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y ALfA MARTIN CJTABROOKs SIY COUJH MTKK. S.6.tSCOTT CP. SYNOPSIS. CHAI'TEIi I, The ory opena wlt a cene at a box party. Mis Henrietta WinaianWy. slater oí Blahop WínsUnley overheard Bunker Ankony propose to Bárbara Hemingray, whose brother Dan v.aa in hla employ. Dan was one of tha town's popular younff men. Dan showed some nervousness when Attorney Tom Twining told him Barbara refused An konv. CHAPTER II.-Akony te following day, in the presence of Twining, ac cused Dan of looting the bank. Twin ing refu d to prosecute. Barbara per suaded Ankonyt to postpone starting pros ecution. CHAPTER HI. Twining le.-.rnd of the engagi-meat of Ankony and liurbara. H congratulated both. CHAPTER IV. He visited Miss Hem Ingray and found her almost in tears. He told her he had loved Her. but feared prematurelv announcing l-; affection. By actions alone she told him sue recipro cated. CHAPTER V. Mrs. Anson Pines, wealthy widow, proposed a niarrlagu by proxy with Bishop instnntley. Tlitr lat ter consulted with Twining. The b shop had been paying attentions to M Streeter. CHAPTER Vf. Dan consulted the at torney, saying his sister was determined to marry Ankony. declaring she actu ally loved the banker, thoush he could not help believing she was making a si rifle to save htm from jail. "Tt Isn't all I was., i am not so modest My wants are large to-night." "Were they ever otherwise?" she smilingly Inquired. "Yon eight to know. My prayers Itave all been made to you." "Oh, absurd! vou don't expect me to believe that, Mr. Twining." "Those of them that have amounted to anything," I mortified. "That is better. But what Is It you want to-night You make me curious." Unable to keep up the bantering tone longer and tearing a sudden In- ten-option, I leaned to her quickly: "I want yon tell me the truth about something, Barbara; will you?" She moved a little so that her eyes were in the shadow. "I don't quite like the sound of your oice," she confessed; still lightly, "it makes me a little apprehensive." "Won't you be-serious, and honest?" I begged. "Dear me, am I ever anything else than honest?" "Often, but come " "Why, what can you be about to ask me?" "Only if you are harpy. Don't Btart and don t be angry with me. And don't answer hastily nor tv 1th evasion. I am not to be evaded. You must un derstand how serious I am to have put such a question to you." "It is certainly the most extraordin ary behavior," she remarked coldly. She was looking at me with widely questioning eyes, and she bad grown suddenly white. Did I know what Dan had done? That was what she was asking herself, I am sure. "I am entirely at a loss to explain why you should hare dared to ask me this." "I owe It to myself to make sure, líarbara," I told her. "Will you an swer me?" "This Is not the real reason for your most unheard-of bfhavlor,'" Bhe said in a tense voice. "There must be some thing else. What Is it?" "Shall I tell yotf?" "You must." "Ankony is not the man you could have been expected to love," I blun dered, not knowing how to find my way beneath her eyes. "Do you love him? If you tell me that you do, I will not distress you further." ''Are you intimatrng, with other kind friends, that I am marrying him for. reasons other than those of af fectlon, that oh, It is unthinkable! And from you!" "Barbara, listen to me," I cried. "No, not a word. You have said too much now. Can't you see that It makes me rise In a kind of vicious protest to have my happiness in spected on every side as if it were some wretched vagrant seeking Bhel ter where nobody had any faith in it?" "Have you faith in it yourself?" I asked. She lifted ber head and faced me. "All the faith in the world," she de clared. And then she saw Ankony, who had come at the moment searching for her, and held out ! hand to him. As