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Port Soinneir Review VOL 2-NO 16. FORT SUMNER, (Sunnyside Post office), GUADALUPE COUNTY, N. M., OCTOBER 30, 1909- SI A YEAR, CASH, Trie "Nothing To It, But- "What about this farming which takes hold of the desert and transforms it into fine farms?" "There is nothing to it, but " And then follows an explana - tion that is as old as the hills, that there are no new principles, that the ancients understood how to save moisture, that plowing is very old, and in short, that after all there is really nothing new in agriculture. But having disarmed the in-1 quirer, the information giver goes furlher and undertakes to shew that farming in the dry country is simple that anyone can do it j and will do it after having read I his wife and babies is doing him a few articles. '. self and family a great injustice, One teacher makes light of the unless he gets a well and wind whole subject and declares that mil!. Nature has put an under "there is nothing to it but deep ' flow of water under a large por plowing." And forthwith t' e Uion of this dry farming country, inquire r concludes that :h3 rigl.t j iet all who are able (and those thing to do is to always and ( ver ; that are not ktep ofi) get a good plow deep. Not satisfied with 7 j strong windmill with a cerner, t-.-d or 8 inches he gets a steam plow tank large enough to hold the and goes down 10 or 12 inches in winters water, th"n irrigate ;ht to the ground, It makes no diff- i three or four hundred feet out erence whether the ground h acund the tank from small sha - moist or dry, w tie; nor it is ngr.tiow, tnen make two or; for plowing or not, he follows three small cemented ditches out i the dictum of "p'ow deep" uu . hopes for good results. Another one whe knows it ali says that "there i. nothing to ii tut shallow culti' ation." So the plain farmer who doesn't know it all follows the instructions oí the man says he does know it all, and he stirs his top soil over and over again and raises a big dust. Tl e i he waits for results. ' ;' Then a new doctor cjmes along and ?9 s that "there is noihT.g t) it but thorough cultivation.' , ,s rather limited," partly for that The farmer gets a new idea ano i .eason we have one of the health 5e goes into tho field when it i ! iest climates in the world. Thei raining and begins cultivation. ! a great deal of the country has which he ket'psmp right thiougl: the summer regardless of rain ot sni e. ií gos over tin gr.iu, d with a harrow and roller' am drag and is sure he has done it "thoroughly." No wonder that results are no; always the same. The mistake is in staring out ' on the theory that there is roally I nothing to learn in the science ol faiming in the dry country. There is something to learn, there is something know, something to do. Too many there are whe want it to appear to the public that the great investigators ol science and of scientific farming really know it all and that tl e plain farmers have not been able discover anything of value. Then there too many who have some ulterior purpose in making it ap pear that anybody can succeed ii. the dry country by just following the old and well beaten paths. Be aware of the teacher who starts out by declaring that there is nothing to the science of farm ing as applied to the dry country and then ur.dsrtakes to tell it all I other states, was never intended 0wer, in a single sentence. j to be cultivated. It is just as . i" Be aware of the learned man j essential for the progress cf the j It is believed that when r.resi who knows it all and is willing j world that the cattle and she p dent Taft vkited No v Mexico to tell it all in about two minutes. I men should ' ave plenty of room r cently, ( iov'c-iK.r C'-it-ry took The truth is gradually dawning 1 and be prosperous as they supply . up the matter cf his rf-aignatvn uaon the American neonle that ; the warm clothing and all foot! again and that the more reeeru thei e is a great deal yet to be i leat ned about the art of agricul- i ture. It is being shown by evi- dence that will not be refuted that there is a vast difference i between the results obtained from "just farming" and the results obtained from adopting well de fine'lnrinciples to the conditions whirl? prevail in the dry country. There is something to it something worth while, some- thing worth knowing, something i which smells uc-ess - Dunn- i which spells .act s. tamp , ball s scientific I a-mar, j Communication. In this part of New Mexico we , hear a great deal about the dry j