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Doctoring a Sick Lion, (continued from page 3) He was then taken toa steam heated room, where an attendant kept him wrapped in hot blank ets, which were changed every half hour. His throat and tongue were so badly swollen that he could neither eat nor drink. His medicine, as well as his nourish ment was given by the aid of a syringe. For over a week he was "watched carefully by his keepers, night and day, and during all his severe illness he was as docile as a kitten, seeming to realize that those around him were trying to relieve his suffer ings. After much care and worry on the part of his owners, he soon began to recover and to day is one of the big features in the menagerie of Campbell Brothers Consolidated Show. Don't fail to ask the keeper , to show you the Lion that had Diphtheria. Watch for the big street parade at 10 a. m. More than 150 cars of canta loups were shipped from the Mesilla valley this year. Albu querque has commenced shipping two to three carloads a week. Thus another industry is being added to the many of New Mexi co but by no means exhausting the possibilities of the future, While for many years already, the returns from agriculture in New Mexico have exceeded the returns from mining, stock rais ing and manufacturing taken to gether, the agricultural resources if the Territory have'been mere ly scratched, to use an old phrase and will in a few years bring returns manifold the $30,000,000 or $40,000,000 a year they foot up at present. Santa Fe. New Mexican. Go early if you want to get a good seat at Campbell Brothers Big Consolidated Show. The performances begin promptly at 2 and 8 o'clock p. m. The gentlemen in charge of Melon Day as selected thus far by Chairman, L.C. Van Ilecke, are as follows: In general Chairman W. R. Lovelace, M. D, H. W. Naylor. - ' Melrose, C. E. Ackerman, Portales, B. Trammal, Geo. C. Deen, Clovis II. W. Naylor, J. O. Welborn, Farm Products Display, J. 0. Welborn, Concessions, H. W. Naylor, Advertising, L. C. VanHecke, Further addition to the com mittee will be made as required. There is a deal of work be done and the make-up of the above committee leaves us assured that it will be done and done right. C. H. Duncan, of Cordell, Okala, is here looking out a loca tion for himself and friends, he says the crop conditions are as good here in New Mexico as they are in Okalahoma and western Texas, he said prior to starting here he made a trip of over two hundred miles in Okalahoma and found crops as spotted as here. A large portion of ; Okalahoma )ot making one third of a crop. His advice to the people here is to stay with the situation as it is, rather than start to hunt work in Okalahoma and Texas. Dr. John R. Gass, Synodical Missionary of the Presbyterian church arrived Friday from the tiisU L. M, Disney, of the Fort Sunier Land and Development Co., arrived Friday from Chicago J. P, Stone, of Portales, Presi dent of tl:e First National Bank of Fort Sumner, arrived Friday and will remain here for several days. R. DeGraftenried was in from his sheep ranch the middle of the I week to feast his eyes on his line alfalfa farms in the valley. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. McKinney came in Friday from Chicago. B. Blankenship arrived Portales Friday afternoon. from SPARKS. Mr. Taft's message to the country about the new tariff bill somehow reminds one of that cheerfull party who meets you the morning after and in response to your anxious inquiring look, says "Oh! brace up. You don't look so bad." When one of our popular young báchelors is discovered going around in the morning wearing a dreamy, far away look and in blissful ignorance of the fact that he's carrying weight forage in the shape of a .45 caliber safety-pin stuck in the south east corner of his coat, the natu ral inference is that he has visited married friends the even ing before or else attended a 'watermelon soriee. Base ball is said to be growing in popularity