OCR Interpretation

The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 15, 1904, Image 12

Image and text provided by University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94056446/1904-01-15/ed-1/seq-12/

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. . 12. . . . ' . _ . . . . . _ _ . . .P _ . . . _ . . _ THE : . FALL CITY TRIBUNE . : - - - - - -
, . _ _ . _ . _ _ . .
'p S . g
1' you want a farm in this county , . no cllfferencc what the size and price we have it , 0\ \ if ynif { want a good fal'in ; cheap , . ili '
IF Pawnee Cotlllty' we have a fine list of well improvecl farms , close to good school and churd 5' , fine l sod , producll1g- ?
t fine corn , wheat , oats clover and timothy and blue grass is a natural growth \ \Te can sell you fl C good farm there from
¶ $5 to $ I 5 less per : acre than you can buy the same grade of land here 'vVe also have a large list of good wheat land in
southwest Kansas. Also good , wheat , corn and alfalfa farms 'vVashing-ton . , Norton , jewel : and adjoining-- ( counties in can- I " '
sas fQr sale cheap or wIll trade for a stock of dry goods groceries , hardware , drugs and Implements or good . residence or' I'
business property , in a good town. \Vc also have some good farms in Payne county , Okia 'This is the county where 1'Ir. .
'R , UrOWl1 , the photographer , lives and owns nine farms , we own a half section 12 miles from the county seat , \ ( ell improved ,
- fine running water on it that we can sell you at a bargain. 'vVe also have a large list of ranches and g'razing land. in IKansa <
and Nebraska for sale or trade. And if you don't want to buy we can locate you on a good homestead in South Dakota , !
, ' ' fine black rich soil , smooth and not ! even 'a pebble ( on it , only 12 miles from the state capital , if you think of going up , you l ( ,
can't find a , better place to use your homestead right , if you don't believe this write or call and see Dr Fleming , William 7
Stains , William , and A , R , Goolsby , T. G. Brown , Asa Crook of this city as they all have claims in this South Dakota ' f
country . If you aid your friends want to get a good quarter there come and see us , we can give you railroad rates of one
fare pill ; ; $2.00 for the round ] trip at any time , you better come and g'0 up and get a quarter as there will be 25 01' ' 30 from
this county who will g'0 there in the spring to prove \ . up , so' you will have good company. For the want of space we can I
nC t tell you of one-tenth of the bargains that we have to offer you and will only give you the description of a few that must ,
be sold soon or will be off the market. . . \
„ ; , No 50-Is a good well improvcd farm of 135 acres , good two
; ; : ' story 7 room house , large barn and other out buildings , good orchard -
- ' chard , plcnty of good water , close to school' and church. Price S70
per acre and if you havn't all the money owner will leave S5,000.00
in this farm at 5 per cent , for 5 ycars. .
No. 51-Is a fine 1)0 acre farm , well improved , good S noon
i house ! , good barn room for S or 10 head of horses , hay mow , a large
; ; . flew : corn crib , in fact all necessary out buildings , plenty of fruit for
-i ' family use , plenty of good water , all buildings in good repair , good
" ' land in a high state of cultivation , close to school and church , r. f.
" delivery , nine miles northeast of Falls City and 7 miles from Prcs-
' < , ton a good grain and stock market and over good roads , if you want
this for a .barg-ain see us for price and particulars.
w No 53--Is a good 120 acre farm , good six . room house , young
- ot'chard11 \ fenced , close lo good school and church , telephone and
free mail delivery at thc door. Good neighborhood , located 10 miles
duc ( north and onc-half mile cast of li alls City a'ml joins up to the
townsite of Harada. All good smooth land and level except a part
; k ' of the south 40 which is it little rolling but not rough. Good clear
' abstract title , and in order < to make a quick sale wc will sell this for
less 1 than what it is worth it is worth S75 per acre , as thc old .
