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,) X ALMA SMJST1N STY COUJM fATCK SYNOPSIS. CI'.AF'TEJl I. The story opens with a aOw.H- at a box pariv. Ml Henrietta AViiilanii siíitcr tti Bishop Wlilaianley Banker Aiirfmiy pmposM to ficrbara Htuiliitfiuy. whiwe brother lan .ma in Ills employ. Dau was uiw of the iuwn'e popular yomif nu-n. lan showed imne n-viuanfss when Attorney lotn VwiiUnK told Muí libar retimed An-Kuuy. I aon t "Diieve we can mm mal way." "I'm afuitl not.' "I'm not worth all thi3 trouble." be groaned. "Shut tip and come alón? to bed." "I tell you 1 can't sleep." "You must. Come along." He followed me patiently. "llave your man wake me at seven," iC'if APTKR II Aakony te following he said; "1 must get home early. jla.v. in the nreHetiL'4 of Twluiuit. ac cused Dan of looiiin tlx banH. Twin ÍW rwfu sd to prosecute. l;.irb;ira per suaded Ankony to postpone lanlna proa. (THAPTRR III. Twlnlnc learned of the HKagement ot Ankony and Ralbara. lie ooaratulated both. CHAPTER IV. He vtslled Mian Heni- nitr:iy and feuntl her almost In tears. Ha old Her he had loved her, but feared !remuturel' announcing- li afifirtlon. liy iii'tlona alone h told tnin aha atud. CHAPTEH V. Mrs. Anson Minea, Sreullhy widow, proposed a marriaae by firoxy '.vlth Bishop Vv lnatunliey. 'Hit lat er consulted wiih Twining. The bishop had tjeii pay. 112 attentions to Mia. Utreeter. When I had seen him in bed, 1 went out Into the dimly lighted sitting room and sat down to try once more to find some way out of the pressing diflcultiea. ."I've imaginen.." "Then you know th?t I'm a rid an well as thief. I let myself be saved liy accepting Barbara's bondage. You fttiow as well as 1 oo how she hatee fclm. It was you who told me bow she scorned hi til the night before at the Pier. She didn't change. You know that. She simply took him to save tne, and I let her. Good Lord, Tom. I jet her!" "I kr.ow bow hard It would have peen to resist her p'eadlng." I said. "I was so sick I didn't know what I ltd. She's more to me than anybody pn earth, and yet I let her sell herself far me; but, thank heaven, the sacri fice Isn't consummated yet, and I've font to myself In time to stop it." "I knew you would! I was sure of It," I exclaimed. "Were you?" he asked wonderlngly. -"Did you have that much faith tu pie? It was more than I had In my sell. I thought 1 meant to let It go pn. I went away thinking I did." "You didn't know what you thought. Vui were stunned." "That's no excuse!" he cried, and 1 could see how ha had been la.hiug himself. "Oh, yes, It fs! Shs can be very persuasive, and . she meant you to field to her." "Yes, she-meant It all right. But its all oT now. 17 cO""p b".ck to g.vo myself up If Ankony wants to he may put bel.iaJ the bars. I'r not anxious to have that havpen, ail I've gof a lot. to make good, you know If he g'ves me the chance, Twining, '. ftvear I'll do It; but If be doB't well I'd rather be In prlocn than nee her tnsrrietl 'o hlia." I podtled. "J're been thinking," he bgan be ItaUngly, "that maybe you fellows ito hive been so good to me would Put enough faith In me rag of a man fhat I am to lend me the thre thou sand lo pay Ankony back. Would pu?" . "We must find another way, Dan," i said, dreading to tell him that I had ft-ready triad ttat wr-r; "bu the fact ot the tatter Is that Ankony refused to accept my offer to make good. I asKsd him to give me that prlviitgo In the beginning. But there must be an jocher way, and we'll find It " "When dtd you see him?" he asked. "Before there was anything said to foa. Ok, don't make a lues about It! it was Uttle enough to do, goodness knows! Any one of halt a hundred fellows and twice that kiany women would hare done It if they'd known But Ankony wa stubborn." "He wanted to make an example of me. It waa all bscause Bárbara had itirned him down." The Heniingraj forehead was flushed to a painful