he approached and took it, she leanefl for an Instant against his arm with an Indescrlbab'e movement that had noth Ing of defiance in it. It seemed to me, but only affection. "I have been telling Mr. Twining how happy I am." she said to him, in a soft voice that must have moved a wooden man to adoration. "I hopr you don't mind my being so foolish, do you?" Still holding her hand. Ankony beni and touched her hair with his Hps. "I should mind if you were unhap py and told him that," he said with a laugh. "They want you In there. Will you come? I tromlsed to bring you.' She stood up and laid her fingers on bis arm, "Will you come along, Mr. Twin Ing?" she asked. "Thank you, not now," I replied. I watched them as they moved away. At the window he stood aaidfc for her to enter, and I saw her smilr Into his face In the way women have with the men they love. As soon as I could find Mrs. Ankony I said good-night. ' Din was waiting for me. ' Wfill?" he ijnpRtioped eagerly, n 1 went in. "You were right." I said dully; "she loves him." He looked at me pityingly and sa!u nothing. After a hile he came over and stood by the mantel, staring down al the hearth. "I suppose I might as well get back to Jack Ankony," he eald; "he need? me. If I'm gol-.? to stay with them- and there doesn't seem to be anything else for it just now." I nodded absently. "There's nothing I can do, I guess." he muttered hopelessly. "Xo, there's nothing." "If's a confounded shame, Tom," a declared, and I read the sympathy ft. his eves. "We won't talk about. It." said I. "1 know . . . TaikfnR'n no good '' I lit a cigar, and he found one to suit him in the box on the table. "Sit down." I said. Ho threw hltrse'f down opposite mc. and we finished two cigars in silence he on his side of the hearth, I on mine "I"! be off !n the morning," he said at the end of his second. CHAPTER VII. It was a wretched night two week" later, gloom;.' and winteriph. althoug' spring was old enough to have don much better. I was dining alone ant rather forlornly when I heard Kim mens open the outer door of my apart ment and admit some one. There was the c'ick pi brisk heels along the hall and MIsb Wlnstunley beckoning rot through the glass doors of the dining room to go on with my dinner. "Dra'i get up," she cried, as Klm mens threw open the doors and 1 hur-;-d tt mpot her; "do let "( be ceremonious, won't you? Go on with your dinner; I'll sit by you till you've finished I've dined." "I have Just finished," I Insists. "Then come Into jour sitting room. i ve a great deal to say. "Welcome home," said I, warmly, as I closed the sitting room uoor be hind us. "It's quite time I got here, I'm Biire. Such things as have been doing while I was away! What do you suppose I found in a memoranda book on my dressing table? my bi other had been using my rooms, you know. A pressed rose!" The scorn in her voice made me laugh heartily. j "I'm g'.ad you find It amusing. ' I didn't," she declared. "But the right sort of a memoranda uuuk. always nas a rose in it, 1 con tended. , "Nonsense! Has yours?" I think it probable," admitted. without humility. What foolishness! I can tell you that mine has not. "Your heart holds your roses, dear lady." She unfastened her fluffy black boa and smiled at me with a twin'.le in her eyes the twinkie that I like so much. i our pretty speeches won't throw me off the scent. Mr. Twining. 