Newspaper Page Text
4 S' h o i i - La Lande Letter, The Jloliness campmecting which began last Saturday is proving a -power for goofl and God is working upon the hearts if the peoele as He has perhaps never done before in our midst. Among our visitors .are Rev, Jxmnie Rogers, of Pilot Point, Tex., Rev, M, Collins, and pthets. Mr, and Mrs, I- R. Helm, who have recently moved to our town, are both great heipers in pur meeting. Rev. E. A. Fergurson, who is one of the greatest preachers in the Holiness movement, is now preaching to us. Bro. Ferguson js to be with us until October 1st, he opening of school. Rev. H. L. Hubbard, who has been very ill with typhoid fever, js rapidly recovering. Rev. Beeson is very busily en gaged in showing the visitors our county and transferring property. Melon Day and the Campbell íiros, Big Show came off Friday according to schedule, there be jng a smaller number of people than was expected, on account pf the wrecking of the excursion rain between Clevis and Mel rose. Over five hundred people failed fo arrived in time to enjoy he occasion properly; but what íhey did to the melons was a plenty. Taking it altogether, it was a big success. The farm exhibits i were fine, as well as the stock exhibit. The Review will give pie list of prizes next week. Built In Memory of a Dog. Of the memories to doss the most Imposing of modern date is "Tell'a Tower." a structure on the seashore pear West KIrby, Ches're. England, ft 14 In honor of the great St. Bernard Tell, "ancestor of of the rough-coáted champions of England, nd liirnslf winner of every prize la the kingdom. He was majestic in ai jverence, noble In character and of un daunted courage." Euilt hy the late M. J. dimming Macdona, the tower Is a sort of summer house, in the base of which Is a vault containing Tell'a re mains, guarded by an effigy of that re markable animal. Fear of Microbes. Microbes are agents of disease and Jeath. When they were discovered and when ti-clr character was exposed aclence made a big step forward. Mi crobes taught men not only how to cure disease, but how to avoid and even bow to prevent it But into lite they iirought a new terror! Now the quea-1 tion is how to guard against the ter-l i-or. For all fairly healthy persons there is just one thing to do. Ignore I the existence of microbes altogether! Don't even stop to think of them, save in emergencies, which, to the lay man, seldom arrive. Human beings have no reason to be in continual fear pf microbes. Tbe way to be immune from their influence is by not caring a nap of the finger about them, and by observing Uin ordinary rules of whole Home living. Eat and sleep regularly. Take eierclt.e. Keep in fresh air. And devote a few minutes each day to deep breathing. Microbes hate hcallby peo (ile as the devil bates holy water. Measure of Celebrity. An actress rust be well known to have the papers print the fact that f lie is about to be married; she must e famous in order to have It stated that she Is not going tp get married. . New York 'Vvt. Horribly Mean. The ireatest. man in tb world Is Ihe hmband who placed his money In a moute-trap so that lih w"e could not get tt in the early uornii g with out liberating a mouse -DJ-hango. Necessity of Beauty. j Schiller in bis estbetical and philo Ephical essays wrote that "Beauty alone contera happiness on all," that under its Influence men lorget their limitations. Happiness is our being's end and aim. And without beauty even happiness In Its perfect (lower ng is impossible. . Accustomed to It. "Yes," said Rivett, "I went to a fve-p'Wock tea with my wife yester day.'' "Gracious!" exclaimed Chum? fey, "didn't It nearly drive you crazy?" "Ob, no, I didn't mind jt. I own a ol'er shop, you know.'' Catholic gt-ndard and Times. Ami f n Inexhaustible Asphalt Supply. ' tn tbe Island of Trinidad Uiere is a a!:a X15 acrn in extent, which, In tl. vj4 ri wwt-Uyintr , contains Bf.r.hnli in ajct ln;!