Newspaper Page Text
í í I if 1 i í I KEW KEXÍCO CENTRAL KAÍLSOAD. TIME TABLE. From Santa Fe U Torrance. Leaves Santa Fe at 1:15 r. si. going South- .... ,1 Leaves Wtllard 6:13 P.M. gomgsouth. Arriv, . at Torrance S:ch. P. m. Going North. I Leaves Torrance at 11:05 A. M. , Williard at 12:40 p. m. Arrives at Santa Fe 5:23 P. M. i connection, with the Pek-n fut-oll' at Williard; with the bout! ' western at Torrance ami with tta A. T. S. F. at Ken.ieriy. j II. W.Coomek, Acting Manager, . F, C. HASTINGS. . Carpenter and Builder. South Side Of Tire Thza, Sunnyside, N. M. :: RICARDO HOTEL :: Jlrs. HINSON & Miss REVEN, Prop's, j BEST ACCOMODATIONS IN TOWN RICARDO, N. M. "T. . c . , The Cough Syrup that a. r . ,m liv actine as a cathartic on the I bowels is . . , , . j contains no opiates, gently moves the j towels, carrying the coid olt througtt tne antral channels. Guaranteed to E'v3 , latitacticn cr money reiundotl. " For ssle by the Sunyside Drup; Co. j L R. SCKOCH. "j Contractor and Builder, j "Cement Work A Specialty"! Call on me for bids on all j kinds of Buildings. Fokt Sumner, N M. PROFESSIONAL. DR. W. R. LCVELACE. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. SURGERY A SPECIALTY. Office at the store oi the Sunnyside llrup Company. Sunnyside. ew Mexico. C. C. DAVJDSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Practices in all the Courts. Special attention to 2arid cases before the U. S. Land Office. Tlcl'mcari, New Mex. WHARTON & LAWSON. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Ar.AMor.ORUo. N- II. M. R. BAKER. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Content Cases Before U. S. Com MissiONEtt a Specialty. NOT Alii 1'LELIC IN OFFICE.' Sunnyside. New Mexico. A. J. GILLIAM. Atrent for Texico Steam Laundry, W. and W. Tailoring Co., ALSO, CtT DARKER SIICP. Fort Sumner Broom Factor', OWE3S & SONS ; WHOLESALE & RLTaIL Solicit the General Trade and' Satisfaction Guaranteed Four Sumner, - - New Méx. J. B. WILMETH Painter and Paper Hanger WALL PAPER "All Work Guaranteed. " Fort Sumner, New Mex. Rincrs Little Liver Pills-small. Íileasant and ea3y to take, boici I y SB.inyside IrU2 Co. I , 7or Sale 1?0 acrpB of paientpd ' land, within 5 miks of F rl I ibumner; living water; a choice place for a dairy ranch; cheap for cash. ! c. w. toor. i MEOLES fcr the y$ SO DAYS' THIAU F OH Í1.U0. On sale at the Sunnside Drug Co's. The Santa Fe New Mexican The oldest Daily in the South vest. $1.75 per quarter year. Sitó LAXATIVE GOÜOil SHOP Commercial Hotel Mi:.s. P. M. Jaramillo, Prop's. ROOMS by the DAY, WEEK, or MONTH. ! x , .. First Qass Accomodations. Needles, C.ll., July 23. - Sheriff Cleofes Romero, of San 1 Jagüel toui'ty, N. M., has been ! umvimRg visitor in Neediest . , , . th WO days, during which time he has be come a sad-1 dur and a wiser man ; first because the weather is hot heie, much i ; hotter than in that liitrh class I summer resort in New Mexico 1 where the sheriff resides and .second because the search for one I Edward Rice, wanted in San j Miguel county for forgery, has 'thus far availed the sheriff noth jing, although he has searched j high and low. ! It happened all because the sheriff, soothed by the balmy breezes of the Moj.ive desert ar.d ,, ,, , . . . ... 