Newspaper Page Text
n The VOL. 2--NO 17. FORT SUMNER, (Sunnyside Post office), GUADALUPE COUNTY, N. M., NOVEMBER 6, 1909. $1 A YEAR, CASH- fori Sumner To Explore Tiburón Isle. A'buquerque Tribune-Citizen After a number of delays oc casioned by alack of understand ing by the officia's of the intent of the party the Tiburón Expedí- i ill . p 1:1 twn. ticaaeo oy rroiessor ray-,. ette A. Jones, of Albuquerque, was ready to set sail from Guay mas, Mexico, Wednesday after noon. The party is on its way to an island inhabited by the Saris in the Gulf of California Its object is to explore the coun t ry and locate a fabulously rich body of gold bearing quartz in fie Altar desert on the coast ol Sonora opposite Tiburón isle. It is said that a our.g mining engineer fresh from college and ' with a dts:re to distinguish him-: self and grow rich at the same : time, set out for the locality foi which the expedition headed by 1 Jones, 'is aiming. There he found an outcropping of gold quart, that fairly made him diz zy. Packing up a? much as h could carry the engineer return j ed to civilization bringing with ! him $8,030 of gold-beearing ore. In attempting to return to his ', bonanza he became lost and wan dering about tho desert perished miserably. Later his body was ; found. In a pocket were maps- showing the route to the locality : in which the engineer fund thr gold. The Tituron expedition , has these ma.s and will indeavoi to locate the bonanza. The scene of the engineer'. discovery is on the island of So nora, direc'.'y opprsite Tieuron The story of Lis discovery anci snbsi'puent death on the the iinding of his body and th maps leading ' to ike 't easnrc, and the final reversion ""of these from the hands of the Mexicans who discovered inem 10 me American vvho Uter formfü ,e exploring company reads like one of Robert Louis Stevenson s plots. Should the expedition turn out succ3ssfully it will h shown that truth, after all is stranger than fiction. Another party headed by "Butch Frazier of Tonto basin near Phoenix, Jimmy Hale and ' Tangle" Johnson of the Tonto basin, are on their way to Yuma where they expect to join the Jones expedition. Following is a letter received from Mr. Jones by the Tribune Citizen Guaymas, Méx., Oct. 28, '09. "The Tribune Citizen: "After several days of thresh ing out technicalities in securing our clearance papers from this port we are billed to sail this af- . ....... m,i AY a cut imHai. rkm I .:i lliiuil. lis, gnu uuuti . . a , American flag in our own vessel which we have christened the 'rferi.' The vessel is nine ton, two masted, and built for both aervice and pleasure. It has sailed around the 'Horn' and is in every respect sea-worthy. "Considerable curiosity and interest is manifested at this port in the expedition and our lieavy arms have excited the vig- ilence of the revenue cutters and it seemed lor a time that we iitted to sail would not be pern out of the harbor. We are un-1 der many obligations to General T P T.r!,nrllK.Amr:.!.n! consul,' Louis Ilostetter. both of ti .:n !,,.- Amo,!. Ameri- CI 1J1U IIIU, UttU k.l- J"S can Consular agent, C. B. Tay lor, of Guaymas. "The purport of the expedition ; has not been well understood by i the people of Mexico. It is not the" object of the party to molest or harm the Seri Indian, but our arm. we a means of protection 4i oiin.elveti iu- ease of-savage treachery. Moreover, the e:tpe-1 ditiou will doubtless bring to! Shallow Well Irrigation : at Portales. ( Albuquerque Jourml. ) PnrtnlrH Nov. 2. Waipr from the well of Judge Lindsey. which is about one and one half miles m. ,narfínwi An,n the streets of Portales. The fin- sion being the marriage of Lnn al test of this well has been . que Sandoval and Felicita Swa made and there is no longer any : beeher. question about the practihility of 1 The ceremony was impressive shallow well irrigation in this . l.v performed by "the Rev. Father section. Six thousand acres Haelterman of Puerto do Luna. around Portales have already; At the conclusion r f the church been signed for, and another six csremony, the bridal party fol- thousand are wanted and. will probably be added before the plant is in operation. The six . B. M ., nn Lindsey farm throws one thous and gallons of water per minute, and the other two test wells are doing as well. A Drominent realty holder said oday: "There is nothing that could have happened that could mean so much to Portales and ihe surrounding country as this. ! vVhen the irrigation system is ir, ; charmingly enhancad her rat - full and complot operatbn, we ; ural beauty. will have everything easy. Wej Mr. Enrique Sandoval is the nave raised bumper crops in this i 'Idet t son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac section for half a dozen year, ' sar.doval, one of our moat prom-f now, by depending strictly upo: Uiientand ra.