Newspaper Page Text
I i I BRYAN at CLOViS, 'OUTLOOK GOOD IKy Review Special Correspondent.) Covis, Saturday, Sep. 18-A great crowd greeted Wm. Jen nings Bryan in the -temporary audilorium today, and the genu ine enthusiasm his apperance invoked proves conclusively that his popularity is as ereat todav .ever. His kindlv fra.nres were " waa tlle Wrlter 8 lighted by the same eternal n"S Smce vt that new mile that has trreef ed million, in and com.,nK Íov-'n Foi t Sum- . . mar nrifi Pnna TU ; ui'-vuv. . UVV.l. JT. 11 II I f FORT SUMMER. The Editor Enjoys a Trip on the Pecos River as Cuest of Townsite Co. (Melrose Enterprise.) It was the writer's pleasure J. N. US'i J. L. MAXWELL ( Blr.nkenrhip and Co. have a full. ' new line of Trunks and Suit Cased. -this cuuntry and abroad. The move rapidly in the Great South- 1111 jet-nut- tilili i -u . 11 Vüil - . . . bears in his heart for every man, , tWe ' f nd Wha, ls,an OPI' woman and child in this country tJ' f? WlU a SOmeon? s was beautifully demonstrated allh " mscr.p. when he stepped down among 100 .fln the frnt, ?ver of a th"--the crowd, ignoring the platform ? "1 f"" Ut nd talked from a chair. The by. the Prs of that enter Colonel jokingly remarked, as he f httk city. "1 he quota, took his sta..d in the crowd, that ' "aptly portrays the sure pos- feWf.,Jittffl,i,'8Wlies 111 and around Fort get higher and was therefore' . J.,:,iJ. contented to come down. The ! " ' " . , u 1 " "a uuüy ood natnred Kirif in whi,h ha , entertained by the manager of lakes his reCent defeat for lhe!thetovvnSIte company. Mr. L. C. Presidency and his constant l.u-! an Hec;te' and shown the enl,re morons reference to it bespeak P'S f"d 8ystenV for Col. Bryan a great breadth1 Sum T ,su a ??w. town rfmind-the very quality that1" "l o 1 6 ,ite of has always characLLd the man : Su-.nyside. Pracücally bt one find placed his love of truth above year, !d they ,have Laut 700 his dolitical ambitions. On such ' PW,ple -ft blddlnKfor A man defeat falls lightly for he ; mm Tlf th?r "n m for rests secure in the knowledge ' ?-3 Seevident ' Of the new ;hat he has fought for a truth. S'f ".th,ere areT,.ttt'0' 2 siory Col. Bryan's lecture, ..The otds the 2 story F.rst National Frince of Peace," dwelt on the ' bUlldlnf ' a, larfre mercan arthof religious zeal among 1J1. Ame-ijan young man. He scor-' l" ' , uw 1 mnnHiw .. .. i pounds, several nice bungalows ration whoare inclined to regard ' thfe ?Urap.,nií f nt with its Pw" ,-eligion,as a sort of superstition frful e"gine throwin 5-030 -He upheld in eloquent tpnes the J r i?d Kady t0 mission of the church and the '"TÍ m 1- numerolIS teachings of Christ. He took oc- b"ild,n and f nuniber ui fasion to mildly poke fun at the ' cn under co-iract Darwinian theory of .vol.ti.,, - and.a11 firP.Proof- purged upon his hearers the ! ni tf tl0n ls ade" wisdom of believing the miricle. ' Q"ate fr aü llme to feinted in the Bible. ; acres as it now standa, with On religious topics Bryan is at:'? "" W3y ir!',igat? S0' his best and your correspondent i T TV ab"ndann:e regrets that he cannot repr oduce f atCr . Ü . w,th- Tne he entirespeech for the reada-s; ma,"Sare !a,d waier fü! Pi the Review. , omest,p usf end fil' P'e: tion, Alter the regular lecture Col th irom deep wells with an in- ryan spoke on taxation, or more : T" ', PU'Jplr1f 1 !a"1 particularly the Tariff ostión, " ulnnor v' ' be a great nuil train time. .. ' P'cmc center and place of rescri. Ihey have