'tiie irentio rocKincoi a ruuman car, went to sleep and slept not not wisely, but too well. j The New Mexico officer went I out to San Francisco a few days ; ago, where he succeeded in ai ! resting Rice, who 3 wanted in i Las Vegas for forging railroad I nay checks. The forgery was ! committed in March of 1907 and I Rice, after making his escape ! went to San Francisco and enlist-1 o 1 in thp rpimUir armv. He was! f jund at the Presidio by Sheriff Romero, who at OtlCe put hlul Oil .;, trnia for Las Vegas. As a measure of precaution. Rice. was handcuffed and put tc bed in a Pullman berih on the inside of the berth with the sher iff on the outside. The oiheer went to sleep after removing his trousers. And there he made & I iiflUl liUSUUVt. lllsecctu cl piictc- I ing the. trousers upstairs he lefi I flinm liamrino- in thp hert.h cióse W..I. ..0 ... to Rice's hand. Rice did not gc to sleep. He waited until the officer v.fas slumbering peacef ulTj thn he deftly removed the oili cer's kevs, unlocked the hand- j cuffs, possesssed himself of $2i in cash which was in thjsheriif's j trousers pockets . and, ciimbing lover the sleeping- officer. Pie Í left the car at Needles, after ad ding insult to injury, by taking the slier ff s grip. Romero dis covered that his prisoner -was j missing almost as soon as he was 'gone. He left the train here ! and tcok up tiie search. Rice j was still wearing the army uni j forrri, and it was thought at first j that he would b? caught without j trouble but thus far he has suc Iceeded in evading arrest. liimipin i'q nr.p fif the most I widely known peace officers in j I the southwest and has a record I for always landing his man. This j time, however, proved the fatal ! exception. Las Vegas Optic. Fori Saianer Ga'lery Photo Copying, Cut-door Wcrk a Specialty. Jim Womack. s. J. SLANE, DEALER IN Kay ani 'Grain. Leal, Mrs. Rol rt Chilcls has the typhoid fevt r and it is to be hoped she will soon recover. This is another warning t.i our people to look out for an epidemic The Guadalupe Tcüc'ien Ins itute be,-:an last Mon lay and will i laBt four weeks. J. v. Clark of j Albuqurifs is VrinnpM and he will 1 e : issited the two last weeks by I rof. Schrech. of fiantaltosa. T -! ch -rs shou d , see- to it that they after 1 this institute. ' I Dr. J. D. ' Texas who He,'0').l of P a.nview la interested in tiie tub- I bshment of the lio'iness College, paid j Fort Sumner a visit this week He Is I favorably iuipreasr'd with the condit ni here; the Doctcr. isa practici.l m;n of! i i ia'rs and will make a fa.orabie j report to the people of P'ainview. ; What'c the UreT j Clevelitnrl Lefider üjones I beleng i to the "Don't Worry club." ', Psnillh Do you live up to In, prln- j clples? Hionrs 1 try lo. CJre, ft koepp rna i awake nlfhls trying to roiuoijjLi'r nil the rules. t 0r- i LKJix General EJacksmilhirig, Wagon Work and Horseshoeing Machinery Repairs A Specialty. La Lands, : : : : New Mex. . N. I.IXE LINE & MAXWELL Dealers in GENERAL MERCHANDISE RICARDO, :::::: NEW MEXICO. Everything To Eat and Wear "" " A'so HAY and GRAIN "AT THE "RIGHT PRICE'' THE TW E N TY-N I N TH ANNUAL Now Re esources Albuquerque, N. WJ., October 1 1, 12, 13, 14, 15, 1G President Taft Will Be Here! A $20,C00 Exhibit of Amu sements and Resources A Marathon Race, tiie Firsi Ever Puüed Off in the Southwest $S,5C0 in Purees for Harnessan-i Running Race 31, SCO in Frizes for Amateur Baseball' for Champion-ship cf Scuthivest A Real Ak-ehip-One That Flies W. G. Tight. President John (3. McMsnnas, Sec'y l or fuither iikfcrmat'on, Entry ClanLs, elc, Afldress tho SecreU-.ry. lira WHJirii-rf C 1 WMm HAOLEV MALL Administrdtion Üüüdiní its wcrk in Apiculture is espeda'l strong. Tba department occupies a new builciri'g en-J lnr. wtll equipped laboratories, fina stock end an experimcnud f-irm of two hundred acres under irriga tion. Nina professors tnd inciruclorj dvcf.2 llicir er.trc time ta Agriculture, Horticulture, Irrigation, and Sj;!s. 1 he CoJ'7 Cci.r.e in AjrÍ-!lUi'o co ti Itjir yea.