red the Hemingray iipa were sensitively ftgulver, but the Hemingray eyes were fcshing. "He wanted to punlah her along wltS me. He told her the nig hi before when he refused him that the Hemingray pride was a bauble that Seeded crushing. Think ot it! I blight to have strangled him Instead of prrwitrlng that my sister shotld marry him." H Damped up m down my little itting room la a fury of impotent re ientraent. "Then you don't think he'll take the money and let me go?' be a&kea after a Uttle. " 'I'm afraid not, unless he yields to Jier persuasions." He shook his head hopelessly. "He wouldn't listen to them before. Ho set his price and made her pay It,'' and he -shivered sncontiollably and threw himself down on the couch. "We can't do anything to-night," J iald. "You must go to bed. You're undone and won't e fit lof anything lo-morrow unlets you get taaxe rest, f U see IX t hare a bed ready." "Don't bother. I can't sleep. I hated to set you out at this time of night. put i Doped we might settle upon something before morning." v "I wish to the Lord we could!" I , fervently ejaculated. Dun was awake and leaving the next morning when I awoke and, hfar Ilh bi.ii, looked out on the apartment. "Stay for, can't you?" I. called. "No. thank you; I've got to get home, but I'll coiue back alter I've seen Barbara, and tell you what's to , t"H,-" II ' "Go to her and find out." I ! I took a turn or two up and down the room. "I'll go," I said. "Maybe you'll be able to make her out better than I. I don't deny It seems to me she loves him. I3ut pin her down. Don t let her wriggle away, whatever you do. You know she'll try to. And see here. Twining, I don't want her to know that you know about about the money. She thinks nobody knows but Ankony, and lt'd kill her to find out that he'd told It. even to you or rather, to you of all others. Remember you must keep that from her If you can." ' "Trust me," I said, ns I took up my hat. "Oh, you're not golnst now, are yon? I've jtmt come from her, yon know, and she'll be suspicious. Why not give her time to forget a little It Isn't ea'sy. to wait, hut I believe It's better. J'rs. Ankony gives her dinner to-night. Ynu'd have a chance to talk with her thore. wouldn't sou?" "You're right," I said; "I'll wait." "She Says She'll Marry Him Whether I Give Myself Up or rot." be done; but," with a queer settling of bis face, "I guess there'B only one thing to do." "Don't do It till you've seen me," I said hastily; "I haven't given up hop vet. Come "to me before you to Ankony. I'll turn heaven and earth to find so:seMnz." "Don't bother. It's no use. Honest ly, I believe that. But she shan't mar ry him." He went, leaving tne to reflect anew on how much easier It Is to tangle thing) that to untangle them. I had scarcely reached the office be fore he came. He looked bíNvUdercí and uncertain, and. sitting down on the other side of the table in my ptlv ite room, stretched out bin arrat across It and leaned over to mo. "Shf jays she loves hirn," ha said. "Of course she ' says that!" I ex olalmed "Then you don't believe It?" "Do you?" "I don't know what to believe. 1 lldn't think It possible before, jm' I can't ct-nce've It no; but i.h wears she does, and she looks iK letup!!" 'i-niro 39 tf 34 rnp&hS t Tit yon think she's pretending so as to maae It easier for me?" "Don't ask me, Hemingray." "It's lust wlat you might expect her to do, Isn't It? I accused her of it but she only laughed at me and said 1 was silly to imagine such a thing. Ihe says she refused him the night oefore because she was piqued ai something he did and wanted to make him su3er. but that she has cared foi him all the time. You can make what you like out of It." I drummed on the table. I had nothing to say. Things were dim ana vsgué and hateful to me in that acute moment. I did not know what I be lievedwhat I wanted to believe. 