-.9v -t'b.'u qttaa I (.'. . ." r n i.r". L.. it in) a 'i ujs itviit are -'-v (continued from page 1) an acre. My other fields of grain show an equally thrifty condition and are proof to me that the 'only way to successfully raise i grain on these bench lands is by conscientiously following dry farming methods. Secretary Burns of the Dry Farminjr Contrress visited tha field described and said that, judging from the appearance of the grain, it was his impression that Mr. Bouton was very mod estly conservative in his estimate of the yield. A sample cf this grain has been sent to Prof. B. C. Buffum of the Wyoming Plant & Seed Breeding company, Worland Wyoming, for analysis. Samples of Mr. Bouton's crops including some of the above described wheat, will be display ed at the International Dry Farm Exposition at Billings during the Fourth Dry Farming Congress, October 26 28, 1909. SPARKS. (By the Associate Editor ) We love our Dr. Cook, but oh, you Eskimo! Come on with the moving pict ures of the discovery of the North Pole. Porto Rico has succeeded in shedding its American Govenor. Let 'em go back to the Pole and fight it out. Astronomers have found water and vapor on the planet Mars The Martians must be preparing soup for dinner. Comptroller Metz, who is wil ling to be mayor of New York, is a chemist. He has some strange elements to mix! Peary and Cook! Peary and Cook! Now is the time to sub scribe for the book. When Senator Aldrich is net tled he twists his gray mustache around his finger. He has ac quired the habit from long twist ing the other Senators around the same digit. Chicago burglars recently rob bed a millinery store. If they can cash their haul at market prices, they have probably made a killing. Estimates on the valne of Harriman's estate flatly contra dict the impression that Mr. Rockafeller and Mr. Carnegie had ail the real money. One of the Chicago courts has undertaken to make a man stop lying to his wife. An attack on inherent rights, by jove. It may that we may never have peace, however, until somebody takes the old pole out and loses it again. A "Taft Democrat" has been appointed assistant postmaster at Richmond. But what is a "Taft Democrat" and why is a "Taft Democrat?" The farmer is so prosperous that the Census Bureau wants him to start figuring up .his wealth right away, so he can have it dene by next year. "Uncle Joe" admits that his fences need repairing, says the Nashville Tennessean. "Uncle Joe" is getting along in years, but we more than halfway sus pect that he has not forgotten how to fool the people around Danville, 111., as he used to. Mr. Rockafeller must ba some what puzzled to know how to go about "making sure of heaven." Heaven is not quoted in the slock market. Even when a man's liver gits out of oider from staying out late he can think it's his wife's fault because she sat up for him. Nature's Order. Manterlinck: Not a single day la Uivjal. Not a Law of Nature. Balzac: EqK-lity may be all right, ) but no human power can convert )t into a fact. EQr Xlrif ''".! A ?' ' J. L. MAXWELL. -- DEALER IN Dry Goods and Furnishings RICARDO, ::: NEW MEXICO. "Right Goods at the Right Price." Also a BRANCH HOUSE at GUADALUPE, N. M. 6 GREAT BIG DAYS 6 THE TWENTY-NINTH ANNUAL New Mexico Fair and Resources Exposition Albuquerque, N. M., October 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 The Great Game of Push Ball on Horseback. The Great Southwestern Marathon Race. The Great Nat Reiss Carnival Company. W, G. Tight. President John B. McMannus, Sec'y For further information, Entry Blanks, etc., Address the Secretary. A. A WELLS. General Contractor and w Builder Plans and Specifications Furnished Free f'aid Up Turn-Key Jobs A SPECIALTY PECOS VALLEY HOTEL FORT SUMNER, W. M' riRST CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS Rates $2,00 Per Day Mes. R. E3EAU3IEN, Proprietress. &. -a-s The BARGAIN STORE. S.PRITNER Fdl Lina of Groceries, $ Wcrkingmg Men's Clothes, I Notions nú Novelties. -ci.