Newspaper Page Text
i he finer teview y- VOL. 2--NO 22. FORT SUMNER, (Sunnyside Post office), GUADALUPE COUNTY, N. M., DCEEIVÍBER 11, 1S09. $1 AYE R.CíH, 1 Woodmen Election, The Woodmen of thg World held an interesting meeting on Thursday night. The fallowing1 tutional lands in Guadalupe oíííchm were elected for the en- ( County, December 1st, 1909. Ruino- vfinv A. A. Wells. Council iThe same aro subiect to lease r.immanilor' Í. .1. Avn.nt. AHvis - ir T.irntnt! Howard Rnrrott Banker; Arnet J. Gilliam, Clerk; t'imiip sterner, bscout; a. r. Anaya, Sentry; A. A. Hensley, Watchman; Dr. W. R. Lovelace, Physician. Dr. Lovelace, Simon Katz and Howard Barrett were j elected managers for three, twoj and one years respectively. Thej installation of the new officers , -will take place on the second j- Thursday in January. The order will give a masquerade ball December 22nd. La3 Vegas has let a contract 2 by which she is to have a large ' 2 tract of land put under irrigation ; 2 at an early date. The contract : 3 with the Canfisld Construction jp Cbmpany has been let, also a sul -! 3 contract with Cale and Worky;! at fnnl work nt' rnnsti n-'íio i ir3 commence within ten days. Portales raí voted 575.000 bonds for water works, sewage and electric light plant. Portales is verily going some. We take pleasure in announ cing the formation of J. H. Keel ing & Co., as a partnership for the transaction of a general real I estate a id loaning business. It ü understood that this firm has made arrangen ents for lending eastern fur d ; on lirst c'ass real estate security. In a few days the offices of the Company wrl te 1 ated in the old bank building just up the street from the flank i i the meantime they have their temporary htaXuntu's at the bank. December 5th there vva3 held ! cneof the best aUe. d d chur hi services ever held ;n this ttwn I there being about fifty present at the mor irg s iviee. Thissho.Vc tha. 1 n tha comp.e.ion of our naw church building v. e may ex pect a still larger attendance. Ui.ited States Court Commis sioner F. N. Paga shipped from Buchanan on December 1st, fi e e; r; of steers which sold on the Kansas City market at 5.00 pi r hundred weight; netting owners over $50,00 each. This is the high prict! for grass fed steers, aid shows what New Mexico j r S3 will do. A very few of our public spir- ited citizens have re; ponded to the appeal of the Health Officer and cleaned up their promises;! others have not heeded the re- ! quest. The Health Officer is : doing nothing, and typhoid fever is still with us. ! Work is nowprogressingon the ! new church. Those u ho are wil- i ling to contribute a days work or hauling will please call and see Rev. WÍ11Í3 Smith who is supcr- intendimg the work. The town of Boozeville, Ga., recently wiped off the map by a i cyclone, is to be rebu.L. Pel-' haps the elements down Georgia : way would be kinder to that mu- j nicipality in the future if in the rebuilcing it will be renamed j something like Water-town ori Eutlcrmilkburg. , ' The notice given to the report that Mr. Fairbanks has shaved off his whiskers constitutes an assurance that ha, too, though absent, is it; tiu- public rniiu; j Territorial Lands, The list enumerated below con - , tains the vacant school and insti- 1 for irrazinir or MUI - - i ríñaos? Blank atmlirationa j further information may be had i on application 10 me lerruonai Land Office at Santa Fe, New Mexico, i Robert P. Ervien Commissioner of Public Lands Section! Iwp. North Range 16 East 17 ,, 18 ,, 10 20 ,, 21 22 23 ., 25 16 ,, 17 ,, 18 19 21 ,, 20 , , 21 , 25 26 16 ,, 18 19 20 ,, 21 , , 23 ,, 25 10 17 18 19 20 21 ., 20 ',, 26 ,, 2Í 21 22 ,, 23 ,, 21 ,, 25 ,, 17 13 ,, 19 ,, 20 ,, 21 22 21 16 17 ,, 13 ,, 19 ,, OA - J , , 91 23 16 17 ,, 13 19 SO ,, 1 . 