-j a;iJ prepare tor expert work n (arm rraiiat' mi t or ip il f,v- rrrr.Li.t Feruce. lha Inc'rif tr'fil Cciir.. fn i'!ri,-uilttjm l n fnnr-vit rn'ir-'i pf v'?i sclnml urncle vHich i returns vtvic i: hi- k! tlfoi f. Vi..;itn!Jr; O iwV n:-r. I' ruit Growi t. i.or.k íceáma, Sloi-lt jti'J,, PiiaDt and Aiiií.i i.ieeuut, PU..I Lis.crci, EcJ l:ii;slc:, fi. Lt wi-11 ;i sum-' hijí ívhool aubj. cis. The co'tcsr a!i rífer cinr!!,"f Í-i Mneiii-'tfiing, P.cticil MicHinios, Hnieriol'l Éc-vio-mic 1 (or ir! j, Bu.'in-fs ap(i Sifi m rnr..y. Ucjm a. d (,:l wl;u do not expect to lake a lull cdlejje Couifhnv-liJ invei':ale (v lufustnal ' njrs's. CoíxI itU pnient in aii ili;p;:rirnrtis. Kiev.. L ;lrl!npí. F-'i ül.riry in th- t.;lory. Faruliy oí thi (j- üsht. Cctr'tJilaüIfi ujrr.Jlcicí. Lxf""'-' Ji.un: üpiortuiiiüei tCk lelí-iüp.JOíi. Writ for Cat.lo,rue Address the f'rcsir'er.t V. E. GAERISC-N AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, N. MEX. Duties of CldMme Cs-vsrs. At the formal banquet of the six. eenih century the man who er.rveil (he mea, was bound with the red tane of precedent. When carving for uls lingui.-hed guests ne had to remember liiift certain parts of tho birds o meat must be set aside. In carving to1' hlrs mid and lady lie was exnected to ex- j ercise Bieat discretion in the size or I the pieces ho sent around, "for .'Hdles t 1 will be soon angry and their thought Í ; I-.OOU eharijred, and some lords are i soon pleased and some not, as they I lie or complexion." He was expected I to have the rules bo!h of the kitchen j und the peprnirn at his knife's ene!. A I pike, lor Instance, mus:t be disned up whole lor a loid, and in slices for commoner folk. The rank of his di ners, too; determined whether a pis was to be served up whole, sllceis, ul.iin or with Ro'd leaf, or whether new bread or bread three days old should be eaun. I Heights to Be Attained. A erochetv old farmer of Mn.wohu i setts had trouble with his ni ii-'libor and as a result, sought his conn ;!' j ex-Coiigressnmn Samuel L. i'owers, 1 says Lippineott's. "I want yeow ter write him a Infer I an' tell him this here foolishness he? got ter stop." he declared firmly. "1 know what I want ter say, but I ain't! got the larnln' ter put it just r'atit." ! "What do you want to say?" i'.tr. : Powers asked. "Wr-rII, begin by tdlin' him t'net I he's the dnrndest. lyln'est, tlilevln'est, . low-dowm st skunk on alr.h and then work up." , i rrrfr ttTiO ana iviSLinu J. L. MAXWELL e2i ? and txposmon Great Display of New Mexico's Natural Resources Every County in New Mexico Will Have an Exhibit of Her Mineral Vea!th Every kind of Ne-.v and Instructive Amusement Will Be Provided Gar Hotels ar.d nctaurants are Amply Able to Ac c smrnstlatc Á! WhiMay Vhil Our Cily rrjrr-ivri i.a...s:-i.: '... II a ti-i.' -.wV 't buj. Uj t-iJtttiwUL hL W MEC!iW!C ARTS "To prenote Liberal and Practical Education" (MOfrfiiLL ACT Of tQOZ) VIi!Ic " not a school for farmers onlv, SiihUi JOHN HAY'S SENSE CF HüMOR Statesman Was Exceptionally Gifted in This Respect, According tu Biographer. Few of our public men have had a more delicate or delicious humor, coupled in an unusual way with a keen nnd euttins wit. We are lortu- narB n tile preservation of so many of his addresses. Speaking of his fre cuent opportunities for talking 'u Ihigland, Mr. Jlay wrote to a friend: "You never saw a people so willing and eager to be bored as these blessed John Hulls. If I were of the Xoronlc type, which takes delight in human anguish, 1 could make a speech every night the year round. Hut 1 refrain being merciful and lazy." Of a candidiate for the presidency, he said: "There seems no limit to his eager credulousness. . . . Ho