a beautiful laksmv. jering twenty-six acres, fifteen ! feet deep, and are contracting : another to cover twenty acrss, both within the city limits. It '. "3D l0nO'llV , nn-.v. J 4- 1 Hand bills advertising Melon , rowing on Lake Sumner's placid Day were. circulated in Ciovis on waters. Here will one day be Biyan Day. j tie finest resort jn New Mexko Listen to those Jie'rcse people! : " tili' 0 homes, churches and The whole town will be here cn 'educational institutions the Jtfelon Day. VVelccn.e, Sielroso ! , best and most sutelantial city There is no special service from : eW Mexico- lis he westhntih,,!.,. natural aü vantages will make it LINE & MAXWELL Dealers in GENERAL MERCHANDISE RICARDO, ': : ; : : : NEW MEXICO. Everj-iMng To Eat and Wear- Also HAY and GRAIN "AT THE RIGHT PRICE" Fort Sumner Broom Factory, OWENS & SONS WHOLESALE A KFTilL Solicit the General Trade and Satisfaction Guaranteed Fort Sumner, - '- New Mnx. 6 (GREAT BIG DAYS 6 THE TWENTY-NINTH ANNUAL SMew Mexico Fair and Resources Exposition Albuquerque, N. M., October 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 The Great Game of j The Great Strobe Airship Push Ball on Horseback. n Dai!y Flights. The Great Southwestern j High Class Harness and Marathon Race. ; RunrJag RuncÍR3 Races The Great Nat Rsiss nor i . , r, , U. a. Cavalry Maneuvers. Carmval Company. AI, cf W. G. Tigiit. President John B. McHiannus, Seo'y i or further information, Entry Blanks, etc., A&crcES the Secretary. F. C. HASTINGS. Carpenter and Builder. South Side Of The Flaza, SranyEiJc, N. IB. 30 DAYS' TRIAL FOR 81.00. On sale at the Sunnaide Drug Co's. New Hardware of h!1 kinds at Iilankt'nship & Co. L R SCKOCH. Contractor and Builder. -'Cement Work A Specialty" Call on me for bids on all kinds of Buildings. Fort Sumner, N. M. HEW MEXICO CENTRAL RAILROAD. TIMETABLE. From Santa Fe to Torrance. Leaves Santa Fe at 1 :45 p. M. going South. L.eave8 wiiiaru o:ia p.m. Koinjr aoutn. Arrives at Torrance 8:00 p. M. Going North. Leaves Torrance at 11 :05 A. M. Williard at 12:40 p. M. Arrives at Santa Fe 5:25 P. M. Makes close connections with theBelen Cut-off at Williard; with the South western at Torrance and with tha A. T. & S. F. at Kennedy. H. W.Coomer, Acting Manager. PROFESSIONAL. DR. W. R. LOVELACE. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. SUKGERY A SPECIALTY. Office at the store oí tne bunnyside Drug Company. Sunnyairle. j New Mexico. A. A WELLS, feral fetradsr Fcrt Sumner Gallery Photo Copying, Out-door Work a Specialty. Jim Womack. C C. DAV1USON. ATWRNEY AT LAW. Practices in all the Courts. Special attention to land cases before the U. S. Land Office. Tw uMCAP.r, New Mex. WHARTON & LAWSON. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Alamogokdo. n M. 2,000 new Post Card views of Fort Sumner at Blanktnshlp & Co's am Flans and SpcdficaSbss Furaiskd Free Paid Up Turn-Key PÉCIALTY In any emergency where salve is required, use Pinesalve Carboli zed there is nothing better for cuts, burns and bruises. Sold bv Sunnyside Drug Co. A. J. GILLIAM. Agent for Toxico Steam Laundry, W. and W. Taibring Co., ALSO, CITY BARKER SHOP. Jcfcj 11 c j " RICARDO HOTEL :: I Mrs. HTNSON & Mis- BEVEN, Prop's. j BT ACC0i?:n)DAÍ:0NS IS TOWN j- IIICAPDO, . N. M M. R. BAKER. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Contest Cases Before U. S. Com missioner a Specialty-. NOTARY MfRI ir: in np'prr-i? Sunnyside. New Mexico. A. P.ANAYA Practices Law before the Probate, County Commissioners, and Justice of the Peace Courts. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATiiiN. Detiortment of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Santa Fe, N. M., Auflf. 2:lrd, 19.9. Notice fa hereby given that LuwrenceE. Coleman, of Ricardo. N. M v ho, on Feb. 28. IW8. mad Homes ttad Entry, No. 13362, Serial Ú5Si9. forn 1-Ü -w i- n-v i-, n-w i-wi-i s-e tsection 27. Township 2 n. Ranjre 24 e. Principal Meridian. ...o nú nuiiLu ui luu-ntiun w maice nnai iummu- J ü' í WU1L"S" nuim 10 tne iana bdovo at Ricardo N. M. ,on the 1 st day of Nov. iyi;t Claimant names aa witnestWB: M. L. Tf:.d Sam Sniivers. J. N. r.irwt I. M Knnri All of Ricardo N. M. Manuel R Otero, UcpiGtcr. Serial ftiiP! KOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. '(i Rfttr Land Melon Day Items. , Remember the date -next fiiday, October 1st, Jhe v est but the regular service jviU sufhee. so. Mo.on Day advertisements are, kinds of larm product and gar den truck. Especially have they a coming fiuit and cantaloupe PECOS VALLEY .MOTE i FIRST CLASS 'ACCOM R30DATIONS Mrs. n. 'BCAUDiErJ, Prcprictress TfiO Review office is under 1 obligations to II J. Selridge for I some Hue freen com and , beans rf.;.-isd vithDut ii-M'gation, ten miles north of town. He reports that there v.-nl be a fairly good crop of feed in bis neighborhood and some goc 3 com. running in all the papers 011 the J-iie cut-off, a -"V Miiu V-Clii LaiUtHJC E. M. Trammel and G. C. Dei-n country and they expect to shin u-e responsible for the Portales 2W) cars next fall, delegiition and indications poiiitj 0n October first the citizens jb a howling success. ! are planning a great melon day, .Remember! It is your do v in f whkh the .pubIc is ven a vork and talk and work and malee ! f, Z ' V I n ,T . , WIth fill the Melon Day visiters Loom- j ,. trilJ rs.. Fort Sumner expects every ' man to do his duly í . ld , a day i,rlve your sister : city the glad hand and ad boost Here are the rates-they are i for a bigger Extern New Jiex round tnp via special train ' ico. .returning the same day: i . . , ' ravtme 8.80 Lta.ta 6:.0 a.m Texico $2.da ;:oj Ciovis Si. 75 ,,' 7:io " which proved to be a dilapidated I bufrgy, oecorated with red bur.t-'! ing and drawn by four of the1 sorriest (?) burros h the Pecos! vade jy with J. 0. Welborn fori ' chuifer" and six foot-mj.i (pushing and pullir.g) the auto- ,0-Cai g;,t Ulldei- Vv.1V. hiiMilwrl V i eáis- oungblocd Nuptials. Cn Thursday, Sept 23rd, the the Hotel de Camp, Mr. Vvclls and Mrsi Youngblood were united in wedlock. .Tn(i,.a ;of the Feace J. A. Perkins,, oiii- ciating. About twenty-five intimate friends were present at. District C urt convenes at Santa Rcsa, Llcnday, the fourth day of Cctobcr. The ouail season onens Oct. 1st. Get your Hunters License from Deputy Came Warden . J. P. i Brooke. ' When you have r 1'S den't fail to use at j Man-Zan, the great pile remedy.. The A. i on way to cure this annrvinv trnnlilo i is to apply stmethmg that wdl act on :i!l pai't3 aifected. that is'whatManZan does. It is put up in a tute with nozzle attached. Sold 1 y Sunnyside Drug Co. The information has just reach ed town that Dr. VV. R. Lovelace tw... 1 - - . th , -A.,-,1, i. - . ; utL" Woinieti assistant r.tV a- , T Health Officer for this part oftiie f imtethe'" down- I county by Dr. J. F. Rudolph. It vnn q ít tí tu ii u , ' 13 hign tl,ne something was being POR SALE-The old school ho.