25 ,, 26 ,, 16 10 ,, 20 23 n, 20 2-1 ,, 16 and 36 16 16 16 16 16 18 36 36! 36 3G 36 36 2 o 16 m 16 and 3G 16 ,, 36 36 15 and 36' 16 I j.t ana 00 13 10 36 IS 16 and 36 16 16 36 16 16 16 16 j 16 and 36 1 16 and 3o ' 1G I 16 and 36 7, 8. 9 ! CO i 1.6 : 13 and 33 13 ,, G6 ! 16 ,, 30 j 16 ,, IG j 16 16 and 36 13 ,, 36 13 16 and 36 ' 16 16 and 33 ' 1 : J J ' -'1 ! 11 16 and 36 16 and 36 36 36 36 16 and 30 33 13 16 13 and 33 33 16 and 3G 16 ,, 36 16 ,, 36 36 16 and 36 16 and 33 16 36 36 33 36 10 ar.d 36 13 J 3 9 9 a 0 9 1-) 1J 1J Teacher's Monthly Repori. Shod District No. 20, for the 1CC9 Ef.-liOI.LV.FNT. Males, !.!); Female. 112; Total 201 Avkkack D.VLY Atitatanci-: Mates, 76: Females, 26: total 162 No. neither absent nor tardy -19, No. of recitations daily 6?, No. visits from school directors -1. M. P.kmchard. Prireb? 1.-1 j Valley Notes. ; A new well is being drilled on the Disney place. Alfalfa hay and corn at Elan íenship & Company. ! A new Wllld mi" an(l Pumn A new wind mill house are the latest additions to! ! Lucerne Farm ur. w. n. r it;:is residence i completed, likewise the Wyeth j home. ! seo Lanckson s Mew hno Dry Goods before buying elsewhere. Born To Mr. and Mrs. F. A. : Manzanares on the 6th, 1 baby girl. Thp Rrndnv Pnhnn will ho lioM ' - .. ......j .-w. ...... ..... ...v. ,lv,.t at the McCanne cottage nntil! further notice. I Rev. S. E. Turner will preach ; at the McCanne cottage Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a. m. ! Manager VanDyke has kept the balers busy for a week ami j now has a car of alfalfa and mil-' let ready lor shipment. The Insurance comDtnics ret - commenu concrete buildings a.-, We take pleasue in announcing being tha bast Fire Proof Strut-1 that any of our reatkrs can sa tures made. Wright & Huh'. ! cure a pocket dairy for 1910 by 21-13 Will trade acreage under the ditch for a good work team. L. C. VanKecke. The Helm farm under the cana; has been put i.'i shape by the Hoiliness College of La Lande and wiil be used as an experi mental farm the ensuing season. W.i'liiiimir at Wilm.iVi'a from P. cent.) u p. Tha excellent flow of f gcod water for doines'te'üse' cáiíimé from shallow wells in the valley is worthy of attention. F. A. Manzanares' well is scarcely 30 feet deep and many are bstween 50 and 75. Oytcrr. Fi: h, Soup and Chili a', the Arc Light Cafe. Things are booming over in the big bend where the Kenny cutiit are expending their labors and and some foreign capital. It looks like a little tow.i with its new houses and shacks. If the boys don't call a halt soon there will bo three instead of two towns in this squabble. I' Msr'. et de'.ivars meat anywhere in town. j Now that everyone's alfalfa is ; coming along satisfactorily at tention has bjan turnad to fruit ' trees and horticulture ÍJ the main i topic of conversation. Tree I planting time is nearly here and I from present indications exten sive planting can be looked for. I Just received a car load of corn chops and bran at Blankenship's The Fort Sumner Land and j Development Company arc at! present cleaning their canal and just as soon as this is done in about two weeks, weather per- mitting they will be prepared t ín..; o (m nraulr'a vim r,f water to thesj farmers who de sire to set out trees this winter. Farmers who so dusi re should j "Uncle Joe" Cannon contin get their ground and trees ready ues to make a like injured and be prepared to use this wat. r i. noene. when it is turned i.i; du notice j pcopi, w;10 cornolain of the of which wi'.l be given later, ack of htn n R10dern religion otherwise they will be comiielled i.,t to U(í;í!