Coon 80 justwe of this sold recently for S75 per acre , and the old
. . Dr. Bticl quarter sold rcccntly for 875 per acre , If YQU know these
w. farms you know that they are no better than this 120 and the im-
. pro\'emcnts on thc Coon SO arc not near so good as on . this 120. Now'
; as it is getting late wc will sell this J20 for SS,500 , and if you havn't
all the money , wc will make you a loan ( of 85,000 , if you Heed this
much , so if you have 83,500 yon can buy this farm and stop paying
rent. Now . call and ' sec us or call us over phonc No. 16S at our
No 5 -Is one of the best 80 acre farms in Brown county , Kansas -
: ; sas , just across the line south of Falls City , mile and a half
northwest Reserve , good 7-1'00111 housc. good barn , cribs and' other
' outbuildings , fruit , ctc.trhis is good level , rich land in a high
state of cultivation and is worth 8100 per acre , but in order to sell
quick vrc will sell this for $95 if taken in thc next sixty day. Good
' neighborhood , schools and churches , line well kept hedges , in fact
this is one of the best SO-acrc farms in this or Brown countyand thc
owner will leave S3000 in this at a. good low rate of interest , if de-
No. 53-Is a good 120acrefarm , pretty goodroom house ,
: ' stables , sheds , cribs , granary , etc. Good land a little rolling , but
not. rough , clear title. At only S50 per acrc. Here is the cheapest
farm now oillered lot sale in the coun ty.
No 5-Is a fine rich level SO in a high state of cultivation ,
. good seven room house , barn , double corn crib , granary : , shcds , good
r well of water , windmill and tanks , good fences , one mule of Stella ,
price 572 per acre on good easy terms.
No. 58Is a good HO , well improved , one mile west of Arag'o ,
; ; 'ood soil , in good state of cultivation , school house on this land ,
1-- : plenty of good water , good neighborhood , at a bargain , sec us for
" price and particulars.
r it No. 33--Is a HO acre farm , lying just outsidc of thc city limits ,
. . north and is thc northeast quarter of the scction. All fine inprovc-
k ? , ments , too numerous to mention herc. Nice orchard and grove , good
" . : water . windmill and tanks. Fine soil no filth.trIte prettiest farm
; - : " you ever saw. Bvcry foot good and smooth. The party ownill ; '
' . - - . ' this farm lives in St. Joseph , 1'10. , and for this reason wants to dl
, I. and invest there and 'oiTers this farm for a short time at 5110 ) er
i acre. To admire this farm is to sec it. .
' , .r No 29 -Is one of the finest SO-acrc farms in this or any other
tt < state , every foot good smooth land , new fine 2-story 8-room house ,
' " d < ; el1ar , bath room , orchard , ' 'ranary , cribs , 2 tine barns , nice well
t- ; [ , kept hedge : fence , plenty of good water , steel wit1l1mi11 and tank ,
; . ' ' . only two and a half miles of Falls City. 58,000 on good easy terms
r F" No. , 69'---Is a well improvcd farm of HO ) acres , 3 miles east of
f. 'f ' , Ilumboldt . A part of this farm is a little rolling , good house of six
. { t. rooms , barn , granary , cribs ! plenty of good water. Price S35 per
, acre , an good easy terms.
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No. 57-Is a good 160-acr farm fair impro\'emcn , good strong
lam } , a little rolling , but not rough , 10 miles northeast of Fall City
on R. F. D. route. . Only SO per acre.
No. 32.-is a good 40 acre farm , located 13 miles northeast of .
Falls City , good new 4 room cottage and summer kitchen attached , '
plenty of good water , 30 acres in culth'"tion , a fine . young orchard " l
of 12 acres , plenty of small fruit and . budded Beaches for family use , ' j
tables and corn cribs , one of thc best ca\'cs..jn the county. Price f. . . : '
$40 per acre on easy terms. . '
No. 31-1s a fine well impro\'cl' farm of 240 acres lying 7' miles
northeast of Falls City. A line 10 room house , large barn , hog and -
cattle sheds , in ! fact every improvement ecessary. This is one of
thc finest farms in Richardson county , and is a good investment at t
585.00 on good easy tcrms.
