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Columbus daily courier. [volume] (Columbus, N.M.) 1920-1920, July 14, 1920, Image 1

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IXMitit) UCj'K, a A1-
Nombr,of TH AtAoctated Jr (VftUMMM, MEW MBSKO. HKUNHHIAY, JULY it, JIM
Only Dally Paper In Luna County
Prits 'Ftvo OMtf
(By Associated ProvM
progres was mado by Hid new
fusion pnrly during I tie flrtl two
tliourn of lt ln hero Hits morn
ing An undercurrent of dissatlifuc
wa In ovlilcnco throughout the
meeting. H required plea from Ihe
leader and constant conference to
keep open break from cropping
Senator La'FollclUt doe nol deem
himself available nv a candidate for
new.parlyV presidential nomination,
aridha sent word to the convention
IliaOlift did pot want tho nomination.
'.hnrn Convention Bowed.
' Loiter Harlow, loader of the
World War Veteran' organUation,
demanded Senator La Follelln be
drafted. Harlow chnrgeil the con
vent Ion wa "Ihihi ridden ly n secret
Intriguing group." and nld I ho lend.
era.wcro concealing ln Fnlletlo'a
platform. for fear llin ronvenliun
'would -adopt IU
Soinoione swung a photograph of
Benntor La Follnllo before llie con
tention. It wa draped with an
American flag. The Nonpar) Uan
leader ttaitod a parade. Pandcmo.
ulum reigned for 30 minulcs. punc
tuated by "Head that platform!" and
"ltV udopf 111"
Ln Folic! lo Itlu l-'aclor.
The "Commlltro of Furly-nighl"
will Veep IU slate and national or
ganization Intact, dwpllo the pre
enl convention, and will meet sepa
rately tonight to "consider a plan for
convention action.
Senator flohcrt M. I Fnllettn of
Wisconsin Mill Is being represent at
tho platform conference of the fu
slunists. Tho convention adjourned until 2
o'clock p. in. to await Hut report on
tho platform.
It wa said by some of' the rep.
rosrntatlve of Mi" Committee of
Forty-eight group thai tho latest at
tempt wa to meet Senator m Fob
lolbVi-ldcn In regard lnplankf on
foreign relation and on nationaliza
tion of various utilities.
Hot Weather Bargains
25 Per Ceat off ott all Refrif erateri.
25 Per Ceat oH a Fire!-e Ceek Slavn.
9x12 Grasi Run, ieH far S15.W, will go (or S1.W.
CMeIB GM SealRgfi, 6x9, regalar $12.59, today $8.50.
1 large Electric Lap, regalar $29 at $15, caib.
1 BatkTt, CoBMaodeaBd Lavatory at exactly wk!elecoi(.
1 Galvaalxe! Irea House, worth $75, for $25.
Oh 29-Qtwrt Ice Cream Freezer, warth $25, for 916.59
1 Baby Bf gy, wertk 999, hr 547.59.
Om S&way Piaae, 9175.99.
I luiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiimii m
lOnvx IHE
6 lJ 'al Olif 1 liMiilibttfilhlrmilgafiJit1 ' "i" lil'.l.lrtf.liM, Wi'i'AMi'iV",! i y n m 1 1 1 n n i S
Celebrated Pathe Star
Keen an
iiMTSt laiMMilil l itlllililMII WntlMf I IHUI IMMIrltMl
By Aaaoelatcd PreM.J
HIHMINGMAM, Ala, July 14-Cot.
Matthew 'I'lnlcy of Council Muffs,
town, commander of Ihe. lAMtti Iowa
Hcijlnic.nl, wa elected president of
tho Ilalnhow Vctorans' Association
nt Its flrnl reunion hern today. The
MMuttaftoled Cleveland, Ohio,
IU next nwPng place.