1 am m xm TÁ In W "We'll Find a Way Yet. Mark Me, We Will." going to find out whose rose that Is In Charles' book. Think of It! At his age." - - "At any age a man Is sure to have something wrong with him if he never purloins a rose," I Insisted. "Ho is lacking In something as certainly as the rellow who never sees a rose on a bush." "There are plenty of them who don't know they grow on bushes," sbe said quickly. "They think they grow ouly on pretty girls' corsages." I placed her a chair and she sank Into it, but slipped qtflckly out to Its edge pnd sat perched there, looking at me with her keen, eager old eyes. "I came to talk to you about Bar bara Hemingray." she said at once. "Thi3 engagement of her to Ankony is monstrous. There can be but one reason tor It, and that is that Dan has been gstting himself into some sort of trouble that (he has to get him out -if, and could !lnd no other way. Isn't that It? You know, of course." , "I wish that I could tell ,vou that you are wrong," I answered. She nodded. "I knew It. I told my self the minute I heard It that there could be but one meaning to It! I don't ask you what he did. I don't want to know. All I'm concerned in is how to get them both out of their difficulties. Dan is a gcod boy. If be has beak weak. I'm not excusing, hlru. mind you. but my heart Is with him. We are all assailable at times. Now I may be adamant to-day and as sort as a marshmallow to-morrow. Do you see what I mean? Our moral nature is just like our physical one: it has Its good and Its bad days, and soor Dan was tempted on a bad one. That's ill. Hut what I can't understand Is that he was willing to accept his good name at such a cost." I told her what I knew then. at;d her ?yes brightened and her bead nodded ill throt:g!i the recital like that of a. little marionette. "Ah, that's what I like to h-ar! V hope for lite boy Is restored. WT xsake a fine man of him yet. But" and there was a clouding of the fi ves "but the engagement isn't broken? What do?s that mean?" "That she loves Ankony," said I. ror an instant she stared at me, ipeecn ess in tne force or Iter amaze ment, then she actually smiled in u scorn. ua. vou men: you let a woman make you believe whatever she 'anf vou to bellpve! I am provoked witl vou. Mr. Twining. You aie "lever enough about most thlngi. How caa you be so easily put upor !n !h?" "Yon have only to see tho;n tngetl-- er. You know how much I would like. fo believe otherwise." "It were a preposterous ImpanWI ty! She, a Hemingray. to love him. in Ankor.y! r.ali: it'u loo absurd think of!" "I.ove is un ac:'our.V I reminder' her. trying ?o speak with some dtgree if He' nt bs: "ho bnds where you east expect him to." "Oh, don't malo your fiurts fo: me! And don't t"" o hide from mi sil thg ynu feel. Como, let us cease to be at cross-pnrroses." "Most wiliingiy; but, granted the' you are right, what is to be doue? You can't force her !r. admit to yo. that she doesn't leve birr.." "I've no mind to try to reaiL. the solution thrciigh her." "Dau can 'tt '-.nt'í-n." i .tiite understand that, on' "Then where do you expect to g. r.'.'.h your prayer?" I ask.d. She hesitated en instant. "1 think it isn't gaiug to be a rrr er," she eaid. "What can you threaten? Antony won't Bivo her up. Besides, as 1 tow, you, if she isn't hapry she is the most consummate actress I have ever rteeu.'' "Of co. rse she is. Now you pr sensible in your deductions. Sortie body says that Poverty is the mothei of all the arts, you know, but it isn': so: it's Love who is their mother, and Barbara's skill at acting is Uoin ol be: love fry Pvti." She leaned on her elbow and wat; silent for a i'.ttle, her eyes vague and troub'fd. "Yon ave nothing to o3er nothing at all?'' she aprealed. "Nothing," I admitted Ijtnomini ously. , "I'm go'r.g to see her," she Bald. She patted my arm as she pasaeti me. "I k-'nw," she murmured; "I know. But Ken t give up. Well find a way yet. Mark me, we w'U." She smiled a queer little half-tearful smile In which there was a s"ark of the old humor. "Tto good always triumph, you know." And sho was goiii. I TO CONSUMPTIVES. EJwe.rd A. Wilson's Preparation of Hrshotplii tei H'odKetli from th uriginal formula is U.4 Sove.t.s Remedy' for Consumption, Asia tut., La Grippa, Coughs, Golds, and all Throat and Lust MalkUes. Thousands of people say they have reliev ed by it Those who hava used it will have no oth er, and reccommend it to their fellow suf fers. It has cured many after they were given up as incurable by their physicions. For full particulars, testimonials, ete., address C. A. Abbot, Sole Agent, 60 Ann Street, New Yrok City, N. Y. HOTEL de CAMP. ROOMS, 25 Cents. MEALS. 