No. 39-Is a 160 acre farm 6 miles from Falls City , 36 miles ' .
from Reserve , Kansas , with good improvements , close to four good .i
markcts. It will pay you to investigate 'this before buying' Price - : r a
)000.00 ; 82000,00 down ; balance on easy terms. , - . '
No. 3--Is a )2 acre farm , two miles from Reserve , f'Cansas , 6 _ : ' :
room and 4 room house , good new stable , corn crib , hen house , 2 .
good hells , R. l1' D. at door. Price S,500. , : . . . f ,
No. 5 < ) -Is a 52,500 g'ood.rcal estate mortgge to run 5 years at " " " : , i. ' , :
6 per cent annual interest for sale. Here is a good safe investmcnt. . ; . ' 1 : , ' : '
. . ; :
> 1r:1
, CITY PROPERTY . - . . ,
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\Ve have some good bargains in Falls City property , in " - . : i : : ' : ' ; ff'fJ
fact nearly every piece of property that is offered ! for sale is - . : t , . , I
on our list But for the want of space this week will only ' ; < , ' : . ;
give a description of a few homes to show you how cheap the . : : .
: . .
. . .
. . - . . . ,
cue. - _ . ' . . . . : t. . ' . ' .
No. 63-ls a brand new , 8room : 2-story . house with good . ; - . . . > : -ffi ; . ; ; .
furnace hot and cold water built out 01 good material boxed , ' '
fu.rnace , , ; good matella.1 : , , : .5.9 . : .
wIth shIp lap , papered , then sIded wIth rood lap sidIng , elegantly - ' : . - : :
gantly finished inside , nicely and conveniently arrang'ed. . , . . . " . . : l J
Located on four lots in EvergTeen ig'hts. This was just fin- : { . . . .
' .
Ishee ! last week. And as the owner wants to locate else- ' - ' .
, ,
.where hill sell this at a sacrifice as this beautiful home cost - \ . . ? '
$3 , 000 anti ! for the above reason we will sell you this for $2600 , ' . . ' ' ; ' , : .
and give YOU time on $ I , 6o0 if YOU want it . \Ve failed to . _ . , . : , : ; ) - ' ' ' : '
mentione'l ( that there is also two ' nicel" finished porches to . , ' : : . %
" .
this , all nicely paint ( ; d. You will miss "a bargain If you want . r. : .
a home and fail to , fret this . 'T ; . : ; ; . . . .
a v ' ; \ ' ' !
No. 64-ls an elegant 2-ston" 8-room dwelling front . " ' . ii
l : ' > " t- ' ' -50"-
F , -
and back porches , good large barn , buggy house' wood and. ?
coal house , nice shade and fruit trees , beautiful lawn good' :
large cellar , well and water in the house ; on four nice lots. ' . " ' .
Close in and in a good part of town.Ve had this property'x , 'f ' .
listed before the owner left the city at $2 , See and he wants . u4' :
the money to put in to his business , and now offers this dc-
g-ant home for 01lIY.$2OOO and if you haven't all of the ash . 'it ; ; ; '
we will make _ von l a loan. Call and see liS as this , is a bargain.'l . : . : . .
No. 65- I s a good 1 8 -room dwelling 1 , good 1 barn 1 , buro't - $ , Rrf . , : : . ; ' 'Ii
! alld coal house nice front and back ? ; '
shed , wood e , . porches , all : y
in . good repa rs. On 2 11lce lots dose in , and well located , , . . . . .
thIs we had listed at $ i ,500 before the owner . moved away - . : : & ; . " ,
and he has bought in the town where he resides and needs ' < , '
the money to apply ! on his present home and now offers this . . . : ' . ; .l .
nice : home for $ 1,100. I This is CC1 tai1111' " a lairgtill . - ' , - : '
, " . ,
WHIT AKER BROS. " - : . .
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