farmer. I beg to differ with Campbell, there is no such thing jas dry farming, it creates a wrong impression and has mis- lead many, farming, as I call it doubtful you go to bed at night with the mind and you doubt in your! get up in the! morning still with the same j doubt whether you were going to raise enough to support your ! family or not, and many have been obliged to give it up after , spending their all. The man that goes out on a dry claim with : I ... I' I 1 1 I Í. .. Í .., Vl xuux iiuiiuicu ,a,!ness n ordr to teke t you cannot arrora to loose anj water) or you can use pipe or i oust? iusu-hu ui cementen uitciits. In this way you can irrigate from u to 10 acres, then your mdepen- dence will be established, and you and your family can have something good to eat all tht time, then you will appreciate ! thé winds of New -Mexico,.-. ..Na ture has arranged eyerythiiifi Lai out right. While our rainfall plenty of water within a reasi n- j able distan e Delow that can ce brought to the surface at a sma 1 cost per are. We are told that the Garden of Eden was placed near the con fluence of three large rivers, wt are also told that every tree that bar fruit good to cat was in tht garden. Why was the gardei: placed there? The rivers must have been of some use to the arden! I have no doubt but ir rigation was practiced in ti e garden. If the rivers were o'. no rpecial benefit, way was i! not placed at any other point in Palestine? The climate cf that 1 .....i. ;. ..., mn.l, ..... ! UJUíluv la vciy inútil imc JtiL t vil - hi, Ar i The past season I worked a garden near a river and raised good cops, bin if I did no. ha e water running through a d.teh fr m this rivr to garden it would have been a failure. In reading a history of Pales tine, we learn that it was largely a pastural country just like a part of New Mexico and severa wear and the beef and mutton that goes on to every table. The cultivation of the soil is the most enobling occupation a man can toilow, Dut my aavice to every one is get a piece of land, but get water with it There are two important points connected with the cultivation of the soil, one is that success largely de pends on the man, and the other is closely connected with irriga tion, and that is the least water Lim ub,e "" " BU' V" & CTV' S S J0 not let th(J crop suffer better yoar (continued on page 8. ) Governor Curry Resigns. Santa Fe, Oct. 28. -The resig- nation of Gorge Curry as govenor of New Mexico, which has been ij i i cAptxieu ior some time past, ñas; oeen lorwaraeü to President Talt p.d GovenorCurrv will Di-obab m u r , v..w VI'UO. vvnue it is a ioregone conclusion i that the resignation will be ac-1 cepted, it is believed here that action on it will be deferred un til congress meets this winter. Gover.or Curry this morning; called the territorial officials in his ci!y into the executive of fice and announced that his res ignation had been forwarded. This announc m 'i t cxa'ed no sui prise, as the g.ivenor's resig na; ion has been freely predicted for severa! months and i. was !: girdsd í s a ccriainty dariu: the past few days. following the I visit of irc.?id;-!it Tail and Secre tary Ba'lei g.-r to Now Mexico. The reaor.s for the resigna lior. made pub'ic here is that Coven nor Curry desired to quit public office and devote his time to up several propositions offered him within recent months. It is known that u0,. p .., ,.,.; ( ' fi(j(1 S()me weekg. aninat r.nwpnoP r,.,.v hv m ' " nra nl!ltt,1,.0 'ara nni presented until within the last week. What the charges art i,.nt i,,, v,.i., 3: ,. - Govenor Curry's action is de cía d final, tho'igh he has been oppbrtuned by his friends to re main in oflice. Some few months i ngo the governor wived his resig ation to President Taft, follow- cretarycf the interior. with ! ng some minor changes in the t ie approval of the president. I PmPiri plant. hat terriioihl officials should! Mrs. C. 0. Carver, accompa , ot leave their territories to vifcit nied by her brother, John Sar Washington on matters co- n e-! gent, departed Monday for theii ed with their offices unless re- j old horn 3 in Chilico'.h3, Ills., af quested to do f o by the head of j ter a stay of about six week; the interior department. Appar-: here, during which time she ha; ently t' i? was regarded by Gov- had the Garver place greatly im ernor Curry as a direct slap at proved. nun, as it loUowed closely his : trip to Wrshington at the head; the announced purpose ot urging the admission of New Mexico as o i.ini acidic . President Taft asked Governor