ípwí-ri Native fam- the rainfall, and with the cer- canity, mat we win nave, a; ieason just whan we want n, want it here can b3 no question about a iraat agricultural future for this lislrict." Prison Sentence of Labor Leaders Affirmed A diííoat'i'i from Washington states that the district court- fcas affirmed the -decree of the eu- orerr.c court of the District of Columbia, adjudging president :ó, n, Jft,. ' Morrison and vice president John : Mitehclof the American Federa - . , T , ... . nrmtpmri. . , r, , nnrl ! : range case, and ordering their imprisonment. The sentence of ains; Mrs. Annie Cullahorn, return, he either had a very sue- Gornpers is one year in prison:' china dish: Miss Pattie Hunt, , efcssful trip or was much pleased1 ihatof Mitchell nine months and! china set; Mrs. Rooney, table to return to "Fort Sumner on the that of Morrison six months. cloth; Miss Albrn'ta Page, china Pecos. " I Chief justice Shepperd dissent- j set; Mrs. II. W. Naylor, silver G w pje(jgori' tenant of I... ' ed from the opinion on constitu-spoon; Mrs. A. B. Harris, water j p,;sri0Vi on one half r.cie pn -i iional grounds. i set; Henry Reinl.ardt, wash- uced $6j'80 worth cf tand; Miss Tecla Swaoecher, . loupcs M). Disney took this ; VnfoJ o M9! i cri y is , i,, 1 Wnshinytnn. Nov. 3 . Com mander Robert E. Perry was today voted a gold medal by the ; National Geograpical society lor 1 reacing the north pole. I The board of managers of the society at their meeting today , . . , , accepted unanimously the report ! .. . 1 , ,AA . !. , of the subcommittee of scientists who have examined the former explorer's record and proofs, and found them corroborative of his:xexas for SOme time, claim that he had reached the Plc- I The socieev adonted a resolu - The socieey adopted a resolu- v . . . ,JualJ, tintJfcv-v v.i vyniv tiv l-.rt,-. 4 It of n,,rtali,M rPmV,QlViQi.. ,.11 .!. or not any expioier reacneu me I pole prior to 1909 be referred to ; a sub-committee of experts. ! This indicates that the society i P''"Pses 03 Boon as PS3lble to pass on ui- recoiu ui ui. -uu. iariCh.5on m co. nave jus. re T---' i d -.. 1 jccived a ca,r, Tof Fa" and Stand ard canned Vegatables, includini ara cannea v egaiaDies, inciuaing the Famous Richelieu Jams, Mincemeat, and other items too numerous to mention. light many things of scientific : Pineules. These pills are really trouble. . fcwry wy M : Each twenty four hour failure and ecomonic value concerning excellent in eases of weak back i"8.1' a',' .y;, ""IL Von "rlr to obev such order, after the the most desicated region of the North American continent of which bul. littlfi is known.''-. "FAYETTE A, Jones, Commander. " Sandoval-Swabecher t . i Nuptials. At O'clock Friday morning the Catholic Church of Old Sunny- side was thronged with friends and relatives of the Sandoval and Sivnhwhpr families, the occa- lowed by the assemblage march ed to the strains of Spanish meló-1 dies rendered by an orchestra, I to the Swabecher residence ' where refreshments were served. Miss Felicita is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Domingo Swa - , becher. She has grown to wo-1 manhood in this immediate vicin ; l.-.i-..!: ity and is loved and respected by the entire population. She was attractively dressed in a svhi'.e gown and wore a veil thai ines, and u emiuoyect i:r tnetumj cmkwa.i.i.m v.-mi ,r.. ino iecepu,i a. u;y uecn er residence vc wed in the; evening by a dance at i z fiblon i Hail, at which every nvailabie inch of space was occupied by i tine elite of the community. The adies attending were especially conspicDua by their beauty and rnntuorne c suimes. . ro;ioying is a list oi wenuing presentfj, which tends mate 1 evi dance of the young coupled i popularity: ' Earickson Co. and employees. : mmript hónrV.i,- nut fir- Mr. ' Mrs. L. M. Disney, rocking i chair; Dr. Lovilace and C. C. : fienrv. rocking chair: F. C. : T-Tiistinsrs. French nlated mirrow: ' Miss Justina Beaubien, lace cur- vr""' VVe regrei; oaP mao.nty to se- e a more completo list of the Present at the hour of going ; l,less- to- GetS Drunk and kills his (Clovis Daily JouuhI.) Crim, Texas. Nov. 2. One of the mcst horrible crimes that has Deen enacted in this ssction of was that of , ast night, when Jacob Wiliiams, i a farmer living near thi3 city, :i.non.n nr,,.n.m.l mmn o,.. non oí cima, wno was not more ti,an ten years ot age, anil when crazeci witn cirniK Kiuea me 1 .l 11 t711l.ll child bv striking t over the head w;th a ceice of wood that he picked up near by. The whole neighborhood is wrought up over( j the occuranee and it m likely that itt-.'ii; l.