seems able, to believe anything all he asks Is that It shall be Incredible." The man's party he characterizes as u "l'oi'tuiious concourse of unrelated prejudices." Describing a collection of sacred relics gathered by, Philip II,, he play fully writes: "With the exception, per bays of Cuvler, Philip could see more in a bone than any man who ever lived. In his long life of osseous en thusiasm he collected 7,421 genuine relics whole skeletons, odd shins, teeth, toe-nails and skulls of martyrs sometimes by a miracle, of special grace, getting duplicate skeletons of the samo saint." "CasUlian DRys," (.'liarles C. Moorea, in ?utnara'3 Magazine. I New line of Fro 1 licshy Califorma j Buckskin Gloves at Illaiikenship & Co J. H. Leslie has contracted with ( Aivi.i Allen to grub and Lreak his forty I acres adjoining Professor Phillips on I the southwest. Mr. Leslie says he will 1 put in twenty acres of orchard and ! make his home on his land next spring. i P.ev. V. C. Grant, Bapt'st Mission ary for the Portales ussociatlon and Rev. S. M. Edwards, Colporteur for the association, commenced a revival meeting here last Saturday and have held services here all the week. There has been a gratifying interest shown and several professions of re ligion. Two members of the Locust Grove Church were baptized in Lake Sumner on Wcdni'tdiiy. It is thought tiiat a Baptist church will bo organized here. Our enterprising merchants have m.'.do an agreement that they will close I the stores at seven o'clock p. m. except Saturday evenings. This will Rive the cierl-.s sumo recreation that they have-l cave net been fretting and is especially necessary these short uavs curing tiie warm weather. Parties coming into Fort Runnier to iiuy goods on Sunuuy should not feel Kurt iaC our nierchuuLs if t'iey have to wait until Monday msriiin;?. Tiie law is very strict against keep ing op n business houses (i.i Sunday. F. L. HoIHcay, who has h:'.d charge of tiie r.utoinoli.1. s runiiinj; on the ilei:Ae.:l-Teirrance line, and wiio Iiat hut'.muy Jers exper erice in huihlhiij and riii!n!iii; hmrciieR en the lakea in vVini i'nin, has located in Fort Sumner and takt n a :oitien as master me e'lianie for the Development Company, lie will have cliM-ge of the- erection nd operct'on of the company's bit; irr tva.icn r.urrrin.r ihiiit antl the town water worliS plan:. Jlr. liollith y is also plniinin, to put s wo pleasure boats on La';e Siimuer, and a pa;ipen;;er and ex.trt-t.s packet beat to run clown the crnr.l about four i r.ii'es. This meiiicd or tr nporlalkn, while un'oiK- in tin? arM "n t, is very j ,.'q. iil:r i nd I'lrefitalk' on the c::nals ol J; y;.t and liriia. jv r. !J oil it. ay lias inspected t!e crn- ami cays iM lit:v.!;Ktien for Ufo ru: t.iK.' with n l.or.t U cairy a .'u . ;. . i.iirrtnpers is pract. bie. 1 '-Id hridcf. '.vil! net'd to be raised to ma e herd ror'ti Cor t! e tnJ ajo,'l; to ,:'.i! n.'it whh the iahe to allow louts to ;.ai ;i t',!'o;it''h. The lout may be rer: ep t;ir -e u: W to liie hea. -,.T.le and I ..ov. n four m.Us t ti. cent. roí c..u-1 atk n. A Kj.c-ed of auout s:x to e'plit j ! nu'es pi r hour in )erri:itíSoie, tn I proves a hen lit rather than an inii.ry j tj the cana!, by ht'.rrin-; cf the fi t ; :i" rriakiivj the cannl eccur Lctt.r. Th't- packet will be a p-eat convenience to ! the pardoner in hiiiifrini, Irs tru.'k to market v. it. .out leaving his garutii himself. Mr. llollidny understands ah automo bile as tht rotghly as a Fort Stunner toy understands a burro, and if any ol our capital sis are neriously considering the ciiliicultit s of learniii;:; to drive one t'lOymny now feel assured of a safe counselor