-e ; dono to belt,3r the sanitary cu: will b sold to the h.Chesl bidder !ditoriB of th3 pl;ice Jd V,.T ' al :w,view predicts that when Dr. .Lovelace is ouly installed in his office tliaLlhere will be something doing in the way of cleaning up. Prof'.'O, V. York, representing the Star Nursery, of Ottov.a, Kans., is here this week in th. was here the first of the week ; inicrtst of his ÍJursery business sammoping petit and grand jur-1 'ua .Gen doing good business prs for the coming term of the ' WIth Parties v.-ho are planting or . pistrict Court which convenes in . cha3- The orchard business ggnia Hm on pester ? promises to be the leading indus try unur the caria!, u-irti íí.,l uiiuei- Vvay, headed , . tm jeauiu at) ,f . r- ai by one out-rider on a spirited 1 tnls very CJuiet but haí'Py event, j and decorated burro steed and: ' bride and groom, made a stecnbe to your a1.1,v 1 u.. ' handsome annerr,.-, ,,lrl T.i.:'lniLh"ntakot,ieI1 ah o by a tvVo-iv.ooths.old burro which would neither lead nor drive, so had to be shoved ty Raif Franklin; the burro bore a large placard on each side which read "Naylor Junior." handsome apperance. and .Tmli.e : Perkins acqitted himself in hii I usual forceful manner. . After the ceremony and rc-1 ceiving felicitation's; delicious : relreshment3 were served. "It Gives All The News." home paper first The Kerald is the best medium to iceep in touch with general news aa ivell ss news oi( the whole southwest "T: The Co-Jüh ffrrnn that Denartmfnf rf (ho Tntin.ii- TT. (.Mli'.'Gftt KOSWeil. N. M Aliií-, ir ..,;. Notice if) herein- given that Houston E. Lan1. .4 44iiud, ii. m un juic , JW.w, nii'no liomestead Lntry 8ñótí, Ser. No. uñir,!), fur r.-w 1-1. L?n, hns filed notice of iníention te ni.ike Vinví Conimuraíion I'roof, toeBtahilnh urrff xa the lv.ú 'nove df ser ibed. hoforc D, J. To. nlfy, U S Co A niBilonor, at his office in La Land e, Ñ. M., on 23th day of Octobr, 10C9. BpW J. B.,Mcüohce. E. I, Cat; all Via -Lando N. M. T. C. Tillotuon, Rcirisiei'. ,bcp 4 oet 9 Contest 156 CONTEST NOHCE. Department of the Interior, U. S. Lnml nu Santa F. N. M. Sep. 10, la. ' A aufficient contMt affidavit having been rllerl in tins orhce by t lora M. Cooper, intestant. aK'4Ínst Hoi.ieuoiiil Entry, no. 144S8, made June 6. lWii. IT, HlS"""!. ? "hiP 2 n. Range which it 1 allowed that, aniil Lewis Burbank has wholly abandoned .aid land for nw th niontha lort paat next preceeding Sep 7, 1 9 .1 .to of said contrst aflidavit and was nut at said time :. -"' "- vuin.auny tne tame. aa:d par tí. are hereby notified to appear, respond and o.for ev.deiKe touch ns; aaid allegutk n at 111 o' f loek a m. on Nov. hi, 19(19, before Frank M. l aw V. S. Comr. Buchanan, N. M. (and that final 19 . 9, before) the Hegiaifr and Keeeiver at U.o u! ñil?sn fnCÍHBo"tl1.h"yi5ií " "roP"- J "'it, a.ter due dilurence personal aerviee of this n'ice can not ho made, it hereby ordered and directed publication. "e aM J,1"ller Sepl8-.oct23ManUelR- Re8ii,or- riJs the sysien of a cold p'clck p. m. A. B. Harris, ' M. Ii. feket, . Colestino Sandoval, Directors, Dist. 20 : Sí.nf lCkflíi 1 wHu, a.iv. (this Chief Deputy Felagio Casaus p. i . . , . , , -..vvuvi Ltit; aman uoy After being escourted to tip r :i,.,at i . .... , , .,. .wii.i44v.iii,, uciii un a euivin oi ina nome in the, bans bulling, wnare jovial contractor, were sent on! "I r-. ,,ao " . " a the skiddoo by some fond parents I very ietchirsr way. a recci.t rm i..'