-",s&3'?-c. f AND THE LOCO?, PROCEEDED. After Pastor Had Elucidated Text from Which He had prawn Kit Sermon. The colored parson had Just con cluded a powerful sermon en. "Salva tmi Ant Free," and was announcing that a collection would be taken for the benefit of the parson and his fam ily. Up jumped an acutely brunette brother lu th back of the church. "Look a-jfor, puhson." he inter rupted, "yo' ain't no sooner done teliln' us dat salvation am free dan yo1 go askln' us U money. If salvation am frea, what's de use in payln' fo' it? Dat s what I want ta know. An' I tell yo' p'intediy dat I ain't goin' to gib yo' nothin' until I find out Now" "Patience, brudder, patience," . said the parson. "I'll 'lucldate: S'pose yo' was thirsty an' come to a river, Yo' could kneel right down an' drink yo' fill, couldn't yo'? An' It wouldn't cost yo' nothin' would It?" "Oh, cou'se not. Dat's lest what I " "Dat water would bo free," eon tlnuuu the parson. "But s'posin yo' was iu hab dat water piped to yo' house? yo' have to pay, wouldn't yo?" "Ya, suh, but" , "Vui. 'fcreddor, so It 1 wld salvation. De uiKdtlon am free, but It's de havln' It piie-i to yii' ('"t vo' to riv fo The Great Strobel Airship in Daily Flights. High Class Harness and . Running Running Races. U. S. Cavalry Maneuvers. All kinds of Exhibits. nr. V 4- 'TVVIXT THEORY AMDCQMDITION Where the Gifted Playwright Is Con fronted with Circumstances He Cannot Control. Consider the apprentice playwright's vision pf his work. He has dreamed a dream and the people of that dream trea' out their drama before his 'i.liid's j eye, all flawless, perfect, just en bo j rráde them. He sees them as real peo- pie, not as actors. The scenes by moon j light are moonlight Indeed to him; he j can smell the roses in the garden : where his heroine walks, but, sadly ; enough, this illusion of reality, wblcb , continues for a little while after the j conclusion of bis writing, Is tpt to be I the greatest reward his work will b'lng ' him. When the play Is staged and be I finds that the harvest moon for his moonlight love scene must be dis carded because tbe moon-machine is' creaky and there Is danger that the ' audience may hear the moon go up, when the heroine whom he pictured to ; himself with "elf-gold hair" must play ; her part as a brunette because e!f-&oid i wigs do not suit her, and when bis ; j "pathetic father" has been given to a comedian who "gets a laugh" upon all of his beart-rendln speeches, then tt ; is that the playwright begins to com prehend the difference between "the I dreara ar.d the bufino.-s." Uooih Tark jngtpn In Collier's. i '"a end Giving. I? lose Is nothing, but . r'" "till is the part o neia Blankenship and Co. have a full, new line of Trunks and Suit Cases. Fort Sumner Broom Factory, OWENS & SONS WHOLESALE & RETAIL Solicit the General Trade and Satisfaction Guaranteed Fort Sumner. - - NewMex. F. C. HASTINGS. Carpenter and Builder. South Side Of The Plaza, Sunnyside, N. M. PINEULES for the Kidneys 30 DAYS' TRIAL FOR 1.00. On sale at the Suntiskle Drug Go's. New Hardware of all kinds at Blankenship & Co. L R. SCHOOL Contractor and Builder. "Cement Work A Specialty" Call on rue for bids on all kinds of Buildings. Fort Sumner, N. M. Fort Sumner Gallery Photo Copying, Out-door Work a Specialty. Jim Womack. 