on this subject. ManZan is jrood for any kind of Files. It stops inilamaticn, creates a normal circulation, thus reducing the Piles, and heals the parts ail'ectal. iilanZan may be conveniently and easily ! applied, r.8 the tube ill which it is put up h:s a small patent, nozzle attached. Sold by Sunnyside Dru Co. Mart-Mo Lovato, who l.ts been s'ck for some tim is now rapidly improve i.ic;. S. J, Siane is erecting another forty foot coal bin, and has just bought a larf;e amount of alfalfa hay from P'. A, Manzanares and will push tne coal, hay and grain business. P. L. Crooks hus just cf jji iletetl his lar;re store roocrn which is one of the lest in tjwn. Mr. Eroos Centemplates cutting the upstairs floor into bed;oom3 and furnishing thtm for rent; most likely the lower store room will be used as iidininij hall and kitchen, this mak inr it one of best hotel buildings in town. Mrs. S. J. Slane is visiting her daughter at Tuiarosa this week. Mrs. D. L. Smallvvocd left Monday for a visit with her parents at Ciarks vilie, Texas. Notice Perrons taking lots on the Covern meut Townsite are notified that fencing thei,' lots does not comply with Kule 5, besitits tuey are running tliu chance of having to pay damages if stock should be cut on the wire, i C. W. Foor, ! Sec'y Board of Control. Í J Whin you see an X opposite your I name you may know that your snb- seription has c::pircd ar.d thut jou owe ! for the itfcview, I Ul.'li'l NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. IVtiarlinont of the Interior, U. S. Lund Offno at luiwfH. N. M. ,.. , . Noi ice i herein) given thut Melvm 1 . ( ruwfonl. of bchroener, N. M., I, Jr.ny, in".. iroule E.ilry No. liWUi, hmm in. ol,Vh.u. tor s-i; J-4. Svction A. 'lown.Hhip 1 a. 22 E. N M 1' Meridian. Ii.m tilui notive uf iinenl um tumake Final Commutation 1'f.of, to emuDliHh cla.nitothu lan.i nlrtivo oescribeii. before 1 rank N. eaiío, U. b. Court Culm'., at S.-hroeutr. N. M., on the nth tlr.y of Septemlier, lliey. ( t:laimanl names as v. ui.esse; Anurew C. Rolieiu-. Ceorke A. VVedley llonaid, Jan.e W. i.i i ii-le. ml ot S .himJer, N. M. '1. 1.'. 'tli.t-oTiauti, He,;iiHer. July 31 -Sep 4 1 14 01 IVOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, Department of the liuerinr. U. tí. Lane (irtice at UoeiL M. iota. r.ote is htrebv ioe-n tut Andrew C. Roberta, oí bnieeder, M. (!:,:. , wi.o, on i.ti. lhOS. inaue lit.h.e .UaU hnliy no. l-:'k.. Serial rio.014i.i.l. iiu-s-K :-i, becLiun 1.'. 1 houtn. itaniie I, n.ost. N Bi p .litiidi tn. has ule.l nuiice of in.ei, tion UHiraiie filial C;!n:nU' atl.'u I i''f. tu etut.U lii.h (hiini to tie leini al ove e'eitr.i.eü. tefoie i rank N. 1'uK''. U. S. Court lulur., at fc:hreecer, N. jYl.. on the lllh ony ol íii.i teniticr, 1'Ji lJ. as vviHiesMü.; Vi' U.ty Howard, Ni-lvin'l1. Crüwtirii. Jumos 1.. Nuvu:r.. Jame W. .ríanle, Allol'.Sihr "ler. 1M. I... T. C'.ílON, l;e:,i;er. July ;U-fien 4 S(;r.lil M'itMl I.O.IOL FOR PUBLICATION. U-'luitnie-iitiiriiit'li.tiiiur, i;. H. I ami On'.te u KiB. t I H. 11.. Ju.y ! , KIM. Noti e i-lici-ili. ii'Vtii llui! 1-i.t I; ti. .siriilli, of liui hiiean. N. M., who, im Jely i.. Ill rY, mace Hu.nei.ienU hntiy N.;. 11:1-1. .--Krial Nu. eU.54. for N-i'. 1-4, t.yel i i H. 'I iwnshiii IN, llanie 21 K, N fit P tl an, htt.i n, tii e of ii:t(Mitiin to make I- iliill t o.i.iiiu tut un. luiit, :o tmueisil eltiiui in the limil aliuve (it m rilie.l. iu'loi-t' 1 rii.ik N. I a"i', U. t oiil t I er..u.iiliieiiel-, at ll:i nlli O ill ;',rhlof e'er. M. 1,1. , un I lie ,M eay oí' -V iteuill. r, lllelt' I 't.iiinmt altóles i p M itit';:';it'n: 'loi.iai t ti.'