- , wiiuair.s v. hi ub mo eu ll the officers who have him in charge , ao not gei; mm uui oi i munity today. - .There is nothing better we know ' of for all kidney troubles than and backacke, pains in the neck of the bladder, rheumatic pain and kindred ailim ii':-, due to weakened,' disordered kidney.;. Sold by Sunnyside Drug Co. Valley Notes. See the ad of J. W. Jackson Vetiornary Surgeon. The enrollment this reached. Vuo, in our public school, ft,., p. G. Alldiedge is prepar- jng to open his office in town. Alfalfa hay and corn at Dlan kenship & Company. S. F. Wooding of Clovis has been visiting our town this week. The building epidemic still con tinues and increases in our little city. See the ad of 0. H. Ray dray man, wish rxytl irg hauled? Any suit of Clothes in the house ' at cost for cash. Look ; at Earickson & Co. at them ' i - ' a R Harris who ha3 been ij.i, this wPpk is imnrovinur and 1 ' i will be out in a day or two. , Miss Fattie Hunt spent Satur : day night and Sunday in Clovis, i visiting relatives and friends. 1 Ame't J. Gill'am was "resid- iní, upon anj cultivating" his Sunday. ; " See Farickson's New line Dry Goods before buying elsewhere. Cards are out announcing th- , marriage of Miss Ix)uisa LeTesti. 0f Puerto deLuna .to Mr .Thomas Fitzgibbon, of Fort Sumner. Ihe Reviaw extends hearty congratu lation. FOR SALE-Work team i wagon See Dan Smyeup. ' Children's underwear m all ; s1yle3 and price3 at Blankenship ; " ' v ; The Review. One Year ; One DolJar, L. C. Vanlleeke returned from ; 'Clovis Wednesday, to h:cM 'nlacs he went after attending to' husiupqi nt. Mnlrose. .ludirme' from the smile he wore on his ; ! place about the lirst ot June is rnw ,... to rub ,,low ar,(1 f.,,. rnt.s sf Hn.TOtw .r Pledgor has mad a a great suc- i cess. Ml. p3jgei. raised ten thous- Pounds of sweet potatoes i per acre on three acres (it land. ! The dance at Fitzgibbon Hall Saturday evening, was greatly enjoyed by a large attendance, An especial feature of the even- ' níí Was the first appearance of! : The Fort Sumner Cornet Band, in public. Every reasonable per- son Dresent had a word of praise ,.,4- fn.. . KohH rtllU tfiluUUl itjtllic:! 1. mi "in . ... j . boys anci witn a nttie lime ann m-actice thev will add greatly to . . . f , the pleasure ana prestige oi cur linio eltv i Three cheers for our band boys! Won't Slight A Good Friend. "If ever I need a courIi medicine ' nain I know what to Ret" declares; Mrs. A. L. Allev of Beals, Me., ,,for, . after using ten bottl. s of Vr. King's " -' 1 1 New Discovery, ami seeing its excel- IWCiUy lour nuuia, .mu n. u. lent resulU in my own iaii !y and cth-1 fault thereof, he, she. or they! ers, I am convinced it is tlie best niedi- ' s,al forfeit tllO Slim of not less ! cine made for CouRhs, Cokis and 'U"K : ío-nft or not to exceed $103,00. ! and its quick cure surprises you. f r Bronchitis. Astlnna, Hemorrhage, CroU)-. LaGrijipe, Sore Throkt. pain in client or lunirs it suprime, wc nnrt 50e nnd Í100. Trial bottle Tie.' Grtarantetd by SunnyiiOe Drug Cdmpany. Personal. W are solo agents for íihase ; & Sanborns Celebrated Coffees, ; try mem jancKson & uo. The singing at the Sunnyside Hotel Sunday evening was large-' ly attended and greatly enjoyed ; by all. A car of "Amarillo Rest" flour' just received at Blankenship &, Company. Miss Adalina on the morning train Monday'to Tolar, returning on the afternoon train. J. 0. Welborn has sold to Mrs. , Virginia Keys lour lots in tort Sumner upon which she will erect commodious residences. Dr. W. R. Lovelace returned ; Monday from a brief business' trip to Las Vegas and Albuquer-! l ; . tu iu. que, stopping at the latter place to visit with his mother and sis ters. Blankenship & Co. have just received a large consignment of men's, boys and children's shoes, which added to their already "l Lincoln Paints, Kalsomii-.e, Oil ! anj R00f