1 was remembering all that had passed between her and me pertaining to her engagement, trying to make some thing definite and convincing out of it, but I decided that much of what I had deemed oesvinciug had been based merely oh my own conclusions and not upon anything she bad actually said or conveyed. "She says she'll marry him whether 1 give myself up or not," he went on; "that It won't make a rartlcle of dif ference except that It will stir up an onneccssary fuss. Ankony. won't do anything, of course, when she's going to marry him, and she says she la go ing to." "Then I don't see arythlng for It but for you to leave things as they are." I admitted. He was sot satisfied, however, to do that on his own judgment. "If T could only be sure she Isn't playing a part," be mused. "Then you're not sure?" "One minute I think I am and the Mrs. Ankony was in high-and be coming feather tbut evening. She managed to veil her complacency un til It missed being objectionable. This, however, was one of the few occas ions which hart come her way upon which she could distinctly congratu late herself: a dinner in compliment to "my dear Barbara;" a rerfectly ap pointed dinner, too, and one 1 think most of her sruests enjoyed. For my self, I thought It would never end. Most of Barbara's friends were there, and but few of Ankony's. The Forlorn Hope was there to a nnn seeking to present, an unbitrered front. 1 hart a kindred feeürg lor them. Dan was not there. He slnioly would not go. Bishop Winstan'ey sat on the left of the hostess, beside .Miss Srrecter. He was ?!iElitful'y fluent, and she sympathetically attendant The soft light of the candles fell on her hair, on her pure contour, on her Ivo.-y skin and her rale shimmer.'ntr gown. She ate. as the rest of us. hut lo me It was exnetly an If a C'oTesirlo or a Bottle"!!! had leaned from her frame to n'ble 9 sweet water or trifle with a salad. Oucnslonnlly she s-oke. but I did not hear what she said. . I seem n-ve". sonerow. to hear her say anyti.ii g. but when one look as she does what one savs Is Immaterial Barban v.ns setrtirant. with al" her old charm Illuminated, It were by soruethtptr new and vivifying with in. I watched her with a slnkfns heart: surely she cared for Ankony o she could not look like this. I to!r myself fo half a hunr'rert Mt-ie-through tllnper, anil after, finding he " ith only three, men rttpcirg nttn rtance uron hr, I nroT.nt'v nut th -i-all tb rout tbsr I might carry her of anrt hevo it over. "Come out and see the rosos," J .iald. "Mr. A'-kon'' pi;o"'"l pn th"m he ore dinner 'i'iiey are beautiful."' 'Tut ' e d'iln't show you the moon," I sviiled. tivln to keen to the o!rt way of chaffing sn i laughter ani sr not frighten her tillo eel"s rttarrW "There is a very benifr; lai'v smil'n i"t of it o-nieht, instead of our fa' friend with the round face and tt vide grin. Do come. You really nns" iee " She arose with a la-sh. "I s:n::osr 1 n'ay ns we'J, or you'll he peopMns it vtlh a'-l sorts of tmpo.isib'e creature !ust to ternpt me." W went, through the FY;nch win flows together, and 1 found hr ( ihalr nt tl'e rorpes o' the long torch I turnsd it 3boitt for bur. "Put it's directly in the light," she objected. "Kxadtiy. I like you in the lig!:t. ?n see you hetter." "You could have seen me much hot ter Indoors, if that In a'1 vr-.n want." (To Be Continued.) TO CONSUMPTIVES. Edivani A. Wilson'! Preparation of tirphospbi tei aud Bloduettl from the original formula is the Soveiian Remedy for CoiuumpUoa, Asth ma. Catarrfc. L Grippe. Couahs, Golds, and all Throa( and Luna Malidies, Thousands of people say Uiey have reliev ed by it. Those who have used it will have no oth er, and reccomniend it to their fellow' suf fers. It has cured many after they were (riven up as incurable by their physicions. For fnii particulars, testimonials, etc., address C. A. Abbot, Sole Agent, 60 Ann Street, New Yrok City, N. Y. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of che Interior. U. 8. Land Office at Kcuwei:, N. M., July 11. 1909. Notice s hihy-ifivtn that Sarah C. Smith, of BrntvH, n. M., who, on July 11, litug. made Home stead Jin try no. U670, for w l-' n-w 1-4 and w 1-2 s-w 1-4, S.'ction 23. Township 4 n, Eingc Üti K, n m p Meridian, has hied notice of in tent .on to make Final Coii.mutfitk.n I'roof. to establish claim U the land alxvo described, before I). J. Town lev U. h. Oonir., at hw office in La Lande. N. H.. on the (tn aay or uvtober. itMt. i laimant namts be w tnsRes: T. J. Baker. J. L. Lcng1, Ira C. Smith, William Leonard; Al) of Bunks, N. M, T. C. TiHotson, Register, first aiuc 28 last oct 2 HOTEL de CAMP. ROOMS, 25 Cents. MEALS, 25 Cents. DAY BOAD, $4.50 per WEEK; BOARD and ROOM, $5.50 per WEEK. D. HOODENPYLE. Proprietor. SUNNYSIDE, NEW MEX. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at ttoswell, N. M., July, 17, Notice is hereby jrivtn that PhtMii P. Kinnie. nf Buchanan. N. v., who. on Ayril lWlü, mude Homestead Üntry no. 147Ü9. Serial r.o. 01456.). for s-w 1-4 s-w 1-4 Seo; n-w 1-4 n-w 1-w Sec. 1 1 and a 1-2 n-w 1-4, Sec. hi. Township 1 n Rantrti 2 E, N M p Meridian, hns filed notice of im.intion to make Final Commutation Proof, to the lind abovt descnlod, belore W. li. r.u-l;er. V. S. Comr., at his office in Sunnyside, N. M. on the 7lh day oi October. IStW. Ciuiimint nam r as witnesses; John M. Ponder Haii' P. Newport, Claude Beckett, Nicholad VV. Muichinhon; AH of Buchanan, n. m. T. C Tiliottson, Register. firnt aupr 2fl liiat. oct 2 Serial W2M NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at K us well, hi. Ai Auk. 8, Notice fs hereuy jrivn that David H. WiHims, of liictirdo, n. M., who, on Oct. 24, 19(i7, maoe flome.stead Entry No. 2. 9413, Serial UKilf4, for n-e 1-4. hci.-tion 'Ml. Towiishin 2 n. Kanire 2ft e. N 1 'Meriuian, has filed notice of inttnticn to make t inal Commutation proof, to f.stablnih claim to the iana aoove aescribeu, Del ore w. M. WedoinirUm, ucioLer, iM'tf. Claimant names as witnesses: W. C. Williams, J. L. Maxwell, J. N. Line, Vi-, E. Andeison; All of Kicardo, N. H. T. C. TiHotson, Register, first aui? 28 taut oct 2 J FORT SUMNER RESTAURANT. i Mrs. M. Philion, Proprietress. $ First-class Board and Clean, I Well-furnished Rooms :: J Prompt Service and Courteous Attention ? Given To All Patrons. 4 ''V'''VV.. t t t 5th. STREET MEAT MARKET. CURTIS & WOLFLEY. Prop's. The Best Line Of Freah and Cured Meats In Town, "Out CFsTown Orders Solicited." Serial 077(i8 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. U, S. Land Office at Koswell, N. Al., July 30. iiHttf Notice is hereby Jtivtn that Ira C. Smith, of lianhs. N. M.. who, on Aux. 1. maoc Home- stead Kntr P77ií. Serial No U7t'S. f-r n-e 1-4 n-w M, h-w 1-4 n-e 1-4, ii-ü 1-4 s w 1-1 and n-w 1-4 s-c i-4, fciec. 2u, Townshii 4 n.. üttnjre 26 n m p Me hbs filed notice ot' iniention to mak K.nal Coniinutation PhkiJ', to estah.iHhrlairn to the Jamt tbove described, fcei'cre D. ,1. ToMucy, V. S. Comr. ai his odiee in La Linde. N. St., on the 7ih my of October. Claimant names as witnestfi: K. P. Hawkins, T. L. Lonr, T. J. Uaker, W. El. Leuiard; AM of Banks, N. M. T. C. Tillotscn, ReRintcr. frM pub Amr li st oct ?. CONTEST NOTICE. nXt 1 think I'm cot. If there wasn't "You can't think of any other ayf j much at stake, I'd risk my own "Not now. But we must. The trou- ! opinion more readliy. As It Is, I'm ble la, there's nothing to appeal to In ! afraid to do it." He looked at me Ankony, and nothing that I can get "Ha a sudden wlstfulness. "Twining, bold oí to frighten him Into decency. ; do you you da care a little for her, wouion t give a rap tor his morals, . aon i you ; ne asnea frankly. bet hi discretion 1 unassailable." "I'vohaard thIngshinted,"hereSscted. ; "but nothing openly suggested. He'd J-k, ?rcJous, good jare of that