131st MMTttf) if
(Hy Associated Pre. J
PAIU8, France, July M. Tho lie
public of Franco May celebrated
the 13 1 nt anniversary of the. taking
of thn Jlnslllle. A great review of
troop with, held at tho Vlnccnnc
The pros printed greetings to
"Marshal Ferdinand Foeh of Franco
and to the United Hint" of Amer
ica,'' nccoinpanieil by tribute to tho
American legion.
si:kvm:i: club activities;
(I ly II. Do Vaughn lloblnson.)
Thn "lunl" program planned for
last night In which Ihe Machine Gun
coniiany was to have taken part
wa tolpnncd because of (heir d
pnrluro for ihe- target range. An en
joyable program was substituted in
which wa featured n four round
exhibition bout between "Shadow"
liiirlnn and "Kid" Ho, former mid
dlowcight champion of the twrdcr.
Jokes were read by tho hostess and
were tho source of much merriment.
Como tonight and bring tho wife
or lady friend and spend ttio eve
ning at whlil Punch will m crved
during tho evening.
Tlmrulnv nlchl will Iwl lllft usual
dancing class and everyono is cor
dially invited lu como opi nnu learn
some of tlio new dances. If you
u-.uilil lib In Inarti'ld rintien. mint!
also. Karh.tittontjjviM.lni)lvloVj
uat Initniction ny compcieni in
IMIWifraHit I HilU f BMttkfaUiiyikHMstMllir
Hy Amociated PrwujJ
violent windstorm, accompanied :W
a t-iouilliursl, wrecked tiulli
did dnmago In grain which Ulll ri
Into llie hundreil of thouiand of
dollar throughout the Palouso dlv
Irlcl of southcaiteni Washington
slate last night.
Pullman. Winona. Union Flata and
half n dozen other towns In Wash
ington slalo reported farm bo,uc
were unroofed and bam dcmol.
Tho Washington Hlale Collrnr
fnrm at Pullman, sustalm.il dainngtt
to bulldlim and crops estimated at
-U Lewiston, Idaho, a heavy rain
and lightning put tho ovjc plant
out of commission. Heavy winds
near .Moscow, Idaho, isolated that
lewn from the outshld world a pe
riod of five hours. The town Buf
fered no more ilaninse than other
adjoining point.
o om or lire una so ran ln'm
n-iKirled a n result of the storm.
ti Top of Pike's Ptak
H. Associated Presn On" hun
dred years aito loiluy Dr. Frank
James astonished the world by
climbing (o the top of Pike' speak,
it,iiv leet anovn Ihe oca. Since that
tttno 2,000,000 persons havo made
the trip, and today Colorado Spring
is celebrating the anniversary with
ceremonies all along Ihe IH inllo
terpcntlno nutomnbllo highway to
(ho summit.
Lieutenant Xebulon M. Pikn Is
credltol with the discovery of I ho
mountain in two. A hardy a pio
neer a was Ihe discoverer, ho de.
cared tho peak wa Inaccceslblo and
none dared to doubt It until July II,
IK.1i. when Ifciolor James, a meinlier
of the Major Img oxpediliou, sue
cded in the attempt.
-wajortLofig ohrlitsned. Ihe-UHmti)
lain James peak, hut llie pioneers
and plainsmen persisted In giMng It
th" name or lis discovered, nnd
Pike' Peak It has remained.
The history of tourist travel to
(Ills ruinous sixil of I hi' Ilockie has
been (hat of the development of
niKiiway lranMirltillon. First ramo
a bridle path. In IS7H; two years
inier a wagon roan wa hunt, and
in IHUI u roitwhocl railroad wa con
structed. With Ihe development of Ihe ail-
lomoblle Industry raiim tho demand
for n molor road and In 11)10 the
present motor highway, winding
nrmiml the mountain in devious
curve, with precipitin! rock walls
flush against llio mail on Ihe one
hand and deep ravines on the oilier.
wj completed nt n cost of fWO.OUO.
It has an average grade of 7 per cent
and a maximum of IllVi per rent.