.ve:i, TI orín n K V. Ooeriil'H. l'i whatim I;, ! iii.:e und Vi il .ra 1J. i;-.kbi-; .'i ,1 of Bm h.nian. J. M. '1. C. '1 il-LOTm N. Keiiistiir. July CI -foil i 7'he surest and eaisest way to cure a cou.'h or cold is by irently and freely movinti the bowt lw. i'ees Laxative C'oueh Syrup is piesant, stois the conj;:nK and quickly relieves the co'd liy allayiiijt con gestion and by plcai.ant'y ami promptly movin-r tiie loi'.'cis. iol.t by Sunnyside Drus Co. Mr. C. E. Aflterraan, in char-e of construet'on wor1: for tiie Roosevelt County Telephone Company, arrived Monday and immediately bee-an work on the new I uiidinir thut is to bouto the telephone ixch.".n;e. It will be a frame buildinjr, 24 x V,2 feet of nent dosipi and tiie work is well underway. Tee location, at the corner of 6 til St. and Sumner Ave., is excellent from ti e Telephone Company's point of view, for they can run their line st.'aij.'.ht un the rdley to ti.e (Vr-et rnd also have recess to an alley running toward ti e lake. I'ti'1 svv:teh bcani lo be hvita'ltd w!ll hfivc; a CEpai-ity ol.' 1ÜK) t(h:p':one and the vallo -y will be furnished service as we'd i-s the city for this lattr (.hrpcte a line v.'ill be v.m directly into tae alley i rein tl'.e man hue two mi es cst oí town. Tt will tal- e pliout tiii'i o weeks to crnpii te tlie bnilri'n.-f bikI i:r;ctl",r thut? v. f el s v, id Lo sufficient to insiall the service. This is but another cvU'.cnce ce' Fti. t i'itnr.ner'j;- tr ty t.nd r.iiutiiti' of eh- faith sl:ov. n by outside c.ipitafsts. Dr. C. K. Lukens, prssltiei t of tilt? tviii.p.ny, is in a pos. ten to coietjare Furt S.iir.ner with utncrytiun;; c jninui'iit.i s ni ti e Territoiy antl l. ii aVitl'n. ftutli in our iuture serves ta col film for the hundredth time vlii. v.e i.11 kr:c.w--ihi.t Fort Sumner is the best town in E:.sterp. New liexijo, in its i.' A. B. Harris hnished lotiiin;r It's 'ast, car of wool on Friday. This practi cally cleans up the recent wool clip In tl:e Fort Sunnier distr.ct, but there is still a small amount beinr; held here. SLEEP FOn THE SLEEPLESS. How a French Specialist Goes to Work to Woo Slumber for His Wide Awake Patients. A French specialist has come to the rescue of persons afflicted with insom mia. His method is somewhat vaguely described as "lulling the wideawakes to unconsciousness much as babies are put to slumber." "It is a perfect of peace that he has opened In lovely Touralne," says the Lady's Pictorial. "Here is never a disturbing sound. The silence is broken only by the absolutely mo notonous and soothing tick, tack, tick of solid grandfather clocks, and tho scarcely perceptible, drip of unseen fountains. "Everything is seen through a ceru lean haze, everybody moves In list slippers, the air is fresh but lull of faint perfumo., llefore the eyes of very refactory patients slowly revolve colored balls, not the smallest rose leaf being allowed to crumple In any bed, each being so designed that there is no possibility of the body growing weary. Here, in fact, the "wooing of sleep has been made a positive sci ence, and it Is said no one can keep awake here, however hard he may try." Accounting for It. Outgoing heads of the government departments sometimes mnko a few "personal" p.uniotious upon the evo of their departure, and a clerk In the department of agriculture, believing that Secretar Wilson would go tha way of the rest of tho Roosevelt cab inet, ventured to approach him with a little plea for special recognition. "I have been In the department since the time you were Hist made secretary, sir" the clerk began. "1 know it I know lt," the secre. tary said, waving him away. "Every one knows ) am a very patient and considerate man." Harper's Weekly.