ps, ' "Not aIIttle," uald I 'grimly. "Then will you help me to make itire"' ' " '' ' " When Not to Wash the Face. "Never, never," warns a beauty spe dallst who is engaged in an effort to rals the level of good looks among St Loul3 wmen, "wash the face while traveling." it will make for a truer democracy when the practice of the belle in the Pullman stateroom and the gentleman who rides the trucks shall be one and the same In this Im portant particular. St. Louis Repun lie. repartu'ent of the Interior, C.S. Lttnil p'H"c. H .seil. N. M., Aur.Sii, IS-.y. A sume en., r n'at añiíí.v.t having- Ixcn fill hi Lhis -ifiie bv iÜ'iri K ItfIpv,. ct n'pstprt, aicu ns .o.i.f WítÍAr, K. K. i. .. . ,.:. S- oi. ,:m, for (I'll acre? N-K 1-4 Rivlirm iii Township Z n, Rantct) 6. hv l.ect n VvuV. or. con esiestfe. in which it 3 aileifcd tht I-ecriiro Wal ker, hftB fnf'H to CBtaf-iihh his rf i Jeii'.e u wn a;d and. aud tnai tutid tmet in not. ?i.Ucd up( n, ejiti oted an-'i improved hy bhhI -arty i h reiiuiiwl h? a a', said narl fr arc htirely nonml U appear, esqond. and offer evidence touching said ulU'fta ;ion ai hi acltx-k a. m. on Octoher T. ima, Iviure V. M. Wedoinirton. U. ÍÍ. Comr. ;.t Ricírdo, N. M. jiriJ ths" rnal h-ar:nc w dl he held at 3 o c'ock ft. n. on r e ernterfi. lliut). heínrc the Heg'.síer and íeceivei at the U. S. Land Üflicc in R- swt ll. N. M The said contestant havinsr. tn apro-rafiidavit, iled A-Jtr 3u. lCdil, s.-t tenh facts which show lha' jl'tero'uediliu-ence neist nal s-rvice of tin's notice ;ar.iift he mailt', it is hereiiy riered snd dirette' cnai sutn net ice oe tfiven ny due and proper i-ub ictition. T. C. Tillotscn, Register. Sep 11-Oct 16 Livery Stable and Feed Yard. HORSES BOARDED BY THE MONTH. ADOBE CORRAL CAMP WITH CEMENT FLOOR, HACK MFETS ALL TRAINS. W. M. HUNTER, Prop. SUNNYSIDE, N. M. BLACKSHiTHING and WAGONWORK .1. M. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY. KUYKKNDALL. Sunnyside. New Mexico. A Welcome Change. "Now, here is a niece of goods," said the voluble saleslady, "that speaks ior iuoll." "That's ail right," rejoined the mere man who was do ing a shopping stunt ior his better half. "Now, If you will kindly keep quiet for a few minutes and give the goods an opportunity to speak, I'll be ever so much obliged." Serial No. 695 i. CONTEST NOTICE. Derarinwint of the Interior, United States Lara? OHic.!. Roftwell. N. M., July :tl. 109. A sufficient ernieat atRfiavii havinir beuaJH in thmolliie by 'I nonius H. Grandson,, gainst Hi.meBtead Entry No. 14946, made Mircl itith ltd, fc-r l!6tl Acre n.rth-efl(,t qnnrlw icetion 25. Township 1 n. Rantre25 E. by Winifred i. Horner, conteptee, in which it ia alleged mat Wini.rrd S. Horner, has failed to establish hit -eaideme in Mtid land, and that said tract is not ;btt.ed upon.eultvRted and improved by raid party as required by law, said parue 8 are deteb; lotiürd to appear, respond, and offer evidence touching said allegation at It) o'clock a. m., on iept. 23. 1ST 3, before W. M. Weddington. tf. S. Cirtr. at Ki-srdo, N. M., land thnt final hearing " eju at iuo chick a. m. on uct. t, iwra, wi. forel the I.euist.r ai d Inteivtr at the Lnited 4iate Land tiffire in Koswell. N. M FJ i.c- said contestant having, in a proper affidavit lied July 3J. set forth feels which show that tf tor due dilieence personal service of this notice cannot be made, it is hereby ordered and directas that such notice be givon by at-e and proper pub lication. T. C. TtLLCTFf n, Ft-fiaier. Harulo Hurd. Receiver, first Aug 21 last üep 25 Sublimity. As for the sublime, it Is. even amona, the greatest geniuses, only the most elevted that can reach it. La Bruyere. Putting Handicap on Baby. Perhaps parents have a right to be eacimtric but giving a freak name to a little helpless baby Is a mighty mean thing to do. Formation of the People. Ths masses are nothing but the raw aiaterial that must be fashioned Into the people. Ibsen. Then T:;rn to Another. ' When you have set yourself to a task, finish it. Ovid. 8lmo'e Secret of Success, The secret of success is simply do, Ing what you can do, and doing well wbatever von win Jo. Home Notes. Serisl v224 ' NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. V. . Land Office at Koswell. r.. M., Aug . 