It was if) feet wldn except at the
curve, which wcro extende.U In 60
irei lor inn greater surely or the
mn I ml si.
Pike Peak I eight mile In an
air lino from Colorado SnrliiBs. and
tho greater part of tho mountain Is
controlled liy Colorado Spring In
safeguard thn city' water sumilv
In April, 1UIU, a government war
tank attempted to climb thn peak
Hut wa blocked by anawdrifl. A
month later a caterpillar tractor
mado tho ascent.
Walking race, burro race, mo
torcyclo and automobile race havo
been held in Piku's Peak. Thn first
airplane lo cross tho peak wu flown
over the mountain on Atumsl 3. IPIU.
pllbte by Alexander Lendruin of
Colorado Kprings.
Tho record for motor over thn 12
mile from Crystal Creek to tho
summit is held by Ilalph Mill font,
who mado it In 18 minutes, 113 sec
onds Next September the nulomobiln
hill climbing contest, discontinued
during tho war, will bo resumed. An
airptune race from Denver around
l'iko's Peak and return will feature
tho event.
JOLIKT, III, July 14.-Ten armed
automobile bandit robbed tho Plain-
field Slalo llank of tliooo hi cash
and government bonds July 12 and
escaped nfter sweeping tho main
street of thn. town with rlflo fire,
wounding ioven in all One of tho
luimllls was-wounded.
Two l)f IIim Kevell u-prA r,,llirillntr
In I'lulnrielil when then noticed an
uulomobllo in llin ditch at thn ldu
uf I ho mad. When lliey went In
offer assistance Ihe btindit knocked
them down and then fired at their
prostrate bodici.
The machine wa exirlralwl from
tho ditch before posse arrivrd and
(lit) bandits cotilluucd their flllit.
i Ily Associated Press.'
. COl.tMlltTS. Ohio, July II. -De-
daring Heualnr Warren ft. Harding,
Heputillran noininee rnr Ihe presl
rncy. had made hi "front porch
a listening wL" Governor Jalnea M.
Cox nf Ohio, Democratic nominee,
umUv IssiiciI a ulslemrnl rmlviiur In
Aenator Harding' slatemelit of yes-
unlay that the Wilson administra
tion had saddled Ihe'Lcague of Na
tions noon lilin a llin chief rniu.
palgn issue.
Governor Cox' statement said hi
rtnpnlim would bn dedicated lo the
task of "bringing peace wllh honor
or reailjiiillng the affair of clvllita-
loii and or creating a new da) out
uf which we will make the best nf
Ihe lessons of thn past,"
"The governor further declared
"the Ihings Mr. Harding believe
Vital and perUnenl from hi Isolated
jierspecllve will nol lu all proba
bility be so regarded by me."
hwnmiflt Sleuth
73 Years OH, Retires
I-Ot IKVILLi; Ky, July 14. A
toasted Press. Having rent almost
9001) counlerfeller to federal pris
ons since be en t eriil the tolled
fjtnles secret service in ltwfl. Captain
Hchuylrr A. iXinnclla, "grand old
man" of the customs house hero,
believe he ha done hi "till," and
has resigned, affective August 20. Ho
( TJ year old.
, Among the many rounlerfeillng
rlioue that Captain Donnella helM-l
to break up wa Hint led by John
Hoberls. said lo havo manufactured
uno million dollars In fake bank
notes; llin Montgomery gang. In llul
Irr rnu nly, Pennsylvania, twenty
three of whoso .member were eon.
tcliil. and the Mc.larly gang uf
Oinnlia. He trailed tho McCarty
Hrowd for Iwo years, -IXinnclla at
mien jacoin, maxer oi a .Monroe
$1000 bill, who had passed : of
Ihem before they wen1 iletec led. and
helped In bring Miles Dele, a Cm
rlnnallan, to bonk.