- v. ..n, . . . . , , . , . , .. . c"iisone oi our most! wa, held and retreshments were ; successful ccntractors, and his1 served and afterward3 a bal wtsíu., ; . . , t . . . . i u ia a newcomer nere, vet. "Ü,,ÜI- m the short time she has resided; fo the brave belong the ln3i'eshe has made friends of all iair must do true in this case. Mr. Naylor needs no sponsor in our mius-c and his handsome bride cannot .fail to be equally popular here as in her home town. A crowd of the "small boy" ! by &ct!ng as a cathartic on the LiUWtiS J she has met. CongraiulaaoiiS. i - . i WANTED Old broom handles Owens and Son v.iil pay a good price for old broom handles 'delivered at their broom factory on Sumner veiiue. Kev. F. P. McNeoley; Pastor i .í it., i...,' . ,., . ... . t ;;jpustCilUrci1,W,!l hold; There is nothing hotter we knew of services every third Sundav n.t.lfcra.1 kiur.v irmihi. . t. t-a yV,,.,.l Tí ..i .. .v.'11 4.i:..-uoe, ii.jtj a. 1;1. and 7:00 o'clock p. m. A cordial invitation 3 extended $15? a Íiiii'a'' $Bt& kCaat' KaSal OLAX "257 99 miriaim ñ SsHÜP 65 6 , CONTEST NOTICE. n,Sartnle"totthí'n".,'cr' United State. l and c. Kowell, iNew Memco, Auu 31, iwhi A euñ-icient conieat arlidavit having teen bled in thu omce by Lucinda V. Trout, conttstant ac'-st H. mesbEetry no Ta made Feb. l" ,Wwf fij i Jnir-r? t,on 2,ATow""iii 8 n. Rango 7 k. that: the aaii ri cSr'pí ha. wholly abimTn M .a I tract; Hut he ha, changed hi tSSa therefrom fe n. than six moulh ainee n akintv su:d entn': that Bald trar r,,.r ..-,.,.i .... .1 $M iL" ;J by luí and ..v ..uw ,i JrB uian tr.ive years and haacnuae.-, allot hia inipi óyemela to be re- ;ri.r.: 1 ' '..ii -o appear, respond, a m Oe'' "'iaí'íi1"" SH ':"ln at 10 Comr at lLanfl., BJ. M. (and tha' nr a" he.riSr at 9 o d,)cl.. . m. b,,, h ' ÍAaiíe'nTM'" thS,U"it"i ata Lanu om ta Kosueli, N. M. on November tí, 18B. ' fliXl' M'd Mnte"t hovine. in a proper affidavit -. j j... " -10nn 'ate b;cf. oi . that Siifi drJ.d,1,en',eF"--"l6erv:,.e.,! this' notice pubiicatiot. ' " Jü" T. C. .TiLLOl 5'j.N, í-e.?;,.-er. r, , UAIOLD lll-'- SeDlS cct2S l-.fí.e;ver. Bse the original laxativa cough Ryrup, contuins no op;a:.;, gently moves the bowul3, Carrvin"tha cold oií through the nalural channels, GuaranteJ to give Síiti;.ÍHi-tirn or muney reiunded. For sale by the SunysMe Drug Co. to to attend. 'these pille are really ejtulknt in caw of weut baik ana tiackaciie, pains in tne riee-k oí' tiie buiiinr, ri eumauc pairs ;.i,.; !::n:ri.-u i.i t.iei.'.s, Hue to v,'t.Hciie.i, uii.D-i: -red kiltie, toiu by , be li.-.d t.'iMy Vf. i Fiv Eifihty Acres of patented land, milts sputli-east'of town for sale C. W. FOOR. ten The Albuqi;. njtiH Daily Tribute cm CCnte"96 i Sl 02308 CONTEST KOTICE. lB,mtka upon, cullivaiedinr iriip-ovod a.T dun ed I y !, .aid parties aro hereby Si" i. ;ur, r. spond, ana offer evW, uc.u touefcinV Í.M lu-naiun at w u ckk a. in. on No. 2 , i3 bo. í re rrank N. P. K... U. S. Co. . Lo r t ÍlufK .man. M M., (and that,.n .1 atara,, w h "at WoeIoc :a.m.onNov.t)u, 1999 b.Li el the Re Í i.. íí. ?í '"ver UU-s-Omcií S.ía The aaid can te.tant havnK, in a proper affldr vit after f) lj"3- '" ,art hÍC h1w that cínnoí Z t'T"?."- "?rs""al "ce of tbia nc , el lit lU ' i. .,. V I ' ' ieiict Sold by Sunnysiue Drug 'Co. \n\n Alelrose i'l.W) ,. c.:,. (con't from pajel.) i Naylor-Riitherford. S.-r. no. onss, for Loin J and 2 ari a -2 n-? C tae ;ine I)ru;; Co. t-nta pr c,.,iv. ... . . Manuei- R. Otero. Ree litar firat ep 25-last oct 30 "