19t-9. Notice is hereby given that Cecil G. Smith, oi Banks. N. M.. who. on Sent. n. Iflu7. n;ii:i. Tfnn.. stead Entry 2 unió. Serial No. 0"24. for s-w 1-4 s-e s-e 1-4 n-w 14 btc. 14. n-o 1-4 n-w 1-4 and n-w 1-4 n-e 1-4. Sec. 'Si. Township 4 north. Ranne 2u R. N M p Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Fjial Coo ptutati.'n Pror.f. to eslablinh claim to the land above uescrilied. bfclvre U. J. Townley, U. S. Comr.. at his oflice In La Lcnde, N. M., on the 12th day of October. 1 .9. Claimant names i.s witnesses: T- W. Norman of La Lando, n. m., F. P. Hawkins, J. C. Smith and T. J. fiaker, ol Banks. N. M. T. C. Iillotson. Register. 1st acg 2a-1ast oct 2 C. W. FOOR & Co. REAL ESTATE AGENTS, LAND LOCATORS, ar.d SURVEYORS. Calí On Or Wrüe To Us. have (he field noces of 'Township 1, S. 25 East. 'Alsj Township 2 North, 26 Ect ' SUNNYSIDi; NEW MEXICO. MOÍSE BROS. CO. SANTA ROSA and BUCHANAN. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. The Best Of Everything In Our Line. Groceries, Provisions, Notions, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, Bootfc and Shoes. MOISE BROS. CO. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the rnterior, U. S. Land OfF.w. Roswell, Mew Mexico, Aug 11, 9. A sufficient congest affidavit havir g been filed !n thia otilce by Ivy Vial Iter, contestant, against Homes lead Entry nf. Jr)8L8, matie April 1, llHii, for s-e 1-4, Peciun2ft. Tunship2N, Range 26 B, ii m P Meridian, by Henry G. UoJliw, ConU-stee, in which it is alletred that Henry Q. Collins has not eomolied with the law in holding- said land and ha changed his residence theiercin for more than six months Inst j-ant t nd next pr.or to lilinar said affidavit said parti's are hereby notified to appear, respond, mvi olfer evidence touch intr sitid al!!on at 10 o'clock a. ra. on Oct, 9, 19u9, be fore W. II. 1-arker. U. S. Comr. at h.t oflice in Sunnyside, N. M. (and that final htarinir wül be held at 10 o'clock a. m. on Oct. 19, lMA). be fore J the Rffriiter vnd Receiver at the United States Land Oflice in Kcswetl. IS". M. The fwid con ten' n t hcvinir, n a proper affklavit died August 11, 11HÍ9, set forth facts w hich shtvv thai after due dilimoce peracntJ acivice of this notice ppn not be mate, it is hehy ordered ,and directed that such notice be given by due 'and proper publication, T. C. TUkrtson. Rejiister. Seems Simple Thing to Do. A spicy iviter snys: "While a man of 60 can tiikf un Interest in the In test tie aud tie he 1ü prtíbtji'viiij; his youih." Campbell's Scientific Farmer An Illustrated Monthly Magazine. $1,00 per year. Devoted to Scientific Soil Tillase the only exponent of f successful soil culture regardless of rainfall or irrigation. Campbell's 1805 Soil Culture Manual A Hand Eook and Treatise on the Campbell System of Soil Culture. Tells how. Illustated 50 cents The Fcrt Sumner Review Weekly, one year $1,00 A combination of all threp publications as above for only $ 1.6Q THIS OFFER GOOD UNTIL SEPTEMBER 30, 1909. By special arrangements with the Campbell Soil Co. of láncoln, Nebr., we are enabled to make the above liberal offer, which holds good only until Septemder 1, 190. Every farmer in this section ought to be interested in this proposition. The Campbell System is an insurance of good crops year after year; the result of 25 years of careful, pains taking observation and experiment by Prof. Campbell. N( q a theory, but a proven fact. You ought at least to investigad it for your self. \n\n U. S. Comr.. at Hitar do, N. h., on tne ítth day oí