The veleran secret servlre man
had many narrow escape. He wu
shot In the ear at Dayton, Ohio, by
a man nameil iluydon. a meinlver of
llie Driggs-Uuyilon gang of paper
ininiry makerii. whleb he muniHI
Caplaln Donnella came her In
1809. Ilefore dial he had serve.) a
a dclecllve in Pittsburgh, Cincinnati.
Cleveland and Atlanta. His repnta
Hon for fearleiine, galnml while
chief of Hilire al llunllnglon. W
Vij. won him In npiHiiniment In llie
secret service.
pimtni.ia'M intkiu-sts
HK.t:il AOHKKMtiVr
MBXICO CITY. July ll.-Tlie gov
eminent has accepted in principle
tho definite, proposal of tho repre
sentative of the petmleu nilnler
est, according In Kl Universal. No
final agreement will bo reached,
however, the newspaper says, until
llin conference Battirdny next be
tween Provision President do la
llilerta and tho oil nirn. Hecrelary
of tho Treasury Atvaradn was due
to arrive al Tainplro last night,
where bo will Inspect tho petroleum
field before leaving for New York.
YltrrOltY lll.DAIJi FOIl
Vlclory medals for Navy men will
bo received In Kl Paso nlmut July 15.
nccordlng to word received from
Washington, which reached Kl Paso
recruiting office a few day ogo.
Lieutenant J. It. Hupp will dislributo
the medals to former ervlc men
who make their applications al the
recruiting station, al Mesn avenue
and Ban. Antonio street, nesrrvisls
on tho active list will receive their
medal from tho commandant of the
naval district in which they live.
while men slill in tho servlre will
gel their through their command
jug officer.
There will be a meet
ing of the stockhold
ers of the Valley Oil
Company at 9:30
o'clock tomorrow
morning at the Com
Imumtv House. All
ishoula be there!
Houh. Hoi Trip.
Doctor Dabney end wife arrived
In Columbus Monday from Califor
nia. Doctor Dabney nay It wa a
rough, hot trip, but notwithstanding
condition they enjoyed it.
Kn Koutr In New York.
Ghrsler A. llrown of lo Angvle
I In Columbus attending lo business
mailer and Is al Hotel Clark. He
will lenve In a few d.vy for New
York City.
CooIcmI Plain In limit Toulull!.
llie Pythian ball, where I In ball
l to bo given tonight will bo Ihe
coolest placo In Columbus. For
those who dn nol dance card tables
have Itcen provided nnd lben will
be enterlnlmnenl lor everyone.
Itcttirtut From Chihuahua.
(ienani Fnurxan, secrrlary of lh
Palnmas IjiiuI nnd Cnltlc (bnnpany,
ha returned fnim n week' business
trip lo Chihuahua. He report busi
ness resuming normal rondltlons and
crop looking fine.
Nntlrcl KU)ckhnlilrn' Meeting.
There will be a meeting nf the
Stockholder of the Valley Oil Com
pany at D-'IO o'clock tomorrow morn
ing al thn Community House. II I of
Ihe utmost lniKirtanct thai there he
a large atlendanre.
llliNiumner Hull Tooluht.
Don't forget Ihe hlhlan Hlsb-r'
ball tonight at I'yltilnn hall. There
is where -ou will enjoy tho cool
lireeies and llie imistc. This I tho
first attempt of the Pythian Hisler
as hostesHe ami lliey bould receive
the benefit of a large attendance.
Mcdlcnl Llmisr Cnuiled.
Dr. M. O ltellly, caplaln, U. R A,
statioiieil al llio llasn Hospital al
Cjunp Furlong, wa yesterday grant
ed n license by tho stato board of
medical examiner. Dr. O'lleillv It
win of the iMmular officers al'-tbe
camp and In Columbus.
Do JlitMpiltc Itlto Yon?
Hero It an Hem of new for every
IhkIv: Uscur l.lllvl.-ek nf Die Ijiliim.
but Dnig Company make a mixture
01 on saiuraicu cioins mm a small
packet which is hung over the bed
at nluht and llie innnullnei li.,.r
clear of Ihe bed Ihe ml of Hie night.