25 Cents. DAT BOAD, $4.50 per WEEK; BOARD and ROOM, $5.50 per WEEK. D. HOODENPYLE, Proprietor. SUNNYSIDE. NEW MEX. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office St Koswell, N. July 11, Notice is hereby inven that Sarah u. smith, of Hliiki. n. m.. who. on July 1L lu8. matte Home- mead Entry no. 067U, for w 1-2 n-w -4 and w 1-2 a-w ia. Section 23. lov-nahm 4 n. Kancre 2d e. n m p Mertdion, has filed notice of intention to make Kinai Commutation I'rool, to eaiabuan claim hi the tend above described, before D. J. Town fey. U. S. Comr.. at hi office in La Lande, N. u., on the 7th day of October, 191. Claimant numea &b wittictiaPB: T. J. Baker. J. L. Loní, Jra C. Smith, William Leonanl; All of Banks, n. M. T. C. Tillotaon, Register, first UBr28-laBt Oct 1! NCTÍCE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Roswell, N. M., July. 17, 19. Notice is hereby given that Philip F. Kinnie. of Ru?hanen. N. H., who. on April 6, 1908. made HomtHtcad fcntrv no. 147 39 Seria no. 0145&1 for m-x 1-4 a-w 1-4 Sec. 2 n-w 1-4 n-w 1-w See. Hand n 1-2 n-e 1-4, Sec, 10, Tow nship 1 n. Range 20 K, nmp Meridian, haa filed notice of intention to make final Commutation Proof, to the land above described, before W. H. Parker, U. S. Comr., at li:a cilice tn bunnyside, N. M. on the 7th day of October, 1909. Claimant names as witnesses: John H. Ponder Hale P. Newooit. Claude Beckett. Nioholaa W. Murchinaon; All of Buchanan, n. m. i . Lr. i uiouon, Kefirister. first auff 28 last oct 2 Serial (WI94 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Kcawell, N. M., Aug. 3. 19( 9. Notice ia hereby wiven that Lavid H. WCHama. ot iticamo, n, M., wno, on Oct. 24. 19ti7. nu Homestead Untry No. -Mía. Serial 08294. for n- i-4, t-ecLion ,iu, iownanip n n, Kantre 25 e, n M p Meridian. hbB hied notice of intention to make Final Commutation proof, to establish claim to the lana atuve described, hoi ore W. M. Weddinjiton, U. S. Comr.. at Ricardo, n. m.. on the mh dnv nf October, 1&9. Claimant names as witnesses: W. C. Williams. L. Maxwell, J. N. Line. W. E. Anderson: All of Ricardo. N. m. T. C. Tillotrkin. Reo-isTtor. first augr 28 Inst oct 2 FORT SUMNER RESTAURANT, j Mr. m Pi.;?;.., .......... ...J. IS., First-class Board and Clean, Well-furnished Rooms :: Prcmpt Service and Courteous Attention Given To All Patrons. t t i t J 5th. STREET MEAT MARKET. Prop's. CURTIS & WOLFLEY, The Bent Line Of Fresh and Cured Meat In Town. "Out Of Town Orders Solicited." Serial 077(13 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department f the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Koewell, S. M., July HO. 119 Notice is heteby Riven that Ira C. Smith, of Banks. N. M.. who, on Aur. 1. liK)6, made Home atead Entry 9772. Serial no. U77ü3, for s-e 1-4 n-w 1-4, a-w l-44i-e 1-4. n-e 1-4 a-w 1-4 and n-w 1-4 s-e 1-4, tiec. 23, Township 4 n Ranee 26 B, N H P Me ridian, hks filed notice of intention to make Final Commutation Proof, to establish claim to the land ibove dmciittd, becru D. J. Townley, 11. 3. Comr. at his office in La Lande, N. M., on tho 7th nayol uctofcer. t'JW. Claimant names as witnesses: F. P. Hav kina J. L. Long-. T. J. Buaer, W. K. Leonard, All oí üanka, N. M. T.C. Tillotaon, Register, first pub Arnr 38 sst oct 2 livery Stable and Feed Yard. HORSES BOARDED BY THE MONTH. ADOBE CORRAL CAMP WITH CEMENT FLOOR,' BACK MEETS ALL TRAINS. W. M. HUNTER, Prop. SUNNYSIDE, N. M. BLACKSMITHING and WAGONWORK J. M. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY. KUYKENLiALL. Sunnyside. New Mexico. CONTEST KGTICE. CHAPTER VIM. Oís pflrly morninc some dsri later, Wshop Winstanley was s'. own 1no my office. A K'aiice sufficed to tell me that ho was laboring under unusual excitement. He waited tor my clerk to leave tbe room, when he announced, without prelude: "A moot astonishing thing has hno- rened; Mrs. Anson Dines has sailed for America." "Is it possible!" I exclaimed. "I thought she meant to remain abond." 'So she did. So she did inder.nite- ly." 'And are you di.-r-oird to rear"' I her change of plans as s'güiüoai.t?" 1 Inquired. He looked nt mo odd'y. "The question shows how littlo you know the lady," he remarked. I smiled. The situation seemed amazingly fnnny to me. But the bhh op was not Inclined to regard it as be ing at all so. "Then you await her coining with ome anxiety," I observed. 'As a matter of fact, with the great est anxiety." I muttered my polite regret at this nne;::ected and startling crook in the straightness of his affairs. Ho made no reply, but leaned back In his chair, with perturbation writ ten large on his handsome and ordin arily composed features. "Mrs. Dines evidently believes In going after what she wants to usé a common expression," I remarked. He nodded, dismally. "She is famous for It" he said. "What she determine ' Hpon neither heaven nor earth can dissuade her from. And she Is evidently determined this this marriage shall be carried through." B'ess me!" i murmured. My own Inclinations In the matter seem not to enter In," he said grimly. "Then you have sent her an answer to her remarkable document?" "Oh. at once." "May I Inquire If it had the rine of finality to it?" I asked. Tbe finality of an ultimatum." he assured me. , "Dear me, and still Bhe comes!" I reclaimed. Feruirtrrert of the Interior. IT. H. Land Office. K js-elt, N. M.. Autf. m. liXtt. A sufre er c. nttst affidavit . hnvirii bern fikn in Ibis OÍÜlO i,i fiavi K lnal,:v.. nirt nf.1 LácontL' W íüker, H. F. no. . . mr de Sent. . .vic ir u o hcrciil 1,-1. 1-4 .-.(ti,n ttl Tnwnahij 2 N. UíJrírft 5. by (cen.e Walher, eon-tU-B(ie, ,n Which it s ailesred th it Leu- me WtJ ker, has taikd to establish his rebtfr.-ncH upon Faiu iand. and thai said traet if not srsttied upnn, culti- sti and approved by siiid party ss required by a v, said parties are. hereby notified to appear, . cspood, and offer evidence t4uehinff said allow tion at HI o clock a. m. on October 27, 1909, before W. M. Weddmirton. U. 8. Comr. at Ricsrdo. N. M. (and that final bearing- will be hi Id at 9 o clock a. m. on Nevember 6, W9. before) the ftep-'Sier and Receiver at the U. S. Land Cflice in R. swell. N. M. The said contestant having, in aproper affidavit, filed Ausr TO. 1909 set forth iacls which show that after due diligence ptracna service of this notice cannot 1 made, it is hereby i rdered und directed that such notice be given by due and proper pub- i icai.on. T. C. Tillots-n, Register. Sep 11-Oct 18 C. W. FOOR& Co. REAL ESTATE AGENTS, LAND LOCATORS, ' and SURVEYORS. Call On Or Write To Us. We have the field notes of Township 1, S. 25 East. Alsa Township 2 North, 26 East. SUNNYSIDE, NEW MEXICO. Serial 08224 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. U. S. Lend Office at Koswell, N. M., Auff 9, 1M Notice 6 hereby given that Cecil G. Smith, of Banka. N. M.. who. on Sent. 20. 1907. mnri HnmA. stead Entry 2005. Serial no. 08224, for h-w 1-4 s-e 1-4, B-e i-4 s-w 14 Sec. 14. n-e 1-4 n-w 1-4 and n-w 3 -4 n e 1-4, Selc, 23, Township 4 north, Range 2tJ b, n u P Meridian, has filed notice of intention to mane r.nai cornmuution roof, to establmh claim ra tne vina arove aescriDed. bet jre Li. J. Town ley, u. o. uimr., bi n'i omce in u Lanae, W, M., the 12th day of October, 199. Claimant nimes as witnífwn T- W Nformon of LaLaniie, n. m., F. P. Hawkins, J. C. Smith Huu i. i. muer, oi uanKs, n. m. T. U. XiUotBon, Register. 