Curry to remain in office and th( governor re on-rir'ered, withdrew his resignation and cansented to remain. Si:;ce that time it has been a matter of common knowl edge that he desired to quit oflice an 1 this iv.c'd nt formed the ba si:i for the statement that the t?rritcrial adm'sistration was not visit of Secretary Eallinger was for the purpose of discussing with the governor the more im portant phases of the territorial administration in preparation for a change of officials. Vill Dance to Band Music. The Fort Sumner Cornet Band will play for a dance in the City Hall Saturday night October 29. This is the first time the band fa and attend. Valley Notes. ! Alfalfa hay and corn at Blan- . jkenship & Company. Born on the 27th day of Oct., ; 1909. a girl baby to .Mr. and Mrs ' Dan Smyers. ... j-Jjq La(es Circle W. 0, vv twill WlBlt Cnfiifcr al'Anin n I- v;.oa .. ..... '' "' ai l"e tvjercan- I . I "rt't, store. Adalina Jaramillo, Gardian. Mrs. S. Katz, Clerk. C. D. Smith is pushing the work on his business house at the corner of 5th street and Sumner Avenue. T. J. Burt is finishing up his ! house on Sumner Avenue for the purpose of bringing his family into town so that his children may attend the public school. W. T. Reiger has accepted a portion with Dr. Worley at Cluyi:-, as Pharmacist. We re gret !-is going as he has made man) friends here as a dispen ser L' drugs. VtAiik N. Page, U. S. Com- ;riiáiioi:er at liccnanan. was in town . this v. etk doing business1 with' our people. VVon'l Slight A Good Friend. I ever 1 need a cough meJielm I atrain I know what to iret declares .Vila. t, 14. iney ui Aeiw, me., ,,iur, after using ten bottles of Tr. KinB' New Discovery, and seeing its excel- a T Ail e r....i.. ni. i-.- i lent results in my own and ot!i- ers, 1 am cuiivinceu iw ib liib uesi. rneui- cine maie for Coughs. Colds and lung irjuble."- Every one who tries it feeif just that way. Relief is felt at ona nnd its. quias cure surprises you For Bronchitis, Asthma, Hemorrhage, iV.;riH-J.r;t-... s.ii-c Throat, nun in chett or lungs its supreme. 50c anc; j post master, who ÍS now ill busi V100. Trial bottle free. Gnarantee iegs a(. Amarillo, spent the Week oy SunnyU. Drug Company. I amQng dd frjends tt i tt . j n rv nowaru u. nuni 01 uenver, C;lo., representing Fairbanks- Morse home. uo., leu vionuay ioi - i i'. tit i í -. : Mr. Hunt has been mak-. Smashes AH Records. As an all-round laxitive tonic anc' i health-builder no other pills can com- pare wth Dr. King's New Life Pills j Tin .y tone and regulate the stomach. i liver and kidt.evs. Durifv the blood, - strengthen the nerves; cure CWpa- i tion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Jaundice, Headache, Chills and Malaria. Try them 2jc at Sunn.,8 de Drug Company. The Hereford Nursery Co. of Hereford, Texas, has estab- lushed a branch oflice at Fort Sumner, T W Vnlirwr. rnmnt Their stock is acclimated and guaranteed from infection. J. A. Northington has resign ed his oiTice as secretary of the j Board of Control and C. W. Focr has been selected as his succes- j sor. You will file on lots before j Mr. Foor. l ire destroyed the business -portion of Cioudcroft, tha great ; summer resort of the Southwest ! Sunday night. About half anj inch of snow which fell late in the evening saved the residence portion of the town. W. G. Berger left Sunday for his home at Beloit, Wis., after! spending several days here on business. , .... . a chump. "Ho Is an awful chump, ln t bi? "Yes he bought a ticket In an outoiuo- bite ruflle and then built a garage b fore tbe drawing came on. en. what do rou know nbout that! Waj he dlnal pointed when ths drawing came off?" "Not so you could nolle ote houled and tí:" buffalo be'. it; he won the auto." Houston Tost. jowot Personal. We are sole agents for Chase ; & Sanborns Celebrated Coffees, ! try them Earickson & Co. Any suit of Clothes in the house ! at cost for cash. Look at them tit Fntn' X. ' See Earickson's New line Dry Goods before buying elsewhere. 