Newspaper Page Text
V I ! 1 fort 5yiTBBiii VOL. 2--NO 21. FORT SUMNER, (Sunnyside Post office). GUADALUPE COUNTY, N. M., DCEEMBER 4, 1909. $1 A YEAR, CAS H. he Church Started. Rev. Willis Smith, of Melrose, arrived Friday with Dr. John R. Gass and has assumed charge qf the new Union Church building. The committee, consisting of D. J. McCanne, R. C. Nisbet. Dr. VV. R. Lovelace, C. C. Henry and Dr. Smith met at the First Nat ional Bank, approved the plans and accepted lots 1, 2 and 3 in Black 4 from the Fort Sumner Townsite Co. The committee is desirous of building of solid concrete but this mrtter is still to be settled. In architectural beauty the edifice will be unsurpassed by anything in eastern New Mexico. The plans have been so drawn that the building can be addeü to and beautified as the town grows, thus dividing the be tween our our present population and future comers. The location selected met with a slight opposition but in view of the rapid development' of the eastern half of the Sunnyside townsite the selection is beyond a doubt the wisest possible. Dr. Gass now holds forth the bright hope that the Presbyter ian Synod in New York City will swell the local fund by $1,000. In contributing th3 bit of pleas ant news Dr. Gass remarked thai "this proposition keeps growing on me, Fort Sumner's future looks brighter than ever." Dr. Smith who has the work in charge made a brilliant suc cess when he built the church at Melrose and the local congrega tion is fortunate in securing his .services. Band Dance Tuesday. Another one by the band boys ar.d a bigger and better one than the last is the promise for next Tuesday. This is the second of toe regular first and third Tues day dances that are being held by the Fort Sumner Cornet Band. The dance will be held at Harris Hall and the admission will be fifty cents, ladies free. The first of these dances was so thorough lp enjoyed by all that a large attendance is predicted for next Tuesday evening. No refresh ments will be served but it is understood that Mrs, Philion will serve lunches after the dance at the Fort Sumner Restaurant. The best string music is assured and the floor is being put in ex cellent condition. Teacher's Convention. The Guadalupe County Teach er's Association went into ses sion Friday evening, September 26th, at Harris Hall, with an at tendance larger than was expec ted. Practically every school district in the county was repre sented.. The Territorial Superin tendent, J. E. Clark, was present during the early part of the convention, but left Saturday moring to attend a rimilar gath ering at Portales. Owing to the absence of a few oí the leading members of the association, the original program was discarded and a new one subsituted. The program as car ried out proved both enjoyable and profitable to the townspeople as well as the teachers. The conveation ended with the close of the exercises on Satur , day afternoon, but a reception and dance was held in the even ting and most of the visiting teachers remained over until Sunday. Just received a car load of corn, chovs ajrd bvun at iftunketahiii,. Territorial Lands. The list enumerated below con tains the vacant school and insti tutional lands in Guadalupe County, December 1st, 1909. The same are subject to lease for grazing or agricultural pur poses. Blank applications or further information may be had on application to the Territorial Land Office at Santa Fe, New Mexico. Robert P. Ervien Commissioner of Public Lands. Twp. Range Section 2 North 16 East 16 and 36 2 17 16 36 2 18 16 36 2 19 16 3 2 20 16 36 2 21 ,. 16 36 2 ,; 22 16 36 2 23 16 2 25 36 3 16 16 and 36 3 17 16 36 3 ., 18 ,, 36 3 19 16 and 36 3 21 16 3 23 16 and 36 3 24 16 3 ,. 25 ,. 16 3 26 36 I 16 16 4 18 ,, 16 and 36 4 19 16 4 20 .16 4 21 36 4 ., 22 16 4 23 16 4 25 16 5 16 16 5 17 16 and 36 5 18 ,, ; 16 and 3o 5 19 16 3 . , 20 ; ,, 16and36 4 21 7, 8, 9 5 20 G, 7. , 5 26 35 il ,, 23 86 II ,. 23 16 5 ,, 21 16and36 J 22 16 36 5 23 16 30 á 24 ,, 16 ,, 36 5 25 16 6 17 16 and 36 6 ,, 18 ,, 16 36 6 19 16 6 20 16 and 36 6 21 16 6 22 16 and 36 6 24 36 7 16 16 and 36 7 ., 17 16 and 36 7 18 , 36 7 19 36 7 ,, 20 36 7 21 16 and 36 7 23 36 8 ' 16 16 8 17 16 8 18 16and36 8 "19 36 8 20 ,. 16 and 36 8 21 16 36 8 25 16 36 8 23 36 9 16 16 and 36 9 19 16 and 35 9 20 16 9 ,, 23 36 9 26 36 10 ,. 20 . 