2,000 new Post Card views of Fort Sumner at Blankenship & Go's A. J. GILLIAM. Agent for Teico Steam Laundry, W. and W. Tailoring Co, ALSO, CITY BARBER SHOP. When you have piles don't fail to use Man-Zan, the great pile remedy. The nly way to cure this annoy Ing trouble is to apply somithinK that will act on til parts atTected. That is what ManZan lots. It is put up in a tube with nozzk ittceljed. Sold t y Sunnyside Drug Co. "It Gives All The New." Subscribe to your home papr first slid then take the i J Paso Herald. The Hi-rald is the boat iiK-Ium to :eep in touch w'th general news a .veb as ntws of the while south west. Eiphty Atps of patented land, ten niles south-east of town lor s, le C. W. FOOR. The Albuquerque Daily Trihune car. be I ad at the f unnyside Drug Co. Five cents per copy 55.?: TRADE. MARKS. I.'uvfüt. anil ConvriifliL.reizift- .med In ml ocui.i tio OK NO t fc. FRb'E REPORT on ivitentatttli r. Putenliiract. I Sutui 4 v.nlH in hUtmp fur our two lnvnlnablp lei; ex-iltlMYi'lv. RAMI RKPEmEMCCS. innoKH on how to obtain mm sell pat ents, sviilrh on,., will pay. How to net a part ner, patent law ant othpr v ,lmi f:o lutomiatlou. it U iff Rl I U& UUl L 303 Seventh St., Washlnnton- D. C. , PATENT LAWYERS. The Santa Fe Mexican The oldest dialy in the South west. 1.75 per quarter year. MsrnZan Pile Remedy KZLIEVE8 WWtTüf OTHERS FAIL For Eale by the Sunnyside Drug: CY Caters for Mourners' Patronage. . The proprietor of one of the saloons near a Long Island cemetery, with an eye to biisiuess, sends black bordered circulars to bouses from which there will be a funeral, stating tbat special attention will be given to fuueral par ties and tbat "private rooms, nicely furnished, will be reserved for chief mpuroevs." New York Tribune, , Plays Solitaire with Dice. A prosperous looking man who bas frpquemsd the same cafe for two years tn Liberty street always stops at the bar before be sits down to his luncheon and shakes dice with himself to decide whether be will take . a drink or not. Ha never throws with any other person. New York Press. Faith and Hope. . Doubts may flit around me, or seem to close their evil wings, and settle down; but. so long as I Imagine that the earth is hallowed, and the light of heaven retninn ita ant,riiw nn - "...--..J uu tfJO . Fabbath while the blessed sunshlncij lives Within li:e navnr ran mv arttil l ave lost the Instiuot of its faith., ' 'thanlel liawthorn. m MEXICO CENTRAL RA1UÍC, TIMETABLE. From Santa Fe to Torrap -f. Leaves Santa Fe at 1:45 P. M goin? South. t Leaves Villard 6:13 P.M. poing south. Arrives at Torrance 8:00 v.. tt. Going North. Leaves Torrance at 11 :05 A. tt, Williard at 12:40 P. M. Arrives at Santa Fe 6:25 p. M. Makes close connections with theBelen Cut-olf at Williard' with the South western at Torrance and with the A. T. S. F, at Kennedy. H. W.Coomer, Acting Manager. PROFESSIONAL. DR. W. R. LOVELACE. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, SURGERY A SPECIALTY. Office at the store of the unnyside Drug Company. Sunnyside. New Mexico. C. C DAVIDSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Practices in all th Courts. Special attention to land cases before the U. S. Land Off ice. : TuotiMCARi, New Mex. WHARTON & LAWSON. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Alahogordo. - N M. M. R. BAKER. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Contest Cases Before U. S. Com missioner a Specialty. NOTARY PUBLIC IN OFFICE. Sunnyside. New Mexico. A. P. A NAYA Practices Law before the Probate, County Commissioners, and Justice of the Peace Courts. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. - Department of the Interior, U. S. Land! Ofllc at Santa Fe, N. M.. Aujr. 23rd, 1909. Notice in hereby Riven that Lawrence B. Coleman, of Ricardo, N. M who, on Feb. 28, 1906, mad Horn antead Entry, No. 13302, Serial ÚS809, fern 13 n-e 1-4, s-w 1-4 n-e 1-2, n-w l-wl-4 - 1-4. -flection 27, Township 2 n. Range 24 e. Principal Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Anal Cummn tation proof, to establish claim to the land abo- j described, before W. M. Weddinjrton U S Com., at Ricardo N, M. ,on the 1 at dajr of Nov. 19 . Claimant names u witnesses: M. L. Too 4 .Sam Squyers. J. N. Line U aL KenaftV, All of Ricardo N. M. Manuel R Otero, RejcistT. Sartal 0K1:9 ' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Intrrí r, UrieiStat8 Larni Cftlce at Roawell. N. fr... Aug, Id, 13.4. Notice is hereby given that Houston E. Land, t La Lande, N. M.. who. cn June .1, 1 906. mm' Homestead Tntry RS66, Ser. No. 05169, f or n w 1 4, ier. g, and on March 23, 1908. made H. E. -4.VT1. S. r. no. (18, frl ts 1 and 2 and a 1-9 n-c Section 4 Township 4 N. Rantre 1 K. N M P ti Tiri ten, has filed noiiue ut inteaticn la make 1 Co.T.mutetii n Proof, to ebUblish proof Uf the above described, before D. J, T.iv nley. U. S. C m miB ,!oner, at hia office in La Land, N. M., en ) 8th day of Octobor, 19 9, Cluii.iant names as witne:ea: J.h.hong T j Baker' J. R.,McGehee, E. L. Catea; all o La Lande N.M. T. C. Tillou fi. Register. sep4 oct9 Contest 156 CONTEST NOTICE. - Dcpartnient of the Interior, U. S. Land Office. Sania Fe. N. M. Sep. 10. 1909. A sufficient contest affidavit having- been filvd in this nffit by .Vlora M. Ccuper, 3ontestant, Sffainst Horr.eBteid Entry, no. 14J33, made June , lu8. for S-E 1-4, Section-12, Tovi mihip 2 n. Range 2 e, NU r Mridl:-n, by Lewis Burbünk, Conteste, in. which it ta alleged that aukl Lewis Burbonk h whclly abandoned said land for more than aix months paM next receedina; Sep 7. i9u9, 4ato of Hatd eontrstindavit and wa not at said tñr ; resktins upon and cultivating the same, said par ties are hereby notiñed to appear, respond and offer evidence tuucl ni at id allegation ai 10 o' cktok a. m. on N,v. 10, 1909, Wore Frank M. fun U. S. Cnmr., Buchanan, N. M. (and that final hearinR will beheld at 10 o'clock a. m. n Nov. 2, lfl, before) the fieeristrrand Receiver at the L. S. Land Office in Santa Fe, N. M. The said cons.sthnt hnvn i in a Proper affidavit, filed Sep iO, 1909 set forth facts wnicb show that after due diligence personal service of this notice can not be made, it is hereby ordered, and directed that such notice be given by due andi proper publication. Manuel R. Otero, ReriBtt. Sep 18 oct 23 6S76 CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior, United States Land Offke. RoAWetl, New Mexico, Aug- 31, 190. A sufficient contest affidavit having- been ft!ed In this office by Lucinda V. Trout, contestant, ajrinat Homeateoo E?try no. 43'. 2. made Feb. 10, 1993, for N-W 1-4, Section 21, Townsulp S n. Range 27 E, by Dick Carpenter Con Loe tee, in which it is alleged that; the said Dick Carpenter has wholly abandon ed raid tract; that he has changed his residence therefrom for more than six mouth since making said entry; that saM tract is not settled upon and cultivated by sakl party re required by law and that be h.t been absent now more than three years and has caused all of his improvements to be re moved therefrom said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond, and offer evidence touching" Raid allegation at 10 a. m. on Oct 27, 1909. beiore D. J. Town ley, U. 3. Comr. at La Lande, N. M. (and that final hearing will be held at 9 clock a. m. before) the Register and Receiver at the United States Land Office in Roswell. N. M. on November 6, 1941. The said contestant having, tn a proper affidavit filled , set forth facts which show tmv. after due diligence reraonai service of this not ice can not be made, it is hereby ordnreij and directed that such notice be given by dm; and prcper publication T. C. Tillotson, Register Harold Hukd. Receiver. SeolS oct23 . rS3" Tho Couk SyrP that BrNr rids the system of a co'4 hy acting as a cathartic on t! f bowels is LAXi COUGH SYRUP Bees is tbe original lutaiivo couph ayrp rnntnias no opiGtRs, gently moves tfea U'J've.a, can vii.K the cold off through tbo sutural r'ianneis, Giaraoteedl ttt jivfj a tibí action oV money refunded. For sale by the Sunyfcfde Dru Co, ÜTIVE