throughout Europe. Some of those kings over there will never know what real sor row is until they get a base ball team that goes out and snatches the booby prize every year. Speaking of the Ft Sumner Cor net Band, if one-third of this old "con" and "salve" that is turned loose on our streets daily was music, what would be the use of buying instruments? The town would be full of brass bands. Many statesmen must envy "Uncle Joe" Cannon the privil ege of appearing before his con stituents as a plain son of the people who didn't want a $0,000 automobile. She don't "sabe engles" and he don't know enough Spanish to eat a tamale, but they both dance alike and have a fine time. Love will find a way! If Roosevelt is ever elected President again, we shudder to think of the outlay of big African chiefs that will come a-visiLiiiK in Washington. "Oh! oo pitty. itty, cute sing," cooed a local young lady as she petted and hugged a little burro. Now we've wondered for a long time what that girl ever saw in the young man she goes with, and now we know. All ja borros look alike, even if some do have longer ears. Just because you buy a safety razor, that's no insurance it can't cut you. Young man going around town now whose uppar lip looks like it had been stepped on all of it caused from over confidence in a "safety" on his first attempt. Quite fitting that Postmaster General Hitchcock, as theyourg est of the administration larril j, should stay in Washington and answer the door bell. Mark T'vain has been compell ed to reduce his daily smokes from forty to four. Now, there is a reduction that reduces the consumer. It will not be long before flying machines and dirigble balloons give "sky pilot" a new and more literal meaning. President Taft is going to swing around the circle. Natu rally it is to hi a large circle. Chief -Deputy Sheriff Pelagio Casaus came in Thursday with i John G rhardt in charge f;r the theft of a horse from Alejandro Segura. The horse was stolen last winter and the authorities have bet n looking for Gerhardt ever since. He has many friends ! here and on account of his excel i lent reputation much doubt is I expressed as to his guilt. i Later: The case against John Cerhardt was disn iised Friday in Justice Perkins' court. A Near-Fulfilment. "What on earih rtoen Illnkn keep a pet goose for?" "He says he doen be cause Its 'honk' Is as near as he can gut to owning an automobile." . J. N. LINE LINE & MAXWELL Dealers in GENERAL MERCHANDISE RICARDO, ': : ; : : : NEW MEXICO. 1 Everything To Eat and Wear Also HAY and GRAIN "AT THE RIGHT PRICE" Oh You Fans! $1500 in prizes for Amateur Base Ball. $750 for First, $500 for Second and $250 for Third Prize at the THE TWENTY-NINTH ANNUAL ew Mexico Fair and Resources Albuquerque, N. M., October 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 President William H. Taft will surely be there. The Great Strobel Airship in daily flights. High Class Harness and Running Races. W. G. Tight. President For further information, Address the G an Plans and Specifications Furnished Free Paid Up Turn-Key ? Jobs A SPECIALTY PECOS VALLEY HOTEL FORT SUMNER, N. M" FIRST CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS Rates $2,00 Per Day Mrs. R. BEAUBIEN, Proprietress. WHAT'S THE USE OF KICKING? Writer in Eatttrn Journal Condemns the Practice, and Asks Above Question. If kicking would help some It would be worth while, but it does not. On the contrary, It hinders. Then why do rational, sensible men and women Indulge In It? There is a question that is worthy of more than a passing thought, for it relates to human comfort, prosper ity, and success: Why do you kick when things do not go to please you? Is It not becáuse you were taught to do so? Didn't your parents, your big brothers and sisters, and maybe the men and women you admired, grumble and complain, or kick, when things did not go to suit them, even when Its fault was their own? And are not your children learning in the same way from you? - Maybe you