36 10 24 36 10 25 16 and 36 10 26 16 New Mexico was tieated toa good snow, and rain on last Fri day, which in the greater part of the Territory, put a good season in the ground and replenished the stock water. In Guadalupe coun ty the rain and snow was lighter than in the northern part ol the Territory; a little over one inch of rainfall ih this county. Haw- ever, it was much l.teiid and will do a great deal of good. Curtis' Market delivers meat anywhere in town. Valley Notes. Alfalfa hay and corn at Blan- kenship & Company. See Earickson's New line Dry Goods before buying elsewhere. Manuel Abreu is pushing con struction work on a new residene on Sumner Avenue north of J. H. Reeling's bungalow. Miss Flora W. Conrad has bought two lots east of R. C. Nis- bet's residence and has let a con tract to C. D. Smith for a three room adobe residence to ba con structed thereon. L. C. VanHecke has tendered his resignation as agent for tie Fort Sumner Land and Develop ment company to ii,k; e'lect about the the middle nf thi month. THE First National Bank OF FORT SUMNER No. 8617. REPORT OF THE CONDITION of the First National Bank OF FORT SUMNER. AT Fort Sumner, in the Territory of New Mexico, at the close of business, November 16, 1909. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts . . . $57,719 64 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured .... 817 05 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation 6,250 00 Premiums on U. S. Bonds 200 00 Banking house, FnrnitUre and Fixtures . 7,000 00 Due from National Banks (not reserve agents) 16,178 94 Due from approved Reserved, gents 13,176 15 Checks and other Cash Ítem Í08 00 Notes of other National Bank ... . . 1,380 00 Fractional Paper Currency, Nickel; and Cents 98 51 Lawful Money- Reserve in Bank,- viz: Specie $6,225 25 Legal-tender notes 70 00 . . . . . 6,293 25 Reuemption fund w th U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent of circulation) . . . 312 50 Total $109,936 04 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $25,000 00 Undivided Profts, less Expenses and Taxes paid ....... 2,954 83 National Bank Notes outstanding - - - - 6,250 00 Indivual DcpoaiU subject to check ..... 72,747 16 Time Certificates of Deposit ....... 2,808 14 Cashier's Checke outstanding ....... 175 91 Total - - . $109,936 01 Territory of New Mexico, ) County of Guadalupe ) 83: I, C. C. Henry, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. C. C: Henry, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of November, 1909. seal Henhry Reinhardt, Notary Public. Correct Attestt: Manuel Abreu, Fred Williamson, W. R. Lovelace, Directors. Warning to the Public I will not be responsible for any debts contracted hereafter by my wife. B. B. Palmer. Will trade acreage under the ditch for a good work team. L. C, VanHecke. Cake might sell for $78 in Yeso but it would never happen in Fort Sumner. Our girls are justas pretty as they make 'em, but they can't peddle cake. Not for $78. What's wrong? Mrs. Elizabeth Mclnnes and her son Joseph left Thursday morning for Ro3well, where they wiU make thair home for a few months with the lady's daught er. Uva. S. E. Biacklaw. Rev. Willis Smith, oí Melrose, will hold preaching services at the MoCaiiiie eotuige Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a. m. Wall paper at Wilmeth's from 5 cents up. Contractor Jones has about completed the Wyeth home and a substantial improvement has been made in the Kenny Colony. Miss Clella Jones, of Melrose, arrived Sunday to take charge of the switch board at the Telephone office. The building that is going on in the eastern part of the Gov ernment Townsite is truly re markable. Where a few montl s ogo there was nothing but mes quite on twenty blocks, today th ;re is a lively comnunity, and new houses are being started daily. Particularly noticeable is the fa 't. that more substantial ret idences a being erected thee t .an on any t e portion of the lownsite. Among those who have bought lots in Fort Sumner during the past week are A. L. Richardson, Melrose; J. E. Brown; M-r. Church, Roswell; Dr. J. T. Wharton; Miss Flora W. Conrad; J. O. Welborn; Miss Clora Zim merman, Ricardo. TL T . me insurance companies rec commend Concrete buildings as being the best Fire Proof Struc tures made. Wright & Hurd. 21-13 Miss Mabel Lovelace, of Albu qperque, is visiting her father and brothers. Miss Lela Alldredge is sick with typhoid fever. M. A. Rooney is confined to his bed with an attack of pnuemonia D. J. Jones of the firm of Wal lers and Jones of Yeso, was doing business with our people this week. Oyters, Fish, Soup and Chili at the Arc Light Cafe. L0CALETTES A car of "Amarillo Best" flour just received at Blankenship & Company. Earickson & Co. have received acar load of Ellwood Woven Wire Fence. The finest line of woolen and fleece-lined