1st auff 28-last oct 2 CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior! tf; 6. Lani Office. KoHweil, New Mexico, Aut? U, 19if9. A sufficient content affidnvlr hMin filar! tn this effice by Ivy Walker, oenteatent, against notneswaa Entry no. tttílH, marte April 1, Jtkffi iw i-', Fecuon zu. lownsnipa K, Kange ze K, nmp Meridian, by Henrv G. ColiinH. (xntii in which it is alleged that Henry ti. Collins has not complied with the law in holding said land and han chantred his rt-sidence therefrom for more than six months last past and next r r or to iilinir said ;trfidavit said parties are hereby notified to appear, reapona, ann oner evidence touching saiu allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on Oct, 9, 19,9, be fore W. H. Parker. U. S. Comr. at h-a office in Sunnyside, N. M. (and that final hearing: wiil be neiti ac iu o ciock a. m. on uct. lautf, belorei the ñffitfir and Receiver at the United States Land umce in ncsweii. n. a. The said contestant havfnir, in a proper affidavit filed August 11, 1909, set forth facta which show that afterdue diligence personal service of vhis notice can not be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and T. C. Tillotson. Register. Contest S3 Serial 02208 CONTEST NOTICE. Debarment of the Interior. U. S. Tjnd ftffi Santa Fe, N. M. Sep. feu, 19u0. A sufficient conteBt affidavit having: been filed in thifl office by Daniel J. Jones, contestant, aprainst Daniel A. Hall, entry Serial No. 0228, made Oct. 19. ItWt. for S-W l-4Secticn 2(1. Tmxnahin 9 u Range 22 E, by Daniel A. Hall, contestes, in which it is alleged that Daniel A. Hall has failed to es tablish his residence-on said land; that said tract is not settled UDOn. cultivated and imnmvíxl na rt quired by law, said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond, and offer evidence touching: said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on Mov. 20, 1W9, be fore Frank N. Page. U. S. Court Comr. at Buch anan, N. M., (and that final hearing- will be held at 10 o cli ck a. m. on Nov. 3, 1999 before) the Regis ter and Receiver at the U. S. Land Office in Santa ' Fe. N. M. The said canistant having, in a proper affidavit. filed Ssd. 20. 19119. set forth fuels which nh.Mi. that after due cM'gance personal service of this notice cennot be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. Manuel R. Otero, Register, first sep 25 -last oct 30 Only Case on Record. Georg "Do you believe the wom iin ever ttvei yfao could truly siy to I)r lor. tUt he vfm the firs mini MOISE BROS. CO. SANTA ROSA and BUCHANAN. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. The Best Of Everything In Our Line. Groceries, Provisions, Notions, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, Boots and Shoes. MOISE BROS. CO. Campbell's Scientific Farmer An Illustrated Monthly Magazine. $1,00 per year. Devoted to Scientific Soil Tillage-the only exponent of, successful soil culture-regardless of rainfall or irrigation. Campbell's 1905 Soil Culture Manual A Hand Book and Treatise on the Campbell System of Soil Culture. Tells how. Illustated SO cents The Fort Sumner Review Weekly, one year . Sinn A combination of all three publications as above for only & 1 f6Q THIS OFFER GOOD UNTIL SEPTEMBER 3p, 1909. By special arrangements with the Campbell Soil Co. of Lincoln, Nebr., we are enabled to make the above liberal offer, . which holds good only until Septemder 1, 1909. Every farmer in this section ought to be interested in this proposition. The Campbell System is an insurance of good crops year after year; the result of 25 years of careful, pains taking observation and experiment by Prof. Campbell Not a theory; but a proven fact You ought at least to investigate it fr your self . To ric Continue-d.) da.aMEB.