had no thought of this before? Now that your attention has been called to it, and you have thought about it, if you do not act accordingly you will not be doing right, and to fail to do that which you know to be right is to sin. Kicking is, therefore, a sign of 111 breedlng, and one that young folks Bhotild take into account when choos ing life partners, for a kicker in matri monial harness Iosfb the race, besides creating much ccofusion. Newark (N. J.) News. When a Man Gets Older. Youth Is the springtime of hope; but when a man gets a little older he stops hoping and heRlns to roach out for anything he can got his hands on. Chicago News. J. L. MAXWELL Exposition New and Instructive Amusements of all kinds. Fruit, Stock and Mineral Exhibits. Special Excursions on all railroads. - John B. McMannus, Sec'y Entry Blanks, etc., Secretary. APATHY WAS NOT OF CHOICE. Series of Misfortunes Precluded In vestment in Bibles Just at That Particular Time. The auctioneer with a wagon load of boks had stopped ou a corner in the village and quickly collected a crowd argund him, but he held up book after book i.nd failed to get a bid. He finally Selected a family Bi ble, and fastening his gaze on an old man who was vigorously chewing to bacco, he asked: "My friend, t;e you a Christian man?" "I ar'," was the reply. "Do you believe in this book?" '-'I dew." "Have you got one like It at home?" "No, I ain't." "Then why don't you give me a bid on this? What's the matter with this crowd that 1 can't sell a Bible for a tenth of Its worth? Pon't your re ligion in this town lncludu the Bible?" "She does, stranger, she does," re plied .'ie old man, "but lemme eplain lhli.1,!. a little. On Monday we liad a boss race. On Tuesday there 'as a dogfight. On Wednesday a feller cams alcng with a guessing hog, and yes- I terday there was a scrap between lightweights for the gate receipts. We dote on the Bible here, but we are ' also a sporty town, and It porus pias ! lers W.-.S selling for two cents apiece there hain't one of us could raise the dough to Invest You'll Jest have to wait till we recuperate and get a new hoii.." A Way They Have. Moit men treat their weakneosei far more Imiderlv limn they do theJr wives or children When you see an X opposite your name vou may know that your ub- j scription has expired and that you owe for the Review. Blankenship and Co. have a full, new line of Trunks and Suit Cases. RICARDO HOTEL Mrs. HINSON & Miss BEVEN, Prop's. BEST ACCOMMODATIONS IN TOWN RICARDO, N. M. Fort Sumner Broom Factory, OWENS &. SONS WHOLESALE & RETAIL Solicit the General Trade and Satisfaction Guaranteed Fort Sumner. - - NewMex. f3!fm The Cough Syrup that rids the system of a cold by acting as a cathartic on the bowels is Bees is the original laxative cough syrup, contains no opiates, gently moves the boweia, carrying the cold off through the natural channels, Guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. For sale by the Sunyside Drug Co. itcthastíñgs: Carpenter and Builder. South Side Of The Flaza, Sunnyside, N. M. rMKEULES for the Kidneys 30 DAYS' TRIAL FOR I.OO. On sale at the Surmside Drug Co's. RlassSan Pile Remedy RELIEVES WHEtt CTr'EZ-J FAIL For sale by the Sunnyside Drug Co New Hardware oi all kinds at Blankenship & Co. . L R. SCKGCH. Contractor aici Builder. "Cement Work A Sphlíy'1 Call on me for bids un al kinds of Building:?. Fort Sumner, N. M. S. J. SLANE, DEALER IN Coal, Kay and Grain Fort Sumner Gallery Photo Copying, Out-door Work a Specialty Jim Womack. 2,030 new Post Card views of Fort Sumner at Blankenship & Co s In any emergency where salve is required, use Pinesalve Carboli zed there is nothing better for cuts, burns and bruises. Sold by Sunnyside Drug Co. A. J. GILLIAM. Agent for Texico Steam Laundry, ' W. and W. Tailttrinj! Co, ALSO, COT BARBER SHOP. Rings Little Liver Fills easy to take, gentle in action, pleasant ÍTect. Sold by Sunnyside Drug Co. "It Gives All The News." Subscribe to your home papor first an'l then take the LI Paso Herald. The Herald is the best medium to keep in touch with general news as well as news of the v hole southwest. CONTEST NOTICE. Tepartment of the Interior. U. 8. Lnnd Office. R..SW.II. N. V.. flu-. 