underwer at Blank enship & Co's. Wilmeth asks you to examine his work before having painting and paper hanging done. Kemp Lumber Company has just received shipment of 5x5x 24 for windmill towers. We are sole agents for Chase & Sanborns Celebrated Coffees, try them Earickson & Co. Kemp Lumber Co. has just re ceived a large consignment of Lincoln Paints, Kalsomine, Oil and Roof Paints. J. B. Wilmeth has received a stock of up-to-date wall paper and sells the same at regular prices. Blankenship & Co. have just received a large consignment of men's, boys and children's shoes, which added to their already large stock, makes the best stock of shoes in Guadalupe County. Any suit of Clothes in the house at cost for cash. Look at them at Earickson & Co. The best, most pleasant, easiest and safest pill is Ring's Little Liver Pill. Sold by Sunnyside Drug Co. Children's underwear in all styles and prices at Blankenship &Co. Mrs. Howard Barrett is teach ing a class in Spanish. The class meets each Tuesday and Friday at 7:30 p. m. J. O. Welborn wants to trade Fort Sumner town property for a good team and wagon; he will will pay the difference in price in cash. The Hereford Nursery Co. of Hereford, Texas, has estab lished a branch office at Fort Sumner, J. H. Keeling agent Their stock is acclimated and guaranteed from infection. LOST-Black leather Bill fold, marked "Swift & Company" and brown leather cigarette case. Finder please return to this office. Earickson & Co have just re. ceived a car of Fancy and Stand ard canned Vegatables, including the Famous Richelieu Jams, Mincemeat, and other items too numerous to mention. STRAYED or STOLEN - A white-face sorrel horse, branded Xon right shoulder and vyv L on right hip. Chestnut sorrel young pony mare, front feet wire-cut, and bay mare, . white hair about the head. A liberal reward for information or de livery. T. J. Burt. Wc want you to try ManZan in cases oi rues, mis excei.ent remedy is being used by a great I Get prices before buying tlt-c-many people with satisfactory I where. We bougt our gocds results. Sold by Sunnyside Drug 'cheap and will sell them cfeip Co. for cash. Blankenship & Cu. Personal. See Wilmeth fur Wail Paper. Clothing at cost - Blankenship and Co. Hot lunch at all hours at the Arc Lignt Cafe. For the'-vo't meat go to Curtis' Meat Market. All goods spot cash to all. Blankenship & Co. See J. O. Welborn if you wish to rent a house. Curtis' Meat Market on Fifth street. Phone No. 35. Ladies underwear at cost at Blankenship & Co. Why not send a copy of the Review back home? Let Wright & Hurd build your Flues and Chimneys. 21-t2 A fine line of clothing, cheap for cash at Blankenship & Co's Big Store. For Concrete Sidewalks of Qual ity and Durability see Wright & Hurd. 21-t2 The most complete assortment of woolen over-shirts at Blank enship and Co's. The best and most up-to-date line of men's and boys hats ever brought to Guadalupe County at Blankenship's. For Sale 120 acres of patented lams) r I f V i r y-tilna flf ÜV aumner; living water; a choice place for a dairy, ranch; cheap for cash. - . C. W. Fooh. A friend in need is Pinesalve Carbol- ized. Never be without it Pinesalve Carbolized is good for cuta, burns, bruises and scratches. Sold by Sunny side Drug Co. . E. L. Howland is serving short orders in the rear of the A. J. llliam barber shop and the Arc Light bar. There is nothing so good for all kid ney troubles as Pineules, the new kid ney remedy. Pineules act promptly in relieving backache, weak back, pain in the bladder and all urinary disorders. , Sold by Sunnyside Drug Co. Have just received a car each Wolfs Premium Flour, Corn and Chop, Potatoes and Onions, Can ned Goods, Sugar, Alfalfa, Windmills, Casing pipe and Fix tures. It will pay you to get you to our prices before buying else where. Earickson & Co. C. R. Brown, D. D. S. Dr. Brown, of Roswell, N. M., will be here for a few days. Those wishing dental work will call at the Commeicial Hotel. Frank N. Page, U. S. commis sioner at Buchanan, was in the city Tuesday and exhibited some fine specimens of copper which is found on the upper Yeso. Further investigation of the burning of the Flag Store on last Thursday, Nice la; Madrid had Santiago Alvarado arrested char ging him with embezzlement. After two days exam nation it developed that at the time of the fire there was f 930 in currency and checks in the store. Nene -f the money nor goods were saved, there being no insurance all was lost, amounting to about $10,000. Alvarado was bound ever to await the action of the grand jury in a bond of $500. i.