ícs. to wait till early spring when a run of water will he given for those who U-siro early alfalfa irrigation. W. G. MeCanre. I)iu:h Sup'l. Weather Observer Manzanares reports the coldest night of the season on the 8th. the thermrm-t-ti r tYg::-;ttvir:g 3.5 degree--. ! The new phone line is a reality as far as S. E. Turner's place and Manager Ackerman promises service over the entire valley in a week. ; Crescendo Gallegos, Jus-lice of the Peace and Commission mcr- chant of Santa Rosa paid our town a visit last Sundy. Mrs. S. A. Marris, trained nurse of Las Vegas, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Manzanares. I John Pickel bought twenty acres of irrigated land this week, j Born -To Mr. and Mrs. A. P. a line;Anava. ten nound bov last Sat- 1 urday morning. ! i r ,t .1,: ' t íit lUllltí-íil 1IJ1J ULU IJ i JL " , tales Sunday. ', . . , . , . . i Get prices before buying else-; where. We bougt our goods cheap and uU sdl them cle ip, for cash. Blankensh'p & Co. J. A. N.nlhinglon s.iys he will' have to hire another helper ori t ike his ad out of the Review as í n9 s getting more wrk than he 'can Keep up with. j sending 4 one-cent stamps to D. Swüc i Co., Patent Lawyers, Washington, D. C. The diary is bound in a beaut iful stiff red cover, contains 96 pages, gives the amount of corn, Ahat, oats, tobacco, and cotton produced in each state, 20 pages of other valuable information, such as business laws, patent laws, business forms and popula tion of all States and cities; worth , i'5 cents. For three one-cent stamps, we we will also send a fine wall cal eider 10x11 inches. Send 7 one cent stamps for the diary and calender, worth fully 40 cents. C. E. Ackerman, Manager of the Telephone company lias com pleted his line down the valley as far as W. O. McCanne's place from there he will use the wire fence and place every farm in valley in communication with town. J. O. Welborn returned the fii r of the wet k frc m atr'p to RjswcI and says that afer a careful sur ve y of the Rjj.vjI district ha is more than ever convinced of Fort Sumner's briliiar.tfutur. J. O. Reed of Ricardo was cir culating among our merchants the first of the week. Here's hoping they preserve the Fairbank's whiskers in al cohol. It wa3'a happy family that was not compelled to revise its Thanksgiving turkey down to chicken this year. The election of Moxley to fill Lorrimer's seat in congress indi cates that Chicago is not yet strong for reform. Football ha3 been abolished from tha high schools in Wash- j mston,- 1 killing. That usually follows a W are a great people to lock the stable door after the horse has been stolen. N use for the Republican par tj to .span': the Sugar Trust baby now. It has grown u:.1. When the full force of the New York customs frauds dawned up on his indolent intillect, it is said that the Pr.s'.cle..t's expulsive smile disapyeoreJ. TI'.Íj . i: p rta; t, if irj.:. L0CALETTES A car of "Amarillo Best" flour just received at Blankenship & Company. Earicks'on & Co. have received a car load of Ellwood Woven Wire Fence. D. W. Taylor, who lives 25 miles north of town, i.i danger ously ill with arersypelas and blood poison. The finest line of woolen and fleece-lined underwer at Blank enship & Co's. Wilrneth asks you to examine his work before having painting ' and paper hanging done. J. L. Lovelace and daughter, Miss Mabel went to Albuquerque Sunday. Kemp Lumber Company has just received shipment of 5x5x 21 for windmill towers. We are sole agents for Chase j The most complete assortment & Sanborns Celebrated Coffees, , 0f woolen over-shirts at Blank try them Earickson & Co. j enship and Co's. Kemp Lumber Co. has just re-: Black fox skins ar? quoted at ceived a large consignment ofl.OO') apiece nowadays, v.hi h Lincoln Paints, Kalsomine, Oil and Roof Paints. J. F. Stone, of Portales, ac companied by his cousin, J. P. Stone, of Brownwood, Tex., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Brown. - , r , rr- J. B. Wilrneth has received a stock of up-to-date wall paper and sells the same at regular prices. Blankenship & Co. have just received a larga consignment of men's, boys and children's shoes, which added to their already large stock, makes the best stock of shoes in Guadalupe County. Any suit of Clothes in the house at cost for cash. Look at them at Earickson & Co. Children's underwear in all styles and prices at Blankenship &Co. J. O. Welborn wants to trade 1 Fort Sumner town property for ! right thing to d at the right i a good team and wagon; he will ! time and shows that Mr. Bickley will pay the in price ; is learning the dry farming theo ; in cash. j r5'- jjr. peary g gajj to believe fi The Hereford Nursery Co. firmly that ho is not only the j of Hereford, Texas, has eslab- j first man who ev? r reached the llished a branch office at Fort 1 north pole, but that he wlil be 1 Sumner, J. II. Keeling agent, i the last one. The north pole ! Their stock is acclimated and j appears to b3 the closest eorpor- guaranteed from infection. ; ation that ever cms down the j j pike. j Earickson & Co have just re. j Hav just received a ca r of . ceived a car of Fancy and Stand- Wnlfs Premium Flouri Corn an( avd canned Vegatables, ncLidi ig ; C1 p Potatocs and 0nions Can- tne ramous xcicneneu ians, ned Good8i Sag&r Alfalfa Mincemeat, and other items too . windmills, Casing pipe and Fix numerous to mention. ! u,rpc. tf .viii nsv .. vn Í Wc wañtyoüto"tryllanZan 'n i to our prices before buying else cases cf Piles. This c.client ; where. Earicksrn & Co. ' remedy is being used by a great i Q. R. Brown, D. D. S. many people witn satisfactory results. Sold by Sunnyside Drug Co. exposure Tli.) sugar fraud brought a little money into the eons'.-ience fund, but none of it came from the big thieves. I Half the the money that is be ing contributed for relief of vic tims at Charry. 111"., would h?vn niautí tile mines .sale. P. at us a i.vonie v.' seein t he r,i .re in- t'i Personal. j Seo Wilnvnh for Wall Pa;i. ' Clothing at cost li::n.' enshu and Co. j Hot lunch at hli ho-im :: 't Arc Light Cafe. For the best r.v.r, go n r.,;i..y Meat Market. All goods spot cash to all. Blankenship & Co. See J. O. Welborn if von v. Lsi. to rent a house. Curtis' Mer.t Market n Fii''." street. Phone No. 35. Ladies underwear at es. r Blankenship & Co. Why not send a copy the Review back home? Let Wright & Hurd buiiu Flues and Chimneys. 21 vj A fine line of clothing, cheai for cash at Blankenship & ''o Big Store. For Concrete Sidewalks of Qua: ity and Durability see Wright & Hurd. 2)-t:i ls Slul a lew lalJS alltíiia ul 8ntíl v 3Klns- yu- "Women will run things in th.: course of tims, " says Dr. Hollis Sure! They run things now, to a rather remarkable degrae. The best and most up-to-date line of men's and boys hats ever brought to Guadalupe County aj Blankenship's. Uor Sale 120 acres of patented land, within 5 miles of Fort Sumner; living water; a hoice place for a dairy ranch; cheap for cash. C. W. Foor. A prohibition argument sti i d in a "blind tiger" in Dixie e'-otd in a free-fcr-all fight. A "jcin ' debate as it were. E. L. Howland is seiving short orders in the rear of the A. J. Gilliam barber shop and the Arc Light bar. Ed H. Bickley returred from a business trip to Oklahoma. Thuts day and will commence Monday to plow his land, preparatory to I spring planting. this 13 the i Dr. Brown, of Poswell, N. M., is here for a few days. Those wishing darlal work will ; call at tha Commercial Hotel. W. H. Vv'eawr of JTanitou, Oklahoma, came in last week. His wife and children have been here for several weeks. He con templates going into business hi .0 ,.00:.. Vvhal will the world l-e to ik v.-!iin the Wt.stJt'u Union hi no lllll.T .' i 1 ! prcf:t '"V J- 1 v