1009. A Ru"lr enl c n'Xf i affidavit having ben filen in this office by Karl K. inhley,, ccniectant. against ' Lcconte Walker, H. K no. , made fept. j , 1908. tor 11 -0 acrat! N-E 1-4 Sw non 83, 7 Tm nnhip N. Kange 3d, Dy Lci nra vvalKer, con. tentent e in which it is allured that Leconie Wal- ktr, has failed to establish his reaiue ice upon sa d lui d. and insi said tract is not settled upon. cult ' vated and improved by said party ss required -fcy : 'a said parties are her, by not flsd to appat, I lesoond and otter evidence touching said aliega- i tion at 1 a cluck a. m. on October Z'. IÍK9. be) ore I W. M. Weddmtti n. U. S. Con Ricardo, N. M. i (..nil that fins mil 1 held a 9 u cr V a in. on Ne'-cmtero. 'tK. be'nvei Reg a rand ; Receiver at the U. S. Land Onice In K swell, . . M. The sa'd contestant nnviníí. in a nrooer affidavit. I fllod Aug 30. 1909. set forth faets which show that I after uue diiigen' e p'riw nal service ot thin notice : cannot he ma'le. it Is nreuy Tleren son directed that such n teti be giten ty duo and piopcr pub lication. , T. C, Tillotson, Kwifter. i Sep 11-Oct 16 LMATÍVE COUGH SYRUP HEW MEXICO CENTRAL RAICiOAD. TIMETABLE. From Santa Fe to Torrance. Leaves Santa Fe at 1:45 P. M. going South. Leaves Willard 6:13 p. M. going south. Arrives at Torrance 8:(X P. M. Going North. Leaves Torrance at 11:06 A. M. Williard at 12:40 P. M. Arrives at Santa Fe 6:2B P. M. Makes close connections with theBelen Cut-oll at Williard; with the South western at Torrance and with the A. T. S. F. at Kennedy. H. W.Coomer, Acting Manager. PROFESSIONAL- DR. W. R. LOVELACE. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. SURGERY A SPECIALTY. Office at the store of the Sunnyside Drug Company. Sunnyside. New Mexico. C. C DAVIDSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Practices in all the Courts. Special attention to land cases before the U. S. Land Office. Tucumcari, New Mcx. WHARTON & LAWSON. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Alamogordo, N- M. M. R. BAKER. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Contest Cases Before U. S. Com missioner a Specialty. NOTARY PUBLIC IN OFFICE. Sunnyside. . New Mexico. A. P. ANAYA ATTORNEY AT LAW 7 Practices Law before the Probate, County Commissioners, and Justice of the Peace Courts. Serial no. 05909 Not Coal Land) NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. rieparn.entof the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Santa l'e, N. M. Ausr. 1H. J909. Notice is hereby inven that Charley Watney. of Rioardo. N. M who' on March 7, liXW, matt Homeut-sad Entry No. 134SO, for S-E 1-4, Section 8, Township 2 N, Range '4 K, N M P Meridian, hi'rt liled notkeof íntenliuí to make fhutl Commuti--lion Proof, toesiablwh claim to the land alnivt lieRirribed, before W. M. Weddinston. b, S.Omtr., at Kicardo, N. M- cn tlie Ifilli day of Ovi. Claimant names ua witnesses: Thomas J. Johpr, Chr!e K. limner. Hem y Hansen, M. (.Jornia!.; aíloJ Kicardo, N. M. Manuel R.Oteko. Raj ist r, first atig 14 last aep 18 Serial No. E'J&i. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the interior. Unit, d State, f 1 Ofl.ce, ttoswell. N. M., July 31. A suific'.ent content afiuavit ImviriK been i!ed in t'lisoffu-a by Thoras K. íjD, t .ii..-..Uri , liiain-at lonicstead fcntry No. M94, mi.d Mart i .oth ;üW, for 456 Acres) i,-, rth-i t'.' ectíon 'i., T'iMnsh.p 1 N, ítan :i B, by Wni:nt A. Horner, conté!., hi w' ich it it itiltM Hint 'V .nil l'C't; 3, Hoiitwi'. ha a ía.íed Lo etiuiulihh In .-iflic'riHT in ?aic! land, and that said tra . in twit I" tied upor.cultvaled and impruvf '! Iy l aitt party a required by law 'nU pir a ft id Jei i iy ..i lit' o :ip;teflr. respond, aim oiíct vílí.hicu niching aakl alteration at '0 o'clock a. n,. ui( -ít-pt. Jií.