1 leers? A car of "Amarillo Best" flour A fme 1ne of clothing cheaj just received at Blanker.ship &;foi.cashat Blankenship & Co'j Company. : m St0,.e Mrs. lay lor ol LaLanue was visiting and shoping among us Thursday. Blankenship &. Co. have just received a large consignment of Mien o, uy o auu Liitimcii auuvo, i ,. . , . ... , , : which added to their already i large stock, makes the best stock j of shoes in Guadalupe County, . . ., . '.'rs. Hi. m. wnite, f, 1 r 1 ilia Anvillai-v of the W. I i .j. . came i:i yesterday to conv plete the organization of Circle bugun here couple of weeks ago. Earickson T; Co. have just re n T-i .1 ."I. 1 i ceiveü a car or i ancy ana stand ard canned Vegalables, including the Famous Richelieu Jams, Mincemeat, and other items too numerous to mention. W. J. Horsely, real estate man from Las Tanos, is in town ' . . , , , j thl3 week and haS l"irchased stv; eral lots and will become one of U3 sorn Tr , , . . j Kemp Lumber Co. has JUSt re ! ceived a large consignment of i Lincoln Paints, Kalsoiiiine, Oil , ,,,,1 Tirif.f Paints i .1. C. McCracken, our lormei : , ,,,,,, ,i., 0.lrP V . I. HIllCLIi 1 '. of the doctor with a severe case , , , , n. h- pirht hnnfl Mrs. Sarah Wright, aged sev enty two years, died on the 28th if senilitv, six miles south of town. The body will be embalm- ed and shipped to Missouri ior burial. The election to determine! whether the Herd Law shall be ' vlopted in this, the 12th Precinct vill be held on November Oth, i .900, at the oilice of J. A. Per-' xins, J. P. I TfifftfiimjmiwHífw-miMmiíiiwim Mrs. Dan Smyers died on the 29th, of congestion, bhe leaves a husband and five children, the! . , , i youngest being only thl ee days ! I ,,1(1. SSmmau t P Mann of Mnroan Mills i Texas, has taken a homestead1 north of an,d wi" Jeturn soon wlttl ms famllv and nve or ! 51A UtllcT lallllilcS, lIlillC I1U111I- i with us. Mr. Mason says that crops were very short in Erath Windmills, Casing pipe and Fix County this year, but that he tures. It will pay you to get yr.u followed the Campbell system ; to our prices before buying else and raised considerable cotton-j where. Earickson & Co. while his neighbors failed. El Paso, Texa?, Oct , 29th. -"Trail down the Santa Fe Trail with me Tillie." That is the song the beaux will be Slnirn.giBlankenshiP's. next week at the and Exposition. What the I -Pike" was i Fair and the to the St. Louis fleece-lmed underwer at Klank "Pay Streak" toenshiy & Go's. ithe Seattle Exposition, the I "Santa Fe Trail" will be tO thei i Ei pas0 Fair. . The historic fea- lures 0f the old "Santh Fe Trail" the over!and route to California, vviH be carried out in the "Trail" ' UlC illIUMÍUllJilb JtctV;tJ Ul LtJC HjI : Paso Exposition. Indian Villa- ges. Wild West bhows and oet- )lcr8 Can pf will line the Trail, while bunds will play and ber kers spoil, where once the coy- I localetteTI ! Wo want vnnr Pali Vmuinncc and will make urices to art. it at Earickson & Go's. I Have you seen the new auto H. A. Co- mobile scarfs at Mrs. The Review, One Year i One Dollar. The "best and most up-to-date line of men's and boys hats ever . . ii. r 11 l. ... brought to Guadalupe County at. , Bianl.ensmV. I i The most complete assortment i of woolen over-shirts at Blank- CTilOilllf CU1U VsJ O. .,.,,1 f-? Miss Pattie Hunt, of Clovis has aceepted a position as steno grapher with the Ft. Sumner Townsite Company. M. Nicholy, of Abiline, Kan sas, was a prospector he-re dur ing the week. B. C. Welch, of Cedar Bluff. Miss, was prospecting in our ! vicinity this week with a view ! to locating. ! Will Nisbot, of Portales -vh i jlas jjen vsng his parents here returned home yesterday. Miss Bessie and Laura Wisdom are building on their lots in De pot Addition to Fort Sumner. There is nothing better we know of for all' kidney troubles than Pineules. These pills are really excellent in cases of weak back and backacke, pains in the neck of the bladder, rheumatic pain and kindred ailments, due ta weakened, disordered kidneys. Sold by Sunnyside Drug Co. por Sale 120 acres of patented 1 land, within 5 miles of Fort , f (k- h , i ror cash. C W. Fook. Miss Marian Blanchard, prin cipal of our school, was on the sick list first part of the week, causing an absence frcm the school room for a day. Frank Manzanares, went to j LaS Vegas Thursday afternoon ! on i3USnesfi WANTED: Pictures of Old Fort Sumner. Anyone having or knowing of pictures of Old Fort ' Sumner will please communicate : with vA.Nnt-CKt- Have just received a car each Wolfs Premium Flour, Corn and X - I....T, : lnOD, OUl tOt.'S HUU WIHUIIS, V ill 1- ned Goods, Sugar, Alfalfa, Why not send a copy of the Review back home? See the best s'ock of dresa o-oods. ladies coats and skirts at The finest line of woolen and B. Blankenship is town this wool.- Inntono- sifter hi morcan. i ii v.n i , I Children s undereear .n all fpleS and pnceS at BlankenshlP Mr. Ackerman, manager for the Roosevelt County Telephone Company, announces that he ha:i completed the line u- the "Head Gate" as veil as to the Old Town nf Snnnysid whnn? ho 1' it vut ii: f'tMir er l.vt !! " 'X