paints. The election of Wm. J. Cav-! ior mayor of Greater New York : 'ives us some hope f safe and large stock, makes tha best stock; to our prices neiore Duying eise ,jf shoes in Guadalupe County. I where. Earickson & Co. Kemp Lumbar Co. has just re-i See the best s'oek of dress ceived a large consignment of ! goods, ladies coats and skirts at ; sane politics. C-aynor is a dem-, andocrat elected by a majority of . ! seventy-three thousand votes, , vhile the remainder ol the ticket went repuo.ican uy a large, ,. majority; ... cmmunicalioa. It is with a deep sense of duty ind responsib 1 y that I cntof up- on the administration as Heal h Officer of Precinct No. 12. i'nily arPrr?iating the tno.mous Amount of work to be Í2. -ur town, an I, realizing that it would take no small amrant of ime in makingapersonil inspoc.iijj.Upj a i,ranch office at Fort cion of the different residenca; md businesses, I take this op - por-unity ef notrfyin-r all parties to bej in at once in cleaning up: Ll'cir yards and outhous:s, using! lime and other disinfectants, and making ths proper disposition of the same. Chapter 103, Section 5. Acts of 1001?, states that the Beard ot Health shall examino into all nuisance?, sources ef filth, rr causes of sicknes?, that may in their opinion be injurious to the health of the inhabitants of the Territory, or of any county, city, : town or villiage in the territory, or any part of the territory., This section shall ex end to and ; include the examination of such nuisances, Fource of filth, or : cause of sickness, as may be found in any railway car, or no,.a onI tKn hnnnl mar i.mi'1 vl ....... .1' I...... J1,... U ,. make specuic regutaueiu iw control ot the same. Section 6. Whenever any such nuisance, soured of filch, or cause of sickness, shall fee found on private property the Board of Health shall order the owner or occupant, or the person or per- gons tnat have caused or eom- iH j ,..,,,1, nui9anee. at his own expense, to remove same within , . .... i....;, i .,.i : firs1, shall constitute a SepcratC. 0(rl.1se. 'or,. Tiocnrrtfn'lv . W, I. LOVELACK, M. D. m I.OCAI.F.TTES I a I "ramitmaM w&mm. I Haye you geen the mobile scarfs at Mrs. kcrs? new at to ll. A. Co- A fine fine of clothing, cheap for cash at Blankenship & Go's Dig Store. Tho most complete .assortment of woolen over-shirts at Plan!; Jaramillo went ;pns,n smd Co's. Miss Pafrtie Hunt, cf Govis has accepted a position as steno- irranher with the Ft. Sumner Townsite Company. M. Nicholy, of Abiline, Kan sas, was a- prospector here dur ing the week. B. C. Welch, of Cedar Bluff. .'...., . , ... Miss, was prospecting in our vicinity mis w-n. ...... Have just received a car each Wolfs Premium Flour, Com and Chop, Potatoes and Onions, Can ned Goods, Sugar, Alfalfa, Windmills, Casing pipe and Fixr tures. It will pay you to get yoa tí I . . I Biar,K?nsmp s. - J. 0. Welborn was circulating in some of the towns between here and Clovis on Monday, Wrisrht & Hurd. cement con- t,.actol.s fr0m Oklahoma, have (jecjtí(j to locate here after an nSpection of the various towns between clovis and Belen. , The Woodmen of the World are solici ting .bids f rom responsi- Ul -.nitri fAH tita rAn n rt a ! building, n ans and specifica- j tiora can be seen at the office of j the undersigned. All bids to be i turned in by Thursday, Nov. 11, at 12:00 o'clock noon. I Sunnyside Camp No. 68. The Hereford Nursery Co. I of Hereford, Texas, has estab- j Sumner, J. H. Keeling agent - r;ler stock is acclimated and guaranteed from infection. S. J. Moise, of the firm of Moise Bros. Co., of Santa Rosa was a business visitor here this week. Kemp Lumber Company has just received shipment of 5x5x 24 for windmill towers. Ihloff. the reliable and pioneer nursery of the west has as their representative at tms place is. U. 1 Wade an experience 1 fruitgrow er. Ord?r your trees through him and thus secure his advice and supervision in planting. Miss Rebecca Henriquez came in to attend the Sandoval-Swabecher nuptials, she is being en-f-rtainsd by the Beaubien fami iy. The finest lino of woolen and fleece-lined undenver at Blank enphip & Go's. Teacher's Monthly Report. School District No. 20, for the month ending October 2'J, 190Ü, ENROLLMENT. Male. Females Total average Males Femabs Í1 i)9 133 DAILY ATTENDANCE. C3 m 119 Total No. triither absent n ir taray 4o No. of recitations daily 76 No. visits from school directors 8 Marion Blanci-ahd, rr'ncipl.