'Ilil will bo a blosilng for InfanN
and grown people as well.
Mr. Tunry Dow tho Honor
.Mr. and Mr. Jame Turvey enter-
lalmil a Jolly parly of Your couple
esterday evening nt llielr residence
In honor of Mr. and Mr. Arthur
llloch. This partloutar party was
different from most parlies in thai
llio evening was Ihe second annlver
sar' of the wedding of Mr. and Mr.
Arthur llloch, nnd as a result lliey
vtero tho recipient of beautiful and
appropriate girt. Card were in
dutued in wilh prizes lo the winner
or I tie high scores, and during an
intermission Mrs. Turvey. whose
reputation as n hoslcs was estab
lished al her first parly in Golum
bus, served an ice course nnd all the
good Hung that go with one. Tho
guesl worn Mr. and Mr. Arthur
llloch. Mr. and Mi-. F. L. Wagner,
Mr. and Mr. J. L Norwood and Mr.
and Mr. J. Williams.
TKos. H. Inec
Favorite Stars
Dorris Ekuglas
May McLean ,
"What's Your
Husband Dwnf?"
tlly Associated PrtM.I
'A, BclgJum, July Il.-Prrwlrr
Lloyd ftrcrtfe of Grral MrMta to.
itay rrrrltrsl l)c, WaHcr 8hnm
(Irnnan foreign mliilter, nod toM
bhn rtnphatlrally the Allle wcro
not 'bluffing.
Tlin AIIIcm srrkMivly Intcml. aM
the premier, lo lalo meamirr fur
the enforcement and execution nf
Utc Treaty or Verwllli tmlrfn
(ho Cmnatu met tho Alllm' modL
fled Icmn rrflanllnfl rcml deMv
The member of (he Herman cab
inet mel later. Ilerr KIiikhi, Gcr.
man foreign minlstor. Iwforu enler.
Ing, aid: "(iermna I bjlweea civil
war and starvation."
OKLAHOMA CITY. July II, -(Associated
Pros. -Harvest hand who
gathered (ho I02O grnm crop or
Oklahoma were a husky lot and far
abovo the average harvetter, accord
ing lo W. A. Murphy, Htslslant stato
lalKtr commissioner. The labor aup.
ply wa adequate In every locality
id the statu this year. Murphy sild.
Nearly len Ibousnml men were usel.
Tl broom com harvest will bo
next to make demands on the labor
supply, but there already are aufrt.
cicnl laborer Inr llie stale In inecl
the Itualion, the labor commission
er said. With the broom com gath
ered, there will be a slack In tho
work nutll tho cotton crop is ready
for picking.
Yachts Al Rudy fir
uriat Ito Tiflwrriw
Illy Associated Press.
NEW YOHK, July II. The Amerl.
ran defender, Urn yacht Resolute,
and U KbamrnekviV,- Kir TfeHnwir
Llplon yacht, contender for the
world's greatest yachting trophy,
Ihe America' cup, wcro today given
their finishing louche and last
trial preparatory to llio raco tomor
row. Ilnth yachts wcro lu flno trim,
it wa said.
in: Kxax'sivK social club
CHICACiO. UlTjuTy R-Plan In
make the national guard In Chicago
"a young men' club supported hy
tho state" aro being developed by
tho Chicago National Guard commis
sion recently appointed by Governor
Frank 0. Uiwden, defeated candi
date for Die llepubllcan pn'Jdcnllal
nominal lou.
There are five national guard regi
ment in Chlcagn. If llie local pro
gram develop successfully it may
bo extended through tho stale.
Ily Associated Prcsa.l
FUVOSTAFF, Arlx, Tuesday, July
13. Hundred of mon today were
fighting four big forest fires raging
throughout tills section. Approxi
mately 0000 ucre have been burned
over, according lo information given
out tin aricrnoon al local office of
llie lulled Htote 'forest service.
m I

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