ü, i-tiuíí. '.V. Iti. V.fcu.ifcLi., (J. H, ri7tr at Tiieurdo, N. M., (and that final tarln' will be held at ldo'ylock n. m. on Oct. 1, .'.M. h :ur) the I. twister t.ud Kteiver at the Ui'Ued ".ates Land Office in Rouwell. N. M IVe anirt contestant having, in a proper afiidavit Wed July 31, Hm, set forth facts which bw that vfter due dilijeence personal service of Mus notii-e t an not be made, it itt hereby ordered and diiecttnl i.hat such notice be tfiven by due and proper pub lication. T. C. TiLLuTSUN, lietiihier. Harold Huhu, Revive., first Auk 21 last oep 23 Serial (18224 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Oitice at Roawell. N. M., Auk 9, 19vl). Notice is hereby given that Cecil G. Smith, of Banks. N. M.. who, on Sept. 20, 1907. mar Hojiie atead Entry 2 M l, Serial mo. 0tí4, for a-w 1-4 a-e l4, a-e 1-4 s-w 14 Sec. 14, n-e 1-4 n-w 1-4 and n-w 14 n-e 1-4, Seo, 23, Township 4 north. Range :! k, n M p Meridian, has filed notice of intention to v.ake F.nal Commulvtim Pr&.f, to eataoliah Wuim to the lj-nd above describv-d. bei'.tre D. J. Towidey, fT. S. Comr., at his office in La Lande, N. M., on .he 12th day of October. 190. Claimant ñamen as witnesses: T- W. Norman, if La Lanrte, ri. M., F. P. Hawkins, J. C. tmith and T. J. Baker, of Banks. N. M. T. C. Tillotson. Register. lBtatig2S-Iastoct2 CONTEST NOTICE. Department of tb Interior, IT. 8. Lrnd O'lice. PoHwull, New ino.iicy, auk 11, 19fif. . A suflicie .it contest affidavit havinur been fiied in this office by Ivy Walker, conuaiuiit, aa:iifiC 'Tomescead Fntry no. 1818, made April 1, JtKiT, for a-e 1-4 ae u n W, Townnhip 2 N . Ranfftf 2ti i n ra P Meridian, by Henry ii. Collins, f'onteibw-, in which it ie alleged that Henry G. Collii.s ha a -t complied w'th the law in holding said laird mi'l has changed his residence therefrr.m tor rnoie than six m mths lust past and next prior to fllinc said affidavit said parties are hereby notitW tt appear, respond, and offer evidence touching kaki allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on Oct, 9, 19, be fore W. H. Pai ker, U. S. Comr. at his in Sunnyside, N. M. (and that final hearing will be held a 10 o'clock a. m. on Oct. '9, 19)9. before) cho Rpirutfr and Receiver at the Un.ted States Land Office in R' iwell. N. M. The siiid contestant bav;ng, in a proper affidavit (Hod August 11. 1909. set forth facts which show that after due diligence perfon il Bcn ie of ilii notice can not bo made, it is hereby ordered and clirerti'd that, such notice be given by due ttd proper publication. T. C. TülotBon, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Off. e at S-nt.a Fe, N. M., Aug. 23rd. 191,9. Notice is h- reby given that Lawrence E. Coleman, ot Rkwrdo. N. M., who, on Feb. 28, 1908, m'ie Home&tr-ad Fntry, No. 133t2. Serial OS909, for i 2 n-e 1-4. ft-w 1-4 n- J-2, n-w l-wl-4 s- 1-4. Seeti. a 27, Township 2 n. Rqnge 24 e. Pr'ncipal Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final Cummti tation proof, to establish claim to the land at ove desTiberl, b'fore W. M, Weddington U S Comr. at Ricardo N. M. .on the 1 st day of Nov 19il0 Claimant names as witnesses: M, L. Todd Sam Squyers. J. N. Line L. M. Keady. All of Ricardo N.M. Manuel R Otero, Regiater. Sí riPl 0F1H9 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of ths Interior. United States Land Office Roswell, N. M., Aug. 16, ltd. Not-oe is hereby given that Houston E. Lirjf of La Lande N. M.. who, on June- 1, 194. t ia4e Horn est .ad Lntry Set. No. 05169. for n-w 1-4, sec. 3. and on March 28, 1908, mad H. B. Zi37, Ser. no. OMfiS, for Lots 1 and 2 and 1-2 n-e 1-4. Section 4, Township 4 M. Runge 7 c, N M P M.'rid irn, hns filed notice of Intention to mk final Commutation Proof, to enrabl'ih proof to the 'and above described, before D. J. Tov. n'.ey, TJ. S. í" on misnloner, at hia offlce in La Land, N. M.. or tha 23th day of October. 19 9. Claimant ttiiir i witnesses: J. L. Ixipg, T. J Baker, J. R. McGehee. E. L. Catea; ail cZ Im Lande, N. M. T. C. TiHotspn, Register. aep 4 oct 9