeste'uttijjiteaivp'ty * Colo. , Tuesday. '
ou39. If.i. :
, C. E. Memtt.Gifiiiau : ? SM. immigoitjon
agentvasja % icig ri6vitilis city , on So ? : 1 ,
Fred Boehner , Win. Simeral , L. S. lloberts
and other Arapahbe people were at the fair ,
G. "W. Frazieiami P. L. lleaten , two of
Atwood's business men , were in the city , the
first of tiie > veek. . < ;
Attorneys Johnson and" Suavely of. { the
county-seat had business before the local land
officials , ' Moncla'yf ; " , I'l" ? -
Elijah Jenkins of Louisville , this state ,
spent Tuesday in town , ' on his way honie
from a trip to Akron.
Mrs. Chas. Xoble and little daughter re
turned home on J89 , to-day , after an extended
visit at her Iowa home.
J. T. Wray , JI.L. Perry , 11. B. Straut , W.
Z. Taylor , G. E. Baldwin and other ( Julbert-
sonians are taking in the fair.
N. llobinson , late chief clerk at the Eating
House , went over to Oberlin , Monday , to take
charge of the Oburliu Uouse.
Jos. Menard of the Chicago General Store
returned from his trip to Chicago attergoods
for the fall trade on yj , Saturday.
L. Lowman came down from Boulder , this
morning , to complete arrangements for open
ing up a clothing store in the Pate brick.
G.L. Whitehead of the Uocky Mountain
News came.'downlrom Denver , Tuc'sdajvto
report the ho'rse fair for that excellent journal.
- f ' . - ' . ' - . - ' '
James Hatiield arrived on Xb : 1 , Wednes
day night , from Decatur , ill. , to take hi our
horse fair and look after his stock interests
* * ' * v
Tully Scott and wife of Oberlin made this
city a visit , last Saturday. Mr. Scott is re-
ce ver of public moneys at the Oberlin land
Dfjice. ' !
< ' ' * ' ' .
Chas. Xoble , whojia § been suffering , for , a
number of days with a severe sore throat , is
iUU'i'OYiyg ' ami "blejo.be at.liis post .of. duty
Oscar T. Xelson and C. B ; "elsoii of Trais
ton came down this morning on 40 to attend
the Ihiest horse fair ever held in Western
Nebraska. *
Will II. Barstow of Crete came up to towii
jnlXo. 1 ; Tuesday Highland has Ceen doing
fery satisfactory work so far in starting the
aces at the fair.
J. G. Stokes arrived ' ] oii oi ; * ! , Monday
light , from Chicago , wlictclio has been for a
lumber of days on a visit to the "Queen
Jity of the West. "
Capt. Phillips was'iu town , Sunday. 11. 0.
seems to think it best to make hay in .sunny
iveather , ' and is taking-good care of the com-
lany's interests here.
President Shurtleftof tlier-Bauk of.Strat . -
on and D. W. Irwin df the Stratton Herald ,
ame down to the city on business , Saturday
* ' . - -
uorningrctuniing on'39.
W. S. Hay and W. P. Foreman of Denver
vere here , the last of the week , auditing
\gent Woods' accounts. It is needless to
itatathaUliey found the.lt. II/s accounts 0. 1\ .
Samuel jKicliardsqn andwife of Platts-
nouth arrived in the city on 39 ; Tuesday , and
emained here during " 'the horse fair , the
jucsts. of Squire Colvin , who is Mr. S.s
) rother-in-law.
W. D. Gumming , who has been keeping
books-for W , Wilson atthe latter's ranch
icar Undercliff , Colo. , came in from the west
) n 40 , Saturday , and will spend 'a few days
'isitingHn theicity. s * -t ij
' -l . . . . -
? v / „ - > - - -
L. H. Lawton of Grand Island spent Sat
mlay-lastin the-vcity. , Mr.L. . . is one ofthe
ld-timers in this western country , and is still
argely interested in stock on the Frenchman ,
hough his family is located at Grand Island.
II. Hitchcock anil II. II. Jones of DeWitt ,
his state , were in the city , the .latter part of
he-past week , after feeders , of which tliey
mrchascd 'two car-loads from the Taxton
Jattle Co. They .returned home on 40 , Sat
urday evening.
John Huber and faniily arrived in the city ,
he first of the week , from the Buckeye State ,
laving covered the entire distance , over
ourtcen hundred miles , in a wagon , some-
hing over four month's time being consumed
11 the long and tedious journey.
Special Services.
Special services will be held at the
ilethodist Episcopal church'on nest
Sunday ; October 18th ; 10:30'A. M.
'reaching and Epworth song service 3.
' . M..T3abljath 'School. 7 P. . M. , Glad !
* . - / * - * " . * , * _ . -
'idings concert by the children. Moun-
lin time. All will be most cordially wel-
omc to these services. , ; .
W. S/WHEELER , pastor. '
To Wm. and Fannie Coleman , Octo-
er.9th.a sonweight ; ! 9 pounds. .
following' list telc'grams uncalled
r at the B. & M. telegraph office :
rs. Sarah A. Howard , Dr. A. Taylor ,
r.'W. Russell , D. B..Weliton. W. 0.
awlins. * - ' -
Listen ! Every pair of the Walker
) ots aud shoes warranted. Sold by C.
. .
Rogers. - -
Fresh candy at the City
proprietor , for fineJteamsv
e& . Michigan ' . .Cider'of pVcc
Iqnt quality at-thp. City Bakery. * * . < * > |
' ' ' ' - ' ' ' . : : : - ' ' ' ? . ? ; 5ag
cial House are making that hostleric
: f Threo.afes were cracked at Guide
rRocjrj-'y.eJiterda- the telegraph an
nounces' . that the operators arc headed
.1- * ! - -
this way.
j : The' first fresh oysters of .the season
at Ed.Jvuester'.s , first door-.above ; the |
P. 0. 'Oysters"by the can or seiri'ed in/
every-style. Fresh consijjnments'ever/
; FOR SAI/E 175 acre's.'deeded land ,
improvements to amount to $500.
Situated 2 miles from McCook. For
terms call on or address editor of THE
R. A. Cole , fashionable merchant tail- ;
or , has constantly on hand as line aclass
of goods as can be procured. Suits made ,
up in the latest style , and perfect fits"
guaranted. Prices reasonable. Shop
two doors west of Citizens Bank , Mc-i
Cook , Nebraska. . ;
Important to AH
- o -
Who have grain to sell. Comtnenc- "
ing with MondaySept. 27th , we will pay.
the highest market price for wheat and
rye. Call at Fry & Snow's for buyers. ' f
We are now paying : No. 2 Wheat , 45e. '
No. 2 Rye , 27e. ' " ' "
f\ , . T I
1,500 head of fine sheep.free.jFronn ,
Spanish blood. Will sell in lots of from
50-up : , at $2.25 .per head all around ,
iddress , C. J. ' flickman , Bcnkelman ,
Nebraska. 17-4ts.
I am now prepared to grind your feed
at my wind feed mill , two blocks east
.of W. 0. Russell's barn. Cal ) anil give *
me a trial. C. A. XETT'LETOX. t
" ' J"
Residence fdr Sale.
I am offering my-residence properfcy-
on the corner of Madison and Dodge
-streets fo'r saleJ. B. MESERVE.
° " , T
Two furnishsd rooms to rent. I\ort
further particulars apply at this office. ? -
5 S
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West Dennison St. -

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